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1.1 Company Background 3
1.2 Problem Statement 5
1.3 Research Objectives 8
1.3.1 To identify the direct material and its suppliers 8
1.3.2 To modify FW2 and enforce barcode scanning during material load 8
1.3.3 To develop traceability for material via FW2 lot query 8
1.3.4 To evaluate the effectiveness of barcode scanning enforcement in 8
production floor.
1.4 Significance of Study 9

1.5 Glossary 10
2.1 Lean concept 11
2.2 Types of Waste 12
2.2.1 Transport 13
2.2.2 Waiting 13
2.2.3 Inventory 13
2.2.4 Defects 13
2.2.5 Over-processing 14
2.2.6 Movement 14
2.2.7 Over-production 14
2.3 Importance of Quality 14
2.4 Customer Satisfaction 16
2.5 Barcode Scanning System 16
2.6 Error 17
2.7 Error Proofing 17
2.8 Root Cause Analysis (RCA) 18
3.1 Introduction 19

3.2 Root Cause Analysis 19
3.3 Project Flow Chart 19
3.4 Identification of Direct and Indirect Materials 22
3.5 Modification on Material label 23
3.6 Factory Database (FW2) Software Change 23
3.7 Pilot Department and Process 23
3.8 Implementation of Barcode Scanning 24
3.8.1 How system works? 24

3.8.2 Out of Control Action Plan (OCAP) Procedure 24

3.9 Monitoring Effectiveness 25
4.1 Trend Monitoring 26
4.2 OCAP 26
4.3 Audit 26

Chapter 1


1.1 Company Background

STM electronics is a global independent semiconductor company that

designs, develops, manufactures and markets a broad range of semiconductor
integrated circuits (ICs) utilized in a wide variety of microelectronic applications,
such as telecommunications, computer and peripherals, industrial automation,
consumer products, automotive products and smart cards and secure solution.

STM electronics of Johor was established in 1964 in the huts rented from
the Malaysia government. Assembly operations started with 350 employees and
the first production was epoxy transistors. The growth of the company was
apparently slow, with largely manual operations. The plant site was enlarged as
the production booming. Early 1980s employees began assembling and testing
a wide range of increasingly sophisticated integrated circuits.

STM electronics is located in the north part of Johor state which is situated
in the south West Coast of the Malaysia peninsula. In over 49 years of operation,
the site has grown from a small facility to a world class automated
semiconductors manufacturing plant, setting excellent standards in service,
quality and cost, and partners with customers to exceed their expectations. STM
electronics is one of the biggest manufacturing facilities in terms of volume and

As the site was expanded and upgraded, the structure of the plant has
shifted from labour intensive operation to one of high productivity with full
automation. STM electronics currently employs over 5900 highly skilled
employees, mainly working in manufacturing to ensure that its product lines in
terms of quality and cost are competitive in the market. Each year, STM
electronics handles an annual throughput of three billion tested and fully
operational devices. Service is the Number One priority and this commitment is
customer driven.

Following Figure 1.1 shows the basic process flow in STM company. Front
of assembly process consists of wafer mount, wafer saw, die attach, plasma
cleaning and wire bond. After the wire bond, the process continues with molding
of unit and singulation of units, cropping process. Upon completion of cropping
process, it will passed for reliability testing process and other required risk
assessment. Wire bond process is classified as crucial as interconnections are
produced. 90% of total microelectronics packaging is done with wire bonding.

Figure 1.1: Flow of semiconductor process

Each process step includes several raw materials to be processed and

transform the die into complete unit. Problems occur when staging occurs at any
of the process step. Staging of lot can contribute to waiting, motion as classified
in lean wastes.

Manufacturing today is progressing towards lean concept. Lean concepts

are mostly evolved from Japanese industries especially from Toyota. Lean
Manufacturing is considered to be a waste reduction technique as suggested by
many authors, but in practice lean manufacturing maximize the value of the
product through minimization of waste. Lean principles defines the value of the
product/service as perceived by the customer and then making the flow in-line
with the customer pull and striving for perfection through continuous
improvement to eliminate waste by sorting out Value Added activity(VA) and
Non- Value Added activity(NVA). The sources for the NVA activity wastes are
transportation, inventory, motion, waiting, overproduction, over processing and
defects. The NVA activity waste is vital hurdle for VA activity. Elimination of these
wastes is achieved through the successful implementation of lean elements.

