E-Payroll System: Introduction of Company

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Mid Term Project Report


E-Payroll System

Introduction Of Company

Oops InfoSolutions was established in 2003. Its foundation and purpose is to provide
and construct programs for existing companies and provide new and exciting updates to
primitive basic technologies. Global Career Infotech started in Mohali which is situated
in Punjab, India and is one of the first to be opened in the vicinity. Global Career
Infotech first started with the education in India, through their curriculum we were able to
negotiate a service that was accessible to all students and post Graduates (this continued
with great success). We also provide study materials i.e program languages C, C+
+,Visual C++, VB, VB.Net, ASP.Net, XML, Oracle 9i, Sql Server 2000, ASP, Java,
Advance Java, Multimedia(Flash MX,Director MX,Fireworks MX,Dreamweaver Mx).
We have now expanded our network to other countries such as England, USA. This has
met with much appreciation & support. Global Career Infotech is now entering its 4th
successful year. Through networking we are able to provide a service to all races of

To be the leader in the industry oriented quality education and training and be the
country’s premier institute for certification in the field of information, electronics and
communications technology (IECT).

To be the single source for quality assurance in computer education amongst the nation’s


1. Encourage and promote the development and progress of electronic Data

Processing towards achieving self-reliance in the field of computer sciences
and technology for scientific research and development, educational
governmental commercial and industrial applications both for indigenous
utilization as well as for export.

2. Advance interdisciplinary co-operation amongst scientists, technologists,

engineers, administrators and commercial entrepreneurs for the growth of
teaching research and practice of Electronic Data Processing Systems
and allied subjects in Academic Institutions, Centre and State Govts,
Industrial, Commercial and Research and Development Organisations .

3. Disseminate knowledge on all aspects of Electronic Data Processing

Systems and allied subjects, and to foster the development of this
specialized branch of technology.

4. Stimulate and offer aid for research and development of the benefit of
manufactures End users Electronic Data Processing Systems .

Provide support for software development on consultancy basis .

Establish, manage and operate sub-Centre’s for all or any of the
objectives of the Centre.In pursuit of these objectives, the Centre may
engage in the following activities.

1.Setup Advisory and Consultancy Services.

2.Organize study programmers, symposia, conferences, lectures.
3.Maintain contacts with other learned and professional organizations.
4.Support publication activities.
What we do - Our Core Competencies

Our full-service portfolio that allows us to address diverse customer needs

and deliver an integrated, one-stop solution differentiates us. Our
customers work with us across different service lines - using the depth and
breadth of our offering to align IT strategy with evolving business needs .

Consulting and Implementation services in ERP domain (very

specifically in SAP R/3 and Oracle Applications) and advanced Internet
technologies i.e. Microsoft .NET, J2EE framework and open source
technologies like PHP, MySQL

Enterprise Application Development – We are developing Web solutions for

complex integration issues between ERP and legacy systems. We are
involved in multiple offshore projects for developing Enterprise
Applications using Java and .NET technologies. Oops Info Solutions
specializes for providing outsourcing solutions for development and
maintenance of your non-core business requirements using reliable, secure
and agile infrastructure & resources.
Training in Advanced technologies : Shortage of skilled manpower
prompted us to open Training division to cater to our company needs and
for outside world as well. Our training division is providing training in
the followings.
• Enterprise Application development using Java
• Enterprise Application development using VB.NET
• Enterprise Application development using VC#. NET
• Website development using PHP and MySQL
• Embedded Programming using Assembly Language and C
. Hardware interfacing development-using VC++. NET .

• OO Programming using Java

• J2EE Programming
• Introduction to Struts
• . NET framework
• Web services
We commit to bringing operational excellence to reengineer business processes for
optimal service, quality and cost. Oops Info SolutionsTechnologies currently has
development centers in Delhi and Chandigarh. The Oops Info Solutions development
centers are state-of-the-art facilities in terms of their infrastructure, data security, and
physical location projection. The centers have high-speed data links that connect them
with each other and with the clients to create seamless virtually based teams. Since we
know security is important, the networks are protected through multiple layers of
firewalls and DMZ implementations to ensure our customers' assets are protected

