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Fisika Statistik

Ditribusi Partikel Identik

Partikel Identik
Maxwell-Boltzman Bose Einstein Fermi Dirac
Terbedakan Tak Terbedakan Tak Terbedakan
(distinguishable) (indistinguishable) (indistinguishable)
Jumlah partikel
setiap keadaan Tak Terbatas Tak Terbatas Maksimal Satu
Pecahan: ½, 3/2, 5/2,
Spin Tak Berspin Bulat: 0, 1, 2, …

Sebutan Partikel Partikel Klasik Boson Fermion
Elektron, Nukleon,
Proton, dan
Contoh Partikel Gas Ideal Foton dan Fonon
elementer lainnya
Perlakuan dg Mekanika Klasik Mekanika Kuantum Mekanika Kuantum
Penjelasan Keadaan Fungsi Gelombang Fungsi Gelombang
Energi Simetri Anti Simetri
Keadaan Distribusi
Setimbang Termal Setimbang Termal
Asumsi model gas ideal
• Molekul gas tidak dibedakan (identik), berukuran kecil,
dan berbentuk bola
• Semua tabrakan antar gas bersifat elastis dan semua
gerakannya tanpa friksi (tidak ada energi hilang pada
gerakan atau tabrakan)
• Menggunakan hukum Newton
• Jarak rata-rata antar molekul jauh lebih besar daripada
ukuran molekul
• Molekul secara konstan bergerak pada arah acak
dengan distribusi kecepatan
• Tidak ada gaya atraktif atau repulsif antara molekul
atau sekitarnya
Figure 3. (a) Attractions between gas molecules serve to decrease the gas volume at
constant pressure compared to an ideal gas whose molecules experience no attractive
forces. (b) These attractive forces will decrease the force of collisions between the
molecules and container walls, therefore reducing the pressure exerted compared to an
ideal gas.
Figure 2. Raising the pressure of a gas increases the fraction of its volume that is
occupied by the gas molecules and makes the gas less compressible.
Distinguishability of Particles
The Einstein-Bose and Fermi-Dirac distributions differ from the classical
Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution because the particles they describe are
Particles are considered to be indistinguishable if their wave packets
overlap significantly. This kind of consideration comes from the fact that
all particles have characteristic wave properties according to the
DeBroglie hypothesis . Two particles can be considered to be
distinguishable if their separation is large compared to their DeBroglie
For example, the condition of distinguishability is met by molecules in
an ideal gas under ordinary conditions. For oxygen gas at STP, the
molecules have a separation on the order of 3 nm and DeBroglie
wavelengths on the order of 0.03 nm, a factor of a thousand smaller. On
the other hand, two electrons in the first shell of an atom are inherently
indistinguishable because of the large overlap of their wavefunctions.
Partikel Gelombang

E = h


Kaitan de Boglie-Einstein
Ditribusi Partikel Identik

Ditribusi Maxwell-Boltzman

Ditribusi Bose-Einstein

Ditribusi Fermi-Dirac
Assembli Sistem

Klasik Atom gas

Sistem Klasik
1. energi yang dimiliki sistem-sistem dalam assembli
dianggap terdiri atas tingkat-tingkat energi
2. Tingkat-tingkat energi tersebut berada dalam
rentangan dari nol sampai tak berhingga.
Sheet Effective Energy Jumlah Sistem Kelompok Energi Keadaan Energi

s s ns gs
10 9 N 9d  10d gN
9 N1 gN1
8 7 .
. . .
7 6 . . .
. s+1
6 5 s d s 0 gs
5 4 . .
. .
4 3 . .

3 2 2d  3d

1 2 d  2d
2 g2
1 0 1 0  d
How many ways can you distribute 9 units of energy among 6 identical particles?

Jml microstate

microstate macrostates
The number of distinguishable ways to produce each distribution is given by
How many ways can you distribute 9 units of energy among 6 identical particles?

