Characterization of On-Body Communication Channel and Energy Efficient Topology Design For Wireless Body Area Networks

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6, NOVEMBER 2009 933

Characterization of On-Body Communication

Channel and Energy Efficient Topology Design
for Wireless Body Area Networks
Elisabeth Reusens, Wout Joseph, Member, IEEE, Benoı̂t Latré, Bart Braem, Günter Vermeeren, Emmeric Tanghe,
Luc Martens, Member, IEEE, Ingrid Moerman, Member, IEEE, and Chris Blondia, Member, IEEE

Abstract—Wireless body area networks (WBANs) offer many The wireless connection between the devices of a WBAN
promising new applications in the area of remote health monitor- can occur at different frequencies. Most published models use
ing. An important element in the development of a WBAN is the the industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) frequency bands
characterization of the physical layer of the network, including
an estimation of the delay spread and the path loss between two or ultrawide band (UWB). The characterization of the physical
nodes on the body. This paper discusses the propagation channel layer of the network is an important step in the development of a
between two half-wavelength dipoles at 2.45 GHz, placed near a WBAN, including an estimation of the delay spread and the path
human body and presents an application for cross-layer design loss between two nodes on the body. Propagation near flat, ho-
in order to optimize the energy consumption of different topolo- mogeneous, and layered phantoms has been investigated in [2]
gies. Propagation measurements are performed on real humans in
a multipath environment, considering different parts of the body and [3]. In [4], a transmission model at 2.4 GHz is proposed
separately. In addition, path loss has been numerically investi- for different heights above a flat phantom and for different di-
gated with an anatomically correct model of the human body in electric properties of the medium. Papers [5]–[11] characterize
free space using a 3-D electromagnetic solver. Path loss parame- the wireless on-body channel for some specific configurations
ters and time-domain channel characteristics are extracted from of the transmitter and receiver and provide physical-layer mod-
the measurement and simulation data. A semi-empirical path loss
model is presented for an antenna height above the body of 5 mm els. Moreover [12] and [13]–[19] present important research
and antenna separations from 5 cm up to 40 cm. A time-domain concerning the on-body wireless propagation and antennas.
analysis is performed and models are presented for the mean excess This paper characterizes the physical layer in terms of path
delay and the delay spread. As a cross-layer application, the pro- loss, delay spread, and mean excess delay for narrow band com-
posed path loss models are used to evaluate the energy efficiency munication at 2.45 GHz between two half wavelength dipoles
of single-hop and multihop network topologies.
near a realistic human body. A total of 583 measurements are
Index Terms—Cross-layer design, delay spread, dipole antenna, performed in a multipath environment on real humans consid-
energy consumption, human body, multihop, path loss, propaga- ering different parts of the human body: arms, leg, torso, and
tion channel, single-hop, topology design, wireless body area net-
work (WBAN). back. In addition, the path-loss in free space has been inves-
tigated numerically using a realistic human body model. The
I. INTRODUCTION 2.4 GHz band is selected because it is freely available and
most practical existing technology for WBANs works in this
WIRELESS body area network (WBAN) connects inde-
A pendent nodes (e.g., sensors and actuators) that are situ-
ated in the clothes, on the body or under the skin of a person. The
Based on this characterization and the physical-layer mod-
els, profound decisions can be made regarding the most optimal
network typically extends over the whole human body and the
network architecture in terms of energy efficiency [11], [20].
nodes are connected through a wireless communication channel.
They indicate that multihop wireless networks are required and
According to the implementation, these nodes are placed in a
single-hop networks are very difficult to realize. In [21] and [22],
star or multihop topology [1]. A WBAN offers many promising,
the physical-layer models are used for designing and testing en-
new applications in home/health care, medicine, sports, multi-
ergy efficient and reliable cross-layer protocols, i.e., combining
media, and many other areas, all of which make advantage of
the media access control (MAC) layer and network layer. As
the unconstrained freedom of movement a WBAN offers.
an application, the propagation models of this paper are used
to evaluate the energy consumption of single-hop and multihop
Manuscript received June 27, 2008; revised October 30, 2008. First published topologies in short range wireless networks on the human body.
September 29, 2009; current version published November 4, 2009. This work
was supported in part by the Fund for Scientific Research, Flanders FWO-V, This is the first paper where the physical propagation analy-
Belgium Project under Grant G.0531.05. sis is used to investigate thoroughly the impact on the energy
E. Reusens, W. Joseph, B. Latré, G. Vermeeren, E. Tanghe, L. Martens, and consumption on protocol level (cross-layer research) in order
I. Moerman are with the Department of Information Technology, Ghent Uni-
versity/Interdisciplinary Institute for Broadband Technology, Ghent B-9050, to determine the most optimal network topology in terms of
Belgium (e-mail: energy efficiency. The analysis of this research can be used by
B. Braem and C. Blondia are with the Department of Mathematics and Com- manufacturers to design and validate the performance of their
puter Science, University of Antwerp/Interdisciplinary Institute for Broadband
Technology, Antwerp B-2020, Belgium (e-mail: WBAN systems using well-specified setups. Our own previous
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TITB.2009.2033054 research can be found in [1]–[4], [8]–[10], [21], and [22].

