A Study On Customer Satisfaction of Axis Bank: (Kasumpti Branch)

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Submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the degree of




Department of Business Management

College of Horticulture

Dr. Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry

Nauni-Solan-1 73230 (HP)
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Dr. Kapil. Kathuria Department of Bu ines
As i tant Profes or College of Horticulture
Dr. Y. . Parmar University of
Horticulture and Fore try, Nauni
Solan (H.P.) - 173230


This is to certify that the project entitled A Study on Customer atisfaction of Axi
Bank (Kasumpti Branch), has been submitted to Department of Business Manage ment, ollege
of Horticulture, Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, auni ,
Solan (H.P.) by Miss Tanupriya Mankotia (H-20 I O-MBA-47) in the partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of Master of Business Administration of thi ni er it . To the b t
of my knowledge no part of this project has been submitted for any degree or diploma el ewhere
and the help received during the course of investigation and source of literature ha e b en dul

Place: Nauni, Solan Project d i or

Dated: 7/7/ ~

-. ·.

Thi i to certify that the project enti tled, A tudy on u tomer ati faction of Axi
Bank (Ka umpti Branch), has been ubmitted to Department of Busine Management, o ll ege
of Horticulture, Dr.Ya hwant ingh Parmar Univer ity of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni ,
olan (H.P.) by Mi Tanupriya Mankotia (H-201 O-MBA-47) in the partia l fulfillment of the
requirement for the degree of Master of Busine Administration. The project has been
approved by the xamination Committee after conducting an ora l examination in collaboration
with the external examiner.

· · · ~~?.:
(Dr. Kapil. Kathuria) <£JI)..:.~~ K~)

. . . .dk.
Project Advisor xternal xam 1ner

(Dr. Y . S. ~)i) I v
Head of Department

·······~~ : ·~-~tjj"V-
Dean, ollege of Horticulture

RTl I AT - Ill

Thi i. to nify thal all th rr tion, /modifi ations p in · o t by the xtcma l

xamincr h• v be n in rp rat d in the pr ~cct r ·p rt cntitl d, A tud on 'u. tomcr
11ti fa.ctlon of Axi B nk(K umpti Bran h), ubmiu d to Bu incs...
M na ement I lorticultur , r. Y hw nt in gh P rm <r nivcr ity of I lorti ultu c
and ,, r try, N' un i, Ian 11.P. by Mi T n priy M· n o i I 1-20 I J-MBl\-4 7) in the p· rtial
fulfillm nt of th r qu iremen r th d re Ma t r o R . in s I\ mini tration thi"i
niv r ity.

Dr. Kapi I. Kathuri a )
Pr ~ ct Advi or Profcs or
partmcnt f Business Mana cmcnl


I would like to offer my prime heartfelt salutations to the upreme God for the zeal and vigour
bestowed upon me all through the span of my project and helping me to smoothly go through
thi s e entful pha e of my life.

1t is my proud privilege to express my deep sense of gratitude and indebt to my esteemed project
advi or, Dr. K. Kathuria Assistant Professor Department of Business Management for his
incessant guidance, innovative ideas and affectionate attitude during the course of present study .

I am very obliged and thankful to our H.O.D Dr. Y.S.Negi, who provided hi s consi.;tent support
and suggestion during this program. -

I empathetically express my venerable thanks to Dr.K.K Sharma (Professor) Dr. Piyush Mehta
(Assistant Professor), Dr.Rashmi Chaudhary (Assistant Professor), Dr.Yasmin Janjhua (Assistant
Professor) and the entire staff of Department of Business Management, ni ersity of
Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni (Solan) for their moral support extended to me from time to

I would also like to thank my friends who directly or indirectly helped me for gi ing final hape
to my project.

I am sincerely thankful to my respondents who spared their valuable time to pro ide me the
pertinent information.

My fading memory pre ents me to acknowledge so many other people who helped me of the one
or other stage of this project work I acknowledge their cooperation.


I. I About Axi Bank 1-2
I .2 ustomer ati faction 2-4
1.3 ustomer ati faction in Bank 4
l .4 Review of Literature 5-6
1.5 Need of Study 6-7
1.6 Objective of Re earch 7

2.1 Data Collection 8
2.2 Analysis of data 9-1 0

3.1 Gender 11
3.2 Age Group 12
3.3 Qualification
3.4 Occupation 14
3.5 Monthly income 15
3.6 Duration
3.7 Difficulty in opening an a count 17
3.8 Minimum account balanc
3.9 Internet Banking ervic -22
3.10 ATM banking ervice
3.1 I Phy ical Factors
3.12 ati facti n with rvi e
3. 13 Suggestions 35

CHAPTER4 36-37
4.1 Conclusion 36
4.2 Suggestions 36-37
----- - -


A bank is a financial institution whose primary activity is to act as a payment agent for
customers and to borrow and lend money. It is an institution for receiving. keeping, and lendin g
money. Many other financial activities have been added over time, for example bank s are
important players in financial markets and offer financial services such as mutual funds . In so me
countries such as Germany, banks are the primary owners of industrial corporations \"hile in
other countries such as the United States banks are prohibited from owning non-financial


Banks have influenced economies and politics for centuries. Historically. the primary purpose of
a bank was to provide loans to trading companies. Banks provided funds to allow bus inesses tn
purchase inventory, and collected those funds back with interest when the goods were sold. I-or
centuries, the banking industry only dealt with businesses, not consumers . Banking se rv ice s have
expanded to include services directed at individuals, and risk in these much smaller transactions
is pooled.


