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Joseph W. Bartges, DVM, PhD
Diplomate ACVIM,ACVN
Professor of Medicine and Nutrition
The Acree Endowed Chair of Small Animal Research
Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences
College of Veterinary Medicine
The University of Tennessee
Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition

Robert C. DeNovo, DVM, MS

Diplomate ACVIM
Professor and Head
Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences
College of Veterinary Medicine
The University of Tennessee
Diseases of the Stomach

Pamela A. Green, DVM

Diplomate ACVR
Staff Radiologist
VCA West Los Angeles Animal Hospital
West Los Angeles, California
Radiology and Ultrasonography of the Digestive System

Linda J. Konde, DVM

Diplomate ACVR
Veterinary Radiologist
Diagnostic Imaging, PC
Aurora, Colorado
Radiology and Ultrasonography of the Digestive System


Michael R. Lappin, DVM, PhD

Diplomate ACVIM
Professor of Small Animal Medicine
Department of Clinical Sciences
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, Colorado
Acute Medical Diseases of the Small Intestine

Victoria S. Larson, DVM, MS

Diplomate ACVIM (Oncology)
Assistant Clinical Specialist
Small Animal Clinical Sciences
College of Veterinary Medicine
University of Minnesota
St. Paul, Minnesota
Oncologic Diseases of the Digestive System

Nicole F. Leibman, DVM, MS

Diplomate ACVIM (Oncology)
Staff Oncologist
Animal Medical Center
New York, New York
Oncologic Diseases of the Digestive System

Gregory K. Ogilvie, DVM

Diplomate ACVIM (Internal Medicine, Oncology)
Professor and Head of Medical Oncology
Animal Cancer Center
Colorado State University
Fort. Collins, Colorado
Oncologic Diseases of the Digestive System

Charles R. Pugh, MS, DVM

Diplomate ACVR
Veterinary Radiologist
Diagnostic Imaging, PC
Aurora, Colorado
Radiology and Ultrasonography of the Digestive System

Keith P. Richter, DVM

Diplomate ACVIM
Staff Internist
Veterinary Specialty Hospital of San Diego
Rancho Santa Fe, California
Diseases of the Liver and Hepatobiliary System

Howard B. Seim III, DVM

Diplomate ACVS
Professor of Small Animal Surgery
Department of Clinical Sciences
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, Colorado
Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition

Robert G. Sherding, DVM

Diplomate ACVIM
Professor and Department Chair
Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences
College of Veterinary Medicine
The Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio
Diseases of the Large Intestine

Kenneth W. Simpson, BVMS, PhD, MRCVS

Diplomate ACVIM, Diplomate ECVIM-CA
Associate Professor of Medicine
Department of Clinical Sciences
College of Veterinary Medicine
Cornell University
Ithaca, New York
Diseases of the Pancreas

Todd R. Tams, DVM

Diplomate ACVIM
Chief Medical Officer
VCA Antech, Inc.
Los Angeles, California;
Staff Internist
VCA West Los Angeles Animal Hospital
West Los Angeles, California
Gastrointestinal Symptoms
Endoscopy and Laparoscopy in Veterinary Gastroenterology
Diseases of the Esophagus
Chronic Diseases of the Small Intestine

Andrew Triolo, DVM

Diplomate ACVIM
Regional Medical Director
VCA Antech, Inc.
Los Angeles, California
Acute Medical Diseases of the Small Intestine
This book is dedicated to:

My late father, Roland.

My dad was a gentle spirit,
a man easy to love and respect.
He gave me a living example
of an honorable work ethic,
a gift beyond measure.

To my mother, Peg,
who made our house a home.

Thank you, Mom and Dad, for always being

there for me, and for teaching me
through your example.

My wife, Sazzy, and our 12-year-old son,“Snapper.”

Thank you for all the love, joy, and humor you have brought to my life
and for the encouragement and support that you have always given me.
You make each day an adventure.

To my many colleagues in the veterinary profession—

doctors, veterinary technicians, and support staff—
with whom I have worked closely over the years.
We have accomplished much together
for the benefit of our
patients and their owners.
Thank you for caring so deeply.
Each of you in your own way
has contributed to me professionally and personally.
The practice of gastroenterology has changed dramatically in the last decade.The not-uncommon frustration
that veterinarians and their clients experienced in the past when dealing with pets afflicted with chronic gas-
trointestinal disorders has given way to very satisfying results in many cases.This is in large part attributable
to major advances that have been made both in our diagnostic capabilities and in the availability of more
effective therapeutic agents. Most notably, with the advent of endoscopic instrumentation, it has become
possible to directly examine a large portion of the gastrointestinal tract and to procure biopsy samples in a
minimally invasive manner. Endoscopy has truly played a major role in enabling clinicians to diagnose many
disorders that otherwise might have gone unrecognized until much later in their course. Laparoscopy is also
being used much more commonly for minimally invasive procurement of liver and pancreatic tissue for
histopathologic evaluation, for prophylactic gastropexy, and for other innovative techniques.
Additionally, advances in imaging techniques (ultrasonography, nuclear scintigraphy) have occurred,
and more specific tests of liver function (e.g., bile acids assay), exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (trypsin-
like immunoreactivity), and pancreatic inflammation (pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity assay) are now in
routine use.These improvements, as well as others too numerous to list here, have enhanced our ability to
approach digestive system problems more accurately and less invasively. In short, we can now do a much
better job for our patients and their owners.
The second edition of the Handbook of Small Animal Gastroenterology meets the original goal of the first
edition—it provides a practical update on small animal clinical gastroenterology that should serve as a use-
ful reference in any practice setting. It is clearly recognized in veterinary practices throughout the world
that digestive system disorders are among the most common reasons that pet owners seek veterinary con-
sultation.The text is therefore directed particularly toward veterinary students, interns, residents in medi-
cine and surgery, and primary care practitioners. Emphasis is placed on a practical diagnostic approach and
development of well directed treatment plans for a majority of the gastrointestinal diseases that are
encountered in practice.The second edition has been extensively revised and includes important updates
throughout, and there is a new chapter, which provides a detailed review of neoplasia of the digestive sys-
tem (Chapter 11).
The importance of directing very careful consideration to the patient’s history when presented with
animals exhibiting symptoms of a digestive system disorder cannot be overemphasized.Therefore an entire
chapter (Chapter 1) has once again been devoted to a discussion of important symptoms and differential
diagnosis. Chapters 2 and 3 complete the overview of diagnosis of digestive system diseases with informa-
tion highlighting the clinical utility of four very important diagnostic modalities in gastroenterology: radi-
ology and ultrasonography (Chapter 2) and endoscopy and laparoscopy (Chapter 3). The remaining
chapters sequentially address the various anatomic regions of the digestive system individually. Newer tests
and drugs are described throughout. Chapter 12 discusses enteral nutritional support, and this chapter has
been expanded for the new edition.
I am indebted to the authors who contributed to this book. They are highly experienced clinicians
with demonstrated expertise in either busy private or academic practices. They all share the common


thread of being excellent teachers. I have the greatest respect for their contributions to our profession.
I also acknowledge the excellent assistance of the staff at Elsevier, and in particular my editors, Raymond
Kersey, Denise LeMelledo, and Mary Turner, for their encouragement, advice, and professionalism.

Todd R.Tams, DVM


Todd R.Tams

I consider this opening chapter to be a very symptomatology have potentially life-threatening

important part of this text. My goal is to provide disorders (e.g., gastric dilatation-volvulus, intes-
veterinary students and practicing veterinarians tinal obstruction, pancreatitis, severe parvoviral
alike with a framework that can be used to enteritis, addisonian crisis), and failure by the clini-
approach diagnosis of digestive system disorders in cian to recognize important historical and physical
an organized manner based on a thorough under- findings may lead to crucial errors in patient man-
standing of the patient’s history. It is clearly recog- agement.
nized in veterinary practices throughout the world It is also very important that the clinician make
that gastrointestinal (GI) problems are among the a timely determination regarding when patients
most common reasons that pet owners seek vet- with seemingly mild intermittent or chronic per-
erinary consultation. In fact, probably only derma- sistent signs due to an as yet undiagnosed disorder
tologic disorders are evaluated more commonly should undergo thorough diagnostic evaluation to
on a daily basis. The challenge to the clinician define the problem more accurately. It concerns
who is presented with a patient exhibiting clinical and saddens me that many patients with chronic
signs of GI distress or dysfunction is to determine GI disorders, which can often be associated with
whether or not the problem represents an emer- periods of discomfort caused by nausea, vomiting,
gency or is potentially serious and subsequently to abdominal cramping and/or pain, could often have
make appropriate decisions regarding diagnostic had their problem resolved or controlled much
evaluation (may be limited to history and physi- earlier if only an accurate diagnosis had been
cal examination or may require limited or more established.
extensive testing) and treatment (outpatient ver- It is often stated that one of the most impor-
sus inpatient). It is well known that the digestive tant steps in approaching a clinical problem is to
tract is a very resilient system, capable of with- obtain an accurate history and perform a thor-
standing a variety of challenges and insults with ough physical examination. Nothing could be
minimal untoward effect, and that in many pets more true about the digestive system, in which
with clinical signs such as acute vomiting or diar- disorders can be associated with a wide variety of
rhea the problem resolves uneventfully, with or signs and symptoms. In light of the fact that disor-
without the benefit of routine supportive care. ders of other body systems can cause clinical signs
However, some patients that exhibit acute GI of GI dysfunction (e.g., hyperthyroidism, renal


failure, feline heartworm disease, hypoadrenocor- in other chapters throughout the text. Vomiting
ticism), the need for careful initial screening and diarrhea, the clinical signs that occur most
becomes even more important. It is essential that commonly with GI disease, are given the most
the patient’s history be well understood so that emphasis in this chapter.
diagnostic evaluation addresses the problem as
directly as possible.
This chapter provides an overview of the diag-
nostic approach to GI disorders based on the pre- BOX 1-1 Symptoms of
senting signs and symptoms. Emphasis is placed Gastrointestinal Disease
on the meaning of various historical and physical
Salivation Change in appetite
examination findings. Once an accurate review of
Halitosis Anorexia
the history has been established, a concise list of Regurgitation Polyphagia
most likely differential diagnoses can be estab- Dysphagia Pica
lished. A list of clinical signs that are associated Nausea Coprophagy
with digestive system problems appears in Box 1-1. Vomiting Borborygmus
Definitions of symptoms of GI disorders are listed Hematemesis Flatus
in Table 1-1. Symptoms discussed in this chap- Diarrhea Weight loss
ter include dysphagia; regurgitation; vomiting; Melena Polyuria/polydypsia (PU/PD)
grass ingestion/coprophagy/pica; diarrhea; borbo- Hematochezia Anemia
rygmus and flatulence; bloating, fullness, and Dyschezia Shock
Tenesmus Abdominal pain
abdominal discomfort; fecal incontinence; and
Constipation Abnormal mentation
constipation. Additional symptoms are discussed

TABLE 1-1 Definitions of Symptoms of Gastrointestinal Disorders

Anorexia Lack or loss of appetite for food
Borborygmus A rumbling noise caused by the propulsion of gas through the stomach and
Constipation Infrequent or difficult evacuation of the feces
Coprophagy The ingestion of feces
Diarrhea The passage of feces that contain an excess amount of water, resulting in an
abnormal increase in stool liquidity and weight
Dyschezia Difficult or painful evacuation of feces from the rectum
Dysphagia Difficulty in swallowing
Flatulence The presence of excessive amounts of air or gases in the stomach or intestine,
leading to distention of the organs
Flatus Gas or air expelled through the anus
Hematemesis The vomiting of blood
Hematochezia The passage of bright-red blood with the stools
Jaundice A syndrome characterized by hyperbilirubinemia and deposition of bile pigment in
the skin, mucous membranes, and sclera with resulting yellow appearance of the
patient (also called icterus)
Melena The passage of black, tarry stools resulting from digested blood
Obstipation Intractable constipation resulting from prolonged constipation, with progressive
enlargement, drying, and hardening of the fecal mass
Odynophagia Pain on swallowing
Pica A craving for unnatural articles of food; a depraved appetite
Polyphagia Excessive or voracious eating
Pseudocoprostasis A mechanical obstruction of the anus by hair matted with drying fecal material
Pseudoptyalism Failure to swallow saliva produced in normal amounts
Ptyalism Excessive secretion of saliva (also called hypersalivation, sialorrhea)
Regurgitation The effortless expulsion of ingesta from the esophagus
Tenesmus Straining, especially ineffectual and painful straining, to pass stool (or urine)
Vomiting The forcible expulsion of the contents of the stomach through the mouth
Xerostomia Dryness of the mouth from lack of secretions

DYSPHAGIA BOX 1-2 Causes of Oropharyngeal

Dysphagia is defined as difficult or painful swal- Dysphagia
lowing. It may be due to obstruction, motility dis- ORAL PAIN
turbance, or pain. Although dysphagia most Stomatitis/glossitis/pharyngitis
commonly indicates a disorder involving the oral Feline viral rhinotracheitis, calcivirus
cavity or pharynx, esophageal disorders can cause FeLV infection
this clinical sign as well. Oropharyngeal dysphagia FIV infection
can generally be differentiated from esophageal Immune-mediated disease (e.g., pemphigus, SLE)
dysphagia on the basis of history. Characteristic Foreign body
signs of oropharyngeal disorders include acute Uremic glossitis
gagging, exaggerated swallowing movements,
Ingestion of caustic agents (acids, alkalis, thallium)
and increased frequency of swallowing. Food is
Tooth-related problems
frequently dropped from the mouth within sec- Periodontitis
onds of prehension. In contrast, patients with Tooth root abscess
esophageal dysphagia do not exhibit exaggerated Fractured teeth
swallowing motions and food is not dropped from Fractured bones
the mouth. If clinical signs are acute and persistent Osteomyelitis
or progressive, a morphologic lesion (e.g., foreign Electric cord burns
body, mass, inflammation) should be suspected. Retrobulbar abscess
Intermittent occurrence of clinical signs is usually
consistent with a motility disturbance. ORAL MASS
Neoplasia (benign or malignant)
The causes of oropharyngeal dysphagia are
Squamous cell carcinoma
listed in Box 1-2. A careful review of the history
and observation of the patient as it eats will con- Melanoma
firm the presence of dysphagia, identify its primary Eosinophilic granuloma
anatomic location (oropharyngeal in most cases), Foreign body obstruction (oral, pharyngeal,
and help determine a diagnostic plan. Typically nasopharyngeal, proximal esophageal)
patients with oropharyngeal dysphagia eat readily Sialocele
but have trouble swallowing the food normally. If
the tongue is not functioning normally, there may NEUROMUSCULAR DISEASE
be problems with prehension and mastication as Myasthenia gravis (focal or generalized)
well. Affected patients may extend, ventroflex, or Acute polyradiculoneuritis
Tick paralysis
throw their heads back during exaggerated efforts
to swallow. Additional signs that may be observed
Oral, pharyngeal, cricopharyngeal dysfunction
include salivation (related to inability to swallow Polymyositis
and/or secondary to pain), nasal discharge sec- Temporomandibular joint disease
ondary to passage of liquid and food into the
nasopharynx and nasal cavity, and coughing result- NEUROLOGIC DISORDERS
ing from aspiration of food retained in the phar- Rabies
ynx.Weight loss or failure to grow may also occur Trigeminal paralysis
in some cases. Neuropathies of cranial nerves VII, IX, X, XII
The initial step in diagnosis is to differentiate CNS lesions (brainstem lesions)
among oral, pharyngeal, and cricopharyngeal dys- FeLV, Feline leukemia virus; FIV, feline immunodeficiency
phagias. Signalment, clinical course (i.e., acute and virus; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus; CNS, central
persistent versus gradual onset), and physical find- nervous system.
ings are reviewed first. Clinical signs associated
with cricopharyngeal achalasia are generally ini-
tially observed at the time of weaning onto solid lodgment of foreign bodies in the mouth and
food and, if not this early, almost always by 1 year pharynx and accidental ingestion of caustic mate-
of age. Dogs with congenitally short or cleft rials (such as petroleum products or alkalis), and
palate will also exhibit signs at a very young age. signs of dysphagia are acute and persistent until
Young to middle-age patients are most prone to definitive treatment is administered. Older dogs

with an insidious onset of clinical signs are more Sedation or general anesthesia is often required
likely to be afflicted with neoplasia (e.g., glossal for thorough examination of the oral cavity, pharynx,
neoplasia, pharyngeal tumors such as squamous and larynx. The dental arcade, tongue (including
cell carcinoma, fibrosarcoma, melanoma, tonsillar frenulum area), palate, tonsils, and tonsillar crypts
carcinoma, retropharyngeal mass causing compres- should be carefully evaluated for the presence of
sion).Weight loss and reluctance to eat are gener- inflammation, mass, or foreign body. Biopsies of
ally present in chronic cases. Presence of systemic masses should be deep to determine diagnosis and
signs, such as weakness that worsens with exercise, prognosis accurately. A superficial biopsy may fail
with or without cough and dyspnea, suggests to harvest neoplastic cells from a cancerous mass
myasthenia gravis. Signs of myasthenia gravis may because the changes at the surface may be limited to
be limited to pharyngeal dysfunction. Weakness inflammation and necrosis. Electrocautery can be
may also be caused by polymyositis or central used to control postbiopsy hemorrhage. It is impor-
nervous system disease. Dysphagia occurring in tant to evaluate the nasopharynx (for significant
conjunction with dementia suggests cerebral inflammation, foreign body, mass) and the proximal
disease as the underlying problem. Rabies vaccina- esophagus as well. On occasion I have found for-
tion history and potential for exposure (environ- eign bodies such as long blades of grass, peanut
ment) must always be determined early in the shells, or small needles lodged in the nasopharynx
evaluation of any patient with dysphagia. and not extending caudal to the free border of the
Thorough physical examination will successfully soft palate (i.e., not readily visible on initial oral
identify the cause of dysphagia in some cases. examination). Use of a flexible endoscope that is small
Physical signs may also alert the clinician to the enough to allow retroflexion over the soft palate greatly
presence of any significant complications (e.g., facilitates examination of the nasopharynx (Figure 1-1).
pneumonia) and help determine specific tests that Survey pharyngeal radiographs may be indi-
should be done to establish a definitive diagnosis. cated as part of the preliminary work-up if history
Physical examination should include a thorough or physical examination suggests that a mass, foreign
evaluation of the head (temporal muscle atrophy, body, or injury (e.g., hyoid bone fracture) may be
pain associated with muscles of mastication, ocular present. Contrast radiographic studies with
areas for inflammation or proptosis of one of the fluoroscopy while observing swallowing of both
eyes to suggest retrobulbar mass or cellulitis), oral liquids and food are required for differentiation of
cavity, external pharyngeal and cervical soft tissue pharyngeal and cricopharyngeal dysphagia.
areas for any mass effect, lymphadenopathy, or drain-
ing tract; recognition of any pain related to opening
of the mouth (e.g., masticatory muscle myositis,
retrobulbar inflammation, temporomandibular joint
disease); and a neurologic examination. Specific
neurologic tests include evaluation of cranial nerves
IX (glossopharyngeal) and X (vagus) by checking
the swallow and gag reflexes, respectively, evaluation
of cranial nerve XII (hypoglossal) via observation
and palpation of the tongue, and evaluation of gait
and strength. Focal lesions of the medulla oblongata
and diffuse neuromuscular disease may cause ataxia,
conscious proprioception deficits, and limb weak-
ness. Patients that exhibit any evidence of systemic
signs (e.g., weakness, polyuria/polydypsia [PU/PD],
muscle pain) in conjunction with dysphagia should
initially be evaluated by complete blood count
(CBC) (infection, inflammation, anemia of chronic
FIGURE 1-1 Lateral skull radiograph of a dog,
disease), biochemical profile (including creatine demonstrating correct placement of a flexible
phosphokinase [CPK] for polymyositis), and urinal- endoscope for posterior rhinoscopy. Examination of the
ysis. For example, a biochemical profile and urinaly- nasopharynx and choanae is facilitated by the use of a
sis may confirm that lingual ulceration or necrosis is scope with a tip deflection capability of 180 degrees or
due to uremia. more.

An acetylcholine receptor antibody titer tents into the esophagus without associated eruc-
test (see Chapter 4) should be run if there is any tation or vomiting. This process may or may not
possibility of myasthenia gravis (signs of focal produce symptoms. The term expectoration
myasthenia gravis may be limited to pharyn- refers to expulsion of material from the respiratory
geal dysfunction and regurgitation). A Tensilon tract, an event that is usually associated with
(edrophonium chloride) test could also be coughing. Box 1-3 provides a differential list for
done, but the clinician should observe carefully for the problem of regurgitation.
and be prepared to treat cholinergic overstimula- Regurgitation is usually a clinical sign of an
tion if it occurs. If central nervous system disease is esophageal disorder. In most cases it results from
suspected, testing may include cerebrospinal abnormal esophageal peristalsis or esophageal
fluid analysis, nuclear scintigraphy, and/or obstruction. The most common cause of regurgi-
computed axial tomography or magnetic tation seen in clinical practice is megaesophagus.
resonance imaging (MRI). Megaesophagus refers to a specific syndrome
characterized by a dilated, hypoperistalic esopha-
gus. By definition and for use in this text, megae-
REGURGITATION sophagus is differentiated from other causes of
Regurgitation refers to a passive, retrograde esophageal dilation (e.g., esophageal foreign body,
movement of ingested material to a level proximal vascular ring anomaly, neoplasia) that may or may
to the upper esophageal sphincter. Usually this not be characterized by abnormal peristalsis.
occurs before ingested material reaches the stom- Megaesophagus is discussed in detail in Chapter 4.
ach. Regurgitation is not associated with the same Many patients with disorders causing regurgita-
spectrum of premonitory signs that often precede tion have owners who incorrectly but understand-
vomiting and retching. Although regurgitation ably interpret the problem as vomiting. Regardless
may occur during or shortly after eating, it is of the owner’s terminology, the clinician must carefully
essential that the clinician recognize that regurgi- differentiate the clinical signs of regurgitation and vomit-
tation may not occur until at least several hours ing. Characteristics of regurgitation and vomiting
after eating in some patients, especially those with are summarized in Table 1-2. Too often, dogs with
megaesophagus. Regurgitation is a clinical sign of megaesophagus are incorrectly diagnosed and
many disorders and should not be considered a treated for chronic vomiting because the clini-
primary disease. Regurgitation is a problem that cian failed to thoroughly review the history.
occurs uncommonly in cats. Significant complica- Regurgitation involves passive ejection of material
tions of regurgitation include aspiration pneumo- that usually includes undigested food that is often
nia and chronic wasting disease. The term reflux in tubular shape and devoid of bile. If there is no
refers to movement of gastric or duodenal con- food in the esophagus, regurgitated material may

BOX 1-3 Causes of Regurgitation

Megaesophagus—idiopathic Foreign body
Megaesophagus—secondary Stricture
Myasthenia gravis (focal or generalized) Intraluminal lesion
Hypoadrenocorticism Extraluminal compression (vascular ring anomaly,
Polyneuropathy (giant axonal neuropathy—canine; anterior mediastinal mass, other intrathoracic
Key-Gaskell syndrome—feline) tumors, hilar lymphadenopathy, abscess)
Canine distemper Esophagitis
Systemic lupus erythematosus Hiatal disorder
Polymyositis Neoplasia of esophagus
Hypothyroidism Primary
Lead toxicosis Metastatic
Organophosphate toxicity Granuloma
Thallium toxicosis e.g., Spirocerca lupi
Motility disorder—segmental Esophageal diverticulum

From Tams TR:Vomiting, regurgitation, and dysphagia. In Ettinger SJ, ed: Textbook of veterinary internal medicine, ed 4, vol 1,
Philadelphia, 1995,WB Saunders.

TABLE 1-2 Vomiting or Regurgitation? A Checklist for Differentiation

From Burrows CF: Vomiting and regurgitation in the dog: a clinical perspective. In Viewpoints in veterinary medicine, ed 2,
Lehigh Valley, Pa, 1993, Alpo Pet Foods.

consist entirely of thick white foam. The fre- signs, such as weakness (e.g., myasthenia gravis,
quency of regurgitation can vary dramatically, hypoadrenocorticism, polymyositis) or vomiting
from as few as 1 to 2 episodes per week in some (e.g., hypoadrenocorticism, toxin ingestion such as
patients with megaesophagus to as often as 10 to lead); and whether there are any signs of complica-
15 times per day. tions from regurgitation (e.g., coughing or dysp-
Vomiting involves active expulsion of food nea, suggesting that an aspiration event with
and/or fluid.Vomiting is accompanied by retching subsequent development of pneumonia has
and active abdominal contractions. Frequently occurred). Because the patient’s history is the
signs of nausea (salivation, restlessness, increased major factor in determining the extent of the
swallowing motions) occur prior to retching. diagnostic work-up, it should be thoroughly inves-
Occurrence of any of these associated signs should tigated. The importance of careful consideration of the
be discussed with the owner as the history is history is highlighted by the fact that some causes of
reviewed.Vomited material may include bile, and regurgitation, including certain disorders that result in
food may be present in various states of digestion. megaesophagus, are reversible if recognized and treated
Vomiting may occur seconds to minutes to many appropriately early enough in their course. Missed diag-
hours after eating. With regard to incidence, nosis may result in significant worsening of the patient’s
patients with vomiting disorders far outnumber long-term prognosis.
those with disorders associated with regurgitation.
It is important to note that some patients with a
history more suggestive of regurgitation may actu- Signalment
ally be vomiting. If it is unclear based on the his- The signalment, particularly age and breed, pro-
tory or clinical impression whether or not the vides important diagnostic clues. If regurgitation
patient is actually regurgitating rather than vomit- begins at the time of weaning onto solid food, a
ing, a survey thoracic radiograph should be made vascular ring anomaly (e.g., persistent right aortic
at the outset to look for evidence of esophageal arch) or congenital megaesophagus should be sus-
dilation. A barium swallow may be necessary to pected. Regurgitation is persistent, and affected
rule out esophageal dilation. patients are often malnourished and weak. Dog
In evaluation of a patient with regurgitation, breeds most commonly affected with vascular ring
important historical factors to be considered by anomalies include the German shepherd, Irish set-
the clinician include signalment; nature of onset of ter, English bulldog, and Boston terrier. Vascular
clinical signs (i.e., acute and persistent versus inter- ring anomalies are extremely uncommon in cats.
mittent [recent or chronic]); environment (e.g., Idiopathic megaesophagus is the most common
likelihood of foreign body or toxin ingestion); cause of regurgitation in dogs, including puppies.
pertinent history (e.g., recent anesthetic event sug- Idiopathic megaesophagus is now recognized
gesting possible development of a reflux-related somewhat more frequently in adults than in young
esophageal stricture); presence of any systemic patients. Idiopathic megaesophagus is known to be

hereditary in wirehaired fox terriers and miniature addition, strictures occasionally develop in cats
schnauzers. A breed predisposition for idiopathic within 1 to 2 weeks after significant difficulty is
megaesophagus exists for the German shepherd, experienced in vomiting a large hairball and in
Great Dane, Irish setter, and golden retriever. dogs or cats as a sequela to frequent vomiting. An
Although idiopathic megaesophagus can occur at esophageal stricture may also develop as a sequela
any age, a later age of onset (8 to 12 years) seems to to caustic acid or alkali ingestion, foreign body
predominate. A recent study has shown that dogs trauma, lodgment of tablet or capsule medication
with acquired megaesophagus and focal myasthenia in the esophagus (e.g., doxycycline tablets in cats),
gravis have a bimodal age of onset of clinical signs, and thermal burns. Whereas esophageal strictures
with a younger group of dogs showing clinical may develop at any age, a majority of foreign body
signs at 2 to 4 years of age and an older group at obstruction cases occur in patients 2 to 3 years of
9 to 13 years of age. Although megaesophagus age or younger. Patients with strictures generally
related to focal myasthenia gravis has been reported demonstrate signs such as vomiting, dysphagia, per-
in a number of breeds, it may be more common in sistent gulping, and salivation before the onset of
golden retrievers and German shepherds. regurgitation. Because many esophageal foreign
Megaesophagus may rarely occur secondary to bodies are radiodense, the screening procedure that
hypoadrenocorticism. Retrospective studies have is most likely to readily differentiate acute regurgi-
shown that hypoadrenocorticism is more common tation caused by a foreign body from that of an
in young to middle-age female dogs (with a esophageal stricture is a survey thoracic radiograph.
majority younger than 7 years of age at the time of Contrast studies and/or esophagoscopy may be
diagnosis). Dogs with megaesophagus and hypo- required to confirm the diagnosis in some cases.
adrenocorticism often present with vomiting and Most disorders other than vascular ring anomaly,
diarrhea, as well as regurgitation. congenital megaesophagus, esophageal foreign body
obstruction, and esophageal stricture cause a grad-
ual onset of clinical signs. The clinician should
Nature of Clinical Signs inquire about details that might suggest a systemic
Regurgitation that begins acutely at a time other disorder. Although idiopathic megaesophagus is the
than weaning is most often due to an esophageal most common cause of regurgitation, every effort is
foreign body. Most esophageal foreign bodies still made to identify a potentially treatable cause.
that cause nearly complete or complete obstruc- Inquiries should be made about potential exposure
tion are bones (e.g., steak, chicken, pork chop). to toxins such as lead or thallium or exposure to
If the esophageal lumen is only partially ob- carrion that could cause botulism. Any clinical signs
structed, regurgitation may occur only after such as weakness, collapse, vomiting, and diarrhea
ingestion of solids. Although an acute onset of should be discussed, looking for evidence to sup-
regurgitation may also occur as a developing port a likely diagnosis of such disorders as myasthe-
esophageal stricture results in significant narrow- nia gravis, hypoadrenocorticism, polymyositis, or
ing of the esophageal lumen, generally there is a systemic lupus erythematosus.
more gradual onset over a period of 2 to 3 days,
with regurgitation of solids then becoming more
persistent. Physical Examination
If regurgitation begins acutely, the owner should Physical examination findings may vary consider-
be questioned carefully about the possibility of for- ably. If dysphagia, as well as regurgitation, is
eign body ingestion. Frequently owners will relate present, the same steps in physical examination
that a bone was purposely fed or that they observed previously outlined for evaluation of dyspha-
their pet on a foray into the garbage or saw evi- gia should be followed (oral examination, exter-
dence after the fact that the garbage had been nal palpation). Excessive salivation may suggest
invaded. If the patient has been free outdoors, there odynophagia associated with an esophageal foreign
may be no known history of foreign body inges- body or esophagitis. Many megaesophagus patients
tion. are thin and in poor condition. A Heimlich type
Because a majority of esophageal strictures of maneuver on the thorax or anterior abdomen
develop within 1 to 3 weeks of a general anesthetic may produce an externally visible bulge on the left
event, the history should be reviewed carefully side of the neck resulting from a gas-filled flaccid
regarding any recent anesthetic procedures. In cervical esophagus. Occlusion of the nostrils with

compression of the thorax may also allow visuali- matosus (antinuclear antibody), and myasthenia
zation of a dilated cervical esophagus. Gurgling gravis (acetylcholine receptor antibody titer,
sounds and halitosis might result from fermenta- Tensilon test) are done if the history, physical
tion of food in a hypomotile esophagus. Thoracic examination, or baseline tests indicate that these
auscultation may reveal pulmonary crackles sec- primary disorders may exist. It is recommended
ondary to aspiration pneumonia. Fever, mucopu- that the acetylcholine receptor antibody titer test
rulent nasal discharge, coughing, and dyspnea also be run in any patient with acquired megaesopha-
suggest the presence of pneumonia. gus because many with focal myasthenia gravis do
Patients with intraluminal esophageal strictures not show classic signs associated with generalized
are often normal on physical examination. Other myasthenia gravis (weakness, collapse). Serum
examination findings, such as weakness and/or lead levels are indicated if lead toxicity is consid-
decreased palpebral reflex (myasthenia gravis), weak- ered a possibility.
ness and bradycardia (hypoadrenocorticism), muscle Endoscopic examination of the esophagus
pain (polymyositis), and signs that may include joint (esophagoscopy) is a valuable diagnostic and thera-
pain and shifting limb lameness (systemic lupus ery- peutic tool. Endoscopy is most effective in diagnosis
thematosus), erosive glossitis, and others, often occur of disorders that affect the mucosa (esophagitis, mass
with systemic disorders. Cats that regurgitate sec- lesions, strictures), for retrieval of foreign bodies, in
ondary to an anterior mediastinal mass often have a management of esophageal strictures with guided
noncompressible anterior chest cavity. Physical find- bougienage or balloon dilation, and as an adjunctive
ings in cats with Key-Gaskell syndrome, a neuro- step in diagnosis of hiatal hernia. Hiatal hernia is best
logic disorder characterized in part by regurgitation diagnosed using a combination of contrast radiogra-
due to megaesophagus, include persistent pupillary phy (with fluoroscopy if available) and endoscopy
dilation, decreased nasal and lacrimal secretions, (looking for anatomic and secondary inflammatory
bradycardia, and constipation. changes [esophagitis]). In most patients with mega-
esophagus, endoscopic examination is not necessary
for diagnosis and is rarely of benefit in determining a
Diagnostic Studies cause. Esophageal motility disorders in which clear
Survey radiography of the esophagus is the first radiographic evidence of marked esophageal dila-
and most important step in the diagnosis of a tion is lacking are best recognized by esophageal
regurgitation disorder. Radiographs are evaluated fluoroscopy and manometry studies. If this
for evidence of esophageal dilation, presence of a equipment is not available, esophagoscopy may be
foreign body, or thoracic mass. If survey radio- beneficial; in some cases pooling of fluid or mild
graphs fail to provide a definitive diagnosis, a esophageal dilation can be identified.
barium esophagram should be performed to
evaluate the cervical and thoracic esophagus.
Barium paste offers the best mucosal coating and
should be used to evaluate suspected mucosal or Most small animal practitioners agree that vomit-
mass lesions. Esophageal dilation is best detected ing is one of the most common reasons that dogs
with liquid barium suspension. Liquid barium and cats are presented for diagnosis and treatment.
mixed with food is best for evaluating disorders of Vomiting refers to a forceful ejection of gastric and
motility and examining for esophageal stricture often proximal small intestinal contents through
(strictures often allow fluid but not food to pass). the mouth. The vomiting act involves three stages:
Although young patients with congenital nausea, retching, and vomiting. It is emphasized
megaesophagus are not usually evaluated with that vomiting is simply a clinical sign of any of a
detailed diagnostic tests, patients with acquired number of disorders that can involve any organ
megaesophagus should be evaluated as thoroughly system in the body. Vomiting does not constitute
as possible. Baseline tests should include a CBC, a diagnosis in itself.
biochemical profile, serum thyroid hormone
analysis, urinalysis, and fecal examination for
Spirocerca lupi ova (in endemic areas). Specific tests Clinical Features
to evaluate for systemic disorders such as hypo- Because a wide variety of disorders and stimuli can
adrenocorticism (adrenocorticotropic hormone cause vomiting (Box 1-4), it may present the clini-
[ACTH] stimulation), systemic lupus erythe- cian with a major diagnostic challenge. Although

BOX 1-4 Causes of Vomiting

1. Sudden diet change Hiatal hernia (axial, paraesophageal, diaphragmatic
2. Ingestion of foreign material (e.g., garbage, grass, herniation, gastroesophageal intussusception)
plant leaves)
4. Intolerance to specific foods 1. Parasitism
5. Food allergy 2. Enteritis
3. Intraluminal obstruction (foreign body, intus-
DRUGS susception, neoplasia)
1. Intolerance (e.g., antineoplastic drugs, cardiac 4. Inflammatory bowel disease—idiopathic
glycosides, antimicrobial drugs [e.g., erythromycin, 5. Diffuse intramural neoplasia (lymphosarcoma)
tetracycline], arsenical compounds) 6. Fungal disease
2. Blockage of prostaglandin biosynthesis (non- 7. Intestinal volvulus
steroidal antiinflammatory drugs) 8. Paralytic ileus
3. Injudicious use of anticholinergics
1. Colitis
TOXINS 2. Obstipation
1. Lead 3. Irritable bowel syndrome
2. Ethylene glycol
4. Others 1. Pancreatitis
2. Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (gastrinoma of
1. Diabetes mellitus 3. Peritonitis (any cause, including feline infectious
2. Hypoadrenocorticism peritonitis)
3. Renal disease 4. Inflammatory liver disease
4. Hepatic disease 5. Bile duct obstruction
5. Sepsis 6. Steatitis
6. Acidosis 7. Prostatitis
7. Hyperkalemia 8. Pyelonephritis
8. Hypokalemia 9. Pyometra
9. Hypercalcemia 10. Urinary obstruction
10. Hypocalcemia 11. Diaphragmatic hernia
11. Hypomagnesemia 12. Neoplasia
12. Heatstroke
DISORDERS OF THE STOMACH 1. Psychogenic (pain, fear, excitement)
1. Obstruction (e.g., foreign body, pyloric mucosal 2. Motion sickness (rotation or unequal input from
hypertrophy, external compression) the labyrinths)
2. Chronic gastritis (superficial, atrophic, hypertrophic) 3. Inflammatory lesions (e.g., vestibular)
3. Parasites (Physaloptera spp.—dog and cat; Ollulanus 4. Edema (head trauma)
tricuspis—cat) 5. Autonomic or visceral epilepsy
4. Gastric hypomotility 6. Neoplasia
5. Bilious vomiting syndrome
7. Gastric polyps 1. Heartworm disease (feline)
8. Gastric neoplasia 2. Hyperthyroidism (feline)
9. Gastric dilatation
10. Gastric dilatation-volvulus

Modified from Tams TR:Vomiting, regurgitation, and dysphagia. In Ettinger SJ, ed: Textbook of veterinary internal medicine, ed 4,
vol 1, Philadelphia, 1995,WB Saunders.

vomiting does not always signify the presence of a ● Duration of signs and systems review
serious disorder, it may be the first indication of ● Content of the vomitus
intestinal obstruction, renal failure, pancreatitis, ● Time relation to eating
parvovirus enteritis, addisonian crisis, drug toxic- ● Nature (e.g., type, frequency) of vomiting
ity, neoplasia, and others. A complete historical ● Dietary and environmental history
review with emphasis on all body systems is essen-
tial for determining a realistic and effective initial The line of questioning should begin with
work-up plan and treatment protocol. All too determining if the vomiting is an acute problem
often, early concentration on only the GI tract or is chronic (longer than 2 weeks in duration)
leads to a misdiagnosis and inappropriate treat- and whether there has been any blood in the
ment for the cause of the vomiting. vomitus. The signalment, immediate signs, past
As previously discussed, it is essential that the pertinent history, and beneficial or deleterious
clinician make a clear differentiation between effects of any drugs that may have been adminis-
regurgitation and vomiting at the outset. If there is tered (either for the immediate symptoms or as
uncertainty about whether or not regurgitation is treatment for another disorder) should be
occurring after the history is reviewed, survey tho- reviewed. In particular it should be determined
racic radiographs should be made to evaluate for whether any nonsteroidal antiinflammatory
possible esophageal dilation. Contrast studies may drugs (e.g., aspirin, carprofen, etodolac, flunixin
occasionally be necessary to identify the presence meglumine [Banamine], phenylbutazone, ibupro-
of esophageal dilation. fen [Motrin, Nuprin], piroxicam [Feldene]) have
Consideration of the following historical fea- been used. Gastric and intestinal erosions and
tures is often useful in assessing and diagnosing potentially serious ulceration may develop in con-
disorders that cause vomiting (Box 1-5): junction with their use. Nephrotoxicity may also

BOX 1-5 Important Historical Considerations in the Investigation

of Vomiting
I. Duration and frequency of vomiting pursued in patients that have a history of
A. Acute chronic intermittent vomiting)
1. Dietary indiscretion or incorrect feeding 3. Persistent vomiting?
practice of any type? (e.g., foreign body, 4. Any pertinent environmental considera-
garbage ingestion, fatty meal, overfeed- tions? (e.g., cat from an endemic heart-
ing) worm area, review likelihood of foreign
2. Drug administration? (any drug can poten- body ingestion)
tially cause vomiting, but the most com- 5. Associated symptoms present? (general sys-
monly involved offending drugs include tems review—e.g., PU/PD, dyschezia or
NSAIDs, antibiotics [especially tetracycline, dysuria)
erythromycin], chemotherapeutic agents, II. Content of vomitus
cardiac glycosides) A. Food
3. Any exposure to infectious organisms? (par- 1. State of digestion?
vovirus most common) 2. Time relation to eating?
4. Any specific associated symptoms? (e.g., B. Mucus
diarrhea, lethargy, fever, signs of abdominal 1. Salivary or gastric
pain, anorexia, vestibular symptoms) C. Bile
B. Chronic (more than 2 weeks) 1. Bilious vomiting syndrome, persistent
1. Intermittent, with no significant associated or forceful vomiting, intestinal obstruction
symptoms such as inappetence, weight loss, 2. Large volumes of green fluid with acute
lethargy? onset and frequent vomiting most consis-
2. Increasing frequency? (this is often an tent with a proximal to mid small bowel
indicator that a work-up should be obstruction

BOX 1-5 Important Historical Considerations in the Investigation

of Vomiting—cont’d
D. Grass B. Unproductive
1. Nausea, gastric problems 1. Impaction of stomach (e.g., large gastric
E. Blood trichobezoar in a cat)
1. Fresh blood? Coffee grounds? 2. Gastric dilatation-volvulus
2. Acute or chronic gastritis, ulcer, neoplasia 3. Persistent vomiting
(especially older dogs), shock, renal disease, V. Dietary considerations
hepatic disease A. Specific foods fed?
F. Parasites B. Amount and frequency?
1. Presence indicates probable cause of vomit- C. Any opportunities for indiscretion by either
ing (roundworms, Physaloptera most com- the owner or the patient itself?
monly involved) D. Is the timing of feeding associated in any way
G. Fecal odor or material (uncommon) with periods of excitement (e.g., exercise) or
1. Intestinal obstruction, peritonitis with stress (e.g., conflictual situations with other
ileus, ischemic injury to the intestine, or animals that might lead to too rapid ingestion
stasis with bacterial overgrowth of food, or nervousness that could precipitate
III. Timing of vomiting vomiting)?
A. Immediately or within 30 minutes after eat- E. Does the patient bolt certain favorite foods that
ing—most commonly associated with acute or it only occasionally receives? (e.g., cats that
chronic gastritis, gastric parasitism (especially receive mostly dry food may eat canned or
Physaloptera) semimoist foods too rapidly on the occasions
B. Vomiting more than 7 to 10 hours after when they receive them—this may lead to
eating—consistent with gastric outlet vomiting of the food soon after it is ingested)
obstruction from any cause or gastric hypo- VI. Environmental considerations
motility A. Scavenging opportunities?
C. Early morning only—most commonly associ- B. Contact with toxins? (e.g., ethylene glycol,
ated with bilious vomiting syndrome in small lead)
breeds of dogs; also seen in some dogs with C. Regional infectious disorders (e.g., heart-
gastric hypomotility or inflammatory bowel worms in cats; Physaloptera, gastric parasite of
disease dogs and occasionally cats—Midwest, East,
IV. Nature of vomiting South most common areas of the United
A. Projectile States; liver fluke (Platynosomum concinnum)
1. Pyloric outflow obstruction infection in cats—Florida, Gulf states, Hawaii)

NSAIDs, Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs; PU/PD, polyuria/polydypsia.

occur. Inhibition of renal prostaglandins can be instituted. Inflammatory bowel disease is an

associated with renal ischemia and acute renal example of a common disorder that may present
failure. Fortunately this syndrome is uncommon. in this way. Specific information regarding diet
However, patients with hypovolemia, congestive (type of food, number and timing of feedings
heart failure, or preexisting renal insufficiency each day, amount fed per meal, any recent
may be at increased risk. Acute pancreatitis may changes); vaccinations (consider systemic disor-
be a component of a drug reaction; agents that ders such as distemper, parvovirus, feline infec-
have been implicated include azathioprine tious peritonitis); travel history; and environment
(Imuran), thiazide diuretics, furosemide, sul- (e.g., exposure to toxins, ingestion of spoiled
fonamides, tetracycline, L -asparaginase, and food or foreign bodies, likelihood of GI parasites
others. or infectious problem such as parvovirus enteri-
Occasionally a chronic asymptomatic disorder tis, feline patient from an endemic heartworm
is first manifested by an acute onset of vomiting, area) is obtained in all cases. A thorough sys-
which may then persist as either a frequent or a tems review with questions investigating any
sporadic problem until definitive treatment is significant occurrence of potentially important

signs such as PU/PD, coughing and sneezing, hours after eating, and occasionally projectile
dysuria, or dyschezia should also be addressed. vomiting occurs.
This routine systematic approach will help to Significant information can often be obtained
alleviate diagnostic “tunnel vision” on the part of from a complete description of the color and con-
the clinician. For example, a history of PU/PD sistency of the vomitus, especially when interpre-
and acute vomiting in an older intact female dog tation is made in conjunction with a review of
immediately suggests the possibility of pyometra clinical signs. As previously discussed, if food is
(also rule out primary renal disease), and the present, the degree of digestion and time since the
presence of dyschezia in conjunction with vom- most recent meal should be determined. Presence
iting may be consistent with vomiting secondary of bile in the vomitus is not unusual because vom-
to colitis (approximately 30% to 35% of dogs iting begins with jejunal retroperistalsis and intes-
with colitis also have vomiting, which may occur tinal contents are swept into the stomach before
before or in conjunction with the onset of large the actual act of vomiting. Bile may appear as a
bowel signs). yellow or green coloration. Bile is often present
A description of the vomiting episodes, includ- when vomiting is due to inflammatory bowel dis-
ing any association with eating or drinking, yields ease, idiopathic or secondary gastric hypomotility
important information in some cases. Normally all (bile alone or bile with food), intestinal foreign
food should be evacuated from the stomach by 7 bodies, and pancreatitis. Chronic intermittent bil-
to 10 hours after ingestion. The presence of food ious vomiting in small breeds of dogs, especially
and its state of digestion will depend on dietary when it occurs mostly in the early morning hours,
composition (with high-fat diets the stomach is most suggestive of reflux gastritis. The presence
empties more slowly), gastric secretions and motil- of bile helps to rule out a complete pyloric
ity, presence of any gastric outflow obstruction, obstruction.
and time elapsed since ingestion. Vomiting shortly Expulsion of large amounts of predominantly
after eating most commonly suggests dietary indis- greenish-colored fluid from a patient with acute
cretion or food intolerance, overeating, stress or vomiting is most consistent with a proximal to
excitement, gastritis, or a hiatal disorder. Vomiting mid small bowel obstruction. Lethargy, dehydra-
of undigested or partially digested food more than tion, and abdominal pain are generally present in
7 to 10 hours after eating is an important clinical affected patients. In general, the more proximal a bowel
sign that usually indicates a gastric motility dis- obstruction is located, the more fulminant the clinical
order or gastric outflow obstruction. Dogs with signs will be. Small amounts of blood may be pres-
hypomotility may vomit undigested food several ent in any case of gastric or duodenal mucosal
hours to 10 to 18 hours or more after eating and compromise with erosions or ulceration (e.g.,
often exhibit a cyclic pattern of clinical signs. This hypovolemia with resultant loss of integrity of the
disorder has been recognized much more fre- gastric mucosal barrier, drug-induced damage,
quently in recent years. Misconceptions com- acute or chronic gastritis or inflammatory bowel
monly lead to misdiagnosis and mismanagement disease, gastric or duodenal ulceration, or neopla-
of affected patients. It is often incorrectly assumed sia). Hematemesis may also be caused by a coagu-
that gastric retention means gastric outflow lopathy or ingestion of blood from another site
obstruction, and unnecessary surgery such as (e.g., mouth, nasal sinuses, lungs). Large clots of
pyloromyotomy may be performed. It is now well blood or “coffee grounds” (blood altered by and
recognized that pyloromyotomy procedures are not mixed with gastric juice) usually indicate a more
commonly indicated in dogs or cats with chronic significant degree of erosions or ulceration. Fresh
vomiting. blood is usually altered in the stomach to the dark
Causes of gastric outflow obstruction include brown or black color known as “coffee grounds”
foreign bodies, antral and/or pyloric mucosal in a matter of minutes. Presence of bright-red
hypertrophy, gastric and duodenal ulcers, antral blood in the vomitus thus indicates very recent or
or pyloric neoplasia or polyps, and external active hemorrhage.
compression on the antrum and pylorus (e.g., Clinicians should be aware that not all patients
abscess, mass). Foreign bodies are identified with gastric ulcers have hematemesis or even
much more commonly than the other disorders vomit. This fact highlights the importance of
listed in Box 1-4. All are characterized by vomit- obtaining a thorough history to determine if any
ing, which may occur shortly or a number of “ulcerogenic factors” could be present. Recent

onset of hematemesis in a patient with chronic salivation (nausea), may occur as well. When pre-
vomiting is often a sign that a potentially serious sented with this pattern of clinical signs in patients
and worsening disorder is present. Such conditions in which metabolic disorders, GI parasitism, and
as neoplasia with ulceration, uremic gastritis, or adverse food reactions have been ruled out, the
chronic severe gastritis with erosive changes should clinician should strongly consider chronic gastritis,
be considered, and diagnostic evaluation to deter- inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syn-
mine the cause should be expedited. Potential drome, and gastric motility disorders as leading
causes of hematemesis are listed in Box 1-6. differential diagnoses. A detailed work-up, includ-
A fecal odor suggests intestinal obstruction, ing gastric and intestinal biopsies, is often required
peritonitis with ileus, ischemic injury to the intes- for definitive diagnosis in these cases. It is impor-
tine, or stasis with bacterial overgrowth. Pro- tant to note that chronic intermittent vomiting is a
jectile vomiting is an imprecise term that is used common clinical sign of inflammatory bowel disease
to describe forceful ejection of vomitus from the in both dogs and cats. Diarrhea may or may not be
mouth, which is expelled a considerable distance. a concurrent problem in patients with inflamma-
Its occurrence suggests a significant degree of gas- tory bowel disease. Vomiting from systemic or
tric or proximal small bowel obstruction (foreign metabolic causes may be an acute or chronic sign,
body, large antral or pyloric polyps, neoplasia, and generally there is no direct correlation with
pyloric hypertrophy). In my experience this clini- eating and no predictable vomitus content.
cal sign occurs infrequently. The concomitant presence of diarrhea with
Chronic intermittent vomiting is a com- vomiting often provides important diagnostic clues.
mon presenting complaint in veterinary medicine. Vomiting preceding diarrhea suggests toxic inges-
Often there is no specific time relation to eating, tion, a progressively severe disease of the small
the content of the vomitus varies, and the occur- intestine such as viral enteritis (e.g., due to par-
rence of vomiting may be very cyclic in nature. vovirus or rotavirus), pancreatitis, or acute colitis.
Depending on the disorder, other signs, such as Also, infections with parasites, including Giardia and
diarrhea, lethargy, inappetence, weight loss, and roundworms, can cause vomiting that precedes the

BOX 1-6 Causes of Hematemesis

Thrombocytopenia Hepatic disease (common cause)
Clotting factor deficiency Renal disease (not a common cause)
Disseminated intravascular coagulation Inflammatory bowel disease
Foreign objects (rarely a primary cause, but will
ALIMENTARY TRACT LESION worsen preexisting ulceration/erosion)
Gastrointestinal ulceration Idiopathic
Infiltrative disease Gastritis
Neoplasia (especially older dogs) Acute gastritis (very common cause)
Pythiosis (younger dogs in southeastern United Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis
States) Esophageal disease (uncommon cause)
“Stress” ulceration Tumor
Hypovolemic shock (common cause) Inflammatory disease
Septic shock Bleeding oral lesion
Hyperacidity Gallbladder disease (rare)
Mast cell tumor
Drug induced Respiratory tract
Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (common Lung lobe torsion
cause) Pulmonary tumor
Corticosteroids (especially dexamethasone or if Posterior nares lesion
combined with nonsteroidal antiinflammatory

From Willard M: Clinical manifestations of gastrointestinal disorders. In Nelson RW, Couto CG, eds: Essentials of small animal
internal medicine, St. Louis, 1992, Mosby–Year Book.

onset of diarrhea. Occasionally Giardia may cause

chronic intermittent vomiting without diarrhea or
with only sporadic bouts of abnormal stools.
Diarrhea preceding vomiting usually suggests pri-
mary but progressive intestinal damage, and vomit-
ing is generally a secondary event in these patients.
This includes patients that have gastric hypomotil-
ity secondary to inflammatory bowel disease.

Physical Examination
It is important to stress the enormous significance
of a complete history and physical examination in
evaluation of a vomiting patient. An all too fre-
FIGURE 1-2 Typical appearance of a puppy quite
quent error in clinical practice is to make a diag-
ill from parvovirus enteritis. This puppy was depressed,
nosis based on an incomplete history and cursory reluctant to move, and nauseated. Watery diarrhea
examination. This may lead to use of unnecessary was present in the cage.
diagnostic tests and inappropriate treatment.
Essential early diagnosis of a serious disorder may ends subsequently advancing along the intestinal
be missed. A systematic approach can be both lumen as a result of progressive peristalsis.
thorough and time efficient. Areas to receive Intestinal plication with potential for perforation
emphasis in a vomiting patient are listed here. results. It is extremely important that an oral examina-
The first step in physical examination is to tion with careful evaluation of the frenulum area be done
assess the patient’s overall attitude, posture, and in all vomiting cats. In some cases, mild tranquiliza-
energy level (i.e., active versus lethargic). This will tion (e.g., ketamine 5 to 8 mg intravenously) is
often assist the clinician in determining to some required so that a definitive examination can be
degree the seriousness of the patient’s condition done (Figure 1-3). Dogs occasionally have similar
and its degree of discomfort, if any exists. Observe foreign body positioning, so a careful oral exami-
the patient! Will any pain relief or antiemetic med- nation is important in this species as well. The cer-
ication to control nausea be needed? It is often vical soft tissues of vomiting cats should be
very reassuring to the owner when the clinician palpated for an enlarged thyroid nodule or nodules
begins the examination by showing interest in (hyperthyroidism commonly causes vomiting).
how the patient has been acting and feeling. Hyperthyroidism should be considered in any cat
Patients that are experiencing a significant degree 5 years of age and older. Cardiac auscultation may
of nausea often have a forlorn expression, swallow reveal rate and rhythm abnormalities that can
frequently, and salivate (Figure 1-2). Patients with
intestinal foreign body obstruction, pancreatitis,
gastric neoplasia, and other serious conditions are BOX 1-7 Causes of Salivation
often quite subdued at the time of presentation.
These types of observations can often be made as Nausea
Stomatitis (including chronic feline gingivitis/
the history is being discussed and recorded.
Careful observation should be continued through-
Direct oral stimulation (e.g., ingestion of caustic
out any subsequent period of hospitalization. materials, foreign body, electric cord injury, oral
The mucous membranes are evaluated for neoplasia)
evidence of blood loss, dehydration, sepsis, shock, Chemical poisoning (organophosphates, carbamates,
and jaundice. Salivation suggests the presence of metaldehyde)
nausea (common causes of salivation are listed in Esophagitis
Box 1-7). An oral examination may reveal a part Esophageal foreign body
of an oral or pharyngeal foreign body that may Portosystemic shunt (especially in cats)
extend to the stomach or intestine. The best Medications (especially in cats; e.g., trimethoprim/
example of this is a linear foreign body in a cat in sulfadiazine)
which a portion of the foreign material loops
Conditioned reflex (Pavlovian response)
around the tongue at the frenulum, with the free

used, starting with gentle extension of one had

under each side of the rib cage. Finally, if history
or radiographs strongly suggest the possibility of a
foreign body or intussusception that has eluded
initial palpation efforts, it may be useful to sedate
the patient so that further gentle palpation can be
done. Difficult-to-find foreign bodies can often be
readily palpated with the assistance of sedation or
general anesthesia. Clinicians need to exercise great
care when palpating patients that may have sharp intes-
tinal linear foreign bodies or a large turgid uterus due to
pyometra—forceful palpation could cause perforation of
the intestine or uterus in these situations!
A rectal examination is always done in dogs to
FIGURE 1-3 Linear foreign body (dental floss) under evaluate stool characteristics for fresh blood or
the tongue of a cat that was tranquilized in order to mucus, melena, or presence of foreign material; to
facilitate a thorough oral examination. The cat was obtain a fresh stool sample for parasite and possibly
presented because of acute vomiting, anorexia, and cytologic examination; and to evaluate the mucosa
lethargy. for sensitivity and abnormal texture. Serial rectal
examinations are most important when GI bleed-
occur with metabolic disturbances such as hypo- ing is either suspected or has been identified.
adrenocorticism (bradycardia, weak femoral pulses), Because patient size precludes rectal examination
infectious enteritis with septic shock (tachycardia, in many small cats, careful assessment of stool
weak pulses), or gastric dilatation-volvulus (tachy- characteristics is done instead in such patients.
cardia, weak pulses, pulse deficits).
A careful assessment is made for either general-
ized or localized abdominal pain (e.g., pancreatitis, Diagnostic Plan
foreign body, pyelonephritis, hepatic disease, Vomiting patients in some cases require an exten-
regional inflammation in inflammatory bowel dis- sive work-up, but an organized approach will help
ease). Other abdominal factors to evaluate include to minimize the tests necessary for an early diag-
abnormal organ size (e.g., hepatomegaly, small or nosis. The most important initial considerations in
large kidneys), presence of a mass (foreign body, determining what tests to perform are (1) signal-
intussusception, lymphadenopathy, neoplasia), ment, (2) duration (acute [less than 7 to 14 days]
degree of gastric distention (increased with gastric versus chronic), (3) frequency of vomiting, (4)
dilatation, gastric dilatation-volvulus, gastric reten- degree of symptoms (mild versus moderate to
tion due to hypomotility or outflow obstruction), severe illness, i.e., life-threatening), (5) other clini-
and altered bowel sounds. cal signs (e.g., shock, melena, abdominal pain), and
Auscultation of the abdomen may occasionally (6) physical examination findings. Diagnostic
be useful. Bowel sounds are often absent in peri- studies and their possible results are summarized
tonitis and increased in acute inflammatory dis- in Table 1-3.
orders. An increased pitch suggests distention of If reasonable concern is established, a minimum
intestinal loops. Serial palpation may be required database, including CBC, biochemical profile
to detect problems in some patients, including (or specific tests for evaluation of liver, kidneys,
those with tensing of the abdominal wall due to pancreas, electrolytes), complete urinalysis (deter-
pain or nervousness and when a foreign body, mination of pretreatment urine specific gravity is
mass, or intussusception (especially sliding or ileo- extremely important for accurate differentiation of
colic intussusceptions) is located in the craniodor- prerenal azotemia and primary renal disease), and
sal abdomen, where the ribs prevent careful fecal examination, is essential. Intestinal para-
manipulation. It is often helpful to have someone sites, including Giardia, can cause vomiting and
hold the patient with the front end elevated so that diarrhea. Survey abdominal radiographs are
the anterior abdominal organs shift caudally a lit- indicated if historical information suggests that
tle, into a more palpable position. It is also recom- they should be done or if thorough abdominal pal-
mended that a two-hand palpation technique be pation is not possible or suggests an abnormality
TABLE 1-3 Diagnostic Studies in the Vomiting Patient
Test Interpretation
PCV, Hb, RBC Increased: dehydration
Decreased: gastrointestinal blood loss, decreased nutrient absorption (intestinal
disease), anemia of chronic disease (e.g., severe inflammatory bowel disease),
WBC Increased: inflammation, infection
Decreased: sequestration or loss into gut (e.g., salmonellosis or viral infection)
Blood chemistries
Na, Cl Normal or decreased: outlet obstruction
Decreased in most hypoadrenocorticism patients
K Normal in most patients
Decreased: outlet obstruction, severe vomiting, anorexia
Increased: azotemia or hypoadrenocorticism
Total CO2 Increased: gastric outlet obstruction
Decreased: acidosis
BUN Increased: gastrointestinal bleeding or azotemia
Decreased: hepatic insufficiency, anorexia
Creatinine Increased: azotemia
ALT,ALP Increased: hepatic disease, pancreatitis, or intestinal disease
Serum proteins Increased: dehydration, inflammation
Decreased: protein-losing enteropathy, glomerular disease, blood loss, chronic
liver disease, and possibly ascites
Triglycerides Increased: pancreatitis
Cholesterol Increased: pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus
Decreased: protein-losing enteropathy, congenital portosystemic shunt
Amylase/lipase Increased: pancreatitis, azotemia, gastrointestinal disease (with increased
intestinal permeability), duodenal obstruction, neoplasia
Ca Increased: dehydration (hyperalbuminemia), neoplasia
Decreased: protein-losing enteropathy (hypoalbuminemia), ethylene glycol
toxicity, necrotizing pancreatitis, hypoadrenocorticism
Glucose Increased: diabetes mellitus
Decreased: sepsis, neoplasia
TLI Increased: acute pancreatitis, infiltrative bowel disease, renal failure
PLI Increased: pancreatitis
T4 Increased: hyperthyroidism
Decreased: hypothyroidism (gastric hypomotility)
Urinalysis Low specific gravity with dehydration suggests azotemia; biliuria suggests liver
disease (especially in cats); glucosuria and ketonuria support diagnosis of
diabetes mellitus
Fecal examination Gastrointestinal parasites
Radiographic studies
Survey abdominal films Gastric distention, foreign body, mass, visceral displacement, effusion, ileus
Upper gastrointestinal Delayed gastric emptying, filling defect, foreign body, mucosal irregularity,
contrast study obstruction
BIPS Delayed gastric emptying, obstruction
Ultrasonography Liver and gallbladder disorders, gastrointestinal foreign bodies, intestinal and
gastric wall thickening, intestinal masses, intussusception, kidney disorders,
Endoscopy and mucosal Direct examination, biopsy of lesion, foreign body removal
Exploratory surgery Examination, biopsy, therapeutic intervention

Modified from Burrows CF: Vomiting and regurgitation in the dog: a clinical perspective. In Viewpoints in veterinary medicine,
ed 2, Lehigh Valley, Pa, 1993,Alpo Pet Foods.
PCV, Packed cell volume; Hb, hemoglobin; RBC, red blood cell count; WBC, white blood cell count; Na, sodium;
Cl, chloride; K, potassium; CO2, carbon dioxide; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; ALP, alkaline
phosphatase; Ca, calcium; TLI, trypsin-like immunoreactivity; PLI, canine pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity; T4, thyroxine;
BIPS, barium-impregnated polyethylene spheres.

(e.g., foreign body, pancreatitis, pyometra). Alternatively, small, nondigestible radiopaque

Unfortunately these tests are often not done early markers (e.g., BIPS*) can be mixed with food
enough. Even if baseline results are unremarkable, for a radiographic series to study motility.
such studies are more than justified because they BIPS are inert, white, radiopaque, barium-
help to rule out serious problems at the outset impregnated polyethylene spheres (BIPS). They have
(e.g., vomiting due to renal failure, diabetes melli- a density similar to food but are sufficiently radio-
tus, liver disease). Alternatively, any abnormalities dense to show clearly on abdominal radiographs
provide direction for initial treatment and further (Figure 1-4). All animals receive exactly the same
diagnostics. dose of BIPS. They can be administered with or
A recently developed test, canine and feline without food, depending on the clinical situation.
pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity (cPLI, BIPS are dispensed in capsule form. There are two
fPLI), is now available for diagnosis of pancreatitis sphere sizes contained in each dose application.
in dogs and cats. This assay specifically measures There are 10 larger spheres (5 mm in diameter) and
the concentration of lipase originating from the 30 smaller spheres (1.5 mm in diameter). The pri-
exocrine pancreas. Because there are many lipases mary function of the large BIPS is the detection of
from different cellular origins, running total serum GI tract obstructions. The small BIPS mimic the
lipase levels is not specific enough for diagnosing passage of food, and their transit through the GI tract
pancreatitis. The assay for pancreatic lipase provides an accurate estimate of the gastric emptying
immunoreactivity uses specific antibodies directed rate and intestinal transit time of food. Instructions
against pancreatic lipase and therefore directly on the use of BIPS are available from the distributor.
measures pancreatic lipase. Preliminary studies Also, references are listed at the end of this chapter.
have shown that serum PLI concentration is both An air contrast gastrogram is often very
very specific and sensitive for diagnosis of pancre- useful for identifying gastric foreign bodies in
atic inflammation. The test is available at The GI cases in which survey films alone are not diagnos-
Laboratory at Texas A&M University in College tic (Figure 1-5). Confirmation of presence of a
Station,Texas. gastric foreign body may not be made in some
The decision to perform more in-depth diag-
nostic tests is based on ongoing clinical signs,
response to therapy, and initial test results. These
tests may include an ACTH stimulation test to
confirm hypoadrenocorticism in a patient with an
abnormal sodium-potassium ratio (Na:K) or sug-
gestive CBC changes (anemia, lymphocytosis, and
eosinophilia in a stressed patient) or to investigate
for this disorder if electrolytes are normal (approx-
imately 10% of dogs with hypoadrenocorticism do
not present with abnormal electrolyte levels).
Hypoadrenocorticism is more common in young
to middle-age female dogs. A complete barium
series is useful for identification of a gastric or FIGURE 1-4 Lateral abdominal radiograph of a
15-year-old cat taken 24 hours after the start of a BIPS
intestinal foreign body, gastric hypomotility, gastric
study to evaluate GI motility. This cat had presenting
outflow obstruction, and partial or complete intes-
symptoms of intermittent vomiting and diarrhea. Many
tinal obstruction. Liquid barium contrast studies BIPS spheres remain in the stomach many hours after
may be normal in patients with gastric hypomotil- they would have exited the stomach of a cat with
ity disorders. Measuring the emptying of barium normal motility. The stomach should be completely
mixed with food is a better test for evaluating gas- empty after a meal by 7 to 10 hours. Small bowel transit
tric motility. Solids empty by a different mecha- time was also prolonged. This scattered pattern of BIPS
nism from that for liquids, and it is not uncommon is consistent with ileus. Endoscopy was subsequently
for patients with a known gastric emptying disor- performed, and moderate to severe inflammatory bowel
der to empty a liquid meal in a timely manner. disease was diagnosed. It was thought that the delayed
motility resulted from the infiltrative bowel disease.
Initial treatment included corticosteroids, cisapride (for
Medical ID Systems, Inc, Grand Rapids, MI GI promotility effect), and a diet featuring a protein
49512–3942. source that was novel to this cat.


FIGURE 1-5 A, Lateral abdominal radiograph from a 10-year-old feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV)–positive
cat with intestinal lymphoma. The cat had a gradually decreasing appetite, recent onset of intermittent vomiting,
and occasional episodes of nonproductive retching.Abdominal palpation revealed a doughy mass in the region of the
stomach. This radiograph shows that the stomach is distended and has a soft tissue/fluid opacity. The small intestine
and colon are normal. B, Air gastrogram (40 ml of air was injected through a small feeding tube into the stomach
while the cat was lightly tranquilized). A large mass density within the lumen of the stomach is consistent with a
gastric trichobezoar. This simple procedure allowed rapid confirmation that a foreign body was present in the
stomach. C, Trichobezoar that was surgically removed from the cat. The trichobezoar was 9 cm in length, and its
configuration was similar to the inside of the stomach.

cases in which a barium series is done until most laria are usually negative.Antigen tests are also fre-
of the barium has left the stomach because a large quently negative. Thoracic radiographs may
barium pool often obscures foreign objects. provide important clues in a cat with heartworm
Barium swallow with fluoroscopy is often disease. Suggestive findings include right ventricu-
necessary for diagnosis of hiatal hernia disorders lar enlargement, pulmonary lobar artery enlarge-
and gastroesophageal reflux disease. Endoscopy is ment, and pulmonary parenchymal disease. The
also useful for identifying these disorders. caudal lobar arteries usually show the earliest ra-
Serum bile acids assay is used to assess for diographic changes, with the left and the right
significant hepatic disease, including portosystemic being equally affected. These changes are best rec-
shunts and chronic severe liver disease, when the ognized on the ventrodorsal or dorsoventral views.
liver enzymes are normal or only mildly elevated. Some cats also have hyperglobulinemia. The pres-
Because vomiting is a frequent presenting sign in ence of both peripheral eosinophilia and basophilia
cats with heartworm disease, a feline heartworm is also suggestive of heartworm disease in cats.
antibody test should be done to investigate this Thyroid testing should also be done on vom-
possibility. In endemic areas testing cats for heart- iting cats 5 years of age and older to evaluate for
worm disease should be considered part of the hyperthyroidism. It is important to remember that
minimum database. Because most cats with heart- cats with hyperthyroidism may have thyroid hor-
worm disease are amicrofilaremic, tests for microfi- mone levels that fluctuate into the normal range

for several days at a time early in the course of the

disease. If hyperthyroidism is still suspected after an
initial serum thyroxine (T4) level is shown to be
normal, either the test should be repeated in 1 to 3
weeks or, alternatively, other tests can be run.
Alternative tests include the triiodothyronine (T3)
suppression test, free T4 by equilibrium dial-
ysis (fT4ED), TRH stimulation test, or per-
formance of a technetium scan. In cats with a
total T4 (TT4) in the upper 50% of the basal resting
range, an elevated fT4ED in the face of clinical
signs is highly predictive of hyperthyroidism. Due
to the simplicity of running an fT4ED versus per-
forming a T3 suppression test or TRH response
test, fT4ED should be the first test run for diagno-
sis of cats with hormonally occult (normal TT4)
Chronic vomiting in cats is occasionally due to
infection with the gastric parasite Ollulanus tricus-
pis. Young, free-roaming cats are most often
affected. Diagnosis is made by evaluation of gastric
contents via the Baermann technique or by
examination of filtered vomitus using a ×40 or
dissecting microscope for detection of the nema- FIGURE 1-6 Ollulanus tricuspis from a leopard (×140).
tode (Figure 1-6). Xylazine (Rompun) can be Diagnosis is usually based on finding adult specimens of
administered at 1 mg/lb intramuscularly to stimu- this viviparous species in vomitus. (From Georgi JR:
late vomiting in order to collect the gastric secre- Helminths. In Georgi JR, Georgi ME, eds: Parasitology
tions. for veterinarians, ed 5, Philadelphia, 1990,WB Saunders.)
Serum gastrin levels are run if a gastrinoma
(Zollinger-Ellison syndrome) is suspected. Gastri- tode parasites can be readily seen on the surface of
noma, a gastrin-secreting tumor usually found the gastric mucosa and retrieved through the
in the pancreas, is infrequently seen in clinical endoscope working channel for definitive identifi-
practice. Clinical signs include chronic vomiting cation (Figure 1-7). It is stressed that biopsy sam-
and/or diarrhea, weight loss, and anorexia. ples should always be obtained from the stomach
Middle-age to older dogs are most commonly and, whenever possible, the small intestine during
affected (gastrinomas are quite rare in cats). The endoscopic procedures regardless of gross mucosal
clinician should consider running a serum gastrin appearance. Normal gastric biopsy results may
level in patients with chronic vomiting and wast- support gastric motility abnormalities, psycho-
ing disease that are not readily explained by more genic vomiting, or irritable bowel syndrome or
routine diagnostic testing (i.e., baseline blood tests, may be noncontributory (i.e., look elsewhere for
urinalysis, radiography, and endoscopy). diagnosis). Many dogs and cats with vomiting due to
One of the most reliable and cost-efficient inflammatory bowel disease have no abnormalities on
diagnostic tools currently available for evaluation gastric examination or biopsy. If only gastric biopsies are
of vomiting is flexible endoscopy. Endoscopy performed, the diagnosis may be missed. As previously
allows for direct gastric and duodenal examina- mentioned, some patients with colitis both vomit
tion, mucosal biopsy from these areas, and in many and have diarrhea. If large bowel symptoms are
cases gastric foreign body retrieval. Endoscopy is present in conjunction with vomiting, the colon
considerably more reliable than barium series for should be examined and biopsies performed as
diagnosis of gastric erosions, ulceration, chronic well. Flexible endoscopy equipment should be
gastritis, gastric neoplasia, and inflammatory bowel used whenever possible so that the entire colon,
disease.Vomiting due to presence in the upper GI including ascending colon, cecum, and terminal
tract of the parasite Physaloptera is best diagnosed ileum, can be examined. Diagnosis of the rare ileo-
via direct visualization at endoscopy. The nema- colic or cecocolic intussusception case that may

enlarged lymph nodes. Also, any visible abnormal-

ities in the pancreas warrant biopsy of this organ.
Pancreas biopsy is a safe procedure when done

Timing of Work-up
The frequency and duration of vomiting can vary
from weeks to years. In animals with chronic,
slowly progressive disorders, vomiting may be only
a sporadic event with or without occasional peri-
ods of increased frequency or severity possibly
associated with flare-ups of the disease process.
Clinicians often ask when a patient with a disorder char-
acterized by intermittent vomiting should undergo a
detailed diagnostic work-up. Indeed, it is not unusual
for some cats, several of my own included, to
vomit once or twice every 1 to 2 weeks or so for
FIGURE 1-7 Multiple Physaloptera nematodes (arrows) many months or years without any apparent unto-
lying on the gastric mucosa in a dog. These nematodes
ward effect. A variety of factors are usually
may cause the chronic vomiting and histologic lesions
of lymphocytic-plasmacytic gastritis. (From Jergens AE, involved in the decision-making process regarding
Moore FM: Endoscopic biopsy specimen collection when diagnostic evaluation should be undertaken.
and histopathologic considerations. In Tams TR, ed: The foremost factors include development of any
Small animal endoscopy, ed 2, St. Louis, 1999, Mosby.) concurrent worrisome signs, such as inappetence,
weight loss, signs of abdominal discomfort such
as cramping, presence of leukocytosis and/or
have eluded diagnosis up to this point can be read- hypoproteinemia, any signs of hyperthyroidism in
ily made on direct visualization of these areas. cats to suggest advancing inflammatory bowel dis-
Examination or biopsy may also reveal typhlitis. ease, and, very importantly, the degree of the
Ultrasonography can be useful in the diag- owner’s concern and level of interest in finding
nostic work-up of a number of disorders that can answers regarding his or her pet’s problem.
cause vomiting (see Chapter 2). Among the prob- In general, I recommend that a work-up be
lems that may be detected with ultrasonography started if the frequency of vomiting or degree of
are certain disorders of the liver (e.g., inflamma- any signs associated with the vomiting (e.g.,
tory diseases, abscessation, cirrhosis, neoplasia, vas- lethargy, discomfort, inappetence) begins to
cular problems) and gallbladder and bile ducts increase. Always keep in mind that as disease
(cholecystitis, choleliths, bile duct obstruction), GI processes worsen they are frequently more difficult
foreign bodies, intestinal and gastric wall thicken- to bring under control. With the availability of
ing, intestinal masses, intussusception, kidney dis- endoscopy and our ability to utilize it for exami-
orders, pancreatitis, and others. Needle aspirations nation and biopsy of the stomach and small intes-
and/or biopsies can be done at many sites under tine, in a significantly noninvasive manner when
ultrasound guidance. compared with surgery, it is definitely reasonable
Abdominal exploratory is indicated for a to recommend its use even in patients with mild
variety of problems, including foreign body clinical signs. A countless number of my patients
removal, intussusception, gastric mucosal hyper- from over the years come to mind during this dis-
trophy syndromes, procurement of biopsy samples, cussion, but two in particular should help make a
and resection of neoplasia. If the diagnosis is lasting point here. Both demonstrated only mild
unclear on examination, gastric and small intes- clinical signs, which included intermittent vomit-
tinal (two to three samples total) biopsies must be ing and mild occasional lethargy. Each, however, had
performed. In a majority of dogs and cats with a serious life-threatening problem that was fortu-
gastritis and inflammatory bowel disease, no gross nately diagnosed early enough for the patient to
abnormalities are detected at exploratory. Samples undergo meaningful treatment. A brief account of
should also be obtained from liver and any their histories follows.

In early 1988 I examined a 10-year-old were run. Radiography was bypassed in favor of
neutered male domestic short hair (DSH) cat with endoscopy (greater sensitivity and likelihood of
a history of intermittent vomiting of 7 weeks’ definitive diagnosis). Endoscopy revealed a large
duration. There was a gradual increase in fre- mass in the fundus of the stomach, which was
quency over the last 2 weeks, no weight loss, and a found to be lymphoma (Figure 1-8). Intestinal
normal appetite. Although the owner did not have biopsy specimens revealed moderate lymphocytic-
a great deal of money to spend, he expressed con- plasmacytic enteritis. After 5 months of che-
cern about his cat’s well-being and requested that motherapy (no surgery was done), the mass was
we try to find out what was wrong while keeping no longer detectable at endoscopy (Figure 1-9).
his cost-containment concerns in mind. The cat After 1 year of chemotherapy there was no histo-
weighed 12 lb, and physical examination was unre- logic evidence of lymphoma and chemotherapy
markable other than signs of vague anterior was discontinued. Subsequent yearly endoscopic
abdominal discomfort. A CBC, biochemical pro- examination and biopsy of the stomach and
file, serum T4, feline leukemia virus (FeLV), feline duodenum revealed no evidence of recurrence of
immunodeficiency virus (FIV) test, and a urinalysis the lymphoma. Interestingly, the cat still had a


FIGURE 1-8 A, Close-up endoscopic view of a large mass in the gastric fundus of a 10-year-old cat with a
7-week history of intermittent vomiting. B, Biopsy forceps are advanced into the mass under endoscopic guidance.
The histologic diagnosis was lymphoma. (From Tams TR: Gastroscopy. In Tams TR, ed: Small animal endoscopy, ed 2,
St. Louis, 1999, Mosby.)


FIGURE 1-9 Five-month follow-up endoscopic examination of the cat described in Figure 1-8. Treatment
involved chemotherapy (prednisone, cyclophosphamide, vincristine) alone. No surgery was done. A, Forward view
of proximal stomach at mild distention. The mass is no longer visible, and the rugal folds are smooth. B, Same site as
A with moderate distention. The mucosa at the original site of the mass appears whiter than the surrounding
mucosa. (From Tams TR: Gastroscopy. In Tams TR, ed: Small animal endoscopy, ed 2, St. Louis, 1999, Mosby.)

moderate degree of inflammatory bowel disease, the pylorus (Figure 1-10). The pyloric canal was
and antiinflammatory therapy (prednisone) was occluded an estimated 300 degrees. The remain-
maintained. If the dose was decreased too much, der of the stomach and duodenum were grossly
vomiting began to recur. The cat lived to the age and histologically normal. Histologic examination
of 17 years, 7 years beyond the diagnosis of gastric of the mass revealed it to be an adenocarcinoma.
lymphoma. The distal antrum, pylorus, and proximal duode-
In 1992 I evaluated a 9-year-old neutered male num were resected, and the dog recovered
Bouvier with a history of intermittent vomiting of uneventfully. This patient experienced an excellent
5 months’ duration (only one to two episodes per quality of life. Upper GI endoscopy was performed
week and with no worrisome associated signs). at 6-month intervals to examine the stomach and
The owners became concerned because they felt proximal small intestine, and there were no gross or
the dog was sleeping a little more than normal, and histologic abnormalities detected (Figure 1-11).
they requested that their regular veterinarian There was also an exploratory laparotomy done at
begin investigating the problem. A CBC, bio- one point for removal of a cloth linear foreign
chemical profile, serum T4, urinalysis, fecal exami- body. This allowed a thorough examination of the
nation for parasites, and survey radiographs of the abdominal cavity, and there was no evidence of
thorax and abdomen were unremarkable. The dog recurrence of neoplasia. The dog lived 30 months
was then referred for endoscopy, which revealed a beyond the diagnosis of gastric neoplasia, and there
large proliferative mass involving the entire pyloric was never any recurrence of adenocarcinoma in
canal and the proximal duodenum just aboral to the stomach region. Unfortunately, euthanasia was



FIGURE 1-10 Endoscopic views of the stomach and proximal duodenum of a 9-year-old male Bouvier with a
history of intermittent vomiting of 5 months’ duration. A, The antral walls are normal.A proliferative mass is
visualized in the pyloric orifice. B, Close-up view of the pyloric mass. The mass is occluding a majority of the
pyloric orifice. The remaining orifice space is visualized at the six o’clock position. C, Pyloric canal near the
pyloroduodenal junction. The mass extended into the proximal duodenum. The histologic diagnosis was
adenocarcinoma. D, The major duodenal papilla is visualized in the upper center in the field of view.

while being cost-effective) diagnostic procedures

include hemogram and biochemical profile evalu-
ation, thyroid and feline heartworm testing in cats,
urinalysis, fecal examination, survey abdominal
radiography, ultrasonography, and endoscopy.

