Amendment To Rules, 2006

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TftTC?t "#> -£\° T^°-33004/99 REGD.NO.D.L.-33004/99

3lRcf Jt <i^ma
(The dbonzXiz of <3udia
WTII—•*3'IS 3— -3TT-73^ (i)
PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (i)
uify*u TT y*i(vw
IT. 61] •=Tf t ^ l t , M'^ldtJH, LhlcjO 3, 2009/imj- 14, 1930

3 ^ R f f5P#' T$ r=l=hl«<*.df RT RF-Pl+W+di SRT

•prg^r fen RRI FI, °FI Rt " 3 ^ ^ #ft ark T$t
^nsjf 4 wft «wi<M TT 3 ^ R RT ^ T - ' ^ R ^
RW-RTR Pd+W+df Rl W-r^l+W+di ^ ^TR ^T
^ f^crft, 3 tTnctft, 2009 ^rfcsT "5TTT afk ^ # ' R9Rft*rfR Pc|4>|ychd[ TT
TTf-P^=bWct)df 3^T ^ ^ R TT ^T ^ ^ R ^ -^TH ^
W.w.ft. 72(3?).—fa?m 3T#gr *fa arfsffeR, 2005
(2005 3ST 28) ^Bt «TRI 55 UTTTT^rT ¥lPkl4f ^JI3RW^R3 ^ ,
^^gsRT^r^ *Rr^fTT37n :
^ ^R^R, «,d<v£KI, fa?fa 3flf2j*F *fa fe*T, 2006 4 3TTC
3TR W?foH ^ ^ % ^ PHHPdfeld few «Ricft t , 3 7 ^ :— 3T*TE?T f ^ h 3nf5w # ^ SR ^ 'HTOI Trmeif ^-
1 (1) ^T feRf ^ fefa 3TTf2p?T *JH (^f#*R) ^ TRT ^ y ^ d •3^FT ^ #re; <JTK<|4I 3TR ^pft
feR, 2009 T$m WRI1 I
(2) 3 feR u w f l T R R ? R* y+isjn ^\ <TRR§ 4. "*T^T tWT "R-, 1WT 11 3 ,
(i) ^<T-"Pm (4) ^ WIT"tR (HHlclRsId ^T-iw?
2 fafa s n f e r ^fa feR, 2005 ( t ^ # ' I ^ S N I ^ T?3T •^tnjTTT, 3T8Ttc^ :—
^ f W T ^ F T 7 F T r t ) ^ ' , t W T 2 ^ " ^ I ^ ( ^ ^ ) ^WH"qT
PiHPdRsId W^ Tm ^FRIT, 3 ? ^ : _ "t^RT arrg^r IRT "snf^^r oqf^pjf <st ^ ft?h

" (TRJ) " ^ - - C C T K ^ feR fere 3 n f ^ # i " R fen ^im,'ii i"

T£*T 3 STfasF afa t $ T^F T^RT fe>T 3 n f e *fa
(ii) ^T-f^W (10) ^ ^ F R T T ^ r ^ ^ R [HHldRsId
3Tf*T^c! f ^ f °^I4K 133 ^ U ^K«I TTt%cT ^t "^
•"Rg^T 3TRT:W[feT fen ^nTJTn, 3T«^ :—
3lf«W sfctf R* 3TR 'gTciit ^ S r l f ^ faPHHfui 3TST37
^ *n 3#Pfi- sNf ^5t R3R 3RR ^R% '9T ^Hf ?t T# " W 3TR for Pcl+iychdl ^T -HF-P^+IW+di ^T ^fcra
f?R ^cbi^T ^T TSTmT ^ ^T ^ K J T t I " 3R«R Trg +wfd-4 "RTO ^ t%Ti ^ f c ^ f^W 3Tlfe?

