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(BATCH 2017-2018)

ROLL NO: 1621614007




MAY, 2018

Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Uttar Pradesh,

Lucknow (Formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University)

I hereby declare that the Project entitled

submitted to Department of Master of Computer Application, IIMT College
of Engineering, Gr. Noida, U.P., in the partial fulfillment for the award of the
Degree of MASTER OF COMPUTER APPLICATION in session 2017-
2018 is an authentic record of my own work carried out under the guidance of
Dr./Ms./Mr. “Mr. Sanjay Purohit, Asst. Prof. (MCA)” and I am also
ensuring that this Project has not been previously submitted anywhere for the
award of any other degree.



Signature of the candidate.



This is to certify that the above statement made by the candidate is correct to
the best of my knowledge.

Signature of Internal guide

Mr. Sanjay Purohit

Asst. Prof. (MCA)



Report can be defined in several ways as follows as given below:

• Information is the categories of item, comment box, date etc., held at a

specification location at a specific time.

• Report is a list of what you have. In campus, categories og item and write
the comment of campus report and show the report through date wise.

• Any quantifiable item that you can handle categories of item,

or track can be considered report. This covers everything
from office and maintenance report.

Our project name is Personal Information System. Personal Information
System. It is a system which allows an individual to gather, organize, store
and retrieve the ideas and information found to be useful to the individual.
Ideas and the organization of ideas and information have been an ongoing
pursuit of many of us for at least the last 20 years.

The Personnel Information system is a Computer based system for

maintenance of the Service Registers of individuals in an organization. The
details pertaining to personnel, postings, qualifications, departmental tests
passed, training attended, family details etc are stored in this system. Retrieval
of information is possible based on any individuals or on collective
information grouped by certain categories namely designation, retirement,
length of service, place of working etc.
Personal Information System is concerned with how people organize and
maintain personal information collections, and methods that can help people
in doing so. People may manage information in a variety of settings, for a
variety of reasons, and with a variety of types of information. For example, an
office worker might manage physical documents in a filing cabinet by placing
them in folders organized alphabetically by project name, or might manage
digital documents in folders in a hierarchical file system. A parent might
collect and organize photographs of their children into a photo album using a
temporal organization scheme, or might tag digital photos with the names of
the children.
Personal information system considers not only the methods used to store and
organize information, but also is concerned with how people retrieve
information from their collections for re-use. For example, the office worker
might re-locate a physical document by remembering the name of the project
and then finding the appropriate folder by an alphabetical search. On a
computer system with a hierarchical file system, a person might need to
remember the top-level folder in which a document is located, and then
browse through the folder contents to navigate to the desired document. Email
systems often support additional methods for re-finding such as fielded search
(e.g., search by sender, subject, date). The characteristics of the document
types, the data that can be used to describe them (meta-data), and features of
the systems used to store and organize them (e.g. fielded search) are all
components that may influence how users accomplish personal information
In this project are six ways in which information can be personal.

1. Owned by "me"
2. About "me"
3. Directed toward "me"
4. Sent/Posted by "me"
5. Experienced by "me"
6. Relevant to "me".
1.New Registration Record
This include the registration of the new student like Name, Aadhar no, Pen
card no, Address of a particular student. In this system, we only feed the
details of each student.

2.Delete record
This include the delete of the old students record like Name, Aadhar no,
Pen card no, Address etc. Records that have been permanently deleted will
not be recoverable. For cases where you need to permanently remove the
student remove a student record from the system.

3.Modifying record
Modifying student’s record like Address, Phone no, Name, etc. are came
under the modifying the record of the student. We need to update record year
after year the maintain the it is very important or useful.

4.View record
In this we can view all the records of the students by using the database like
Name, Aadhar no, Pen card no, Phone no or any other information related to
a particular student. we can view all the records of a student belonging to a
particular department within a second.

Feasibility study is a system proposal according to its workability, impact on

the organization, ability to meet user needs and efficient use of resources.
Feasibility study identifies, describes and evaluates the candidate system and
selects the best system for the job. An important outcome of the preliminary
investigations is determining whether the system requested is feasible or not.

