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Chapter 1


The need for good communication skills in English gives one an edge in

a professional career in today’s society. Hence in the Philippines, English is

introduced at an early age. Although it is not the first language in the

Philippines, it is often used in academic, political and social settings.

English was first introduced to the Filipinos through the American public

school system and, for half a century, the language was systematically

promoted as a civilizing tool. Today, beliefs and attitudes about English, as

well as the various ways in which the language is used, may be traced to the

Filipino experience of American Colonial Education. (Martin, 2012)

The Philippines is known as an English speaking country. The English

language is mostly used in official events in the country such as in political

meetings and inter-countries conferences. It is also the language used in most

official and legal documents, even the Philippine Constitution is written in


Proficiency in the English language has greatly helped the Philippines

especially in terms of its economy. The BPO industry, for instance, as one of

the most paying jobs in the Philippines recruits employees who have excellent

communication skills in English. The rise of ESL teaching which deals with

teaching of English to learners of the second language, hire workers with

proficient English skills as well.

However, there is currently a decline on job seekers with proficiency in

the English language. Ibpap statistics show that today, only 8-10 persons are

hired for every 100 applicants in the IT-BPO sector. (Cabigon 2015)

There is a widespread perception that English language proficiency

among the Filipinos is deteriorating. Robert S. Keitel, Regional Employment

Advisor of the United States Embassy in Manila, reports that only four percent

of Filipino applicants are hired by call centers while the remaining ninety-six

percent were not because of their “sub-standard English skills” despite

400,000 graduates being produced every year.

Marcelo (2010) states that, it used to be that the Philippines’ biggest

competitive advantage in the global job market is the proficiency of our skilled

workers in the English language. This advantage, however, is fast being

eroded by rising competition from other countries coupled with declining

mastery of the English language by our college graduates.

Given this fact, as a school which wants to produce excellent future

leaders, Grace Christian College implemented a program called “QEP” (Quest

for Excellence) which requires students of its school to strictly speak in English

in all school premises. It believes that doing so, would produce graduates who

are proficient in English which would, in the future, make them excellent global


However, being a school of Chinese, Filipino-Chinese, Filipino, and other

East Asian nationalities, not all are comfortable in complying with the said

policy. Especially that it requires students to speak English everywhere in the

school premises. It has been observed that students of the lower years

comply more to the said policy than students in the higher years.

It is evident that English Language Proficiency plays a significant role

in the cause of globalization among students. Because of that, there is a need

to pursue this study in order to assess the Implementation of the English

Speaking Policy of the Grace Christian College.


The findings of this study would be beneficial to the following:

School Administrators. The result of this study would help them

identify the strengths and weaknesses of the Speak English Only Policy. It will

also serve as a basis for the improvement of the guidelines on the policy. This

study would equip them to properly motivate students to speak English inside

and even outside the campus.

Faculty. The findings of this study would help them carry out their

responsibilities as molders of minds and properly teach and encourage their

students in speaking English.

Students. This study would enable them to be more attentive to their

responsibilities as students and be more aware of the trends of globalization

and work better towards being globally competitive people.

Parents. This study would help them assess the progress of their

children towards the proficiency in English. It would awaken their

consciousness of the English speaking policy imposed by the institution.

Other researchers. This study would serve as a reference and guide

to those who will conduct future studies regarding the impact of the Speak

English Only Policy.


Most researchers however, show clearly that the problem is more likely

the impact of the policy to the students.

When establishing English Only Policy, everyone must consider the

following mandate, rules and reminder (Beykont and Crawford, 1997)

1. Always speak and participate in English.

2. Speak sentences in English.

3. Remind your friends to speak English.

Accordingly, students should be aware of the limitation placed upon

English only policies and keep such in mind when considering the use of an

actual implementation of an English only policy (Estrada, E.J. and Lopez L.M.,

1992). The fact that English is the most significant language in the world in

terms of Economics; it makes the most influential and most valuable form a

certain perspective (Navarro, R.A., 2005).

