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Ripped Bro Training 1

Ripped Bro Training Project

Merilee Restucci

Ripped Bro Training 2

Table of Contents

Client Information: ........................................................................................................................3

Risk Classification: ......................................................................................................................3

Client Goals: .................................................................................................................................3

Client Supplementation: ...............................................................................................................4

Pre-exercise Testing: ....................................................................................................................5

Training Prescription: ...................................................................................................................5

Training Plan rationale: ................................................................................................................5

Training Plan – Short Term:.........................................................................................................6

Training Plan – Long Term: .........................................................................................................7

Data: ................................................................................................................................................8

Conclusion: .....................................................................................................................................8

Appendix A: Microcycle ................................................................................................................9

Appendix B: Macrocycle .............................................................................................................15

Works Cited: ................................................................................................................................16

Ripped Bro Training 3

Client Information

Client is a 20-year-old male who is also a full-time college student and full-time

employee. Client has done hard weight room training in the past and has experienced a 15lb

muscle gain in the past year. Client would like recommendations for supplements that could

assist in speeding up the muscle gain process. The client’s goal is to gain 40lbs of muscle mass

in the next six months.

Risk Classification

Client’s history shows a low risk with no family history of CV complications or risk

equivalents. Based on this there will be no need for further medical testing. Client suffered a

bicep strain in the past so care will be taken to evaluate stability and prevent reoccurrence of the


Client Goals

Client has an unrealistic goal of a 40lb gain in six months. Taking the client’s past gain

of 15lbs in one year, a more realistic goal of 2lb gain per month was reached (Rosenbrock,

2015). Genetic ceilings and the inverse relationship of muscular fitness and muscular gains were

also discussed.

Main Goal: 12lb muscle gain in six months.

Micro Goal #1: 2lb muscle gain by the end of month one and each month thereafter.

Step #1: Proper form of all lifts

Step #2: Follow prescribed plan for proper lift order and alternating weight loads

Step #3: 10% increase in weight load each week

Ripped Bro Training 4

Step #4: Meet with nutritionist for proper nutrition plan

Micro Goal #2: Incorporate 150 minutes of cardio activity each week

Step #1: Introduction of HIIT program

Step #2: Include five mins light cardio in warm up program

Step #3: Include 60 mins cardio based active recovery weekly

Client Supplementation

Client has requested information on supplements that may increase the rate of muscle

gain. Recommendations are based on research done and presented with the caveat that further

discussion should be had when client meets with the nutritionist. Creatine monohydrate has

become a staple among weightlifters and has no history of health risks when taken properly. In

addition to enhancing maximal effort muscle contractions, muscle mass and strength adaptations,

and enhanced recovery, other health benefits have been discovered. It is suggested the client

ingest 0.3g/kg body weight 4 times daily for 5-7 days and 3-5 g/day to maintain elevated stores

(Almada, 2017). BCAA’s are another popular supplement used by weightlifters. It has

been shown to increase skeletal muscle protein synthesis and/or decrease muscle protein

degradation (Aragon,, 2014), and decrease delayed onset muscle soreness (Bajotto,,

2010). A recommendation of a BCAA drink prior to strength training be added. While there are

numerous other supplements widely marketed for weightlifters the majority lack scientific proof

of performance increases.
Ripped Bro Training 5

Pre-exercise Testing

Client’s goal is based on appearance, so testing will start with collecting baseline

information. Resting HR and BP will be taken. Anthropometric measurements will follow

including height, weight, and BMI. Circumference measurements will be taken at the following

sites: Arm midway between the acromion and olecranon process, forearm at the maximal

circumference, chest across nipple line, abdomen at the umbilicus, waist at narrowest point, mid-

thigh midway between the hip and knee, and calf midway between the knee and ankle at the

maximal circumference. BIA scanning will be performed at biceps, chest, and quadriceps.

Muscular fitness testing will be conducted to ascertain beginning work load. Bench and

leg press weight ratios and one repetition maximums (1-RM) testing will be done. For the 1-

RM, a 4-RM will be used to calculate 1-RM to avoid injury. Testing will be done with the bench

press and squat test on day one. The deadlift and overhead press will be done after three rest

days. A push-up test will be conducted to determine the level of muscular endurance.

