Eclpur2b1 (IMPRESO)

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English examination- Name___________________________________________________March 2013

Make phrasal verbs with the words below and then complete the sentences with the correct forms of the phrasal verbs.
catch | club | do | fork | get | knock | sell | shop stand
1-The T-shirt had a hole in it, so the sales assistant______________________________________ £5.
2- If we______________________________ and pay £10 each, we’ll be able to get her a great present.
2 Unfortunately, when I went back to the shop, they had______________________of the pictures I liked.
3 Internet advertising is a good way for companies to_______________________________their message .
4 Organic clothing is a nice idea, but I’m not sure whether it will__________________________ .
5 I can’t believe I just__________________________ £25 for that CD, it was terrible!
6 That coat’s very bright – you certainly________________________________in it!
7 I’m going to _________________________my diary and record everything on my phone instead.
8 Before you spend a lot of money on something, it’s a good idea to ______________________________.
Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the phrasal verbs in the list.
drop out | get on | liven up | put on
1 If your project doesn’t look very interesting, you can_______________it with photos or pictures.
2 Have you heard? Joe has ___________________of his A level classes!
3 I’m very pleased – you’ve __________________really well in English this year.
4 At Christmas, the children _________________________a play for all the parents.

Match the expressions below with their meanings and change the sentences. Use an adjective or expression in the list.
broke | overdrawn | wealthy | stingy | in debt have money to burn
1Sam has spent more money than he’s got in his bank account. ________________________________________
2 Cara’s got a lot of money, but she doesn’t like spending it. ________________________________________
3 His family have got a lot of money._________________________________________________
4 Emma owes money to her parents, her brother and her friend.__________________________________________
5 I’d like to come out, but I haven’t got any money._________________________________________
6 He spends a lot of money, he must have a lot of it._________________________________________________

Complete the dialogue with the words and expressions in the list.
boarding | bully | degree | disruptive | expelled | got on in charge of | in trouble | mess around | standing on his head
Matt Do you remember James from secondary school?
Beth James? Yes, I do – wasn’t he always really noisy and (1)_____________________ in class?
Matt Yes, he used to (2)______________________ all the time.
Beth That’s him – why do you ask?
Matt Well, eventually he went to a _________________________ (3)school in the countryside.
Beth Oh, yes, I remember now. Didn’t he hate it?
Matt Yes – he ended up getting ________________________(4) .
Beth Really? That’s awful – why?
Matt Apparently he was a (5)_______________________ – he kept fighting with the younger children.
Beth Oh no, I just don’t understand why people do that.
Matt After he left, though, he got a job where he was___________________________(6) fixing computers at a car factory.
Beth Wow – that sounds quite difficult!
Matt Yes, but he _____________________(7) really well with it. In fact, the factory was so pleased with him that
they paid for him to do a (8) ________________________course in computing at university. He found the
course really easy, and he could do it_______________________(9) .
Beth So maybe he wouldn’t have been _________________(10) all the time if he found the work more interesting …

Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in the list. ( 3 marks)
borrow | lend | save up | afford | charge | owe
Those jeans are fantastic, but they’re expensive – I can’t ________________ them.
1 How much do they_____________ for a coffee in here?
2 I ___________________________Ben £5 – I’d better not forget or he’ll be angry.
3 Dad, can you _____________________me £20 until Monday?
4 My brother works at the weekend, and at the moment he__________________________ for a new bike.
5 If you need some money, get a job – don’t __________________________it from your friends.
Complete the email with the appropriate active or passive forms of the bold verbs. ( _ / 15)
Hi Sasha, How are you?
I (1) _______________ (just get) back from a fantastic safari holiday in Kenya! The game reserve is huge – thousands of wild animals (2)
_______________ (live) there and they (3) _______________ (look after) by game wardens. We (4) _______________ (stay) in a lodge. On the second day
there, we (5) ______________ (drive) along a quiet track when a group of elephants (6) _______________ (appear) from nowhere – it was so
exciting! I (7) _______________ (never see) animals like these in the wild before. Some parts of the trip were sad, though. One day we (8)
_______________ (find) some lion cubs wandering around alone. Their mother (9) _______________ (kill) by hunters and they (10) _______________
(leave) to fend for themselves. Luckily, the cubs (11) _______________ (rescue) by the game wardens later.I’m back at school now. I (12)
_______________ (revise) for my geography exam for the last three hours. I usually hate revising, but I (13) _______________ (enjoy) this because
it’s all about Africa. In fact, I (14) _______________ (think) of studying geography at university next year.
Are you going to Tom’s party? It was supposed to be next Saturday, but the date (15) _______________ (change) to the 15th now. Hope I’ll see
you there! Love, Becky.
1.Rewrite the following sentences using the correct form of the MODAL in brackets (9P)

