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MS Chapter of ICES, Spring 2019

Meeting Minutes
March 24, 2019

The regular meeting of the MS Chapter of ICES, Spring 2019 was called to order at 8:41
am on March 24, 2019 in Tupelo, MS at Endville Bakery by State Representative,
Jennifer Noble.

10 Members, 4 Non-members

Treasury Report
The Treasury Report was read by Jennifer Noble, State Representative (Natasha Huhn,
Treasurer was not present) As of March 1, 2019, our account was $1974.47. Since
September 1, 2018 we spent $78.09 on printing and postage, $763.19 in DOS/Meeting
Fees, $1541.61 in prizes, catering, and raffle items bringing our total expenses over the
last 6 months to $2382.89.

Previous Meeting Minutes

The minutes of the previous minutes were ready by Member Holly Whitworth (Secretary,
Wendy McMullen was not present). There was a question asked about our secret
Facebook page, and answered by State Representative, Jennifer Noble. A motion to
accept the minutes as presented was made by Member Lee Redwine, Seconded by Holly
Whitworth. Minutes were accepted as presented.

Old Business
An Audit was completed by ICES, Chef Elizabeth Dickson, and the Finance Committee.
We passed with flying colors. The ICES Finance Committee is still working on getting
us compliant with the IRS.

New Business
ICES is looking for event sponsors for the 2019 Convention.

A Motion was made by Member Holly Whitworth for MS ICES to do a $250.00

Sponsorship. Motion Seconded by Member Elizabeth Gable. Unanimously Passed. State
Representative, Jennifer Noble, will contact the 2019 Show Directors to arrange the
Next Meeting Discussion
The next MS ICES Day of Sharing and Meeting will be on Sunday, June 30, 2019 in the
Southern Region of the State. Currently talking to Sidney Galpern of Simi Cakes and
Confections about doing an isomalt class on Saturday, June 29 or Monday, July 1, 2019.

Elections for all MS ICES Board Members will be held at the next meeting. Member
Elizabeth Gable asked what the positions entailed. State Representative, Jennifer Noble,
gave a brief explanation about what each job entailed.

A motion was made by Member, Elizabeth Gable, to adjourn the meeting. Member,
Holly Whitworth, seconded.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:10 am by State Representative, Jennifer Noble. The next
general meeting will be at 8:30 am on June 30, 2019, in the Diberville/Biloxi/Gulfport

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