This study aims to determine the assessment of the speak English Policy

of the Grade 12 students at Grace Christian College. This conceptual

framework served as a guide in this present study.


Assessment of the Speak

English Only Policy Solutions to Improve
the Speak English
a. student’s response Only Policy
b. improvement on English
c. problems on the
implementation of the
speak English Only Policy

This diagram shows the assessment of the Speak English Only Policy in

terms of the students’ responses, improvement of the said policy on the

English skills of students, and problems on the implementation of the policy.

This conceptual framework shows the assessment of the students on the

Speak English Only Policy and the solution on its improvement.


This study aims to evaluate the Speak English Only Policy among the Grade

12 Students of Grace Christian College for School Year 2017-2018.

It sought answers to the following questions:

1. How do students assess the implementation of the Speak English Only


2. How does the speak English Only Policy improve the respondents English

language proficiency?

3. What problems were encountered by the students in the implementation of

the Speak English Only Policy?

4. What solutions can be proposed to improve the Speak English Only Policy?


Ho. The implementation of the Speak English Only Policy is effective.


To ensure better understanding in this study, the following terms shall

be defined conceptually and operationally:

BPO. It is also known as Business Process Outsourcing, is a subset of

outsourcing that involves contracting the operations and responsibilities for a

particular business process to a third-party service provider. In the

Philippines, they are also known as call centers, which usually cater to western


Implementation. This is the act of putting a plan into action or of starting to

use of something

Job Market. It is defined as the number of jobs that are available in a

particular place for a particular type of work

L1. This term is used to call a speaker’s first language

Quest for Excellency. The current program of the Grace Chrisitian college to

achieve its mission of producing global leaders

Speak English Only Policy. A policy of the Grace Christian College wherein

students ought to speak English only to everyone in the school premises


The researcher Chooses to conduct at Grace Christian College. The

researcher also chose grade 12, section 6 as her subjects. This study does

not include all sections of the Grade 12 population.

The study also assessed the Speak English Only Policy of the Grace

Christian College SY. 20170-2018. Their assessment of the Speak English

Only Policy was done using a questionnaire employing of the likert scale.

The researcher focused on the assessment of the Grade 12 students on the

Speak English Only Policy .

Chapter 2


This chapter contains the literature and studies, both local and foreign,

reviewed by the researcher which are related to this research.

In the diverse world we live in, there is a need to know more than one

language, or at least the ability to be able to hold a conversation in a language

other than your native tongue.

The Department of Education (DepEd) said that based on students’

achievement tests and the National Achievement Test (NAT), there is an

improvement on their efforts to better the English proficiency among public

school students.

Another step taken by the said department is the National English

Proficiency Program (NEPP) which goal is to improve its Teachers Mentoring

Teachers program.

Lapus (2009) stated that “We recognize English proficiency is critical in

learning as other key subjects such as Science and Mathematics use English

in textbooks and other reference materials”.

He also noted the vitality of English for work opportunities locally and in

overseas. One example of this, is the required International English Language

Testing System (IELTS) exam to Filipinos who seek to enter Australia as

workers, migrants or students in its universities, which recently revealed a

seeming drop in Filipinos’ proficiency in English from the results of Filipino

takers of the IELTS they administered in 2008.

In the IDP Education Pty. Ltd’s review of IELTS results administered in

countries all over the world for 2008, he the Philippines’ average overall score

was 6.69, which was below the 7 passing score of the Australian government.

In the analysis of the results and the Philippines’ system of English

instruction in schools, the deteriorating level of English proficiency could be

attributed to the deficiencies in the proficiency of the teachers teaching English

as well as the poor quality of resources or textbooks being used in schools.

(The Philippine Star, 2009)

Because of the great need for English proficiency skills, there is a need

to continuously improve the country’s competitiveness in English proficiency

if it wants to stay as one of the most attractive areas for business process

outsourcing (BPO) investment, national Economic Development Authority

(NEDA) director general Augusto Santos said Tuesday in press briefing in


Aside from the BPO industry, Filipinos are easily hired abroad because

their English proficiency skills are higher than those from workers in

neighboring countries. English is the number one language in the entire world.

