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Childhood Blood Pressures

Pharmacological Treatment of Arterial Hypertension

in Children and Adolescents
A Network Meta-Analysis
Jacopo Burrello,* Elvira M. Erhardt,* Gaelle Saint-Hilary, Franco Veglio, Franco Rabbia,
Paolo Mulatero, Silvia Monticone,† Fabrizio D’Ascenzo†

Abstract—Pharmacological treatment is indicated in children and adolescents with hypertension unresponsive to lifestyle
modifications, but there is not enough evidence to recommend 1 class of antihypertensive drugs over others. We performed
a network meta-analysis to compare the results of available randomized clinical trials on pharmacological treatment of
pediatric hypertension. From a total of 554 potentially relevant studies, 13 randomized placebo-controlled clinical trials
enrolling ≥50 patients and a follow-up ≥4 weeks were included. The reduction of systolic blood pressure (SBP) and
diastolic BP (DBP) after treatment were the coprimary end points. A total of 2378 pediatric patients, with a median age
of 12 years, were included in the analysis. After a median follow-up of 35 days, lisinopril and enalapril were found to
be superior to placebo in reducing SBP and DBP, whereas only for DBP, losartan was found to be superior to placebo
and lisinopril and enalapril were found to be superior to eplerenone. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and
angiotensin receptor blockers were associated with a greater SBP and DBP reduction compared with placebo, likewise
the mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist was inferior to angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors in DBP reduction. The
analysis was adjusted for study-level mean age, percentage of women, mean baseline blood pressure, and mean weight,
only the latter significantly affected DBP reduction. According to the present analysis, angiotensin-converting enzyme
inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers could represent the best choice as antihypertensive treatment for pediatric
hypertension. However, because of the paucity of available data for the other classes of antihypertensive drugs, definitive
conclusions are not allowed and further randomized controlled trials are warranted.  (Hypertension. 2018;72:306-313.
DOI: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.118.10862.) Online Data Supplement •
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Key Words: adolescent ◼ angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors ◼ blood pressure

◼ hypertension ◼ network meta-analysis

I n children and adolescents, given the lack of outcome data,

the definition of hypertension is based on the normal distri-
bution of blood pressure (BP) in healthy children. For patients
The relationship between hypertension and cardiovascular
risk is well established in adults,5 and BP lowering has been
demonstrated to reduce the excess risk in long-term random-
aged up to 131 or up to 16 years,2 hypertension is defined as ized controlled trials (RCTs).6 Similar evidence is lacking for
systolic BP (SBP) and/or diastolic BP (DBP) ≥95th percentile children, but childhood hypertension is significantly associ-
for healthy children of the same sex, age, and height on at ated with target organ damage7,8 and antihypertensive drugs,
least 3 separate measurements. Recent evidence indicates that effective in reducing BP, lead to the regression of left ventricu-
childhood hypertension is not uncommon, with a prevalence, lar hypertrophy and reduction of intima-media thickness and
in Europe, comprised between 2.2% and 13%2 that increases microalbuminuria.9–12 Furthermore, it has been reported a sig-
up to 22% in overweight or obese children.3 Moreover, with nificant association between BP levels in late adolescence and
the revised definition of BP categories, in agreement with the cardiovascular mortality several decades later in a Swedish
American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology cohort of >1 million male conscripts13 and in a cohort of
guideline4 and the introduction of the new normative BP 18 881 male university students.14 Similarly, childhood hyper-
tables, based exclusively on BP recordings from normal tension was significantly associated with the rate of premature
weight children,1 a significant number of subjects are expected death (before 55 years of age) from endogenous causes in a
to be reclassified as affected by arterial hypertension. cohort of 4857 Native Americans.15

Received January 18, 2018; first decision February 2, 2018; revision accepted June 6, 2018.
From the Division of Internal Medicine and Hypertension (J.B., F.V., F.R., P.M., S.M.) and Division of Cardiology (F.D.A.), Department of Medical
Sciences, University of Turin, Italy; and Department of Mathematical Sciences G. L. Lagrange, Polytechnic University of Turin, Italy (E.M.E., G.S.H.).
*These authors contributed equally to this work.
†These authors contributed equally to this work.
The online-only Data Supplement is available with this article at https://www.ahajournals.org/journal/hyp/doi/suppl/10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.
Correspondence to Silvia Monticone, Division of Internal Medicine and Hypertension, Department of Medical Sciences, University of Turin, Via Genova
3, 10126 Torino, Italy. E-mail silvia.monticone@unito.it
© 2018 American Heart Association, Inc.
Hypertension is available at https://www.ahajournals.org/journal/hyp DOI: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.118.10862