1089-7771/$26.00 © 2009 IEEE


from 5 cm up to 40 cm in steps of 1 cm. These measurements

are performed on two persons: a man (height 1.73 m, weight
73 kg, body mass index (BMI) 24.4 kg/m2 ) and a woman (height
1.69 m, weight 61 kg, BMI 21.4 kg/m2 ), both 23 years old. A
total of 214 measurements are carried out to extract the propaga-
tion statistics. The number of samples per measurement position
is equal to 801. The measurements were executed along differ-
ent lines on, e.g., torso and legs and repeated on the two humans
for reproducibility reasons. The measurement uncertainty for
this type of measurements is typically ±3 dB (in situ measure-
ments) [23]. This measurement uncertainty is estimated at the
Fig. 1. Measurement setup. (a) Antenna positions on the body (square = Tx level of twice the standard deviation (corresponding in the case
and x = Rx). (b) Measurement setup: picture of measurements on the arm.
of a normal distribution, to a confidence level of 95%).
For the back and the torso, the configuration is similar. The
measurements are performed on the male person lying on a table
The outline of this paper is as follows. In Section II, the mea- with the arms along the body. Tx is placed at approximately
surement and simulation setup and the different configurations shoulder height at one of three different positions [left, middle,
that were investigated, are described. Section III discusses the or right, see Fig. 1(a)]. Rx is placed directly below Tx and
statistical characterization of the on-body path loss in a multi- is moved along a straight line in steps of 2 cm. The antenna
path environment using measurements on real persons. The path separation varies from 5 cm up to 30 cm. A total of 132 and
loss in free space has been investigated on a realistic human body 102 measurements are performed on the back and the torso,
model using a 3-D electromagnetic solver. In Section IV, a time- respectively.
domain analysis is executed and the mean excess delay and delay For the measurements on the leg, Tx is placed at the ankle
spread are studied. In Section V, the proposed path loss models and Rx is moved toward the knee [see Fig. 1(a)]. Because the
are used to examine the energy performance of single-hop and surface of the leg is very different along the shin, the calf, or
multihop network topologies. Finally, Section VI summarizes the side, three lines are taken under consideration: the front, the
the conclusions of this paper. side and the back. The distance between the antennas varies from
5 cm up to 30 cm in steps of 2 cm. A total of 135 measurements
II. MEASUREMENT AND SIMULATION SETUP are performed on the male person.
A. Configuration
B. Measurement Setup
Two identical half-wavelength dipoles at 2.45 GHz [4], with
The measurements are performed in a modern office. The
a length of 5.7 cm and a diameter of 1 mm, are placed at various
dipoles are balanced for radiation near the human body using a
positions on the human body, which is stationary. The gain in
λ/4-bazooka balun [24]. Fig. 1(b) shows a picture of the mea-
free space of these dipoles is 2.15 dBi, and the −10 dB band-
surements along the arm.
width of |S11 | is about 300 MHz at 2.45 GHz, if placed at a
A vector network analyzer (Rohde & Schwarz ZVR) is used to
distance of 5 mm from the body. In all measurements and simu-
determine the S21 (f )-parameter (with respect to 50 Ω) between
lations, the dipoles are placed parallel to each other and are lined
Tx and Rx for the different positions in the frequency range
up for maximal power transfer. The propagation channel char-
from 300 kHz to 4 GHz. This frequency range is necessary
acteristics depend strongly on the height of the antenna above
to be able to distinguish the direct and the reflected waves in
the body [2]. In this paper, we investigate the wireless channel
the time domain. Here, we obtain a resolution of 0.25 ns. Time-
for a separation of 5 mm between the body and the antennas. We
domain analysis is performed by calculating the channel impulse
examine the wireless on-body channel for line of sight (LOS)
responses s21 (t) using the inverse fast Fourier transform (IFFT)
narrow band communication at 2.45 GHz along the arm, the
of the measured S21 (f )-parameters.
back, the torso, and the leg. The various antenna positions on
the body are shown in Fig. 1(a). Tx and Rx represent the trans-
mitting and receiving antenna, respectively. The selection of the C. Simulation Setup
measurement points is made for typical WBAN sensor locations The path loss along the arm and the leg is investi-
on different body parts. The next paragraphs describe the dif- gated by finite-difference time domain (FDTD) simulations in
ferent measurement configurations along the stretched arm, the SEMCADX, using an anatomically correct model of the human
back, the torso, and the leg. The same configurations are used body in free space (length 1.81 m, 98 kg, and BMI 29.9 kg/m2 ),
in the simulations. the NIH Visible Man model, provided by the Visible Human
For the measurements along the stretched arm, the transmit- project of the National Library of Medicine [25], [26]. The
ting antenna Tx is placed at a fixed position on the wrist and the dielectric properties of the human body tissues have been ob-
receiving antenna Rx is moved along various positions towards tained from [27]. The FDTD solver SEMCADX uses a nonuni-
the shoulder [see Fig. 1(a)]. In total, 583 different antenna posi- form girding scheme. The maximum grid step in the human
tions are investigated. The distance between the antennas varies body model was 2 mm. The FDTD simulation domain has been

environment. In the following, we present the path loss models

for the different human body parts that were investigated.