Training Prescription

Training Plan Rationale

With the client’s main goal being physical appearance through muscle gain, the

prescribed training plan will focus on building muscle. For overall health benefits such as

improved cardiovascular function, elimination of body fat, and increased endurance, a strength

based cardio routine will be implemented.

Research has found that instituting a daily undulating periodization (DUP) schedule has

resulted in higher gains than traditional linear periodization (Ball, et. Al. 2002). To further

enhance the DUP schedule, varying workloads and rest periods will be used. Such variances
Ripped Bro Training 6

have been shown to stimulate increases in muscle strength and hypertrophy by targeting

mechanical and metabolic mechanisms. A larger percentage of muscle fibers can see gains via

heavy loading, therefore one heavy load day will be incorporated each week (Fukuda,,


The cardio plan prescribed for the client is in the format of short High Intensity Interval

Training (HIIT). HIIT is being prescribed to improve the client’s anaerobic capacity which will

in turn assist in muscle gain. Along with the increase in anaerobic capacity the strength

components of this workout will complement muscular development and the shortened length

will reduce risk of muscle loss. Research has shown that an increase in endurance training

causes a loss of muscle as energy stores necessary for muscular development can be depleted by

the long endurance activities (Anderson, 2012).

The flexibility plan will incorporate both dynamic stretching and static stretching.

Dynamic stretching will be used in the warm-up portion of the workout to maximize ROM.

Static stretching will be used post workout to improve and maintain flexibility.

Training Plan – Short Term

The client’s one month short-term plan (Appendix A) incorporates flexibility, cardio, and

strength. To accomplish the client’s goal, strength training is the main focus. An alternating

weight load and DUP schedule are implemented. The strength program has been designed to

work full body major muscle groups three times per week. Accessory muscles, while worked as

synergists during full body workouts, will be specifically addressed one time per week. Client

will work with the trainer during all strength workouts.

Ripped Bro Training 7

The cardio segment of the training schedule will be done on the client’s own time. This

will allow for a minimum of six hours rest after the strength workout. Research has shown to

help alleviate concurrent training interference, sufficient rest should be taken between the two

different modes of work (Babault,, 2014). Along with sufficient rest periods, cardio will be

kept to a minimum to further reduce possibility of muscle loss through long cardio sessions. To

elaborate, the myofibrillar protein synthesis gained from resistance training can be decreased by

the endurance training which inhibits the elongation factors responsible for increasing protein

synthesis (Anderson,, 2012).

Training Plan – Long Term

The long-term plan (Appendix B) has been designed following the DUP/weight variance

schedule. Strength, flexibility, and cardio routines will be changed each month to avoid muscle

adaptations. To summarize:

1. Muscle mass gain is the primary focus to meet the client’s goal. Strength routines

will be comprised of

a. One Full-body Hypertrophy day

b. One Full-body Heavy load day

c. One Full-body Endurance day

d. One Accessory muscle day

2. Cardio will be utilized for overall health and body fat elimination, and increased

endurance. Cardio routines will be comprised of

a. Three 20-minute HIIT workouts

b. One 60-minute active recovery day

Ripped Bro Training 8

3. Flexibility will be incorporated to increase ROM and maintain proper form.

Flexibility will be comprised of

a. Dynamic stretching after cardio warm up

b. Static stretching after workout routine


Regular testing will be conducted to record improvements. However, given the client’s

initial unrealistic goal, to reduce the risk of discouragement, circumference measurements will

only be completed at the half-way and end marks. Client progress will be tracked by the

following methods:

1. 1-RM testing to be completed the first week of each month

2. Anthropometric and BIA scans will be completed bi-monthly and final day.

3. Circumference measurements will be taken at the beginning of the 3 rd month and final

day of training.


The client has demonstrated the necessary commitment and dedication required to

achieve the goal of a 12lb muscle gain in six months. However, adherence to the prescribed

training plan and dietary recommendations from the nutritionist are crucial elements for success.

