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1 Contents
2 Unit 1 Articles 3
3 Unit 2 Nouns 7
4 Unit 3 Proper Nouns 10
5 Unit 4 Countable & Uncountable Nouns 11

6 Unit 5 Collective Nouns 12

7 Unit 6 Pronouns 15

8 Unit 7 Reflexive Pronouns 20

9 Unit 8 Demonstrative Pronouns 22
10 Unit 9 Verbs 23
11 Unit 10 Subject Verb Agreement 25
12 Unit 11 Auxiliary Verbs / Modals 29
13 Unit 12 Verb To Be 33

14 Unit 13 Simple Present Tense 36

15 Unit 14 Simple Past Tense 39
16 Unit 15 Simple Future Tense 48

17 Unit 16 Progressive Tense - Past & Present 51

18 Unit 17 Past Progressive Tense 53
19 Unit 18 Present Progressive 55

20 Unit 19 Prepositions 57
21 Unit 20 Adverbs 63
22 Unit 21 Adjectives 67
23 Unit 22 Questions Tag 74
24 Unit 23 Wh-Questions 77

25 Unit 24 Conjunctions 80

26 Unit 25 Punctuation 86
27 BONUS 100 Questions Grammar Practice 95
• These are the words a, an and the which usually comes before the nouns or adjectives.

1. Definite article - the

This refers to something specific or definite. The usually means ‘You know which ones(s) I’m
talking about’.

E.g.: i. Anne received the award for bravery. (a specific award)

ii. ‘Wait for me at the Kerinchi LRT station’. (a specific place)
iii. Can I use the phone? (the hearer knows that this means ‘your phone)

2. Indefinite article - a / an

This is non-specific or indefinite. A / an shows that we are talking about one person or thing.
We often use a / an:
• in descriptions
She’s an interesting person. He’s got a loud voice.
• when we say what something is, or what somebody’s job is.
This is a_return ticket. I’m an engineer.

3. Zero article - (-)

(-) No article is used before the names of countries, cities, streets, continents, lakes,
mountains, villages, etc.
He lives in (-) Toronto, a large city in (-) Canada on the shores of (-)
Lake Ohio.

(-) No article is also common before uncountable, plural and often abstract nouns when we
are talking about things in general.
Have we got any (-) milk?
(-) Oranges are nicer than (-) apples.

In general, an is used when the word following it begins with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u): an
umbrella, an elephant, an octopus, an idea, an apple.


- If the first letter of the word is a vowel, but sounds like a consonant, then use a: a used car, a
useful gadget.
- If the first letter of the word is a consonant, but sounds like a vowel, then use an: an hour, an
honest man, an MG sports car.
Fill in the blanks with ‘a’ or ‘an’

1.____________ egg________3. dog

2.____________ house______4. university


Fill in the blanks with (-), the or a

1. I speak _______ French.

2. I often listen to__________radio.
3. phone is downstairs in kitchen.
4. Canada is a big country.
5. She’s aot nice face and blue eyes

6. This table is made of_________________________glass.


Fill in the blanks with a, an or the

1 Mr Lee bought big bungalow last month.

2 Ramli wants to be pilot when he grows up.

3. Mei Ling is honest girl.

4. fire broke out in that house hour ago.

5. plane is flying high up in sky.

6. My father works in office.

7 Take class register to office.

8 earth moves around sun.

9 Sabrina gave orange to beggar outside the gate

10 sun rises in east.

11 She is going to take ___ bus to get to railway station.

12 bat lives in cave

13. My brother studies in __ university in Kuala Lumpur.

o n g V o l.
4|M odul Triumph Red 1 - Mia Antasha
14 She is wearing a ____________uniform to school.

15 ____________sky is blue.

16 ____________old lady walked across the busy road.

17 She bought___________umbrella to school.

18 Adrian is __________Eurasian boy.

19 ____________Indian girl in the blue dress was crying just now.

20 I saw_____________eagle flying in ____________ sky.


A m a n walked up to a policeman. The man took out a map and asked the policeman ...
Remember: We don’t use a / an with plurals. We can use the with plurals. e.g.
She bought
We often the
use a shoes
/ an to last
talk week.
about a person or thing for the first time; and the when we talk
about the person or thing again.


Fill in the blanks with a , an or the.

A Bag in a Bag

This is a true story. Last year I went into 1______________big sports shop because I wanted
2__________sports bag. 3______________assistant came up to me, and I told him what I
wanted. 4_____________assistant brought me three different bags. I chose 5_________________
smallest one and paid for it. 6______________assistant put 7____________bag in 8___________
large plastic bag. I told him one bag was enough, and asked him to take 9____________bag out
of 10_________ other bag. He did so, but he looked very unhappy as I walked out of
Fill in the blanks with ‘a’ or ‘an’.

1. She is nurse.
2. He is engineer.
3. He is doctor.
4. She is stewardess
5. He is army officer.
6. She is waitress.
7. He is inspector.
8. She is usheress.
9. He is dentist
10. She is ___ headmistress.


Fill in the blanks with a, an or the.

1. Did you buy a Proton or Ford?

2. Does he know man at the corner?

3. She has secret to tell you.

4. What time does train leave?

5. Ali ate apple and drank a bottle of Coke

6. Did you see accident?

7. He met elegant lady at the party.

8. teacher is angry with us.

9. I did not see elephant in the picture.

10. Is that __ snake in that tree?

6 | M o d u l Tr i u m p h R e d o n g Vo l . 1 Mia Antasha
• Nouns are called naming words. They are the names of people, animals, places and things.


Fill in the blanks.

Daughter wife bride queen teacher

Headmistress nurse lecturer secretary grandmother

1. My mother is a________________.She takes care of sick people.

2. Ashok and his__________have three children.

3. Mr. and Mrs. Guna have two sons and a________________.

4. Rubini’s______________________gave presents to all her grandchildren.

5. Puan Romizah is our________________. She comes to school very early in the


6. The king and_____________visited the old folks home last week.

7. The manager and his__________________attended the meeting last Monday.

8. The bridegroom and his beautiful_________________are dressed in blue.

9. Madame Ganes is an excellent____________. She teaches us English in our school.

10. Pn Laily is a very humble and helpful ____________.All her college students like her.
Underline the nouns in these sentences.

1. The careless boy lost his pen.

2. I went to the market with my mother.

3. The girl fell down the stairs.

4. My grandfather has an old car.

5. The typist works in the post office.

6. The fishermen are drying their nets in the sun.

7. The scout jumped into the pond to save the child.

8. The robbers broke into the shop and took all the money.


Underline the correct answer.

1. The ( boys , boy ) are playing badminton.

2. Can I have a plate of ( rice , milk ).

3. The ( horse , horse’s) tail is bushy.

4. Please put (a little , many ) salt into the soup.

5. ( A herd , A staff ) of cows are grazing in the field.

6. The ( twins , cousins ) looks like each other.

7. ( Buffaloes, Donkeys ) are very useful farm animals.

8. You can put your pencils in this ( case, purse ).

Write the masculine form for the words given.


Eg. girl mother father


1. wife

2. bride

3. daughter

4. heiress

5. niece

6. bridesmaid

7. princess

8. headmistress

9. policewoman

10. woman

11. sister-in-law

12. heroine

13. lady

14. widow

15. waitress

16. steward

17. salesgirl

10 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 1 Mia Antasha
• Special names given to a person, animal, place or things are called Proper Nouns.
• Proper nouns always start with capital letters.

No Category Proper Noun

1. People The Prime Minister, Syafiq Elias, Mohd Ali

2. Places Malaysia, Kangar, Jalan Telawi, Kota Tinggi

3. Buildings Concord Inn, Putra World Trade, Petronas Twin Tower

4. Objects Parker pen, Nokia handphone, Proton Saga

5. Animals Garfield, Mickey Mouse, Winnie Pooh


Rewrite the sentences using the correct punctuation.

1. last year the national day celebration was held in putrajaya.

2. malaysians proudly fly the jalur gemilang.

3. national day is celebrated in august.

4. my friend bought a proton waja last month.

• Countable nouns are nouns that can be counted such as books, pencils, cars and tvs.
• Uncountable nouns are nouns that cannot be counted such as sugar, air, water and hair.

Underline the correct answer.

1. I do not have ( many, much) time to complete my work.

2. Can I have ( some, a few) tomato sauce.

3. There are ( much, many) things that you can do in your free time.

4. We need ( a lot of, many) energy to carry the cupboard.

5. They poured (some, a few) water into the vase.

6. I saw (many, much) animals in the zoo.

7. The children ate ( some, much) sandwiches.

8. There are only (much, a few) pieces of paper left on the table.

9. I need (a lot of , a few) money to buy the expensive bracelet.

10. Not (many, much) people turned up for the concert.

11. They were scolded because they made ( many, a lot of) noise.

12. ( A lot of, Many) of the children were not feeling well and had to be sent home.

13. We have got (much, a few) new teachers this year.

14. I don’t have any money left. Can you lend me ( some, much)?

15. The Smith’s family will spend ( a lot of , a few) days in Hawaii.

There is only ONE mistake in each sentence. Underline it and rewrite each sentence

Example :

There are too much pupils in this class.

There are too many pupils in this class.

1. I want any fried rice for lunch.

2. He does not have much sisters. He is an only child.

3. We have a little magazines in our house.

4. Is there a lot of onions in the basket.

5. Mr Lee has much relatives.

6. That man hasn’t some hair on his head.

7. My mother is cooking many soup.

8. Please give me a piece of trousers.

• A collective noun is the name of a number of persons, animals or things grouped together and
spoken of as one whole.

Here are more collective nouns for you.

1 3 | M o d u l Tr i u m p h R e d o n g Vo l . 1 Mia Antasha

Fill in the blanks with correct collective

• a company of actors
• a host of angels
• a gang of labourers
• a bevy of girls/ ladies/ beauties
• a bench of magistrates
• a tribe of natives
• a posse of policemen
• a crew of sailors
• a choir of singers
• a team of players
• a staff of teachers
• a circle of friends
• a band of magicians
• a haggle of vendors
• a monastery of monks
• a convent of nuns
• a shush of librarians
• an army of soldiers
• an audience of spectators
• an embassy of diplomats

1 4 | M o d u l Tr i u m p h R e d o n g Vo l . 1 - M i a A n t a s h a
1. a _ staff of teachers.
2. a _ __ of sheep.
3. a _ of students.

4. a _ __ of people.
5. a _ __ of executives
6. a _ of members.