Axis Bank was the first of the new private banks to have begun operations in 1994. atler th1:
Government of India allowed new private banks to be established. The Bank was pmmotl'd
jointly by the administrator of the specified undertaking of the Unit Trust of India. Lite Insurance
Corporation of India and General Insurance Corporation of India and other four PSlJ insurarKL'
companies, i.e. National Insurance Company Ltd .. The New India Assurance Compan~ l.td .. I hr
Oriental Insurance Company Ltd . and United India In surance Company Ltd .
The bank's Registered Office is at Ahmedabad and its Central Oflice is located at ~1umhai
Presently, the Bank has a very wide network of more than 7"2.9 branch offices and l.:\tl'nsil'll
Counters. Notwithstanding the immense benefits that internet hanking bring~. the Bani.- al"ll ha"
other distribution channels.

The Bank' International Debit Card, which come with the avings Bank Account, per onalized
and carrying a unique insurance cover for every account holder, has received an excellent
re ponse from cu tomer , with over I 09 lakh debit cards having been is ued as at end December
2008. Axis Bank is the fir t bank to offer the at par cheque facility, free of co t, to all our
Savings Bank customer in all the places across the country where the Bank is currently present.
By virtue of thi facility, customer can now use the at par cheque to make cheque payment (up
to a ceiling of Rs. 50,0001- per instrument) to any beneficiary at any of these place They also
offer the international Travel Currency Card in nine currencies. The Travel Currency Card is a
ignature based pre-paid travel card that enables traveler's global acces to their money, in the
local currency of the country they are visiting, in a safe and conve~ient way.


Customer satisfaction is a measure of how products and services upplied by a company meet or
surpass customer expectation . Customer satisfaction is defined as the number of cu tomers, or
percentage of total customers, whose reported experience with a firm , it products, or it er ice
exceeds specified satisfaction goals. It is a degree of satisfaction pro ided b the good or
services of a company as measured by the number of repeat cu tomer . u tomer ati faction i a
long-term strategy. Customer satisfaction is a competitive advantage that la ts o er the long term
(Schnaars, 1991) 13 • In the past few years subject of satisfaction and di ati faction h re ei ed
a great deal of attention from academic researcher . Engel and Blackwell ( 1982)6 defined
satisfaction as an evaluation that the chosen alternative i a consi tent with pri r belief ""ith
respect to that alternative. ati faction implie a con ciou d delib rate e aluation of
outcomes. If expectations are matched the outcome of course, i- ati faction . When altemali e
is perceived as falling short in ignificant way di th re ult . ati fa tion and
dis atisfaction of course repre ent extreme points n a ntinuum .

Customer sati faction i a pre-conditi n t comp tit i n in bu in

marketing concept which i on f th ba i bu in phie f t a h Id · that th
organization ta k i to determin th n f targ t m
ti faction mor effective! than rup tit th l !"\ e r
enhance th con um r and II m .

ati fied cu tomer are th e people who get what they have been told about a product or
ervice. The company delivers on ati fying its customers by providing various ervices so that
cu tomer do not hift to competitor's product or ervice. u tomers only consider a competitor
if and only if it offers a better solution (service) for the same package at a lower price. If the
sati faction is high, then the customer has intension of liking the company and recommending its
ervice to an ther per on .

On the other hand, di ssati fied customer are those who e perfonnance fall hort of expectation .
They believe that they don ' t get what was promi sed to them. They only stick to the compan
because the service is very essential to them and there is no alternative source.


According to the American Marketing Association customer ati sfaction i defined as. ·'The level
of a person felt state resulting from comparing a product per eived perfonnance in relation to the
person ' s expectations .

);>- Howard and Sheth (1969) 7, defines customer sati faction as. ''the bu er' ogniti e Late
of being adequately or inadequately rewarded for the acrifice he ha undergone"

A~ defined by Westbrook ( 1980)

);>- customer sati faction refers to the fa rabilit) of th e
individual s subjective evaluation of the variou o utcom and e. perien e iated
with using or consuming a product .
As defined by wan , Trawick and arroll ( 1980 , u tomer ati fa ti n 1 ... on u~

evaluation or cognitive judgment that th produ t h p rfi rm d rel ti I w II r p rh

or that the product wa uitabl purp n ther di men. ion of
ati faction involv affi ct f fe ling t ard th pr u t".

Oliver (1981 h d fin ti fi ti n a , ·· n e lu ti n f th · :urpri c
inh rent in a produ t cqui iti n an r ti n e.. en ·e. the
ummary p ych I tat r ultin " h n th m ti n unding di · nfinnc

expectation coupled with the consumer' prior feeling about the consumption


Focusing on the comparison of the reward and costs of the purchase relative to
anticipated consequences hurchill and urprenant ( 1982) ,defined customer sati faction
a an outcome of purcha e and use re ulting from the buyer's compari on of the
rewards and costs of the purchase relative to anticipated consequences. perationall .
similar to attitude in that it can be assessed as a summation of atisfaction with various


)- Westbrook and Reilly ( 1983) defined cu tomer satisfaction as, "an emoti
to the experiences provided by and associated with particular product or ervice
purchased, retail outlets or even molar patterns of behavior uch as hopping and bu) er
behavior as well as the overall marketplace . An emotional re ponse triggered b) a
cognitive evaluative process in which the perception of an object, action, or condition
are compared to one's values (or needs wants desire r·.

)- On the basis of experience, Cadotte Woodruff and Jenkin "' con eptualtzed
I 987t, .

· customer satisfaction as, "a feeling developed from an e aluation of th u e e ' peri nee ...

