Off-Line Energy Optimization Model

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IEEE ISIE 2005, June 20-23, 2005, Dubrovnik, Croatia

Off-Line Energy Optimization Model for

Crude Distillation Unit
Predrag Domijan* and Damir Kalpiü**
* INA Rijeka Lube Oil Refinery, Milutina Baraþa 26, HR-51000 Rijeka, Croatia
** University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Department of Applied Mathematics
Unska 3, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Abstract—This paper presents a model that uses the crude The property prediction methodology makes use of the
true boiling point curve and other routinely performed crude true boiling point (TBP) curve, available from
laboratory measurements on crude distillation unit (CDU) refinery laboratory, and steady state data such as operating
for product properties prediction. The inputs to the model flow-rates, temperatures and pressures. Based upon the
are different types of crude. Objective of the optimization is draw plate temperatures for different products, the
to minimize the cost of energy consumption per tons of algorithm calculates five equilibrium flash vaporization
crude. The detailed model is based on a real refinery, it is (EFV) temperatures. These EFVs are then converted to
based upon the first-principle, and it is nonlinear. The CDU TBPs which, when superimposed on the crude TBP
model is a non-stage-by-stage, steady-state model and it is curves, allow estimation of five additional product TBP
corrected by real process values. The model calculates yields temperatures. Then, the TBP curves are used as input to
and properties of the products based on the feed the model. Thus, without making the simulation over the
information and product specifications. The proposed model entire column, product properties are determined in an
has following benefits in comparison to commercial easy and instant way. This method is mainly based on
simulation models: it is adapted to real plant conditions, it is proposals in [2] and [3]; and it differs to the one described
an open source solution, and it is flexible and fast in in [1].
execution. The model is useful for comparison of the actual
plant performance to the expectation at the plant design II. CRUDE DISTILLATION UNIT (CDU)
stage and to the optimal case. It can identify operating
changes required to maximize the profit, it can provide for
the highest return on investment for the unit, it can identify Figures 1 - 6 show process flow diagrams of the CDU.
the fouling level and it can be applied for optimal planning The refinery processes blends of REB, Brent, Iraq Kirkuk,
of the unit shutdowns and maintenance. The optimal Libyan EsSider and Syrian light crude oils.
solution obtained shows that the energy consumption could During the unit performance test (test-run), the
be decreased up to 3.2% compared to the actual operating atmospheric bottoms (residue) yield was 42% of crude.
regime. The column's lowest side cut is the heavy gas oil. Light
gas oil and kerosene are side products. Gasoline C5-180,
I. INTRODUCTION LPG and still gas combine the C01 top product.
The CDU is a compound of six sections and it is
presented in the same way as it appears on Honeywell
A model is proposed to minimize the cost of energy TPS distributed control system (DCS) screens. In Fig. 1
consumption in oil refinery depending on the are Desalter (V04) and Preflash columns (C06) with heat
characteristics of different types of crude at input. exchangers for heating crude oil before furnace (F01). Fig.
The oil industry is divided in two parts: upstream, 2 shows the Furnace (F01) and Atmospheric column
concerned with finding oil deposits and getting the crude (C01) section. The Reflux section (V01 and C03) is given
oil out of the ground (exploration & production) and in Fig. 3. Debutanizer (C04) and Stabilizer (C05) sections
downstream, concerned with turning crude oil into usable are given in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5, respectively. Heavy
products and delivering them to customers (refining to distillate cooling section is shown in Fig. 6.
achieve petrochemicals & distribution). Oil industry is An example of optimizing the CDU is given in Fig. 7
among the most prolific and dynamic industries of modern where the results are flow rates (t/h), heat exchangers
civilization where a highly competitive market, stringent energy duty (MJ) and temperatures (°C).
environmental laws and strict quality control of refinery
products are a must. Through the Crude Distillation Unit
(CDU) the entire crude oil entering a refinery must be
processed. III. THE MODEL
Crude oil and all the CDU products are complex
mixtures of hydrocarbons, so it is not convenient to The proposed model operates off-line, it is based on the
characterize them in terms of individual components, see first principle of mass and energy balance, it is validated
in [1], [2] and [3]. by actual data, it is nonlinear and steady-state [4].