7. a _ of jurors.
8. a _ __ of ships.
9. a _ of flowers

10. an _ __ of spectators.
11. a _ __ of people.
12. a _ __ of stamps
13. an of musicians.

14. a __ of players
15. a of workers.

16. a of sailors.


For each of the following, underline the correct answer.

1. An ( army , crew , group ) of soldiers marched to the camp.

2. The deer was attacked by a ( school, pack, team ) of wolves.

3. What is that ( set , pair , pack ) of tools doing under the car.

4. There is a ( flock, nest, litter) of mice in the drawer.

5. A ( troupe, group, party) of dancers came to our school concert last year.

6. The small girl sang a song in front of a ( tribe, staff , crew ) of teachers.

7. I bought a ( comb, bouquet , stalk ) of flowers for my mother on Mothers’ Day.

8. My father bought a ( bar, loaf , slice ) of bread for breakfast.

1 5 | M o d u l Tr i u m p h R e d o n g Vo l . 1 Mia Antasha
9. Kassim gave his sick grandmother a ( comb, bunch, pack ) of grapes.

10. The girls saw a ( gang, herd , group ) of cows in the field.

11. The office is at the top of that ( flight , row , group ) of stairs.

12. She ordered a ( suit , suite , row ) of furniture for her new house.

13. The boys were chased by a ( herd , troop , pack ) of stray dogs.

14. Miss Tan has a ( stack , group , chest ) exercise books to mark.

15. We listened to a ( troupe , band , collection ) of musicians in the park.

16. The fisherman saw a ( school , flock , swarm ) of whales in the ocean.

17. My father bought a ( string , bundle , bouquet ) of pearls for my mother.

18. The ( team , crew , pride ) of hockey players from my school is very good.

19. There is a ( heap , collection , bundle ) of rubbish under the tree.

20. Please show me your ( group , collection , pack ) of stamps.

21. Last night I saw a ( collection , cluster , bouquet ) of stars in the sky.

22. The Philippines is made up a ( string , herd , group ) of islands.

23. The money is in that ( stack , chest, flights ) of drawers.

24. I saw a ( troop , herd , group ) of monkeys in the zoo.

25. Muthu is looking after his ( flock , herd , group ) of cows.

1 6 | M o d u l Tr i u m p h R e d o n g Vo l . 1 Mia Antasha
• We use pronouns to replace nouns.
• We also use pronouns to avoid repeating the same nouns in every sentence.

Below are three classes of personal pronouns.

First person the speaker I, we, me, us

Second person the person spoken to you

neither the speaker nor the he, she, it, him, her, they, them
Third person speaker talking to

Here are some examples of how personal pronouns can be used to replace nouns.

• First person

Mariam and I went to the cinema.

We went to the cinema.

• Second person
"John, will you be playing football this afternoon?” asked Ravi.

• Third person
Ramesh admires Mr. Lee greatly.

He also respects him as a very good teacher.

them they he her us

she you we they him

1. Robert went out to play after_______he had taken his lunch.

2. Nomads are wanderers and_________________do not have any fixed homes.

3. Have you seen Susan? I have not seen_______________since last week.

4. The gardener told_______________not to play near the road but we did not listen.

5. The old man wanted to cross the road, so I helped______________

6._________________________________________ My friend and I joined the army. wanted to be


7.____________________________________________ Although whales are mammals, live in

the sea.

8. My sister dreamt that___________________was flying like a bird.

9. I came to your house because I wanted to talk to________________urgently.

10. My friends made me join_______________for a drink.

you they These ourselves He

Whose We It their her

1. ________________plants belong to Mrs Leong.

2. Ahmad has a cute cat._____________is from Bangkok.

3. Mr and Mrs Lee took______________children to the zoo.

4. We built the sandcastles all by_________________.

5. _____________mother works as a teacher?

6. The dog is fierce.____________barks at strangers.

7. The boys are happy because_____________father bought for them some presents.

8. _____________pen is this?

9. _____________apples are sour.

10. We did the homework all by_______________________.

11. _____________is helping his father in the workshop.

12. Mrs Tan is not at home. She has gone to_____________mother’s house.

13. Those bags belong to my cousins.____________bought them yesterday.

14. Badrul and I went to Ipoh last night._______________went there by bus.

15. "Did all of________________enjoy yourselves?” Rahim asked the children.

Underline the correct answer.

1. My mother sends ___________to school every morning ( me, mine )

2. Janet played with___________just now. ( her, hers )

3. I polished __________bicycle this morning. ( my, he )

4. _____________class is the cleanest. ( Our, Yours )

5. I found this umbrella. I think it belongs to___________. ( you, their )

6. ___________is helping his father in the workshop. ( He, She )

7. Muthu is not at home. He had gone to__________father’s house. ( her, his )

8. My sister and __________like to watch the show. ( me, I )

9. Did you tell _________to bring some food? ( they, them )

10. ___________visited relatives in Batu Pahat on Sunday. ( We, Us )

11. Please give ____________some dog food. ( it, its )

12. ___________are wild animals. ( This, These )

13. Do not go near_____________. ( they, them )

14. ________________is an architect. ( He, Him )

15. I saw____________at the market last week. ( her, him )

• We use a reflexive pronoun after a verb when the subject and the object are the same person.

Example: I said to myself, ‘This will do fine.’

• We use myself etc. for emphasis.

• An emphatic pronoun can mean ‘without help’. It usually comes at the end of the sentence.

Example: Pak Mat said, ‘I cut down the tree myself.’

Language Notes:

If the subject and object are the same, we use reflexive pronoun as the object. Compare:
1. I see you. (object pronoun)
2. I see myself. (reflexive pronoun)

Fill in the blanks with the correct reflexive

Subject Verb Reflexive Pronoun

I see myself.
You see yourself.
He sees himself.

She sees herself.

It sees itself.
We see ourselves.
You see yourselves.
They see themselves.

1. I don’t have enough time for_______________.

2. Are both of you serious or can you laugh at______________?

3. They can’t solve the problem by_______________.

4. Encik Ibrahim doesn’t like to talk about______________.

5. What did Sarah tell______________?

6. We sometimes blame____________for our problems.

7. Do you ever go to the movies by______________?

8. Maybe you expect too much of marriage, Hussin. Don’t be so hard on_____________.

9. I have to take care of the children. They can’t take care of______________.

10. Don’t just look at the problems. Give_______________credit for the good things you have

done too.

2 2 | M o d u l Tr i u m p h R e d o n g Vo l . 1 Mia Antasha
• Pronouns can be used to point out persons, things, or ideas. A pronoun that points out
something is called a demonstrative pronoun.

That is his tennis racquet.

SINGULAR : This is her handbag. PLURAL :
Those are his tennis racquets.
These are her handbags.

The forms this is and these are used to point to things nearby. That is and those are used to
point to things farther away.


Complete the table below.

Singular Plural

1. This is my fiance.
5 are my notes.
2. is my new car.
6. are my kids.
3. is my son over
Near 7. are my rabbits in
the hutch.
4. is my wife who is
8 are my books on the rack.
carrying the baby.

1. That is my fiance.
5 are my notes.
2. is my new car.
6. are my kids.
3. is my son over
Far 7. are my rabbits in
the hutch.
4. is my wife who is
8 are my books on the rack.
carrying the baby.
• The most important word in a sentence is the verb.
• A verb expresses :
I ) an action 2 ) an event 3 ) a state drink

organise * moves
walk celebrate shines
• Most verbs are used to express actions.

Study the tables given below carefully.

Aminah has

He does
She delivers
It plays
Raju waters

I have
You do

They deliver
We walk

The boys play

Lim and Chan water

• Verbs expressing an action.

The man drives a green car to work.

Fish swim in the sea.

Pn. Norzillah reads the newspaper every morning.

They drink orange juice daily.

1 Verbs expressing an event.

The English Language Society organises the story-telling competition annually. 2 3 |

Modul Triumph Redong Vol. 1 - Mia Antasha

We celebrate Teacher’s Day on 16 May every year.

The students take part in the debate competition yearly.

Our Principal gives a speech at our prize giving day every year.

• Verbs expressing a state.

The sun moves around the earth.

The moon shines at night.

Birds fy.

Water boils at 100 degrees centigrade

2 5 | M o d u l Tr i u m p h R e d o n g Vo l . 1 Mia Antasha
A sentence consists of a subject and a verb. The subject may be a noun or a pronoun.

The verb must agree with its subject. When the subject is singular, the verb must be singular too. ( the singular verb normally ends
with an ‘s’ )

Singular Subject Singular Verb

The bird has no Malay name
The bird lives on insects.

Johan loves chocolates.

The student answers the questions.
It eats the fish.

She completes the experiment.

He concludes the essays.

When the subject is plural, the verb must be plural as well. (The plural verb normally does not end with an‘s’).

Plural Subject Plural Verb

The birds have no Malay names
The birds live on insects.

Johan and Hannah love chocolates.

The students answer the questions.
They eat the fish.
We complete the experiment.

You conclude the essays.

Underline the correct word in the brackets.

1 My mother and I (go, goes) to the market every morning.

2 She (come , comes) here every week.

3 They often (play, plays) with their brother.

4 The rabbits (has, have) a short tail.

5 (Do, Does) they dance?

6 Plants (need, needs) water and sunlight to grow.

7 We (collect, collects) stamps during our free time.

8 Siew Lan ( opens , open) the windows every morning.

9 It sometimes (rain , rains) at night.

10 The boy (run, runs) in the field every evening.


Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verbs in brackets.

1 She_____________(cook) every day.

2 The dog always___________(bark) at us.

3 Hens_____________(lay) eggs.

4 Firdaus and his brothers_____________(do) their homework every evening.

5 ____________(Do) they play for their school football team?

6 His parents___________(sell) fruits for a living.

7 A bat____________(sleep) during the day.

8 Ali often______________(read) in class.

9 Ghazali________(wear) white shirts every day.

10 Zarena______________(write) letters every Friday.

Circle the best answers.

1. Jamal _ to bed at ten o’clock every night.

A. go C. B. goes D.

went is going

2. He not like rambutans.

A.does B. do D. is

C. did

3. Fadhil _ , to play in the rain.

A. like C. B. liking D. liked


4. There _ seven days in a week.

A. is B. was

C.were D. are

5. Nazliah _ a pink dress.

A. has B. have

C. does D. is

6. I my teeth every day. B.

A. brush C. brushed D. am

brushes brushing

7. you visit your grandparents every week?

