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Assessment of Demand Response and
Advanced Metering


Assessment of Demand Response and Advanced Metering



Submitted to

Mr. Masud Rahman

Managing Director

Submitted by

Md. Ismail Hossain

Sales Manager

Date of Submission
23 July 2013

PRAN-RFL Center, 105, Progoti Sarani, Middle Badda, Dhaka1212, Bangladesh

Phone: +88 0288214, 02882154; Email:

I express all my gratitude and praises to the God, who has given me energy and capability to prepare
this report.

I sincerely feel it, a proud privilege to express heartfelt gratitude and profound indebtedness to my
Managing Director for his scholarly, supervision, instruction, valuable suggestion, encouragement,
inspiration, untiring help, unprecedented patience, sympathy during the whole period of assignment
works and critical review of this report.

I am also grateful to the officers of PRAN RFL Group for providing necessary data about investment
and other secondary source of information of PRAN-RFL Group.
Letter of Transmittal

July 23 2013

Mr. Masud Rahman

Managing Director
Pran-RFL Group

Subject: Solicitation for acceptance of Business Report

I am pleased to submit my Business Report after successful completion of three months survey in
our Group.
I express my gratitude to you for giving me chance to learn about the downfall demand of PRAN
Juice Industries. In spite of various shortcomings, I have devoted my best effort to cover all the
relevant areas of Sales and Marketing Department of the organization. I hope that you will
appreciate my endeavor and satisfy this report up to your expectation.

It is indeed that without your advice and co-operation it would not be possible to submit this report.
I have tried my best effort to make this report in comprehensive and informative manner. All of my
works and information presented in this report is done with utmost sincerely and honestly. I shall be
gratified to answer any sort of queries you think necessary regarding this report, assuring of my
presence if and when needed.

Sincerely Yours,

Mr. Ismail Hossain

Sales Manager
Pran-RFL Group (Beverage section)


List of Illustration

Executive Summery





List of Illustration

Chapter Content Page

1 Introduction
1.1 Origin of the Study
1.2 Objectives of the Study
1.3 Methodology
1.4 Time schedule of the study
1.5 Literature review
2 Analysis
4.1 Current market analysis
4.2 Product life cycle
4.3 Market size
3 Suggestion
5.1 Situation Analysis
5.2 Swot Analysis
5.3 Marketing Strategy
5.4 Forecast and Financial analysis
5.4 Implementation & Control
4 Conclusion
Executive Summery
1.1 Origin of the study

At present business is very much complex because of even changing customer choice,
preference, taste etc. and for the technological and high competition. As globalization is on
the competition is spread an over the world. So every organization should be international
standard. Every company or firm wants to make their loyal customer group. Each firm
would like to gain maximum profit through consumer's satisfaction. To day each company
has to face so much competition. To perform all marketing tasks marketer are to faces. Two
types of environment, one is macro or external and another is micro or internal

We know that juice is a consumer goods. It is classified as shopping goods. People usually
drink juice for the refreshment and to reduce tiredness. In all seasons juice is widely
consumed by the customers. But the demand becomes high in the summer. Juice is tasty
and nutrition's. There is a wide demand and high prospects for the juice products PRAN.

This study tries to focus on marketing problems and prospects of PRAN juice industries.
PRAN juice is one of the popular brands in Bangladesh and also in international market
recently. It is manufactured and marketed by Agriculture Marketing Company Ltd. (AMCL)
of PRAN group. PRAN juice is selling mainly local market (all over Bangladesh) already it is
exporting in Europe, America and Middle East also in India. We see that there is decrease
the demand of PRAN product in our local market. Because of other competitors imports
some juice from Pakistan, India and other countries juice is one of the items to meet this
1.2 Objectives of the Study

1.2.1 Main Objective:

The main objective of the report is how to handle the business related problem like decreasing the
demand of the product and make a business plan for recovery the market shares of PRAN Juice

1.2.2 Specific Objectives:

The specific objectives finding the reason of decreasing demand and make a plan for recovery by the
marketing activities of PRAN Juice Industries are as follows:

 To gather knowledge about the organization and the sales and marketing department.
 To identify and analysis the reason of downfall of demand and prospects of PRAN juice
 To know the market demand & position
 To identity the different types of problems and prospects of marketing activities of PRAN
juice industries.
 To know about competitors
 To synthesize the findings and draw recommendations.