1.3 Customer Satisfaction in ank

ln today s competitive environment relation hip marketing i critical t . Banking

in a customer oriented ervice industry and Indian bank ha e tarted realizing that u me
depends on client ervice and the ati faction of th hi them t
improve cu tomer service and build r lation hip u t m r n lead t

relationship building . and developing a n hip mar~eting

practice in Indian banks by capturing th ti m " ith


A review of existing knowledge provides an understanding about various concepts in any

discipline; such review assist in fo rmulation of problem and election of appropriate
methodology. Following studies have been reviewed on customer ati faction in bank .

Mihelis ( 1999) 11 , found that customer satisfaction represents a modern approach for quality in
enterprises and organisations and serves the development of a truly customer-focu ed
management and culture. Measuring customer satisfaction offers an immediate. meanin gful and
objective feedback about client's preferences and expectations .. Although sales or market hare
can indicate how well a firm is perform ing currentl y, satisfaction is an indicator of how likely it
is that the firm ' s customers will make furth er pu rchases in the future . In thi way, compan y's
performance may be evaluated in relation to a set of satisfaction dimension that indicate the
strong and the weak points of a business organi ati on.

Das (1999)5, emphasised customer service is the primary end of any bank. cu tomer alway s
wants something and expects that the bank should come up to th le el to fulfil tho e ne d ·.
Service quality is about meeting customers' need and requi rement , and how well the service
level delivered matches customer expectations. According to her. cu tomer ati faction i - an
ambiguous and abstract concept and the actual mani fe tation of the tate of ati fa tion will var)
from person to person and product/ ervice to produ er tee. he state of ati fa tion depend ,
on a number of both psychological and physical ariable which correlate with -ati facti on
behaviors such as return and recommend rate. The le el of sati fa ti n an al ar) depending
on other options the cu tomer may have and ther product again t whi h the ·u. tomer can
compare the organization's products.

Khatri (2004)9 emph i ed that with th d ent f Ii ralizati n and R I' e ' \ n rm ·
everal private and ~ reign bank h e ntered in lndi n
cut throat competition am ng t bank ~ r acquiring larg I '"ith
many cu tomer and rend f tee m arc not

ti fied with th rvi th nk then th " ill d vhi h \\ill impac t

a a wh m ban in

Many a time it happen that the bank fail to ati fy the ir cu tomer which can cause huge losse
for banks. The purpo e of thi s study is to stud y customer satisfaction The objective has been
laid down for understanding the reasons of customer dissatisfaction and the opportunity areas
wherein the e banks need to focus and strengthen thei r customer relation hip.

Jham (2008) 8 , emphasized that bankin g is a customer oriented services indu tr and Indian
banks have started realiz ing that busine s depends on c lient serv ice aad the ati faction of the
customer. Thi s is compelling them to improve customer service and build relation hip with
cu tomers. Organization need to retain exi ting cu tomer while targeting non-cu tomer .
Measuring customer satisfaction provides an indi cation of how uccessful the organization is at
providing products and/or services to the marketplace. T he three relation hip dimension ,
namely, traditional services, multi channel banking and interna l marketing, lead to customer
satisfaction .

Bena (20 l 0) emphasised where companie need to fi ght fo r their ur i al, render d e ident
that building and managing relationships with customer i ital. At the ba i of e er. long term
relationship lies the customer satisfaction. Customer ati fac ti on i measured at the indi-v idual
level but it is almost always reported at an aggregate le e l. It can be, and often i -. mea ured
along various dimensions In the service area the con truct of ati faction i b und to the
inter.action with the service provider, conferring to the e aluati n e n greater imp rtan c.


A is Bank Limited is an Indian financial ervi fi rm that had b gun p rati n m I 94. alter
the G vemment of India all ed ne pri at ban be tabli hed . ,-i bani-- ha "er.
effectiv ly emerged as a ery tr ng mp tit r am ng t th pri at bank . H \Ve\ r due t th ·
trong competition and n uat pr fita ilit . re ming
.... · mam. 1f
it dev ted u tomer f th K umpti bran h nk arc \\it hing o er t tha . er. i ·c
pr ide .

With better understanding of customers' perceptions, the bank can determine the actio ns required
to meet the customers' needs. They can identify their own strength s and weaknesses. where they
stand in comparison to their customer needs and expectations. chart out path future progress and
improvement. Customer satisfaction measurement helps to promote an increased focus on
customer outcomes and stimulate improvements in the work practices and processes used wi thin
the bank branch. The present stud y is formulated in the direction o f assess in g custome r
satisfaction level so that Axis Bank, Kasumpti can reformulate its strategy . It is ex pected th at
that results of present study will be helpful to Axis bank in drafting variou s pl ans.


~ I. To identify the expectations of the customers of Axis Bank.

~ 2. To measure the performance of Axis Bank on the expectations.
~ 3. To compare the performance of the Axis Bank w ith the cu stome r's ex pec tati ons to
measure customer satisfaction.



Methodology describes the way to systematicall y sol ve the problem. In it we describe the various
steps that are generally adopted by a researcher in studyin g his problem along wi th the logic
behind them.

The study was conducted among customers of Kasumpti branch of Ax is Bank in him la town .

2.1 Data Collection

Present study is prominentl y based on the analys is of primary data co llected through a

In this method questionnaire was provided to the customers of Axis Bank. The que tionnaire
consisted of about 16 questions, out of which 15 were objective and I open ended que tion .The
customers were asked about their views regarding the bank.