It is not uncommon for dogs and cats to ingest
grass and for dogs to demonstrate a tendency
toward coprophagy or pica. Occasionally, certain
FIGURE 1-11 Six-month follow-up endoscopic view cats may excessively lick materials such as soil, lit-
from the dog described in Figure 1-10. The ter, wool, and other items. Although the tendency
anastomosis site between the proximal gastric antrum to do this may be related to a group of syndromes
and the duodenum is in the field of view (note ridged termed ingestive behavior problems, these condi-
area extending from five o’clock to twelve o’clock
tions may also occur as a result of some type of
position). There was no gross or histologic evidence of
digestive system disorder. Questions are frequently
tumor recurrence.
asked about the significance of these activities,
especially grass ingestion and coprophagy. A brief
performed at 30 months because of prostatic ade- discussion of each problem follows.
These two case histories clearly demonstrate
the value of timely diagnosis of potentially life- Grass Ingestion
threatening problems. Frequently dogs and cats Many dogs and some cats enjoy eating grass for no
with intermittent vomiting have much more proven reason and with no apparent untoward
minor problems; however, it is difficult to antici- effects. For some it may represent a normal physi-
pate which are the patients that will have the more ologic event. Perhaps these animals simply enjoy
severe problems. One of the clinician’s most “grazing,” or they may be seeking a source of
important roles is to advise and educate owners in roughage to supply minerals or fiber. If grass inges-
a responsible manner. Shouldn’t we as clinicians at tion is not associated with any immediate symp-
the very least make owners aware of the diagnostic toms of a GI disturbance, such as nausea, bloating,
capabilities that we have at our disposal today? or vomiting, its significance is probably minor and
There is no question that a majority of our canine there is no need for concern on the part of the
and feline patients with GI symptoms have treat- owner. Cats that do not get vegetable matter in
able disorders. The important point is that we diagnose their diets may have a tendency to eat parts of
the chronic and potentially serious disorders early enough house plants. This problem can often be success-
to make a difference. fully eliminated by providing a small flower pot
with grass for the cat to eat. For cats that develop
an undesirable habit of eating certain house plants,
Summary measures such as removal of the plant or aversion
The cause of chronic vomiting can be determined taste-smell conditioning with pepper sauce or
in most dogs and cats, and early diagnosis is facili- vinegar often work. Plant ingestion may cause
tated when a systematic diagnostic approach is fol- vomiting from irritant or toxic effects, and it
lowed. In my experience, once adverse food should certainly be discouraged if these symptoms
reactions, GI parasites, drug reactions, and meta- develop.
bolic causes have been ruled out, the most common I commonly encounter canine patients that are
causes of chronic vomiting encountered in prac- reported to ingest grass only at times when they
tice are inflammatory disorders (gastritis, inflam- seem to be experiencing some type of distress
matory bowel disease), gastric hypomotility, related to the digestive system. The most common
obstructive disorders (foreign bodies, hypertrophy of these is nausea, exhibited by such signs as lick-
syndromes), and neoplasia. The most clinically ing of the lips, exaggerated swallowing motions,
useful (i.e., high yield of important information salivation, and often disinterest in eating food.

fact, the act of grass ingestion can actually become

a valuable monitoring tool for owners, providing
an indication that their pet is uncomfortable and
in need of some type of treatment.
My own Doberman pinscher, which was
afflicted with a gastric hypomotility disorder for
much of her life, demonstrated very clear signs of
nausea with subsequent grass ingestion, followed
by vomiting, on days on which I failed to medicate
FIGURE 1-12 Grass and bile fluid vomited by a dog her properly (she was on lifelong twice-daily
that was demonstrating symptoms of nausea before metoclopramide therapy to improve gastric motil-
ingesting the grass. ity) or to feed her on time. On occasion even
when I did administer the medication in a timely
manner, she would still exhibit signs of nausea and
Frequently the dog, when allowed outside, moves have a propensity to eat grass. My response, which
quickly to a grassy area and begins ingesting grass. often seemed to provide relief, was to increase the
Shortly thereafter, the grass, usually along with frequency of metoclopramide to three times a day
fluid that is often bilious (Figure 1-12), is vomited, and to add an H2-receptor antagonist (famotidine)
and the dog often subjectively appears to feel to lower gastric acid levels, both for several days.
much better after the stomach has emptied (based She rarely showed any interest in eating grass
on improved appetite and energy). In my experi- when her GI symptoms were well controlled.
ence this is not an uncommon occurrence in dogs Other veterinarians have recounted stories to
with the bilious vomiting syndrome, which is fre- me about their own dogs that have had grass-
quently associated with some degree of gastric eating tendencies. Some have not shown any con-
hypomotility. Dogs with this syndrome that eat current GI symptoms such as nausea or vomiting
grass often do so more in the early morning hours but dramatically decreased or stopped altogether
(although it can occur at any time). They most the grass ingestion when they were treated with
likely awaken from a period of sleep while experi- H2-receptor antagonist therapy on an empirical
encing nausea, and they tend to pace around until basis. In some, as soon as this medication was
they can gain outdoor access, where they often stopped, the grass ingestion behavior was resumed.
head directly to a grassy area. Ideally these dogs should undergo upper GI
Some large-breed dogs will impulsively eat endoscopy to examine for evidence of reflux
large quantities of grass in the early stages of a gas- esophagitis, gastritis, bile retention in the stomach,
tric dilatation event. Perhaps grass has some type of upper small bowel inflammation, and other condi-
soothing property for dogs and cats with tions. One can only speculate that for these partic-
esophageal or gastric irritation that can result from ular dogs the ingestion of grass may truly have
any of a number of causes. These may include gas- some type of therapeutic effect. The difficulty for
troesophageal reflux, erosive gastritis, superficial us in working with our patients, of course, is in
irritation from bile reflux, vomiting related to clearly determining whether or not there is any
chronic gastritis or inflammatory bowel disease, significant reason for a particular patient to ingest
and others. For many years it has been theorized grass, especially when there are no obvious associ-
by laypeople that dogs with GI upset may eat grass ated symptoms. Certainly care must be taken not
because they have a sense that doing so will help to overinterpret the significance of grass ingestion.
them vomit. Dogs that eat grass as a result of a Further investigation is needed before any conclu-
digestive system disorder generally do so only on sions can be drawn.
an intermittent basis that often coincides with
their periods of discomfort. I definitely consider
this to be a meaningful clinical sign, and I make a Coprophagy
point of asking owners whose pets are presented Coprophagy is the ingestion of feces. This is com-
for evaluation of disorders characterized by inap- mon behavior in some species, most notably rab-
petence, nausea, or vomiting if they ever see their bits, and in the young of most species. Cats rarely
dog eating grass during periods of apparent GI dis- become coprophagic, but to the dismay of many
comfort. Not uncommonly the answer is yes. In dog owners it is a frequently occurring canine mis-

behavior. The idea of coprophagy is revolting to feces during confinement situations (e.g., cage
most humans, and there is potential for its occur- confinement in a kennel). Coprophagy may then
rence to seriously alter an owner’s attitude toward become a habit. Dogs with exocrine pancreatic
his or her dog. Most will try any suggestions insufficiency (EPI) may become coprophagic,
offered by their veterinarian, trainer, or any other probably secondary to polyphagia and as a conse-
opinionated person. Some owners, however, come quence of specific nutritional deficiencies. In fact,
to accept their dog’s habit. Many dogs also display a any disorder that causes polyphagia can also
great preference for ingesting cat feces. Potential potentially cause coprophagy. In addition to
causes of coprophagy are listed in Box 1-8. malassimilation disorders, other problems that have
Many theories, none scientifically accepted, been reported to be associated with coprophagy
about why coprophagy occurs in dogs have been include hyperadrenocorticism, intestinal para-
proposed by veterinarians and laypeople. It is sitism, and hyperthyroidism; glucocorticoid ther-
adaptive behavior during the first 3 weeks of nurs- apy also appears to be associated with coprophagy.
ing for the mother to keep the nest free of urine A few significant deleterious consequences are
and feces. It is possible that, for some dogs, con- usually associated with coprophagy. The severe
suming the feces of the young may predispose halitosis that results is particularly offensive to
them to coprophagy in nonmaternal situations. It most owners. Depending on the timing of their
is also possible that the habit of coprophagy may activity, dogs may find themselves relegated to
be an example of neonety, that is, the retention of areas where they are unable to gain access to the
juvenile behavior in the adult dog. owner. The potential for acquiring parasitic infec-
Common reasons for coprophagy probably tions from ingesting stools always exists. Bacterial
include boredom, lack of attention from an owner, and viral infections can also be transmitted in this
unresolved conflictual situations in the environ- way. Occasionally dogs with access to horse
ment, insufficient exercise, consumption of nutri- manure are presented in acute distress that results
tionally incomplete rations, poor hygiene in the from partial or complete intestinal obstruction.
environment, and digestive system disorders that Surgery is sometimes necessary to relieve these
result in malabsorption or maldigestion. Bored or impactions.
fastidious dogs might first begin ingesting their The diagnostic evaluation for the problem of
coprophagy starts with obtaining a thorough his-
tory. A differential diagnosis should be made
regarding the likelihood of the presence of a sig-
BOX 1-8 Possible Causes of
nificant medical problem versus environmental
Coprophagy problems or primary behavior tendencies. The
BEHAVIORAL quality of the diet should be assessed. If a poor
Learned habits from puppyhood quality diet is being fed, it may simply be enough
Carryover of maternal behavior to nonmaternal to change to a higher quality ration, preferably one
situations with a high digestibility ratio. Dogs that are fed
only one meal per day may have a lesser tendency
ENVIRONMENTAL/BEHAVIORAL toward coprophagy if food is provided two to
Poor sanitation three times a day.
Unresolved conflictual situations
Questioning regarding the environment
Boredom (lack of sufficient exercise and interaction
with humans and other animals)
includes information about hygiene practices, level
Confinement in close quarters (e.g., boarding of daily exercise that patient gets, amount of inter-
[kennel] situations) action with humans or other animals, and whether
there are any known stresses or conflicts that the
MEDICAL DISORDERS patient undergoes in its environment. Delayed
Parasitism cleanup and disposal of stools can contribute to
Nutritional deficiency the initiation and maintenance of a habit of
Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency coprophagy. Efforts must be made by the owner to
Intestinal malabsorption remove stools from the environment as quickly as
Hyperadrenocorticism possible. Boredom can be a contributing factor to
coprophagy. Dogs that spend much of their time
Any cause of polyphagia
alone all day, especially outdoors, may eventually

get into the habit of eating their stools. Extra exer-

BOX 1-9 Partial List of Food
cise and human interaction every morning and
evening, which includes walks and periods of play Additives Suggested for
with the owner, as well as providing another ani- Prevention of
mal with which to interact, may be of some help Coprophagy*
in these situations. Proffering the dog fresh
Various pancreatic or digestive enzymes (e.g.,
rawhides on a daily basis may help lessen the ten- Pancrezyme,Viokase, Prozyme, meat tenderizers,
dency for coprophagy. crushed pineapple)
If coprophagy involves ingestion of cat feces B-complex vitamins
from litter boxes, the only realistic methods of Sulfur
control include placing the litter boxes in areas Glutamic acid
where dogs are unable to gain access, using cov- Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
ered litter containers, and cleaning the litter as fre- Oil of anise
quently as possible. Sauerkraut
If the history suggests that there may be a med- Canned pumpkin
ical disorder present, appropriate diagnostic evalu-
ation should be undertaken to identify or rule out *
There is no doubt many compounds that have been tried
any potential problems. Treatment is then directed by someone, somewhere, do not appear on this list.
toward whatever problem is identified. Examina-
tions for intestinal parasites should be done rou- proposed behavior modification techniques, used
tinely. If there is any possibility of EPI, a alone or in combination, have shown promise in
trypsin-like immunoreactivity (TLI) assay should fairly consistently stopping coprophagic tendencies
be run. It should be noted that some dogs with in dogs whose problem has been found to be
EPI only infrequently have diarrhea. The canine behavioral rather than medical. First, an owner may
TLI test is readily available at many commercial condition a dog to expect a treat immediately after
labs and is highly diagnostic for EPI. Treatment stooling. In this fashion its expectation of a deli-
includes pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy cious food treat may inhibit the tendency to feed
and dietary management (mild to moderate fat on stools. Second, a way may be found to punish
restriction and low fiber content). Coprophagic the activity or make the activity aversive. One
tendencies often stop in dogs with EPI once method is to inject the commercial product Bitter
appropriate therapy is instituted. Apple into the stool. Simply spraying this product
Myriad compounds that can be added to the on the surface of the stool will not be likely to have
food in an attempt to decrease or alleviate any lasting effect because the dog will shy away
coprophagic behavior have been recommended before it touches the stool. The element of surprise
and tried over the years. These compounds is lost if this is done. Biting into stool that is
include various types of digestive enzymes and impregnated with Bitter Apple will often cause a
vitamins used to improve digestion and subse- very significant aversive sensation. Dose depends
quent absorption of nutrients, or chemicals that on the size of the stool, but a general range of 1 to
are added to the food to make stools that are sub- 3 ml is suggested. This method may also help pre-
sequently passed less desirable to eat for copro- vent a dog from ingesting cat feces. An alternative
phagic dogs by creating an offensive taste. In my would be to inject the feces with the emetic drug
experience this approach unfortunately rarely apomorphine. Ingestion of feces followed shortly
works. However, these ideas should be discussed by a strong sensation of nausea and then vomiting
with owners who are willing to try anything to may suffice to cause a strong aversion to the stool.
curb their dog’s habit of coprophagy. A list of var- As a last resort, owners who strongly desire to
ious enzymes or chemicals that have been recom- stop coprophagic behavior can try remote punish-
mended by veterinarians, breeders, and behavior ment with a shock collar. Remote punishment is
specialists appears in Box 1-9. applied the moment the dog begins to explore or
Once the habit of coprophagy is started, it can prehend stool. Behavior modification with shock
be very difficult to break. Treatment may require collars has been reported to be very effective. It
retraining the patient. Use of a muzzle to prevent must be noted that this method of treatment
prehension of stool may be a useful starting point should be carefully discussed with any owner who
in the retraining process. Moreover, several recently expresses interest in trying it. The owner’s ethical

concerns and other issues surrounding the applica- Decisions frequently revolve around such ques-
tion of this procedure need to be taken into con- tions as, What are the most meaningful initial
sideration. For some this form of treatment may be clinical tests? When and for how long should
unacceptable. The reader should consult the refer- empirical treatment be tried? What are the most
ences at the end of the chapter for an overview of appropriate medications to use for empirical
using this kind of treatment to solve behavioral treatment trials? When should a detailed diagnos-
problems. tic work-up, which often includes GI function
testing and intestinal biopsies, be recommended?
This section and the chapters on small intestinal
Pica (Chapters 6 and 7) and large intestinal (Chapter
Pica is defined as a craving for and ingestion of 8) disorders describe an organized approach to
unnatural articles of food. Dogs may eat dirt the problem of diarrhea that is applicable to any
(geophagy), cloth, carpet, rocks, sticks, cat litter, or practice setting.
other materials or may show a distinct interest in Diarrhea is defined simply as passage of feces
licking carpet or concrete. Cats may eat soil, grass, that contain an excess amount of water. This
or even cat litter. Anemic cats sometimes lick soil, results in an abnormal increase in stool liquidity
litter, walls, or rusty objects. Wool sucking is an and weight. In some patients there may simply
abnormal behavior disorder known to occur in be an increase in frequency of defecation.
Siamese, part-Siamese, and Burmese cats. Cats Diarrhea has also been described in broad, sim-
with this tendency may actually destroy woolen ple terms as “the too rapid evacuation of too
articles by sucking or chewing on them. loose stools.” Definitions notwithstanding, how-
Nutritional deficiencies should be corrected if ever, it is most important that the clinician care-
they exist. The diagnostic approach is similar fully determine exactly what the owner means
to that followed for coprophagy. Dietary and when the term diarrhea is used. The owner’s
environmental factors should be investigated. interpretation is often not as encompassing as
Occasionally, geophagic animals are found to be the clinician’s. To some people diarrhea indicates
iron deficient. Dogs that lick or chew on foreign only profuse, watery stools. In fact, any variance
objects may have acute or chronic vomiting that from what is considered normal for a patient in
may be related to the presence of a gastric or intes- terms of frequency and consistency should be
tinal foreign body. I have seen dogs with large considered potentially abnormal and worthy of
clumps of carpet fibers that probably took weeks discussion.
to months to build up before endoscopic retrieval Although a variety of symptoms can be caused
or gastrotomy became necessary to remove the by intestinal disorders, diarrhea is the hallmark sign
material. of intestinal dysfunction. It can result from pri-
Most of the time, animals with pica have a mary intestinal disease (e.g., parasitism, various
behavioral tendency rather than a true medical inflammatory disorders, infectious problems, neo-
disorder. Treatment usually involves preventing plasia), disorders of the liver or pancreas that affect
access, if at all possible, to favored objects or limit- normal intestinal digestive and absorptive pro-
ing access to one to two items. Taste aversion cesses, and a number of other factors or conditions
methods can also be tried. Thyroid hormone sup- that adversely affect intestinal function in some
plementation works well in some wool-sucking way (e.g., dietary indiscretion, adverse food reac-
cats. tions, drugs [e.g., antibiotics, cardiac glycosides],
systemic disorders including renal failure, hypoad-
DIARRHEA Diarrhea is often classified according to loca-
In addition to vomiting, diarrhea is one of the tion (small or large intestinal in origin), mecha-
most common presenting complaints that veteri- nism(s) of diarrhea (osmotic—decreased solute
narians deal with on a daily basis. Surveys have absorption, secretory—hypersecretion of ions,
confirmed that a majority of practicing veteri- exudative—increased permeability, and abnor-
narians rank definitive diagnosis and manage- mal motility), and etiology. Most small animals
ment of chronic intermittent and chronic with diarrhea can be successfully treated.
persistent diarrhea as one of the most challenging Clinicians are cautioned, however, that patients
and frustrating aspects of their medical practices. with diarrhea that do not respond satisfactorily to

routine care within a reasonable period of time, as fresh blood, straining, and any change in fre-
determined by the patient’s overall condition, quency of defecation are discussed. A rough esti-
frequency of clinical signs (increasing?), and pres- mate of fecal water content is made (e.g., Are the
ence of any significant laboratory abnormalities, stools profuse and watery in nature? Generally
should be thoroughly investigated to determine soft formed?). Small bowel diarrhea is character-
the cause of the problem before it becomes signif- ized by passage of increased volumes of fecal
icantly chronic and potentially nonresponsive to material.
any treatment that is administered. Intestinal biopsy The vaccination history, dietary history, and
is often required for diagnosis in patients with chronic, environmental history (potential for dietary
poorly responsive diarrhea. indiscretion, exposure to any infectious or para-
sitic agents) are always discussed, and valuable
diagnostic clues are often elucidated, especially in
Historical Findings—Overview patients with acute diarrhea. Any recent history
It is clear that a great number of problems can of drug administration should also be reviewed,
cause diarrhea. The clinician is faced with the because some pharmaceuticals could be impli-
tasks of formulating a well-directed diagnostic cated as causative agents (more so in patients with
plan from a variety of available clinical tests and acute diarrhea). Sometimes the patient’s lifestyle
accurately selecting an effective therapeutic regi- plays an important role in the development of
men from a wide array of diets and pharmaceuti- diarrhea. For example, working dogs such as
cals. This all too often has to be accomplished sled or police dogs may experience diarrheal
with cost-containment factors foremost in the episodes during stressful times. Sled dogs some-
owner’s mind.As a result it is extremely important times exhibit explosive diarrhea, with or without
that a thorough history be obtained so that a lim- blood, at the start of or during a race. In police
ited list of most likely diagnostic possibilities can dogs (frequently German shepherds), diarrhea,
be accurately determined. This is best done by which may be consistent with either small or
asking a broad-based series of questions in an large bowel type of signs, and other GI symptoms
orderly manner. Box 1-10 provides a list of ques- can be related to intense work situations. Home
tions to ask when interrogating an owner whose environment and a patient’s individual personal-
pet has diarrhea. ity type (e.g., excitable, aggressive) may play a
The first step involves establishing the dura- role in causing diarrhea in dogs with irritable
tion of clinical signs as clearly as possible. It is bowel syndrome.
important to ascertain how frequently a patient’s The initial phase of the interview is completed
stools are actually observed. Patients that live with an assessment of the patient’s overall condi-
primarily outdoors or that are only casually tion, with emphasis on attitude (alert/respon-
watched when they are outside may have been sive/active versus variable degrees of lethargy) and
experiencing abnormal defecations longer or whether there has been any weight loss. The cli-
more persistently than the owner may actually nician has now had an opportunity to gain per-
realize. Emphasis is also placed on a review of the spective regarding how the case should be
clinical course (e.g., acute and short duration, approached diagnostically and therapeutically
acute onset and then persistent for several weeks and, very importantly, whether or not there
or more, intermittent initially but now more should be some sense of urgency in expediting
persistent, chronic [more than 1 month] and the initial plan (e.g., parvoviral enteritis, intussus-
unrelenting). ception, symptoms including abdominal pain,
Next, a clear description of the nature and chronic wasting disease associated with a severe
character of the stool is obtained. This will help protein-losing enteropathy condition). More
differentiate small bowel from large bowel disor- detailed information regarding the meaning of
ders (Table 1-4). Tests and treatment often vary historical findings is provided in the following
for small and large intestinal disorders, making discussion.
this initial characterization very important.
Because large bowel type of problems occur so
commonly, I often begin by asking questions rel- Stool Characteristics
ative to this area of the GI tract. Specifically, the Table 1-4 outlines historical and gross fecal char-
presence or absence of mucus (Figure 1-13), acteristics useful in differentiation of small and

BOX 1-10 Questions to Ask in the Investigation of Diarrhea

1. Was the onset recent and acute? If so: suggests possibility of benign moderate to
a. Is this a young patient that was just obtained severe infiltrative disease or neoplasia.
from a locality where there was close contact e. Is there any history of flatulence or borboryg-
with other animals (e.g., pet store, kennel, mus?
humane shelter)? If so, assume parasitism f. What is the patient’s normal environment like
(including Giardia) and/or viral infection as (indoors versus outdoors, contact with parasite-
most likely causes. infected environment, working dog or pet, iden-
b. Are any contact animals in the immediate tifiable stressful events in patient’s environment)?
home environment affected? Has the patient lived in or traveled to any areas
c. Has the patient recently been to any area fre- where histoplasmosis is known to be a problem?
quented by other animals (e.g., parks, pet Parasitism can be a factor in any patient with
shows)? diarrhea, acute or chronic.
d. Is the vaccination history current? g. Has the patient been eating a poor-quality diet?
e. Has the patient had access to drinking pond or h. What is the patient’s breed and character?
stream water? Strongly consider Giardia in German shepherds have a high incidence of
endemic areas. inflammatory small intestinal disease, intestinal
f. Could the patient have ingested garbage, spoiled bacterial overgrowth, and pancreatic disease.
food, or any toxins? Concomitant systemic signs Shar-peis have a high incidence of inflamma-
are often present (e.g., vomiting, lethargy). tory small intestinal disease and intestinal bacte-
g. Can administration of any drugs, especially rial overgrowth. Hyperexcitable or nervous
antibiotics, be temporally related to the onset of dogs may be prone to irritable bowel syndrome.
diarrhea? i. Is the patient a cat 5 or more years of age?
h. Has there been a sudden diet change, especially Hyperthyroidism must be considered.
to a high-fat, meat-based canned food? 3. What are the characteristics of the stools?
i. Can any stress factors be associated with the a. Size and volume?
onset of diarrhea (e.g., boarding, conflictual b. Consistency? Watery? Soft formed? Are any of
problems in the home environment, any sit- the stools or portions of stools that are passed
uation that causes apprehension)? during a given day normal?
j. Is the diarrhea associated with other symptoms c. Is there any undigested food present?
(fever, vomiting, lethargy, weakness)? Diagnostic d. Frequency?
tests and supportive care are often indicated. e. Is any blood or mucus present?
2. Is the diarrhea of chronic duration (longer f. Is there any incidence of tenesmus? Tenesmus
than 2 to 3 weeks)? If so: suggests distal colonic, rectal, or anal disease.
a. For how long a period of time? g. Timing? Is there a need to defecate frequently
b. Intermittent? Persistent? during the night? Urgency?
c. Has there been a change in appetite (ravenous, h. If the patient is a cat, does it discharge abnor-
decreased, intermittent changes, pica)? mal stools next to or at a distance from the lit-
d. Has there been any weight loss? Chronic ter box? This often suggests a large intestinal
wasting disease with a decreased appetite problem such as colitis.

large bowel disorders.When asking owners ques- what mucus in fecal material may look like.
tions about stool characteristics, it is often neces- Indeed, sometimes mucus is difficult to identify,
sary for clinicians to describe what they mean in especially in liquid stools in which there is thor-
simple terms. For example, owners sometimes mis- ough admixture of mucus with water or when
interpret questions about presence of mucus in loose stool is mixed in with cat litter.
the stool. If there is uncertainty, it is useful for the Occasionally patients with frequent urgency to
clinician to use such descriptive terms as “clear defecate will expel only clear mucus. This might
gel,” “appearance of a clear coating around the be described by the owner as a “thick, ropy, clear
stool,” or even “appearance of ‘gloppiness’ to the liquid.” I have on occasion observed owners
stool.” Owners who initially denied presence of entering the examination room with a thick
mucus may change their answer to a more accu- strand of clear mucus on their arm, having been
rate one once they have a better understanding of deposited there by their cat or small dog as they

TABLE 1-4 Differentiation of Small Intestinal From Large Intestinal

Parameter Small Intestine Large Intestine
Mucus Rarely present Frequently present
Hematochezia Absent, except in hemorrhagic May be present. Often appears as streaks of
gastroenteritis syndrome bright-red blood on surface of stool or
admixed with loose stool.
Volume Increased Normal to decreased
Quality of stool Varies from nearly formed to quite Loose to nearly formed. Mucus may be
watery. Often appears soft formed absent or be present in small amounts, or
(“cowpile”). Undigested food or constitute nearly the entire volume of
fat droplets or globules may be material expelled. No undigested food.
present. Malodorous.
Shape Variable—depends on amount of water May be normal or reduced in diameter
present in feces (narrowed)
Steatorrhea Present with maldigestive or Absent
malabsorptive disorders
Melena May be present—appears as black, Absent
tarry stool
Color Considerable variation—tan to dark Variable—usually brown, may be nearly
brown, black (not always indicative clear (increased mucus) or laced with
of melena), grayish brown. May be bright-red blood
altered by certain medications.

Frequency Usually increased to 2-4 times a day but Almost always increased. May be as
may remain normal in some patients frequent as 3-10 times per day (average
3-5). The combination of increased
frequency of defecation and passage of
decreased amounts of stool strongly
suggests large intestinal involvement.
Dyschezia Absent Frequent in dogs, less common in cats
Tenesmus Absent Frequent in dogs, less common in cats
Urgency May be present in cases of acute severe Frequent. Common reason for owner
enteritis, with rapid transit of large being awakened during the night to
volumes of fluid through the allow a dog outdoors to defecate. Often
gastrointestinal tract causes restless or anxious behavior in
well-trained house dogs as they await an
opportunity to get outdoors.

Weight loss Usually occurs as disease becomes Unusual. May occur in conjunction with
more chronic. Occurs with both severe colitis, diffuse neoplasia, or
malabsorptive and maldigestive histoplasmosis. If both small and large
disease processes. bowel signs are present, any weight loss
that has occurred is more likely due to
the small intestinal disease component
Vomiting Common in patients with inflammatory May occur in 30%-35% of patients with
bowel disorders and acute infectious acute colitis. Sometimes occurs before
disorders onset of abnormal stools.
Appetite Usually normal or decreased. May be Usually remains normal. May be decreased
cyclic, often decreasing in if disease is severe (neoplasia,
conjunction with flare-ups of histoplasmosis).
symptoms. May be ravenous in some

TABLE 1-4 Differentiation of Small Intestinal From Large Intestinal

Parameter Small Intestine Large Intestine
Appetite—cont’d dogs with inflammatory bowel disease
(especially shar-peis).Appetite may be
increased in cats with inflammatory
bowel disease or lymphoma (transiently
in the latter).
Halitosis May be associated with maldigestive or Absent
malabsorptive diseases
Borborygmus May be present Absent
Flatulence May be present Absent
Fecal incontinence Rare—would only be associated with May be present
severe enteritis and rapid transit of
large volumes of watery diarrhea
“Scooting” or Absent Occasionally present—may be quite
chewing at pronounced in some patients with
perianal area proctitis

FIGURE 1-13 Stool passed by a dog exhibiting a sense

of urgency. Diarrhea had begun several days earlier. A
majority of the stool is mucus, a characteristic that is FIGURE 1-14 Two-year-old mastiff with signs
consistent with a large bowel disorder. consistent with chronic large bowel diarrhea. One of
the major clinical signs was dyschezia (straining to
defecate), which had been occurring over the last year.
Typically the dog would crouch for several minutes, as
is shown here, while passing only a small amount of
held it in their arms in the waiting room. The stool. The dog would then walk around for a few
initial line of questioning is readily apparent minutes and then crouch to try to pass stool again.
when this occurs! Only small amounts of stool were passed at a time.
Two of the most useful questions to ask rela- These signs were consistent with a chronic large
tive to presence of a large bowel disorder are intestinal disorder. Colon biopsies were obtained at
colonoscopy and revealed chronic moderate to severe
whether there is any fresh blood (bright-red
lymphocytic-plasmacytic colitis. A stool sample was
blood) in the stool or any evidence of straining also positive for Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin.
to defecate (Figure 1-14). Once again, commu- Treatment included both sulfasalazine for chronic
nicating a clear description of our interpretation colitis and tylosin for C. perfringens enterotoxicosis.
of these findings, without leading the owner Dietary therapy included fiber supplementation.
into an answer, is very important. The owner
must be made comfortable enough to acknowledge
when he or she is not certain of the answer. If the for, observe more closely in the home environ-
history is unclear, the patient can be hospitalized ment.
for further evaluation or the owner can, newly When asked if there has been blood in the
armed with specific ideas about what to look stool, the owner may picture large pools of blood,

when in fact blood in the stools of patients with a

large bowel disorder often appears as small droplets
or streaks that could easily be missed by a nondis-
cerning observer. This is compounded by the fact
that blood may be present only intermittently. A
differentiation must also be made regarding stool
color when blood is present (hematochezia versus
melena). The origin of bright-red blood (hema-
tochezia) is generally anal, rectal, or descending
colon. The cause of hematochezia can usually be
more clearly determined by asking if the stools are
consistently formed, with blood present on the
surface of the stool, or loose, with blood on the
surface or admixed in the stool. Dogs that pass
formed stools with blood on the surface usually
FIGURE 1-16 Abrasive clumps of hair in the colon of
have rectal polyps (passage of stool over a polyp
a cat with intermittent hematochezia and mild
often causes it to bleed) (Figure 1-15), whereas lymphocytic-plasmacytic colitis. Commonly the cat’s
those that pass soft stools with blood most often stools were formed but had blood on the surface and
have some type of inflammatory or irritative dis- contained hair. The hematochezia was thought to be
order. Passage of formed stools with fresh blood in primarily a result of the abrasive effect of hair on the
cats is most often related to the presence of abra- colonic mucosa. The hair clumps observed in this
sive material (e.g., hair, particulate matter from photograph remained after two warm-water enemas
ingestion of prey) passing along the colonic were administered in preparation for colonoscopy.
mucosa (Figure 1-16). Rectal polyps are extremely (From Leib MS: Colonoscopy. In Tams TR, ed: Small
uncommon in cats. Occasionally cats with colitis animal endoscopy, St. Louis, 1990, Mosby.)
will pass consistently formed stool with blood on
the surface (this is unusual in dogs).
The various causes of hematochezia are sum- small intestine. Tarry stools result from bacterial
marized in Box 1-11. Melena describes dark, tarry breakdown of hemoglobin. There must be a suffi-
stools resulting from digested blood. The origin ciently large amount of blood present before stools will
may be from the pharynx, lungs (i.e., coughed up appear tarry. In one retrospective study that evalu-
and swallowed), esophagus, stomach, or upper ated 43 dogs with gastric and/or duodenal ulcera-
tion, it was found that only 40% of the dogs had
melena. It must also be noted that not all patients
with dark stool have melena.
Dyschezia is defined as difficult and/or
painful defecation. Tenesmus refers to persistent
or prolonged straining that is usually ineffectual. It
generally indicates a sense of urgency. Both
dyschezia and tenesmus can be associated with ali-
mentary, as well as genitourinary, disorders. The
most common alimentary tract causes are colitis,
proctitis (inflammation of rectal mucosa), and con-
stipation. Because owners frequently interpret straining
to indicate constipation, it is essential that the clinician
differentiate constipation from the straining that is often
associated with large bowel inflammation and diarrhea at
FIGURE 1-15 Close-up endoscopic view of a large
the outset. Experienced clinicians recognize that
rectal polyp with a friable surface in a 10-year-old
neutered male Great Dane. The primary clinical sign many telephone calls involving a request for
was passage of consistently formed stools that advice on how to treat a constipated pet at home
occasionally had streaks of fresh blood on the surface. actually involve an inaccurate assumption by the
The polyp was exteriorized through the anus and owner. Frequently tenesmus is caused by colitis
excised. and/or proctitis in these patients. The differentia-

described is whether the stools and act of defeca-

BOX 1-11 Causes of Hematochezia
tion (if observed) are normal or abnormal.
ANAL CANAL Frequently information to support existence of a
Fissures large bowel diarrhea disorder will be elucidated. If
Anal sacculitis the stools are consistently normal, a behavior dis-
Trauma order should be suspected (e.g., cognitive dysfunc-
tion syndrome in older dogs and cats). Diagnostic
work-up and/or initial empirical treatment can
Proctitis then be accurately directed.
Colitis Small bowel diarrhea is often characterized by
Idiopathic an increased frequency of defecation with evacua-
Infectious tion of larger than normal amounts of soft-to-
Campylobacter watery stool. Color variations range from light tan to
Clostridium perfringens darker brown to orange to black (melena).
Parvovirus Dyschezia and tenesmus are not characteristics of a
Parasitism small bowel disorder and are apparent only if a large
Whipworms bowel disorder is present as well (this is an important
historical point, indicating probable diffuse intestinal
involvement). Urgency may be present in acute small
Mucosal trauma
Passage of foreign material (common cause of bowel disorders or in those associated with cramp-
hematochezia associated with formed stools ing. Generally, rapid evacuation of a large volume of
in cats—especially hair) watery diarrhea ensues (as opposed to large bowel
Automobile trauma problems in which only a small volume is passed).
Iatrogenic (e.g., thermometer or enema tube Steatorrhea may cause the feces to have an oily
damage) appearance and/or a grayish coloration. Presence of
Prolapsed rectum undigested food indicates maldigestion, which is
Neoplasia generally due to either EPI or rapid bowel transit
Rectal polyp (common cause of hematochezia time. Weight loss that occurs in conjunction with
associated with formed stools in dogs)
chronic diarrhea is most often due to a significant
Rectal adenocarcinoma
disorder of malabsorption or maldigestion and may
be associated with a guarded prognosis. Diagnostic
ILEOCECOCOLIC AREA testing sufficient to determine a definitive diagnosis
Ileocolic intussusception should be expedited.
Cecocolic intussusception

Associated Clinical Signs

tion is readily made through a review of the his- Clinical signs that occur in conjunction with diar-
tory and physical examination. rhea often provide important clues regarding area
Other important clues that indicate the onset of involvement and the potential seriousness of the
of a large bowel diarrhea disorder include condition. Important ancillary clinical signs that
increased frequency of defecation with evacuation the clinician should ask about when reviewing the
of only small amounts of stool (and in some history include vomiting, weight loss, appetite
patients eventually only mucus), defecating in change, flatulence, and borborygmus. Flatulence
abnormal places (cats), well-trained house dogs and borborygmus most often indicate small intes-
acting out of character by defecating in the house tinal dysfunction. These symptoms are discussed
(usually due to a sense of urgency to defecate) in detail later in this chapter. Whereas vomiting
while the owner is away or unavailable to allow commonly occurs in patients with small intestinal
them outside, and dogs waking their owner fre- disease, especially inflammatory and parasitic dis-
quently during the night to go outside (sense of orders, it is also sometimes observed in patients
urgency) when normally they sleep through the with large intestinal problems. It is estimated that
night. Sometimes cats with colitis will defecate up to 35% of dogs with acute colitis vomit in addi-
next to but not in the litterbox. The first question tion to exhibiting typical signs of large bowel diar-
to ask if any of these abnormal patterns is rhea. A majority of these patients that undergo

gastroscopy and colonoscopy have normal findings resolution of signs can be expected. Significant
on stomach biopsy. In fact, in some of these weight loss and/or inappetence occur in associa-
patients, vomiting actually precedes the onset of tion with primary large bowel disorders only when
diarrhea by several hours to 1 to 2 days.Vomiting they are severe (e.g., severe colitis, including histio-
and inappetence often precede the onset of diar- cytic ulcerative colitis of boxer dogs, diffuse neo-
rhea in dogs with parvovirus enteritis. These facts plasia, or histoplasmosis).
highlight the importance of looking for physical
evidence of intestinal disorders in patients pre-
sented for acute vomiting. This is accomplished Physical Examination
through a physical examination, which must Physical examination of patients with diarrhea is
include a rectal examination to evaluate for similar to the thorough evaluation that is done on
increased mucosal sensitivity (suggestive of procti- vomiting patients (see earlier discussion). Along
tis/colitis) and stool characteristics. Dogs with with the history, physical findings help direct the
severe enteritis that have not yet passed any stool clinician regarding what specific tests, if any, should
may release a large amount of watery, bloody diar- be done and how quickly work-up should be expe-
rhea as soon as a rectal examination is performed. dited. Particular attention is paid to the patient’s
The presence of weight loss and inappetence in attitude, hydration, and posture. Depression and
conjunction with chronic diarrhea suggests a sig- dehydration occurring in conjunction with acute
nificant small intestinal disorder (e.g., inflammatory diarrhea suggest an infectious or toxicity-related
bowel disease, lymphangiectasia, histoplasmosis, cause. Careful evaluation for any signs of sepsis
neoplasia), and their presence should hasten the (fever or hypothermia, tachycardia, tachypnea, and
clinician’s efforts toward making a definitive diag- signs of shock, which may include changes in
nosis. The combination of chronic diarrhea, mucous membrane color to brick red or, alterna-
weight loss, and increased appetite in cats suggests tively, pale, cool extremities and injected mem-
hyperthyroidism, inflammatory bowel disease, EPI, branes) is conducted initially and at any indication
(rare in cats), and occasionally lymphosarcoma that a patient’s condition may be destabilizing again.
(some cats with GI lymphoma actually have an Abnormal posture (e.g., arched back) may indicate
increased rather than decreased appetite). This abdominal pain that can be associated with acute or
combination of signs in dogs is most consis- chronic disorders. The neck should be carefully
tent with EPI. Characteristics of diarrhea in palpated in cats with diarrhea for evidence of an
patients with EPI include voluminous “cowpile”- enlarged thyroid nodule (indicating hyperthy-
consistency stools that are often rancid in nature. roidism). Body weight and overall physical stature
Coprophagy is an ancillary sign that frequently should be noted. The act of defecation, especially if
occurs in dogs with EPI. Weight loss and inappe- there is a history of dyschezia or tenesmus, should
tence rarely occur in dogs and cats with intestinal be observed by the clinician whenever possible.
disorders limited to the large bowel. Careful abdominal palpation is done to exam-
Young to middle-age dogs that have chronic ine for thickened bowel (inflammatory or neoplas-
unrelenting diarrhea with minimal to no weight tic infiltration), intussusception, presence of a mass
loss and a consistently normal appetite most often that could be causing partial intestinal obstruction
have a more significant problem in the large intes- with resultant diarrhea, and lymphadenopathy
tine than in the small bowel. I have found that the (benign or neoplastic). Hepatomegaly suggests the
large bowel signs in these patients are often mild to possibility of hepatic disease in a causative role, and
subtle (e.g., mild dyschezia with transient flare-ups, patients with acute or chronic severe small bowel
soft stools that only occasionally contain blood, diarrhea may have markedly increased fluid in the
intermittent passage of mucus). The prevailing sign small bowel. Sensitivity localized to the caudal
is that the stools are never consistently normal. If dorsal abdomen can often be detected in patients
small bowel disease is present as well it is generally with colitis. This area is often not palpated care-
mild, so inappetence and weight loss would not be fully enough by veterinary clinicians.
expected. The most common combination of A rectal examination is always done in dogs to
findings is mild to moderate colitis, mild inflamma- examine for increased mucosal sensitivity, presence
tory bowel disease of the small intestine, and intes- of narrowing (e.g., infiltrative disease, stricture),
tinal bacterial overgrowth. Each of these problems foreign body, or mass effect, and to obtain a fresh
needs to be treated appropriately before adequate stool sample for gross examination. The finger

should be rotated 360 degrees in the rectal canal so Giardia cysts. Examination of duodenal lavage
that as much mucosal contact as possible is made. fluid, obtained via endoscopy or at laparotomy, for
Rectal polyps, which are often soft, can easily be trophozoites may also be done but is impractical as
missed on cursory examination. The perineal area an early diagnostic test. A fecal enzyme-linked
is also examined for evidence of perianal fistulas, immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for Giardia-
perineal hernia, and anal gland disease, all of which specific antigen has also become available (Figure
can cause symptoms of large bowel disease. 1-18). This is a sensitive test and can be easily per-
formed in-house or at commercial laboratories.
My preference when examining for parasites in
Diagnostic Plan patients with acute diarrhea is to run both a zinc
Specific diagnostic studies performed in patients sulfate assay and a test for Giardia antigen. This
with diarrhea are generally determined by the fol- gives me a high level of confidence in my efforts
lowing considerations: (1) duration (acute versus to more accurately determine whether or not
chronic [2 to 3 weeks or more]); (2) presence of intestinal parasites are present. Empirical treatment
associated clinical signs such as inappetence, for parasites using such drugs as fenbendazole
weight loss, frequent vomiting, severe bloody diar- (Panacur) or febantel (contained in Drontal Plus,
rhea, listless behavior (expedite diagnostic efforts if Bayer, along with pyrantel pamoate and prazi-
any of these signs are present); (3) environmental quantel) for whipworms and giardiasis may also
history; (4) signalment; (5) localization of the diar- suggest a diagnosis if their use is successful in
rhea to either small or large bowel or both; (6) fre- resolving the diarrhea.
quency of diarrhea (intermittent versus chronic Although diet-induced enteropathies are com-
and persistent); and (7) physical examination find- mon, they are sometimes difficult to diagnose
ings. This will help the clinician determine definitively. Acute diarrhea may result from
whether a conservative step-by-step approach is overeating, a sudden change in diet (especially to a
feasible (e.g., diagnostic dietary trials, empirical canned meat-based food), ingestion of spoiled
treatment for parasites if screening fecal examina- food, food intolerance, or food sensitivity. The
tions are negative for parasites, treatment for mild diagnosis is most likely to be made based on his-
acute colitis) or a more aggressive diagnostic effort tory, ruling out other causes, and response to
is indicated. When evaluating patients with treatment. Strict dietary trials with hypoaller-
chronic diarrhea, the list of diagnostic tests need genic diets are indicated more for patients with
not be extensive, just well directed (Figure 1-17). more chronic signs (e.g., 2 weeks or longer in
duration). Dietary therapy for patients with acute
diarrhea includes dietary restriction for 24 to 48
Acute Diarrhea hours (to place the intestinal tract in a state of phys-
Diet-induced problems, viral infections, and parasites are iologic rest) followed by gradual reintroduction of
the major causes of acute diarrhea in dogs and cats. food using a bland, readily digestible but low-fat
Because intestinal parasites may be a factor in any diet (e.g., chicken and rice or boiled hamburger
diarrheic state, fecal examinations (direct and and rice in a 1:4 ratio, or a commercial diet of sim-
flotation) should be routinely done in all patients. ilar formulation) provided in small, frequently fed
Multiple examinations may be required to identify amounts for several days. Finally, either the regular
Giardia and Trichuris infections. Examination of diet is resumed or a change is made to a new main-
fresh saline smears may identify ova, larvae, or tenance diet if the previous food is considered
motile protozoan parasites. High magnification unsatisfactory or is thought to have played a
with moderate light intensity should be used. causative role in development of the diarrhea.
Adding a drop of iodine may enhance the visibility Patients with such signs as depression, dehydra-
of Giardia trophozoites and will stop any motion tion, and fever in conjunction with acute diarrhea,
of the organism. Unfortunately, saline smears are with or without blood, should be evaluated for
not very reliable for diagnosis of Giardia infections systemic abnormalities. The minimum database
(only 40% of dogs infected with Giardia were always includes a CBC, looking for leukocytosis
diagnosed in one study when saline smears were or leukopenia, presence or absence of left shift, and
done using fresh stool on 3 separate days). The supportive evidence for dehydration (elevated
most accurate practical test for Giardia is zinc sul- packed cell volume [PCV] and total solids). A
fate centrifugal flotation for identification of blood smear can be evaluated quickly and easily

Patient’s status and clinical course identified

Mild disease Significant disease

Little debilitation Chronic course
Still relatively early in course but no
response to dietary trials and anthelmintic therapy
Fecal examination for parasites
— ZnSO4 flotation for Giardia (1-3⫻)
— Giardia fecal ELISA test CBC/complete biochemical profile/UA
Anthelmintic therapy Fecal tests if not already done
— Consider empirical treatment (e.g., ZnSO4 flotation, fecal ELISA test
(e.g., metronidazole, fenbendazole, for Giardia-specific antigen, fecal cytology)
Drontal Plus) even if tests are negative Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin assay
Dietary trials (fecal assay)
— Select a novel protein source Cryptosporidium IFA or acid-fast stains
— Decide on fiber supplementation vs high digestibility (fecal tests)
T4/FeLV/FIV tests should be run on feline
TLI assay to rule out exocrine pancreatic
insufficiency (EPI) in dogs and cats
If no response to any of these Cobalamin/folate to investigate for intestinal
measures, proceed to further bacterial overgrowth (IBO) in dogs and
diagnostic tests infiltrative bowel disease in cats
Canine fecal α1-proteinase inhibitor to screen
for intestinal protein loss (fecal assay)

Hypoproteinemia Normoproteinemia Tests diagnostic for

(albumin <2.5 g/dl) hyperthyroidism, EPI,

Rule out liver and renal

disease (review baseline Appropriate therapy
tests, run bile acids assay (if hypoproteinemic,
and urine protein: creatinine or if appropriate
ratio if area of involvement therapy does not
is in question) resolve the diarrhea
in 2-4 weeks,
intestinal biopsies
Intestinal biopsies should also be done,
(strongly preferred because there may
over empirical therapy) be several coexisting
Either disorders)

Empirical therapy Intestinal biopsies Intestinal biopsies

(decision based on patient’s (strongly recommend (many cats with a
condition and owner’s in patients with chronic significant degree
financial considerations) diarrhea and no of intestinal disease
previously identified remain normopro-
definitive cause—the teinemic or develop
earlier a definitive hyperproteinemia)
Antibacterials Antiinflammatory diagnosis is made, the
medications sooner the patient will
benefit from therapy best
tailored to its needs)

Partial or no response

FIGURE 1-17 Sequential diagnosis of chronic small bowel diarrhea in dogs and cats. ZnSO4, Zinc sulfate; CBC,
complete blood count; UA, urinalysis; ELISA, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; T4, thyroxine; FeLV, feline
leukemia virus; FIV, feline immunodeficiency virus; TLI, trypsin-like immunoreactivity.

Microscopy positive/Giardia (GSA 65) positive Microscopy negative/Giardia (GSA 65) positive

Trophozoite Cyst Giardia-specific antigen

FIGURE 1-18 This schematic illustrates how the Giardia antigen test works (ProspecT Giardia Rapid Assay,
Remel). On the left side there is a depiction of an intestine that contains Giardia trophozoites, Giardia cysts (the oval
objects), and Giardia antigen (the small triangles). All three are being passed in the stool, and a direct saline smear for
trophozoites, a zinc sulfate test for Giardia cysts, and a Giardia antigen test could all be positive. The right schematic
shows a patient that has Giardia trophozoites in the intestine, but there are no trophozoites or cysts being passed in
the feces. The only test that will be positive in this situation is an antigen test. Humans and animals that are infected
with Giardia can shed cysts intermittently. Therefore, if an antigen test is not done, the diagnosis will be missed if
there are no cysts present in the stool sample. I prefer to run this test in addition to running a zinc sulfate test to
help make an accurate diagnosis for Giardia. This test can also be used after a course of treatment to check to see if a
Giardia infection has been successfully eradicated (the test is run 14 days after the conclusion of therapy).

for an estimated white blood cell count. In patients Fecal shedding of viral particles often decreases
with hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, there may be a rapidly, however, so a negative result does not rule
dramatic increase in PCV to levels as high as 70% out infection. Fecal cultures to examine for
to 75%. This degree of increase in PCV contrasts Salmonella spp., Campylobacter jejuni,Yersinia entero-
with that in parvovirus infection and is the key to colitica, and Shigella are indicated in some situations
diagnosis of hemorrhagic gastroenteritis. If CBC (e.g., kennel outbreaks, patients recently obtained
results will not be readily available, a blood smear from pet stores or shelters, households where more
should be examined for estimation of the white than one animal has diarrhea). It is extremely
blood cell count. Serial blood counts may be important that proper technique be used when
necessary because leukocytosis or leukopenia may obtaining feces for stool culture (see Chapter 6).
be transient. A CBC may also suggest a possible
diagnosis of hypoadrenocorticism (lymphocytosis,
eosinophilia, mild anemia). Electrolytes (includ- Chronic Diarrhea
ing sodium and potassium), serial blood glucose Diarrhea that has not responded to conventional
assessments for evidence of sepsis, and urinalysis therapy within 2 or 3 weeks can be considered
both for baseline evaluation of renal function and chronic. It is then appropriate to recommend that
for serial urine specific gravity levels as an aid in the problem be more thoroughly evaluated by
monitoring hydration in patients with normal using specific diagnostic tests. Considerable
renal function should also be run. expense may be involved in some cases, so it is
Hemagglutination, hemagglutination inhibi- always best to start by reviewing the history once
tion, or ELISA tests are used to test for fecal again (including differentiation between small and
shedding of viral antigen. In-office ELISA tests large intestinal involvement or determining that
have proven useful in detecting fecal shedding of both areas are likely involved) to be as accurate as
parvovirus in acute cases and are probably more possible in selecting tests that are likely to provide
sensitive and specific than is hemagglutination. useful information. Suggested diagnostic strategies

for small intestinal and large intestinal diarrhea are current degree of seriousness of the condition and
presented separately here. An algorithm for thus aids in the decision regarding whether a
sequential diagnosis of chronic small bowel diar- detailed work-up, including intestinal biopsies,
rhea is presented in Figure 1-17. should be expedited versus the feasibility of pursu-
ing conservative therapeutic trials first (e.g., time-
Small Intestinal Diarrhea consuming strict dietary trials). In general, dogs
Chronic small intestinal diarrhea can be broadly with GI signs and a total protein of less than 5.5
categorized into three groups: maldigestive dis- g/dl should undergo intestinal biopsy. Dogs with
ease, malabsorptive disease, and functional mild hypoproteinemia (5.5 to 5.9 g/dl) should be
disorders. A majority of canine and feline patients watched carefully. Cats develop hypoproteinemia
with chronic small intestinal diarrhea seen in clini- much less commonly than dogs. Hypoproteinemia
cal practice have malabsorptive type of problems. usually indicates a significant degree of disease in
There are many causes of intestinal malabsorption. cats, and intestinal biopsies should definitely be
Maldigestive disease is principally caused by EPI. done if the intestine is considered to be the likely
Maldigestive Disease source of the problem.
EPI is uncommon in dogs and cats. In the past EPI Baseline tests, including CBC to identify
was greatly overdiagnosed and many patients were leukocytosis (which suggests inflammatory dis-
needlessly and ineffectually placed on pancreatic ease), eosinophilia (eosinophilic enteritis, chronic
enzyme replacement therapy. Much of the confu- previously undiagnosed endoparasitism), absolute
sion was caused by the lack of a reliable and defin- lymphopenia (often observed in lymphangiecta-
itive test for EPI. Tests commonly used in the past, sia), and anemia (blood loss, anemia of chronic
including the x-ray film digestion test for fecal disease, nutrient malabsorption); biochemical
trypsin activity and the fat (lipomul) absorption profile (e.g., hypoalbuminemia, hypoproteinemia,
test, proved to be insensitive and extremely unreli- abnormal liver enzymes, exclusion of metabolic
able. Tests for steatorrhea (staining feces for fat disorders); and urinalysis to evaluate renal func-
with Sudan stain), amylorrhea (staining for starch tion and check for proteinuria, should be run in all
with Lugol’s solution), and creatorrhea (staining patients with chronic diarrhea. Even if a CBC and
for protein with standard stains) are reasonable and biochemical profile were run previously, during
inexpensive in-house screening tests that can be the early days of onset of the diarrhea, it is often
run, but a significant drawback is that there can be useful to repeat these tests at a later time because
false-negative and false-positive results. The ben- tests that were previously normal may then be
tiromide (BT-PABA) test is sensitive and reli- found to be abnormal (see example in Table 1-5).
able but cumbersome to perform. Hypoproteinemia most often results from disor-
Without question the most sensitive and spe- ders of the small intestine (protein loss involves
cific test for EPI is the serum trypsin-like albumin or both albumin and globulin), liver (pri-
immunoreactivity (TLI) assay. This test simply marily hypoalbuminemia due to decreased produc-
involves obtaining a serum sample after fasting the tion), and protein-losing glomerulonephropathy
patient for 12 to 18 hours (see Chapter 10). Serum (primarily hypoalbuminemia). Although the com-
TLI has been validated for use in both dogs and bination of chronic diarrhea and hypoproteinemia
cats. Previously the fecal proteolytic activity (FPA) is usually consistent with small intestinal disease,
assay was the test of choice in cats. Although EPI there may still be concurrent disease in the liver or
is an uncommon disease, it is recommended that a kidneys. It may therefore be necessary in some
TLI test be run in patients with chronic diarrhea cases to evaluate these organs thoroughly (e.g., bile
so that EPI can be definitively ruled out early in acids assay for liver function, urine protein:
the course of diagnostic evaluation. Failure to run creatinine ratio to more accurately identify
this simple and inexpensive test may result in degree of proteinuria).
needless intestinal biopsies for diagnosis of a sus- Fecal cytology may be useful in evaluating
pected malabsorption disorder. patients with chronic diarrhea. A thin smear of
Malabsorptive Disease stool is stained (e.g., with new methylene blue,
Malabsorptive intestinal disease can be divided Diff-Quik, Wright’s) and examined under high
into protein-losing and non–protein-losing power or oil immersion for the presence of
enteropathies. Use of this classification scheme inflammatory cells. Increased numbers of neu-
helps the clinician determine to some extent the trophils appear with inflammatory small or large

TABLE 1-5 Laboratory Data From a 4-Year-Old Spayed Female Shar-pei

With a History of Chronic Small Bowel Diarrhea (8 Weeks),
Ravenous Appetite, and Mild Weight Loss
Initial (2 Weeks After
Test Onset of Diarrhea) 6 Weeks
PCV 41% 40%
WBC 17,600 22,400
Neutrophils/mm3 14,784 19,936
Lymphocytes/mm3 1,936 2,016
Eosinophils/mm3 528
Monocytes/mm3 352 448
Total protein (n = 6-7.6 g/dl) 6.1 4.3
Albumin (n = 2.8-3.8 g/dl) 3.0 2.2
Globulin (n = 2.5-5.2 g/dl) 3.1 2.1
ALT (IU/L) 75 28
SAP (IU/L) 85 20
Glucose (mg/dl) 90 88
TLI (n = 5-35 µg/L) 13.5
Cobalamin (n = 225-660 ng/L) 126.2
Folate (n = 6.7-17.4 µg/L) 9
PCV, Packed cell volume; WBC, white blood cell count; n, normal values; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; SAP, serum alkaline
phosphatase; TLI, trypsin-like immunoreactivity.
Note the marked decrease in protein levels over the 6-week time period between sampling, indicating the presence of a
significant degree of disease. Intestinal biopsies obtained via endoscopy revealed moderate lymphocytic-plasmacytic duodenitis
and ileitis. A TLI test was normal. The low cobalamin level suggests the possibility of intestinal bacterial overgrowth.

intestinal disease or secondary to invasive bacterial The next step in diagnosis of suspected malab-
enteritis. sorptive disease, after baseline evaluation has been
The clinician or owner may reasonably elect completed, is to look for evidence of intestinal
to try therapeutic trials as the next step in bacterial overgrowth. The most accurate means of
noncompromised normoproteinemic patients. diagnosis is to obtain samples of duodenal fluid for
Therapeutic trials could include treating for both qualitative and quantitative analysis. This
adverse food reactions (dietary intolerance, food must be done using meticulous sterile technique
sensitivity); occult parasitic infections (especially either at laparotomy or with endoscopic instru-
giardiasis and whipworm infestation) if this has mentation. Quantitative duodenal culture is
not already been done (also, successful treatment expensive and cumbersome and is generally avail-
of giardiasis may require longer than one course of able only in academic institutions. The most prac-
treatment); small intestinal bacterial overgrowth; tical method of testing for intestinal bacterial
and Clostridium perfringens enterotoxicosis (usually overgrowth is by measuring serum concentrations
causes large bowel diarrhea). Dietary trials using of vitamin B12 (cobalamin) and folate (see
hypoallergenic diets or high-quality commercial Chapter 7). These assays can be done in both dogs
foods with a novel protein source are the pri- and cats. Because bacterial overgrowth is not
mary diagnostic tool for identifying adverse food uncommon in patients with pancreatic insuffi-
reactions. Radioallergosorbent tests, which ciency, the cobalamin and folate assays should be
determine serum levels of antigen-specific run if this disorder is suspected. In fact, I generally
immunoglobulin E, have shown poor correlation submit enough serum to run all three special assays
with oral challenge, skin, and intragastric tests for (TLI, cobalamin, and folate) rather than running
food allergy. A response to treatment for any of the just one or two of the tests. If intestinal bacterial
conditions listed above supports a diagnosis and overgrowth is diagnosed, it may be the primary
precludes further work-up. Dietary trials are gen- problem or it may be present secondary to some
erally prescribed for 3 to 4 weeks in patients with other abnormality that has allowed it to persist.
GI disorders. Some patients will respond favorably Treatment for bacterial overgrowth involves
within 3 to 14 days. antibiotics, which may have to be administered for

as little time as 1 to 2 weeks or as long as many lesions that may not be reached with endoscopic
weeks to months. If a decision is made to treat for instrumentation, a mass is present, or there is
bacterial overgrowth rather than do further tests, 2 lymphadenopathy or an intussusception).
to 3 weeks is an adequate trial period. If the prob- The definitive diagnostic step in many patients
lem is not resolved at this point, it is generally best with chronic, nonresponsive diarrhea is to perform
to move ahead and look for other concurrent intestinal biopsies either via endoscopy or sur-
problems. gery. In a majority of cats and dogs with chronic diarrhea
In addition to intestinal bacterial overgrowth that exists with or without associated clinical signs (e.g.,
and EPI, low serum cobalamin concentrations vomiting, appetite change, weight loss), a definitive diag-
have been observed in dogs and cats with severe nosis can be established based on endoscopic examination
intestinal disease, in giant schnauzers with inappe- and biopsies. The advantages and limitations of
tence and failure to thrive and the laboratory endoscopy are discussed in detail in Chapter 3. In
findings of anemia, leukopenia, and methyl- most patients with chronic diarrhea, it is preferred
malonyl aciduria, and in many shar-peis with that both upper and lower endoscopy be done so
intestinal disease. It is important to evaluate serum that sections from both the small and the large
cobalamin levels in cats with chronic GI disorders intestine can be evaluated histologically to deter-
because supplemention with cobalamin by injec- mine the extent of a disease process as accurately
tion can be quite beneficial therapeutically (see as possible. In addition, in a majority of dogs
Chapter 7). weighing more than 8 to 10 lb, a pediatric endo-
At this stage the next best step is usually to scope can be advanced into the ileum via the
perform intestinal biopsies. Other procedures that colon by an experienced operator. Thus, complete
might be indicated in some patients include con- colonoscopy followed by ileoscopy allows for
trast radiography and abdominal ultra- more detailed evaluation of the small intestine
sonography. Contrast studies of the small (i.e., both upper and lower small intestine are
intestine may help identify segmental lesions, examined and sampled for biopsy). This is espe-
tumors, or foreign bodies. Accurate interpretation cially important in cases in which a disease process
of mucosal lesions on contrast studies is very diffi- may not yet diffusely involve the small intestine
cult. The decision regarding whether or not a (e.g., occasionally, benign inflammatory disease or
contrast study is done is usually based on physical lymphoma will be found in the ileum but not in
examination findings (suggestion of a mass or the duodenum). Ileum biopsy samples can often
well-localized pain) and survey radiographs. be obtained from cats by advancing the biopsy for-
Ultrasonography is frequently recommended over ceps through the ileocolic junction area with the
contrast radiography in patients with suspected endoscope tip situated in the ascending colon.
intestinal disease because intestinal wall thickness Multiple forceps biopsy samples (6 to 10) are
can be much more accurately assessed and lesions obtained from each area of intestine examined.
such as masses and enlarged lymph nodes can be If an exploratory laparotomy is done to obtain
readily detected and also aspirated under ultra- intestinal biopsies, the entire bowel should be
sonographic guidance. carefully evaluated. Biopsies of focally abnormal
Ultrasound scanning of the intestinal tract pro- areas should be performed (full-thickness samples)
vides an evaluation of peristalsis, wall thickness and along with one to two normal areas. Many patients
diameter, lesion location, and appearance of lumi- with chronic small bowel diarrhea have grossly normal
nal contents. Ultrasound is particularly useful in intestine as observed at surgery. Biopsy samples must still
identification of obstruction and its various causes be procured! Two or three full-thickness samples are
(e.g., masses, foreign objects, inflammatory disease, obtained (duodenum and ileum, or duodenum,
intussusception). Thickening of the bowel wall can jejunum, and ileum). A biopsy of any other tissue
occur in either inflammatory or neoplastic disease that appears abnormal (e.g., liver, pancreas, stom-
processes. Probably the greatest value in perform- ach, lymph nodes) should also be performed dur-
ing contrast radiography and/or abdominal ultra- ing exploratory laparotomy.
sonography in a patient with chronic diarrhea lies Biopsies are not often performed as early as they
in helping make a decision on whether endoscopy should be in patients with chronic GI disorders.
will be adequate for obtaining diagnostic intes- Although the availability of endoscopy and its
tinal biopsy samples or whether exploratory sur- minimal risk in obtaining tissue samples is well
gery is indicated (e.g., if there are focal intestinal recognized, some clinicians still wait too long to

advise owners that a biopsy procedure is definitely example, hypoproteinemia should be thoroughly
needed. Progressive symptoms such as persistent or investigated whether or not a patient is demon-
worsening diarrhea, weight loss, and decrease in strating significant symptoms. If screening tests
appetite, as well as abnormal laboratory parameters indicate that the intestinal tract is most likely
such as hypoproteinemia, are reliable indicators involved, a strong effort should be made to obtain
that biopsies should be performed. It is important biopsy samples. A representative case example is
to remember, however, that some chronic intes- illustrated in Table 1-6. This patient should have
tinal disorders may manifest with only mild symp- undergone a small intestinal biopsy procedure
toms until the disease becomes serious. The much closer to the time the total protein and
patient’s condition may then rapidly decline. albumin levels were determined to be 4.1 g/dl and
Routine tests such as a hemogram and bio- 1.6 g/dl, respectively, rather than 10 weeks later,
chemical profile are generally very useful in when the protein level dropped to 2.8 g/dl and
screening for significant intestinal problems. For the patient was in a somewhat more compromised

TABLE 1-6 Laboratory Data From a 7-Year-Old Neutered Male Airedale

With a 10-Week History of Small Bowel Diarrhea of Variable
Consistency (Watery to Soft Formed) and Increased Volume
and Frequency*
Initial (3 Days After
First Symptoms of
Test Diarrhea) 10 Weeks
PCV 53% 45%
WBC 9,600 11,500
Neutrophils 8,160 10,235
Lymphocytes 768 1,265
Monocytes 288
Eosinophils 384
Total protein (n = 6-7.6 g/dl) 4.1 2.8
Albumin (n = 2.8-3.8 g/dl) 1.6 1.4
Globulin (n = 2.5-5.2 g/dl) 2.5 1.4
ALT (IU/L) 22 159
SAP (IU/L) 19 50
Glucose (mg/dl) 84 96
Cholesterol (mg/dl) 60 48
Creatinine (mg/dl) 1.1 1.2
BUN (mg/dl) 15 18
Urinalysis No proteinuria
Bile acids (µmol/L)
Resting (n = <5) 4
Postprandial (n = <10) 9
TLI (n = 5-35 µg/L) 9
Cobalamin (n = 225-660 µg/L) 175.3
Folate (n = 6.7-17.4 µg/L) >24
PCV, Packed cell volume; WBC, white blood cell count; n, normal values; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; SAP, serum alkaline
phosphatase; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; TLI, trypsin-like immunoreactivity.
The appetite was fair to good and there was mild weight loss. Initial blood tests 3 days after the onset of diarrhea revealed
marked hypoproteinemia (total protein 4.1 g/dl). Based on the degree of hypoproteinemia and hypocholesterolemia, strong consideration
should have been given to obtaining small intestinal biopsies at that time rather than waiting to see what type of response could be achieved
using empirical treatment. Not all patients with protein-losing enteropathy have chronic diarrhea and/or vomiting. The total
protein level dropped to 2.8 g/dl by 10 weeks after the initial tests. Endoscopic biopsies were then obtained from the
duodenum and ileum. The diagnosis was lymphangiectasia and mild lymphocytic-plasmacytic enteritis. Note that the absolute
lymphocyte levels were subnormal on the initial test and low normal on the follow-up. Many lymphangiectasia patients have
an absolute lymphopenia or persistently low normal lymphocyte numbers. The cobalamin and folate levels were consistent
with intestinal bacterial overgrowth.

condition. Screening tests for liver and kidney dis- colon may be missed unless a complete examina-
ease done during the initial screening period were tion of the colon is done with a flexible endo-
normal. scope. Another advantage of using a flexible
Treatment is then based on a review of the lab- endoscope is that ileoscopy may be accom-
oratory tests and biopsy results. It is emphasized plished in many dogs after complete colonoscopy.
that some patients with chronic diarrhea may have Biopsy samples should always be obtained during
several disorders at the same time (e.g., inflamma- colonoscopy, regardless of gross appearance.
tory small bowel disease, intestinal bacterial over- Indeed, it is not uncommon for patients with
growth, colitis). A thorough work-up will lead to histologic evidence of colitis to have grossly nor-
diagnosis of each disorder, with subsequent devel- mal colonic mucosa. If biopsy samples are not
opment of a comprehensive treatment plan. The obtained, the diagnosis may well be missed.
likelihood of more rapid resolution of symptoms is Although it is a sound idea to evaluate patients
much greater when each existing problem is with chronic large bowel diarrhea thoroughly by
properly treated. including a CBC, biochemical profile, urinalysis,
and survey abdominal radiographs in the work-up,
Large Intestinal Diarrhea it is not always financially feasible for the owner to
As previously stated, large bowel disorders are com- approve this detailed approach. If cost containment
mon in dogs and cats. In mild cases, a diagnosis is is essential, emphasis should be placed on a thor-
often established based on fecal parasite exami- ough history, physical examination with careful
nation (e.g., hookworms, whipworms, coccidia, abdominal palpation and rectal examination,
and Giardia); positive response to empirical serial fecal examinations for parasites (preferably
treatment for difficult-to-diagnose parasite using zinc sulfate concentration with centrifuga-
problems (Giardia and whipworms); response to tion because this test is more reliable for detecting
dietary trials (high-fiber diet, elimination diets); Giardia), fecal or rectal scrape cytology, and
or response to empirical treatment for acute colonoscopy with biopsy. A great majority of
colitis. patients with disease localized to the large intestine
Diagnostic tests for chronic large bowel diar- will be diagnosed correctly if this approach is fol-
rhea principally involve the following: lowed. However, if there is any evidence of sys-
temic signs, such as PU/PD, inappetence, weight
1. Fecal cytology to look for increased numbers
loss, or vomiting, in addition to large bowel diar-
of C. perfringens spores and inflammatory cells
rhea, baseline data, including CBC, biochemical
(specifically neutrophils), which suggest bacter-
profile, urinalysis, and survey abdominal radio-
ial or primary inflammatory disease. Fecal or
graphs, should be obtained. The scope of any fur-
rectal scrape cytology is also useful in identify-
ther work-up is then expanded based on these
ing Histoplasma organisms.
results (e.g., panhypoproteinemia suggests that a
2. Fecal culture if history or fecal cytology sug-
small intestinal disorder is concurrently present,
gests the possibility that bacterial infectious dis-
azotemia and low urine specific gravity indicate
ease exists (Campylobacter, Salmonella).
renal disease). It is once again emphasized that if
3. Enterotoxin assay on stool to evaluate for C.
there is any possibility that both small and large
perfringens enterotoxicosis.
intestinal disease are present, biopsies of both
4. Colon biopsy via colonoscopy (preferred
regions should be performed. All too often,
technique) or surgery.
incomplete diagnosis and only partially effective
Complete colonoscopy with examination of treatment regimens are established if a less than
the rectum, descending, transverse, and ascend- thorough approach is made once the step of intes-
ing colon, cecum, and ileocolic orifice area is pre- tinal biopsies is reached.
ferred. Although examination and biopsy of the
descending colon with a rigid colonoscope is BORBORYGMUS AND
commonly diagnostic in patients with large bowel
diarrhea, such problems as occult trichuriasis, in
which whipworms may be grossly evident in the Borborygmus is a term used to describe a rumbling
cecum but not in the descending colon, ileocolic type of gut sound. Borborygmi are due to a moving
or cecocolic intussusception, typhlitis, or neoplasia gas-fluid interface in the gut. These sounds usually
that is localized in the transverse or ascending originate in the stomach. Borborygmi most com-

monly affect the dog. They are rarely heard emanat- dency to bloat, with or without belching, (2)
ing from cats. Borborygmus and flatulence com- assumption of an arched back stance, which might
monly result from dietary indiscretion; however, indicate cramping, and (3) excessive expulsion of
these signs may be exaggerated in malassimilation or flatus. Generally these symptoms occur only indi-
in any condition that promotes bacterial fermenta- vidually in a patient. It is rare for any single patient
tion of malabsorbed carbohydrates and proteins. to exhibit all three of these main symptoms.
They may also occur as a matter of course in some These symptoms should not be treated cava-
normal patients or in association with functional lierly or be dismissed too rapidly as insignificant by
bowel disorders (e.g., irritable bowel syndrome). the clinician. Although in some patients the prob-
Owners of patients that display these symptoms, lem may simply be related to aerophagia, as may
especially flatulence, invariably highlight informa- be caused by excitement, eating too rapidly, or eat-
tion about their occurrence as they discuss their pet’s ing foods that are high “gas producers,” in other
history. Indeed, sometimes offensive flatulence is the patients a more serious disorder may be present.
primary reason for seeking veterinary consultation. For example, some dogs with gastric hypomotility
Gas is normally present in the GI tract. The two disease or gastric outflow obstruction tend to
most common sources of intestinal gas in humans experience bloating or a feeling of abdominal dis-
and animals are swallowed air and bacterial fermen- tention. Many of these dogs exhibit intermittent
tation. In adult humans the volume of intraluminal to frequent signs of nausea, and vomiting fre-
intestinal gas present at any one time varies from 140 quently occurs. Pronounced borborygmi may be
to 260 ml. No such figures are available for animals. present. There may be intermittent inappetence as
Most (99%) of the gas present in the GI tract is com- well. Early in the course of the disorder there may
posed of five gases: nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, be minimal symptoms, but as the disorder pro-
hydrogen, and methane. All of these gases are odor- gresses, there may be significant patient dis-
less. The unpleasant odor that may be detected in comfort. This is also true of the patient with
flatus is probably imparted by other gases that are inflammatory bowel disease or irritable bowel syn-
present in trace amounts and by hydrogen sulfide drome that tends to stand at times with an arched
and mercaptans metabolized from sulfur-containing back because of abdominal discomfort related to
substances present in certain foods. gas pain. Diagnostic efforts should be undertaken
The upper GI tract contains oxygen, nitrogen, to determine the cause of the symptoms in these
and carbon dioxide, whereas the colon contains patients. Treatment often provides significant
hydrogen, methane, and carbon dioxide. The relief. Although patients with excessive flatus do
source of oxygen and nitrogen is inspired air. not often exhibit signs of discomfort, they may be
Carbon dioxide is produced by the interaction of affected by a malassimilation disorder that warrants
acid and alkaline substances in the stomach. Much diagnostic efforts.
of the carbon dioxide generated is absorbed
through the bloodstream. Gas generated in the
lower intestinal tract is the result of bacterial fer- Diagnosis
mentation. Fermentation by the colon flora results Diagnosis involves a review of historical factors,
in the production of variable amounts of hydrogen, physical examination, and selected tests based on
methane, carbon dioxide, and oxygen. the primary symptoms and the degree of signif-
The GI transit time for gas is considerably icance that the clinician affords them. The eval-
shorter than for liquids or solids. Gas introduced to uation of a patient with flatulence includes
the stomach of humans can be passed in as little determination of the daily diet and whether
time as 15 minutes. Overdistention of the GI tract there exist opportunities for dietary indiscretion.
with gas can potentially lead to significant dis- Legumes, such as soybean meal, and vegetables
comfort. Patients will frequently continue to shift such as beans, cabbage, lentils, and brussel sprouts
positions or assume an arched stance when experi- are known as “gas producers.” Legumes contain
encing gas-related discomfort. large quantities of oligosaccharides that are
indigestible because the normal gut lacks the
enzymes necessary to metabolize them. Ten per-
Historical Features cent to 20% of ingested carbohydrates may be
The complaints described by owners of dogs with malabsorbed, and protein substrates, when fer-
“gaseousness” problems include the pet’s (1) ten- mented, may contribute to gaseous constituents.

Spoiled foods are likely to yield increased quanti- cant reduction in the percentage of highly odorif-
ties of odiferous gases. Milk products may cause erous episodes. In vivo hydrogen sulfide levels
gaseousness in patients with lactase deficiency. were significantly reduced. Treatment for exces-
The owner should also be questioned about the sive flatus is discussed in more detail in Chapter 7.
patient’s eating habits. Excessive aerophagia may
occur when liquid or solid food is bolted or eaten
rapidly. For some patients this may simply be habit, BLOATING, FULLNESS,
whereas in others it may result from a sense of AND ABDOMINAL
competition with other animals in the immediate
vicinity for rights to the food. Patients that are
quite active (e.g., working dogs) may have a Bloating, fullness, and abdominal discomfort are
tendency to be aerophagic and produce excessive nonspecific symptoms that may be encountered
flatus as a result. in both organic and “functional” (e.g., irritable
When the flatulence is fairly recent in occur- bowel syndrome, disorders characterized by
rence and is accompanied by other signs, such as deranged motility) digestive tract disorders. These
inappetence, weight loss, evidence of abdominal syndromes do not seem to occur as commonly in
discomfort, and diarrhea, a detailed work-up is in animals as they do in humans. Although in human
order. Depending on the patient’s environment medicine they have been presumed over the years to
and the dominant symptoms, this may include be associated with a central problem of increased
fecal analysis for evidence of Giardi (both zinc gaseousness, it is now known that most of these
sulfate centrifugal flotation and a Giardia antigen patients’ symptoms do not originate in excessive
test), TLI assay to investigate for EPI, cobalamin intestinal gas. Rather, the responsible mechanisms
and folate assays for intestinal bacterial over- appear to involve disordered intestinal motility and a
growth, survey and possibly contrast radio- heightened pain response to intestinal distention. It
graphs of the GI tract (with particular attention is now thought that gas, even in small volumes, may
paid to transit time, as well as to any morphologic trigger symptoms even though the total quantity of
abnormalities), and endoscopy to obtain gastric gas in the intestinal tract is not greater than in
and intestinal biopsy samples (rule out infiltrative asymptomatic subjects. Patients with these problems
disorders). may be symptomatic more often if they tend to be
Treatment often involves dietary manipulation aerophagic as well.
(with change to foods that are highly digestible The symptom complex of bloating, fullness, and
and low in fiber, with a moderate protein content abdominal discomfort certainly is recognized to
and a novel protein source), feeding smaller meals occur in dogs but can be difficult to detect unless
more frequently if too rapid ingestion of food is the owner is an astute observer. Clinicians are cau-
considered a problem, and treatment of any pri- tioned to not overlook the possibility that patients
mary disorder that might be identified by the tests with these vague symptoms have a significant dis-
listed above. Occasionally, gas-reducing drugs are order, not in terms of being life-threatening,
used. Pharmacologic management attempts may because this is rarely the case, but rather in terms of
include adsorbents, antifoaming agents, or various causing significant discomfort.
enzyme preparations. Response to these products Disorders that tend to cause these symptoms in
is often variable. Charcoal is an absorbent that has dogs include gastric and/or intestinal motility
been commonly used in humans. Simethicone is derangement and inflammatory bowel disease.
an antifoaming agent that reduces surface tension Diagnostic tests that should be considered
and promotes coalescence of bubbles so that they include survey abdominal radiographs to
can be more easily passed. Simethicone is not examine for presence of excessive bowel gas (rarely
absorbed from the GI tract and can be used safely positive), radiographic studies to evaluate intes-
in dogs and cats, although its effectiveness is tinal motility (e.g., BIPS, nuclear scintigraphy), and
unknown. both upper and lower GI endoscopy to obtain
An antiflatulence treat preparation was studied small and large bowel biopsy samples. Normal
and shown to be beneficial for reduction of the intestinal biopsy results support a diagnosis of dys-
offensive odor of flatulence in dogs. The treats motility (irritable bowel syndrome), whereas
included activated charcoal, Yucca schidigera, and abnormal biopsy results are generally consistent
zinc acetate. Treated dogs experienced a signifi- with some degree of inflammatory bowel disease.

Treatment is often based on biopsy results and logic problems. Neurologic problems may include
clinical interpretation of the symptom complex peripheral neuropathies, cauda equina syndrome,
exhibited by the patient. Dietary manipulation, and congenital defects of the caudal vertebral col-
including use of high-fiber diets for irritable bowel umn and spinal cord (e.g., sacrocaudal agenesis
syndrome, and various types of pharmacologic of Manx cats). Incontinence may be related to
management are usually employed. Inflammatory aging in some patients. Also, any disease that
bowel disease is discussed in Chapter 7. Irritable causes rapid transit of large volumes of diarrhea
bowel syndrome is discussed in Chapter 8. (e.g., severe enteritis) may produce transient fecal
incontinence in patients with healthy continence
FECAL INCONTINENCE The mechanisms of anal continence are com-
Fecal incontinence denotes uncontrolled release of plex, and a detailed description is beyond the
rectal contents. Although it is not a common dis- scope of this discussion. In the dog and cat the
order in dogs and only rarely occurs in cats, the internal and external anal sphincter muscles and
ramifications of this problem for a household pet the puborectalis muscle (the caudal portion of the
and its owner are highly significant. Pets with a levator ani muscle) play major roles in maintaining
fecal incontinence problem that cannot be reason- continence. The most important muscle in main-
ably controlled are often euthanized because of the taining the sphincter component of the conti-
impracticality of maintaining the animal on a nence mechanism may be the puborectalis muscle.
long-term basis in terms of the problems associ- The external anal sphincter is innervated by the
ated with fecal soiling. caudal rectal branch of the pudendal nerve, origi-
There are many potential causes of fecal incon- nating from the sacral spinal cord segments (S1 to
tinence (Box 1-12). Most incontinence disorders S3). Bilateral transection of the pudendal nerve or
can be classified as neurogenic or nonneurogenic. sacral cord lesions will result in fecal incontinence.
Causes include anatomic disruption of the anal However, unilateral transection usually does not
sphincters or pudendal nerve trauma resulting lead to major dysfunction because the remainder
from surgery (e.g., perineal hernia repair, perianal of the innervated external anal sphincter muscle
fistula repair, anal sac removal, tumor removal), can compensate for the denervation. Surgical pro-
obstetric trauma or other injuries (e.g., lacerations, cedures involving full-thickness circumferential
bite wound trauma with subsequent ascending resection at the anorectal area always carry the risk
bacterial neuritis as may occur from a cat fight of ensuing fecal incontinence. The internal anal
injury), and various non–surgery-related neuro- sphincter is innervated by branches of the pelvic

BOX 1-12 Causes of Fecal Incontinence

Iatrogenic (inadvertent damage to caudal rectal Urgency
nerves related to surgical manipulation) Acute severe enteritis
Anal sacculectomy Bacterial proctocolitis
Perianal fistulectomy Inflammatory disorders (proctitis, colitis, anusitis)
Perineal hernia repair Irritable bowel syndrome
Other invasive perirectal procedures Neoplasia
Peripheral neuropathies Traumatic
Cauda equina syndrome Anal fistulation (either presurgical or associated
Congenital defects of the caudal vertebral column with iatrogenic mass lesions resulting from sur-
and spinal cord (e.g., sacrocaudal agenesis of gical procedures)
Manx cats) Neoplastic infiltration of the sphincter apparatus,
Trauma (orthopedic) rectum, or anus
Fight wounds (especially cats with deep tailhead Fight wounds
bites and subsequent ascending bacterial myelitis) Iatrogenic (surgical damage)
“Idiopathic” (primary neurogenic) Miscellaneous
Aging Behavior abnormality
Chronic constipation Perineal hernia (mechanism is most likely external
anal sphincter incompetence)

nerve (afferent and efferent) and pudendal and include both urinary and fecal soiling and irrita-
hypogastric nerves (efferent). tion around the perineal and abdominal skin.
The colon also plays an important role in help- Occasionally there is complete paralysis of the
ing to maintain fecal continence through its pelvic limbs as well. Aging patients with gradual
reservoir function. Reflex activity in the colon onset of incontinence are most likely to have some
appears to allow the external anal sphincter to type of neurologic problem.
retain fecal material while the internal anal Once the existence of incontinence has been
sphincter relaxes, thereby allowing the colon to established, the clinical evaluation begins with an
dilate and accommodate increases in fecal mass. assessment of the frequency, severity, and circum-
Simultaneously there is a brief (several minutes) stances surrounding the incontinent episodes.
decrease in propulsive contractions in the colon, How acute are the symptoms? Are the episodes
which also helps facilitate the accommodation associated with urgency, or is there no prior warn-
process. The colon continues to readapt with sub- ing? The owner should be asked whether or not
sequent peristaltic delivery of fecal material until a the dog still assumes an appropriate posture for
time when defecation is appropriate. If the colon is defecation, and, if so, does this take place at an
presented with large volumes of watery fecal appropriate time and place? Some dogs with mild
material in a short period of time, as may occur in incontinence still do this on a fairly routine basis
patients with severe viral or bacterial enteritis, this but on occasion will inappropriately release stool
reservoir function can become overwhelmed and when asleep, during periods of relaxation, or while
transient incontinence (urge incontinence) may on a walk. These episodes may occur in response
result. Urge incontinence can also be associated to increased rectal pressure related to the presence
with moderate to severe proctitis or colitis, in of stool that overrides a now compromised conti-
which the patient experiences significant discom- nence mechanism.
fort (perhaps a “burning” sensation) with a result- Excitement may also cause spontaneous evacua-
ant sense of urgency to defecate and overriding of tion of stool. In some patients incontinence
the continence mechanism. episodes become much more frequent (i.e., major
The internal and external anal sphincter mus- incontinence versus partial), and this suggests a
cles and the puborectalis muscle are primarily severe anorectal sensory disorder. Unconscious anal
responsible for maintaining a high-pressure zone dribbling of small amounts of fluid and residue may
in the terminal rectum that maintains continence become common, especially during periods of
at rest. Studies have shown that the internal anal increased abdominal or rectal pressure (e.g., associ-
sphincter contributes 50% to 80% of the resting ated with coughing, excitement, or exercise).
tone in the high-pressure zone. The primary The owner should also be asked if the patient
function of the external anal sphincter is to can urinate normally. Because micturition relies
actively contract over short periods of time to on nerve pathways similar to those involved in
resist the action of peristaltic waves. fecal continence, abnormalities involving both
functions suggest that the fecal incontinence is of
neurologic origin.
Diagnosis If the fecal incontinence has been a very recent
Important factors in diagnosis include obtaining a development, questions regarding trauma are
detailed history so that any potential causative fac- asked. Lumbosacral and sacrocaudal fracture, sub-
tors (e.g., trauma, difficult whelping, history of sig- luxation, and luxation can cause fecal inconti-
nificant constipation problems) can be elucidated, nence (distended bladder and atonic tail often
physical examination (including neurologic assess- result as well). In cats these injuries are commonly
ment), and completion of any indicated diagnostic associated with getting their tails caught by some-
tests. thing. Cats with bite wounds around the tailhead
The signalment is very important in evaluating may develop abscessation and ascending bacterial
a patient with fecal incontinence. Manx and other neuritis and meningomyelitis of the caudal spinal
tailless cats and Old English sheepdogs, bulldogs, cord. Any history of anorectal surgery is reviewed.
and Boston terriers may be affected with an agen- Generally symptoms develop and are reported
esis of the sacrocaudal vertebrae and spinal cord. shortly after any surgery in which nerve damage
The neurologic deficit is present from birth but occurs. Any incidence of significant straining
is often first noted at weaning. Clinical signs episodes should also be discussed. Severe proctitis,

for example, may cause so much irritation that Diagnostic Testing

urge incontinence occurs. Baseline analysis of patients with fecal inconti-
In my experience one of the most common nence without a readily explainable cause includes
presentations for the complaint of fecal incon- survey radiography of the lumbar spine and
tinence is an aging dog with no obvious predis- lumbosacral and tailhead areas and proctoscopy
posing history of major trauma, anorectal disease, with examination and biopsy of the rectum and
or neurologic disease. Careful studies using colon. Myelography or epidurography can be
electromyography and other neurophysiologic done to help diagnose spinal cord and cauda
techniques in human patients with “idiopathic” equina disorders. Electrodiagnostic evaluation
incontinence have identified striated muscle by electromyography (EMG) of the muscles of
denervation damage in the majority. Detailed continence is very useful and may reveal denerva-
studies have not been done in animals, but it is tion or myopathy. In patients with incontinence
suspected that a similar mechanism exists. associated with an acute diarrheal illness, diagnos-
tic evaluation usually requires no specific anorectal
evaluation other than evaluation of the diarrhea
Physical Examination itself.
The most important aspects of the physical
examination in a patient with fecal incontinence
include close perianal inspection and digital Treatment
examination of the anorectum. The skin in the The treatment of fecal incontinence is directed
perianal and perineal regions may show evidence toward the underlying cause if one can be identi-
of irritation from fecal or urinary soiling. Perianal fied. The prognosis for resolution or adequate con-
fistulas, which may be accompanied by mild leak- trol of incontinence also varies with the type and
age of residue from the rectum, are readily iden- extent of involvement, but, in general, it is some-
tified on visual inspection. Rectal examination what worse when neurogenic disorders (especially
may reveal evidence of proctitis (e.g., increased those resulting from surgical damage) are present.
sensitivity on palpation, irregular rectal mucosa) or General treatment principles include dietary
a perineal hernia. Fecal incontinence has been manipulation, pharmacologic therapy to increase
documented as a potential complication of per- anal tone and decrease colonic transit rate (opiate
ineal herniation, most likely occurring secondary derivatives), and proper supportive care for any
to external anal sphincter incompetence. Anal injuries that may have been incurred.
tone is assessed during digital palpation, but The goal of dietary therapy is to minimize fecal
it should be noted that this provides only a crude volume. This is best accomplished through feeding
assessment (unless there is loss of tone altogether) a low-residue, highly digestible diet. Homemade
of true anal sphincter function. The presence diets consisting of cottage cheese and rice or tofu
of fecal impaction and tumors can also be deter- and rice often work well. Commercial diets such
mined.Abdominal palpation is done to assess blad- as Eukanuba Low-Residue (Iams), IVD Select
der tone (a large, distended, easily expressed Care Sensitive and Canine Vegetarian Formula
bladder found in conjunction with fecal inconti- diets, or Prescription Diet Canine i/d (Hill’s) may
nence and a dilated anus supports diagnosis of a also be effective. Two to three small meals rather
neurogenic disorder), colon content, and any than one large meal should be fed each day.
sensitivity of the colon that might suggest coli- When fecal incontinence is associated with
tis. Signs of hindlimb paresthesia and hyperes- chronic diarrhea, urgency, or decreased anal tone
thesia suggest the possibility of cauda equina as may be seen in aging patients, symptomatic
syndrome. improvement can often be effected with opiate
Neurologic examination includes evaluation of derivatives (diphenoxylate [Lomotil], loperamide
gait, pelvic limb postural reactions and proprio- [Imodium]). Solid stools are much easier to retain
ception, and spinal reflexes of the pelvic limbs, than liquid stools, and thus antidiarrheal therapy
anus, tail, and bladder. The anal reflex is elicited by alone may eliminate all symptoms in patients with
pinching or touching the anus and observing con- loose stools. Several human studies have suggested
tracture of the anal sphincter. If the S1 to S3 spinal that loperamide is superior to diphenoxylate in
segments or nerve roots are damaged, the anus is reducing soiling and improving continence of rec-
dilated and unresponsive. tally infused saline. Pharmacologic actions include

increased anal tone, increased fluid absorption in

the colon, decreased secretions, and increased
rhythmic segmentation in the bowel, thereby
decreasing colonic transit rate. These drugs can be
safely administered on a long-term basis if neces-
sary. I have had good success in managing geriatric
patients with age-related incontinence with low-
residue diets used in conjunction with loperamide.
Dosage recommendations for these drugs are pre-
sented in Chapter 8. It may also be useful to man-
age geriatric patients with incontinence problems
with periodic enemas in an effort to decrease fecal
volume in the rectum and colon, as well as to help FIGURE 1-19 Severe obstipation in a 16-year-old cat
decrease episodes of fecal soiling. with idiopathic megacolon.
Inflammatory disorders (colitis, proctitis, anusi-
tis) are treated with antiinflammatory medications
used either singly or in combination. The most physical examination by the clinician when an
commonly used drugs include sulfasalazine owner believes that his or her pet is constipated.
(Azulfidine), metronidazole (Flagyl), and pred- Whenever possible, owners who telephone the
nisone. Use of these drugs for large bowel disor- clinician to describe their pet’s symptoms of
ders is discussed in detail in Chapter 8. straining should be encouraged to bring their pets
Loperamide or diphenoxylate may be used in con- for an examination unless past pertinent history is
junction with any of these drugs as well. Dietary well known by the clinician and the likelihood of
therapy in the form of a highly digestible low- what the problem is can be accurately assessed
residue diet, as discussed previously, is also used. without an examination. It is extremely important
Surgical intervention is indicated for patients that urethral obstruction in cats and dogs (a poten-
with incontinence related to perineal herniation tially life-threatening problem) be differentiated
or anal or rectal neoplasia and for some with dis- from straining related to constipation, proctitis,
eases of the lumbosacral spine. The prognosis is colitis, or other less worrisome causes. The caudal
guarded when profound urinary and anal sphinc- abdomen is palpated for evidence of an enlarged
ter disturbances exist. Attempts have been made to and difficult-to-express urinary bladder, distended
correct complete neurogenic fecal incontinence colon with hardened stool, colonic sensitivity
surgically with such techniques as fascia slings or (often increased in patients with colitis), and any
silicone elastomer slings. However, results have not masses that might be present. A small, painful
been encouraging, and these procedures are not bladder suggests cystitis or cystic calculi. If the ali-
commonly recommended. mentary tract seems to be the cause of the prob-
lem, a rectal examination is mandatory to evaluate
mucosal sensitivity and texture, to evaluate pres-
CONSTIPATION ence and consistency of fecal material in the rectal
Constipation is defined as absent, infrequent, or dif- canal, and to look for evidence of obstruction
ficult defecation. Obstipation is intractable constipa- (stricture, mass, prostatomegaly, foreign body, per-
tion and results in severe fecal impaction throughout ineal hernia).
the rectum and colon (Figure 1-19). Both condi- Once the initial physical assessment is com-
tions should be differentiated from megacolon, pleted, a more detailed line of questioning can
which is a clinical disorder characterized by chronic begin based on the problem that has been identi-
dilation and hypomotility of the colon and rectum. fied (i.e., constipation versus some other cause of
Not all patients with constipation have megacolon. straining). Important areas to investigate for the
Constipation is a common problem in dogs and problem of constipation include diet, environment
cats. This problem is discussed in detail in Chapter (e.g., likelihood of ingestion of foreign body mate-
8. The causes and treatment of constipation are rial, ready access to clean litter for cats), normal
listed in Tables 8-3 and 8-4, respectively. defecation habits, exercise patterns, drug therapy,
The main consideration discussed here is the and any history of sacrocaudal or pelvic trauma.
importance of a careful review of the history and Because some patients with constipation do not

strain to defecate, it is important that owners with constipation. The primary indication would
become familiar with their pet’s normal defecation be to evaluate an intraluminal mass or stricture
patterns (frequency, amount, time of day). This is site. Ultrasonography may be useful for localiz-
especially important regarding cats with mega- ing a site of obstruction.
colon. It is useful to teach owners of cats with a
history of a constipation problem how to palpate
the colon so that they can recognize a state of con- Treatment
stipation early enough to seek treatment, well The treatment of constipation and obstipation is
before development of obstipation. reviewed in detail in Chapter 8. Treatment often
Diagnostic testing during the initial detailed involves dietary manipulation (high-fiber diets)
assessment of the patient should include a CBC, used alone or in combination with stool softeners.
biochemical profile, urinalysis, and thyroid The promotility drug cisapride, used in conjunc-
studies. These tests are done to investigate tion with a stool softener such as lactulose, is often
for systemic problems that can cause colonic iner- effective in managing colonic inertia problems.
tia (peripheral neuropathies, hypercalcemia, Manual deobstipation under general anesthesia is
hypokalemia, hypothyroidism). Survey radio- generally required in dogs and cats with severe
graphs of the abdomen, lumbosacral spine, and constipation or obstipation. Balloon catheters for
pelvis are made to confirm the presence and assess dilation of colonic strictures are available and are
the degree of constipation and to look for evi- used under endoscopic guidance. Surgery is
dence of such causes as prostatomegaly, enlarged required for removal of masses, severe benign stric-
sublumbar lymph node, presence of a mass, nar- tures and any malignant stricture, and some for-
rowed pelvic canal, and stricture (Figure 1-20). eign body impaction cases. Colectomy may be
Colonoscopy is not commonly required in patients indicated for the occasional cat with megacolon
that does not respond to combination therapy
using cisapride, stool softeners, and dietary man-

Beaver BV: Feline ingestive behavior. In Beaver BV, ed:
Feline behavior: a guide for veterinarians, Philadelphia,
1992,WB Saunders.
Berk JE: Gaseousness. In Berk JE, Haubrich WS, eds:
Gastrointestinal symptoms, Philadelphia, 1991, BC Decker.
Burbridge HM, Guilford WG: Barium-impregnated
polyethylene spheres (BIPS): clinical observations, Vet
Radiol Ultrasound 37:79, 1996.
Burrows CF: Diarrhea in the dog: a clinical perspective.
FIGURE 1-20 Severe obstipation in a 13-year-old In Viewpoints in veterinary medicine, ed 2, Lehigh Valley,
spayed female DSH cat. Note that the fecal column Pa, 1993, Alpo Petfoods.
ends abruptly ventral to L6. There are small Burrows CF: Vomiting and regurgitation in the dog: a
radiopaque densities posterior to the fecal column that clinical perspective. In: Viewpoints in veterinary medicine,
are presumably in the colon. Enemas and ed 2, Lehigh Valley, Pa, 1993,Alpo Petfoods.
transabdominal manual manipulation performed under Dean PW, Bojrab MJ: Defecation and fecal continence.
sedation failed to move the fecal mass any closer to the In Bojrab MJ, ed: Disease mechanisms in small animal sur-
anus. Exploratory laparotomy revealed an annular gery, Philadelphia, 1993, Lea & Febiger.
constricting lesion in the colon approximately 4 cm Friedman G: Diet and irritable bowel syndrome. In
proximal to the rectum. The histologic diagnosis was Friedman G, ed: The irritable bowel syndrome: realities
adenocarcinoma. Mesenteric lymphadenopathy and and trends, Gastroenterol Clin North Am 20:313, 1991.
extensive nodular involvement in the mesentery were Giffard CJ et al.: Administration of charcoal, Yucca schidi-
also found. The annular adenocarcinoma in the colon gera, and zinc acetate to reduce malodorous flatulence
caused nearly complete obstruction of the descending in dogs, J Am Vet Med Assoc 218(6):892, 2001.
colon. In cats with idiopathic constipation and Guilford WG:Approach to clinical problems in gastroen-
obstipation, the fecal mass generally extends into the terology. In Guilford et al., eds: Strombeck’s small animal
rectum (see Figure 1-19). gastroenterology, ed 3, Philadelphia, 1996,WB Saunders.

Giulford WG, Lawoko C: Validation of radiopaque Polsky R: Electric shock collars: are they worth the
markers for assessment of gastric emptying rates of risks? J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 30:463, 1994.
food in dogs, J Vet Intern Med 10:170, 1996. Richter KP: Diseases of the rectum and anus. In Kirk
Hedlund CS: Surgery of the perineum, rectum, and RW, Bonagura JB, eds: Current veterinary therapy XI,
anus. In Fossum TW, ed: Small animal surgery, St. Louis, Philadelphia, 1992,WB Saunders.
1997, Mosby. Tams TR: Endoscopic examination of the small intes-
Lorenz MD: Coprophagy and pica. In Lorenz MD, tine. In Tams TR, ed: Small animal endoscopy, ed 2, St.
Cornelius LM, eds: Small animal medical diagnosis. Louis, 1999, Mosby.
Philadelphia, 1987, JB Lippincott. Tams TR: Gastroscopy. In Tams TR, ed: Small animal
Luescher UA, McKeown DB, Halip J: Stereotypic or endoscopy, ed 2, St. Louis, 1999, Mosby.
obsessive-compulsive disorders in dogs and cats. In Voith Tams TR: Vomiting, regurgitation, and dysphagia. In
V, Marder A, eds:Advances in companion animal behav- Ettinger SJ, ed: Textbook of veterinary internal medicine, ed
ior, Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract 21:401, 1991. 4, Philadelphia, 1995,WB Saunders.
Niebauer GW: Rectoanal disease. In Bojrab MJ, ed: Willard M: Clinical manifestations of gastrointestinal
Disease mechanisms in small animal surgery, Philadelphia, disorders. In Nelson RW, Couto CG, eds: Small animal
1993, Lea & Febiger. internal medicine, ed 2, St. Louis, 1998, Mosby.

Linda J. Konde
Pamela A. Green
Charles R. Pugh

RADIOLOGY OF THE vertebra (position varies slightly in different

DIGESTIVE SYSTEM species and breeds).
The craniocaudal limits of the retropharynx
Pharynx extend from the caudal border of the pharyngeal
Radiographic Anatomy isthmus to the level of the third cervical vertebra.
The air-filled pharynx provides contrast for visual- The dorsoventral limits are ventral to the cranial
ization of the soft palate, epiglottis, hyoid appara- cervical vertebra and dorsal to the larynx. A gen-
tus, and retropharyngeal area. Therefore any eral guideline for the normal dorsoventral dimen-
changes in shape, size, or opacity of these struc- sion of the retropharynx is that it should be no
tures can be readily discerned. The pharynx is greater than the length of the third cervical verte-
divided into four anatomic regions (Figure 2-1): bra (see Figure 2-1).
nasopharynx—the area between the soft palate Swallowing is a dynamic process that is best
and the base of the skull; oropharynx—the area assessed fluoroscopically while administering
between the soft palate and the base of the tongue; radiopaque contrast medium. There are three
pharyngeal isthmus—caudal to the soft palate and phases in normal swallowing: oral—action of the
cranial to the larynx; and laryngopharynx—dorsal tongue forms the bolus; pharyngeal—propulsion
to the larynx and ventral to the second cervical of the bolus from the base of the tongue to the


FIGURE 2-1 Normal pharynx:

nasopharynx (N), soft palate (SP),
oropharynx (O), pharyngeal
isthmus (I ), and laryngopharynx
(L). The width of the
retropharyngeal area should be
no greater than the length of the
third cervical vertebra (arrows).

laryngopharynx; and cricopharyngeal—the cri- of or may impinge on the normally gas-filled

copharyngeal sphincter opens as the isthmus con- pharynx (Figure 2-2). Closely evaluate the VD
tracts, to allow passage of the bolus into the view for asymmetric opacities in the pharyngeal
esophagus. The sphincter rapidly closes after the and laryngeal areas (many lesions are unilateral).
bolus moves into the esophagus. Contrast studies may show compression or
Pharyngeal Contrast Study extravasation.
Indications include dysphagia, excess salivation, Swallowing Disorders. Oral dysphagia is related to
cough, pain, visible tissue swelling, and suspected functional impairment of tongue movement.
foreign object. Radiographically, poor bolus formation is seen
The following materials are needed for a pha-
ryngeal contrast study: thick barium paste,* 100%
micropulverized barium sulfate or barium-food
mixture†; water-soluble iodinated contrast (used if
perforation is suspected)‡; and a dose syringe.
Administer the contrast medium orally in the
buccal pouch. Obtain lateral and ventrodorsal
(VD) views. Make the exposures while the patient
is swallowing.
A normal-appearing contrast study of the phar-
ynx shows smooth coating of the pharyngeal
mucosa, absence of pooled contrast medium in the
pharynx, and no reflux of contrast medium into
the nasopharynx or trachea.
Radiographic Signs of Pharyngeal Disease
Mass Lesions. Common causes of mass lesions
in the pharynx include abscess, neoplasia, cyst, for-
eign object, granuloma, and inflammation.
Abnormal location of soft tissue or mixed
opacities (mineral, fat, fluid, and/or gas) may be
visualized. These opacities may cause compression

*E Z EM, Inc.Westbury, NY 11590-5021.

Novopaque. Picker International, Denver, CO 80239. FIGURE 2-2 A soft tissue mass is seen impinging on
‡ the nasopharynx (arrowheads). This mass was a tonsillar
Oral Hypaque Sodium. Picker International, Denver,
CO 80239. carcinoma.

from the base of the tongue caudally. Aspiration vena cava. On the VD view the esophagus is to the
pneumonia is rare in oral dysphagia. left of the trachea, approximately on midline.
Pharyngeal dysphagia results in decreased pha- Esophagram
ryngeal peristalsis. Weakened contractility impairs Indications include regurgitation of undigested
movement of a bolus through the pharynx. On the food, persistent vomiting or gagging, suspected
survey film the pharynx may appear distended foreign object or mass, and assessment of position
with gas. Contrast medium is retained in the or compression of the esophagus.
oropharynx, pharyngeal isthmus, laryngopharynx, The following materials are needed for an
and piriform recesses. Contrast medium can be esophagram:
seen in the trachea. Aspiration pneumonia is
1. A dose syringe.
often seen in pharyngeal dysphagia.
2. Barium paste, micropulverized barium suspen-
Cricopharyngeal dysphagia is due to insufficient
sion, or a food-barium mixture. Barium paste
relaxation of the cricopharyngeal sphincter. This
offers the best mucosal coating and should be
is the most common form of oropharyngeal dys-
used to evaluate suspected mucosal or mass
phagia (Figure 2-3). On the survey film, gas may
lesions. Liquid barium suspension is used to
be seen in the cervical esophagus. There is con-
evaluate an enlarged esophagus because a large
trast reflux into the nasopharynx and trachea, and
volume may be required to fill the esophagus.
there is contrast retention in all other pharyngeal
A food-barium mixture is used to evaluate
regions. Aspiration pneumonia may be seen in
motility because peristalsis may be adequate for
cricopharyngeal dysphagia.
liquids and insufficient for solid food. Some
strictures may allow fluid to pass normally but
Esophagus will restrict passage of solid food.
3. Aqueous organic iodide (used if perforation is
Radiographic Anatomy
Because the esophagus has the same opacity as that
of surrounding soft tissue structures in the neck Administer the contrast medium orally in the
and mediastinum, it is not usually seen on survey buccal pouch.The dose is approximately 10 to 20
radiographs. However, normal transient dilation of ml, to be administered before each exposure.
an air-filled esophagus may be visualized. Com- Obtain lateral and VD oblique views (esophagus
mon nonpathologic causes of air in the esophagus and spine are superimposed on the straight VD
include aerophagia, anxiety, dyspnea, and anesthe- view).
sia. In the dog a normal esophagram shows barium
On the lateral view the cranial thoracic esoph- outlining longitudinal, parallel folds and a small
agus is dorsal to the trachea, and caudally it is diverticulum at the thoracic inlet (Figure 2-4); the
located about halfway between the aorta and the diverticulum is more pronounced in brachy-
cephalic breeds.
In the cat a normal esophagram shows a cranial
esophageal mucosal pattern that is similar to that
of the dog; caudally the mucosa has transverse
mucosal folds, referred to as a herringbone pattern
(Figure 2-5). Esophageal distention by a bolus of
contrast medium in transit may be seen in all
Radiographic Signs of Esophageal Disease
Megaesophagus (Figure 2-6). Megaesophagus
appears as an enlarged esophagus containing fluid,
ingesta, or air. There is ventral deviation of the tra-
chea. A “tracheoesophageal stripe”—a thickened
FIGURE 2-3 A dog with cricopharyngeal achalasia. soft tissue opacity composed of dorsal tracheal wall
There is accumulation of contrast medium in the and ventral esophageal wall—is more often seen
pharyngeal isthmus (I ). Some contrast medium is on the left lateral view. The “stripe” is visible
present in the esophagus, but there is considerable when there is air in the esophagus, as well as in the
accumulation in the trachea. trachea. On the VD view the terminal esophagus


FIGURE 2-4 A, Lateral view of a normal canine esophagram. Note the normal longitudinal folds outlined by
contrast medium. B, Ventrodorsal oblique view of a normal canine esophagram. The patient is at an oblique angle
to avoid summation of the spine and esophagus.

and pneumomediastinum if the esophagus has

been perforated. On the esophagram, barium sur-
rounds the intraluminal filling defect. Esophageal
stricture is a potential sequela.
Esophagitis. On the contrast study there is pro-
longed retention or pooling of barium in the
affected area of the esophagus. The normal linear
mucosal pattern is indistinct, blurred, or completely
absent.Abnormal motility is present on fluoroscopy.
Esophageal Neoplasia (Figures 2-9 and 2-10). A
soft tissue mass may be seen on survey radiographs
in the area of the esophagus. The opacity may be
FIGURE 2-5 Close-up view of a normal barium study homogeneous or may contain air or calcification.
of the caudal feline esophagus. Note the normal
Dilation proximal to the mass may be present.
transverse mucosal folds outlined by barium.
Diverse changes seen on the contrast study, depend-
ing on the nature of the mass, include irregular or
tapers into the diaphragm. Evidence of aspiration smooth mucosal pattern, wall rigidity, wall thicken-
pneumonia may be present. ing, luminal lucent filling defect (protruding mass),
Vascular Ring Anomalies (Figure 2-7). Dilation and extravasation of contrast medium into the mass.
of the esophagus cranial to the heart base is seen.
The caudal esophagus is usually of normal size but
may be enlarged. There is ventral depression of Stomach
the trachea. The aorta may descend on the right Radiographic Anatomy
side. The contrast study shows stricture at the Complete evaluation of the lateral abdominal view
heart base, and the aorta compresses the esophagus includes appraisal of the stomach axis. The stom-
on the right side. Evidence of aspiration pneumo- ach axis is a line drawn from the fundus to the
nia may be present. body of the stomach. The normal axis is roughly
Esophageal Foreign Objects (Figure 2-8). A parallel to the ribs. Changes in the stomach axis
radiopaque foreign object is often visible. correspond to changes in liver size. The pylorus
Esophageal dilation may be seen proximal to the and body are displaced caudally if the liver is
obstruction. There may be mediastinitis, pleuritis, enlarged, and they are displaced cranially if the



FIGURE 2-6 A, Lateral view of a dog with megaesophagus. The trachea is ventrally depressed by an enlarged, air-
filled esophagus. Note the “tracheoesophageal stripe” (open arrows), which is seen when air is in the esophagus as
well as in the trachea. Dorsal and ventral esophageal walls are seen caudally (arrowheads). B, Ventrodorsal view of the
dog in A. This view is centered on the caudal esophagus. The air-filled esophagus appears as two linear opacities on
either side of midline that taper into the diaphragm (arrowheads). C, Lateral view of a dog with mild
megaesophagus. No abnormalities are seen with barium liquid. D, Same dog as in C. When food-barium mixture is
used, esophageal dilation is seen, suggesting abnormal esophageal motility. Use of food mixed with barium should
be considered when evaluating esophageal swallowing dysfunction.

liver is small or has herniated through the appear uniform and parallel in a distended stom-
diaphragm into the thorax. ach and undulant and tortuous in a nondistended
On the VD view the stomach position in the stomach. The rugal pattern is negligible in the
dog is slightly different from that in the cat: In the body and pyloric areas of a normal stomach.
dog the fundus is cranial-left, the body is midline, Gastrogram
and the pylorus is cranial-right. In the cat the fun- Indications include chronic vomiting, hemateme-
dus and body are cranial-left and the pylorus is sis, suspected foreign object or mass, pyloric dis-
midline or slightly to the right of the spine. ease, and identification of stomach position.
Stomach location varies with stomach disten- The following materials are needed for a gas-
tion, but the stomach is usually between the tenth trogram: micropulverized barium suspension
and thirteenth ribs. Competent assessment of liver diluted to 50% with warm water; gas source (room
size and diagnosis of liver masses depend on air, carbonated beverage, gas-producing tablets or
knowledge of normal stomach position. granules); water-soluble iodinated contrast medi-
The variably sized stomach may contain non- um (used only if a gastric perforation or rupture is
persistent air, fluid, or mineral opacities. The wall suspected); and a stomach tube, mouth gag, and
of the fundus has pronounced rugal folds that large-dose syringe.