1.3 Methodology of the study

For smooth and accurate study everyone have to follow some rules and regulation. The study
impute were collected from two sources:

1.3.1 Primary source:

 Face to face conversation with my colleagues.

 Practical desk work.
 Relevant file study as provided by the concerned officers.
 Direct observation.
1.3.2 Secondary data sources:

 Annual reports of the PRAN-RFL Group.

 Company profile of the PRAN-RFL Group.
 Files and Folders.
 Various manuals of PRAN-RFL Group.
 Extensive literature search on the basis of these documents of publication.
 Newspapers, magazines, periodicals, and other pertinent articles.

1.4 Time schedule of the study

For this kind of report paper its need much more time. But I’ve got a very short time for this. So it
was so tough for me to know about the proper marketing. It was not possible to me to know and
include all kind of detail information on the report paper within this short time.

1.5 Literature Review

Philip Kotler (2001): Marketing must be understood not in the old sense of making a sale-“telling
and selling”-but in the new sense of satisfying customer needs. If the marketer does a good job of
understanding consumer needs; develops products that provide superior value; and prices,
distributes, and promotes them effectively, these products will sell very easily. Thus, selling and
advertising are only part of a larger “marketing mix – a set of marketing tools that work together to
satisfy customer needs and build customer relationships. Marketing is a social and managerial
process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and
exchanging value with others.
2.1 Current market analysis:

According to the information from different sources “Pran” is now the market leader in the juice
sector of soft drinks market. After Pran, frutika, fruto are in the position. Most market shares are
now holding by AMCL (Pran), next frutika and then fruto.

Positioning according to RIES AND TROUT:

The world positioning was popularized by two advertising executives, AL RIES AND JACK TROUT. So
PRAN Company has considered their strategy to be successful. So PRAN (AMCL) Company has
creative exercise with an existing product, which is given below by a chart.

Target consumers Benefits Price Value proposition

PRAN Quality Conscious The tasty, most healthy

Tasty and 10%
consumer of young. (Age juice in which your family
(Juice) healthy premium
within 3-30) can rid to disease.

Company communicates positioning effectively. Suppose a company choose the "best-in-quality" is

communicated by choosing these physical signs and cues that people normally use to judge quality.

Further, company should be followed consumers perceptual mapping properly.

2.2 Product life cycle

The market of PRAN juice is not new at present PRAN juice of AMCL takes position in the Rapid
Growth stage in the product life cycle. This can be shown in a figure:

Product life cycle of PRAN juice:

PRAN Juice

Introduction Early Rapid Mature Saturation Decline

Growth Growth Stage

2.3 Market Size

An industry sale of juice is Tk. 55.5 crores at present. The AMCL is Tk. 45 crores at present.

Market Size Characteristics

Market of juice is promising. It's increasing day by day. All sorts of people usually drink juice. But the
children and the young people drinks most of them. They are very fond of drinking juice. The people
of 3-35 years old age usually drink, upper of middle class people like juice. Most of people prefer
tasty juice; they are price sensitive, want to get easily from any retail shop.

Total units (sales):

Total units (sales) for the last eight years are given below:

Year Total Units (Sales)

2003-04 35500000

2004-05 39500000

2005-06 43500000

2006-07 46000000

2007-08 51500000

2008-09 55200000

2009-10 50000000

2010-11 50500000

2011-12 45000000
2.4 Findings of the Study

This section of the report contains findings of the study. The findings are the outcome of the
syntheses of the analyzed data as well as decrease the demand of PRAN Juice Industries. Synthesis of
the analyzed primary as well as secondary data covering different qualitative variables of the study,
reviewing of a number of documents and oral discussion with the marketers resulted in a series of
findings as follows.

 Analysis of the Marketing Activities of the PRAN-RFL Group is not adopting with current
procedures of other Groups.
 Lack of proper marketing activities records and documents keeping system is not modern
and scientific in PRAN-RFL Group.
 PRAN-RFL Group is lacking of modern scientific tools to collect the marketing activities
related information in time and proper way.
 Training and Research Department is not modernized and regularized PRAN-RFL Group
because very short qualified trainer.
 Some time the highly qualified Marketer does not apply to the PRAN-RFL Group because of
their lengthy process.
 Maximum Marketers are unable to perform proper marketing activates because they have
not adequate marketing knowledge.
 Some Marketers have not adequate marketing knowledge about analysis, planning,
implementation, and control.