If we want to increase competitiveness, we Filipinos have to continuously

improve our proficiency in English: Santos said.

Santos said a recent study showed that China is moving to boost the

English proficiency of its people. “We have to continue beefing up our English

proficiency skills,” he stressed.

Del Rosario (2008) said the move to improve English proficiency is

largely market-driven due to the rise in the business process outsourcing

(BPO) industry in the Philippines.

He said the business sector is addressing the problem by pushing for

the improvement of the overall quality of education in the country. He added

that English proficiency is advantageous not just to the BPO industry but also

to the local tourism sector especially with more English-speaking tourists

going to the Philippines. (DAVID DIZON,, 2008)

A recent study conducted in Hong Kong found that students are

generally in favour in the of Speak English Only Policy and their preference is

positively related to their own English proficiency.

Such classroom language policy provided these students with the

chance to use English as the sole means of communication, rather than merely

conducting an academic exercise. If teachers allow native languages to be

used in English classrooms, student opportunities to learn English are


Lastimosa (2015) A study on the Impact of the English Speaking Policy

of St. Jude Institute of Technology, Surigao City shows that English speaking

improves English Speaking improves vocabulary and grammar, performance

in other subjects, participation in any oral activities, and in presenting reports

in English. Moreover, English Speaking Policy has great impact in developing

self-confidence, while it has less impact in enabling them to speak with a

neutralized accent, Speaking English develops my self confidence.

Sharei (2012) Another similar study on student’s perspective on the use

of L1 in the English classroom, the results showed that students used their

first language for a variety of reasons. In addition, the respondents of the said

research mentioned that they sometimes used their first language in the

English classroom and they would prefer having their first languages used a

little in the English classrooms.

Another question in the said study tackled the students’ various

attitudes towards the use of their first languages in English classrooms. Most

of the students neither agreed nor disagreed with having a teacher or

classmates who spoke their first language. Most are in favor of the English-

Only policy in their classrooms. As the English proficiency of the speakers

improved, the respondents appeared to feel more comfortable using English

in English classrooms. The participants also said that they use English more

than they used their first language in English classrooms, and that speaking

English does not make them feel nervous. (Sharaeai 2012).

Therefore, English is indeed important and detrimental even in a non-

English Speaking country. This is especially true in the Philippines; teachers

in different educational institutions are finding ways on how to improve their

students English skills and one of the common ways this is done is the use of

Speak English Only Policy.




This study used a quantitative descriptive method; the design used to

investigate relationship among variables. The study aimed to know how the

students asses the Speak English Only Policy of the Grace Christian College.

The researcher used the survey questionnaire to collect the data to find out

the students’ assessment of the Speak English Only Policy of the Grace

Christian College. Analysis, interpretation and testing the data significance

were done and the result were analysed and were used in the assessment of

the students of the said policy.

This chapter commence with a brief statement enumerating the main

topic that are to be covered. Population, Instrument of the Study, Data

Gathering Procedure, Data Processing and Statistical Treatment.


The respondents of the study were the senior high school students of

the Grace Christian College. They are enrolled in the academic year 2017-

2018. The sampling method that was used was convenience sampling.

It is a non-probability sampling technique where subjects are selected

because of their convenient accessibility and proximity to the researcher. As

an adviser of grade 12 students the researcher chose her advisory class



Materials used for studies usually depend on the questions of each

study. The researchers tried to develop and adopt surveys that help her reach



The Questionnaire used in this study consisted of 3 parts. The first part

is the effectiveness of the Speak English Only Policy. The second part are the

problems that the said policy has. Lastly are the solutions that can be

suggested on the implementation of the Speak English Only Policy.


The collection and analysis for the data gathered using the survey took

a number of steps. The first step was to select the study participants, the

researcher chose grade 12 students as they have been students of the said

institution for the longest time. The next step was to prepare the materials

that would help answer the study questions and fulfil the purpose of the study.

The last step was to plan the steps to analyse the collected data from the

participants using the survey questions.


