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Some Key concepts we use in Heka

The Talmud states that 10 measures of magick went into the world, of which Egypt received
9 and the rest of the world only 1.

The Neteru gave mankind Heka, to avert the blows of fate – (so stop blaming and start
exerting control over your life through Heka!)
This also implies that we are not victims in life but can be victorious by using the Heka force.

The subconscious is the direct link to the Astral – and what we impregnate the astral with will
birth (manifest), so be careful how you program your subconscious.

If there is a conflict between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind, the
subconscious always wins.

“Find yourself in the Magick and find the magick in yourself” – Seshet (Egyptian Neteret of
Occult Knowledge and “sound foundations” (Who grants strong “foundations” through the
application of “Occult principles”.)

Seshat appeared to me as a Golden Cobra with blue eyes spitting fire when she speaks.)

Egyptian heka teaches that everything is “alive”; that is everything has a frequency or
vibration (Called “Ren” in Medu Neter – translated as “name” or ‘True name’ by modern day
Egyptologists), which when broken into its smallest components is pure light or Gods

1.Don’t believe everything you HEAR, READ or SEE .

Test Everything!!!
2. Use whatever works

3. In heka Intention is everything!!!

4. Words have power

5. Know the true name of anything and you have power over it! That is if you can name it you
can own it!

6. Energy flows where you focus your mind (thoughts) to accomplish what you focus on.

7. Everything is permitted; nothing is true – (chaos magick axiom)

8. Heka is unbounded by time or space, only by the mind of the practitioner

9. Intensity and power assists manifestation. If you can feel and own it you can experience it
(Manifest it).

10. Words of power spoken over and object whilst focussing on an intent or outcome charges
that object to act as a magnet for that intent, and remains active for as long as the object
remains intact.
11. “The one and the Many” means: All the Neteru are shape-shifters, so Neter is all and all
is Neter, this means that Neter is constantly interacting with us!!!!

12. Neter is Love; everything else is Fear, which holds us back. The only thing to fear is fear

13. Everything comes from Chaos. Everything returns to chaos (Nun).

15. There is Ma’at (Balance and cosmic order) in Chaos (Nun)

There is Chaos in Ma’at (order)

16. When you think of Neter, Neter thinks of you

17. You attract what you are

18. Your outer reality is a reflection of your inner reality. In other words Life mirrors itself
(Ankh symbol).

“As Above, so Below” & “As within, So without”

19. You are a product of your own circumstances
As you think so it is. Be careful what you wish for or which thoughts and emotional states
occupy your mind, because you create your own reality!

20. Imagination is another word for visualisation and is as real on the Astral Plane as the
people and objects around you here in ordinary reality (Physical Plane). In fact you are NOT
on the inside looking out! Everything exists in your mind and therefore you have control over

21. The true purpose of emotions is to let you know weather you are within your own Divine
Plan or not. In other words: Are you maximising your true potential or not? Are you
‘becoming’ or not?

22. There are no tests or punishments, only choices that empower or dis-empower us; and
we have the power and all the tools to create change in our life by exercising the power
of choice and free will.

23. Time is not linear but rather circular and occurring all at the same time, that is now!

24. All is One! - Separation is a useful illusion but it is only an illusion!

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