1.1 Economic Feasibility

Economic feasibility evaluates whether the system benefits greater than the
cost. The proposed system is cost –effective one since the benefit of the
software outweighs the cost incurred in installing it. It can be developed under
optimal expenses with the available hardware and software. The computerized
system provides easy and faster information retrieval and saves a lot of time
and manpower.
1.2 Technical Feasibility

Technical feasibility involves financial considerations to accommodate

technical enhancement. the proposed system requires a computer and
printer for its functioning. The features of the proposed system like good
response time, accuracy and volume of data handling capacity etc. Suggest
that the system is technically feasible.


The system design specification includes input design specification and output
design specification.

Input design is the process of converting user-originated inputs to a computer

based formats. Input data are collected and organized into groups of similar
data. Once identified, appropriate data are selected for processing the input
forms are designed using GU controls. So, error may be avoided.


The output design phase is another very important one. The outputs are mainly
used to communicate with user, processing the input data given by the user
etc. It is documented in each stage of the project to ensure error free output.
Output screens are designed in very simple and understandable format.


Process design refers to the design of the important process in the system
ranging from the functional description of each task. To the entire system
being considered as a process, “INTERNAL MARK ASSESSMENT
SYSTEM” has been divided into several modules.


The testing phase is an important part of software development. It is the

processes of finding errors and missing operations and also a complete
verification to determine whether the objectives are requirements are satisfied.
Software testing is carried out in three steps. The first step includes unit testing
where in each module is tested to provide its correctness, to determine any
missing operations and to verify whether the objectives have been met. Errors
are noted down and corrected immediately. Unit testing is the important and
major part of the project. So, errors are rectified easily in particular modules
and program quality is increased. In this project, entire system is divided into
several modules.

The security features are considered while developing the system, so as to

avoid the errors and omission that may lead to serious problems. The system
may have to face the unwanted events called threats. Computer systems is
secure against a particular threat if counter measures have been taken to
reduce an acceptability low level amount of loss that the treat may be
expected to cause over given period of time .A computer should be protected
from the following three problems:-

1. Loss of availability

2. Loss of integrity

3. Loss of confidentiality

The maintenance is important phase of any system. Maintenance of the system

should be done accurately and with specific care proper running of the system.

Maintenance involves the software industry captive, typing up the system

resources. It means restoring something to its original conditions.
Maintenance involves a wide range of activities including correcting, coding
and design errors, updating documentation and test data and upgrading user
support. Maintenance is continued till the product is reengineered or deployed
to another platform. Maintenance is also done based on fixing the problems
reported, changing the interface with other software or hardware enhancing
the software.

The project has been developed for the successful management of the
activities at Nirmala College Muvattupuzha. In this various information of
each student mainly internal grade details has been maintained efficiently. The
system has been thoroughly tested with sample of data and the performance
of the system proved to be efficient and extremely user-friendly.

The system is flexible and changes if any can be made without much
difficulty. Every step has been taken to make the working of the project
comfortable as possible for the users. Also reports have been created and can
be called according to the requirements.
The Major Advantages Are:

• Easy retrieval of data available in database

• Quick implementation of results
• Very user friendly
• Does not require large amount of memory
• Very less manual work is needed
• Very cost effective

Processor Intel Pentium 2.4 GHz
Hard disk 1GB
Input Device Multimedia, Keyboard, Optical
Output Device Colored Display with high
resolution, Scanner and Printer

Operating System Windows 10
Front-End C
Web Browser --------

The data flow diagrams were first developed by Larry Constantine as a way
of expressing system requirements in a graphical form: this led to a modular
design. A DFD, also known as “Bubble Chart”, has the purpose of clarifying
system requirements and identifying major transformation that will become
programs in system design. A DFD consists of a sequence of bubbles joined
by lines. The bubbles represent data transformation and the line represent the
data flow in system.


Personal information record year-wise list

Course detail summary
Problems In existing system
As we know personal information system are quite tedious, time consuming
and less efficient and accurate in comparison to the computerized system.

