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The Lecture : Mr. DR. Sidik Jatmika, M.Si

Arranged by Muhamad Rafi Alfaribi (20180510338)

Class : L


I. Sosio-Political Context

Harakah Al-Muqawamah Al-Islamiyah which we can interpret in Bahasa as the “Gerakan

Perjuangan Islam”. Hamas founded after the first Intifada (protest) in Gaza in 1987, Hamas has

the main goal of establishing a Palestine State. At the begining they were appear, the Muslim

Brotherhood from Egypt led by Hasan Al-Banna became an organization that was very close

to Hamas.

Hama’s popularity has also increased

rapidly because it provides social

assistance to Palestinians. Hamas declared

itself as political party in 2005 and won

the election a year later by defeating Fatah

which was led by Abbas. Later, Hamas

Picture 1. Flag of HAMAS as a politic party. has become the party that controls the

Gaza Lane1.

The base difference between Hamas and Fatah is that Hamas really considers Israel’s

existence is ilegal. They also took the military way to fight Israel.

Hamas was born on 14 December 1987 as a result of the development of the progress of

the struggle of the Ikhwanul Muslimin or Islamic Brotherhood. Eventhough on that day the

name Hamas was not officially included, and it was officially introduced in January 1988 by

Sheikh Ahmed Yassin.

Rosa Folia, 4 Organisasi Penting di Palestina ini Wajib Kamu Tahu,, accessed on 25
October 2018, at 17:06
The formation of Hamas has a background of dissatification among Palistinians in the

diplomatic struggle of existing Palestinian resistance organization, such as the Palestine

Liberation Organization (PLO) which at that time was led by Yasser Arafat or Abu Ammar,

which was believed to be detrimental to the Palestinian and further strengthens Israel’s

position, also its disagreement with Fatah.

II. Leadership

Leadership is the process of influencing or giving

examples by leaders to followers in an effort to

achieve organizational goals2.

The Hamas leadership system is Syuro Majlis,

which carries out leadership and issues to political

policy, military operations, as well as publications to

the mass media. Sheikh Ahmad Yassin was trusted to

Picture 2. Sheikh Ahmed Yassin.
be the leader assisted by the six leaders of the Majlis,
whose members lived in Palestine and there were also

those who lived outside the Palestinian territories. The

problem that is complicated is the arbitrarines of Israel who never hesitate to carry out an arrest

operation to the leaders of the Majlis, not infrequently the Israel military carried out military

operations which resulted in the death of Hamas leaders, such as Sheikh Ahmed Yassin and

Abdulaziz Ali Abdul Majid Al-Rantissi.

Here are some names of Hamas figures who are still struggling or who have been martyred

in the path of Allah. (1) Shiekh Ahamad Yassin, despite having physical obedience but his

enthusiasm and knowledge are qualified. Repeatdly captured by Israel, namely in 1965; 1983;

DR. Sidik Jatmika, Msi, Dasar Dasar Sosiologi, Pgs. 37
18 May 1989; and 16 October 1991 sentenced to life in prison; 22 March 2004 before the

morning prayer he was martyred, after Israel skyrocketed using Apache helicopters. (2)

Abdulaziz Al-Rantissi, which succeeded Sheikh Ahmad Yassin on 17 April 2004 following

the martyrdom of an Israel Air Strike. Hamas leadership was handled by three Hamas figures,

(3) Khaled Mashel, Hamas Bureau Political Chief, (4) Mahmoud Zahar, former Palestinian

Foreign Minister.

Ismail Haniyyah, winning the

Palestinian Legislative Election on

25 January 2006 and being sworn in

29 March 2006. One of the

successes of Ismail Haniyyah was

the conclusion of a peace agreement

Pitcture 3. Ismail Haniyyah.
leader-ismail-haniyeh-calls-for-new-palestinian-strategy-following- with Israel in December 2010. In a
press conference in the Gaza Lane,

he said “we have legal rights to a Palestinian state on the 1967 border with Jerusalem as its

capital; liberation of Palestinian and; and refugee problem solving”. He also added that if the

Palestinian people agree to a peace agreement with Israel with these demands, the the

government will commit to complying with the peace.3

3Muhammad Muzammil Basyuni and friends, IDEOLOGI HAMAS MOVEMENTS OF ISLAMIC HERITAGE,
Pgs 105-106
III. Value System

The European Union (EU) high court ruled on Wednesday, 26 July 2017 that the Palestinian

on the blacklist of EU terrorism. The decision refers the case to a lower court4.

As we know before that Hamas is the defense organization of Palestinians who are

oppressed by the Israel regime and Israel has crossed the line. Therefore, Hamas asks

Palestinians not to make peace with Israel. They also made a new revolt against Israel in

response to US President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerussalem as its capital. So the point

is Hamas as Palestine’s the front guard wants to free itself and eliminate Israel from Palestine

and replace it with an Islamic State. Hamas wants to form a civil society where Muslims pratice

their religion as a whole in every aspect of the life in the nation and state.