3. R ^ f e R ^ l ^ l O ^ R ^ ^ ^ ' t M R R p P
^ WFT R* pHHPdRsId RRp^ Ha «IT^t, 3T«rf^ :—
5. TJcf fell^f, fejr 18,-3^-1WT (2) "R",^ER^RpT
"feg ^ A f e R«flfefd fen fa<*>IR*dt RT
^ Vm TR feffeftaRT TR^T T^l ^TTniT, 3T«f^ :—
RF-Pi+w*a1 ^t STJRCT RTCT s k RcnsiT RT ^2,
RfefWft 3TR. ft*TR$ frg^T ^3R <}<*kKT ^Tf%cT

484 OI/2009 (1)


" Rig RW aft? % T f ^ t ^ r R ^ F isnjte ^ T^F RPT (ii) "OT-IWT (7) ^ ^K PHHPdRsId M ^ *
SFJR^T R3 "5jRt ^ft ^ t5: RRT ^ RTcR RRfacT 3RT:^Tfq?T fsRT 3
' ITC71T, 3fffe^ :—
" ( 8 ) "qrg'src^lfw ^ ^ 3nqj^F?rfiraf^?k
^ RT ^ii aJinkH RfafR R^RT^ ^ SRRR R^FT
3Trf5r^r ^ffa rcicbiwchdf ^ iTRfr ^ t anqj^ qr nfli
R R } ^ RITRT^ 3^HKH •q^f RRRcft RR +i{eii£ .
ar^RFit -^ ? J ^ F ^+<I<1 WT ^ r # n # ^H^R
RRRSfiRtt l" ?jc^r ^ yPdqJci srgqcr ?Fft, ^i# ^ r a n «IR#!T
6. R^T fRRR R', fRRR 19 R*, w s ^' %qT ^qqi ¥l i fa#q 3Trfer # T r^+m+dt
~3fit "RIcT ^ t 3IFp qT ^ T^ "5ff?T3^|A|'fl ^ ^ ^
(i) ^ r - f w f (2) R, RRR RRpp ^F W H RT
^je^ ^ ypdqjri ^ k i R W ?RT Ff^ffer ^ffe^i
•^ 3FJHR ^ft -STURft I "
"Rig 3^pt^r RfRfo IRT ^ R RRCR" R' %rr
RR| argRfcr W T Rft' %RT ^nrnn ^ a r j ^ 10. "^T RRRT 3 , fWT 39 ^f,
R ^ R R SRRTTR' a n d t i" (i) ^T-1WT (1) 3,"SjfiRT-g^TT"T?Kf^T?^
PlHRnP<sld ?T^f ^ 3RT:'WlfqH fSFIT «(IU['II,
(ii) ^R-RTRR (7) ^ - q ^ ^ W R ^ PHHPdRsId
3^8^ : _

"RRJ P ^ i l +JR(H^I RtRRR-RRRRTRRr wffacT
fR&ft R£T RRSH (RRR R' '9Tn3I 3TRRT *wf<r14 (ii) "^-RfqR (4) TT'^FTS+'Wl'qRT^fr^ta
3TRRT +KNK R> 3T^T TRTR RR T^TRRO fRFTRR, ^TJT " ^ f $ T R ^ pHHPdRsId ?Kf «Ft 3F3:T<#Rf
2000 R> ^RRRT R> 3TgRR fR?fa 3 R f e ^M' 3 %^T ^IH'II :—
3P$ TRRST y t^ieulf R> ? R 3 rciP-mWi $ * I ^ I T«#m ""qi 36hf 3T^T f^mfcT y^rHI^H " I
RRRRRftf l" 11. g?T RRRT ^', RRRT 46 ^f, 'OT-RmR (8) 3 ,
7. R^T fRRR 3 , fRRR 28 "4', ^3R-fRRR (7) R' " l ¥ N TRg^ ^ -?«TH ^R rHHPdPteld ^R^F TM ^TURn,
3TFf^^THR^"?T^R>T^RR*"f^3Rf£r^^R'" 31?^:—
^F^T^ "SIIRjt I
8. "«TeT fRRR R-, fRRR 29 R' RR-fRRR (7) R> ~&m RI ^ t 3 ? ^ "Hf^T ^ ! ^ f¥qfcT l 3 TTRR3 "^ # 1 *tl
PHHPdPteld ^-fRRR TT3T *TRRIT, 3T*lfg :— % s 1^T ^ t 3Torfq ^ «ftcR ^HPH ijid %qr "3IT wm
(7) ifti J^i RR-fRRR (2) R> 3TRFT RflFRT RH t I"
srjqirR RRA ^ »fk fHHfci'Rsid "?mf R> s t * r snR IRT 12. *jn RRW ^f, iWT 48 ^f, ^T-f=RRT (2) ^f ^ R ^
Ppfiffo RFR ^ T SRRRT RR wfrft f^m RT <ft fgp&rt SFRT IRT • ^ l # q RCTI ^tlTFTT I
RtRq^ RT STTRRTR RTRT "^Trai i RT fR^rt iFm IRT RRRR 13.^eT FRRT 3 , fRRT 55 ^ '?«^T ^R PHHPdPteld ^
Tjs^ft ^ $ ^ n RR t^ER ^ M t STRRT RSRR 3Rj*jRt R>
3RJRR RT?T RR "RR^nf cH # RT^. ?FRT IRT ^raFT ^ f T^TZTT
"55. 3?%T ^T Wq-3FRTfcT ^iftfil 5TO Wr 15
. +>7 $ *$&fa ^ ^ ,
"5JT T?T t 3?«TcfT 1 ^?H t^' SF^T «(NKl «=bl<<
^ SRRfe •qiftcT f^Rft 3n^?T 3 3?8M ^tRT 16 'SF