The questionnaire was divided into 3 parts. Part I was designed to seek to the in fo rmation on
demographic variables such as gender, age group, qualification, monthly income etc. Part II of
the instrument was designed to elicit the responses to find out the leve l of importance attached to
different bank services. The higher mean value reveals hi gher leve l o f customer importance
while lower mean value reveals lower level of customer importance. The fac tor affecting the
customer satisfaction s.uch as internet banking services, A TM banking ervice and ph i al
factors were taken into consideration. Part Ill of the instru.-.ent was de igned to e licit the
responses to find out the level of satisfaction attached to different bank erv ice . The le el of
satisfaction has been examined with 5= highly satisfied , 4= sati fi ed, 3= nei ther ati tied nor
unsatisfied, 2=unsatisfied, I= highl y satisfied . The hi gher mean alue reveal higher I el f
customer satisfaction while lower mean value revea l lower leve l of cu tomer ati faction .
sample of 60 convenie~tly. chosen customers was urveyed.

2.2 Analy is of data

Data collected from the que tionnaire for the demograph ic variable was analyzed by the
percentage method. Percentage method refer to a kind of ratio which is used in making
comparison between two sets of data.

2.2. 1 The formula used for calculating percentage:

p = - x 100


P= Percentage

X= Number of specified respondents falling in specifi c category

Y= Total number of respondents

Remaining data collected from the questionnaire was analyzed by worki ng out atisfaction rati
and satisfaction score which were on each service calculated as follow :

2.2.2 Satisfaction Score:

,. __,. , , ,
Where: 'r . .' ' " i ; II!

A = Overal I satisfaction • '1 47781.·..:

ni = number of re ponse .

Wj = weight a igned to differ nt param t r.

N= Total number of pe pl .

2.2.3 ati faction ratio for each pID'.ameter was calculated by the fonnula:

Satisfaction Ratio = . f .
5 atis action


Results and Discussions

This chapter presents the results of the survey of the respondents and di scusses them.

3.1. Gender

Table 1
. Gender composition
Male Female Total
Frequency 28 32 60
Percent 46.7% 53.3% 100

e 50
q 40
u 30
e • Series!
c 10
y • 0
Male Female Total


Graph I

Table I represents the gender composition of the ample. It i ob rv d that u tomers f

Bank are equally divided as per gender with 46.7% b ing ti male and 53. % being mat hi
reflects that the services of the Bank are probably fi mat friend I a the ar ttra t m r
females though, urban areas like himla have le er ti mal p pulation .

.2. A roup

'f bl 2
·r o · I

15% SOA I 0

• ( (11'',l

OV r


ph 2

" able 2 depi th a ,

th cu mer rvcd t m he cu tom·
f Axi ank lie between m of the
bran h ar middle c m ch ' c in

th prim of th ir nd h n pr ly h v hi in m

3.3 Qualifiaction

abl 3
Matric Intermediate Graduation Post- Total
Frequency 2 2 25 31 60
Percent 3.33% 3.33% 41 .6% 51 .6% 100




( 20

15 • Seriesl


0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Matric Intermediate Graduation Post-Graduation


Graph 3

Table 3 displays the education profile of the cu tomer . It i en that 9 .2% f th f

Axis Bank are highly educated. Therefore it can b infi rr d that m t f the u t m ar a\ are
about the various service of the bank.

3.4. Occupation

Table 4
Employed in Employed in Business Any other Total
govt. sector private sector
Frequency 17 20 8 15 60
33.3% 13.3% 25% . 100
Percent 28.3%

~ 14
c 12
~ 10
6 • Seriesl
0 ...-~~~~--.-~~~~~-.--~~~~---..,...--~~~~~

Employed in Employed in Business Any other

govt. sector private sector


Graph 4
Table 4 shows that 61.6 % of the customers of Axi Bank are employee and remaining con i t
of business people and entreprenuers. This skew may be due to the I cati n of th bank whi h i
surrounded by offices and re idential area .

3.S. Monthly family income

Table 5
Monthly inome
Below t I 0,000 t I 0 000-20,000 ?25,000-35 000 Above t 35,000 Total
Frequency 3 10 23 24 60
Percent 5% 16.6% 38.3% 40% - 100

! 15 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
• Seriesl

Below Rs 10,000 Rs 10,000-20,000 Rs 25,000-35,000 Above Rs 35,000

Monthly Income

Graph 5

Table 5 shows that about 78.3% of the customers of A i Bank ha e month I inc m from all
sources above Rs 35 000 per month. Only 5% of the cutomers ha e famil y inc m be l w R
10 000 which depicts bank focu e on middle cla p pie wh re highly edu at d .


Table 6
1-2 years 3-Syears 6- IOyears Above Total
Frequency 14 28 23 24 60
Percent 23.3% 46.6% 38.3% 40% 100


~ 20
!: 16

r 10

• Seriesl

Above 10 yaers


Graph 6 1

Table 6 shows that most of the customers of Axis bank have th ir account wi th the bank for th
last 3-5 years. This may be due to inadequate e rvices pro ided by the bank or may be u t me rs
have joined only in last 5 years. This implie that the cu tomers of i Bank, K umpt i ha e
not been with them fo'r a·very long time.

3.7. Difficulty in Opening an Account

Table 7
Problematic account opening
Yes No Total
Frequency 19 41 60
Percent 31.6% 68.3% 100

~ 30
GI 25
20 • Seriesl
"" 15
Yes No
Procedure to open an account was difficult or not

Graph 7

Table 7 depicts the perception of customers regarding ease of openin g a sa mg bank account
with Axis Bank. It is seen that most of he customer did not face an difficult to open an
acount with the bank. 3 1.6% of customers did face difficult in op ning a bank a ount which i
the substantial proportion of cu tomers. Thi ignifie that the bank hould re i \ it ac ount
opening policies and procedure .

· .8. Mn mum ount b I n ·

'I bl 8

th minim tn ly '..; Ofl ly ., f) I
Ar I i
ti .