2 8 | M o d u l Tr i u m p h R e d o n g Vo l . 1 - M i a A n t a s h a
A. Does C. Is
B. Do D. Did

Abdullah and Fadilah to the same school A. goes B. go

C. is going D. going

9. She some money now.

A. want B. wants

C. wanted D. wanting

10. Kamaluddin television every night.

A. watch B. watches

C. watched D. watching

2 9 | M o d u l Tr i u m p h R e d o n g Vo l . 1 - M i a A n t a s h a

Underline the correct verb so that it agrees with the subject in each of the sentences below.

1. My student (is, are) a hardworking student.

2. The girls (is, are) preparing for the performance.

3. Shanthi (has, have) to sit for the test.

4. I (teach, teaches) Mathematics as well as Living Skills.

5. Elephants (is, are ) mammals.

6. "I (has, have) some questions,” said Sheilla

7. The Form 3 Wira students (arrives, arrive) very late at the laboratory.

8. Armi, Rashid and Yahya (wear, wears) glasses.

9. Nurul Huda (are, is) not satisfied with her present performance in the class.

10. The competition (is, are) one of the many events organized by the Hobby Club.

3 0 | M o d u l Tr i u m p h R e d o n g Vo l . 1 - M i a A n t a s h a
• Not all verbs express action.
• Verbs that do not express action are either verbs or auxiliary verbs
• An auxiliary verb is a helping verb.
• It is always before a verb
■ She has done her work.
• It regulates the tense of its sentence.
■ We could see the sun rising in the east ( past tense )
• Common auxiliary verbs :
am , are , be ,can , could , had , has , have ,is , may
might, must , shall, should ,was , were, will , would

Modals Functions/Usage Examples

To express the ability of a living or Most birds can fly except

non-living thing penguin.

To give or refuse permission They can have breakfast now

You cannot tell her the secret.

To make a request
Can you help me carry this
To express possibility
Mother could have waited for us

2. To express possibility
I may buy a present for Linda

To give or ask permission We might go for a picnic today

May I borrow your car? You may

leave now.

• Modals or auxiliary verbs are used with another verb to express possibility, permission,
obligation, determination, refusal, etc. Can, could, will, would, must,
• might, may, shall, should are all termed ‘modals’.
Modals Functions/Usage Examples

Will you please open the door? Would you

please open the door? Could you please carry
Will, Would To ask for assistance To ask the table? Can you please carry the table?
Could, can polite questions

Have to, I have to study tonight

Must To express necessity
She must go to the clinic today.

Should, Ought You are tired, you should take a rest. Your dress
To express advice
to is dirty, you ought to wash it.


Read these sentences

1 I am going jungle trekking tomorrow.

2 The boys are camping beside the river.

3 He will be cutting the grass on Sunday.

4 Old newspapers can be recycled.

5 We could see the rainbow after the rain.

6 The workers had cleaned the drains last week.

7 The strong wind has blown the dried leaves away.

8 The flood victims have gone back to their houses.

9 We must keep our school clean.

10 The flowers were planted all along the garden path.

does can are is am have has was had do were did

Fill in the blanks with the correct verbs given in the


1______________________ This man working as a lawyer in the same firm where my father


2______________________ My father a bad cold last week.

3 Carter and Jack___________________meeting n Kuala Lumpur next week.

4 Dashima___________________all the cooking at home.

5 My father and mother_________________gone out for a wedding dinner.

6 They always___________________their homework together.

7 I______________always on time because punctuality is a good habit.

8 That boy______________________caught cheating during the test last Monday.

9 They________________having a picnic by the seaside today.

10 Azlina______________the ironing and cleaning yesterday morning.

11 My father______________just taken my brother to the dentist. They will be back in

an hour.

12 The new laws______________protect the wildlife from illegal hunters.

1. Too much rain...................... .. cause floods in low-lying areas.

2. It is too noisy that we........... ......................hear the announcements.

3. He is very angry that he .... ...................join us for dinner.

4. "Do you think you................ .... keep a secret?” asked Fatimah.

5. It is already 3.00pm. He .... ................come for the lesson.

6. The camel........................... .. travel for days without drinking water.

3 3 | M o d u l Tr i u m p h R e d o n g Vo l . 1 - M i a A n t a s h a
Fill in the blanks with can, cannot, may or may not to make meaningful
7. You............write to us at this address or send an email.

8. She must stay in the hospital. The doctor says she........................ have dengue
9. I am afraid I.......................... make any changes because the date of the competition

has been fixed.

10. Pak Musa........................... . be thin, but he is very healthy.


Rewrite the following sentences using ‘may’

1. Could I possibly get a lift?

2. Do you mind lending me your bicycle?

3. I would like to speak to the teacher.

4. Could I have your permission to go out?

3 4 | M o d u l Tr i u m p h R e d o n g Vo l . 1 - M i a A n t a s h a
• It consists of "am”, "is”, "are”, "was” and "were”.
• The base form is "be”; the progressive form is "being”; and the participle form is "been”.
• Functions :
o The verb "to be” has two main functions: as the main verb and as the helping verb.
o As a helping verb, it functions to indicate progressive tenses and passive

1. Verb “to be” as main verb.

Depending on the subject and the tense, the verb "to be” changes its form into “am”, "is”,
"are”, "was” "were” or "been”.

Thus, we have:

1. I am a teacher.
2. He was our guest speaker last year.
3. He is good at English.
4. They are in the room now.

In this case, the verb "to be” functions as the main verb.

2. Verb “to be” as helping verb.

i. Verb “to be” indicates progressive tense (continuous tense). Thus we have:

1. He is learning English.

2. She is being childish now!

3. They are cooking for the party tonight.
4. She was sleeping when I dropped by yesterday.

35 | Modul Triumph Redong V o l . 1 Mia Antasha


Subject Present Tense Past Tense

She is Was

I am Was

You We They The are Were



Fill in the blanks with ‘am’, ‘is’ and ‘are’.

1._____________________ Neither she nor I going to the concert.

2.________________________ Either she or they to take the things to your house


3._____________________ Too much salt bad for you for it will give you high blood


4.________________________ The town council proposing a law to make every house

owner pay extra tax. I

think everyone will object.

5._____________________ The children going to get the best opportunities in life.

6. Every man and every woman___________to help to make this scheme a success.

7. He can never give up politics because politics___________in his blood.

8._____________________ The policemen setting up road blocks everywhere to catch the


9._______________ There a number of chairs in the canteen. You can take one of them.
10. The owner of the three houses____________not here today.

Fill in the blanks with ‘was’ or


1. The prices of the things he bought____________very high.

2. Every boy and every girl in the school_____________asked to help in the concert last


3. Neither he nor I____________wrong in this matter. So, do not blame either of us.

4. Not only his friends but also his enemies_____________praising him for his honesty at a

ceremony two years ago.

5. There____________very little variety in the food they served in the canteen.

6. The crew and passengers_______________treated to dinner when they landed on the


7. His family_____________always eating durians when they visited their grandparents in

the village.

8. The class_____________quietly doing their work when the teacher went to the office.

9. "The Beautiful Garden”______________written by a Malaysian author three years ago.

10. The people___________busy selling ‘ keropok’.

38 | Modul Triumph Redong V o l . 1 - Mia Antasha

• The Simple Present Tense is used to show a truth or a fact
• Study the examples below:

o Susan brushes her teeth every morning. o My

mother cooks fish curry every week. o The
boys play football in the evening.

• The Simple Present Tense is also used for actions which are done habitually or which
happens regularly.
• Adverbs like every morning, once a month, usually, always, never , often can be
used with the Simple Present Tense.

• Susan brushes her teeth every morning.

• My mother cooks fish curry every week.
• The boys play football in the evening.


• Singular nouns take the singular form of the verb in the simple present tense.
• Plural nouns take the plural form of the verb in the simple present tense.
• We use the Simple Present when we talk about something which happens repeatedly.

Eg: Ali walks to school everyday.

Simple Present
We use the Simple Present to describe a series of actions in the present.
Past Present Future
Eg: Every morning, Ali wakes up, brushes his teeth and takes a bath.

Simple Present
action 1 action 2

I I --------->
Past Present Future
Study the table below carefully. It will help you.

He plays They play

Susan sings We sing
The cat writes I write
runs You run


Underline the correct forms of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.

1. The earth [ moves / move ] round the sun.

2. Lions and tigers [ hunt / hunts] for food in the jungle.

3. Anna and Ben [ practises / practise ] playing the piano an hour everyday.

4. Mosquitoes [ is / are] harmful insects.

5. Latif often [ watch / watches] television at night.

6. Cocks [ crow / crows] ; a hen [ cackle / cackles].

7. Mona usually [ exercises / exercise ] in the morning.

8. Sometimes the children [ walk / walks ] to school but usually their father [ drive / drives]


9. Sheila and her cousins often [ participate / participates] in essay writing competitions.

10. My friend [ speak / speaks ] Chinese fluently but he [ do not know / does not know how to

write it.


Complete these sentences by underlining the correct verb form.

Sarah ( 1) ( is / are ) a policewoman. Her day (2) ( begin / begins ) early. She (3) (leave /

leaves ) for work at 6 a.m. each day. She ( arrives / arrive ) at the police station at 7.45 a.m. At 8

a.m. she and the other officers (5) (attend / attends) a meeting. Their police chief Captain Costa

(6) ( talk / talks) to them about their duties for the day.
Sarah and her partner Bill usually (7) (patrols / patrol ) a certain part of the city each day.

They ( 8 ) (make / makes ) sure that the streets and back alley ( 9 ) (is / are) safe for the public.

They visit shopping and video arcades to look for students who (10) (play / plays) truant. Sarah’s

day often ( 11 ) ( end / ends ) at 6.30 p.m.


Complete the sentences with the simple present tense of the verbs in the box.

breathe have hurry love play

put demonstrate snow weave write

1. Mum, we your cakes. They are delicious.

2. Dareen articles for a famous magazine.

The cook usually
3. _ new recipes every Tuesday.

4. My little brother home from school every afternoon to watch cartoons

5. During winter it , so we have to put on our boots.

6. Dolphins underwater through their blowholes.

7. Danny tennis at the club every weekend.

8. We usually recyclable things in special bins.

9. Dogs a well-developed sense of smell.

10. The women mats out of screw-pine leaves for a living.


1. Ali___________________(wash) his car every Saturday.

2. Aminah_______________(iron) her clothes every morning.
3. Every day, Ali__________(read) books,__________(do) his homework and______
(play) football.
4. Every Sunday morning, Aminah___________(go) to the market,___________(buy)
newspaper and______________(do) house chores.
• The Simple Past Tense is used to talk about actions, states, and situations in the past.