So, following are some disadvantages of the old system:

1.Unemployment and lack of job security.

2. Dominant culture.

3. Security issues.

4. Implementation expenses.

Personal Information systems contribute to the efficient running of

organizations. Information systems are showing the exponential growth in
each decade. Today’s information technology has tremendously improved
quality of life. Modern medicine has benefited the most with better
information system using the latest information technology. By understanding
and learning what advantages and disadvantages it can bring, we have to try,
believe and put an effort with our best to make that existing advantage much
better and navigate the disadvantages to have a less impact on organizations
and society.

Personal Information System or management has several advantages as

stated below:

Communication – with help of information technologies the instant

messaging, emails, voice and video calls becomes quicker, cheaper and much

Globalization and cultural gap – by implementing information systems

we can bring down the linguistic, geographical and some cultural boundaries.
Sharing the information, knowledge, communication and relationships
between different countries, languages and cultures becomes much easier.

Availability – information systems has made it possible for businesses to be

open 24×7 all over the globe. This means that a business can be open
anytime anywhere, making purchases from different countries easier and
more convenient. It also means that you can have your goods delivered right
to your doorstep with having to move a single muscle.

Creation of new types of jobs – one of the best advantages of

information systems is the creation of new and interesting jobs. Computer
programmers, Systems analyzers, Hardware and Software developers and
Web designers are just some of the many new employment opportunities
created with the help of IT.

Cost effectiveness and productivity – the IS application promotes more

efficient operation of the company and also improves the supply of
information to decision-makers; applying such systems can also play an
important role in helping companies to put greater emphasis on information
technology in order to gain a competitive advantage. IS has a positive impact
on productivity, however there are some frustrations can be faced by systems
users which are directly linked to lack of training and poor systems
performance because of system spread.
A challenge in PERSONAL INFORMATION SYSTEM research is to
develop more practical methods for study of current PIS practices with more
practical implications for the development of improved tools, techniques and
training in support of better PIS. PIS requires the study of people, with a
diversity of backgrounds and needs, over time as they work in many
different situations, with different forms of information and different tools of
information management. This scope of PIS inquiry brings a need for
practical, cost-effective methodologies that can scale. Further, there is a need
not only for descriptive studies aimed at better understanding how people
currently practice PIS but also for prescriptive studies aimed both at
evaluation and also towards the recommendation of proposed solutions in
the form of new, improved tools, techniques and strategies of PIS.
It has been noted that the nature of PIS makes its study challenging in the
extreme. Researchers seek to understand how people manage information
using tools of information management. But it is important that the
information managed be "personal". Traditional laboratory tasks risk
abstracting away the "personal" from PIS. Furthermore, people don't just
keep information; they keep information within the established organizations
of their personal spaces of information (PSIs) – the folder structure of their
laptop, or the drawers and layout of their physical desktop or a Facebook

Information system is not all about managing stocks and ordering goods. But
information system combined with efficient analysis tools can be truly
effective as it can help us identify the trends in the demand for various
products by carrying out various types of analysis.

This includes comparative study of sales as well as sales analysis

concentrated on a single product.

Carrying out such analysis at regular intervals can help the shop manager to
decide upon the future reordering strategies and taking some major decisions
regarding purchase of goods.
The scope of this system is to provide user efficient working environment and
more output can be generated through this. This system provides user friendly
interface resulting in knowing each and every usability features of the system.

This system helps in tracking records so that past records can be verified
through them and one can make decisions based on the past records. This
system completes the work in a very less time resulting in less time
consumption and high level of efficiency.

This system is developed in such a way that even a naïve user can also operate
the system easily. The calculations are made very quickly and the records are
directly saved into databases and the databases can be maintained for a longer
period of time. Each record can be retrieved and can be verified for the future

Also, this system provides high level of security for data leaking as only admin
people can access the database no changes can be made in it until it verifies
the user login id and password.
We also have operator login through which operator can take orders but can’t
make changes in the database. Limited access is available to the operator.


The main objective of this system is to keep records of the complete personal
information system.