Burrello et al   Hypertension Management in Children   307

According to the European and American Society guide- index, duration of follow-up, baseline SBP and DBP, and follow-up
lines, pharmacological treatment is indicated in hypertensive SBP and DBP for each selected study. For 1 study only δ-DBP (ie,
change from baseline, follow-up DBP−baseline DBP) was available.
children unresponsive to lifestyle modifications, as well as in
δ-SBP (ie, change from baseline, follow-up SBP−baseline SBP) and
all children with symptomatic hypertension, secondary hyper- δ-DBP were evaluated as coprimary end points.
tension, target organ damage, chronic kidney disease, or dia-
betes mellitus.1,2 Pharmacological therapy should be started Arms
with the lowest dose of a single drug then up-titrated until BP The following drugs and pharmacological classes were considered:
control or until the maximum recommended dose is reached. (1) ACE inhibitors (enalapril, fosinopril, and lisinopril); (2) ARBs
When target BP is not achieved with a single agent, a second (losartan, olmesartan, telmisartan, and valsartan); (3) calcium chan-
nel blockers (amlodipine and felodipine); (4) β-blockers (metopro-
drug should be added and up-titrated.1,2 However, the lack of
lol; bisoprolol+hydrochlorothiazide, which was included only in
head-to-head pharmacological trials does not allow to provide main NMA); and (5) mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist (MRA:
strong recommendations for any class of antihypertensive eplerenone).
medications over the others, and the choice of a particular drug
is usually driven by hypertension underlying pathogenesis (in Data Analysis
case of secondary hypertension), concurrent disorders, side Continuous variables are reported as mean or median (25th–75th
effects, and clinician’s preference.1,2 Network meta-analysis percentiles, interquartile range). Categorical variables are expressed
as n/N (%). The continuous end points were SBP and DBP and the
(NMA), allowing an integrated analysis of RCTs that com-
differences between the treatment groups were measured in terms of
pare different drugs head-to-head or with placebo whereas difference between mean changes from baseline. All the 13 (12 for
fully respecting randomization,16 can significantly influence SBP) included studies compared 1 treatment versus placebo (Table;
and inform treatment recommendations4,17,18 whereas network Figure 1A). Four studies (3 for SBP) compared different dosages of
meta-regression (NMR) explores the impact of moderators/ the same drug to 1 placebo arm and their differences were pooled
effect modifiers in the evidence network.19,20 into 1 arm each, weighting by the inverse of the variance of the dif-
ferences. In 2 studies the included patients were subdivided into 2
Therefore, the aim of our study is to compare the effective- cohorts (by race and by obesity, respectively). Further, 4 studies com-
ness in SBP and DBP reduction of different antihypertensive pared different dosages of the same drug, each with specific placebo
medications in children, combining the data from all the avail- arm; hence, for analysis purpose, they were considered as separate
able randomized placebo-controlled clinical trials, through a studies.
NMA and NMR approach. First, for each treatment and for each class of drug—whether they
had been tested in >1 study—the direct estimates were obtained using
standard pairwise meta-analysis. Standard pairwise meta-analyses
Methods were conducted in a frequentist framework applying random effect
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All supporting data are available within the article and its online sup- models. The between-study heterogeneity was assessed via visual
plementary files. The study protocol can be found online at https:// inspection of the forest plots with their 95% confidence intervals,
www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/display_record.php?RecordID=84462. the I2 statistic, and the P value of the Cochrane Q test (Table S1 in
the online-only Data Supplement); the between-study variance was
Search Strategies, Eligibility Criteria, and assessed using the τ2 statistic (Table S2). Second, NMAs were per-
Information Sources formed in a Bayesian framework, using a random effect model with
We searched MEDLINE and Cochrane Library for RCTs on treat- the assumption of homogeneous between-study variance.19,35 Finally,
ment of pediatric hypertension. We restricted the search to human NMR were conducted to assess the impact of different covariates on
studies, clinical studies, controlled trials, or randomized trials. We each comparison versus placebo, assuming the covariates do not have
used the keywords: child/children/child*, pediatric, hypertension/ any impact on pairwise comparisons between treatments.36
hypertensives/hypertens*, treatment/treat*, and therapy, as well as All parameters were given minimally informative priors. The
additional text words in combination with an established search strat- posterior distributions of the parameters were obtained using Markov
egy for MEDLINE/PubMed. We also hand searched in references of Chain Monte Carlo methods, running 2 chains. The chains were
identified studies and recent guidelines and reviews on the topic. thinned to reduce autocorrelations. For each chain, the first 100 000
(for the NMR, 120 000) Monte Carlo iterations were run to reach
convergence and disregarded, then 120 000 (for the NMR, 200 000)
Study Selection and Data Collection Process further simulations per chain were run to estimate the parameters.
Study selection was performed by 2 independent reviewers (J. Burrello The autocorrelation of the chains was checked through inspection
and F. Rabbia), with divergences solved by discussion. Retrieved of autocorrelation plots. A visual inspection of the history plots was
citations were first screened for relevance at the title/abstract level, used to assess the convergence of the chains. The between-study vari-
then shortlisted studies were examined in full text. Studies were con- ance τ2 was checked (Table S2).
sidered suitable for inclusion if (1) randomized trials; (2) placebo- For each analysis of each end point, the table of differences
controlled; (3) >50 patients were enrolled; and (4) follow-up was ≥4 between the treatments and the rank probability diagram were ex-
weeks. We decided to choose this cutoff for the follow-up because amined. In Figures 2 and 3 and Figure S1, S2, and S13B in the online-
for angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and angiotensin only Data Supplement, the median and the credibility interval of all
receptor blocker (ARBs), the maximum antihypertensive efficacy is possible comparisons between treatments are presented. The rank
achieved after 2 to 4 weeks of treatment.12,21 Studies were excluded if probability diagram is a histogram providing a visual interpretation of
(1) inclusion criteria were not all fulfilled; (2) missing values or data; the rankings of the treatments. For each treatment, the probability to
(3) duplicated reports; and (4) studies were conducted in a selected be the best, the second best, etc. is depicted (Figures S3 through S12).
cohort of patients with specific clinical characteristics (eg, renal dis- For analysis purpose, the studies were further divided in low age
ease with proteinuria, aortic coarctation). range studies and high age range depending on whether the mean age
of the included patients was ≤12 or >12 years, as detailed in Table.
Clinical Data and End Points An extended description of the statistical methods is reported in the
Data abstraction and study appraisal were performed by 2 indepen- online-only Data Supplement.
dent reviewers (J. Burrello and E.M. Erhardt). Extracted data com- The publication bias was assessed using funnel plot and Egger
prised study-level summary measures of age, sex, weight, body mass test.
308  Hypertension   August 2018