B. Path Loss Model: Measurements

1) Body Parts: Fig. 3 shows the measured path loss versus
Tx–Rx separation along the arm (a), the leg (b), the back (c), and
the torso (d) . The markers indicate the individual measurements,
while the lines represent the path loss models obtained through
fitting of the measurement data. Fig. 4 shows the fitted path loss
models for all investigated body parts. Table I lists the parameter
values of the fitted path loss models according to (1), and the
variations of the measurement results around the model.
Fig. 2. Simulation setup. (a) Arm. (b) Leg of Visual Human in SEMCADX. The path loss increases with antenna separation, as expected
(Figs. 3 and 4). The path loss along the arm and the leg are
very similar (see Table I and Fig. 4). The reference path loss
determined with uniaxial perfectly matched layers with a thick-
and the path loss exponent of both models are almost the same:
ness of six layers. Fig. 2 shows the simulation setup along (a)
P0,dB ≈ 32.4 dB and n ≈ 3.4. For the measured path loss along
the arm and (b) the leg of the Visual Human in SEMCADX.
the leg, we observe a slightly higher variation around the path
In order to make a good comparison with the measurements,
loss model (standard deviation σ = 5.3 dB) compared with the
the same configurations are used in the simulations. The an-
measurements along the arm (σ = 4.1 dB). This is because the
tenna models have equal dimensions as the λ/2-dipoles used
measurements along the leg were performed on three different
for the measurements, and are placed 5 mm above the body. In
lines (front, side, and back), while along the arm only one line
SEMCADX, the Tx dipole is attached to an edge source. The
was investigated.
Rx-dipole is terminated by a load of 50 Ω. The simulations were
The path loss model of (1) assumes that the coupling between
checked if steady state was reached. Nevertheless, we have to
Tx and Rx antenna is neglected for short separations between
take under consideration that the simulations are performed in a
the antennas. For a separation of down to 5 cm the coupling
perfect free-space environment, so the reflections caused by the
between the antennas close to the body is still acceptable as no
office environment in the measurements will be absent, and that
clear deviation between model and measurements is observed
the simulation model does not fully represent the real persons
in Figs. 3–5.
in the measurements.
The path loss along the torso follows the same course as the
path loss along the arm, but the path loss along the torso is
III. PATH LOSS the highest of the investigated body parts. This is probably due
A. Analysis of Propagation Near the Body to the higher absorption in the larger volume of the trunk, and
because the surface of the trunk is less flat than the surfaces
To model the path loss between the transmitting and the re- of the other investigated body parts. The path loss exponent
ceiving antenna as a function of the distance, we use the follow- of the model along the torso is almost the same as along the
ing semi-empirical formula, expressed in decibel and based on arm and leg (n ≈ 3.3). For the measured path loss along the
the Friis formula [24] torso, we observe a high variation around the path loss model
d (σ = 6.1 dB), because the measurements along the torso were
PdB (d) = P0,dB + 10n log = −|S21 |dB (1) performed on three different lines: left, middle, and right. The
reference path loss P0,dB and the path loss exponent n obtained
where the antenna separation d is expressed in cm, P0,dB is the in this paper for the model along the torso, are consistent with
path loss in dB at a reference distance d0 (10 cm in this paper), previous results: in [29], a path loss exponent of n = 3.1 and
and n[−] is the path loss exponent, which equals 2 in free space. a path loss value of P0,dB = 44.6 dB at a reference distance
The path loss is defined as −|S21 |dB when the generator at Tx d0 = 10 cm were measured in a large empty room for waves
has an input impedance of 50 Ω and Rx is terminated with 50 Ω, traveling along the front of the torso.
which allows us to regard the setup as a two-port network for The path loss along the back follows a different course than
which we determine S21 . the other three models. The path loss exponent is much lower
Since the body is within the near field of the antenna, charges (n ≈ 2.18). This is because the surface of the back is more
on both the antenna and body surfaces interact to create a single flat than the surface of the torso. When we take a closer look
radiating system. In this case, it is no longer possible to separate in Fig. 3(c), we can see that the path loss along the back is
the influence of the antenna from the influence of the body. suddenly higher for separations between 17 and 23 cm, and
Therefore, we include the antenna as a part of the channel model again lower in the last part of the graph. This phenomenon is
throughout this analysis [28]. The values and models that are a consequence of the curvature of the spine. At waist height,
determined in this measurement campaign are specific to our the receiver will be slightly below the direct LOS path from the
particular antenna, human bodies of the two persons, and office transmitter placed at shoulder height, which results in a higher

Fig. 3. Measured path loss and fitted models versus antenna separation along (a) the arm, (b) the leg, (c) the back, and (d) the torso.


back were performed on three different lines: left, middle, and

The disparity in tissue compositions and in tissue thicknesses
are another explanation for the variation between the path loss
models for the different body parts. Due to different tissue com-
positions and thicknesses, the absorption in the specific body
Fig. 4. Path loss models derived from measurements along the arm, torso, parts will vary, and thus the path loss along the body parts will
back, and leg. differ.
2) Whole Body: Instead of investigating the different parts
loss. When the separation increases, the receiver comes again of the body separately, we can also define an average path loss
in a LOS situation and the path loss decreases slightly. We also model for the whole human body. For this purpose, we consider
see that the variation around the path loss model is relatively a path loss model obtained through fitting of all measurement
high (σ = 5.6 dB). This is because the measurements along the data. Fig. 4 shows the path loss models for the investigated

Fig. 6. CDF and lognormal distribution fit of the deviation of the measured
path loss and model along the arm.


Fig. 5. Simulated and measured path loss values and fitted models versus
antenna separation along (a) the arm and (b) the leg.

body parts and for the measurements all together (full line).
D. Cumulative Distribution Function
This curve lies between the previously derived path loss models.
The parameter values of this model are also shown in Table I. The model in (1) only represents the mean path loss [30].
The model is valid for LOS communication, for the specified In practice, there will be variations with respect to the nominal
ranges 5–40 cm (Section II-A), and the investigated body parts value. This variation is taken into account in the propagation
(torso, back, arm, leg). Moreover, the models are valid for the model used in Section V-B.
investigated subjects and the simulation model. Fig. 6 shows the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of
the deviation between the measured path loss and the model
along the arm. This CDF is obtained using the measurement data
C. Path Loss Model: Simulations
described in Section II-A. For the measurements along the other
The path loss along the arm and the leg are numerically in- body parts, similar results are obtained. It was shown in [31]
vestigated using SEMCADX. Fig. 5 shows the path loss values that the variation around the mean path loss is well described
and the fitted models versus Tx–Rx separation for the measure- by a lognormal distribution (see lognormal fit in Fig. 6).
ments and simulations along (a) the arm and (b) the leg. The The mean values µ and the standard deviations σ of the log-
parameter values of the fitted simulation models according to normal distributions for the different body parts, fitted using a
(1) are the following (for a reference distance d0 = 10 cm), least-square error method, are provided in Table II. The values
along the arm: P0,dB = 32.6 dB, n = 3.39, and the variation σ of these CDF parameters indicate that the path loss models show
of the simulation results around the model equals 0.7 dB, and very good correspondence with the measurement results. The
along the leg: P0,dB = 33.6 dB, n = 3.70, and σ = 2.7 dB. mean values of the fitted CDFs of the deviation is close to 0 dB
In Fig. 5(a) and (b), the simulated path loss values (squares) and the standard deviations differ less than 1 dB from the stan-
are all situated within the set of measurements (crosses). Also, dard deviation of the measured values (0.7, 0.6, 0.4, and 0.6 dB
the parameters of the fitted path loss models derived from the difference for arm, leg, back, and torso, respectively). More-
simulations and the models obtained from the measurements over, the different data sets also passed a Kolmogorov–Smirnov
(see columns for arm and leg in Table I) show good agreement, (K–S) test for normality at significance level 5%, indicating
despite differences in the configurations for the human body, that the deviation of measured path loss and model (in dB) is
the environment, and the positioning of the antennas. normally distributed [32].

