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Under Rule 39 of Rules of Court.

or final order appealed from and serving a copy thereof

upon the adverse party.
2. Execution
In Petition for Review under Rule 42, the appeal
Judgement and orders become final and executory by raises questions of fact, of law, or mixed question of
operation of law and not by judicial declaration. The fact and law from a judgement or final order of the RTC
trial court need not even pronounce the finality of the in its appellate jurisdiction.
order as the same becomes final by operation of law.
Its finality becomes a fact when the reglementary However, when the petitioner failed to move for new
period for appeal lapses, and no appeal is perfected trial, or appeal therefrom, or file petition for relief
within such period. against, or take other appropriate remedies assailing
the questioned judgement, final order or resolution, the
As a general rule, once a judgement has become final party may move for Annulment of judgement, final
and executory, a writ of execution shall be ordered by order, or resolution under Rule 47 provided that NO
the Court as it now becomes ministerial duty on the FAULT ATTRIBUTABLE to him.
part of trial court to issue such. However, even the
execution is a matter of right, the execution may stay 5. A MOTION TO DISCHARE PRELIMINARY
as to the exception to the rule. (I-NEED-U-VIP) ATTACHEMENT

1. Where the judgement turns out to be After a writ of attachment has been enforced, the party
Incomplete or Conditional whose property has been attached, or the person
2. Judgement is Novated by subsequent appearing on his behalf, may move for the discharge of
agreements of the parties the attachment wholly or in part on the security given.
3. Equitable grounds like a change in situation
of the parties which makes execution Under sec. 12 of Rule 57, there are two procedures in
inequitable (Supervening Facts Doctrine) discharging the PA.
4. Execution is Enjoined (Petition for relief from
First, if a writ of attachment has not yet been enforced,
judgement or annulment of judgement with
the party whose property is sought to be attached may
TRO or writ of preliminary injunction
prevent the attachment either (a)by depositing with the
5. Judgement becomes Dormant, except support
court from which the writ was issue; or (b)by giving a
which can be executed by motion
counterbond executed to attaching party, equal to the
6. Execution is Unjust or Impossible.
bond fixed by the court in the order of attachment or
7. Where the judgement has already been
to the value of the property attached exclusive of cost.
executed by the Voluntary compliance thereof
No notice and hearing is required. Thus the writ of
the parties attachment may by discharge ex parte
8. When refusal to execute has become
Imperative in the higher interest of justice Second, of the attachment has already been enforced,
9. When the execution is sought against the party whose property has been attached, or the
Property exempt from execution under sec. 13 person appearing on his behalf may discharge the
Rule 39. attachment by:

