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Inventory Questionnaire—Process Supplement

Prepared for
[Customer Name]

[Project Name]

Prepared by
[Author Name]

[Document contributors]
A. Regulatory Material Compliance

1. Do you have certain items that cannot be sold to a company in a particular state or country? If so, please
describe what materials and locations that they cannot be sold to.

2. Do you need to receive or provide Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)?

3. If you receive or supply MSDS, how often do you need to receive or supply the sheets and when? For
example, if you supply MSDS, the period for which they are valid might be a year, so you would need to
supply them once a year to customers when they order the product.

4. If your MSDS is valid for a year in certain country how soon before expiry would you want your users to get

5. Do MSDS need to be approved before they are released?

6. How do you track revisions to MSDS, distribute the MSDS documents to customers and receive MSDS
documents from vendors??

7. What determines whether a new MSDS must be supplied to a customer?

8. What do you do if a Material Safety Data Sheet is not valid at the time of sales order entry, sales order
picking, and/or sales order shipment?

9. Are your MSDS currently in an electronic format?

10. Do you use a service to provide you with MSDS information?

11. Are there any items you sell for which you must provide reports to the respective governments? If so, what
items are they, per country what needs to be reported, and when?

12. Do you record EPCRS, TSCA, OSHA and CERCLA names for these items?

13. Do you know CERCLA quantity, TRI threshold quantity, OSHA threshold quantity, EHS reportable and EHS
threshold quantity for these restricted items?
B. Approved Vendors

1. Do you have items that can only be purchased from specific vendors?

2. Do you order items from a vendor even if they are not on the approved list?

3. What do you do if you receive some items from unapproved vendors?

C. Shelf Life

1. Do you have items that require expiration or “best before” dating?

2. How do you calculate the “best before” days? Include all items and methods.

3. How do you calculate the expiration date? Include all items and methods.

4. Do you use “shelf advice” days to drive a quality control process?

5. When master planning is run, do you need to consider the expiration date?

6. Do you have customers that require a product to be sellable a specific number of days? If so, is the date
based on the expiration date or “best before” date?

7. Do you purchase items that have expiration or “best before” dating? If so, do you use the vendor’s dates or
is there another method used to calculate expiration and/or “best before” dates?

D. Batches

1. Do you have items that are batch-controlled or lot-controlled?

2. When sending items to a customer, does the order need to be fulfilled from a single batch?

3. If orders need to be fulfilled from a single batch, what do you do when there is not enough inventory in

4. At what point are batch numbers recorded?

Batch Attributes

5. Do you need to track characteristics of an item? A characteristic is some aspect of an item that is tracked but
not necessarily as a specific value. For example, tensile strength (pounds of force at which something will
break) may be recorded for plastic or steel and may have a specific target but is not totally controlled by the
production process.
6. What types of information are tracked?

7. Do customers order items that must have attributes at or above a specific level?

8. Do you use quality control to validate such characteristics?

9. Do you reserve batches automatically on orders or do you reserve them manually?

E. Catch Weight

1. Do you use catch weight items where you have order in a stocking unit of measure that has a variable
relationship to the item’s inventory unit of measure?

2. Do you handle pricing in a weight inventory unit of measure?

3. At what level do you need visibility of the catch weight items? Do you need to be able to see the weight of
every individual package, or is it enough to know the total inventory UOM (unit of measure) and catch
weight quantity?

End of Questionnaire

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