Table.  Included Studies and Patients Characteristics

Total Placebo/ Baseline

Selected Study no. of Treatment Follow- Treatment Age Baseline SBP, DBP, Sex (%
Study Drug Design Patients (patients) Up (d) Strategy Range BMI, kg/m2 Weight, kg Age, y mm Hg mm Hg Women)

Meyers, et Valsartan Placebo 245 128/117 28 Dose/kg Low 27.0 62 11.3 132 78 39
al22 withdrawal

Wells, et al23 Valsartan Placebo 245 122/123 28 Dose/kg Low NA 66 11.4 133 78 40

Li, et al24 Eplerenone Placebo 304 137/167 70 Standard Low/ 28.5 71 12.3 127 71 37
concurrent dose high

Hazan, et Olmesartan Placebo 286 141/145 35 Dose/kg High 28.1 71 12.3 130 78 41
al25 withdrawal

Wells, et al26 Telmisartan Placebo 73 14/59 28 Dose/kg High 28.8 75 14.0 132 79 43

Batisky, et Metoprolol Placebo 140 23/117 28 Dose/kg High 28.0 NA NA 132 78 30

al27 concurrent

Shahinfar, Losartan Placebo 164 87/77 36 Dose/kg Low/ NA 59 12 130 89 44

et al28 withdrawal high

Flynn, et al29 Amlodipine Placebo 268 90/178 56 Standard High 26.6 66 12.1 138 74 NA
concurrent dose

Li, et al30 Fosinopril Placebo 221 115/106 42 Dose/kg High 29.7 74 12.1 134 72 34

