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At the end of the lesson the students will be able to
a. Define curriculum mapping
b. Enumerate the parts of curriculum mapping matrix
d. Create curriculum map for an assigned subject
e. Appreciate value of curriculum mapping

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Curriculum Mapping
References: Curriculum Development For Teachers by Bilbao, Dayagbil & Corpuz, pages 52-
Materials: Laptop, Manila Paper, Textbooks, Sound system, Pentel Pen, Masking Tape Values:
Discipline and Perseverance

III. Procedures
a. Learning Activities
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
1. Routine
Good Morning Class
Today we will learn something that is relevant for our profession as educator.

-Good Morning Ma’am

2. Motivation (Bring Me)

- Usually before the start of a semester, new students use the internet and google for a “map”
going to National Teachers College.

I am I - Yes mam.

Write the word “MAP” in the board

- The night before the class, you plan to bring complete school paraphernalia. Right?

- Write the word “PLAN” in the board

- So let us find out the “content” of your bag.

- Write the word “CONTENT” in the board.

- Let us play “Bring Me.” • After Bring Me….


Very good.
- So let us connect our game to the topic today which is curriculum mapping.

- Just an overview curriculum mapping is about a MAP (point the word “map” in the board) that
would help us teachers to PLAN for effective instruction and it has CONTENT that will guide
us attain desired learning outcome.

- Yes mam.

- The following objects will be asked in Bring Me: textbook, yellow paper pentel pen, watch,

3. Lesson Proper

Heidi Hayes Jacobs in 2004 is the proponent of curriculum mapping 2

It is a process that follows curriculum designing and done before curriculum


It is defined as a process of collecting & recording curriculum- related data that identifies the ff:
a. core skills
b. content
c. process d. & assessment - Let us go in detail : Core skills is a functional & employability
skills. Tools they need to prosper in a globalised world : Content refers to the body of
knowledge & info. that teachers teach & that students are expected to learn :Process is
determining how students will acquire the information & use it. :Assessment – determining
outcome of lesson.  It will answer the question...what did my child learn in school? • After the
video  Purpose Of Curriculum Mapping 1. Improve instruction 2. Maintain quality of
education through.... • Examples : Story telling, lecture, experiment 4. Examples are Quiz, post-
test 5. A video will be shown to students • A slide with heading “What did you notice?” will be
presented. Student will analyze the drawing in the slide/powerpoint. 3
• 4. - As analyze in the previous slide, curriculum mapping will... : 1. Prevents redundant
curriculum : 2. Addresses Academic Gap : 3. Resolves Misalignment : 4. Avoids academic
inconsistency  To further describe curriculum mapping. It is : 1. A planning tool 2. A procedure
for examining & organizing curriculum Allows educators to determine how SKILLS,
CONTENT & ASSESSMENTS will unfold over the course of the year, their pacing, & how
they blend with other subjects.  Let us proceed in CURRICULUM MAPPING PROCESS. The
steps are as follows: 1. Make a matrix / spreadsheet 2. Place a timeline that you need to cover 3.
Enter the Intended Learning Outcome, skills needed to be taught 4. Enter the content areas /
subject areas to be covered 5. Enter & Align the name of resources available 6. Enter teaching
learning methods to achieve outcome 7. Enter & Align the assessment procedure & tools to the
intended 6. Site an example. Use the next slide 7. Site examples. • Proceed in Curriculum
Mapping Process 4
• 5. learning outcomes, content areas & resources 8. Circulate the map among all involved
personnel for their inputs 9. Revise & refine map based on suggestions & distribute to all
concerned  Characteristic of curriculum mapping 1. It is a visual timeline that outlined desired
learning outcomes to be achieve. 2. Provides quality control of in what are taught in schools –
maintains excellence, efficiency & effectiveness 3. Can be simple or elaborate. 4. May be used
by individual teacher, a department, whole school or educ. system 5. It is transparency – anyone
can see it, including parents 6. It is a work in-progress 7. Provides good info for modification of
curriculum, changing standards & competencies 8. Should be coherent horizontally & vertically
 Let us go in detail and describe HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT. It is 1. Known as pacing guide
2. Will make all teachers, teaching the same subject in a grade level follow the same timeline &
accomplish same • Describe horizontal alignment in detail. 5
• 6. OUTCOME 3. For state-mandated, standard-based assessment  Whereas VERTICAL
ALIGNMENT will help us 1. see to it that concept development is in hierarchy or spiral form 2.
does not overlap 3. concept is from simple to more complicated  Alignment develops
INTERDICIPLINARY connections among teachers, students & other courses.  Curriculum
map for higher education ( or college degree). Steps are: 1. Make a matrix or a spreadsheet 2.
Identify the degree or program outcomes (eg. BSED) 3. Identify subject / courses under the
degree 4. List the subjects along the vertical cells of the matrix in a chronological/logical
manner 5. List the degree program outcomes along the horizintal cell (use code such as PO1,
PO2 etc. If too long to fit in a cell • Describe vertical alignment in detail. • Show matrix and
sample of curriculum mapping for college. 6
• 7. 6. Cross the Subject & the Outcomes. Determine if such subjects accomplishes the outcomes
as either: > Learned (L), > Performed (P) or > given Opportunity (O), Place code in
corresponding cell. 7. Fill up all the cells 8. After accomplishing the map, use it as a guide for
all teachers teaching the course for students to complete the degree in four years • L means that
students learned the topic; P means students learned & already using the knowledge acquired; O
means that teachers were given opportunity to teach the topic but failed to do so.

IV. Activity Students will their own curriculum map. This will be by group. Subject will be
assigned per group. Manila paper and pentel pen will be provided.

V. Generalization Students will summarize the topic by using fill in the blanks questions.
VI. Evaluation Paper and pen test. Matching type

VII. Assignment Research for other sample of curriculum map. 7

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