We are involved in development of following products : -

 Kerbros Protocol :- This is Secure Authentication protocol that ensure the

information transfer from on network to another network without hacking . this is anti
hacking software.
 PGP :- This is also for used to transfer information from one machine to another
without any hacking.
 Messenger:- allow chatting with one or more clients.
 Search Engine:- Allow searching of information on the internet.
1• Project tracker: Project Tracker is a web-based solution to track time and expenses
for consultants working on different client sites and on different projects. It is also used
for doing project costing for consultants: employees and/or subcontractors, qualification
management, Budgeting and Real time reporting
• Shipping Manager: Web based communication between ERP and non ERP systems
2• Document Management System: The system helps in scanning, optical character
recognition (OCR), and indexing of between 2 million and 12 million pages of tobacco
industry documents. The system then helps in document search, retrieval, indexing,
workflow management and distribution.
3• Management Information System: The Management Information System (MIS) is a
comprehensive and integrated software solution designed by to cater to the varied IT
requirements of organizations. The solution offers services for complete automation of
organization’s functioning, as well as, web based comprehensive communication solution
for organization, wherein; the staff members, shareholders of the organization are
connected online for increased communication between them.
4• Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System: The ERP system would cater to the
requirements in the area of Sales, order and invoicing, production planning, production,
inventory, purchase, finance, personnel and payroll management.
5• Online Reservation System: Online reservation system for Hotels, Resorts, Motels,
Villas, Apartments, Bed and Breakfasts, Guest Houses ...etc. of any size.
• Web base Requirements/Resume Tracking System: The system tracks the staffing
requirements of numerous customers, searches a database for potential candidates, and
monitor the interviewing and hiring process from beginning till end.
 Blog Site : - This site allow on line users to send the comments on the specific
topics. The other users can send reply to the comments. Managements can view the
overall comments and reply to different blogs.
 University Management :- Manages the Universities to track the information on
line of different universities and colleges.


The term 'payroll' encompasses every employee of a company who receives a regular
wage or other compensation. Some employees may be paid a steady salary while others
are paid for hours worked or the number of items produced. All of these different
payment methods are calculated by a payroll specialist and the appropriate paychecks are
issued. Companies often use objective measuring tools such as timecards or timesheets
completed by supervisors to determine the total amount of payroll due each pay period.

For small business owners, keeping enough cash in a payroll account is often one of their
highest priorities. Even if the business itself hasn't become profitable, employees must
still be compensated for their services. This is why many smaller companies prefer to
keep their payroll obligations as low as possible until they've reached a certain level of
profitability. It's not unusual for small business owners to forego their own salaries in
order to meet their payroll obligations.

Setting up an effective payroll system is not especially difficult for trained accountants,
but it can be very time consuming. Some smaller businesses rely on user-friendly
computer software to set up a simple payroll system complete with check printers and file
storage. Larger companies may assign trained accountants to handle payroll issues as part
of their overall duties. But many businesses without the means to maintain their own
payroll systems choose to farm out this task to outside specialists.

Since payroll records are based on objective criteria such as timecards and federal tax
forms, outside accountants can perform all of the calculations, store all of the year-to-date
data and issue paychecks in a timely fashion. Employers simply need to update these
payroll companies with changes in employee pay rates or deductions.

This project titled "Employee Management and Payroll System" is a classic example of
how to maintain the records of employess On an electronic storage. The entries of new

employees , the upkeep of already working employees etc. has been facilitated in a quite
simplified manner.

When the main program is executed following menu appears on the screen -

1) Master
2) Daily

When the user clicks on Master option following sub menu appears -

1) Employee Master
2) Exit

On clicking the employee master sub option user is provided with the following choices -
1) personnel information
2) Salary Related information
3) Previous Company
4) Other information

In personnel information option details of all the new employees can be fed . Also
The details of already joined employees can be viewed.

In Salary related option , the basic salary , deductions , pf etc. are fed into the details
& processed.

Previous company information show as the details of working statistics’ of the employee
that he had been working with previously.

In the daily option of the main menu , user van check the electronic attendance register &
also can feed the attendance for the employees into it.

In Totality , we can say this project is very helpful for the companies & firms who are
required to regularly put records related with their employees details into the computer
system. They can also keep a tab on the attendance history of their respective employees.