Fig. 7. Measured normalized impulse response along the arm for an antenna
separation of 5 cm on a logarithmic scale.


A. Definitions
Time-domain analysis is performed by calculating the chan-
nel impulse responses h(t) = s21 (t) using the IFFT of the mea-
sured frequency transfer functions S21 (f ) from 300 kHz to
4 GHz. Fig. 7 shows the normalized impulse response from 0
to 40 ns for a measurement along the arm for an antenna sepa-
ration of 5 cm, on a logarithmic scale. It can be seen that most
energy is received via the direct path with different multipath
Fig. 8. Mean excess delay τ 0 versus antenna separation. (a) Measurements
reflections after some time. and linear fit along the arm. (b) All fitted models.
Power delay profiles (PDP) were calculated for all the mea-
surement positions. For the following analysis only peaks (see
Fig. 7) of less than 35 dB below the maximum value of the
PDP are taken under consideration. The points in time where τ0 models, derived from the measurements, using a least-square
the peaks in the PDP occur, are indicated by τi with i = 1, 2, . . . , error method.
N , where N is the number of peaks taken under consideration The course of the rms delay spread τrm s versus antenna sep-
varying for each measurement. The PDP is characterized by the aration is divided into two parts with a breakpoint dbp . The first
first central moment (mean excess delay τ0 ), and the square root part is modeled by an exponential fit and the second part by a
of the second moment (rms delay spread τrm s ). The rms delay logarithmic fit, with the following:
spread is a measure of multipath spread within the channel, an
important parameter for characterizing time dispersion or fre- τrm s (d) = C(eD d − 1) [ns], for d ≤ dbp (3)
quency selectivity, and provides a figure of merit for estimating
data rates for multipath channels [30]. The delay spread τrm s d
= E + F ln [ns], for d > dbp (4)
and mean excess delay τ0 are defined in [10] and [30]. dbp

B. Delay Spread Model with the breakpoint dbp and the distance d between Tx and Rx
Figs. 8(a) and 9(a) show the mean excess delay τ0 and the in cm and C [ns], D [1/cm], E [ns], and F [ns] the parameters
rms delay spread τrm s versus antenna separation along the arm. of the model. Fig. 9(b) shows the fitted τrm s models, derived
For the measurements along the other body parts, similar results from the measurements, using a least-square error method.
are obtained. The parameter values of the fits and the variations of the
The values of τ0 and τrm s increase with antenna separation. measurement results around the model, are shown in Table III.
The mean excess delay τ0 follows a linear course as a function The τ0 models along the back and along the torso are very
of the antenna separation and is modeled as follows [8]: similar. Also along the arm and the leg, the difference between
the τ0 models is small. The lowest values occur along the arm
τ0 (d) = Ad + B [ns] (2) and the leg, because the limbs have a much smaller volume
and surface, which results in less multipath reflections. As a
with the distance d between Tx and Rx in cm and A [ns/cm] and consequence, the τrm s values are the lowest along the arm and
B [ns] the parameters of the model. Fig. 8(b) shows the fitted the highest along the torso.


A. Background
The radios that are used in WBANs are very small, which
leaves only limited space for a battery while recharging is
not always possible. Furthermore, an important requirement for
WBANs is a large lifetime of the network (e.g., implanted de-
vices should last for at least a year). Therefore, energy efficiency
is of uttermost importance in order to increase the lifetime of
the network and to meet the requirements.
Regular ad hoc and sensor networks mostly use multihop
communication where nodes in the network act as routers for
other nodes to help guarantee connectivity. Current implementa-
tions in a WBAN, however, assume single-hop communication
where all information is sent directly to the receiver. The pa-
per of Zasowski et al. [11] was a first attempt to justify the
use of multihop in a WBAN, where intermediate hops are used
for reaching the receiver. They use an energy model that is
only applicable to UWB communication and conclude that the
criteria whether to use a multi-hop strategy depend on the ra-
tio of the energy consumption needed for decoding/coding and
receiving/generating a UWB-pulse. In [33], reliability is exper-
imentally investigated by measuring the packet delivery ratio
without imposing a MAC-protocol. A multihop strategy turns
out the most reliable.
In this section, we evaluate the energy consumption for nar-
rowband communication at 2.4 GHz based on a commercial
Fig. 9. RMS delay spread τ rm s versus antenna separation. (a) Measurements available radio. First, a propagation model and an appropriate
and exponential/logarithmic fit along the arm. (b) All fitted models. energy model are selected. Then, this energy model is subse-
quently used for analyzing the energy consumption. The goal
TABLE III is to investigate which topology is the most energy efficient in
PARAMETER VALUES OF THE MODELS FOR THE MEAN EXCESS DELAY τ 0 AND WBANs: single-hop or multihop communication. A prelimi-
nary study has been done in [22], where only a line topology
and binary tree was considered.