FIGURE 2-7 A, Ventrodorsal view of a cat with persistent right aortic arch. Note the abrupt change in diameter
of the esophagus at the heart base. The right aortic arch compresses the esophagus, causing deviation of contrast
medium to the left (arrow). B, Lateral view of a dog with persistent right aortic arch. Contrast medium outlines
the dilated cranial thoracic esophagus. There is a change in esophageal diameter at the heart base. The esophagus is
partially dilated caudal to the vascular ring anomaly.


FIGURE 2-8 Survey ventrodorsal (A) and lateral (B) views of a dog with an esophageal foreign object. An opacity
is located in the area of the caudal esophagus on both views (arrows). Two views are necessary to determine the
exact location of soft tissue opacity.

In a positive or negative gastrogram the following iodinated contrast mixed with 0.7 ml warm
technique is best used to identify stomach position water per lb.
or gastric foreign objects: 3. Administer the contrast medium via a stomach
tube rather than orally to achieve maximum
1. The stomach should be empty. stomach distention. Make sure that the tube is not
2. Use the following doses: for barium, 1.5 to 2 in the trachea (by palpation or radiograph).
ml of previously diluted (50%) micropulverized 4. Obtain right and left lateral views, VD and
barium per lb; for room air, 1.5 to 2 ml of air dorsoventral views, and additional oblique
per lb; for oral iodinated contrast, 0.7 ml of views as needed.


FIGURE 2-9 A, Lateral view of a dog with megaesophagus. The trachea is ventrally depressed by an air-filled
esophagus. A “tracheoesophageal stripe” is seen (closed arrowheads), and the caudal esophagus is dilated (open arrows).
No obvious cause for the dilated esophagus is seen. B, Lateral esophagram of dog in A. A smooth, curvilinear filling
defect is in the caudal esophagus, which is caused by an intramural esophageal mass located proximal to the
gastroesophageal junction. Contrast studies should be performed to determine the cause of megaesophagus.
Diagnosis was leiomyosarcoma.

rugal folds in the fundus, not in the body or

pylorus (guideline: a rugal fold should be no
thicker than the space between the folds); smooth
mucosal surface; transient peristalsis in the body
and pyloric areas; and stomach beginning to empty
within 30 minutes and empty by 1 to 4 hours
(normal stomach emptying of food is 5 to 6 hours
but may be as long as 8 to 10 hours in some
patients and still be considered normal).
Radiographic Signs of Gastric Disease
Pylorospasm. A pylorospasm is indicated by
delayed gastric emptying and gastric dilatation
with visible peristalsis.
Pyloric Stenosis. This disease may be congenital
or acquired. Common causes of acquired stenosis
FIGURE 2-10 Lateral view of a cat with esophageal include pyloric neoplasia, chronic hypertrophic
neoplasia. Irregular and asymmetric filling defects are in gastritis, and uremic gastritis (Figure 2-12).
the midcervical esophagus. Contrast medium extends Radiographic signs are delayed gastric emptying;
around the mass, suggesting a broad-based intramural gastric dilatation with peristalsis usually present;
mass. Diagnosis was an esophageal carcinoma. narrowed pylorus with contrast medium project-
ing into the pyloric canal (beak sign); and often
In a double-contrast gastrogram, which is the best the development of a distinct bulge in the stomach
method for evaluating mucosal lesions, mural immediately proximal to the pyloric canal, espe-
masses, and ulcerations, the following technique is cially on the lesser curvature.
used: Gastric Foreign Objects (Figures 2-13 and 2-14).
Radiopaque foreign objects are often visible on
1. The stomach must be empty.
survey radiographs. On a barium study soft tissue
2. Via a stomach tube, give 0.25 ml diluted (50%)
or air-filled foreign objects appear as lucent filling
barium per lb followed by 1 to 1.4 ml gas per lb.
defects. The foreign object is usually freely mov-
3. Obtain right and left lateral views, VD and
able in the stomach and changes location on dif-
dorsoventral views, and additional oblique
ferent radiographic views.
views as needed.
Gastritis. This diagnosis is suggested when one
A normal-appearing gastrogram (Figure 2-11) or more of the following radiographic changes are
shows even gastric distention; smooth parallel evident (Figure 2-15):


FIGURE 2-11 Lateral (A) and ventrodorsal (B) views of normal canine double-contrast gastrogram. Contrast
medium is pooling in the fundus. Note the smooth mucosal surface and peristalsis in the body of the stomach. Filling
defects seen in the wall of the fundus on the ventrodorsal view are normal rugal folds. Lateral (C) and ventrodorsal
(D) views of normal feline double-contrast gastrogram. Rugal pattern, seen as lucent linear filling defects, is normally
more evident in the fundus. Note that the cardiac area is slightly irregular.This is a normal finding in cats.

1. Thickened, irregular, or indistinct rugal folds opacities that accentuate rugal folds on survey
2. Prominent rugal folds in the pylorus and body radiographs
3. Rigid stomach wall that is nondistensible, is
Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus (Figures 2-16 and
often thickened, and lacks peristalsis
2-17). The following radiographic signs indicate
4. Hyperperistalsis or hypoperistalsis
gastric dilatation-volvulus:
5. Barium precipitation caused by abnormal
stomach contents, such as blood, excess mucus, 1. Gastric dilatation.
or incorrect pH 2. Compartmentalization of the stomach (double
6. Stomach emptying that is delayed or more bubble sign) due to the stomach’s folding on
rapid than normal itself.
7. Calcification of gastric mucosa, secondary to 3. Pylorus located dorsally and to the left of mid-
chronic renal disease, appearing as faint linear line, and fundus located ventrally and to the

FIGURE 2-12 A dog with pyloric hypertrophy. A FIGURE 2-13 Gastrogram of a dog with a gastric
small, annular filling defect (arrows) extends into the foreign object (ball). The ball appeared as a soft tissue
pyloric antrum just proximal to the pylorus. A small opacity on survey radiographs. When surrounded by
amount of barium extends into the pyloric canal. barium, the ball appears radiolucent. The lucent filling
defect is completely surrounded by barium, suggesting
an intraluminal foreign object.


FIGURE 2-14 A and B, Ventrodorsal views of a cat that swallowed a toy fish. Note the normal irregular cardia.
The toy fish is clearly seen as a lucent filling defect in the stomach. Between the two views the position of the toy
has changed. This mobility indicates that the object is intraluminal.

right of midline. The fundus is the larger of the 1. Mural thickening.

two “bubbles” and has a rugal pattern. 2. Ulceration, which may be seen as an out-
4. Splenomegaly caused by venous congestion or pouching of barium beyond the lumen; focal
possible torsion. pooling of barium beyond the lumen; or wall
5. Small liver and caudal vena cava caused by por- rigidity adjacent to the ulcer with a radiating
tal vein and caval compression by the enlarged rugal pattern from the site of the ulcer. The
stomach. rugal pattern may be indistinct, and there may
6. Small intestinal ileus. be evidence of perforation and peritonitis.
7. Dilated esophagus. 3. Rigid, nondistensible areas in the stomach.
4. Barium filling defect (lucency) if the mass pro-
Gastric Masses. Gastric masses usually require a
trudes into the lumen. The filling defect does
barium study for identification and evaluation.
not move with gravity on positional studies.
Oblique views may be necessary. Because masses
5. Smooth or irregular mucosal surface.
vary markedly in appearance, the signs listed below
represent possible radiographic appearances Ruptured Stomach. The radiographic signs of a
(Figures 2-18 to 2-20): ruptured stomach include the following:

1. Free gas in the abdomen. Small amounts of free

gas appear as bubbles outside the lumen and
often in abnormal locations, such as near the
kidneys or bladder. Larger amounts of free gas
outline serosal surfaces of the stomach, intes-
tine, liver lobes, and diaphragm.
2. Ingesta in the abdomen.
3. Indistinct stomach border is seen with large
4. Poor abdominal visceral detail caused by fluid
and/or peritonitis.
5. Contrast extravasation into the abdomen. Use
water-soluble iodinated contrast if intestinal
rupture is suspected.

Small Intestine
Radiographic Anatomy
The duodenum is located about halfway between
the spine and the ventral body wall on the lateral
view. It descends along the right body wall and
ascends in the midabdomen on the VD view.
Jejunum is evenly distributed throughout the
FIGURE 2-15 Lateral view of a dog with severe abdomen. The ileum is that portion of the distal
ulcerative gastritis. The mucosal margin is irregular, small intestine that joins with the colon and is
with spicules of barium extending into small ulcers in located in the right midabdomen.
the stomach wall. This is primarily seen in the body Intestinal shape is uniform and tubular with tran-
and pyloric antrum. Barium appears smudged, sient narrowings due to peristalsis. Intestinal contents
suggesting poor mixing of contrast medium. This is
include nonpersistent air, fluid, or mineral opacity.
probably due to abnormal stomach contents.
A general guideline used to evaluate intestinal
size is that the diameter should be no larger than
one to two rib widths or no larger than the height
of a lumbar vertebral body (not the vertebral arch
or dorsal spine, just the body).


FIGURE 2-16 Lateral (A) and ventrodorsal (B) views of a dog with gastric dilatation-volvulus. There is
compartmentalization of the stomach. The fundus (F) is the largest compartment. The pylorus (P) is displaced
dorsally and to the left.


FIGURE 2-17 Lateral survey (A) and contrast study (B) of a dog with gastric dilatation-volvulus. Rugal folds are
identified in the ventrally displaced fundus (F). Pattern of rugal folds is helpful in identifying fundus of stomach.

The materials needed for a small intestinal con-

trast study are micropulverized barium diluted to
50% concentration with warm tap water; water-
soluble iodinated contrast if intestinal perforation
is suspected; and a stomach tube, large syringe, and
mouth gag.
The following technique is used:

1. Administer barium (0.7 to 1.4 ml/lb) orally in

swallows or by stomach tube. Use the lower
dose for larger dogs to avoid having too much
barium in multiple bowel loops and thus to
allow adequate evaluation of individual bowel
2. Administer organic iodide (0.25 ml/lb) diluted
with tap water (0.5 to 1 ml/lb) orally or by
stomach tube. Undiluted organic iodides are
extremely hypertonic and can lead to severe
dehydration and shock in a compromised
3. If sedation is necessary, studies have shown
that acepromazine or triflupromazine can be
used in dogs without significantly affecting
gastrointestinal (GI) transit time. Recom-
FIGURE 2-18 Lateral view of a dog with a fundic mended sedatives for cats are a ketamine/ace-
mass (M ) protruding into stomach lumen. The mass promazine combination or ketamine alone
causes a lucent filling defect in contrast medium. Rugal when motility is not a primary concern (both
folds are distorted by the mass. regimens cause more rapid transit of barium
through the GI tract) or ketamine/diazepam if
Small Intestinal Contrast Study a motility problem is suspected, because there
Indications include persistent vomiting and/or is no significant effect on GI transit time (each
diarrhea, hematemesis, melena, and suspected for- sedative should be administered in a separate
eign object or obstruction. syringe).


FIGURE 2-19 A, Ventrodorsal view of a dog with an intramural gastric mass. There is an abrupt change in
diameter of stomach lumen (open arrow). This is referred to as a “shelf sign.” Stomach wall is markedly thickened
(closed arrowheads). B, An intramural mass is seen on the lesser curvature of the stomach body (arrows). Barium is
adherent to an irregular mucosal surface.

4. Make exposures in right lateral and VD posi-

tions at 0, 15, 30, and 60 minutes (45-minute
films may be needed if transit time is rapid).
Take films hourly thereafter until the contrast
medium reaches the colon.
In a normal-appearing small intestinal contrast
1. The mucosal surface is either smooth or finely
fimbriated (Figure 2-21).
2. Bowel is evenly distributed throughout the
3. The normal feline duodenum may appear
hyperperistaltic with multiple simultaneous
contractions, giving the appearance of a “string
of beads” (Figure 2-22).
4. The normal canine duodenum often has out-
pouchings in areas of lymphoid follicles
(pseudoulcers) (Figure 2-23).
5. Normal canine small intestinal transit time is
3 to 5 hours for barium to reach the colon.
6. Normal feline small intestinal transit time is 15 to
60 minutes for barium to reach the colon.
7. Organic iodides are irritating and cause hyper-
FIGURE 2-20 Barium pools in an ulcer in the gastric peristalsis, so transit time is rapid. Iodinated
fundus (arrow). Note how the rugae radiate from the contrast agents usually reach the colon within 1
area of the ulcer. hour.

FIGURE 2-21 Barium contrast

study of normal small intestine.
The mucosal surface is slightly
fimbriated. Lucent areas in the
intestine are gas in the lumen.
This is differentiated from
foreign objects on serial films.
Gas opacities are nonpersistent.

FIGURE 2-22 Normal feline

duodenum with contrast
medium. Duodenal
hyperperistalsis is a normal
finding in many cats. This is
referred to as “string of beads”
and must not be confused with a
linear foreign object (see Figure

FIGURE 2-23 Pseudoulcers

(arrowheads) are normal in the
canine duodenum. These
appear somewhat conical or
square when filled with barium.

Radiographic Signs of Small Intestinal Disease Foreign Objects. Radiopaque foreign objects are
Excess Gas. Causes of excess gas in the small visible on survey radiographs (Figure 2-24).
intestine without dilation include aerophagia, Radiolucent foreign objects may be seen on sur-
enteritis, anorexia, recent enema, and incomplete vey radiographs. On a contrast study, foreign
or high obstruction where vomition relieves objects cause a lucent intraluminal filling defect in
gas/fluid distention; and, with dilation, paralytic the contrast medium (Figure 2-25).
ileus, obstructive ileus due to foreign objects, neo- Bowel proximal to the foreign object may be
plasia, abscess, and granuloma. dilated with fluid or gas. If bowel has been perfo-
rated, there may be free abdominal gas, loss of
abdominal visceral detail, and fluid opacity in the
Linear Foreign Objects. Survey radiographs may
show numerous end-on loops of small intestine.
This is not a definitive sign because hyperperistal-
sis may give this appearance.
A contrast study reveals plication or gathering
of small intestinal loops (Figure 2-26). Do not
confuse plication with the normal “string of
beads” sign in cats. The “string of beads” appears
as a symmetric widening and narrowing of the
intestinal lumen. Plicated intestine has a serpen-
tine appearance.
Perforation may occur, causing free gas and/or
Enteritis—Nonulcerative. Radiographic signs of
nonulcerative enteritis include rapid intestinal
transit time; severe accentuation of the fimbriated
villous pattern; persistent narrowing or “stringing”
of small intestinal lumen diameter, not to be con-
fused with normal peristalsis; hypercontractility or
hyperperistalsis; and precipitation of barium due
FIGURE 2-24 There is a smooth soft tissue opacity to abnormal luminal contents, such as blood,
(foreign object) in the descending duodenum (arrows). excess mucus, or abnormal pH.
This opacity is visible because it is surrounded by air. Enteritis—Ulcerative (Figure 2-27). Radio-
The duodenum proximal to the foreign object is dilated. graphic signs of ulcerative enteritis include severe

FIGURE 2-25 Barium study of a cat

that swallowed a backgammon chip.
The duodenum is dilated proximal to
the foreign object. Barium surrounds
the object (arrows) and then passes into
bowel of normal diameter.

bowel spasticity or rigidity and irregular mucosal Intussusception. An intussusception is invagina-

surface, with contrast medium extending beyond tion of a segment of intestine into the lumen of an
the lumen (in a spiculated pattern if ulcerations are adjoining part of the intestine—usually the proxi-
small and diffuse, and with conical, rounded, or mal segment enters the lumen of the distal seg-
squared outlines if the ulcers are larger). ment. The intussusceptum is the invaginated
segment. The intussuscipiens is the receiving seg-
On survey radiographs one may see intestinal
distention and the intussusceptum may be identi-
fied if surrounded by gas.
On an upper GI contrast study, the intestinal
transit time is markedly delayed, there is abrupt
narrowing of intestinal lumen as barium enters
the intussusceptum (Figure 2-28), and intestine
proximal to the intussusception is usually
Intramural Lesions. These can be solitary, multi-
ple, or diffuse. Common causes include neoplasia,
granuloma, abscessation, stricture, and adhesions.
Radiographic appearance is variable (Figures 2-29
and 2-30):

1. Wall thickness is difficult to assess on survey

radiographs because fluid in the lumen adja-
cent to intestinal mucosa can mimic mural
thickening. A contrast study or ultrasound
examination is the best way to noninvasively
determine actual wall thickness.
2. A mass is visible on survey radiographs.
3. A contrast study may show diffuse or focal
increase in wall thickness.
4. A mass may impinge on the lumen concentri-
FIGURE 2-26 Ventrodorsal barium study of a cat cally or eccentrically, causing luminal narrowing.
with a linear foreign object. Contrast in intestine shows 5. Abnormal luminal dilation is seen.
classic accordionated or plicated appearance associated 6. A smooth, irregular, or ulcerative mucosal sur-
with linear foreign object. face is seen. A “scalloped” surface is common

FIGURE 2-27 Dog with ulcerative

enteritis. Mucosal surface has a
spiculated appearance due to barium
accumulating in small ulcers.

in multifocal intramural diseases such as lym-

phosarcoma, pyogranulomatous disease, and
diffuse infiltrative diseases.
7. The lesion must be present on more than one
film in a barium study to be significant because
the radiographic appearance during peristalsis
and spasms may mimic that in intramural disease.
Intestinal Perforation (Figures 2-31 and 2-32).
Radiographic signs of intestinal perforation include
loss of abdominal visceral detail and/or free fluid in
the abdomen (suggesting peritonitis); ileus; and free
abdominal gas. Small amounts of free gas appear as
small extraluminal gas bubbles, usually seen in odd
locations, such as near the kidneys or bladder.
Larger amounts of free gas outline liver lobes,
diaphragm, kidney borders, and serosal surfaces of
intestine. A left lateral recumbent view obtained
with a horizontal beam shows small amounts of
free gas against the right abdominal wall.

Large Intestine
FIGURE 2-28 Ventrodorsal view of a dog that had Radiographic Anatomy
surgery 3 days previously to correct an intussusception.
The cecum and ascending colon are located in the
Free air (A) is seen in the abdomen, presumably caused
by the surgery.A second barium study was performed right midabdomen. The transverse colon parallels
because of suspected recurrence of intussusception. the caudal border of the greater curvature of the
Arrows indicate lumen of intussuscipiens; arrowheads stomach. The descending colon is in the left
show lumen of intussusceptum. Free barium seen in abdomen, and the rectum descends into the pelvic
the abdomen (B) indicates intestinal rupture. canal. The large intestine assumes the shape of a
question mark (?) on the VD view. On the lateral
view the regions of large intestine are usually
superimposed in the midabdomen.

FIGURE 2-29 Jejunal intramural mass

(arrows) is annular and has an irregular
mucosal surface. There is minimal
distention of intestine proximal to the

The canine cecum is very large, having a spiral

or C shape, whereas the feline cecum is a small
blind sac. In the cat there is no distinct border
between the cecum and the ascending colon. The
junction is defined only by viewing the site where
the ileum joins the colon.
Normal size and opacity are extremely variable.
Formed feces of heterogeneous opacity, including
mineral or bone material, are commonly seen. A
large amount of air in the colon can be normal.
Barium Enema
The large intestine should not be assessed on a
small intestinal contrast study. Filling is incom-
plete, and barium inadequately coats large intes-
tinal mucosa.
Indications for a barium enema include
FIGURE 2-30 Dog with diffuse intestinal recurrent or persistent large bowel diarrhea; fresh
lymphosarcoma. The mucosal surface is irregular, with blood in the feces; chronic constipation; suspected
asymmetric filling defects and narrowed areas of small large bowel obstruction, pelvic masses, colonic or
intestine (arrows). rectal masses, or intussusception; and chronic


FIGURE 2-31 A, A large amount of free abdominal gas is present (arrowheads). Gas outlines serosa of stomach,
abdominal surface of diaphragm, and dorsal caudal abdomen. There is loss of abdominal visceral detail. B, Small
amounts of free abdominal gas are more difficult to discern. Several small gas accumulations are seen superimposed
over the bladder (arrowheads). These gas opacities are not associated with bowel. There is loss of abdominal detail
due to peritonitis and free abdominal fluid.

FIGURE 2-32 Positional studies are of value in determining the presence of small amounts of free abdominal gas.
The patient is placed in left lateral recumbency, and an exposure is made using a horizontal beam. Free abdominal
gas accumulates against the abdominal wall (arrowheads).

inflammatory large bowel disease. Do not perform the lesion, place a purse-string suture around
a barium enema within 2 hours of enema (spasms the anus, and tighten the suture after position-
induced), 6 to 12 hours after colonoscopy ing the tip of an additional catheter just inside
(spasms induced), or within 3 to 4 days after colon the anus. A small amount of contrast medium
biopsy (may rupture colon). given through the second catheter will outline
The following materials are needed for a bar- the extent of a rectal lesion.
ium enema:
A normal-appearing barium enema study
1. Pediatric or adult-sized balloon catheters.* (Figure 2-33) shows uniform distention of the
2. Gravity-flow enema bag with tubing† or dose colon and cecum and a smooth mucosal surface.
syringe with adapter and three-way valve. A redundant or long convoluted colon is a nor-
3. Micropulverized barium diluted to 50% with mal variant, and a spasm at the catheter tip is
warm tap water. common.
4. Aqueous organic iodides diluted to 50% with Radiographic Signs of Large Intestinal Disease
tap water, used only if perforation is suspected. Megacolon or Dilation of Large Intestine. This dis-
Barium is the contrast medium of choice to ease has numerous causes: neurologic disease such
achieve satisfactory mucosal definition. as trauma to the spine, spinal neoplasia, or congen-
5. Room air. ital spinal abnormalities; mechanical obstruction
such as neoplasia, foreign objects, extrinsic masses
The following technique is employed for a bar-
compressing or infiltrating the colon wall, or
ium enema:
narrowed pelvic canal from malunion of pelvic
1. A 24-hour fast is desirable, and multiple high- fractures; abnormal diet; and psychogenic factors.
volume, warm-water enemas are essential to There are no published guidelines for determining
clean out the large intestine. Feces in the colon megacolon, so diagnosis of abnormal colonic dila-
can obscure small lesions and mimic mass lesions. tion is subjective.
2. General anesthesia is desirable to eliminate Colitis and Typhlitis (Figure 2-34). Radio-
colonic spasms, facilitate manipulation and graphic signs of these diseases include mucosal
positioning, and alleviate patient anxiety and irregularity (“cobblestone” appearance); increased
discomfort. wall thickness; spasticity and shortening of colon
3. Avoid using narcotics that induce severe colonic and/or cecum; and mucosal ulceration.
spasms. Emphysematous Colitis. Survey radiographs
4. Use 2.3 ml/lb of diluted (50%) barium liquid show gas in the bowel wall. Extensive amounts of
as a general guideline because the dose is gas in the wall parallel luminal gas, in a linear fash-
extremely variable. Infuse contrast medium ion, distinctly showing mucosal surfaces.
slowly through an inflated balloon catheter. On a barium study contrast covers the mucosal
5. Obtain a VD film after 2.3 ml/lb is adminis- surface and gas in the colon wall is still visible.
tered or if there is resistance to flow. Administer Ileocolic Intussusception. On survey films a tubu-
more contrast medium as required. lar soft tissue mass outlined by colonic gas may be
6. Obtain lateral,VD, and two oblique views. seen. The leading edge of the intussusceptum has
7. Perform a double-contrast study, best for evalu- an oval or rounded shape (Figure 2-35).
ating mucosal detail, by removing most of the On a contrast study barium surrounds the
positive contrast medium and slowly infusing intussusceptum, which appears as an intraluminal
room air into the colon. Repeat exposures in radiolucent filling defect. Barium may define
lateral,VD, and oblique positions. linear bands, sometimes referred to as a “coil
8. If a rectal lesion is suspected, the balloon spring” appearance, in the wall of the intussus-
catheter may obscure the lesion. A method to cipiens, as it contracts on the intussusceptum
outline rectal lesions, if endoscopy is not avail- (Figure 2-36).
able, is to inflate the balloon catheter cranial to Colonic or Cecal Intramural Masses. These vary
widely in appearance (Figure 2-37). On survey
Picker Enema Tubes. Picker International, Denver, CO films fecal impaction may occur proximal to the
80239. mass.A solid soft tissue mass may be seen; the mass

Rapidfil Enema System. Picker International, Denver, may be focal or diffuse.There is annular constric-
CO 80239. tion or eccentric invasion of the colon by a mass.


FIGURE 2-33 Normal dog (A) and cat (B) barium enema. There is smooth mucosal coating by contrast medium
and even distention of the large intestine. Note the question mark configuration of the canine and feline colon. A,
Ascending colon; C, cecum; D, descending colon; T, transverse colon.

FIGURE 2-35 Ventrodorsal view of a dog with an

FIGURE 2-34 Ventrodorsal view of a dog with severe ileocolic intussusception. The intussusceptum (I)
typhlitis and colitis. Small filling defects are seen appears as a large soft tissue opacity that is surrounded
protruding into the lumen of the cecum (Ce) and by air in the intussuscipiens. Note the round contour of
colon (Co). The colon is markedly shortened, and the the leading edge of the intussusceptum (arrow).
cecum no longer has a normal shape. Arrow indicates Visualization of this abnormal shape is usually associated
ileocolic junction. with intussusception or intestinal foreign object.


FIGURE 2-36 A and B, Two examples of ileocolic intussusception identified on a barium enema. The
intussusceptum (I ) appears as lucent filling defect within the colon. Abnormal rounded leading edge is visible (curved
arrow). Faint linear bands in the intussuscipiens are outlined by barium (arrowheads).


FIGURE 2-37 A, Survey radiograph of a dog with an intramural colonic mass. Gas is seen in the colon distal to
the mass (M), and feces can be seen proximal to the mass. B, Same dog as in A. Barium enema shows an annular
colonic mass. Note the abrupt change in colonic diameter caused by the nondistensible intramural mass.

On a barium study an irregular or smooth well visualized on the lateral view, with sharply
mucosal surface is seen. Ulceration may be diffuse defined edges and a triangular shape that projects
and spiculated or large and cavitated. Polypoid just beyond the ribs. In the cat the ventrocaudal
masses cause luminal lucent filling defects on bar- liver border is often displaced dorsally by falci-
ium study. form fat and may be located in the cranial midab-
Normal liver size is best defined by the location
Liver of the stomach. On the lateral view the stomach axis
Normal Anatomy from the fundus to the body should be parallel to
The liver has a soft tissue opacity; therefore inter- the ribs, although this varies somewhat with breed,
nal structures are not defined. Much of the liver is body conformation, and stomach distention. On the
silhouetted by the diaphragm, stomach, and right VD view an empty stomach is usually located
kidney, making it difficult to evaluate the liver between the tenth and thirteenth ribs. The pylorus
borders. The ventrocaudal liver border is usually and body are located more on midline in the cat.

Angiography of the Portal Venous 20 ml of sterile, water-soluble iodinated con-

System trast medium is performed.† Three to four lat-
This is an invasive procedure and is employed less eral radiographs, exposed 7 to 10 seconds after
frequently now that ultrasound and nuclear medi- injection, should be obtained at 1- to 2-second
cine scans are capable of diagnosing vascular intervals. This is possible with any radiographic
anomalies. equipment if a “tunnel” is constructed. The
Indications include suspected congenital or patient is placed on a Plexiglas board, which is
acquired portal vein anomalies, such as patent duc- elevated off the table high enough to allow easy
tus venosus, portocaval shunts, or portosystemic passage of x-ray cassettes. Cassettes can be rap-
shunts; and suspected arteriovenous fistulas. idly pushed through the “tunnel” using an
The following techniques are used in angi- object as simple as a broomstick. To ensure
ography of the portal venous system: correct cassette placement under the abdomen,
markers should be placed at appropriate loca-
1. Selective catheterization of the cranial mesen-
tions on the broomstick before the initiation of
teric artery under fluoroscopic guidance.
the procedure.
Because this method requires equipment that is
prohibitively expensive for routine private On a normal-appearing angiogram, mesenteric
practice, it is not described here. or splenic veins normally drain into the portal
2. Surgical catheterization of a mesenteric vein, vein, the portal vein branches with the liver
which is invasive but will impart necessary (Figure 2-38), and hepatic venous blood flows into
information concerning liver vascular supply. the caudal vena cava.
3. Percutaneous splenic puncture, using an 18- Radiographic Signs of Liver Disease
gauge styletted spinal needle,* on a patient that Hepatomegaly. Radiographic signs of hepato-
is heavily sedated or anesthetized, which will megaly include the following:
outline most portal shunts. Blood should be
easily aspirated before contrast injection into 1. Stomach displacement is usually more evident
splenic pulp, and then slow infusion of 10 to in the body and pyloric regions. The stomach
is displaced caudally and dorsally, causing the
stomach axis to be more horizontal.
Tru-Fit spinal needles. Picker International, Denver, 2. With symmetric, diffuse liver enlargement, liver
CO 80239. borders are often rounded and extend well
† beyond the ribs. Because the liver is larger on
Hypaque 76. Picker International, Denver, CO 80239.

FIGURE 2-38 Normal hepatic

portal venogram. Contrast
medium was injected into a
mesenteric vein, which drains
into the portal vein. Note the
extensive branching of the portal
vein in the liver. (Courtesy Dr.
Kathy Spaulding, North Carolina
State University Veterinary
Teaching Hospital, Raleigh, NC.)


FIGURE 2-39 A, Lateral radiograph of a cat with an enlarged liver. On the survey film there is increased soft
tissue opacity in the cranial abdomen. Liver cannot be delineated. B, Same cat as in A. Contrast medium in the
stomach shows caudodorsal gastric displacement by an enlarged liver.

the right side, there is often axial displacement most likely associated with emphysematous chole-
of the stomach on the VD view. cystitis.
3. Asymmetric liver enlargement is usually due to
liver masses. Concurrent displacement of the
stomach, kidneys, spleen, and colon is directly
influenced by the location of the mass. The Normal Anatomy
liver borders are often spherical or nodular. The normal pancreas is not visible radiographi-
cally. The pancreas is located medial to the
Positive or negative contrast in the stomach can descending duodenum and caudal to the pylorus
aid in evaluating liver size (Figure 2-39).
Small Liver. This is commonly due to chronic
liver disease and cirrhosis, portal vein anomalies, or
physical displacement of the liver into the chest
(diaphragmatic hernia). On the radiographic study,
the stomach axis becomes more vertical or may be
directed cranially, liver borders may be sharply
defined or nodular, and free abdominal fluid often
occurs secondary to chronic cirrhosis. With
diaphragmatic hernia, soft tissue opacity is present
in the thorax and the diaphragmatic outline is not
well defined.
Portal Vein Anomalies—Angiography. On angiog-
raphy a patent ductus venosus or other portosys-
temic shunt may be identified (Figures 2-40 and
2-41). Portal circulation in portocaval or portosys-
temic shunts is decreased or absent.
Gallbladder Diseases. These are difficult to diag-
nose on a survey radiograph. Changes in size and
shape are not usually perceived. Only changes in
opacity can be consistently detected radiographi-
cally. FIGURE 2-40 Venous phase of a cranial mesenteric
Mineral opacity in the area of the gallbladder or arterial injection of contrast medium. The portal vein
biliary system is usually due to calculus formation, (PV ) bypasses the liver through a patent ductus venosus
which is a rare occurrence in the dog and cat. Gas (PDV ) to empty into the caudal vena cava (CVC ).
in the area of the gallbladder also is rare and is Normal portal circulation through the liver is not seen.

and greater curvature of the stomach. The trans- Radiographic Diagnosis of Pancreatic
verse colon lies caudal to the area of the pancreas. Disease
Any significant pancreatic enlargement may be Unfortunately, more than 50% of dogs with
appreciated in these areas. pancreatic disease have no detectable radio-
graphic abnormalities. Any radiographic changes
seen in pancreatic disease are nonspecific, with
similar changes detected in acute or chronic
pancreatitis and pancreatic neoplasia. The ill-
defined increased opacity in the pancreatic
region can be related to edema, necrosis, fibrosis,
abscessation, or tumor spread. Changes include
the following:
1. Loss of detail and increased soft tissue opacity
in the area of the pancreas. This loss of detail
may be subtle, and diagnosis relies heavily on
judgment and experience in evaluating
radiographs. Close comparison of other areas
of the abdomen, such as the spleen and fundic
border of the stomach, with the pancreatic
area may facilitate the diagnosis (Figure 2-
2. On the VD view the pylorus may be displaced
toward midline and the duodenum displaced to
the right abdominal wall. This causes an
increase in the size or width of the cranial duo-
denal flexure. A barium study may be necessary
FIGURE 2-41 Percutaneous splenic portography to confirm this finding.
shows numerous tortuous splenic veins draining into 3. The transverse colon may be displaced cau-
both the portal vein ( pv) and the caudal vena cava (vc). dally away from the greater curvature of the
There is some portal blood flow through the liver stomach on both the lateral and the VD
(arrow). S, Spleen. views.


FIGURE 2-42 A, Lateral radiograph of a dog with clinical signs of pancreatitis. There is loss of abdominal visceral
detail in the cranial ventral abdomen. A hazy, streaky fluid opacity is apparent in this region. C, Transverse colon.
B, Ventrodorsal radiograph of a dog with clinical signs of pancreatitis. There is an increased soft tissue opacity in
the area of the pancreas (arrowheads).

4. The duodenum may be displaced dorsally or surrounding tissue, resulting in echoes that are
ventrally on the lateral view. very bright or white
5. The duodenum may have persistent gas dila- 2. Hypoechoic—a tissue that produces low-
tion or may appear “fixed” in position on serial intensity echoes, when compared with those of
radiographic studies. surrounding tissue, resulting in echoes that are
6. A barium study may show the duodenum to dark gray
have a thickened wall, corrugation or spasm, 3. Anechoic—an area in which there is no echo
stricture formation, ulceration, and/or atonic- formation, resulting in a black image
ity (Figure 2-43). These changes are nonspe- 4. Isoechoic—a tissue that produces echoes that
cific and cannot be considered as definitive are the same as those of surrounding tissues
evidence of pancreatic disease. 5. Complex or heterogeneous echogenicity—a
mixture of any of the above echo patterns

ULTRASONOGRAPHY Scanning Technique

OF THE DIGESTIVE The following steps are followed in sonography of
SYSTEM the digestive system:

Terminology 1. Shave ventral and lateral abdominal hair.

2. Generously apply water-soluble acoustic cou-
Sonographic terms refer to television monitor
pling gel to the skin surface.*
images produced by returning echoes from tissue,
3. Employ 3.5-, 5.0-, 7.5-, and 10-MHz trans-
fluid, or gas interfaces that appear as shades of white,
ducers, depending on the depth of penetration
gray, or black dots against a black background.
necessary. Better resolution is obtained with
1. Hyperechoic—a tissue that produces echoes of higher-frequency transducers, but depth penetra-
high intensity, when compared with those of tion is poor. Therefore use the highest-frequency
transducer that gives adequate penetration to
obtain the best resolution. For example, a 130-lb
dog may require a 3.5-MHz transducer to image
the dorsal area of the liver, but the pancreas or GI
tract in the same dog may be imaged using a 7.5-
MHz transducer. In most small dogs and cats
optimal images of the entire abdomen can be
obtained with a 7.5-MHz transducer.
4. Real-time sector or curved linear transducers
are preferable to many of the linear array trans-
ducers because the smaller scanhead requires a
smaller acoustic window. This is particularly
useful in intercostal imaging.
5. Obtain sagittal and transverse images routinely.
Scan additional planes as necessary, depending
on body shape and organ position. To image
the liver and stomach, place the transducer cau-
dal to the sternum and last rib and angle cra-
nially. The liver, stomach, pancreas, duodenum,
and gallbladder can also be imaged through the
intercostal spaces or from the right lateral
aspect of the patient.
6. Place the patient in dorsal recumbency in a
padded V-shaped trough with limbs restrained,
FIGURE 2-43 Barium contrast study on a dog with
pancreatitis. The duodenum is slightly dilated and has
an irregular, spastic-appearing mucosal surface. The * Aquasonic 100 Transmission Gel. Parker Laboratories,
pylorus is axially displaced. Inc., Orange, NJ 07050.

or image in lateral recumbency with the top Real-time scanning of the GI tract allows eval-
hindleg pulled away from the body. Breed con- uation of individual wall layers, peristalsis, wall
formation and GI gas affect transducer and thickness and diameter, lesion location, and
patient positioning. Transducer and patient appearance of luminal contents. The presence of
positioning vary, depending on the structure or intraluminal bowel gas does not preclude evalua-
disease processes imaged. For example, patent tion of the bowel wall located between the lumen
ductus venosus, small liver, pancreas, and gall- gas and the transducer.
bladder diseases are often best imaged from the Normal gastric wall thickness is 3 to 5 mm in
right lateral abdomen. dogs (Figure 2-44) and 1.1 to 3.6 mm in cats; small
7. To avoid the problem of gastric or intestinal gas intestinal wall thickness in dogs is 3 to 4.5 mm
shadowing, perform imaging early in the morn- (Figure 2-45) and 1.6 to 2.6 mm in cats; and colon
ing (before feeding or significant aerophagia), fill wall thickness is 2.5 to 3 mm in dogs and 1.3 to
the stomach with water, or perform positional 2.5 mm in cats.
studies to circumvent the gas interference prob- The proximal duodenum can usually be identi-
lem. Images are difficult to obtain and interpret fied by its continuity with the pylorus. The colon
if contrast medium is in the stomach or GI tract. and cecum may be identified by relative location,
size, and shape; these often contain considerable
gas and/or feces.
Normal Sonographic Anatomy The jejunum is randomly arranged. Therefore
of the Gastrointestinal Tract it is best to perform a survey scan of the jejunum
The GI tract is composed of four major histologic and then isolate and trace individual loops.
layers. Each layer is sonographically displayed as
alternating hyperechoic and hypoechoic bands. Sonographic Diagnosis of
Five distinct layers may be seen with high- Gastrointestinal Disease
frequency transducers: Thickening of the gastric or bowel wall is the
most common abnormality detected.This change
1. Lumen and mucosal surface—hyperechoic
is considered a nonspecific finding because it can
2. Mucosa—hypoechoic
occur in inflammatory and neoplastic bowel wall
3. Submucosa—hyperechoic
disease. Bowel wall thickening may be diffuse or
4. Muscularis—hypoechoic
focal, and focal thickening may be eccentric or
5. Serosa—hyperechoic
concentric. As a rule the layered appearance of
Often, only three layers are distinguished when bowel wall tends to be conserved in inflammatory
the transducer frequency is 5.0 MHz or less: disease and disrupted by neoplasia. Asymmetric,
mucosal surface, muscular layer, and serosa. focal change is common with neoplasia. Diffuse,

FIGURE 2-44 Normal scan of a

canine stomach. Five distinct layers of
stomach wall (between arrowheads) are
seen. L, Stomach lumen.

FIGURE 2-45 Scan of a normal loop

of small intestine (arrows). Intestinal
lumen and mucosal surface account for
the central linear echogenicity. Five
distinct layers of intestinal wall (between
“+” marks) are seen.

FIGURE 2-46 Sagittal scan of a small intestinal loop

(arrows) in a 7-year-old domestic short hair cat with FIGURE 2-47 Transverse scan of the stomach (arrows)
chronic vomiting. The wall layers are visible, but the in a 13-year-old tabby cat with a history of anorexia
hypoechoic muscle layer is moderately thickened. and vomiting. The stomach wall is markedly thickened
Inflammatory bowel disease was diagnosed. with maintained visualization of wall layers. Diagnosis
was lymphosarcoma.

symmetric thickening is typical of inflammatory inflammatory disease. Masses with a mixed echo
bowel disease (Figure 2-46) but can be seen with pattern are more commonly associated with neo-
diffuse neoplasia, such as lymphosarcoma (Figure plasia, hematoma, abscess, and granuloma.
2-47). Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in cats Motility is usually decreased or absent through
can appear as normal wall thickness or can show the affected area. A biopsy is needed for definitive
mild to moderate wall thickening, primarily diagnosis because benign and malignant lesions
involving the muscle layer. Enlarged mesenteric can appear similar on ultrasound. Some examples
lymph nodes have been associated with IBD, so of GI tract neoplasia are seen in Figures 2-48,
biopsy is very important to differentiate IBD 2-49, 2-50, and 2-51.
from neoplasia. Cats with IBD may have concur- Adynamic (nonobstructive, paralytic) ileus is
rent cholangiohepatitis and pancreatitis. Dis- indicated by distended loops of small intestine and
ruptive, asymmetric changes can occur with variable peristalsis. Dynamic (obstructive) ileus is
hematoma or abscessation. Carcinomas are usu- indicated by distended loops of small intestine larger
ally disruptive and concentric. Mucosal irregular- than in adynamic ileus (Figure 2-52), minimal
ity may be present in either neoplastic or deformity from adjacent structures, and variable

FIGURE 2-48 Sagittal scan of a small

intestinal loop (arrows) in a 10-year-old
mixed-breed dog with vomiting and
diarrhea. The intestinal walls are
severely thickened with loss of normal
wall layers. The central linear
hyperechogenicity is the lumen.
Diagnosis was adenocarcinoma.

FIGURE 2-49 Transverse scan of the stomach

(arrows) in a 12-year-old Siamese cat with
weight loss, vomiting, diarrhea, and decreased
appetite.White blood cell count (WBC) was
28,300 with a neutrophilia. The stomach wall is
severely thickened and nonhomogeneous with
loss of normal wall layers. The hyperechoic
focus off center in the stomach is gas in the
lumen. Diagnosis was lymphosarcoma.

FIGURE 2-50 Transverse scan of the stomach (arrows) FIGURE 2-51 Transverse scan of the cardia region of
in a 9-year-old shih tzu with anorexia, intermittent the stomach (large arrows) in a 16-year-old Lhasa apso
vomiting, and weight loss. The stomach wall is with hematuria and vomiting once with possible blood
markedly thickened and diffusely hypoechoic with loss in the vomitus. A circumscribed, oval, hypoechoic mass
of wall layers. Diagnosis was adenocarcinoma. (small arrows) with a hyperechoic margin is seen at the
L, Lumen. cardia of the stomach. The mucosa appears intact over
the mass. Diagnosis was leiomyoma.

FIGURE 2-52 Scan of a Doberman

pinscher puppy presented for vomiting
of 2 weeks’ duration. Dilated, transverse
segment of small intestine is seen
(arrows). Wall thickness is normal, with
five layers seen (arrowheads). Lumen (L)
is filled with echoic material suspended
in fluid. Echogenicity in the lumen was
determined to be due to fluid, because
movement of the echoic material was
noted. Cause of ileus was an
intraluminal foreign object.

Intussusception is described as a double-

concentric, hypoechoic ring with a hyperechoic
center on cross section. The central echogenic area
is the mucosa of the intussusceptum, which is sur-
rounded by its hypoechoic muscle layer. The next
hyperechoic ring is created by the intussusceptum
serosa, mesenteric fat, and intussuscipiens mucosal
surface. The outer rings are the hypoechoic mucosa
and muscular layers and hyperechoic serosal layer of
the intussuscipiens (Figure 2-56, A and B).
Ultrasound appearance of foreign objects is
variable, depending on the composition of the
object and degree of obstruction (Figures 2-56, B,
2-57, and 2-58). Small bowel dilation is common
and should be traced to the area of obstruction.
The specific type of foreign object cannot be
FIGURE 2-53 Transverse scan of the stomach (large determined because they all can have a similar
arrows) in a 12-year-old cocker spaniel with a history of appearance of a well-defined, usually hyperechoic
vomiting blood and melena. The stomach wall is focus, with distinct acoustic shadowing deep to the
markedly thickened with loss of wall layers. The small object. Linear foreign body will appear as plicated
arrow points to hyperechoic foci within the stomach bowel, and usually a hyperechoic line can be
wall, determined to be gas in small ulcerations. The traced through the affected bowel loops. The
larger, linear hyperechogenicity is gas in the stomach bowel can be mildly or markedly dilated.
lumen. Diagnosis was severe ulcerative gastritis.
Volvulus is seen as dynamic ileus with layering of
U-shaped bowel loops. A cross-sectional image may
peristalsis. Cause of obstruction—masses, foreign show C-shaped anechoic masses, due to dilated
objects, inflammatory disease—can be imaged. bowel, with mesentery and mesenteric bowel wall,
Ulcerative lesions that are small may be difficult causing a central hyperechogenicity. At this time
to identify (Figure 2-53). Large ulcers have been volvulus is better diagnosed with radiography.
observed as outpouchings of the GI tract filled
with fluid or echogenic material (Figure 2-54).
End-on ulcers may appear as a “target” lesion. Normal Sonographic Anatomy
Color Doppler imaging may show an actively of the Liver
bleeding ulcer. Adjacent free fluid, gas, and/or Individual liver lobes are difficult to identify,
hyperechoic tissue (Figure 2-55, A and B) may be except for the caudate lobe, which is in contact
seen with perforating ulcers. with the right kidney. The quadrate and right

FIGURE 2-54 Transverse scan of the

stomach (large arrows) in a 15-year-old
domestic long hair cat with intermittent
vomiting of 2 months’ duration. Some
episodes included blood. A large ulcer
(arrowheads) is seen in the stomach wall.
The ulcer is filled with anechoic fluid
from the stomach lumen. The wall is
mildly thickened with maintained wall
layers. Histopathologic analysis was not
performed, so the cause of the ulcer was

medial liver lobes lie on either side of the gallblad-

der. The cranial extent of the liver is delineated by
the highly echogenic diaphragm. Caudal margins
are partially bordered by the stomach and right
kidney (Figure 2-59).
Normal liver parenchyma in the dog has a
coarse echogenicity of medium intensity. It is usu-
ally more echogenic than renal cortices and less
echogenic than spleen. In the cat, hyperechoic
portal vessel walls are more prominent than in the
dog (Figure 2-60). Normal feline liver echogenic-
ity should be similar to falciform fat; however,
increased body fat can cause the liver to be more
echogenic than falciform in some cats, without
clinical signs of disease.
Portal veins and hepatic veins appear as ane-
choic tubular, branching structures. Portal vein
walls are hyperechoic, whereas hepatic vein walls
are usually not visualized. Hepatic biliary ducts are
normally not visible.
The main portal vein is ventral and axial to the
vena cava. The porta hepatis, which is the site of
bifurcation of the portal vein into right and left
FIGURE 2-55 A, Oblique scan of the cecum (large branches, images as a bright echogenic structure in
arrows) in an 11-year-old mixed-breed dog presented the midliver. The increased echogenicity is due to
for acute onset of vomiting and diarrhea, shaking, and fat deposition surrounding the structures in the
tender abdomen. There is a well-defined hypoechoic porta hepatis.
mass arising from the cecum.Within the mass is a small The gallbladder is imaged to the right of mid-
hyperechoic focus (small arrow) that was suspected to be line between the quadrate and the right medial
either gas or mineralization. B, Scan of mesentery
liver lobes. It is anechoic and usually shows distal
adjacent to the cecal mass seen in A. There is
hypoechoic tissue intermixed with hyperechoic tissue.
enhancement. The gallbladder wall may or may
This appearance is suggestive of hyperechoic reactive not be seen as an echogenic linear structure.
mesentery surrounding hypoechoic tissue that might be Echoic material is commonly found within the
hemorrhage, necrosis, abscessation, or neoplastic lumen of the gallbladder.The size of the gallblad-
implants. Diagnosis was mast cell tumor of the cecum der is variable. Gallbladder shape in dogs and most
with localized peritonitis from ulceration. cats is ovoid, tapering to the neck of the gallblad-


FIGURE 2-56 A, Transverse scan of small intestine (large arrows) in a 5-year-old Labrador retriever with
nonspecific signs of abdominal pain and anorexia. One loop of small intestine (arrowheads) is surrounded by another
loop (arrows), consistent with intussusception. B, Same dog as in A. Foreign material (FB), seen within the
intussusceptum (arrowheads), surrounded by the intusscipiens (arrows), shows as a slightly irregular hyperechoic linear
echogenicity with intense acoustic shadowing deep to the foreign material. Surgery confirmed the intussusception
and the presence of cloth in the affected small bowel, which may have caused the intussusception.

of its small size, it is difficult to visualize with low-

frequency transducers.
Assessment of liver size is subjective. In most dogs
the caudal ventral liver margin should be at or just
caudal to the xiphoid. Body conformation will affect
the normal position; for example, deep-chested
breeds can have normal liver size, yet the liver can be
imaged only from an intercostal location. Any
intrathoracic process that results in the diaphragm
and liver being caudally displaced can cause the liver
to appear enlarged. Assessment of liver size is more
accurate on radiographs than with ultrasound.
FIGURE 2-57 Sagittal scan of small intestine (arrows)
in a 3-year-old domestic long hair cat with acute onset Sonographic Diagnosis of Liver
of lethargy and anorexia. The cat vomited bile 12 times Disease
overnight. The abdomen was tender to palpation. The Hepatic Parenchymal Disease
small intestine is markedly dilated and filled with Ultrasound is an excellent way to evaluate liver
echoic fluid. A hyperechoic, curved focus that has parenchyma. It is particularly useful in differentiat-
acoustic shadowing is seen within the bowel lumen.
ing focal from diffuse disease, differentiating cystic
Diagnosis was intestinal obstruction from hair, grass,
from solid masses, and identifying the presence and
and other foreign material.
cause of biliary obstruction. Although ultrasound
is sensitive in showing architectural parenchymal
der. Some cats may have bilobed gallbladders, but changes, it is not specific as to the cause of these
these are not considered clinically significant. The changes. Therefore, an abnormality is seen, but the
gallbladder neck is caudal to the body and con- final diagnosis requires a liver biopsy. Multiple
nects with the cystic duct. Hepatic ducts empty samples should be obtained because concurrent
into the cystic duct, at which point it becomes the disease processes may be present in the liver; for
common bile duct. Intrahepatic ducts are not nor- example, lipidosis may be present along with
mally imaged. cholangiohepatitis or neoplasia. Aspirates can be
The common bile duct is ventral to the portal obtained but may not accurately reflect all changes
vein. It is not usually seen in normal dogs but may occurring in the liver. Diffuse hepatic disease can
be imaged in some cats. The common bile duct exist without altering the normal sonographic
may measure up to 4 mm in normal cats. Because appearance of the liver.

FIGURE 2-58 Scan of the

stomach (arrows) in a 9-year-old
Labrador retriever with a
history of anorexia and
lethargy. A large, curved, faintly
echogenic structure with
acoustic shadowing (FB) is seen
within the stomach lumen.
Surgery discovered a portion of
a ball in the stomach.


FIGURE 2-59 Sagittal (A) and transverse (B) scans of a normal canine liver. D, Diaphragm; gb, gallbladder.

Indications for hepatic ultrasound include the

1. Elevated liver enzymes—Ultrasound images
often show focal or diffuse hepatic disease not
visible on radiographs.
2. Free abdominal fluid—Sonography can help
differentiate among neoplastic masses, diffuse
hepatic disease such as cirrhosis, and hepatic
venous congestion.
3. To determine extent of hepatic neoplasia—
Sonography can determine if the tumor is con-
fined to one or multiple liver lobes or if there is
extension to lymph nodes or other abdominal
organs. This provides information that is used
to determine if the patient has a lesion that can
be surgically excised.
4. To differentiate obstructive from nonobstruc-
tive icterus—Dilation of the common bile
FIGURE 2-60 Sagittal scan of a normal feline liver duct, cystic duct, or hepatic ducts is readily
(arrows). The liver is homogeneous with prominent visualized with ultrasound. Causes of the
portal vessel wall and is slightly hypoechoic to obstruction (e.g., calculi, masses, pancreatitis)
falciform fat. can be imaged.

FIGURE 2-61 Sagittal scan of

the liver (arrows) in an 8-year-
old mixed-breed dog with a
history of abdominal distension
and anorexia for 2 days. Liver
enzyme levels were markedly
elevated, total bilirubin level
was 1.8, and WBC was 19,000.
The liver margins are irregular
and nodular. Liver echogenicity
is nonhomogeneous with
patchy hyperechoic and
hypoechoic regions and
hypoechoic nodules. Anechoic
free abdominal fluid surrounds
the liver. Diagnosis was hepatic
cirrhosis with nodular

the area of abnormal tissue and avoidance of

large vessels, the gallbladder, and the GI tract.
Diffuse Liver Disease
The liver may appear sonographically normal
despite the presence of liver disease. However, sub-
jective assessment of liver size, shape, and
echogenicity is helpful in determining the pres-
ence of a diffuse disorder.
Liver Size
Small livers are detected with chronic hepatitis, cir-
rhosis (Figure 2-61), liver shunts (Figure 2-62), liver
atrophy, and diaphragmatic hernias. Enlarged livers
can be seen with metabolic disease, neoplasia, gran-
ulomatous disease, hepatobiliary inflammation,
feline lipidosis, venous congestion, cystic disease,
FIGURE 2-62 Sagittal scan of the liver in a 4-year-old abscesses, nodular hyperplasia, and biliary disease.
springer spaniel mix with vomiting, diarrhea, weight
Liver Shape
loss, and decreased appetite. Liver enzyme levels were
mildly elevated. The liver imaged very small, and an
Irregular liver shape or margin is frequently associ-
intrahepatic shunt (arrows) was discovered connecting ated with cirrhosis, hyperplasia, neoplasia, ab-
the portal vein (PV ) to the caudal vena cava (CVC ). scesses, and granulomas. Sometimes it is necessary
to use a 7.5-mHz or higher transducer, even on a
5. To differentiate cystic from solid masses— large dog, to image the ventral liver margin to
Benign cysts are anechoic, have thin, defined detect subtle margin irregularity.
walls, and show increased echogenicity deep to Liver Echogenicity
the cyst. In diffuse disease, changes in echogenicity include
6. To identify gallbladder calculi, cholecystitis, or homogeneously hypoechoic, homogeneously
ruptured gallbladder. hyperechoic, and patchy hypoechoic and hyper-
7. To image congenital or acquired portocaval or echoic zones or nodules. One lobe, multiple lobes,
portosystemic shunts—This requires meticu- or segments of lobes may be affected.
lous inspection of the abdomen using various Hypoechogenicity of the liver is a subjective
scanning planes. assessment, but comparing liver with known sur-
8. Biopsy—Ultrasound-guided hepatic biopsy rounding normal tissues is helpful. Renal cortex
allows precise direction of the biopsy needle to and falciform fat are usually less echogenic than is

FIGURE 2-63 Liver scan of an Irish wolfhound presented for depression and icterus with elevated bilirubin and
alkaline phosphatase. There is a very thick hyperechoic gallbladder wall. The gallbladder (gb) is not distended. The
entire liver is hypoechoic. Multiple anechoic tubular structures with defined hyperechoic walls are seen throughout
the liver (arrowheads). These most likely represent portal veins that are better visualized owing to surrounding
hypoechoic liver. Sonographic changes suggest cholecystitis and cholangiohepatitis. Surgery showed a diffusely
enlarged liver filled with dark, inspissated bile. Diagnosis was cholangiohepatitis with severe canalicular bile stasis,
consistent with a toxic insult. D, Diaphragm.

FIGURE 2-64 Sagittal scan of

the liver in an 8-year-old
domestic medium hair cat with
some vomiting and diarrhea,
anorexia for 1 week, and icterus.
Liver enzyme levels were
elevated, total bilirubin level was
12.3, and WBC was normal.
The liver (L) is hyperechoic
with loss of visualization of
portal vessel walls and sound
beam attenuation in the deeper
portions of the liver. Falciform
fat (F) appears hypoechoic to
liver echogencity. Diagnosis was
hepatic lipidosis. D, Diaphragm.

liver in dogs. Vessel walls appear more echogenic Inflammation or infection of other organs, such as
and more numerous, and gallbladder wall may be pancreatitis, prostatitis, or gastroenteritis, may also
more prominent or thickened. Hypoechoic livers cause the liver to appear diffusely hypoechoic, pos-
have been associated with diseases that accumulate sibly secondary to septicemia.
fluid in hepatocytes, such as acute hepatitis, Hyperechogenicity of the liver is subjectively
cholangiohepatitis (Figure 2-63), hepatic venous determined by comparison with known surround-
congestion (will also see dilated hepatic veins and ing normal tissues and decreased visualization of
caudal vena cava), and hepatic necrosis. Lym- hepatic vasculature. Some infiltrative processes, par-
phosarcoma may also appear diffusely hypoechoic. ticularly feline lipidosis, will cause attenuation of
These disorders are the more common causes for the sound beam in the deeper parts of the liver
hypoechoic livers, but other processes are possible. (Figure 2-64). Disease processes that are associated

with hyperechoic liver include lipidosis, steroid hypoechoic, hyperechoic, anechoic, or isoechoic
hepatopathy (due to increased glycogen storage), or have a combination of any of these echogenici-
cholangiohepatitis, chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, dia- ties. Ultrasound can help determine the number
betes mellitus, and lymphosarcoma. This list is not and location of lesions and association with struc-
all-inclusive, and other processes are possible. tures such as the portal vein, caudal vena cava, and
Patchy liver echo patterns with mixed hypo- gallbladder, which may affect the decision on
echoic, hyperechoic, and isoechoic regions are a whether to attempt surgical excision.
nonspecific change that suggests a diffuse disorder. Anechoic focal lesions can be caused by true
Some of the areas may show or mimic nodularity. cysts, biliary pseudocysts, parasitic cysts, enlarged
The changes may reflect a mixture of normal liver, end-on bile ducts, abscesses, and arteriovenous fis-
inflammation, fatty infiltration, hepatopathy, hepatic tulas (Figure 2-67). Hyperechoic, hypoechoic, and
necrosis, hyperplasia, neoplasia, and other disease mixed echoic masses can be caused by metastatic
processes (Figure 2-65). Histologic diagnosis is nec- or primary neoplasia, lymphosarcoma, abscesses,
essary for definitive diagnosis. Hepatocutaneous granulomas, nodular hyperplasia, biliary cystade-
syndrome has a fairly characteristic diffuse echopat- nomas, and hematomas (Figures 2-68 to 2-75).
tern of hyperechoic, “lacey” strands that surround Correlating history and clinical findings is helpful
ovoid to spherical hypoechoic zones (Figure 2-66). in forming a differential diagnosis, but biopsy is
Focal Liver Disease needed for definitive diagnosis.
Ultrasound is useful to describe the appearance of Gallbladder Disease
focal lesions in the liver. The size, shape, number, 1. Extrahepatic biliary obstruction (experi-
margin definition, and echogenicity are easily mental) results in the following:
characterized, except for very small masses, such as a. Rapid gallbladder distention
seen with carcinomatosis, which may not be b. Bile duct enlargement by 48 hours
detected. Focal lesions in the liver can appear c. Extrahepatic duct dilation by 3 days

FIGURE 2-65 Sagittal scan of the liver in an 8-year- FIGURE 2-66 Sagittal scan of the liver in an 11-year-
old German shepherd–mix that was on long-term old Skye terrier with a 3- to 4-week history of severely
phenobarbital for seizures. Liver enzyme levels were inflamed, thickened, painful footpads on all four feet.
elevated. Ultrasound shows a nonhomogeneous liver Liver enzyme levels were elevated. The liver is diffusely
echogenicity with patchy hyperechoic zones nonhomogeneous with numerous hypoechoic nodules
throughout the liver. Diagnosis was moderate hepatitis intermixed with hyperechoic strands. Overall liver
with nodular hyperplasia and vacuolar hepatopathy, texture appears coarse and has been described as a
possibly secondary to chronic phenobarbital “Swiss cheese–like” or “honeycomb” appearance.
administration. Diagnosis was hepatocutaneous syndrome.

FIGURE 2-67 Transverse scan of the liver in a 10-year-old domestic short hair cat presented for routine
vaccinations. A mass was palpated in the cranial abdomen. Ultrasound shows a large, thin-walled, anechoic structure
(C ) with a small connecting anechoic structure (C ). A small portion of liver (L) is seen. Diagnosis was probable
congenital hepatic cyst.

FIGURE 2-68 Sagittal scan of the

liver in a 14-year-old German
shepherd with multiple splenic and
hepatic masses. Hyperechoic nodules
(arrows) are seen in the liver, near the
gallbladder (GB). Diagnosis was
metastatic hemangiosarcoma.

d. Intrahepatic duct dilation by 7 days each other. One channel is a portal vessel, and
(Figure 2-76). the other is a bile duct. The duct may have a
Pathologic biliary obstruction is usually tortuous appearance. Large intrahepatic duct
mechanical secondary to liver, biliary, pancre- dilations can be tubular or may look cystic, due
atic, or duodenal inflammatory or neoplastic to cross-sectioning of the duct.
disease. These diseases can be sonographically 2. Thickened gallbladder wall
visualized. Obstruction from biliary calculi is a. Diffusely hyperechoic wall, with or without
rare but is easily imaged. Mild intrahepatic duct shadowing, is often seen with cholecystitis,
dilation is seen on an ultrasound image as two calcification or fibrosis, acute hepatitis, and
parallel, anechoic channels in close proximity to cholangiohepatitis.


FIGURE 2-69 A, Transverse scan of the liver (arrows) in a 13-year-old springer spaniel with a history of weight loss
and anorexia for 2 days. Focal, hypoechoic masses are seen within the liver. A large, mixed echoic mass was seen on
another scan of a different area of liver. Diagnosis was metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma. B, Sagittal scan of the
liver in an 11-year-old domestic short hair cat. A circumscribed, hypoechoic mass (arrows) is apparent. Diagnosis was
metastasis from a cecal adenocarcinoma.

FIGURE 2-70 Transverse scan of the liver (L) in a 13-year-old golden retriever with vague signs of lethargy and
anorexia. A mixed hypoechoic and patchy anechoic mass (arrows) is seen in the midliver and left liver. Margins on
the mass are not sharply defined. Diagnosis was hepatocellular carcinoma.

b. Focal hyperechoic areas, with or without fluid. Abdominal imaging should help dif-
shadowing, are commonly associated with ferentiate wall edema from abdominal fluid
mineralization, fibrosis, or calculi. (Figure 2-77).
c. “Halo” or double rim around gallbladder d. Generalized wall thickening, with or with-
wall usually indicates wall edema or inflam- out irregular mucosa, is consistent with
mation but can be seen with free abdominal inflammation (Figure 2-78). Nondistended

gallbladder walls may appear slightly thick- c. Polypoid, echoic masses in gallbladder may
ened in normal patients. be due to glandular cystic hypertrophy.
3. Gallbladder and bile duct masses d. Biliary sludge may mimic mass lesions. If
a. Calculi/concretions are hyperechoic and necessary, positional (gravitational) sono-
usually show shadowing deep to the calculus graphic studies should be performed to fur-
(Figure 2-79). ther characterize gallbladder echoes.
b. Neoplasia is variable with circumscribed or
ill-defined echogenicity in area of gallblad-
der or bile duct, with or without biliary Normal Sonographic Anatomy
obstruction (Figure 2-80). of the Pancreas
The pancreas can be imaged in normal dogs, cats,
and most ferrets.
The right limb of the pancreas is found dorso-
medial to the descending duodenum. The pres-
ence of the pancreaticoduodenal vein within the
pancreas facilitates pancreatic identification (Figure
2-81). The left limb is more difficult to image in
the dog because of its close relationship with the
stomach and transverse colon and overlying gas;
however, with perseverance it can often be located.
The left limb is usually visualized in the cat
between the transverse colon and the stomach
(Figure 2-82).
Gross adjacent anatomic landmarks are
described as follows: The right lobe is found
dorsal or dorsomedial to the duodenum, cra-
nioventral to the right kidney, ventrolateral to
the portal vein, and between the ninth and tenth
FIGURE 2-71 Scan of a large liver mass in a 12-year- intercostal spaces to the level of the fourth lum-
old German Shepherd–mix with normal liver enzyme bar vertebra. The left lobe is found dorsocaudal
levels. The mass constitutes most of this image, with no to the stomach, dorsocranial to the transverse
normal liver parenchyma visible. It has a mixed colon, ventrolateral to the portal vein, ventral to
hyperechoic and hypoechoic echo pattern and poorly the aorta and caudal vena cava, and dorsomedial
defined margins. Diagnosis was hepatocellular carcinoma. to the spleen.

FIGURE 2-72 Sagittal liver scan of a

Doberman pinscher with a history of
gastric dilatation-volvulus and
subsequent gastric rupture. A large,
well-circumscribed hypoechoic mass
(A) is seen in the midliver. A liver
abscess was suspected and was
confirmed at surgery. D, Diaphragm.

FIGURE 2-73 A, Sagittal scan

of the liver in a 10-year-old
Gordon setter with a history of
lethargy and an elevated
temperature of 105.6° F. The
WBC was normal, but liver
enzyme levels were mildly
elevated. There is a large mass in
the liver (arrows) that has mixed A
echogenicity with a large central
anechoic region. Purulent
material was drained from the
mass. Culture indicated a hepatic
abscess due to hemolytic
Staphylococcus. Diagnosis based on
a biopsy specimen of the mass
was also chronic hepatic abscess.
B, One-month repeat ultrasound
of the area in A after antibiotic
therapy. The mass is still visible
but appears smaller and more
homogeneous with no evidence
of fluid within the mass.

FIGURE 2-74 Transverse scan

of the liver in a 14-year-old
Persian cat with hematuria.
The hyperechoic liver mass
contains tiny cysts. It has a
defined but irregular margin.
Diagnosis was biliary
cystadenoma. Cystadenomas
have been reported to have
variable ultrasound patterns
that usually include
hyperechogenicity with
variable-sized cyst or cysts.
They can be multifocal or
singular. GB, Gallbladder.

FIGURE 2-75 Oblique scan of

the liver in a 14-year-old domestic
short hair cat with vomiting and
lethargy. Liver enzyme levels were
mildly elevated; values for BUN,
creatinine, and phosphorus were
also elevated. The scan shows a
very large, multicystic mass
(arrows). Biopsy of the mass was
not performed, but sonographic
differential diagnoses included
primary neoplasia such as
hepatocellular or biliary
carcinoma, cystadenoma,
hematoma, abscess, and nodular

FIGURE 2-76 Transverse scan of

the liver in a 4-year-old domestic
short hair cat with intermittent
vomiting and lethargy for 3 months
and weight loss. There were
marked elevations in liver enzyme
levels, minor total bilirubin level
elevation, and normal WBC. The
anechoic tubular structures seen
represent moderately dilated
intrahepatic bile ducts. The dilation
was due to a benign mass in the
common bile duct (see Figure

FIGURE 2-77 Sagittal scan of a

Chihuahua. Gallbladder (gb) has a well-
defined hypoechoic rim. This change is
associated with gallbladder wall edema
and/or inflammation.

FIGURE 2-78 Sagittal scan of

the gallbladder in a 16-year-old
domestic short hair cat that was
vomiting and not eating for 3
days. Liver enzyme levels were
moderately elevated, and total
bilirubin level was mildly
elevated. The gallbladder wall is
mildly thickened with irregular
mucosal surface. Gallbladder
size appears normal. The tiny
hyperechoic foci deep to the
gallbladder are biliary stones.
Changes were consistent with
either cholecystitis and/or
mucinous hyperplasia.

FIGURE 2-79 A, Sagittal scan of

the common bile duct in the cat
seen in Figure 2-78. The bile duct
is markedly dilated with
obstruction distally by a
hyperechoic focus with acoustic
shadowing, most likely a calculus.
B, Oblique scan of the liver in the
cat seen in A and in Figure 2-78.
Numerous hyperechoic foci are A
seen throughout the liver, some
following a linear course, most
likely intrahepatic biliary calculi.


FIGURE 2-80 Oblique scan of the gallbladder (GB) and common bile duct (large arrows) in the cat seen in Figure
2-76. The bile duct is markedly dilated and is obstructed by an echogenic mass (small arrows) that appears to be
intraluminal. The mass was determined to be benign fibroplasia of unknown cause.


FIGURE 2-81 Sagittal scan of a normal dog pancreas showing the dorsal relationship to the duodenum (A) and
the anechoic pancreaticoduodenal vein present within the pancreas (B).

Pancreatic parenchyma is isoechoic to slightly

hyperechoic compared with hepatic parenchyma,
with a homogeneous echo pattern.
The right limb of the pancreas is best imaged
with the patient in left lateral recumbency.
A right intercostal approach is frequently

Sonographic Diagnosis of Pancreatic

Acute Pancreatitis
Mild, acute pancreatitis may not be easily differen-
FIGURE 2-82 Sagittal scan of the left limb of the tiated from normal pancreatic tissue, but in some
pancreas (arrows) in a normal cat. S, Stomach. cases the pancreas can be seen as mildly enlarged

FIGURE 2-83 Sagittal scan of the pancreas (arrows) in an 8-year-old tortiseshell cat with a history of anorexia and
hiding. The pancreas is mildly enlarged and nonhomogeneous with patchy hypoechoic zones and has slightly
irregular margins. Sonographic diagnosis was pancreatic inflammation. The cat’s signs resolved with medical therapy.

FIGURE 2-84 Oblique scan through the area of the pancreas in a 9-year-old poodle-mix with vomiting, diarrhea,
shaking, anorexia, and fever. The WBC was 20,700, and the alkaline phosphatase level was mildly elevated. The
pancreas is markedly enlarged, hypoechoic to anechoic, irregular in shape, and surrounded by hyperechoic tissue.
Sonographic diagnosis was acute pancreatitis with localized peripancreatic inflammation. The dog recovered
following 1 week of medical therapy.

and nonhomogeneous (Figure 2-83). The pan- (Figures 2-84 and 2-85). Peripancreatic hyper-
creas usually enlarges and is hypoechoic in moder- echoic mesentery and/or anechoic fluid may be vis-
ate to severe pancreatitis. Anechoic cavitations may ible. Decreased motility or thickening of proximal
occur owing to necrosis, abscess, or hemorrhage duodenum may be apparent. Intrahepatic and extra-

FIGURE 2-85 Oblique scan of the pancreas (arrows) in an 8-year-old Irish setter with shaking, groaning, and
abdominal pain. Ingestion of garbage had occurred 2 days previously. There was mild elevation of alkaline
phosphatase level. The pancreas appears markedly enlarged with mixed hypoechoic and anechoic zones surrounded
by echogenic tissue. The anechoic regions were thought to be either hemorrhage and/or necrosis. Sonographic
diagnosis was acute pancreatitis. Medical therapy was instituted, and a recheck ultrasound 1 week later showed
approximately 50% decrease in size with persistent nonhomogeneous echo pattern. The dog continued to improve
with resolution of signs 2 weeks later.

FIGURE 2-86 Sagittal liver scan of a mixed-breed dog presented with icterus and neurologic abnormalities.
Gallbladder (GB) is distended. An anechoic cystic structure (C) is seen caudal to the gallbladder and liver. A
pancreatic cyst was suspected. Laparotomy located a cystic bile-filled mass between the left and the right pancreatic
limbs attached to omentum and an atrophic left pancreas. Diagnosis was a cystic structure with residual pancreatic
tissue in the fibrous wall.

hepatic biliary duct obstruction may be observed. or multiple, may occur (Figures 2-86 and 2-87).
In the healing stage there may be homogeneous or Nodular hyperplasia may develop in the pancreas
irregular increased echogenicity, presumably due to (Figure 2-88), as well as diffuse pancreatic hyper-
fibrosis and/or calcification. Calcification may or plasia, which appears as a normal echogenicity but
may not show shadowing, depending on its thick- very enlarged with smooth borders, based on one
ness. Anechoic pseudocyst formation, either single case that was histologically confirmed.

FIGURE 2-87 Sagittal scan of

the left pancreas (arrows) in a 12-
year-old domestic short hair cat.
Clinical signs were nonspecific
anorexia and lethargy with
normal results of blood tests.
The pancreas is mildly enlarged,
patchy hypoechoic, and irregular
in shape and has a small anechoic
structure that appears cystlike.
Sonographic diagnosis was
pancreatic inflammation with
possible small cyst. The cat
recovered with medical therapy.

FIGURE 2-88 Images of the

pancreas (arrows) in a 14-year-
old domestic long hair cat with
hematuria. The pancreas has
several small (A) and large
(B) hypoechoic nodules. At
surgery for removal of cystic
calculi, biopsy of a pancreatic
nodule was performed, and the
nodule was determined to be


disease of the stomach and small intestine: 33 cases

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hypoechogenic mass. Other areas of the pancreas
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imaged normally, but local lymph nodes were enlarged
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Chronic Pancreatitis Holt DE, Schelling CG, Saunders HM: Correlation of
The size of the pancreas may be normal or ultrasonographic findings with surgical, portographic,
enlarged, with increased echogenicity or a mixed and necropsy findings in dogs and cats with portosys-
temic shunts: 63 cases (1987-1993), J Am Vet Med Assoc
echo pattern. Calcification in pancreatic paren-
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observed, even when active obstruction no longer agement of an iatrogenic biliary pseudocyst in a dog, J
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Pancreatic Masses Jacobson LS, Kirberger RM, Nesbit JW: Hepatic ultra-
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invade surrounding structures, especially adjacent Vet Radiol Ultrasound 39:557, 1998.
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observed with neoplasia. Biliary obstruction may creas in the dog, Vet Radiol Ultrasound 39:552, 1998.
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between inflammatory hepatic disease and inflamma-

Todd R.Tams

Biopsies of digestive system organs are commonly ization that are required for postoperative recov-
indicated in the practice of small animal medicine. ery; and an unwillingness on the part of many
Before the advent of endoscopy, laparoscopy, and owners to subject their pets to any type of major
ultrasonography in veterinary medicine, the rou- procedure unless “it is really necessary.”
tine method of obtaining tissue samples was by Exploratory laparotomy has and always will be
laparotomy. Liver samples were routinely obtained an excellent diagnostic procedure. The use of
using either blind percutaneous or keyhole biopsy isoflurane anesthesia combined with our ever-
techniques, or wedge or needle samples were pro- increasing ability to provide better preoperative,
cured surgically. intraoperative, and postoperative support for our
The primary advantage of a surgical approach animal patients, which includes more routine use
to organ biopsy is that, depending on the size of of effective analgesic agents, has helped make
the incision, a large area of the digestive organs can exploratory laparotomy a safer procedure. However,
be examined and palpated in conjunction with the trend in human medicine over the last 20 years
evaluation of other structures (e.g., lymph nodes, has moved strongly toward using the least invasive
kidneys, ureters, prostate). Disadvantages of lapa- methods possible to examine and, when indicated,
rotomy include the invasive nature of the proce- obtain biopsy samples from abdominal tissues.
dure when compared with endoscopy, laparoscopy, There has been a similar but more recent trend in
or ultrasonography; the longer periods of hospital- veterinary medicine, beginning first in university


and specialty practices and now encompassing ians practicing in affluent areas can justify purchas-
many smaller practices. It is quite clear that, in situ- ing. An endoscope is one of the most versatile and
ations in which it has been determined that biopsies diagnostically valuable pieces of equipment that a
are necessary, owners prefer and are more likely to veterinary practice can have in its armamentar-
allow procedures that are considered less invasive ium. The selection of equipment to be used for
and as causing less overall discomfort to their pet. performing endoscopy often depends on its versa-
Indeed, most owners are aware of the tremendous tility of application, durability, and expense. Many
advances in diagnostic technology in the human practices have been able to financially justify the
medical field, and they are often anxious to have purchase of high-quality endoscopic equipment.
these methods utilized in the diagnosis of their pet’s When consideration is given to the purchase of an
disorder. endoscope, the most important factors to be
Endoscopy, laparoscopy, and ultrasonography reviewed should be the probable frequency of
have many applications in veterinary medicine. usage and versatility of the instrument rather than
As awareness of the tremendous diagnostic potential the purchase price.
of these procedures has increased among veterinari- Other important considerations are the quality
ans, many clinicians are beginning to purchase of the optical system and ease of operating the
equipment and learn these new techniques or are endoscope. Significant differences exist, so equip-
more readily making this technology available to ment purchases should be made carefully! Too fre-
their clients on a referral basis. Applications for use quently veterinarians rank a lower purchase price
of ultrasonography for diagnosis of disorders of as one of the most important factors. This can be a
the digestive system, as well as many case examples, significant mistake because even the most skilled
are presented in Chapter 2. Endoscopy and endoscopist may find performing a complete
laparoscopy are discussed in this chapter, with examination and making the correct diagnosis dif-
emphasis on the clinical utility of these techniques. ficult while using an endoscope of poor quality.
My recommendation to veterinarians inter-
ested in purchasing their first endoscope is to buy
ENDOSCOPY a single high-quality endoscope that may be used
Endoscopy is one of the best and yet most funda- for a variety of procedures (e.g., esophagogastro-
mental methods of examining the gastrointestinal duodenoscopy, colonoscopy, bronchoscopy, and
(GI) tract. It is now a well-established procedure in nasopharyngoscopy in dogs) in cats and small
veterinary medicine. The opportunity to directly dogs, as well as in large dogs. A pediatric endo-
examine and obtain tissue samples from the esoph- scope with four-way tip deflection capability
agus, stomach, and intestinal tract in a minimally meets these criteria well (Figure 3-1). Endoscopes
invasive way has greatly altered the clinical
approach to diagnosis and has made significantly
more accurate the treatment of disorders of the
digestive system. Despite the tremendous diagnos-
tic advantages that endoscopy offers, it is still best
used by the clinician as an adjunctive procedure in
the evaluation of GI disease.A thorough review of
the history, complete physical examination, and
selected laboratory and radiographic examinations
as appropriate for each individual case are still
important for thorough patient evaluation. When
used judiciously, endoscopy offers a valuable alter-
native to exploratory surgery for direct examina-
tion of tissues, procurement of biopsy samples, and
retrieval of foreign bodies.
FIGURE 3-1 Storz pediatric veterinary endoscope.
Specifications include 8.5mm–diameter insertion tube,
Selection of an Endoscope 100-degrees forward-viewing field of view, 150-cm
Endoscopic equipment is no longer considered a working length, 2.5mm–diameter accessory channel,
luxury that only large referral centers or veterinar- and four-way tip deflection.

with two-way distal tip deflection capability have

very limited use in GI endoscopy. Most of these
endoscopes are relatively short (50 to 80 cm) and
are intended to be used primarily as broncho-
scopes. It is somewhat more difficult to maneuver
an endoscope that is limited to two-way distal
deflection through the antral canal, pylorus, and
duodenum. The preferred insertion tube diame-
ter should range from 7.8 to 9 mm. The major
limitation of a large insertion tube (diameter of
9.8 mm or greater) is that there is more difficulty
in passing it through the pyloric canal to the duo-
denum in cats and small dogs. This is an important
consideration because an effort should be made to exam-
ine the duodenum in all cases in which vomiting, diar-
rhea, or weight loss is part of the clinical presentation.
Larger endoscopes can be used quite effectively in
many animal patients, but there are inherent diffi-
culties in performing a complete examination in
very small animals. This becomes an important
factor for any urban practice in which many cats FIGURE 3-2 High-resolution endoscopic video
and small dogs are seen. A standard working camera and monitor. The camera (top) is attached to
length of 100 cm or more is adequate for per- the eyepiece of the endoscope. The endoscopist
forming a thorough examination in cats and most performs the procedure while watching the image on
dogs. Unfortunately 100-cm endoscopes are the video monitor. The camera can be fully immersed
and features automatic exposure control.
occasionally not long enough to reach the duo-
denum in large breed dogs. Newer, more versatile
pediatric veterinary endoscopes with an insertion
tube length of 140 to 150 cm are now available. Learning Endoscopic Techniques
With these longer endoscopes it is possible to Once the decision is made to purchase an endo-
easily reach the duodenum in even the largest scope, whether new or used, every effort should
dogs. be made to become proficient in its use. This is
In addition to the endoscope, other equipment accomplished through attending one or several
that is needed includes a light source, a suction formal wet lab courses and then practicing the
pump (any standard suction pump system can be basic skills of maneuvering an endoscope and
used by attaching the tubing to the suction con- procuring biopsy samples. If proper skills of
nector port on the endoscope), a biopsy instru- maneuvering and observation are not developed,
ment, and foreign body graspers. A number of even the most sophisticated endoscopes are of lit-
different light source models are available that have tle value. Frustration resulting from unfamiliarity
a wide variety of features. There are two basic with proper instrument handling and unavailabil-
types of light sources. Smaller, lower-priced units ity of necessary ancillary equipment too often
that use a low-wattage (e.g., 150 watts) halogen leads to disuse.
lamp are quite adequate for most veterinary appli-
cations. Xenon lamps produce a brighter and
whiter light than halogen lamps. Xenon light Indications for Gastrointestinal
sources provide the best illumination for video Endoscopy
documentation. If a light source is to be used for During its early development, fiberoptic endoscopy
both flexible and rigid endoscopic applications, was used primarily as an adjunct to other diagnostic
xenon is clearly preferred. Video cameras that can methods, especially barium contrast x-ray examina-
be attached to the eyepiece of the endoscope and tions. However, in recent years many veteri-
high-resolution monitors are also available (Figure nary gastroenterologists have come to regard
3-2). Use of this equipment allows simultaneous endoscopy as one of the most sensitive methods of
viewing by any number of observers. evaluating GI tract symptoms. This has resulted in

a substantial increase in the use of endoscopy in

TABLE 3-1 Potential Indications
many veterinary hospitals, corresponding with a
decrease in the number of barium series that are for Gastrointestinal
performed. This trend is expected to continue as Endoscopy
more veterinarians become familiar with the dis- Initial Follow-up
tinct diagnostic advantages of endoscopy. Regurgitation Repeat esophageal stricture
Most of the commonly encountered disorders Dysphagia balloon dilation or bougienage
of the GI tract involve either the mucosa of the Retching Follow-up biopsies in patients
organ in question or disrupted mucosal anatomy. Unexplained with moderate to severe
Endoscopy offers the clear advantage of complete salivation gastritis, inflammatory bowel
mucosal examination of the esophagus, stomach, Unexplained disease, colitis, neoplasia (i.e.,
descending duodenum (in cats and small dogs, the nausea assess progression of disease,
ascending duodenum and sometimes the proximal Unexplained efficacy of therapy)
jejunum as well), terminal ileum in most dogs 10 lb inappetence
or larger, and colon. Endoscopic biopsies provide
rapid assessment and evaluation of many disorders. Diarrhea Serial assessment during ulcer
In addition, endoscopy plays an important thera- healing
peutic role in foreign body removal, guided Melena
bougienage or balloon dilation of esophageal and Dyschezia Serial assessment of mucosal
colonic strictures, and placement of gastric feeding Constipation healing and examination for
tubes. Well-established indications for endoscopy Fecal possible stricture
are listed in Table 3-1. Disorders that can be reliably incontinence formation following
diagnosed via endoscopy are listed in Table 3-2. Foreign body esophageal mucosal damage
retrieval from a foreign body
Feeding tube
Diagnosis of Esophageal Guided stricture
Esophagoscopy should be considered for any Modified from Tams TR: Endoscopy. In Kirk RW,
patient with signs of esophageal disease. The deci- Bonagura JD, eds: Current veterinary therapy X. Philadelphia,
1989,WB Saunders.
sion whether or not to actually perform an endo-
scopic examination of the esophagus is based on
clinical impression and a review of any indicated Bougienage or balloon dilation procedures to
laboratory tests and radiographic studies. Common dilate esophageal strictures are most safely per-
signs of esophageal disease include regurgitation, formed under endoscopic visualization. Esophageal
dysphagia, excessive salivation, and change in tumors can be diagnosed by guided biopsy. In
appetite, which may be either increased or human medicine, endoscopic laser therapy has
decreased. been successfully used for ablation of neoplastic
In the esophagus, as elsewhere in the GI tract, tissue. This is a palliative measure undertaken in
endoscopy is most effective in diagnosis of dis- esophageal cancer patients primarily to relieve
orders that affect the mucosa. Hence, it can be luminal obstruction and hemorrhage.
expected that diagnosis of inflammatory, neoplas- Unexplained salivation is an important indica-
tic, and obstructive lesions (e.g., stricture, foreign tion for esophagoscopy in animals because, in
body) will be relatively precise. Whereas survey some cases of esophagitis or neoplasia, salivation
or contrast radiography is useful for identifying may be the only prominent sign or one of several
an obstructive lesion, esophagoscopy provides a subtle signs that is exhibited early in the course of
means of obtaining a definitive diagnosis and in the disorder.
some cases offers important therapeutic options. The diagnosis of reflux esophagitis cannot be
Esophageal foreign bodies (e.g., fishhooks, bones) made consistently solely on the basis of gross
can often be successfully removed using graspers examination because in some cases changes are
that are passed through or alongside the endo- limited to microscopic inflammation. Certain
scope. Any erosive damage to the esophagus can endoscopic “clues” may be observed by an experi-
be assessed after a foreign body has been removed. enced endoscopist, however, that will suggest the

TABLE 3-2 Gastrointestinal Disorders Amenable to Diagnosis by Endoscopy

Type of Disorder
Site of
Disorder Inflammatory Infectious/Parasitic Anatomic Neoplastic
Esophagus Esophagitis Strictures Squamous cell
Chemical injuries Foreign bodies carcinoma
(acid, alkali) Hiatal hernia Adenocarcinoma
Diverticula Metastases
Megaesophagus Others
(endoscopy rarely
necessary for
Stomach Gastritis (e.g., Physaloptera Foreign bodies Lymphoma
lymphocytic- Hypertrophic Adenocarcinoma
plasmacytic, gastropathies Others
eosinophilic, Polyps
histiocytic) Extraluminal
Chemical injuries compressive masses
Ulcer—benign and
Duodenum Inflammatory bowel Giardiasis Polyps (rare) Lymphoma
disease Histoplasmosis Adenocarcinoma
Colon Colitis Trichuriasis Polyps Lymphoma
Cestodiasis Strictures Adenocarcinoma
Protozoal infections Cecal inversion Others
(examine mucosal Ileocolic intussus-
brushings) ception

Modified from Tams TR: Endoscopy. In Kirk RW, Bonagura JD, eds: Current veterinary therapy X. Philadelphia, 1989,WB

likelihood of reflux esophagitis (e.g., distal esopha- In most patients with megaesophagus, endo-
geal erythema, gastroesophageal sphincter dilation, scopic examination is not necessary for diagnosis
pooling of fluid in the distal esophagus). Monitor- and is rarely of benefit in determining a cause of
ing distal esophageal pH with a probe and perform- the disorder. Megaesophagus is a specific syn-
ing a suction biopsy of the distal esophageal mucosa drome characterized by generalized esophageal
provide a more sensitive means of diagnosis of dilation and hypoperistalsis, and it is differentiated
reflux esophagitis than visualization alone. from other causes of esophageal dilation such as
Esophageal motility disorders in which there is esophageal foreign body, vascular ring anomaly or
not easily detected radiographic evidence of other stricture disorders, and neoplasia. If pneu-
marked esophageal dilation are best recognized by monia is ruled out in a megaesophagus patient that
esophageal fluoroscopy and manometry studies. is anorexic, esophagoscopy may be indicated to
Endoscopic examination of the esophagus reveals examine for esophagitis.
certain appearances, however, that may suggest the
possibility of a motor abnormality, and, in hospitals
where fluoroscopy equipment is not available, Diagnosis of Gastric
esophagoscopy can still be useful as a diagnostic Abnormalities
aid. Often a diagnosis of clinically significant Indications for gastroscopy include signs referable
decreased lower esophageal sphincter pressure can to gastric diseases, including nausea, salivation,
be inferred from the presence of grossly evident vomiting, hematemesis, melena, and anorexia.
esophagitis lesions and variable degrees of dilation Gastroscopy mainly defines abnormalities of the
of the gastroesophageal junction. gastric mucosa, but it may also reveal distortion of

the stomach’s normal anatomic relationships by removal and endoscopy-guided percutaneous gas-
displacement or extrinsic compression as a result trostomy tube placement. Gastrostomy tube place-
of a mass or enlargement of an adjacent organ ment is a quick and simple procedure (see Chapter
structure. With proper technique the entire 12) and provides an excellent means of temporar-
mucosal surface of the stomach and the antral- ily feeding an anorectic or debilitated patient.
pyloric canal can be examined. The most com- In patients with chronic upper GI disorders,
mon disorders diagnosed include chronic gastritis, gastroscopy should be performed in conjunction
gastric foreign bodies, and gastric motility disor- with esophagoscopy and duodenoscopy. Important
ders (Figure 3-3). Ulcers, neoplasia, and hyper- diagnostic clues may be evident in any or all of
trophic gastropathy can be readily diagnosed but these areas during the course of an examination.
are less commonly found (Figure 3-4). Special Follow-up gastroscopy is a valuable aid in moni-
therapeutic considerations include foreign body toring response to therapy in chronic gastritis and
ulcer patients. Follow-up biopsies are especially
important in patients with chronic severe histio-
cytic and granulomatous gastritis, chronic fibros-
ing gastritis, and gastric lymphoma. Important
information that is useful in determining treat-
ment protocol adjustments can often be obtained.
In evaluating a patient with signs suggestive of a
gastric disorder, gastric mucosal biopsy samples
should be obtained even if gross lesions are not
present. It is common for a patient with chronic
A gastritis to have lesions identifiable only on micro-
scopic examination. Different classifications of gas-
tritis (e.g., lymphocytic-plasmacytic, eosinophilic,
histiocytic) and degrees of involvement (e.g., mild,
moderate, severe) can be determined from mucosal
biopsy samples; these findings are extremely
important in determining specific therapeutic reg-
imens. If gross lesions are identified (e.g., localized
hyperemic changes, nodules, or masses), forceps
biopsies should be obtained from these areas, as
well as from several normal areas. Six to eight bi-
opsy samples are obtained from different areas of the
gastric body and fundus if the stomach is grossly
normal. Biopsy samples are best obtained from the
B surface of a gastric fold. The size of the tissue sam-
ples obtained may be inadequate if the stomach is
too distended with air because the folds become
too flattened. When the endoscope is first ad-
vanced to the stomach during the course of an
examination, air is insufflated to distend the gastric
walls so that thorough mucosal evaluation is
enhanced. Suctioning some of the air out just
FIGURE 3-3 Endoscopic photos from feline stomach. before taking biopsy samples greatly increases the
A, Normal stomach of a cat, showing the midgastric gastric fold surface area from which samples can be
and distal gastric body. Rugal folds are clearly in view,
obtained. It is more difficult to obtain a tissue sam-
and the mucosa is smooth. B, Chronic gastritis in a cat.
This is a retroversion view of the proximal stomach,
ple of adequate size from the gastric antrum than it
with the endoscope in a curved position looking back is from other parts of the body unless there is hyper-
on itself.The gastric mucosa is irregular throughout, trophy or discrete raised or cratered lesions.
and there are erosive changes on the rugal fold in the Clues that a gastric motility disorder may be
right field of view. Biopsies confirmed a diagnosis of present include pooling of bile or gastric fluid or
chronic moderate lymphocytic-plasmacytic gastritis. finding undigested food in the stomach of a patient


FIGURE 3-4 Gastric ulcers. A, Two peripyloric ulcers in a 14-year-old dog that was receiving nonsteroidal
antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) therapy for severe osteoarthritis. The pyloric orifice (center) is open, and ulcers are
seen to the left and above the pylorus. The dog had intermittent vomiting and inappetence. B, Large perforated
gastric ulcer in an 8-year-old chow that had received naproxen (an NSAID) once daily for 7 days. On the sixth day
vomiting and inappetence were first noted by the owner. Naproxen was discontinued on the seventh day, but the
clinical signs persisted. Nine days after naproxen was discontinued, the dog was presented for endoscopy. The dog
was bright and alert. The complete blood count (CBC) and biochemical profile were normal (packed cell volume
[PCV] = 48%). On advancement into the gastric antrum the endoscope revealed a very deep ulcer with a thick rim
(entire upper left quadrant). The pyloric orifice is at the lower left (7 o’clock position). The meshlike tissue seen through
the ulcer crater is omentum (there was a complete omental seal). The ulcer area was subsequently resected
surgically. (From Tams TR: Gastroscopy. In Tams TR, ed: Small animal endoscopy, St. Louis, 1999, Mosby.)

that has been fasted 8 to 10 hours or more. The encountered, however. If endoscopic findings do
stomach normally empties within 7 to 10 hours not correlate with clinical signs, or if there is a poor
after a meal. There is often mucosal hyperemia response to therapy, exploratory surgery should be
caused by superficial irritation from bile, but, recommended.
despite this gross abnormality, gastric biopsies in
idiopathic gastric motility disorders are usually nor-
mal. Diagnosis of Duodenal
Because biopsy samples obtained from some Abnormalities
masses with standard biopsy forceps are relatively With a flexible pediatric endoscope (9-mm diame-
small, sufficient tissue for definitive diagnosis is ter or less), the duodenum can be directly examined
sometimes not obtained. Several biopsy samples in most cats and dogs.An endoscope with a diame-
from the same site of a mass should be taken, each ter of 8.5 to 9 mm can consistently be advanced to
time extending the biopsy forceps more deeply the duodenum in cats and dogs weighing as little as
into the tissue (Figure 3-5). If tissue from only the 3 to 4 lb by an experienced endoscopist. The distal
surface of a neoplastic mass is obtained, a mistaken duodenum or proximal jejunum can often be
diagnosis of granulomatous or fibrous disease may reached in cats and small dogs (Figure 3-6). Certain
be made. Samples from ulcerative lesions are best portions of the duodenum, including the area
taken by grasping the wall or the junction of the immediately beyond the pylorus and the medial
wall and the gastric mucosa. Gastric polyps are wall of the descending segment, are sometimes dif-
reliably diagnosed on endoscopic biopsy in dogs ficult to view other than tangentially, especially as
and cats. the endoscope is initially advanced through this
A major shortcoming of gastroscopy is that area. In small patients (especially cats) care must be
neoplastic diseases involving only the serosa or taken not to be too forceful in advancing the endo-
deep layers of the gastric wall cannot be identified scope through areas where there is increased resis-
or definitively diagnosed on mucosal biopsy. This tance. It is possible to perforate the duodenum if too
pattern of tissue involvement is not commonly much force is applied in tight areas.


