Fundamentals of Health Science

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P1: Do you know what are the Personal and

Professional Qualities of a healthcare provider?

But before proceeding ,who is a health care
P2: A health care provider A health
professional, health practitioner or healthcare
provider (sometimes simply "provider") is an
individual who provides preventive, curative,
promotional or rehabilitative health
care services in a systematic way to people,
families or communities.
P3: A health professional may operate within all
branches of health care,
including medicine, surgery, dentistry, midwifer
y, pharmacy, psychology, nursing or allied
health professions. A health professional may
also be a public/community health expert
working for the common good of the society.
Doctor: Are you okay for now?Are you feeling
well already?
Patient: Yes Doc,I’m alright.Thank you for your
Doctor: Please take care of yourself
always.Have a good day Ms. Dale!
A health care provider must be
empathetic.He or she must be understanding
and considerate in every action that must be
carried out.Having this kind of trait will build
the relationship or closeness between the
patient and the doctor. Feel the others as you
feel your own self.


Nurse: Sir, may I ask if how can you determine
results in such these cases? I don’t know what
to do or how to do it.
Doctor: So first Ms.Halley,you need to consider
this –
A health care provider must be willing to
learn. We all know that a health care provider
has already a deep or vast span of
knowledge.But behind that we must know or
consider that every individual has to interact to
his or her environment in order to acquaint
something ,something useful for the
service.Asking for help is never a form of
idleness but rather a door for willingness to
learn ,a sign for a higher form of development
Patience,it’s another word that must be
worn out.Health care providers as we all know
must be patient not for a moment but all the
time.Their tons of works and immeasurable
burdens in the workplace make them to
adjourn most of the time.In order to perform
numerous daily tasks in a less distressful way
and more productive manner,health care
providers must be patient.Be patient all things
will definitely fall into place.

A health care provider must be self -
motivated . Among the quantitative scenes of
their involvement to their work,a health care
provider must be self motivated in order to
bring the best of work or performance with
ease.Having a clear motivation in one’s self is of
major factor to the reflection of the deeds
being obtained.Self motivation is also adhered
in someone’s dedication and commitment .So
be motivated before start moving!
Scene 5:

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