B. Selection of Propagation and Energy Model

When determining an energy model of the radio, it is impor-
tant to notice that the channel model derived in the previous
section only accounts for LOS propagation and does not con-
sider, for example, the communication between the back and
C. Cumulative Distribution Function torso nor does it take into account the curvature effects of the
In this section, we verify whether τ0 and τrm s follow a log- body. In [34], the path loss is modeled in non-line of sight
normal distribution. Other different empirical distributions were (NLOS) situations around the torso for UWB-communication
applied, however, lognormal proved to be the best fit. We inves- in a band of 3–6 GHz. This model can be used for a narrowband
tigate the deviation of the measured values and the models [see system around 2.4 GHz as it is relatively close to the band of
(2)–(4)]. The mean values and the standard deviations of the fits 3 GHz. Further, their definition of the path loss is the same as
of the CDFs for all measurements, fitted using a least-square ours. We selected this model because it is the best NLOS model
error method, are provided in Table III. These parameters indi- available and moreover the path loss exponents and model pa-
cate that both models show very good correspondence with the rameters correspond well with the ones of our model for LOS.
measurement results. The mean values are close to 0 dB and the Both models use (1), but with different parameters. For the LOS
standard deviations differ less than 1 dB from the variation of propagation, the parameters can be found in Table I (we use the
the measured values discussed in Section IV-B. Moreover, the whole body model). The NLOS propagation has the following
different data sets along each body part separately also passed a parameter values: d0 = 10 cm, P0,dB = 48.8 dB, n = 5.9, and
K–S test for normality at significance level 5%, indicating that σ = 5.0 dB [34]. It can be remarked that a higher path loss
the deviation of the measured values of τ0 and τrm s and the and a higher path loss exponent along the NLOS channel than
models (in dB) is normally distributed [32]. along the LOS channel is observed due to diffraction around the

human body and absorption of a large amount of radiation by TABLE IV

The model in (1) only represents the mean path loss [30].
We also have to take the variations with respect to the nominal
value into consideration. Therefore, a variation component (see
Section III-D) is included in propagation model. It is crucial
to account for this, in order to provide a certain reliability of
communications. The received signal strength pjr,dB at a node
j from a node i sending with transmitting power pis,dB over a Both transceivers work in the 2.4–2.4835 GHz band and have
distance di,j between the nodes, can be written as a very low power consumption. The appropriate values for the
pjr,dB (di,j ) = pis,dB − PdB (di,j ) − Xσ,dB [dBW] (5) parameters described above were obtained by fitting (9) and
(10) to the actual power consumption of the devices, which can
where PdB is the value predicted by the path loss model in be found in the datasheets. The distance used in (9) is the max-
(1) and the variation component Xσ,dB is a zero-mean Gaussian imal distance that can be reached between Tx and Rx. If the
random variable with standard deviation σ (specified by the path receiver is positioned a little bit further, it is no longer within
loss model). The condition for communication is that pjr,dB is the receive range of the sender and the received signal is below
higher than a certain threshold pth at the receiver. As a result, the sensitivity of the radio. This maximal distance is calculated
the probability Con(i, j) that two nodes i and j are connected for each output power level (pTx ) using (1) and (5) and the as-
can be formulated as sumption that the maximal path loss (PdB ) equals the difference
  between the sensitivity of the radio and pTx . A reliability of
Con(i, j) = Pr pjr,dB (di,j ) > pth (6)
99% is assumed. Table IV shows the results for both radios for
  the different values of the path loss exponent n for the LOS and
= Pr Xσ,dB − pis,dB + PdB (di,j ) + pth < 0 (7)
  the NLOS channel. It can be seen that the Nordic radio has a
1 1 −pis,dB + PdB (di,j ) + pth lower energy consumption per bit. This can be explained by the
= − erf √ . (8) higher bit rate that can be obtained by the Nordic transceiver.
2 2 2πσ
Hence, we will use the parameters of the Nordic radios in our
If a reliable WBAN is desired, for example, a connection prob- further calculations.
ability Con(i, j) of 99% can be demanded. In this investigation, the rms delay spread models proposed
An important element in analyzing the energy efficiency of a in Section IV-B do not have to be taken into consideration as the
network, is to have a good energy model of the radio at one’s delays of these models are very small. A widely accepted “rule-
disposal. As we are only interested in the energy consumption of of-thumb” is that without an equalizer a bit error rate greater
the communication, which is much larger than the energy used than 10−3 is achieved when the symbol duration is more than ten
for sensing [35], we ignore the latter in this paper. Different times the rms delay spread. For such low values of spread, the
energy models can be found in the paper. We have adapted the shape of he delay profile is not important [39]. The maximum
first-order model described in [36]. This model assumes a d2 value of τrm s is about 17 ns, along the torso at a distance of
energy loss due to channel transmission with d the distance 30 cm [see Fig. 9(b)]. Further, the symbol rate of the Nordic
between Tx and Rx. Here, we transform the model in a more nRF2401 radio is 1 µs [37]. Consequently, the delay spread can
general one by changing d2 to dn , where n represents the path be ignored and the implications on the network protocol are
loss coefficient (n = 3.11 for the LOS channel and n = 5.9 for negligible.
the NLOS channel). Doing so, the energy model becomes the
following: C. Studied Scenario
ETx (k, d, n) = ETxelec k + Eam p (n)kd (9) In this paper, it is not our intention to develop a routing
protocol for a WBAN. We merely want to show that a multihop
ERx (k) = ERxelec k. (10)
approach is inevitable in a WBAN when evaluating the energy
In these formulas, ETx [J] represents the transmission energy, efficiency. Therefore, we consider a regular tree network as it
ERx [J] the receiver energy, ETxelec [nJ/bit] and ERxelec [nJ/bit] allows a more generic way of approaching the problem. More
the energy dissipated by the radio to run the circuitry for the specifically, we assume a ζ-balanced tree, i.e., a tree where all
transmitter and receiver respectively, Eam p (n) [J/(bit·mn )] the the children have exactly ζ children. In Fig. 10, a balanced tree
energy for the transmit amplifier, and k [bit] the number of with ζ = 2 is depicted. There are L levels in the network that
bits sent. The radios are presumed to have power control and are numbered consecutively from level 1 for the nodes that are
consume the minimal energy needed to reach the receiver. The the furthest away from the sink up to level L for the nodes
specific values of these parameters are hardware dependent. We closest to the sink. We assume that the distance between the
have determined these parameters for two commercially avail- levels is fixed at an internode distance din . The spacing between
able transceivers that are frequently used in sensor networks: the nodes is uniform in order to make the analysis more general.
the Nordic nRF2401 low power single chip transceiver [37] and If a scenario was used with predetermined test locations of the
the Chipcon CC2420 transceiver [38] used in Telos-B motes. nodes on the body, the results would only be applicable to that