FIGURE 3-5 Gastric adenocarcinoma in a dog with chronic vomiting, weight loss, and recent anorexia. A, Marked
proliferative changes in the lower gastric body, with complete loss of the normal rugal architecture. B, Close-up
view of a mass in the midgastric body. The mass was rigid and had a very dense wall (suggestive of neoplasia).
Masses such as this one should be biopsied as deeply as possible. If only superficial tissue is obtained, the endoscopist
may fail to retrieve neoplastic cells. The first four attempts to biopsy the mass yielded only very small tissue samples,
but on the fifth attempt the biopsy instrument advanced inside the mass.A number of large tissue samples were then
obtained. (From Tams TR: Gastroscopy. In Tams TR, ed: Small animal endoscopy, St. Louis, 1999, Mosby.)


FIGURE 3-6 A, Grossly normal duodenum in a dog. B, Small intestine biopsy technique. Endoscopic forceps have
been advanced into the duodenal mucosa.

Clinical signs of small intestinal disease include evaluated more thoroughly with endoscopic
vomiting, diarrhea, melena, change in appetite, examination and biopsy. Frequently the only
and weight loss. By far the greatest value of duo- major sign in patients with inflammatory bowel
denoscopy is its capability of definitively diagnos- disease is vomiting. If only gastric biopsies are per-
ing inflammatory small bowel disorders via formed in these patients, the diagnosis may be
biopsy. In fact, recognition that inflammatory missed. In inflammatory disease the small bowel
bowel disease commonly occurs in dogs and cats mucosa may appear normal or it may have varying
became increasingly apparent as patients with var- degrees of irregularity, fissures, or follicular-like
ious patterns of GI symptomatology began to be changes.

Endoscopy offers an alternative approach to parasites are observed because the parasites could
obtaining small bowel biopsy samples in cases of either represent an additional and unrelated prob-
protein-losing enteropathy when there is concern lem regarding the primary disorder or might be a
that full-thickness surgical biopsy sites may heal primary causative factor of the clinical signs.
slowly. This is an especially important considera- During duodenoscopy, saline lavage can be per-
tion in patients with a total protein level less than formed through polyethylene tubing advanced
3.5 g/dl. Multiple biopsy samples can be safely through the accessory channel of the endoscope in
obtained using endoscopic biopsy forceps. In addi- an effort to retrieve Giardia trophozoites. Direct
tion, the hospital stay is significantly shortened smears of the aspirates should be examined within
when endoscopy rather than surgery is performed, 20 minutes of collection with light microscopy at
making this procedure more cost effective. The ×100 and ×400.Although endoscopy-guided duo-
most common causes of protein-losing enteropa- denal lavage has been considered a very good test
thy in dogs are inflammatory bowel disease (by far for diagnosing occult giardiasis, the availability of
the most common), lymphoma, and lymphangiec- the fecal enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
tasia. Lymphangiectasia, a disorder of the intestinal (ELISA) for detecting Giardia-specific antigen, a
lymphatics that results in malabsorption, has a very sensitive and practical test, now precludes the
characteristic histologic appearance, and in some need for duodenal lavage in most diagnostically
cases pronounced gross changes can be seen at elusive cases of giardiasis.
endoscopic examination. Often there is a charac- Neoplasms that involve the small bowel mucosa
teristic patchy milky white appearance of the can be reliably diagnosed on biopsy if a large
mucosa. In some patients, however, gross changes enough sample of representative tissue is obtained.
may be noted only at exploratory laparotomy. Any masses that are found should be sampled as
Occasionally the diagnosis will be missed if only deeply as possible. Lymphoma is the most com-
the descending duodenum is examined and sam- mon type of intestinal neoplasia in dogs and cats.
pled. I have found this to be more of a problem in GI lymphomas are believed to be less common in
rottweilers than in other breeds. dogs than in cats. The diffuse type of lymphoma is
Frequently biopsies reveal only mild the most amenable to diagnosis by endoscopy.
lymphocytic-plasmacytic enteritis. In dogs that are Focal areas of lymphoma in the jejunum or proxi-
markedly hypoproteinemic, as is often the case in mal ileum may be missed because of insufficient
those with lymphangiectasia, this degree of histo- endoscope length (most cases of GI lymphoma in
logic change is not significant enough to substan- dogs and cats involve diffuse rather than focal neo-
tiate a diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease as plastic infiltrates). Also, if lymphoma involvement
the primary cause of the hypoproteinemia. Also, is primarily in deeper muscle layers of the intes-
lymphangiectasia is often associated with mild tinal wall, mucosal biopsy samples as obtained with
lymphocytic-plasmacytic infiltrates in addition to endoscopy forceps may not be deep enough to
its characteristic lesion of dilated lacteals. Therefore procure representative tissue. However, this prob-
the clinician needs to be aware that enteroscopy lem is minimized by using proper instrumentation
limited to the upper small bowel may not establish and technique and by routinely obtaining multiple
the definitive diagnosis in some patients with lym- samples (8 to 12) from the duodenum and, when-
phangiectasia. It is strongly recommended that both ever possible, the ileum.
duodenoscopy and ileoscopy be performed in When lymphoma is present but not definitively
patients with chronic small bowel diarrhea, espe- diagnosed on the tissue submitted for examina-
cially when hypoproteinemia is present. This tion, the mucosal tissue that is obtained is rarely
approach provides the greatest opportunity for mak- normal. Usually moderate to severe lymphocytic-
ing the correct diagnosis when endoscopy rather plasmacytic inflammatory infiltrates are present
than surgery is done to obtain biopsy samples. over or adjacent to neoplastic foci. A positive
Intestinal parasites (generally ascarids) are occa- biopsy finding such as this may give the clinician
sionally encountered on direct examination of the false assurance that a definitive diagnosis has been
upper small intestine. These parasites can easily be reached. Poor or an only temporarily positive
snared with biopsy forceps or foreign body response to treatment that is initiated on the basis
graspers and pulled up through the accessory of biopsy results may then be an indication that
channel. As is always done during endoscopy pro- some other, more significant disorder is present.
cedures, biopsy samples are still obtained even if Further biopsy samples should then be obtained,

via either endoscopy or surgery. Surgery is gener- My experience to date has shown that in a
ally the recommended procedure at this point majority of patients with inflammatory bowel dis-
because a much more extensive evaluation of the ease, intestinal involvement is diffuse. Duodenal
GI tract can be accomplished. It should be empha- and jejunal changes are often similar in type
sized that with proper instrumentation and technique, in and degree to those in the ileum. Sometimes a dif-
conjunction with tissue examination by a pathologist ferent cell type predominates in the ileum as
experienced in evaluating the typically small tissue sam- compared with the duodenum, but usually no
ples procured using endoscopic instrumentation, the cor- alteration in the treatment protocol is neces-
rect diagnosis will be made in a great majority of animals sary. Occasionally, however, there are significant
that undergo endoscopy. changes in the ileum when duodenal samples from
the same patient are either normal or only mildly
abnormal. I have examined several dogs with
Diagnosis of Abnormalities chronic diarrhea in which lymphoma was diag-
of the Ileum nosed on biopsies of the ileum, whereas duodenal
As previously stated, examination and biopsy of samples revealed presence of only mildly abnormal
the ileum are important in patients with chronic inflammatory infiltrates. If ileoscopy had not been
diarrhea or weight loss that is clinically consistent done in these patients, the diagnosis would have
with a small intestinal disorder. Although it is not been missed! Also, the degree of inflammatory
always possible to enter the ileum in dogs and is infiltrates is occasionally significantly more intense
rarely accomplished in cats because of the narrow in the ileum than in the colon. Table 3-3 lists
diameter of the ileocolic orifice, the ileocolic valve hematologic and histopathologic findings from a
can be readily identified during complete colonos- dog in which this was the case. I have also
copy as long as the ascending colon and ileoceco- observed a patient with panhypoproteinemia that
colic junction area are relatively clean (Figure had mild lymphocytic-plasmacytic duodenitis.
3-7). Biopsy samples can be blindly obtained from This degree of inflammatory disease is rarely sig-
the ileum if the endoscope tip can be aligned with nificant enough to cause a protein-losing enter-
the ileocolic orifice so that the biopsy forceps can opathy. The patient did not respond to conventional
be passed through it and into the ileum. In dogs therapy for inflammatory bowel disease. Sub-
weighing more than 8 to 10 lb, I strongly prefer to sequently, exploratory surgery identified adeno-
obtain biopsy samples with the endoscope posi- carcinoma in the terminal ileum, at a site where
tioned in the ileum, whenever possible, so that any the diagnosis might have been made earlier if
grossly abnormal areas can be pinpointed with the ileoscopy had been done.
biopsy forceps. These examples highlight the need to consider
The only disadvantage of ileoscopy compared doing ileoscopy in patients with GI disorders char-
with duodenoscopy is that the patient must be pre- acterized mostly by chronic diarrhea and weight
pared for complete colonoscopy with a combina- loss. It is my impression that it is more important
tion of fasting and colonic lavage. Ileoscopy done to recommend ileoscopy in dogs than in cats.
in conjunction with duodenoscopy also requires Finally, if only colonoscopy is being done on a
more anesthesia time and is therefore more expen- patient, using a flexible endoscope, it is wise to
sive than if only one or the other is done. However, obtain ileum biopsy samples during the course of
the great advantage of examining both the upper the procedure if access to the ileum can be gained.
and the lower small bowel in patients with signs of In this way, at least some information about the
chronic small intestinal disease is that a number small intestine can be obtained. In my experience,
of tissue samples can be obtained from a greater most but not all patients with signs limited to large
area of the intestinal tract. Histologic characteristics bowel diarrhea have normal ileum biopsies. If the
of the small intestine can then be more thoroughly ileum is abnormal, the treatment protocol might
evaluated. The large intestine is also routinely have to be altered.
examined, and samples from it are obtained at the
same time, even if there are no symptoms of
colonic disease, because it has to be traversed to Diagnosis of Large Intestinal
reach the ileum anyway. The thorough nature of Disorders
this approach usually provides representative tissue Flexible colonoscopy provides a means of thor-
for making an accurate diagnosis. oughly examining the entire colon to the level


FIGURE 3-7 A, Radiograph showing the position of a flexible endoscope with the tip located close to the
ileocecocolic area of a dog. With a flexible endoscope complete colonoscopy can be done, and in most dogs over 8
to 10 lb (and even in some smaller dogs when a pediatric endoscope is used) the endoscope can be passed into the
ileum. B, Endoscopic view of the ileocolic orifice area in a dog. The ileocolic orifice in dogs usually appears as a
broad, slightly raised papillary form. The cecal orifice is immediately below and is usually open. A biopsy forceps
instrument has been advanced through the ileocolic orifice. C and D, Normal ileocolic orifice area of a cat. C, The
ileocolic orifice appears as a very small opening (see D), and the cecum in the cat is simply a small blind pouch.
D, An endoscopic biopsy instrument has been advanced through the ileocolic orifice. Since it is not usually possible
to pass an endoscope into the ileum of most domestic cats, ileum biopsies are frequently obtained by passing a
biopsy forceps into the ileum under endoscopic guidance.

TABLE 3-3 Hematologic and Histopathologic Findings in a 6a-Year-Old

Spayed Female Shar-pei With a 2-Year History of Chronic,
Unrelenting Diarrhea*
PCV 31% ALT (IU/L) 28
WBC 18,000 SAP (IU/L) 13
Neutrophils 12,960 Glucose 82
Lymphocytes 2,700 Cholesterol (n = 120-255 mg/dl) 96
Monocytes 2,340 TLI (n = 5-35 µg/L) 12
Total protein (n = 6-7.6 g/dl) 3.6 Cobalamin (n = 225-660 ng/L) <27
Albumin (n = 2.8-3.8 g/dl) 1.8 Folate (n = 6.7-17.4 µg/L) 10.7
Globulin (n = 2.5-5.2 g/dl) 1.8

Stomach: mild lymphocytic-plasmacytic gastritis
Duodenum: mild lymphocytic-plasmacytic duodenitis
Ileum: moderately severe atrophic lymphocytic-plasmacytic ileitis
Colon: moderate lymphocytic-plasmacytic-eosinophilic colitis

PCV, Packed cell volume; WBC, white blood cell count; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; SAP, serum alkaline phosphatase; TLI,
trypsin-like immunoreactivity.
*Clinical signs were most consistent with a small bowel disorder. The dog had lost 18 lb in the last 3 months. Note the marked
degree of panhypoproteinemia. The cobalamin level was quite low, whereas the folate level was normal. The subnormal
cobalamin level was considered to be most consistent with intestinal bacterial overgrowth, which is common in shar-peis. It
could also indicate significant disease in the ileum, although many dogs with ileal disease have a normal cobalamin level.
Biopsies identified the most significant degree of disease to be in the ileum and colon. If only duodenal small bowel biopsies
had been done, the true degree of small intestinal disease would have been misinterpreted, and treatment, especially drug doses
prescribed, would most likely not have been aggressive enough. Also note the degree of histologic abnormality in the large
intestine. This case example highlights the importance of doing ileoscopy and colonoscopy, as well as duodenoscopy, in dogs
with chronic diarrhea.

of the ileocolic junction. The cecum in dogs can are the two most common causes of this problem
also be entered and examined. Indications for in cats.
colonoscopy include signs of inflammatory dis- The most commonly diagnosed disorders
ease (e.g., hematochezia, tenesmus, increased include a variety of mucosal inflammatory dis-
frequency of defecation), chronic diarrhea, orders (lymphocytic-plasmacytic colitis is the most
constipation, fecal incontinence, and evaluation common) and rectal polyps. Colonic strictures,
of a rectal or colonic mass. A second colonos- histoplasmosis, parasitic typhlitis, inverted cecum,
copy with follow-up biopsy is also useful as a ileocolic intussusception, and neoplasia are seen
means of monitoring response to therapy and in less commonly but can be reliably diagnosed by
making decisions regarding treatment protocol colonoscopy. Colonoscopy is much more accurate
adjustments in patients with inflammatory and than contrast radiography in obtaining a definitive
neoplastic disorders. Colonoscopy is generally diagnosis of large intestinal disorders.
done only after dietary trials, therapeutic A majority of patients with idiopathic colitis
deworming either to treat known parasitism or have grossly normal mucosa. Confirmation of the
to rule out the possibility of occult parasitism diagnosis requires that the colon be properly pre-
(especially whipworms), and empirical treatment pared so that high-quality biopsy samples can be
for colitis have been tried and have proven inef- obtained from various levels of the colon. If the
fective in resolving symptoms. Colonoscopy ileocolic area can be reached, an attempt should be
should be done early in the course of symptoms made to obtain biopsy samples from the ileum as
that include hematochezia occurring with well. In patients with chronic diarrhea that is not
formed stools. The most common cause of this clearly limited to large bowel signs, it is best to
problem in dogs is rectal polyps. Abrasive mate- obtain biopsy samples from both the small and the
rial passing through the colon and chronic colitis large intestine.

Endoscopic Removal of ations, endoscopic equipment can be used to

Gastrointestinal Foreign Bodies quickly retrieve the object in question. The main
Many foreign objects can be successfully removed limiting factor when considering endoscopy ver-
from the esophagus, stomach, and colon using sus observation is the necessity for using general
endoscopic instrumentation. Rigid esophagoscopy anesthesia for endoscopy.
under general anesthesia was the procedure of Foreign objects that can be removed with a
choice for removal of esophageal foreign bodies high rate of success include needles, coins, bottle
until the late 1970s. Even now it is occasionally caps, fruit pits, pieces of toys, cloth material, bone
used preferentially over flexible equipment in the chips, rocks, food wrappers, narrow hairballs, and
retrieval of difficult-to-remove esophageal bone many others. The success rate for removal of fish-
foreign bodies. Surgical removal via gastrotomy, hooks is variable (55% to 70%) and depends on
enterotomy, and colotomy has long been the stan- how deeply the hook is imbedded in the mucosa
dard method of management for foreign bodies of before endoscopy. Frequently bones can be
the stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, retrieved from the esophagus. If it is not possible to
respectively. Improvements in the optics and remove a bone through the mouth, attempts are
maneuverability of flexible fiberoptic endoscopes made to advance it to the stomach. A decision is
and development of foreign body grasping for- then made either to remove the bone via gas-
ceps, retrieval baskets, and polypectomy snares for trotomy or, alternatively, to leave it in the stomach
use with endoscopes, however, have clearly made for digestion by gastric acid. Bones are usually decal-
endoscopic retrieval the current procedure of cified by gastric juices, and the remaining frag-
choice for dealing with retained esophageal and ments pass through the intestinal tract without
gastric foreign bodies.The first reports of removal incident. Foreign bodies that are not likely to be
of GI foreign bodies with a flexible fiberoptic removed endoscopically include corn cobs, large
endoscope appeared in 1972. Since then physi- rocks, and large hard rubber balls. Problems with
cians and veterinarians have become adept at retrieval of these objects are related to their size in
retrieving objects of various sizes and shapes, and it relation to the width of the grasping range of
is currently a very uncommon occurrence for a pronged foreign body retrieval instruments and
patient with a foreign body in the esophagus, the likelihood that they can be positioned at an
stomach, or colon to have to undergo surgical angle that will facilitate passage through the lower
removal. A majority of gastric foreign bodies can and upper esophageal sphincters. The weight and
be successfully removed via endoscopy (85% suc- surface texture of the foreign body also must be
cess rate in my series in which endoscopy was taken into consideration. Smooth objects are
attempted for foreign body retrieval). Case selec- sometimes difficult to grasp firmly enough for
tion in regard to gastric foreign bodies is impor- retrieval through the narrow areas of the lower and
tant; that is, a gastrotomy would be done without upper esophageal sphincters, especially when the
any attempt to do endoscopy if radiographs con- object is heavily coated with gastric mucus.
firm the presence of a very large gastric foreign A variety of instruments are available for for-
body. eign body retrieval. A laryngoscope and forceps
There are numerous advantages to endoscopic (e.g., Kelly clamp, sponge forceps) are used for
foreign body removal when compared with other pharyngeal foreign bodies and for retrieval of any
means of treatment. The procedure is minimally object that is difficult to pull through the upper
invasive and not appreciably time-consuming esophageal sphincter with standard prong type of
(average time in my series once anesthesia is endoscopic grasping instruments.Two-, three-, and
induced is 5 to 15 minutes). Especially trouble- four-pronged grasping instruments are most com-
some objects may require up to an hour, but monly used with flexible endoscopes.The diame-
endoscopy is still less expensive and less invasive ter of the working channel of the endoscope limits
than surgery. Patients are often discharged within 4 to some degree the type and size of grasping
hours to 2 days of the procedure. Endoscopy instruments that can be used. Larger, sturdier
allows for rapid intervention when sharp objects instruments made by some manufacturers require
or valuable prized possessions such as jewelry or a 2.8-mm or larger working channel. Pediatric
coins are ingested. Rather than rely on observation endoscopes that are less than 9 mm in diameter have
and radiographic surveillance in such clinical situ- a working channel diameter range of 2 to 2.5 mm,

FIGURE 3-9 Oval (left) and crescent (right) grasping

snares. Snares are the most versatile instruments for
removal of foreign objects.

FIGURE 3-8 Two-pronged grasping forceps.Width

between grasping teeth when fully separated is
approximately 1.4 cm.

depending on the manufacturer. In my experience,

a majority of gastric and esophageal foreign bodies
can be successfully retrieved with instrumentation
that can be used through a 2-mm channel. A FIGURE 3-10 Two rocks retrieved with a
sturdy two-pronged instrument (Figure 3-8) is two-pronged grasper (shown in Figure 3-8) from a
adequate for most foreign objects and can be used golden retriever with a 6-day history of anorexia
with pediatric endoscopes with a narrow working but no vomiting. A snare loop could also have been
channel. Sheathed four-pronged graspers can be used. It is possible to retrieve fairly sizeable foreign
purchased for use through small working channels, objects with endoscopic instrumentation. (From
but these instruments do not tend to be durable. Tams TR: Endoscopic removal of gastrointestinal
Polypectomy snares (Figure 3-9) are the most foreign bodies. In Tams TR, ed: Small animal endoscopy,
versatile instruments for removal of foreign St. Louis, 1999, Mosby.)
objects. The snare loop can be extended around
an object to provide a much stronger grasp than
can sometimes be achieved by the single-end grasp
applied by a pronged instrument. Basket retrievers
can also be used for this purpose, but I have found Laparoscopy is an operative procedure, performed
snare instruments to be more versatile. The two through a keyhole opening with a rigid endo-
instruments that I have used for virtually all of my scope, that allows visual inspection and biopsy of
foreign body cases are the two-pronged instru- the peritoneal cavity and its organs. Laparoscopy
ment and a polypectomy snare. Both of these was first introduced in 1901 in human medicine,
instruments should be a part of standard instru- and it was quickly recognized in the early years as
mentation armamentarium since there are a valuable diagnostic procedure for diseases of the
instances where each of the instruments will be liver. With the laparoscopic instrumentation that is
superior to the other. Examples of successfully available today, bright, clear images of the peri-
retrieved objects are shown in Figures 3-10 and toneal cavity are readily produced and laparoscopic
3-11. photographs can be spectacular.

FIGURE 3-12 Laparoscopic view of normal canine

FIGURE 3-11 Needle foreign body in the stomach of pancreas (right limb). The examination was performed
a cat. Once grasped from either end, this foreign object with a 5mm–diameter telescope.
can quickly and easily be removed via endoscopy.
(From Tams TR: Endoscopic removal of gastrointestinal
foreign bodies. In Tams TR, ed: Small animal endoscopy, scopic surgery is clearly one of the most exciting
St. Louis, 1999, Mosby.) areas of study and new technology in the field of
human surgery today.
Laparoscopy has been used in veterinary medi-
Until fairly recently, the most common indica- cine with any degree of frequency only for the last
tions for laparoscopy in human clinical medicine 25 to 30 years. Its early use centered around repro-
included evaluation of liver disease, staging for ductive function studies in food animals and
cancer treatment (liver and peritoneal metastases), equine, nonhuman primate, and various zoo and
diagnosis of various peritoneal diseases (e.g., ascites exotic species. Laparoscopy is most commonly
of unknown etiology, fever of unknown origin, used now in small animal medicine to examine
abdominal pain of unknown etiology, endometrio- and perform biopsies of the liver, kidneys, pan-
sis, portal hypertension), and diagnosis of pelvic creas, and prostate. It provides an excellent means
soft tissue disease, diseases of the spleen, and pan- for visualizing the surface of the liver. Even subtle
creatic disease. Laparoscopy has also been used color and texture changes can be readily detected.
extensively in recent years in evaluation of the The pancreas can usually be thoroughly examined
female reproductive organs and for in vitro fertil- (Figure 3-12). Pancreatic biopsy samples can be
ization techniques. The list continues to grow! safely obtained, thus making laparoscopy a useful
There have also been tremendous advances in diagnostic procedure in evaluating patients for
laparoscopic surgical techniques over the last 10 pancreatitis (Figure 3-13). Also, laparoscopic
years in human medicine. For example, it is now instrumentation is now used extensively in avian
routine for cholecystectomy procedures to be patients for examination of the abdominal and
done entirely via laparoscopy (“keyhole surgery”). thoracic cavities. Panoramic views of both areas
Advantages of laparoscopic cholecystectomy in can be achieved through a single puncture site.
humans include significantly less postoperative Most veterinarians have had little or no expo-
pain and discomfort, short periods of hospitaliza- sure to laparoscopy during their training in veteri-
tion (most patients are discharged on the first post- nary school. Ultrasonography has become the
operative day), and earlier feeding when compared dominant procedure for imaging abdominal
with standard surgical cholecystectomy. Cholecys- organs and for obtaining biopsy samples in a min-
tectomies done through a large abdominal incision imally invasive way. Laparoscopy still plays a major
(open cholecystectomy) have now become a rar- role in clinical practice for many veterinary gas-
ity. Newer procedures that are now being done troenterologists, however, and many small animal
include laparoscopic removal of common bile duct practitioners are now beginning to perform
stones through the cystic duct, management of laparoscopy in their general practices. To see an
hiatal hernias and recurrent or bilateral inguinal organ clearly during biopsy, to obtain biopsy
hernias, and left- or right-sided colectomies. Laparo- samples readily from even a small liver, to observe

FIGURE 3-13 Pancreas biopsy site (left of center near

the bottom of the field of view). The closed spoon biopsy
instrument is seen in the upper right, being used to
hold the pancreas in position. A pancreatic vessel is
observed in the upper left.

directly the degree of hemorrhage associated with

the biopsy, and to examine and obtain biopsy sam-
ples from the pancreas directly are major advan-
tages of laparoscopy. Many veterinarians, once
they observe the technique and see firsthand the
sharp, clear views that can be achieved in the FIGURE 3-14 A, Laparoscopic instrumentation.
abdomen, express keen interest in learning more Shown (top to bottom) are telescope (5 mm × 29 cm),
about laparoscopy and in purchasing equipment. insertion cannula (sleeve unit through which the
telescope is passed to enter the abdomen), and trocar
Although the indications for laparoscopy may be
with pyramidal point.Abdominal puncture is made by
far more extensive in human medicine, it still has advancing the trocar (placed inside the cannula unit)
many potential applications for use in veterinary through a small incision, after a pneumoperitoneum has
medicine. It is a procedure that can be performed first been established. The insertion cannula is then
with a high degree of safety. Various minimally advanced as the trocar unit is simultaneously backed
invasive surgical techniques (endosurgery) have out. B, Close-up view of laparoscope tips, with straight
now been developed for use in animals, and wet forward-viewing angle (0 degrees, top) and oblique
lab courses for training in these procedures are forward-viewing angle (30 degrees, bottom).
available. Although laparoscopy can be done in
conjunction with local anesthesia and light seda-
tion for minor procedures, I routinely do proce- many years without need for repair. Many small
dures under isoflurane general anesthesia while animal practices could readily support the pur-
providing appropriate supportive care. This is well chase of a set of instruments for performing
tolerated by a great majority of patients. laparoscopy.
It is beyond the scope of this chapter to provide
a complete description of each instrument and
Instrumentation technique for its use. One of the most important
The basic equipment needed to perform laparos- issues to discuss here involves which telescope
copy includes a telescope (laparoscope) and cor- diameter size is most suitable for use in cats and
responding trocar-cannula unit (Figure 3-14), small dogs, as well as in large dogs. Laparoscopes
Veress (insufflation) needle, light source (Figure applicable for use in small patients range from 1.7
3-15), gas insufflator unit, flexible fiberoptic light to 10 mm in diameter. The 10-mm laparoscope
transmission cable, and tubing for transferring gas requires a 2-cm incision for insertion of the can-
from the insufflation unit to the Veress cannula and nula unit (the instrument through which the tele-
the laparoscope cannula. A complete list of needed scope is passed to enter the abdominal cavity).
supplies appears in Box 3-1. If handled and cared This size laparoscope is generally too large for use
for properly, laparoscopic instruments can last for in cats and most small dogs. The smallest laparo-

scope is used with a 2.2-mm cannula that can be

advanced through a very small incision, thus mak-
ing it useful for even very small patients. A major
disadvantage of the smaller laparoscopes, however,
is that they provide a limited field of vision. Also, a
more powerful light source is required for good
image quality because the smaller scopes contain
fewer light bundles. A 5mm–diameter laparoscope
is versatile and is the ideal size for use in dogs and
cats. Many veterinarians experienced in perform-
ing laparoscopy recommend a 5-mm unit if only
one scope is to be purchased.
For a thorough laparoscopic examination, it is
essential that a pneumoperitoneum be established.
FIGURE 3-15 Endoscopic light source with
This provides abdominal distention sufficient to
automatic light intensity (175-watt Xenon). A
fiberoptic light guide cable is attached.The same light
maintain a workspace for the laparoscope and
source can also be used for other endoscope allows for greater range of visualization of abdom-
instruments (e.g., flexible endoscopes, bronchoscopes). inal organs. Various methods have been used to
establish a pneumoperitoneum, including insuffla-
tion of room air by a syringe, three-way stopcock,
and micropore air filter system, bulb pumps, gas
BOX 3-1 Instrumentation for tanks, and carbon dioxide dispensers.Although any
General Laparoscopy of these methods can be used satisfactorily, use of
SUPPLIES FOR LOCAL ANESTHESIA, SKIN INCISION, an automatic insufflator unit for nitrous oxide or
AND CLOSURE carbon dioxide is greatly preferred (Figure 3-16).
Syringes for anesthetic solutions These units have a self-contained internal tank
Lidocaine or Carbocaine (if general anesthesia is not that must be filled from an external tank. This
used) provides for controlled insufflation and greater
Towel pack and fenestrated drape safety and convenience during the procedure.
Towel clamps
Scalpel blades (no. 10, no. 15)
Thumb forceps
Gauze sponges
Bowl and sterile saline
Curved mosquito forceps (two)
Straight mosquito forceps (two)
Needle holder
Suture scissors
2-0 or 3-0 catgut or polydioxanone (PDS)
2-0 or 3-0 nylon

Veress needle
Laparoscope (telescope)
Fiberoptic light cable
Gas insufflation tubing
Laparoscope cannula (sleeve) with trocar
Second puncture cannula with trocar
Tactile (palpating-measuring) probe
Set of assorted rubber sealing caps
FIGURE 3-16 Gas insufflation unit for laparoscopy.
Tru-Cut biopsy needle
Gauges that measure gas supply, intra-abdominal
Biopsy forceps
pressure, gas flow rate, and amount of gas insufflated are
Modified from Magne ML,Tams TR: Laparoscopy: located on the front of the unit. A Veress needle is
instrumentation and technique. In Tams TR, ed: Small shown connected to the gas insufflation tubing by a
animal endoscopy, St. Louis, 1999, Mosby. Luer-Lok attachment.

Various ancillary instruments are available for problems that necessitate examination and biopsy
use during laparoscopy (Figure 3-17). The most of the liver and/or pancreas.
commonly used biopsy instrument is a double- Laparoscopy provides a superb view of the liver
spoon forceps (Figures 3-18 and 3-19). Although (Figure 3-20). Color, consistency, and contour of
operating laparoscopes with a channel for inser- the liver are rapidly documented. A probe can be
tion of accessory instruments are available, most inserted through the second puncture cannula for
veterinary laparoscopists prefer to use a double- the purpose of palpating the surfaces of the liver to
puncture technique for biopsy. An accessory can- evaluate for friability or excessive rigidity, to lift
nula is inserted to the abdomen through a second and separate the liver lobes in view so that the
small incision. This technique allows greater undersides can be examined, to palpate the gall-
mobility of accessory instruments (palpation bladder, and to displace omentum from a surface
probes, biopsy instruments). Alternatively, a biopsy that must be examined (Figure 3-21). The liver is
needle can be inserted directly through the generally evaluated through a right lateral midab-
abdominal wall and then directed to the biopsy dominal approach. A significantly greater area of
site under laparoscopic guidance. liver can be visualized from the right side com-
pared with a ventral or left approach. The right
lateral, right medial, and caudate lobes of the liver
Indications and the gallbladder and extrahepatic biliary tract
The primary indications for laparoscopy in evalua- can be thoroughly examined from the right side.
tion of diseases of the digestive system involve A left approach is generally made only if disease

FIGURE 3-17 Assorted laparoscopic

hand instruments. Included (top to bottom)
are injection/aspiration needle, palpation
probe, scissors, grasping forceps, biopsy
forceps, and suction cannula.

FIGURE 3-18 Close-up view of

laparoscopic hand instrument tips.
Shown (left to right) are double-spoon
biopsy forceps, grasping forceps,
scissors, suction cannula, palpation
probe, and injection/aspiration

FIGURE 3-19 Close-up view of laparoscopic biopsy

forceps: double-spoon grasping type of forceps (top) FIGURE 3-21 Normal gallbladder in a cat.
and cutting type of forceps (bottom). A palpation probe is being used to lift liver away so that
the gallbladder can be seen. The liver is paler than
normal. Liver biopsy confirmed a diagnosis of hepatic

FIGURE 3-20 Normal canine liver viewed from

a right lateral approach. The diaphragm is in the

involving the left lateral or medial lobe is sus-

pected. Examination of the liver and surrounding FIGURE 3-22 Marked diffuse granularity of the liver
structures usually takes only several minutes. in a 4-year-old Maltese with chronic active hepatitis.
Abnormal gross liver changes that can be read- This is an unusual appearance. The dog was clinically
normal; however, screening laboratory tests done before
ily appreciated include hepatic lipidosis (the liver
a dental procedure suggested that the patient had a liver
has a pale mustard color with friable texture), disorder, and both preprandial and postprandial serum
glycogen-laden liver, metastatic or multifocal neo- bile acid levels were significantly elevated. Liver
plasia (raised and often discolored tumor nodules biopsies were obtained laparoscopically. (From Magne
with central cavitations or depressions are seen), ML,Tams TR: Laparoscopy: instrumentation and
nodular hyperplasia (multiple raised nodules with- technique. In Tams TR, ed: Small animal endoscopy,
out central depressions, often with a yellow St. Louis, 1999, Mosby.)
fatty appearance), cirrhosis, cholangiohepatitis,
extrahepatic biliary tract obstruction, and others A total of three to six or more liver biopsy sam-
(Figure 3-22). Liver size and presence of any ples, procured from any abnormal-appearing, as well
venous plexuses suggestive of acquired collateral as normal-appearing, areas, are usually obtained.
shunting are readily appreciated. Using grasping forceps advanced through the

second puncture cannula, this can be done quickly from liver disease. It is not uncommon for cats
and safely. One of the most significant advantages with chronic cholangitis or cholangiohepatitis to
of laparoscopy-guided biopsy as compared with have concurrent chronic fibrosing pancreatitis.
ultrasound-guided or blind percutaneous biopsy Simultaneous biopsy of liver and pancreatic tissue
techniques is the direct visualization of the biopsy during laparoscopy aids in establishing extent of
procedure itself. Once experience is gained, even involvement in this syndrome.
biopsies of small livers can be rapidly performed The pancreas can usually be visualized through
(Figure 3-23). In cases in which extra tissue sam- a right abdominal approach. It may be necessary to
ples are needed for culture and/or quantitative displace omentum from the pancreas in order to
copper analysis, the procedure can still be quickly visualize it clearly. The right wing of the pancreas
completed.An additional advantage to direct visu- is found adjacent to the duodenum. Usually only a
alization is that a gross description of the liver can small portion of the left pancreatic lobe can be
be communicated to the pathologist. Finally, with seen. In some obese patients it is difficult to find
use of spoon biopsy forceps sample size is some- the pancreas. Biopsy samples of the pancreas are
what larger than what is obtained with needle generally obtained only if the organ is grossly
biopsy instruments, meaning that there is a greater abnormal. The safest technique is to use grasping
certainty that representative liver tissue is being forceps to procure a small piece of the right pan-
obtained for microscopic examination. creatic wing. The central duct area must be
Indications for biopsy of the pancreas include avoided. Parapancreatic fat nodules that represent
ruling in or out acute pancreatitis when other tests either calcification, fibrosis, or necrotic tissue may
have failed to establish clearly a diagnosis (i.e., be found. Great care in trocar placement must be
obvious pancreatitis is not an indication for lapa- exercised when performing laparoscopy in any
roscopy), identification of chronic recurring pan- patient that is likely to have acute pancreatitis.
creatitis, and differentiation of pancreatic disease

Because laparoscopic procedures are generally
short in duration (10 to 30 minutes when done by
an experienced operator) and not considered sig-
nificantly invasive, the risks are not as great as those
that can be associated with exploratory lapa-
rotomy. By the time a decision to recommend
laparoscopy is made, there has been ample opportu-
nity for the clinician to evaluate the patient thor-
oughly through history, serial physical examinations,
selected laboratory tests, and radiography. There
are several absolute contraindications for perform-
ing laparoscopy. These include acute or unstable
cardiopulmonary conditions, presence of an uncor-
rectable or severe coagulopathy, cases in which
extensive intraabdominal adhesions could have
FIGURE 3-23 Microhepatia and cirrhosis in a 3-year- developed, bowel obstruction, abdominal herniation
old cocker spaniel with a 3-week history of (diaphragmatic or inguinal), and septic peritonitis.
intermittent vomiting and anorexia. Liver enzyme A relative contraindication must be balanced
levels were only mildly elevated, but both resting and against the need for diagnosis and risks of alterna-
postprandial bile acid values were markedly increased. tive methods of diagnosis. The latter options usu-
Several small lobes of liver can be seen to the left of the
ally include either ultrasound-guided biopsy
gallbladder. The caudal vena cava is seen between two
of the lobes (8 o’clock position). The oval window of the
(sedation is still required) or general anesthesia and
diaphragm is in the background (light area at the top of laparotomy. With administration of proper patient
the field). The dog lived 15 months after the diagnosis support and use of the safest possible sedation and
of severe liver disease was made. NOTE: Laparoscopy anesthetic protocols (e.g., ketamine and diazepam
is an ideal method for safely and quickly obtaining liver or propofol and the general anesthetic agent isoflu-
biopsies in patients with a small liver. rane or sevoflurane), many elderly or compromised

patients can tolerate laparoscopy with minimal or even minor procedures. Owners should be warned
no problems. Ascites can complicate laparoscopy. that this possibility exists before any type of proce-
The main problem involves clouding of the field of dure in a patient with severe liver disease. Minor
view. When ascites is present, it is usually best to complications include subcutaneous emphysema
remove as much of the fluid as possible before the and subcutaneous leakage of ascites fluid around the
procedure. This is best accomplished using either puncture site. These are usually transient problems.
diuretics, if the ascites is mild and the procedure is
not scheduled to be done for several days to a
week, or centesis, on the day before or the day of REFERENCES
the procedure if the ascites is moderate to severe.
Brady PG: Endoscopic removal of foreign bodies. In
Silvis SE, ed: Therapeutic gastrointestinal endoscopy, New
Complications York, 1985, Igaku-Shoin.
Freeman LJ, Kolata RJ,Trostle S: Minimally invasive sur-
The complication rate associated with laparoscopy gery of the gastrointestinal system. In Freeman LJ, ed:
depends on operator experience, accurate patient Veterinary endosurgery. St. Louis, 1999, Mosby.
assessment and recognition by the clinician of Lightdale CJ: Indications, contraindications, and compli-
appropriate indications and any possible contraindi- cations of laparoscopy. In Sivak MV, ed: Gastroentero-
cations, and quality of the laparoscopic equipment logic endoscopy. Philadelphia, 1987,WB Saunders.
used. As an invasive procedure, laparoscopy is Magne ML,Tams TR: Laparoscopy: instrumentation and
remarkably safe. Most surveys in human and veteri- technique. In Tams TR, ed: Small animal endoscopy. St.
nary medicine indicate that, as is the case with most Louis, 1999, Mosby, pp 397-408.
procedures, errors and complications of laparoscopy Morgenstern L: A new era of keyhole surgery,
Gastrointest Endosc Clin North Am 3:183, 1993.
are more common when the technique is still being
Nord HJ: Technique of laparoscopy. In Sivak MV, ed:
learned. Complications during laparoscopy can be Gastroenterologic endoscopy, Philadelphia, 1987, WB
avoided with a high degree of success when the Saunders.
operator uses a systematic approach and careful Quilici PJ: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy, Gastrointest
attention to detail. Potential major complications Endosc Clin North Am 3:221, 1993.
that can occur include air embolism (related to Tams TR: Endoscopic examination of the small intes-
abdominal insufflation), cardiopulmonary arrest, tine. In Tams TR, ed: Small animal endoscopy, St. Louis,
pneumothorax (from diaphragmatic puncture by a 1999, Mosby.
misguided instrument), damage to internal organs, Tams TR: Endoscopic removal of gastrointestinal for-
bleeding, and infection. Because laceration of a eign bodies. In Tams TR, ed: Small animal endoscopy, St.
major vessel can occur when attempting to obtain Louis, 1999, Mosby.
Tams TR: Endoscopy, In Kirk RW, Bonagura JD, eds:
biopsy samples from a small liver with a needle
Current veterinary therapy X. Philadelphia, 1989, WB
instrument, it is recommended that grasping forceps Saunders.
be used instead in this situation (see Figure 3-19). In Twedt DC: Laparoscopy of the liver and pancreas. In
fact, this is the instrument that I routinely use to Tams TR, ed: Small animal endoscopy. St. Louis, 1999,
obtain liver samples in almost all liver biopsy cases. Mosby.
Patients with end-stage liver disease are at risk of Willard MD: Colonoscopy. In Tams TR, ed: Small animal
decompensating at any time and in association with endoscopy. St. Louis, 1999, Mosby, pp 217-245.

Todd R.Tams

The esophagus is a muscular tube that transports functions as a physiologic sphincter. It acts as a
ingested material from the pharynx to the stom- zone of high resting pressure that promotes unidi-
ach. In the resting state the esophagus is collapsed; rectional flow from the esophagus to the stomach
however, it is capable of distending to accommo- and helps prevent reflux of gastric contents into
date passage of both fluid and solid materials. It is the esophagus. In dogs the LES consists of an outer
divided into three sections—the cervical, the tho- layer of striated muscle and an inner layer of
racic, and the short abdominal portions—and it is smooth muscle, whereas in cats the LES is com-
bounded at each end by sphincters. The upper posed entirely of smooth muscle. Mechanisms for
esophageal sphincter (UES) separates the cervical prevention of gastroesophageal reflux include a
esophagus from the oropharynx. It is composed of variety of anatomic factors in addition to the LES
fibers from the paired cricopharyngeal muscles itself. The entire abdominal segment of the esoph-
and a portion of the thyropharyngeus muscle. agus, as well as the surrounding structures, plays a
Innervation of the muscles of the UES is involun- role. Gastric rugal folds, the diaphragmatic crus,
tary and arises through the glossopharyngeal nerve the oblique angle of the distal esophagus as it
and the pharyngeal branches of the vagus nerve. enters the stomach, and compression of the
The UES remains closed at all times, opening intraabdominal esophagus by the fundus when the
only to allow passage of a bolus. It closes promptly stomach is distended all contribute to LES
after the bolus is passed. The duration of opening integrity and help prevent gastric reflux.
of the UES is determined by a central neural The LES opens and closes in response to neural
mechanism that senses the volume of the bolus activity (vagal tone) associated with the swallowing
that is being propelled aborally by the pharynx. mechanism. Its function can also be influenced,
The state of consistent closure of the UES main- however, by hormones, by drugs (e.g., acepro-
tains a high-pressure zone that serves as an impor- mazine, atropine, diazepam, propofol, xylazine,
tant defense mechanism, helping protect against halothane, and isoflurane decrease LES pressure,
esophagopharyngeal reflux and aspiration of whereas metoclopramide, cisapride, bethanechol,
ingesta. erythromycin, and domperidone increase LES pres-
The lower esophageal sphincter (LES) or gas- sure), and by local events such as inflammation. In
troesophageal junction (GEJ) comprises the junc- response to esophageal peristaltic contractions, the
tion between the esophagus and stomach. The LES LES undergoes a phase of initial relaxation that is


followed by postdeglutition contraction. Initial muscularis mucosa. The muscularis mucosa has
relaxation begins when an esophageal peristaltic minimal contribution to peristaltic activity. The
contraction occurs in the proximal esophagus. esophagus receives its innervation from the sym-
Postdeglutition contractions prevent reflux of a pathetic and the vagus nerves, including the recur-
food bolus following its passage into the stomach. rent laryngeal branches. The vagal supply is the
Boluses are moved through the esophagus by a more important of the two. Branches of the thy-
series of strong, well-coordinated contractions, roid arteries supply blood to the cervical esopha-
which are produced by intense muscular activity. gus; the bronchoesophageal arteries supply the
The esophagus of the dog is relatively longer than cranial portions of the thoracic esophagus, and the
that of humans. Animals rely much more on branches of the aorta, the intercostals, and the gas-
propulsive esophageal activity than do humans, in tric arteries supply the remaining portion of the
whom gravity also plays a significant role in move- esophagus.
ment of material through the esophagus. In fact, it The most common esophageal disorders that
has been shown that the canine esophagus is able are seen in clinical practice are megaesophagus,
to develop 10 times the pressure that develops in esophagitis, esophageal strictures, and esophageal
the human esophagus. foreign bodies. These problems are discussed in
The swallowing process has been divided into detail in this chapter. Less common problems that
three major phases: oropharyngeal, esophageal, and are discussed include vascular ring anomalies,
gastroesophageal. Primary esophageal contractions hiatal disorders, and esophageal neoplasia. A list of
are triggered by the oropharyngeal phase of swal- esophageal diseases based on signalment appears in
lowing. Secondary peristaltic waves occur in Table 4-1.
response to the effects of esophageal luminal dis-
tention and tactile stimuli. These waves begin
proximal to the bolus. Progression of primary and
secondary peristaltic waves depends on the size Megaesophagus is a syndrome characterized by
and the location of boluses present in the esopha- generalized esophageal dilation and hypoperistalsis,
gus. Solids initiate stronger primary peristaltic which is often severe. It is differentiated from local-
contractions than do liquids. Secondary peristaltic ized cases of esophageal dilation most of which are
contractions are more frequently required to clear caused by mechanical problems with esophageal
liquids than to clear solids from the esophagus. dilation occurring proximal to the site of obstruc-
The speed of esophageal peristalsis is much faster tion (e.g., vascular ring anomalies, strictures, for-
in dogs (75 to 100 cm/sec) than in cats (1 to 2 eign bodies, neoplasia). There may or may not be
cm/sec). This is because striated muscles contract abnormal peristalsis associated with these disor-
faster than smooth muscles. Among the most ders. Clinicians should be aware that not all
common clinical disorders of the esophagus patients with esophageal motility disorders have
observed in dogs are problems related to esopha- megaesophagus. Some patients have various
geal motility (e.g., variable degrees of esophageal degrees of esophageal hypomotility (e.g., slow
hypomotility, megaesophagus). The primary symp- stimulation of secondary waves of esophageal con-
tom of these disorders is regurgitation, which traction, or “sluggish motility”) that may be seg-
results from an inability of the esophagus to trans- mental or diffuse. Survey thoracic radiographs are
port ingested material to the stomach in a timely often normal in these patients. Mild to moderate
manner. esophageal hypomotility is best evaluated with flu-
The esophagus has four distinct layers: the oroscopic studies in which both liquid contrast
adventitia, the muscularis, the submucosa (which alone and liquid with food are used to study the
contains glands, nerves, and blood vessels), and the strength and coordination of esophageal peristalsis.
mucosa.With no serosal layer present, the submu- Megaesophagus may be congenital or acquired
cosal layer of the esophagus is considered to have (adult onset). In most clinical practices, adult-onset idio-
the greatest holding strength when sutured. In pathic megaesophagus is seen somewhat more commonly
dogs, the muscle layer of the esophagus is com- than congenital megaesophagus. A familial predisposi-
posed entirely of striated muscle. In cats, the cra- tion for congenital megaesophagus has been iden-
nial two thirds of the esophagus is striated muscle, tified for many breeds of dogs (Great Dane,
and the distal one third is smooth muscle. The only German shepherd, Irish setter, golden retriever,
smooth muscle in the esophagus of a dog is the Labrador retriever, greyhound, Newfoundland,

TABLE 4-1 Profiles for Esophageal Disease Based on Signalment

Parameter Clinical Association
Young Vascular ring anomaly; idiopathic megaesophagus; foreign body
Mature Esophageal neoplasia
Boston terrier Vascular ring anomaly (PRAA)
Bouvier Dysphagia caused by hereditary muscular dystrophy (oropharyngeal
dysphagia and megaesophagus)
Cocker spaniel Cricopharyngeal achalasia
Collie Familial canine dermatomyositis (oropharyngeal dysphagia and
English bulldog Vascular ring anomaly (esophageal compression by left subclavian artery
and brachiocephalic artery)
Esophageal deviation cranial to the heart (normal variant)
German shepherd Idiopathic megaesophagus
Vascular ring anomaly (PRAA)
Acquired myasthenia gravis
Giant axonal neuropathy
Golden retriever Idiopathic megaesophagus
Acquired myasthenia gravis
Great Dane Idiopathic megaesophagus
Vascular ring anomaly (PRAA)
Greyhound Idiopathic megaesophagus
Irish setter Idiopathic megaesophagus
Vascular ring anomaly (PRAA)
Jack Russell terrier Congenital myasthenia gravis
Labrador retriever Idiopathic megaesophagus
Hereditary myopathy (megaesophagus)
Miniature schnauzer Idiopathic megaesophagus
Newfoundland Idiopathic megaesophagus
Rottweiler Spinal muscular atrophy (megaesophagus)
Shar-pei Idiopathic megaesophagus
Hiatal hernia
Esophageal deviation cranial to the heart (mild regurgitation)
Smooth fox terrier Congenital myasthenia gravis
Springer spaniel Cricopharyngeal achalasia
Polymyopathy (megaesophagus)
Congenital myasthenia gravis
Wirehaired fox terrier Idiopathic megaesophagus
Siamese cat Idiopathic megaesophagus

PRAA, Persistent right aortic arch.

From Johnson SE, Sherding RG: Diseases of the esophagus and disorders of swallowing. In Birchard SJ, Sherding RG, eds:
Manual of small animal practice, ed 2, Philadelphia, 2000,WB Saunders.

shar-pei), as well as for Siamese cats (although many pure-breed dogs. Breeding of affected ani-
megaesophagus rarely occurs in cats). Congenital mals is not recommended.
megaesophagus is known to be inherited in wire-
haired fox terriers and miniature schnauzers. It is
transmitted in wirehaired fox terriers as a simple Etiology
autosomal-recessive trait, whereas in miniature The pathogenesis of megaesophagus is poorly
schnauzers it is transmitted as a simple autosomal- understood. Physiologic studies in dogs with megae-
dominant or a 60% penetrance autosomal-recessive sophagus suggest that a defect exists in the afferent
trait. The acquired form has been reported in neural pathway. Efferent neuromuscular pathways

appear to be intact. It has been shown that dogs with ommended that patients with acquired megaesophagus be
idiopathic megaesophagus do have cyclical migrat- evaluated for the presence of a primary disorder. It is
ing motor complex activity and that the upper and emphasized, however, that the majority of patients with
lower esophageal sphincter responses to swallowing megaesophagus have idiopathic disease, and treatment
are intact and normal. Mechanisms may be similar centers on general management principles. Selected pri-
for both congenital and acquired idiopathic mega- mary disorders are discussed in more detail later in
esophagus. Diminished motor responses of the upper this chapter.
and lower esophageal sphincters to intraluminal
stimuli have been identified.
Megaesophagus in dogs was previously incor- Congenital Idiopathic
rectly compared with a human esophageal disor- Megaesophagus
der called achalasia, which is characterized by Congenital idiopathic megaesophagus involves
failure of the lower esophageal sphincter to relax generalized esophageal dilation of unknown cause,
properly and ineffective peristalsis of the with signs of regurgitation usually beginning at or
esophageal body. Treatment of this human disor- shortly after weaning. Occasionally, regurgitation
der involves cardiomyotomy. Achalasia has never does not begin until 2 to 6 months after weaning.
been proven to occur in animals. Esophageal Congenital disease should be considered in any
sphincter tone is normal, not increased, in dogs young patient with megaesophagus. The inci-
with megaesophagus. Cardiomyotomy is therefore dence is highest in Great Danes, German shep-
clearly not indicated in dogs with megaesophagus. herds, golden retrievers, Shar-peis, Irish setters,
Acquired megaesophagus occasionally occurs wirehaired fox terriers, and miniature schnauzers,
secondary to other disorders, especially diseases although many other breeds can be affected by the
that can cause diffuse neuromuscular dysfunction disease.A hereditary mechanism has also been sus-
(e.g., focal or generalized myasthenia gravis, pected in young cats, especially Siamese cats.
hypoadrenocorticism, and dysautonomia in cats). Multiple animals in a litter can be affected.
Causes of megaesophagus are listed in Box 4-1. The most important differential diagnosis in
Because appropriate management of some of these disor- young dogs and cats with regurgitation that
ders may lead to resolution of megaesophagus, it is rec- occurs around the time of weaning is vascular
ring anomaly. Vascular ring anomalies occur
quite uncommonly. Differentiation can often be
BOX 4-1 Causes of Megaesophagus made on survey thoracic radiographs (general-
Idiopathic ized dilation of the entire esophageal body is usu-
Congenital ally readily identified with megaesophagus)
Acquired (adult onset) (Figure 4-1). Contrast studies are done on
Neuromuscular patients with suspected vascular ring anomaly to
Myasthenia gravis (focal or generalized) highlight both the presence of an obstruction
Polymyositis and polymyopathy just cranial to the heart and the severity of dila-
Systemic lupus erythematosus tion proximal to the obstruction. Other impor-
Dysautonomia (cats) tant differential diagnoses in young patients with
Giant cell axonal neuropathy regurgitation include esophageal stricture and
foreign body.
Treatment for congenital megaesophagus pri-
Brainstem trauma or neoplasia marily involves elevated feedings (45 to 90 degrees
Toxic of upper body elevation). The consistency of the
Lead food that is fed depends entirely on what type is
Thallium associated with the least postprandial regurgita-
Organophosphates tion. Promotility therapy (cisapride) may also be
Endocrine attempted, although this drug is not expected to
Hypoadrenocorticism be useful in dogs because it is a smooth muscle
Hypothyroidism prokinetic agent and the canine esophagus con-
Miscellaneous sists entirely of skeletal muscle. Treatment details
Pyloric stenosis (cats)
for megaesophagus are discussed later in this
Congenital lower esophageal stricture

FIGURE 4-2 Severe congenital megaesophagus in a

6-month-old German shepherd. Note the marked
ventral deviation of the esophagus cranial to the heart.
There is an accumulation of foreign material in this
large sacculated space. Esophagoscopy confirmed that
the entire esophagus was dilated, with no evidence of a
B vascular ring anomaly. With diligent medical
management, the dog lived an energetic life. However,
because of increasingly frequent bouts of aspiration
pneumonia, the dog was euthanized at 2 years of age.

more poorly over a period of time and have a

shorter life span. Since esophageal function in
patients with congenital megaesophagus does not
FIGURE 4-1 Congenital megaesophagus in
commonly improve over time, owners must be
a 3-month-old German shepherd. There had been
a recent onset of regurgitation. A, Lateral radiograph counseled that long-term elevated feeding will be
shows dilated, air-filled esophagus. Note that the entire required to help control regurgitation. Breeding of
esophagus is dilated, ruling out vascular ring anomaly. affected patients is not recommended.
B, The puppy responded very well on an elevated
feeding program. (This puppy is also shown in Figure
4-10, at 9 months of age.)
Acquired (Adult-Onset)
Idiopathic Megaesophagus
Although acquired megaesophagus may occur sec-
ondary to many disorders, especially diseases caus-
The prognosis for congenital megaesophagus is ing diffuse neuromuscular dysfunction, the
guarded. Although some patients can be success- majority of affected patients have idiopathic
fully managed for many months to years, others suf- megaesophagus. Despite this fact, successful treat-
fer persistent regurgitation with frequent bouts of ment of an underlying cause may lead to complete
aspiration pneumonia, as well as wasting disease that resolution of the esophageal motility disorder.
results from the inability of the esophagus to trans- Therefore diagnostic tests are done to look for a
fer adequate amounts of nutrients to the stomach. primary cause. The extent of the diagnostic work-
Factors involved in determining prognosis include up that is done in a patient with megaesophagus
degree of dilation of the esophagus, especially that depends primarily on the signalment, the clinical
of the proximal thoracic esophagus, and degree of signs, and the environment (e.g., toxicities such as
early response to positional feeding and dietary lead poisoning and thallium and organophosphate
manipulation. Rarely some dogs may show sponta- intoxication can cause megaesophagus).
neous improvement. This may in part be due to the
fact that the esophagus does not functionally Signalment
mature until around 6 months of age. Dogs with Acquired megaesophagus has been reported in
severe esophageal dilation with pronounced saccu- many pure- and mixed-breed animals. Although
lation proximal to the heart (Figure 4-2) often do the age of onset of adult idiopathic megaesophagus

is frequently 8 years or older, younger patients can Physical Examination

be affected. There is no sex predilection. The most common physical finding in dogs with
adult-onset idiopathic megaesophagus is loss of
Clinical Signs body condition. In some patients weight loss is
The dominant clinical sign of megaesophagus is pronounced by the time a definitive diagnosis is
regurgitation. Regurgitation may occur minutes made (Figure 4-3). Mucopurulent nasal discharge
to hours after eating. Frequency varies from several and fever suggest aspiration pneumonia. Pul-
episodes per week to many (10 to 20) episodes in monary crackles may be detected on auscultation.
a single day in some patients. Most affected dogs A Valsalva maneuver, in which the thorax and the
are initially presented with the chief complaint of mouth are occluded while the thorax is com-
what their owners describe as “vomiting” (which pressed to increase intrathoracic pressure, often
is actually regurgitation). It is up to the clinician to results in a bulging on the left side of the neck
differentiate vomiting from regurgitation at the caused by a dilated cervical esophagus. Oral exam-
outset (see Chapter 1 for differentiation criteria). ination may reveal the presence of accumulated
It must be noted that the degree of esophageal dys- food particles or thick saliva in the pharynx. The
function does not always correlate with the severity of presence of muscle atrophy, weakness, or abnormal
clinical signs. Some dogs have megaesophagus for gait suggests the possibility of a neuromuscular dis-
weeks to months before the onset of regurgitation order. A complete neurologic examination should
episodes, or they regurgitate only infrequently
despite the appearance of marked esophageal dila-
tion on radiographs. Conversely, some dogs regur-
gitate frequently despite radiographic evidence of
mild to moderate dilation.
Other clinical signs may include acute or
chronic cough that may or may not be associated
with dyspnea and fever. These signs are most con-
sistent with aspiration pneumonia, which is the
most common complication of megaesophagus. A
All patients with esophageal dysfunction are at risk
for sudden death related to aspiration and subse-
quent upper airway obstruction. Coughing may
also be related to compression of lung tissue and
airways by the enlarged esophagus and its con-
tents. Occasionally coughing is the only clinical
sign demonstrated by a dog with megaesophagus.
It may be weeks to months before regurgitation
begins to occur in these cases.
Weight loss and emaciation occur secondary to
inadequate food intake. Inappetence or salivation
or both may result from discomfort caused by B
In patients in which megaesophagus is associ-
ated with an underlying disorder, other clinical
abnormalities that may be noted include general-
ized muscle weakness (myasthenia gravis,
polymyopathy, hypoadrenocorticism), neurologic
FIGURE 4-3 Adult-onset idiopathic megaesophagus
deficits (myasthenia gravis, central nervous system in a 6-year-old Great Dane. Before referral the dog had
disease, polyneuropathy), generalized muscle undergone an extensive diagnostic work-up for
atrophy or pain with polymyositis, vomiting vomiting. The primary problem, however, was actually
(hypoadrenocorticism, lead poisoning, obesity regurgitation. A, Note the dog’s obvious cachectic
and alopecia with hypothyroidism, and oropha- condition. B, A thoracic radiograph confirms a
ryngeal dysphagia with generalized neuromuscu- diagnosis of megaesophagus (note the dilated, air-filled
lar dysfunction). esophagus).

be performed, with emphasis on cranial nerves IX myasthenia gravis is described in more detail later
(glossopharyngeal) and X (vagus). in this chapter.
Other tests that the clinician should consider in
Diagnosis the evaluation of patients with megaesophagus,
Acquired megaesophagus is most commonly diag- depending on clinical course and physical find-
nosed by the presence of generalized esophageal ings, include the following:
dilation on survey thoracic radiographs, without Adrenocorticotropic Hormone Stimula-
evidence of obstruction. If cervical radiographs are tion Test for Hypoadrenocorticism. Hypo-
obtained, dilation of the cervical esophagus will adrenocorticism is an uncommon cause of
usually be noted as well. Contrast studies (liquid megaesophagus. Proposed causes of esophageal
barium) are occasionally necessary to confirm the dilation include the effects of abnormal sodium
presence of a dilated, hypoperistaltic esophagus. In and potassium concentrations on membrane
many patients with obvious megaesophagus, it is potential and neuromuscular function, as well as a
unnecessary to perform contrast studies. The risk physiologic deficiency of cortisol, which may
of aspiration of contrast material must always be cause muscle weakness.
considered. I most commonly perform a contrast Hypoadrenocorticism has a predilection for
study when I suspect an esophageal motility disor- young to middle-aged females. The most com-
der and when the thoracic esophagus is not readily mon clinical signs include anorexia, vomiting,
recognized on survey films. The technique for lethargy, and weakness. Diarrhea also may occur.
contrast radiography of the esophagus is discussed Most dogs that have megaesophagus associated
in Chapter 2. with hypoadrenocorticism demonstrate one or all
Occasionally dogs with megaesophagus are first pre- of these signs in addition to regurgitation.
sented because of symptoms related to aspiration pneu- However, occasionally there may be only regurgi-
monia. Therefore when evaluating thoracic radiographs tation. In addition, some of these dogs have atypi-
from dogs with pneumonia, one must always look closely cal hypoadrenocorticism, in which sodium and
for any evidence of esophageal dilation. potassium levels are normal. This complicates the
Once the presence of megaesophagus is con- diagnosis, so the clinician must maintain a high
firmed, appropriate ancillary tests should be per- index of suspicion. An adrenocorticotropic hor-
formed. A complete blood count, a complete mone (ACTH) stimulation test is required for
biochemical profile (including creatine kinase diagnosis. ACTH stimulation should also be per-
[CK]), and total serum thyroxine levels should be formed to confirm the diagnosis in patients with
evaluated in all cases (TT4). Leukocytosis (neu- characteristic hyponatremia and hyperkalemia.
trophilia) with or without a left shift is consistent With proper treatment the megaesophagus will
with aspiration pneumonia. Biochemical tests of most likely resolve.
particular interest include evaluations of sodium Tests for Hypothyroidism: f T4ED and
and potassium (hyponatremia and hyperkalemia cTSH Assay. It has been proposed that mega-
are present in approximately 90% of dogs with esophagus may be associated with hypothyroidism.
hypoadrenocorticism); CK and aspartate transami- Very few dogs with hypothyroidism appear to
nase (AST) (which may be elevated in patients develop megaesophagus. Tests including an f T4ED
with polymyositis); and cholesterol (hypercholes- and cTSH assay are warranted if baseline thyroid
terolemia may suggest the possibility of hypothy- tests are subnormal. However, it is considered to
roidism). In addition to baseline serum thyroxine be a rare occurrence for megaesophagus to resolve
level evaluation, free T4 by equilibrium dialysis in response to treatment for hypothyroidism.
(f T4ED) and a canine thyroid-stimulating hor- Occasionally, a patient may have both hypothy-
mone (cTSH) assay can also be done to more roidism and focal myasthenia gravis. It is possible
thoroughly examine for hypothyroidism. An that the focal myasthenia gravis could resolve
acetylcholine receptor antibody titer should either spontaneously or as a result of treatment for
also be obtained in all adult dogs with megaesoph- hypothyroidism, with megaesophagus resolving as
agus to test for focal myasthenia gravis. Focal myas- well.
thenia gravis occurs in the absence of muscle weakness. Blood Lead Level for Lead Poisoning.
This is probably the second most common cause of Sources of lead include old paints, toys, lubricants,
acquired megaesophagus (a greater number of cases are hobby materials, automotive materials, plaster
idiopathic). Megaesophagus secondary to acquired board, roofing materials, fishing sinkers, and

improperly glazed dishes. Young (less than 1 to 2 clinical signs of generalized myasthenia gravis are
years), inquisitive patients are most commonly episodic weakness and decreased exercise toler-
affected. Clinical signs of lead toxicity often ance. Difficulty with barking and with swallowing
include both gastrointestinal (GI) and neurologic and prehending food also may be present. Mild
abnormalities. Anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, cases may be difficult to differentiate from
and/or abdominal pain are often demonstrated. polymyositis, in which decreased exercise toler-
Regurgitation occurs in patients that develop ance, dysphagia, and regurgitation associated with
esophageal hypomotility and dilation secondary to megaesophagus also may occur. Edrophonium
lead toxicosis (a careful review of the history is chloride, a short-acting anticholinesterase drug,
necessary to determine that both regurgitation given at a dose of 0.05 to 0.1 mg/lb intravenously
and vomiting, rather than vomiting alone, are usually produces dramatic improvement in patients
occurring). Megaesophagus is not common in with myasthenia gravis that have collapsed or that
patients with lead toxicity. Neurologic abnormali- are exercise intolerant. The response occurs within
ties may range from sudden epileptic seizures to a 1 to 2 minutes but lasts only for several minutes.
variety of behavioral changes, including excitabil- All dogs with myasthenia gravis should be
ity, hysteria, continued barking or whining, dull- tested for hypothyroidism, since it is estimated that
ness, and apparent blindness. A blood lead level of 20% of dogs with myasthenia gravis will concur-
greater than 40 µg/dl is suggestive of lead poison- rently have hypothyroidism.
ing, and a level of greater than 60 µg/dl is diagnos- Electromyography. This study may be useful
tic. Abdominal radiographs may reveal radiopaque in the diagnosis and the differentiation of polymy-
material in the GI tract, and there may be nucle- opathy, polymyositis, myasthenia gravis, and
ated red blood cells and basophilic stippling on polyneuropathy. For example, in myasthenia gravis,
stained blood smears. In most cases administration electromyography (EMG) and nerve conduction
of the antidote of choice (calcium ethylenedi- velocity studies are usually normal. On repetitive
aminetetraacetic acid) is sufficient to correct the nerve stimulation, a decremental response is seen
clinical manifestations of lead toxicity. If treated that is most characteristic of myasthenia gravis.
early enough, megaesophagus will resolve. The decremental response disappears when edro-
Antinuclear Antibody and Lupus Ery- phonium chloride is given. EMG in patients with
thematosus Tests for Systemic Lupus polymyositis may demonstrate positive sharp
Erythematosus. In my experience, systemic waves, fibrillation potentials, and bizarre high-
lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an uncommon cause frequency discharges. There is no decremental
of megaesophagus in patients. Antinuclear anti- response to repetitive nerve stimulation, which
body (ANA) tests performed on patients with differentiates polymyositis from myasthenia gravis.
megaesophagus are rarely positive. Physical find- In most patients with megaesophagus, endo-
ings that should prompt the clinician to test for scopic examination is not necessary for diagnosis
SLE as a cause of megaesophagus include gait and is rarely beneficial in determining a cause for
abnormalities (e.g., stilted gait, shifting limb lame- the disorder. Patients with mild esophageal motility
ness), joint swelling or pain (polyarthritis), muscle disorders may have a completely normal endo-
pain (polymyositis), concurrent evidence of scopic examination; alternatively, there may be
immune-mediated hemolytic anemia or immune- various degrees of fluid pooling. In contrast,
mediated thrombocytopenia, and skin lesions, patients with megaesophagus almost always demon-
which may include ulceration, erythema, crusting, strate fluid retention and often small to moderate
and alopecia. Nonspecific signs of SLE may amounts of food residue. Many patients with
include weakness, lethargy, and anorexia. megaesophagus have grossly normal esophageal
Edrophonium Chloride (Tensilon) Chal- mucosa. However, in some patients there may be
lenge Test for Myasthenia Gravis. This test evidence of esophagitis (e.g., mucosal erosions,
is used to detect generalized myasthenia gravis or, patchy erythema, or focal hemorrhage occurring
if a decreased or absent palpebral reflex is found secondary to mucosal contact with the endoscope
on physical examination, focal myasthenia gravis. tip), which is most likely related to putrefaction of
Most patients with generalized myasthenia gravis retained contents or reflux of gastric acid and
are thought to have at least some degree of activated enzymes. The two primary rule-outs for
esophageal dysfunction, ranging from mild hypo- patients with megaesophagus that become inappetent are
motility to megaesophagus. The most common pneumonia and esophagitis.

Treatment rear limb arthritis in a proper position. It is usually

The main objectives of treatment for regurgitation best to coax these dogs to sit down on their
disorders are to remove the initiating cause as early haunches while the owner stoops or kneels behind
as possible, to minimize chances of aspiration of and helps hold the dog’s body up by reaching
esophageal content, and to maximize nutrient around and supporting the sternum area. Food is
intake to the GI tract. In most cases, idiopathic placed on a table, a chair, or an elevated platform.
megaesophagus is incurable, and treatment The caregiver can reach around the dog to control
involves an individually tailored feeding regimen, the position of the food bowl if necessary. It is
with the animal eating in an elevated position. important to use a structure that is large enough
Specific medical management is concurrently for the patient to situate its front legs comfortably
administered to patients with an associated disor- and strong enough to support its weight as it eats.
der, such as myasthenia gravis, hypoadrenocorti- Attention must also be directed toward controlling joint
cism, SLE, polymyositis, and lead poisoning. pain associated with arthritis as completely as possible.
Pneumonia is watched for carefully and treated The more comfortable an arthritic patient is, the
aggressively if it occurs. easier it will be for it to eat in the required posi-
Patients with megaesophagus are best fed with tion. Dedicated animal owners can almost always find a
the upper body in an elevated position of at least way to get the job done properly. Some owners build
45 degrees and, if possible, at a greater angle of ele- special platforms; others train their dogs to get into
vation (Figure 4-4). Elevated feeding allows grav- position with no assistance and stay until a com-
ity to assist entry of food into the stomach. It is mand is given to get down. Giant-breed dogs such
important that proper positioning be clearly as Irish wolfhounds and Great Danes often do well
demonstrated to the owner so that there is no mis- when fed on indoor or outdoor house steps.
understanding about what has to be done. Special “highchairs” have also been devised to aid
Otherwise, some owners will mistakenly think in positioning and holding dogs upright (Figure 4-
that elevated feeding simply means making sure 5). A shoulder harness can also be used for small
that the head, rather than the entire upper body, is dogs (Figure 4-6).
raised during feeding. Cats rarely develop megaesophagus. Those that
Significant difficulty may be experienced when do often tolerate elevated feedings well. These
one attempts to hold medium to large dogs with feedings are accomplished either by holding the
cat as demonstrated in Figure 4-7 or by supporting
the animal from behind. I am also aware of cats
that have been trained to eat in an elevated posi-
tion (Figure 4-8).
The elevated position should be maintained for
a full 10 minutes after food ingestion is completed.
The importance of maintaining the elevated posi-
tion for a sufficient time must be emphasized to
the owner. Since the esophagus is virtually never
completely empty in a patient with megaesopha-
gus, it is often helpful to hold the patient in an ele-
vated position for 5 to 10 minutes some time
between meals and at bedtime. Nothing is fed at
these times. I ask all my clients to do at least the
bedtime elevation so that the esophagus will be as
empty as possible before an expected period of
prolonged recumbency. Some dogs regurgitate
more during late evening and nighttime. This extra
elevation maneuver often helps decrease the fre-
quency of regurgitation significantly.
FIGURE 4-4 Ideal position for elevated feeding in Patients with megaesophagus ideally are fed two
a dog with megaesophagus. The dog was trained to four times daily. This depends, of course, on the
to remain on the ladder after it was finished eating until caregiver’s time constraints. I have had the best suc-
it was told to get down. cess feeding soft-moist to solid (chopped) canned

FIGURE 4-5 A, Specialized feeding chairs for dogs with megaesophagus. These chairs were designed by Donna
Imhoff, a veterinary technician who has substantial experience in managing dogs with megaesophagus, and her
husband. The chair provides full upright support for dogs to facilitate both feeding and holding them comfortably
upright for the desired amount of time after they have eaten. The chair can be adjusted to accommodate patients of
various sizes. Use of these chairs has the additional advantage of freeing the pet’s owner from having to physically
hold the patient in an upright position, and thus it is also more likely that the patient will be kept upright for the
full recommended period of time. B, A tilt feature can be added to the highchairs to make it easier for the patient
to reach the food bowl. (Courtesy Donna Imhoff, North Shore Animal League, Port Washington, NY.)

FIGURE 4-7 Elevated feeding position for a cat with

megaesophagus. This 15-year-old cat had generalized
gastrointestinal hypomotility. It had become
hypothyroid after bilateral thyroidectomy for
hyperthyroidism. The cat did not regurgitate as long
FIGURE 4-6 Use of a shoulder harness with a as it ate in an elevated position. Thyroid
platform and restraint strap is another available means supplementation did not improve gastrointestinal
of feeding patients with megaesophagus. (Courtesy motility in this cat.
Donna Imhoff, North Shore Animal League, Port
Washington, NY.)

food. I recommend trying gruels only if the semi- evidence that they are of any value in the treat-
moist consistency is not well tolerated. Some dogs ment of megaesophagus. Their use is therefore not
do not do well at all on liquid gruel diets, and this recommended.
food consistency may be more easily aspirated. The GI prokinetic drug cisapride is a benza-
Some dogs do best when fed a series of “meatballs” mide derivative that promotes GI motility, increases
fashioned from canned food. Others can tolerate antroduodenal coordination, and enhances LES
dry food fairly well, either with or without water tone. It has broader promotility effects than meto-
added to the food. The important point is that clopramide does. Cisapride has promotility effects
each patient can respond to various food consisten- in the esophagus of cats (distal esophagus where
cies in different ways. Owners should be instructed there is smooth muscle), the stomach, the small
to conduct food trials in order to determine the intestine, and the large intestine. It increases LES
best regimen for their own pet. pressure, the amplitude of contractions in the distal
Specific pharmacologic agents have been used esophagus, and the rate of gastric emptying.
in efforts to improve esophageal emptying. The Cisapride, in theory, is likely to be of little benefit
promotility drug metoclopramide has been inef- in dogs with megaesophagus because it stimulates
fective in my experience. Metoclopramide can smooth muscle motility and the canine esophagus
increase lower esophageal contractions slightly in is almost exclusively striated muscle. However, cis-
normal patients but does not improve con- apride has been found to be helpful in decreasing
tractile activity in patients with megaesophagus. significantly the frequency of regurgitation in sev-
Nifedipine is a calcium channel antagonist that eral dogs with megaesophagus in our hospital
promotes relaxation of the LES. It was tried with series. These were cases that were being managed
the thought that decreasing LES tone might make very diligently by their owners with elevated feed-
it easier for the esophagus to pass food into the ing programs but with poor responses (i.e., there was
stomach. Calcium channel antagonists, however, an ongoing high frequency of regurgitation).
can cause serious side effects, and there is no Concurrent with the institution of cisapride

esophagus will be reduced with cisapride therapy.

Presumably, the increase in motility in patients that
have a positive response is, with elevated feedings,
sufficient to improve esophageal emptying into
the stomach.
The most common and severe complications of
megaesophagus are aspiration pneumonia and sig-
nificant weight loss. Most debilitated dogs with
megaesophagus are quite hungry, but frequent
regurgitation prevents them from being able to
deliver enough food to their stomach. Another
concern is that cachectic patients are immuno-
compromised and are unable to respond strongly
to infection. It is often best to begin feeding debilitated
megaesophagus patients through a gastrostomy tube,
unless there is a very good initial response to elevated
feedings at the time the diagnosis is established.
Gastrostomy tube feeding bypasses the diseased
esophagus and allows adequate caloric replace-
ment. This is also an option in cases in which fre-
quent regurgitation persists, with or without
aspiration. Another advantage is that all required
medications can be administered directly to the
stomach through the tube. Gastrostomy tubes can
be quickly placed under endoscopic guidance
(e.g., percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy, see
FIGURE 4-8 This cat had a regurgitation disorder and Chapter 12). During tube placement, the
did quite well on an elevated feeding program. The cat esophageal mucosa can be concurrently evaluated
learned to eat in a fully elevated position and regained for evidence of esophagitis. Surgical placement of
lost weight rapidly once able to hold its food down. a gastrostomy tube can also be done (see Chapter
(Courtesy Dr. William Tepper.) 12). The risks of general anesthesia must be con-
sidered. Precautions must always be taken in
there was a dramatic decrease in the frequency of patients with megaesophagus to ensure that steps
regurgitation. In one dog—a 14-year-old Labrador are taken to avoid aspiration during induction and
retriever cross with idiopathic megaesophagus, recovery.
bilateral coxofemoral degenerative joint disease, The length of time for which a feeding
and mild degenerative myelopathy—there was an tube is left in place varies. Some dogs gain
ongoing high frequency of regurgitation (16 to 20 weight fairly quickly and respond well on an
times per day despite a strict elevated feeding pro- elevated feeding program with or without
gram). Once cisapride was instituted, the number promotility therapy. In these cases the tube is
of regurgitation episodes decreased to only one or often removed after 1 to 2 months. In other dogs
two per day. This excellent response lasted 7 tube feeding is the only possible way of success-
months, at which time the dog was euthanized fully feeding on a long-term basis. Some large-
because of its inability to walk due to severe breed dogs have been fed by gastrostomy tube
degenerative myelopathy. for as long as 2 to 3 years. Periodic tube replace-
I am aware of anecdotal reports from academic ment is necessary in these dogs.The initial feed-
institutions and private practices describing case ing tube is usually replaced with a “low profile”
histories in which cisapride has been effective in tube, which sits flush with the body wall (see
reducing the frequency of regurgitation in dogs Chapter 12). Complications related to gastros-
with megaesophagus. In occasional cases the tomy tubes that could potentially cause signifi-
improvement has been dramatic. In other cases cant problems in patients with megaesophagus
there has been minimal or no clinical improve- include vomiting and gastroesophageal reflux.
ment. In most cases it is not likely that the mega- Many dogs with megaesophagus do well without

ever having a gastrostomy tube placed. In sum- Oral administration of antibiotics is contraindi-
mary, the two main indications for use of a gastros- cated in seriously ill patients because of their low
tomy tube are (1) significant weight loss with and erratic serum levels. There are also problems
ongoing regurgitation despite elevated feedings in ensuring that the medication is transported in a
and (2) aspiration pneumonia, in which it is best to timely manner to the stomach in a patient with
avoid using the esophagus until the pneumonia is megaesophagus.
resolved and it is demonstrated that persistent As previously mentioned, patients with mega-
regurgitation will not be a problem. esophagus occasionally develop esophagitis. The
Treatment for aspiration pneumonia includes primary signs of esophagitis are decreased appetite
aggressive fluid therapy, antibiotics, coupage, nebu- and lethargy. Salivation also may be evident.
lization, and nutritional support. Ideally, a tracheal Esophagitis should be suspected once pneumonia
wash should be done in patients with moderate to is ruled out. Treatment may include administration
severe pneumonia as soon as the diagnosis is made. of a sucralfate (Carafate) suspension or H2-receptor
The initial choice of one or more antibiotics antagonist therapy to lower gastric acid levels or
depends on cytologic studies and Gram stain both. A proton pump inhibitor (e.g., omeprazole,
results. The use of bactericidal antibiotics with lansoprazole, esomeprazole) is used to completely
a good gram-negative spectrum is recom- block acid release in patients with moderate to
mended pending culture and sensitivity results. severe esophagitis, instead of an H2-receptor antag-
Trimethoprim-sulfonamide (Tribrissen) and onist. There is often rapid improvement once spe-
enrofloxacin (Baytril) are good initial choices for cific treatment is instituted. Duration of therapy
mild pneumonia. Patients with mild pneumonia depends on patient response. Management of
can often be treated with oral antibiotics on an esophagitis is discussed in more detail later in this
outpatient basis. chapter.
If moderate to severe bacterial pneumonia is Dogs that seem to experience frequent bouts of
present and there is marked respiratory insuffi- mild pneumonia sometimes do best when main-
ciency, aggressive antimicrobial therapy should be tained on long-term antibiotic therapy. In these
instituted immediately. This usually involves com- cases, the antibiotics used are often rotated every 6
bination therapy using cephalosporins (e.g., ce- to 8 weeks. Likewise, an H2-receptor antagonist or
fazolin [Kefzol], 10 to 15 mg/lb every 8 hours proton pump inhibitor is sometimes used on a
intravenously or intramuscularly, or cefoxitin long-term basis in dogs with chronic esophagitis.
[Mefoxin], 10 to 15 mg/lb every 6 to 8 hours Too often patients with megaesophagus are
intravenously) and aminoglycosides (gentamicin quickly assigned a poor prognosis. Granted, some
[Gentocin], 1 to 2 mg/lb intravenously or subcu- patients do poorly on any form of therapy and
taneously every 6 to 8 hours or 2.7 to 4.5 mg/lb euthanasia may unfortunately be inevitable.
intravenously or subcutaneously once every 24 However, many patients with megaesophagus can
hours, or amikacin [Amiglyde-V] 3 mg/lb every 8 be successfully managed for months to years.
hours or 9 mg/lb once every 24 hours intra- Owners who are willing to invest time and effort
venously, intramuscularly, or subcutaneously). in the care of their pet with megaesophagus
Alternatively, imipenem (Primaxin) provides are often rewarded. To highlight this point,
excellent four-quadrant coverage. Imipenem is three cases of note are presented in Figures 4-9
administered as sole antimicrobial therapy at 2.5 to and 4-10.
5 mg/lb intravenously every 8 hours. Imipenem is
a beta-lactam antibiotic. Beta-lactam agents have
little if any dose-dependent toxicity. Imipenem has Megaesophagus Secondary to
the same toxicity potential as that of other pen- Acquired Myasthenia Gravis
cillins (e.g., ampicillin). The best use of this drug is Clinical Signs
in patients with renal compromise that cannot be Myasthenia gravis occurs both as an acquired
given aminoglycosides safely. If the creatinine level autoimmune disorder and as a congenital, famil-
is greater than 4 mg/dl, imipenem is adminis- ial one. Acquired myasthenia gravis is an autoim-
tered at 12-hour, rather than 8-hour, intervals. mune disorder of neuromuscular transmission
Imipenem should be delivered over 30 minutes in resulting from the actions of autoantibodies against
the intravenous line. nicotinic acetylcholine receptors at neuromuscular
junctions. Conjointly there is complement medi-

FIGURE 4-9 A, Contrast radiograph of an 8-year-old Irish wolfhound with adult-onset idiopathic megaesophagus.
Note that there was aspiration of a small amount of barium into the airways. The dog was presented because of
regurgitation. There was an excellent response to elevated feedings (the owner used a ladder and helped support the
dog from the side). The diet consisted of kibble soaked in water. B, Photograph of the dog taken 5 months after the
diagnosis was made. The dog regurgitated on average only two times per week.

ated destruction of the junction folds, altering the Clinical signs include premature fatigue during
neuromuscular junction formation, or it may exercise (manifested by a spastic pelvic limb gait
accelerate the internalization and the degradation followed by tetraparesis and then collapse), tachyp-
of the acetylcholine receptor. Myasthenia gravis nea and dyspnea, and sialosis. More recently, a focal
manifests itself in several clinical forms: form of myasthenia gravis, in which megaesophagus
occurs in the absence of detectable generalized weak-
● Generalized myasthenia gravis: Manifests pre-
ness, has been recognized. The primary clinical sign
dominantly as tetraparesis, but there may be
is regurgitation. Other clinical signs that may occa-
primarily pelvic limb paresis.
sionally be observed in focal myasthenia gravis
● Focal myasthenia gravis: Affects the cranial
include pharyngeal and laryngeal muscle weakness
nerves mainly around the larynx and pharyn-
(dysphagia and dyspnea), weakness of the facial mus-
geal region.
cles, and a decreased palpebral reflex. In some dogs
● Acute fulminant myasthenia gravis: Flaccid
there is a change in the quality of the bark or an
tetraparesis, acute respiratory distress.
inability to bark. A myopathy or a neuropathy
Megaesophagus associated with generalized should always be considered as a differential diagno-
myasthenia gravis has been well documented. sis in laryngeal or pharyngeal problems.

FIGURE 4-10 Two young German shepherd dogs with esophageal motility disorders. The dog on the left had
congenital megaesophagus (also shown in Figure 4-1). Persistent right aortic arch was diagnosed in the dog on the
right at 4 months of age. Surgery was successful in relieving the esophageal obstruction, but esophageal dilation
persisted. The dogs are not related. Each of these dogs was adopted and cared for by a veterinarian on our staff.
Note their excellent body condition. Long-term treatment for megaesophagus included twice daily elevated
feedings. The diet consisted of a mixture of kibble, canned food, and water blenderized to an oatmeal consistency.
Regurgitation rarely occurred, and both dogs remained highly energetic.

Diagnosis clotting has occurred. The serum is removed and

Several large groups of affected dogs have been refrigerated until the time of shipping. At least 1
reported in the literature. In one group 40 of 152 ml (preferably 2 ml) of serum should be sent to the
dogs (26%) with megaesophagus were found to laboratory on a cold pack by an overnight mail
have elevated serum antibodies to acetylcholine service.
receptors, diagnostic of acquired myasthenia The edrophonium chloride challenge test may
gravis. Many breeds were affected, but Golden be useful in helping establish a presumptive diag-
retrievers (7 of 20, 35%) and German shepherds (8 nosis of focal myasthenia gravis in some dogs,
of 25, 32%) were the breeds most commonly especially those with a decreased or absent palpe-
involved. bral reflex. The administration of edrophonium
A diagnosis of acquired myasthenia gravis is chloride (0.05-0.1 mg/lb intravenously) may
established by demonstration of circulating antibod- result in an improved blink reflex.
ies against canine acetylcholine receptors by immu-
noprecipitation radioimmunoassay.An antibody titer Treatment
greater than 0.6 nmol/L is diagnostic for acquired Treatment includes drug therapy in conjunction
myasthenia gravis in dogs, whereas a value of greater with a standard elevated feeding program, as is
than 0.3 nmol/L is diagnostic in cats. This test should done with any patient with megaesophagus.
be performed in all patients with acquired megaesophagus. The cornerstone of treatment in generalized
This assay is particularly valuable in cases of focal myasthenia gravis is anticholinesterase therapy.
myasthenia in which muscle weakness is localized to Pharmacologic management (anticholinesterase
esophageal or pharyngeal musculature and general- drugs or corticosteroids or both) may also be
ized weakness is not present. Serial serum antibody helpful in dogs with focal myasthenia gravis.
titers are also important in following a patient’s clin- Recent reports have highlighted azathioprine as
ical response to treatment.
The acetylcholine receptor antibody titer assay is
available at the Comparative Neuromuscular *Comparative Neuromuscular Laboratory, Basic
Laboratory.* A blood sample is drawn into a red Science Building Room 1057, University of
top tube and allowed to clot at room temperature. California–San Diego, La Jolla, CA 90293-0612
The sample is centrifuged as soon as possible after (Phone: 619-534-1537).

an effective immunosuppressive drug for man- the effectiveness of corticosteroids accurately

agement of myasthenia gravis (see subsequent because many dogs with focal myasthenia gravis
discussion). reportedly go into spontaneous remission in the
In general, the following recommendations for absence of any drug treatment. Some clinicians,
pyridostigmine can be made. Careful monitoring is including myself, have observed dogs with focal
essential to the prevention of anticholinesterase over- myasthenia gravis that have demonstrated dramatic
dose. Injectable neostigmine (Prostigmin) can be positive responses to corticosteroids. In some
given at a dose of 0.2 mg/lb intramuscularly every 6 patients long-term, low-dose therapy has been
hours if administration by mouth or by gastrostomy required for control of symptoms, whereas in others
tube is not possible or advisable (e.g., patients with medication has been successfully discontinued.
frequent regurgitation should be treated initially Recently there have been favorable reports
with injectable medication because orally adminis- about azathioprine as an effective form of therapy
tered medication may not be transported to the for myasthenia gravis. Azathioprine is an immuno-
stomach). Once oral medication can be tolerated, suppressive drug that binds to and interferes
pyridostigmine bromide syrup or tablets (Mestinon) with synthesis of ribonucleic acid (RNA) and
are administered at 0.25 to 1.5 mg/lb every 8 to 12 deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and therefore alters
hours per os (start at the low end for focal myasthe- T cell proliferation after antigenic stimulation.
nia gravis patients because clinical response may be Azathioprine affects both cell mediated and
difficult to evaluate). Signs of overdose include mus- humoral responses. It is thought to have more of
cle weakness, salivation, miosis, vomiting, and diar- an affect on the cell mediated side.
rhea.Administration of pyridostigmine may result in The recommended regimen is 0.5 mg/lb orally
a decrease in clinical signs of regurgitation. Careful once daily for 14 days, followed by an increase to 1
surveillance for the development of aspiration pneu- mg/lb per day. The idea is to slowly suppress the
monia is maintained at all times. immune response. Azathioprine has a delayed onset
Corticosteroids may benefit some patients with of action of 3 to 4 weeks or so. Pyridostigmine may
myasthenia gravis. Corticosteroids alter macrophage be needed for a while to be used in conjunction
function by inhibiting antigen processing and thus with azathioprine. The acetylcholine receptor anti-
inhibiting interleukin-1 (IL-1) release. This alters body (AcRAb) titer should be checked monthly
B cell function. Corticosteroids also suppress inter- during therapy. When clinical signs have resolved
leukin-2 (IL-2) synthesis and thus alter T cell pro- and there has been normalization of acetylcholine
liferation. Positive effects include enhanced receptor antibody levels azathioprine is reduced to
presence of acetylcholine receptors, acetylcholine an every other day schedule. The titer should still
synthesis, and enhanced organization of the post- be monitored once monthly.
synaptic membrane. Side effects to azathioprine are uncommon
Corticosteroids may cause some potentially neg- when it is used at the recommended dose. The
ative effects in myasthenia patients, especially when major effect to watch for is bone marrow suppres-
used in high doses. Corticosteroids may actually sion. A baseline complete blood count (CBC) and
antagonize acetylcholine and create a neuromuscu- platelet count are followed by recheck tests at 3
lar junction blockage effect of the acetylcholine and 6 weeks, then every 2 months. Azathioprine is
receptor channel, which may then uncouple the discontinued if the neutrophil count drops below
excitatory processes. In some cases prednisone may 1,000/µl. Other uncommon but potential side
actually create a fulminating myasthenic crisis. effects include GI irritation, hepatotoxicity, drug
Corticosteroids are instituted at immunosuppres- induced pancreatitis, and slow hair growth.
sive doses. It is recommended that steroids be started Remission can be induced in most dogs, but
slowly, with an initial dose of 0.25 mg/lb of pred- relapses may occur. Three out of five patients in
nisone per day, divided BID. The dose is gradually one report experienced complete remission of
increased over the next 5 days to 1 mg/lb per day. If clinical signs within 3 months of therapy. Further
aspiration pneumonia is present, administration of studies to evaluate monotherapy with azathioprine
corticosteroids is avoided until the pneumonia has and combination therapy with azathioprine and
resolved. Caution must also be exercised when cor- pyridostigmine or azathioprine, prednisone,
ticosteroids are used in conjunction with anti- and pyridostigmine are needed.
cholinesterase drugs, since muscle weakness can be The course of focal myasthenia gravis is vari-
exacerbated by such treatment. It is difficult to assess able. Some affected dogs might progress to general-

ized myasthenia gravis, but if this is going to hap- the time of weaning, the diagnosis will almost
pen it generally occurs within the first few weeks always be made by 6 months of age. Rarely, signif-
after onset of clinical signs. Radiographs are also icant clinical signs may not be apparent until later
obtained periodically to monitor esophageal size. in life. As the proximal esophagus becomes more
Esophageal function may return to normal, but dilated, food may be retained for longer periods
remission may require days to months. Owners before regurgitation occurs. Affected patients
should also be warned that the disease may recur. become malnourished and weak and are smaller
Several clinicians have reported seeing an occa- than their littermates. Coughing with respiratory
sional dog with both hypothyroidism (confirmed distress is common and indicates a secondary aspi-
by a TSH response test) and focal myasthenia ration pneumonia.
gravis. In some cases the myasthenic condition
resolved after treatment for hypothyroidism was Diagnosis
instituted. The primary differential diagnosis for vascular ring
anomaly is congenital megaesophagus. Foreign
VASCULAR RING body obstruction also should be considered.
Diagnosis is based on survey and contrast radiog-
ANOMALIES raphy of the thorax. Survey radiographs of vascular
Vascular ring anomalies are congenital malforma- ring anomaly show esophageal dilation with food
tions of the great vessels and their branches that and air. The dilation tapers to normal at the base
entrap the intrathoracic esophagus and cause of the heart. With PRAA the normal opacity
obstruction. Although a number of different con- caused by the bulge of the aortic arch is absent.
genital vascular ring anomalies can occur in dogs Contrast studies of vascular ring anomaly reveal a
and cats, persistent right aortic arch (PRAA) is by characteristic constricted appearance over the base
far the most common (95%). Other anomalies that of the heart, with variable degrees of esophageal
have been reported include persistent right ductus dilation proximal to the site of obstruction.
arteriosus, aberrant left or right subclavian arteries, Fluoroscopy demonstrates a loss of motility of the
double aortic arch, and esophageal compression by proximal esophagus. Esophageal motility distal to
the left subclavian and brachiocephalic arteries the stricture is usually normal. In the rare instance
(found in English bulldogs). Vascular rings are that the diagnosis cannot be confirmed by radiog-
quite uncommon in cats. raphy, esophagoscopy can provide useful infor-
In PRAA the right rather than the left fourth mation in differentiating a mural lesion from
aortic arch forms the functional adult aorta. The extraluminal compression. With extraluminal
esophagus becomes entrapped by the aorta on the compression of the esophagus, a full circumference
right, by the pulmonary trunk on the left, by indentation may be seen from the lumen side.
the ligamentum arteriosum dorsolaterally on the Endoscopy is also useful for ruling out esophageal
left, and by the base of the heart ventrally (Figure foreign body and in removal if one is found.
4-11). This anatomic “ring” results in obstruction Foreign bodies can become lodged secondary to
and progressive dilation of the esophagus cranial to the PRAA.
the base of the heart.
Vascular ring anomalies are inherited. There is Treatment
a breed predilection for German shepherds and Definitive management of vascular ring anomaly is
Irish setters. There is also a higher than expected limited to surgical correction of the constricting
incidence among Boston terriers and English band forming the vascular ring. For PRAA this
bulldogs. There is no reported breed predilection involves ligation and transection of the ligamen-
for cats. Multiple puppies in a litter may be tum arteriosum.
affected. Breeding affected patients is not recom- It is best to stabilize and strengthen the patient
mended. as much as possible before subjecting it to a thora-
cotomy. Elevated feedings having a gruel consis-
Clinical Signs tency are given frequently and in small enough
The most common clinical sign in puppies and amounts to minimize regurgitation. A gastrostomy
kittens is an acute onset of regurgitation at or tube can be used if oral feeding is poorly tolerated.
shortly after the time of weaning to solid foods. In If pneumonia is present, it should be treated
patients that do not show significant signs around aggressively and resolved before surgery.

