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ROLL NO : 33
 Introduction
 Motivational Approaches
i) Intrinsic
ii) Extrinsic
 Staff Motivation Strategies
1. The employee is always right.
2. The employee must feel safe.
3. The power of Acknowledgement
 Self Motivation
Self Motivation Action plan
1. Clarify the goal
2. Identify the obstacles
3. Handle each Obstacle
 Conclusion
 Motivation is the driving force which help
causes us to achieve goals.
 Workers in any organization need
something to keep them working.
 Sometimes just working for salary is
not enough for employees to stay at an
 If no motivation is present in an employee,
then that employee’s quality of work or all
work in general will deteriorate.
Motivational Approaches
Motivational Approaches
1. Intrinsic Approach
 Employees who enjoy their job and have
genuine interest in what they're doing
will respond best to intrinsic motivation.

 These employees enjoy their job's

challenges and pleasing their boss,
not because they feel they have to, or
because it pays so well, but rather
because they get personal satisfaction
out of it.
Motivational Approaches
2. Extrinsic Approach
 Extrinsic motivation is the process in
which people participate in an activity for a
tangible reward.

 Extrinsic rewards are the benefits and

pay that workers receive in return for
work, praise from superiors etc
Staff Motivation Strategies

1. The employee is always right

These employee motivation strategies

involve improving levels of trust between
the leadership of your company and staff.
1. The employee is
always right
i. Find the right job for the right
- When people enjoy and are challenged by their work
they become self-motivated.

ii. Empower employees

- Trust employees to make their own decisions and
make their own mistakes.

iii. Co-operation vs. Competition

- Excessive competition destroys morale. When teams
work towards a shared goal they become more
iv. Performance VS “Presenteeism”
- Do long hours necessarily equal quality work? Look
at whether your organization encourages a presentee
culture rather than valuing performance and results.

v. Involve employees in
company development
- Keep employees informed on new developments in
the organization and how their work impacts the
Staff Motivation Strategies

2. The employee must feel safe

These strategies focus that When staff feel

secure and nurtured in their work
environment they perform better.
2. The employee must feel
i. The 5:1 rule
Praise and recognize employees successes five
times as much as you constructively criticize them.

ii. Job security

Possibly the greatest single factor for a motivated
workforce. How can you improve job security and
fringe benefits?

iii. Lead your staff

Enable managers to coach their teams and create
opportunities for people who are keen to learn skills
and grow within the organization.
iv. Create a comfortable
working environment
Including relaxing the dress code where appropriate,
developing areas for socializing, creative thinking,
reading and giving employees quality spaces to work
in (larger desks, quiet, natural lighting etc.)

v. Treat employees fairly

When people feel they are treated fairly they remain
loyal to the company and motivated by their work.
Perceived inequality of treatment leads to
resentment, low moral and lack of self-motivation.
Staff Motivation Strategies

3. The power of

These employee motivation strategies

focus on how to praise, acknowledge
and give positive feedback.
3. The Power of
i. “How are you?”
Ask your staff how they are and listen to the
answer. Ask them how a big event went, ask
after their family, find out how their weekend
was. And LISTEN to their reply!

ii. Recognize their participation

as well as results
Even a bad idea is better than no idea at all.
Encourage your team to share their thoughts,
potential solutions and concerns making it safe
to make suggestions.
iii. Stand up for your people
Part of your job as a leader is to be an advocate for your
team. Instead of complaining about your team
members, get their help in looking for lessons and
moving forward.
iv. Praise in public, correct in private
At first they may be embarrassed by the public
recognition of their achievement…but they'll get over it
and glow on the inside. Equally, never undermine in
public. Save those conversations for a safe,
confidential environment.
v. Praise is an end in itself
Some managers only praise as a prelude to criticism.
Praise can stand alone. So instead of "I really liked your
recent report but…" try "I really enjoyed reading your
recent report. It was concise, accurate and well
presented". FULL STOP!
Self Motivation
 Self motivation is the ability to motivate
oneself, to find a reason and the
necessary strength to do something,
without the need of being influenced to
do so by another person. Working in a
careful and consistent manner without
giving up.
Self Motivation Action Plan
 Clarify Goals
 Identify Obstacles
 Handle each Obstacle
STEP 1 : Clarify the
 The first step of your Self-Motivation
Action Plan is to be clear about the
end result. Identify a project that
you lack motivation about.
 Your goals should be SMART. In other
words: Specific, Measurable, Agreed,
Realistic and with a Timescale.
STEP 2 : Identify the
 The second step of your Self-
Motivation Action Plan is to be clear
about what is standing in your way.
There are two types of obstacles -
practical and emotional.

 Examples of practical obstacles are

lack of time, resources or information.
 Examples of emotional obstacles are
lack of confidence or fear of failure
or rejection
STEP 3 : Handle Each
 The third step of your Self-Motivation Action
Plan is the most challenging. Go through each
obstacle and handle it.

 If the obstacle is lack of time, ask yourself

"How can I create time for this? What do I
need to stop doing, start doing or delegate in
order to create time?“

 If the obstacle is lack of confidence, ask

yourself "What am I afraid of? What is the
worst thing that could happen?" Often the
worst-case scenario is not as bad as you
 Motivation is the key to success in each
of our lives.
 Employees can give their best if they
are motivated.
 Employee’s satisfaction can lead
the company to the success.
Thank You!

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