Considering the client’s eagerness, overtraining and inadequate recovery times may become an

issue. The trainer will monitor and address this should these situations arise.
Ripped Bro Training

Appendix A
Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
1 WU - 5 min CR Rest WU - 5 min CR Rest WU - 5 min CR WU - 5 min CR Active Recovery
Tread Row Tread Row CR 60 min cycle
1 min 60% HRmax 1 min 60% HRmax 1 min 60% HRmax 1 min 60% HRmax 65% HRmax
4 min 65% HRmax 4 min 65% HRmax 4 min 65% HRmax 4 min 65% HRmax 5 min Dyn Stretch
5 min Dyn Stretch 5 min Dyn Stretch 5 min Dyn Stretch 5 min Dyn Stretch Neck Rotatations 10x
Neck Rotatations 10x Neck Rotations 10x Neck Rotatations 10x Neck Rotations 10x Arm circles 10x
Chest arms prone/supine 10x
Arm circles 10x Air punch 10x ea Arm circles 10x Air punch 10x ea ea
Chest arms prone/supine 10x ea Chest open/close 10x Chest arms prone/supine 10x ea Chest open/close 10x Standing bicycles 10x ea
Standing bicycles 10x ea Woodchop 10x ea Standing bicycles 10x ea Woodchop 10x ea Half squat 10x
Half squat 10x Butt kicks 10x ea Half squat 10x Butt kicks 10x ea Straight leg march 10x
Straight leg march 10x Lunges 10x ea Straight leg march 10x Lunges 10x ea Ankle circles 12x
Ankle circles 12x Calf raises 10x Ankle circles 12x Calf raises 10x 5 min Static Stretch
Strength - Hypertrophy Ankle circles 12x Strength -Endurance Ankle circles 12x 3/10 secs ea
90 sec rest btw sets Strength - Power 60 sec rest btw sets Strength 4 pt neck flexion
3/10 70% 1RM Heavy Load 3/10 60% 1RM 90 sec rest btw sets Chest/ant delt
Full Barbell Squat 120 sec rest btw sets Full Barbell Squat 70% 1RM Standing Hamstring
Deadlift 3/6 85% 1RM Deadlift Chinups 4/6 Wall calf stretch
Barbell Bentover Row Full Barbell Squat Barbell Bentover Row Barbell Row 3/8 Runners Lunge
Benchpress Deadlift Benchpress Tricep kickback 3/8 Pigeon pose
Lateral Raise Barbell Bentover Row Lateral Raise DB Calf Raise 4/8 RPE 5 Downward Dog to cobra
Weighted crunch 4/10 RPE
Barbell Push Sit up 3/15 RPE 4 Benchpress Barbell Push Sit up 3/15 RPE 4 5
CD 10 min Static Stretch Lateral Raise CD 10 min Static Stretch CD 10 min Static Stretch
4/10 secs ea Barbell Push Sit up 3/15 RPE 5 4/10 secs ea 4/10 secs ea
Neck lateral flexion CD 10 min Static Stretch Neck lateral flexion Neck lateral flexion
Arm across chest 4/10 secs ea Arm across chest Arm across chest
Chest stretch Neck lateral flexion Chest stretch Chest stretch
Tricep stretch Arm across chest Tricep stretch Tricep stretch
Side Bend Chest stretch Side Bend Side Bend
Quad stretch Tricep stretch Quad stretch Quad stretch
seated hamstring stretch Side Bend seated hamstring stretch seated hamstring stretch
Butterfly stretch Quad stretch Butterfly stretch Butterfly stretch
Supine knees to chest seated hamstring stretch Supine knees to chest Supine knees to chest
Child's Pose Butterfly stretch Child's Pose Child's Pose
6 hour Break Supine knees to chest 6 hour Break
WU - 5 min jog 60% HRmax Child's Pose WU - 5 min jog 60% HRmax
CR - 20 min HIIT 77-95% CR - 20 min HIIT 77-95%
HRmax 6 hour Break HRmax
3/30 secs / 60 min rest WU - 5 min jog 60% HRmax 3/30 secs / 60 min rest
CR - 20 min HIIT 77-95%
Plank tap HRmax Plank tap
Tuck Jump 3/30 secs / 60 min rest Tuck Jump
Mountain Climbers Plank tap Mountain Climbers
Ripped Bro Training 10