3.1 Situation Analysis:

Pran produces Mango Juice, orange juice, Lichi Juice etc. We are successful in making profit of all the
products mentioned. To give the customer a new fruit taste depending on marketing research
information of the customer, we have decided to launch a new juice named “Strawberry Juice”. Our
market area is Bangladesh. For the market, our consumers typically are in the 50,000 tk per year on
average and higher income range. Competition for our immediate market is a group of five
companies roughly comparable to our company. Only one of these firms, frutika juice, has an
interest in marketing itself. We believe we rank first in the group of competitors, behind frutika.

3.2 SWOT Analysis:


Government support: Being the biggest local force in the industry AMCL always had government by
its side. Government has been supporting PRAN in many ways like subsidies, export subsidies, tariffs
on foreign competitors etc.

First mover’s advantage: PRAN entered the market when the product was still very new to the
consumers and there was little or no presence of any other local companies with such investment.
Therefore PRAN had the first mover’s advantage which they are still enjoying till now.

Internal strength: AMCL has a very powerful management team to guide a strong gigantic
workforce. Despite its huge size PRAN has been able to maintain labor productivity and increasing
sales. Its labor productivity is twice as much as any other local company in the market (Not foreign

Market share: PRAN AMCL has a great competitive advantage over the other competitors. As
mentioned earlier it is the largest fruit and vegetable processing industry in Bangladesh and holds
the biggest share in markets in Bangladesh among the local companies. PRAN has the largest sales in
fruit drinks after Coca-Cola and PepsiCo.

External threats: Too much competition from international organizations, for example Coca-Cola,
PepsiCo, RC-Cola, Virgin Cola, Rasna (India), Shezan (Pakistan) etc.

Internal weaknesses: Large size of the business and workforce makes it difficult to manage
perfectly. As a result it often causes internal conflict.


 Existing competitor of the current market is not that much strong which the pran company
 Pran can be export to other countries.
 Existing distribution channel is being used.
 High growth rate in this industry.


 Competitor can produce the same product.

 Downward pressure on pricing.
 Political instability, economy etc.
 New innovation from other competitors could be a threat.

3.3 Marketing Strategy


Pran always try to position their product through image differentiation, because related marketing,
and product differentiation. Pran will use logo and short advertisement so that people can
consistently see the advertisement so the product will occupy a clear, distinctive, and desirable place
in the mind of the consumer relative to competitors’ product. Pran will use USP (Unique Selling
Proposition) for their product. To do brand differences that make a better differentiation or that has
the potential to create company costs as well as customer benefits. A difference is worth
establishing to the extent that it satisfies the following criteria.

 Important
 Distinctive
 Superior
 Communicable
 Affordable and Profitable

Marketing Mix:

Our marketing mixes for the product Pran are

Product Marketing:

For launching a product in the market, there is some procedure that should be followed by every
marketer to move in the long run. Our product will enable our customers to have a different
experience to try our juice. They will be able to differentiate our product in quality which is unique in
the soft drinks market. They will not be able to feel the same way for the other soft drinks in the

Pricing Strategies:

We shall charge based on “Overhead Expenses” and “Cost Plus”. Overhead Expenses include rent,
gas and electricity, business telephone calls, packing and shipping supplies, delivery and freight
charges, cleaning, insurance, office supplies, postage, payroll taxes, repairs, and maintenance. The
accuracy of our costing will depend on estimating logical amounts for all categories of expenses. We
have to list all overhead expense items and total they divide the total overhead figure by the number
of items per month (or time period we used above).

The answer is our overhead per item:

Overhead + Materials + Labor = Total Cost/Item

From the market research, we received the following-

Company Name Price

Fruti(250ml) 15

Mojo (250ml) 15

Pran(250 ml) 15

Table: Price of different brands.

We want to charge 250 ml Pran soft drinks at the selling price of Tk.14. On the other hand, the prices
for Pran soft drinks are to be charged for 500 ml Tk.32, for 1000 ml Tk. 60.

Place or Distribution:
We will primarily use our existing distributors for distributing our new product Strawberry Pran
Juice then; we will make some new channels and assign some distributors to promote our product to
all over the country.