1. You are not allowed to take photos in the museum ………………………………………………………………………………………….

2. I don’t believe he is rich. ……………………………………………………………………………………………
3. I’ m sure she is at home ……………………………………………………………………………………………
4. She wasn’t able to repair the car ……………………………………………………………………………………………
5. It is forbbiden to talk in the library ……………………………………………………………………………………………
6. I would like to talk you for a moment ……………………………………………………………………………………………
7. Pehaps he has read the book ……………………………………………………………………………………………
8 I advise him to go to the doctor ……………………………………………………………………………………………
9. It isn’t necessary to buy a new ticket …………………………………………………………………………………………
Change the following sentences into the passive voice or have something done(9 p)

- We will not accept more cheques.

- They told her the biggest lie in the world.(2 ways)
- People said that he did not need any help. (2 ways)
- The lawyer has given me the details of my mother's will.
- Yesterday the mechanic repaired my car. I_________________________________________________________________________
- They are going to repaint the house. They__________________________________________________________________________
- Somebody does her cleaning.She____________________________________________________________________________________
Choose the correct answer.
1. The sun is really bright. I wish I had had / had my sunglasses.
2. Sam doesn’t like being short. He wishes he were / had been taller.
3. Dave is going to France this summer. If only I can / could go too.
4. They’re wet! They wish they brought / had brought their umbrellas.
5. He’s a U2 fan. He wishes they gave / would give a concert in his town.

Change the following sentences into conditional clauses (12p)

- They cannot pass their exams because they haven't studied. Unless......(1st)
- He plays very well because he trains every day. (2nd)
- Jenny took the keys with her so we had to use John's. (3rd)
- Everybody left because the actors were so bad.
- She is quite depressed. Why don't you phone her?
- Mary is ill because she never listens to her mum.
Complete the sentences below with suitable linkers or connectors (12 marks)

1. Many students dislike school uniform. ………………………., their parents approve of it.
2. I don’t want to go to the cinema tonight;……………………….., I’ve got homework to do.
3. He went to the party ………………………………. he still felt ill.
4. It’s too early to have supper; …………………………….I’m not really hungry.
5. We had a great holiday……………………………the heavy rain.
6. She wore shoes with very high heels .................................... look taller.
7. Danny opened the front door very quietly .................................... wake anyone.
8 Many students dislike school uniform. ……………………… their parents approve of it.
9 I don’t want to go to the cinema tonight; ………………………….. I’ve got homework to do.
10 He went to the party ………………………………… he still felt ill.
11 ………………………………., I am pleased with your attitude. ………………………….., there is still room for improvement.
Combine the sentences below with a defining or non-defining sentence.Add comas and () where necessary.

1. Here is a photograph of the youth hostel. We stayed there for a week.

2-They told me about the girl . The mother’s girl is a famous actress.
3. My new flat is slowly starting to look like a home. You visited it last week
4. The film has just been released. We had spoken about it.(2 ways)
5. The hostel near the bus station is fully booked. It is said to be the best in town.

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