There are some Objectives, which are Envisaged under the Project:-

Practicality: The system should be sable and can be operated with average

Efficiency: There should be balance amongst various factors like accuracy,

comprehensiveness on one hand and response timeliness of the system on the other hand.

Cost: It is desirable to aim for the system with a minimum cost subject to the condition
that it must satisfy the entire requirement.

Flexibility: The system should be modifiable depending on the changing needs of the
employee or department. Such modifications should entail extensive reconstructing. It
should also be portable to different computer systems.

Security: This is very important aspect requiring rigorous designing of database

including hardware reliability, fallback procedures and physical security of data.

The development of the proposed system is done keeping in view the problems in the
existing system. The proposed system will not only overcome the limitations of the
present system but will also provide the following characteristics.

The objective of the system would be:

To reduce the paper work involved in managing the information.

To reduce the time constraint involved.

To centralize all the data needed.

To maintain the information about the users/employees of the organization.

To generate various reports as required

To maintain the user rights.

System Outline view

After firming the requirements of the system, the summary chart or data flow diagram
(DFD) of the proposed system is prepared. This gives the brief of the system with respect
to the inputs being considered, the outputs reports, the data being transformed and the
main processed involved in the system.


It was difficult to get the comprehensive information about any user. Moreover it was a
time consuming affair.

It was difficult to solve the problems those were arising during a particular interface to
the administrator to maintain the different user rights for various users.

Moreover there are updates issues concerned with the maintenance of the information
about the users/employees of the organization. It was required to check for the updates
on a regular basis.

This system will also provide information concerned with all users, which will be very
helpful to the users for getting knowledge about any particular user.

Significance Of Project
1. Most current systems have a physical foundation that is the root
cause to quite a number of problems. By maintaining multiple store
fronts, itself being an expensive proposition, store prices are forced
to rise. Thus, by using our product, our clients’ competitors are at a
disadvantage because their costs are significantly higher than our
costs, allowing our clients to sell the same goods at a lower price.
As people become more accustomed to using the internet, they view
ordering products and services online as a time-saving and cost-
saving experience, which is the very essence of our online shopping

2. This project envisages bridging the gap between the seller, the
retailer and the customer. A very high flexibility is being
maintained in the design process so that this project can take the
following path : -

3. A multiple merchant venue with each merchant having his/her own

window which the customer can visit to browse and subsequently
buy the products from

4. Maintaining the deliverable goods as well as services through

single or multiple windows is also on the agenda.

Technologies Used

1. Model:
a. Core Java

b. JSP

c. Servlet

d. NetBeans IDE

e. Struts

2. Design

b. JavaScript

3. Database
a. MySQL Server


Product Definition:

Problem Recognition:

A problem is well defined very rarely. It corps out with a vague feeling of some
statements that lead to vague conclusions. So the first task is to get more crucial
information by interviewing and meeting concerned people. It clarifies how the problem
is felt, how often it occurs, how it affects the business and which departments are
suffering with this. This phase consists of the following tasks.

Problem Definition And Initial Investigation

This was a preliminary investigation done with a view to have a “feel” of the working of
the proposed system. This phase has been identified the end-user directly involved in the
system who were the managers, assistant officer and database administrator, and the
development department. By understanding the working of database, its flow and also
after conducting meetings and interviews with the concerned persons of the department, a
clear idea about the working was obtained. A flexible approach is adapted towards people
who are interviewed. Short hand written notes are prepared based on the response of the
employees. The interviews are preferably conducted at the work place of the person being
interviewed. Detailed investigation is done in order to define the scope of the problem
.The interview is concluded with a quick resume of the ground covered during the
interview .The Questionnaire technique is combined with interviews to get the best result.
Proper care has been taken in the design of such questionnaires so that the persons
answering these questions dose not feel hesitant. An explanatory note that serves to gain
cooperation and avoid misunderstanding by setting out the purpose of the exercise clearly
accomplishes each questionnaire.

Observation technique is also used for fact finding. The work described at the time of
interview is observed personally ads it reduces the chances of misunderstanding and
omissions. Some important things observed are like the flow of information through the
system and important data transactions, the data being maintained and the frequency of
their updating.