Lateral Jump Tuck Jump Lateral Jump

Power jack/ 12 lb med ball Mountain Climbers Power jack/ 12 lb med ball
Explosive Sumo squat Lateral Jump Explosive Sumo squat
Bicycle Power jack/ 12 lb med ball Bicycle
Speed Skate Explosive Sumo squat Speed Skate
Full Burpee Bicycle Full Burpee
Pop jack Speed Skate Pop jack
CD 5 min Static Stretch Full Burpee CD 5 min Static Stretch
3/10 secs ea Pop jack 3/10 secs ea
4 pt neck flexion CD 5 min Static Stretch 4 pt neck flexion
Chest/ant delt 3/10 secs ea Chest/ant delt
Standing Hamstring 4 pt neck flexion Standing Hamstring
Wall calf stretch Chest/ant delt Wall calf stretch
Runners Lunge Standing Hamstring Runners Lunge
Pigeon pose Wall calf stretch Pigeon pose
Downward Dog to cobra Runners Lunge Downward Dog to cobra
Pigeon pose
Downward Dog to cobra
Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
2 WU - 5 min CR Rest WU - 5 min CR Rest WU - 5 min CR WU - 5 min CR Active Recovery
Tread Row Tread Row CR 60 min cycle
1 min 60% HRmax 1 min 60% HRmax 1 min 60% HRmax 1 min 60% HRmax 65% HRmax
4 min 65% HRmax 4 min 65% HRmax 4 min 65% HRmax 4 min 65% HRmax 5 min Dyn Stretch
5 min Dyn Stretch 5 min Dyn Stretch 5 min Dyn Stretch 5 min Dyn Stretch Neck Rotatations 10x
Neck Rotatations 10x Neck Rotations 10x Neck Rotatations 10x Neck Rotations 10x Arm circles 10x
Chest arms prone/supine 10x
Arm circles 10x Air punch 10x ea Arm circles 10x Air punch 10x ea ea
Chest arms prone/supine 10x ea Chest open/close 10x Chest arms prone/supine 10x ea Chest open/close 10x Standing bicycles 10x ea
Standing bicycles 10x ea Woodchop 10x ea Standing bicycles 10x ea Woodchop 10x ea Half squat 10x
Half squat 10x Butt kicks 10x ea Half squat 10x Butt kicks 10x ea Straight leg march 10x
Straight leg march 10x Lunges 10x ea Straight leg march 10x Lunges 10x ea Ankle circles 12x
Ankle circles 12x Calf raises 10x Ankle circles 12x Calf raises 10x 5 min Static Stretch
Strength - Hypertrophy Ankle circles 12x Strength -Endurance Ankle circles 12x 3/10 secs ea
90 sec rest btw sets Strength - Power 60 sec rest btw sets Strength 4 pt neck flexion
3/10 70% 1RM Heavy Load 3/10 60% 1RM 90 sec rest btw sets Chest/ant delt
10% wt Full Barbell Squat 120 sec rest btw sets Full Barbell Squat 70% 1RM Standing Hamstring
increase Deadlift 3/6 85% 1RM Deadlift Chinups 4/6 Wall calf stretch
Barbell Bentover Row Full Barbell Squat Barbell Bentover Row Barbell Row 3/8 Runners Lunge
5% wt Benchpress Deadlift Benchpress Tricep kickback 3/8 Pigeon pose
increase Lateral Raise Barbell Bentover Row Lateral Raise DB Calf Raise 4/8 RPE 5 Downward Dog to cobra
Weighted crunch 4/10 RPE
Barbell Push Sit up 3/15 RPE 4 Benchpress Barbell Push Sit up 3/15 RPE 4 5
CD 15 min Static Stretch Lateral Raise CD 15 min Static Stretch CD 15 min Static Stretch
4/15 secs ea Barbell Push Sit up 3/15 RPE 5 4/15 secs ea 4/15 secs ea
Neck lateral flexion CD 15 min Static Stretch Neck lateral flexion Neck lateral flexion
Arm across chest 4/15 secs ea Arm across chest Arm across chest
Ripped Bro Training 11

