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Healthy life starts from consuming fruits and vegetables

One step in the healthy living community movement is by consuming vegetables and fruits.

The results of the basic health research show that there are still many people who do not
consume enough vegetables and fruits, as many as 93.5% of the population aged> 10 years
consume vegetables and fruits under the recommendations. In fact, consumption of vegetables
and fruits is an important part in realizing Balanced Nutrition.

Vegetables and fruits are a source of vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber.

Head of Banyuwangi Health Office Dr. Widji Lestariono said that now the cause of death was
dominated by non-communicable diseases (PTM). On the national scale the percentage of up to
65 percent of deaths is due to PTM.

The reason is people have unhealthy lifestyles, lack of physical activity, lack of exercise and less
consumption of vegetables and fruit.

In Banyuwangi, Dr. Rio said, 81 to 90 percent of the people consume less vegetables and fruits.

It is unfortunate that Banyuwangi itself is one of the fruit producing regions, such as bananas and
dragon fruit.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends a minimum of 400 grams of fruit and
vegetable intake per person per day. Unfortunately, the facts show that 81-90 percent of
Banyuwangi's population aged 10 years and over consume less vegetables and fruits.

How much fruit and vegetables should we eat in a day?

at least 3 servings of fruit and 2 servings of vegetables or vice versa every day.

Why do we have to eat vegetables and fruit?

Eating vegetables and fruit every day is very important because:

Contains vitamins and minerals, which regulate the growth and maintenance of the body.
Contains high fiber.
Center for Health Promotion of the Indonesian Ministry of Health, 2007

Basic Health research 2010 -2013

Germas Program 2017 -2018

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