7 60
11 .6% 0 I( ()

• r -.1


ph 8

pi ion n
lh l . % o th cu tom ·r i n hi h ' n J
y l muint in. Thi 'm y du · th in m in r I iv ly hi h.
3.9 Internet Banking Services

Table 9

Internet Banking Service

Feature Importance Satisfaction Satisfaction ratio

I Page setup 4.1 4.0 1.0

2 Menu flow 3.7 3.9 1.0
3 Ease of use 4.2 3.9 0.92
4 Speed of page loading 3.8 3.7 0.97
5 General assessment 3.8 3.8 1.0
about services
6 Security 4. 1 3.7 0.9

3.9.1 Page Setup

-B~ 4

ic 2 • Seriesl I

[ 0 -----~-----~
.§ Importance Satisfaction

Page setup

Graph 9

Graph 9 shows the import~nce of the page setup of the web ite and satisfaction of the
respondents with the same. It can be seen that the respondents con idered page etup as
important. The customers state that they are satisfi ed with the performance givi ng the sati faction
ratio as I, which is high, and, signifies that customer expectation fro m page etup.

3.9.2 Menu Flow

Menu Flow

• Seriesl
Importance Satisfaction

Menu Flow

Graph 10

Graph I 0 presents the importance attached to the menu flow and the satisfaction of the
respondents. Lt can be seen that the respondents somewhat feel the importance of menu flow . The
customers state that they are somewhat satisfied with the performance giving the satisfaction
ratio as I (table 9), which is good as the customers' expectation from menu flow is be ing met.

3.9.3 Ease of Use

Ease of Use

i.. 5
....... c
c- 0 0 • Seriesl
t Importance Satisfaction
.§ Ease of use

Graph 11

Graph I I depicts the importance attached to ease of u ati fa ti n of the

respondents with the same. It can be r d
' .
important. The customers state that they are ati fi d ith th p rti rman f the b nk
sati faction ratio as 0.92 (table 9) thi mean that th ugh th are ti fi \! ith f
use of Axis Bank web site there i. a littl ope f impr m nt in thi .

3.9.4 peed of Loading Page

peed of loadin g page

• Seriesl
Importance Satisfaction

Speed of loading page

Graph 12

Graph 12 depicts the importance of the speed of loading page and sati sfaction of the re pondent
with the same. Lt can be seen from the graph that the respondents con idered peed of page
loading important. The customers affirm that they are satisfied with the perform ance of the bank.
The satisfaction ratio is 0.97 (table 9) which mean that there i a sli ght cope f impro ement
with speed of loading page of Axis Bank website.

3.9.5 General Assessment about Service

General assessment about service

/ 3.8 3.8
i 5
~ 0 • Series!
c ;: 0
~ importance satisfaction
~ General assessment

Graph 13

Graph 13 presents the ,importance of the general a m nt about th rv1ce f the bank and the
sati faction of the re pondent with the ame. It ndent - on ·idered
general asse sment as same in both th ca 1. • 3.8, gi mg I. Thi m ) be
due to the effort made by th bank whi h ar m a nt .

3.9.6 Security


• Seriesl

Importance Satisfaction


Graph 14

Graph 14 shows the importance of security with the bank and sati faction of the re pondent . It
can be seen that the respondents considered security as important feature in internet bankin g
service. The customers state that they are pleased with the perfonnance of the bank. The
satisfaction ratio is 0.9(table 9) which is high but indicates ome cope for impro ement.

Table 9 presented the respondents opinion regarding the internet banking ervices. It can b een
that on all the paramet~rs i.e. page setup menu flow general as e ment, p d of page loadin g
Axis bank is doing well as the satisfaction ratio on the e parameter i I. H w r th re i op

for improvement on ease of usage and security dimension of internet banking rv 1c a the
are seen to have satisfaction ratio of 0.91. Overall sati faction c re fi r internet banking erv1 ce
is .91.9 which is noticeably high thus depicting that the bank i putting I f effort ~ per
expectations of the cu tom er. ·

3.10 ATM banking ervice

able 10

ATM banking ervice

Feature Importance ati faction a ti fac tion
I ATM network di tribution 4.5 4.0 0.9
2 Continuou erv1ce 3.9 3.8 0.9
3 Variety of transaction 3.9 3.9 1.0
4 Easy of screen u e 4 3.8 0.9
5 Overall as e sment about the 3.7 3.6 0.9
6 Security 4.1 3.8 0.9

3.10.1 ATM Network Distribution

~ 5
:I 4 - -
lc 3

• Seriesl

Importance Satisfaction

ATM network distribution

raph 15

Graph 15 show the imp rtance of ATM netw rk di tributi n ith the b nk nd ti fa ti n f
the respondents. Jt can be en that th r p nd nt
important which is almo t am a th re g1 en by th cu t m th bank. "'ith
sati faction ratio a 0.9, which i high but ind icat fi r impr em nt.

3.10.2 Continuou Service


• Seriesl

Importance Satisfaction

ATM Continuous service

Graph 16

Graph 16 displays the importance of the continuous ervice attached to A M banking services
and satisfaction of the respondents with the same. It can be seen that the re pondents considered
continuous service as important. The customers state that they are sati sfied with the performance
giving the satisfaction ratio as 0.9. This means that though the customers are ati fied with
continuous service of ATM of Axis Bank, there is a little scope of improvement.

3.10.3 Variety of Transactions



• Seriesl

i ,,
.§ Importance Satisfaction

ATM Variety of tranactions

Graph 17

Graph 17 pre ent the importance with ariety of tran a ti n and ati fa ti nd nt .
It can be seen that the respondents con idered ari t ti n a imp rt.ant feature in
A TM banking service. The customers tate that th y ar ti fi d ith th perfi rman e. The
satisfaction ratio is 1.0 which i high and t the ti fa ti"on f th bank.