• We use the Simple Past when we talk about something which started and finished in the past.

Eg: Yesterday, Ali walked to school.

Simple Past

— ------------------------------------->
Past Present Future

• We use the Simple Past to describe a series of actions in the past.

Eg: Yesterday, Ali woke up, brushed his teeth and took a bath.

Simple Past
action 1 action 2
♦ ♦_______________
Past Present Future

We can use the Simple Past together with the Past Continuous

Eg: Yesterday, while Ali was walking to school, he saw a cat.


• Emily Dickinson lived in the nineteenth century. She was a poet. She
wrote more than a thousand poems
You can use the simple past tense with time expressions that refer to the past.

Some examples of past time expressions are: i.



• She was here last Sunday.

• They were in London last year.

ii. "ago”


• He went shopping in the new mall a week ago.

• We saw the Director eating in the cafe a while ago.

iii) "yesterday”


• Joe was at the cinema when their parents came back from Tokyo yesterday.
• Ali and Zai were doing their assignments yesterday afternoon.


You will notice that the word ‘look’ does not change when we add the suffix “-ed” and the main
verb ‘look’ is the same. Therefore "LOOK” is a regular verb.

PRESENT I look through the window.

PAST I looked through the window.

Past Tense - Regular Verbs
Give the answers for the following.


1. walk

2. play

3. boil

4. wash

5. kick

6. lock

7. watch

8. clean

9. sew

10. dust

11. paint

12. fry

13. study

14. pray

15. try

16. cry

17. dry

18. live

19. wipe

20. smile

4 5 | M o d u l Tr i u m p h R e d o n g Vo l . 1 - M i a A n t a s h a

Fill in the blanks by changing the verb in the brackets into past tense form. The first sentence
has been done for you.

1. The result was so unexpected that it shocked everyone. (shock)

2. My mother_____________chicken curry for dinner last night. (cook)

3. Sam_____________us to lock the doors. (remind)

4. My sister__________my hand so tightly that it hurt. (grip)

5. Who_____________my new shoes? (borrow)

6. My mother________her clothes while watching television. (iron)

7. We had to stop the game yesterday because it____________heavily. (rain)

8. His sister__________cakes for him yesterday. (bake)

9. The headmaster________his teachers about the new programme. (inform)

10. The plumber______the broken pipe in just ten minutes. (fix)

Use the words in the brackets to fill in the blanks.

1. Kamal________________his grandfather in the village . (visit, visited)

2. They_____________fruits at the orchard.( plucking, plucked)

3. Siti______________after he sisters when her mother was away. (look, looked)

4. My mother_________________chicken rice last night. (cooking, cooked)

5. Sarimah and Karina________________the clothes and dried them outside. (washing,


6. Kamal________________to school yesterday because his bicycle broke down. (walked,


46 | Modul Triumph Redong V o l . 1 - Mia Antasha

7. David was bored, so he
a movie last night. (watch, watched)
8. Lim and Shini_________

the desks and chairs just now. (arrange,

_ a few books from the library just now. (borrowing,
The boys_____________
with the headmaster an hour ago. (talk, talked)
When they____________ in the river yesterday evening.( playing, played)
reached) the zoo, they bought the tickets at the counter. ( reach,

My grandmother_______
My father and my uncle some chilli seeds in the garden. (plants, planted)
painted) the house last Sunday.( paint,

Puan Minah___________
a hammer to hit the nail into the wall. (using, used)

4 7 | M o d u l Tr i u m p h R e d o n g Vo l 1 Mia Antasha

• A verb is a ‘ doing ’ or an ‘action’ word. • The tense

tells when the action takes place.

Present ( today ) verb I paint a picture.

Past (yesterday ) verb + ed I painted a picture.
Future( tomorrow ) will / shall + verb I shall paint a picture.

Irregular verbs do not follow this pattern. Their past tense is different. These

are the most commonly used irregular verbs.

PAST Yesterday PAST Yesterday I

PRESENT Today I I ......... PRESENT Today I ...........
am was cry cried
awake awoke deal dealt

bear bore dig dug

begin began do did
bite bit draw drew
bleed bled dream dreamt
blow blew drink drank
break broke drive drove

bring brought dry dried

build built eat ate

buy bought fall fell

catch caught feed fed
choose chose feel felt

come came fight fought

creep crept find found

fly flew see saw

forget forgot sell sold
freeze froze send sent

fry fried shake shook

give gave shine shone
go went sing sang
grow grew sink sunk
hang hung sit sat
hear heard slide slid

hide hid sleep slept

hold held smell smelt

keep kept smelled

know knew speak spoke
lay laid speed sped
lead led spend spent
learn learnt spin spun
learned spoil spoilt
leave left spoiled
lend lent stand stood

lie lay steal stole

light lit sweep swept
lighted swim swam
lose lost swing swung
make made take took

mean meant teach taught

meet met tear tore

pay paid tell told

read read think thought
ride rode throw threw

ring rang wake woke

rise rose wear wore

run ran win won

say said write wrote

Fill in the blanks with the correct irregular verbs.

1 The man (drive)___________________his car to work yesterday.

2 The boys (swim)___________________in the swimming pool the whole morning.

3 Siti Nurhaliza (sing)________________a melodious song at the concert.

4 Mariah (write)_________________on the exercise book.

5 The boy (run)_________________towards his father.

6 The Mathematics teacher (teach)__________________the students algebra last week.

7 My mother (go)________________to the market this morning.

8 Cik Zarina Bi (pay)_______________the shopkeeper for the goods.

9 The Prime Minister (shake)_______________hands with the teachers at the parade.

10 The aeroplane (fly)______________over the tall building.


Fill in the blanks with the correct irregular verbs.

1 The man (drive)___________________his car to work yesterday.

2 The boys (swim)___________________in the swimming pool the whole morning.

3 Siti Nurhaliza (sing)________________a melodious song at the concert.

4 Mariah (write)_________________on the exercise book.

5 The boy (run)_________________towards his father.

6 The Mathematics teacher (teach)__________________the students algebra last week.

7 My mother (go)________________to the market this morning.

5 0 | M o d u l Tr i u m p h R e d o n g Vo l . 1 - M i a A n t a s h a
8 Cik Zarina Bi (pay)______________the shopkeeper for the goods.

9 The Prime Minister (shake)______________hands with the teachers at the parade.

10 The aeroplane (fly)_____________over the tall building.


Past Tense- Irregular Verbs

Write the Simple Past Tense for the following.

1. go

2. eat

3. sit

4. see

5. run

6. give

7. find

8. dig

9. sell

10. send

11. sink

12. lose

13. take

14. blow

15. sell
Irregular Verbs

Use the words in the brackets to fill in the blanks.

1. He __________clerk two years ago ( is, was )

2. John _________a toy to his sister. ( gives, gave )

3. Maria ___________ part in the netball game. ( take, took )

4. We __________ a good meal at home last night. ( have, had )

5. After the game, Johan __________home by bus. ( goes, went )

6. Those boys ____________at the canteen during the recess. ( are, were )

7. Jason ___________a sandwich for lunch this afternoon. ( eats, ate )

8. Ali ___________the second prize for his story last week. ( win, won )

9. Mrs Wong _____________a magazine from the shop. ( buy, bought )

10. They ____________the wooden table in the hall. ( put, puts )

11. The boys ________ back late after the football match. ( come, came )

12. Linda ____________the song sweetly, so everyone clapped loudly. ( sings, sang )

13. The woman ____________bitterly when she heard the sad news. ( cries, cried )

14. The children ___________in the clean water. ( swam, swim )

15. Sharmila _________ a lot of water because the food was very spicy.
( drinks, drank )
• We use the future tense to show future action. REMEMBER!

• The following are examples of some

Examples: words that may be used with verbs
in the future tense

I will go to your place on Monday. tomorrow tomorrow night next

Friday next week

Mr Lopez will call us at 9 p.m. tomorrow.

past present future

c T
will + base form of verb
9 pm orrow

Now Monday
• We form the simple future tense using will in this way:


Sue will wash the dishes later.

They will visit Mrs Lim tomorrow evening.

The taxi will be here at 3 pm.

• We can also use the “going to” form for future action that is planned earlier or events that
we think are likely to happen in the future. We form the simple future tense using “going
to” in this way:

Present tense of the verb to be + going to + base form

54 | Modul Triumph Redong V o l . 1 - Mia Antasha


He is going to play golf on Saturday.

I am going to swim in the evening.

Oil prices are going to rise next week.

• We use Future Tense to show actions which will happen in future. Eg:

Tomorrow, Ali will walk to school.

will/going to-future

Past Present Future

• The past continuous tense is formed by the past tense of the verb to be+ the present participle.
• It is used for past actions whose exact limits are not known.
• The past continuous is chiefly used for past actions which continued for some time but whose
exact limits are not known and are not important.


He is talking on the phone. ( present progressive tense)

He talked on the phone an hour ago. (past tense)
He was talking on the phone an hour ago. (past progressive tense)

She is singing a song.

She sang a song last night.
She was singing a song last night.

The cat is eating a fish.

The cat ate a fish just now / It ate a fish just now.
The cat was eating a fish just now. /It was eating a fish just now.


Ways to change base words

______________’ L___________ By to the verb+ing form By

adding “ing” omitting the “e” and adding doubling the last consonant
“ing” and adding “ing”

e.g. ; discount = discounting e.g. : produce = producing e.g. : win = winning


Change the verbs below into the verb-ing forms

1. bring, hope, end, rejoice, raise, sweep, keep,

6. bear, deserve, continue

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.

5 7 | M o d u l Tr i u m p h R e d o n g Vo l . 1 Mia Antasha
• Notes: There must be an agreement between the subject and Past Progressive Tense (verbs -
to- be and verb+ing) when using it in the past tense.
The students were writing essays when the dismissal bell rang.

Ali was eating rice when it rained.

plural+ past tense shows past

base word + ”ing” ( omit
verb to be tense
shows past tense

plural subject

Sentence structure Singular subject
Plural subject were
Study the subjects in the following sentences and write the correct Past Progressive Tense.

1. Abu_____________(sit) on the chair when it broke.

2. The teachers_________________( teach ) when they heard the announcement

3. My mother____________(cook) when the phone rang.

4._________________________ The principal(give) a speech when she fainted.

5._________________________ The students (run) across the road when the accident


6. A boy_________________________(read) a book under the tree a moment ago.

7. The birds_________________________(fly) in the sky when it rained.

8. My mother___________________________(bake) some cookies in the kitchen when she


9. The girls_________________________(run) around the field when it started pouring.

10. The man and the woman_______________________(watch) television in the living room
when they heard someone on the door.