Poor management of materials in production contribute to defects (one of
7 types of lean wastes) and also causes waiting in manufacturing line. Inventory
also will be affected as wrong material usage includes cost of labour, materials
and management.

1.2 Problem Statement

Lean manufacturing concept was developed to maximize the resources

utilization by minimizing the wastages. A rapidly growing organization, like STM
Company, can strive towards excellence by implementing lean elements
successfully. Lean Manufacturing concept has been implemented in STM
Company since 2012. The lean concepts and elements are gradually
implemented in production floor. However, several loop holes throughout the
implementation process lead to major material wastage, which caused the
company loss.

In January 2017, 12 lots for UM46 device were scrapped due to wrong
wire used; in Department A. Operator used Ag wire instead of Cu wire to perform
wire bonding process step. Each lot consists of 4200 units approximately. 2
weeks after this incident, there was another case in Department D, where, wrong
lead frame used during Die Attach process step. A short study was conducted by
analysing the data of lots scrapped by Management Review Board (MRB), due
to wrong material usage. Following Figure 1.2 (a, b & c) shows the number of
lots scrapped due to wrong material usage, from 2014 to 2017-to-date and
further breakdown by dept.

Figure 1a: Total number of lots scrapped due to wrong material usage

in STM Company

Figure 1b: Breakdown of scrapped lots by types of wrong material

Figure 1c: Breakdown of wrong material cases by year and by Department

UM46 is a device with two technical codes. It has individual wire type by
technical code. Initially, machine was running device UM46 with Cu wire
technical code. Later, technician performed conversion and loaded UM46 with
Ag wire technical code. Production operator, who came back from break,
performs Cu wire loading to the wire bond, and run the machine. She did not
perform verification on wire type vs current running lot details before running the
machine. No error prompt as the material load performed manually. Production
was continued till the first processed lot fail reliability test at cold testing process.
When the problem discovered, 12 lots were already produced. All the units were
scrapped and it costed more than RM 300k loss (including material cost, facility
cost, labour cost, and unit selling price).

STM Company is one of the leading semiconductor companies in

Malaysia that practises Lean concept. Taking 7 wastages of lean into
consideration, these incidents can be categorized under inventory, waiting and

1.3 Research Objectives

The research objectives of this project are derived as below:

1.3.1 To identify the direct material and its suppliers

Materials used for production are categorized into direct and indirect
material. Direct materials are the main ingredient of the process that are
used more frequently, for example, wire, preform, resin and glue. Indirect
materials are materials that are used less frequent, depending on its
capability to last in the process, for example capillary, collet and etc. The
barcode enforcement is set to focus on direct material first as they are
used more frequently.

1.3.2 To modify FW2 and enforce barcode scanning during material load

To modify the current FW2 system by raising change request to central

ICT Team and link the system to material load. System is expected to
block the material load if incorrect material is used.

1.3.3 To develop traceability for material via FW2 lot query

System will capture the material lot number and batch number used for
each specific lot. This will help to trace the lots that used material of the
same batch number and will help to identify the exact lots if a problematic
material batch is used.

1.3.4 To evaluate the effectiveness of barcode scanning enforcement in

production floor.

After the implementation of barcode scanning for material load, number of

cases with wrong material will be monitored plant wide. Issues related to
the barcode scanning failure will be studied further for improvement.

1.4 Significance of Study

Manufacturing is a process of converting raw materials into final products

that meet customer’s expectations and specifications. Manufacturing industry is
then branched into several scopes of engineering and technology to serve
mankind better. Electronics, medical, food, automotive are examples of evolution
of manufacturing technology. These conventional manufacturing processes have
created tremendous products that very useful to human life. Buildings, cars,
electronics and house appliances are some examples of products produced by
conventional manufacturing processes.

