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Manguiat, Ken Edward Q.

CE Laws


I’ve been into many seminars since my 1st year in our colegio. As a student without
any experience outside our school, I would say that I am against the CPD law (Continuing
Development Program). For me, attending more seminars is just a waste of time because
most of the seminars I attended are just plain boring. Not all the speakers are passionate
and most of them are introverted that’s why they can’t even get the attention of the
audience. How can you enjoy a seminar if you are just forced to attend in it facing those
boring speakers? I would not. Instead of wasting our time in attending the seminars why
not just spend it in our everyday jobs. This way, the pain of forcing yourself to attend and
losing your hard earned money would be eradicated. The CPD law is like your parents
forcing you to go to driving school even if your vehicle has automatic transmission.
Anyways, this is just my humble naïve opinion for now. I’m still a learning student and I
am open to the possibilities this law will offer us.

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