Soffer, et al31 Lisinopril Placebo 104 51/53 28 Dose/kg High NA 56 NA 129 90 35


Trachtman, Felodipine Placebo 133 35/98 28 Standard High NA 77 12.1 NA NA 40

et al32 concurrent dose

Sorof, et al33 Bisoprolol+ Placebo 94 32/62 98 Standard High 28.3 77 13.9 134 83 43
HCTZ concurrent dose

Wells, et al34 Enalapril Placebo 101 50/51 28 Dose/kg Low NA 53 11.6 129 90 42
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Network NA NA 2378 1025/1353 35 NA NA 28.0 66.4 12.1 130 83 40

meta- (28–56) (27.0–28.5) (56.0–73.4) (11.8–12.3) (128.0–133.7) (74.2–88.1) (34.4–44.0)
RCTs included in the network meta-analysis. Baseline weight, age, baseline SBP, and DBP are reported as weighted means for the selected studies and as median
and interquartile range (25th–75th percentiles, IQR) for network meta-analysis data. Age range was defined low if age was ≤12 y or high if age was >12 y. BMI indicates
body mass index; HCTZ, hydrochlorothiazide; NA, not applicable/not available; and RCTs, randomized controlled trials.
*Reports patients characteristics of our analysis.

The present research was performed following the Preferred 2378 patients (1025 in the placebo group and 1353 in active
Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses amend- treatment) with a median follow-up of 35 days (28–56) were
ment37 to the Quality of Reporting of Meta-analyses statement,38 The eligible for the final analysis (Figure 1A).22–34 As detailed
Cochrane Collaboration, and Meta-analysis Of Observational Studies
in Epidemiology.39
in Table S3, in 4 studies patients affected by secondary
forms of hypertension were excluded, in 6 studies they were
Internal Validity and Quality Appraisal excluded, but not systematically (detailed description of the
Quality of included trials was explored according to Cochrane state- exclusion criteria is provided), whereas in 3 studies the pres-
ments19,36 selection bias (allocation and random sequence generation), ence of secondary hypertension was not investigated. The
performance bias (blinding of participants and personnel), detection main clinical and biochemical characteristics of the included
bias (blinding of outcome assessment), and attrition bias (incomplete patients are summarized in Table, 40% (34.4–44) were
outcome data). women, the median age of the resulting cohort was 12.1
(11.8–12.3) years, the median weight was 66.4 kg (56–73.4),
Results the median body mass index was 28.0 kg/m2 (27.0–28.5) and
The literature search resulted in the identification of 554 the median baseline SBP and DBP were, respectively, 130
potentially relevant studies: 494 were excluded because they and 83 mm Hg (128–134; 74–88).
did not fulfill all the inclusion criteria; of the 60 full text For 7 studies, the design was randomized double-blind
reports assessed, 47 were excluded because of missing data placebo withdrawal (all patients received open-label treat-
(n=9), duplicated reports (n=3), selected cohorts (n=8), not ment, then they were randomized to continue the active treat-
randomized (n=16), ongoing studies (n=1), or retrospective ment or to receive a placebo) and randomized double-blind
design (n=10). Thirteen studies (all RCTs comparing an placebo concurrent for 6 studies (after randomization, 1 arm
antihypertensive drug versus placebo), including a total of was given the treatment, the other a placebo). The treatment
Burrello et al   Hypertension Management in Children   309

Figure 1.  Study design. A, Flowchart of study selection. B, Evidence network diagram. The size of each treatment node is proportional to the number of
treated patients (shown in round brackets). The randomized controlled trials comparing the drug with the placebo is reported on the arrow. Gray boxes group
drugs according to their class: β-Bs indicates β-blockers; ACE inhibitors, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors; ARBs, angiotensin receptor blockers;
CCBs, calcium channel blockers; HCTZ, hydrochlorothiazide; and MRA, mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist.

