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Contemporary Management

Executive Summary

The report manifested the sheer pressure of the climate and the government authorities, which has
urged the airline to take robust actions for the notable reduction in the carbon footprint. The report
summarised the various facets of the carbon emissions on the environment and the airline business.
The study revealed the multiple benefits of the carbon reduction on the planet and the airline. The
offset of the carbon in the business would present a competitive edge to the airlines and would end
in the sustainable development of the airline business.


The airline sector is considered to be the sheer culprit for the carbon footprint across the globe. The
carbon footprint is the computation of the influence of human pursuits on the planet and the
environment. The carbon footprint serves the business in the identification of the diverse waste and
the inefficiencies in accordance with the energy and the consumption of the raw material (Will,
2016). The carbon being the cardinal perspective of the carbon footprint, the footprint is measured
in the units of CO2. The aviation sector concluded as the top-ten emitter of the carbon globally and
the figures are predicted to increase drastically by the mid-century (ICSA, 2016). The current
scenario of the aviation industry is indicating the emission of 56 GtCO2 by the time span of 2016-
2050 and the future expects the contribution of the aviation sector by 1.5-degree Celcius (ICSA,
2016). The situation demands immediate action to reduce the emissions of carbon, so that the effect
can be reduced dramatically. The deduced carbon footprint would have a significant impact on the
environment and would provide a competitive edge in the various operations of the business. The
emissions of the airline sector have a fair share of 2.1% globally and the non-CO2 impacts lead to
the overall contribution of 4.9% to the world's global warming. So, the situation demands the robust
action of the government and the aviation industry to reduce the carbon operations and to contribute
to the sustainable development of the business.

The estimation of the carbon emission can be predicted by the figures of the return flight of London
from Glasgow, with the emissions of 160kg of carbon dioxide per traveller (Gagan, 2018). The
moves to reduce the carbon emissions would attract environmentally conscious customers and
would enhance the status of the brand among the corporate with the sheer commitment to the
reduction in carbon emissions. The strict regulations of the government and the serious concerns of
the environmentalists have forced the airline sector to retain the operations of business with the

lower emissions of carbon (Gagan, 2018). To take actions on the same, British Airways have put its
committed efforts for the net cut in the emission of the carbon by the bar of 50% till 2050. They
have taken the assistance of renewable company like Velocys for the development of fuel from the
waste of the household, so that the carbon emissions can be reduced by 60% (Gagan, 2018). The
dependency on cleaner fuels would reduce the impact of the airlines on the environment and the
business would attain the new heights with the target on the environmentalists and the consumers
favoring the sustainable business. Similarly, the Virgin Atlantic got assistance from the LanzTech
for the development of the fuel to reduce the carbon emissions by 50% as compared to traditional
fossil fuels (Gagan, 2018). The commitment to the reduction of the carbon footprint would lead to
innovation in the technology and would result in the invention of the greener fuels to assist the
aviation industry.

The aviation being the industry running on fossil fuels concludes to the 2.5% everyday emission of
the carbon (Tyres, 2017). The reduction in the carbon footprint of the airline sector would add to the
conservation of the climate and the planet. Further, the reduction in carbon emissions would mark
the impact of the airline in the regulation of global warming and would enhance the competitive
environment of the business. Apart from this, the airline is accountable to consume oil at the rate of
5m barrel per day for its operations of the business (Tyers, 2017). The reduction in the carbon
footprint would lead to the conservation of the national renewable resources of the planet. The
researchers and interpreters have analyzed the figure of flying in 2035 to be double of the present
figure, leading to much pressure on the climate and the planet (Tyers, 2017). So, with such huge
numbers, the reduction in the carbon footprint would lead to the eco-friendly flying and the
preservation of the climate. Another advantage of reducing the carbon emissions lies beneath the
more efficient use of the greener fuels that strives for the greener and sustainable planet. The study
shows the regular flying of the 8 million people across the planet have after effects of the flying on
the climate (Tyers, 2017). The reduction in carbon footprint would lead to the efficient flying of the
individuals, to reduce the consequences of the kerosene on the environment and the planet. Further,
the raised levels of carbon emissions have led to an alarming situation for the airlines by the
environmentalists and the other concerning factors of the environment.