3.10.4 Easy of Screen Use
t: 3.86
i 4

l 2 • Seriesl

i" 0
Importance Satisfaction
Easy of screen use

Graph 18

Graph 18 shows the importance attached to ease of screen use with A TM bankin g service and
satisfaction of the respondents with the same. It can be seen that the respondents considered ease
of screen use as an important feature. The customers state that they are satisfied with the
performance with satisfaction ratio as 0.9, which though high , has scope for improvement.

3.10.5 Overall Assessment of ATM Service

• Seriesl

Importance Satisfaction

Overall assessment about ATM

Graph 19

Graph 18 shows the importance related to overall as e ment about the rv1c and ati faction
of the respondent . rt can be een that the re pondent c n idered o erall p rfi rmance f the
A TM as important. The customers tate that they are sati fied with th ov rail M rv1ce
performance. The satisfaction ratio is 0.9 which i nearl high but thi rvice can b impro ed
a bit.

3.10.6 ecurity



2 • Seriesl
Importance Satusfaction

Graph 20

Graph 20 presents the importance attached to the securi ty m A TM bankin g serv ice and
satisfaction of the respondents. It can be seen that the respondents con idered ecurity as
important. The customer state that they are ati sfied with the performance. ati faction ratio for
the same is 0.9, which though high, has scope for improvement.

Table 10 presented the opinion of the customers regarding the ATM banking ervice . It can be
seen that on all the parameters i.e. ATM network di tribution, continuou ervice ease of creen
use, overall assessment about the service security Ax i bank is doing fin e as the sati faction
ratio is nearly 1 (0.9). However the sati faction for variety of tran action ~ i I, which how the
bank is doing well. Overall sati sfaction for A TM banking e · e i 93 . 1. he total cu tom r
satisfaction implies that the bank is matchin g up to the expectations of the cu t m r .

3.11 Phy ical Factors

Table 11

Physical Factor
Feature Importance Satisfaction ati faction ratio

I Cleanliness 4. ] 4.4 1.0

2 Layout access to entrance 3.9 3.8 o.g

3 Visibility of signboard 4 4.1 1.0

4 Space availability for sittin g 4 3.9 1.0
5 Space availability for 3.8 3.75 1.0
6 Easy availability of loose 3.7 3.81 1.0
pay in slips
7 Availability of staff:

(i) for any enquiry 4.0 4. 1 1.0

(ii) listening to your 4.0 3.9 0.7
(iii) For providing publicity 3.6 3.85 1.0
8 Compliance of standing 3.6 3.91 1.0
9 Courteous behavior of 3.8 3.68 I.
members of staff
10 Experience about locker 3.5 3.9 1 I. I
service regi ter on demand .

3.11.1 Cleanline s

• Seriesl

Importance Satisfaction


Graph 2 1

Graph 21 presents the importance of cleanliness in bank and satisfaction of the re pondents wi th
the same. It can be seen that the respondents considered cleanl iness as important ph ical factor.
The customers state that they are highly satisfied with the performance of the bank giving the
satisfaction ratio as 1, which is high and thus to the satisfaction of the bank.

3.11.2 Layout Access to Entrance

• Series!

Importance Satisfaction

Layout access to entrance

Graph 22

Graph 22 displays the importance attached to the layout a ce t entrance and ti fa ti n f the
respondents. It can be een that the re pond nt on id red la ut a ce ntran e an
important factor. The customer tate that the ar ati ft d ith the p rli rman . ati fa tion
ratio for the same is 0.9 which i nearl y high.

3.11.3 Vi ibility of i n board


l& 0
• Seriesl

Importance Satisfaction
.§ Vlslblllty of signboard

raph 23

Graph 23 how the imp rtance related t vi ibility of ignb ard and ati facti n of the
re pondents with the ame. It can be een that the respondent con idered vi ibi lity f ignboard
a an important factor. The cu tomer affirm that they are hi ghl y satisfi ed with the performance
with ati faction ratio as 1.0, which i high, and is thu to the atisfacti n of the bank .

3.11.4 Space Availability for Sitting

~ 3:9

il 5
...... 3
~ 2
• Senesl
t: 1

Importance satisfaction

Space availability for sitting

raph 24

raph 24 how the imp rtance a ciated with th a ai labi lity fi r ining in the ank and
ati faction of the re pond n . It can b ilabilit
for itting as an important fact r.
giving the sati faction ratio a I wh ich i g mer
availability i being met.

3.11.5 pace Availability for Writing

j 5~
~ 3.8 3.75

c 0/ ~ • Series l
~ Importance Satisfaction
£ Space availability for writing

Graph 25

Graph 25 pre ent the importance related to the pace availability for writin g in th e bank and
satisfaction of the respondents. It can be een that the re pondents con idered pace availability
for writing as an important factor. The cu tomer state that they are sati tied with the
performance giving the ati faction ratio as I which is hi gh and to the atisfaction of the bank.

3.11.6 Easy Availability of Loose Pay-in-Slips

• Seriesl

Importance Satisfaction

Easy availability of loose pay in slips

Graph 26

Graph 26 how the imp rtance attached t the easy a ailability f I p y m lip in the ban k
and satisfaction of th r p nden.t with th am . It an b e n that the re p ndent
easy availability of I o . pay in lip a imp rtant. h are 'ati lied
with the performance giving th ati fa ti n rati a I, hi h i hi gh. nd, ignitie the
cu tomer 'expectati n f a y av ila ility f I pa in lip

3.11.7 Availability of Staff:

(i) For any enquiry




• Seriesl

Importance Satisfaction
For any enquiry

Graph 27

Graph 27 shows the importance as ociated with the availability of the taIT member for any
enquiry and satisfaction of the respondents. Lt can be seen that the respondents considered staff
availability for any enquiry as an important factor. The customers state that they are sati sfied
with the performance of the bank giving the satisfaction ratio as I which is hi gh, and to the
satisfaction of the bank.

