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“Effect and Impact of Non Observance of the principles of Natural Law”

Submitted to:- Submitted by

Aparna Singh Nishank Vashistha

It is a fundamental principle that no man shall be a judge of his own cause

The concept of natural justice entails two ideas (1) (audi alteram partem) i,e. a person
affected by a decision has a right to be heard, and (2) Nemo judex in rea sua, I,e. the authority
deciding a matter should be free from bias.
The principle of natural justice are not fixed, but flexible and variable. These principles
cannot be put in a straight jacket. The principle is that a judge is disqualified from
determining any case In which he may, or may fairly be suspected to have an interest in the
subject matter. The underlying principle is that 'justice should not only be done, but should
manifestly and undoubtedly be seen to be done.
In india a decision which contravenes the rules of Natural justice is a nullity and person
affected is entitled to have such decision set aside.

The objectives of the study are

To study the effects of non observance of principles of natural justice

Impacts of non observance of principles of natural justice
Position of India to that of England

Research Methodology:
For the purpose of doing the project doctrinal research methodology has been adopted for
presenting the material in the project various books, journals and magazines have been
consulted .The information in the project has been represented to the best of knowledge and
availability of means and resources. To present the information due care has been taken to
present the material in correct perspective.

Tentative Chapterization:

1. Introduction
2. Types of bias
3. Test of bias Decline of handicraft
4. Opportunity of being heard
5. Pre decisional and post deceisional hearing
6. The ultimate relief
7. conclusion

1. V. Duke (1949) 1 All. E R.109 at 118 113.

2. Wade H.W.R. Administrative Law 1988, atp. 532 114.
3. Lord Hailshan L.C, in Pearlbere (1972) 1 WIR 34 at 540.
4. Markose A.T. "certiorari certified" 16 N.1.L Q 339 369-70 (1965) quoted by
S.Goakumaran Nair,
5. "Violation of Natural Justice, void or voldable" AC L.R. Vol 3 No.1 (1979). 95.
Markose A.T. Judicial Control of Administrative Action in India (1956) pp.649, 659.

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