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Advertising and Sales Management

Module – I
Advertising – Introduction, Nature and Importance; Communication Process and Model;
Advertising and Communication; Types of Advertising, The Organization of Advertising
Departments and Agencies; Advertising Decisions - Setting Objectives, Budget Decisions,
Media Selection; Evaluating Advertising Effectiveness-Pre and Post Tests. Ethics in
Module – II

Course Code: CUSCOM306DCE Max Marks: 100

M.Com : 3rd Semester Continuous Internal Assessment: NIL

Course Type: Discipline Centric Elective

Ethics in Advertising: Introduction, Perceived Role of Advertising; The Advertising

Standards Council of India (ASCI); Forms of Ethical Violations; Misleading advertising;
Advertising to children, Product endorsements, Stereotyping, Cultural, religious and racial
sensitivity in advertising, Obscenity in advertising
Module – III
Nature and Scope of Sales Management; Objectives and Functions of Sales Management;
Fundamentals of Selling; Process of Selling; Product and Customer knowledge; Types of Sales
Planning; Sales Planning Process; Sales Forecasting - Methods; Territory Allocation, Sales
Quotas and Sales Budgets.

Module – IV
Sales Force Management; Estimating Manpower Requirements for Sales Department;
Planning for Manpower- Recruitment and Selection; Training and Development; Placement
and Induction; Motivating Sales Force; Compensation and Promotion of Sales Force; Sales
meetings and Contests.
Suggested Readings
1. Norris, James S., Advertising, Prentice Hall, New Delhi, 2010.
2. Aaker, David, et. al., Advertising Management, Prentice Hall, New Delhi, 2008.
3. Johnson, Kurtz, Schewing, Sales Management, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2007.
4. Sandage, C. H. and Fry Burger, Advertising – Theory and Practice, Prentice Hall, New
Delhi 2006.
5. Stanton, W. J. and Spiro, R., Management of Sales Force, McGraw-Hill, New Delhi

1. Business Process Re-engineering & Management Journal, Emerald Insight

Journal Sales and Distribution, Klopotek & Partner GmbH

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