In the validation process of this study, copies of the questionnaire were

given to the research adviser and to the management of the Grace Christian

College. These experts went through the research questions and the

questionnaire carefully to ascertain the appropriateness and adequacy of the



After all the necessary modifications, the questionnaires were

administered directly to the chosen sample for the study. Thirty copies of the

questionnaires were given out to the chosen sample.


The researcher put in a request to the School President to seek

permission to conduct the study at Grace Christian College, Quezon City. She

sought permission from the school to allow her to undertake the study. The

respondents then answered the questionnaires given by the researcher.


The total mean was used as a statistical treatment to interpret the data


The Weighted mean was used in the questionnaires which answered the

problems identified in the problem of this study.

Weighted Mean Formula

The weighted mean is relatively easy to find. But in some cases the weights
might not add up to 1. In those cases, you’ll need to use the weighted mean
formula. The only difference between the formula and the steps above is that
you divide by the sum of all the weights.
Weighted mean formula
In simple terms, the formula can be written as:
Weighted mean = Σwx/Σw
Σ = the sum of (in other words…add them up!).
w = the weights.
x = the value.

To use the formula:

Multiply the numbers in your data set by the weights.
Add the numbers in Step 1 up. Set this number aside for a moment.
Add up all of the weights.

There following numerical value was given the respective equivalence:

Weighted Value Verbal Scale


5 Strongly Agree 4.20-5.00

4 Agree 3.40-4.19

3 Moderately Agree 2.60-3.39

2 Disagree 1.80-2.59

1 Strongly Disagree 1.0-1.79

The numerical values above were used to identify the assessment of

the senior high school students on their assessment of the Speak

English Only Policy of the Grace Christian College.

Chapter 4


This chapter presents, analyses, and interprets the following data

gathered from the research questionnaire relative to the research subjects of

this study. The researcher used quantitative research method. The

respondents are grade 12 students in Grace Christian College who were

chosen through convenience sampling. The total respondents is 30.

The researcher aimed to find out how students respond to the

Speak English Only Policy. The following tables show the interpretation of the

weighted mean:

Table 1


Weighted Value Verbal Interpretation Scale

5 Strongly Agree 4.20-5.00
4 Agree 3.40-4.19
3 Moderately Agree 2.60-3.39
2 Disagree 1.80-2.59
1 Strongly Disagree 1.0-1.79

The following tables show the assessment of the students on the Speak

English Only Policy, wherein it focused on whether they willingly abide to the

policy or not.

Table 2

Assessment of the Students on the Implementation of the Speak

English Only Policy

Students Response to the Weighted Mean Interpretation

Speak English Only Policy
1. I willingly abide to the 2.93 Moderately Agree
Speak English Only Policy
1. I find it difficult to 2.96 Moderately Agree
abide to the speak English
Only Policy

Over all Interpretation

Grand Weighted Mean 2.95 Moderately Agree

Table 1 shows that item 1, I willingly abide to the Speak English Only

Policy got a weighted mean of 2.93, with a verbal description of moderately

agree. Whereas, I find it difficult to abide to the speak English Only Policy, got

a weighted mean of 2.96, interpreted as moderately agree.

This shows that although students are willing to abide to the Speak

English Only Policy, they find it difficult to abide by it. Though the students

follow the policy, it not convenient for them to do so, which is the reason why

they do not abide religiously to the said policy.

The following table shows how the Speak English Only Policy was helpful

to the respondents. Through the table it can be interpreted whether the

students benefited from the policy and how. The improvements of the said

policy were also ranked from the skill with the most benefit to the one with

the least benefit.