FIGURE 4-11 Persistent right aortic arch. A, Normal development of the aortic arch viewed from the patient’s left
side. Inset shows normal embryonic development of the great vessels from a dorsoventral view. B, When the
embryonic right fourth aortic arch becomes the adult aorta, esophageal constriction occurs. Inset shows dorsoventral
view of the vascular malformation. (From Birchard SJ, Sherding RG, eds: Manual of small animal practice, ed 2,
Philadelphia, 2000, WB Saunders.)

The prognosis for complete recovery after sur- Many patients significantly improve after surgery.
gery is guarded to poor. Regurgitation of some If esophageal disease persists, an elevated feeding
degree persists in most dogs that undergo surgical protocol should be followed. Surveillance for signs
correction. The esophageal dilation that exists of aspiration pneumonia is always maintained.
early in the course of the disease persists to some A retrospective study examined whether the
degree indefinitely in most patients. In addition, degree of esophageal dilation affects long-term
esophageal dilation caudal to the vascular ring site outcome. Ten dogs and four cats with PRAA
can occur, possibly due to neuromuscular disease. were studied through 6 months after surgery.
Recovery of normal esophageal function is more Of all the animals, 35.7% (mean age 2.5 months)
likely when surgery is performed at an early age. had a very good outcome, 42.9% (mean age 2.7

months) had a good outcome, and 21.4% (mean Inflammatory changes can range from mild
age 5.7 months, range 3 to 9 months) had a poor mucosal inflammation that may or may not be
outcome. A measurement scheme was devised. grossly evident, to moderate to severe ulceration
After barium contrast esophagography the maxi- and transmural involvement.Any disorder that causes
mum diameter of the esophageal dilation cranial acute or chronic frequent vomiting can potentially
to the heart base (Oe) was compared with the cause esophagitis. This especially includes causes of
height of the body of the 5th thoracic vertebra at severe vomiting, such as intestinal foreign bodies,
its narrowest point (T5). The degree of esophageal gastric foreign bodies, acute pancreatitis, parvoviral
dilation was classified as mild, moderate, and severe enteritis, and gastrinoma. Dogs with parvoviral
on the basis of the ratio Oe: T5. All measurements enteritis that are debilitated and recumbent are espe-
were made to the nearest millimeter. The ratio of cially at risk. Vomited fluid that is retained in the
Oe:T5 for normal dogs and cats, based on esophagus is not cleared adequately in weak and
esophageal contrast studies on 10 normal cats and recumbent patients. As a result the esophageal
25 normal dogs, was considered to be less than or mucosa is bathed with gastric acid and activated
equal to 1. Mild dilation was considered to be less enzymes that will cause mucosal injury.
than or equal to 2.5, moderate less than or equal to Other causes of esophagitis include esophageal
4, and severe greater than 4. foreign bodies (extent of injury depends on the
In this study a majority of the patients with a size, texture, and duration of lodgment) and chem-
mild or moderate degree of dilation had a good to ical and thermal injuries (e.g., ingestion of hot
very good outcome after surgery. Of three patients food). The latter two factors are uncommon causes
that had a poor outcome (two cats and one dog), of esophagitis. Chemical injury may result from
two had a severe degree of dilation (one cat and ingestion of toxic chemicals or from failure of the
one dog), and one had a moderate degree of dila- esophagus to transport capsule or tablet medication
tion. Although more animals must be evaluated completely to the stomach. It is not infrequent in
using this scheme, it appears that the degree of humans for medications taken without water to
preoperative esophageal dilation does affect the become lodged somewhere in the esophagus.
long-term outcome in patients with PRAA. When certain medications dissolve there, mucosal
irritation results. Medication associated esophagitis
from caustic compounds such as NSAIDs and
ESOPHAGITIS doxycycline have been associated with esophagitis
Inflammatory diseases of the esophagus occur or even stricture formation. Owing to anatomic
more commonly than they are recognized. The and physiologic differences between the canine
major causes of esophagitis are listed in Box 4-2. esophagus and the human esophagus (canine
esophageal muscle is entirely striated; the human
esophagus is mostly smooth muscle), this irritation
BOX 4-2 Causes of Esophagitis is somewhat less likely to be a problem in dogs than
in humans. However, it is likely to be more com-
Gastroesophageal reflux (physiologic) mon in cats than in dogs. There have been reports
Anesthesia-related reflux of severe esophagitis occurring in patients second-
Foreign body passage or impaction ary to injury from ingested capsule medication
Food retention as that which may occur with
(e.g., doxycycline, chloramphenicol). There is also
Any cause of persistent, severe vomiting: e.g.,
potential for a stricture to develop secondary to
parvoviral enteritis, acute pancreatitis, renal fail- esophagitis. In fact, doxycycline-induced esophagi-
ure, gastrinoma (vomited gastric content is very tis with esophageal stricture formation has been
high in acid), gastric and intestinal foreign bodies reported in cats.
Caustic injury: e.g., toxic irritants, acids, alkalis,
capsule or tablet medications that lodge in the
esophagus Gastroesophageal Reflux
Infectious agents such as calicivirus, candida, Disease
phycomycosis in immunocompromised animals A study was reported recently on normal cats in
Thermal injury: e.g., rapid ingestion of which the passage of tablets and capsules when
heated food
given alone (dry swallow) and when followed
by a water bolus (wet swallow) was evaluated.

This investigation was undertaken as a result of the inflammation may not be visible grossly. A
experience with cats developing esophagitis and variety of factors can contribute to its develop-
esophageal strictures subsequent to doxycycline ment in individual patients. It can be a particularly
tablet administration. Thirty healthy cats of vari- difficult diagnosis to make without special instru-
ous ages were used in this study. Each cat was mentation (e.g., pH probe monitoring, endoscopy)
given a 20-mg barium tablet and a 190-mg (size 4) because in many patients clinical signs are quite
capsule both as a dry and wet swallow. A wet swal- subtle. History and recognition of suggestive clini-
low consisted of immediately following adminis- cal signs constitute the basis for performing diag-
tration with 6.0 ml of water orally via syringe. nostic procedures or instituting empirical therapy.
Fluoroscopy was used to evaluate tablet or capsule Because significant discomfort can result from reflux
passage at 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240, and 300 sec- episodes, it is important that reflux esophagitis be diag-
onds following administration. Dry swallows and nosed and treated in a timely manner.
wet swallows were evaluated. Successful passage
was defined as complete passage into the stomach Gastroesophageal reflux disease
at a given time interval. in humans
The percentage of dry tablet swallows that suc- Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is among
cessfully passed into the stomach was 0.0% at 30 the most common GI disorders that affect people.
and 60 seconds, 6.7% at 90 seconds, 13.3% at 120 It is estimated that up to 50% of adults in the
seconds, 26.7% at 180 and 240 seconds, and 36.7% United States experience heartburn type of symp-
at 300 seconds. Wet tablet swallows successfully toms at least once a month. GERD is a very diffi-
passed 90.0% of the time at 30 seconds, 93.3% at cult diagnosis to establish in animals, largely
60 seconds, and 100.0% of the time thereafter. because our patients are not able to describe for us
The percentage of dry capsule swallows that suc- the fact that they are experiencing the symptoms
cessfully passed was 16.7% at each time interval. of this disorder and there are no hallmark signs,
Wet capsule swallows successfully passed 96.7% of and it can also be difficult to diagnose definitively
the time at 30 seconds and 100% of the time in humans.There is still no single test that can uni-
thereafter. For each time interval, wet swallows formly detect GERD. Of all the GI disorders that
achieved significantly greater percentage passage affect humans, the symptom pattern for GERD is
into the stomach when compared with dry swal- among the most specific of any GI disorder.
lows. However, there are now well-recognized supra-
The results of this study show that tablets or cap- esophageal and extraesophageal reflux symptoms
sules given as a dry swallow in cats have prolonged (e.g., laryngeal problems, cough) that will not be
retention in the esophagus. A water bolus following diagnosed with just a standard history. The tests
tablet or capsule administration results in signifi- used in human medicine to investigate for GERD
cantly faster passage through the water bolus for cats are endoscopy, looking for esophagitis or other
receiving oral tablets or capsules to prevent possible GERD complications, and 24-hour pH probe
medication associated esophagitis. It is therefore now recording. Barium swallow is also performed in
recommended that cats that receive oral tablet or capsule some cases, mostly to screen for other upper GI
medications without food be given approximately 6 ml of disorders. None of these tests is always diagnostic,
water immediately after the medication to promote rapid however (e.g., it is known that 30% to 70% of
clearing from the esophagus and transit to the stomach. It patients undergoing endoscopy for GERD symp-
is also probably a good idea to do the same in dogs when- toms may have a grossly normal examination), and
ever medications are not given in food. some gastroenterologists therefore use parallel tests
Gastroesophageal reflux is the most com- to determine the presence of GERD. More
mon cause of esophagitis in animals and humans. recently another diagnostic approach in humans
This disorder is discussed in detail in this section. that has received attention is a therapeutic trial of
The term reflux refers to movement of gastric or high dose proton pump inhibitor (PPI) therapy.
duodenal contents into the esophagus without The basis for this test centers on the ability of the
associated eructation or vomiting. As such this can high dose PPI therapy to completely inhibit gastric
be a “silent” disease. Reflux esophagitis is a disor- acid secretion. If symptoms do not resolve on high-
der in which esophageal inflammation of variable dose PPI therapy, they are not likely caused by
degree occurs as a result of mucosal contact with GERD. There are sensitivity and specificity issues
gastric or duodenal fluid or ingesta. In many cases with this test as well, however.

Veterinarians should recognize that GERD is ical attention for what they consider a minor, nor-
very common in people and that it likely occurs in mal physiologic event. The frequency in animals is
animals much more commonly than we are able to unknown, since signs of mild reflux are extremely
recognize. Therefore we should maintain a high difficult to detect.
index of suspicion for this disorder when pre- Manometric measurements of the LES have
sented with patients that may be exhibiting any of shown that a decrease in resting pressures is the
the potential signs of esophagitis. major factor in the pathogenesis of gastro-
esophageal reflux. Reflux occurs primarily by one
Pathophysiology of three different mechanisms: transient complete
Normal LES function is essential to the prevention relaxation of the LES, transient increase in intraab-
of gastroesophageal reflux and esophagitis. The dominal pressure, or spontaneous free reflux asso-
LES is located at the GEJ and is a zone of high ciated with a low resting pressure of the LES.
resting pressure that acts to prevent reflux of gas- Human studies have shown that in normal indi-
tric contents into the esophagus. In response to viduals, reflux episodes are almost always caused by
esophageal peristaltic contractions, the LES under- transient sphincter relaxation. The predominant
goes a phase of initial relaxation that is followed by reflux mechanism in reflux esophagitis patients
postdeglutition contraction. Initial relaxation varies, although transient LES relaxation seems to
begins when an esophageal peristaltic contraction be most common. This transient relaxation mech-
is in the proximal esophagus. Postdeglutition con- anism may explain why some reflux esophagitis
tractions prevent reflux of a food bolus following patients have resting LES pressure values that over-
its passage into the stomach. lap those of normal controls.
Reflux of small amounts of fluid is considered a Transient changes in intraabdominal pressure
normal physiologic phenomenon in both animals may intermittently overcome a hypotensive LES;
and humans. Functional defense mechanisms pre- however, complete sphincter relaxation alone does
vent esophageal mucosal damage when these not guarantee that significant reflux will occur.
minor reflux episodes occur. These defenses Factors that may influence reflux in this situation
include acid clearance by means of one or two include body position, intragastric volume, intra-
esophageal peristaltic sequences that empty all or gastric pressure, and relaxation of the diaphrag-
most of the acid from the esophagus, local mucosal matic hiatus. Significant reflux can occur in
protective factors, and neutralization of any post- animals that undergo general anesthesia, especially
peristaltic residual acid by bicarbonate-rich saliva. when there is ingesta or fluid retention in the
It has been shown in humans that some individu- stomach. Anesthetic agents promote relaxation of
als can experience significant reflux episodes with- the LES, and any procedure that involves position-
out developing demonstrable esophageal mucosal ing the patient with the rear quarters elevated
changes. Although clinical signs of reflux may be (e.g., tilting the surgery table so that the head and
experienced (heartburn, indigestion, dyspepsia), the upper body are below the lower body) can
significant sequelae such as esophagitis, esophageal promote gravitational flow of gastric contents to
stricture, and chest pain often never develop. the esophagus. Mild to severe esophagitis may
Although the relationships and factors respon- result, and in some cases esophageal stricture for-
sible for individual variations in response to reflux mation occurs. Clinical situations in which a
are unknown, a number of factors are probably reflux episode may be exacerbated must be recog-
involved in determining how significant a problem nized, and preventive measures must be taken to
reflux episodes will be in an individual. These decrease serious sequelae.
include volume and frequency of reflux, the dura-
tion of contact between the refluxate and the Mechanisms of Esophageal
esophageal mucosa, character of the refluxed Mucosal Damage
material, competency of esophageal clearing Although both acid and pepsin were implicated in
mechanisms, and gastric emptying patterns. It has the past as the major injurious agents in reflux dis-
been estimated that up to 7% of the general ease, it now appears that the importance of acid has
human population has symptoms of heartburn been overemphasized and that of pepsin minimized.
daily, and a much larger percentage experiences Animal studies have shown that pepsin, rather than
these symptoms monthly (approximately 50% as acid, is a major causative agent of erosive esophagitis
previously stated). Many humans never seek med- resulting from reflux of acid gastric contents.

Of the potentially injurious agents in acid gas- esophageal mucosa are the major factors determining the
tric contents (e.g., acid, bile salts, pepsin, and likelihood and severity of mucosal injury.
trypsin), pepsin produces a mucosal injury consis-
tent with both the macroscopic and the micro- Etiology
scopic appearance of reflux esophagitis in Pharmacologic agents that have been associated
symptomatic human patients. Hydrochloric acid with decreased LES pressure and reflux include
(HCl) at physiologic pH values does not appear to atropine and other anticholinergic drugs, mor-
break the esophageal squamous mucosal barrier to phine, meperidine, diazepam, and pentobarbital.
hydrogen ion back diffusion or to cause esophagi- Phenothiazine-derivative tranquilizers also can
tis. Pepsin, however, can cause mucosal permeabil- decrease LES pressure. Glycopyrrolate does not
ity changes, resulting in severe hydrogen ion back cause as significant an effect on the LES as atropine
diffusion. Rabbit esophageal perfusion studies have does. For this reason, some clinicians use glyco-
demonstrated that pepsin causes significantly more pyrrolate rather than atropine as their standard
esophageal injury than does bile, trypsin, or acid preanesthesia agent.
alone. In these studies the extent of injury Pregnancy in humans is associated with an
increased in a dose-dependent manner as pepsin increased frequency of heartburn, a sensation of
concentration was increased. Pepsin injury was chest pain that is due to esophageal pain from
characterized by mucosal erosion and ulceration mucosal contact with refluxate. This was origi-
with submucosal hemorrhage. Acid, bile, and nally thought to be due to reflux exacerbated by
trypsin damage was generally limited to submu- increased gastric pressure from an enlarging
cosal edema without mucosal disruption. uterus. However, it is now recognized that elevated
Excessive alkaline gastroesophageal reflux pro- progesterone levels decrease LES pressure, increas-
duces inflammatory changes comparable to those ing the likelihood of reflux. Reflux esophagitis in
seen with excessive acid gastroesophageal reflux. humans can also be predisposed by high-fat or
The alkaline nature of refluxed material alone does spicy foods, chocolate, alcohol, and nicotine.
not appear to produce mucosal damage. Rather, The most common causes of reflux esophagitis in dogs
with alkaline reflux the pancreatic enzyme trypsin and cats are general anesthesia and persistent vomiting
has been shown to be the factor that causes the due to any cause (e.g., pancreatitis, gastric or intestinal
most significant damage. Pepsin causes minimal foreign body, parvoviral enteritis). Hiatal hernia disor-
esophageal changes in the presence of an alkaline ders, neuromuscular disorders (e.g., myasthenia
environment. Trypsin is present in the gastric con- gravis) that interfere with function of the esopha-
tents of patients with decreased pyloric tone and gus and LES, delayed gastric emptying, and duo-
duodenogastric reflux. The pH of the refluxate denogastric reflux are also important, but less
appears to control which agent will be the most common, disorders that are associated with reflux
active in causing esophageal damage. Pepsin’s opti- esophagitis episodes.
mal pH range for proteolytic activity is 2 to 4.5, During anesthesia there is suppression of nor-
and it is the most injurious agent when the reflux- mal esophageal motility and decreased LES pres-
ate is acid. Trypsin’s optimal pH range for prote- sure. As a result, acid and other refluxed agents
olytic activity is 5 to 8. cannot be cleared as quickly as in an awake animal
The bile salt taurodeoxycholate has been found with normal esophageal defenses. Problems tend
to protect the esophageal mucosa from the injuri- to occur more commonly in patients that have
ous effects of acid and pepsin, but the effect of undergone prolonged surgical procedures; how-
trypsin in the alkaline medium has been potenti- ever, it has been shown that reflux can occur
ated. Bile salts decrease pepsin’s proteolytic activity, between 5 and 15 minutes after induction of anes-
and the protective bile salt effect is dose related. thesia. Therefore reflux should be considered a
The combination of bile, trypsin, and an alkaline possibility in any patient that undergoes anesthe-
refluxate could potentially cause the most severe sia. In a study involving 100 dogs, it was found that
degree of esophageal injury. Bile salts may play an the frequency of gastroesophageal reflux was 25%
important role in modulating the injurious effect with regard to the type of surgery, 48% of the cases
of acid and pepsin in certain clinical settings. The of reflux appeared during orthopedic surgery, 24%
concentration of injurious agents in the refluxed gastric during abdominal surgery, and 28% during other
fluid and the duration of their contact with the types of surgery (e.g., skin, eyes). Consideration

should be given to routinely treating these patients to empty before anesthetic induction, since the
for reflux esophagitis for several days during the combination of anesthesia and an incompletely
immediate postoperative period. It may also be evacuated stomach would increase the likelihood
beneficial to pretreat patients scheduled to of a reflux episode and subsequent development of
undergo a prolonged (greater than 1 to 2 hours) esophagitis.
surgical procedure with an H2-receptor antagonist Duodenogastric reflux may be damaging for
before induction of anesthesia (e.g., administer two reasons: It increases gastric volume available
injectable famotidine or ranitidine 1 to 2 hours for gastroesophageal reflux, and it adds bile and
prior). As the duration of anesthesia increases, the other potentially damaging duodenal fluid com-
risk of a significant reflux event also increases. ponents to the gastric contents. Patients that have a
Some clinicians have also instituted a post- chronic intermittent pattern of vomiting bile fluid
operative practice of lavaging the esophagus with may have duodenogastric reflux and should be
saline or warm water after long surgical proce- watched carefully for signs of esophagitis.
dures, so as to dilute and remove offending sub-
stances before significant mucosal damage can Diagnosis of Esophagitis
occur. This can be done either under endoscopic The clinical signs of esophagitis vary considerably,
guidance or simply by passing a tube blindly into depending on the degree of inflammation present.
the esophagus for lavage purposes, while the The clinician must maintain a high index of suspi-
patient is still intubated. Use of an endoscope cion because in many cases only subtle clinical
offers the advantage of lavage and suction under signs may be evident. With mild esophagitis there
direct visualization. In addition to the anesthetic may be increased swallowing motions, salivation,
agents used, tilting of the surgery table so that the and inappetence. In more severe cases there may
patient’s abdomen is elevated relative to the thorax be gulping, regurgitation, dysphagia due to pain,
and improper preparation (e.g., incompletely evac- total anorexia, and signs that suggest esophageal
uated stomach) also can play a major role in exac- pain, such as reluctance to move, standing with the
erbating reflux. Moderate to severe esophagitis can head extended, reluctance to lie down, and trem-
result in esophageal stricture formation (see later bling. Heartburn pain in humans can be quite
discussion). intense, and it is suspected that a similar situation
Most hiatal hernia patients have some degree of exists in animals. Esophageal hemorrhage may
reflux esophagitis. Decreased LES pressure leads to occur in severe cases.
esophageal reflux in most patients with sliding The immediate past medical history must be
hiatal hernias. Hiatal hernia patients are often pre- reviewed carefully because it may provide impor-
sented for evaluation because of clinical signs that tant clues regarding both diagnosis and etiology.
suggest a significant degree of esophagitis (e.g., Signs such as increased attempts at swallowing,
salivation, inappetence, decreased activity, regurgi- salivation, regurgitation, and inappetence that
tation). Treatment involves both management of occur within 1 to 4 days of an anesthetic proce-
esophagitis and medical management or surgical dure strongly suggest reflux esophagitis. Coughing
correction of the hiatal hernia. may indicate aspiration pneumonia. Patients with
Gastric emptying and gastric motility may be persistent vomiting should be observed carefully
reduced in some patients with gastroesophageal for signs of esophagitis. Severe esophagitis must be
reflux. Delayed emptying of liquids or solids identified and treated early, since one of the poten-
would be expected to increase esophageal reflux. tial sequelae is stricture formation.
However, only a fraction of human patients with Chronic reflux esophagitis occurs most com-
reflux esophagitis have delayed gastric emptying. monly in patients with hiatal hernia disorders.
Detailed studies have not been performed in ani- Clinical signs include hypersalivation, regurgita-
mals, but clinical signs and endoscopic evidence of tion, and vomiting, which often are noted shortly
esophagitis have not been commonly observed in after the patient eats. There also may be coughing,
animals with gastric motility disorders. Probably dyspnea, and exercise intolerance. Hiatal hernias
the most important clinical situation regarding are most commonly identified in immature patients.
animals with gastric motility disorders involves Physical examination is usually unremarkable,
general anesthesia. Every effort must be made to but there may be physical evidence of glossitis
ensure that there is sufficient time for the stomach or pharyngitis related to ingestion of a caustic

substance. There may also be sensitivity on palpa- Treatment

tion of the cervical esophagus in animals with Because there are a variety of pathophysiologic
esophageal inflammation in that area. mechanisms that contribute to reflux esophagitis,
Radiographic survey and contrast studies are an individualized treatment program for each
often normal in patients with mild to moderate patient is often necessary. It is important to note
esophagitis. Survey films may show increased that, although the esophagus is physically a very
esophageal density in moderate to severe esophagi- tough and resilient structure, once it is injured it
tis. There also may be various degrees of does not always heal very quickly. For inflamma-
esophageal dilation, since esophageal inflammation tory disorders fairly aggressive combination drug
may inhibit motility. In fact, megaesophagus can therapy is often required. Treatment may include
occur secondary to inflammatory disease. Segmental dietary modification, PPIs, H2-receptor antago-
narrowing and irregularity of luminal contour nists, GI promotility agents, anti-inflammatory
may occasionally be identified on contrast studies. drugs, and mucosal protectant therapy. Single or
Persistent contrast in the thoracic esophagus or combination drug therapy may be required,
esophageal dilation or both suggest the possibility depending on factors that include whether treat-
of gastroesophageal reflux. In hiatal hernia the gas- ment is designed mostly for prevention, duration
tric cardia, the fundus, and the LES will be cranial or severity of mucosal injury, and clinical signs.
to the esophageal hiatus. A definitive diagnosis Most affected dogs and cats are managed with
may not always be possible in sliding hiatal hernia either an H2-receptor antagonist or a PPI.
on spot films. Fluoroscopy may be needed to con- Additionally, high-protein and low-fat diets, a pro-
firm the diagnosis. motility drug, and cytoprotective medication are
A definitive diagnosis of esophagitis is most often indicated in some cases.
made by endoscopic visualization of the esophageal Mild reflux esophagitis is often asymptomatic
mucosa. Variable degrees of mucosal erythema or and generally resolves without therapy. If clinical
isolated patches of eroded mucosa may be seen. signs suggestive of reflux esophagitis occur within
Mucosal friability may be evidenced by bleeding several days of an anesthetic procedure, treatment
caused by gentle manipulation with the endoscope should be instituted, regardless of whether
tip or biopsy forceps. Fluid pooling in the esopha- endoscopy is available for definitive diagnosis.
gus or a markedly dilated gastroesophageal junc- Treatment in this situation usually includes an H2-
tion or both are not diagnostic, but these findings receptor antagonist or a PPI (e.g., omeprazole), the
should alert the endoscopist to the possibility of a cytoprotective drug sucralfate, and a promotility
reflux disorder. drug (metoclopramide or cisapride). The duration
Numerous human studies have reported that of therapy will typically be 7 to 14 days. A longer
30% to 70% of patients with symptoms suggesting duration will be required if clinical signs persist.
gastroesophageal reflux have an endoscopically H2-receptor antagonists such as cimetidine
normal esophagus. Symptom severity often does (Tagamet), ranitidine (Zantac), and famotidine
not predict the degree of endoscopic abnormality. (Pepcid) are used to decrease gastric acid produc-
When esophagitis is suspected in the absence of tion, thereby decreasing acid volume available for
visible diagnostic changes in the mucosal surface, reflux. H2-receptor antagonists also reduce the
an esophageal mucosal biopsy specimen should be volume of gastric juice that is produced. There is
obtained from an area 2 to 5 cm proximal to the no adverse effect on resting or stimulated LES
gastroesophageal junction.With proper technique, pressure levels. Large multicenter human clinical
adequate mucosal biopsy specimens can be trials have shown that H2-receptor antagonist
obtained with standard flexible forceps. Alterna- therapy results in consistent improvement in
tively, specimens can be obtained with a suction symptoms of reflux esophagitis. (However, as
biopsy instrument. Histologic changes appear stated in the following discussion on PPIs, numer-
before significant symptoms and endoscopi- ous studies on humans have documented the clin-
cally observable changes, and they persist after the ical superiority of PPIs relative to H2-receptor
endoscopic indicators have disappeared in antagonists in both relief of symptoms and healing
response to therapy.An endoscopically demonstra- of esophagitis). Cimetidine (2.5 to 5 mg/lb orally
ble hiatal hernia is nearly always associated with every 6 to 8 hours), ranitidine (1 mg/lb [dog], 1.5
reflux esophagitis. mg/lb [cat] orally every 12 hours), or famotidine

(0.25 to 0.5 mg/lb orally every 24 hours, or every Promotility drugs increase LES pressure, thereby
12 hours if there is severe esophagitis) is generally decreasing reflux, and stimulate more rapid gastric
used for 2 to 3 weeks in dogs and cats with acute emptying by increasing gastric contractions. They
reflux esophagitis. I prefer to use famotidine also enhance relaxation of the pylorus for more
because of its long dosage interval and the fact that effective aboral movement of gastric contents and
it is associated with fewer side effects. Another increase distal esophageal contractions. One prob-
H2-receptor antagonist that can be tried is nizati- lem with metoclopramide is that it may cause
dine (Axid).The dosage is 1.25 to 2.5 mg/lb orally bothersome side effects such as restlessness, hyper-
every 24 hours. Ranitidine and nizatidine also activity, and occasionally aggressive behavior. In
have a gastric prokinetic effect. Long-term ther- my experience, these side effects are not common
apy should be used in hiatal hernia patients with in dogs and cats, but owners should always be fore-
chronic reflux esophagitis if corrective surgery warned of the possibility that they may occur. If
either is not performed or is unsuccessful. side effects occur, they usually will be noted
PPIs are drugs that completely inhibit gastric within 1 hour of the first or second dose and sub-
acid secretion in response to all modes of stimula- side within 3 to 4 hours. Unfortunately, lowering
tion. PPIs include omeprazole (Prilosec), lansopra- the dose does not usually alleviate side effects. The
zole (Prevacid), esomeprazole (Nexium, the S dosage of metoclopramide is 0.1 to 0.2 mg/lb
optical isomer of omeprazole), pantoprazole (Pro- (maximum starting dose, 10 mg) two to three
tonix), and rabeprazole (Aciphex). Omeprazole is times daily 30 to 45 minutes before feeding and at
the PPI that has been used most frequently in ani- bedtime. Cimetidine or famotidine and metoclo-
mal patients. PPIs decrease acid secretion by pramide are often used concurrently. Occasionally,
inhibiting H+,K+ATPase (commonly called the the side effects of metoclopramide will be
proton pump), thereby blocking the final, com- increased when it is used with cimetidine.
mon step in the secretion of gastric acid. PPIs con- One significant advantage of cisapride is that,
trol both basal and meal-stimulated acid secretion. unlike metoclopramide, it is not associated with
Therefore the acid suppression achieved by a PPI any significant side effects in animals. I have used
is more complete and longer lasting than can be cisapride in many patients that have experienced
attained with an H2-receptor antagonist. neurologic side effects from metoclopramide. I
In humans, PPIs have now been shown to be have observed no adverse reactions to cisapride in
superior to H2-receptor antagonists in manage- any of these patients, even in those whose side
ment of erosive esophagitis. Concurrently it is effects from metoclopramide included very bizarre
now also recommended in veterinary medicine behavior changes. The suggested dosage of cis-
that animals with esophagitis are better managed apride is the same as that recommended for meto-
with a PPI than with an H2-receptor antagonist. clopramide (see previous paragraph).
Although PPIs are more expensive, they produce Early studies in humans showed promise for use
quicker relief from symptoms in humans and total of cisapride as primary therapy for reflux esophagi-
treatment time is also reduced in some patients. tis. However, more recent studies have been disap-
Results from human trials that investigated the use pointing. Cisapride provides symptomatic relief
of PPIs in gastroesophageal reflux disease patients in less than half of patients with results comparable
with nonerosive disease have demonstrated the to those achieved with standard doses of an H2-
superiority of PPI therapy over H2-receptor receptor antagonist. And cisapride used in combina-
antagonists. PPIs are now considered the most tion with an H2-receptor antagonist is less effective
effective first-line treatment for nonerosive reflux for symptomatic relief of esophagitis symptoms in
esophagitis. More rapid responses have also been humans than that achieved with a PPI. So cisapride
observed in animal patients treated with the PPI and metoclopramide can play an important adjunc-
omeprazole. Therefore if esophagitis is judged to tive role in management of reflux esophagitis, but
be greater than mild in degree, it is probably best prokinetic agents used alone are not likely to be
to choose a PPI over an H2-receptor antagonist as very successful. Effective acid control is essential.
the primary therapy for controlling acid release. One of the most important forms of reflux
The recommended dosage for omeprazole is 0.3 esophagitis therapy involves use of sucralfate
mg/lb once daily. (Carafate) to provide an esophageal mucosal cyto-
Prokinetic drug therapy with metoclopramide protective effect. Sucralfate is an aluminum salt
or cisapride provides several beneficial effects. that has been shown to bind selectively to areas of

injured GI tract mucosa and to form a local pro- ical situations that can potentiate development of
tective layer that binds pepsin and bile and pre- the disorder is very important. Early treatment
vents them from causing further mucosal damage. often minimizes mucosal injury and in severe cases
Sucralfate cytoprotection against pepsin- may help decrease the likelihood of stricture for-
induced esophageal lesions has been demonstrated mation. One of the clinical situations in which
using a liquid preparation in short-term experi- early recognition is most important involves
ments in rabbits. A study in cats demonstrated a patients that have undergone general anesthesia,
protective effect of liquid sucralfate against inter- especially, but not exclusively, for a prolonged sur-
mittent, repeated esophageal exposure to acid over gical procedure. Clinicians and nursing personnel
a period of days. Sucralfate acts not only by adher- should monitor for signs of esophageal reflux
ing to damaged mucosa but also by enhancing (e.g., salivation, pronounced gurgling, and regur-
normal mucosal defenses. Based on this informa- gitation of fluid from the mouth or nostrils).
tion, it is recommended that administration of Recommended early treatment measures include
sucralfate in a liquid form be considered for using low-grade suction attached to a feeding tube
patients with evidence of esophagitis. Its greatest that has been passed into the esophagus in an
value may be in treatment of acute reactions in the attempt to remove retained fluid before its con-
esophagus and in prevention of further damage. tents can cause mucosal injury. If there is concern
Sucralfate should also be considered for use as a that a significant amount of reflux has occurred, an
preventive medication in situations in which a sig- endotracheal tube can be used to lavage the
nificant reflux episode could potentially occur esophagus. Warm water is instilled as a diluting
(e.g., emergency surgery in a patient with an agent and then suctioned. Care must be taken to
incompletely evacuated stomach). The recom- ensure that the endotracheal tube is cuffed ade-
mended dosage is 1 g per 65 lb given orally every quately in order to prevent aspiration. The best
6 to 8 hours. For treatment of esophageal disor- method is to use an endoscope for direct visualiza-
ders, a suspension form of sucralfate should be tion, lavage, and suction, following a prolonged
used. Sucralfate is now commercially available in anesthetic event.Any retained fluid can be quickly
suspension form. Alternatively, sucralfate tablets suctioned through the endoscope. The endoscope
can be mixed into suspension. Sucralfate tablets should be used to examine the stomach as well.
readily dissolve in lukewarm water (10 to 15 ml). Any fluid that is present should be suctioned; oth-
Once the suspension is thoroughly mixed, it is erwise, it might be refluxed to the esophagus dur-
administered as a gavage. ing the recovery period. Sucralfate or sucralfate
A short course (several days to 2 weeks) of cor- and an H2-receptor antagonist are then adminis-
ticosteroid therapy (e.g., prednisone, 0.25 to 0.5 tered for 24 to 72 hours. This approach is very
mg/lb orally every 12 hours) may be indicated in effective in helping prevent significant postopera-
severe reflux esophagitis to minimize fibrosis and tive esophagitis and possibly later formation of
possible stricture formation. Corticosteroids are esophageal strictures. If signs of esophagitis
not indicated in mild cases of esophagitis. develop despite this therapy, a PPI such as omepra-
Patients with moderate to severe esophagitis zole should be used and H2-receptor antagonist
should be held nothing by mouth (NPO) for 24 to therapy is discontinued.
72 hours. When food is resumed, a high-protein, Clinicians are also cautioned to be more attentive
low-fat diet is indicated. High-protein diets to patients that might have esophagitis secondary to
enhance LES function, whereas high-fat diets frequent or severe vomiting (e.g., caused by GI foreign
interfere with LES function. Patients that have bodies, parvoviral enteritis, acute pancreatitis, or renal
been held NPO are generally started on a gruel- failure). Esophagitis can easily develop in these
consistency diet for the first several days. Owners situations, and it no doubt adds significantly to
of overweight patients that are prone to develop- the discomfort that the patient is already experi-
ing esophagitis (e.g., due to hiatal hernia) should encing. In these cases, both sucralfate and an
be encouraged to initiate weight reduction meas- H2-receptor antagonist are used to treat esophagi-
ures for their pet. tis. I use famotidine injectable at 0.25 mg/lb
Animals with evidence of reflux esophagitis following intravenously every 12 hours. An antiemetic
anesthesia should be treated early and aggressively, since drug such as chlorpromazine (Thorazine) is
there is potential for esophageal stricture formation. injected to help decrease the frequency of
Early recognition of esophagitis symptoms in clin- vomiting. Sucralfate is given orally, usually 30 to

60 minutes after antiemetic therapy has been Anesthesia-related reflux is the most common
administered. cause of esophageal stricture. Stricture formation
The duration of therapy in patients with reflux can occur after relatively short anesthetic proce-
esophagitis depends on the cause and degree of dures (e.g., for ovariohysterectomy), as well as after
inflammation. For moderate to severe esophagitis, long procedures. It appears that prolonged anes-
4 to 8 weeks of therapy or more may be required thesia, especially when followed by inability of a
to achieve full healing of the esophagus. For patient to resume sternal or upright posture, pro-
esophagitis related to frequent or severe vomiting motes gastroesophageal reflux that may persist
(e.g., parvoviral enteritis, pancreatitis, toxic enteri- even beyond the duration of the anesthesia, and
tis, linear foreign body), treatment is usually thereby initiating and perpetuating to some
administered for 5 to 7 days, and only longer if degree the transition from severe esophagitis to
clinical signs or endoscopic findings warrant. As stricture formation.
discussed later in this chapter, patients with a hiatal Clinical signs of dysphagia and regurgitation are
hernia may require long-term therapy using either usually evident by 5 to 14 days after the anesthetic
a PPI alone or a PPI with sucralfate. Patients episode. Occasionally, significant clinical signs are
should be monitored carefully for signs that can be not evident until 4 to 6 weeks later. Variable
associated with esophagitis, and use of endoscopy degrees of luminal narrowing can occur, and in
as both a diagnostic and a monitoring tool should some patients the lumen diameter at the stricture
be encouraged. site is extremely narrow (sometimes as small as 1 to
2 mm) (Figure 4-13). Stricture length also varies.
ESOPHAGEAL Occasionally, one or two additional strictures will
develop at other sites in the esophagus.
Esophageal strictures occasionally occur in dogs Clinical Signs
and cats. Stricture usually occurs secondary to Clinical signs generally progress over 5 to 14 days
severe esophagitis that extends into deeper layers after their onset. The predominant sign is regurgi-
of the esophagus, inciting fibroblastic proliferation. tation of solid food. In some patients there ini-
Common causes of this degree of esophagitis in tially is vomiting during the recovery phase after
dogs and cats are reflux of gastric acid and an anesthetic event that is followed by occa-
enzymes during general anesthesia, persistent sional vomiting over the ensuing several days.
vomiting in patients that are also weak and recum- Regurgitation may then begin to occur. As a stric-
bent (e.g., patients with parvoviral enteritis, pan- ture worsens, only gruels can be successfully trans-
creatitis), medications that induce esophagitis ported to the stomach. In strictures associated with
when they become lodged in the esophagus (e.g., a very narrow luminal diameter (1 to 2 mm), only
that caused by NSAIDs in dogs, doxycyline tablets water is likely to be retained.Affected patients typ-
in cats), ingestion of strong acid or alkali, foreign ically remain active and alert and have excellent
body trauma, and thermal burns. Severe stricture body condition. Signs of pain or discomfort are
may also occur in cats that develop esophagitis uncommon. The appetite is usually ravenous.
after a large hairball has been vomited or has Weight loss may occur over time as a result of
become lodged in the esophagus. I have treated decreased caloric intake associated with regurgita-
cats that developed a severe esophageal stricture tion.
within 7 to 14 days after vomiting a hairball as
long as 12 to 15 cm. Presumably, the coarse texture Diagnosis
of the hair significantly irritates the esophageal Esophageal strictures occur more commonly than
mucosa as it sits in and subsequently is ejected many clinicians may recognize. A review of a
from the esophagus. Acid and enzymes that are patient’s recent medical history is the first step in
mixed in the hair material add to the damage. making an early diagnosis of esophageal stricture.
Figure 4-12 illustrates a case in which a large hair- Most patients with an esophageal stricture have
ball was lodged in the esophagus for approximately undergone general anesthesia within the previous 2
36 hours before it was removed. Severe esophagitis to 3 weeks. Most patients that begin regurgitating
resulted, and within 10 days there was a stricture, shortly after an anesthetic event have an esophageal
despite aggressive early medical management for stricture. A recent history of frequent severe vom-
esophagitis. iting in dogs or cats, onset of regurgitation associ-



FIGURE 4-12 Esophageal foreign body in a cat with subsequent development of esophageal stricture. A, Note the
long area of increased opacity in the dorsocaudal thorax (later confirmed to be a hairball). The history included
salivation, increased respiratory rate, and anorexia. B, Esophagoscopy confirmed a diagnosis of esophageal foreign body
(hairball). The hairball was very tightly wedged in the esophagus. It could be neither pulled orad nor pushed back into
the stomach. A gastrotomy was done, and the hairball was pulled back to the stomach and removed. C, Immediate
postoperative esophagoscopy, showing erosive damage of the esophagus (twelve o’clock and five o’clock positions).
Sucralfate suspension, famotidine, metoclopramide, and corticosteroids were instituted for severe esophagitis. There was
concern that an esophageal stricture might develop. D, Appearance of the esophagus 4 days after surgery. The mucosa
was quite irregular and friable. There is evidence of esophageal narrowing and early stricture formation. E, Endoscopic
appearance of an esophageal stricture identified at 10 days. Balloon dilation procedures were initiated.

ated with administration of NSAIDs to dogs, doxy- advancing endoscopic biopsy forceps through the
cycline tablets to cats, or other medications, or stricture and then opening the cups once the
recent vomiting of a large hairball by a cat also instrument has been passed. As the biopsy instru-
should heighten suspicion of esophageal stricture. ment is then retracted, the open cups will stop at
A diagnosis is established either by endoscopy the distal border of the stricture. A determination
or by barium contrast radiography using a swallow of stricture length also can be made by insufflating
of barium and either static radiographs or fluo- air into the esophagus, using the endoscope, and
roscopy (Figure 4-14). In some cases barium liquid then making a lateral survey thoracic radiograph.
mixed with food is required to demonstrate an esophageal There is an increased opacity at the stricture site as
stricture, since liquid barium may pass easily through a compared with the surrounding air.
stricture without delineating its presence. Endoscopy Esophageal neoplasia occasionally causes intra-
allows evaluation of the appearance and pliability mural stricture formation, and there usually is an
of the esophageal wall and luminal diameter. The appearance of mucosal irregularity and intralumi-
endoscope is often too large to pass through the nal mass effect. However, rarely a malignant stric-
stricture area, so an assessment of stricture length ture will appear benign with no intraluminal mass
often is not possible from direct examination effect typical of neoplasia. If any uncertainty exists
alone. Stricture length can be assessed, however, by regarding the cause of a stricture (e.g., no recent


FIGURE 4-13 Severe cranial thoracic esophageal stricture in an 11-month-old cat that had been anesthetized
14 days before. There was a 5-day history of regurgitation that progressively worsened, resulting in referral for
endoscopy. A, The extremely narrow esophageal lumen (approximately 1.5 mm) is visible just to the left of center.
Note the white fibrous connective tissue around the lumen. Because the stricture was too narrow to attempt
bougienage and balloon catheters had not yet been developed when this case was seen, stricture resection was
performed through a right thoracotomy. Resection of 1.5 cm of esophagus was performed. B, Endoscopic
examination 4 weeks after esophageal resection and anastomosis. Mild narrowing of the lumen remains, but the
endoscope was easily advanced. Note the suture tags and the esophageal lumen beyond the anastomosis site. The cat
was asymptomatic. (From Tams TR: Esophagoscopy. In Tams TR, ed: Small animal endoscopy, St. Louis, 1990,
Mosby–Year Book.)

history of anesthesia to suggest a reflux episode), The advantages of this technique over bougienage
biopsies should be done to differentiate a truly include decreased risk of esophageal perforation,
benign stricture from a malignant one. Brushings longer symptom-free periods between procedures,
for cytologic examination are useful for rapid and a smaller total number of procedures required
assessment while one waits for biopsy results. If the to resolve the problem.
lumen at the stricture site is extremely narrow, Bougienage
biopsy specimens should be taken before and after A wide variety of esophageal dilation devices
dilation. Also, a mass impinging on the outside of whose diameters increase in stepwise fashion are
the esophagus may compress the esophageal lumen available, including mercury-filled bougies and
enough to cause a stricture effect. In this situation Pilling bougies. Bougies have either rounded tips
the esophageal mucosa will appear normal. The or tapered ends with bases that are wider than the
endoscopist will note that the esophageal walls do tips. The narrow tip is advanced to the stricture
not readily distend in response to air insufflation. site under endoscopic guidance, and the wider
Additionally, it may not be possible to advance the area of the bougie dilates the stricture as the
endoscope through the narrowed area. bougie is advanced through it. Care must be exer-
cised to ensure that the bougie tip is directed into
Treatment the stricture opening and not too far lateral to it.
Treatment options for benign esophageal stricture There is risk of perforation if the latter occurs.
include surgical procedures such as resection and Other dilators that can be used in selected cases
anastomosis or patch grafting, bougienage, and include endotracheal tubes (for cervical esophageal
balloon catheter dilation. In humans laser therapy strictures in small patients) and the flexible endo-
and prosthesis has also been utilized. The success scope itself.
rate in animals treated with surgical procedures has The key to successful bougienage is to repeat
been reported as less than 50% and in those treated the procedure as often as necessary to maintain
with bougienage techniques as 50% to 75%. improved luminal diameter. In many patients two
Surgical resection may result in restricture at the to three bougienage procedures per week are nec-
site of the anastomosis. Balloon catheter dilation is essary during the first several weeks of treatment
much more successful than either surgery or bougienage. before the desired effect is reached. After a stric-

FIGURE 4-14 Barium liquid contrast radiograph from

a 5-month-old kitten that had been regurgitating for 2
months. At the time the kitten was seen at a referral
center, it was regurgitating solid food immediately after
eating. The kitten had been anesthetized and neutered FIGURE 4-15 A diagrammatic representation of the
at a shelter at approximately 8 to 9 weeks of age. Note shearing forces associated with bougienage compared
the proximal esophageal dilation and the narrowing of with the radial forces associated with balloon dilation.
the dye column just caudal to the heart. Esophagoscopy (From Dawson SI et al.: Severe esophageal strictures:
confirmed a diagnosis of esophageal stricture, related to indications for balloon catheter dilation. Radiology
an internal fibrous band (i.e., there was no appearance 153:631, 1984.)
of a narrowing due to external compression). Because
of the kitten’s poor body condition at the time of
presentation at the referral center, a gastrostomy tube the balloon consists of a specially treated polyeth-
was placed surgically so that nutritional support could ylene located peripheral to the central tubing.There
be provided immediately. The esophageal stricture was is a radiopaque visible metal band at each end of the
managed successfully through a total of four ballooning balloon. Various size balloons are available. A full set
procedures performed under endoscopic guidance. At 2 of balloons for use in animals would include bal-
years of age there had been no stricture recurrence, and loons of the following inflated diameters: 6, 8, 10, 12,
the cat continues to do quite well. (Courtesy Dr. Susan 15, and 20 mm. 25 and 30 mm–diameter balloon
catheters are available for use in large dogs.
Smaller balloon dilators can be passed through
ture has been forced open, the natural tendency is the instrument channel of an endoscope with a
for it to narrow again as collagen is formed during 2.6-mm or larger instrument channel. However,
epithelial healing. since pediatric size human and veterinary use flex-
Balloon Catheter Dilation ible endoscopes have a channel size of 2.0 to 2.5
Balloon catheter dilation produces results superior mm, most procedures are done in animals by pass-
to bougienage techniques. Advantages include a ing the balloon dilator alongside the endoscope.
minimal chance of esophageal perforation, the The balloon can be inflated with dilute iodinated
ability to visualize more adequately the stricture contrast material or water. With the patient under
dilation as the procedure progresses, and longer general anesthesia, the catheter is advanced under
stricture-free intervals. A major advantage to bal- endoscopic guidance and positioned with the mid-
loon dilation is that it produces a radial stretch dle part of the catheter centered in the stricture.
force rather than a longitudinal shearing force, as During the first procedure a lateral thoracic ra-
occurs with bougienage (Figure 4-15). In many diograph is usually made, especially in situations in
patients only two to four balloon dilation proce- which the stricture site is very narrow, to confirm
dures are required. whether or not the balloon positioning is correct.
Balloon catheters are available commercially If fluoroscopy is used, the stricture and its response
(Microvasive/Boston Scientific, Natick, MA 01760). as the balloon is dilated can be observed directly.
The catheter is constructed of polyethylene, and The stricture is apparent as a narrowing or waist in

the balloon. Fluoroscopy is certainly not necessary Mild to moderate hemorrhage around the
to perform the procedure safely, however, and in stricture site is a normal postdilation finding. If
most cases it is not used. there is no hemorrhage, the stricture was not
Once positioned, the balloon is distended dilated to any significant degree. With a very
with water or dilute contrast medium, and the aggressive dilation, long and fairly deep longitudi-
luminal pressure is monitored with the pressure nal splits may occur in the esophageal wall. It is
gauge. This increased pressure is associated with generally best to act a little conservatively during
effacement of the waist, indicating dilation of the initial dilation procedures so as to minimize the
stricture (Figure 4-16). A dilation time of 2 to 4 likelihood of perforation that could result from
minutes at 40 to 45 psi seems to be adequate for using too large a balloon. Usually 2 to 3 progres-
stricture dilation in dogs and cats (initially a time sively larger balloons are used in sequence during
of 2 minutes is used so that initial response can each individual anesthesia. Because esophageal stric-
be determined). After dilation, the balloon is tures tend to close down again fairly quickly after being
deflated and the catheter removed. Immediate dilated, two to three individual dilation procedures are
postdilation endoscopy is recommended to ensure routinely scheduled during the first 7 days. Subsequent
resolution of the stricture. Dilation periods of 4 procedures are scheduled based on patient response dur-
minutes are usually used in cases in which frequent ing the first 1 to 2 weeks.
procedures have not yet successfully solved the Factors that help determine the number of bal-
problem. loon dilation procedures that will be necessary

FIGURE 4-16 Radiographic appearance of

a balloon catheter during an esophageal
stricture dilation procedure. A, The balloon
catheter is advanced under endoscopic
guidance. The stricture is located over the
base of the heart. The catheter’s soft, flexible
radiopaque guide tip is visible in the
stomach and distal esophagus. The
radiopaque wire in the catheter shaft is
clearly visible in the cranial and middle
thorax. B, A fully distended balloon catheter
with a diameter of 20 mm. The stricture has
been fully dilated.


include severity and length of the stricture, num- vomited a large hairball). Esophagoscopy is the
ber of strictures, and the ease of the initial stricture ideal procedure to monitor for progression or
dilation. In general, tight strictures and those that regression of esophagitis. Clinicians must recognize
were several millimeters long require more dila- that once severe esophagitis is present, a stricture can form
tions than those of moderate severity and shorter very rapidly.
length. Patients with multiple strictures tend to The prognosis for resolution of an esophageal
require more dilations than those with single stric- stricture disorder is excellent when balloon dila-
tures. tion is used. Sometimes mild permanent narrow-
A stricture that has been present for longer than ing remains at the stricture site, but this is usually
several months may become so fibrotic that it may clinically insignificant. Cats and small dogs can
not be possible to dilate the stricture with bal- manage well with an esophageal diameter of 1 cm
loons. Therefore, once the presence of a stricture or less if food consistency is limited to soft meals.
is confirmed, proper treatment should be insti- A diameter of 1 to 1.5 cm is necessary in medium
tuted.A case in which an attempt to dilate a cervi- to large dogs. Many patients are eventually able to
cal esophageal stricture was not made until eat foods of normal consistency.
9 months after it was diagnosed is illustrated in
Figure 4-17. Surgery was required to remove the
After bougienage or balloon dilation is begun, The esophageal hiatus is the opening in the
intensive therapy for esophagitis is instituted. This diaphragm through which the esophagus passes
includes H2-receptor antagonist therapy, metoclo- from the thorax into the abdominal cavity.
pramide, sucralfate suspension, and prednisone Anatomic abnormalities of the hiatus may cause
(0.25 to 0.5 mg/lb/day). Food, usually chopped symptoms of esophageal disease. Hiatal lesions may
canned consistency, is usually resumed later on the allow hiatal hernia, paraesophageal hiatal hernia,
same day or on the following day. If there is severe gastroesophageal intussusception, or diaphragmatic
esophageal damage, it might be necessary to place hernia to occur. Hiatal hernias are protrusions of
a gastrostomy tube so that adequate nutritional the abdominal esophagus, GES, and sometimes a
support can be given. Most patients eat well very portion of the gastric fundus through the
soon after a dilation procedure, even if there is sig- esophageal hiatus into the caudal mediastinum
nificant esophageal mucosal tearing. cranial to the diaphragm. Hiatal hernias likely
Prednisone is used to decrease fibroblastic occur more commonly than they are recognized
activity. Whether or not it really helps to decrease in dogs and cats.
or prevent further stricture formation is contro- Congenital or acquired enlargement of the
versial. I have observed patients in which an esophageal hiatus or laxity of the surrounding
esophageal stricture developed despite aggressive phrenicoesophageal ligaments may predispose to
therapy (famotidine, sucralfate, metoclopramide, hiatal hernias. Most hernias are probably congeni-
and prednisone) for acute moderate to severe tal. Acquired hiatal hernias may occur secondary
esophagitis that was diagnosed early in its course to high positive intraabdominal pressure (e.g.,
via endoscopy. This therapeutic regimen is given blunt abdominal trauma, vomiting) or very nega-
both to treat the existing esophagitis and, it is tive intrathoracic pressure associated with chronic
hoped, to decrease the likelihood of stricture for- upper airway obstruction (e.g., laryngeal collapse).
mation. Unfortunately, this approach does not Hiatal hernias are seen more commonly in
always work. Some specialists have begun to take brachycephalic breeds such as English bulldogs and
the additional step of injecting intralesional triam- in shar-peis. Although most symptomatic animals
cinolone with a Wang needle, under endoscopic with congenital hiatal hernia demonstrate clinical
guidance, after dilating severe esophageal strictures signs by 1 year of age, significant signs may not
in an effort to further decrease fibroblastic activity. occur until later. Patients with acquired hernias
Endoscopy guided laser treatment used as an may develop signs at any age.
adjunct to ballooning is also being investigated.
It is emphasized that careful surveillance for Clinical Signs
development of a stricture is warranted in animals The most common clinical signs of hiatal hernia
that are most at risk (e.g., those with anesthesia- are regurgitation, dysphagia, hypersalivation, and
related esophagitis and those that have recently vomiting. Hematemesis may occasionally occur.



FIGURE 4-17 Chronic severe esophageal stricture that was not amenable to balloon dilation. A, A 6¹⁄₂-year-old
male Labrador retriever that underwent a gastrotomy at an emergency clinic 10 months earlier for suspected foreign
body removal. No foreign body was found. After the surgery there was intermittent vomiting. At 2 weeks the dog
began to regurgitate solid food, and at 4 weeks esophagoscopy revealed a stricture in the cervical esophagus. Balloon
dilation was recommended, but the dog’s owner chose conservative management, which consisted of feeding a gruel
diet. Nine months after the stricture was diagnosed, however, the owner decided to proceed with balloon dilation
because he could not maintain the dog’s weight. Weight loss totaled 33 lb since the initial diagnosis. B, Endoscopic
photograph of the proximal cervical esophagus. Note the fibrotic band in the near field. An esophageal stricture is
visible beyond the band. C, Close-up view of the stricture. There is a fibrotic ring around the stricture, and the
narrowed lumen curves on the far side of the stricture. A 7.9-mm endoscope could not be advanced into or
through the stricture. D, Under endoscopic guidance, a 15-mm balloon catheter was advanced through the stricture.
In this radiograph both the endoscope and the dilated balloon are visible. The stricture is delineated by the
narrowed waist in the balloon (just ventral to the proximal border of the fifth cervical vertebra). At 45 psi for 4
minutes the stricture did not dilate. E, The largest balloon available (20 mm dilated) was then used. At 45 psi for 9
minutes the stricture did not dilate because of severe fibrosis. The short stricture is clearly visible on this radiograph.
Surgery was later done to resect the stricture, and the dog recovered uneventfully. During the following year the
dog gained 33 lb. Histologic examination of the stricture revealed severe fibrosis. It is strongly recommended that
balloon dilation be done on esophageal strictures early in their course.

Small hiatal hernias may be asymptomatic. bulging into the lumen of the distal esophagus.
Symptoms may be evident only occasionally in A careful assessment of the esophageal mucosa, the
animals in which herniation occurs intermittently. GEJ, and the stomach is important in the determi-
In fact, the diagnosis is often difficult to prove in nation of the treatment plan. Finding reflux
patients because many cases probably involve only esophagitis helps raise suspicions of a hiatal disor-
sporadic movement. Most hiatal hernia cases are der. Endoscopic findings of cranial LES displace-
associated with some degree of reflux esophagitis. ment and a large esophageal hiatus, in conjunction
Malpositioning or a lack of support of the gastro- with appropriate clinical signs, is suggestive of a
esophageal sphincter reduces gastroesophageal sliding hiatal hernia. When the endoscope is
pressure and leads to gastroesophageal reflux. Most passed from the esophagus into the stomach, it
of the clinical signs are related to esophagitis and should be retroflexed, after the stomach is insuf-
altered esophageal motility. flated with air, to view the LES from the gastric
side. With gastric insufflation there may be cra-
Diagnosis nial displacement of the LES and cardiac region
Various types of hiatal disorders have been of the stomach through a weakened or enlarged
described. These are depicted in Figure 4-18. The esophageal hiatus.
most common type of hiatal hernia in dogs and cats
is a sliding hiatal hernia with cranial displacement of Treatment
the abdominal esophagus, gastroesophageal junc- Surgical correction is indicated in patients with a
tion, and a portion of the stomach through an symptomatic hiatal hernia. Fundoplication proce-
enlarged and lax hiatus. Paraesophageal hernias are dures have been described. Other techniques
uncommon. In this type of hernia the gastro- include diaphragmatic hiatal reduction and plica-
esophageal junction remains fixed in the intraab- tion, esophagopexy, and left-sided fundic gas-
dominal location and the gastric fundus protrudes tropexy. Medical management for esophagitis is
through a defect in the diaphragmatic hiatus parallel instituted as soon as the diagnosis is made. If sur-
to the esophagus. Gastroesophageal reflux disease is gery is not corrective, medication may have to be
less commonly associated with paraesophageal her- continued indefinitely in order to control symp-
nias because the LES remains functional and in a toms of reflux esophagitis. Medical management
normal intraabdominal position. (H2-receptor antagonist, prokinetic therapy, and a
Gastroesophageal intussusception is a rarely low-fat diet) without surgery is often useful in
encountered syndrome. Gastroesophageal intussus- patients with mild symptoms related to intermit-
ception results when the gastric cardia invaginates tent herniation.A PPI (e.g., omeprazole) is recom-
into the terminal esophagus. The gastroesophageal mended over an H2-receptor antagonist for
sphincter does not move cranial into the thorax as moderate to severe esophagitis (see section earlier
occurs with a hiatal hernia. Entrapment of the in this chapter on management of esophagitis).
stomach in the esophagus may result in acute
esophageal obstruction. ESOPHAGEAL
Survey thoracic radiography may confirm the
diagnosis in some cases. Findings include an
increased opacity in the caudal dorsal mediastinum Dogs and cats occasionally experience lodgment
caused by presence of the stomach in the thoracic of a foreign body in the esophagus. Although this
cavity. Positive contrast esophagrams may reveal problem occurs most commonly in young dogs
displacement of a portion of the stomach into the and cats, older animals also may be affected.
thorax. Contrast radiography is used to determine Because of their more indiscriminate eating habits,
the location of the GEJ and to evaluate the dogs tend to experience foreign body problems
mucosal pattern of the lower esophagus. Compressing more commonly than cats do.
the abdomen during radiography in patients with a sus- Major factors in determining whether a for-
pected hernia may help force part of the stomach into the eign body will pass uneventfully or be retained
thorax and increase the likelihood of obtaining diagnostic are its size and its configuration (e.g., rough ver-
films. sus smooth edges, presence or absence of projec-
Occasionally the diagnosis is made at endoscopy. tions, and width). There are four areas of
Endoscopy may confirm gastroesophageal intus- physiologic narrowing in the esophagus: the
susception, in which gastric rugal folds are seen UES, the thoracic inlet, the heart base area, and



Diaphragm Diaphragm


Gastroesophageal Gastric
junction fundus


Gastric cardia

D Phrenicoesophageal junction E

FIGURE 4-18 A, Diagram of a normal gastroesophageal junction. B-E, Diagrams of hiatal abnormalities: B, sliding or
axial hiatal hernia, C, paraesophageal or rolling hiatal hernia, D, combination of sliding and paraesophageal hernia, and,
E, gastroesophageal intussusception. (Hedlund CS: Surgery of the digestive system. In Fossum TW, ed: Small animal
surgery, ed 2, St. Louis, 2002, Mosby).

the distal esophagus just proximal to the GEJ. ence bones and fishhooks are the most common
Most foreign bodies become impacted in one of objects found in the esophagus. Needles are the
the latter three areas in dogs and cats.A variety of most common foreign bodies found in cats.
foreign bodies can be involved, but in my experi- Although there is potential for a sharp object to

perforate the aorta at the aortic arch or through esophageal perforation. Alternatively, esophagoscopy
the esophagus to cause a communication to the can be done to confirm or deny suspicions of an
chest cavity, this is an extremely rare occurrence. esophageal foreign body.
Failure of blunt objects to pass through the A complete blood count should be obtained if
esophagus spontaneously should raise suspicion the patient is febrile, has aspiration pneumonia, or
that there is an esophageal motility disorder or a demonstrates evidence of esophageal perforation.
pathologic area of narrowing, such as a benign or
malignant esophageal stricture. Treatment
Once a foreign body has been localized, a decision
Clinical signs must be made whether to observe for its passage
Clinical signs related to foreign body impaction in or to remove it endoscopically or surgically. Most
the esophagus are often acute and usually include esophageal foreign bodies are amenable to endo-
salivation, which may become bloody, and regur- scopic retrieval. As a rule, any foreign object retained
gitation. There also may be odynophagia, dyspha- in the esophagus should be removed as soon as possible
gia, forceful retching, lethargy or restlessness, and or, if this cannot be done, at least advanced to the stom-
anorexia. Occasionally, a foreign body remains ach. Although uncommon, the risk of esophageal
undetected in the esophagus for a number of days perforation always exists, especially when a sharp
to even weeks. Chronic signs usually include or pointed object is involved. Lodged esophageal
depression, anorexia, salivation, and regurgitation. foreign bodies can also cause significant pain. In
There also may be clinical evidence of an most cases an esophageal foreign body does
esophageal foreign body complication such as not have to be removed as a true “emergency”
esophageal perforation with resultant pleuritis, procedure. Exceptions include foreign body
mediastinitis, and pyothorax. Other potential impaction in the proximal esophagus that is caus-
sequelae include esophageal stricture, diverticula, ing respiratory distress because of tracheal com-
and severe esophagitis. pression and a wedged sharp object such as a bone
that is causing significant patient distress. This may
Diagnosis be evidenced by groaning, copious salivation, or
The diagnosis of a retained foreign body may be forceful gagging. If the situation does not require
readily apparent from the history. For example, an rapid intervention, the patient should be stabilized
owner may have observed the patient ingesting a as needed with intravenous fluids, antibiotics, and
bone found during a garbage foray, reported a pain relievers, and a thorough radiographic assess-
missing section of a toy, or found a fishing line ment should be completed. Ideally, endoscopy
attached to a hook dangling from the pet’s mouth. should be undertaken within 4 to 6 hours of
In other cases there is no specific relevant history, presentation. Endoscopy is indicated as the initial
and in yet others the owner may deny any possi- procedure of choice for all esophageal foreign
bility of foreign body ingestion. bodies. If endoscopic equipment is not available,
Survey radiographs of the cervical soft tissues the patient should be referred to an appropriate
and thorax should be the first studies performed facility.
because radiopaque objects can easily be localized If pleural effusion is detected on thoracic ra-
in most cases. Lateral films of the neck are particu- diographs, the chest should be tapped to obtain a
larly important in recognizing bone fragments sample for cytology, Gram stain, and culture and
impacted in the cervical esophagus. There may be sensitivity. Pyothorax is best managed with place-
evidence of an esophageal foreign body. Thoracic ment of a chest tube for drainage and lavage. Once
radiographs should be carefully evaluated for any the patient is stabilized, a thoracotomy is done as
evidence of esophageal perforation, including soon as possible either alone or in conjunction with
pneumomediastinum and pleural effusion. Also, endoscopy to remove the foreign body and to eval-
survey radiographs must be evaluated carefully for uate and repair the esophageal wall. In my experi-
evidence of additional foreign bodies that may be ence, it is rare for even bone foreign bodies that
less obvious than an easily recognized radiopaque have been lodged in the esophagus for several days
object. Contrast radiography is occasionally neces- to weeks to cause complete esophageal perforation.
sary to identify radiolucent objects. An iodinated Safe extraction of an esophageal foreign body
compound (e.g., Gastrografin) should be used requires an adequate preliminary evaluation and
instead of barium if there is a possibility of the selection of proper equipment, including

appropriate grasping forceps or snare. Although be advanced to the stomach and repositioned so
flexible endoscopes are used most commonly, rigid that the sharp end trails. This technique works
equipment is also excellent for esophageal foreign well when irregular pieces of material such as
body retrieval. A laryngoscope and curved grasp- plastic are involved. Alternatively, objects with
ing forceps should also be readily available in case sharp or irregular edges can be removed with the
their use becomes necessary. As with any type of aid of an overtube to prevent mucosal damage.
endoscopic procedure, the patient is maintained After the esophageal foreign body is removed, the
under general anesthesia in left lateral recumbency. entire esophagus should be inspected for damage,
The endotracheal tube is especially important in and the stomach also should be examined for the
preventing tracheal compression as a large foreign presence of any foreign material. There is usually
body is pulled retrograde through the esophagus some degree of mucosal laceration at the site of
and in preventing aspiration of any object that bone impaction in the esophagus. The extent of
might be inadvertently dropped in the pharynx damage should be carefully evaluated and appro-
during retrieval. The endoscope should be passed priate medication instituted after the procedure.
under direct visual guidance through the pharynx If the foreign body cannot be retrieved in a ret-
and the UES to avoid striking any foreign body rograde manner, an attempt should be made to
material that may be present in the proximal advance it to the stomach. Bones are usually rapidly
esophagus and that consequently has the potential decalcified by gastric juices, and the remaining frag-
for causing mucosal damage. The esophageal ments will pass through the intestinal tract without
mucosa should be carefully evaluated for any for- incident. If a bone is firmly wedged in the distal
eign body–related damage as the endoscope is esophagus at the time of presentation, it may be best
advanced. Air should be insufflated to distend the to direct all efforts to advancing it to the stomach
esophageal walls so that visualization is enhanced, rather than risking any problems by pulling it retro-
but the patient’s respiratory status must be moni- grade. Foreign bodies other than bones that are
tored while this is being done. Air may be forced advanced to the stomach are removed via gas-
around an impacted foreign body and into the trotomy. If the foreign body cannot be removed
stomach, which can lead to significant gastric dis- endoscopically and cannot be advanced into the
tention. The distention should be relieved as stomach, an esophagotomy should be done. With
quickly as possible. In most cases, this can be done availability of either rigid or flexible endoscopic
by periodically passing the endoscope around the equipment, this is rarely necessary.
foreign body and into the stomach so that the air The esophageal wall is invariably damaged by
can be suctioned. Air insufflation to a perforated esoph- impaction by a bone or another sharp object and
agus can result in acute respiratory signs and death. The subsequent retrieval efforts (Figure 4-19). Most
anesthetist is advised to monitor both respiratory character lacerations heal uneventfully, however, and when
and degree of gastric distention during the procedure. careful endoscopic techniques are used, surgical
Successful extraction of a foreign body intervention is rarely necessary. The mucosa
requires adequate visualization, a firm grasp of the should be carefully inspected once the bone is
object, and removal with minimal force to avoid removed. The degree of damage is usually directly
further damage. The tip of a flexible endoscope related to the length of time the foreign body was
should not be used as a “ramming rod” to dislodge lodged and can be worsened by retrieval efforts. If
or advance an object because such action could there is significant erosive damage, treatment for
cause significant damage to the endoscope. Once severe esophagitis should be administered as
freed, most objects can be pulled back to the tip described earlier in this chapter. Pain relief med-
of the endoscope, and the endoscope and foreign ication also should be given as needed. Effective
body can then be gently removed simultaneously. analgesia may include fentanyl CRI, morphine
Undue force should not be exerted. Gentle manipula- administered SQ or IM q6h, oxymorphone or
tion is the rule. If at all possible, pointed objects hydromorphone, or a fentanyl patch with an
such as bones and needles should be withdrawn injectable opioid administered in conjunction
with the pointed end trailing. If there is a sharp- until the patch has been in place long enough for
ended object (e.g., toothpick or needle) posi- effective blood levels of fentanyl to be reached.
tioned proximally, the grasping prongs can Water is generally offered 12 hours after bone
sometimes be used to cover it so that the removal, and soft food can be offered at 18 to 24
esophageal mucosa is protected, or the object can hours. If there is any concern about esophageal


FIGURE 4-19 Esophageal foreign body (pork bone) in a 4-year-old 14-lb mixed-breed dog. The owner had given
the bone to the dog as a treat and observed frequent gagging episodes 1 hour later. Radiographs were not obtained
at the referring hospital until 3 days after bone ingestion. Clinical signs included intermittent gagging, salivation,
nausea, and regurgitation shortly after eating. A, Lateral thoracic radiograph showing a large irregular bone lodged
in the esophagus at the heart base. B, Endoscopic appearance of the bone. The bone had been lodged for 3 days
before examination. C, The bone was successfully retrieved. Severe esophageal trauma resulted from lodgment of
the bone and efforts to remove it. Postendoscopy treatment included sucralfate suspension, intravenous famotidine,
subcutaneous amoxicillin, butorphanol for pain, intravenous fluids, and NPO for 36 hours. Several follow-up
endoscopies were done over the following 2 weeks to examine for stricture formation. No stricture developed, and
the esophagus was grossly normal at 2 weeks. (From Tams TR: Endoscopic removal of gastrointestinal foreign
bodies. In Tams TR, ed: Small animal endoscopy, St. Louis, 1990, Mosby–Year Book.)

perforation, thoracic radiographs should be ESOPHAGEAL

obtained immediately and at 12 and 24 hours after NEOPLASIA AND
bone removal and compared with preprocedure PERIESOPHAGEAL
films. Pneumomediastinum, pneumothorax, or
pleural fluid may be present if there has been a
perforation. Most patients are discharged from the Esophageal neoplasia occurs uncommonly in dogs
hospital 1 to 4 days after the foreign body has been and cats. Malignant tumors of the esophagus
removed. include squamous cell carcinoma, osteosarcoma,
If there has been severe esophageal mucosal fibrosarcoma, and undifferentiated carcinoma.
damage, periodic endoscopic surveillance during Primary esophageal sarcomas are often associated
the first 1 to 3 weeks after a bone has been with Spirocerca lupi infections. Benign tumors are
removed is recommended to evaluate for stricture occasionally detected, commonly as incidental
formation. Once-weekly examination is usually findings at endoscopy or necropsy, and are usually
adequate. If damage has been particularly severe, leiomyomas. In cats, squamous cell carcinoma is by
the first examination should be done at 3 to 5 far the most common primary esophageal tumor.
days. Metastatic neoplasms to the esophagus that have

been reported include pulmonary alveolar car- Larval migration and worm nodules in the esopha-
cinoma, gastric carcinoma, thyroid carcinoma, gus can cause aortic aneurysms, spondylosis in adja-
mammary adenocarcinoma, and squamous cell cent vertebral bodies, esophageal granulomas, and
carcinoma. esophageal neoplasia. Fibrosarcoma and osteosar-
Esophageal neoplasia is discussed in detail in coma of the esophagus are often associated with
Chapter 11. Spirocerca lupi will be described in this S. lupi.An interesting feature of the spondylosis is that
section. Mass lesions arising from the periesophageal it forms immediately below vertebral bodies, with
tissues may cause esophageal obstruction by com- no bridging to another vertebral body until the dis-
pressing the walls of the esophagus. This type of ease is very advanced. Hypertrophic osteopathy has
obstruction is somewhat more common in cats been reported in cases of esophageal fibrosarcoma
than in dogs. Anterior mediastinal lymphoma is with and without pulmonary metastasis.
most common. Other causes include thymic Diagnosis of S. lupi esophageal granulomas may
masses, lymphadenopathy, and lung masses. I have be made by lesion appearance and location. Ova may
observed a cat with a periesophageal stricture and occasionally be identified in the feces. In one recent
pleural effusion that had an undifferentiated sar- report of seven cases, ova were found in the feces of
coma (based on cytologic analysis of the effusion). only two of the dogs. Six dogs had signs of
The endoscopic appearance associated with esophageal disease, and one dog did not. Four dogs
periesophageal compression includes normal had evidence on thoracic radiographs of a caudodor-
mucosa and collapsed walls. The characteristic sal mediastinal mass. Two of these dogs had spondyli-
sign is an inability to dilate the esophagus with air. tis of midthoracic vertebrae. Endoscopy identified a
It is often also difficult to advance the endoscope single esophageal nodule in five dogs, three nodules
through the narrowed esophageal lumen. in one dog, and six nodules in the other.
Disophenol had been the only anthelmintic
Clinical Signs proven effective against the adult stage of S. lupi. It
Esophageal tumors usually occur in older patients. is not effective against larval stages. Further, it is no
Many dogs and cats with primary esophageal tumors are longer available. Doramectin (Dectomax, Pfizer
asymptomatic until quite late in the course of the disease. Animal Health) has now been shown to be effec-
The diagnosis is often initially made as an inciden- tive in treatment of S. lupi. Treatment before
tal finding on survey thoracic radiographs that are doramectin became available was limited to surgi-
made for some other reason.When clinical signs do cal excision of the esophageal granulomas.
develop, they primarily include slowly progressive In the study cited here, doramectin was adminis-
regurgitation and inappetence. There also may be tered at a dosage of 90 µg/lb SQ every 2 weeks for
salivation, dysphagia, fetid breath, and weight loss. three treatments. Endoscopy was then performed at
Mediastinal lymphoma occurs most commonly 2, 4, and 6 weeks after treatment. Six weeks after
in young cats. Regurgitation occurs when the treatment, clinical signs had resolved in six dogs.
mass becomes large enough to compress the The esophageal lesions were completely resolved in
esophagus. Other potential signs include dyspnea four of the dogs and reduced in size in the other
from pleural effusion, a noncompressible cranial three dogs. Two dogs with incomplete resolution
thorax, and Horner’s syndrome. Diagnosis and were subsequently treated with doramectin admin-
treatment are discussed in Chapter 11. istered orally at 225 µg/lb daily for 6 weeks.
Spirocerca Lupi Esophageal nodules resolved in all dogs, as con-
S. lupi is a nematode parasite of dogs in the south- firmed by endoscopy, and there was no recurrence
ern United States. There is a developmental period at 3 years. No adverse clinical signs were noted.
of 6 months. The parasite lives in the wall of the
esophagus. The parasite lays eggs that pass into the
lumen of the esophagus and subsequently pass ESOPHAGEAL
through the GI tract and out of the body in the DISORDERS OF
feces. Coprophagic beetles ingest eggs, which then
hatch and encyst in the beetle. This stage is infec-
tive for dogs. Birds and rodents may act as transport Shar-peis have a high incidence of disorders of the
hosts. Following ingestion, the encysted larvae are GI tract. These include abnormal esophageal
freed and migrate through the wall of the stomach motility, hiatal hernias, inflammatory bowel dis-
and the aorta to the esophagus, where they mature. ease, and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.

Detailed radiographic studies on shar-peis have REFERENCES

shown that either segmental or generalized Bartges JW, Nielson DL: Reversible megaesophagus
esophageal hypomotility and esophageal redun- associated with atypical primary hypoadrenocorticism
dancy are commonly present. These signs are not in a dog. J Am Vet Med Assoc 201:889, 1992.
uncommon in clinically normal shar-peis, so they Berry WL: Spirocerca lupi esophageal granulomas in 7
may represent incidental findings in many cases. In dogs: resolution after treatment with doramectin, J Vet
one study 29 puppies were evaluated over 15 Intern Med 14:609, 2000.
months, beginning when they were 3 months Chacon MB, Uson JM, Vives MA, et al.: Gastro-
old. Of this group 69% had relatively slow stimula- esophageal reflux in canine clinical practice. Eur
tion of secondary waves of esophageal contraction, J Compar Gastroent 4(1): 25-29, 1999.
Geldof H, Hazelhaff B, Otten MH: Two different dose
48% had generalized poor esophageal tone or
regimens of cisapride in the treatment of reflux
motility, and 38% had esophageal redundancy.
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Esophageal redundancy appeared as a prominent dine, Aliment Pharmacol Ther 7:409, 1993.
ventral deviation of the esophagus in the cranial Guilford WG, Strombeck DR: Diseases of swallowing.
portion of the mediastinum. Sequential studies In Guilford WG, et al., eds: Strombeck’s small animal gas-
revealed apparent improvement with age in clini- troenterology, Philadelphia, 1996,WB Saunders.
cally normal puppies in which slow motility, in Guilford WG, Strombeck DR: Diseases of swallowing.
the absence of redundancy, was recognized on ini- In Strombeck DR, Guilford WG, eds: Small animal gas-
tial studies done at a young age. This study also troenterology, Davis, Calif, 1990, Stonegate.
evaluated nine shar-pei puppies with histories of Hedlund CS: Surgery of the esophagus. In Fossum TW,
either vomiting or regurgitation. Five of the nine ed: Small animal surgery, St. Louis, 1997, Mosby.
Johnson SE, Sherding RG: Diseases of the esophagus
puppies had a hiatal hernia, and two had mega-
and disorders of swallowing. In Birchard SJ, Sherding
RG, eds: Manual of small animal practice, ed 2,
These findings indicate that shar-peis with Philadelphia, 2000,WB Saunders.
signs consistent with upper GI dysfunction (e.g., Melendez LD, Twedt DC, Wright M: Suspected
regurgitation, dysphagia, salivation, vomiting) doxycycline-induced esophagitis with esophageal stric-
should be thoroughly evaluated for anatomic ture formation in three cats, Fel Pract 28(2):10, 2000.
abnormalities early in the course of the develop- Overholt BF: Photodynamic therapy and thermal treat-
ment of clinical signs, rather than receiving con- ment of esophageal cancer, Gastrointest Endosc Clin
servative symptomatic therapy for more than North Am 2:433, 1992.
several days to a few weeks. Initial diagnostic eval- Rallis T et al.: Persistent right aortic arch: does the
uation should include survey radiographs of the degree of esophageal dilatation affect long-term out-
come? A retrospective study in 10 dogs and 4 cats, Eur
neck and thorax. If megaesophagus is present,
J Compar Gastroent 5(1):29, 2000.
there is little need to perform contrast studies. If
Shelton GD: Disorders of muscle and neuromuscular
megaesophagus is not readily apparent, one should junction. In Birchard SJ, Sherding RG, eds: Saunders
perform barium swallows, looking for evidence manual of small animal practice, ed 2, Philadelphia, 2000,
of esophageal hypomotility and hiatal hernia. As WB Saunders.
previously described, it may be useful to apply Shelton GD, Schule A, Kass PH: Risk factors for
abdominal pressure in order to enhance move- acquired myasthenia gravis in dogs: 1, 154 cases (1991-
ment of the stomach into the thorax so that a her- 1995), J Am Vet Med Assoc 211(11):1428, 1997.
nia can be identified on spot films. Barium meals Shelton GD et al.: Acquired myasthenia gravis: selective
are used to evaluate esophageal motility further. involvement of esophageal, pharyngeal, and facial
If available either in-house or on a referral basis, muscles, J Vet Intern Med 4:281, 1990.
Sherding RG, Johnson SE, Tams TR: Esophagoscopy.
fluoroscopic studies are recommended. Endoscopy
Tams TR, ed: Small animal endoscopy. St. Louis, 1999,
also should be performed to evaluate for esophagi-
tis, to detect evidence of esophageal motil- Spielman BL, Shaker EH, Garvey MS: Esophageal for-
ity (pooling of fluid in the esophagus), and to eign bodies in dogs: a retrospective study of 23 cases, J
assess the appearance of the GEJ area and the Am Anim Hosp Assoc 28:570, 1992.

Stickle R et al.: Radiographic evaluation of esophageal Vigneri S et al.:A comparison of five maintenance ther-
function in Chinese Shar Pei pups, J Am Vet Med Assoc apies for reflux esophagitis, N Engl J Med 333:1106,
201:81, 1992. 1995.
Tams TR: Endoscopic removal of gastrointestinal for- Willard MD: Disorders of the oral cavity, pharynx, and
eign bodies. In Tams TR, ed: Small animal endoscopy, ed esophagus. In Nelson RW, Couto CG, eds: Essentials of
2, St. Louis, 1999, Mosby. small animal internal medicine, ed 2, St. Louis, 1998,
Tams TR: Reflux esophagitis. In Kirk RW, ed: Current Mosby.
veterinary therapy X, Philadelphia, 1989,WB Saunders.

Robert C. DeNovo

pyloric sphincter, which connects to the duode-
ANATOMY num. The primary function of the antrum is to
The stomach is a pouch-shaped organ positioned grind food into smaller particles, whereas the
transversely between the lower esophageal sphinc- pylorus limits the size of food particles that pass
ter (LES) and the pylorus. The stomach has four into the duodenum and prevents reflux of duode-
functionally distinct anatomic and functional nal contents into the stomach.
regions (Figure 5-1). The cardia, fundus, and body The stomach wall has three layers: the mucosa,
are located to the left of midline, whereas the the muscularis, and the serosa. The mucosa con-
antrum lies mostly in a transverse position to the sists of the surface epithelium, the glandular lam-
right of midline. Convergence of muscles of ina propria, and the muscularis layer. Columnar
the esophagus and stomach forms the gastric inlet surface epithelial cells of the mucosa secrete copious
or cardia. The main function of the LES and car- amounts of mucus and bicarbonate that protect
dia is to allow entry of ingesta into the stomach the underlying tissue from the damaging effects of
while preventing reflux of gastric contents into the luminal acid and proteolytic pepsin. The lamina pro-
esophagus. The fundus is the dome-shaped por- pria contains glands composed of columnar epithe-
tion of the stomach located left and dorsal to the lial cells that are functionally different in each part of
cardia. The fundus dilates during gastric filling the stomach. Glands in the cardia secrete mucus
to accommodate a volume of ingesta without and pepsinogens, whereas glands in the fundus and
increasing intragastric pressure. The body is the body have parietal cells that secrete hydrochloric
large middle portion of the stomach extending acid and chief cells that secrete pepsinogens.
from the cardia and fundus to the antrum. The These chemicals hydrolyze dietary proteins and
body stores ingesta and secretes hydrochloric acid, inactivate ingested microbes. Glands in the antrum
pepsin, and lipase for the initial phase of digestion. also secrete pepsinogens and mucus and contain
The distal third of the stomach is the tubular- specialized G cells that secrete gastrin, which is a
shaped antrum, which extends from the incisura potent secretagogue for acid production. The
angularis of the lesser curvature to the pylorus. muscularis consists of an inner circular and an
The pylorus is the most distal and narrowly tubu- outer longitudinal layer of smooth muscle, with a
lar part of the stomach. The pylorus is composed thin oblique muscle layer in between. The thick-
of a thick muscular wall to form the small-lumen ness of the muscular coat increases distally through



Fundus Pylorus Normal passage of ingesta into the stomach and
duodenum requires coordination of esophageal,

gastric, and duodenal motility. Esophagogastric


A Duodenum
Body and gastroduodenal motility is coordinated by the

esophageal myenteric plexus, which is continu-

ous with the gastric myenteric plexus, which is
continuous with that of the pylorus and small
intestine. Gastric storage, mixing, grinding, and
transport functions all require different types of
motility. Gastric filling stimulates stretch receptors
in the fundus and body to cause gastric relaxation,
facilitating reservoir function without causing
increased intragastric pressure. Mixing and grind-
Cardia ing of food and transport of liquid and small food
Fundus Pylorus particles to the pylorus occur as several peri-
B Duodenum staltic contractions per minute travel from the gas-
tric body to the antrum. As a peristaltic wave
approaches the pylorus, small amounts of liquid

chyme pass into the duodenum. The pylorus then


closes, and larger particles remain in the antrum

and gastric body for additional digestion. High
concentration of carbohydrate, protein, or fat
Incisura entering the duodenum stimulates pyloric closure
FULL STOMACH to slow gastric emptying and prevent small intes-
tinal overload.
FIGURE 5-1 Diagram of cross section of stomach
showing anatomic and functional regions. A, Empty
stomach. B, Full stomach, showing that increase in size
is due to changes in the proximal part of the stomach. THE GASTRIC
(From Guilford WG, Strombeck DR: Gastric structure MUCOSAL BARRIER
and function. In Guilford WG et al., eds: Strombeck’s
Small Animal Gastroenterology, ed 3, Philadelphia, 1996, The stomach is well protected from the damag-
WB Saunders.) ing effects of gastric acid, pepsin, bile acids, and
other digestive enzymes by a complex of physi-
cal and chemical components known as the gas-
tric mucosal barrier (GMB). The most superficial
component of the GMB is a thick mucus-
the stomach, reaching maximum thickness at bicarbonate layer secreted by gastric epithelial
the pylorus. The serosa is the outer layer of the cells. Surface mucus acts as a lubricant to prevent
stomach. mechanical damage. An underlying glycoprotein
The blood supply to the stomach is from the gel adheres to the mucosa and traps bicarbonate
celiac, hepatic, and splenic arteries.Venous return secreted by epithelial cells to maintain surface muco-
to the hepatic portal vein is through the gastro- sal pH above 6. This layer provides an electrical-
splenic and gastroduodenal veins. Gastric lymph chemical barrier to impede diffusion of luminal
empties into the cisterna chyli via the hepatic and acid and pepsin into the epithelium. Gastric
mesenteric lymph nodes. Extrinsic autonomic epithelial cells have low permeability to water and
innervation consists of sympathetic afferent and ions and have tight intercellular junctions, features
efferent fibers from the celiac plexus and parasym- that also inhibit diffusion of luminal chemicals
pathetic efferent fibers from the vagus nerves. The into the epithelium. Another important feature of
intrinsic myenteric plexus innervates the muscular the GMB is the ability of gastric epithelial cells to
and submucosal layers and functions to control continually and rapidly repair injured cells, a char-
mucosal secretion. acteristic known as epithelial restitution. In the

event of superficial mucosal injury, cells at the edge

BOX 5-1 Causes of Acute
of the damaged area migrate over the defect
within a few hours to prevent deeper damage to Vomiting
the mucosa. A dense network of submucosal cap- NON–LIFE-THREATENING
illaries supplies oxygen and nutrients to meet the Acute gastritis
high metabolic demands of mucus and bicarbon- Dietary indiscretion
ate secretion and of rapid cellular renewal. Perhaps Abrupt dietary change
the most important component of the GMB Ingested foreign material
is prostaglandin produced by the GI mucosa. Drugs (antibiotics, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory
drugs [NSAIDs])
Prostaglandin E increases mucus and bicarbonate
Ingested chemicals
secretion, regulates mucosal blood flow, stimulates
Ascaris infection (puppies)
epithelial cell growth, and inhibits acid secretion. Giardia
The collective effect is to enhance rapid epithelial Motion sickness
restitution, to prevent damage to the surface
mucosa, and to prevent progression of damage POTENTIALLY LIFE-THREATENING
deeper into the submucosa. Gastric-duodenal foreign body
Gastric-duodenal ulcer
DIAGNOSIS OF Canine parvovirus enteritis
Canine distemper virus enteritis
GASTRIC DISEASE Infectious canine hepatitis
History and Physical Leptospirosis
Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis
Acute gastric dilatation-volvulus
Vomiting is the predominant and most consistent Acute pancreatitis
sign of the patient with gastric disease; however, Acute renal failure
the vomiting patient is a diagnostic and therapeu- Acute hepatic failure
tic challenge. Many nongastric disorders cause Hypoadrenocorticism
vomiting (Boxes 5-1 and 5-2), and not all patients Pyometra
with gastric disease are observed to vomit. Peritonitis
Vomiting does not always indicate presence of a Sepsis
serious problem, but it is often the first sign of Salmon poisoning (Neorickettsia helminthoeca)
many life-threatening diseases such as parvovirus,
hemorrhagic gastroenteritis (HGE), pancreatitis, mary owner complaint. To avoid misinterpretation
intussusception, hypoadrenocorticism, and acute of clinical signs, the owner must be questioned
renal failure. For these reasons, a detailed history carefully to distinguish between what has been
and thorough physical examination are essential observed versus the owner’s interpretation of those
to determine if a serious problem exists and to observations. Characteristics helpful in differenti-
formulate a logical and economical diagnostic ating among vomiting, regurgitation, and dyspha-
plan. gia are listed in Table 5-1.
Clinical abnormalities in patients with primary Hematemesis and melena are commonly
gastric disease are usually nonspecific. Vomiting, caused by gastric bleeding from erosive or ulcera-
hematemesis, melena, anorexia, abdominal pain, tive gastric disease (Box 5-3) but can also be
and distention are the predominant signs of gastric caused by esophageal or small intestinal bleeding.
disease, whereas diarrhea and weight loss occur Digested blood in the vomitus is typical of gastric
less frequently. Vomiting is considered to be the bleeding, whereas fresh blood is more likely to be
hallmark of gastric disease. Unfortunately, most of oral or esophageal origin. Black stool can result
owners do not distinguish between vomiting and from bleeding from any portion of the upper GI
regurgitation when describing the problem and tract; however, gastric bleeding is the most com-
will also confuse vomiting with dysphagia, gag- mon cause of melena. Coagulopathy should always
ging, or coughing. Most patients that are diag- be ruled out in any patient with hematemesis or
nosed with esophageal disease at the University of melena.
Tennessee Veterinary Teaching Hospital initially Abdominal distention is a less common but
have vomiting instead of regurgitation as the pri- important sign of gastric disease. Acute abdominal

BOX 5-2 Causes of Chronic Vomiting

METABOLIC DISEASE Enterogastric reflux
Renal disease Gastric dilatation
Biliary disease Hiatal hernia
Hypoadrenocorticism Gastroesophageal reflux
Diabetic ketoacidosis Distal esophagitis
Heartworm disease (cats) Parasites
Partial obstruction Inflammatory bowel disease
Foreign body Obstruction
Mucosal hypertrophy Foreign body
Chronic nonspecific gastritis Neoplasia
Superficial, hypertrophic, atrophic Diffuse neoplasia
Helicobacter-associated gastritis Fungal disease
Mycotic gastritis Ileus
Parasites Chronic colitis
Physaloptera spp. Obstipation
Ollulanus spp.
Lymphosarcoma Vestibular disease
Adenocarcinoma Autonomic epilepsy
Benign gastric polyps Neoplasia
Gastric hypomotility

TABLE 5-1 Features of Dysphagia, Regurgitation, and Vomiting

Symptom Characteristics Significance
Dysphagia Difficult swallowing Localizes disease to oral cavity or pharynx
Repeated swallowing
Regurgitation Passive expulsion of nondigested food and fluid Localizes disease to esophagus
Occurs soon after meal
No prodromal nausea or retching
Vomiting Forceful expulsion of ingesta and/or fluid Localizes disease to stomach or proximal
Preceded by salivation, retching, abdominal intestine or caused by metabolic disease
No consistent temporal relation to eating

distention accompanied by unproductive retching, distention occur more gradually and include
particularly in larger-breed dogs, are cardinal signs ascites, peritonitis, organomegaly, tumor, Cushing’s
of gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV). In this syndrome, and obesity.
instance distention is primarily caused by air in the
stomach. Delayed gastric emptying, caused either
by pyloric outflow obstruction or by abnormal Laboratory Evaluation
gastric motility, is often characterized by postpran- Laboratory tests help to distinguish primary GI
dial distention from retention of fluid and ingesta causes of vomiting from metabolic causes and to
in the stomach. Nongastric causes of abdominal assess patient status for complications. Complete

BOX 5-3 Predisposing Causes of Gastric Erosive-Ulcerative Disease

Aspirin Piroxicam FACTORS
Phenylbutazone Naproxen Hypotension Surgery
Indomethacin Ibuprofen Shock Spinal cord disease
Ketoprofen Indoprofen Sepsis Gastric dilatation-volvulus
Meclofenamic acid Flunixin meglumine
CORTICOSTEROIDS Gastrin-secreting tumor
High dose, long duration Mast cell tumor
Associated with other risk factors Pyloric outflow obstruction—chronic gastric distention


Liver failure Renal failure Bile salts Foreign bodies
Hypoadrenocorticism Acute pancreatitis Pancreatic enzymes Alcohol
Neurologic disease Inflammatory bowel disease Lead Corrosive compounds


blood counts (CBCs) are often normal in patients fuse or protracted vomiting can cause significant
with primary gastric disease; however, a CBC can abnormalities. These changes, however, do not reli-
provide clues to the cause of vomiting. Chronic ably indicate the cause of the problem. Dehydration
gastric bleeding can result in nonregenerative is the most common problem caused by vomiting.
anemia, often with characteristics of iron deficiency Hypokalemia frequently occurs as a result of loss of
(microcytosis, hypochromasia, thrombocytosis). potassium both in the vomitus and urine, coupled
Acute gastric hemorrhage can cause either a regen- with lack of dietary intake. Hypochloremia occurs
erative or nonregenerative anemia, depending on from loss of chloride-rich gastric secretions and
severity and duration of bleeding. Parvovirus usu- from reduction of chloride reabsorption in the dis-
ally causes profound neutropenia, whereas other tal nephron that occurs when the patient is
enteric viruses cause no characteristic changes in hypokalemic. The acid-base status of the vomiting
the CBC. Acute pancreatitis, bacterial enterocolitis, patient can be acidotic, alkalotic, or normal depend-
and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) can cause a ing on the composition of the vomitus and the pres-
neutrophilic leukocytosis. Eosinophilia in the vom- ence of dehydration, lactic acidosis, or metabolic
iting patient can occur from parasitism, eosinophilic disease such as renal insufficiency. Many vomiting
gastroenteritis, and adrenocortical insufficiency. patients have normal acid-base status because of
Biochemical tests provide important diagnostic simultaneous loss of gastric hydrochloric acid and
and therapeutic information in the vomiting bicarbonate-rich duodenal juice. Others will have
patient. Normal biochemical test results eliminate metabolic acidosis caused by dehydration, prerenal
most metabolic causes of vomiting. One exception azotemia, and lactic acidosis from decreased tissue
is cortisol-dependent hypoadrenocorticism, in perfusion. Hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis indi-
which electrolyte concentrations are normal cates that loss of a substantial amount of gastric con-
despite the patient having clinical signs typical of tents has occurred and is most indicative of gastric
Addison’s disease. In this instance an adrenocorti- outflow obstruction. Duodenal or biliary obstruc-
cotropic hormone (ACTH) stimulation test is tion, acute pancreatitis, or renal failure can cause
needed to rule out hypoadrenocorticism as a cause similar imbalances from loss of large quantities of
of vomiting. Hypoproteinemia occurs infrequently gastric juice. If the vomiting patient is hyperkalemic,
as a result of chronic infiltrative or granulomatous hypoadrenocorticism and oliguric or anuric renal
disease such as gastric lymphoma, carcinoma, or failure are the most likely causes of the vomiting.
infection with Pythium spp. Urinalysis is useful to Occasionally, severe intestinal disease caused by
rule out nongastrointestinal causes of vomiting trichuriasis or by bacterial enterocolitis will mimic
such as renal failure and diabetic ketoacidosis. hypoadrenocorticism, causing a syndrome of vomit-
Vomiting of short duration does not change ing and diarrhea and hyponatremia-hyperkalemia
fluid, electrolyte, or acid-base balance, whereas pro- that is typical of hypoadrenocorticism.