The reduction in the carbon footprint would add to the financial figures of the business by enticing
the customers that prefer greener fuels for the travel and the flying. Sustainable business is the
driving force for commercial success. The sustainable practices of the business would result to
retain the loyalty of the customers and leads to the creation of the goodwill of the business. Apart

from this, the interest of the government for the purchase of the services of the sustainable business
would urge the airlines to have a considerable reduction in the carbon footprint. The reduction in the
carbon footprint would lead to the enticement of the airline and would result in providing the
competitive edge to the organization. Apart from this, the subsequent reduction of the carbon
footprint would lead to fulfilling the requisite demands of the corporate social responsibility and
would tag the airline with the social friendly business.

The aviation industry is focussed on developing the powerful engines that produce lower emissions
of carbon and have a significant impact on the reduction of the impact on the environment. The
reduction of a carbon footprint would assist the airlines to achieve sustainable growth in the future
and would lead the airline sector to improve the efficiency in accordance with the energy
requirements of the company. The sheer boost to the aviation sustainable efforts came after the final
agreement of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to reduce the carbon footprint of
the airlines. The significant part of the deal was CORSIA that will be implemented in 2020, which
will result in decreasing the carbon emission (Xue, 2017). The implementation of the scheme would
be done on the voluntary basis in the year 2021 and would lead to the balance of the carbon
emissions from the airline sector by the equivalent investment in the tree plantation (Xue, 2017).
Further, the increased emissions of the airlines would force the airlines to purchase the emission
units to be traded directly in the carbon market. The measures of the CORSIA would result in the
hefty cost for the increased emissions by the airlines.

The aviation industry had seen the inflated demand of the diesel and the foremost jet fuel by 3
percent in the year 2018. The indicating figures would be growing ferociously in the coming time
and years (Irfan, 2019). The inflated demand for the diesel would add to the accelerated emissions
of carbon in the environment and its after-effects. However, the reduction in the carbon footprint
would decrease the demand of the diesel, a very scare non-renewable resource and would decrease
the degradation of the environment as a consequence of the airline sector. Further, the inflated cost
of fuel in the airline sector has a significant impact on the competitive environment of the airlines.
The reduction in the carbon footprint of the airlines would force the aviation industry to opt for the
green sources of energy for its operations and would assist in the management of the accelerated
costs of the fuel for the airline sector. Apart from this, the organization of International Civil
Aviation examined the emissions of global aviation to be 70 percent greater in the year 2020 from
the year 2005 (Irfan, 2019). The reduced carbon footprint of the airline sector would decrease the
level of aviation emissions in the future years. The airlines' sector is held accountable for the

payment of the taxes for the carbon emissions in the environment and the subsequent reduction in
the carbon footprint would deflate the cost of the taxes employed for the emissions of carbon in the
environment. Further, the organization of the International Civil Aviation predicted the emissions to
increase by 700 percent in the middle of the century leading to the disastrous effects on the
environment (Irfan, 2019). The reduction in the carbon footprint of the aviation industry would
assist to reduce the predicted figures and its after-effects.

The considerable achievement in fuel efficiency has to lead to a significant reduction in the carbon
footprint and have resulted in the commitment to reduce the environmental impact of the business
operations of Airlines. The reduced electricity in the various operations of the airlines would lead to
a significant reduction in the financial figures of the business and would enhance the utilization of
renewable resources for sustainable power. The robust efforts of the airports to reduce the energy
consumptions have resulted in the target of zero carbon emission in the various operations of the
airport (Clouston, 2018). The dependency on the energy efficiency would lead the airports to
conserve the shrinking renewable resources of the energy and the same can be seen by the
commitment of the Heathrow Airport to reduce the carbon content to the figure zero by the end of
the year 2050 (Clouston, 2018). Further, the target of the zero waste would lead to a significant
reduction of plastic wastes in the various operations of the business. The reduction in the in-flight
waste and various other wastes from the airline operations would result in the decreased use of the
plastics and would have a sheer positive impact on the environment. Apart from this, offsetting the
carbon in the business would add to the enhanced credibility of the business and would lead to the
positive reputation of the airline in the corporate world. The enhanced commitment of the airlines
for the reduction in the carbon footprint would lead to the positive brand image and the enticement
of the stakeholders of the business.
The airlines' assistance to the suppliers' sustainable projects would enhance the resilience of the
business and would shield the costly disruption in the supply chain of the organization (Cooper,
2018). Further, the adoption of sustainable practices in the business would lead to customer
retention and the enhancement of customer values. Apart from this, the reduction in the carbon
footprint would manifest the airlines' concerns for poverty and the health of the communities and
would be helpful in the attainment of the corporate social responsibility of the business. Further, the
offset of carbon would lead to the conservation of the natural habitat and would build the
opportunities of employment for the community (Cooper, 2018). The concern for the social impacts
of the business would lead to enhanced customer engagement and significant contribution to the