0-7803-8738-4/05/$20.00 ©2005 IEEE 199

Mathematical Programming (MP) in oil industry, and in
oil refining in particular, is well established. The oil
industry is the largest single user of Mathematical
Programming [5]. This is the case because the technique
is effective in treating the problems which this industry is
The characteristics of a typical MP problem are:
• many potential solutions;
• there is some measure of quality to evaluate
the solutions;
• the variable elements of the system are

Oil refineries are facing an enormous number of options Figure 4. Debutanizer column section
in their operations:
• which crude to refine;
• what processing condition to use;
• how to economize with the energy.

Figure 5. Stabilizer column section

Figure 1. Desalter and preflash section

Figure 6. Heavy distillate cooling section

Figure 2. Furnace and Atmospheric column section

Figure 3. Reflux section Figure 7. An example of optimizing CDU

Nonlinear Programming is a part of mathematical + 2.698276 · t (°C)
programming. In this project nonlinear programming is + 3.032970 · Ȗ (ton/m3)
used because of inherently existing nonlinearity in
+ 41.86634) · (0.054 · K + 0.352)
description of the CDU equipment [6]. In some papers
Genetic algorithms are used to solve nonlinear Where is: t(°C) - temperature
dependencies [7]. Ȗ(ton/m ) - density
Simulation programs are very popular in oil refineries K - Characterization factor [3]
[8] but because of their weaknesses (see [9] and [10]) the
model proposed in this paper gives a better (i.e. closer to Example 2:
real operation) solution for the energy optimization.
Enthalpy of steam (1-12 bars):
The model of CDU is given in Fig. 8. Preprocessing of
input data was performed in MS Excel file named
Technological Preprocessing file (TPP file). Data in this hSteam(t )[MJ/ton]= 2.034506 · t (°C)
file are changed in laboratory when crude oil or basic + 2460.255
properties of crude oil are changing. Data in the file are:
TBP, EFV, density, characterization factor (K), and
volume and mass flows of all crude oil fractions.
1) T-pipe type 1

TPP file Inp ut/Output file T-pipe type 1 is the first element to be modeled. In Fig.
(MS Exc el) 9 an example is given where two similar streams converge
(MS Exc el) into a single one.

F1,t 1,h 1 F3,t 3,h 3

(Lingo v3.1)

Figure 8. Crude Distillation Unit Model

F2,t 2,h2
The next MS Excel file: Input/Output file accepts the Figure 9. T-pipe type 1
data prepared from the TPP file. The file combines data
that characterize the equipment in the CDU, the crude oil, Where is:
the distillate and energy prices. F (ton/h) - flow
The results of the nonlinear optimization are transferred h (MJ/ton) - enthalpy
to the Input/Output file (see Fig. 8). In the file all the
product streams are calculated. F01 furnace duty is F 3 = F 2 + F1
presented separately because of its higher energy (fuel gas
and oil) consumptions. t3 = (F1 · t1 + F2 · t2) / F3

2) T-pipe type 2
A. Process Equipment Model
In Fig. 10 an example is given where a single stream
All process equipment in the CDU is modeled based on forks in two.
the first principle (energy and mass balance) and validated
by actual data. Equations are nonlinear and the model
represents steady-state. F1,t1,h1 F3 ,t3 ,h 3
Energy balance is based on heat contents (enthalpy) of
petroleum fractions; see [2] and [3]. An USER@ function
is defined in LINGO for calculating enthalpy of petroleum
fractions and H2O (for both: liquid and vapor state).
Example 1: Figure 10. T-pipe type 2
Enthalpy (h) of liquid petroleum fractions:
F3 = F1 - F2
hHC(t, Ȗ, K )[MJ/ton]= (0.00295682247 · t2(°C) t3 = t1 = t2
- 17.1523 · Ȗ2(ton/m3) h3 = h2 = h1
- 0.0010328 · t2(°C) · Ȗ(ton/m3)
- 0.437829 · t (°C) · Ȗ2 (ton/m3)
- 0.607645 · t (°C) · Ȗ (ton/m3)