 It supports for personal information system management helps you

record and track materials on the basis of both quantity and value.

 It improves cash flow, visibility, and decision making.

 For warehouse management or information system, you can track

quantity and value of all your materials, perform physical information,
and optimize your warehouse resources.

1. System shall have a form to accept the customer details.

2. System shall have a form to accept the Plant details.
3. System shall display report of personal information details.
4. System shall provide search facility of report.
5. System should provide facility for comment on personal information


1. System should automatically /date wise show the report of personal

information system.

2. System should provide facility for add the report.


1. Should report any errors on duplicate primary keys.

2. Should report any ‘Out of Range’ values on numeric fields

3. Should report any data type mismatches any field on the forms.

4. Should report on any ‘Invalid dates’

5. Should report any violation of authorization of rights

6. Should report any Invalid Login errors


1. All user manuals should be provided in the necessary format.

2. Application should support 5 simultaneous users.

3. There will be backup procedure to maintain records.


We have used C & C++ for developing our front-end

i.e. our Graphical User Interface (GUI) while our backend consist of Text –
Format - File.

 The C is used for programming the User Interface

& coding.

 Crystal Reports for analysis report generation.

C is a structured programming language developed by Dennis Ritchie in
1973 at Bell Laboratories. It is one of the most popular computer languages
today because of its structure, high-level abstraction, machine independent
feature etc. C language was developed to write the UNIX operating system;
hence it is strongly associated with UNIX, which is one of the most popular
network operating system in use today and heart of internet data
C language has evolved from three different structured language
ALGOL, BCPL and B Language. It uses many concepts from these
languages while introduced many new concepts such as datatypes, struct,
pointer etc. In 1988, the language was formalised by American National
Standard Institute(ANSI). In 1990, a version of C language was approved
by the International Standard Organisation(ISO) and that version of C is
also referred to as C89.
The idea behind creating C language was to create an easy language which
requires a simple compiler and enables programmers to efficiently interact
with the machine/system, just like machine instructions.
C language compiler converts the readable C language program into
machine instruction.
C language is a very good language to introduce yourself to the
programming world, as it is a simple procedural language which is capable
of doing wonders.
Programs written in C language takes very less time to execute and almost
executes at the speed of assembly language instructions.
Initially C language was mainly used for writing system level programs, like
designing operating systems, but there are other applications as well which
can be very well designed and developed using C language, like Text
Editors, Compilers, Network Drivers etc.
The current latest version of C language is C11, which was introduced in
2011. It is supported by all the standard C language compilers.
Many new features have been introduced in this version and an overall
attempt to improve compatibility of the C language with C++ language has
been made. We will learn about the C11 edition, once we are done with
learning C language, towards the end of this tutorial series.


Data types specify how we enter data into our programs and what type of
data we enter. C language has some predefined set of data types to handle
various kinds of data that we can use in our program. These datatypes have
different storage capacities.
C language supports 2 different type of data types:

1. Primary data types:

These are fundamental data types in C namely integer(int), floating

point(float), character(char) and void.

2. Derived data types:

Derived data types are nothing but primary datatypes but a little twisted or
grouped together like array, structure, union and pointer. These are
discussed in details later.
Data type determines the type of data a variable will hold. If a variable x is
declared as int. it means x can hold only integer values. Every variable
which is used in the program must be declared as what data-type it is.
Input means to provide the program with some data to be used in the
program and Output means to display data on screen or write the data to a
printer or a file.
C programming language provides many built-in functions to read any given
input and to display data on screen when there is a need to output the result.
In this tutorial, we will learn about such functions, which can be used in our
program to take input from user and to output the result on screen.
All these built-in functions are present in C header files, we will also specify
the name of header files in which a particular function is defined while
discussing about it.


 Features of C language
 It is a robust language with rich set of built-in functions and operators
that can be used to write any complex program.
 The C compiler combines the capabilities of an assembly language with
features of a high-level language.
 Programs Written in C are efficient and fast. This is due to its variety of
data type and powerful operators.
 It is many time faster than BASIC.
 C is highly portable this means that programs once written can be run on
another machine with little or no modification.
 Another important feature of C program, is its ability to extend itself.
 A C program is basically a collection of functions that are supported by
C library. We can also create our own function and add it to C library.
 C language is the most widely used language in operating systems and
embedded system development today.