ROI (return on investment) of the airlines. Apart from this, the reduction in the carbon footprint
would enhance the reputation of the airlines and would lead to attract the talent for the airlines. The
reason for the same lies beneath the employees’ attraction toward the employers, who manifest the
social concerns and practices the sustainable policies for the business.
The investments in the offset of the carbon would result in the mitigation of the negative effects on
the future climate and would result in the deduction of the negative effects on the global network of
the supply chain that have a significant impact on the various operations of the business. The study
predicted that a significant reduction in the carbon emission of the airlines would result in the
clearer sky around the world, through the attainment of more efficient and sustainable engines.
Hence, the need arises for the overall reduction of the impact on the planet and to get engaged in the
sustainable operations of the business. The study has revealed the slow adaptation of the airlines to
reduce the carbon footprint but has indicated the movement by the business travellers towards the
environment-friendly flights and the airlines. The situation demands the urgent action of the
stakeholders in accordance with the low emissions of the carbon and the creation of more
sustainable fuels and engines for the airline sector.

Executive Summary

The report highlighted the importance of the diverse demographics of the consumers and the
employees on the performance of the organization. The various operations of the organization could
be enhanced by the clear interpretation of the demographics and would result in the improved
financial figures of the organization. Apple has a wide record for the depth interpretation of the
various demographics to improve the product and the operations of the business.


The Apple is being marked as one of the most renowned brands in the domain of information
technology and it is the most valuable brand with the brand valuation of $120 billion in the year
2014 (Martin, 2016). Apple was started in the year 1976 by the three pioneers of the world, Steve
Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronal Wayne and was named as the Apple Computer Inc. (Martin, 2016).
The unusual affinity of Apple lies in the clear analysis of the demographics and the sound
positioning of Apple. The diverse factors of demographics such as age, education, experience,
gender, marital status, and income have a sheer impact on the numerous operations of the business
(Vallabh and Mhlanga, 2015). The analysis of the consumer demographics is vital for the improved
performance of Apple and had assisted Apple to enhance the operation of the organization. The
small segment of the customer demographics constitutes the customer psychographics that checks
the lifestyle and the behavior of the customers (Alton, 2015). Further, the psychographics includes
the buying habits, values, attitude, opinions and the shopping patterns of the end consumers.
The inauguration of the organization was marked by the business operations on the development of
hardware and personal computers. Apple has marked the year 2007 for the shift in the products of
consumer electronics and they attained the new identity of Apple Inc. (Martin, 2016). The success
of Apple lays in the successful interpretation of the demographics and the creation of the
exceptional niche market-enhancing consumer base of Apple. The general demographics for the
Apple products lie in the age group of 22-55 constituting the male and female consumers. The
income of the consumer base varies from medium income individuals to high-income individuals.
Apple took significant advantage of the shopping patterns and behaviors of the end consumers to
attain the heights in the consumer market. The shopping patterns indicate the target prices to be
offered to the customers and assists the organization in tailoring the prices and the offers as per the
income of the region and the consumer (Alton, 2015).