Imaging dilation and GDV. This is best accomplished by com-

Survey and contrast radiographs are valuable when paring left and right lateral recumbent views (Figure
evaluating the patient with suspected gastric dis- 5-2, A and B). A stomach distended with fluid or
ease. Survey radiographs identify foreign bodies ingesta in a patient that has been fasted overnight
and gastric distention, displacement, or malposi- is indicative of delayed gastric emptying. Gastric
tion. Gastric distention with gas is common in an wall thickness, gastric ulcers, and gastric masses are
excited or struggling patient due to aerophagia or very difficult to accurately identify using sur-
in patients with dyspnea, but it can also occur with vey radiographs unless outlined by intraluminal
GDV. Simple aerophagia causes a large but nor- air. Pneumoperitoneum indicates rupture of a vis-
mally positioned and nontympanic stomach. GDV cus such as a penetrating gastric or intestinal ulcer,
causes a tense and malpositioned stomach in a abdominal infection with gas-forming bacteria, or
patient with signs of retching and vomiting. The less commonly from perforation of the vagina or
major radiographic feature of GDV is gas and uterus.
fluid distention of the stomach, with displacement Contrast radiographs of the stomach and duo-
of the pylorus dorsally and to the left. Radio- denum can be helpful when laboratory data and
graphic determination of the location of the pylorus is the survey radiographs have not revealed the cause
essential differentiating feature between simple gastric of vomiting. Gastric or intestinal foreign bodies,

FIGURE 5-2 Gastric dilatation-

volvulus. A, Left lateral
recumbent view of an 8-year-old
German shepherd with gastric
dilatation-volvulus. The stomach
is very distended with gas in the
fundus and the body. The pyloric
portion is fluid filled and not well
visualized. B, Right lateral
recumbent view of the same dog.
The stomach is distended with
gas. A fold of soft tissue (arrows)
separates the dorsally displaced,
gas-filled tubular pylorus (P) from
the dilated fundus of the stomach,
key findings that confirm the
presence of volvulus. The bowel is
displaced caudally and ventrally,
and the spleen is not identified
because of gastric malposition.
(Courtesy Dr.William Adams.)


masses, ulceration, or evidence of delayed gastric spheres. The primary function of the large spheres
emptying can usually be identified. Filling the is to detect GI tract obstruction, whereas the
stomach with air to provide negative contrast can smaller spheres provide a quantitative measure of
help to identify foreign bodies, gastric wall masses, gastric emptying rate and intestinal transit time of
or deep ulcers. Positive contrast gastrography using food. The rate of gastric emptying is calculated by
premixed barium sulfate is more reliable. Barium determining the percentage of markers that remain
should be given by stomach tube to the fasted in the stomach after a standard period of time and
patient; recommended doses are 4 to 6 ml/lb for comparing that percentage with reference ranges
small dogs and cats and 2 to 4 ml/lb for large dogs. provided by the manufacturer. Various radio-
Ventrodorsal, right lateral, and left lateral radio- graphic patterns showing selective movement or
graphs should be taken within 5 minutes of giv- retention of small versus large spheres or patterns
ing the barium and repeated in 20 to 30 minutes. that show a bunching of spheres are also used to
Liquid barium should be observed in the duode- identify and localize specific problems such as par-
num within 5 to 20 minutes, and the stomach tial obstruction. Use of these spheres is a practical
should be nearly empty within 3 hours. If barium diagnostic tool to evaluate gastric emptying of
does not enter the duodenum within 30 minutes, solids in dogs and cats. Patients with chronic vom-
or if the stomach remains barium filled with no iting, particularly those with chronic postprandial
evidence of peristalsis, a gastric motility disorder vomiting, recurrent bloating, or suspected radiolu-
or gastric outflow obstruction should be suspected cent foreign body, or patients with anorexia of
(Figure 5-3, A). The presence of a persistently nar- unknown cause are good candidates for a gastric
rowed stream of barium at the pylorus is suggestive motility study using BIPS.
of pyloric obstruction from hypertrophy, neopla- Gastric emptying of solids can also be evaluated
sia, or inflammatory disease (Figure 5-3, B and C). using fluoroscopy to observe movement of barium
Atropine, aminopentamide, ketamine, and xylazine mixed with food into the doudenum. Nuclear
will significantly slow gastric emptying, giving the scintigraphy is used to evaluate gastric emptying of
false impression of gastric outlet obstruction. If a liquids versus solids. These techniques are obvi-
tranquilizer is needed, acepromazine is recom- ously limited in availability to referral institutions,
mended. (See Chapter 2 for details on GI contrast whereas use of BIPS is practical for most veteri-
radiography.) nary practices. Ultrasonography has limited use in
Liquid barium contrast radiographs are most evaluating the stomach wall for abnormalities
useful to detect gross abnormalities of the gastric because of interference from air in the gastric
mucosa. This technique, however, is an insensitive lumen. Filling the stomach with water via gas-
indicator of gastric emptying of a meal when a tric tube helps to eliminate this problem and
functional gastric motility disorder or partial improves sonographic visualization of the gastric
obstruction in the stomach or bowel is suspected. wall. (See Chapter 2 for a discussion on GI ultra-
This limitation, in addition to the difficulty sonography.)
encountered in administering barium by orogas-
tric tube, the need for multiple radiographs to be
taken at specific times, the risk of barium aspira- Endoscopy
tion, and the inaccuracies in interpretation of Gastroduodenoscopy (Figure 5-4, A and B; see
results have led to the development of a new color plate) is the most useful method available for
method to evaluate GI motility. the diagnosis of gastric disease because it allows
Barium-impregnated polyethylene spheres direct visualization and biopsy of the surface of the
(BIPS)* are commercially available radiopaque stomach and duodenum. Small lesions not
markers that are given orally to quantitatively detected by radiographs can usually be seen with
measure the gastric emptying rate and intes- an endoscope, foreign bodies can be removed, and
tinal transit time of food. Diagnostic sets of BIPS biopsy specimens can be obtained. Because histo-
consist of multiple (30 1.5-mm spheres and 10 logic lesions can be present in a normal-appearing
5.0-mm spheres) contained within gelatin capsules stomach or duodenum, multiple biopsy specimens
that dissolve in the stomach and release the should always be obtained, even if the gross
appearance is normal. If endoscopy is not available,
exploratory surgery must be done to remove
Medical ID Systems Inc., Grand Rapids, MI, 49512. foreign bodies and to obtain biopsy specimens.

FIGURE 5-3 Delayed gastric emptying. A, Right lateral recumbent radiograph of a 5-year-old, 16-lb
female/spayed (F/S) Chihuahua-mix with chronic intermittent vomiting caused by antral pyloric hypertrophy. The
stomach is distended with liquid barium, most of which is retained in the stomach 5 hours after administration.
B, Ventrodorsal radiograph showing a narrowed pyloric antrum. Filling defects (arrows) caused by antral
hypertrophy were consistent throughout the series of radiographs. C, Close-up ventrodorsal view of the pyloric
region. Hemispheric filling defects (black arrows) protruding into the lumen cause an annular stricture of the pyloric
sphincter. A faint narrow stream of barium (beak sign) (white arrows) can be seen passing through the partially
obstructed pylorus into the duodenum. D, Endoscopic appearance of the pylorus showing circumferential
thickening and bulging of a masslike lesion of the pylorus. The pylorus was rigid, and the endoscope could not be
passed into the duodenum. Endoscopic biopsy revealed mild lymphocytic-plasmacytic gastritis and mucosal
hyperplasia. A Y-U antral advancement flap pyloroplasty was done, and excisional biopsy confirmed the presence of
hypertrophic gastropathy.

FIGURE 5-4 Normal stomach. A, Endoscopic appearance of a normal stomach. The smooth, pale-pink rugal folds
of the greater curvature of the gastric body gradually become more linear distally at the junction with the pyloric
antrum. The incisura angularis appears as a curved fold located at the 12 to 3 o’clock position. B, Appearance of a
normal pyloric antrum (foreground) and pylorus (upper left). The antral mucosa is smooth, pale pink, and without
rugal folds. The closed pyloric orifice is located at the center of the converging mucosal folds. (See color plate.)

BOX 5-4 Causes of Acute Gastritis ACUTE GASTRITIS

Food sensitivity
Foreign body DISEASE
Acute gastritis occurs commonly in dogs and cats
Parvovirus and is caused by numerous factors that result in
Distemper gastric mucosal injury and inflammation. Dietary
Infectious hepatitis indiscretion, food intolerance, or allergy; ingestion
Coronavirus of foreign material, chemicals, and plant irritants;
Bacterial viral and parasitic infections; and drugs are causes
Helicobacter spp.* of acute gastritis (Box 5-4). Many patients, how-
Parasitic ever, respond to symptomatic treatment, and a
Physaloptera spp.* definitive cause of the acute gastritis is not identi-
Ollulanus spp.* fied. Repeated exposure to dietary antigens, drugs,
chemicals, toxins, or infectious agents is thought to
Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)*
initiate an allergic or immune-mediated response,
Corticosteroids* ultimately causing chronic gastritis. Diagnostic
features of acute nonspecific gastritis and gas-
CHEMICALS/TOXINS tric ulceration are listed in Tables 5-2 and 5-3,
Cleaning products respectively.
Ethylene glycol There are many causes of gastric erosion-ulcer
Herbicides (GEU) (see Box 5-3), and the signs can be acute
Fertilizers or chronic. Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs
Petroleum distillates (NSAIDs) continue to be one of the most com-
Organophosphates mon causes of GEU, particularly in dogs. Mucosal
Heavy metals
damage caused by NSAIDs is primarily the conse-
Plant toxins
quence of two effects: NSAIDs cause direct dam-
*Can cause chronic gastritis. age to the gastric mucosa, and more importantly

TABLE 5-2 Diagnostic Features of Acute Gastritis

History Acute onset of vomiting, often exacerbated by eating or drinking; diarrhea may be
Physical examination Usually normal findings; may be dehydrated or febrile
Laboratory Usually normal results; may reveal systemic disease, metabolic disease, electrolyte or
acid-base imbalance
Recovery Rapid response to symptomatic treatment (nothing by mouth [NPO], fluids,
antiemetics); often spontaneous recovery
Biopsy* Normal to mild inflammation (neutrophilic or lymphocytic); erosion or ulceration in
Biopsy is seldom necessary for the diagnosis of acute gastritis.

TABLE 5-3 Diagnostic Features of Gastric Erosion-Ulceration

History Intermittent vomiting; variable hematemesis or melena; acute onset of weakness or
collapse; recent nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) and/or corticosteroid
Physical examination Often normal findings; may have signs of anemia, abdominal pain, melena noted on
digital rectal examination.
Laboratory Anemia is common, ranging from regenerative to nonregenerative hypochromic
Biochemistry studies may reveal systemic disease such as renal failure, liver disease,
Radiography Survey radiographs are usually normal.
Peritonitis or pneumoperitoneum is indicative of perforation.
Endoscopy Appearance of benign ulcers varies from punctate superficial erosions to deep ulcer
crater with smooth margins. Malignant ulcers have thickened and irregular margins,
often associated with mass lesions. Biopsy deep into ulcer margin is needed to
differentiate benign from neoplastic lesions.

NSAIDs inhibit synthesis of gastroprotective combinations of NSAIDs and corticosteroids

prostaglandins. All commonly used NSAIDs, espe- develop endoscopically visible gastroduodenal
cially ibuprofen, piroxicam, and flunixin, have the hemorrhages, erosions, or ulcers (Figures 5-5 and
potential to cause GEU. Ibuprofen, which owners fre- 5-6; see color plate). Because these lesions are
quently give to their pets thinking it is safe, is particu- often clinically silent, the potential for severe and
larly dangerous because it undergoes enterohepatic sometimes fatal GI hemorrhage or perforation is
circulation, which significantly prolongs the half-life of frequently overlooked. Even the selective
the drug compared with humans; the same is true for cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitors have been
piroxicam. Flunixin has strong antiprostaglandin associated with GEU in dogs, although much less
potency and is often used in combination with frequently than with the nonselective NSAIDs.
corticosteroids and/or in conditions where there is Corticosteroids are another important category
hypoperfusion of the GI tract such as occurs with of drugs that increase the risk of GEU.
parvoviral enteritis and HGE and in the postoper- Corticosteroids decrease mucosal cell growth and
ative patient. Such patients are predisposed to mucus production and increase gastric acid secre-
GEU because of the effects of mucosal hypoperfu- tion. Use of corticosteroids alone is not usually ulcero-
sion, and the use of flunixin or corticosteroids genic; however, corticosteroids do enhance the damaging
compounds the risk of severe gastric ulceration effects of NSAIDs, hypotension, refluxed bile acids, and
and possible perforation. Most dogs treated with other factors of mucosal damage. Prednisolone is usu-

FIGURE 5-5 NSAID-induced ulcerative gastritis.

Diffuse ulcerative gastritis in a 9-year-old German
shepherd–mix with degenerative joint disease. The dog
was being treated with aspirin (325 mg 2 times a day).
Treatment began 2 months before presentation, but
clinical signs of weakness, vomiting, melena caused by
acute gastrointestinal blood loss, and anemia did not
occur until the day of presentation. (See color plate.)

ally not a problem unless used in very high dosages

(e.g., greater than 2 mg/lb/day) for more than a
few days. There is no doubt, however, that high
dosages of dexamethasone can cause significant
GEU, especially if other factors of mucosal damage
are present.
Many metabolic diseases predispose to GEU, espe-
cially chronic liver disease, renal disease, and hypoadre-
nocorticism. Liver insufficiency results in decreased FIGURE 5-6 NSAID-induced gastric ulcer.
gastric mucus production, decreased gastric A, Gastric ulcer in pyloric antrum of a 5-year-old
epithelial cell renewal, and decreased gastric blood Welsh corgi that had been treated for back pain with
flow. These factors, coupled with an increase in ibuprofen (325 mg every day for 5 days). The dog had
an acute onset of vomiting and an episode of melena
serum bile acid concentration that stimulates gas-
on the day of presentation. B, Healing gastric ulcer in
trin and gastric acid secretion, can cause significant
the same patient after 7 days of treatment with
GEU. Injury to gastric epithelial cells and submu- omeprazole (0.3 mg/lb every day). (See color plate.)
cosal vessels by uremic toxins and by decreased
renal metabolism of gastrin account for GEU that
occurs in acute and chronic renal failure.
Adrenocortical insufficiency, in which mucosal or renal disease have been eliminated as causes of
damage is likely caused by hypotension and loss the clinical signs.
of vascular tone, is an infrequent cause of Hypotension from shock, sepsis, hypovolemia,
GEU. Although most dogs with hypoadreno- spinal trauma, and surgery are common but fre-
corticism do not have signs of GEU, this disor- quently unrecognized causes of GEU. The fundus
der should be considered in dogs that have and body of the stomach are very dependent on a
hematemesis or melena if drug therapy and liver rich submucosal blood supply to maintain mucosal

barrier function. Reduced blood flow to the gastric those not controlled with acid-suppressing drugs
mucosa impairs epithelial cell renewal. Endogenous alone can be treated with octreotide (Sandostatin),
vasoconstrictive catecholamines and corticosteroids an antisecretory drug that inhibits gastrin secretion.
that are secreted in response to hypotension further
potentiate ulcer formation, as will the administration
of exogenous corticosteroids. All critically ill patients, Medical Management
especially those with severe trauma, major surgery, organ Treatment of acute gastritis, erosions, and ulcera-
failure, or sepsis, should be considered likely candidates tion requires elimination of predisposing causes
for development of ulcers. and symptomatic-supportive therapy to enhance
Mast cell tumors (MCT), pancreatic gastrin- mucosal defenses (Box 5-5). In general, fluids are
secreting tumors (gastrinomas), and pancreatic given to prevent dehydration and to maintain
polypeptide-secreting tumors can cause severe mucosal perfusion. Oral intake should be stopped
gastritis and significant GEU. MCTs, even those until vomiting resolves. Parenteral or enteral nutri-
benign-looking subcutaneous lumps that at first tion should be given to patients in poor nutri-
glance appear to be nothing more than a lipoma, tional condition (see Chapter 12), and blood
can release excessive amounts of histamine that transfusion is given to patients with severe anemia
stimulate hypersecretion of gastric acid, which and evidence of ongoing GI bleeding. Surgical
subsequently damages the gastric and duodenal treatment is indicated when uncontrolled hemor-
mucosa. Most dogs with MCT do not have clini- rhage or perforation is suspected.
cal signs of GEU at the time of diagnosis. Drugs used for nonspecific medical manage-
However, surgical manipulation or aggressive pal- ment of gastritis and GEU include H2-receptor
pation can cause massive mast cell degranulation antagonists, proton pump inhibitors, cytopro-
and release of histamine. Corticosteroids, which tective agents, and prostaglandin analogues (Table
are sometimes used to treat MCT, can further pre- 5-4) and antiemetics (Table 5-5). The drugs listed
dispose to GEU and occasionally cause gastric in Table 5-4 were developed primarily for the
perforation. treatment of gastric ulcer disease. However, they
Gastrinomas are small pancreatic tumors that are very useful to treat a broad variety of disorders,
secrete large amounts of gastrin, a trophic hor- including esophagitis, gastritis, and GI bleeding, as
mone that stimulates growth of gastric mucosa and well as GEU. Suppression of gastric acid promotes
secretion of excessive gastric acid. Severe gastro- healing of damaged mucosa and diminishes the
esophageal reflux, esophagitis, esophageal ulcera- proteolytic effects of gastric pepsin, which is most
tion, chronic gastritis, duodenitis, and proximal active in an acid environment. Cytoprotectants
duodenal ulceration will typically occur. Gastri- and prostaglandin analogues strengthen mucosal
noma should be considered in any adult dog that defenses. Promotility drugs reduce gastro-
has chronic vomiting, weight loss, diarrhea, esophageal and enterogastric reflux and help to
melena, and/or signs of esophagitis. Increased fast- control vomiting. Antiemetic therapies are
ing concentration of serum gastrin is diagnostic. designed to diminish either the humoral or neural
Other causes of increased gastrin concentration pathways of the vomiting and are recommended
that must be considered when interpreting serum for short-term use to provide patient comfort and
gastrin results include renal failure and conditions to reduce fluid and electrolyte losses.
that cause chronic gastric distention. In addition,
treatment with proton pump inhibitors (e.g., Antisecretory Drugs. Histamine, gastrin, and
omeprazole, lansoprazole) that have potent acid- acetylcholine stimulate the gastric parietal cell to
suppressing effects will cause increased gastrin pro- secrete acid; simultaneous stimulation by all three
duction because of the lack of negative feedback causes maximal acid secretion. H2-receptor antag-
of acid on gastrin-secreting cells in the pyloric onists competitively and reversibly bind to H2-
antrum. Treatment for gastrinoma requires tumor receptors on acid-producing gastric parietal cells
removal (partial pancreatectomy), which can be to block the acid-stimulating effects of histamine
curative if no metastasis has occurred. Medical man- and to render the cell less responsive to stimulation
agement requires use of the proton pump by acetylcholine and gastrin. Because these drugs
inhibitors such as omeprazole to maximally sup- are competitive inhibitors, they suppress but do
press acid secretion and control symptoms. Therapy not eliminate gastric secretion. The H2-receptor
is indefinite. Patients with metastatic disease and antagonists cimetidine, ranitidine, nizatidine, and

BOX 5-5 Symptomatic Management for Acute Gastritis and Gastric

Erosive-Ulcerative Disease
DIETARY Do not exceed 0.23 mEq potassium/lb/hr intra-
Nothing by mouth (NPO) for 24 to 48 hours. venously.
Feed small portions of a low-fat, single-source
protein diet starting 6 to 12 hours after vomiting ANTIEMETICS
has ceased. (See Table 5-5.)
Phenothiazines for 24 to 36 hours if vomiting is severe
FLUIDS or persistent. Do not use until dehydration is cor-
Deficits, maintenance, and ongoing losses must be rected.
provided parenterally: Metoclopramide may be more effective if gastric stasis
If dehydration is less than 5%, subcutaneous route is or ileus is suspected. Do not use if gastrointestinal
adequate. (GI) obstruction is suspected.
If dehydration is greater than 5%, or if vomiting is
persistent, intravenous route is recommended. ANTACIDS
Normal saline if electrolyte and acid-base status are (See Table 5-4.)
unknown. H2-receptor antagonists for 7 to 10 days, particularly if
hematemesis or melena is present.
POTASSIUM Omeprazole if severe erosive-ulcerative gastritis or
Supplementation is not necessary unless vomiting is esophagitis is suspected or if response to histamine
frequent and persists for more than 24 hours. H2-receptor antagonist therapy has been unsatisfac-
If serum potassium is not known, 20 mEq KCl tory.
added to 1 L of 0.9% saline can be used for
replacement and maintenance fluid therapy. PROTECTIVES
If serum potassium is known, supplement (See Table 5-4.)
according to: Sucralfate if oral medication does not stimulate
Potassium Added Misoprostol is indicated for patients with suspected
Serum Potassium per Liter nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID)-
(mEq/L) (mEq/L KCl) induced gastritis.

<2.0 80
2.0-2.5 60
2.5-3.0 40
3.0-3.5 30

famotidine are useful to treat gastritis and GEU in promote gastric emptying, which is helpful in con-
dogs and cats. All are effective and differ primarily trolling vomiting for patients with gastritis, and to
in acid-suppressing potency, frequency of dosing, decrease gastroesophageal and enterogastric reflux.
and in prokinetic effects. Cimetidine is the least Because of the dual prokinetic and acid suppression
potent and must be given three to four times daily effects of ranitidine, this drug is a good first-choice
to achieve adequate acid suppression. Ranitidine H2-receptor antagonist. The reported incidence of
and nizatidine both have about 5 times the side effects from H2-receptor antagonists is low, and
potency of cimetidine. Ranitidine must be given use of these drugs is safe in both dogs and cats.
twice daily, whereas nizatidine needs to be Cimetidine can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and
given only once daily. Famotidine is the most depression in dogs and cats. Because cimetidine and
potent H2-receptor antagonist, being approxi- ranitidine inhibit the same hepatic enzymes that
mately 20 times more potent that cimetidine, and metabolize drugs such as theophylline and warfarin,
requires only once-daily dosing. these drugs should not be given concurrently.
In addition to blocking acid secretion, ranitidine
and nizatidine have a prokinetic effect on the GI Proton Pump Inhibitors
tract. Both drugs increase acetylcholine, the primary Benzimidazole drugs such as omeprazole and lan-
stimulatory neurotransmitter of GI smooth muscle, soprazole block the hydrogen-potassium adenosine-
by inhibiting acetylcholinesterase. The effects are to triphosphatase (ATPase) enzyme of the gastric
TABLE 5-4 Drugs Used in the Treatment of Gastritis and Gastrointestinal Ulcer Disease
Generic Name Mechanism Product (Mfr) Dosage How Supplied Side Effects
H2 Receptor Decrease acid
Antagonists secretion
Cimetidine Tagamet 2.5-5.0 mg/lb q6h PO, IV, IM Tablet 200 mg Inhibition of hepatic

(GlaxoSmithKline) 300 mg microsomal enzymes; may

400 mg cause drug interactions;
800 mg mental depression

Liquid 60 mg/ml
Injection 150 mg/ml
Ranitidine Zantac 1.0 mg/lb q8-12h PO, IV, IM, SQ Tablet 150 mg Similar to cimetidine, but to

(GlaxoSmithKline) 300 mg lesser extent

Liquid 15 mg/ml
Injection 25 mg/ml
Nizatidine Axid (Lilly) 2.5 mg/lb qd PO Capsule 150 mg None reported
300 mg
Famotidine Pepcid (Merck) 0.25 mg/lb qd PO, IV Tablet 10 mg Similar to ranitidine
20 mg
40 mg
Liquid 8 mg/ml
Injection 10 mg/ml

Proton Pump Blocks acid

Inhibitor secretion
Omeprazole Prilosec (AstraZeneca) 20 mg qd PO (>45 lb) Capsule 10 mg Prolonged use can cause
10 mg PO (11-45 lb) 20 mg reversible gastric mucosal
5 mg PO (<11 lb) 40 mg hypertrophy
No clinically significant side
effects reported with short-
term (2-4 weeks) use
Mucosal Forms protective barrier CHAPTER 5
Protectant Inactivates pepsin
Adsorbs bile acids
Stimulates prostaglandins
Sucralfate Carafate (Hoechst 1 g/15 lb q6-8h PO Tablet 1 g Constipation
Marion Roussel)
Prostaglandin Cytoprotective:
Increases mucus and
bicarbonate secretion
Enhances mucosal blood
Decreases acid secretion
Misoprostol Cytotec (Searle) 1-2.5 µg/lb q8h PO Tablet 100 µg Diarrhea
200 µg Abdominal cramps

Metoclopramide Enhances gastric emptying; Reglan (Robins) 0.15-0.25 mg/lb q8h PO, SQ Tablet 5 mg Hyperactivity, constipation
antiemetic 0.5-1 mg/lb q24h IV 10 mg
Liquid 1 mg/ml
Injection 5 mg/ml
Erythromycin Accelerates gastric emptying Erythromycin 0.25-0.5 mg/lb q8h PO
of solids
H2-receptor Enhances gastric emptying Zantac 0.25-0.5 mg/lb q8h PO

antagonist and duodenal motility (Glaxo

Axid (Lilly)

PO, Orally; IV, intravenously; IM, intramuscularly; SQ, subcutaneously.


TABLE 5-5 Antiemetic Drugs and Dosages

Drug Primary Site of Action Dosage Side Effects
Prochlorperazine CRTZ 0.25 mg/lb q8h SQ, IM Hypotension
(Compazine, Vomiting center Sedation
Chlorpromazine CRTZ 0.15-0.25 mg/lb q8h SQ Hypotension
(Thorazine, Vomiting center Sedation
Yohimbine CRTZ 0.15-0.25 mg/lb q12h Hypotension
(Yobine, Lloyd Labs) Vomiting center SQ, IM Sedation
Diphenhydramine CRTZ 1-2 mg/lb q8h PO, IM Sedation
(Benadryl, Parke-Davis)
Dimenhydrinate CRTZ 2-4 mg/lb q8h PO Sedation
(Dramamine, Searle)
Haloperidol CRTZ 0.01 mg/lb q12h Sedation
(Haldol, Ortho-McNeil)
Metoclopramide CRTZ 0.15-0.2 mg/lb q6h PO, Extrapyramidal signs
(Reglan, Robins) GI smooth muscle SQ, IM
(facilitates gastric 0.5-1 mg/lb/day as
emptying) continuous IV infusion
Domperidone GI smooth muscle cells 0.05-0.15 mg/lb q12h None reported
(Motilium, Janssen) (facilitates gastric IM, IV
Cisapride (Propulsid, GI smooth muscle 0.05-0.25 mg/lb q8h PO None reported
Janssen) Myenteric neurons
(facilitates gastric
Scopolamine Vestibular system 0.02 mg/lb q6h SQ, IM Ileus
(Hyoscine, Fujisawa) CRTZ Xerostomia
Ondansetron CRTZ 0.05-0.15 mg/lb slow IV Sedation
(Zofran, GlaxoSmithKline) Blocks vagal afferent q8-24h or 30 minutes Head shaking
neurons before chemotherapy PO

CRTZ, Chemoreceptor trigger zone; SQ, subcutaneously; IM, intramuscularly; PO, orally; IV, intravenously.

parietal cell to profoundly and irreversibly inhibit Proton pump inhibitors are recommended for the
gastric acid secretion. Because these drugs block treatment of severe esophagitis and GEU that has
the final step of hydrogen ion secretion, they not responded to therapy with H2-receptor antag-
prevent secretion of gastric acid stimulated by onists and sucralfate. They are recommended as
histamine, acetylcholine, and gastrin. These the drugs of choice for treatment of patients with
drugs noncompetitively block the proton pump hypersecretion of gastric acid that occurs with
and therefore are much more potent than the MCT and gastrinoma. Omeprazole and lansopra-
H2-receptor antagonists. Proton pump inhibitors zole are similar in potency, are given once daily,
accumulate in the parietal cell and increase with cause no clinical, hematologic, or biochemical
each dose until acid secretion is almost totally abnormalities, and are safe to use in cats and dogs.
inhibited after the fifth dose. Because of this delay
in gastric acid suppression, H2-receptor antagonists Sucralfate
should be used concurrently with proton pump Sucralfate is a sulfated disaccharide–aluminum
inhibitors for the first 3 to 4 days of treatment in hydroxide complex that accelerates gastric
patients where rapid acid suppression is needed. mucosal healing by adhering to mucosal erosions

and ulcers to provide a barrier to acid penetra- receptors in the chemoreceptor trigger zone
tion. Sucralfate inactivates pepsin and adsorbs (CRTZ) of the medulla to inhibit vomiting induced
gastric-damaging bile acids refluxed from the duo- by drugs, toxins, metabolic disease, and acid-base
denum. Sucralfate also stimulates endogenous imbalances. Because serotonin receptors predomi-
prostaglandin synthesis in the gastric mucosa, nate in the CRTZ of the cat, metoclopramide does
resulting in increased secretion of mucus and bicar- not appear to be as effective as a centrally acting
bonate and accelerated ulcer healing. Sucralfate is antiemetic in the cat as in the dog. The prokinetic
effective at acidic to near neutral pH and can there- effect of metoclopramide is mediated through stim-
fore be used concurrently with antisecretory drugs ulation of serotonergic 5-HT4 receptors on GI
such as H2-receptor antagonists or proton pump smooth muscle to improve coordination of antral,
inhibitors. However, because sucralfate can adsorb pyloric, and duodenal contractions. The primary
other orally administered drugs, it should not be prokinetic effects are to accelerate gastric emptying
given within 2 hours of other oral drugs. Sucralfate of liquids and to decrease duodenogastric reflux,
is recommended for the treatment of esophagitis, whereas gastric emptying time of solids does not
gastritis, and gastric ulcer of any cause in dogs and appear to be shortened.
cats. Its safety is well established, with constipation Metoclopramide is more effective as a centrally
being the only reported side effect. acting antiemetic than it is as a prokinetic drug. It is
best used to control vomiting caused by nonspecific
Synthetic Prostaglandins gastritis, uremia, and chemotherapy. The peripheral
Synthetic prostaglandin analogues such as miso- effects of metoclopramide to prevent gastric stasis
prostol have been developed that impart protection and duodenogastric reflux, and to inhibit retrograde
to gastric mucosa in a manner similar to endoge- peristalsis that precedes vomiting, further help to
nous prostaglandins. Misoprostol stimulates gastric diminish the severity of vomiting. Metoclopramide
mucus secretion, increases bicarbonate secretion, is administered parenterally to the vomiting patient
increases gastric mucosal blood flow, and inhibits at 0.1 to 0.25 mg/lb body weight every 8 hours.
gastric acid secretion. Because most NSAIDs Constant intravenous infusion of 0.5 to 1.0 mg/lb
inhibit the production of endogenous prostaglan- body weight per 24 hours is usually more effective
dins, treatment with misoprostol helps to prevent to initially control vomiting, particularly in patients
gastric ulceration in patients in which chronic with severe vomiting. Metoclopramide should not
NSAIDs are used to control inflammation and pain be used if gastric outlet obstruction or GI perfora-
from degenerative joint disease. Clinical studies of tion is suspected or if the patient has a seizure dis-
human and canine arthritic patients have shown order. Some patients are very sensitive to the effects
misoprostol to be effective in preventing NSAID- of this drug and will actually have increased vomit-
induced gastric hemorrhage, erosion, or ulceration. ing, presumably caused by excessive gastric contrac-
Diarrhea, vomiting, and transient abdominal dis- tions. Central effects of metoclopramide can also cause
comfort are potential side effects, particularly if behavioral changes in some patients, ranging from lethargy
used above the recommended dosage range of 1 to in some to hyperactivity and agitated behavior in others.
1.5 µg/lb every 12 hours. No adverse hematologic These effects can occur at recommended dosages
or biochemical effects have been reported with the and occur most frequently in cats. Pacing, vocaliza-
use of misoprostol in dogs; similar information in tion, aggressive or agitated behavior, chewing at an
cats is lacking. Misoprostol will cause abortions and intravenous catheter, and excessive panting are signs
should not be used in pregnant patients. that should alert the clinician to sensitivity to or
overdosage of metoclopramide. Side effects usually
Prokinetic Drugs resolve when the drug is discontinued. However, if
Prokinetic drugs have no direct healing effect on central nervous system (CNS) signs are severe, treat-
gastric erosion or ulcer. However, these drugs ment with diphenhydramine (Benadryl) at 1 to 2
improve gastric emptying and decrease enterogastric mg/lb intravenously will effectively reverse the side
reflux, thereby helping to prevent damage to the effects without altering promotility effects of the
gastric mucosa from refluxed bile acids and pancre- drug. Because metoclopramide is excreted by the
atic enzymes. Metoclopramide is especially effective kidneys, the dosage should be reduced by 50% in
because it has both central antiemetic and peripheral patients with renal failure.
gastric prokinetic effects. The antiemetic effect is Cisapride is a serotonergic agonist that binds
mediated through antagonism of dopaminergic D2 to 5-HT4 receptors on enteric postganglionic

cholinergic neurons to increase release of acetyl- Summary

choline and stimulate GI smooth muscle contrac- In general, H2-receptor antagonists and/or sucral-
tion. Unfortunately, cisapride has been taken off fate are effective first-choice drugs in treating
the market in the United States because of an asso- gastritis, erosions, and ulcers. Although the effec-
ciation with fatal arrhythmias in humans. No tiveness of these drugs in preventing GEU in
reports of similar complications occurring in the the dog and cat is not known, treatment with these
dog or cat exist. The future availability of this drug drugs should be considered for patients with
for veterinary use is uncertain, which is unfortu- disorders such as immune hemolytic anemia or
nate because cisapride does have distinct advan- immune thrombocytopenia that require treatment
tages compared with metoclopramide. However, it with high-dose and/or potent corticosteroids.
is currently readily available through compound- Omeprazole should be considered for those
ing pharmacies. Cisapride does not cross the patients not responding to first-line treatment and
blood-brain barrier; therefore it does not have the for those patients with hypersecretory disorders
central antiemetic properties or CNS side effects such as gastrinoma. Misoprostol is indicated for
of metoclopramide. Consequently, animals that patients that require chronic NSAID treatment
experience metoclopramide-associated CNS side and possibly for the critically ill patient where
effects can be switched to cisapride without con- endogenous prostaglandin production might
cern that the same side effects will occur. Cisa- be impaired. The duration of treatment with these
pride accelerates gastric emptying by stimulating drugs varies depending on the underlying cause.
both pyloric and duodenal motor activity, by In most patients, treatment with antiulcer medica-
enhancing antropyloroduodenal coordination, and tions for 2 to 3 weeks is adequate, providing that
by increasing the propagation distance of duodenal predisposing causes of GEU have been eliminated.
contractions. As a result, this drug is much more
effective than metoclopramide in enhancing gas-
tric emptying, particularly that of solids. In Chronic Gastritis
addition, cisapride stimulates smooth muscle con- Chronic gastritis appears to occur frequently in
traction throughout the GI tract, from the distal the dog and cat; however, the true prevalence is
esophagus to the colon. In species such as the cat unknown. More frequent use of endoscopy has led
that have a smooth muscle component to the dis- to a significant increase in the diagnosis of chronic
tal esophagus, distal esophageal contraction and gastritis, the causes of which include food allergy,
gastroesophageal sphincter tone are enhanced. chronic NSAID therapy, and bacterial, parasitic, or
The effect of stimulating motility in the small fungal infection. Infection with gastric spiral bac-
intestine and colon has made this drug especially teria (Helicobacter spp.) in particular appears to be a
useful for the treatment of constipation and mega- common cause of chronic gastritis in dogs and
colon. cats. In general the causes of chronic gastritis are
Erythromycin is a macrolide antibiotic that also similar to those of acute gastritis. In many
generates prokinetic effects on the GI tract by stim- instances, gastric inflammation is confirmed with
ulation of motilin receptors in GI smooth muscle. biopsy; however, a specific cause cannot be identi-
The primary effect is to stimulate gastric antral fied. In this circumstance the histologic findings,
contractions similar to those that occur during although nonspecific, might point to an etiologic
phase III of the migrating myoelectric complex diagnosis and assist in making therapeutic and
(MMC). Normally phase III contractions occur prognostic decisions (Table 5-6).
during the interdigestive phase rather than in the Chronic gastritis is characterized clinically by
fed phase and act primarily to empty the stomach intermittent episodes of vomiting, sometimes with
of larger indigestible solids. As a result, erythromy- acute episodes, that have not responded to symp-
cin accelerates gastric emptying of solids. Because tomatic treatment. Other signs are nonspecific and
of this action, it should be given during the include inappetence, anorexia, weight loss, and
fasted state and not until several hours after a meal abdominal pain. Hematemesis and melena occur if
has been eaten. The prokinetic dose for erythro- GEU or neoplasia is present. Diarrhea is uncom-
mycin (0.25 to 0.5 mg/lb orally every 8 hours mon unless the patient has inflammatory bowel
for dogs and cats) is much lower than the antimi- disease. Diagnosis is based on laboratory tests to
crobial dose, so side effects such as vomiting are exclude metabolic causes of chronic vomiting,
uncommon. radiography, sonography, and endoscopic or surgi-

TABLE 5-6 Histologic Classification of Chronic Gastritis

Predominant Histologic Type* Possible Causes to Consider
Eosinophilic Immune response to dietary antigens, parasites, foreign material
Idiopathic eosinophilic gastroenteritis
Mast cell tumor
Granulomatous Chronic infections
Immune response to foreign material
Chronic nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) therapy
Lymphocytic-plasmacytic Helicobacter (lymphoid nodules in some)
Immune response to dietary antigens
Idiopathic lymphocytic-plasmacytic gastroenteritis
Many gastric diseases cause mixed inflammatory cell reaction.

cal biopsy. Laboratory abnormalities that might findings of gastritis. H. felis, H. heilmannii, and
occur are nonspecific and include anemia, leuko- H. pylori are the most common types found in cats.
cytosis, eosinophilia, and hypoproteinemia. Survey The reported prevalence of gastric Helicobacter
radiographs help to identify gastric foreign bodies infection is high in clinically normal dogs and
but seldom identify primary gastric lesions. cats, as well as in dogs and cats with signs of gas-
Contrast radiographs may show a thickened gastric tritis. In our hospital approximately 50% of dogs
wall, mucosal ulceration, mass lesions, or evidence and cats that have had gastroscopy to determine
of delayed gastric emptying. the cause of chronic vomiting are infected with
Specific Causes of Chronic Gastritis Despite the high incidence of infection, most
Helicobacter-associated Gastritis dogs and cats infected with Helicobacter are not symp-
Spiral bacteria of the genus Helicobacter infect the tomatic for gastritis. However, some infected animals
stomachs of many mammalian hosts, including are symptomatic, a situation similar to that observed
humans, dogs, and cats. These gram-negative spiral in humans. These observations pose the obvious
organisms characteristically produce urease, an question, Does infection cause disease? Most evidence
enzyme that helps these organisms to adapt to the indicates that certain Helicobacter spp. do cause dis-
gastric environment and can be used diagnostically ease, although the incidence of disease is much lower
to confirm infection. In humans, infection with than the incidence of infection. A few anecdotal
Helicobacter pylori has been shown to be the pri- reports exist that describe resolution of Helicobacter-
mary cause of chronic gastritis and of gastric and associated clinical gastritis following treatment with
duodenal ulcer disease and has been identified as a various combinations of antimicrobial-antacid ther-
predisposing cause of gastric carcinoma and apy. These reports are limited by having small
mucosal lymphoma. Several species of Helicobacter numbers of patients, by lack of biopsy-confirmed
are commonly found in the stomachs of dogs and resolution of gastritis, and by lack of clinical con-
cats, and although the entire clinical significance of trols. Perhaps the most compelling evidence of
Helicobacter infection in these species is not known, cause and effect is in a study of 100 animals (62
evidence indicates that infection is a cause of dogs and 38 cats) with clinical signs of gastritis.
chronic gastritis in dogs and cats. Helicobacter spp. were found in 63 animals (43 dogs
Helicobacter heilmannii, Helicobacter felis, Helicobacter and 20 cats), 62 of which had histologically con-
bizzozeronii, and Helicobacter salomonis are the most firmed gastritis. Treatment of infected animals
common types found in dogs, having been identi- with antibiotics plus antacids was associated with
fied in clinically normal dogs, as well as in dogs with resolution of clinical signs in more than 90% of the
clinical signs of chronic gastritis and with histologic affected animals. Of 19 animals in which biopsy

was performed after treatment, 14 were negative designed to noninvasively detect infected patients
for organisms and histologic gastritis had resolved and to monitor treatment efficacy. Limited clinical
in all. Other studies of experimental infection in application indicates that this test might eventually
dogs and cats have confirmed that Helicobacter be useful in dogs and cats. Measurement of
spp. can induce a lymphocytic gastritis in these humoral IgG to H. pylori is a sensitive, specific, and
species. In our hospital, many patients evaluated noninvasive method of diagnosis in humans.
for clinical signs of gastritis have biopsy-confirmed Naturally and experimentally infected dogs and
Helicobacter infection associated with lymphocytic cats also produce antibody titers; however, a sero-
gastritis, where no other cause for the gastritis logic test has not been available for use in dogs and
or clinical signs can be found. Symptoms and his- cats. Most species of Helicobacter are very difficult
tologic disease have resolved in most, but not to culture, and this method is not recommended
all, following combination antibiotic-antacid for diagnosis. Electron microscopy, polymerase
therapy. chain reaction, and in situ hybridization are tech-
Diagnosis of Helicobacter infection is confirmed by niques used to identify species and subspecies.
gastric cytologic findings or results of biopsy. Cytologic Endoscopic appearance of suspected Helicobacter-
analysis of gastric mucosal biopsy impression associated gastritis is variable, ranging from a normal-
smears stained with new methylene blue is a sen- appearing mucosa to mucosal hyperemia to
sitive test to confirm presence of Helicobacter punctate erosions. Some patients will have a diffuse
organisms. Cytologic findings obtained by endo- nodular gastritis with a raised follicular appearance
scopic brush of the gastric mucosa are less sensi- (Figure 5-7; see color plate) caused by accumula-
tive. Routine hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stain tions of lymphocytes. Histologic findings associated
histopathologic study is usually adequate to iden- with Helicobacter in humans, dogs, and cats vary in
tify the organisms in gastric biopsy specimens. Use severity from mild vacuolization of surface epithe-
of a silver stain (e.g., Warthin-Starry stain) is best, lium to lymphocytic-plasmacytic or neutrophilic
especially to identify organisms located in the mucosal inflammation. Lymphoid nodules occur in
deeper areas in the gastric glands and mucosa. more severely affected patients. Infected dogs and
Biopsy specimens obtained by endoscopy can cats that have mild histologic gastritis are often non-
be rapidly tested for urease production by placing symptomatic, whereas those with moderate to
the biopsy sample in a medium containing urea severe histologic gastritis are symptomatic.
and a pH indicator. Urease-producing Helicobacter Uncertainty regarding the pathogenicity of
organisms in the specimen convert urea to ammo- Helicobacter infection in dogs and cats raises another
nia, causing a color change in the medium. fundamental question for the clinician: Should
Commercial test kits are used routinely in humans Helicobacter infection be treated? Based on cur-
to rapidly screen endoscopic biopsy samples for rent information and clinical experience, a logical
Helicobacter (CLO Test*). These tests are sensitive approach to this question is to first rule out other
and specific for Helicobacter and work well to causes of chronic vomiting. Anthelmintic treat-
detect infection in dogs and cats. In our hospital, ment for gastric nematodes (refer to the discussion
gastric biopsy specimens from all dogs and cats of parasitic gastritis), followed by a complete blood
undergoing gastroscopic examination for vomiting count (CBC), biochemical profile, urinalysis, and
are screened for the presence of urea-producing abdominal radiographs, should be done initially.
organisms using this type of test, in addition to Endoscopic biopsy to confirm the presence of
doing cytologic studies of gastric biopsy specimens both Helicobacter infection and gastritis should
or mucosal brushings. If cytologic examination then be considered. In our hospital, treatment
reveals the presence of spiral organisms and the for Helicobacter is recommended for dogs and cats
urea test is positive, treatment for Helicobacter is in which biopsy has confirmed the presence of
started pending histopathologic results. If no other Helicobacter-associated gastritis for which no other
cause of vomiting is revealed by histopathologic cause of the clinical signs can be identified. For
studies, treatment for Helicobacter is continued for symptomatic patients in which endoscopy is not
at least 14 days. (See the following discussion.) an option, the question that frequently arises
Urease production by Helicobacter spp. is also the is, Should the patient be treated empirically for
basis for the carbon-14 breath test, which was Helicobacter-associated gastritis? This issue is debat-
able. If the patient is not systemically ill and is not
Trimed Specialties, Lenexa, Kan. losing weight, and if metabolic causes of chronic

Treatment of Helicobacter is difficult because the

organism quickly develops resistance to most antibi-
otics when used as a single-drug treatment. Many
regimens have been developed to treat Helicobacter
gastritis in humans, using one to three antibiotics in
combination with an antisecretory drug and/or a
bismuth-containing compound. Acid suppression
renders the organism more susceptible to the effects
A of antibiotics, and bismuth has antimicrobial activ-
ity against Helicobacter. Multiple-drug therapy using
various combinations of metronidazole or bismuth
with an antibiotic (tetracycline, amoxicillin, or
azithromycin) and an antisecretory drug (H2-
receptor antagonist or omeprazole), given for 10 to
14 days, is considered to be the most effective treat-
ment in humans. However, compliance and side
effects are limitations to these multidrug treat-
ments. Dual-therapy protocols using amoxicillin-
omeprazole or azithromycin-omeprazole for 10 to
14 days are similar in efficacy to the three- or four-
drug protocols in humans. Several two-, three-, and
four-drug protocols have been extrapolated for use
in dogs and cats. In my experience, dual therapy
using amoxicillin or azithromycin in combination
with omeprazole for 14 days is effective, well
tolerated, and economical. The following is a
suggested protocol for treatment of dogs and cats:
● Amoxicillin (10 mg/lb every 8 hours) plus
omeprazole (0.35 mg/lb every 24 hours) is
given for 14 days.
● Azithromycin (2.5 mg/lb every 24 hours for
cats, 5 mg/lb every 24 hours for dogs) can be
substituted for amoxicillin if incomplete
response or relapse appears to have occurred.
● Metronidazole (5 mg/lb every 8 hours) can be
FIGURE 5-7 Helicobacter gastritis. A, Endoscopic view
of the gastric body and incisura in a 3-year-old English
added to either of the above treatments to treat
bulldog with chronic intermittent vomiting. Raised suspected relapse for an additional 7 to 14 days.
nodules, some with a central reddened craterlike
appearance, were present throughout the body and
Parasitic Gastritis
antrum. B, Endoscopic view of the pyloric antrum Gastric parasites have generally been regarded to be
from the same dog showing a diffusely nodular mucosa. an infrequent cause of clinical disease in dogs and
The pylorus is seen distally in the center of the image. cats. Infrequency of diagnosis might be explained in
Biopsy revealed the nodules to be accumulations of part by difficulty finding the ova or adult parasites.
lymphocytes. Urease-positive Helicobacter organisms were Diagnosis of Physaloptera rara in the dog by fecal
present on the surface musosa and extending into the flotation is difficult because few ova are shed.
gastric pits. Clinical signs resolved after treatment with Diagnosis of Ollulanus tricuspis, the gastric nematode
omeprazole (0.3 mg/lb every day) in combination with of cats, is also difficult and requires examination of
amoxicillin (10 mg/lb 2 times a day) for 14 days. (See the vomitus for adult parasites. The increased use of
color plate.)
endoscopy in chronically vomiting animals has
vomiting and GI foreign body have been ruled revealed that gastric nematodes might be a more
out, a 14-day therapeutic trial for Helicobacter- common cause of chronic gastritis than was once
associated gastritis is a therapeutically and eco- thought. In our hospital, gastric parasites have been
nomically reasonable approach. diagnosed via endoscopy in several dogs and cats

with chronic vomiting where the only abnormality appearance. Diffuse superficial gastritis is characterized
found was a single parasite attached to the gastric by mucosal infiltrate with lymphocytes and plasma
mucosa. Treatment for these parasites has resolved cells, often involving full thickness of the mucosa.
the clinical signs. Adult worms are easily identified Atrophic gastritis is characterized by severe inflamma-
as 1- to 4-cm-long nematodes in the fundus or tory infiltrate with reduced mucosal parenchyma and
antrum, but the smaller larvae are difficult to visu- loss of gastric glands and prominent fibrosis.
alize. Some parasitized animals have gastric erosions Hypertrophic gastritis is characterized by diffuse or
and moderate lymphocytic-plasmacytic or eosino- focal mucosal hypertrophy with variable inflamma-
philic gastritis. Because nonendoscopic diagnosis is tory infiltrate and fibrosis (see discussion of pyloric
difficult, it is advisable to treat chronically vomiting mucosal hypertrophy). Plasmacytic-lymphocytic
dogs and cats that are not systemically ill for gastric gastritis usually occurs as part of the more diffuse
parasites before recommending extensive diagnostic syndrome of IBD and likely has a similar etiopatho-
tests and endoscopy. Treatment with a single dose genesis. A permeability defect in the gastric mucosal
of pyrantel pamoate (2.3 mg/lb orally) eliminates barrier, possibly caused by dietary sensitivity, drug-
Physaloptera from dogs, whereas cats require two induced damage, or infection, might allow abnormal
doses (2.3 mg/lb) given 3 weeks apart. Treatment absorption of luminal antigens into the mucosa,
for Ollulanus is uncertain; however, fenbendazole thereby initiating an immune-mediated response.
(4.5 mg/lb every 24 hours for 2 days) appears to be Clinical, laboratory, and radiographic findings are
effective in cats. nonspecific, and diagnosis is based on results of
Chronic Gastritis of Unknown Cause biopsy. Severe lymphocytic infiltrate can sometimes
Lymphocytic-plasmacytic gastritis is a common his- be difficult to distinguish from gastric lymphoma,
tologic diagnosis characterized by gastric mucosal particularly when evaluating small endoscopic
infiltrate with lymphocytes and plasma cells, but biopsy specimens. Treatment is essentially sympto-
without evidence of an underlying cause. Three matic, centering on dietary protein change coupled
types have been described based on histologic with immunosuppressive therapy (Box 5-6).

BOX 5-6 Symptomatic Management of Chronic Gastritis of Unknown

DIETARY gastritis of unknown etiology; or if no response to
Feed diet containing a protein novel for that patient controlled diets, protectants, and antibiotics.
(e.g., fish, venison, rabbit) for 2 to 4 weeks. Prednisone dose: 0.5-1.0 mg/lb q12h for 1 to 2
Depending on response, continue or change to weeks.
another diet with a different protein source. Decrease dose by 50% every 2 weeks during next
2 months to the lowest alternate-day dose that
ANTACIDS controls the clinical signs.
H2-receptor antagonist or omeprazole for 2 to 4 weeks, Steroids can be discontinued in many patients that are
especially if hematemesis or melena is observed. then managed long term with dietary control.

Sucralfate is well tolerated long term and enhances Use if response to steroids is inadequate or as adjunct to
healing of gastric mucosa; it should be used when- steroids in severe lymphocytic-plasmacytic disease;
ever hematemesis or melena is observed. rarely needed to control eosinophilic gastroenteritis.
Dose: 0.5 mg/lb once daily for 2 weeks, followed by
PROKINETICS alternate-day therapy.
Metoclopramide or cisapride may be helpful in Alternate-day treatment with azathioprine-prednisone
decreasing chronic vomiting and can be used for long-term maintenance.
indefinitely. Monitor CBC for neutropenia or thrombocytopenia
every 2 weeks for first month of therapy and
ANTIBIOTICS monthly thereafter. Decrease dose or discontinue
If Helicobacter-associated gastritis is suspected. drug if evidence of bone marrow suppression occurs.

Generally not used unless histologic diagnosis has
confirmed lymphocytic-plasmacytic or eosinophilic

Eosinophilic gastritis is characterized by diffuse sensitive to myelotoxic and hepatotoxic effects of

mucosal infiltration predominantly with eosino- azathioprine; a low dose of 0.1 to 0.2 mg/lb every
phils; discrete granulomatous masses with ulcera- 48 hours is usually safe in cats. Reversible bone
tion and necrosis occur rarely. The etiology and marrow suppression, usually occurring within the
pathogenesis are unknown, but hypersensitivity first 2 to 6 weeks of therapy, is the most common
to dietary antigens is a likely cause in some; an side effect of azathiaprine. A CBC should be done
immune response to migrating parasites or micro- every 14 days during the first 2 months of therapy
bial antigens is another suggested but unproven and at monthly intervals thereafter. If neutropenia
cause. Many but not all animals with eosinophilic or thrombocytopenia occurs, the drug should be
gastritis have peripheral eosinophilia. Diagnosis is stopped. Less frequent side effects are vomiting,
based on gastric biopsy results obtained after other hepatopathy, and rarely pancreatitis. The long-term
causes of vomiting in patients with eosinophilia, prognosis for most patients with lymphocytic-
such as GI parasitism, hypoadrenocorticism, mas- plasmacytic and eosinophilic gastritis is good.
tocytosis, and heartworm disease in cats, have been Most respond well to corticosteroids and dietary
ruled out. changes, although some cats do not respond to
Treatment of lymphocytic-plasmacytic and even aggressive treatment. Remission can often be
eosinophilic gastritis in most instances is based on maintained with carefully controlled diets; how-
dietary change and immunosuppressive therapy. ever, long-term low-dose corticosteroid or aza-
Dietary change using a diet consisting of a novel thioprine therapy is necessary in some. Rarely
protein that has not been part of that animal’s pre- some patients have large eosinophilic granuloma-
vious diet (e.g., fish, venison, rabbit, cottage tous masses that initially require surgical resection
cheese) may help control the disease but is seldom to relieve partial luminal obstruction. These
effective as the sole treatment. Most patients patients respond surprisingly well postoperatively
require initial treatment with corticosteroids, and but still require dietary and immunosuppressive
sometimes with azathioprine, to gain clinical treatment.
remission. Much individual variation in response
to treatment occurs. For dogs, initial treatment
with prednisone, 0.5 mg/lb every 12 hours orally DELAYED GASTRIC
for 7 to 10 days, followed by an additional 7 to EMPTYING AND
10 days at 0.5 mg/lb every 24 hours orally is usu- GASTRIC MOTILITY
ally effective to induce a remission of clinical signs.
The dose should then tapered to an alternate-day
treatment for the next several weeks. Depending Delayed gastric emptying can be caused by
on the clinical response, prednisone dosage is fur- mechanical obstruction of gastric outflow, by
ther tapered by 50% decrements until it can be functional gastric motility disorders, or by a com-
discontinued without recurrence of clinical signs. bination of both. Causes of mechanical outflow
Cats tend to require a higher initial dosage, usually obstruction include gastric foreign bodies, pyloric
1 to 2 mg/lb every 12 hours orally for 10 to mucosal hyperplasia or muscular hypertrophy,
14 days, followed by gradually tapering doses for antral polyps, neoplasia, eosinophilic granuloma, or
the next several months. Occasionally some fungal granuloma. Duodenal neoplasia and pan-
patients do not respond well to corticosteroids or creatic inflammation or abscess also impair gastric
will require unacceptably high dosages to maintain emptying, as will external compression on the
remission. In this instance azathioprine is a good pylorus from intraabdominal tumors.
alternative or can be used as an adjunct to corti- Functional gastric motility disorders occur
costeroids. In dogs azathioprine can be started at a secondary to inflammatory, infiltrative, or ulcera-
dose of 0.45 mg/lb every 24 hours orally for 10 to tive disease of the upper GI tract, electrolyte
14 days. At the same time the daily dose of corti- imbalances (hypokalemia), metabolic diseases
costeroid is decreased by 50%. Azathioprine and (hypoadrenocorticism, diabetes mellitus, ure-
prednisone are then alternated on a daily basis. mia, hypergastrinemia), drugs (anticholinergics,
Depending on the response, the corticosteroid dose β-adrenergic agonists, opiates), and peritonitis.
can gradually be tapered and eventually eliminated. Gastric hypomotility often occurs postoperatively,
Remission may require continued alternate- particularly following GDV or spinal injury. If
day treatment with azathioprine. Cats are very delayed gastric emptying is observed in a patient

with chronic vomiting and an underlying cause

BOX 5-7 Causes of Delayed
such as mechanical or metabolic disease is not
found, a functional motility disorder should be Gastric Emptying
considered as the cause of the clinical signs. Several GASTRIC OUTLET OBSTRUCTION
types of motility disorders occur in the dog, Chronic hypertrophic pyloric gastropathy
including retrograde transit (duodenogastric Chronic hypertrophic gastritis
reflux), delayed gastric emptying, and accelerated Gastric ulcer
gastric emptying that infrequently occurs second- Gastric neoplasia
ary to gastroduodenal surgery. Similar functional Gastric foreign body
Gastric antral polyps
motility disorders have not been described in cats.
Granulomatous gastritis/granuloma
Delayed gastric emptying and retrograde transit
are probably caused by a functional abnormality of Eosinophilic
the gastric myenteric plexus or gastric smooth Idiopathic
muscle and are referred to as primary or idiopathic External compression
delayed gastric emptying. Specific causes of Pancreatitis
delayed gastric emptying are listed in Box 5-7. Pancreatic abscess/tumor
Clinical signs of mechanical gastric-outlet Abdominal mass
obstruction and functional gastric motility disor-
ders are similar but vary according to the underly- GASTRIC MOTILITY DISORDERS
ing cause. Onset of signs is usually gradual, with Subacute
Gastroenteritis Hypercalcemia
intermittent vomiting of large amounts of par-
Pancreatitis Hypocalcemia
tially digested food and fluid occurring several
Peritonitis Hypokalemia
hours after eating. Vomiting progresses to a more Abdominal pain Drugs
predictable postprandial vomiting, especially if Trauma/stress Anticholinergics
partial obstruction is present. Abrupt vomiting of Narcotics
nondigested food without retching will sometimes β-adrenergic agonists
be described by the owner and incorrectly inter-
preted by the clinician to be regurgitation rather Chronic
than vomiting. Gastric foreign bodies are an Dysautonomia Hypothyroidism
exception, usually causing acute and persistent Post–gastric Diabetes mellitus
vomiting. Postprandial abdominal distention and dilatation-volvulus Hypoadrenocorticism
(Post-GDV) Uremia
discomfort that are relieved by vomiting might be
Chronic gastritis Liver failure
observed, particularly in dogs with chronic hyper-
Gastric ulcer Inflammatory bowel disease
trophic pyloric gastropathy. Between episodes of Gastric neoplasia Constipation
vomiting, most dogs will appear to be normal, Gastric arrhythmia
with no physical or predictable laboratory abnor- Idiopathic
malities occurring unless metabolic complica-
tions such as electrolyte imbalance or dehydration
occur. With time, moderate weight loss and
abdominal distention may occur. If an inflamma- which instance hypochloremic alkalosis might
tory or neoplastic disease is the underlying cause, develop. Hypokalemia can result from chronic vom-
signs such as anorexia, weight loss, hematemesis, iting; however, it can also be a cause of gastric hypo-
and melena might be observed. motility.
Diagnosis of delayed gastric emptying is made on Survey abdominal radiographs can be normal or
the basis of history, physical examination, exclusion might reveal an enlarged stomach, depending on the
of metabolic diseases that cause chronic vomiting, cause, duration, and severity of delayed emptying.
and radiographic studies (Table 5-7). In general, lab- Survey abdominal radiographs are usually normal
oratory changes caused by delayed gastric emptying with functional gastric motility disorders, whereas
are minimal and nonspecific. Anemia, often with obstructive lesions often cause a fluid-filled and dis-
iron deficiency, may occur with ulcerative malig- tended stomach. Contrast radiographs using barium
nancy such as gastric carcinoma. Electrolyte and sulfate liquid can be used to outline the lumen of
acid-base imbalances are uncommon unless signifi- the stomach and to subjectively evaluate gastric
cant obstruction to gastric outflow has occurred, in emptying (see Figure 5-3). Food mixed with bar-

TABLE 5-7 Diagnostic Features of Delayed Gastric Emptying

History Vomiting of partially digested food at times more than 8 hours after eating;
vomiting large volumes of liquified food or fluid without usual prodromal signs of
vomiting; postprandial abdominal distention and discomfort
Physical examination Normal or nonspecific findings such as dehydration or abdominal discomfort;
abdominal distention or tympany may be present
Laboratory Often normal results; gastric outflow obstruction may cause hypochloremic
metabolic alkalosis
Radiography Fluid-distended stomach on survey radiographs; contrast studies confirm abnormal
gastric emptying and may identify narrowed pyloric lumen or obstructing mass
Endoscopy or celiotomy Confirms presence of gastric outflow obstruction; if no obstructing lesion is
identified, a primary gastric motility disorder is likely

ium more accurately estimates gastric emptying More accurate techniques to evaluate gastric
time of solids. Interpretation of both types of con- motility are limited to hospitals with nuclear med-
trast studies is subjective, and results of both can vary icine and GI motility laboratory facilities.
significantly in normal animals. Fluoroscopic exam- Scintigraphic studies using radioactive tracers
ination improves accuracy of interpretation by mixed with food is the method of choice for
allowing visualization of sequential changes in the measuring gastric emptying time. Electrogastro-
shape of the stomach and pylorus and of movement grams can also be done and are useful to detect
of contrast through the pylorus. Liquid barium abnormal patterns of gastric motility such as
should begin to enter the duodenum within tachygastria and bradygastria.
15 minutes after administration, and gastric empty- Functional gastric motility disorders are charac-
ing of liquid should be complete within 1 to 4 terized by delayed gastric emptying in the absence
hours. Complete gastric emptying of a barium meal of morphologic lesions. Partial obstruction caused
should occur within 8 hours but might not be com- by restrictive or infiltrating mural diseases of the
plete in some normal dogs until 15 hours after feed- pylorus, such as muscular hypertrophy, neoplasia,
ing. If most of the liquid barium is retained in the or granulomatous diseases, produces annular nar-
stomach after 4 hours, if liquid barium is present in rowing of the pyloric canal. Barium may only fill
the stomach longer than 12 hours, or if a large the narrow entrance to the pylorus, resulting in a
amount of a barium meal is retained longer than 8 thin stream of barium often referred to as having
to 10 hours, delayed gastric emptying is present. a “beaklike” appearance (see Figure 5-3, C ); this
An alternative method to barium studies for is a common finding with antral pyloric hypertro-
evaluation of gastric emptying is the use of phy. Polyplike filling defects can be caused by
radiopaque BIPS. BIPS are given with a canned- mucosal hypertrophy, inflammatory granuloma,
food meal consisting of approximately 25% of the neoplasia, or foreign body.
daily caloric intake. Abdominal radiographs should Once delayed gastric emptying has been con-
then be taken at 4- to 6-hour intervals over the firmed, additional diagnostic procedures such as
next 12 to 24 hours. The percentage of BIPS that ultrasonography, endoscopy, or exploratory sur-
have left the patient’s stomach is compared with a gery are necessary to determine if an obstructive
standard curve for normal gastric emptying that is lesion is present. Ultrasonography is useful to
provided by the manufacturer.When radiographic detect foreign bodies, mural thickening, and
gastric-emptying studies are done, it is important masses not detected by radiographs. Endoscopy
to remember that fear and anxiety from physical and mucosal biopsies are useful in diagnosing
restraint often cause a transient delay of gastric chronic gastritis, IBD, neoplasia, or foreign body.
emptying. More importantly, potent anticholiner- Surgical examination and biopsy should be con-
gic drugs such as aminopentamide (Centrine) can sidered if the cause of delayed gastric emptying is
delay gastric emptying for several hours. Because uncertain. Full-thickness gastric biopsy allows
aminopentamide can cause profound and prolonged gas- examination of muscle and nerve plexuses not
tric stasis and ileus, which sometimes worsens the emesis included in endoscopic pinch biopsy specimens
and diarrhea that it was intended to resolve, it is not rec- that usually extend only into the submucosa.
ommended for antiemetic therapy. Surgery provides an opportunity for resection of

masses and for procedures to relieve gastric outlet some patients require a feeding schedule of small
obstruction. frequent meals and treatment with metoclo-
pramide to enhance gastric emptying.
Specific Syndromes of Delayed
Gastric Emptying Primary Gastric Motility
Antral pyloric hypertrophy syndrome, also referred Disorders
to as pyloric stenosis and chronic hypertrophic Delayed gastric emptying can be caused by abnor-
pyloric gastropathy (CHPG), occurs either as a mally slow gastric contraction (bradygastria),
congenital condition or more frequently as an rapid rhythm (tachygastria), or irregular rhythm
acquired disorder (Table 5-8). Young to middle- (dysrhythmia), conditions thought to be caused
age male brachycephalic breeds, particularly box- by abnormal gastric pacemaker activity. Brady-
ers, Boston terriers, Lhasa apsos, and Maltese, gastria causes infrequent gastric contraction,
Pekingese, and shih tzu dogs, are most commonly whereas tachygastria can cause reversed propagation
affected. Clinical and radiographic signs of delayed of motor activity, which prevents normal emptying.
gastric emptying with intermittent gastric dilata- Gastric dysrhythmias have been observed to occur
tion and episodes of projectile vomiting are often normally in healthy dogs during fasting, whereas
observed. Physical examination and laboratory find- feeding will abolish the dysrhythmia. Animals
ings are usually normal. Contrast radiographs often symptomatic for gastric dysrhythmias are presented
reveal a distended stomach with delayed gastric emp- for signs of post prandial abdominal discomfort,
tying of contrast material and an abrupt narrow- bloating, or chronic vomiting. Diagnosis requires
ing of the pyloric canal with only a narrow stream documentation of gastric retention and elimination
of barium passing through (see Figure 5-3, C ). of obstructive and metabolic causes of delayed gas-
Endoscopic examination usually reveals a thick- tric emptying (Figure 5-8; see color plate).
ened pyloric mucosa that sometimes appears as a Measurement of gastric electrical activity is diag-
protuberant mass, often with mucosal erosions (see nostic but is limited to referral institutions.
Figure 5-3, D). Histologically the mucosa is thick- Treatment relies on a combination of dietary
ened with edema and hyperplasia, and the muscu- changes and prokinetic drugs to improve gastric
laris is usually hypertrophied. emptying (Box 5-8). Surgical procedures are gen-
Treatment requires pyloroplasty with submu- erally not successful to improve gastric emptying
cosal resection to remove thickened mucosal folds for patients with primary functional gastric motil-
to reestablish gastric outflow. Y-U antral advance- ity disorders. Liquified or blenderized diets are
ment flap pyloroplasty is the most effective useful to try because liquids empty from the stom-
method of reestablishing gastric outflow while ach more rapidly than solids. Because fats and pro-
preserving normal pyloric function. Prognosis is teins delay gastric emptying, diets low in fat and
generally good following pyloroplasty, although protein and high in carbohydrates should be tried

TABLE 5-8 Diagnostic Features of Chronic Antral Pyloric Hypertrophy

History Chronic vomiting, especially in small-breed and brachycephalic-breed dogs
Postprandial abdominal distention and discomfort, often relieved by vomiting
Normal to increased appetite
Physical examination Usually normal findings
Weight loss occurs infrequently
Laboratory Usually normal results
Radiography Fluid-filled distended stomach
Contrast study reveals gastric outlet obstruction; narrowed pyloric lumen has typical
“beaklike” appearance
Endoscopy Thickened pyloric mucosal folds, sometimes with punctate erosions or ulcers
Protuberant pylorus that is difficult to intubate with the endoscope
Celiotomy Pylorus feels stiff and thickened
Gastrotomy reveals thickened mucosal and/or muscular layers
in improving motility depends on both the spe-
cific effects of that drug and how the underlying
abnormality is affecting gastric motility. In general,
cisapride has been considered to be the most effec-
tive prokinetic drug because it accelerates gastric
emptying in dogs by stimulating both pyloric and
duodenal motor activity, by improving coordina-
tion among antral, pyloric, and duodenal contrac-
tions, and by increasing propagation distance of
duodenal contractions. The result is a predictable
promotility effect, particularly in the upper GI
tract, with no significant adverse effects being
reported in dogs or cats. Because of the uncertain
availability of cisapride, other drugs, including
metoclopramide, erythromycin, and ranitidine, are
alternatives to consider for treatment of delayed
gastric emptying. Metoclopramide is not as effec-
Figure 5-8 Gastric retention of food particles and tive as cisapride in accelerating gastric emptying.
bile-colored fluid in a 12-year-old miniature poodle However, it does enhance coordination of gastro-
with clinical signs of intermittent vomiting, pyloroduodenal contractions to improve gastric
regurgitation, inappetence, and bloating. The dog had emptying of liquids and to prevent gastric stasis
no food or water for 14 hours before endoscopy. and enterogastric reflux. Metoclopramide also
Results of gastric mucosal biopsies were normal, and inhibits dopaminergic D2 receptors in the CRTZ
the dog was diagnosed with primary (idiopathic)
to diminish central stimulation of nausea and
gastric motility disorder. Clinical signs improved, but
vomiting that can occur from delayed gastric emp-
did not resolve, when the dog was treated with
cisapride and dietary management (small meals, fat- tying. Another alternative is erythromycin, which
restricted food). (See color plate.) at low dosages will induce antral contractions and
accelerate gastric emptying of solids. The contrac-
initially for patients with suspected functionally tions stimulated by erythromycin are similar to
delayed gastric emptying. If dietary changes are those that normally occur in the fasting state to
unsuccessful, gastric prokinetic drugs should be empty the stomach of nondigestible solids. As a
added to the therapeutic plan. result, treatment with erythromycin might result
Different prokinetic drugs have different modes in larger than normal and less-digested food parti-
of action and therefore have different effects on cles being expelled into the duodenum, which
gastric, pyloric, and duodenal contractions. For could possibly cause worsening of the GI signs. The
that reason, whether a particular drug is effective H2-receptor antagonists ranitidine and nizatidine are

BOX 5-8 Management of Delayed Gastric Emptying

DIETARY Cisapride
Frequent feeding of small meals Stimulates enteric cholinergic transmission†
Low-fat, limited-protein, high-carbohydrate (fiber) No adverse effects
diets 0.1-0.25 mg/lb q8h PO
Blenderized diets Erythromycin
Stimulates GI smooth muscle motilin receptors
PROKINETIC* Stimulates GI cholinergic receptors
Metoclopramide 2.5 mg/lb q8h PO†
Dopamine antagonist at CRTZ (central antiemetic)
and at gastrointestinal (GI) receptors (stimulates GI SURGICAL
motility) Various pyloroplasty and pyloromyotomy procedures
Potential for CNS side effects indicated for pyloric outflow obstruction
0.1-0.25 mg/lb q8h PO, SQ, IM
CRTZ, Chemoreceptor trigger zone; CNS, central nervous system; PO, orally; SQ, subcutaneously; IM, intramuscularly.
Contraindicated in gastric outlet obstruction.

May be more effective than metoclopramide to enhance gastric emptying of solids.

used primarily to inhibit gastric acid secretion. bassets, bulldogs, miniature poodles, dachshunds,
These drugs also stimulate GI motility by inhibiting and Pekingese are affected. GDV is rare in cats.
acetylcholinesterase activity, thereby increasing the GDV occurs in animals ranging in age from
amount of acetylcholine available to bind to smooth 2 months to 15 years, with a mean of about
muscle muscarinic receptors. The result is primarily 6 years. No sex predilection has been identified.
stimulation of gastric emptying, with some increase No single cause of GDV has been identified;
in small intestinal and colonic motility. however, several risk factors are thought to be of
The choice of which prokinetic drug to use importance for the development of this condition.
first depends in part on whether an underlying Deep-chested breeds of dogs appear to have an
cause has been identified. For example, ranitidine increased potential for rotational instability of the
and nizatidine are useful in the treatment of gastric stomach, in part because of laxity of hepatoduode-
motility disorders associated with gastric ulcerative nal and hepatogastric ligaments. Large-volume
or inflammatory diseases where both acid sup- intake of food and water causes chronic gastric
pression and stimulation of gastric emptying are distention that can potentially impair gastric emp-
beneficial. Metabolic causes of delayed gastric tying. Exercise with a distended stomach, particu-
emptying such as uremia or diabetic ketoacidosis, larly in deep-chested dogs, might subsequently
where central stimulation of vomiting might also cause the stomach to become displaced and result
occur, and gastric hypomotility following surgery in volvulus. Dietary composition, particularly
for GDV tend to respond well to treatment with feeding dry-food diets, has also been suggested as
metoclopramide. If an underlying abnormality a contributing factor to GDV; however, a direct
cannot be identified, the choice of treatment is relationship has not been established. The inci-
trial and error. In general, cisapride (if available) dence of GDV was reported to decline when dry
should be tried initially, with erythromycin being food was dampened before feeding, presumably
a second choice. Metoclopramide and ranitidine preventing swelling of dry food with water in the
or nizatidine are considered if inadequate response stomach. Aerophagia from rapid eating, hyperven-
is achieved with the initial treatment. tilation, and esophageal motility abnormalities
Clinical experience indicates that several days of have also been associated with recurrent GDV.
treatment are often required before a clinical Impaired eructation may result from an anatomi-
response is observed. Some patients with functional cally or functionally abnormal gastroesophageal
dysrhythmias that respond to prokinetic drugs may junction (GEJ) in deep-chested dogs. The oblique
require treatment indefinitely, perhaps at lower or angle of the GEJ may become exaggerated, espe-
less frequent dosing than the standard recommen- cially if the stomach is distended following a large
dations, whereas other patients might eventually be meal, preventing normal eructation.
weaned off therapy. To determine if a lower drug
dose is adequate requires individualized treatment
for each patient. A suggested protocol is to first Pathophysiology of Gastric
decrease the frequency of dosing (e.g., if a drug is Dilatation-Volvulus
being given three times a day, decrease to two times GDV traps ingesta, fluid, and gas in the stomach,
a day; if being given two times a day, decrease to which rapidly causes extreme increase of intragas-
every day). If clinical signs are adequately controlled tric pressure. A cascade of life-threatening effects
for several days, alternate-day treatment can then be develops that, if not corrected rapidly and aggres-
tried. If signs are still controlled, discontinuing the sively, will cause death. The most immediate effect
drug should be considered. If the signs reoccur, is impedance of gastric blood flow by increased
treatment must be resumed, and the lowest possible intragastric pressure, gastric wall edema, vasocon-
effective dose is used on a longer-term basis. striction, and thrombosis. Gastric ulceration, necro-
sis, and perforation develop rapidly. As the stomach
GASTRIC DILATATION- enlarges, respiratory tidal volume and cardiac
venous return from the viscera decrease, resulting in
VOLVULUS SYNDROME impaired respiration, acidosis, and decreased cardiac
Acute GDV occurs most frequently in large-breed output. Malposition of the spleen results in splenic
dogs, particularly Great Danes, German shepherds, congestion, thrombosis, and necrosis. Ischemic vis-
Irish setters, Saint Bernards, and Doberman pin- cera release endotoxins that further contribute
schers. Occasionally smaller-breed dogs such as to hepatic, renal, pancreatic, and cardiac damage.

Vascular collapse, disseminated intravascular coagu- graphic findings and gastric decompression.
lation (DIC), and sepsis occur. Treatment by gas- Clinical features of GDV are listed in Table 5-9.
tric deflation and derotation and by the rapid The most characteristic clinical signs are an acute
administration of fluids, although very necessary, onset of retching, but without vomiting, rapidly
can have further detrimental effects on the developing abdominal distention and tympany,
patient. Reperfusion injury and release of endo- and depression. Some animals are reluctant to
toxins and cardiodepressant factors, hemodilu- stand, whereas others are recumbent. Rapid and
tion, and metabolic acidosis further contribute to weak pulses, prolonged capillary refill time, and
metabolic dysfunction and cardiovascular com- pale, congested, or cyanotic mucous membranes
promise. are indicative of cardiovascular failure. Cardiac
The metabolic consequences of GDV are vari- arrhythmia is usually present or develops soon
able but can be severe, depending on the duration after presentation. Arrhythmias are usually ven-
of the problem. Acid-base and electrolyte imbal- tricular in origin and range from intermittent ven-
ances may initially be absent but usually develop tricular premature conductions to ventricular
during treatment. Frequent monitoring of these tachycardia; supraventricular arrhythmias such as
parameters is necessary until the patient is stabi- atrial fibrillation occur occasionally.
lized. Metabolic acidosis occurs commonly in the Radiographs taken following initiation of fluid
GDV patient from decreased circulating blood vol- therapy and decompression are necessary to deter-
ume, arterial hypoxemia, and lactic acidosis. mine if volvulus is present. Radiographic determi-
Metabolic alkalosis, caused by fluid sequestration in nation of the location of the pylorus is the key
the stomach and by loss of gastric H+, Cl–, and K+, feature to differentiate gastric dilation from gastric
occurs less frequently. Hyperventilation can cause volvulus. This is best accomplished by comparing
respiratory alkalosis, whereas hypoventilation from left and right lateral recumbent views (see Figure
gastric distention can interfere with diaphragmatic 5-2). Gastric volvulus usually results in displace-
function and cause respiratory acidosis. Electrolyte ment of the pylorus dorsally and to the left, creat-
abnormalities occur less frequently than acid-base ing a shelflike partition of soft tissue that appears to
imbalances, with hypokalemia being the most compartmentalize the stomach. With the pylorus
common. shifted to the left and the patient in left lateral
Presumptive diagnosis of GDV is made on the recumbency, the pylorus fills with fluid and gas fills
basis of clinical findings and is confirmed by radio- the rest of the stomach. However, when the patient

TABLE 5-9 Clinical Features of Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus

History Acute onset of nonproductive retching without vomiting
Acute onset of abdominal distention
Physical examination Severe depression to collapse and shock
Reluctant to stand or walk
Severe abdominal tympany
Cardiovascular failure characterized by the following:
Rapid, weak pulse or arrhythmia
Pale mucous membranes
Prolonged capillary refill time
Rapid and shallow respirations
Laboratory Hemoconcentration
Metabolic acidosis most common
May see hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis, respiratory acidosis, or respiratory alkalosis
Variable hypokalemia, hypernatremia, and hypochloremia
Variable increases in blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine, and alanine
aminotransferase (ALT)
Radiography Right and left lateral recumbent positions
Large gas- and fluid-distended stomach
Soft tissue fold compartmentalizes the stomach
Gas-filled pylorus located dorsal to fundus
Esophagus dilated with air or fluid

is in right recumbency, gas fills the pyloric portion cal repositioning of the stomach and gastropexy.
and fluid shifts to the fundus or body of the stom- Concurrent therapy for electrolyte imbalances,
ach. The finding that the pylorus fills with fluid arrhythmias, and DIC are necessary. Box 5-9 pro-
when in the left lateral recumbent position and fills vides guidelines for the emergency treatment of
with gas when in the right lateral recumbent the patient with GDV.
position indicates that the pylorus has rotated to
the left. The presence of abdominal fluid is Initial Stabilization
suggestive of peritonitis or hemorrhage, and air Fluid therapy should be started immediately.
in the abdominal space indicates that perforation A balanced crystalloid such as lactated Ringer’s
has occurred. Megaesophagus is a common solution should be given intravenously (25 ml/lb)
finding. within the first 15 minutes to reestablish cardiac
output; an additional 25 ml/lb is then given over
Treatment the next 30 to 45 minutes. After this initial bolus,
Successful treatment begins with rapid fluid ther- a colloid such as hetastarch should be given at a
apy and gastric decompression, followed by surgi- dose of 5 ml/lb as a slow intravenous bolus over

BOX 5-9 Emergency Treatment of Acute Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus

TREAT HYPOVOLEMIA AND SHOCK 2. Decompress by positioning in sternal recum-
1. Aseptically place intravenous catheter (16 bency; using a large diameter nasogastric tube
to 18 gauge) and collect samples for CBC, with large side and end holes, measure length
serum electrolyte concentrations, blood chem- from the external nares to last rib; advance tube
istry studies, and coagulation tests. the measured distance.
2. Circulatory resuscitation: 3. If unable to pass the tube:
Balanced electrolyte solution at 25 ml/lb Withdraw tube a few centimeters, rotate in
for the first 15 minutes, then 25 ml/lb counterclockwise direction, and read-
for the next 30 minutes. vance using gentle forward pressure.
Next give hetastarch at 5 ml/lb over the Place dog in upright sitting position or
next 10 to 15 minutes. Hypertonic saline- hold dog in a vertical position, and
dextran (7% NaCl in 6% dextran-70) at attempt to pass tube.
2.5 ml/lb slow bolus is a good alternative. Do a gastrocentesis using a 14 to 16 gauge
3. Maintenance fluids: needle or catheter placed in the right
Balanced electrolyte solution at 10 to paracostal space at the point of greatest
20 ml/lb/h until stable. tympany to decompress the stomach
Colloids or blood products may be needed enough to allow intubation.
to maintain circulatory stability. Anesthetize the sedated patient (see Box 5-
PCV,TP, CVP, BP, and urine output moni- 10) and advance a gastroscope into the
tored every 30 to 60 minutes. Modify stomach to facilitate decompression and
fluid type, amount, and rate to maintain passage of the stomach tube.
mean arterial BP greater than 65 mm
Hg and hematocrit greater than 30%. CONFIRM GASTRIC VOLVULUS
4. Corticosteroids initially for shock 1. Right lateral recumbent abdominal radi-
Prednisolone sodium succinate (20 mg/lb ograph; if inconclusive, left lateral and ven-
IV, q1-3h prn) or dexamethasone sodium trodorsal position should be done.
phosphate (5 mg/lb IV, q3-6h prn). 2. Features of GDV include a dilated, gas-filled
stomach divided into a dorsal compartment
GASTRIC DECOMPRESSION (dorsally positioned pylorus) and ventral com-
1. Sedate with oxymorphone (0.05 mg/lb IV) partment (fundus and corpus) by the soft tissue
followed by diazepam (0.1 to 0.25 mg/lb IV) of the lesser curvature of stomach wall; splenic
sedation. enlargement and malposition may be present.
CBC, Complete blood count; PCV, packed cell volume; TP, total plasma protein; CVP, central venous pressure; BP, blood
pressure; IV, intravenously; prn, as needed; GDV, gastric dilatation-volvulus.

10 to 15 minutes. Depending on patient response, procedure; either mask induction using an inhalant
crystalloid fluid should be resumed at a rate of anesthetic or use of a short-acting injectable anes-
10 to 20 ml/lb/hr for the next 2 hours and then thetic is sufficient. Once decompression has been
decreased to 5 to 10 ml/lb/hr. Pulse quality, capil- achieved, an oral-gastric tube can usually be placed
lary refill, central venous pressure, and urinary out- to facilitate ongoing patient stabilization.
put should be used as a guide for continued fluid
needs. The packed cell volume and plasma total Surgical Correction
protein concentration should be monitored hourly As soon as the clinical condition has been stabi-
to avoid hemodilution (total plasma protein con- lized, surgery should be done to reposition and
centration should not decrease to less than stabilize the stomach (Box 5-10). The optimal
3.5 g/dl). Following gastric decompression, the time for surgery to occur is variable, depending on
fluid rate can usually be decreased to 5 ml/lb/hr, patient condition and response to initial therapy.
depending on patient stability. Hetastarch can be In general, surgery should not be delayed beyond
repeated within 6 to 12 hours if needed to main- the initial period of time required for stabilization.
tain perfusion. If the plasma protein concentration If gastric contents are noted to contain digested
decreases to less than 3.5 g/dl, a plasma transfusion blood suggestive of gastric ulceration and/or
(10 ml/lb) should be given. necrosis, if there is radiographic evidence of perfo-
Gastric decompression must be accomplished ration or peritonitis, if decompression cannot be
immediately, occurring as soon as intravenous fluid achieved, or if decompression is difficult to main-
therapy has begun. Decompression is achieved tain, surgery should not be delayed for more than
either by passage of a stomach tube or by gastric 1 or 2 hours. If the patient responds well to initial
trocarization. Trocarization is easier and better therapy and decompression is sustained, surgery
tolerated by the patient than gastric intubation; can be delayed for 12 to 24 hours if necessary.
rarely does it cause peritonitis. A 16-gauge 2-inch In this circumstance decompression must be main-
needle or 14- to 16-gauge over-the-needle catheter tained by nasogastric or pharyngostomy tubes,
is used to trocarize the stomach on the left side at gastrostomy, or repeated orogastric intubation.
the site of maximal distention. Partial decompres- Spontaneous repositioning of the stomach occurs
sion in this manner often facilitates passage of a infrequently following decompression. In this cir-
large-bore orogastric tube for more complete cumstance surgery can be delayed or may not be
decompression and for gastric lavage. Once a gas- necessary.
tric tube is passed, gastric contents should be A gastropexy should be done to prevent recur-
removed. If possible, the tube should be left in rence of volvulus. A recent study determined that
place while radiographs are taken. If the stomach 55% of dogs that did not have gastropexy following
tube is difficult to pass, attempts should be made to surgery had a recurrence, compared with 4% recur-
pass the tube while holding the patient in an rence for dogs that did have gastropexy. Median
upright or sitting position. Gently shaking the survival time was 188 days for dogs not having gas-
patient while in the upright position may help. tropexy, compared with 547 days for dogs that did
Forcing the tube can cause esophageal or gastric have a gastropexy. Several types of gastropexy done
perforation. Inability to pass the tube does not neces- through laparotomy have been described and
sarily mean that volvulus is present, nor does the ability include incisional gastropexy, circumcostal gas-
to pass the tube mean that volvulus is not present. tropexy, belt-loop gastropexy, and tube gastropexy.
Gastric decompression can also be achieved by The benefit of doing a prophylactic gastropexy to
gastrostomy, usually done under sedation and local prevent GDV in a dog that is conformationally or
anesthesia. This is a temporary procedure that genetically predisposed has not been scientifically
fixes the stomach caudal to the right costal arch proven. It is logical, however, that gastropexy would
but does not return the stomach to normal posi- be of benefit to prevent a first episode of GDV in
tion. It is indicated for patient stabilization if a gas- such patients, as well as for patients in which an
tric tube cannot be placed or if the patient needs episode of GDV was managed medically. A rapid
several days of stabilization before surgical reposi- laparoscopic gastropexy technique that provides a
tioning and gastropexy. As an alternative, gastric strong fibrous adhesion between the stomach and
decompression can be done using an endoscope if abdominal wall has recently been described that
passage of an orogastric tube has not been success- could be used for this purpose, thereby eliminating
ful. The patient must be anesthetized for this the need for laparotomy.

BOX 5-10 Surgical Correction of Volvulus

1. Anesthetic induction: Repeat intravenous Retract pylorus in the counterclockwise
oxymorphone-diazepam combination used direction; downward pressure on the
for sedation (see Box 5-9). right side of the visible portion of
Lidocaine (1 mg/lb IV) to facilitate intuba- stomach will facilitate repositioning of
tion and decrease cardiac arrhythmia. the stomach and spleen.
2. Anesthetic maintenance: Halothane, Examine stomach and spleen for signs of
isoflurane, or sevoflurane and oxygen; nitrous irreversible vascular compromise. Pal-
oxide should not be used until permanent gastric pate gastric and splenic vessels for pulse.
decompression is achieved. If organs look grossly normal, lavage
3. Monitor continuous ECG, BP, and urine stomach with warm water via orogas-
output. Maintain mean arterial BP greater tric tube.
than 65 mm Hg and a urine output greater Ligate sites of active hemorrhage; hemo-
than 1 ml/lb/hr. peritoneum usually occurs from avul-
4. Reposition stomach, and evaluate stomach sion of short gastric branches of splenic
and spleen for vascular compromise; remove arteries.
necrotic portions. A gastropexy should then be If gastric serosal surface is dark purple to
performed to prevent recurrence of the volvu- green-black after 10 minutes of normal
lus. Basic details are given below; refer to sur- gastric position, irreversible ischemic
gical text for description of surgical procedure. damage has likely occurred and resec-
Ventral midline laparotomy incision; an tion of that portion of stomach should
omentum-covered stomach is usually be performed.
the first structure visible when a clock- 5. Gastropexy should then be performed to
wise volvulus has occurred. prevent recurrence of the volvulus. Refer to
Decompress stomach by gastrocentesis or surgical texts for detailed description of vari-
by orogastric intubation. ous procedures.
IV, Intravenously; ECG, electrocardiogram; BP, blood pressure.