The semiconductor industry is an excellent industry to review the

advancement of technology and it is an ever-changing industry. It is developing
simultaneously with the evolution of mankind. Technology in various industries
such as automotive, medical and electronics are emerging to fulfil the needs of
modernization world. Consequently, the customers, especially automotive
customers are demanding for products that are more sophisticated, parallel to
the evolving technologies. It can be concluded that, semiconductor has grown
extensively from radio to almost every electronic device that has an on-off

Semiconductor industry was formed in 1960, where the productions of

semiconductors become viable option. The manufacturing industry is growing
rapidly, as the global industry is moving towards the digitization of all physical
assets and integration of digital system with value chain partners. The
manufacturing process consists of numerous challenges and the industry is
always in competitive mode as experts develop new innovation and

1.5 Glossary

Ag Silver
BOM Bill of Material

Cu Copper
FMEA Failure Mode Effect & Analysis
FW2 FactoryWork – STM company software
ICT Information and Communication Technology
IQC Incoming Quality Control
MRB Management Review Board
NVA Non-value Added
RCA Root Cause Analysis
VA Value Added
OCAP Out of Control Action Procedure
VSM Value Stream Mapping

Chapter 2

Literature Review

2.1 Lean Concept

Lean concepts are mostly developed and refined in Japanese industries.
Toyota identified and redefined lean concept into the entire Japanese industries
(Crowley Stout). However, lean was originated by Henry Ford, in 1913 (Diego).
Henry Ford introduced lean concept in Highland Park manufacturing plant. The
concept he initiated was put in such way that it speed up the production system,
and resulted in high speed product manufacturing with short processing period.

Yet, the concept introduced by Henry Ford was not really flexible and had
its very own bottle necks. After the World War II, customer demand changed
causing the lean concept introduced by Henry Ford to be unstable. After some
time, it was not sustained in long run. Taiichi Ohno and Kiichiro Toyoda (key
members of Toyota) visited the Ford manufacturing plant for knowledge transfer
on lean concepts. By observing the key concepts of lean in the ford production,
Toyota team convinced that key concepts from Ford can be adapted into their
problem solving techniques and eventually make their organisation a competitive
force in automotive market. They developed the key concepts and established
Toyota Production System (TPS).

In general, the core concept of lean is to maximize customer value while

minimizing the wastes. It also defined as creating more value for customers with
fewer resources. Literatures show few definitions for lean concept. Sanjay
Bhasin (2012) described lean as a business model that delivers superior
performance for customers, employees, shareholders and society in large scale.
Baggaley B. (2006) summed up that lean is a practise where an organisation
frees up its capacity to deliver more value from existing resources with fewer
additional costs.

Literatures show that manufacturing system can be derived towards

excellence via successful implementation of lean elements. Value stream
mapping, push-and-pull system, material flow mechanism, just-in-time are
example of major lean elements that were considered by earlier researchers.

Worley defined that lean manufacturing is an integrated system

composed of inter-related elements with variety of management practices.
Besides reduction of lead time and cost, lean manufacturing also expected to
improve quality. Being classified as integrative concept, lean concept is defined
by an array of practices which are believed to be key factors of lean
manufacturing. Scheduling, inventory, material handling, work flow, equipment,
tools and techniques are some of the practices that discussed widely in lean
manufacturing. Material handling is crucial in manufacturing as it prevents
unnecessary wastage and maintains the inventory.

2.2 Types of Waste

Lean concept gives an idea that by eliminating the waste, the
manufacturing company can improve quality and production time with
appropriate cost reduction. Flow and smart automation is the key concept of lean
manufacturing in order to reduce waste. (Mihai Apreutesei 2010)

Following the Toyota company model, the waste is further categorized

into seven categories, as shown in the following Figure 2.1:

Figure 2.1: Seven wastes in lean

The seven wastes are seen to buffer the operation and make the
manufacturing system to be inefficient. Y.C. Wong (2009) states that
manufacturing system with these seven wastes are having long processing time
due to inventory buffering, requires extra floor space when they introduce new
product as it involves movement of machines and parts, no proper root cause
identification on defect when it is detected, involves extra handling and also
extra inventory costs money.

2.2.1 Transport

Moving parts around is considered as waste. It occurs between
processing steps between processing lines. It also happens when product is
being shipped to customer.

2.2.2 Waiting

Waiting is a scenario where worker in the esteemed organisation is not

performing any task or job for random reasons. This is mainly caused by lot
staging at previous process, material failure, machine failure, rework and
unbalanced line.

2.2.3 Inventory

Excess product and material that are not being processed are classified
into inventory wastes. Inventory costs money. Inventory adds many other costs
when processed product or raw materials are being stored for longer terms. It
also fed many other wastes.

