Soal Bahas Inggris Kls X SMT Gnjil (LM) 2018-2019

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Ujian Semester Ganjil SMA Negeri 2 Sigli

Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019

Pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris (LM) Kelas: X (MIPA/IPS)

I. Read the following Conversation and then answer the questions.

Ben : Hi, Terry. How was your weekend?

Terry : Oh, it was terrible.
Ben : Really? What happened?
Terry : You know, my family and I planned to dine out at the weekend in “Paradiso”
Restaurant. When we got to the restaurant there were no empty tables.

Ben : Had you made a reservation before?

Terry : No, we hadn’t reserved.
Ben : You should have reserved a table. The restaurannts are usually crowded at the
Terry : Yeah, I should have, but I didn’t. By the way, how was your weekend, Ben?
Ben : It was terrific. We went to Blue Mountain. The view was so lovely and the weather
was so nice.
Terry : Oh, you’re so lucky, Ben. I should have gone there with you last weekend.
Ben : It’s alright, Terry. You can go there next time.
1. Where did Terry take his family last weekend?
2. What happened at the restaurant?
3. Why did it happen?
4. What’s Ben’s advice?
5. How was Ben’s weekend?

II. Put the verbs in brackets with “should” or “should have”.

1. Watch out! A car is coming. You (be) ..... carefull when you cross the street.
2. The man is coughing a lot. He (not smoke) ..... so much.
3. You (consult) ..... a dictionary if you don’t understand the meaning.
4. Look at the vase. It’s broken into pieces now. You (be) .....carefull. It was an expensive
Chinese vase.
5. Do you think I (apply) ..... for this job?

III. Put in will or won’t.

1. I am sorry I was late this morning. It ..... happen again.
2. It’s Aulia’s birthday next Monday. He ..... be 16.
3. Don’t drink coffee before you go to bed. You ..... sleep.
4. It ..... rain, so you don’t need to take an umbrella.
5. A: I don’t feel very well this evening.
B: Well, go to bed early and you ..... fell better in the morning.

$$$ Good Luck $$$

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