Chest stretch Neck lateral flexion Chest stretch Chest stretch

Tricep stretch Arm across chest Tricep stretch Tricep stretch
Side Bend Chest stretch Side Bend Side Bend
Quad stretch Tricep stretch Quad stretch Quad stretch
seated hamstring stretch Side Bend seated hamstring stretch seated hamstring stretch
Butterfly stretch Quad stretch Butterfly stretch Butterfly stretch
Supine knees to chest seated hamstring stretch Supine knees to chest Supine knees to chest
Child's Pose Butterfly stretch Child's Pose Child's Pose
6 hour Break Supine knees to chest 6 hour Break
WU - 5 min jog 60% HRmax Child's Pose WU - 5 min jog 60% HRmax
CR - 20 min HIIT 77-95% CR - 20 min HIIT 77-95%
HRmax 6 hour Break HRmax
3/30 secs / 60 min rest WU - 5 min jog 60% HRmax 3/30 secs / 60 min rest
CR - 20 min HIIT 77-95%
Plank tap HRmax Plank tap
Tuck Jump 3/30 secs / 60 min rest Tuck Jump
Mountain Climbers Plank tap Mountain Climbers
Lateral Jump Tuck Jump Lateral Jump
Power jack/ 12 lb med ball Mountain Climbers Power jack/ 12 lb med ball
Explosive Sumo squat Lateral Jump Explosive Sumo squat
Bicycle Power jack/ 12 lb med ball Bicycle
Speed Skate Explosive Sumo squat Speed Skate
Full Burpee Bicycle Full Burpee
Pop jack Speed Skate Pop jack
CD 5 min Static Stretch Full Burpee CD 5 min Static Stretch
3/10 secs ea Pop jack 3/10 secs ea
4 pt neck flexion CD 5 min Static Stretch 4 pt neck flexion
Chest/ant delt 3/10 secs ea Chest/ant delt
Standing Hamstring 4 pt neck flexion Standing Hamstring
Wall calf stretch Chest/ant delt Wall calf stretch
Runners Lunge Standing Hamstring Runners Lunge
Pigeon pose Wall calf stretch Pigeon pose
Downward Dog to cobra Runners Lunge Downward Dog to cobra
Pigeon pose
Downward Dog to cobra
Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
3 WU - 5 min CR Rest WU - 5 min CR Rest WU - 5 min CR WU - 5 min CR Active Recovery
Tread Row Tread Row CR 60 min cycle
1 min 60% HRmax 1 min 60% HRmax 1 min 60% HRmax 1 min 60% HRmax 65% HRmax
4 min 65% HRmax 4 min 65% HRmax 4 min 65% HRmax 4 min 65% HRmax 5 min Dyn Stretch
5 min Dyn Stretch 5 min Dyn Stretch 5 min Dyn Stretch 5 min Dyn Stretch Neck Rotatations 10x
Neck Rotatations 10x Neck Rotations 10x Neck Rotatations 10x Neck Rotations 10x Arm circles 10x
Chest arms prone/supine 10x
Arm circles 10x Air punch 10x ea Arm circles 10x Air punch 10x ea ea
Chest arms prone/supine 10x ea Chest open/close 10x Chest arms prone/supine 10x ea Chest open/close 10x Standing bicycles 10x ea
Standing bicycles 10x ea Woodchop 10x ea Standing bicycles 10x ea Woodchop 10x ea Half squat 10x
Ripped Bro Training 12