strategy was different: in 4 studies (including a total of 799 both SBP (7.7 mm Hg [1.5–13.2] and 7.9 mm Hg [2–14],
patients), a weight-independent standard dose was adminis- respectively) and DBP reduction (6.6 mm Hg [1.7–11.0]
tered, in the other 9 studies (for a total of 1579 patients) a dose and 6.3 [1.6–11.0], respectively), whereas no significant
per kg strategy. For all the selected studies, the evaluated end differences were found in the NMA of studies in which
points were SBP and DBP at baseline and after treatment (for a weight-independent standard dose strategy was adopted
placebo-concurrent studies) or after treatment withdrawal (for (Figure S1B).
placebo-withdrawal studies). Among studies, including patients with a mean age
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The evidence network for the main analyses (Figure 1B) >12 years, only lisinopril was associated with a significant
comprised 13 RCTs and 12 different drugs: 3 ACE inhibitors reduction in SBP and DBP compared with placebo (7.9
(enalapril,34 fosinopril,30 and lisinopril31), ARBs (losartan,28 [1.1–13.5]/6.55 [2.2–10.7]; Figure S2A). In NMA of studies,
olmesartan,25 telmisartan,26 and valsartan22,23), 2 calcium chan- including patients with a mean age ≤12 years, (Figure S2B),
nel blockers (amlodipine29 and felodipine32), 1 MRA (eplere- enalapril was associated with a reduction in SBP and DBP
none24), 1 β-blocker (metoprolol27), and an association of a compared with placebo (7.7 mm Hg [3–12.4]/6.3 mm Hg [1–
β-blocker with a thiazide diuretic (bisoprolol+hydrochloroth 11.4]); for SBP only, losartan was superior to placebo (9.3
iazide33). mm Hg [2.5–15.8]) and enalapril was superior to valsartan
In the NMA for single drug (Figure 2), lisinopril and (5.8 mm Hg [0.1–11.3]).
enalapril were associated with a significant reduction in SBP NMR analyses with covariate adjustments based on study-
and DBP compared with placebo (7.8 mm Hg [2.3–12.8]/6.6 level summary measures of age, sex, baseline weight, and
mm Hg [2.5–10.5] and 7.8 mm Hg [2.5–13.5]/6.2 mm Hg [2– baseline BP were performed to correct for potentially con-
10.6], respectively). Lisinopril and enalapril were superior founding variables: a significant effect was found for mean
also to eplerenone in DBP reduction (6.5 mm Hg [1.1–11.6] weight on DBP, whereas the other evaluated parameters did
and 6.1 mm Hg [0.7–11.8], respectively). Finally, a signifi- not significantly affect the end points. The NMR on DBP
cant DBP reduction was observed in losartan-treated patients reduction adjusted by study mean weight (64.3±10.8 kg) dem-
compared with placebo (3.7 mm Hg [0.3–7.5]). Consistently, onstrated that an increase in body weight of 1 kg is associated
in NMA by pharmacological classes of drugs (Figure 3), with an increased difference versus placebo of 0.181 (0.043–
ACE inhibitors and ARBs were associated with a signifi- 0.327) mm Hg (Table S4). The regression lines showed that
cant reduction in SBP and DBP (6.5 mm Hg [3.7–9.7]/4.4 the higher was the mean weight in the study the better was the
mm Hg [2.2–7.3] and 3.3 mm Hg [1.2–5.8]/3.1 mm Hg [1.4– response to antihypertensive treatment (Figure S13A). After
5.0], respectively) compared with placebo and ACE inhibi- correcting for study mean weight, lisinopril and enalapril were
tors were superior to MRA in DBP reduction (4.3 mm Hg associated with an even greater reduction in DBP (7.9 mm Hg
[0.2–9.1]). [4.1–11.7] and 8.5 mm Hg [4.3–12.7], respectively) compared
To assess the impact of treatment strategy and age on with placebo, considering that these 2 cohorts of patients
BP reduction, we performed 2 subgroup NMAs. In agree- displayed the lowest mean weight at baseline (56 and 53 kg,
ment with main analysis, in the NMA, including only the respectively).
studies with a dose per kg strategy (Figure S1A), lisino- The mean age, baseline weight, and baseline BP and
pril and enalapril confirmed their superiority to placebo in women percentage of studies included in the NMR analysis
310  Hypertension   August 2018

for SBP and DBP are reported in Table S4, together with their
effect and 95% credibility interval. We performed also rank
probability histogram analyses, which supported our results
(Figures S3 through S12) and standard pairwise meta-anal-
yses for each pairwise comparison to obtain direct estimates
of the treatment difference. Forest plots of the direct compari-
sons can be found in Figures S14 through S23.
All the included studies were randomized, with an overall
low risk of bias (Table S5; Figures S24 and S25). The Eggers
test for publication bias was not significant in any of the cases
(P value, 0.24 for SBP and P value, 0.10 for DBP).