Medical Management (Box 5-11) therapy can be started during initial therapy and
Antibiotics should be given to dogs with GDV continued for 7 to 10 days. If gastric mucosal dam-
because shock, mucosal damage, and portal hyper- age has been severe, omeprazole should be used as
tension predispose to sepsis. Antibiotics should soon as oral medication can be tolerated because it
be effective against gram-positive, gram-negative, is a more potent gastric antisecretory drug.
and anaerobic organisms. A combination of ampi-
cillin (10 mg/lb intravenously) and enrofloxacin
(2.5 mg/lb intramuscularly) is a good choice. Management of Complications
Second-generation cephalosporins (e.g., cefox- Cardiac arrhythmias, DIC, and GI motility disor-
itin 10 mg/lb every 8 hours intravenously) or ders are common complications occurring during
trimethroprim-sulfa antibiotics are reasonable alter- the acute and convalescent phases of disease.
natives. Corticosteroids may be beneficial for the Cardiac arrhythmias can occur at the time of pres-
initial management of shock to improve capillary entation but may not develop until as long as
blood flow, to decrease capillary permeability, to 72 hours after onset of GDV. Continuous electro-
reduce intestinal absorption of endotoxin, and to cardiographic (ECG) monitoring is required from
inhibit tissue-damaging phospholipases. Short- presentation until the dog is discharged from
term, high-dose therapy is recommended; pred- the hospital. Ventricular premature contractions
nisolone sodium succinate (20 mg/lb intravenously, (VPCs), paroxysmal ventricular contractions, and
given every 1 to 3 hours as needed) or dexametha- ventricular tachycardia are common. Correction
sone sodium phosphate (5 mg/lb intravenously, of acid-base, electrolyte (especially potassium), and
given every 3 to 6 hours as needed) is recom- fluid balance is the first step in control of arrhyth-
mended to treat shock. H2-receptor antagonists can mias. Antiarrhythmic therapy is indicated if ven-
be given to help diminish gastric ulceration. This tricular tachycardia with a heart rate of 150 beats

BOX 5-11 Postoperative Treatment of the GDV Patient

1. Monitoring attempt should be made to abolish the
CBC, serum electrolyte levels, acid-base arrhythmia with lidocaine infusion at a
and coagulation tests every 12 to rate of 10 to 20 µg/lb/min.
24 hours until stable. 5. Postoperative Complications
Pulse, respiration, and temperature, blood Esophagitis, gastric hypomotility, aspiration
pressure, urine production, and contin- pneumonia. Metoclopramide is effec-
uous ECG monitoring are necessary to tive in restoring gastric motility, dimin-
detect hypoperfusion, electrolyte and ishing gastroesophageal reflux, and
acid-base imbalances, infection, DIC, controlling vomiting.
and aspiration pneumonia. Ranitidine or omeprazole help reduce
2. Maintain Perfusion gastritis and enhance gastric mucosal
Fluid therapy with a balanced electrolyte healing.
solution at a rate of 3 to 5 ml/lb/hr for Aspiration pneumonia is treated with
24 hours. broad-spectrum antibiotics and pul-
If PCV and TP are low and the patient is monary therapy with nebulization,
hypotensive, blood products or colloids coupage, and supplemental oxygen.
should be given to correct the deficits. DIC is treated with fresh frozen plasma
If perfusion is good and the patient is (10 ml/lb) and heparin (100 units/lb
stable 24 hours postoperatively, IV flu- every 8 hours) until platelet count and
ids can be decreased to 2 ml/lb/hr for coagulation times begin to normalize.
the next 24 hours. Local cellulitis and peritonitis around the
If the patient is stable, small amounts of tube gastropexy site occur from leakage
water and food can be offered 48 to of gastric contents.
72 hours postoperatively. If this occurs within 2 to 3 days post-
3. Analgesia operatively, replace the tube under
Systemic opioids such as morphine at anesthesia.
0.2 mg/lb IM given every 4 to 6 hours If this occurs 5 to 7 days postopera-
for 12 to 24 hours postoperatively will tively, the tube can usually be left in
relieve pain and improve recovery. place.
Butorphanol tartrate at 0.1 mg/lb IV or Thrombosis or avulsion of splenic vessels,
0.2 mg/lb IM every 4 to 6 hours can be or splenic infarction is indication for
used as an alternative for mild pain and partial or complete splenectomy. If
for longer-term analgesia. splenic torsion has occurred, splenec-
NSAIDs should be avoided because of tomy should be done before reducing
potential to cause GI ulceration. the twist to lessen the release of throm-
4. Treat Cardiac Arrhythmias boemboli and toxins to the circulation.
Correct acid-base and electrolyte imbal- A three-layer closure of the stomach using
ances and fluid deficits. polypropylene suture or surgical sta-
If cardiac function is poor (hypotension, pling should be done following partial
sustained ventricular tachycardia), gastric resection.
CBC, Complete blood count; ECG, electrocardiogram; DIC, disseminated intravascular coagulation; PCV, packed cell volume;
TP, total plasma protein; IV, intravenous; IM, intramuscularly; NSAID, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug; GI, gastrointestinal.

per minute or greater is present or if multifocal refractory to lidocaine, or as longer-term mainte-

VPCs are occurring. Ventricular arrhythmias are nance therapy (5 to 10 mg/lb intramuscularly or
initially managed using lidocaine (1 to 2 mg/lb as orally every 6 hours). DIC is a frequent complica-
a slow intravenous bolus followed by infusion of tion of GDV and is detected initially by presence
25 to 40 µg/lb/min). Lidocaine infusion can also be of progressively worsening thrombocytopenia
used as an excellent adjunct to other analgesics for the and prolonged coagulation times. If DIC is sus-
control of postoperative pain. Procainamide is used as pected, treatment with plasma (10 ml/lb) in com-
a supplement to lidocaine if the arrhythmia is bination with heparin (45 units/lb every 8 hours

subcutaneously) should be initiated. Heparin is

continued until platelets begin to increase and
other coagulation parameters stabilize; plasma
transfusions should be repeated if the platelet
count continues to decline or if coagulation times
become more prolonged. When platelet counts
and coagulation times normalize, heparin should
be decreased gradually by giving doses every
12 hours for 24 hours and then every 24 hours for
the next day to avoid rebound hypercoagulation.
Gastric atony, delayed gastric emptying, and ileus
frequently occur following GDV; in most instances
these are transient. If intermittent vomiting persists,
therapy with promotility drugs (metoclopramide or
erythromycin) is helpful to reestablish gastric emp-
tying. Treatment with antisecretory drugs and
sucralfate may also be beneficial.
The prognosis for GDV is guarded, especially if FIGURE 5-9 Malignant gastric ulcer located on the
gastric damage is severe and requires gastrectomy. incisura angularis (1 to 3 o’clock position in the field
Mortality is reported to be from 23% to 60%. Poor of view) in a 13-year-old weimaraner with a 2-month
prognostic signs at presentation include a pulse history of chronic vomiting and weight loss. The dog
rate greater than 180 beats per minute, arrhythmia, had hypochromic microcytic anemia. The raised edges
cyanotic mucous membranes, prolonged capillary and central crater of the ulcer were very firm and
required that multiple biopsy specimens be obtained
refill time, and severe coagulopathy.
from each of several sites to ensure adequate depth of
tissue was obtained. Histopathologic findings
GASTRIC NEOPLASIA confirmed gastric adenocarcinoma. (See color plate.)

The incidence of gastric neoplasia in the dog and

cat is low, and clinical signs are insidious in onset.
Often the only signs observed are inappetence, thickening of the gastric wall, referred to as scirrhous
which can be present for months before other carcinoma, also occurs. More than half of tumors
symptoms develop, and subtle weight loss. Par- occur in the pyloric antrum, often near the incisura.
tial obstruction of pyloric outflow and abnormal Lymphosarcomas can appear as raised nodular
motility cause progressively worsening vomiting, masses anywhere in the gastric wall (Figure 5-10;
anorexia, and weight loss. Ulceration and chronic see color plate) or as diffuse mucosal thickening,
blood loss causes hematemesis and melena. Gastric often with erosion or ulceration. Leiomyoma is the
neoplasia is summarized here. A more detailed most common benign tumor and the second most
discussion is included in Chapter 11. common gastric tumor in dogs but is rare in cats.
Adenocarcinoma is the most common gastric Leiomyomas are often asymptomatic unless pyloric
malignancy in dogs, followed by lymphosarcoma, outflow is obstructed. Benign polyps appear as
leiomyosarcoma, fibroma, squamous cell carci- pedunculated or polypoid nodules that protrude
noma, and plasmacytoma. Adenocarcinoma occurs from the mucosal surface. Their cause is unknown,
more frequently in males, with an average age of and they seldom cause problems unless they are
8 years at the time of diagnosis. Lymphosarcoma large enough to cause delayed gastric emptying.
is the most common gastric tumor of cats but does Focal gastric carcinomas are best treated by sur-
not have breed or gender predisposition. Diagnosis gical resection, whereas diffuse or extensive lesions
of gastric tumors is based on radiographic, endo- are not usually resectable. Metastasis of carcinomas
scopic, or surgical findings. Contrast radiographs to lymph nodes, liver, or lungs has often occurred
may reveal a thickened and ulcerated gastric wall. by the time of diagnosis, and adjunctive chemother-
Endoscopic findings often reveal discolored and apy is not effective in improving survival. Lympho-
thickened mucosa, raised plaques with large sarcoma is treated with chemotherapy, although the
central ulceration and thick raised margins (Figure prognosis is guarded. Benign tumors and adenoma-
5-9; see color plate), or polypoid lesions. Diffuse tous and hyperplastic polyps causing partial outflow

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FIGURE 5-4 Normal stomach. A, Endoscopic appearance of a normal stomach.The smooth, pale-pink rugal
folds of the greater curvature of the gastric body gradually become more linear distally at the junction with the
pyloric antrum.The incisura angularis appears as a curved fold located at the 12 to 3 o’clock position. B, Appearance
of a normal pyloric antrum (foreground) and pylorus (upper left).The antral mucosa is smooth, pale pink, and without
rugal folds.The closed pyloric orifice is located at the center of the converging mucosal folds.

FIGURE 5-5 NSAID-induced ulcerative gastritis.

Diffuse ulcerative gastritis in a 9-year-old German
shepherd–mix with degenerative joint disease.The dog
was being treated with aspirin (325 mg 2 times a day).
Treatment began 2 months before presentation, but
clinical signs of weakness, vomiting, melena caused by
acute gastrointestinal blood loss, and anemia did not
occur until the day of presentation.

FIGURE 5-6 NSAID-induced gastric ulcer. A, Gastric ulcer in pyloric antrum of a 5-year-old Welsh corgi that
had been treated for back pain with ibuprofen (325 mg every day for 5 days).The dog had an acute onset of
vomiting and an episode of melena on the day of presentation. B, Healing gastric ulcer in the same patient after 7
days of treatment with omeprazole (0.3 mg/lb every day).


FIGURE 5-7 Helicobacter gastritis. A, Endoscopic view of the gastric body and incisura angularis in a
3-year-old English bulldog with chronic intermittent vomiting. Raised nodules, some with a central reddened
craterlike appearance, were present throughout the body and antrum. B, Endoscopic view of the pyloric antrum
from the same dog showing a diffusely nodular mucosa.The pylorus is seen distally in the center of the image.
Biopsy revealed the nodules to be accumulations of lymphocytes. Urease-positive Helicobacter organisms were
present on the surface musosa and extending into the gastric pits. Clinical signs resolved after treatment with
omeprazole (0.3 mg/lb every day) in combination with amoxicillin (10 mg/lb 2 times a day) for 14 days.
FIGURE 5-8 Gastric retention of food particles and FIGURE 5-9 Malignant gastric ulcer located on the
bile-colored fluid in a 12-year-old miniature poodle incisura angularis (1 to 3 o’clock position in the field
with clinical signs of intermittent vomiting, of view) in a 13-year-old Weimaraner with a 2-month
regurgitation, inappetence, and bloating.The dog had history of chronic vomiting and weight loss.The dog
no food or water for 14 hours before endoscopy. had hypochromic microcytic anemia.The raised edges
Results of gastric mucosal biopsies were normal, and and central crater of the ulcer were very firm and
the dog was diagnosed with primary (idiopathic) required that multiple biopsy specimens be obtained
gastric motility disorder. Clinical signs improved, but from each of several sites to ensure adequate depth of
did not resolve, when the dog was treated with tissue was obtained. Histopathologic findings
cisapride and dietary management (small meals, fat- confirmed gastric adenocarcinoma.
restricted food).

FIGURE 5-10 Diffuse nodular gastric lymphosarcoma

in a 9-year-old beagle with intermittent vomiting of
2 weeks’ duration and weight loss. Clinical signs resolved
with chemotherapy (Adriamycin and L-Asparaginase).
After 6 months of remission, clinical signs reoccurred
and the dog was euthanized.

Andrew Triolo
Michael R. Lappin

PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Absorption of most important nutrients

OF ACUTE SMALL occurs by active mechanisms that require specific
mucosal carriers. Mucosal villi are the primary site
INTESTINAL DISEASE of absorption, whereas intestinal crypts are largely
Normal physiologic functions of the small intes- responsible for secretion. Passive transport of ions
tine include motility (propulsion and mixing of is determined largely by relative transmucosal con-
food), secretion (fluids of differing electrolyte centration and electrical potential differences.
concentrations added to intestinal contents), diges- Absorption may also be modified by incorpora-
tion (physicochemical reactions breaking down tion of solute into bulk flow of water (solvent
ingesta into simpler compounds that can be drag). Absorption of sodium, mediated by energy-
absorbed), and absorption (selective uptake of requiring active transport processes in both the
products of digestion along with water and elec- large and the small intestine, is crucial to the
trolytes). Very large quantities of water and absorption of water, electrolytes, and certain nutri-
electrolytes, relative to total body stores, are cycled ents.
through the gastrointestinal (GI) tract daily. For Within the jejunum, glucose, other actively
example, nearly half the total volume of extracel- absorbed monosaccharides, amino acids, and bicar-
lular fluid is secreted into the upper GI tract each bonate all enhance sodium absorption. Sodium
day, an amount greatly exceeding oral intake. resorption in turn enhances absorption of glu-
Under normal conditions fecal losses of water and cose and amino acids. Therefore fluids adminis-
electrolytes amount to only approximately 0.1% of tered for purposes of oral rehydration should
the total amount cycled through the GI tract. contain both glucose and sodium, because absorp-
However, when normal small intestinal absorptive tion of sodium is necessary for passive absorption
or secretory function is disrupted acutely, massive of water. Potassium moves inward across the intes-
fluid and electrolyte losses may ensue. tinal mucosa along its concentration gradient.


Chloride follows passively inward along an electrical sorption, and abnormal intestinal motility. The best
gradient established by inward sodium transport. understood stimuli in humans are bacterial entero-
Bicarbonate is rapidly absorbed in the jejunum by toxins resulting in secretory diarrhea. Bacteria
active transport or is neutralized by hydrogen ions, such as Escherichia coli and Vibrio, Clostridium, and
generating water and carbon dioxide. In the ileum, Staphylococcus spp. induce intestinal secretion by
chloride absorption and bicarbonate absorption are increasing intracellular concentrations of cyclic
coupled, such that bicarbonate moves out in adenosine nucleotides. Acute diarrhea in patients
exchange for inward transport of chloride. As a that eat spoiled food (garbage enteritis) may be
result, pH and bicarbonate concentration increase in from ingestion of preformed enterotoxins. Dietary
the distal small bowel; fluid losses originating there fatty acids and bile acids also stimulate intestinal
are more likely to cause metabolic acidosis than are secretion, as do certain GI hormones and intestinal
losses from the proximal small intestine. obstruction.
Intestinal secretion involves the net efflux of an Malabsorptive diarrhea results from mucosal or
isotonic solution of water and electrolytes. This is an submucosal diseases that impair absorption by
important mechanism of fluid loss and may induce either the small or the large intestine. Diseases of
severe diarrhea. Intestinal secretion can be triggered the intestinal mucosa may directly impair sodium
by a number of stimuli, including bacterial entero- resorption, thereby inhibiting water resorption
toxins, malabsorbed substances such as unconjugated and inducing diarrhea. Poorly absorbed dietary
bile acids and fatty acids, certain drugs, and mechan- substances (e.g., complex carbohydrates such as
ical obstruction of the small bowel. sucralfate) also may interfere with water resorption
Abnormal intestinal motility also may induce by altering osmotic gradients. Some products of
diarrhea and fluid losses, although the relationships maldigestion, such as bile acids, may directly
between intestinal motility, secretion, and absorp- inhibit sodium transport in the colon and also
tion are generally poorly understood. induce diarrhea.
Diarrhea results from either impaired absorp- Intestinal mucosal damage results in generalized
tion or excessive solute (including exudation) transudation of water and electrolytes, as well as
secretion. Increased osmolality within the intes- plasma proteins and blood, when injury is severe.
tinal lumen results in net water loss as well. Normal mechanisms for sodium transport also are
Diarrhea usually results in loss of fluids isotonic to disrupted. These mechanisms (combined secre-
plasma. The major solutes in diarrhea fluid are tory and malabsorptive diarrhea) are thought to be
sodium, chloride, organic anions, and potassium. largely responsible for diarrhea that develops in
In most instances the primary body deficits due to acute small intestinal diseases characterized by
diarrhea are in sodium and water. Loss of isotonic severe, bloody diarrhea. Examples include acute
fluid decreases circulating plasma volume and may viral enteritis and canine hemorrhagic gastroen-
in severe instances (e.g., parvoviral enteritis) pre- teritis.
cipitate hypovolemic shock. Because isotonic It is likely that altered intestinal motility plays
fluids are lost, serum electrolyte concentrations a role in the pathogenesis of acute diarrhea,
usually remain normal initially. During diarrheal although the mechanisms and prevalence in ani-
diseases the most important source of potassium mals are poorly understood. Segmental contrac-
loss is via urine, mediated by aldosterone released tions of the intestines are reduced with most
in response to extracellular fluid volume deple- causes of diarrhea, leading to hypomotile gut.
tion. When diarrhea is severe and/or prolonged, For this reason, drugs that reduce intestinal
significant amounts of potassium also may be lost motility, such as anticholinergic agents, are not
via feces. Mild metabolic acidosis and hypokalemia recommended for symptomatic treatment of
are the most common acid-base and electrolyte acute diarrhea.
alterations observed in patients with acute small Diseases resulting in acute diarrhea can be
intestinal disease and diarrhea. grouped into primary (diseases of the intestine) or
secondary (diseases outside the intestine with diar-
rhea as a sequela) causes (Box 6-1). The most com-
Causes of Diarrhea mon primary diseases are parasites, infectious diseases,
Acute diarrheas can be grouped by mechanism or ingestion of toxins, and obstruction. Secondary diar-
disease. The most common mechanisms include rheas are less common causes of acute diarrhea and
abnormal fluid secretion (primarily sodium), malab- are discussed in other chapters.

BOX 6-1 Differential Diagnoses for DIAGNOSTIC

Vomiting and Diarrhea in CONSIDERATIONS
Dogs and Cats Optimal management of patients with acute intes-
PRIMARY GI DISEASES tinal disease hinges on a specific diagnosis if possi-
Obstruction: masses, foreign body, intussusception, ble. This is particularly true for patients with
hiatal hernia enteritis caused by an infectious agent that may
Dietary intolerance have a specific treatment (Box 6-2). Although ini-
Drugs/toxins tial treatment in most cases varies little (fluid
Inflammatory gastric and bowel diseases administration, correction of volume and elec-
Neoplasia trolyte disturbances), specific treatment is preferred
Infectious diseases (viral, bacterial, fungal) to more general, nonspecific measures such as
Parasites indiscriminate administration of antibiotics, motil-
ity modifiers, adsorbents, and intestinal protec-
Renal disease
tants. For these reasons, diagnostic tests should be
Hepatic disease done early, before administering treatments that
Pancreatitis may interfere with test results.
Hypoadrenocorticism (rare in cats) Physical examination allows immediate assess-
Diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis ment of hydration status, severity of volume deple-
Peritonitis tion, and initial fluid replacement needs. Careful
Central nervous system/vestibular disease abdominal palpation may reveal evidence of intes-
Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency (diarrhea only; tinal obstruction.Viral gastroenteritis is more likely
rare in cats) in young and in febrile patients, especially those
without adequate vaccinations. Rectal examina-
tion may often provide early evidence of impend-
ing diarrhea and allow assessment of stool
characteristics (presence of blood or mucus, odor,


Astrovirus (S) Ancylostoma/Uncinaria (S, M, L)
Canine and feline coronaviruses (S) Dirofilaria immitis (V only; mainly cats)
Canine parvovirus (S) Ollulanus tricuspis (V only; cats only)
Canine distemper virus (S) Physaloptera (V only)
Feline leukemia virus–associated lymphoma (S, M) Strongyloides spp. (S)
Feline immunodeficiency virus (S) Toxascaris (V mainly)
Feline panleukopenia (S) Toxocara spp. (V mainly)
Rotavirus (S) Trichuris vulpis (dog, L)

Bacterial cholangiohepatitis (S) Balantidium coli (ciliate; L)
Bacterial overgrowth (S) Cryptosporidium spp. (coccidian; S)
Bacterial peritonitis (S) Giardia spp. (flagellate; S)
Campylobacter jejuni (S, M, L) Isospora spp. (coccidian; L)
Clostridium perfringens (M, L) Entamoeba (amoeba; L)
Enterotoxigenic E. coli (S, M) Pentatrichomonas (flagellate; L)
Helicobacter spp. (V)
Salmonella spp. (S, M, L) MISCELLANEOUS
Prototheca (algae; L)
Histoplasma (fungal; L)
Neorickettsia spp. (rickettsia; S)

S, Small bowel; L, large bowel; M, mixed; V, vomiting.


color, consistency). Occasionally parasites may be of Toxoplasma gondii and C. parvum. Giardia cysts
noted. are distorted by sugar centrifugation but can still
Due to the high prevalence of parasitic and be easily identified. Fecal sedimentation will
infectious diseases associated with acute diarrhea, recover most cysts and ova but will also contain
fecal testing is mandatory. To adequately assess debris. This technique is superior to flotation pro-
patients for infectious causes of diarrhea, a direct cedures for the documentation of fluke eggs. Some
smear, fecal flotation, fecal cytologic study, and parasites such as Trichuris spp. and Giardia spp. are
Cryptosporidium parvum screening test should be shed intermittently and so can be occult.
performed. Performing two to three fecal flotations over 5 to
7 days will increase sensitivity of detection of these
parasites. Feces should be refrigerated, not frozen,
Direct Smear. Liquid feces or feces that until assayed for parasites. If a fecal sample is to be
contains large quantities of mucus should be sent to a diagnostic laboratory for further analysis
microscopically examined immediately for the and will not be evaluated for parasites within 48
presence of protozoal trophozoites, including hours, it should be preserved. Polyvinyl alcohol,
those of Giardia spp., Pentatrichomonas hominis, Merthiolate-iodine-formalin, and 10% formalin
Balantidium coli, and Entamoeba histolytica. A direct preservation can be used. Because of routine avail-
saline smear can be made to potentiate observation ability, 10% formalin is commonly used; add 1 part
of these motile organisms. The amount of mucus feces to 9 parts formalin and mix well.
and feces required to cover the head of a pin is
mixed thoroughly with one drop of 0.9% NaCl.
Following application of a coverslip, the smear is Stained Smear. A thin smear of feces
evaluated for motile organisms by examining it should be made from all dogs or cats with large or
under × 100 magnification. Use of fresh feces gives small bowel diarrhea. Material should be collected
the highest yield of positive results. by rectal swab if possible to increase chances of
finding white blood cells. A cotton swab is gently
introduced 3 to 4 cm through the anus into the
Fecal Flotation. Cysts, oocysts, and ova in terminal rectum, directed to the wall of the rec-
feces can be concentrated to increase sensitivity of tum, and gently rotated several times. Placing a
detection. Most ova, oocysts, and cysts are easily drop of 0.9% NaCl on the cotton swab will facil-
identified after zinc sulfate centrifugal flotation. itate passage through the anus of cats but not
This procedure is considered by many to be opti- adversely affect cell structure. The cotton swab is
mal for the demonstration of protozoan cysts, in gently rolled on a microscope slide multiple times
particular Giardia spp., and so is a good choice to give areas with varying thickness. Following air
for a routine flotation technique in practice drying, a slide should be stained with Diff-Quik or
(Figure 6-1). Sugar centrifugation can be used for Wright’s or Giemsa stain. The slide should be
routine parasite evaluation and may be superior to examined for white blood cells and bacteria mor-
many techniques for the demonstration of oocysts phologically consistent with Campylobacter jejuni or
Clostridium perfringens (Figure 6-2). Presence of
neutrophils on rectal cytologic examination can
suggest inflammation induced by Salmonella spp.,
Ca. jejuni, or C. perfringens; fecal culture is indi-
cated in these cases (see the following section).
Histoplasma capsulatum or Prototheca may be
observed in the cytoplasm of mononuclear cells.
Methylene blue in acetate buffer (pH 3.6) stains
trophozoites of the enteric protozoans. Iodine
stains and acid methyl green are also used for the
demonstration of protozoans. Acid-fast staining of
a fecal smear is one of the C. parvum screening
procedures that should be performed in dogs or
cats with diarrhea. C. parvum is the only enteric
FIGURE 6-1 Giardia cysts. organism of approximately 4 to 6 µm in diameter

conjunction with results from fecal examina-

tion techniques. C. perfringens enterotoxin can
be detected in both healthy and diseased ani-
mals, and so positive test results do not confirm dis-
ease due to this organism (see bacterial diseases

Culture. Culture of feces for Salmonella spp.,

Campylobacter spp., and Cl. perfringens is occa-
sionally indicated in small animal practice.
Approximately 2 to 3 g of fresh feces should be
submitted to the laboratory immediately for opti-
mal results; however, Salmonella and Campylobacter
are usually viable in refrigerated fecal specimens
FIGURE 6-2 Clostridium perfringens spore-forming for 3 to 7 days. The laboratory should be notified
rods. of the suspected pathogen so appropriate culture
media can be used. If a delay in sample submission
that will stain pink to red with acid-fast stain is expected or to increase yield of positive results,
(Figure 6-3). Alternatively, antigen testing is avail- a transport medium such as Cary-Blair† medium
able for this organism (see the following section). should be used.

Immunologic Techniques. Parvovirus, Electron Microscopy. Electron micros-

C. parvum, Giardia spp., and C. perfringens entero- copy can be used to detect viral particles in feces
toxin detection procedures are available as point-of- of dogs and cats with GI signs of disease.
care tests for use with feces. Parvovirus assays detect Approximately 1 to 3 g of feces without fixative
both vaccine and field strains of canine parvovirus, should be transported to the laboratory‡ by
and so results should be interpreted cautiously overnight mail on cold packs for performance of
(see the viral diseases section). Recently, human this assay.
C. parvum and Giardia spp. antigen assays have been
applied to feces from small animals.* Minimal sen-
sitivity and specificity results are currently available. MANAGEMENT OF
For example, it is not known if the assays detect the ACUTE DIARRHEA
canine and feline genetic variants of C. parvum. If
used, results of these assays should be interpreted in
General Considerations
Clinically, most acute medical diseases of the small
intestine in dogs and cats are characterized by
watery diarrhea generally passed two to four times
daily. Vomiting results from vagal afferent input
into the emetic center and is present in many
cases. Depending on the cause, abdominal pain
and signs of systemic illness (fever, leuko-
gram abnormalities) can occur. Rarely can the
exact cause of acute small intestinal disease be
determined by the results of patient history and

Remel, Lenexa, Kan.

Becton Dickinson Microbiology Systems, Franklin
Lakes, N.J.

Diagnostic Laboratory, Colorado State University,
College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical
FIGURE 6-3 Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts. Sciences, Fort Collins, Colo.

physical examination findings. However, history severe that an intravenous catheter cannot be
and signalment can help aid in ranking differential placed, fluids should be given initially using
diagnoses. For example, viral enteritis and diarrhea intraosseous administration. Subcutaneous admin-
due to parasitism is most common in puppies and istration of fluids has unpredictable absorption and
kittens from crowded environments. Diagnostic is too slow to be useful in replacing large-volume
testing is usually necessary to make a definitive deficits in hypovolemic, hypotensive patients.
diagnosis. In most cases the therapeutic plan for Jugular catheters are preferred over peripheral
many patients with acute medical diseases of catheters in most cases; blood samples can be
the small intestine and severe diarrhea is initially drawn, the catheters can be maintained for up to 5
handled in a similar manner. days, the catheters are rarely affected by position
changes, there is reduced risk for phlebitis, and
there is the potential to measure central venous
Fluid and Electrolyte pressure to aid in monitoring fluid therapy.
Imbalances Fluids are initially administered rapidly
In cases with acute GI disturbances, of immediate (approximately 5 to 10 ml/lb over 30 to 60 min-
concern is correction of fluid and electrolyte utes, then the infusion rate is slowed) in patients
imbalances. In most instances patients are pre- with clinical hypovolemic shock (weak femoral
sumed to have lost sufficient isotonic fluids to pulse pressure, tachycardia, delayed capillary refill
become dehydrated. Restoration of normal circu- time, tacky mucous membranes). For more pro-
lating fluid volume is an immediate priority, both longed fluid administration, fluid needs for 24
to prevent renal functional impairment and to hours are calculated, and the total volume is
minimize further GI injury. Even if clinical evi- divided into three equal amounts, each to be
dence of dehydration is not apparent, patients administered every 8 hours. An infusion pump is
are assumed to be at least 5% dehydrated. Fluid optimal for constant-rate fluid infusion to patients
administration is calculated on the basis of the for- of any size to avoid overhydration.
mula in Box 6-3. The fluid of choice for initial volume replace-
In dehydrated patients fluids should always be ment is either a buffered crystalloid solution such
administered intravenously. If dehydration is so as lactated Ringer’s solution or Normosol-R or
0.9% saline solution. Both supply sodium and
chloride in adequate amounts. Also, lactated
BOX 6-3 Fluid Calculations for Use Ringer’s solution and Normosol-R are mildly
With Acute Gastrointes- alkalinizing (the buffer supplies bicarbonate) and
may be beneficial in patients with metabolic aci-
tinal Diseases dosis, especially patients with severe diarrhea. The
REPLACEMENT OF LOSSES buffer sources in Normosol-R are acetate and glu-
Dehydration (%) × body weight (kg) × 10 = ml conate. There has been a trend toward using glu-
fluid to be administered over 18 to 24 hours conate and acetate because they do not require
hepatic metabolism and they do not contribute to
MAINTENANCE NEEDS lactate levels. Administration of hypertonic solu-
30 ml/lb/day tions (e.g., 5% dextrose in lactated Ringer’s solu-
tion) has been advocated because hypertonic
fluids, by shifting water from the intracellular to
Estimate continuing losses via vomiting and/or
diarrhea (overestimate if in doubt) and replace the extracellular compartment, may expand the
every 8 hours extravascular fluid compartment more than do
isotonic fluids. Fluids without high sodium con-
SAMPLE CALCULATION centrations (e.g., 2.5% dextrose in water or 2.5%
25-kg dog, 5% dehydrated, losing 200 ml of stool dextrose in 0.45% saline) should be avoided
every 8 hours because of the failure to replenish the sodium
Replacement of losses: 1250 ml deficit, which may decrease circulating fluid vol-
Maintenance needs: 1500 ml ume.
Ongoing losses: 600 ml Adequacy of fluid replacement therapy can be
Total volume to be administered over 24 hours:
easily and accurately evaluated by serial measure-
3350 ml, or 1117 ml every 8 hours
ment of body weight relative to body weight on

entry. Body weight should increase over the first ops more readily in young patients because of their
24 hours by at least the calculated fluid deficit small hepatic glucose reserves. In these patients,
(dehydration); 500 ml of water weighs 1 lb. Fluid glucose administration (typically as a 5% solution)
administration rate should be increased if body may produce a dramatic response. The caloric con-
weight begins to drop and should be decreased if tent of a 5% dextrose solution is far less than the
body weight increases excessively (more than 5% patient’s requirements but nonetheless seems to be
to 10% of calculated normal weight). Other helpful in alleviating some of the adverse effects of
parameters for assessing adequacy of fluid replace- sepsis. Glucose supplementation is begun either at
ment therapy include serial measurement of the outset or early in the course of fluid therapy in
hematocrit and plasma protein concentration, esti- patients with severe enteritis. It is recommended
mation of pulse pressure, capillary refill time, and that glucose levels be evaluated every 8 to 12
mucous membrane texture. hours during the period of intensive therapy.
Early potassium supplementation is critical for Blood glucose levels in normal patients on a 5%
optimum management of dogs and cats with dextrose drip should range from approximately
severe gastroenteritis and volume depletion, 130 to 180 mg/dl. A patient on a 5% dextrose
because depletion of body potassium stores devel- infusion with a low-normal glucose level is prob-
ops rapidly. Routine potassium supplementation ably significantly hypoglycemic and may be septic.
should begin before hypokalemia is detected Additional glucose (e.g., 7.5% infusion or intra-
because serum potassium content represents only a venous bolus [0.5 ml of 25% dextrose per pound])
small fraction of total body potassium stores. and other treatments for sepsis (see later section in
Adverse consequences of hypokalemia are numer- this chapter on acute viral enteritis) may be indi-
ous and include decreased GI motility, decreased cated. Bicarbonate administration is rarely indi-
cardiac output, hypotension, skeletal muscle weak- cated and in most instances is contraindicated by
ness, and general malaise and inappetence. Cats the added risks of iatrogenic hypernatremia,
seem particularly likely to develop hypokalemia hyperosmolality, and alkalosis. Metabolic acidosis
during periods of GI fluid loss and fluid replace- usually corrects rapidly after volume deficit
ment therapy, and they should be supplemented replacement.
early and aggressively. Empirical supplementation
of potassium is begun at 20 to 40 mEq/L of fluids
administered; cats should receive at least 40 Nonspecific Treatment
mEq/L. Daily measurement of serum potassium is of Diarrhea
recommended to facilitate maintenance of normal Many episodes of acute diarrhea are of viral or
concentration. If at all possible, serum potassium bacterial origin, are self-limiting, and generally do
concentration should be determined before initiat- not require specific therapy. Patients should not
ing supplementation. For example, although receive solid foods for at least 24 to 48 hours but
patients with adrenocortical insufficiency and should still be allowed access to liquids, because
advanced oliguric renal failure often develop GI intestinal absorptive functions are usually intact.
disease, they should not receive potassium because Electrolyte-containing solutions may be useful as
they are often hyperkalemic. These two important sources for oral fluid replacement in patients
disorders may be detected, and inappropriate without severe GI disease and large fluid losses.
potassium supplementation avoided, by determi- Suitable electrolyte replacement solutions include
nation of serum electrolyte and urea nitrogen lev- Enterolyte or Gatorade. Alternatively, a replace-
els. A rapid and reasonably reliable screening test ment solution can be formulated using guidelines
for identifying life-threatening hyperkalemia early developed by the World Health Organization: each
is an electrocardiogram. Typical early electrocar- liter of replacement solution should contain 120
diographic changes include tall, peaked T waves, mEq sodium, 25 mEq potassium, 48 mEq sodium
loss of P waves, and wide QRS complexes. bicarbonate, and 1.1 g glucose.
Glucose administration is particularly beneficial Antidiarrheal agents are occasionally indicated
in treating septic patients, especially dogs with par- for the treatment of idiopathic, acute diarrhea of
voviral enteritis and severe diarrhea. Sepsis results nonbacterial origin (fecal cytologic findings are
in a number of disturbances in glucose metabolism noninflammatory; see earlier section on diag-
that are often manifested clinically by develop- nostic considerations), especially diarrhea caused
ment of hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia also devel- by dietary changes. Narcotics, generally considered

the most effective antidiarrheal agents, act by diagnostic work-up. Injectable drugs are usually
increasing segmental contractions of the small needed, and their use is therefore restricted to in-
and large intestine. Recommended narcotics for hospital patients.
short-term treatment of acute diarrhea (Table 6-1) Chlorpromazine (Thorazine) is preferred as the
include paregoric, diphenoxylate (Lomotil), or initial agent because it has a wide safety margin
loperamide (Imodium). Diphenoxylate is con- and is a potent antiemetic, acting on the emetic
traindicated in patients with severe underlying center, chemoreceptor trigger zone, and peripheral
hepatic disease. Neither diphenoxylate nor lo- chemoreceptors (see Table 6-1). In addition, chlor-
peramide should be used in patients with viral promazine is thought to function as a calcium chan-
enteritis, because delayed intestinal motility may nel antagonist, thereby decreasing cyclic adenosine
predispose to the development of sepsis. In addi- monophosphate concentration in intestinal epithe-
tion, these agents have been shown to prolong lial cells. The result is decreased intestinal epithelial
illness in humans with salmonellosis, shigellosis, cell secretion, especially when excess secretion is
and campylobacteriosis by interfering with normal mediated by enterotoxins. Chlorpromazine is also
immune clearance mechanisms. excellent for alleviating some of the discomfort
Salicylate-containing drugs, such as bismuth caused by nausea. Chlorpromazine may precipitate
subsalicylate (Pepto-Bismol), may be beneficial for hypotension in dehydrated patients and should
treatment of prostaglandin-mediated diarrhea. therefore not be given before fluid replacement in
Intestinal adsorbents such as kaolin pectate are volume-depleted patients.
generally of limited usefulness and must be admin- Metoclopramide (Reglan) given subcutaneously
istered in high doses. or as a constant intravenous infusion (see Table 6-1)
Antiemetic medication may be indicated for exerts antiemetic activity in the chemoreceptor
treatment of patients with persistent vomiting. trigger zone of the dog and increases gastric emp-
However, these agents should not be administered tying in dogs and cats. Adverse effects from meto-
to patients that are vomiting as a result of intestinal clopramide in dogs and cats are uncommon,
obstruction or before completing an adequate consisting largely of excessive excitement. Severe,

TABLE 6-1 Drugs Commonly Used in the Management of Acute

Gastrointestinal Diseases
Drug Regimen
Amikacin 7-9 mg/lb IV one time a day
Ampicillin 7-9 mg/lb IV three to four times a day
Bismuth subsalicylate 0.5-1 mg/lb PO three to four times a day
Cefazolin 9-15 mg/lb IV three times a day
Cetoxitin 9-15 mg/lb IV three times a day
Chlorpromazine 0.1-0.3 mg/lb IM three to four times a day
Diphenoxylate* 0.028 mg/lb PO three times a day
Enrofloxacin† 1.1-3 mg/lb IV two times a day
Flunixin meglumine* 0.45 mg/lb IV once
Hetastarch 10-20 ml/lb IV over 24 hours
Imipenem‡ 2.2-4.5 mg/lb IV three times a day
Loperamide* 0.04 mg/lb PO three times a day
Metoclopramide Constant infusion; 0.02-0.04 mg/lb/hr IV
0.1-0.3 mg/lb SQ three to four times a day
Metronidazole‡ 5-7 mg/lb IV two to three times a day
Ondansetron 0.05-0.1 mg/lb slow IV two to three times a day
Paregoric* 1-2 ml PO four times a day or as needed
Plasma (immunotherapy) 0.45 ml/lb IV, SQ, IM
Plasma (oncotic pressure) 2.3-5 ml/lb IV

IV, Intravenously; PO, orally; IM, intramuscularly; SQ, subcutaneously.

Dogs only.

Extralabel use, give as slow bolus.

Administer over 20 to 30 minutes.

protracted vomiting that does not respond well to syndrome associated with feline leukemia virus
either chlorpromazine or metoclopramide should (FeLV) and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV)
prompt consideration of possible intestinal obstruc- enteritis cause acute diarrhea in some cats. Feline
tion or pancreatitis and additional diagnostic evalu- panleukopenia is caused by a parvovirus closely
ation before continuing prolonged antiemetic related to canine parvovirus, and the intestinal
therapy. lesions are similar. In contrast to dogs, many
Ondansetron (Zofran) is a potent antiemetic parvovirus-infected cats have vomiting without
drug that is frequently effective in reducing severe diarrhea.
and frequent vomiting. It has been used in human Clinical outcome following exposure to par-
cancer patients undergoing therapy with cisplatin, voviruses depends largely on the degree of prior
a drug that frequently causes nausea and severe maternal immunity, virus strain, host immune
vomiting. Ondansetron acts as a selective antago- responses, and infecting dose of virus. Onset of
nist of serotonin 5HT3 receptors (a principal signs is usually within 3 to 5 days of exposure.
mediator of the emetic reflex). It is also effective in Small intestinal disease results from intestinal
decreasing the frequency of vomiting in patients mucosal injury that induces a combination of secre-
with severe parvoviral enteritis and should be used tory and malabsorptive diarrhea. Sepsis occurs
when chlorpromazine and metoclopramide do commonly in both dogs and cats with parvoviral
not provide adequate control. As the nausea and enteritis as a result of absorption of preformed bac-
vomiting are controlled, a state of increased com- terial toxins, as well as intact bacteria, across the
fort seems to prevail. At this time the primary lim- damaged intestinal epithelium. Bacteremia is more
itation for ondansetron is expense. It is strongly likely to occur in severely leukopenic patients.
recommended, however, that all hospitals that treat
dogs and cats stock at least one bottle of Diagnosis. Acute onset of vomiting, fever,
ondansetron so that it will be readily available for diarrhea (often bloody), and leukopenia (variable
use in patients that have intractable vomiting. finding) in a previously unvaccinated dog is con-
sistent with parvovirus infection. Parvovirus anti-
gen can be detected in feces by enzyme-linked
MANAGEMENT immunosorbent assay (ELISA),* but results can be
OF SPECIFIC ACUTE falsely negative based on timing of the infection or
SMALL INTESTINAL can be falsely positive due to modified live vaccine
DISEASES administration. Coronavirus usually induces
milder disease, and leukopenia, if present, is gener-
Acute Viral Enteritis ally less severe than in parvovirus infection.
General Considerations. The viral causes of Diagnosis of viral enteritis from organisms other
acute small intestinal disease in dogs include par- than parvovirus can be confirmed by fecal electron
voviruses 1 and 2, canine distemper virus, coro- microscopy.
navirus, astrovirus, and rotavirus (see Box Feline panleukopenia is tentatively diagnosed in
6-2). Disease due to coronavirus, astrovirus, and a young, previously unvaccinated cat with initial
rotavirus infection is rare. The disease caused by acute onset of vomiting and fever that progresses to
parvovirus in dogs (destruction of intestinal crypt bloody diarrhea and leukopenia (especially neu-
epithelium, lymphocyte depletion, neutropenia) is tropenia) within 24 to 48 hours. Diagnosis is con-
much more severe that that caused by coronavirus firmed by fecal electron microscopy or paired
(destruction of tips of intestinal villi).The severity serology. A primary differential diagnosis for dogs and
of disease associated with parvovirus infection of cats exhibiting findings consistent with parvoviral infec-
dogs is subjectively greater in some breeds, such tion is salmonellosis.
as Doberman pinschers, rottweilers, and pit bull
terriers. These breeds may have an inherited Treatment. Fluid losses, potassium deficits, and
immunodeficiency, but this has not been proved hypoglycemia should be corrected as described. In
conclusively to date. Coronavirus is generally asso- patients with signs of advanced sepsis, short-term
ciated with disease only in very young puppies. administration of a glucose-insulin-potassium mix-
In cats, panleukopenia virus and enteric coro- ture (3 g glucose/1 unit regular insulin/0.5 mEq
navirus are the two most common viral causes of
intestinal disease. However, the panleukopenia-like Synbiotics and IDEXX.

potassium chloride/kg, to be infused over 4 to treatment is administered for short periods of time
5 hours) may be warranted. If possible, once-daily (usually until the white blood cell count returns to
measurement of serum electrolyte concentrations normal); follow-up treatment with orally adminis-
and blood glucose monitoring at least twice daily tered antibiotics is not indicated. Leukocyte
are recommended while the patient remains criti- rebound is a favorable sign and usually indicates
cally ill. Both food and water are withheld for at that the patient will recover.
least the first 48 to 72 hours of treatment and Flunixin meglumine (Banamine) has been
are usually not reinstituted until vomiting and shown experimentally to increase survival of dogs
diarrhea have subsided. Small amounts of water after endotoxin administration and has been rec-
(or water plus electrolytes) are offered first over a ommended for treatment of dogs with sepsis due
24-hour period and, if well tolerated, are followed to parvoviral enteritis. Because of potential for gas-
by small meals of solid, easily digestible, bland food tric injury, only a single dose for emergency man-
over the next several days. agement of sepsis in dogs should be used.
Broad-spectrum antibiotics are indicated for In some parvovirus patients with severe
treatment of dogs and cats with severe gastroen- leukopenia, recombinant granulocyte colony-
teritis (especially those with hemorrhagic diar- stimulating factor (Neupogen) has been shown to
rhea), particularly if clinical findings consistent be effective in increasing white blood cell counts.
with sepsis are detected. However, routine use of However, use of these products has not correlated
antimicrobial therapy in all patients with acute to increased survival or decreased morbidity. Thus
viral enteritis is not indicated, because many with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor may not be
milder disease can be effectively managed without indicated for treatment of parvoviral enteritis.
antibiotics, thus avoiding the unnecessary expense Passive immunotherapy with serum or plasma
and risk their use entails. Studies have shown that from hyperimmune dogs or cats may lessen the
bacteremia is most likely to occur in patients with morbidity of acute viral enteritis, especially par-
enteritis and concurrent severe leukopenia, and it vovirus. Administration of antiparvovirus antibody
is these patients that are most likely to benefit from in this fashion may lessen viremia. Use of fresh
antimicrobial therapy. Bacteremia occurs uncom- plasma has the added advantage of potentiating
monly in patients with acute enteritis and normal opsonization of bacteria by fibronectin. On day 1
white blood cell counts. of hospitalization, 0.5 ml/lb of hyperimmune
The GI tract has a rich normal flora, and so serum or plasma should be given intravenously,
broad-spectrum coverage is necessary to cover for subcutaneously, or intramuscularly. Vaccinated
both aerobic bacteria (especially E. coli) and facul- blood donor animals or survivors of parvovirus
tative anaerobic bacteria (especially Bacteroides and infection are excellent donors. Red blood cells
Clostridium). Adequate coverage for both types of should not be administered unless needed.
bacteria can usually be attained by administration Hypoproteinemia often develops rapidly in
of a penicillin or first-generation cephalosporin patients with severe diarrhea and serious small
parenterally. Addition of an aminoglycoside or intestinal injury. As a consequence, plasma oncotic
quinolone is indicated for treatment of severely pressure drops and fluid losses via the bowel are
septic patients. Maintenance of normal blood vol- accelerated. Plasma or hetastarch should be used
ume is essential when using aminoglycoside antibi- to help restore normal oncotic pressure (see Table
otics, and patients should be monitored carefully by 6-1). Plasma has the advantage of supplying pas-
means of a daily urinalysis for signs of possible sive immunotherapy. Sufficient plasma is adminis-
aminoglycoside-induced nephrotoxicity. Once- tered to increase total protein concentration to at
daily aminoglycoside protocols should be used, and least the low-normal range. An in-line filter is
this drug class should not be administered until used to remove particulate material during plasma
hypovolemia and hypokalemia have been resolved. infusion.
Development of proteinuria or urine casts is often
the first warning of renal injury; aminoglycoside Sequelae. Intestinal intussusception is the most
treatment should be discontinued at this point. serious sequela that may develop during treatment
Cefoxitin, a second-generation cephalosporin, pro- for viral gastroenteritis. Altered intestinal motility
vides single-agent broad-spectrum coverage for is implicated. Careful abdominal palpation for the
patients with severe sepsis and avoids the potential presence of an abdominal mass should be per-
toxicity of aminoglycocides. In general, antibiotic formed daily. Persistent vomiting after apparent

clinical recovery should prompt a careful search with the short-term oocyst shedding period (gen-
for intussusception. Abdominal radiographs, ultra- erally less than 14 days).
sound, or contrast studies may be necessary to diag-
nose intussusception. Other potential complications Diagnosis. All dogs and cats with acute vomit-
include bacterial embolization and metastatic ing or diarrhea should be evaluated for parasites
abscessation (joints, subcutis, kidney) and intra- (see diagnosis section). Diagnosis of helminth
venous catheter infection. Catheters should be infections is based on demonstration of ova after
maintained in a sterile manner under a bandage that fecal flotation. Ova detection can be used to doc-
completely covers the catheter, and catheters should ument cestode infection, but proglottid detection
be rotated to a different vein every 72 hours (up to occurs most commonly (D. caninum and Taenia
5 days for jugular catheters). spp.). Trophozoites of protozoans are best demon-
strated by wet mounts performed on fresh feces.
For parasites that are commonly occult, such as
Gastrointestinal Parasitism Trichuris vulpis, Giardia, and Cryptosporidium spp.,
General Considerations. Parasitism is com- performance of multiple fecal evaluations
mon in dogs and cats, and, depending on the improves sensitivity. Physaloptera and Ollulanus
parasite, can occur regardless of age, breed, or sex. rarely shed eggs in feces and frequently are diag-
Although outdoor animals are more likely to be nosed only by endoscopy or therapeutic trials.
parasitized than indoor animals, indoor animals Giardia can be found in duodenal aspirates of dogs
can be exposed to some parasites from transmis- but lives in the distal small intestine of cats.
sion by transport hosts such as rodents, flies, and Antigen ELISA is being assessed as a diagnostic aid
cockroaches. Predominant clinical signs of disease for giardiasis and cryptosporidiosis (see diagnosis
vary by the parasite (see Box 6-2), but most can section).
induce vomiting and diarrhea.
The most common helminth parasites causing Treatment. There are multiple antiparasite drugs
GI tract disease in dogs and cats are listed in Box that can be effective (Table 6-2). Anthelmintics such
6-2. Toxocara spp., Toxascaris leonina, Ollulanus tri- as pyrantel pamoate should be routinely adminis-
cuspis, and Physaloptera are generally found in the tered to all puppies and kittens on initial examina-
upper GI tract and are commonly associated with tion and again 2 to 3 weeks later because of
vomiting. The hookworms Ancylostoma spp. and zoonotic health risks. In heartworm endemic areas,
Uncinaria stenocephala are found in the intestines use of preventatives that also control helminths is
and cause diarrhea and significant blood loss, par- indicated. Because T. vulpis infection is commonly
ticularly in small dogs or cats. Trichuris spp. live in occult, all dogs with large bowel diarrhea with no
the large intestine and cecum and can result in obvious cause should be given fenbendazole or
large bowel diarrhea. Dipylidium caninum, Taenia other anthelmintic with activity against T. vulpis.
spp., and Echinococcus spp. are the most common Praziquantel is one drug with activity against the
cestodes that infect small animals. Dogs and cats three major canine tapeworms. Fenbendazole can be
are infected with D. caninum after ingesting effective for the treatment of Taenia spp. infection.
infected fleas and with Taenia spp. and Echinococcus Entamoeba, Giardia, Balantidium, and Pentatrichomonas
spp. by carnivorism. Clinical signs are minimal but generally respond clinically to metronidazole, but
may include failure to thrive. Pentatrichomonas and Giardia may not be cleared
The most common protozoal agents potentially from the GI tract. Fenbendazole, albendazole, paro-
causing GI tract disease in dogs and cats are Giardia momycin, and febantel-pyrantel-praziquantel (dogs)
spp., Cryptosporidium spp., Isospora spp., and are alternate anti-Giardia drugs. If Giardia infection
Pentatrichomonas (see Box 6-2). Giardiasis and alone is suspected, fenbendazole is superior to
cryptosporidiosis most commonly induce small metronidazole. Albendazole has been associated with
bowel diarrhea; Isospora spp. and P. hominis are most neutropenia in dogs and cats, and so fenbendazole
commonly associated with mixed or large bowel appears to be safer. Addition of insoluble fiber to the
diarrhea. Isospora spp. infection usually causes dis- diet may aid in the control of giardiasis. Sequential
ease only in puppies and kittens. Only cats com- administration of clindamycin followed by tylosin
plete the coccidian life cycle of T. gondii; oocysts in blocked oocyst shedding and resolved diarrhea in
dog feces are from the ingestion of cat feces. This one cat with chronic, clinical cryptosporidiosis.
parasite rarely induces diarrhea and is only associated Tylosin alone was apparently successful in blocking
TABLE 6-2 Drugs Commonly Used in the Management of Parasitic
Diseases Associated With Acute Gastrointestinal Disease
Organism/Generic Drug Name Common Canine Dosage Common Feline Dosage
Balantidium coli
Metronidazole 4.5-11 mg/lb PO q12h for 8 days NA
Tetracycline 11 mg/lb PO q8h for 7-10 days NA
Cryptosporidium parvum
Azithromycin 2.5-5 mg/lb PO q12h for 5-7 days 3-7 mg/lb PO q12h for 5-7 days
Paromomycin 75 mg/lb PO q12h for 5 days 75 mg/lb PO q12h for 5 days
Tylosin 4.5 mg/lb PO q8-12h for 21 days 4.5 mg/lb PO q8-12h for 21 days
(administer in capsules for cats)
Isospora spp.
Trimethoprim-sulfonamide 6-13 mg/lb PO q12h for 5 days 6 mg/lb PO q12h for 5 days
Sulfadimethoxine 22-25 mg/lb PO daily for 5-20 days 22-25 mg/lb PO daily for 5-20 days
Furazolidone 3-9 mg/lb PO q12-24h for 5 days 3-9 mg/lb PO q12-24h for 5 days
Amprolium 300-400 mg PO daily for 5 days 60-100 mg daily for 5 days
Paromomycin 75 mg/lb PO q12h for 5 days 75 mg/lb PO q12h for 5 days
Metronidazole 4.5-11 mg/lb PO q12h for 8 days 4.5-11 mg/lb PO q12h for 8 days
Fenbendazole 22 mg/lb PO q24h for 3-7 days 22 mg/lb PO q24h for 3-7 days
Furazolidone 1.8 mg/lb PO q12h for 7 days 1.8 mg/lb PO q12h for 7 days
Paromomycin 75 mg/lb PO q12h for 5 days 75 mg/lb PO q12h for 5 days
Praziquantel, pyrantel, and PO daily for 3 days NA
Pentatrichomonas hominis
Metronidazole 4.5-11 mg/lb PO q12h for 8 days 4.5-11 mg/lb PO q12h for 8 days
Paromomycin 75 mg/lb PO q12h for 5 days 75 mg/lb PO q12h for 5 days
Toxoplasma gondii
Azithromycin 2.5-5 mg/lb PO q12h for 5-7 days 3-7 mg/lb PO q12h for 5-7 days
Clindamycin hydrochloride 5.5 mg/lb PO, IM q12h for 28 days 5.5 mg/lb PO, IM q12h for 28 days
Clarithromycin 2.5-5 mg/lb PO q12h for 7 days 2.5-5 mg/lb PO q12h for 7 days
Pyrimethamine 0.1-0.25 mg/lb PO q24h for 28 days Usually not used due to toxicity
Trimethoprim-sulfonamide 6.5 mg/lb PO q12h for 28 days 6.5 mg/lb PO q12h for 28 days
Doxycycline 2.5-5 mg/lb PO q12h for 4 weeks 2.5-5 mg/lb q12h PO for 4 weeks
(caution regarding potential for
esophageal stricture formation in
cats, see Chapter 4)
Dichlorvos 5 mg/lb PO once 5 mg/lb PO once
Febantel 5 mg/lb PO q24h for 3 days 5 mg/lb PO q24h for 3 days
Pyrantel pamoate 2.2 mg/lb PO once 2-7 mg/lb PO once
Fenbendazole 25 mg/lb PO once NA
Dichlorvos 5 mg/lb PO once 5 mg/lb PO once
Febantel 5 mg/lb PO q24h for 3 days 5 mg/lb PO q24h for 3 days
Pyrantel pamoate 2.2 mg/lb PO once 2-7 mg/lb PO once
Fenbendazole 25 mg/lb PO once NA
Dipylidium caninum
Epsiprantel 2.5 mg/lb PO, repeat in 3 weeks 1.25 mg/lb PO, repeat in 3 weeks
Praziquantel 2-6 mg/lb PO, SQ, repeat in 2-6 mg/lb PO, SQ, repeat in
3 weeks 3 weeks
Taenia pisiformis
Epsiprantel 2.5 mg/lb PO, repeat in 3 weeks 1.25 mg/lb PO, repeat in 3 weeks
Praziquantel 2-6 mg/lb PO, SQ, repeat in 3 weeks 2-6 mg/lb PO, SQ, repeat in
3 weeks
Epsiprantel 2.5 mg/lb PO, repeat in 3 weeks 1.25 mg/lb PO, repeat in 3 weeks
Praziquantel 2-6 mg/lb PO, SQ, repeat in 3 weeks 2-6 mg/lb PO, SQ, repeat in 3

PO, Orally; NA, not applicable; IM, intramuscularly; SQ, subcutaneously.


oocyst shedding in 12 other dogs or cats with should be maintained. Giardia, Cryptosporidium,
diarrhea. Paromomycin,* an orally administered Entamoeba, Balantidium, and Pentatrichomonas
aminoglycoside, has effect against Pentatrichomonas, should be considered potentially zoonotic. Not all
Cryptosporidium, and Giardia but has been associated Giardia or C. parvum isolates cross-infect other
with acute renal failure in cats with hemorrhagic species, but this cannot be determined by micro-
diarrhea. The T. gondii oocyst shedding period in scopic examination. Cats have not been shown to
cats can be shortened by administration of clin- be infected by Balantidium and are unlikely to give
damycin. Clinical signs from Isospora spp. generally Entamoeba to people because it is rare in cats and
respond to the administration of sulfadimethoxine; cats are unlikely to form cysts.
alternatives include other sulfas, clindamycin, and
paromomycin. Drugs used to treat Isospora spp. are
static, and so cysts may still be seen after treatment. Acute Bacterial Gastroenteritis
General Considerations. The most com-
Sequelae. Severe blood loss anemia may occur monly recognized primary bacterial pathogens of
from hookworm infestation. Some intestinal para- the GI tract of dogs and cats include Salmonella
sites such as Giardia or Cryptosporidium may be dif- spp., C. jejuni, C. perfringens, Helicobacter spp., and
ficult to clear. In addition, chronic vomiting or enterotoxigenic E. coli. Each agent can cause vom-
diarrhea from secondary inflammatory cell infil- iting; all but Helicobacter spp. are commonly associ-
trates into the GI tract may occur (see other sec- ated with the clinical signs of large, small, or mixed
tions). Some parasitic infections are zoonotic. bowel diarrhea. C. perfringens–associated disease
Visceral larva migrans can occur in humans fol- appears to be less common in cats than in dogs.
lowing infection by Toxocara spp. eggs. Follow- Each of the bacterial infections can be associated
ing human ingestion of infectious eggs, larvae with contaminated environments, direct contact
penetrate the intestinal wall and migrate through with infected animals, or potentially ingestion of
the tissues, leading to eosinophilic granulomatous infected prey species. Salmonellosis and campy-
reactions involving the skin, lungs, central nervous lobacteriosis are commonly associated with inges-
system, and eyes. Ocular larva migrans most com- tion of undercooked poultry products. It is
monly involves the retina and can cause reduced also possible that each of the organisms could be
vision, strabismus, uveitis, and endophthalmitis. carried by healthy animals only to overgrow
Cutaneous larva migrans in humans can be and induce disease because of other stimuli such
induced with infection by all three species of as stress, diet change, or antimicrobial therapy.
hookworms infecting dogs and cats in the United Salmonellosis is commonly associated with poly-
States. Larvae are released from eggs passed into systemic clinical signs such as fever, as well as
the environment in feces; infectious larvae infect neutropenia, in the sepsis stage of infection.
humans by skin penetration. Larval migration Approximately 50% of the cats with salmonellosis
results in the development of an erythematous, are seen for evaluation of fever without GI tract
pruritic cutaneous tunnel. Occasionally larvae will disease signs; the owner may report a recent his-
reach the lungs and cornea. Ancylostoma caninum tory of songbird ingestion. Campylobacteriosis is
also causes eosinophilic enteritis in humans. most common in puppies and kittens, and the
Transmission of small animal cestodes to humans organism is less likely to cause polysystemic signs
occurs following ingestion of the intermediate than salmonellosis. Small animals can also be
host (flea, Dipylidium) or by the ingestion of eggs infected by other potential bacterial pathogens
(Echinococcus). Dipylidium infection is most com- such as Shigella and Yersinia enterocolitica but seem
mon in children and can lead to diarrhea and pru- to be relatively resistant to disease induced by
ritus ani. Following human ingestion of eggs, these organisms.
Echinococcus enters the portal circulation and
spreads throughout the liver and other tissues, Diagnosis. Helicobacteriosis is diagnosed clini-
causing hydatid disease. Prevention and/or control cally by the combination of demonstration of
is primarily by use of taeniacides and sanitation spirochetes by cytologic or histologic studies, pos-
procedures. To lessen human risks, dogs and cats itive urease test results, presence of inflammation,
should not be allowed to hunt and flea control exclusion of other causes of inflammation, and
response to treatment (see Chapter 5). Presence of
Parke-Davis, Morris Plains, N.J. large numbers of neutrophils on rectal cytologic

examination suggests but does not prove bacterial Acute Hemorrhagic

disease induced by Campylobacter spp., Salmonella Gastroenteritis
spp., or C. perfringens enterotoxin production but is General Considerations. Hemorrhagic gas-
a relative indication for fecal culture (see diagnosis troenteritis (HGE) is a disease of unknown cause
section). C. perfringens are large rod-form bacteria; that occurs most often in small-breed dogs. The
pathogenic strains generally have an unstained pathophysiology of the disease most closely resem-
spore. A positive C. perfringens culture or presence bles that of acute hemorrhagic enteritis of humans
of large, spore-forming rods does not prove induced by certain enterotoxigenic strains of
enterotoxin production; enterotoxin measurement E. coli. Anaphylactic reaction to as yet undeter-
in feces is available at most large commercial lab- mined toxins also has been implicated. The clinical
oratories. Because C. perfringens enterotoxin can be course of the disease is frequently peracute, pro-
detected in healthy patients, as well as those that gressing rapidly to death if not treated aggressively
are clinically ill, positive results cannot be used to and promptly. Early signs are vomiting and depres-
definitely confirm a disease association. Campylo- sion, progressing to hematemesis and copious,
bacter spp. are spirochetes but are small and so dif- malodorous, bloody diarrhea, often of currant-jelly
ficult to identify cytologically; definitive diagnosis consistency. Recovery after treatment is usually
is based on culture. equally rapid.

Treatment. Supportive care and nonspecific Diagnosis. Diagnosis is based on the presence
therapy as discussed for acute viral diseases should of significant hemoconcentration (packed cell vol-
be given as indicated. Holding the patient off ume may approach 70% to 80%), with little to no
food for 24 hours may speed resolution of clinical increase in total protein concentration, in a small
disease. C. perfringens generally responds to treat- dog with typical clinical signs. Hypovolemia is
ment with ampicillin, amoxicillin, tylosin, or thought to account for the increase in hematocrit,
metronidazole. The drug of choice for campy- whereas gut losses of serum proteins serve to pre-
lobacteriosis is erythromycin; alternative drugs are vent a corresponding increase in serum total pro-
tetracyclines, chloramphenicol, and potentially tein concentration.
tylosin. Salmonellosis should be treated only
parenterally because of rapid resistance that Treatment. Early, aggressive replacement of
occurs following oral administration of antibiotics. fluid volume deficits is critical to successful man-
Appropriate antibiotics for the treatment of salmo- agement of dogs with HGE. Either normal saline
nellosis include chloramphenicol, trimethoprim- or lactated Ringer’s solution (9 to 18 ml/lb) is
sulfonamide, and amoxicillin; quinolones are infused rapidly intravenously over 1 to 2 hours,
effective but should be reserved for resistant infec- followed by slower infusion of a sufficient volume
tions. Helicobacter spp. infection is usually treated of fluids to correct dehydration, replace ongoing
with the combination of metronidazole and tetra- losses, and provide for maintenance needs (see pre-
cycline or amoxicillin and metronidazole with vious discussion of fluid therapy) over the next
acid reduction therapy (e.g., omeprazole, famoti- 24 hours. Electrolyte concentration and body
dine). Clarithromycin can be effective and can be weight should be monitored closely during treat-
used once daily in cats. ment. To date, evidence has not been presented to
indicate that administration of antibiotics is bene-
Sequelae. Chronic gastritis is associated with ficial, although patients with evidence of severe
Helicobacter spp. infection in some cases. It is pos- leukopenia or presence of a left shift on complete
sible that some chronic diarrheas are associated blood count should probably receive antibiotic
with bacterial infections. There appears to be treatment. Antiemetic drugs may be warranted if
minimal zoonotic risk associated with Helicobacter vomiting is severe or prolonged.
infections of small animals. However, dogs and
cats infected with Salmonella and Campylobacter Sequelae. Coagulation abnormalities, especially
will shed the organisms into the human environ- thrombocytopenia, may develop but are usually
ment for a period of time after acute infection. reversed once fluid deficits are corrected.
Thus feces of these patients should be handled Recovery typically occurs rapidly over 24 to
carefully. 48 hours, and residual effects from HGE are rare.

Acute Gastrointestinal Disease bowel-constricting lesions (volvulus, hernias), and

Resulting From Ingestion of lesions that compress the bowel lumen (tumors).
Garbage and Intoxicants Signs are variable, depending on the location of
General Considerations. Development of the obstruction: proximal obstruction is more
acute GI disease after ingestion of garbage or likely to cause vomiting, whereas more distal
decayed organic matter occurs commonly in dogs. obstruction is most likely to cause diarrhea or
In most instances illness is manifested by acute constipation. Intussusception should be considered
onset of vomiting, often accompanied by profuse, in any young dog with acute onset of bloody
watery diarrhea. Animals are rarely febrile, and sig- diarrhea and a firm, tubular abdominal mass.
nificant leukogram abnormalities are uncommon. Mechanical small intestinal obstruction has several
Illness is thought to result either from osmotic important consequences. Experimentally, 6 to
overload with nondigestible substances or from 12 hours of small bowel obstruction in dogs results
ingestion of preformed bacterial toxins. There are in distention and decreased absorption from the
multiple drugs associated with vomiting. bowel proximal to the lesion. If obstruction per-
sists, net secretion of sodium and water quickly
Diagnosis. Occasionally the toxicant ingested is ensues. These changes are thought to occur as a
known, especially if iatrogenic. Definitive diagno- consequence of increased intraluminal pressure,
sis of food poisoning requires laboratory identifi- increased portal venous and lymphatic pressures,
cation of the offending enterotoxin. Because this is and liberation of toxins by bacteria that rapidly
rarely performed, most cases are presumptively proliferate in the obstructed bowel. Bacteria figure
diagnosed by history and physical examination prominently in the pathogenesis of changes occur-
findings and treated nonspecifically. ring in bowel obstruction, because mortality is
greatly reduced and survival prolonged in new-
Treatment. Supportive care designed primarily born or gnotobiotic dogs with experimental intes-
to prevent dehydration is generally the mainstay of tinal obstruction. If obstruction persists, blood
treatment for acute garbage enteritis in dogs. Food supply to the obstructed bowel is compromised
and water are withheld for 12 hours, and then only and edema, hemorrhage, and eventually necrosis of
water (or water plus electrolytes) is given for the the bowel wall develop. Intestinal mucosal perme-
next 12 to 24 hours, depending on the course of ability increases, allowing plasma proteins to leak
the disease. If vomiting and/or diarrhea persist for into the bowel lumen and at the same time pro-
longer than 24 hours, more serious GI disease is moting uptake of bacteria and bacterial toxins into
likely. Antidiarrheal drugs should be adminis- the portal circulation. Bacterial peritonitis fre-
tered cautiously if the source of intoxication is quently accompanies untreated, complicated small
unknown, because they may potentially worsen, bowel obstruction.
by slowing elimination, disease caused by bacterial Metabolic complications of prolonged small
enterotoxins. Antiemetic drugs can be given by bowel obstruction include hypovolemia, hypona-
injection to control severe vomiting, provided tremia, and hypochloridemia. Significant hypo-
clinical evidence of dehydration or hypovolemia is volemia may develop rapidly in distal small bowel
not present. Intestinal protectants (kaolin, activated obstruction, because fluid is sequestered within the
charcoal) are likely to be of little benefit. bowel lumen.Within 24 hours of obstruction, 50%
or more of total plasma volume may be lost; addi-
Sequelae. For most cases, clinical signs resolve tional fluid also may accumulate within the peri-
quickly, without sequelae. Some intoxicants cause toneal cavity. These losses may be sufficient to
severe gastric ulcers (glucocorticoids, aspirin) or precipitate hypovolemic shock. Because fluid
disease of other organ systems such as the kidneys losses are isotonic, plasma electrolyte concentra-
or liver (nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agents). tions may initially be normal. Hyponatremia may,
however, become apparent when a patient drinks
water in an attempt to replace volume losses.
Acute Small Intestinal Chloride loss occurs through vomiting, although
Obstruction vomiting occurs in only approximately 10% of
General Considerations. Causes of acute dogs with complete proximal small bowel obstruc-
mechanical small bowel obstruction in dogs and tion. Mild metabolic acidosis may develop as a
cats include bowel impaction by foreign bodies, result of bicarbonate loss (vomiting) and renal

functional impairment (hypovolemia). Outcome have perforated or that have undergone ischemic
after correction of bowel obstruction depends injury may be helpful in enhancing intestinal heal-
largely on whether complications occur (sepsis, ing and guarding against bowel leakage.
peritonitis, bowel perforation, and acute renal fail-
ure). Sequelae. Complications after intestinal sur-
gery, although generally uncommon, include peri-
Diagnosis. Abdominal palpation and radio- tonitis, stricture formation, abscessation, formation
graphic evaluation are the two primary methods of of adhesions, and malabsorption syndromes fol-
diagnosis of obstruction. Survey abdominal radio- lowing resection of large segments of small bowel.
graphs are obtained first, and if evidence of obstruc-
tion is observed (see Chapter 2), contrast material REFERENCES
(e.g., liquid barium or barium-impregnated
polyethylene spheres [BIPS]) may be adminis- Bornay-Llinares FJ et al.: Identification of Cryptosporidium
felis in a cow by morphologic and molecular methods,
tered to enhance visualization of possible obstruc-
Appl Environ Microbiol 65:1455, 1999.
tive lesions and to evaluate intestinal motility. Cubeddu LX et al.: Efficacy of ondansetron and the role
Abdominocentesis and cytologic evaluation of any of serotonin in cisplatin-induced nausea and vomiting,
fluid obtained also may be helpful in determining N Engl J Med 322:810, 1990.
whether bowel leakage and subsequent peritonitis Hill S et al.: Prevalence of enteric zoonoses in cats, J Am
have occurred. Vet Med Assoc 216:687, 2000.
Lappin MR, Calpin JP: Laboratory diagnosis of
Treatment. If acute small intestinal obstruction is protozoal infections. In Greene CE, ed: Infectious dis-
diagnosed, immediate surgery is nearly always indicated, eases of the dog and cat, ed 2, Philadelphia, 1998, WB
because delay in surgical correction of an obstructing Saunders.
lesion may lead to further ischemic injury and possible Marks SL et al.: Evaluation of methods to diagnose
Clostridium perfringens–associated diarrhea in dogs,
intestinal necrosis and perforation. Thorough abdomi-
J Am Vet Med Assoc 214(3):357, 1999.
nal exploration is done at the time of surgery, even Macintire DK et al.:Treatment of dogs naturally infected
if an obvious lesion is initially identified. If a lesion with canine parvovirus with lyophilized canine IgG.
cannot be identified grossly, intestinal biopsy (at ACVIM Proceedings, June 10, 1999, Chicago.
least jejunum and ileum) is warranted, because Obradovich JE et al.: Evaluation of recombinant canine
certain intestinal infectious or inflammatory dis- granulocyte colony-stimulating factor as an inducer of
eases may induce signs that mimic intestinal granulopoeisis, J Vet Intern Med 5:75, 1991.
obstruction. If bowel perforation with severe peri- Pieniazek NJ et al.: New Cryptosporidium genotypes in
tonitis has developed, delayed body wall closure HIV-infected persons, Emerg Infect Dis 5:444, 1999.
with sterile open packing of the abdomen may be Rewerts JM et al.: Recombinant human granulocyte
used to facilitate drainage. The abdomen is closed colony-stimulating factor for treatment of puppies
with neutropenia secondary to canine parvovirus
after several cycles of abdominal lavage and when
infection [see comments], J Am Vet Med Assoc 213:991,
the infection appears to be under control (usually 1998.
1 to 2 days). If there is any question as to bowel Sargent KD et al.: Morphological and genetic charac-
viability at the time of initial exploratory lapa- terisation of Cryptosporidium oocysts from domestic
rotomy, a second laparotomy 24 hours later may be cats, Vet Parasitol 77:221, 1998.
indicated to better assess intestinal viability. Serosal Triolo AJ: Clinical use of hypertonic saline. ACVIM
patching of bowel segments (especially colon) that Proceedings, June 10, 1999, Chicago.

Todd R.Tams

Chronic disorders of the small intestine in dogs disease usually disrupts normal function of the
and cats are frequently encountered in clinical small intestine and results in vomiting and/or
practice. A majority of these disorders can be suc- diarrhea, and weight loss.
cessfully managed. It is urged, however, that clini-
cians pursue early meaningful diagnostic evaluation
on patients that have chronic symptoms (lasting
more than 2 to 4 weeks) because some disorders, CLINICAL SIGNS OF
if not treated appropriately, can result in severe SMALL INTESTINAL
malabsorptive disease and death. In the interim
some patients with chronic disorders are lethargic,
inappetent, and sometimes uncomfortable (e.g., The most common clinical signs associated with
intestinal cramping and pain may be present). Owner chronic small intestinal disease are diarrhea and
frustration also escalates when symptoms persist weight loss. Vomiting is common in inflamma-
with little or no improvement. Early diagnostic eval- tory disorders, and intermittent inappetence, list-
uation and correct therapeutic intervention alleviate lessness, borborygmus, flatulence, trembling, and
many problems. signs of abdominal pain are also important symp-
In the dog and cat the primary function of the toms. Signs of abdominal pain may be subtle and
small intestine is to assimilate nutrients by the not obvious to the owner. In association with
processes of digestion and absorption. Important marked hypoproteinemia resulting from infiltra-
motility functions include rhythmic segmentation tive intestinal diseases (protein-losing enteropa-
to slow the passage of contents through the tube thy), signs may include pitting subcutaneous edema,
and peristalsis to move contents continuously in ascites, or dyspnea associated with hydrothorax.
an aboral direction. The movement of contents Colonic disorders are a common cause of diar-
through the small intestine is the net effect of rhea. Diarrhea of large intestinal origin should be
these two important types of motility. Intestinal differentiated clinically from small intestinal causes


because work-up and treatment often differ (see syndrome, and intestinal neoplasia. The diagnostic
Chapter 8). approach to the problem of chronic diarrhea was
reviewed in Chapter 1. The diagnosis and treat-
ment of each individual disorder are presented
Malabsorption syndrome includes chronic enter-
opathies that cause a generalized failure of diges-
tion and absorption, resulting in diarrhea and
weight loss. Some common causes include diffuse Giardia as a cause of acute diarrhea was discussed
chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in Chapter 6. Diarrhea is the most common clin-
(lymphocytic-plasmacytic enteritis, eosinophilic ical sign in symptomatic dogs and cats. Until a
enteritis, granulomatous enteritis), lymphangiecta- diagnosis is made and adequate therapy instituted,
sia, lymphosarcoma, idiopathic villous atrophy, and Giardia may cause intermittent or chronic ongo-
histoplasmosis. Malabsorption may occur second- ing diarrhea. In some practice areas Giardia is the
ary to bacterial overgrowth, parasitic infections most common parasitic cause of diarrhea. Other
such as giardiasis, and massive bowel resection. signs may include weight loss and unthriftiness.
Protein-losing enteropathy refers to a group of Occasionally vomiting may be the predominant
disorders characterized by excessive loss of serum sign.
proteins into the intestinal tract. Blood chemistry Giardia has proven to be a difficult problem
profiles reveal proportionately equal depressions of both to diagnose definitively and to treat suc-
albumin and globulin concentrations, often with a cessfully. For example, despite adequate treatment
total protein of less than 5.5 g/dl. Hypoproteinemia regimens using both metronidazole (Flagyl) and
results from either decreased production or increased quinacrine (Atabrine) in the past, some dogs in
loss of protein. Hypoproteinemia due to chronic our practice remained infected and symptomatic.
liver disease is characterized by primary hypoalbu- It should be recognized that there may be one or
minemia, resulting from decreased production of several concurrent intestinal disorders (e.g., intes-
albumin. In protein-losing nephropathies there is a tinal bacterial overgrowth, IBD) that complicate
primary hypoalbuminemia, due to increased loss of resolution of clinical signs. In some cases, even
albumin. Macroglobulins are generally not lost until though Giardia is present, it may not be a signifi-
disease is severe and glomerular membranes become cant pathogen. Some other process then may be
porous. In contrast, protein loss from the GI tract responsible for the clinical abnormalities.
generally involves loss of all fractions at an equal rate, Individual host immunity factors also play an
regardless of molecular size. important role in infection control. Deficiency of
The most common causes of protein-losing secretory IgA has been shown to be a factor in
enteropathy (PLE) in the dog include moderate persistent Giardia infection in humans, and the
to severe lymphocytic-plasmacytic enteritis, lym- same may be true for animals. A competent cell-
phangiectasia, diffuse intestinal lymphosarcoma, and mediated immune system is required to resist
histoplasmosis. Pythiosis causes severe intestinal infection. Also, immunosuppressive doses of cor-
inflammation and protein loss and is generally seen ticosteroids can cause recrudescence of Giardia infec-
in dogs living in the Gulf Coast states, although it tions in dogs and other species. Noting the
has been recognized in other southern states as prevalence of IBD in dogs and cats and the fre-
well (see later discussion on pythiosis). Chronic quent use of corticosteroids to treat the syndrome,
parasitism, including giardiasis, can also result in every effort should be made to identify the pres-
intestinal protein loss. Subnormal protein levels in ence of Giardia and to ensure that adequate treat-
cats due to GI disease are not commonly recog- ment be administered in patients that are also
nized. Among this group, lymphosarcoma and being treated for IBD (either empirically or
severe IBD are the most common causes. because a definitive diagnosis has been made).
This chapter presents diagnostic and detailed In dogs, diarrhea may begin as early as 5 days
treatment information for some of the most after exposure to infection.The life cycle of Giardia
important and challenging chronic small intestinal is direct, and the prepatent period lasts between
disorders seen in clinical practice. These include 1 and 2 weeks. Giardia occurs in both trophozoite
chronic giardiasis, IBD, intestinal bacterial over- and cyst forms. Trophozoites attach to the brush
growth, lymphangiectasia, pythiosis, short bowel border of the villous epithelium of the small intes-

tine. The cyst form is infective. Trophozoites may absence of a concave disk, a single nucleus, and the
also be passed, especially with diarrheic stools, but presence of an undulating membrane. Identification
they are incapable of causing infection and soon die. of Giardia trophozoites is diagnostic, but their
absence in fecal samples does not rule out giardiasis.
Many studies have now shown that zinc sulfate
Diagnosis concentration, with centrifugation is the most reli-
As described in Chapter 6, standard diagnostic able test available for demonstration of Giardia
tests used in any practice setting should include cysts in a fecal sample. The test can be done in any
fresh saline fecal smears and zinc sulfate flotation. practice setting, or fecal samples can be submitted
Trophozoites are more likely to be found in loose to a commercial laboratory for detailed evaluation.
stools, whereas cysts are more often found in semi- The technique is described in Box 7-1. Zinc sul-
formed or formed stools. fate concentration is also a very effective method
A fresh saline smear is made by mixing a for identifying nematode eggs in feces. It is there-
drop of feces with a drop of saline on a glass slide. A fore now used as the standard test for screening for
coverslip is applied, and the preparation is examined intestinal parasites in some academic and private
immediately under ×40 magnification. Tropho- practices. Studies have shown that approximately
zoites are pear shaped and have a characteristic 70% of Giardia-positive dogs can be identified on
concave ventral disk. They demonstrate wobbly a single zinc sulfate centrifugal flotation test (as
motion, similar to a falling leaf. A drop of Lugol’s opposed to approximately 40% of dogs after three
solution of iodine on the edge of the coverslip separate saline smear preparations).
enhances the morphologic features of the organisms Slides should be examined within 10 minutes
and makes them easier to find. The iodine kills the of preparation because the cysts may begin to
parasite, so its motion is no longer seen if this pro- shrink. Because animals shed Giardia on an inter-
cedure is used. Differentiation of trichomonads mittent basis, it is recommended that a series of
from Giardia is based on a different motion pattern zinc sulfate concentration tests be run over 3 to
(more forward motion with trichomonads), the 5 days to maximize chances of accurately diagnosing

BOX 7-1 Zinc Sulfate Flotation Technique

From Barr SC, Bowman DD: Giardiasis in dogs and cats, Compend Contin Educ Pract Vet 16:605, 1994; from Zajac AM: Giardiasis,
Compend Contin Educ Pract Vet 14:606, 1992.

or ruling out Giardia in patients with chronic diar- quinacrine was often used. It was also used in cats.
rhea. Diagnostic efficiency increases to 95% when Although quinacrine has been shown to be more
three zinc sulfate examinations are conducted over effective than metronidazole, it frequently causes
3 to 5 days. A positive result on any of the tests side effects, including lethargy, anorexia, and vom-
warrants treatment for Giardia. iting. Quinacrine is no longer available. More
Whether or not any other diagnostic work-up recently it was shown that albendazole (Valbazen)
is suspended until a therapeutic response is deter- is highly effective in controlling Giardia and that
mined depends on the patient’s clinical situation. it has a high safety factor. However, it was later
If it is likely that some other disorder is more found that albendazole can cause leukopenia and
responsible for the patient’s overall condition (e.g., lethargy, and so its use in dogs and cats is no
severe protein-losing enteropathy and significant longer recommended. Fenbendazole (Panacur),
weight loss that would be highly unlikely to well known for its effectiveness against a variety
occur solely from a Giardia infection), Giardia of intestinal parasites, is very effective, as is feban-
might be considered a concurrent but less impor- tel (in the combination product Drontal Plus,
tant problem. When evaluating a patient for a which includes febantel, praziquantel, and pyrantel
chronic GI disorder, the clinician must focus on pamoate).
finding the most significant problem. Sometimes Metronidazole is still a useful drug for treating
a particular diagnostic “lead” is pursued too long Giardia, and it has the added advantage of having
while the patient’s overall condition continues to antibacterial as well as antiinflammatory proper-
decline. ties. In situations in which it is unclear whether
Other diagnostic tests for Giardia include an diarrhea is due to giardiasis, bacterial overgrowth,
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for or mild IBD, metronidazole is an excellent choice,
Giardia antigen in feces, a direct immunofluores- especially when an owner requests empiric therapy
cent assay, duodenal aspiration under endoscopic rather than definitive diagnostic testing. Metro-
guidance, and the peroral string test. nidazole is only approximately 70% effective in
The fecal ELISA detects Giardia antigen that is eliminating Giardia from dogs, however; so if a
produced by dividing trophozoites. The test is positive diagnosis is made, fenbendazole or feban-
very sensitive in humans and reportedly detects tel represents a better choice. Potential side effects
30% more cases of Giardia than does zinc sulfate. of metronidazole include anorexia, vomiting, and
Studies in dogs, however, have shown that the neurologic problems (ataxia, vestibular problems,
ELISA appears to be less sensitive than a series of seizures). In my experience these side effects are
zinc sulfate centrifugal flotation tests. It may be a not common. They are more likely to occur when
little more sensitive than a single zinc sulfate test. the anti-Giardia dose is used (12 to 15 mg/lb
Keep in mind, however, the quality of the test orally every 12 hours for 5 to 7 days). The total dose
being run and the accuracy of microscopic inter- per day should not exceed 30 mg/lb. A lower dose (5
pretation in the hands of an inexperienced to 10 mg/lb every 12 hours) is used in treatment
observer. This is a common problem area in small of intestinal bacterial overgrowth and IBD. Side
animal hospital laboratories. One advantage of the effects are infrequent at this dose. In the past if a 5-
ELISA is that, because it detects antigen in the to 7-day course of metronidazole failed to elimi-
feces, it avoids the problem of intermittent cyst nate Giardia, a longer follow-up course (10 to 14
excretion in the feces. This test can be run either days) was often used. With the availability of fen-
in-house or at a commercial laboratory. In human bendazole and febantel, it is recommended that
medicine the recognized “gold standard” for diag- one of these drugs be used instead in this situation.
nosis of Giardia is to run both a Giardia antigen Metronidazole is suspected of being teratogenic
test and a zinc sulfate assay. This is now a com- and should therefore not be administered to preg-
monly used approach in veterinary medicine as nant patients. Fenbendazole is recommended in
well. this situation.
Fenbendazole has also been shown to be effec-
tive in eliminating Giardia. The same dose that is
Treatment used to treat roundworms, hookworms, whip-
For many years the primary treatment for Giardia worms, and the tapeworm Taenia pisiformis
in dogs and cats involved metronidazole. For dogs (22 mg/lb orally once daily for 3 to 5 consecutive
in which metronidazole proved ineffective, days) is used to treat Giardia. Fenbendazole has a

proven record for being very safe and is thought rinse as previously described before being placed
not to have any teratogenic effects. Therefore fen- in the environment.
bendazole would be the drug of choice for treat- In home environment situations bathing the
ment of Giardia in pregnant animals. Fenbendazole patient at the conclusion of drug therapy may also
is now the preferred treatment for Giardia in cats be helpful. Patients may be reinfected with cysts
(Drontal Plus is approved for use only in dogs). that are in the hair coat or the environment. Bath-
Drontal Plus is now recognized as an excellent ing will help remove cysts that could be licked
drug for treatment of Giardia, as well as nematodes from the hair coat by the patient and help reduce
and tapeworms. This product includes febantel in the chances of reinfection.
addition to praziquantel and pyrantel pamoate.
Febantel is the drug component that treats Giardia. Zoonotic Potential. Zoonotic potential defi-
Febantel is metabolized into fenbendazole and nitely exists with Giardia. Children may be espe-
oxyfenbendazole after oral administration. Drontal cially at risk due to their proclivity for playing in
Plus is administered once daily for 3 to 5 consec- grass and soil areas where cysts may be present.
utive days in dogs for treatment of Giardia. They also are more likely to put their fingers or
Oral furazolidone has proven to be an effective hands in their mouths, and this can occur anytime
drug for treating Giardia in cats at a dose of after they have had direct contact with an animal’s
2 mg/lb orally twice daily for 5 to 10 days. hair coat, including in the perineal area. This is
Furazolidone causes vomiting and/or diarrhea in why it is so important for veterinarians to perform
some cats. It should not be used in pregnant quality laboratory tests to investigate companion
queens. animals for parasitic infections, including Giardia,
In addition to use of pharmacotherapy to on a routine basis whenever there are children in
eradicate Giardia, it is important to consider envi- contact with family pets. When both animals and
ronmental control to minimize chances of reinfec- humans living in the same environment become
tion, especially in kennel or cattery situations. infected, a common source of infection rather than
Cysts that are present in a cool, wet environment direct transmission must also be considered.
can remain infective for a period. Cages and runs The question whether patients that are asymp-
should be thoroughly cleaned of all solid fecal tomatic carriers of Giardia should be treated is
material. Steam cleaning and treatment with a often asked. Giardia cysts have been found in many
quaternary ammonium compound are both very patients with well-formed feces. Giardia is clearly
effective measures for killing cysts. Allowing time not pathogenic in some patients, whereas in others
for thorough drying is important to desiccate any it causes significant enteritis. Because the public
remaining cysts. Finally, patients should be bathed health considerations must still be considered, it is
before they are returned to the kennel area to strongly recommended that all patients with fecal
wash out any cysts that may be present in the hair samples that contain Giardia be treated and then
coat. In kennel or cattery environments where retested to ensure that the infection has been
Giardia is recognized as a significant problem an cleared.
additional step that can be undertaken is to use a
quaternary ammonium compound topically. The
hair in the perineal and perianal regions can be Vaccination
washed with a quaternary ammonium compound In 1999 a new vaccine was released for control of
once the shampoo has been rinsed out. These Giardia. The vaccine is a killed product containing
compounds do not seem to cause any significant chemically inactivated trophozoites. Efficacy stud-
skin irritation as long as they are left on for no ies showed that vaccinated dogs were less severely
more than 3 to 5 minutes and then thoroughly affected clinically and shed cysts for a shorter time
rinsed out and allowed to dry. These compounds following challenge with infective cysts, compared
can inactivate Giardia cysts within 1 minute at with nonvaccinated dogs. In addition, chronic
room temperature. In addition, a second 5-day giardiasis resolved after dogs were vaccinated
course of treatment for Giardia is administered to with this product. In these studies clinical signs of
ensure that each animal is parasite free before infection were less severe by 21 to 35 days after
being returned to the kennel or cattery. Any new- vaccination, and cysts were no longer detected in
comers are treated with fenbendazole or Drontal the feces by 21 to 70 days. This is not expected to
Plus (dogs) and a topical quaternary ammonium be a “core” vaccine (i.e., recommended for annual

vaccination of all dogs and cats), but there defi- INFLAMMATORY

nitely is a place for it in our armamentarium. The BOWEL DISEASE
vaccine has been approved for use in both dogs
and cats. Historical Perspectives
The following are important points regarding IBD is now well recognized as one of the most common
Giardia vaccine: causes of chronic vomiting and diarrhea in cats and dogs.
Our knowledge about the various manifestations
● Both cellular and humoral immunity are of this syndrome has expanded greatly over the
important for the following purposes: last 20 years. Before the mid-1980s there was very
● Preventing Giardia infections. little information in the veterinary literature
● Elimination of the parasite. about inflammatory bowel disorders. Early reports
● Specific immunity to Giardia is slow to develop included an overview of clinical observations of
in natural infections. malabsorption in the cat (1969) and a single case
● Some animals with persistent Giardia infec- report on a cat with what was described at that
tions do not develop a sufficient antibody time as ulcerative colitis (1972). Textbooks on
response. small animal medicine published in the 1970s
● Anti-Giardia IgA and IgG coat the trophozoites included only short and vague discussions about
in the small intestine, thus preventing adhesion malassimilation syndromes (primarily lymphan-
of the parasite to the intestinal mucosa. giectasia, lymphosarcoma, and exocrine pancreatic
● Anti-Giardia IgG and IgM are cytotoxic to the insufficiency), and most of this information per-
trophozoites, with or without the presence of tained only to dogs. Several of the earliest reports
complement. on IBD in dogs, centering on histiocytic ulcerative
● Response to vaccine: colitis in boxers, appeared in human journals in
● It was shown in the studies that the Giardia 1967 and 1970. Our recognition that IBD is a
vaccine produced a strong IgG response, truly common disorder in cats and dogs did not
whereas saline-treated puppies had a weak or really occur until the 1980s.
absent response. In humans a type of IBD known as ulcerative
● There was technical difficulty in determining colitis was described as early as 1859 in England.
specific IgA in the study puppies, but a spe- It was not until 1932, however, that small intestinal
cific response was clearly shown in cats. inflammatory disease, specifically ileitis, was defined
● It may be possible for the vaccine to be used as a separate entity. It is now apparent in humans that
to immunostimulate patients with chronic the prevalence of inflammatory bowel disorders has
Giardia infections, thus enabling the patients increased dramatically over the past several decades,
to clear the infection. Further work still such that thousands of Americans and hundreds of
needs to be done to confirm this. Of course, thousands of patients worldwide are affected.
it is necessary that a correct diagnosis be Currently in the human field there are entire text-
made before stating/confirming that a books devoted to IBD, some encyclopedic in extent
patient has a “chronic infection.” and containing tremendous diversification of view-
points by their many authors.
To what factors do we owe our rather dra-
Which Animals Should Be Considered matic increase in awareness of the clinical manifes-
Candidates for Vaccination? tations of this syndrome in cats and dogs over the
Pets considered at higher risk of exposure to past 20 years? Is IBD a relatively new disease, or
Giardia (and therefore candidates for vaccination) rather have we as clinicians simply become more
include dogs that frequently visit parks or play skilled at recognizing it? I believe that the latter is
areas frequented by other dogs, dogs and cats liv- much more likely. Our recognition that IBD com-
ing in multipet households, dogs living in endemic monly occurs directly parallels our increased use
areas, hunting dogs, dogs and cats that travel to of endoscopy to investigate more thoroughly
pet shows, farm dogs, dogs that board at training patients with such clinical signs as vomiting, diar-
kennels, dogs and cats that board frequently at rhea, weight loss, and change in appetite. In the
boarding facilities, and animals that have chronic not too distant past, the diagnostic work-up of a
giardiasis with poor response to therapy. patient with chronic vomiting and/or diarrhea

was commonly limited to such tests as fecal exami- result of these experiences, I have had the oppor-
nation for parasites, fecal cultures, hematologic stud- tunity to study the various clinical manifestations
ies, and survey and contrast radiography, or in some of IBD in quite a large number of cats and dogs.
cases simply fecal tests and a series of empiric phar- The information that follows represents a compi-
maceutical maneuvers. Now, however, an under- lation of my experiences as a clinician along with
standing of the absolute importance of histologic observations of other specialists in gastroenterol-
evaluation of GI tissues in patients whose symptoms ogy who have also managed a significant number
are not readily explained by routine tests and dietary of cases.
trials is thankfully well entrenched in our thinking. We are in the midst of an exciting era of
Indeed, IBD is a diagnosis that can be made only by research in the field of the various inflammatory
biopsy specimen analysis. I suspect that in the past bowel disorders. It must be realized, however, that
many patients with what was described as “nonspe- despite our ever-increasing knowledge in this area
cific enteritis” may actually have had some type of in both the human and the veterinary fields, we
IBD.Without specific treatment, many patients with are still at the frontier.We have much to learn!
chronic vomiting and/or diarrhea with subsequent
wasting disease were euthanized or died prematurely
as a result of “unknown causes.” Terminology and Pathogenesis
My personal experience parallels that of other The term inflammatory bowel disease describes a
veterinary gastroenterologists working in the early group of chronic intestinal disorders that are
1980s. Beginning in 1980 as pediatric-sized endo- characterized by a diffuse infiltration within the
scopes became more readily available and as we lamina propria by various populations of inflam-
gained the necessary skills to routinely guide an matory cells, including lymphocytes, plasma cells,
endoscope through the pylorus and into the duo- eosinophils, neutrophils, and macrophages. The
denum of cats and dogs, we rapidly became more most commonly identified idiopathic inflamma-
capable of obtaining GI tissue samples both more tory bowel disorders in cats are lymphocytic-
safely (endoscopy is less invasive than exploratory plasmacytic enteritis, benign lymphocytic enteritis
surgery, with procurement of full-thickness biopsy (an apparently distinct disorder from intestinal lym-
specimens) and more readily (owners are much phosarcoma), and lymphocytic-plasmacytic colitis.
more likely to allow endoscopy than they are to Two different classifications of eosinophilic IBD
approve a laparotomy). Once it became apparent have been identified in cats: eosinophilic enteritis
that significant inflammatory bowel changes were and hypereosinophilic syndrome.
present in a number of patients with GI symptoms Eosinophilic enteritis is characterized by diffuse
(especially vomiting and/or diarrhea), it followed or focal infiltration of inflammatory cells that are
that procurement of gastric and intestinal biopsy almost entirely eosinophils into one or more layers
samples should be strongly recommended in any of the alimentary tract. The stomach, small intes-
patient with chronic (lasting as little as 4 weeks) tine, and colon may all be involved in some cases
unexplained signs. Indeed, the more we looked, (eosinophilic gastroenterocolitis). Eosinophilic
the more we found. enteritis in cats is similar in clinical manifestations
On a personal note, I have had the good for- and response to treatment (very favorable) to the
tune to have worked at two large high-caseload same condition in dogs.
institutions (Angell Memorial Animal Hospital in Hypereosinophilic syndrome is a severe type of
Boston and the VCA West Los Angeles Animal IBD in cats that involves massive infiltration of
Hospital) in urban areas where a majority of ani- eosinophils in the alimentary tract and other parts
mal owners tend to demonstrate a strong desire to of the body. Dramatic bowel thickening often
provide the best medical care that they can for results.
their pets. Many of our owners have embraced the The eosinophilic disorders are not seen very
idea of reaching a definitive diagnosis as early as commonly in cats. Of the two, hypereosinophilic
possible. With the availability of endoscopy, we syndrome is less common and more life threatening.
have been able to recommend and perform GI Occasionally, mixed populations of inflammatory
biopsies much earlier on the “chronicity curve” of cells (e.g., lymphocytic-plasmacytic-eosinophilic,
disease. Our patients and their owners have no lymphocytic-eosinophilic) are identified. Inflamma-
doubt benefited greatly from this approach. As a tory disease may be localized to the small intestine

(enteritis), specific areas of the small intestine clear, the most commonly speculated causes in-
(e.g., duodenitis, ileitis), or colon (colitis). Although clude defective mucosal immune responses, changes
some cats have generalized intestinal involvement in mucosal permeability, dietary influences, and
(enterocolitis), many cats with IBD have only small intestinal microorganisms.
intestinal disease. Recently research in human medicine has
In dogs the most common types of focused on a possible autoimmune response in the
IBD are lymphocytic-plasmacytic enteritis and pathogenesis of IBD. It has been proposed that
lymphocytic-plasmacytic colitis. Pure lymphocytic there may be a specific immune response against
enteritis is rarely identified in dogs. Eosinophilic an antigen expressed on the patient’s own cells,
enteritis is occasionally seen, but definitely not as particularly on intestinal epithelial cells. In this the-
commonly as was once speculated. ory the patient mounts an appropriate immune
It is essential that the clinician understand that response against some luminal antigen (e.g., dietary
identifying an increase in inflammatory cells on or microbial). However, because of similarities
intestinal biopsy specimen analysis does not auto- between proteins on the epithelial cells and the
matically warrant a diagnosis of IBD. Inflammatory luminal antigens, the patient’s immune system also
cells may be present in increased numbers simply as attacks the epithelial cells. The immune response
a normal response to a variety of inciting factors. may be directed specifically at the epithelial cell.
Potential underlying causes include hyperthy- A defect in immunoregulation may be involved in
roidism (thyrotoxicosis may generate an inflamma- this process (i.e., in individuals with IBD there
tory response); various infectious agents, including may be a failure to suppress the inflammatory
bacteria, viruses, and parasites (including Giardia); response). Thus, as a result of failure of normal
food antigens; presence of a foreign body; and GI suppressor mechanisms, there may be a prolonged
neoplasia, which may be associated with a blanket and vigorous response to some normal luminal
of inflammatory cells surrounding neoplastic cells antigens.
(e.g., this may occur with lymphosarcoma). Although theories abound, there is still no
It is my impression that tissue samples that are defined cause for IBD. Active research in both
characterized by moderate to severe inflammation the human and the animal fields for pathogenic
represent true idiopathic disease in a majority of mechanisms continues.
cases. Specimens that reveal only mild inflam-
mation, however, could be consistent with either
mild idiopathic IBD or any number of underlying Patient Profile
disorders. It is the clinician’s responsibility to inves- Although IBD most commonly occurs in middle-
tigate thoroughly (see section on diagnosis) for age to older cats and dogs, it has occasionally been
underlying causes, whenever possible, before set- diagnosed in patients as young as 4 months. The
tling on a final diagnosis of idiopathic IBD. By tak- predominant clinical sign in young cats with IBD
ing this approach, we will most certainly better tends to be diarrhea, whereas in young dogs I have
serve both our patients (by definitively diag- found vomiting to be the more predominant sign.
nosing and specifically treating any underlying Attempts to perform intestinal biopsies on young
disorders) and our combined efforts in more accu- patients are made only after meticulous effort
rately defining the diverse group of inflammatory is taken to rule out intestinal parasites (includ-
bowel disorders. The term IBD is used here to describe ing Giardia and Cryptosporidium), infectious agents
a chronic disorder in which no specific cause can be (including viruses and bacteria, including Campylo-
determined. bacter, Salmonella, and Shigella), adverse food reac-
The definitive cause of IBD, despite years of tions, and metabolic derangements. No breed or
major research in humans and some recent work sex predilections have been identified in animals
in animals, remains unknown. It is likely that a with IBD.
cytopathic immunologic response results in the
bowel from chronic antigenic challenge. It appears
that immune activation in IBD is largely confined History and Clinical Signs
to the GI tract, so the search for the “antigenic One of the most common clinical signs observed
trigger” has focused on the intestinal lumen. in patients with idiopathic small intestinal IBD
Although the specific inciting factor or factors for is vomiting. Vomiting is a common presenting
these host hypersensitivity responses are still un- complaint seen in clinical practice, and clinicians

should give careful attention to patterns observed nonspecific symptomatic treatment. The first step
by the owner. In inflammatory bowel disorders, in diagnosis of a disorder characterized by diarrhea
vomiting is most often recognized as an intermit- is to decide whether the process is principally
tent occurrence for weeks, months, or years. Often affecting small or large intestine or both. This
as the disorder progresses, there is an increased helps determine the direction of further work-up
frequency of vomiting and other clinical signs, and is done by combining information from his-
which leads the owner to seek veterinary attention. tory, physical examination, and stool characteris-
Alternatively, an occasional patient with even mod- tics (frequency, volume, consistency, odor, color,
erate to severe inflammatory changes on biopsy composition).
specimen analysis may be presented with clinical Small bowel diarrhea is most often character-
signs limited to an acute onset of vomiting and ized by large quantities of soft-formed, bulky, or
lethargy, with no past history of GI signs. watery stool. Steatorrhea may be evident, and
Vomiting episodes are usually associated with more chronic cases are often accompanied by
retching, are nonprojectile, and may produce clear weight loss and listlessness. In contrast, diarrhea of
fluid, bile, or foam.Vomiting of food, either fresh large bowel origin most often has a loose, stringy
or partially digested, is sometimes observed. In consistency due to increased mucus content, and
patients with concurrent gastric hypomotility that intermittent streaks of fresh blood may be present.
is either idiopathic or secondary to chronic gas- Owners are often not aware of the presence of
tritis or IBD, vomiting of undigested food may blood. Other signs include increased frequency of
occur many hours after eating. Blood is rarely attempts to defecate (cat owners may misinterpret
present. Hematemesis may indicate concurrent this as attempts to urinate), defecating in abnormal
gastric involvement (e.g., erosions, foreign body, places, and hiding (cats). Cats with large intestinal
gastritis, neoplasia) or superficial erosive changes in inflammation sometimes begin defecating outside
the proximal small intestine. the litter box. Dogs sometimes demonstrate a sense
Vomiting in IBD can occur at variable times of urgency to defecate.
after eating. Many patients with mild IBD go If the disease is limited to the large intestine,
about their daily routine showing no untoward most patients remain active and alert, have a normal
effects from any of the vomiting episodes. The appetite, and do not lose weight. Some patients have
vomiting and associated nonspecific signs may be both small and large intestinal disease, with similar
cyclical in nature. Clinical signs may be evident on histologic changes, yet only small intestine or large
one or several days and then spontaneously disap- intestine signs predominate. If biopsy specimens are to be
pear, indicating that untreated IBD runs a course obtained in chronic diarrhea cases, obtaining tissue samples
often characterized by exacerbations and remis- from both small and large intestine is strongly recom-
sions. Successes therefore should not automatically mended. Treatment for only small or large intestinal
be attributed to the symptomatic treatment that is disease is not likely to result in complete resolution
often given in these cases (nothing by mouth, of signs if generalized involvement is present.
bland diets, antiemetics). It is owing to this cyclic In some cats with chronic IBD, diarrhea does
nature that some patients with IBD are not pre- not occur until some stressful episode (e.g., change
sented until signs are more frequent or severe. If a in environment, queening) causes an exacerbation
pattern of intermittent vomiting in a cat causes of clinical signs. In these cases of acute diarrhea,
owner concern, a work-up to determine its cause initial testing is naturally directed toward ruling
should be undertaken, even if it is not a long- out dietary indiscretions, parasites, foreign bodies,
standing clinical sign.Without question, IBD is one and infectious agents (e.g., Campylobacter). Often
of the leading differentials of chronic vomiting in no definitive diagnosis can be made, and feed-
cats and dogs. ing trials and empirical treatment fail to effect last-
In my experience the second most common ing resolution of the diarrhea. Further work-up
sign observed in feline IBD is diarrhea. It may be involving intestinal biopsy in these cases may
the most common sign in dogs. Diarrhea may be reveal chronic moderate to severe inflammatory
the sole clinical sign or may occur in conjunction bowel changes. A review of the history again may
with intermittent vomiting. Diarrhea may be surprisingly not show any past occurrence
acute or chronic, but most cases are evaluated of vomiting or diarrhea. Diarrhea, once apparent,
because of chronic diarrhea that is responsive or usually does not resolve until specific treatment for
only temporarily responsive to diet changes or IBD is instituted in these cases.