Fig. 10. Full binary tree topology (ζ = 2) with L levels and a fixed internode
distance din .

Fig. 11. Ratio of energy usage in the multihop scenario (E M H ) over energy
specific scenario. Indeed, it would be interesting to see how usage in the single-hop scenario (E S H ) for a tree topology (ζ = 2) with 4, 5,
this scenario would behave, but this information can also be and 6 levels (L) and internode distance din = 20 or 30 cm.
derived from our more general analysis with uniform spacing.
As mentioned in Section V-B, we distinguish between LOS and
given by
NLOS communication. The links between neighboring nodes is
modeled as a LOS situation. In other situations, the path loss for y −2

NLOS is used. By using both LOS and NLOS, communication EM H (y, din ) = ζ ζ i ERxelec k
from one side of the body to the opposite is considered. Further, i=0
by changing the distance din , communication between a leg or y −1

arm can be modeled. + ζ i k(ETxelec + Eam p (η)dηin ). (12)
We assume that all nodes in the tree network generate packets i=0
at the same rate, so during each duty cycle each node wants to
send one packet to the sink. Moreover, a perfect duty cycle is Due to the ζ-balanced tree, each node has ζ children, what
assumed, i.e., a sensor only turns on its radio when it sends or explains the factor ζ at the receiver part.
receives data. The main purpose of this approach is to orthogo- Fig. 11 shows the energy usage ratio EM H /ESH [–] of mul-
nalize the results from this paper and the properties of specific tihop versus single-hop scenario, in a tree network for ζ = 2
MAC-protocols. with 4, 5, or 6 levels and din = 20 or 30 cm. If EM H /ESH < 1,
As the energy efficiency is considered as one of the most then multihop is better and if EM H /ESH > 1, then single-hop
important performance issues of WBANs, we use the network is better.
lifetime as metric, which we define as the time for the first The results show that the nodes closest to the sink (at level 6)
node to die. In order to have a high network lifetime, the most perform really bad when using multihop: they become hotspots
consuming node should be made more energy efficient. This using more than 100 times the energy of the single-hop scenario
metric forces us to consider all nodes to be equally important, because they are relaying a lot of data from the nodes at the other
which corresponds to the fact that a WBAN has no redundant levels. However, far away from the sink, at level 1 in Fig. 11,
nodes. the single-hop scenario performs up to 1000 times worse than
We will try to improve the energy performance for this topol- the multihop scenario because of the much higher path loss. It
ogy. In a first instance, we use a very simple type of multihop is clear that distance plays an important role in these results.
routing where the data is sent to the nearest neighbor. In a sec- When the distance between the nodes increases, the high path
ond instance, the multihop routing is made more complex by loss in the single-hop scenario has a dramatical impact on the
adding relay devices and by letting the nodes cooperate. performance, resulting in a higher energy usage.

E. Improving the Energy Efficiency

D. Single-Hop Versus MultiHop
The results obtained in the previous section are used to im-
In the tree network of Fig. 10, the energy usage per bit for prove the energy efficiency of communication taking place in
a node at level y when using single-hop (ESH [J/bit]) can be WBANs. The network lifetime can be improved by tackling the
written as energy usage at the nodes consuming the most energy.
We observe that in the single-hop scenario, there is clearly
ESH (y, din ) = ETxelec + Eam p (n)((L − y + 1)din )n . (11) room for energy saving at the nodes further away from the
sink (see Fig. 11). These nodes consume the most energy and
Whereas the energy usage for a node at level y in a multi- consequently will die first. However, we also see that in the
hop network (EM H [J/bit]) with the tree topology of Fig. 10 is multihop scenario more energy is consumed by the nodes closest

will lower the energy consumption of these nodes, as was the

case with the relay devices. Hence, the network lifetime can be
improved without the addition of extra relay devices.
The following formula is used to calculate the number of
nodes that can be relayed by the nodes at level k when the
energy consumption is limited by the nodes at level l