The prevalence of arterial hypertension in children and ado-
lescents, together with overweight and obesity, has increased
markedly in recent years: recent estimates indicate that up to
13% of children in Europe display elevated BP.2 Strong evi-
dence indicates that childhood hypertension is associated with
cardiac organ damage7,8 and represents a strong risk factor for
the development of hypertension in adulthood.40–42 Moreover,
the paucity of clinical data supporting the efficacy of anti-
hypertensive medications and the lack of strong evidence
to recommend 1 class of antihypertensive medications over
the others, hampers the appropriate management of pediatric
The main finding of our NMA is that, in children and ado-
lescents, ACE inhibitors and ARBs are superior to placebo in
the reduction of both SBP and DBP. Additionally, overcom-
ing the lack of head-to-head trials through a NMA approach,
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we demonstrated that ACE inhibitors are superior to MRA in

DBP reduction, whereas no significant differences were found
among the other antihypertensive medications.
The results of the present analysis support the common use
of ACE inhibitors in clinical practice for the management of
pediatric hypertension43; moreover, a recent systematic review
of the literature showed that lisinopril and enalapril produced
the greatest absolute BP reduction compared with other anti-
hypertensive drugs.44 ACE inhibitors approved by the Food
and Drug Administration (FDA) are benazepril, enalapril,
fosinopril, and lisinopril, but limited to children ≥6 years (≥1
month for enalapril) of age with a glomerular filtration rate
≥30 mL/min.45 For this indication, FDA approved enalapril,
fosinopril, and lisinopril, respectively, in 2002, 2004, and
2003 after RCTs demonstrating their safety and efficacy in
children30,31,34; benazepril was approved by FDA even if no
RCTs were available in the literature.45
In our NMA we demonstrated that ARBs, pooled together,
were superior to placebo, whereas looking at the single drug

Figure 2 Continued. shows the average reduction (mm Hg) after treatment

(and its 95% credibility interval) of SBP (δ-SBP, above the diagonal
identified by drug names) and DBP (δ-DBP, below the diagonal identified
by the names of drugs). For SBP (above the diagonal) a positive value
identifies a reduction of blood pressure (BP) in favor of the column-defining
treatment; a negative value identifies a reduction of BP in favor of the row-
defining treatment. For DBP (below the diagonal) a positive value identifies
a reduction of BP in favor of the row-defining treatment; a negative value
identifies a reduction of blood pressure (BP) in favor of the column-
defining treatment. In bold the statistically significant values (differences
are considered as statistically significant when the 0 is not included in the
Figure 2.  Systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure 95% credibility interval). HCTZ indicates hydrochlorothiazide; and NA, not
(DBP) reduction from main network meta-analysis. The figure (Continued ) available.
Burrello et al   Hypertension Management in Children   311

Figure 3.  Network meta-analysis by classes of drugs. The figure shows the average reduction (mm Hg) after treatment (and its 95% credibility) of systolic
blood pressure (SBP; δ-SBP, above the diagonal identified by drug names) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP; δ-DBP, below the diagonal identified by the
names of drugs). For SBP (above the diagonal) a positive value identifies a reduction of blood pressure (BP) in favor of the column-defining treatment; a
negative value identifies a reduction of BP in favor of the row-defining treatment. For DBP (below the diagonal) a positive value identifies a reduction of BP in
favor of the row-defining treatment; a negative value identifies a reduction of BP in favor of the column-defining treatment. In bold the statistically significant
values (differences are considered as statistically significant when the 0 is not included in the 95% credibility interval). Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs;
losartan, olmesartan, telmisartan, valsartan); β-blockers (β-Bs; metoprolol); angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors (enalapril, fosinopril, and lisinopril);
calcium channel blockers (CCBs; amlodipine and felodipine); mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists (MRA; eplerenone); bisoprolol+hydrochlorothiazide was
excluded from network meta-analysis by classes of drugs.