Table 3

Improvement of the English Language Proficiency through the

Speak English Only Policy

Students Response to the Speak English Only Weighted Interpretation Rank

Policy Mean
1. The Speak English Only Policy improved 4.13 Agree 1
my confidence to speak English in front of
other people.
2. The Speak English Only Policy helped me 3.96 Agree 2.5
to understand other people who speak
3. The Speak English Only Policy enabled me 3.96 Agree 2.5
to help others who have difficulty in English
4. The Speak English Only Policy enabled me 3.86 Agree 4
to understand other subjects with English as
the medium of instruction
5. The Speak English Only Policy improved 3.43 Agree 5
my grammar.
6. The Speak English Only Policy helped me 3.26 Moderately 6
convey my ideas in English better. Agree
7. The Speak English Only Policy helped me 3.16 Moderately 7.5
participate in any oral activities Agree
8. The Speak English Only Policy enhanced 3.16 Moderately 7.5
my writing skills Agree
9. The Speak English Only Policy enhanced 3.3 Moderately 9
my listening skills Agree
10. The Speak English Only Policy improved 3.0 Moderately 10
my vocabulary Agree

Overall Interpretation
Grand Weighted Mean 3.52 Agree

The table above shows how the speak English Only Policy helped the

students improve. As can be seen, it was mostly helpful in improving the

confidence of the student in speaking to other people. Understanding other

people who speak in English and helping other people speak in English ranked

as the second. This shows that the Speak English Only Policy was very helpful

in communicating in English with other people according to the respondents.

As interpreted from the table the Speak English Only Policy was least helpful

to improve the respondents listening skills

The following table shows the perceptions of the students on why the

implementation of the Speak English Only Policy might not be effective. It

includes both teacher and student factors.

Table 4

Problems in the Implementation of the Speak English Only Policy

Problems in the Implementation of Weighted Interpretation Rank

the Speak English Only Policy Mean

1. I do not religiously follow the Speak 3.76 Agree 1

English Only Policy in the classroom.
2. I do not think the Speak English Only 3.4 Moderately Agree 2
Policy is effective.
3. I am not comfortable in speaking 3.2 Moderately Agree 3
English at all times
4. My teachers do not religiously follow the 3.0 Moderately Agree 4
Speak English Only Policy.
5. I do not see the importance of the 2.86 Moderately Agree 5
Speak English Only Policy.

Overall Interpretation
Grand Weighted Mean 3.24 Moderately

The primary reason for the problems on the implementation of the

Speak English Only Policy is that students do not religiously follow the Speak

English Only Policy, although they are expected to do it whenever they are in

the school premises. This is because they do not think it’s effective and they

are not comfortable in speaking English at all times which ranked third and


The following table shows the solutions of the problems of the Speak

English Only Policy. It includes ways on how the respondents think the Speak

English Only Policy will be followed.

Table 5

Solutions of the Problems of the Speak English Only Policy

Solutions of the Problems of the Weighted Interpretation Rank

Speak English Only Policy Mean

1. Teachers should serve as models 3.63 Agree 1

to the students by abiding to the
Speak English Only Policy
2. The Speak English Only Policy 3.23 Moderately 2
needs stricter implementation. Agree
3. Awareness campaign on the 3.2 Moderately 3
importance of the Speak English Agree
Only Policy should be given to the
4. Posters which would remind 2.66 Moderately 4
students of the Speak English Only Agree
Policy should be posted everywhere
in the school premises.

Overall Interpretation
Grand Weighted Mean 3.18 Moderately Agree

It can be interpreted that the best solution to the Speak English Only

Policy is that teachers should set an example by following the Speak English

Only Policy. It shows that students have more tendency of abiding to the policy

if they will see the authorities do it.

Chapter 5


This chapter summarizes the findings of the study. It also drafts

conclusions and recommendations based on the findings.

This study aimed to find out the assessment of the Grade 12 students

of Grace Christian College on the Speak English Only Policy, on how they abide

by it, how it helps them improve their English skills, as well as the problems

and the solutions to its implementation.

The following are the summary of findings:


1. How do students respond to the implementation of the Speak

English Only Policy?

This got a grand weighted mean of 2.95, interpreted as moderately


This applies on whether they find are willing to abide to the policy and

if they find it difficult to abide to the speak English Only Policy.

2. How does the speak English Only Policy improve the respondents

English language proficiency?