(i) "J?: 3TPTO ^ "?RRT "RTH ^ft q ^ R ^R # ^ •q^q "^' ^ti T$ "RR^T s F t o ^ R "R^TT i i"
it; 3Jk
14. RJT RRRT R', RRRT 56 R', ^q-RRRT (1) R-
(ii) "Rra^^R2t3raf«f^«to^T3^^iT^^r PHHPdRsId ^R-RRR ^ T?3r ^niRIT, 3T«^ :—
^ t ^*mr -gft 3rafq -qi ftqfcl ^ cTRR§ ^ "Q^T
• ^ ^ sntfii ^ qkR, # ^ q^xUcjoiciT i\, " 3 R ^ o z r ^ ^ r o ^ 3 T R ? l f w T 18^3R?RfcT
Sld/lKH 'RWTT ^ 3TI^T ^ 3nfRl ^ t cIRRS R # R
f^f ^ 3^ftr ^ RhR ^RR ^ ^IT Tf^ft I"
9. T=p ' P m ^f ^ q - 1 w r 30 4 ,
15. "R?T RRRT 4 RRRT 70 'q', ^T-1Wt (2) ^F R q ^
(i) ^ i - f r o ( l ) •% "srP«ra^n wm\ 40/
^F RIH RT PHHPelPteid RTpr "RsIT WFrr, 3T«lf^ :—
2001 - T ^ N <f?qK w^> C^f)" W^,
~&m\3?i, +]tdchV "^' 3T?TO' ^ P H ^T "RRj RF % ^m ^£Tf ^ RRT ^ ^ S 3RpfcT R5T
" 3TP«RJ^TI wm\ 42/2001 - # ? N "Scq^ ^ ^ > R5t' T^TT f eft T^Rt ^ l | ^ BUfRRf sfa +|f£|c(,l' ^ff
^TR M6^M4^ 3ror^RTH"5ITl$3fK"3^gRf3T*RfRrT
^R'ftRl vHIH'll |"