(ii) Availability of staff to listen to any problem

II\ 5
4 3.9

...... c
ff .2 0 (
c ti • Seriesl
t! " Importance Satisfaction
.§. listening to your problem

Graph 28

Graph 28 represents the importance attached to the a ailability of the taff m mb r fir Ii tening

to any problem and sati faction of the respondents with the sam . It can b een that th
respondents considered availability of taff memb rs for Ii t ning to an pr blem an fa t r.
The customers state that they are almo t ati ft d with th p mrm nc f th ank gi ing th e
satisfaction ratio as 0.7 which is moderate but thi rv1 an b impr d a it.

(iii) For providing publicity mat rial


• S r sl
lmportanc S ti f ctlon

raph 29

raph 29 how th importance attach d to the av ilability of the taff member · for providing
publi ity material and ti faction of the re pondent . It an be een that the resp ndent '
c n idered taff availability fi r providin g publicity materials as an imp rtant factor. The
cu tomer tate that they are ati tied with the perfi rmance giv ing the ati fa ti on rati o a I,
which is good a the cu tamer' expectati n from providin g publi ity materia l i, being met.

3.11.8 Compliance of tanding Instruction


• S ri s l
Importance S ti faction

Compliance of standing Instruction

raph 0

raph 30 pre nts the imp rt.an. e atta h d t mp lianc f tanding in tru tion and
ati faction of th r p odent with the ame. It · n n th t th e r p nd nt , ·on ·idcred
c mpliance f tanding in tructi n a an imp rtant fa r. Th ta t that the ar '
ati tied with the performan e f th b k iving th ti fa ti n r ti I whi ·h i , hi gh.

3.11.9 ourteou behavior of member of taff

j 3.8 3.68

~ 2
•s rl sl
~ 0 /
i! lmportanc S tlsfactlon

Courteous behavior of members of staff

raph 3 1

raph 31 r prcsen the importanc related t th courte us bchavi r f member · of staff and
ati faction of the re p ndent . It can be een that the re p ndents con idercd c urteou · behavior
f member of taff a an imp rtant fact r. The cu tomers tale that they are ati lied with the
p rformance of the bank giving the satisfaction ratio as I, which is hi gh and Lo the satis action of
th bank.

3.11.10 Experience about locker service register on -demand


c .2

0 • S n sl

l.5 Importance Satisfaction

.fxperlence about locker service

raph 32

raph 32 how the importance attach d t the exp rien e ab ut the ker erv1 e and
ati faction of the re pondent with the am . It can b e n that the re ndent c n ·idcred
experience about locker rvice a an imp rtant fa t r.
atisfied with the per~ rmanc f th bank giving th ati fl ti n rati I. I hi h i e Lremel y
high .

3.12 Satisfaction with the ervice

Table 12

Satisfaction with the ervice

Very ati tied omewhat Di sati sfied Total
atistied atisfied
Frequency 31 25 2 2 60
I Percent 51.6% 41.6% 3.33% 3.33% 100

3.33 3.33

• Very satisfied

• Satisfied

• Somewhat satisfied

• Dissatisfied

Graph 33

Graph 33 show the opinion r garding the overall ati facti n with th bank. It i n that 9 %
of the customers are satisfied. or very ati fied with th rv1 e pro id d b th hi
may imply that bank is putting lot of efforts as e p ted t ati facti n he
bank should maintain thi sati faction I vel f; r th cu t m in th n ar futur .

3.13 Sogge tions

able 13


New More Le Parking and No Total

facilitie schemes/ rv1ce fonnalitie ATM ugge tions
Frequency 9 10 6 19 16 60
Percent 15% 16.66% 10% 31.66% 26.66% 100

• New facilities

• More schemes/service

• Less formalities

• Parking and ATM service

• No suggestion s

Graph 34

Table 34 shows the opinion regarding the uggestions provided by th cu t mers f i Bank.
It is seen that 15% of the customer want that new faciliti hould b pr vided by th bank. 17%
are of the view that new chem hould be introduc d 32% ugge ted that bank h uld in rea
parking space and also increa it A TM ervic . I0% f th mph 1z n ha ing
less fonnalities.



The pre ent tudy was about cu tomer satisfaction with Kasumpti Branch of Axis Bank at
himla. A total sample of 60 has been taken to conduct the study. This tudy was conducted on
the customers of Axi bank as their satisfaction effects the results of the organization. On the
basis of study it was concluded that customer of Axis Bank were ati fied with the service
provided by the bank.

Of the total customers taken into consideration about 78% of the cu tomers have income in the
range of r25 ,000 to ?35,000 per month. Most of the customers of Axi s Bank give importance to
specific features of internet banking service, A TM banking service and physical factors such as
cleanliness, layout access to entrance, visibility of sign board etc as they are ass ciated with a
respectable bank. Approximately 93% of the customers feel that they are atisfied with the
overall performance of the Bank.

The customers were satisfied with the kind of services provided to them uch a (i) internet
banking services including page setup menu flow ease of use speed of page loading, general
assessment and security,(ii) ATM banking service including ATM network di tribution.
continuous service, variety of transactions, ease of screen use overall a e ment and securit ,
and (iii) physical factors such as cleanliness layout access to entrance i ibility of ignboard.
space availability for sitting and 'Writing, availability of ervices of taff members, compliance of
standing instruction courteous behavior of staff and experience about locker erv1ce.