This got a grand weighted mean of 3.52, interpreted as agree. This

entails that the Speak English Only Policy improves the students English

language proficiency. It was mostly effective on the students’ communication

with other people in the English language. While it has the least benefit on the

improvement of the respondents’ vocabulary.

3. What problems were encountered by the students in the

implementation of the Speak English Only Policy?

This got a general weighted mean of 3.24 interpreted as moderately

agree, this means that the implementation of the Speak English Only Policy

has problems. The biggest problem given is that students do not religiously

follow the Speak English Only Policy.

4. What solutions can be proposed to improve the Speak English Only


This got a grand weighted mean of 3.18, interpreted as moderately


Teachers should serve as models to the students by abiding to the Speak

English Only Policy ranked as the highest among the solutions.


1. Students respond positively to the Speak English Only Policy as they willing

abide to it, on the other hand they find abiding to the said policy difficult. This

entails that students just abide to it because it’s a policy but they are not

really willing to do so.

2. The Speak English Only Policy is most helpful in improving the respondents’

confidence in using the language the most.

3. The Speak English Only Policy is also very helpful in helping the respondents

communicate to other people in English, in understanding them and in helping

others who have difficulty in communicating in English.

4. The biggest problem in the implementation of the Speak English Only Policy

is that most respondents’ do not follow the Speak English Only Policy in their


5. The respondents think that the Speak English Only Policy is effective, which

is one of the reasons why they do not abide by it.

6. According to the respondents, the most effective solution to the problems

of the implementation of the Speak English Only Policy, is that teachers should

serve as role models.

7. Stricter implementation and reminder of the policy can also be helpful in

solving the problems in the implementation of the policy.


Based on the findings and conclusions, the following recommendations have

been suggested.

1. Students should be reminded to abide by the Speak English Only Policy.

2. Teachers should serve as role models to the students in following the

Speak English Only Policy.

3. The rules of the Speak English Only Policy should be modified for stricter


4. Students should always be given chances to use and speak English.


I. Profile of the Respondent

Name: _____________________ Section:_____________________


( ) Male
( ) Female

Language Spoken at Home:

( ) Chinese
( ) Filipino
( ) English

I. Research Questionnaire

Direction: Rate the Speak English Only Policy (QEP) of the Grace Christian
College using the scale below. Put a check on the rating.

5 – Strongly Agree
4 – Agree
3 – Moderately Agree
2 – Disagree
1 – Strongly Disagree


1. I willingly abide to the Speak English Only Policy.

2. I find it difficult to abide to the Speak English

Only Policy.



1. The Speak English Only Policy improves my
2. The Speak English Only Policy improves my
3. The Speak English Only Policy helps me participate
in any oral activities
4. The Speak English Only Policy enhances my writing
5. The Speak English Only Policy enhances my
listening skills
6. The Speak English Only Policy enables me to
understand other subjects with English as the
medium of instruction.
7. The Speak English Only Policy helps me convey my
ideas in English better.
8. The Speak English Only Policy improves my
confidence to speak English in front of other people.
9. The Speak English Only Policy helps me understand
other people who speak English.
10.The Speak English Only Policy enables me to help
others who have difficulty in English speaking.
1. My teachers do not religiously follow the Speak
English Only Policy.
2. I do not religiously follow the Speak English Only
Policy in the classroom.
3. I am not comfortable in speaking English at all
4. I do not see the importance of the Speak English
Only Policy.

5. I do not think the Speak English Only Policy is

1. The Speak English Only Policy needs stricter
2. Teachers should serve as models to the students by
abiding to the Speak English Only Policy.
3. Awareness campaign on the importance of the
Speak English Only Policy should be given to the

4. Posters which would remind students of the Speak
English Only Policy should be posted everywhere in
the school premises.



Address: 26 Atis St. Marvex Drive, Quezon City


Gender: Female

Birthday: December 25, 1985

Educational History:

Elementary Dr. A. Albert Elementary School

High School Ramon Magsaysay High School

College Universidad de Manila

Work History

Customer Representative , Sitel

Online English Teacher, Talkpia

Senior High School Teacher, Grace Christian College


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