Salome A3 Mindmap

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Thesis Statement:

‘Duffy’s poem ‘Salome’ from the collection of poetry ‘The World’s Wife’ uses the dramatic monologue form to reinvent the story of the notorious female character from the Bible who, at the request of her mother, infamously demanded the head of John the Baptist served on a platter as a gift from Herod who was enamoured
with her dancing. In many of her poems, Duffy challenges the presentation of females who have been marginalised in history or mythology, However, the original Salome could be seen as a feminist prototype - a powerful and independent woman who uses her desirability to manipulate one man in order to have another man
destroyed – and it is this interpretation that feeds Duffy’s invention of her poetic persona. In a humorous, modern reworking of the infamous figure, Duffy fantasises about how far a woman could go once she embraces her sexual power and starts to take advantage of men. She toys with our response, carefully balancing her
ambiguous presentation so that we are unsure whether to admire this liberated, young woman who lives a reckless life of pleasure or be afraid of her chilling lack of remorse for her cold-blooded violence.

Find three examples of imagery for each theme Imagery:

Find three examples of structure for each theme “how to flatter...
Find three examples of connotations of emotive lexis for each theme which I kissed...
Find three examples of symbolism for each theme Colder than pewter” (11-13) Symbolism:
“time to turf out the blighter”
Imagery: Structure: “it was time to turf out the blighter, “(29)
“what did it matter?” “lamb to the slaughter”
“so rang for the maid” (17)
“yes. As for the latter…”
“I flung back the sticky red
sheets,” (35) Structure: Theme 2
Theme 1
Simon? Andrew?...” RELATIONSHIPS
“who'd come like a lamb to POWER
the slaughter to Salome's “which I kissed…” Connotations:
bed.” (31-32)
Symbolism: “her regional patter”
(and doubtless..)”
“to salome’s bed”
Emotive lexis: “beater or biter”
“beater or biter” “was his head on a platter”

“-and ain’t life a bitch-“

“I saw my eyes glitter” Connotations:

“beautiful crimson mouth that
obviously knew how to flatter”
Structure: Theme 3
“obviously knew how to flatter…” “I needed to clean up my act”
“(and doubtless I’ll do it again)” PROMISCUITY “beater or biter”
“good looking, of course,”

“and a beautiful crimson mouth that
Symbolism: obviously knew” (10)
“it was time to turf out the
“very deep lines” blighter,” (29)

“I saw my eyes glitter” “cut out the booze and the fags and the
sex” (27)

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