Half squat 10x Butt kicks 10x ea Half squat 10x Butt kicks 10x ea Straight leg march 10x
Straight leg march 10x Lunges 10x ea Straight leg march 10x Lunges 10x ea Ankle circles 12x
Ankle circles 12x Calf raises 10x Ankle circles 12x Calf raises 10x 5 min Static Stretch
Strength - Hypertrophy Ankle circles 12x Strength -Endurance Ankle circles 12x 3/10 secs ea
90 sec rest btw sets Strength - Power 60 sec rest btw sets Strength 4 pt neck flexion
3/10 70% 1RM Heavy Load 3/10 60% 1RM 90 sec rest btw sets Chest/ant delt
10% wt Full Barbell Squat 120 sec rest btw sets Full Barbell Squat 70% 1RM Standing Hamstring
increase Deadlift 3/6 85% 1RM Deadlift Chinups 4/6 Wall calf stretch
Barbell Bentover Row Full Barbell Squat Barbell Bentover Row Barbell Row 3/8 Runners Lunge
5% wt Benchpress Deadlift Benchpress Tricep kickback 3/8 Pigeon pose
increase Lateral Raise Barbell Bentover Row Lateral Raise DB Calf Raise 4/8 RPE 5 Downward Dog to cobra
Weighted crunch 4/10 RPE
Barbell Push Sit up 3/15 RPE 4 Benchpress Barbell Push Sit up 3/15 RPE 4 5
CD 15 min Static Stretch Lateral Raise CD 15 min Static Stretch CD 15 min Static Stretch
3/20 secs ea Barbell Push Sit up 3/15 RPE 5 3/20 secs ea 3/20 secs ea
Neck lateral flexion CD 15 min Static Stretch Neck lateral flexion Neck lateral flexion
Arm across chest 3/20 secs ea Arm across chest Arm across chest
Chest stretch Neck lateral flexion Chest stretch Chest stretch
Tricep stretch Arm across chest Tricep stretch Tricep stretch
Side Bend Chest stretch Side Bend Side Bend
Quad stretch Tricep stretch Quad stretch Quad stretch
seated hamstring stretch Side Bend seated hamstring stretch seated hamstring stretch
Butterfly stretch Quad stretch Butterfly stretch Butterfly stretch
Supine knees to chest seated hamstring stretch Supine knees to chest Supine knees to chest
Child's Pose Butterfly stretch Child's Pose Child's Pose
6 hour Break Supine knees to chest 6 hour Break
WU - 5 min jog 60% HRmax Child's Pose WU - 5 min jog 60% HRmax
CR - 20 min HIIT 77-95% CR - 20 min HIIT 77-95%
HRmax 6 hour Break HRmax
3/30 secs / 60 min rest WU - 5 min jog 60% HRmax 3/30 secs / 60 min rest
CR - 20 min HIIT 77-95%
Plank tap HRmax Plank tap
Tuck Jump 3/30 secs / 60 min rest Tuck Jump
Mountain Climbers Plank tap Mountain Climbers
Lateral Jump Tuck Jump Lateral Jump
Power jack/ 12 lb med ball Mountain Climbers Power jack/ 12 lb med ball
Explosive Sumo squat Lateral Jump Explosive Sumo squat
Bicycle Power jack/ 12 lb med ball Bicycle
Speed Skate Explosive Sumo squat Speed Skate
Full Burpee Bicycle Full Burpee
Pop jack Speed Skate Pop jack
CD 5 min Static Stretch Full Burpee CD 5 min Static Stretch
3/10 secs ea Pop jack 3/10 secs ea
4 pt neck flexion CD 5 min Static Stretch 4 pt neck flexion
Chest/ant delt 3/10 secs ea Chest/ant delt
Standing Hamstring 4 pt neck flexion Standing Hamstring
Ripped Bro Training 13