By the end of this phase, idea as to how the information enters the system, how it is
stored, how it is processed, how information changes affects the working of the system
and finally the output format required by the end-user was collected. All the information
generated from this phase acted as an input to the next phase.

Function to be Provided:

This phase provides the overall requirement for the system what is to be done. Input for
this phase is the information collected through several data collecting schemes such as
survey, cross-questioning-answering etc and the raw data obtained which is not properly
ordered and not in the precise manner. So here this raw data is converted into useful
information written in precise manner and thus output is a formal document. After
collecting all the information and requirements, they were verified from the concerned
persons by presenting a diagrammatic version of the proposed system. The points missing
were added to the system specifications for the desired system. So this final document
provides the system requirement specifications for the desired system. It helps in
reducing the total development cost and also establishes the various points for validation
and verification.

User Requirements

Since end users are the ones who are finally going to use the system, their requirements
need to be identified. This involves questioning the end users what their expectations
were. The main requirement of the end user is that the system should be easy to use and
take less time. In addition to these another important factor was to eliminate the need for

database conversion and migration that had to be carried out presently. After conducting
interviews with the users a document called the software requirement specification was
created. This is the most important document that forms the basis for system
development. It should be consistent, complete, unambiguous, traceable and inter-related.

This document has the following components.

Functional Requirements: The functional requirements specify relationship between

the inputs and outputs. All the operations to be performed on the input data to obtain
output are to be specified. This includes specifying the validity checks on the input and
output data, parameters affected by the operations and the other operations, which must
be used to transform the inputs into outputs. Functional requirements specify the behavior
of the system for valid input and outputs.

Performance Requirements

This section includes performance of the product that are set by user interaction and
studying the existing system of the organization. These are stated in complete measurable
terms, so that they can be verified during system evaluation phase. Some of the
performance requirements are stated below.

User Friendly: the system produced is user friendly, understandable and easy to use so
that the users of the system can easily learn to use the system. For this the system is made
menu-driven with well-documented programs.

Time Element (response and processing time): the response time of the system is very
less and takes less time to execute queries and triggers.

Maximum Throughput: the system gives maximum throughput with relevant output

Robustness: the system will be able to handle undesirable situations and errors
encountered at various levels e.g. if the user supplies invalid input for processing, the
system gracefully halts, displaying a message to the user indicating the cause of the error
and prompting him it enter the correct input.

Flexibility: the system is flexible in nature so that likely changes and alterations can
easily be made.

Information Security: records in the system must be safe, confidential and must be
prevented from unauthorized access.

Moral and User Satisfaction: system will be able to satisfy the user requirements; this is
the main and conspicuous measure of the system performance. Also the system must raise
the moral of the user. The higher the moral, greater the expected work performance level.

Methodology Adopted:

Prototyping Model has been used for Software Development according o which a
throwaway prototype of the proposed system, based on the currently known requirements
is given to the user so that he has a fair idea about how the proposed system is going o be.
This will help in deciding the interface, I/O requirements. It can be easily adjudged that
I/O are big in number, can increase exponentially and may create a big chaos if not
restricted properly. As the user spends some time on the prototype, he will become more
precise about his own requirements. This prototype will provide him environment
analogous to the proposed system’s environment. Because of object oriented support in
J2EE, various concepts like (reusability, polymorphism, isolation etc) are already there
but for the efficient management of system components, component based software
engineering will also be exercised, which will help in resultant library of components,
benefiting fast development. Because of lack of hierarchical structure in object oriented
approach, there is no meaning of Bottom-up or Top-down testing. Testing will begin from
the most rudimentary levels of the system and will move towards higher level
components which will be based on design face rather than coding face. In little words it
can be aid that “Cluster Testing” will be exercised to scrutinize all the parts and their
associative functionality.

Feasibility Analysis:

A feasibility study is a test of a system proposal according to its workability impact on

organization, ability to meet user needs and effective use of resources. The objective of a
feasibility study is not to solve a problem but to acquire a sense of its scope. During the
study, the problem definition is crystallized and the aspects of the problem to be included
in the system are determined. After the initial investigation of the system that helped to
have in-depth study of the existing system, understanding its strength and weaknesses
and the requirements for the new proposed system.