Execution shall issue on motion. Hence, a judge may a. Filing a motion to discharge the attachment.
not order execution of judgement in the decision b. By Cash deposit with the court from which the
itself. In fact, even in judgements which are attachment is issued or executing a counter
immediate and executory, there “must be a motion to bond in favour of the attaching part equal to
that effect and a hearing called for the purpose. And the amount fixed by the court in the order of
also under the SC circular No. 24-94, a motion for attachment, exclusive of the cost.
issuance of writ of execution must contain a notice to c. A notice of the depot shall forthwith be served
the adverse party. Hence, the motion for execution on the attaching party
cannot be issued ex-parte. d. The court shall, after due notice and hearing
order the discharge of the attachment.
4. & 7. It depends,
Thus, in this procedure the mere posting of the
There are three modes of appealing a judgement or
counterbond does not automatically discharge the writ
final order of the RTC.
of attachment. It is only after due NOTICE and
In a Petition for Review on Certiorari under Rule HEARING, and after the judge has ordered the
45, the appeal raises purely question of law from a discharge of attachment that the same is properly
judgement or final order or resolution of the RTC in its discharge.
original jurisdiction, the CA, the Sandigan Bayan, and
Attachment may likewise be discharge without the
the CTA en banc.
need for filing a counter-bond. This is possible when
In an Ordinary Appeal under Rule 41, the appeal the party whose property has been attached files a
raises the questions of fact or mixed questions of fact motion to set aside or discharge the attachment and
and law decided by the RTC in its original jurisdiction. during the hearing the motion, he proves that:
The Appeal to the CA in cases decided by the RTC in 1. The same was improperly or irregularly issued
its original jurisdiction shall be taken by filing a notice or enforced (sec. 13) as where there is no
of appeal with the court which rendered the judgement ground for attachment, or the affidavit and/or
the bond filed therefore are defective or 2. Respondent acted without or excess of
insufficient (sec.3); jurisdiction, or with GAD amounting to
2. That the bond is insufficient lack/excess of jurisdiction
3. If the attachment is excessive, the discharge 3. There must be no appeal or other plain, speedy
shall be limited to the excess. (sec. 13) and adequate remedy.
4. Debtor has posted a Counter-bond or has 4. Accompanied by a certified true copy of the
made the requisite cash deposit. judgement or order subject of the petition,
5. Property attached is Exempt from execution. copies of all pleadings and documents relevant
and pertinent thereto, and sworn certificate of
8. No, the case will not prosper. non-forum shopping under rule 46.
Under the rules, certiorari under Rule 65 is the As a general rule, an order denying a motion of dismiss
appropriate remedy for the parties adversely affected of being merely interlocutory, cannot be the basis of a
any (TBO) tribunal, board, or officer exercising judicial petition for certiorari. The remedy of aggrieved party is
or quasi-judicial functions when such TBO has acted to file and answer and to interpose as defences the
S/E of its jurisdiction or with GAD amounting to L/E objections raised in his motion to dismiss, proceed to
of jurisdiction, there being no appeal or any other trail and in case of an adverse decision, to elevate the
plain, speedy and adequate remedy in ordinary course entire case by appeal in due course. However, as
of law. As a General Rule, a Motion for exception to the rule, since the issue is jurisdiction,
Reconsideration/New trial is an essential precondition and orifical action for certiorari may be directed against
for the filing of a petition for CPM. In the instant case, an interlocutory order of the lower court prior to an
there was no showing that the defendant has resorted appeal from the judgement. Thus, a petition for
to application of Motion for Reconsideration before certiorari may be filed to assail an interlocutory order,
going to the SC. Therefore, the case will not prosper. if it issued without or excess of jurisdiction, or in GAD
amounting to lack/excess of jurisdiction.
However, this rule is not absolute, jurisprudence has
recognized several exceptions, in which certiorari may
lie even if the Motion for Reconsideration/New trial has
not pre-conditionally filed such as follows, to wit: (LP- 9. The denial is not correct,
In Expropriation proceedings, the private owner is
