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(i) in rule 9, in both the Schedules, for the last item, "From
1-4-1982 onwards 786.80",
the following items shull bo substituted, namely—
"From 1-4-1982 to 28-2-1983 786.80
rom 1-3-1983 onwards 807.60";
(ii) in rule 10, in sub-rule (2), in clauses (a) and (c), for
the words and figures "Table 1, 2 or 11", the words
and figures "Table 1, 2. 11 or 13" shall be substituted;
(iii) in rule 11, in sub-rule (2), in clauses (b) and (c), for the
words and figures "Table 3, 4 or 12", the words and
figures "Table 3, 4, 12 or 14" shall be substituted;
(iv) in Tables Jl and 12, for the words and figures "on or
after 1st April, 1982", the words and figures "on or
after 1st April, 1982, but before 1st March, 1983", shall
be substituted ;
(v) after Table 12, the following Tables shall be inserted,

(See rule 10)
Amount, Inclusive of interest, payable on as account opened
on or after 1st March, 1983 and continued, with monthly de-
posits, beyond the maturity period or maturity period as ex-
tended under sub-rule (1) of rule 7,

Number of completed years for which Amount (Rs.) repay-

the account is continued able on an account
of Rs. 10/- denomi-

One year 1030.70

Two years 1280.20
Three years 1559.30
Four years 1871.30
Five years 2220.20

Note : The amount repayable on an account of any other

denomination shall be proportionate to the amount
specified above.

(See rule 11)
Amount, inclusive of interest, repayable on an account
opened on or after 1st March, 1983 and continued, without
any fresh monthly deposits, beyond the maturity period or
maturity period as extended under sub-rule (1) of rule 7.

Number of completed years for which Amount (Rs.) repa y

the account is continued able on an account G.S.R. 259 (E).—In exercise of the powers conferred by
of Rs. 10 denomi- section 12 of the Government Savings Certificates Act, 1959
nation (46 of 1959), the Central Government hereby makes the follow-
ing rules further to amend the National Savings Certificates
One year 903.20
(VI Issue) Rulca, 1981, namely:—
Two years 1010.00
Three years 1129.50 1. Short title and commencement.—(1) These rules may
Four years 1263.20 be called the National Savings Certificates (VI Issue) Amend-
Five years 1412.60 ment Rules, 1983.
Note :—The amount payable on an account of any other (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publi-
denomination styall be proportionate to the amount cation in the Official Gazette.
specified above."
2. In the National Savings Certificates (VI Issue) Rules,
[No. F-2/7/83-NS(U)] 1981, to rule 19, the following proviso shall be added namely:—
"Provided that where a certificate has been purchased
on or alter the 1st March, 19S3 by or on behalf of an indi-
vidual specified in the proviso to rule 8 and payment (here-
for has been made in any of the modes specified in the said
proviso, the amount Inclusive of interest payable on encash-
ment of the certificate at any time after the expiry of its
maturity period shall be Rs. 21.30 for the denomination of
Rs. 10/- and at proportionate rate for any other denomina-
tion. The interest as specified in the Table below shall
accure to the holder or holders of such certificate at the
end of each year and ihe interest so accured at the end of
each year upto the end of the fifth year shall be deemed to
have been re-invested on behalf of the holder and aggre*
gated with the amount of face value of the certificate.


The year for which interest accrues Amount of interest G.S.R. 260(E).—In exercise of the powers conferred by
accruing on a certi- section 12 of the Government Savings Certificates Act, 1959 (46
ficate of Rs. 10 of 1959), the Central Government hereby makes the following
denomination rules further to amend the National Savings Certificates (VII
Issue) Rules 1981, namely:—
Rs. 1. Short title and commencement.—(1) These rules may
First year 1.34 be called the National Savings Certificates (VII Issue) Amend-
Second year 1.52 ment Rules, 1983.
Third year 1.73 (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publi-
Fourth year 1.96
cation in the Official Gazette.
Fifth year 2,22
Sixth year 2.53 2. In the National Savings Certificates (VII Issue) Rules,
1981, in rule 19, to sub-rule (2) the following proviso shall be
Note :—The amount of interest accruing on a certificate of added, namely:—
any other denomination shall be proportionate to "Provided that where a certificate has been purchased
the amount specified in the Table above. on or after the 1st March, 1983 by or on behalf of an indi-
vidual specified in the proviso to rule 8 and payment there-
[No. F. 2/7/83-NS(iii)] for has been made in any of the modes specified in the said
proviso, the interest payable under this sub-rule shall be
calculated at the rate of 13 per cent per annum on the face
value of the certificate."
[No. F. 2/7/83-NS(iv)]
A.C. T1WARI, J. Secy,


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