ESH (l, din ) − ESH (k, din )
No. of nodes supported = (14)
ER (1, (L − k + 1)din )

with   representing the floor function. Using this formula,

it can be calculated that, e.g., for a network with an internode
distance din = 20 cm, the data of up to four nodes can be relayed
by the nodes at level 4.
Fig. 12 shows an example of the results when using the coop-
Fig. 12. Energy usage comparison between a single-hop, a multihop, and
eration approach in a tree network with ζ = 2 and din = 20 cm.
cooperating scenario for a tree topology with ζ = 2 and internode distance din The almost horizontal line of energy usage in the cooperating
= 20 cm. The energy consumption is more equally divided when the nodes network demonstrates a good trade off between single-hop and
cooperate, resulting in higher network lifetime.
multihop network setups, using a smart combination of both.
We can also see that the energy consumption of a node at level 4
to the sink (see Fig. 11), as they have to forward the data received or 5 in the cooperating network (sending its own data and relay-
from nodes further away. Based on these observations, we will ing the data of the other nodes) still remains slightly below the
consider two mechanisms that can be used in order to improve energy consumption of nodes at level 3. The maximal energy
the network lifetime considerably: relaying and cooperation. usage in the cooperating network (see Fig. 12) is a lot lower
A first solution encompasses the introduction of dedicated compared to the single-hop or multihop approaches, resulting
relay devices. These are special nodes that only handle traffic in a higher network lifetime
relaying and do not do any sensing themselves, thus more energy These last results show that a smart combination of single
is available for communication purposes. The main idea is that and multihop networking will result in the most energy efficient
proper placement of relay nodes can bridge the performance gap network topology. This information can be used by protocol
for the nodes far away from the sink in the case of single-hop developers in order to create energy efficient routing protocols
traffic and distribute the load from the nodes closer to the sink for WBANs. For example, this topology can be obtained by
in the case of multi-hop traffic. In this paper, we assume that the using a metric-driven protocol like [40] or by adaptation of
relay nodes are placed next to existing nodes, so the internode other hop-based protocols such as [41].
distance din remains the same.
For a node relaying traffic from z nodes, the energy usage VI. CONCLUSION
per bit ER in [J/bit] is similar to the energy usage of a regular
node in a multihop tree network [see (12)] minus the cost of Transmission between two half-wavelength dipoles near the
transmitting its own packets human body is studied at 2.45 GHz. Propagation measurements
are performed on two real humans, considering different parts
ER (z, din ) = z(ERxelec + (ETxelec + Eam p (n)dnin )). (13) of the human body separately. In total, 583 measurements are
performed, enabling a statistical approach. We characterize in
When properly placed, relay nodes can considerably improve this paper the path loss for different parts of the human body
the lifetime of the network, as we inject more energy in the (arm, back, torso, and leg) obtained by measurements on actual
network. However, it is not always feasible to use relay nodes. humans and by simulations with a realistic human body phan-
Specifically in the case of WBANs, placing more sensors on tom. For the investigated subjects in a multipath environment
users does not really improve comfort. Hence, other methods and a realistic phantom in free space, the path loss exponent is
need to be used. about 3.1 for line-of-sight communication. Path loss along arm
Another solution to improve the network lifetime, is cooper- and leg is similar. The path loss along the torso is the highest
ation, i.e., the nodes cooperate in forwarding the data from one of the investigated body parts. The path loss models obtained
node toward the central device. When we compare the energy from the simulations show a good agreement with the models
usage [J/bit] in a single-hop topology to the energy usage in a derived from the measurements, despite dissimilarities in the
multihop topology in Fig. 12, it is obvious that there is a lot configurations with respect to human body and environment.
of residual energy available at higher levels, i.e., the nodes the The cumulative distribution functions of the deviation of mea-
closest to the central device. Indeed, by using this energy sup- sured path loss and models are well described by a lognormal
ply, the lifetime of the network will be bounded by the energy distribution. The mean values and the standard deviations of the
usage of the nodes on level 3. The data of the nodes on level 1 fits indicate the lognormal behavior and show that the models
and 2 will be forwarded to level 4 and level 5, respectively. This agree excellently with the measurements.

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ACKNOWLEDGMENT Int. Symp. Pers., Indoor Mobile Radio Commun., Sep. 2006, pp. 1–5.
W. Joseph is a Postdoctoral Fellow of the FWO-V [18] T. Tayamachi, Q. Wang, and J. Wang, “Transmission characteristic anal-
ysis for UWB body area communications,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp.
(Research Foundation – Flanders). The authors would like to Electromagn. Compat. (EMC 2007), Oct., pp. 75–78.
thank T. Depessemier for helping us during the measurement [19] A. F. Molisch, K. Balakrishnan, C. Chong, S. Emami, A. Fort, J. Karedal,
campaign. J. Kunisch, H. Schantz, U. Schuster, and K. Siwiak. (2004). IEEE
802.15.4a Channel Model, Final Report. IEEE 802.15.4a Channel Mod-
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ACM SIGMOBILE Int. Workshop Syst. Netw. Support Healthcare Assisted cal engineering, and the Ph.D. degree from Ghent
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[34] A. Fort, J. Ryckaert, C. Desset, P. De Doncker, P. Wambacq, and L. Van respectively.
Biesen, “Ultra-wideband channel model for communication around the Since August 2003, he has been with the Broad-
human body,” IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 927–933, band Communications Networks Research Group, in
Apr. 2006. the Department of Information Technology, Ghent
[35] M. Welsh, “Exposing resource tradeoffs in region-based communication University/Interdisciplinary Institute for Broadband
abstractions for sensor networks,” SIGCOMM Comput. Commun. Rev., Technology (IBBT). He is also with the IBBT, since
vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 119–124, Jan. 2004. 2006. His current research interests include the de-
[36] W. Heinzelman, A. Chandrakasan, and H. Balakrishnan, “Energy-efficient velopment of energy efficient and reliable network
communication protocol for wireless microsensor networks,” in Proc. protocols for wireless body area networks and the development of network pro-
33rd Annu. Hawaii Int. Conf. Syst. Sci., Jan. 2000, vol. 2, p. 10. tocols and architectures for wireless sensor and actuator networks. He has also
[37] Nordic nrf 2401 datasheet. (2009). [Online]. Available: http://www. been actively involved in a number of national and international projects.
[38] Chipcon cc2420 datasheet. (2009). [Online]. Available: www.chipcon.
[39] J. B. Andersen, T. S. Rappaport, and S. Yoshida, “Propagation measure-
ments and models for wireless communicationschannels,” IEEE Commun. Bart Braem received the Master’s degree in com-
Mag., vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 42–49, Jan. 1995. puter science (magna cum laude) from the Univer-
[40] T. Parker and K. Langendoen, “Guesswork: Robust routing in an uncertain sity of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium. He is currently
world,” presented at the IEEE Int. Conf. Mobile Adhoc Sens. Syst. Conf., working toward the Ph.D. degree in the Department
Washington, DC, Nov. 2005. of Mathematics and Computer Science, University
[41] C. E. Perkins and E. M. Royer, “Ad-hoc on-demand distance vector rout- of Antwerp/Interdisciplinary Institute for Broadband
ing,” in Proc. 2nd IEEE Workshop Mobile Comput. Syst. Appl. (WMCSA Technology, since September 2005, where he is in the
1999), New Orleans, LA, USA, Feb., pp. 90–100. Performance Analysis of Telecommunication Sys-
tems Research Group.
His research interests include layer 2 and layer 3
solutions for reliable and energy efficient multihop
body area networks.