analysis, only losartan displayed a significant DBP reduction significant effect was found only for study mean weight in DBP
versus placebo, but no difference was found for SBP. This reduction. Even if in literature obesity is associated with a worse
result could be explained by the increased precision of the response to antihypertensive treatment,22 in our NMR analysis
pooled analysis and the favorable trend observed for the other the increase in study mean weight was associated with a greater
ARBs. ARBs approved by the FDA are candesartan, losartan, BP drop. It should be noted that because individual patient data
olmesartan, and valsartan.45 were not available, our NMR was based on summary measures at
Among MRAs, eplerenone was studied on a large cohort the study level and the association between weight and BP reduc-
of 304 hypertensive children, but a significant BP reduction tion detected at the study level in our analysis may not reflect the
Downloaded from http://ahajournals.org by on July 31, 2018

was demonstrated only for the highest dose and only for SBP24 individual level effect modification of that covariate.19,48–51
and the FDA did not approve it. In our analysis, eplerenone This is the first study comparing head-to-head the efficacy
was the only drug that resulted inferior to another in head- in BP reduction of different antihypertensive medications on
to-head comparison (lisinopril and enalapril), whereas there a relatively high number of pediatric patients, demonstrating
was no significant difference versus placebo. Similarly, MRAs that only 2 classes of drugs, ACE inhibitors and ARBs, per-
resulted inferior to ACE inhibitors in DBP reduction in our form better than placebo in this special subpopulation.
analysis by classes of drugs. Our study has potential limitations. First, the paucity of
As reported in literature, the absolute BP-lowering effect may clinical trials investigating other classes of antihypertensive
be influenced by several factors, including age, sex, weight, and medications, other than the newer ACE inhibitors and ARBs,
severity of baseline hypertension. Age significantly affects treat- could have influenced the results; second, heterogeneity, small
ment adherence: compliance in adolescence is significantly lower size, and short follow-up of RCTs included in the analysis, as
than in prepubertal age and associated with a poor outcome46; well as the lack of studies comparing antihypertensive drugs of
obesity is associated with a worse response to antihypertensive different classes between them, should be taken into account.
therapy,22 whereas a higher baseline BP predicts a greater BP Third, patients affected by secondary forms of hypertension,
reduction after treatment.44 Finally, female patients seem to have which benefit from specific and targeted therapies, were not
a better adherence to pharmacological treatment (as demonstrated systematically excluded in all studies. However, because
for other medical conditions).47 In our study, we investigated the patients with stage 3, or higher, chronic kidney disease52 (the
effect of these factors through subgroup NMAs (by treatment most common secondary cause of hypertension in children1),
strategy and age) and NMR. Subgroup NMAs confirmed the were not included in 10 out of 13 studies, it is extremely
superiority of lisinopril and enalapril (administered using a dose unlikely that this heterogeneity could have affected our final
per kg strategy) in both SBP and DBP reduction compared with results. Moreover, our primary end point was BP reduction
placebo, the former in a population with a mean age >12 years from baseline, but there are no data on target organ damage
and the latter in a population with a mean age ≤12 years. Despite prevention/regression or other strong outcome predictors.
the importance of considering the weight of patients when anti- Further RCTs are warranted to definitively confirm
hypertensive treatment is initiated,1,2 the results of the present whether ACE inhibitors and ARBs could actually represent
analysis do not allow to determine whether the dose regimen has the best choice for the management of pediatric hypertension
an impact on treatment effect because treatments with fixed dose independently from the main confounding factors, including
and treatments with dose per kg are not the same. age, sex, weight, and baseline BP.
In our NMR analysis, age, sex, and baseline BP did not Notwithstanding the reported limitations, the findings
significantly affect SBP or DBP reduction at the study level; a from the present meta-analysis represent a comprehensive
312  Hypertension   August 2018

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Novelty and Significance

What Is New? tors (study-level summary measures of age, sex, baseline weight, and
• For the first time, the efficacy of different antihypertensive medications baseline blood pressure).
in blood pressure reduction was compared head-to-head in pediatric
hypertensive patients through a network meta-analysis and meta-re- Summary
gression approach. Strong level of evidence is lacking to recommend any class of
antihypertensive medications over the others and the choice of a
What Is Relevant?
particular drug is usually driven by hypertension underlying cause,
• Results from this study, including 13 studies for 2378 pediatric patients concurrent disorders, side effects, and clinician’s preference. Our
affected by arterial hypertension indicate that angiotensin-converting
study suggests that angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and
enzyme inhibitors (in particular lisinopril and enalapril) and angiotensin
receptor blockers (in particular losartan) are associated with a greater
angiotensin receptor blockers could be the first choice in the treat-
systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure reduction com- ment of pediatric hypertension, even if and further head-to-head
pared with placebo, independently of the considered confounding fac- randomized controlled trials are required to assess comparative
benefits and safety profile of each drug.

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