Wall calf stretch Chest/ant delt Wall calf stretch

Runners Lunge Standing Hamstring Runners Lunge
Pigeon pose Wall calf stretch Pigeon pose
Downward Dog to cobra Runners Lunge Downward Dog to cobra
Pigeon pose
Downward Dog to cobra
Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
4 WU - 5 min CR Rest WU - 5 min CR Rest WU - 5 min CR WU - 5 min CR Active Recovery
Tread Row Tread Row CR 60 min cycle
1 min 60% HRmax 1 min 60% HRmax 1 min 60% HRmax 1 min 60% HRmax 65% HRmax
Deload 4 min 65% HRmax 4 min 65% HRmax 4 min 65% HRmax 4 min 65% HRmax 5 min Dyn Stretch
Reduced 5 min Dyn Stretch 5 min Dyn Stretch 5 min Dyn Stretch 5 min Dyn Stretch Neck Rotatations 10x
load Neck Rotatations 10x Neck Rotations 10x Neck Rotatations 10x Neck Rotations 10x Arm circles 10x
Chest arms prone/supine 10x
longer Arm circles 10x Air punch 10x ea Arm circles 10x Air punch 10x ea ea
rest Chest arms prone/supine 10x ea Chest open/close 10x Chest arms prone/supine 10x ea Chest open/close 10x Standing bicycles 10x ea
Standing bicycles 10x ea Woodchop 10x ea Standing bicycles 10x ea Woodchop 10x ea Half squat 10x
Half squat 10x Butt kicks 10x ea Half squat 10x Butt kicks 10x ea Straight leg march 10x
Straight leg march 10x Lunges 10x ea Straight leg march 10x Lunges 10x ea Ankle circles 12x
Ankle circles 12x Calf raises 10x Ankle circles 12x Calf raises 10x 5 min Static Stretch
Strength - Hypertrophy Ankle circles 12x Strength -Endurance Ankle circles 12x 3/10 secs ea
120 sec rest btw sets Strength - Power 90 sec rest btw sets Strength 4 pt neck flexion
3/10 60% 1RM Heavy Load 3/10 50% 1RM 120 sec rest btw sets Chest/ant delt
Full Barbell Squat 180 sec rest btw sets Full Barbell Squat 60% 1RM Standing Hamstring
Deadlift 3/6 70% 1RM Deadlift Chinups 4/6 Wall calf stretch
Barbell Bentover Row Full Barbell Squat Barbell Bentover Row Barbell Row 3/8 Runners Lunge
Benchpress Deadlift Benchpress Tricep kickback 3/8 Pigeon pose
Lateral Raise Barbell Bentover Row Lateral Raise DB Calf Raise 4/8 RPE 5 Downward Dog to cobra
Weighted crunch 4/10 RPE
Barbell Push Sit up 3/15 RPE 4 Benchpress Barbell Push Sit up 3/15 RPE 4 5
CD 15 min Static Stretch Lateral Raise CD 15 min Static Stretch CD 15 min Static Stretch
3/20 secs ea Barbell Push Sit up 3/15 RPE 5 3/20 secs ea 3/20 secs ea
Neck lateral flexion CD 15 min Static Stretch Neck lateral flexion Neck lateral flexion
Arm across chest 3/20 secs ea Arm across chest Arm across chest
Chest stretch Neck lateral flexion Chest stretch Chest stretch
Tricep stretch Arm across chest Tricep stretch Tricep stretch
Side Bend Chest stretch Side Bend Side Bend
Quad stretch Tricep stretch Quad stretch Quad stretch
seated hamstring stretch Side Bend seated hamstring stretch seated hamstring stretch
Butterfly stretch Quad stretch Butterfly stretch Butterfly stretch
Supine knees to chest seated hamstring stretch Supine knees to chest Supine knees to chest
Child's Pose Butterfly stretch Child's Pose Child's Pose
6 hour Break Supine knees to chest 6 hour Break
WU - 5 min jog 60% HRmax Child's Pose WU - 5 min jog 60% HRmax
CR - 20 min HIIT 77-95% CR - 20 min HIIT 77-95%
HRmax 6 hour Break HRmax
Ripped Bro Training 14