2.2.4 Defects

Defects are where scrap is produced by manufacturing floor instead of

good products. Such activities add cost and do not cause a product to be
transformed into a more complete product. They are non-value added activities,
as they add no value from customer point of view. Defects buffer the operation
and interrupt the process flow. Defects happen when quality procedure is
neglected. Defective item may require rework, replacement or scrap, depending
on the nature of product and industry. It also wastes resources and materials.
Besides that, it also leads to loss of customer trust.

2.2.5 Over-processing

Over-processing is where a product is processed beyond the customer

need. Usually, over-processing occurs when a product is produced beyond
customer requirement and specification. Engineers always create this waste
when they define the product specification at product design stage.

2.2.6 Movement

Movement is a waste when it is observed as unnecessary movement of
people in the manufacturing line. For example, operators and technicians walk
around the production floor looking for tools. However, such unnecessary
movements are overlooked as a waste. Poor work design and work station
design is the major contributor for unnecessary movement.

2.2.7 Over-production

As the name implies, over-production is where products are manufactured

more that customer requirement. Over-production is the most egregious waste
since it aggravates the other six wastes. Previous studies show that, all the over-
production is planned over-production, often for variety of good-sounding

2.3 Importance of Quality

“Quality” means those features of products which meet customer needs

and thereby provide customer satisfaction. In this sense, the meaning of quality
is oriented to income. The purpose of such higher quality is to provide greater
customer satisfaction and, one hopes, to increase income. Philip B.Corsby
defined quality as the result of carefully constructed cultural environment. It has
to be the fabric of the organization.

Providing more and/or better quality features usually requires an

investment and hence usually involves increases in costs. The importance of
quality in every walk of life cannot be overemphasized in this global economy.
Dr. J.M. Juran, an international expert in quality and management put it
succinctly: “We live behind the dykes of quality”. Quality indicates the cumulative
characteristics of a good or service that speaks directly to the voice of customer.

Quality should also reflect the cumulative characteristics of the

environment that supports the production of goods and services that directly
speaks to the voice of customer. Quality should further reflect the empowerment
that supports the production of those goods and services (John Cover, 2009).

Following the quality procedure help the company to eliminate

unexpected defects, results and failures. It also allows the company to deliver
products that meet expectations.

This can also be achieved by adopting advanced technological
equipment. Most of these machines are standardized and certified; hence
adopting them in production can be a major boost in quality. Areas such as
packaging and the way the process of production is done also play a big role in
changing the standards of products if improved.

Quality improvement is very essential to firms that want to improve their

consumer base and subsequently their return on investment. Consumers are
concerned about the safety of products they buy as well the efficiency of
equipment they purchase. Attaining relevant certifications and improving service
delivery in a firm can do the trick, leading to continued business success.

2.4 Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is an indicator of repeated purchases and word of

mouth recommendations (Nadiri, Hussain, Ekiz, & Erdogan, 2008). Many studies
confirm that more satisfied customers contribute to higher company profits (e.g.,
Bernhardt, Donthu, & Kennett, 2000). Furthermore, customer satisfaction is a
precursor to increased market share, profitability, positive advertising by word of
mouth and customer loyalty (Anderson et al., 1994). While some studies
consider behavioral intention as a single multi-faceted construct preceded by
customer satisfaction (e.g., Forgas et al., 2010; Rajaguru, 2016), others split it
into separate constructs to more precisely capture various company-relevant

outcomes, such as word-of mouth behavior and loyalty or repurchase intentions
(e.g., Saha & Theingi, 2009; Walsh & Bartikowski, 2013).

2.5 Barcode Scanning System

Barcode technology is being viewed as providing vision for the computers

to gain management control and information updation. Barcode symbologies
which are being used widely have been explained with the aid of truth tables and
examples. The various methods of generating barcode labels and the types of
contact and non-contact barcode readers have been dealt with (Thotha Sriram,

Until recently, the use of barcode technology in the industrial environment

was largely restricted to specific pools of automation within an organisation.
However, presently, barcode technology is being used to gain management
control and information updation.

Advantage of a barcode technology is that it is machine producible in

addition to machine readable. Barcodes can be broadly classified as either
preprinted or printed at site.

2.6 Error

Errors are causes that result to effects. Human errors are always
inadvetent, unintentional, accidental mistakes made by people because of the
human sensitivity designed into products and processes. Error precursors are
unfavorable prioir condition that increase the probability for error during a
specific action, that is, error-likely situations. Error-likely situations are also
known as error traps.