Study the subjects in the sentences and fill in the blanks with the correct verbs to be and spelling
of verb +ing form.

1. The spectators________________(cheer) the Malaysian Team.

2. My mother_______________(praise) Nana when the announcement of Gegar Vaganza

was made.

3. Kien Keat and Boon Heong______________________(train) at the badminton academy

when they received the news.

4. They____________________(feel) on top of the world when they won the competition.

• We use the Present Continuous to show an action which is happening at the moment of

Eg: Now, Ali is reading a book.


Fill in the blanks. 1. Now, Ali (wash) a car.

2.Aminah (bathe) now.
3.The cats (sleep ).
4.The farmers ( rest) under a tree.
5.My teacher (mark ) the books.


Choose the correct answers and fill in the blanks.

1.The boys in the playground. ( is playing, are


2. The woman the floor with a broom. ( is sweeping, am

sweeping) The little

3. an ice-cream.( are eating, is eating)
4.The man with a songkok some fish. (am choosing, is

5. choosing) A woman some oranges into a plastic bag. ( is putting, are

6. putting) The girl after the children.(is looking, are looking)

7.Some people under the tree. ( are standing, is standing)

R e
55 | Mo d u l T r i u m p h d ong Vol. 1 - Mia Antasha
8. The children_____________________________in the sea. ( am swimming, are


9. The men_________________________on the bench in the park. ( is sitting, are sitting)

10. A boy________________________a book under the tree. (is reading, are reading)

11. The birds_______________________in the sky. (is flying, are flying)

12. My mother__________________________some cookies in the kitchen. (is baking, are


13. The girls________________________around the field. (are running, is running)

14. The man and the woman_______________________television in the living room. (is
watching, are watching)

15. The waiter__________________________some food to the customers. (is serving,

are serving)
• A preposition is a word which is used before a noun or pronoun to show its relation to some other words in the sentence.
Preposition used in sentences show how things, people, and animals relate to each other in space , time and others.


He sat on the bench. (space)

He called the police at ten o’clock. (time)

He opened the letter with a knife. (method )

He killed the fox for its fur. (purpose)

ten minutes a
Preposition of time
for month for two after
years i
fm ir HQ\/C
For + duration of time
The weekend After

Night For + duration of time


r Midnight
4 o’clock/4 pm

Wednesday Wed n e s d ay m o rning 21 after

---------- September 1990 Twenty-first September by
► September 21 until/till
since (+point in time)

the morning
the afternoon
the evening

6 3 | M o d u l Tr i u m p h R e d o n g Vo l . 1 M i a A n t a s h a
1 There is a laptop on the table.
2 There is a round clock on the wall.
3 The compact disc is under the table.
4 The table is in front of the sofa.
5 There is a chair near the table.
6 The computer table is opposite the sofa.
7 The mouse is between the key board and a book.


Look at the picture and fill in the blanks with the words provided.
1. The fox is _________________the rock.

2. The hen is ________________the cage.

3. The dwarf is_______________the tree.

4. The horse walks _______________the road.

5. The giant is________________on the hill.


Look at the picture. Read the sentence and number it based on the picture.

a. I am in the water.
b. I am up here in the tree.
c. I am on the leaf.
d. I am under the bridge.
e. I am under the tree.

Underline the correct preposition in the

1. Alan is very tall (for, in ) his age.
2. He went to work (on, at) half past seven.
3. Alia sat (beside, between) Rosnah and Lim.
4. I have replied (to, from ) her letter.
5. He is (on, in ) duty today.
6. The cat is lying (on, inside) the sofa.
7. He has been reading (since, for ) ten o’clock.
8. My mother is not (in, at ) home.
9. The boy fell (of, off ) his horse and broke his leg.
10. Have you heard (from, at) Aini lately?


Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition. The words in the table may help you.

across along before behind from into

past through to towards

1. The sparrow is flying_______________the rambutan tree.

2. Mother is throwing the rubbish__________the rubbish bin.
3. The girl is running away___________the dog.
4. The baby is walking_________the television.
5. Mary is running_______the final station in the cross country race.
6. The music can be heard______________the wall.
7. Walk________________this road to come to a junction.
8. The best swimmer is swimming___________the widest river.
9. We have to complete this test__________ we go home.
10. The Blue house is marching___________the Green house.
1. The boy is walking (to, from, across) the canteen.

66 | Modul Triumph Redong V o l . 1 - Mia Antasha

2. Mary ran (into, toward, across) the road.
3. The kitten fell (from, into, past) the well.
4. The seal leapt (from, into, through) the hoop.
5. He is cycling (from, to, along) the school to the market.
6. The deer is running (to, from, past) the tiger.
7. Please be at the cinema (before, by, on) 6.00 p.m. because the movie is starting at 6.15
8. The snake crawled (into, in, at) the basket.


Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition.

1. Did you meet Mr Lim ____________the meeting yesterday?

2. She hid the dirt_____________the carpet.

3. Don’t walk ____________the dog. It might bite you.

4. Monica’s birthday is _____________the 3rd of October.

5. The baby has been sick____________a few days.

6. I received a letter___________my sister who is studying _________London.

7. Remember to switch off the lights___________you leave the room.

8. The ball rolled _________the stairs and fell____________the drain.

9. The clinic will be closed __________the public holidays.

10. James works __________ an accountant in a bank.

11. My grandmother left her spectacles _____________ the table.

12. I am looking for a piece __________paper to write a letter.

13. The man ran ___________ of the burning house.

14. The manager came in ____________ten o’clock this morning.

6 7 | M o d u l Tr i u m p h R e d o n g Vo l . 1 - M i a A n t a s h a
• There are several types of adverbs such as adverbs of manner, time, frequency, place and
• Adverbs are words that describe verbs, adjectives or other adverbs.
• There are many kinds of adverbs.

Adverbs of Manner

Adverbs of manner describe ‘how’.


quickly, strangely, confidently, wisely, sweetly

Study the following examples.

a. How did she shout?

She shouted loudly.

b. How did he sing?

He sang confidently.

c. How did the fire burn?

It burned slowly.


Identify and underline the adverbs in the sentences given below.

1. The very end of the restaurant is strictly for non-smokers.

2. Sheila is solely responsible for the cleanliness of the library.
3. The miser counts his money carefully every night.
4. Mary’s parents rarely allow her to go out at night.
5. The lion sprang on its prey mercilessly.
6. Mawi’s fans waited eagerly for him to come on stage.
Adverbs can be formed from adjectives by adding -ly or -ily. Example:

1. angry angrily
2. great greatly
3. careful carefully
4. neat neatly
5. strange strangely


Form adverbs from the following adjectives.


brave greedy

bitter happy

brief loud

hopeful low

clear patient

correct quick

cruel sad

easy serious

free sudden

furious willing

6 9 | M o d u l Tr i u m p h R e d o n g Vo l . 1 - M i a A n t a s h a
Choose and fill in each blank with suitable adverbs given below.

Sweetly correctly hurriedly soundly confidently fiercely

Cruelly wisely quietly attentively badly patiently

1. The bull charged____________at the small boy.

2. The children slept____________after the Sports Day.
3. Anuar spends his money____________because he is a careful person.
4. The girl smiled____________at her idol.
5. He walked____________into the house so as not to wake his mother.
6. Nathan was injured____________when a lorry crashed into his house.
7. In order to be a good debater, one must be able to speak___________.
8. The wicked man hit his children__________.
9. The intelligent girl answered all the teacher’s questions__________.
10. The lady walked____________when she saw two strangers following her.
11. Mr. Lee waited___________for his daughter to come out from the interview.
12. The class listened___________while the teacher explained the experiment.


Replace the underlined words with a suitable adverb.

1. The swans swim with grace.

2. All of a sudden, lightning flashed in the sky.
3. The spectators clapped in a loud manner for their team.
4. Joanne waited for her results in anxiety.
5. The mother kissed her baby with great love.
6. Think with care before you decide on a life partner.
7. Rahman answered his friend in a rude manner.
8. Mr. Wong did the job in an efficient manner.

• Adverbs of degree describe ‘to what degree’. It answers the question on ‘ how much’ or ‘to what


quite, nearly, very, absolutely, slightly, too, reasonably, more, less Study the following examples.

a. Andrew is quite good on the piano.

b. There are nearly five thousand people at the concert.

c. He was too careless.
d. I’m rather busy.


Identify and underline the adverb of degree in the sentences below.

1. He is too shy.

2. Are you quite sure?

3. The walk was rather long.
4. The patient is much better today.
5. Do not walk so fast.
6. Sheila is very good at scrabble.
7. Do you think the food is rather tasteless?
8. This imported book is reasonably cheap.
9. There are more girls than boys in this class.
10. The activities that we had were less tiring.
• An adjective tells us what something or someone is or seems like. It is used to describe nouns or


Underline all the adjectives given in the sentences below..

1. Nobody wants to employ lazy workers.

2. He is very greedy. The more he has, the more he wants.

3. She will not listen to your advice. She is a very stubborn girl.

4. Encik Abu Bakar is a dedicated teacher. All the pupils like him.

5. We enjoy Joe’s company. He is such a jovial person.

6. A brave man jumped into the river to save the drowning child.

7. That clumsy girl has broken another glass.

7 2 | M o d u l Tr i u m p h R e d o n g Vo l . 1 - M i a A n t a s h a
Comparison of Adjectives

1. Adjectives have three degrees of comparison.

i. Positive

eg. Mr Bingo is a strong man.

ii. Comparative

eg. Mr. Frank is stronger than Mr. Bingo

iii. Superlative

eg. Mr David is the strongest of the three.

2. The comparative degree is used to compare one person or thing with another.

eg. Tasnim is taller than Ramlah eg. That

car is cheaper than this one.

3. The superlative degree is used to compare one person or thing with more than one

eg. Liza is the tallest of the three. eg. The

car is the cheapest.

Positive Comparative [ + ‘~er’ ] Superlative [ + ‘ -est’ ]
1 brave
2 great
3 near
4 fast
5 rich


Add ‘-ier’ [ comparative ] and ‘-iest’ [ superlative ]

Superlative [ + ‘
Positive Comparative [ + ‘-ier’ ] -iest’ ]
1 dirty
2 early
3 easy
4 happy
5 heavy
Double the last letter + ‘-er1 or ‘-est’

Positive Comparative Superlative

1 big
2 fat
3 hot
4 wet
5 sad


Change the spelling

Positive Comparative Superlative

1 bad
2 far
3 good
4 little
5 many

7 5 | M o d u l Tr i u m p h R e d o n g Vo l . 1 Mia Antasha
Comparative [ + more ] Superlative [ the + most ]
1 beautiful
2 careful
3 comfortable
4 expensive
5 famous


Fill in the blanks by using the comparative or superlative forms of the adjectives in brackets.