Further, the deductive reasoning applied to the consumer demographics serves as an aid to eliminate
the errors in the various operations of the business of Apple. The lifestyle base of the consumer
includes the young, modern and the foremost open to change consumers. The present era has
marked the potential influence of the diverse theories and practice of the marketing strategies on the
business. The various operations of the business fail to attain the full potential in the market and as
a result, the market demands the study of various demographic factors such as age and gender to
enhance the operations of the business and so the financial figures of the organization (Vallabh and
Mhlanga, 2015).
The diversity stands as the necessity for the business to make the product appeal to the sheer group
of customers and demands the product to be created by the diverse group of individuals (Grace,
2017). The diverse group of people preferring the iPhone differs from the Android users in the
market. The study of the CivicScience marked the result of 56%, as the gender aspect for the
preference to the Android as compared to the iPhone users (Hixon, 2014). The research manifested
the population ratio as the 49% men signalizing the preference for the Android phone and 44%
female opting for the Android phone. Further, the research suggested the education as the
demographic factor influencing the operation of the business. The survey showed the iPhone users
to be more educated with the 27% users indicating graduates and the Ph.D. credentials and only the
figure of 33% users were high school students (Hixon, 2014). If we compare the similar statistics
with the Android users, the study revealed that the 8% of students as the graduates and Ph.D.
holders and 12% were the high school students (Hixon, 2014). Further, the study showed the
household income as a significant factor to have an influence on the operation of the business.
iPhone users tend to be much more affluent than Android users (Hixon, 2014). Apart from this the
current occupation of the individuals has a significant impact on the operation of the business and
the iPhone users tend to be diverse professionals as compared to Android users.
The study of Slice Intelligence revealed the people aged above 65 years, invests the sheer amount
on the Apple devices as compared to the other age groups in the demographics of the United States
(King, 2015). The mentioned age is signifying the one-fourth of the total Apple consumers are held
accountable for the investment of the $976 per person in the iGadgets (King, 2015). The marked
investment is outspending the demographics of the young age females group by $400 per person
(King, 2015). The Apple products are considered to be in trend for the late adoption in the adoption
curve. Further, the demographics of men are considered accountable for outspending the females of
every age group by $200 to $300 per person (King, 2015). The study of the Slice revealed the age

demographic of 25-34 for acquiring a higher percentage of the consumer base for the Apple
products (King, 2015). Further the age group of 65 and above and the people in the age group of 35-
44 have the sheer share in the iPad market (King, 2015).

The age group of the 35-44 is considered as the highest percentage in the market of the Apple
watches (King, 2015). The consumers of the age 25-34 were marked for the largest share in the
customer base of Apple Music. The Slice study also revealed that the household, which has the
income range of $35000- $5000 have the least spending on the Apple products (King, 2015).
However, the astonishment lies in the household income of under $15000, to have a customer base
as much as the income level of $125000- $150000 (King, 2015). The men show dominance in the
consumer base of Apple as compared to the women. The Android has a similar edge as the Apple in
all the age groups but the Apple manifested the competitive edge on the age group of 65 and above
(Fluent, 2016). The study revealed the age group of 18-34 for actively engaged in mobile shopping
as compared to the other age group. The Apple users engaged in online shopping stands at the
market share of 46% as compared to Android users with a percentage bar of 38.3% (Fluent, 2016).

Further, the changing demographic factors of India have destined India as an attractive market for
the business of Apple and its segments (Aulakh, 2016). Apple is being marked as the status symbol
in India. India is on the verge of surpassing China holding the 220 million Smartphone users
(Aulakh, 2016). The research is indicating the growth of the Indian market by the double figures in
the future years with the rising expectation of the consumers to switch to the iPhone in the
upcoming years. The world was marked by the flat growth but it was India that manifested the
growth of 23% in the year 2016 (Aulakh, 2016). Apart from this, the Smartphone users in India is
not, as affluent as, the Smartphone users in China and there stands the prediction of 4-5 years for
the sheer group of users in India to upgrade the standard for the highly priced iPhones (Aulakh,

The study of Vallabh and Mhlanga (2015) revealed the importance of prioritizing the demographic
characteristics as compared to the institutionalized factors for the evaluation of employee
performance. The consideration of the various demographics of the employee results in the
profitability of the business and acts as a shield in the breakdown of the business and its operations.
The research pointed out the significant influence of education on the operations of the business and
the use of education to enhance the self-efficacy among the individuals of the organization (Vallabh

and Mhlanga, 2015). The sound practice of the demographics in the domain of human resource is
considered to enhance the performance of the employee and the organization. The reason for the
same lies in the proper utilization of the cultural differences among the people for enhancing the
creativity and developing the competitive edge for the business.