We are using mobile shop in the shopping malls, offices and crowded areas so that people can
purchase the product easily when they like to consume. We will make our consumer by Value
Delivery Network.

Advertising and Promotion:

The most successful advertising will be through BTV, NTV, Channel I, ATN Bangla and RTV which are
the most popular television channels in the country. We will also use some bill-boards and leaflets
and we will hold a sport event to promote the product. We will also use our experience so that we
can create attention to the customers.

Target market

Our main target market people are the young ages people who like to drink juice very much. Mostly
the school going students and the children. Beside that we also focus the young generation people.
Although our main target market is young people but we also prefer the people of adult and old ages

3.4 Forecast and Financial analysis:

it just a hypothetical forecasting and financial analysis-

The brands of “ Strawberry Pran Juice” will be introduced in September. We make an action
program for the next four months. And we believe that, if our four month action programs will run
well, then we will achieve our goals easily.


In June we will arrange meeting with our suppliers, dealers. And talk about our new product’s
quality, product development etc. Our product is low involvement and buyers show habitual buying
behavior. Then we will start production new Strawberry Pran Juice.


After meeting with the dealers we will provide sample Strawberry Pran Juice to our customers for
getting publicity. On the other hand we will give advertise of our new product in the Television,
Radio, Bill Board, Banners, and in the Poster. Then we will launch our product in to the market. In
the primary stage we will produce 250ml and 500ml can.


After doing our successful operations of two month, at the third month we give extra benefits to the
dealers and sellers to improve our sales. We will give small toys; arrange game. Observing the
situations, at this stage we will produce 250ml can, and 500ml can for the consumers. In this month
we will start to produce 1000ml can. And this month our product will be available in almost every
shop of the country.


In our last month of action program, if situation will favorable then we go for Divisional dealers to
distribute to the whole country. Observing and analyzing we take necessary actions to develop
product sales and increase our profit. In this way we will continue our production and give a
particular image to the mind of every customer.


This section will offer a financial overview four company as it relates to our marketing activities. We
have shown break-even information.

Sales Forecast:

The sales forecast is broken down into the three main revenue streams; direct sales, Web sales,
consignment sales. The sale forecast for the upcoming year is based on 30% growth rate. Growth
rate for year 2013 to 2015 are based on percentage increases as follows:

Direct sales 20% growth rate per year

Web sales 50% growth rate per year.

Consignment sales 20% growth rate year.


January 31,2011, AMCL(PRAN) As per un-audited half yearly accounts as on 31.12.12 (July’12 to
Dec’12), the company has reported net profit after tax of Tk. 19.44 million with EPS of Tk. 24.29 as
against Tk. 17.05 million and Tk. 21.31 respectively for the same period of the previous year.

3.5 Implementation & Control

For Control Purposes the plan also allows for month by month comparison of actual versus projected
sales and expenses. A contingency plan, attached has been developed for implementation in the
case of severs downward pricing pressure. Advertisements are vital in our types of marketing.
Salespeople will also be a fully trained in sale. Additional, every quarter we will try to monitor all the
problematic areas by performing customer satisfaction surveys in limited areas. We also prefer to
purchase retail store audit report, which would be the key to our strategies advantage in having
superior data on market share and prospects.

We all know that, today’s fast moving world respect the new, innovative ideas. To keep the same
pace with this situation our company had decided to launch a Juice and it has a bright future in its
market. As the product is innovative, the consumers are going to the product will be a strong
product mix for our company. And once our Juice will reach to the hand of our targeted customers,
we will be able to capture the most market shares.

As being a very successful organization and there flawless management system has enabled Pran
group to enjoy economies of scale through our profit maximization but as being a part of the culture
of Bangladesh through our share of quality products. We should also emphasize more on products
that are within in the purchasing power of the general people of Bangladesh and ensure that
products should be of quality that equal in aspects to compete with the international standards.
Appendix A: Bibliography



3. http://en/

4. Financial reports

5. Kotler, Philip, Gray Armstrong, Jhon Saunders and Veronica Wong, Principles of
Marketing, London : Prentice Hall Europe
6. Jobber, David, Principles and Practice of Marketing (2nd Ed.), London: McGraw-Hill
7. Statistical Techniques in Business & Economics, Robert D. Mason,
Douglas A. Lind & William G. Marchal.
8. Marketing Research, Naresh K. Malhotra

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