3/30 secs / 60 min rest WU - 5 min jog 60% HRmax 3/30 secs / 60 min rest
CR - 20 min HIIT 77-95%
Plank tap HRmax Plank tap
Tuck Jump 3/30 secs / 60 min rest Tuck Jump
Mountain Climbers Plank tap Mountain Climbers
Lateral Jump Tuck Jump Lateral Jump
Power jack/ 12 lb med ball Mountain Climbers Power jack/ 12 lb med ball
Explosive Sumo squat Lateral Jump Explosive Sumo squat
Bicycle Power jack/ 12 lb med ball Bicycle
Speed Skate Explosive Sumo squat Speed Skate
Full Burpee Bicycle Full Burpee
Pop jack Speed Skate Pop jack
CD 5 min Static Stretch Full Burpee CD 5 min Static Stretch
3/10 secs ea Pop jack 3/10 secs ea
4 pt neck flexion CD 5 min Static Stretch 4 pt neck flexion
Chest/ant delt 3/10 secs ea Chest/ant delt
Standing Hamstring 4 pt neck flexion Standing Hamstring
Wall calf stretch Chest/ant delt Wall calf stretch
Runners Lunge Standing Hamstring Runners Lunge
Pigeon pose Wall calf stretch Pigeon pose
Downward Dog to cobra Runners Lunge Downward Dog to cobra
Pigeon pose
Downward Dog to cobra
Ripped Bro Training

Appendix B
Month January February March April May June






2 lb muscle

2 lb muscle

2 lb muscle

2 lb muscle

2 lb muscle

12 lb muscle
Proper Form

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
CR Min/Week 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150
Min 57-63% HRmax 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18
Min 64-76% HRmax 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72
Min 77-95% HRmax 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60

10 10 10 10
10% 10% De- 1 % % De- % % De- 1 10% 10% De- 1 10% 10% De- 1 10% 10% De-
wt wt loa RM wt wt loa 1 RM wt wt loa RM wt wt loa RM wt wt loa RM wt wt loa
Strength inc inc d test inc inc d test inc inc d test inc inc d test inc inc d test inc inc d
Hypertrophy 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Sets/Reps 3/10 3/10 3/10 3/10 3/10 3/10 3/10 3/10 3/10 3/10 3/10 3/10 3/10 3/10 3/10 3/10 3/10 3/10 3/10 3/10 3/10 3/10 3/10 3/10
Rest in sec 90 90 90 120 90 90 90 120 90 90 90 120 90 90 90 120 90 90 90 120 90 90 90 120
% 1RM 70 77 85 60 70 77 85 60 70 77 85 60 70 77 85 60 70 77 85 60 70 77 85 60
Load 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Sets/Reps 3/6 3/6 3/6 3/10 3/6 3/6 3/6 3/10 3/6 3/6 3/6 3/10 3/6 3/6 3/6 3/10 3/6 3/6 3/6 3/10 3/6 3/6 3/6 3/10
Rest in sec 120 120 120 180 120 120 120 180 120 120 120 180 120 120 120 180 120 120 120 180 120 120 120 180
% 1RM 85 94 103 70 85 94 103 70 85 94 103 70 85 94 103 70 85 94 103 70 85 94 103 70
Endurance 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Sets/Reps 4/15 4/15 4/15 4/15 4/15 4/15 4/15 4/15 4/15 4/15 4/15 4/15 4/15 4/15 4/15 4/15 4/15 4/15 4/15 4/15 4/15 4/15 4/15 4/15
Rest in sec 60 60 60 90 60 60 60 90 60 60 60 90 60 60 60 90 60 60 60 90 60 60 60 90

% 1RM 60 66 73 50 60 66 73 50 60 66 73 50 60 66 73 50 60 66 73 50 60 66 73 50
Muscle 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Sets/Reps 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/6 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/6 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/6 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/6 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/6 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/6
Rest in sec 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
% 1RM 70 77 85 70 70 77 85 70 70 77 85 70 70 77 85 70 70 77 85 70 70 77 85 70
Days/Mins 6/25 6/25 6/25 6/25 6/25 6/25 6/25 6/25 6/25 6/25 6/25 6/25 6/25 6/25 6/25 6/25 6/25 6/25 6/25 6/25 6/25 6/25 6/25 6/25

Static Days/Mins 6/60 6/80 6/80 6/80 6/80 6/80 6/80 6/80 6/80 6/80 6/80 6/80 6/80 6/80 6/80 6/80 6/80 6/80 6/80 6/80 6/80 6/80 6/80 6/80
Ripped Bro Training

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