Errors are classified into two categories, technical and human. Technical
errors are errors that pertain to the hard side of the process, which includes
machines, method, material, measurement and environment. Human errors are
errors that is related to man. Causes are linked to human interventions, their
general capabilities and ability to perform the physical work and the brain work.

2.7 Error Proofing

Error proofing is also known as mistake prrofing or poka-yoke. It is a

series of techniques which is limited by the imagination of the engineers. Error
proofing techniques enables a process to be more robust. It is also used in
inspection procedure to achieve 100% inspection. Work processes across the
value stream should be emphasized in lean manufacturing. Processes should be
performed with minimum of non value added activities in order to reduce waiting
time, queuing time, moving time and other delays.

Besides that, standardization of work processes is needed to facilitate

efficient, safe work methods and eliminate wastes, while maintaining quality. It
ensures a consistent performance and creates a foundation for continuos

2.8 Root Cause Analysis

Root cause analysis (RCA) is a process designed for use in investigating

and categorizing the root causes of events with safety, health, environmental,
quality, reliability and production impacts. The term “event” is used to generically
identify occurrences that produce or have the potential to produce these types of

Simply stated, RCA is a tool designed to help identify not only what and
how an event occurred, but also why it happened. Only when investigators are
able to determine why an event or failure occurred will they be able to specify
workable corrective measures that prevent future events of the type observed.
Understanding why an event occurred is the key to developing effective
recommendations. Identifying root causes is the key to preventing similar
recurrences. An added benefit of an effective RCA is that, over time, the root
causes identified across the population of occurrences can be used to target
major opportunities for improvement.

Root causes are underlying causes. The investigator’s goal should be to

identify specific underlying causes. The more specific the investigator can be
about why an event occurred, the easier it will be to arrive at recommendations
that will prevent recurrence.

Root causes are those that can reasonably be identified. Occurrence

investigations must be cost beneficial. It is not practical to keep valuable
manpower occupied indefinitely searching for the root causes of occurrences.
Structured RCA helps analysts get the most out of the time they have invested in
the investigation.

Chapter 3


3.1 Introduction

Methodology is the study of the structure, logical organization, methods,
and means of activity. Methodology, in this broad definition, is a necessary part
of any activity, insofar as the latter becomes the object of consciousness,
learning, and rationalization interview. It is essential to ensure the effectiveness
and smoothness of the study process.

3.2 Root Cause Analysis (RCA)

In order to solve a problem, it is necessary to recognize and understand

what factors contribute to the problem. 5Why analysis method was invented by
Taiichi Ohno. The objective of the 5Why analysis is to find the real root cause.
Asking the question “why” for several times will help to hit the real root cause.
5Why is a method that eliminates ready-made assumptions and keeps the
logical link between root cause and initial problem.

The following figure (Figure 3.1) shows the 5Why analysis carried out for
the wrong wire usage in department A of STM Company. From the analysis, it
was concluded that the problem occurred as operator manually select the wire
information when she perform the material load. This is classified as technical
root cause.
Seeking further analysis, it was discovered that there is no systemic
procedure to perform material load. Systemic procedure is able to stop the
operator by prompting error during wrong material selection. Hence, system
failure to prompt error message and allow operator to perform material load is
defined as systemic root cause.

3.3 Project Flow Chart

Figure 3.2 shows the flow chart of this project paper. Each step is linked
with the objective that will be achieved through it.

Figure 3.1: 5 Why analysis to find the root cause of problem.

Figure 3.2: Flow of project

3.4 Identification of direct and indirect material

Each process step involves several materials, which are categorized into
direct and indirect material. Direct materials are the raw material/tool that is defined
in the product specification. This material is selected after the simulation study by
NPI team and it is approved and accepted by customer. Direct material simulation
study involves several suppliers. The most suitable material will be selected,
identified with a specific part number and will be listed in product specification
document (also known as BSA). Following Figure 3.3 shows an example of product
specification document that consists of direct material details.

