Definition of Culture

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Definition of Culture

The classic definition of culture, which most sociological definitions have

followed stated by Edward B. Taylor. “ That complex whole which includes
knowledge, beliefs, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits
acquired by man as a member of society.
Some sociologist define culture as the way of life of a social group- the group’s
total man made environment including all the material and non-material products of
group life that are transmitted from one another to the next.
Culture and Society
The concepts cultureand society have been associated with each other on the
grounds that all human phenomena are truly socio cultural.
Society is the largest form of human group. It consists of people who share common
heritage and culture.
Characteristics of Culture
1. Culture is learned by individuals as the result of belonging to some particular
Illustrative Example:
If a child born in the United States of American parents was moved shortly after
birth to the Philippines and brought up by Filipino parents, the child would develop
none of the traits of American culture. Instead, the child would manifest all the
behavior patterns of the Filipino; including language and other Filipino traits.
2. Culture is shared among members of a group. The culture that is learned by
an individual will be shared with others. This permits us to live together in an
organized society.
Illustrative Example:
The Filipino language and other Filipino practices learned by the child mentioned
above will eventually be shared with other children or other people within the group,
thus allowing this child to live harmoniously with others.
3. Culture is cummulative. It is the group’s knowledge stored up in memories of
men, in books and objects. This knowledge is accumulated over a period of time
from one generation to another generation.
4. Culture is dynamic. It is constantly changing. No culture is ever in a permanent
state. The practices of today will never be the same tomorrow.
Illustrative Example:
Consider the changes witnessed by your grandparent, parents and the present
generation regarding technology; the changes from jukebox to karaoke to videoke,
from long playing albums to compact discs.
5. Culture is diverse. Every culture is different from other cultures. One must
clearly recognizesthat there are different ways of doing things; hence, one must
avoid the presumption that one’s own culture is the only practical or right way.

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