Günter Vermeeren was born in Zottegem, Belgium,

Elisabeth Reusens was born in Ghent, Belgium, on on March 9, 1976. He received the M.Sc. degree in
March 20, 1984. She received the Master of Science industrial engineering from the KAHO Sint-Lieven,
degree in electrotechnical engineering from Ghent Ghent, in July 1998, and the M.Sc. degree in electri-
University, Ghent, in July 2006. cal engineering from Ghent University, in July 2001.
In September 2006, she joined the Information From September 2001 to September 2002, he
Technology Department, Ghent University, as a Re- joined the Research and Development Department,
searcher. Within the INTEC department, she was en- Network Integrator Telindus, Leuven. Since Septem-
gaged in the Wireless and Cable Research Group. She ber 2002, he is a Research Engineer in the Wireless
is currently in the Department of Information Tech- and Cable Group of Professor Luc Martens in the
nology, Ghent University/Interdisciplinary Institute Department of Information Technology, Ghent Uni-
for Broadband Technology, where she has been en- versity/Interdisciplinary Institute for Broadband Technology, where, he has been
gaged in a project on interactive mobile medical monitoring and a Research involved in several projects in the field of radio frequency dosimetry, electro-
Foundation, Flanders (FWO) project, body area networks. Her research inter- magnetic exposure, and on-body propagation. His research interests include
ests include the characterization of the physical layer of wireless networks and numerical modelling as well as measurements of electromagnetic fields in the
the interaction of wireless systems with humans. proximity of humans.

Emmeric Tanghe was born in Tielt, Belgium, on Ingrid Moerman (M’95) received the degree in elec-
August 31, 1982. He received the M.Sc. degree in trical engineering, and the Ph.D. degree, both from
electrical engineering from Ghent University, Ghent, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, in 1987 and 1992.
in July 2005. She was a Part-Time Professor with Ghent Uni-
Since September 2005, he is a Research Assistant versity, in 2000. She is a Staff Member of the re-
in the Department of Information Technology, Ghent search group on broadband communication networks
University/Interdisciplinary Institute for Broadband and distributed software, Intec Broadband Communi-
Technology. His research interests include the mod- cation Networks, Ghent (,
eling of indoor and outdoor propagation through field where she is leading the research on mobile and wire-
measurements. less communication networks. Since 2006, she is in
the Department of Information Technology, Ghent
University/Interdisciplinary Institute for Broadband Technology, where she has
been coordinating several interdisciplinary research projects. Her current re-
search interests include wireless broadband networks for fast moving users,
mobile ad hoc networks, personal networks, virtual private ad hoc networks,
wireless body area networks, wireless sensor and actuator networks, wireless
mesh networks, fixed mobile convergence, protocol boosting on wireless links,
quality of service support in mobile and wireless networks, intelligent transport
systems, self-optimization in next-generation wireless networks, network archi-
tectures and protocols for heterogeneous mobile and wireless networks. She is
the author or coauthor of more than 400 publications in international journals
or conference proceedings.

Luc Martens (M’92) was born in Ghent, Belgium, Chris Blondia (M’97) received the Master degree in
on May 14, 1963. He received the M.Sc. degree in science, and the Ph.D. degree in mathematics, both
electrical engineering, in July 1986, and the Ph.D. from Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, in 1977 and
degree, in December 1990 from Ghent University. 1982, respectively.
From September 1986 to December 1990, he was a In 1983, he joined Philips Belgium, Brussels,
Research Assistant in the Department of Information where he was a Researcher, during 1986 and 1991 in
Technology, Ghent University, where he was engaged the Philips Research Laboratory in the group of com-
on the physical aspects of hyperthermic cancer ther- puter and communication systems. During August
apy with electromagnetic and thermal modelling and 1991 and end 1994, he was an Associate Professor
with the development of measurement systems for in the Computer Science Department, University of
that application. Since January 1991, he is a Mem- Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. In 1995, he
ber of the Permanent Staff with the Interuniversity MicroElectronics Center, joined the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science/Interdisciplinary
Ghent, and is responsible for the research on experimental characterization of Institute for Broadband Technology, where he is currently a Full-Time Professor
the physical layer of telecommunication systems in the Department of Infor- and Head of the Research Group in “Performance Analysis of Telecommuni-
mation Technology, Ghent University/Interdisciplinary Institute for Broadband cation Systems” ( His current research interests include
Technology. His research interest includes the health effects of wireless com- mathematical models for performance evaluation of computer and communi-
munication devices. Since April 1993, he is also a Professor of electrical appli- cation systems and the impact of the performance on the architecture of these
cations of electromagnetism with Ghent University. systems. He is the author of several papers in international journals and confer-
ences. He is the Editor of the Journal of Network and Computer Applications
and of the International Journal of Electronics and Communications.

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