3) Exchanger
In Fig. 11 an example of a typical exchanger is given.
F11,t 11,h11 t 12,h1 2
F2,t21,h 21

F1,t 11,h11 t12,h12

FH2O 22 ,t22 ,h22 T21,h21
Figure 13. Distillate-Water cooler
(Ak,f%) t 22,h22
Q1 = F1 · (h11 - h12)
Figure 11. Exchanger QH2O = FH2O 22 · (h22 - h21)
Where is: Q1 = Ak2 · f% · QH2O
Ak(MJ) - construction parameter
f% - fouling factor 6) Vessel
Q1(MJ) - energy transfer from the first stream
Q2(MJ) - energy transfer to the second stream In Fig. 14 an example of a vessel is given.

Q1 = F1 · (h11 - h12)
F1,t 1,h 1 F2,t 2,h2
Q2 = F2 · (h22 - h21)
LMTD = [(t11 - t22) - (t12 - t21)]
/ ln [(t11 - t22) - (t12 - t21)]
Q1 = Q2 = Ak · f% · LMTD
t11 > t22 +1
t12 > t21 + 2
Model of the exchanger is based on [3] and [6]. Fouling
is discussed in [11] and [12]. Figure 14. Vessel

F2 ~ 0
4) Distillate cooling fan F3 = F1, t3 = t1, h3 = h1

In Fig. 12 an example is given of a typical distillate

cooling fan (a type of cooler). 7) Furnace

Fig. 15 presents a furnace.

F1,t1,h1 t2,h2

FSte a m_5b ar,t21 ,h21 t22,h 22

Figure 12. Distillate cooling fan

Q1 = F1 · (h1 - h2)
Q1 < max Duty
t2 < t1 - 1 F01

FC rud e ,t11,h11 t12,h 12

5) Distillate-Water cooler
FFG FFO FSte a m_12b ar
In Fig. 13 an example is given of a typical distillate-
water cooler.
Figure 15. Furnace

Q1 = FCrude · (h12 - h11) + FSteam_5bar · (h22 - h21)
Q2 = QFG · FFG + QFO · FFO min(Cost/Crude) = Cost($) / Crude(ton)
Q1 = ȘF01 · Q2 Cost($) = PriceChemicals($/ton) · Crude(ton)
Q2 < maxDutyF01 + PriceH2O_Desalter($/ton) · H2O(ton)
FSteam_12bar = FFO · Steam_12bar_% + PriceSteam_5bar($/ton) · Steam_5bar(ton)
+ PriceSteam_12bar($/ton) · Steam_12bar(ton)
+ PriceH2O_Cool($/ton) · H2O_Cool(ton)
FG stands for “Fuel Gas”
+ PriceFuel _Oil($/ton) · Fuel_Oil(ton)
FO stands for “Fuel Oil”
+ PriceFuel_Gas($/ton) · Fuel_Gas(ton)
+ PriceElect_Power($/MW) · Elect_Power(MW)
8) Stabilizer column

In Fig. 16 an example is given of the Stabilizer column. A typical value of performance function was 2.5~3.5
($/ton) depending on the CDU capacity and crude oil type.

F2,t2,h2 (V03,E20,E31)
C. Initial values

F1,t1,h 1 F4,t4,h4 F7 ,t4,h4 In particular for nonlinear models, the initial values for
the solver search may influence the quality of solution and
the speed of reaching it.
In the CDU model initial values are put very close to a
C05 "guessed or expected" value. It is necessary to try a few
values before the solver finds the optimal solution.
Otherwise, the solution is usually far from optimum or
even infeasible.

