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A geophone is a ground motion transducer that has been used by geophysicists and
seismologists to convert ground movement into voltage. Any deviation in this measured
voltage from the base line is regarded as seismic response, which is used for analyzing
the earth’s structure.
Resonance frequency is the key factor in a geophone, and it has to be low for the
measurement of low-frequency signals. On the other hand, geophone must exhibit high
bandwidth to measure high-frequency signals as well. However, most of the currently
available geophones include mechanical springs that decrease the performance of the

Feeding back the output of geophone can vary the geophone’s sensitivity with respect to
its frequency, and as a result low frequency signals are amplified. The resolution of
geophone can be enhanced by controlling the position of proof mass.

Working Principle
A typical geophone consists of a mass suspended by means of mechanical springs. The
geophone housing and the suspended mass start moving with the application of a velocity
at frequencies lesser than the resonance frequency.

The mass will remain stationary for frequencies greater than the resonance frequency. The
movement of mass is based on either magnets or coils. The response of a coil/magnet
geophone is proportional to the ground velocity.

Geophones are used for several industrial applications for vibration isolation purposes and
absolute velocity sensing to achieve a high level of accuracy and precision. Geophone
technology is employed to measure absolute velocity for lithographic and high-level
inspection applications to determine payload disturbances caused by moving parts and
other external disturbances.

They are also used to position and control a complex lens system. Detection of leakage in
oil and gas fields and earthquake prediction are also other major applications of
The aim of the project is to visualize the resistance of the geophones and accordingly we
can tell the status of the geophones i.e. good or bad.
 Input consists of csv files having resistance of each geophone along
with some other parameters like tilt etc. Each file represents the data
taken for a particular time for a single day.
 Files are then cleaned and removed the unwanted columns and
 Processed files are then parsed into Python’s Data Science Library
and then they are plotted using Plotly.


 Python’s Data Science Library
 Pandas
 Matplotlib
 Plotly
 Python’s web framework Django.
 Postgres Sql

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