1) Economic Feasibility: Economic Analysis is the most frequently used method for
evaluating the effectiveness of a system. Most commonly known as cost/benefit analysis,
the procedure is to determine the benefit and savings that are expected from a system and
compare them with costs. If benefits outweigh costs, then the decision is made to design
and implement the system.

2) Technical Feasibility: Technical Feasibility centers on the existing available operating

system and to what extent it can be incorporated in any of the government applications.

In proposed system budget is not a constraint and all hardware required is technical
feasible and mostly already exit. The software in the proposed system is technical
feasible. So this project is technical feasible.

3) Behavioral Feasibility: People are inherently resistant to change, and the computer
have been known to facilitate change. An adverbs reaction and resistance is always from
the user staff. On the basis of feasibility analysis it is recommended that the project may
be approved from design, development implementation.

Introduction to J2EE Framework:

Java is an object-oriented programming language with a built-in application

programming interface (API) that can handle graphics and user interfaces and that can be

used to create applications or applets. Because of its rich set of API's, similar to
Macintosh and Windows, and its platform independence, Java can also be thought of as a
platform in itself. Java also has standard libraries for doing mathematics.

Much of the syntax of Java is the same as C and C++. One major difference is that Java
does not have pointers. However, the biggest difference is that you must write object
oriented code in Java. Procedural pieces of code can only be embedded in objects. In the
following we assume that the reader has some familiarity with a programming language.
In particular, some familiarity with the syntax of C/C++ is useful.

In Java we distinguish between applications, which are programs that perform the same
functions as those written in other programming languages, and applets, which are
programs that can be embedded in a Web page and accessed over the Internet. Our initial
focus will be on writing applications. When a program is compiled, a byte code is
produced that can be read and executed by any platform that can run Java.

Java is platform independent. A Java program can run equally well on any architecture
that has a Java enabled browser. With the release of Netscape Navigator 2.0 that includes
Windows 95, Windows NT , Sun Solaris, Sun OS 4.1.3, SGI IRIX, OSF/1, HP-UX with
more to come.

Java isn't just for web sites. Java is a programming language that lets you do almost
anything you can do with a traditional programming language like Fortran or C++.
However Java has learned from the mistakes of its predecessors. It is considerably
cleaner and easier to use than those languages.

Advantages of Java:

1) Simple

Java has the bare bones functionality needed to implement its rich feature set. It does not
add lots of syntactic sugar or unnecessary features.

2) Object-Oriented: Almost everything in Java is either a class, a method or an object.

Only the most basic primitive operations and data types (int, for, while, etc.) are at a sub-
object level.

3) Platform Independent Java programs are compiled to a byte code format that can be
read and run by interpreters on many platforms including Windows 95, Windows NT, and
Solaris 2.3 and later.

4) Safe: Java code can be executed in an environment that prohibits it from introducing
viruses, deleting or modifying files, or otherwise performing data destroying and
computer crashing operations.

5) High Performance: Java can be compiled on the fly with a Just-In-Time compiler
(JIT) to code that rivals C++ in speed.

6) Multi-Threaded: Java is inherently multi-threaded. A single Java program can have

many different things processing independently and continuously.

OOP Principles:

The object oriented programming languages provide mechanisms that help you
implement the object oriented model.

1) Data Hiding and Encapsulation: One of the important object-oriented techniques is

hiding the data within the class and making it available only through the methods. This
technique is known as encapsulation because it seals the data (and internal methods)
safely inside the "capsule" of the class, where it can be accessed only by trusted users
(i.e., by the methods of the class).

The most important reason is to hide the internal implementation details of your class. If
you prevent programmers from relying on those details, you can safely modify the
implementation without worrying that you will break existing code that uses the class.

Another reason for encapsulation is to protect your class against accidental or willful
stupidity. A class often contains a number of interdependent fields that must be in a
consistent state. If you allow a programmer (including yourself) to manipulate those
fields directly, he may change one field without changing important related fields, thus
leaving the class in an inconsistent state. If, instead, he has to call a method to change the

field, that method can be sure to do everything necessary to keep the state consistent.
Similarly, if a class defines certain methods for internal use only, hiding these methods
prevents users of the class from calling them.