1. Where the proceedings in the Lower court are deprived of property against his will.
a nullity for lack of due process.
2. Where the order is a Patent nullity, as where Upon filing of the complaint, and after due notice to the
the court a qou has no jurisdiction. defendant, the implementing agency/plaintiff shall
3. Where the subject matter of the action is have the right to take or enter upon the possession of
Perishable. the real property involved upon as follows, to wit:
4. Where the question Raised in the certiorari
1. If the expropriator is a National Government,
proceeding have been duly raised and passed
with a scheme of immediate payment should
upon by the lower court or are the same as
be 100% of the value of the property based on
those raised and passed upon in the lower
the current relevant zonal valuation of the BIR
and the value of the improvements and/or
5. Where there is an Urgent necessity for the
structures as determine under sec. 7 of RA.
resolution of the question.
6. When a Motion for reconsideration would be
2. If the expropriator is a LGU, the payment
useless should be only 15% of the fair market value
7. Where petitioner is Deprived of due process
based on the tax declaration required to be
8. Where the Issue raised is one purely of law
deposited with the authorized government
or where public interest is involved. depositary.
9. Where, in Criminal case, relief form an order
of arrest is urgent and the granting of such Once, the preliminary deposit has been made, the
relief by the trial court is improbable. expropriator is entitled to a writ of possession as a
10. Where the proceeding was Ex parte or in matter of right, and the issuance of such writ becomes
which the petitioner has no opportunity to ministerial on the part of the trial court.
In the case at bar, since the NGCP has paid 100% or
Certiorari is a prerogative writ, it is never demandable the total value of the property, it is now entitled to a
as a matter of right and never issued except in the writ of possession as a matter of right. Hence, the court
exercise of judicial discretion. He who seeks a writ of cannot refuse the issuance of writ as now it is
certiorari must apply for it only in manner and strictly ministerial duty to issue the writ.
in accordance with the provision of the law and the
Rules. In expropriation proceedings due process must be
strictly followed.
Requisites of certiorari
In expropriation, the private owner is deprived of
1. Respondent tribunal, board or officer is property against his will. Withal, the mandatory
exercising judicial and quasi-judicial function requirement of due process ought to be strictly
followed, such that the State must show, at the
minimum, a genuine need, an exacting public purpose 2. There is MATERIAL and SUBSTANTIAL
to take private property, the purpose to be specifically INVASION of such right.
alleged or least reasonably deductible form the 3. There is an URGENT NEED for the writ to
complaint. (Vda. De Ouano vs. Republic, GR 168770 prevent irreparable injury to the applicant.
Feb. 9 2011, 642 SCRA 384) 4. NO other SPEEDY AND ADEQUATE REMEDY
exist to prevent the infliction of irreparable
10. It depends, whether the ground falls in the special The issuance of writ of PI is addressed to the sound
civil action of quo warranto or election protest. discretion of the trial court, conditioned on the
existence of clear and positive right of the applicant
If the basis is that the occupant is disqualified from
which should be protected. Moreover, extreme caution
holding the office by reason of ineligibility or disloyalty
must be observed in the exercise of such discretion. It
the proper remedy is the special civil action of quo
should be granted only when the court is fully satisfied
warranto, such denial of motion to dismiss qou
that the law permits it and the emergency demand it.
warranto is proper
The very foundation of the jurisdiction to issue a writ
However, if it challenges the right of a person to hold of injunction rest in the existence of a cause of action
office on the ground of regularities in the conduct of and in the probability of reparable injury, inadequacy of
elections for said office then Election protest will lie. pecuniary compensation and the prevention of
multiplicity of suit.
Note: where there is usurpation or intrusion into an
office, quo warranto is the proper remedy. But where Negative answer – where the fact are now show to bring
the respondent, without claiming any right to an office, the case within these conditions, the relief of injection
excludes the petitioner therefrom, the remedy Is should be refuse.
mandamus, not quo warranto.
Requisites for the ISSUANCE of PI