The three distributions of particles at

left each have the same energy, the
same kind of particles, and the same
number of particles, yet the distribution
at the right is 30 times more likely than
the one at the left. Why is this? For the
distinguishable particles which are
presumed by the Maxwell-Boltzmann
distribution, it matters not only how
many particles are in each state, but
which particles are in each state.

So for the three macrostates pictured above, the numbers of microstates are
Blatt uses the term "macrostate" to describe the characterization of the system which gives
just the number of particles in each state; the diagram above shows three of the 26 possible
macrostates for this system. The term "microstate" is used for the more detailed
characterization in which the specific energy level for each particle is given. The macrostate at
left has only 6 microstates, because there are only 6 ways to put one particle in level 9 and
the other 5 in level 0. But there are 180 ways to achieve the macrostate at right, so if every
distribution is presumed to be equally likely, then the system is 30 times more likely to be
found in the right hand macrostate.
The number of microstates (the multiplicity W) for q units of energy
among N equally probable states can be mathematically evaluated
from the expression

which for this case becomes

Now to establish the distribution function for the number of particles
in each energy state, the number of particles in each state must be
averaged over all of the microstates. For each macrostate, the number
of particles in a given energy level is multiplied by the number of
microstates. The sum of those products is divided by the total number
of microstates, which is 2002 in this case.
i=1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
wi =


i = 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
wi =






0 2 4 6 8 10

How many ways can you

distribute 9 units of
energy among 6 identical
Karena baik N maupun ns merupakan
bilangan-bilangan yang sangat besar
maka untuk mempermudah
perhitungan kita dapat menggunakan
pendekatan Stirling sebagai berikut

Bilangan Avogadro =
6.022140857(74)×1023 mol−1
Diferensial dari ln W menjadi
Karena kita harus menerapkan syarat batas kekekalan energi dan jumlah partikel,
maka solusi untuk ns dicari dengan menerapkan perngali Langrange sebagai berikut
Jumlah total sistem dalam assembli adalah N . Karena N sistem tersebut
terdistribusi pada semua kelompok energi maka terpenuhi

Energi total assembli memenuhi

Kita tinjau asembli yang terisolasi dari lingkungan. Tidak ada pertukaran partikel
maupun energi antara assembli dan lingkungan. Dengan demikian, jumlah sistem
N dan energi total U yang dimiliki assembli konstan. Akibatnya,
Jumlah sistem pada setiap kelompok energi yang memiliki
konfigurasi dengan probabilitas maksimum
The average distribution of 9 units of energy among 6 identical particles
There are 26 possible distributions of 9 units of energy among 6 particles, and if those particles
are assumed to be distinguishable, there are 2002 different specific configurations of particles.
In Blatt's language, there are 26 macrostates and 2002 microstates. To get a distribution
function of the number of particles as a function of energy, the average population of each
energy state must be taken. The average for each of the 9 states is shown below, and the plot of
those averages as a function of energy.
It is remarkable that the
distribution obtained with
only 6 particles so closely
approximates the Maxwell-
Boltzmann distribution. The
derivation of the distribution
function is a formidable
mathematical problem which
uses the calculus of
variations to derive the most
probable distribution under
the constraints of constant
energy and constant number
of particles.
How many ways can you distribute 9 units of energy among 6 identical particles?

Jml microstate

microstate macrostates
The number of distinguishable ways to produce each distribution is given by
How many ways can you distribute 9 units of
energy among 6 identical, indistinguishable
The three distributions of particles at left each
have the same energy, the same kind of
particles, and the same number of particles. If
the particles were distinguishable particles and
described by Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics, then
the distribution at right would be 30 times more
likely than the one on the left because there are
30x as many distinguishable ways to produce it.
But if they are indistinguishable bosons, the
three states are equally probable and given a
statistical weight of 1. This means that instead
of 2002 distinguishable microstates arising from
26 macrostates, there are only 26 states.