1. Nirmala is________(old) than James.

2. Mount Kinabalu is the__________(high) mountain in South-East Asia.

3. She is the__________(good) Biology teacher we have.

4. It is__________(cool) today than yesterday.

5. A carpet is__________(expensive) than a rug.

6. They are the__________(clever) students in the school.

7. Is Susan___________(popular) than her sister?

8. He is the___________(lazy) person I know.

9. The Angel Falls is the__________(high) waterfall in the world.

10. This cheese cake is___________(expensive) than the chocolate cake.

Underline the correct answer.

1. My mother has a ( big, bigger, biggest ) car than my uncle.

2. Shanti is the (slim, slimmer, slimmest ) lady in the office.

76 | Modul Triumph Redong V o l . 1 - Mia Antasha


Add ‘more’ [ comparative ] and ‘the’ + ‘most‘

[ superlative ]
3. The little girl has the ( sweet, sweeter, sweetest ) smile I have ever seen.

4. This steak is (tough, tougher, toughest).

5. Your handwriting is ( neat, neater, neatest ) than mine.

6. Elephants are ( strong, stronger, strongest ) animals.

7. As far as I know, my mother bakes the ( good, better, best ) cheese cake.

8. Bees are considered the ( busy, busier, busiest) insects.

9. Mount Everest is the ( high, higher, highest) mountain in the world.

10. This is the ( bad, worse, worst) fire in the last siz months.

11. William runs the ( fast, faster, fastest ) in his class.

12. Do you know which is the ( long, longer, longest ) river in the world?

13. Both the sisters are as ( tall, taller, tallest ) as their mother.

14. Can you speak ( loud, louder, loudest) ? I can’t hear you from here.

15. Mr Teo is the (rich , richer, richest) businessman man in town.

16. She is (good, better, best) than me at cooking.

17. Lisa is the ( fair, fairer, fairest)in my class.

18. Taiping is the ( wet, wetter, wettest) town in Malaysia.

19. There is (little, less, least) water in the jug.

20. There is ( much, more, most ) sugar in the bowl than the cup.

7 7 | M o d u l Tr i u m p h R e d o n g Vo l . 1 - M i a A n t a s h a
Complete the table of adjectives below.

Adjective Comparative Superlative





















7 8 | M o d u l Tr i u m p h R e d o n g Vo l . 1 - M i a A n t a s h a
• The negative Question-Tag for positive statement

- She will recover soon, won’t she?

- Breast milk is the perfect source of nutrition for infants, isn’t it?

• The positive question-tag for negative statement


- Mothers are not urged to discard colostrums, are they?

- House dust isn’t the major problem of allergy, is it?

• If the statement contains a main verb, you must use the auxiliary "do” in the Question-Tag.
The tenses of the auxiliary "do” are determined by the tenses of the main verb in the


- He appears calm, doesn’t he?

- She Jost her leg in the accident, didn’t she?

- Vegetables contain a lot of fibre, don’t they?

Add tag questions to the following.

1. They want to invent something,
2. Elizabeth is a dentist,__________
3. They won’t be here,___________
There aren’t any problems,_
That is your umbrella,______ ?
George is a student,_______ ?
He’s learned a lot in the last couple of years,__________
Many flowers have medicinal values,_________________
Joan can’t come with us,_________________________?
She’ll help us later,________________ ?
Peggy would like to come with us to the conference,_
Those aren’t Fred’s notebook,___________________?
You’ve never been to Paris,____________________?
Something is wrong with him today,________________ ?
Some aquatic animals cannot breathe in the air,_______ ?
Nobody cheated on the exam,___________________?
Nothing went wrong while I was gone,_______________ ?
I am invited, ?


Provide responses to the following questions.

1. The room isn’t too small, is it? __________________

2. The cat won’t scratch, will it?___________________
3. The judges weren’t fair, were they?_____________
4. The robbers haven’t been caught, have they?_____
5. She doesn’t know the way to the clinic, does she?
6. You needn’t post the letter today, need you?______
7. They are not allowed to eat here, are they?________
8. The school field will not be used today, will it?______
9. They aren’t ready to perform, are they?___________
10. The train will be delayed, won’t it?_______________
Complete these statements with a question tag.

1. Ben is worried, ?

2. Anita should tell the teacher, ?

3. Chee Keona isn’t back, ?

4. My mother couldn’t come, ?

5. You were at the show last night, ?

6. The movie wasn’t interesting, ?

7. Jenny has a pet rabbit, ?

8. We haven’t met for a long time, ?

9. Mei Leng is your sister, ?

10. Nathan doesn’t live here, ?

11. He didn’t watch the movie, ?

12. You haven’t voted, ?

13. Tommy will come, ?

14. Susie should be here now, ?

15. Ahmad won’t talk to you, ?

16. The children were feeling sad, ?

17. My neighbours aren’t polite, ?

18. You haven’t seen her, ?

19. David didn’t talk to you, ?

20. They could play very well , ?

8 1 | M o d u l Tr i u m p h R e d o n g Vo l . 1 - M i a
• A question that asks for information normally uses one of the following question words:
when, where, why, who, whose, what, which, how
To ask information about Q: When did Omar go to the gallery? A: He
time went to the gallery during the holidays.

To ask information about Q: Where were you yesterday? A: I was at
place/location the library.

Q: Why did Armand go to the railway station?

A: He went to the station to pick Shaffi up.
Why T o ask for reason

Q: Who wrote ‘The Runaway Jury’? A: John

Who To ask about people
Grisham wrote it.

What To ask about activities Q: What is he doing?

(i) + a form of ‘do’ (ii) A: He is reading a book on psychology. Q:
To ask information about
Whose To ask for specific Q: Whose diskette is do
this? A:play?
It’s Azmir”s
+ a noun What games you
information A: I play football and badminton.

To ask a question that Q: Which is a better shade of blue, electric

Which requires you to make a blue or royal blue?
choice A: I prefer rnyal blue to electric blue.

Q: How did you get here?

To ask about means of
A: I took a cab.
How transport, manner,
Q: How often do you visit your sister? A: Once
frequency, and distance
a month.

Write WH-questions for the following sentences.

Response Question

He goes to school by bus.

He took my friend’s racket.

She is my mother.

The boy cannot buy the book because he has

lost her money.

She is going home because she has to prepare

We employed Mr. Tan because of his

Construct two Wh-Questions for each of the statements below.

1. To make T-shirts, we have to choose a suitable type of material.

2. The changes often involve chemical reactions or processes.

3. In order to make the rubber shoes, the rubber taken from the rubber tree has to be

4. Wool from the sheep must be cleaned and separated into the different grades of wool.

8 4 | M o d u l Tr i u m p h R e d o n g Vo l . 1 - M i a A n t a s h a
• When we produce a piece of writing, we will use certain words to join phrases,
clauses or sentences to show how one idea is related to another idea. These
words are link words and they are called conjunctions. Refer to the sentences
below :



I did not buy the book because I had no money.

(The word because links sentence 1 to sentence 2 and is used to signal reason.)

and, also, besides, as well as,

not only.. .but also

1. Conjunctions that show similarity or close relationship.

Example :

a. Paul and Peter are good artists.

b. Tanya is not only pretty, but also very smart.

c. Besides playing the drums, Tony also plays the flute.

but, yet, still, though, although

Example :

a. If you hurry, you may still catch the bus.

b. Although I was tired, I managed to complete my homework.

c. John is playful but he is very intelligent.

3. Conjunctions that show a reason for an action.

as, for, since, because

Example :

a. I went to bed early as I was tired.

b. They were punished because they broke the vase.

c. Since it is going to rain, I shall stay at home.

4. Conjunctions that show the result of an action.

so, therefore, consequently,

as a result

Example :

a. As a result of her hard work, she managed to get a scholarship to Japan.

b. San Hong had a toothache, so he went to the dentist.

c. David drove recklessly, consequently, he met with an accident.



5. Conjunctions that express similarity between two events or


Example :

a. Both Ahmad and Mutu are in the shop.

b. Neither Mr. Lim nor his wife are going for the show.

c. Samy sells both hot and cold drinks at his stall.

6. Conjunctions that express choice.



Examples :

a. Would you like Coke or Pepsi?

b. Either Tom or Dick will win the contest.

c. We will either go shopping or bowling tomorrow.

7. Conjunctions which link two events that are going on at the same time.

as, when, while

Example :

a. The lights went out while I was doing my work.

b. My mother fainted when she heard the news.

c. As I was about to leave the house, the phone rang.

87 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 1 - M i a A n t a s h a

in order to, so that

Example :

a. He worked very hard so that he could pass his exams with flying colours.

b. In order to be healthy, we must eat good food.

c. He finished his work quickly so that he could watch the football game.

9. Conjunctions that show condition.

or else, unless

Example :

a. Unless you do as you are told, you will be punished.

b. You must hurry or else you will miss the bus.

c. You cannot see the doctor unless you have an appointment.

10. Conjunctions that refer to actions that have ended or will end at a particular time.

till, until

Example :

a. We will be working here until Wednesday.

b. The mother waited till her son came home.

c. The baby was crying until she saw her mother.

8 8 | M o d u l Tr i u m p h R e d o n g Vo l . 1 - M i a A n t a s h a
8. Conjunctions that show the purpose of an
Underline the correct conjunction in the sentences below.

1. (Both / Either) Hamidah and Zarin are friends of mine.

2. I was fast asleep (because / when) the telephone rang.

3. I will ask (either / neither) Samy or Muthu to give me a lift home today.

4. The children were extremely rude, (and / so) they were punished.

5. (Unless / Although) we stayed back late, we could not complete our project.

6. We will have to postpone the football game (because / if) it rains heavily today.

7. (Beside / Besides) sewing, my grandmother spends her time reading.

8. Soo Ching took a part time job (in order / so) to supplement her family’s income.

9. (Because / Although) Encik Nordin is already eighty years old, he is still very active.

10. Sharon is absent today (so / because) she is not feeling well.


Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunctions.

1. Amira____________Anisa are sisters.

2. ___________collecting coins, I also collect stamps.

3. Kevin plays football____________his brother prefers hockey.

4. He must work hard____________he can do well in his exams.

5. ___________Jeeva and Jenny work in the same office.