Text files contain textual data and may be saved in plain text or rich text
formats. While most text files are documents created and saved by users,
they can also be used by software developers to store program data.
Examples of text files include word processing documents, log files, and
saved email messages.
Common text file extensions include .TXT, .RTF, .LOG, and .DOCX.
TXT is a file extension for a text file, used by a variety of text editors. Text
is a human-readable sequence of characters and the words they form that can
be encoded into computer-readable formats.
By default, Microsoft Word uses its own, proprietary document format. In
the old days, that was the Doc format, but as of Word 2007 (and continuing
with Word 2010), it's Docks. Other word processors have their own
standards as well.
Formatted text, styled text, or rich text, as opposed to plain text, has
styling information beyond the minimum of semantic elements: colours,
styles (boldface, italic), sizes, and special features in HTML (such as

Crystal Reports

Crystal Reports for C & C++ provides a comprehensive

reporting solution for C developers that is thoroughly integrated with
both the C and the Framework. It integrates
seamlessly with the Server Explorer, toolbox, and
design environment. It has a rich programming model and flexible
options for customizing and deploying reports.

Crystal reports can be used effectively for tasks such as generating

Acrobat (PDF) documents from your reports, building reports on
parameterized text format file procedures, and passing reports
using the current user's database security credentials.

Crystal reports can be used effectively to generate accurate bar

graphs, text reports, pie charts and many other types of graphical
reports such as area graphs and 3-dimensional graphs.
Use case Diagram for Report system

Login Id and Pwd

Checks Inventories


Tracks Order

Dispatch order on time

Use Case Diagram for Customer


Make list of requirements

Places the Order

Makes payment

Customer Clerk


Send GRN



Database Schema:

Above figure gives the schematic representation of the project database.

It shows various data tables which represent various entities and their
relationships. The tables along with their attributes are explained as follows:
1. Material:
It stores the general information about each material in the
inventory. Each entry is uniquely identified by the primary key mid.
Material names and brand names are stored. Also, for better retrieval
and for facilitation of analysis process the products are classified at
several stages into main group, sub group and type. This table also
stores valuable attributes like reorder level, reorder quantity, stock
related attributes, maximum reorder period and minimum reorder
period etc. which are essential for exercising inventory control. Material table
also records information about the nature of product such as
perishable, seasonal etc.

2. report
This table represents the relationship between the tables
Categories , CommentBox and Date Each tuple is uniquely identified by the
union of
foreign keys mid and sid. It stores important attributes namely,
It is the data table which records daily sales for every product
and serves as a basis for sales analysis. Each entry represents the
number of units of a particular material sold on a particular date. Its
primary key consists of mid and a date attribute named date today.
H/W & S/W


Hardware requirements:


Software requirements:

 Operating System: Windows 10.

 Platform of Development: C (DEV C++)
 Database: Oracle
 DEV C++

Back End:



With the modern technology, we have several campus PERSONAL

INFORMATION SYSTEM applications and those genuinely lend a hand to
the staff in managing the whole campus PERSONAL report system.
PURPOSE the Department of Budget and Management (DBM), Office of
Information Technology (OIT), is issuing this CATS TORFP to retain one
certified, highly qualified Project Manager (PM) to efficiently manage the
multiple phases of the State Personnel Management System (SPMS)
replacement project from concept to completion. This one Project Manager,
in addition to other duties as described, will have considerable involvement
with the TORFP/Request for Proposals (RFP) process, initially to acquire a
resource to research requirements, and thereafter for the acquisition and
implementation of the new system itself. Given the sensitivity of data
associated with this project, the selected PM must comply with the
requirements of CATS RFP Section through (D) and sign a non-
disclosure affidavit similar to the form provided as Attachment 11. At the sole
option of DBM OIT, one additional PM may be added via change order for
like duties, at or below the proposed hourly labor rate (see Section 2.15).
Please note that the Master Contractor awarded this TO Agreement may NOT
submit a proposal in response to any subsequent RFP or TORFP associated
with the acquisition or implementation of the planned personal information

The scope of the project includes that what all future enhancements can be
done in this system to make it more feasible to use

 Databases for different products range and storage can be provided.