F6,t6,h6 F3,t3,h3

The nonlinear CDU model was written in LINGO.

Figure 16. Stabilizer column
Total count of variables is 210. There are 266 constrains
in total, out of which 78 are nonlinear. Memory used is
191 kBy and processing time is under 5 sec (PC: Pentium
F4 > 0.2 · F1 2.8 GHz). A local optimum was achieved after 99
F5 = F6 iterations.
F 1 + F 4 = F3 + F 2 The described CDU model was tested on a real CDU in
INA Refinery Rijeka. Iraq Kirkuk (Ȗ = 0.8547 t/m3, K =
F4 = F2 - F7
11.9) crude oil was used for the test-run.
F3 = F1 - F7
The results of comparison between the process data of a
Qr = F4 · (h2 - h4) real operation (from Honeywell TPS DCS screens) and
Qb = QE22 from the optimization model CDU are given in Table 1.
QF7 = F7 · (h2 - h1) The results are divided in three parts: The first part is
QF3 = F3 · (h3 - h1) the division of crude oil in eight fractions. The divisions in
Qb = QF7 + Qr + QF3 both columns are nearly the same.
t3 < t6 The energy consumption is in the second part. The
results of optimization of the CDU model show a lower
t3 > t5 energy demand. The main reason for higher energy
demand in real CDU is fouling in exchangers and furnace.
Atmospheric distillation (C01), Debutanizer (C04) and The last part contains the process data. It can be noticed
Stabilizer (C05) columns are very similar in modeling, see that reflux flow in C01 column is lower in the CDU model
more in [2] and [3]. than in the operation example. The flashed crude
temperature at the entry of the furnace is higher in the
CDU model. It leads to a lower energy demand in the
B. Performance Function furnace.
The benefits of optimization are given in the last two
Performance (or goal) function of the model is the cost rows. Finally, the 3.17% of energy cost savings is possible
of energy and chemicals consumption per ton in an hour under ideal circumstances, i.e. with no fouling and good
of crude oil input: condition of all equipment in the CDU.

TABLE 1: A possible saving in energy of 3.17% is valuable
because CDU is among the biggest energy consumers [13]
Crude oil: Iraq Kirkuk DCS CDU Model
in a typical refinery and it rises the opportunity to improve
the energy management.
Crude oil fractions % %
In addition, the model can be used for testing different
Still Gas 0.07 0.05
revamping scenarios and to solve production bottlenecks
LPG 1.15 1.25 in the CDU.
Gasoline C5- 78°C 5.94 5.32 Finally, the model presented in the paper could be
Gasoline 78 - 180 °C 15.70 15.68 useful in production planning when using a new type of
Kerosene 9.69 9.75 crude oil. Accounting to more than 85% of the typical
Light Gas oil 18.17 18.29 refinery's operating cost structure, the crude is a key
Heavy Gas oil 6.99 7.48 "operating parameter" that must be set early in the
planning process [14]. The benefit of using the CDU
Residue 42.29 42.19 model for that purpose is even higher than presented in
ENERGY this paper.
Steam 5 bar (ton/h) 6.34 7.11
Steam 12 bar (ton/h) 1.98 2.26
Cooling water (ton/h) 603.90 441.53 REFERENCES
Desalter water (ton/h) 16.91 24.00 [1] S. Bhat, T. Chatterjee, and D. N. Saraf, “On-line Data Processing
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[12] K. Bailey, “Optimize heat exchanger operations by minimizing
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calculating the energy consumption and fouling. refining profitability,” Hydrocarbon Processing, pp. 133-140,
The CDU model provides answers to questions related September 1998.
to equipment condition in the CDU; it helps in shutdown
planning for maintenance and in the crude oil


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