When all the data for a class is hidden, the methods define the only possible operations
that can be performed on objects of that class. Once you have carefully tested and
debugged your methods, you can be confident that the class will work as expected. On
the other hand, if all the fields of the class can be directly manipulated, the number of
possibilities you have to test becomes unmanageable.

There are other reasons to hide fields and methods of a class, as well:

Internal fields and methods that are visible outside the class just clutter up the API.
Keeping visible fields to a minimum keeps your class tidy and therefore easier to use and

If a field or method is visible to the users of your class, you have to document it. Save
yourself time and effort by hiding it instead.

2) Inheritance: Inheritance is the process by which one object acquires the properties of
another object. This is important because it supports the concept of hierarchical
classification. Most knowledge is made by hierarchical classification.

Inheritance is a compile-time mechanism in Java that allows you to extend a class (called
the base class or super class) with another class (called the derived class or subclass).

In Java, inheritance is used for two purposes:

Class inheritance - create a new class as an extension of another class, primarily for the
purpose of code reuse. That is, the derived class inherits the methods of the base class.

Interface inheritance - create a new class to implement the methods defined as part of an
interface for the purpose of sub typing. That is a class that implements an interface
“conforms” to the interface.

In Java, unlike C++, these two types of inheritance are made distinct by using different
language syntax. For class inheritance, Java uses the keyword extends and for interface
inheritance Java uses the keyword implements.

For example:

class Base {

private int x;

public int f() { ... }

protected int g() { ... } // NOTE: protected access means visible to subclass only

class Derived extends Base {

private int y;

public void h() { y = g(); ... }

In Java, unlike C++, only single class inheritance is supported. I.e., for a given class,
there is only one super class.

3) Polymorphism

Polymorphism is the capability of an action or method to do different things based on the

object that it is acting upon. This is the third basic principle of object oriented

Two types of polymorphism:

Overloading and Overriding.

Dynamic method binding.

Introduction to Web Server and JSP:

Tomcat is the servlet container that is used in the official Reference Implementation for
the Java Servlet and Java Server Pages technologies. The Java Servlet and Java Server
Pages specifications are developed by Sun under the Java Community Process.

Tomcat is developed in an open and participatory environment and released under the
Apache Software License. Tomcat is intended to be a collaboration of the best-of-breed
developers from around the world.

Tomcat Versions: -

For the impatient, current Tomcat production quality releases vs. Servlet/JSP

Servlet/JSP Spec Tomcat version

2.4/2.0 5.5.9

2.3/1.2 4.1.31

2.2/1.1 3.3.2

Tomcat 5.5X

Tomcat 5.5 is the current focus of development. While it supports the same Servlet and
JSP Specification versions as Tomcat 5.0.x, there are significant changes in many areas
under the hood, resulting in improved performance, stability, and total cost of ownership.

Tomcat 5.0.X

Tomcat 5.0 improves on Tomcat 4.1 in many ways, including:

Performance optimizations and reduced garbage collection.

Refactored application deployer, with an optional standalone deployer allowing

validation and compilation of a web application before putting it in production.

Complete server monitoring using JMX and the manager web application.

Scalability and reliability enhancements.

Improved Taglibs handling, including advanced pooling and tag plugins.

Improved platform integration, with native Windows and Unix wrappers.

Embedding of Tomcat using JMX.

Enhanced Security Manager support.

Integrated session clustering.

Expanded documentation.

Supporting the Java Servlet 2.4 and JSP 2.0 Specifications

JSP (Java Server Pages):

Java Server Pages (JSP) is a technology that lets you mix regular, static HTML with
dynamically generated HTML. Java Server Pages (JSP) lets you separate the dynamic
part of your pages from the static HTML. You simply write the regular HTML in the
normal manner, using whatever Web-page-building tools you normally use. You then
enclose the code for the dynamic parts in special tags, most of which start with "<%" and
end with "%>". <I><%= request.getParameter ("title") %></I>

You normally give your file a .jsp extension, and typically install it in any place you
could place a normal Web page. Although what you write often looks more like a regular
HTML file than a servlet, behind the scenes, the JSP page just gets converted to a normal
servlet, with the static HTML simply being printed to the output stream associated with
the servlets service method. This is normally done the first time the page is requested, and
developers can simply request the page themselves when first installing it if they want to
be sure that the first real user doesn't get a momentary delay when the JSP page is
translated to a servlet and the servlet is compiled and loaded. Note also that many Web
servers let you define aliases that so that a URL that appears to reference an HTML file
really points to a servlet or JSP page.