[*TFT 11-"©^ 3 ( i ) ] *TTT<T ^T UMH-A : sraTWn

16. TJeT fWT 3 , 3. In the principal rules, in rule 10, for the second
and third provisos, the following provisos shall be substi-
(i) 3m "^"^^mi1*. V ^ ' ^ ( 1 ) ^ 3 ? 5 ? T R tuted, namely:—
pHHRrinsld ^ 3Rl:T«nftcT f^TT "SJTCTTT, 3TE|fa :—
"Provided further that exemptions, drawbacks and
" ( 0 0 * 0 ^ ^T 3reni TJcf mj|cMI 3T«^ W t 133 concessions on the goods and services allowed to a
*RT ^jpr# TJ^T x}rg# 3T«Mfe*y<rft^Tlft l" Developer or Co-developer, as the case may be, shall
also be available to the contractors including sub-
(ii) 3 m "^r" ^ *Uliim>-III 3 *R (xvii) ?£
contractors appointed by such Developer or Co-
«n^ pHHf^feci •#? 3RT*«nft?i fen "sntJTTr:— developer, and all the documents in such cases shall
bear the name ofthe Developer or Co-developer along
" (xviii) fa+w^df fereta s n f e r ^fa 3' ^ f ^
with the contractor or sub-contractor and these shall
forat ^ farr tH+K ?JRT 3PT<T W F "^Ff "cTFTcf ^F=T be filed jointly in the name of the Developer or Co-
^TT sfa f^RT 3TPJWIRT ^ ^rqt ^RFT fer ^ H developer and the contractor or sub-contractor, as
TT arifsra Trirr *ro ^ r r i" the case may be :
Provided also that the Developer or Co-developer,
[T*T. U # . 2/3/2008-TH^fe]
as the case may be, or the Special Economic Zone
srf^rer -gsfrr, *RpRT ^rf^f Unit shall be responsible and liable for proper
utilisation of such goods in all cases".
Piujufi :— tJeT IWT ft#F 10 ^PT^, 2006 ^ HRrT
^ Trsnrst, 3raT*rRTTT ^ 3rf«Rj^n tf. 4. In the principal rules, in rule 11,
TIT.^T.ft. 54(3T) IRT y+iHdd fspr Trq £ 3JR (i) for sub-rule (4), the following sub-rule shall be
^ T f f i (i) f^TfsFT, 10 3T>mT, 2006 ^ t substituted, namely :—
3TP«RJTHT U "OT.^T.ft. 470(3T) (ii) fcTP$- "The persons authorised by the Development Com-
16 "RT^, 2007 ^ 3?f«T?^RT tf. missioner shall only be allowed to enter the process-
m^T.ft 393 (a?) (iii) t^rrar 12 3 T ^ T , ing area of a Special Economic Zone";
2007 ^ t 3Tp*TC£cRT TFf. m^l.ft. 1744(31) 3$* (ii) in sub-rule (10), after the second proviso, the
(iv) fctf^ 14 l^raT, 2008 ^ srftRJ^RT tf. following proviso shall be inserted, namely :—
^T. 3TT. 2661(37) SRT ^f«RT f ^ Ttj; ^ I "Provided also that the Developer or Co-Developer
MINISTRY OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY shall strive to provide adequate housing facilities
not only for the management and office staff but
(Department of Commerce)
also for the workers of the Special Economic Zones
New Delhi, the 3rd February, 2009 5. In the principal rules, in rule 18, in sub-rule (2), for
G.S.R.72 (E).— In exercise of the powers conferred the second proviso, the following proviso shall be
by Section 55 of the Special Economic Zones Act, 2005 substituted, namely :—
(28 of 2005), the Central Government hereby makes the "Provided further that a copy of the registered Lease
following rules further to amend the Special Economic Deed shall be furnished to the Development
Zones Rules, 2006, namely:— Commissioner concerned within six monthsfromthe
1. (1) These rules may be called the Special issuance of the Letter of Approval and failure to do
Economic Zones (Amendment) Rules, 2009. so, the Approval Committee may take action to
withdraw the Letter of Approval after giving an
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their
opportunity of being heard."
publication in the Official Gazette.
6. In the principal rules, in rule 19,—
2. In the Special Economic Zones Rules, 2006 (here-
inafter referred to as the principal rules), in rule 2, for clause (i) in sub-rule (2), for the first proviso, the following
(za), the following clause shall be substituted, namely:— proviso shall be substituted, namely:—
'(za) "Special Economic Zone for multi-product" "Provided that no such approval shall be granted by
means a Special Economic Zone for more than one the Approval Committee in those cases which fall
sector where Units may be set up for manufacture within the competence of the Board of Approval";
of goods falling in two or more sectors or rendering (ii) in sub-rule (7), for the proviso, the following
of services falling in two or more sectors or any proviso shall be substituted, namely:—
combination thereof including trading and
"Provided that foreign companies can also set up
manufacturing Units as their branch operations in