6. ___________Kumari was tired, she stayed up late to study.

7. Mr. Wong is rich____________he refuses to donate any money for charity.

8. Alan had a high fever ____________ he refused to go to the doctor.

9. ___________ it was raining heavily, we could not go shopping.

10. I refused to speak to him____________he apologises.

89 | M o d u l T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 1 - M i a A n t a s h a

Underline the correct conjunctions in each of the following sentences.

1. They had to leave early ( because, until ) they had another meeting to attend.

2. You will not be able to solve it ( unless, since ) you understand this question.

3. My brother slept early( so that, because ) he could get up early the nextmorning.

4. Linda was in Australia ( while, since ) her husband was in Singapore.

5.. I like reading story books ( but, and ) I don’t like drawing.

6. She had finished cleaning the house (and, although) the cooking before noon.

7. My father speaks Japanese ( as well as, as soon as ) English.

8. Give me back my book ( after, until ) you have finished reading it.

9. Wash your hands ( before, both ) you touch the baby.

10. My brother has not come back ( although, since ) this morning.

11. Susan did not hear me ( unless, although ) I called her twice.

12. He could not play football ( because, so ) he had hurt his leg.

13. They stayed her overnight ( so, since ) it was too late to go home.

14. He acted ( as good as, as if ) he owned the company.

15. ( Because, Although) she knew the answer, she did not tell her friend.

16. ( Neither, Either ) my mother nor my father was home last night.

17. I will go ( either, neither ) to Australia or Japan to continue my studies.

18. Would you come by car ( and, or ) bus?

19. You cannot go for the trip ( until, unless ) you pay up the registration fee.

20. The painting is very big ( so, and ) it is beautiful.

9 0 | M o d u l Tr i u m p h R e d o n g Vo l . 1 - M i a A n t a s h a
Choose the sentences with the correct punctuation

1. A. Teaches day is celebrated on May the sixteenth.

B. Teacher’s Day is celebrated on May the sixteenth.

C. Teachers’ Day is celebrated on May the sixteenth.

D. Teachers day is celebrated on May the sixteenth.

2. A. "What are those?” asked Nazri’s sister.

B. "What are those?” asked Nazris sister.

C. "What are those, " asked Nazri’s sister.

D. "What are those?” asked nazri’s sister.

3. A. "Run! Run save your life!” shouted Azlan.

B. "Run! Run save your life?” shouted Azlan.

C. "Run! Run save your life!” shouted azlan.

D. "Run, run save your life!” shouted Azlan.

4. A. "Please help me, Norazman,” said Harma.

B. "please help me, Norazman, ” said Harma.

C. "Please help me, Norazman, " Said Harma.

D. "Please help me, norazman,” said Harma.

86 | M o d Triumph Redong V o l . 1 - Mia
u l Antasha
5. A. The CIMB Bank is ten storeys high.

B. The CIMB bank is ten storeys high.

C. The Cimb Bank is ten storeys high.

D. The Cimb bank is ten storeys high.

6. A. They are going to seremban next friday.

B. They are going to Seremban next friday

C. They are going to seremban next Friday

D. They are going to Seremban next Friday.

7. A. azimi, Anita and Yusof will be going on a camping trip.

B. Azimi, Anita and yusof will be going on a camping trip.
C. Azimi, Anita and Yusof will be going on a camping trip.

8. A. Watch out, there is a bulldog behind you.

B. Watch out! there is a bulldog behind you.

C. Watch out! There is a bulldog behind you.

D. Watch out, There is a bulldog behind you.

87 | M9.oA.d u l Are
T r i uyou
m pgoing
h Rtoe dtown
o n g, today
V o l Morissa.
. 1 - Mia Antasha
B. Are you going to town today, Morissa?

C. Are You going to Town today Morissa?

10. A. My uncle took me to pulau pisang for fishing.

B. My uncle took me to pulau Pisang for fishing.

C. My uncle took me to Pulau Pisang for fishing.

D. My Uncle took me to Pulau Pisang for fishing.

11. A. We visited ayer keroh during the deepavali holidays.

B. We visited Ayer Keroh during the Deepavali holidays.

C. We visited Ayer Keroh during the deepavali holidays.

D. We visited Ayer keroh during the Deepavali Holidays.

12. A. "Do you know Sujak’s address!” asked buang kardi.

B. "Do you know Sujak’s address.” Asked Buang kardi.

C. "Do you know Sujak’s address?” asked Buang Kardi.

D. "Do you know, Sujak’s address?’ Asked Buang Kardi.

13. A. Look someone is trying to break into our neighbour’s house.

B. Look! someone is trying to break into our neighbours house.

C. Look, someone is trying to break into our neighbour’s house.

D. Look! Someone is trying to break into our neighbour’s house

14. A. yes Hassan and I repaired the car ourselves.

B. Yes Hassan and I , repaired the car ourselves.

C. yes, Hassan and I repaired the car ourselves.

D. Yes, Hassan and I repaired the car ourselves.

88 | M o d
u l Triumph Redong Vol . 1 - Mia Antasha
15. A. "How old are you now shafiee?” Asked Jalal.

B. "How old are you now, Shafiee?” asked Jalal.

C. "How old are you now, Shafiee?” Asked jalal.

16. A. "May I borrow your eraser please?” asked Farid.

B. "May I borrow your eraser, please?” asked Farid.

C. "May, I borrow your eraser, please?” asked Farid.

17. A.
Ramli and Nizam like to play hockey, volleyball and golf.
Ramli and Nizam like to play hockey, Volleyball, and golf.
Ramli and Nizam like to play Hockey, Volleyball and Golf.
Ramli and nizam like to play hockey, volleyball and golf.

18. A.
The capital of terengganu is Kuala terengganu. The
capital of Terengganu is kuala Terengganu. The
Capital of Terengganu is Kuala Terengganu. The
capital of Terengganu is Kuala Terengganu.

19. A. Wahab visited the crocodile farm and Melaka zoo last sunday.

B. Wahab visited the crocodile Farm and Melaka Zoo last Sunday .

C. Wahab visited the Crocodile Farm and Melaka Zoo last Sunday.
20. A. Have you read the prisoner of zenda?

B. Have you read The prisoner of Zenda?

C. Have you read ‘The Prisoner of Zenda’?

D. have you read ‘the prisoner of zenda’?

21. A "A cat is sitting near the fence,” said Bibi.

B "A cat is sitting near the fence,” said Bibi!

C "A cat is sitting near the fence,” said bibi.

D "A cat is sitting near the fence” said Bibi.

22. A The mountain climbers have reached the peak of Mount Kinabalu.
B The Mountain Climbers have reached the peak of mount kinabalu.

C The mountain climbers have reached the peak of mount kinabalu!

D The mountain climbers have reached the Peak of Mount Kinabalu

23. A David Mary and Danny bought some pies.

B David Mary and Danny bought some pies!

C David, mary and danny bought some pies.

D David, Mary and Danny bought some pies.

24. A Najib goes to the island in his boat?

B Najib goes to the Island in his boat.

C Najib goes to the island in his Boat.

D Najib goes to the island in his boat.

90 | M o d
u l Triumph Redong V o l . 1 - Mia Antasha
25. A Eskimos use ice to make Igloos.

B Eskimos use Ice to make Igloos.

C Eskimos use ice to make igloos?

D Eskimos use ice to make igloos.

26. A ramli will meet Mr. hong at the Airport.

B Ramli will meet Mr. Hong at the airport?

C Ramli will meet Mr. Hong at the airport.

D Ramli will meet MR. Hong at the airport.

27. A Where are my markers!

B Where are my markers?

C Where are my markers.

D Where, are my markers?

28. A These are the boys comics.

B These are the boy’s comics.

C These are the boy’s comic’s.

D These are the Boys’ Comics.

29. A "Help! Help! My house is on fire!” shouted Anuar.

B "Help, Help, My house is on fire!” Shouted Anuar.

C "Help, help, my house is on fire?” shouted Anuar.

D "Help. Help. My house is on fire.” shouted Anuar.

91 | M o d
u l Triumph Redong Vol. 1 - Mia Antasha
30. A Helena is going to genting highlands this thursday.

B Helena is going to Genting Highlands This Thursday.

C Helena is going to Genting highlands this Thursday.

D helena is going to genting Highlands this thursday.

31. A May I go to the toilet, please?

B May I go to the toilet, please.

C May I go to the toilet please?

D May I go to the toilet, please!

32. A "Do you like to jog in the park” asks Leha.

B "Do you like to jog in the park,” asks Leha?

C "Do you like to jog in the park?” asks Leha.

D "Do you like to jog in the park,” asks Leha.

33. A "Don’t lie to me, Sazali,” says father.

B "Don’t lie to me Sazali.” says father.

C "Don’t lie to me! Sazali.” says father.

D "Don’t lie to me Sazali” says father.

34. A Pulau Sibu is a famous Holiday Resort.

B Pulau sibu is a famous Holiday Resort.

C Pulau Sibu is a famous holiday resort.

D Pulau sibu is a famous holiday resort.

92 | M o d
u l Triumph Redong Vol. 1 - Mia Antasha
35. A The mechanic uses a spanner, to loosen the nuts.

B The mechanic uses a spanner to loosen the nuts.

C The mechanic uses a spanner to loosen the nuts?

D The Mechanic uses a Spanner to loosen the Nuts.

36. A "Hello, Imran. What are your plans for the school holidays?” asks Zainah.

B “Hello! Imran. What are your plans for the school holidays?” asks Zainah.

C "Hello! Imran. What are your plans for the school holidays” asks Zainah.
D "Hello! imran. What are your plans for the school holidays” asks Zainah.

37. A The pupils are singing malay, chinese and tamil songs in the competition.
B The pupils are singing Malay, Chinese and Tamil songs in the competition

C The Pupils are singing Malay Chinese and Tamil songs in the competition.
D The pupils are singing Malay, Chinese and Tamil songs competition!

38. A Wow! you are so lucky! you have visited so many countries.
B Wow! You are so lucky You have visited so many countries.

C Wow! You are so lucky! You have visited so many countries.

D Wow! You are so lucky! You have visited so many countries

39. A Faizal will be going to England to study soon.

B Faizal will be going to england to study soon.

C Faizal, will be going to England to study soon!

D faizal will be going to england to study soon

93 | M o d
u l Triumph Redong Vol . 1 - Mia Antasha
40. A they had an enjoyable day at the taman rimba recreational park

B They had an enjoyable day at the Taman Rimba Recreational Park.

C They had an enjoyable day at the Taman Rimba recreational park.