There are three main types of JSP constructs that you embed in a page:

Scripting elements specifies Java code that will become part of the resultant servlet.

Directives control the overall structure of the servlet.

Action specifies existing components that should be used and otherwise control the
behavior of the JSP engine.


System Analysis: System Analysis is the process of studying the business processors
and procedures, generally referred to as business system, to see how they can operate and
whether improvement is needed. This may involve examining data moments and storage,
machines and technology used in the system., programs that control the machines, people
providing inputs, doing the processing and receiving the outputs.

1) Investigation Phase: The Investigation Phase is also known as the Fact-Finding stage
or the analysis of the current system. This is detailed study conducted with the purpose of
wanting to fully understand the existing system and to identify the basic information

2) Detailed Study of the Existing System: This phase provides the overall requirement
for the system what is to be done. Input for this phase is the information collected
through several data collecting schemes such as survey, cross-questioning-answering etc
and the raw data obtained which is not properly ordered and not in the precise manner. So
here this raw data is converted into useful information written in precise manner and thus
output is a formal document. After collecting all the information and requirements, they
were verified from the concerned persons by presenting a diagrammatic version of the
proposed system. The points missing were added to the system specifications for the
desired system. So this final document provides the system requirement specifications for
the desired system. It helps in reducing the total development cost and also establishes
the various points for validation and verification.

Software Requirement Specification: Software Requirement Specification is produced

at the culmination of the analysis task. The function and performance allocated to
software as part of system engineering are refined by establishing a complete information
description, a detailed functional description, a representation of system behavior, and

indication of performance requirement and design constraints appropriate validation
criteria, and other information pertinent to requirement.

The introduction to SRS specification states the goals and objectives of the software,
describing it in the context of the computer based system. The Information Description
provides a detailed description of the problem that the software must solve. Information
content, flow and structure are documented. A description of each function required to
solve the problem is presented in the functional description. Validation Criteria is the mos
important and ironically the most often neglected section of the software requirement
specification. SRS can be used for the different purposes. Here are the major uses:

1) Statement of User Need: Since end users are the ones who are finally going to use the
system, their requirements need to be identified. This involves questioning the end users
what their expectations were. The main requirement of the end user is that the system
should be easy to use and take less time. In addition to these another important factor was
to eliminate the need for database conversion and migration that had to be carried out
presently. After conducting interviews with the users a document called the software
requirement specification was created. This is the most important document that forms
the basis for system development. It should be consistent, complete, unambiguous,
traceable and inter-related.

This document has the following components.

Functional Requirements: The functional requirements specify relationship between

the inputs and outputs. All the operations to be performed on the input data to obtain
output are to be specified. This includes specifying the validity checks on the input and
output data, parameters affected by the operations and the other operations, which must
be used to transform the inputs into outputs. Functional requirements specify the behavior
of the system for valid input and outputs.

2) Statements of requirements for implementation: This section includes performance

of the product that are set by user interaction and studying the existing system of the

organization. These are stated in complete measurable terms, so that they can be verified
during system evaluation phase. Some of the performance requirements are stated below.

User Friendly: the system produced is user friendly, understandable and easy to use so
that the users of the system can easily learn to use the system. For this the system is made
menu-driven with well-documented programs.

Time Element (response and processing time): the response time of the system is very
less and takes less time to execute queries and triggers.

Maximum Throughput: the system gives maximum throughput with relevant output

Robustness: the system will be able to handle undesirable situations and errors
encountered at various levels e.g. if the user supplies invalid input for processing, the
system gracefully halts, displaying a message to the user indicating the cause of the error
and prompting him it enter the correct input.