IV. Regular Activity

In general, various action and

activities carried out by Hamas

divided into two field, the field of

social religion and the field of

military politics5. Firts, the socio-

religious filed. As an Islamic

movement, it has high commitment Picture 4. Campagne of Hamas.

to the progress and development of

Arpan Rahman, Pengadilan Eropa Tetapkan Hamas Sebagai Organisasi Teroris,
teroris, Accessed on 26 October 2018, at 05:00
Bawono Kumoro, Hamas, Ikon Perlawanan Islam Terhadap Zionisme Israel, Pgs 95-99
Islam, prosperity mosques are one of the main activities. The mosque is functioned as a base

movement and vehicle to build the character and personality of the wider community.6

Through this activity Hamas also instilled the political ideology of his movement to

Palestinian Muslims. Therefore, it is not surprising that Hamas is very rooted at the grassrots

level and not elitist. Hamas is very aware of the position mosque as one the most effective

community centers to do education, formation, and ideology, especially in conflict situations


Second, the political and military field. In principle, various political activities what was

done by Hamas continued what had been initiated by The Muslim Brotherhood. During the

period 1987-1993, political activities were carried out by Hamas more in the form of

propaganda through the publication of books, pamphlets, brochures, and other publication7.

Through this method Hamas managed to raise awareness and enthusiasm of the Palestinian

people in resisting Israeli hegemony. Propaganda also proved to be very effective in becoming

a medium liaison between the community and Hamas so that the community knows more

Hamas in depth. In this way Hamas also paved the way for subsequent flow of Palestinian

support will be an importan factor for the victory of Hamas in the 2006 Legislative Election.

V. True believer

Along with the increasingly widespread military aggression carried out by Israel, Hamas

the developed various forms of civil resistance. These forms of civil resistance included

demonstrations, boycotts, mass riots, and other non-cooperative actoins. Besides civil

resistance the Hamas fighters from the Izzudin Al-Qassam Brigade did not hesitate to sacrifice

himself to be martyred in the war against Israel. Military operations through “Martyrdom

Bomb” in Bahasa is Bom Syahid seemed to be a symbol of their belief that they were is carrying

out a holy mission that will be rewarded with heaven by Allah SWT. One of the initiators of

this operation was Yahya Ayyash. He died inside a murder carried out by Israeli soldiers in


This “Martydom Bombs” was not only carried out by men, but also by Palestinian women.

One of them is Darin Abu Aisyah. She was born in Nablus in 1980. She was a fourth semester

student at Al-Najah University. She was martyred on Wednesday, February 27, 2002.9

Muhammad Riza Sihbudi, added that the martyr could not done by many people. The

martyrs are usually those who are spiritually prepared. The purpose of spiritual preparation is

that the martyrs usually have a deep understanding of Islamic teachings. The martyrdom

perpetrators have been sincerely willing and ready for sacrifice their lives and bodies in order

to uphold the religion of Tawheed, Islam, and fighting against the enemies of God. In addition,

the perpetrators of the martyrdom were more numerous from Hamas members who have been

provided with military experience compared ordinary people.

People who commit suicide are desperate people from life caused by certain failures. He

want to free himself from (problem) his life. While the act (bomb) was martyred, it was a work

of heorism. That most scholars consider it the greatest type of jihad.

Almuzzammil Yusuf (Editor), Genderang Jihad Wanita Palestina, Jakarta. 2004. Pgs. 48
VI. Cultural Expression

Culture, accrording to Jurgen Habermas is a

form of human expression. Humans with all the

hidden ornaments, causing Ernst Cassirer (1944)

to call humans as animal simbolicum (creatures

that use and understand various symbols).10

Meaning of Logo: Hamas symbol consist of a

dome “Dome of the Rock”, two sword and two --

Palestinian flags covering the dome and contains

the sentence “There is no god but Allah’ and Muhammad is the messeger God”. At the top

there is a map covering the borders of Israel, the West Bank, and The gaza path with words

“Palestine” is located below the picture and writing “Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS)”

in the field below. And the slogan is Allah is its goal, the Prophet is its qudwah, Al-Qur’an its

constitution, Jihad is path, and death for the case of Allah its the ultimate goal or its most

sublime belief.

Ernst Cassirer (1944) dalam Daeng, Hans J. 2000. “MANUSIA, KEBUDAYAAN DAN LINGKUNGAN : Tinjauan
Antropologis”. Pustaka pelajar. Yogyakarta, hal. 80

It is not the time for us to call Hamas as terrorists, it is a very wrong accusation. Hamas

precisely with its inspiration has given birth to a nation and a new generation that is not afraid

of tyranny, dares to publish the truth, and frimly defends self-esteem. Hamas has exemplified

the world of true life.

It is impossible for Israel to create its own movement which will threaten its existence.

Hamas was born from a strong conscience, a burning spirit, and a firm determination.

No less important is the role of the United Nations (UN) which must be more intensive to

maintain Palestinian social and political conditions always stable so that the wheels of the

Palestinian government can walk with effective which in the end the welfare of the Palestinian

people can be achieved.



Friday, 26 October 2018 Pgs

Jatmika, Sidik. 2015, Dasar Dasar Sosiologi,Yogyakarta : Grafindo Publishing, Pgs. 37

Rahman, Arpan, Pengadilan Eropa Tetapkan Hamas Sebagai Organisasi Teroris,
teroris, Accessed on 26 October 2018, at 05:00

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