In the age of globalization privatization and liberalization; wh r er bank i trying hard t

retain its cu tomers A Bank ha done an e tr mely g er. th · ope of
improvement i alway open for any organization . Impr n empl
commitment toward the cu tomer and in gi mg p nal tt nti \ her th
expectation are high but the p rti rmanc i . Minimum b Ian fi r a m unt ·h uld

b r due d that p pie wh ar n t financiall y trong en ugh can maintain their ace unt
pr perly. rvice like adequate taff members continuou ervice le s formalitie , assistance in
filling up form ar the key erv1ce ti r maj rity f th cu tomer . Therefi re, bank should
improv the ba ic erv1c . he cu omer hould be re ponded to a early as p si ble when
th y c ntact through int rnet. M t pace hould be provided at the parking facility by Axis


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9. Khatri, Puja, (2004). Comparative Study of Customer ati faction in Indian Bank.

10. Michael. D. Reilly. (1983). Value-Percept Di parity: n It rnati e t the

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11. Mihelis. G, ( 1999) Customer satisfaction measurement in the private bank sector.

12. Oliver, Richard L. ( 1981 ). A Cognitive Model of the Antecedents and Consequences of
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13. Schnaars, Steven P. ( 1991 ). Marketing Strategy: A Customer-Driven Approach , The Free
14. Westbrook, Robert A. (1980).lntrapersonal Affective Influences on Consumer
Satisfaction with Products. Journal of Consumer Research. 7 (6): 49-54.

Dear Respondent

I am a student of MBA at Dr. Y . . Parmar Univer ity of Horticulture & Forestry, Naun i, Solan working
on a project entitled " Customer ati faction Of Axis Bank ( Kasumpti branch)", as a part of the MBA
program. I request you to kjndly read the followin g tatements carefull y and give your response. I assure
you that information provided by you will be kept confidential. I shall be highly grateful to you for your

1. Gender male () female ()

2. Age group (in years)

a) 15-25 years b) 25-35 years
c) 3 5-50years d) 50-60 years
e) above 60 years

3. Qualification
a) Matric b) Intermediate
c) Graduation d) Post - Graduation

4. Occupation
a) Employed in Govt sector b) employed in private sector
c) Business d) Any other

5. Monthly family income from all sources

a) Below Rs 10,000 b) Rs. 10,000 to 20 000
c) Rs. 25,000- Rs. 35,000 d) Above Rs. 35,000

6. How long you have had an account with the Axis Bank?
a) l-2 years b) 3-5 years
c) 6-10 years d) above I 0 years

7. Do you think that the procedur~ to open an account with the bank was difficult?

a) Yes, to a certain extent

b) No, it was easy

8. Do you agree that minimum account balance is not high and easy to mai ntain?

a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) omewhat agr

d) Disagree e) trongly disagree

Please tell the importance you attach to the e pectation from A Bank for the ft II wi ng paramete b

5 = extremely important 4= Important 3= im rt:ant

2= Not important. l = Not at all important
e indi cate th 1m rtance , the II wing in deciding about internet banking ervice ?

5 4 3 2 I

a) Page tup
(b) M nu fl ow

(c) Ease of u e

(d) Speed of page I ad ing

(e) General as ment about ervice

(f) Security

10. Please de cribe your importance for the fo llowi ng ATM banking ervice ?

5 4 3 2 I
(a) ATM network distribution

(b) Continuous Service

(c) Variety of tran action

(d) Easy of screen use

(e) Overall asses ment about the service

(t) Security

11. Please de cribe your importance for the following phy ical fact rs?

5 4 3 2 I

(a) Cleanliness

(b) Layout access to entrance

(c) Visibility of si.gnboard

(d) Space availability for itting

(e) Space availability for writing

(t) Easy avail ability of loo e pay in lip


(g) Availability of rvice -0f ta ff m mb a :

I. or any enqui ry
II . Li tening toy ur pr blem
111. r pr viding publicity material

(h) Compliance of tanding in tructi n

(i) ourteou behavior of member of ta ff

G> Your experience about locker ervice register on demand

Please indicate how satisfied you are with service of Axis Bank on following parameters by ticking in front
of parameter if;

5= highly sati tied 4=sati tied 3= neither satis fied nor unsatisfied

2= unsatisfied I= hi ghly unsatisfied

12. How satisfied you are with internet banking service of Axis Bank?

5 4 3 2 I

(a) Page setup

(b) Menu flow

(c) Ease of use

(d) Speed of page loading

(e) Genera.I assessment about service

(t) Security .

13. How satisfied you are with ATM banking service of Axis Bank?

5 4 3 2 I

(a) ATM network distribution .

(b) Continuous Service

(c) Variety of transactions ,,

(d) Easy of screen use

(e) Overal I assessment about the ervice

(f) Security
4. How ati tied you are with the fo llowing phy ical fa tors of Axis Bank?

5 4 3 2 I

(a) Cleanline s

(b} Layout acce to entrance

(c) Visibility of signboard

(d) Space availability for itting

(e) Space availability for writing

(t) Easy availability of loose pay in slip

(g) Availability of servi ces of staff members as :

i. For any enquiry

II . Listening to your problem

iii . For providing publicity materials

(h) Compliance of standing instruction

(i) Courteous behavior of mem hers of staff

(j) Your experience about locker service register on


15. How satisfied are you with the services provided by the Axis Bank?

a) Very satisfied b) satisfied

c) Somewhat satisfied d) dis atisfied

16. Would you like to suggest any changes or improvement in any service or an feature of the Axi Bank?

...,.,....,,~ ,
t Y. ~ r: L.
•• ,' · ' ,
""' ..

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