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Comprehensive Plan for Equitable

Discipline Practices
Kathryn Chontos, Interim Assistant Superintendent
Dr. Rodney Trice, Assistant Superintendent of Equity Affairs
April 2019 1
Guiding Principles

• Guiding Principle 1:
• Climate and Prevention

• Guiding Principle 2:
• Clear, Appropriate, and Consistent Expectations and Consequences

• Guiding Principle 3:
• Equity and Continuous Improvement 2
Action Steps, Activities, & Updates

• Ongoing Work: • 2017-18 Updates: Red Print

• 68 of 75 activities: 91%

• Completed Work:
• 5 activities
• 2018-2019 Updates: Green Print

• Work Underway:
• 2 Activities 3
Plan Leadership

• Superintendents Leadership Team

• Senior Director Student Due Process and Alternative Education
• Senior Director for Counseling and Student Services
• Senior Director School Security
• Director of Intervention Services
• Director of Counseling
• Director of Special Education
• The Department of Student Support Services and Office of
Equity Affairs manage implementation/monitoring of the plan. 4
Guiding Principle 1

Climate and Prevention

6 Actions Steps and 31 Activities 5
Guiding Principle 1

• For 2018-19: All WCPSS schools • Elementary Principals provided

have access to an MTSS Coach that Professional Learning on the Tiered
supports schools to analyze and/or Behavior Response Tool.
develop behavior systems and
in September 2018. Middle and High
structures through data-based
problem solving. School Principals received
Professional Learning on the TBR
• Explore funding to expand mentoring February 2019.
programs to all races/gender – Spring • Provided numerous opportunities to
2019. parents and community groups on
ACE, Adverse Childhood
Experiences, Resilience 6
Guiding Principle 1

• In 2018, Funding was • SEL Universal

received from the Wake Screener Pilot
County Commissioners Implemented Spring • Standard Treatment
to reduce allotment 2019. Protocol: Create an
ratios for Counselors, evidence, research-based
Social Workers and • Projected
MTSS of SEL behavior
Psychologists to bring Implementation of SEL
and mental health
them closer to the Universal Screener standards around Tiers
National Model. 2019-20 1, 2 & 3 that includes
• Spring 2019 Present 5 • 2017-18 MTSS utilized community, university,
in all schools as the mental health and
Year Plan to BOE and hospital partnerships.
County driver for redesign of
Commissioners. School Improvement
Planning. 7
Guiding Principle 1
November 2019: District has adopted a resolution agreement with the Office of Civil
Rights to continually address potential causes of disparities in student discipline.

Office of Equity Affairs Courses:

• Beyond Diversity: • Racial Equity Institute:

• Beyond Diversity is a powerful, • This workshop helps participants

personally transforming two-day become clear on how race and
seminar designed to help racism have been constructed in
teachers, students, parents, and
administrators understand the the US and how ideas about
impact of race on student racism live in our unconscious
learning and investigate the role minds and social structures even
that it plays in institutionalizing 50 years after the successes of the
academic achievement Civil Rights movement.
disparities. 8
Guiding Principle 1

Equity Micro-courses: Current Micro-courses Include:

Provide educators with a wealth
of information, knowledge, and
skills in a relatively short time • Supporting LGBTQ+
frame. The courses typically Students & Families
meet 3-4 times over the course of
a few weeks or months and are • Equity Leadership: Digging
focused on turnkey strategies Deeper
that school leaders and teacher • Creating Engaging &
can use in their departments and
classrooms immediately. Equitable Classrooms 9
Guiding Principle 1

• Acts as the foundation for each

micro course. WCPSS Equity
Micro-courses are open to any
C.A.R.E. model (Courageous educator interested in deepening
their understanding, practice,
Action Research for Education and leadership in service to
Equity): creating more equitable schools. 10
Guiding Principle 1

• The Office of Equity Affairs

established CELT, in
partnership with Community
organizations, that focuses on
• Community Equity Leadership problem-solving school and
Team (CELT) established 2017 district-based equity
• CELT meets on the last
Wednesday of each month. 11
Guiding Principle 2

Clear, Appropriate, and Consistent

Expectations and Consequences

5 Action Steps and 24 Activities 12
Guiding Principle 2

• Alternative Learning Centers (ALC), In-School Suspension (ISS), and Alternative


• The District is reviewing and evaluating ALC programs as well as revising

procedures for students assigned to Alternative Learning Centers in middle and
high schools.
• By July 1, 2019, we will have a status report to clearly define ALC vs ISS.
• Data & Accountability is preparing an evaluation to study gaps in alternative
education seats to increase needed types and number of seats for Spring 2019.
• Decisions will be made as to where we need increased alternative opportunities
for student success. 13
Guiding Principle 2

• Code of Student Conduct:

• 2018-2019: Proposed revisions to the • 2018-2019: Revisions to the Code of

Code of Student Conduct directly Student Conduct support changes to
support implementing non- definitions of certain rules to encourage
exclusionary and non-discipline exclusionary discipline practices are
interventions to support student reserved for serious offenses that impact
academic and behavioral success. the welfare and safety of students and
• 2019: The Office of Student Due staff.
Process is leading various sessions
with community members, students,
administrators, teachers, and the • 2018-2019 The District is reviewing all
Board to seek input and guidance on discipline referral data to determine
student behavior policies under origins of any found disparities.
revision. 14
Guiding Principle 3

Equity and Continuous Improvement

2 Action Steps and 20 Activities 15
Guiding Principle 3

• Completed January 2018: Two • The Middle School Discipline

Cohort Pilot Program has had a
Director positions added to the positive impact on reducing the
Office of Equity Affairs number of suspensions. The
Middle School Discipline Cohort
Pilot Program has been expanded
to include another cohort of
• District wide MDR training schools. Area Superintendents
January & February 2019 review discipline data with

• District wide FBA and BIP • Elementary School Student

training April - June 2019 Discipline Cohort added 2018-
2019 16
Guiding Principle 3

• Began redesign of the Equity Audit Data Dashboard to better align

with the revamped MTSS process.

• Updated the District-wide Equity Plan at 17
Next Steps

• By July 1, 2019 the District will review and revise, as

appropriate, its procedures for the assignment of students to
Alternative Learning Centers and alternative educational
services and define the distinction between ALC and ISS.
• By October 1, 2019 and in subsequent years, provide training to
all District teachers, administrators and other District personnel
on appropriate imposition of sanctions, policies, practices and
procedures. 18
Next Steps

• By March 1, 2020, Review and consider input from stakeholders,

including students, parents, instructional staff, administrators
and community groups on fair and equitable discipline practices.
• By March 1, 2020, Analyze data for evidence of unlawful
intentional discrimination in discipline referrals or sanctions
districtwide and at individual schools. 19

Questions and Discussion 20

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