D They had an enjoyable day at the taman rimba recreational park.

41. A I had a stomach ache. I couldn"t stand the pain.

B I had a Stomach ache. I couldn"t stand the pain.

C I had a stomach ache. I couldn"t stand The pain,

D I had a Stomach Ache. I couldn"t stand the pain!

42. A Ramli has round brown eyes,

B ramli has round. Brown eyes.

C Ramli has round brown eyes!

D Ramli has round, brown eyes.

43. A Wow! That"s a beautiful watch.

B Wow, That"s a beautiful watch.

C Wow, that"s a beautiful, watch.

D Wow! That"s a beautiful watch

94 | M o d Triumph Redong Vol. 1 - Mia Antasha
u l
Choose the best answer to complete the sentences

1 Amal obtained the......................................... marks in his Science test.

A. more
B. most
C. some

2. She sat........................the clinic and waited for the doctor.

A. in
B. to
C. on
D. across

3. Farahana had booked her flight ticket earlier because.................was cheap.

A. they
B. she
C. we
D. it
to go for an interview.

4. Syafiq dressed up

A. happily
B. smartly
C. sweetly
D. bravely

5. The building was damaged recently......................... heavy storms.

A. because
B. although
C. by
D. so

1 0 2 | M o d u l Tr i u m p h R e d o n g Vo l . 1 Mia Antasha
A. along
B. across
C. through

7. We celebrate Labour Day......................................1st of May.

A. on
B. in
C. at

8 The the jungle last week.

A. camp
B. camps
C. camped

9. That is the woman.......................................husband is a pilot.

A. why
B. what
C. whom
D. whose

10 You must drive........................ avoid accident

A. carefully
B. recklessly
C. carelessly

11 The escape by the back door because it was locked

A. able
B. was able
C. was unable
D. could able

A. miss
B. misses
C. missed
D. will miss

14. This work is very easy........... ...............can do it.

A. Everything
B. Anybody
C. Nobody
D. Somebody

15. The soldier fought......................... .......and was given a medal by the king
A. weakly
B. badly
C. bravely
D. happily

16 Rahman was excited because he flew in an aeroplane.............................the first time.

A. over
B. for
C. on

17. My friend..............................not do the sum because it was very difficult.

A. will
B. must
C. could
D. would

18 A....................................of bees was flying towards the beehive on a tree.

A. flock
B. herd
C. group
D. swarm our national flower?

A. Whose
B. Why
C. What
D. How
A. will repair
B. will be repaired
C. repaired
D. is repairing

21 My elder sister.............................going to the cinema. She usually...................there with her

A. likes, goes
B. liked, goes
C. like, going
D. will be, going

Rosli and his brother .................the show twice last weekend.

A. watch
B. watches
C. watched
D. watching

23. Hazimah stayed at home by.....................while......................... parents were away

A. myself, my
B. herself, her
C. himself, him

D. yourself, your

24. You must.................... . finish the milk.................... put it into the refrigerator.

A. so, if
B. so, and
C. either, or
D. neither, nor

25. The thief ran............... ...........the road and hid.....................some bushes.

A. towards, above
B. across, behind
C. at, under
D. away, to

Everyone................... happy when they received a present.

A. are
B. is
C. was
D. were

98 | M o d ul T r i u m p h R e d o n g V o l . 1 - M i a A n t a s h a
A. many
B. little
C. a lot of

32. The angry girl the book and threw it into the dustbin.


28. A day before Teachers’ Day, the pupils carried...................chairs to the school hall.

A. our
B. their
C. your

D. his

29. Hashim is the.............................boy in his class

A. tall
B. taller
C. tallest
D. most tall

30. The Year 6 pupils have to prepare........................... well before UPSR.

A. ourselves
B. themselves
C. himself
D. yourself
A. is
B. an
31. Kampung Rhu is almost hour’s drive from Kuantan town.
C. the
D. far
A. torn
B. tore
C. tear
D. tearing

33 Zali is flying ________________kite in the field.

A. her
B. him
C. his
D. hers
A. at
B. in
C. on
D. to
35. Mujahid jumped__________the bench and fell into the drain.
A. into
B. on
C. from over

36. ________________Suzana and Zaharah are school prefects.

A. All

B. Both

C. Either

D. Neither

37. Did Nazrin_________________English well at the seminar last night?

A. speak
B. spoke
C. speaks
D. spoken

38. That was _______________most challenging task and we only have

hour to finish it.

A. a , an
B. a , the
C. the , a
D. the , an

39. The weather is so hot that there is only________________water in the well.

A. much
B. a little
C. any
D. a few
40. Her children are very polite and everybody ________________them.

A. love
B. loves
C. loved
D. loving

41. Camping an exciting activity.

A. were
B. is
C. was
D. are

42. Asiah is very___________________. Everyone likes her very much.

A. impolite
B. friendly
C. rude
D. stingy

43. Of the three boys , Roslan is the_______________in the class.

A. clever
B. cleverest
C. cleverer

44. When I saw Linda, she__________________her money.

A. counts
B. is counting
C. was counting
D. were counting

45. Mr. Lim’s dog his neighbour’s son last week.

A. bites
B. bite
C. bit
D. bitten

46. Sarifuddin’s fingernails short and clean.

A. am
B. is
C. are
D. was
A. isn’t it
B. don’t you
C. didnt you
D. wasn’t you

48. The workers walked_____________into the factory because they were late for work.

A. politely
B. smartly
C. hurriedly
D. slowly

49. The man placed the ladder_______________the wall.

A. under
B. down
C. below
D. against

50. There are many shop houses ________________Jalan Bendahara.

A. through
B. between
C. along
D. beside

51. Syahmi____________to school every day.

A. walk
B. walks
C. walked
D. walking

52 Ameera____________the library books just now.

A. return
B. returns
C. returned
D. returning
53 Have_______finished your homework?

A. I
B. he
C. she
D. you

54 ________________painting, Azuani also knows how to play the piano.

A. Besides
B. Although
C. Therefore
D. Furthermore

55 I brought________orange for lunch.

A. a
B. an
C. the

56 Turn down the volume. It is too

A. big
B. loud
C. bright
D. strong

57 "Do not_____the trees in the park,” says the ranger.

A. climb
B. climbed
C. climbs
D. climbing
58 Tom’s dog, Pluto was barking_____________at the stranger.

A. fiercely
B. greedily
C. politely
D. shyly

59 Mardiana got the_______________marks for English.

A. high
B. higher
C. highest

60 Hana woke up very late,___________she had to rush for work.

A. or
B. but
C. therefore

D. and

I have the cake or the ice-cream for my dessert ?

A. Might
B. Should
C. Would
D. Ought

62_________________is the biggest mammal on land, the buffalo or elephant?

A. Where
B. Which
C. Why
D. Who

111 | M o d u l Tr i u m p h R e d o n g Vo l . 1 - M i a A n t a s h a
A. It
B. My
C. You
D. Theirs

64. Damia sang________during the party.

A. silently
B. sweetly
C. soundly
D. gracefully

65. The eagle caught the chick . its claws.

A. to

B. on
C. with
D. from

Syafeeq is a i makes mistake.

A. always
B. seldom
C. sadly
D. now

Neither Fara Cathy won the dance competition.

A. or

B. nor
C. and

D. while
A. at
B. in
C. from
D. to

69. Syahira is the__________in her family.

A. young
B. younger
C. youngest
D. more young

70. Lunch comes___________breakfast.

A. after
B. before
C. on
D. by

71. Shina lived here____________ 1999.

A. for
B. because
C. since
D. although

72. The train went__________the tunnel.

A. along
B. over
C. by
D. through
73. There___________some kittens in this box a few minutes ago.

A. is
B. are
C. was
D. were

74..He tried to open the door_____________it was locked.

A. or
B. so
C. but
D. and

75. ________ I borrow your pencil, please ?

A. Can
B. Might
C. May
D. Should

76. Arif and I went to the zoo._________________went there by bus.

A. We
B. I
C. She
D. They

77. You are getting too fat. You _________________exercise more.

A. ought
B. would
C. should
D. might

11 4 | M o d u l Tr i u m p h R e d o n g Vo l . 1 - M i a
78. did the players feel after winning the game ?

A. Why
B. How
C. When
D. Where

79. They______________________ home when the accident


A. is walking
B. was walking
C. are walking
D. were walking

80. He is the_____________man I have ever met.

A. kinder
B. kindest
C. kind

81. He has been__________in Jakarta for ten years.

A. live
B. lives
C. lived
D. living

82. I______________________my auntie now.

A. is helping
B. am helping
C. are helping
D. were helping

11 5 | M o d u l Tr i u m p h R e d o n g Vo l . 1 Mia Antasha
83. Kamil____________to school everyday.

A. cycle
B. cycles
C. cycled
D. cycling

84. My mother likes to___________curry puff.

A. cooks
B. cook
C. cooked
D. cooking

85. Chong Meng wants to be an artist because he loves to

A. draws

B. drew
C. draw
D. drawing

86. Each of the students_____________given a pack of biscuit.

A. is
B. to
C. are
D. of

87. The wind blows_______by the seaside.

A. bravely
B. strongly
C. carelessly
D. immediately

11 6 | M o d u l Tr i u m p h R e d o n g Vo l . 1 Mia Antasha
88. My father’s sister_______my aunt.
A. is
B. am
C. was
D. were

89. There is____

_ mangosteen tree in Nadia’s garden. Nadia likes to sit and
read under____
A. a, an
B. a, the
C. an, the
D. the, the

90. The mangoes in that basket_________________sweet.

A. is
B. are
C. was

91. I made the desk

A. myself
B. himself
C. herself
D. themselves

92. The games Ranjit enjoys are football, hockey___________badminton.

A. as
B. but
C. since
D. and

117 | Modul Triumph Redong V o l . 1 Mia

93. Malaysia is famous______________its beautiful beaches.

A. at
B. in
C. for

D. to

94. We the food hungrily yesterday.

A. eat

B. eats
C. ate

D. eating

95. Muthu gave Sarah silk blouse for her birthday.

A. a
B. an
C. the

96. Ahmad ran_______ to catch the bus.

A. neatly
B. loudly
C. silently
D. quickly

97. She hurt_________

while cutting the vegetables yesterday.
A. itself
B. herself
C. himself
D. themselves
98. They like to swim____________play hockey during the weekends.

A. so
B. but
C. and
D. because

99. My father wants to________a papaya tree there.

A. plant
B. plants
C. planted
D. planting

100. The tigress licked______paws after eating a hearty meal.

A. its
B. his
C. our
D. their


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