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Introduction to Digital Marketing Module 1

Now that you have studied this module, work your way through this worksheet
to see how well you have really done in absorbing all of the relevant

We recommend that you allocate at least 30 minutes to this worksheet.

At the end of the worksheet is a convenient answers/feedback and advice
section to allow you to see how well you have done.
You are not required to return this worksheet.

Activity #1 10 minutes

List as many types of digital marketing as you can:

Write or type your answer here

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Activity #2 10 minutes
Explain how digital marketing works:

Write or type your answers here

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Activity #3 10 minutes

List as many examples of online PR as you can:

Write or type your answer here

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Answers/feedback and advice section
Use this section to check your answers and see how well you have done
You are not required to return this worksheet

Activity #1

Advice and Feedback

Since digital marketing is a fairly broad term, it is important to understand the various channels
that can be used. These include:
 Search Engine Marketing
 Email Marketing
 Mobile Marketing
 Pay-per-click Marketing
 Digital Display Marketing
 Social Media
 Websites

Activity #2

Advice and Feedback

Digital marketing works by producing a two-way path of communication between the business
and consumer. As already noted above, this is most effective with the right data at the
beginning of any marketing plan. This means, the first thing necessary for creating a digital
marketing campaign is to understand the user, or target market. This is where web analytics
comes into play.

Web analytics is the practice of analysing the impact of a particular digital platform on its
targeted audience or users. Using web analytics enables a business to measure a campaign’s
success, while also collecting valuable data on who is accessing their information in order to
improve future activities. The data collected provides detailed insight into who is accessing a
company’s website or other digital media (social media, podcasts, YouTube, etc.). By using this
information, the marketing plan can be created around what the data is indicating. Additionally,
web analytics are a means of measuring the success of the campaign, which aides in the
reporting of data and expansion of reach.

Activity #3
Advice and Feedback

Examples of online PR include:

● Blogs and forums
● Email Newsletters
● Podcasts and webinars
● Press Releases
● Social Media
● Websites

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Much of this module should have proven to be fairly straightforward and self-
explanatory; however, if you do not feel you have taken in all of the relevant
information covered in this module or you have not done particularly well in this
worksheet, find the time to run through the module again.

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