Flexibility: the system is flexible in nature so that likely changes and alterations can
easily be made.

Information Security: records in the system must be safe, confidential and must be
prevented from unauthorized access.

Moral and User Satisfaction: system will be able to satisfy the user requirements; this is
the main and conspicuous measure of the system performance. Also the system must raise
the moral of the user. The higher the moral, greater the expected work performance level.


In our DFD, we give names to data flows, processes, and data stores. Although the
names are descriptive of the data, they do not give details. So the following the
DFD, our interest is to build some structured place to keep details of the contents
of data flow, processes, and data store. A data dictionary is a structured repository
of data about data. It is a set of rigorous definition of all DFD data element and
data structure

4.2.1) DFD Symbols

In the DFD, there are five symbols,

1 A Square defines a source (originator) or destination of system data.
2 An Arrow identifies data flow- data in motion .It is pipeline through which
information flows.
3 A circle or a bubble (or a oval bubble) represents a process that transforms
incoming data flow(s) into outgoing data flow(s)
4 An Open rectangle is a data store-data at rest, or temporary repository of data.
5 AN HORIZONTAL LINE represents data stored or data at rest or a temporary
repository of data.

The DFD was first developed by “Larry Constatine” as a way of expressing system
requirements in a graphical form. A DFD, also referred to as a bubble chart has a purpose
of clarifying system requirements and identifying major transformations that will become
the program in this system design.

 A square defines a source of destination or system data.

 An arrow line identifies the data flow or data in motion. It is a pipeline through
which information flows.

 A circle or bubble represents a process transform incoming data flow in to outgoing data

 A horizontal line represents data stored or data at rest or a temporary rest

repository of data.

 An open rectangle refers to the database storage

1) Data Flow Diagram: Level 0

Member Users

Register & Add Acquire Data

Knowledge Base Website from Knowledge

2) Data Flow Diagram: Level 1

Add Post
Emp Feedback

Admin Logi Member

Modify/ &
delete Empl password
emp oyee
Reply to
Questions Register
basic Website
info Reques

View Employee
Forums e

3) Diagram which shows the working of the Site

USER Reply
by E-



View Contents Read

of site, post Contents
blogs and send Registratio
E-mails n with the

Registered Users


Verifies and
Assigns ID
and Password


Registe User
red Database
User (storage)

If valid

Payroll Admin


Requests Users



1) salarysmaster ( Table)


Empid Int 8 P.K Employee Id

Dept Varchar 30 Department

Desg Varchar 30 Designation

Salary Decimal (8,2)

Hra Decimal (8,2)

Da Decimal (8,2)

Med Decimal (8,2)

pf Decimal (8,2)

ccf Decimal (8,2)

2)tbloginmaster ( Table)


userid int 11

username varchar 30

password varchar 30

usertype varchar 30

userstatus int 11

3) Leaves ( Table)


LeaveId Int 12

Empid Varchar 12

Leavetype varchar 30

sub varchar 60

From date date

To date date

reqdate date

status varchar 30

5) loan(table)


custid Int 10 P.K

ltype Varchar 50 Leave type

ant Decimal(8,2) amount

duration int 8

status Varchar 50

ldate date

Leave (table)


LeaveId Int 12

Empid Varchar 12

Leavetype varchar 30

sub varchar 60

From date date

To date date

reqdate date

status varchar 30


Home Page

About us

Contact us

Admin Home Page

New Employee Details

Employee Salary Details

Employee Maintenance

Edit Employee Details

View Employee Details

Generate PaySlips

Generate Payslips

Search Employee

Leaves Details

Pay slip with deductions

1) www.google.com

2) www.wikipedia.org

3) Jewei Han and Micheline Kamber(2005) “Elementary implementation of Tomcat”.

4) The complete reference for Java by Helbert Schildt

5) The complete reference for Java Server Pages by Helbert Schildt

6) John M. Pierre(2000) “Practical issues for automated generation of blogs”

7) Google News www.googlenews.com

8) Microsoft Network www.msn.com

9) CDNOW www.cdnow.com

10) Lycos www.lycos.com

11) 95506am.blogspot.com

12) Eblog.com

13) Bloggers.com

14) Programming in Java by Balaguruswamy.


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