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Authorization/Permit/Form Program Objective

CSP, Response
Spill Reporting Requirements 18AAC 75.300 PERP

Initial Spill Response Requirements 18AAC 75.310 & 18AAC 75.315

Cleanup Plan Approval Response

CSP Response
Streamlined Cleanup of petroleum contamination
Contaminated Site Cleanup:
CSP Response

Contaminated Site Cleanup:Cleanup Plan Approval (18 AAC

Interim Removal Action 18AAC 75.330(c) CSP Response
Report Approval 18AAC 75.335(c) CSP Response
Sampling and Analysis 18AAC 75.355(a)
Cleanup Operation 18AAC 75.360
Soil Disposal 18AAC 75.360(b)
Final Cleanup Plan Report and Site Closure 18AAC 75.380 CSP Response

Leaking Underground Tank Cleanup

Reporting requirements 18AAC 78.200(a) & 18AAC 78.235(g) CSP Response
Interim Cleanup 18AAC 78.240(c)(1) CSP Response
Corrective Action Plan 18AAC 78.250 & 18AAC 78.260(e) CSP Response
CSP Response
Corrective Action Plan Revision 18AAC 78.270
Contingency Plan Approval 18 AAC 75.455

Contingency Plan Approval Amendment 18 AAC 75.415 Prevention


Contingency Plan Revocation/Suspension/Modification 18 AAC 75.490

Conducting Drill or Inspection and Issuing Report


Financial Responsibility Certification (18 AAC 75.240)


Financial Responsibility Action (18 AAC 75.290)

IPP Prevention
Nontank Vessel Plan Approval (18 AAC 75.460)

Underground Storage Tanks IPP Prevention

Underground Petroleum Storage Tank Registration 18 AAC

Underground Storage Tank Worker Certification 18 AAC 78.400

Third Party Inspection Operations Report 18 AAC 78.017
Registration for Installation, Repair, Upgrade or Reconfiguration
18 AAC 78.015 & .035
Change Ownership of UST 18 AAC 78.015
Intent to Install or Reconfigure a UST 18 AAC 78.015
60-Day Log for Impressed Current Cathodic Protection 18 AAC
Taken Out of Service or Temporary Closure 18 AAC 78.020
Empty Tank Affidavit 18 AAC 78.100
Closure of a UST 18 AAC 78.085
Post-Closure of a UST 18 AAC 78.085
Site Assessment/Release Investigation 18 AAC 78.090 & .
Certification of Financial Responsibility 18 AAC 78.910
Preliminary Risk Evaluation Form
Recoverable Cost Affidavit

PERP Response
Local Response Agreement
PERP Prevention
Scientific Discharge Permit
PERP Prevention
Road Oiling Permit
Who needs this authorization or permit? How do you get the permit or authorization?

Report a Spill webpage

Any one who spills oil or a hazardous substance
Contact DEC by phone when reporting spill,
approval may be verbal or in writing.

Contact DEC by phone when reporting spill, approval may be verbal

Anyone cleaning up an oil spill.
Initial cleanup or emergency response.

Low-risk petroleum contaminated sites are elibible for SCP webpage

accelerated cleanup process

Anyone cleaning up an oil or hazardous substance spill Cleanup Process webpage Responsible person must have qualified
which has been referred to the contaminated sites
program for cleanup, risk reduction, or long-term

Cleanup of leaking underground tank Underground Storage Tank Procedures Manual

Oil PipelinesOffshore Exploration FacilitiesOnshore Exploration FacilitiesOffShore

contact section
FacilitiesOnshore Production Fa
Shallow Gas ExplorationOil PipelinesOffshore Exploration FacilitiesOnshore
Financial Responsibility
Exploration FacilitiesOffShore
Webpage Production Facilitie

Non Tank Vessels >400 gross tons Nontank Vessel Webpage

Regulated underground petroleum storage tanks UST Forms

Local governments who want to partner with the State

Local Response
to improve local response capabilities
Anyone wishing to discharge oil for research or scientific Permit for oil discharge for scientific purposes
Anyone wishing to apply oil to a road surface for dust

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