Evaluating the average occupancy of each energy state is much simpler than in the Maxwell-
Boltzmann example since each macrostate has a weight of 1. The average occupancy is just
the sum of the numbers of particles in a given energy state over all the 26 distributions
divided by 26.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
ditemukan spektrum garis-garis lain.
Arnold Sommerfeld memperkenalkan
bilangan kuantum k

Efek Zeeman, Sommerfeld mengusulkan

bilangan kuantum magnetik m yg terkait
dengan arah orientasi orbit.
Anomali Efek Zeeman (AEZ)

Wolfgang Pauli membuat hipotesis,

mengusulkan bilangan kuantum keempat yang
memiliki dua harga +1/2 dan −1/2.

Kata Pauli, tiap keadaan atom (himpunan tiga

bilangan kuantum n, k,m) mengandung dua
elektron dan masing-masing mempunyai orbit
Fermi-Dirac statistics differ
dramatically from the classical
Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics in
that fermions must obey the Pauli
exclusion principle. Considering the
particles in this example to be
electrons, a maximum of two
particles can occupy each spatial
state since there are two spin states
each. Whereas there were 26
possible configurations for
distinguishable particles, these are
reduced to the 5 states which have
no more than two particles in each

Evaluating the average occupancy of each energy state is much simpler than in the Maxwell-
Boltzmann example since each macrostate has a weight of 1. The average occupancy is just
the sum of the numbers of particles in a given energy state over all the 5 distributions
divided by 5.
How many ways can you distribute 9 units of
energy among 6 identical, indistinguishable
Fermi-Dirac statistics differ dramatically
from the classical Maxwell-Boltzmann
statistics in that fermions must obey the
Pauli exclusion principle. Considering the
particles in this example to be electrons, a
maximum of two particles can occupy each
spatial state since there are two spin states
each. Whereas there were 26 possible
configurations for distinguishable particles,
these are reduced to the 5 states which
have no more than two particles in each
Evaluating the average occupancy of
each energy state is much simpler than
in the Maxwell-Boltzmann example since
each macrostate has a weight of 1. The
average occupancy is just the sum of the
numbers of particles in a given energy
state over all the 5 distributions divided
by 5.
The average distribution of 9 units of energy
among 6 identical particles
There are 26 possible distributions of 9 units of
energy among 6 particles, and if those
particles are indistinguishable and described
by Bose-Einstein statistics, all of the
distributions have equal probability. To get a
distribution function of the number of
particles as a function of energy, the average
population of each energy state must be taken.
The average for each of the 9 states is shown
below compared to the result obtained by
Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics.

Low energy states are more probable with Bose-Einstein statistics than with the
Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics. While that excess is not dramatic in this example for a
small number of particles, it becomes very dramatic with large numbers and low
temperatures. At very low temperatures, bosons can "condense" into the lowest
energy state. The phenomenon called Bose-Einstein condensation is observed with
liquid helium and is responsible for its remarkable behavior.
The average distribution of 9 units of energy
among 6 identical particles

Average Average Average

number number number
Maxwell- Bose- Fermi-
Boltzmann Einstein Dirac
0 2.143 2.269 1.8
1 1.484 1.538 1.6
2 0.989 0.885 1.2
3 0.629 0.538 0.8
4 0.378 0.269 0.4
5 0.210 0.192 0.2
6 0.105 0.115 0
7 0.045 0.077 0
8 0.015 0.038 0
9 0.003 0.038 0

For fermions, there are only 5 possible distributions of 9 units of energy among 6 particles
compared to 26 possible distributions for classical particles. To get a distribution function of
the number of particles as a function of energy, the average population of each energy state
must be taken. The average for each of the 9 states is shown above compared to the results
obtained by Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics and Bose-Einstein statistics.
Low energy states are less probable with Fermi-Dirac statistics than with the Maxwell-
Boltzmann statistics while mid-range energies are more probable. While that difference is
not dramatic in this example for a small number of particles, it becomes very dramatic with
large numbers and low temperatures. At absolute zero all of the possible energy states up to
a level called the Fermi energy are occupied, and all the levels above the Fermi energy are

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