1. There must be a verified application filed

11. the complaint of unlawful detainer with damages before the court.
will not prosper. 2. There must be a ground for issuance of the
writ which are the ff: (EnCOD)
[ In unlawful detainer, if possession is through a. Applicant is ENTITLED to the relief
tolerance, it should be alleged in the complaint that the demanded and the whole or part of such
tolerance was from the beginning or that defendant relief consist in RESTRAINING the
was able to hold possession of property because of commission or continuance of the act/acts
tolerance by the complainant.} “Where defendant’s complained of, or in REQUIRING the
entry upon the land was with plaintiff’s tolerance right PERFORMANCE of acts with for limited
from the date of fact of entry, unlawful detainer period or perpetually; or
proceedings maybe instituted within one (1) year from b. COMMISSION, CONTINUANCE, or NON-
the demand on him to vacate as there is an implied PERFORMANCE of the act complained of
promise on his part to vacate upon demand” would work injustice to the applicant; or
c. Party, court or agency or a person (DTAPS)
What could have been the proper remedy in this case
is doing, threatening, attempting to do so,
in an action for forcible entry. Action for forcible entry
procuring or suffering to be done, some
is available to a person who was deprived of possession
act/acts probably in violation of the rights
of any land or building by (FISTS) force, intimidation,
of the applicant respecting the subject of
strategy, threat, and stealth. As a general rule, the one-
the action or proceedings.
year period is counted from the date of the entry or
3. The notice shall be preceded or
taking of possession by use of force, intimidation,
contemporaneously accompanied by service of
threat, or strategy. However, as to exception, the one-
summons, together with a copy of the
year period in case entry trough stealth should be
complaint/initiatory pleading and applicant
counted from the demand to vacate upon learning of
affidavit and bond; except when instances
such entry.
where prior and contemporaneously service of
12. Writ of Preliminary Injunction. summons is not required.
4. A Bond must be posted, unlss othwerise
The injunctive writ is conditioned on the existence of a excepted by the court.
clear and positive right of the applicant which should 5. The threatened injury must be incapable of
be protected, the writ being strong arm of equity, and pecuniary estimation.
extraordinary pre-emptory remedy which can be
availed of only upon the existence of well-defined GROUNDS FOR OBJECTION TO, OR FOR THE
The requisites whether mandatory or prohibitory are 1) Upon showing of insufficiency of the application;
the following: 2) Other grounds upon affidavit of the party or person
1. The applicant must have CLEAR and 3) Appears after hearing that irreparable damage to the
UNMISTAKABLE RIGHT, that is right in esse. party or person enjoined will be caused while the
applicant can be fully compensated for such damages A party adversely affected by resolution of a Division of
as he may suffer, and the party enjoined files a CTA on a motion for new trial or reconsideration, may
counterbond; file a petition for review with the CTA en banc. However,
4) Insufficiency of the bond; R.A 9282 Sec. 19, further provides that a party
5) Insufficiency of the surety or sureties. adversely affected by a decision or ruling of the Court
13.ANNULMENT OF JUDGEMENT, AND RESOLUTION of Tax Appeals (CTA) en banc may file with the
Supreme Court a verified petition for review on
The party may move for Annulment of JFR under Rule certiorari pursuant to Rule 45 of the 1997 Civil
47 is only when the petioner failed to move for new Procedure.
tiral, or appeal from, or file petiion for relief against, or
Petition for review under Rule 43 is available only for
take other appropriate remedies assailing the
cases decided by quasi-judicial bodies, the CTA being
questioned JFR through NO FAULT ATTRIBUTABLE
excluded therefrom by virtue of RA 9282 which
to him
elevated the rank of the CTA to the level of collegiate
 The GR is that final and executory judgement can court.
no long be disturbed altered or modified in any
Supplemental Info: Sec. 9(3) of B.P 129 enumerated the
respect, and nothing further can be done but to
cases for exclusive appellate jurisdiction of CA – waray
execute it. A final and executory decision may,
however be invalidated via Petition for relief (Rule
38) or a Petition for ANNULMENT of JFR under
Rule 47). Rule 47 of ROC is a remedy granted only
under exceptional circumstances where a party, Requirements for the issuance of the order of
WITHOUT FAULT on his part, has failed to avail of attachment. No. 9 in the Final Exam of 4th year. It
the ordinary remedies of New Trial, Appeal, petition depends,
for relief or other appropriate remedies. The same
petition is not available as a substitute for a If the affidavit executed by Juan Alleges the following.
remedy which was lost due to the party’s own a. That there is sufficient of cause of action.
neglect in promptly availing the same. There’s here b. That the case is one of those mentioned in
no attempted substitution; annulment of Sectioned 1 of Rule 57 of Revised Rules of
judgement is the only remedy available to the Court
petitioner. Requisite elements for the filing of a c. That there is no other security for the claim
Petition for Annulment of JFR are on the ground of sought to be enforced by the plaintiff.
1. Extrinsic Fraud / Collateral Fraud; 2. Lack of d. That the amount due to the applicant, or the
Jurisdiction over subject matter and over the person value of the property the possession of which
and want of due process must be present. he is entitled to recover, is as much as the sum
1) Extrinsic Fraud – exists when there is a fraudulent for which the order is granted above all legal
act committed by the prevailing party OUTSIDE the counterclaims; and
trial of the case, whereby the defeated party was e. The affidavit, and the bond required by this
prevented from presenting fully his side of the case by rule must be duly filed with the court before
FRAUD AND DECEPTION practiced on him by the the order issues.
prevailing party.
2) Lack of Jurisdiction – refers to either lack of The affidavit must contain all the allegations
jurisdiction over the person of the defendant or over required, failure to do so renders the writ totally
the subject matter of the claim. defective as the judge issuing it acts in excess of
jurisdiction (K.O. Glass Construction Co. vs.
14. The Court of Appeal is correct in dismissing the
petition. Memorize Section 1 of Rule 57 (Grounds of Issuing
It must be noted, that by virtue of A.M 05-11-07-CTA
(2005) of R.A 9282 or the Revised Rules of Tax Appeals,
as amended, Under Sec. 1, Rule 16 thereof, a party
adversely affected by a decision or ruling of the CTA en Meaning of “Compensable taking”
banc may file with the Supreme Court a verified
The taking of private property for public use, to be
petition for review on certiorari pursuant to Rule 45 of
compensable, need not be an actual physical taking or
the 1997 Civil Procedure. But, a party adversely
appropriate. Compensable taking includes
affected by resolution of a Division of CTA on a motion
destruction, restriction, diminution, or
for new trial or reconsideration, may file a petition for
interruption of the rights of ownership or of the
review with the CTA en banc.
common and necessary use and enjoyment of the
Petition for review under Rule 43 is available only for property in a lawful manner, lessening or
cases decided by quasi-judicial bodies, the CTA being destroying its value. It is neither necessary that the
excluded therefrom by virtue of RA 9282 which owner be wholly deprived of the use of his property, nor
elevated the rank of the CTA to the level of collegiate material whether the property is removed from the
court, making it co-equal body of CA. possession of the owner, or in any respect changes
hands. (National Power Corp. vs. Heirs of Macabangkit
Simple Answer: Sangkay, GR 165828, Aug. 24, 2011).

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