 Multilingual support can be provided so that it can be understandable
by the person of any language.
 More graphics can be added to make it more user-friendly and
(Testing Techniques and Testing Strategies)

A testing methodology is a tool or method used to test an application. As

you listed, some methodologies include monkey testing, automated UI
testing, regression testing, and so forth. Some might argue that testing
techniques such as pairwise-combinatorial interdependence modeling or
model-based testing are also methodologies. A testing strategy, on the other
hand, is a holistic view to how you will test a product -- it's the approach you
will take, the tools (and methodologies) you will use to deliver the highest
possible quality at the end of a project.

In soccer/football, teams use methodologies and strategies. Some strategies

include double-teaming the opponent's most aggressive player, choosing a
more defense-oriented lineup, or keeping the game pace slow with a team
known for rapid strikes. Methodologies frequently define how these
strategies are implemented. For instance, having two mid-fielders
(halfbacks), with one being more defense-minded, would allow a team to
double-team a world champion center mid-fielder. Continually pushing the
ball to the outside and leveraging short passes in the classic triangle is a
methodology for implementing a slower approach to the game.

In software quality, the test strategy consists of a myriad of methodologies,

activities, and staffing solutions. The strategy overall sets the acceptable bar
and calls out how the test team will achieve that bar. It is the sum of all the
inputs, in an organized plan. Testing methodologies are the different
approaches you will take to testing. Currently, I'm testing a new Web site
(available in late summer). The site has two major components: a UI-
oriented content component for external visitors and a Web services
component used by a third-party provider to interact with an internal

My test strategy calls for implementing two entirely different methodologies

for testing this project. The content-heavy site includes a fair amount of
manual UI-based testing, ensuring the quality of the content as well as the
flow and lay-out of content templates. It includes (and for future regression
it relies heavily on) a suite of Selenium-based tests which validate dives on
the page, page headers, and successful page rendering. A base set of page
tests has already been written, which checks for a series of positive and
negative tests (for instance, it looks for the present of headers and footers; it
also looks for 404 responses, for script errors, or for server errors on each
page regardless of the URL or page content). We have also written a series
of manual test cases to test the business logic on forms pages. Finally, we've
inherited a set of test cases for testing the search component, because it is
similar to the search component on another site we own. Eventually each
page will have a set of manual and automated test cases, developed in
conjunction with the page development.
The Web services component, however, uses an entirely different testing
methodology. We are relying on evejar’s SoapUI Pro Web services testing
project (, and we are implementing a data-driven
testing methodology. Currently our first Web methods are trickling in for the
service and we are engaged in writing the plumbing for data-driven testing
of each Web method. Once the plumbing is in place, we can add new tests
(positive or negative) simply by filling in a row of test data including input,
expected response, and result. We're nearly 100% automated in our approach
to testing the Web service.

You have also asked about a few test methodologies. Time doesn't permit
covering each one, but let's take a look at the specific methodologies you
bring up, and a few related ones as well.

 Smoke Testing: Smoke testing is the practice of going over a new build
at a very high level. What I tell my test teams is that smoke testing is
used to make sure you can get at each major component of a project.
Once a project is smoke tested, deeper testing can get started. It has its
benefits in large, distributed test teams -- especially when the project is
very large and takes a long time to install. For instance, building an
application like Microsoft Office or Windows Vista requires smoke tests
before a testing organization commits itself to cleaning a bunch of
machines and installing a new build.

 Integration Testing: This is the activity of taking a new piece of

functionality and testing it deeply. It does not involve testing data as it
passes in and out of this functionality. For instance, integration testing a
VAT calculation formula would involve inputting various values and
validating the output.
 System Testing: This is the art of tying each individual functional unit
together into a system and testing end-to-end. In the previous example, it
might mean creating a shopping basket of various items (taxable and
non-taxable), and passing that basket object to the VAT calculation
engine. Once the VAT has been calculated, pass the output to a payment
system and ensure the proper payment is made. It's a 'day in the life' of a
piece of data.