the Special Economic Zones in accordance with the the proviso, the following shall be substituted, namely :—
provisions of Foreign Exchange Management "Provided that the items not sold abroad may be
(Establishment in India of branch or office or other re-imported within a period of three hundred and
place of business) Regulations, 2000 as amended sixty five days from the date of their export inclusive
from time to time". of the period of forty-five days".
7. In the principal rules, in rule 28, in sub-rule (7), for 12. In the principal rule, in rule 48, in sub-rule (2), the
the words "is other than the Special Economic Zone" the proviso shall be omitted.
words "is the Special Economic Zone" shall be substi-
tuted. 13. In the principal rules, for rule 55, the following
8. In the principal rules, in rule 29, for sub-rule (7), the rule shall be substituted, namely :—
following sub-rule shall be substituted, namely :— "55 Form of Appeal.- Any person aggrieved by an
"(7) A Unit may import the goods exported by it order passed by the Approval Committee under
which are either found to be defective or damaged Section 15 or against cancellation of Letter of Ap-
by the overseas buyer or have not been taken deliv- proval under section 16, may prefer an appeal to the
ery of by the overseas buyer or when the payment is Board in Form J".
not forthcoming from the buyer as per agreed sched-
14. In the principal rules, in rule 56, for sub-rule (1),
ule after having taken delivery of goods or when
the following sub-rule shall be substituted, namely :—
buyers return goods due to change of fashion and
other market factors by following the procedure un- "(1) An appeal shall be preferred by the aggrieved
der sub-rule (2) and subject to the following condi- person within a period of thirty days from the date of
tions, namely: — receipt of the order of the Approval Committee
(i) the identity of the goods is established at the time under rule 18".
of re-import; and 15. In the principal rules, in rule 70, in sub-rule(2), for
(ii) the goods are re-imported within the warranty the proviso, the following shall be substituted, namely :—
period or the validity of the maintenance contract or
a period of one year from the date of export, which- "Provided that when the Unit ceases to hold a valid
ever is later." Letter of Approval, all identity cards issued to the
Entrepreneurs and employees of such Unit shall be
9. In the principal rules, in rule 30, deemed to be invalid and shall be surrendered
(i) in sub-rule (1), for the words, figures, brackets forthwith".
and letters "notification number 40/2001-Central Excise
(NT)", the words, figures, brackets and letters 16. In the principal rules,
"notification number 42/2001 -Central Excise (NT)" shall be (i) in Form A', in paragraph v, as per item (i) the
substituted; following item shall be inserted namely:—
(ii) in sub-rule (8), the following proviso shall be
"(ia) Type and quality of land i.e. waste and barren
inserted, namely:—
land, single crop or double crop etc."
"provided that the reimbursement of duty in lieu of
drawback or Duty Entitlement Pass Book credit (ii) in Form 'B', in paragraph III, after item (xvii), the
against supply of goods by Domestic Tariff Area following item shall be inserted, namely: —
supplier to Special Economic Zone developers shall "(xviii) The Developer shall bear the cost of staff
be admissible even if payment is made in Indian provided by the Government to man the posts in the
Rupees. Reimbursement of duty in lieu of drawback Special Economic Zone and will deposit the
against supply of goods to Special Economic Zone requisite amount as and when demanded by the
developer shall be made as per the procedure Development Commissioner".
prescribed by the Central Government".
10. In the principal rules, in rule 39,
(i) in sub-rule (1), after the words "advance intima- ANIL MUKIM.Jt. Secy.
tion" the following words shall be inserted, namely: —- Note:— The principal rules were published in the Gazette
"of not less than seven days"; of India, Extraordinary vide number G.S.R. 54(E), .
(ii) in sub-rule (4), after the words "Duty Entitlement dated the 10th day of February, 2006 and
Pass Book Scheme Credit" the following words shall be subsequently amended vide notification number
inserted, namely :— (i) G.S.R. 470(E), dated the 10th day of August,
"or any other export incentive". 2006, (ii) G.S.R. 393 (E), dated, the 16th day of
March, 2007, (iii) G.S.R. 1744(E), dated, the 12th
11. In the principal rules, in rule 46, in sub-rule (8), for
day of October, 2007 and (iv) S.0.2661(E), dated
Printed by the Manager, Govt, of India Pr ;, Ring Roao*nyaf$^>«EViS,eYrrf?]l?856^U8-
and Published by the Control of Publications, Delhi-110054.

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