Figure 3.3: Example of product specification document

Indirect material refers to the common materials that are suitable to be used
for all devices in general. Indirect material will not be specified in product
specification. However, the use of the indirect materials need to be monitored and
recorded so that it can aid the 8D writing and RCA in future for customer complaints.
Usually, the part number and batch number for indirect materials will be recorded in
maintenance checklist or setup checklist after conversion. Sometimes, technicians
and operators will skip this step to finish their work faster.
Thus, in this step, materials that are being used at each process step will be
identified and categorized into direct and indirect material accordingly. The
classification will be done by department as each package involves different

3.5 Modification on material label.

Supplier should be informed on the new barcode system that is being

implemented. Hence, a short review will be carried out involving the Incoming Quality
Control Team (IQC). IQC will be used as channel to communicate with supplier.
Suppliers must modify the existing label and add hidden character that is readable
through barcode scanner. This hidden character will not be readable through naked
This will ensure the new raw material that arrives at warehouse will be
labelled new barcode that consist of special hidden character. This special character
can be any alphabet or number or symbols. Each part number and supplier code
must come with unique code for better traceability.

3.6 Factory Database (FW2) Software Change

In order to load material information (part number, supplier code, and material
batch number) into the factory data vase, change request must be raised to central
ICT team. The change request will consist of following items:
Besides that, the system will also update to disable manual entry. System
shall block any manual data entry if a special characteristic is not captured.

3.7 Pilot department and process.

STM Company has 5 departments. The barcode scanning will be enforced to

all departments by a timeline defined by process engineering team. A pilot line will be
selected to trial run, after change request is accepted by central ICT and software is
For this case, QFP department wire bond process will be selected as pilot line
as to test run the barcode scanning activity. Machines will be selected and monitored
during material load process.

3.8 Implementation of barcode scanning

3.8.1 How system works?

A special process flow will be defined to give brief idea to production floor on
how the system works. The flow chart should consist of how operator must perform
the material load, step by step. By developing a flow chart can have a clear depiction
on how the system works and how it helps to prevent wrong material selection.
Material load will be adopted into CMMS system and displayed in the micro
terminal of each equipment in the production floor. When the operator want to
perform the material load, the have to log in to the CMMS system and perform the
material load.
Each material comes with a life span. This information will be stored in the
factory database together with part name and supplier code. Hence, when the
material has expired, material load system will trigger the operator on the material
expiry, and machine will stop immediately till operator change the material. Operator
cannot load the same material again as the system will keep track on the material
used, in terms of batch number.

3.8.2 Out of Control Action Procedure (OCAP)

Following the implementation of barcode scanning, it is necessary to come out

an out of control action procedure (OCAP). Operator might face difficulties to perform
material load due to following factors:

a) User not registered in FW2 system database

b) Material/Supplier not registered in FW2 system database

c) New material/supplier for new product introduction

d) Barcode on material is not readable by scanner/does not contain special


e) Scanner problem

It is compulsory to develop OCAP to avoid unnecessary machine down and
productivity loss. A detailed flow is to be established, so that production can perform
material load while waiting for the causes listed above solved. Besides that, it is
necessary to keep track on the barcode scanning failure to identify area of

3.9 Monitoring Effectiveness

The effectiveness and adaptability of barcode scanning practise will be

monitored for three months. Internal audits will be performed to ensure the
production floor follows the newly implemented method

Results and Discussion

4.1 Trend Monitoring

After the implementation of barcode scanning, the activity will be monitored

continuously for six months. Trend chart will be developed on weekly basis from
January’17 to the covering the following six months after implementation. LRR will be

4.2 OCAP

Out of Control Action Plan will be developed after the implementation of

barcode scanning. In case system fail to accept the material, an error log will be
prompted. Only QC leader will be given rights to verify the material over the details
printed on lot traveller and allow system to continue with material load. If QC leader
fails to make the system accept the material, the raw material will be quarantined for
further disposition by IQC team.

4.3 Audits

QC Inspectors will be assigned to perform audit on the material load

procedure in production. Production is not allowed to practise manual input of raw
material data into the system. Audit will be performed weekly once on random three
machines, by process.

Chapter 5

Conclusion and Recommendation

The enforcement of barcode scanning will reduce the wrong material usage
during material load at the beginning of each process. System will trigger the
operator and production floor if wrong material has been selected. This can be
related to the lean concept, removing defect from process. When a wrong material is
loaded, the functionality and reliability of the semiconductor or micro-processor will
be spoilt.
In summary, this implementation will reduce the number of material wastages,
lot rejection rate and will ensure the quality of lots produced.


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