Tatum Starcevich Observation Script

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Tatum Starcevich observation script

American History - - 10/3/18

Time Observation/quote Comments/Questions

12:01 Speaking with students while entering the Relationships are evident
room about missing work as well as how they
are doing
12:05 Go ahead and get your packets out from Monitoring the room to see who
yesterday. Who still needs one? has what and what else they need
12:07 Chapter 13-Caption this. While taking Great way for you to build the
attendance relationship by having students be
an active part of each segment of
the class
12:08 Cell phone reminder Great job of not drawing a lot of
attention to this
12:09 Packets handed out for “you write the caption” Called on one student. Do you
Can anyone tell me what a caption is? utilize any response strategies to
ensure all students have
opportunity to respond?
12:10 Picture 1 and talk amongst your tablemates Good job answering groups
12:12 Picture 2 and background about primary Good conversation with group to
sources relate to today’s student
12:14 Picture 3 How does pacing go with a variety
of different levels of students?
12:15 Picture 4 If you know what this it, keep it to Student I am sitting with has good
yourself. thoughts on this picture
12:17 Picture 5 if you know who this is, keep it to How many people know who he
yourself is? Not many
12:19 Picture 6 do you know what this picture How many did know? Student I
shows? am with thinks it has something to
do with skating. I think it is to
make them taller
12:20 Picture 7 Bringing the class back together to
clarify activity
12:21 Picture 8 do we have enough to see what is Reflection on the pictures.
actually going on? Students do a good job answering,
like who you elaborate on the
12:31 Anyone want to share who hasn’t shared
12:32 Transition to the Changing Ways of Life packet. PowerPoint for data points. Do
Presenting information to whole class students know what data points
they need to fill out packet?
Tatum Starcevich observation script
American History - - 10/3/18
12:37 Science and Religion Clash Fundamentalism/Darwinism-you
give good background information
regarding this
12:41 Prohibition-Relating to Progressive Era Questions to students on what
they wanted to ban alcohol. ELL
students do a good job of knowing
12:43 Bootleggers When going through the
PowerPoint, students were
writing in answers. How do you
ensure that students have the
correct information?
12:46 The Twenties Woman Making connections to English III
course. Nice!!
12:50 Announcement made How does this effect classrooms?
12:51 Flapper difference compared to prior lifestyle “Kids these days”
12:52 Turn packet to back page of packet Tomorrow expectations since you
are gone. I like how you are
setting the expectation.
12:55 Great work in class. Situational awareness is How did you tie everything back
clearly a strength of yours. together after being gone for a
12:56 Think of the trend you are going to write about

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