 Data Driven Testing: Data-driven testing is great for testing APIs and
Web services -- you input a series of rows of data and analyze the results.
It's what makes testing managers and IT directors feel warm and fuzzy,
because data-driven tests can be written in no time and executed even
faster. Tools like Fitness are great for DDT.

 Monkey Testing: Monkey testing is the art of generating random tests

via automation. There are smart monkeys and dumb monkeys. Dumb
monkeys randomly exercise functionality in an application -- for
instance, randomly clicking UI elements or randomly inserting data,
rarely with validating output. They're often used to expose issues like
memory leaks. Smart monkeys, on the other hand are, well, smarter!
They randomly interact with the software being tested, but have state or
model information which allows them to validate the results of
interaction. Some smart monkeys are so smart that they actually queue up
new tests based on the results of previous tests.
 Material Form

The New Product Information Form contains many textboxes which are
used to enter the information of the product in the database. The first
textbox is of Categories which is. Also, there are checkboxes to indicate
whether automatic reorder is possible and whether the product is
perishable or/and seasonal.

 Update Material

When the user has updated a data field of a material and then he
presses the
‘Update’ button to save the changes. An alert message is shown to the
user to confirm the update. If the user does not want to save the
changes then he can select the ‘No’ button or else press ‘Yes’.

There's a wide range of literature available detailing each of these

methodologies, both on the Internet as well as in print format. As you read
up, you'll become more familiar with the methodologies in common use
today and how to apply them. is a great place to
read case studies and articles from testing experts and gain insight into these
methodologies as well.
Testing presents an interesting anomaly for the software engineer. During
earlier software engineering activities, the engineer attempts to build software
from an abstract concept to a tangible product. Now comes testing. The
engineer creates a series of test cases that are intended to “demolish” the
software that has been built. In fact, testing is the one step in the software
process that could be viewed (psychologically, at least) as destructive rather
than constructive.

Software engineers are by their nature constructive people. Testing requires

that the developer discard preconceived notions of the “correctness” of
software just developed and overcome a conflict of interest that occurs when
errors are uncovered.

If testing is conducted successfully (according to the objectives stated

previously), it will uncover errors in the software. As a secondary benefit,
testing demonstrates that software functions appear to be working according
to specification, that behavioral and performance requirements appear to have
been met. In addition, data collected as testing is conducted provide a good
indication of software reliability and some indication of software quality as a
whole. But testing cannot show the absence of errors and defects, it can show
Testing principles
Before applying methods to design effective test cases, a software engineer
must understand the basic principle that guide software testing:

All tests should be traceable to customer requirements.

Tests should be planned long before testing begins.

80 percent of all errors uncovered during testing will likely be traceable to 20

percent of all program components. The problem, of course, is to isolate these
suspect components and to thoroughly test them.

Testing should be being “in the small” and progress toward testing “in the

Exhaustive testing is not possible.

To be most effective an independent third party should conduct testing.

A rich variety of test case design methods have evolved for software. These
methods provide the developer with a systematic approach to testing. More
important, methods provide a mechanism that can help to ensure the
completeness of tests and provide the highest likelihood for uncovering errors
in software.
Any engineered product (and most other things) can be tested in one of
two ways:

Knowing the specified function that a product has been designed to perform,
tests can be conducted that demonstrate each function is fully operational.

While at the same time searching for errors in each function; (2) knowing the

Working of a product, tests can be conducted to ensure that “all gears mesh,”
that is, internal operations are performed according to specifications and all
internal components have been adequately exercised. The first test approach
is called black box testing and the second, white-box testing.
Testing performed were:



Login Form:

When the administrator enters the valid username and password in the login
form he will be directed to the form called ‘Welcome Administrator’.


W3School (

Black Book (Kogent Learning Solutions )



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