The age stands as the crucial factor for the operation of the business and the performance of the
employees. The age is directly related to the energy and the enthusiasm level of the employee and
the performance of the employee is expected to grow with the growing age (Thakur, 2017). The
study relates to the commitment of the workforce with the demographics of the workforce. The
performance, service time and the interest of the employee depend on the demographic
characteristics of the employee and are considered as the crucial factors for the operation of the
business. Apart from this the education of the employee takes the crucial part in the performance of
the employee and the business. The skills attained during the education works as the expertise in the
job and affect the performance of the business (Thakur, 2017). The numerous factors of
demographics such as age, education, experience, gender, marital status, and income have a
significant impact on the performance of the business.

The difference in the demographic characteristics of the employees has a significant impact on the
operational performance of the business and results in the evocation of the segmented expectations
within the workforce (Thakur, 2017). The demographics include race, sex, religion, marital status,
ethnicity, and education. The demographics of the Apple workforce revealed the figures of 55%
white accompanied by the 15% Asian and 11% Hispanic followed by the 7% blacks (Luckerson,
2014). The study revealed the figures of 2% as the multiracial and 9% of the workforce did not
reveal the race (Luckerson, 2014). Further, the study revealed the global workforce of the Apple
constituting the 70% male employees accompanied by the 30% female employees (Luckerson,
2014). Apart from this, the technical jobs were dominated by the men with a share of 80% and the
women confirming 20% of the workforce. Apple gives significant importance to the opinions and
the suggestions of the individuals for the diverse operation of the business and so the diversity in
the workforce would enhance the performance of the Apple (Grace, 2017).

The Apple had to bear the sheer stress of the diverse demographics of the customers and the
employees on the multiple operations of the business; however, they took the competitive advantage

out of the demographics to secure itself the second most valued organization in the global market.
The study revealed the significant importance of diversity on the creativity and innovation in the
business. The diverse workforce tends to produce better solutions and alternatives to the various
operations of the business. The successful organization like Apple does not ignore the consumer
demographics rather they get engaged in the in-depth research and the study to deploy the requisite
information of the demographics to improve the operations of the business.

Alton, L. 2015. How customer demographics influence your business. Available at
Aulakh, G. 2016. How Apple iPhone sales in India defy an old stereotype. Available at
Clouston, S. 2018. Reducing airport carbon emissions: What's next?. Available at
Cooper, J. 2018. ROI on progressive carbon offsetting. Available at
Fluent. 2016. Devices and demographics 2016. Available at
Gagan, O. 2018. Reducing corporate carbon footprint. Available at
Grace, 2017. Inclusion and Diversity. Retrieved from
Hixon, T. 2014. What kind of person prefers an iPhone?. Available at
ICSA. 2016. Contribution of the global aviation sector to achieving Paris agreement climate
objectives. Available at
Irfan, U. 2019. Air travel is surging.That’s a huge problem for the climate. Available at
King, H. 2015. Who is buying Apple products? Old men. Available at

Luckerson, V. 2014.Apple is mostly white and male, according to its first diversity report. Available
Martin, 2016. The Apple product strategy. Available at
Thakur, G. 2017. The influence of demographic characteristics on performance of academic
employee in Kenyatta University. Available
Tyers, R. 2017. It’s time to wake up to the devastating impact flying has on the environment.
Available at
Vallabh, D. and Mhlanga, O. 2015. Influence of demographic factors on business performance
in small to medium tourism enterprises (SMTEs). African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and
Leisure, 4(2), pp. 1-9.
Will, 2016. The benefits of carbon footprinting. Available at
Xue, J. 2017. How the aviation industry is lowering its carbon footprint. Available at


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