In addition to vomiting and diarrhea, other instituted early rather than later, when more inten-
clinical signs that may be observed in IBD include sive therapy might be needed.
changes in attitude or activity, altered appetite,
and weight loss. Many patients tend to be more
depressed during periods of increased vomiting. Diagnosis
As with the sign of vomiting, these activity-level The differential diagnosis for IBD is listed in Box
changes are often cyclic. In some cats with chronic 7-3.A definitive diagnosis of IBD can only be made
diarrhea, listless behavior is the predominant atti- based on intestinal biopsy specimen analysis. Other
tude. An owner may describe decreased tenden- tests are run to evaluate the overall health status of
cies to play, decreased interest in surroundings, and the patient and to rule out other disorders.
more frequent hiding or sitting near heating units Recommended baseline tests include a complete
for long periods of time. blood count, complete biochemical profile, uri-
Appetite changes in cats with IBD vary from nalysis, and fecal examinations for parasites and in
decreased to complete anorexia to ravenousness. cats a serum thyroxine (T4) test and tests for feline
Inappetence seems to occur more commonly in leukemia virus antigen and feline immunodeficiency
cats that have vomiting as the primary clinical sign virus antibody.
and usually occurs during exacerbations of clinical Baseline test results frequently are normal
signs. In some cats, anorexia is the primary clini- or negative, but abnormalities that may be identi-
cal sign and vomiting or diarrhea is not observed fied include mild nonregenerative anemia (anemia
until later or not at all. The three leading differen- of chronic inflammatory disease); leukocytosis
tial diagnoses for a cat with a ravenous appetite, (20,000 to 50,000 cells/µl) without a left shift (sug-
diarrhea, and weight loss are IBD, hyperthy- gests active chronic inflammatory disease); eosino-
roidism, and exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (an philia (mild to dramatic increase) in some cats
uncommon disorder in cats). I have also seen cats and dogs with eosinophilic enteritis and in all cats
with chronic low-grade lymphocytic lymphoma with hypereosinophilic syndrome; and hypopro-
of the small intestine exhibit identical clinical signs teinemia (increased loss of protein through a dam-
(Box 7-2). Dogs with IBD tend to have a normal aged intestinal lining) or mild hyperproteinemia
to decreased appetite, depending on the degree (due to increased globulin fraction in idiopathic
of disease that is present. One notable excep-
tion is that Chinese shar-peis with IBD frequently
have an increased to ravenous appetite (see further
information about shar-peis later in this chapter).
The clinical course of IBD in many dogs and BOX 7-3 Differential Diagnosis of
cats, at least fairly early in the course, is character- Disorders Resembling
ized by unpredictable exacerbations and remis- Inflammatory Bowel
sions. This makes accurate assessment of disease Disease in Dogs and Cats
burden difficult. It is important that an early assess-
ment be made for patients that demonstrate GI Chronic giardiasis
symptoms so that the best course of therapy can be Hyperthyroidism (cats)
Dietary sensitivity (e.g., food allergy or intolerance)
Bacterial overgrowth
Clostridium perfringens enterotoxicosis
BOX 7-2 Differential Diagnosis Lymphangiectasia (dogs)
of Disorders Causing Lymphoma
Chronic Diarrhea, Functional bowel disorder (e.g., irritable bowel
Weight Loss, and syndrome)
Ravenous Appetite Histoplasmosis
in Cats Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency
Feline infectious peritonitis (gastrointestinal involve-
Hyperthyroidism ment)
Inflammatory bowel disease Adenocarcinoma
Intestinal lymphoma Stagnant loop (secondary intestinal obstruction)
Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (e.g., adenocarcinoma, mesenteric adhesions)

IBD or feline infectious peritonitis with intestinal Testing for hyperthyroidism may include running
involvement). a free T4 by equilibrium dialysis or a thyroid hor-
Hypoproteinemia (total protein less than 6.0 mone (T3) suppression test in cats with clinical
g/dl, with albumin and globulin fractions propor- signs suggestive of hyperthyroidism but that have a
tionately decreased) occurs much less commonly baseline T4 level in the high normal range.
in cats with IBD than in dogs and usually indicates Interestingly, thyrotoxicosis can cause inflamma-
moderate to severe intestinal involvement when it tory changes in the intestinal tract, and this may
is identified in a cat with IBD. A work-up should explain why some cats with hyperthyroidism have
be expedited to determine the cause. The most vomiting or diarrhea. These changes often resolve
common cause of hypoproteinemia in cats with a after treatment for hyperthyroidism is instituted.
total protein level less than 5.0 g/dl in my case Failure of vomiting or diarrhea to resolve, how-
series is intestinal lymphoma. The most common ever, within 4 to 6 weeks of institution of treat-
cause of PLE in dogs is lymphocytic-plasmacytic ment for hyperthyroidism suggests the possibility
enteritis. of ongoing inflammatory disease or some other
Fecal α1-protease inhibitor (Fα1-PI) is an assay disorder that likely requires primary therapy.
that will help detect evidence of excessive intes- I have observed cats with moderate to severe
tinal protein loss in dogs before hypoproteinemia lymphocytic-plasmacytic enteritis or lymphocytic
develops. α1-PI is a plasma glycoprotein. It is not enteritis that were also hyperthyroid. Intestinal
present in the intestinal lumen above trace back- biopsy specimens were obtained from these patients
ground concentrations unless there is abnormal after treatment for hyperthyroidism effectively
transmucosal loss of plasma, lymph, or intracellular decreased serum thyroid hormone concentrations
fluid as a result of GI disease. Fα1-PI can reach into the normal range but had little effect in
abnormal concentrations before there is enough resolving ongoing GI symptoms (generally prima-
protein loss from the intestine to cause panhy- rily vomiting and/or diarrhea, although in several
poproteinemia. α1-PI is excreted in the stool with cats the predominant sign was inappetence). It has
minimal loss of its immunoreactivity, because it is been my impression that cats with such significant
largely resistant to degradation in the intestinal degrees of inflammation have both hyperthy-
lumen by virtue of its inhibitory activity. roidism and idiopathic IBD rather than a single
This assay is useful in dogs with chronic diar- problem.
rhea that have normal or slightly decreased serum It is also recommended that all dogs and cats
protein levels, as a screening tool for evidence of exhibiting chronic signs of GI disease have the
the presence of a potentially severe PLE disorder. serum cobalamin concentration measured. Several
The assay is available at the GI laboratory at Texas studies have demonstrated that some patients with
A&M University.* Contact the laboratory for spe- GI disease have a significant deficiency of tissue-
cial fecal sample submission tubes. Samples are level cobalamin. This is particularly important in
submitted frozen. The level of Fα1-PI in healthy any case in which there has already been a subop-
dogs has been determined to be no more than timal response to previous therapy, because supple-
5.7 µg/g. Values as high as 53.2 µg/g have been mentation with cobalamin may be helpful to such
observed in dogs with PLE sufficiently severe to patients. Clinical signs of cobalamin deficiency
cause panhypoproteinemia.Values in the range of include chronic wasting or failure to thrive,
6.0 to 15.0 µg/g have been observed in dogs with lethargy, and diarrhea. Subnormal cobalamin levels
PLE not sufficiently severe to cause panhypopro- may result from intestinal mucosal disease, reduced
teinemia. intrinsic factor availability, or bacterial competition.
Hyperthyroidism should always be ruled out in Cobalamin therapy in patients with subnormal lev-
any cat older than 5 years of age that has manifest els may be an important key to improved weight
unexplained GI signs. Hyperthyroidism is occa- gain and a decrease in signs such as vomiting and
sionally diagnosed in cats younger than 5 years of diarrhea. Dose recommendations are described in
age, so this possibility should always be considered. the treatment section for IBD.
Patients with chronic diarrhea should also
GI Laboratory at Texas A&M University, College of be thoroughly evaluated for intestinal parasites,
Veterinary Medicine,TAMU 4474, College Station, including Giardia and Cryptosporidium, and Clostri-
TX 77843-4474;Telephone: (979) 862-2861; dium perfringens enterotoxicosis (CPE). A panel of
www.cvm.tamu.edu/gilab. fecal tests is run, including zinc sulfate centrifugal

flotation, Giardia antigen test, C. perfringens entero- the proximal jejunum in cats), and colon can be
toxin assay, and Cryptosporidium indirect fluorescent thoroughly evaluated. In many cats, ileum samples
antibody test. Dogs and cats with IBD may have can be obtained blindly, with the endoscope tip
multiple GI disorders concurrently, and it is impor- situated in the ascending colon or at the junction
tant that each problem be identified so that the of the transverse and ascending colon. In most
most comprehensive treatment regimen can be dogs larger than 8 to 10 lb, a pediatric-sized endo-
instituted. Dogs should also be tested for intestinal scope can be advanced into the ileum. A total of
bacterial overgrowth (described later in this chap- 8 to 10 small bowel biopsy specimens are usually
ter). obtained at endoscopy, depending on the gross
Survey abdominal radiographs and barium appearance of the mucosa. Biopsies of proximal
contrast study results are often unremarkable. small intestine, as well as stomach, should always be
Because cost containment is so often an important done in patients with chronic vomiting that are
factor in clinical practice, barium series are often undergoing endoscopy. It is not uncommon for
not performed unless clinical signs or abdominal cats and dogs with inflammatory changes involv-
palpation findings (e.g., obstruction) indicate that ing only the small intestine to be presented with
this procedure should be done. In many cases, signs limited to chronic intermittent vomiting.
money is best spent on baseline tests and intestinal If only gastric biopsy samples are obtained, the
biopsies. Abnormal findings that may be identified diagnosis may be missed.
on a barium series include diffuse mucosal irregu- The gross appearance of the mucosa in IBD
larities or spicular small intestinal mucosal changes can range from normal (primarily cream to
and thickened bowel segments. Positive findings slightly pink in color) to mildly erythemic to vary-
do not provide a definitive diagnosis; rather, they ing degrees of mucosal irregularity (Figure 7-1).
confirm the need for direct examination and Mucosal irregularity may appear as fissures or
biopsy of the affected areas. Radiographs can also resemble a cobblestone texture in more advanced
suggest false-positive findings. cases (Figure 7-2). Focal erosions may also be
Intestinal biopsies can be performed either observed. The mucosa may be friable and may
under endoscopic control or by exploratory lapa- bleed from direct contact with the endoscope tip
rotomy.Among the many advantages of endoscopy as it is advanced. Endoscopic biopsy techniques
are that it is relatively quick and noninvasive. useful in the small intestine have been described in
Multiple biopsy samples can be obtained, and the detail elsewhere. Biopsy samples vary in size. They
stomach, proximal small intestine (and frequently are often small when the intestinal mucosa is


FIGURE 7-1 A, Endoscopic photograph of normal duodenal mucosa in a dog. Normal small intestinal mucosa is
primarily cream to slightly pink in cats and pinkish white to light red in dogs.The mucosa often appears slightly
irregular or velvety as a result of its makeup of digitate villi. B, Mild mucosal irregularity, increased graininess, and
patchy erosive mucosal changes in a dog with moderate lymphocytic-plasmacytic enteritis.There was a history of
chronic intermittent vomiting that had recently become more frequent.

performed, a total of three full-thickness biopsy

samples are obtained (one each from the duode-
num, jejunum, and ileum). At laparotomy, a majority
of patients with IBD have grossly normal bowel. If clin-
ical signs warrant abdominal exploratory, intestinal
biopsy specimens must be obtained regardless of the gross
appearance of the intestines. A lymph node biopsy
should also be done if there is any lymphadenopa-
thy. Biopsy samples of other tissues (e.g., liver, pan-
creas, kidney) are obtained if indicated based on
abnormal laboratory test results or abnormal gross
The reason for obtaining multiple biopsy sam-
ples from the small bowel is that intestinal diseases
may have varying degrees of severity in different
FIGURE 7-2 Severe mucosal irregularity (note sizable parts of the intestinal tract. There may also be seg-
troughs) in a 9-month-old cat with a ravenous mental lesions with some normal areas still pres-
appetite, voluminous loose stools, and weight loss. ent. It is even possible to find patchy normal zones
Endoscopy was done after there was no response to of intestine in a patient with a life-threatening
empirical treatment for exocrine pancreatic intestinal disease. Therefore there is no guarantee
insufficiency and occult gastrointestinal parasitism.The
that representative tissue samples will be obtained
histologic diagnosis was severe lymphocytic-
plasmacytic enteritis.
from a patient that in fact does have intestinal
lesions, especially when there are no grossly evi-
dent lesions to guide the clinician to a site that is
more likely to yield significant information. By
normal. When the intestinal mucosa is compro- obtaining multiple samples and using techniques
mised by some disorder, sample size is invariably best suited for procuring high-quality samples,
larger. Occasionally a long linear strip (2 to 3 cm) diagnostic yield will be enhanced.
of tissue is lifted off when marked inflammatory
disease causes altered mucosal and submucosal
integrity. A greater than normal amount of hem- Interpretation of Pathologic
orrhage may occur at the site after mucosal sam- Findings
ples are obtained. This is rarely of any concern. In inflammatory bowel disorders, increased num-
The risk of gastric or intestinal perforation by bers of inflammatory cells are present in the lam-
endoscopic biopsy forceps is extremely low and ina propria. Infiltrations of either single-cell or
would only be expected to occur if tissue samples mixed-cell type may be involved. Often one to
are obtained from the depths of ulcerated areas. two cell types predominate (e.g., lymphocytic-
The abdomen should be carefully palpated plasmacytic enteritis, lymphocytic enteritis).
before endoscopy when the patient is under gen- Neutrophils are not commonly identified in IBD
eral anesthesia to examine for abnormalities that but, when present, probably indicate an inflamma-
may have been missed during palpation when it tory response to a microbial component of the
was awake. A disadvantage of endoscopy is that disorder. Histologic changes are usually reported as
extraluminal lesions cannot be evaluated. This is mild, moderate, moderate to severe, or severe, and
not a significant problem, however, if the decision the percentages of various inflammatory cells are
to perform endoscopy rather than exploratory noted. Other abnormalities that may be observed
laparotomy is based on careful patient evalua- include mucosal atrophy, villous atrophy without
tion, including baseline testing and abdominal cryptal hyperplasia, villous fusion, epithelial ero-
palpation. In addition, ultrasound can be used to sion, and fibrosis.
examine for intestinal masses and to evaluate wall In general, “mild” IBD refers to increased
thickness. inflammatory cells without architectural disruption,
If it appears that an intestinal mass is present, glandular necrosis, or fibrosis in the lamina propria.
greater consideration is given to doing an explo- “Moderate” IBD refers to increased numbers of
ratory laparotomy. If exploratory laparotomy is inflammatory cells with attendant separation and

distortion of glands or crypts. There may also be raised many questions about the significance of
mild villous blunting. “Severe” IBD is manifest by certain findings. Part of the basis for the confusion
architectural distortion of the mucosa, marked vil- is that little information is available regarding nor-
lous blunting, marked separation of glands or mal cellularity of the lamina propria or normal vil-
crypts, necrosis, and fibrosis. Studies are ongoing to lus length in dogs and cats of different breeds and
further define the criteria for various degrees of ages, that eat different diets, that live under differ-
IBD. ent conditions, and so on. This then makes it dif-
Severe cases of lymphocytic-plasmacytic ficult to clearly define and describe various degrees
enteritis or lymphocytic enteritis can be difficult of normal and abnormal intestinal histologic find-
to differentiate histologically from lymphoma, ings. One pathologist’s interpretation may be quite
especially in cats, when endoscopic-sized biopsy different from that of another. The difficulty
samples are evaluated. There are serious implica- becomes somewhat greater when inadequate
tions as to what type of therapy to prescribe in endoscopic samples (too small or damaged) are
such cases. Changes that tend to suggest lym- submitted or when a pathologist is inexperienced
phoma include absolute uniformity of the lym- or disinterested in evaluating other than full-
phocyte population, mitotic cells, pleomorphism, thickness intestinal samples. It is therefore recom-
and attendant ablation of villous arches. Areas of mended that clinicians select their pathologists
necrosis may be present. Overlying mixed inflam- carefully and that consistent efforts be made to
matory cell infiltrates may make it difficult to dif- obtain the best-quality tissue samples. There are
ferentiate benign from malignant disease. If a veterinary pathologists who specialize in GI tissue
diagnosis is unclear from evaluation of endoscopic pathology, just as there are specialists in derma-
biopsy samples, it may be necessary to repeat the tologic pathology. Most pathologists are eager
procedure to obtain more samples (generally 2 to to discuss cases with clinicians, and indeed this
4 weeks later) or to obtain full-thickness intestinal opportunity to compare observations is an invalu-
samples at laparotomy. Use of immunohistochem- able means of making the best use of the available
ical staining techniques may also be helpful. information for determining a patient’s treatment
Histologic differentiation of IBD and lymphoma is and prognosis. In some situations it may be best to
summarized in Table 7-1. obtain a second or third opinion before deciding
A major, and probably underappreciated, prob- on a final diagnosis.
lem related to interpretation of pathologic findings In recent years investigators have begun some
by clinicians is the lack of uniformity with which very important work centered on developing spe-
pathologists assess intestinal biopsy specimens. cific criteria for histologic grading of various
Variability in the histologic assessment of the gen- inflammatory bowel disorders in small animals. In
eral group of inflammatory bowel disorders has one study it was shown that there can be

TABLE 7-1 Features of Lymphocytic-Plasmacytic Enteritis/Colitis

and Intestinal Lymphosarcoma
Lymphocytic-Plasmacytic Intestinal
Enteritis/Colitis Lymphosarcoma
Gross features
Thickened bowel wall ± ±
Involvement of other organs – ±
Histologic features
Cell population Heterogeneous Homogeneous
Lamina propria infiltration + ±
Submucosal infiltration ± ±
Muscularis infiltration – ±
Serosal infiltration – ±
Involvement of other organs – ±
From Roth L: Pathologic atlas of selected gastrointestinal disorders. In August JR, ed: Consultations in feline internal medicine,
Philadelphia, 1991,WB Saunders.
±, May be present; –, absent; +, present.

substantial interobserver variation among patholo- tion of clinical signs. In one study, which evaluated
gists when evaluating the same intestinal histologic 55 cats with various GI symptoms, of which vom-
sections. Biopsy specimen interpretation can be iting and diarrhea were the most common signs,
notoriously subjective from one pathologist to the 16 cats (29%) were classified as food sensitive based
next. Most clinicians are well aware of the impor- on response to feeding of a novel protein source
tance of obtaining intestinal biopsy specimens (either chicken or lamb in this particular study).
from patients with signs that may be consistent Resolution of GI signs occurred fairly quickly in
with intestinal disease. As we go forward we need these cats, and then signs recurred once the origi-
to focus more on two important areas, namely, we nal diet was reintroduced. All of the cats with food
need more consistency among pathologists regard- sensitivity had inflammation, identified on endo-
ing how different pathologists interpret the same scopic biopsy specimens, in at least one region of
tissue specimens, and there is a need for some cor- their intestinal tract. Gastric mucosal biopsy spec-
relation between the pathologist’s description of imens were abnormal in 66% of the food-sensitive
the tissue and the clinical state of the patient. cats, and duodenal samples were abnormal in 50%.
We need to know whether or not a clinically This study provides further confirmation of the
significant disorder exists in a particular tissue, importance of dietary therapy in cats with inflam-
because in some instances a pathologist may inter- matory GI disorders. Clearly, long-term control of
pret a sample as being abnormal, suggesting the IBD with minimal drug administration may be
presence of intestinal disease, and yet the patient aided by specific dietary management. However,
may be known to have no signs that correlate with some cats will be only temporarily responsive or
these findings. only minimally responsive to careful dietary manip-
Variation in the interpretation of intestinal ulations. Therefore some cats with mild disease will
biopsy specimens among pathologists has also require some form of pharmacologic therapy in
been described in human medicine, in which addition to dietary manipulation. Most cats with
there are also sometimes blatant differences in moderate to severe IBD will require pharmaco-
diagnostic criteria. It is certainly acknowledged logic therapy, and this is started in conjunction
that histologic evaluation of the digestive tract is with dietary therapy as soon as a diagnosis is
difficult. Continued collaboration between clini- made.
cians and pathologists is essential if we hope to There is no single diet that can be universally
develop a more accurate and predictable set of cri- recommended for management of IBD in cats.
teria for consistent interpretation of intestinal The diet must be chosen based on the dietary his-
biopsy samples. tory, and then an assessment has to be made as to
how well the affected patient embraces the rec-
ommended diet. Adjustments may need to be
Treatment made over time. We now have the advantage of
It is important that the clinician formulate a treat- having a wide variety of very palatable commercial
ment protocol based on a correlation of clinical diets available, and using commercial diets, com-
course, laboratory and gross findings, and histo- pared with home-prepared diets, reduces concern
logic findings rather than relying on histologic about dietary imbalances significantly. Using com-
changes alone. Although treatment principles for mercial diets is also much more convenient for
cats and dogs with IBD are similar, drug selection owners.
and dosage regimens vary between these two In general the first step is to select a diet with a
species in some situations. For the sake of clarity, novel protein source, that is, something the animal
treatment recommendations for cats and dogs are has not been fed before (e.g., duck, venison, lamb,
discussed separately. rabbit, whitefish, turkey). The effects of this diet
should be assessed over a 3- to 4-week period for
Cats therapeutic response and palatability. If there is not
Dietary Therapy a satisfactory response to the first diet and the cat’s
Because dietary allergens may play a role in the condition remains very stable, then an alternate
cause of IBD, specific dietary therapy may be ben- diet can be tried, or, alternatively, drug ther-
eficial. Dietary therapy is instituted at the outset apy can be instituted at this point as well. Most
for all cats with IBD, and in cats with mild IBD, owners are anxious for prompt resolution of their
dietary therapy alone may be sufficient for resolu- pet’s clinical signs, and so I usually try to make a

determination as to whether ongoing strict dietary several palatable and effective diets can be identi-
trials will be practical or not. fied that will be well tolerated over time.
Many of the commercially available therapeutic Pharmacologic Therapy for Cats
diets have been enriched with omega-3 fatty acids. With IBD
Altering the dietary ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 Corticosteroids are the cornerstone of pharmaco-
polyunsaturated fatty acids may affect the inflam- logic therapy for idiopathic inflammatory bowel
matory response of IBD. Omega-3 fatty acids disorders. Mild to moderate cases often respond
competitively inhibit formation of prostaglandins to prednisone or prednisolone at a starting dose
and leukotrienes derived from arachidonic acid, of 0.5 to 1 mg/lb divided twice daily for 2 to
resulting in decreased concentrations of proin- 4 weeks, followed by a gradual decline in 50%
flammatory fatty acid metabolites. It remains increments at 2-week intervals. Cats with inflam-
unclear, however, if dietary supplementation with matory changes graded as mild usually respond
fatty acids is truly beneficial. quite well to the lower dose, and alternate-day or
Hydrolyzed protein diets have become available every-third-day treatment can often be achieved
for dietary therapy. The theory is that because by 2 to 3 months. In many but not all cats with
these diets contain no intact proteins, only pep- mild disease, treatment can be discontinued alto-
tides of sizes ranging from 6,000 to 15,000 dal- gether by 3 to 6 months.
tons, which are proposed to be nonantigenic, no If biopsy specimen analysis reveals disease that
adverse reaction to the diet will occur. It is still is moderate to severe, a dose of 1 to 2 mg/lb
possible, however, for an antigenic response to one divided twice daily is used for the first 4 weeks or
of the epitomes of the peptides to occur. Further until clinical signs resolve. Some clinicians feel that
investigation is needed; however, these diets cer- better bioavailability will be achieved in cats with
tainly do represent an attractive option for feeding use of prednisolone rather than prednisone.
to some patients with dietary sensitivities or true Therefore for more severe cases it may be best to
food allergy. prescribe prednisolone specifically. This dose of
Recent studies conducted in dogs and cats have corticosteroid is generally very well tolerated in
shown that cell mediated immunity declines with cats. In these cases a dose of 0.5 to 1 mg/lb/day
age. Dietary supplementation with vitamin E may be necessary long-term (months to years) to
appears to enhance this function. Other potential maintain clinical remission. Use of combination
benefits of vitamin E include reduction of oxida- drug therapy (e.g., prednisolone and metronida-
tive damage and correction of a deficiency of vita- zole, or prednisolone and azathioprine) may also
min E that may naturally occur in animals with be required at the outset to control clinical signs
severe GI disease. Therefore it may be beneficial and prevent progression of the disease. Cats with
to provide vitamin E supplementation for dogs hypoproteinemia and histologic changes graded as
and cats with moderate to severe IBD. At this time severe often respond quite well when an aggressive
it is still unclear what dose of vitamin E is best for therapeutic course is undertaken. Dexamethasone
antioxidant effects in the GI tract. A dose of 100 IU (0.15 to 0.25 mg/lb orally every 24 hours) may be
per 10 lb per day is suggested. useful in cats that are poorly responsive to
For cats with concurrent large bowel disease increased doses of prednisolone.
and symptoms, fiber supplementation may be It has been my experience that young cats (less
helpful. Beneficial effects of fiber supplementation than 5 years of age) with IBD often do not need
include improved fecal character, improved to be treated as long as do many middle-age to
colonic motility, binding of potential colonic irri- older cats.This may be due in part to the fact that
tants, and production of beneficial short-chain by the time older cats are diagnosed, the disease is
fatty acids that positively influence large intestinal often long-standing and often of a moderate to
structure and function. severe degree. Earlier diagnosis of these older cats
Once the disease has been in remission for 6 or in conjunction with appropriate therapy will likely
more months, adjustments in the type of foods provide a better opportunity for lower daily or
offered can be attempted, based on owner and alternate-day dosage levels to be successful in
patient preferences. New ingredients should be maintaining control. I have found that many
added one at a time, and the owner should observe older cats with moderately severe to severe IBD
for any adverse effects. If any adverse effects occur, require prednisone or prednisolone at 1 mg/lb/
the offending ingredients are removed. Usually day for life for adequate control of all symptoms

related to IBD. Combination drug therapy may Therapeutic results with budesonide have been
also be required (see subsequent information). promising in humans with Crohn’s disease, col-
Many clinicians who treat empirically for sus- lagenous colitis and lymphocytic colitis, ulcerative
pected IBD often use inadequate dosages of cor- colitis, either when administered as a retention
ticosteroids (initial dose either not high enough enema or in oral form, and primary biliary cirrho-
or tapered too early). The importance of evaluating sis. Budesonide has been used by some veterinary
biopsy samples, including periodic follow-up biopsy clinicians in recent years to treat IBD in dogs and
specimens in some cases, to best tailor a treatment pro- cats. Dosage recommendations vary. In humans, a
gram cannot be overemphasized. range of 6 to 9 mg per day has been used during
Methylprednisolone acetate (Depo-Medrol) initial therapy. The following general recommen-
can be used as sole treatment for cats with mild to dations have been made for dogs and cats. In gen-
moderate IBD or as adjunctive therapy when oral eral, budesonide is administered to cats and small
prednisolone and/or metronidazole are used as the dogs at 1 mg once per day. It has been used at
primary treatment and flare-ups of clinical signs higher doses (3 mg per small dog or cat per day),
occur. Consistent control of clinical signs in cats but the lower dose is frequently effective. Large
with moderate to severe IBD is more difficult to dogs receive 3 mg twice daily initially, and the
maintain when methylprednisolone acetate is used dosage is later tapered to 3 mg once daily, and then
alone, however. It is recommended that sole use to alternate day administration for longer term
of methylprednisolone acetate be reserved for sit- use.
uations in which the owner is unable to consis- Budesonide can be used in combination with
tently administer tablet or liquid preparations orally. other drugs. Since cats tolerate corticosteroids very
Initially 20 mg is given subcutaneously or intra- well, there is little indication to use budesonide as
muscularly and is repeated at 2-week intervals for a primary therapy for IBD. However, this may be
two to three doses. Injections are then given every a very attractive option for use in diabetic cats that
4 to 6 weeks or as needed for control. also have IBD.
Budesonide is a glucocorticoid that represents a Potential adverse effects include PU/PD, when
new alternative for management of IBD in dogs budesonide is used at the high end of the dose
and cats, especially in severe cases that have proven range, and GI ulceration. These reactions have
to be refractory to prednisolone, metronidazole, been observed in some human patients. These
azathioprine, and dietary management; or that are problems would be more likely to occur in dogs
intolerant of the corticosteroids discussed previ- than in cats. It appears to be very safe when used
ously. Budesonide is a new and recently approved at the levels listed above.
corticosteroid for use in humans. It is one of a When combination therapy is indicated,
group of novel corticosteroids that have been in metronidazole is usually the first choice to be
development for use in humans in an attempt used in conjunction with prednisolone. It can
to make available alternative preparations that also be used as sole treatment in some cases (e.g.,
will help limit toxicity associated with corticos- in the unusual event that a cat cannot tolerate
teroid use. Others include fluticasone propi- corticosteroids, or if their use is contraindicated).
onate, tixocortol pivalate, and beclomethasone Metronidazole’s mechanism of action includes an
dipropionate. antiprotozoal effect, inhibition of cell-mediated
Budesonide undergoes high first pass metabo- immune responses, and anaerobic antibacterial
lism in the liver, and 90% is converted into activity. A dosage of 5 to 10 mg/lb twice daily is
metabolites with low corticosteroid activity. It used for IBD. Ideally at least several months of
has minimal systemic availability. The potential metronidazole therapy is given once it is started. In
for typical corticosteroid side effects is signifi- some cats with severe disease, long-term consecu-
cantly reduced as a result of decreased bioavail- tive use (months to years) or 1- to 2-month cycles
ability and the resulting limited systemic exposure, of treatment may be required.
which makes this a particularly attractive drug Side effects of metronidazole at this low dose
for use in humans and animals that are poorly are uncommon in cats. Adverse reactions that have
tolerant of other corticosteroids. Budesonide been observed include primarily GI (inappetence,
also has a high receptor-binding affinity in the nausea, and occasionally vomiting and/or diar-
mucosa. It has been referred to as a “locally acting” rhea) and neurologic (ataxia, seizures, disorienta-
corticosteroid. tion) problems. In my experience, neurologic side

effects are very rare when the dose range recom- including immunoblasts, is inhibited, and there is
mended here is used, for whatever duration (weeks interference with cellular function. Azathioprine
to months to years). I have observed two cats that is usually used in cats only when the previously
were treated with prednisone and metronidazole discussed therapeutic measures fail to control the
(5 mg/lb twice a day in one, and 7 mg/lb twice a disease.The most important side effect of azathio-
day in the other) for IBD that developed rear limb prine in cats is bone marrow suppression.
ataxia within 3 to 4 days of the start of therapy. In I use a maximum starting dose of azathioprine
both cases the metronidazole was discontinued in cats of 0.15 to 0.23 mg/lb once every other
within 24 hours and the ataxia completely day. At this low dose, side effects are very uncom-
resolved within 2 to 4 days. Metronidazole was not mon in my experience, but I have seen one cat
reinstituted in either cat. develop significant pancytopenia within 4 weeks
The most troublesome problem that the of the start of therapy. The cat gradually recovered
owners of my patients have encountered with after immediate cessation of azathioprine. One
metronidazole is excessive salivation after pill blood transfusion was required. Alternatively, if
administration in cats. Metronidazole is known to clinical signs of IBD do not resolve on the initial
have a sharp, unpleasant metallic taste. Most cats azathioprine dose, the dose can gradually be
are given half to one quarter of a 250-mg tablet increased if there is no evidence of bone marrow
per dose, and the taste of broken sections is appar- suppression. Because of lag effect, beneficial thera-
ently quite bitter. Salivation does not occur when peutic results from azathioprine are often not
the medication is administered directly to the back apparent until 3 to 4 weeks after treatment is
of the mouth and quickly swallowed. If, however, started. Azathioprine is generally used for 3 to
the pill is retained in the oral cavity for even the 9 months or longer in cats. A majority of cats with
shortest time, the battle is most likely lost! IBD do not require azathioprine treatment.
Recompounding metronidazole into a tasty sus- A complete blood count and platelet count
pension form often makes the task of administer- should be run to monitor for anemia, leukopenia,
ing metronidazole much easier. and thrombocytopenia before the start of therapy
Metronidazole has shown evidence of carcino- with azathioprine and at 3- to 4-week intervals for
genic activity in studies involving chronic oral the first 2 months, and then once every 2 months.
administration in mice and rats. There are reports Significant side effects are most often identified
of humans with Crohn’s disease who have been during the first 3 to 6 weeks of treatment. There is
treated with high doses of metronidazole for pro- usually no physical evidence of early azathioprine
longed periods of time and in whom breast or oral toxicity in cats. Mild leukopenia (e.g., 3000 to
cancer subsequently developed. A cause-and- 4000 cells/µl) is usually the first abnormality that
effect relationship has not been established. To date is identified. Azathioprine is currently available
I am aware of no cases of GI or mammary cancer only as 50-mg tablets. Because it is too difficult to
that have occurred in dogs or cats in conjunction break azathioprine into a consistent fragment size
with metronidazole use. I consider it to be a safe for cats, it should always be recompounded into an
drug for prolonged use (months to years) in oral suspension form for administration to cats. A
patients with chronic disorders for which long- major advantage of administering azathioprine in
term therapy is required. this manner is that any required increase in dosage
If remission cannot be maintained with use of can be done very accurately. If azathioprine is well
corticosteroids and metronidazole, azathioprine tolerated and there has been inadequate clinical
(Imuran) should be added to the treatment regi- improvement, the dosage can be increased from
men. There is no need to reduce the prednisolone 0.15 mg/lb to 0.2 mg/lb to 0.25 mg/lb every
dose in cats when azathioprine is used in conjunc- 48 hours.
tion. It may not be necessary to continue metro- Another immunosuppressive drug that is used
nidazole after completion of the first 4 weeks of in some cats with severe IBD is chlorambucil
azathioprine therapy. This decision is best made (Leukeran). Some clinicians use chlorambucil as an
on an individual case basis. Azathioprine is a alternative to azathioprine (they are not used in
potent immunosuppressive drug. It is metabolized conjunction). Chlorambucil is an alkylating agent.
to 6-mercaptopurine, its active metabolite, which Alkylating agents alter DNA synthesis and inhibit
functions to interfere with antigenic triggering of rapidly proliferating cells. Chlorambucil is admin-
lymphocytes. Replication of rapidly dividing cells, istered initially at 0.05 to 0.1 mg/lb/day in

conjunction with prednisolone at 1 mg/lb/day. ulins, lactoferrin, and other immune factors,
The small pill size of chlorambucil (2 mg) allows and stimulation of repair of intestinal membranes
for easy dosing. Most cats receive one-half tablet at the cellular level through actions of epithelial
(1 mg) per day. Various dosage schedules for cats growth factors. There may also be an enhanced
have been published. An alternate schedule is effect of assimilation of nutrients.
0.07 to 0.15 mg/lb every 72 hours. Toxicities are Currently colostrum can be considered as an
uncommon in cats but may include anorexia, alternative therapeutic option for animals with IBD
vomiting, and diarrhea, but these problems gener- that are poorly responsive to conventional medica-
ally resolve rapidly when chlorambucil is reduced tions and dietary trials. Colostrum has been effec-
from daily to every-other-day administration. Bone tive in improving the stool consistency of some
marrow suppression is possible but uncommon animals with chronic diarrhea caused by IBD.
and is mild and rapidly reversible when it does Results in human trials have been promising, and
occur. Once the desired clinical response is use of colostral-derived preparations may become
achieved, chlorambucil is gradually tapered over more prevalent in the next several years. Studies
several months while prednisolone is continued as are needed to help determine the most effective
the primary maintenance drug. dose.Various preparations are currently available in
Colostrum is currently recognized as an emerg- health food stores.
ing therapy for various inflammatory disorders in Cats with hypereosinophilic syndrome should be
human medicine. Some patients with infectious treated aggressively as soon as a diagnosis is estab-
diarrhea caused by Cryptosporidium parvum lished. Prednisolone (1.5 to 2 mg/lb divided twice
have also benefited from bovine colostrum a day for 2 to 4 weeks, then reduced to a mainte-
immunoglobulin concentrate. Animal studies have nance dose of 1 to 1.5 mg/lb/day), metronidazole,
shown promise, and so colostrum also represents a and azathioprine should be used in conjunction.
potential alternative therapy for various disease Contrary to early reports that characterize this
conditions in animal patients. Colostrum is particu- severe eosinophilic enteritis syndrome as very
larly rich in immunoglobulins, antimicrobial pep- poorly responsive to treatment, early aggressive
tides (e.g., lactoferrin and lactoperoxidase), and therapy can help achieve a state of remission in
other bioactive molecules, including growth fac- some patients that can last for months to several
tors. Recent studies have suggested that the pep- years or more. Cats with eosinophilic enteritis, which
tide growth factors in colostrum might provide is a much milder disease than hypereosinophilic
novel treatment options for a variety of GI condi- syndrome, generally respond well to corticos-
tions, as well as other disorders. The growth fac- teroids alone (follow guidelines for treatment of
tors in colostrum include insulinlike growth factor mild to moderate IBD).
I and II (IGF-1 and IGF-2), epithelial growth fac- Antibacterial therapy can be quite beneficial in
tor (EGF), transforming growth factors A and B some situations, most notably for treatment of
(TGFs A and B), growth hormone (GH), fibroblast patients that are suspected of having a bacterial
growth factor (FGF), and platelet derived growth cause or component of IBD and CPE. Indications
factor (PDGF). Bovine colostrum is an excellent for use of antibiotics include histologic changes
source of growth factors and immunoglobulins, that include presence of neutrophils or evidence of
and it will most likely be the main source for ther- crypt abscesses or poor initial response to antiin-
apeutic supplies of colostrum, since it is readily flammatory therapy. Intestinal bacterial problems
available in large supplies, as opposed to human occur more commonly in dogs than in cats.
colostrum. The growth factors in bovine CPE can cause intermittent or chronic diarrhea
colostrum reportedly boost cell and tissue growth (see Chapter 8). Definitive diagnosis requires
by stimulating DNA and RNA formation, and identification of C. perfringens enterotoxin in fresh
also assist in repairing and replacing cell structures. feces (assay available at commercial laboratories).
Other beneficial effects include increases in T cell Amoxicillin, metronidazole, and tylosin appear to
numbers. Antiaging effects are currently under be the most effective antibiotics for treatment
investigation in humans. of CPE. Occasionally only tylosin is effective
Proposed mechanisms of action for colostrum (¹⁄₁₆ tsp Tylan Soluble powder administered in cap-
in IBD include inhibition or prevention of repro- sule form twice a day for cats). Cats generally will
duction of pathogenic invaders and protection not eat food to which tylosin powder has been
against toxins through the action of immunoglob- added. Antibiotics used most commonly for

bacteria-related intestinal problems in cats include 2. Failure to use ancillary medications (metro-
amoxicillin, metronidazole, enrofloxacin, and nidazole, azathioprine, chlorambucil) in cases
trimethoprim-sulfa. in which disease is moderate to severe
Usually a 2- to 4-week course of antibacterial 3. Failure to recognize and treat a concurrent
therapy is adequate (adjunctive treatment in cases condition (e.g., gastric hypomotility disor-
in which the inflammatory disease is considered der that may either be secondary to IBD
most significant). In cats with IBD that experience or idiopathic in nature, hyperthyroidism,
intermittent flare-ups of diarrhea, the most com- parasitism [e.g., Giardia, Cryptosporidium],
monly successful therapeutic maneuvers are use of CPE)
antibiotics for 2 to 3 weeks at a time or use of more 4. Poor owner compliance
aggressive antiinflammatory measures. Because 5. Treatment for only small intestinal inflam-
metronidazole has both antibacterial and anti- matory disease when colitis is present as well
inflammatory activity, it is an excellent choice for (colitis that might respond better to sul-
use in cats in which symptoms are not well con- fasalazine than to corticosteroids or metro-
trolled by corticosteroids alone. Metronidazole is nidazole)
often used in these situations for several months or 6. Failure to recognize and treat low body
more at a time. cobalamin levels (measure serum cobalamin)
Some cats with concurrent IBD and colitis 7. Failure to identify an effective diet
may show minimal or no clinical signs of colitis.
Initiation of treatment specific for colitis (sulfa-
salazine [Azulfidine] at 5 to 7 mg/lb two times Management of Dogs With IBD
daily for 7 to 10 days at a time and increased Specific treatment recommendations for dogs with
dietary fiber) may result in dramatic improvement IBD are as follows. Corticosteroids are the initial
in cats with enterocolitis. It is interesting to note, treatment of choice for lymphocytic-plasmacytic
however, that cats with colitis generally demon- and eosinophilic enteritis. Mild to moderate
strate a much better response to corticosteroids cases (as determined by clinical signs, normal
than do dogs. Therefore sulfasalazine is used much protein levels, and degree of inflammatory cell
less commonly in cats that in dogs. infiltrate on biopsy specimens) often respond to
As described earlier, significant tissue-level cobal- prednisone at a dose of 0.25 to 0.75 mg/lb divided
amin deficiency is present in some patients with GI twice daily for 2 to 4 weeks, followed by a gradual
disease. This is usually secondary to reduced cobal- decrease in 50% increments at 2-week intervals.
amin absorptive capacity.Therapy involves adminis- Alternate-day or every-third-day treatment can
tering injectable cobalamin at the following often be reached by 2 to 3 months. Occasionally
schedule for cats: 250 µg subcutaneously once a treatment can be discontinued altogether by 3 to
week for 6 weeks, then every 2 weeks for the next 6 months.
six doses, then once monthly. Most generic cobal- Moderate to severe cases and any case in which
amin preparations contain 1 mg/ml (1000 µg/ml). the total protein is less than 5.5 g/dl should be
It is important to note that multivitamin and B- treated more aggressively using an initial pred-
complex injectable formulations contain signifi- nisone dose of 1 mg/lb/day for 2 to 4 weeks
cantly lower concentration of cobalamin and they before an attempt is made to decrease the dose.
also cause pain when injected. Therefore it is rec- Dogs in this category often require long-term
ommended that these preparations not be used for therapy (months to years) on an every-other-day
cobalamin supplementation. Unless the intestinal or every-third-day basis to maintain remission.
disease is totally resolved, long-term and perhaps Use of combination drug therapy (prednisone and
lifelong supplementation with cobalamin may be metronidazole) in these cases at the outset is rec-
necessary. The frequency of injections on a long- ommended to improve chances of controlling
term basis is determined by regular measurement of clinical signs more quickly and to prevent progres-
serum cobalamin concentration. sion of the disease.
Poor responses to treatment of cats with IBD If significantly bothersome side effects are
usually result from the following: caused by prednisone (e.g., severe polyuria/
polydipsia, panting, lethargy), either oral dexa-
1. Inadequate initial or long-term mainte- methasone or budesonide can be used instead.
nance corticosteroid dosage Budesonide is a new oral corticosteroid that was

described earlier in the section on management of other-day basis. If it is not possible to discontinue
IBD in cats. Its use should be considered in any medication altogether owing to recurrence of
case where conventional corticosteroids may be symptoms when no medication is given, con-
problematic, for example, where side effects are trol can be maintained with prednisone and/or
very significant or in diabetic animals or those metronidazole given on an alternate-day basis. If
with Cushing’s disease that also require manage- both drugs are used, I often recommend giving
ment for IBD. In general, budesonide is adminis- prednisone on one day and metronidazole on the
tered to small dogs at 1 mg once per day. It has alternate day. Occasionally in dogs with moderate
been used at higher doses (3 mg per small dog per to severe IBD or in a case in which both IBD
day), but the lower dose is frequently effective. and chronic bacterial overgrowth are present, it is
Large dogs receive 3 mg twice daily initially, and necessary to continue metronidazole on a long-
the dosage is later tapered to 3 mg once daily, and term (months to years) basis (5 to 7 mg/lb twice
then to alternate day administration for longer daily). I have observed no instances of significant
term use. In some dogs, dexamethasone is much complications when this protocol has been used.
better tolerated than prednisone and side effects Dogs with marked hypoproteinemia (total
are minimal or nonexistent. If prednisone side protein less than 4.5 g/dl) caused by severe
effects are judged to be severe, it is generally dis- lymphocytic-plasmacytic enteritis often respond
continued for 12 to 36 hours to allow for adequate well when an aggressive therapeutic course is
metabolism and clearance. Prednisone may then undertaken (prednisone, metronidazole, and aza-
be reintroduced at 25% to 50% of the previous thioprine used in combination). This aggressive
dose, or, alternatively, dexamethasone can be insti- approach has led to control of clinical signs and
tuted at a conservative level (0.005 to 0.01 return to a total protein level of greater than
mg/lb/day orally). Some dog breeds are very sensi- 6.0 g/dl (by 2 to 4 months) in a number of cases.
tive to steroids and are poorly tolerant of prednisone One exception to this approach in my experience
doses over 0.5 to 0.75 mg/lb/day. Arctic breeds and is that patients with hypoproteinemia resulting
rottweilers are often in this category. from eosinophilic enteritis often respond well to
As was discussed in the section on treatment of corticosteroids alone.
cats with IBD, metronidazole has both antibacte- Combination drug therapy is used early in
rial and antiinflammatory effects. It is very useful severe cases or if a side effect to one drug requires
in treatment of IBD in dogs, as well as in cats. that it be used at a lower dose. If corticosteroids are
Metronidazole is administered at 5 to 10 mg/lb poorly tolerated (e.g., excessive polyuria/polydip-
two times daily. A major advantage of using com- sia, listlessness, panting, inappetence associated
bination therapy is that the corticosteroid dose can with steroid hepatopathy) or if corticosteroids and
usually be decreased from the high initial dose in metronidazole are unable to achieve remission,
a timely manner, thus decreasing the likelihood of azathioprine should be added to the regimen.
significant corticosteroid-related side effects. Azathioprine is started early in the course for cases
Also, I have successfully managed on a long-term of lymphocytic-plasmacytic enteritis that cause a
basis canine patients with mild to moderate protein-losing enteropathy and result in a total
lymphocytic-plasmacytic enteritis that were intol- protein level less than 4.5 g/dl.
erant to corticosteroids on metronidazole alone. The canine dose of azathioprine is 1 mg/lb/day
When prednisone and metronidazole are used (note significant difference in dose between cats
in combination, the dosage level of each drug is [0.15 mg/lb once every other day] and dogs). If
generally gradually decreased as the patient’s con- azathioprine is used at the outset, the prednisone
dition improves and laboratory parameters (espe- dose is decreased by 50% from 1 mg/lb/day after
cially protein levels and white blood cell count) 3 to 4 weeks or based on clinical improvement
return to normal. Corticosteroids are decreased (i.e., remission of signs and increase in protein lev-
gradually for several months before any reduction els) and degree of tolerance of this dose of pred-
is made on the metronidazole dose. If there has nisone. Subsequent decreases in the prednisone
been an excellent response, it is possible that dose can usually be made at monthly intervals
metronidazole can be discontinued after several until an alternate-day schedule is reached. If
months. Alternatively, if chronic therapy is azathioprine is started in any type of IBD case
required, metronidazole can often be administered because of significant corticosteroid side effects,
on a once-daily basis and eventually on an every- the prednisone is initially decreased by 50% to

75% but is not stopped completely unless absolu- fully discontinued as early as 6 months to 1 year.
tely necessary because loss of remission might In others, lifelong treatment is required.
result. Cobalamin deficiency and associated clinical
Azathioprine is generally used for 3 to 9 months signs were described in the section on IBD in cats.
in dogs. Once adequate control is achieved, the For dogs that are thought to be deficient in cobal-
daily dose is decreased by 50%, and subsequently amin, supplementation is as follows: dogs up to
alternate-day therapy is used. Side effects are 10 lb, 250 µg per injection; 10 to 30 lb, 500 µg per
uncommon in dogs but may include anorexia, injection; and over 30 lb, 1000 µg per injection. As
jaundice (hepatic damage), poor hair growth, and with cats, injections are administered once weekly
bone marrow suppression. In addition, it is sus- for 6 weeks, then every 2 weeks for six doses, and
pected that azathioprine has the potential to induce then once monthly. The incidence of low tissue
pancreatitis (this is an uncommon occurrence, cobalamin levels in dogs with chronic intestinal
however, in my experience). A complete blood disease is not known, but it is recommended
count should be run to monitor for evidence of that dogs with a history of chronic GI disease be
anemia or leukopenia at 3-week intervals for the investigated for this possibility by running serum
first 2 months and then once every several months. cobalamin assays.
Routine monitoring also includes periodic (once Dietary Therapy
every 4 to 6 weeks initially) evaluation of hepatic In some patients with mild lymphocytic-plasmacytic
enzyme levels (increases may be due to corticos- enteritis or eosinophilic enteritis, dietary modifi-
teroids and occasionally azathioprine) and protein cation may lead to partial or complete resolution
levels. of clinical signs and even improvement in histo-
Colostrum, which is currently recognized as a logic lesions. In others, dietary therapy may be an
potential new adjunctive therapy for IBD patients important adjunct to pharmacotherapy in the
that do not respond fully to more conventional control of clinical signs related to chronic IBD. It
therapies, was described in the section on manage- is also possible that dietary management used on a
ment of IBD in cats. There may be indications for long-term basis will effectively help maintain con-
use of colostrum in dogs as well. Therapeutic tri- trol once drug therapy is discontinued. Potential
als in dogs are needed to determine whether or benefits of dietary therapy include reduction of
not this is a useful option to consider. hypersensitivity reactions to dietary antigens, alter-
IBD that is initially graded as moderate to ation of bowel motility, and effects on composition
severe can usually be managed quite successfully of the bowel flora and mucosal morphology and
and can be maintained in remission but not often function.
cured. Sometimes follow-up biopsy specimen Dietary therapy for IBD may involve use of a
analyses in severe cases reveal only slight to mod- strict elimination diet or a balanced commercial
erate histologic resolution of inflammatory infil- diet that contains minimal additives. In most cases,
trates despite excellent clinical control even on diets that are highly digestible and have low
lower drug doses. Alternatively, dramatic histo- residue work best for small intestinal disease. If a
logic resolution has been noted in other cases. decision is made to manage a patient initially with
Treatment decisions (e.g., can treatment be dis- dietary therapy alone, the dietary trial should be
continued completely?) ideally are based on a conducted for a minimum of 3 to 4 weeks. Some
thorough review of clinical response to date (con- patients require 6 weeks or more before clinical
trol of clinical signs, levels of medication required, improvement occurs. If biopsy results reveal mod-
and resolution of hypoproteinemia if it was ini- erate to severe IBD and/or if there is any degree
tially present) and follow-up endoscopic biopsy of patient compromise, pharmacotherapy should
specimen information. be included in the treatment regimen along with
As a general clinical rule of thumb, an attempt dietary management. In my experience, patients
can be made to discontinue therapy after 2 to with this degree of disease rarely respond to
3 months of successful control on twice-weekly dietary manipulation alone.
medication. If signs recur, medication is resumed Diets that often work well include those that
on a daily basis for 7 to 14 days before a gradual supply a single source of protein to which the
reduction program is started. In some dogs with patient has not previously been exposed (i.e.,
severe lymphocytic-plasmacytic enteropathy and “novel” proteins). These may include lamb, rab-
marked hypoproteinemia, therapy can be success- bit, venison, duck, whitefish, or low-fat cottage

cheese. A single digestible carbohydrate such as tion of fat and the fat-soluble vitamin K. Both cats
boiled rice should be added to home-prepared experienced a sudden onset of bleeding. In one
diets. Many of the premium commercial diets now there was an acute intraabdominal bleeding
include optimum levels of omega-6 and omega-3 episode, whereas in the other there was sponta-
fatty acids. These agents may be useful in reduc- neous and extensive subcutaneous hemorrhage.
ing inflammation in the intestine. Dividing feed- Both cats had marked lymphocytic-plasmacytic
ings into two to three meals per day will help enteritis with villous atrophy.
maximize dietary assimilation. Spontaneous bleeding is an infrequent but
well-documented complication of intestinal mal-
absorption in humans. The acquired hemorrhagic
Unusual Complications in diathesis is characterized as a hypoprothrombine-
Patients With Inflammatory mic disorder secondary to malabsorption of vita-
Bowel Disease min K. The fact that this occurs infrequently in
Several complications associated with IBD or its patients with malabsorption is probably attributa-
treatment have been reported. These include the ble to absorption of bacterially derived vitamin K2
potential for IBD to progress to lymphoma, hem- from the ileum and colon.
orrhagic diathesis secondary to intestinal malab- Treatment involves subcutaneous injections of
sorption of fat and the fat-soluble vitamin K, and vitamin K (oral administration should be avoided
toxoplasmosis in cats on immunosuppressive ther- because the active absorption of vitamin K from the
apy for treatment of IBD. duodenum is unpredictable in patients with malab-
sorption). Its use is also indicated before surgery
Lymphoma. It has been recognized in cats, when abnormal clotting is detected. Chronic main-
dogs, and humans that IBD can progress to lym- tenance therapy (oral vitamin K) may also be
phoma. In one report, three of nine cats with required. Dietary fat requirements of patients with
lymphocytic-plasmacytic gastroenteritis confirmed malabsorption should be met by short- or medium-
by full-thickness biopsy, diagnosed during a 1-year chain saturated fatty acids, because absorption of
period, subsequently developed GI lymphoma 9 to vitamin K is reduced by progressively longer chain
18 months after the initial diagnosis. Clinical signs fatty acids and greater degrees of unsaturation.
initially resolved in all cats in response to manage-
ment with hypoallergenic diets but later recurred Toxoplasmosis. Intensive immunosuppressive
in the three cats with lymphoma. therapy for IBD can potentiate reactivation of latent
To date the progression has been found overall infections. Toxoplasmosis was reported in two cats
to be an uncommon occurrence. No one type of that were initially diagnosed with and treated for
IBD is recognized as more likely than others to IBD. Toxoplasma gondii was found on follow-up
progress to lymphoma. It has occurred in cats with biopsy (full thickness) of the intestine in one cat 9
an original diagnosis of lymphocytic enteritis, weeks after endoscopic biopsy specimens had
lymphocytic-plasmacytic enteritis, or lympho- revealed severe lymphocytic-plasmacytic gastroen-
cytic-plasmacytic-eosinophilic enteritis. teritis. Treatment had included prednisone,
In my four feline cases in which progression metronidazole, and azathioprine. Both cats had
occurred, initially there was excellent control of serologic evidence of active toxoplasmosis. In cats
the inflammatory bowel disorder with conven- treated with azathioprine, it is hypothesized that
tional treatment. All four cats required chronic active toxoplasmosis was attributable to reactivation
medication to control clinical signs, and at a range of a prior infection, resulting from the immunosup-
of 1 to 3 years, clinical remission was lost. Follow- pressive effects of prednisolone and azathioprine.
up histologic evaluation is recommended in Both cats had no signs of illness other than GI tract
patients with IBD if previous treatment is no disease (diarrhea, weight loss). Recent coincidental
longer successful in controlling clinical signs in infection was considered highly unlikely because
order to detect and treat lymphoma as early as both cats were kept strictly indoors and were fed
possible. controlled diets.
Experience from these two cases indicates that
Hemorrhagic Diathesis. One report de- toxoplasmosis should be considered in cats with
scribed two cats with hemorrhagic diathesis that IBD if signs of illness (i.e., GI type of signs) occur
was thought to be related to a chronic malabsorp- during treatment with immunosuppressive drugs.

Recurrent signs of IBD may actually not be due to are rarely found in the proximal small intestine of
failure of the current treatment regimen. Diagnosis the dog, whereas in cats there may be up to 105 to
of toxoplasmosis is based on serologic documenta- 108 bacteria per milliliter of fluid, commonly includ-
tion of active toxoplasmosis (IgM titers should be ing obligate anaerobic bacteria such as Bacteroides,
done because they may permit earlier diagnosis Eubacterium, and Fusobacterium. In cats Pasteurella spp.
than is possible with IgG titers) and response to are the most common bacteria isolated.
an anti-Toxoplasma drug (clindamycin is recom- The pathophysiology of SIBO is very complex
mended). Treatment for IBD is continued as and is related to both the effects of proliferation of
needed. bacteria in the intestinal lumen and direct damage
to enterocytes. Potential mechanisms include
direct injurious effects on brush border enzymes
SMALL INTESTINAL and carrier proteins, secretion of enterotoxins,
BACTERIAL deconjugation of bile acids, hydroxylation of fatty
acids, and competition for nutrients.
OVERGROWTH The most common clinical signs of SIBO are
Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is a diarrhea and weight loss.Vomiting, flatulence, and
syndrome in which there are excessive numbers of anorexia may also occur. Diarrhea is usually of
bacteria (more than 105 organisms per milliliter small bowel type of consistency and may be
of intestinal contents) in the duodenum and watery to soft formed and malodorous. Stools may
jejunum in a fasting state.This overproliferation of also be lighter in color than normal, but this is a
microflora can result in malabsorption and diar- nonspecific sign. Blood and mucus are usually not
rhea. SIBO is well recognized in dogs and humans, present (if they are, a large bowel disorder of any
but there are no reports of SIBO in cats. type should be considered). Other clinical signs that
The normal small intestinal microflora consists might be present occur as a result of a primary
of a small but stable population of aerobic and fac- disorder (e.g., ravenous appetite associated with
ultative anaerobic bacteria. Population size is influ- exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, decreased appetite,
enced by factors such as the host’s immune system, frequent vomiting, and lethargy associated with
bacterial interactions, dietary composition, and the obstruction).
action of normal mechanisms that help to limit
bacterial overgrowth (secretion of gastric acid, the
dynamic process of intestinal motility and contin- Diagnosis
uous aborad flow of ingesta, and antibacterial fac- Establishing a definitive diagnosis of SIBO is diffi-
tors in pancreatic juice). Causes of overgrowth of cult in a private-practice setting. Ideally, quantitative
bacteria may include anatomic factors such as duodenal fluid cultures should be done to deter-
obstruction (e.g., partial stricture, presence of a mine if SIBO is present. This is difficult to do
mass), segmental hypomotility, conditions associ- properly and is also expensive. Aliquots of duode-
ated with decreased secretion of gastric acid, intes- nal fluid need to be obtained either at laparotomy
tinal mucosal disease, immunodeficiency states, or by using a sterilized endoscope to obtain sam-
and concurrent exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, ples from the small intestine. A positive response
or it may result from some unidentifiable cause. to antibiotics (e.g., amoxicillin, metronidazole,
A state of immunodeficiency may be one of the tetracycline, tylosin) for 2 to 4 weeks can be used
reasons that SIBO might be more commonly as a presumptive diagnosis of SIBO.
diagnosed in German shepherds and shar-peis than The best screening tests for use in private
in other breeds. These breeds appear to have a practice involve serum analysis of fasting cobal-
higher incidence of IgA deficiency. The most amin (vitamin B12) and folate levels, although
common problems in dogs with IgA deficiency these tests are not regarded as very sensitive,
are recurrent infections and atopic dermatitis. The because many affected dogs do not have abnor-
infections associated with IgA deficiency are gen- mal test results. Abnormalities that suggest
erally not severe or life threatening, and treatment SIBO include elevated folate levels (due to
is symptomatic. increased production by abnormal microflora)
Although any species of bacteria may be found, and decreased cobalamin levels (due to utiliza-
Escherichia coli, enterococci, and lactobacilli are tion by microflora). It is not common for this
more common in dogs. Obligate anaerobic species combination of results to be found. In many

patients only one of the two tests is abnormal. weeks to many months. Some patients require
In patients with SIBO that is not present in con- intermittent treatment. Sometimes once-daily
junction with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, antibiotic administration is adequate in patients
elevated folate level is found in approximately that require long-term therapy. Any identifiable
50% of the cases, and decreased cobalamin level causes should be removed (e.g., surgical removal of
alone in about 25% of cases. These tests should blind or stagnant loops of bowel). Antibiotics that
be considered in any patient that has chronic have broad-spectrum effect that includes anaerobic
diarrhea, including those with exocrine pancre- bacteria are selected (amoxicillin, metronidazole,
atic insufficiency (these dogs commonly have tetracycline, and tylosin are good choices). If there
SIBO). Cobalamin levels that are below the con- is a rapid response to therapy, an attempt to dis-
trol range may also be consistent with disease continue antibiotic administration can be made
affecting the distal small intestine (cobalamin is after 2 to 3 weeks.
absorbed only in the last 25% of the distal small If long-term antibiotic administration seems to
intestine). Folate levels below the control range be necessary, my preference is usually to use either
may indicate infiltrative disease affecting the metronidazole or tylosin powder. The recom-
proximal small intestine (folate is absorbed in mended dose of tylosin is 5 to 10 mg/lb orally
the proximal small intestine only). every 12 hours mixed with food. Tylosin powder
A new test for SIBO is serum unconju- has a bitter taste, and some dogs will accept it bet-
gated cholic acid (SUCA). Many of the species ter if it is mixed in the food initially in very small
of bacteria that increase in number in SIBO have the amounts.
capacity to unconjugate bile acids. Unlike the con- It is emphasized that concurrent problems may
jugated bile acids that are normally present in the be present with SIBO, and even if the bacterial
small intestinal lumen, bile acids that are unconju- overgrowth is adequately treated, an underlying
gated diffuse across the intestinal mucosa into the disorder not yet diagnosed and managed may itself
blood. In dogs, SUCA values greater than 72 nm/L cause persistence of clinical signs.
are suggestive of bacterial overgrowth or disturbance
of the normal flora of the upper small intestine. The
SUCA test is currently available at the Texas A&M CHRONIC
University GI Lab. ENTEROPATHY
The sample should be shipped overnight on
ice, ideally on the same day on which the sample
is obtained. Dogs should be fasted for 12 hours Shar-peis with chronic diarrhea frequently have
before sampling. When testing for SIBO, it is rec- PLE due to moderate to severe IBD, and some also
ommended that serum for cobalamin, folate, and likely have intestinal bacterial overgrowth as well.
SUCA assays should be run concurrently. Trypsin- Typical signs in shar-peis often include persistent
like immunoreactivity (TLI) assay should be done diarrhea weeks to months in duration, weight loss,
as well if pancreatic exocrine insufficiency has not and an increased to ravenous appetite. There is
already been ruled out. almost always evidence of small bowel diarrhea,
It is not uncommon for a dog with IBD to but in some dogs large intestinal signs such as
have SIBO as well. Intestinal biopsy speci- hematochezia, mucoid feces, and dyschezia are
mens from patients with SIBO are normal or may evident as well. I have seen shar-peis that con-
show minimal morphologic mucosal changes. currently have vomiting that is due to gastric
Minor changes may include mild atrophy of hypomotility, and occasionally reflux esophagitis
villi and a slight increase in inflammatory cells. is diagnosed as well, based on endoscopic findings
If intestinal biopsy samples in a dog or cat of esophageal lesions. Energy level often remains
with chronic diarrhea are normal or exhibit only normal or nearly normal until the disease is
mild changes, the presence of SIBO should defi- severe.
nitely be considered. The prognosis for successful clinical control of
symptoms is excellent as long as a definitive diag-
nosis is made before the disease becomes too
Treatment severe. Clinicians are reminded that although a
Treatment of SIBO involves use of selected antibi- great majority of shar-peis with chronic diarrhea
otics, and treatment time may vary from several have IBD and some also likely have SIBO, an

occasional case of intestinal lymphoma, histoplas- Treatment

mosis, or other disorder may still be found in this Treatment of shar-peis usually includes manage-
breed. Clinical signs and baseline laboratory param- ment of IBD and SIBO (prednisone, metronidazole,
eters may be similar in all of these disorders. and amoxicillin or tylosin, which is administered for
Therefore it is always best to make every effort to 1 month if there is laboratory evidence of SIBO). In
establish a definitive diagnosis rather than simply severe cases of IBD it may be necessary to use aza-
assuming that the most common problem is indeed thioprine (see guidelines described earlier in this
present and subsequently administering empiric chapter). It may be useful to administer tylosin
therapy. This issue should be thoroughly discussed powder if the diarrhea is poorly responsive to initial
with owners who may initially be reluctant to sup- therapy (reasons for poor response may include per-
port the diagnostic testing that is necessary to make sistent bacterial overgrowth or CPE that did not
a diagnosis. respond to metronidazole and/or amoxicillin).
The most consistent laboratory parameters are Esophagitis is managed with a restricted-fat
panhypoproteinemia (usually ranging from 2.8 to diet, H2-receptor antagonist therapy (e.g., famoti-
5.0 g/dl), indicating significant small intestinal dine once daily 30 minutes before food), and
involvement, and low cobalamin (vitamin B12) lev- metoclopramide. Treatment for gastric hypo-
els, which are very commonly found in shar-peis, motility includes a restricted-fat diet provided in
and which could be consistent with SIBO. Folate divided feedings two to three times daily and a
levels are usually either normal or mildly elevated promotility drug (metoclopramide or cisapride).
(increased folate is also consistent with SIBO). Colitis is managed with metronidazole, and in
There may be leukocytosis (often 20,000 to 40,000 some cases sulfasalazine is used as well. Anemia
cells/µl) with mature neutrophilia (inflammatory often resolves as the inflammatory disease comes
leukogram) and mild anemia (most consistent with under control. Dietary therapy guidelines previ-
anemia of chronic disease, rarely blood loss). ously described for IBD are followed.
Eosinophilia is occasionally present. Although the Most shar-peis can be managed on a long-term
triad of signs of chronic diarrhea, weight loss, and basis, once remission has been achieved, with main-
ravenous appetite is strongly suggestive of exocrine tenance doses of prednisone (every 2 to 3 days) and
pancreatic insufficiency, I have found this disease to metronidazole (once daily to every other day). In
be quite uncommon in shar-peis (based on TLI some cases, medication can be discontinued alto-
assay results). gether after 6 to 24 months. Hematologic param-
In addition to a complete blood count, serum eters and overall clinical condition should be
biochemical profile, fecal examinations for para- consistently back to normal before all medication
sites (including Giardia and Cryptosporidium), fecal is stopped. Dogs with gastric motility disease
cytologic examination, fecal analysis for C. perfrin- (hypomotility) may require lifelong promotility
gens enterotoxin,TLI assay for exocrine pancreatic therapy. If there are periodic flare-ups of large
insufficiency, and cobalamin, folate, and SUCA intestinal signs, sulfasalazine is used as needed, gen-
assays for intestinal bacterial overgrowth, shar-peis erally for 7 to 21 days at a time (dose and fre-
with chronic diarrhea should undergo upper and quency of administration depend on severity of
lower GI endoscopy to obtain biopsy specimens clinical signs).
from the stomach, duodenum, jejunum (if it can
be reached), ileum, and colon. Even if there are GERMAN SHEPHERD
no clinical signs consistent with large bowel dis-
ease, colonoscopy is still done because it is
important that biopsy samples be obtained from German shepherd dogs appear to be predisposed
the ileum. Usually there is diffuse involvement of to an increased incidence of GI diseases such as
the small intestine. However, histologic lesions IBD and SIBO. Practitioners who see German
will occasionally be found only in the lower shepherds with any frequency no doubt recognize
small intestine (this highlights the importance of that these dogs have an increased incidence of
doing both upper and lower GI endoscopy). diarrhea and sometimes weight loss and other
Other findings may include esophagitis (grossly symptoms. It is not known for sure why German
evident at endoscopy), gastric hypomotility, and shepherds are predisposed to IBD and SIBO, but
colitis. there are several theories, and perhaps there are at

least several factors involved concurrently. Possible mined if antibiotics should be continued on a
factors include the following: long-term or intermittent basis.

● Genetic susceptibility, as a result of major his-

tocompatibility complex class II antigens Treatment
● A breakdown in immunologic tolerance to If it is thought that the problem is limited to SIBO
endogenous bacterial components and/or IBD, it is generally recommended that
● Mucosal permeability and brush border antibiotics alone be used initially, unless there is a
enzyme defects, which may allow increased moderate or of course severe degree of IBD pres-
antigen exposure to the mucosal immune ent, in which case immunosuppressive therapy is
system also indicated. Antibiotics may include oxytetra-
● Underlying selective IgA deficiency— cycline, metronidazole, or tylosin. Initially a course
German shepherd dogs with small intestinal of 4 to 6 weeks is prescribed, and then if there has
disease have been shown to have a relative been a good response, the medication can be dis-
deficiency of IgA secretion from the small continued. The dog is then observed for relapse,
intestinal mucosa and if this occurs, the antibiotic therapy should be
● IBD in German shepherd dogs is accompa- reinstituted. Again, it is important that other
nied by marked disturbances in inflamma- causes of diarrhea be ruled out, if they have not
tory cell populations and the cytokine profile been already, and an effort to look for evidence of
It is possible that IBD and SIBO in German CPE must be made. CPE sometimes responds to
shepherds are part of a single disease syndrome. metronidazole and more consistently, especially in
It is also possible, given that SIBO is more com- chronic cases, to tylosin. Fiber supplementation is
mon in young animals and IBD is more common also very beneficial in management of CPE. For
in older dogs, that SIBO can predispose to IBD. SIBO and IBD, a highly digestible low-residue
There is currently no substantiation of this diet is generally preferred, so dietary trials may be
hypothesis, but studies are ongoing. necessary, along with a thorough diagnostic effort,
Clinical signs in German shepherds are vari- to determine which type of diet is most indicated.
able. The most common signs of SIBO are diar- If there is an excellent response to antibiotics and
rhea and weight loss or failure to thrive. Signs of the diarrhea recurs when they are discontinued,
IBD are more variable and in addition to diarrhea antibiotics can be used either continuously on a
and weight loss may include vomiting, flatulence, low-dose basis (I prefer to use tylosin in this situ-
decreased appetite, and other signs. German shep- ation as a first choice and metronidazole as a sec-
herd dogs with GI signs should be investigated in ond choice), or pulse therapy may be used, in
the same manner as has been described for intes- which case antibiotics are administered once daily
tinal disease earlier in this chapter. Problems other two to three times a week. In some dogs this is
than SIBO and/or IBD may be present, so a thor- sufficient to maintain control.
ough diagnostic work-up should be recommended. If IBD is present and not responsive to antibi-
In addition to a baseline of a complete blood count, otics and dietary management, immunosuppressive
biochemical profile, and urinalysis, other tests drugs are used following the guidelines described
should include fecal tests for nematode parasites, earlier in this chapter. In general I rarely find it
Giardia, Cryptosporidium, and Clostridium perfringens necessary to use a prednisone dose greater than
enterotoxin,TLI assay if exocrine pancreatic insuf- 0.5 mg/lb per day in German shepherd dogs.
ficiency has not already been ruled out, determi-
nation of serum cobalamin and folate levels, and
SUCA or other currently recommended indirect LYMPHOCYTIC-
test for SIBO, and upper and lower GI endoscopy PLASMACYTIC
for procurement of intestinal biopsy specimens. ENTERITIS OF
Alternatively, if there are minimal signs and the
dog’s condition remains good overall, a trial with
antibiotics (see treatment section) for 4 to 6 weeks Lymphocytic-plasmacytic enteritis of basenjis is
may be attempted. A positive response would be an immunoproliferative process involving pri-
suggestive of SIBO. It will then need to be deter- marily the small intestine. This is a potentially

severe form of IBD that is thought to result from nosis, although some affected dogs can be main-
a genetic disorder of immune regulation. There is tained for a period of years with careful monitor-
an intense infiltration of lymphocytes and plasma ing and ongoing therapy.Affected dogs should not
cells in the intestinal mucosa. Other changes often be bred.
include gastric rugal hypertrophy, lymphocytic
gastritis and/or gastric mucosal atrophy, blunting
and widening of intestinal villi, and mild dilation
of lacteals. Intestinal lymphangiectasia is a chronic protein-
The disorder is often progressive in nature. losing enteropathy of dogs that results in malab-
Clinical signs may tend to be intermittent for a sorption. It is characterized by obstruction and
period of time before they worsen and become dysfunction of the intestinal lymphatic network.
more persistent. GI signs may be exacerbated by Lymphatic obstruction leads to stasis of chyle
episodes of “stress,” such as traveling, boarding, or within dilated lacteals and lymphatics of the bowel
other medical disorders. Clinical signs usually wall and mesentery. Lymphatic hypertension results,
include small intestinal diarrhea, which may become and overdistended lacteals release intestinal lymph
intractable, vomiting, and/or inappetence. Weight into the intestinal lumen either by extravasation or
loss can become significant as the disease pro- by rupture, resulting in loss of protein, lymphocytes,
gresses. Ulcerative dermatitis of the pinnae occa- and chylomicrons. Although proteins may be
sionally occurs in conjunction with this disease. digested and resorbed to some extent, loss in patients
Most affected basenjis demonstrate clinical signs with a significant degree of lymphatic obstruction
by 3 to 4 years of age. eventually exceeds the normal recovery mechanism,
Basenji enteropathy is commonly associated and hypoproteinemia results.
with hypoalbuminemia and hyperglobulinemia, At the time of presentation, dogs with lym-
especially in advanced cases. Neutrophilic leuko- phangiectasia frequently have marked hypopro-
cytosis and mild nonregenerative anemia are com- teinemia. Prominent clinical consequences include
monly present as well. Early in the disease course, body cavity effusions (ascites, hydrothorax) and
basenji enteropathy may mimic other forms of IBD dependent pitting edema of the subcutis and limbs.
(e.g., mild symptoms, no significant laboratory In addition to hypoproteinemia, leakage of fat
abnormalities). (chylomicrons) from the lacteals may cause inflam-
As the disease becomes more advanced, signs mation and granuloma formation in the intes-
and laboratory parameters are characteristic; how- tinal wall, which may further exacerbate lymphatic
ever, clinicians should be aware that other forms of obstruction.
intestinal disease, such as lymphoma, lymphangiec- Potential causes of lymphatic obstruction
tasia, or histoplasmosis, may be present, and the include congenital malformation of the lymphatic
symptoms of any of these diseases can mimic system; infiltration or obstruction due to an inflam-
basenji enteropathy. Therefore it is always best to matory, fibrosing, or neoplastic process; obstruction
confirm the diagnosis by doing intestinal biopsies of lymph flow through the thoracic duct; and peri-
before instituting aggressive immunosuppressive carditis or congestive heart failure. Generalized
therapy. inflammatory disease of the intestinal lymphatic
Treatment of basenji enteropathy is based on network is probably the most common factor in
control of the inflammatory bowel component pathogenesis of the disease. The cause of this
(see guidelines for treatment of IBD in dogs inflammation is undetermined in most cases. Most
described earlier in this chapter), management of dogs with lymphangiectasia also have mild to
intestinal bacterial overgrowth if it is present, and moderate lymphocytic-plasmacytic infiltration in
feeding a controlled or hypoallergenic diet. the lamina propria. The fact that patients with
Because the disease is often progressive, basenjis lymphangiectasia often respond better when cor-
with this disorder should be carefully monitored. ticosteroids are included in the treatment regimen
Over time, treatment may need to include combi- adds credence to the theory that an inflamma-
nation immunosuppressive drugs and use of long- tory process is involved in the pathogenesis of the
term antibiotics (e.g., metronidazole, tylosin). If disease.
there is evidence of gastric hypomotility, a pro- Lymphangiectasia is not commonly encoun-
motility drug (metoclopramide or cisapride) is also tered in clinical practice. Of the diseases that cause
used. Most basenjis die within 2 to 3 years of diag- protein-losing enteropathy, IBD (especially severe

lymphocytic-plasmacytic enteritis) is by far the is reviewed (a “stress” leukogram also includes neu-
most common. Although some dogs with lym- trophilia and eosinopenia).
phangiectasia respond well to treatment, this dis- Lymphangiectasia must be differentiated from
ease is not as consistently responsive to therapy as other protein-losing enteropathies and from non-
is IBD. Breed predilections for intestinal lym- intestinal causes of hypoproteinemia (primarily
phangiectasia are not documented, but there seems liver and kidney disease). If hypoproteinemia occurs
to be an increased incidence in Yorkshire terriers, in association with kidney and liver disease, it is
soft-coated wheaten terriers, lundehunds, and rot- usually primarily due to a decrease in the albumin
tweilers. Lymphangiectasia should be a leading fraction (impaired synthesis in liver disease and
consideration if hypoproteinemia is detected in increased loss through the glomeruli in protein-
any of these breeds. losing glomerulonephropathy). Liver function test-
ing (e.g., serum bile acids assay) and urine protein
determinations (e.g., urine protein-creatinine
Clinical Signs ratio) are very useful in evaluating for presence of
The most common clinical manifestations of lym- liver and kidney disease.
phangiectasia are diarrhea and weight loss. It is Intestinal biopsy specimens can be obtained at
important to note, however, that some dogs do not either endoscopy or surgery. Endoscopy offers a safer
have diarrhea until the disease process is advanced, approach to obtaining small bowel biopsy samples in
or there may be no incidence of diarrhea at all. protein-losing enteropathy cases in which there is
Initial presentation may be directly related to signs concern that full-thickness biopsy sites may heal
associated with significant hypoalbuminemia and slowly. This is an especially important consideration
the effects of reduced colloidal osmotic pressure, in patients with a total protein level less than
including peripheral edema, ascites, and increased 3.5 g/dl. Lymphangiectasia has a characteristic histo-
respiratory rate and/or distress secondary to logic appearance. The severity of lesions is usually
hydrothorax. The onset of clinical signs may be graded as mild, moderate, or severe. Lymphangitis
acute (less than 21 days in 10 of 17 dogs in one may be present as well. Concurrent inflammatory cell
reported case series) or chronic (greater than infiltrates are usually found on histologic examination.
21 days in 7 of 17 dogs). In some cases pronounced gross changes can
When present, diarrhea is usually watery to be seen at endoscopy (white “cottony” appearance
semisolid in consistency. It may be persistent or or multifocal white granular foci of the mucosa,
intermittent. Vomiting may be observed in dogs occasional presence of pooled mucoid lymph fluid
with lymphangiectasia (11 of 17 dogs in one case in the intestinal lumen). Occasionally a diagnosis
series). Progressive weight loss is common. of lymphangiectasia is missed if only the descend-
ing duodenum is examined and sampled during
biopsy. In dogs with hypoproteinemia associated
Diagnosis with chronic diarrhea, it is best to examine both
A definitive diagnosis of lymphangiectasia is made upper (duodenum, and jejunum if it can be
only on intestinal biopsy specimen analysis. The reached) and lower small intestine (the ileum can
index of suspicion is heightened when the follow- be entered after traversing the colon) to obtain
ing test results are identified: samples from as many areas as possible. This
● Panhypoproteinemia (often between 2.5 and approach maximizes the likelihood that represen-
5.0 g/dl total protein at the time of diagno- tative biopsy samples will be obtained.
sis, with albumin frequently in the range of Gross lesions that may be observed at lapa-
0.8 to 1.6 g/dl) rotomy include a prominent weblike network of
● Absolute lymphopenia (found in approxi- dilated milky-white lymphatic channels; small
mately 70% of cases and due to loss of lym- yellow-white granulomas (lipogranulomas) adja-
phocytes into the gut lumen) cent to lymphatics; patchy, foamy white deposits
on the serosa; and diffuse intestinal thickening. As
● Hypocholesterolemia
is the case any time full-thickness intestinal biopsy
● Hypocalcemia
samples are obtained from a hypoproteinemic
Lymphopenia is also a common hematologic patient, serosal patch grafting and nonabsorable
finding in “stressed” patients however, and this fac- suture material should be used to minimize
tor should not be overlooked when the hemogram chances of dehiscence and peritonitis.

I have found that it is very difficult to diagnose Absorption of long-chain triglycerides from the
lymphangiectasia in rottweilers endoscopically. diet stimulates an increase in intestinal lymph flow,
This is primarily because lesions in this breed are thus promoting further engorgement of intestinal
frequently most prominent in the jejunum, an lacteals and subsequent loss of more protein. Fat
area of the small intestine that is difficult to reach restriction helps decrease lymphatic hypertension
in large-breed dogs with an endoscope. Typical by decreasing lymph flow and aids in controlling
clinical signs in rottweilers include weight loss, diarrhea, presumably by reducing steatorrhea.
chronic intermittent diarrhea, decreased appetite, Initially a home-prepared diet that includes
and occasionally peripheral edema. There is usu- nonfat or low-fat cottage cheese as the primary
ally significant hypoproteinemia (often ranging protein source and carbohydrate sources such as
from 2.8 to 4.0 g/dl). The lymphocyte count is boiled rice, potatoes, and pasta is fed (one part cot-
frequently but not always low. Biopsy speci- tage cheese and three parts carbohydrate source).
mens from duodenum and ileum often reveal only White turkey and potatoes is a formulation that
mild lymphocytic-plasmacytic enteritis in rottweil- also works well for some dogs. Yogurt can also
ers with lymphangiectasia. This mild degree of be used as a source of protein. Diets should be
inflammatory infiltrate is not enough to explain supplemented with a fat-soluble vitamin.
the degree of hypoproteinemia and clinical signs One of the greatest difficulties encountered in
that are often present, and this finding certainly managing dogs with lymphangiectasia is that some
should raise suspicions that a more significant tend to be inappetent, even when corticosteroids
process is involved. are included in the treatment regimen. Owners
If a disorder that is consistent with the clinical should be encouraged to try a variety of low-fat
presentation is diagnosed at endoscopy (e.g., mod- foods until they find something that the dog
erate to severe IBD), treatment for that disorder will eat. Sometimes breakfast cereals are readily
should be instituted. If there is suspicion that a dis- ingested. Persistent coaxing may be required.
ease other than what was diagnosed at endoscopy Once a dog with lymphangiectasia begins to eat
is present, ideally exploratory surgery should be well, there is often noticeable clinical improve-
done next to evaluate the serosa and mesentery for ment and the prognosis gradually begins to
gross evidence of lymphangiectasia and to obtain improve. For example, removal of ascitic fluid from
full-thickness intestinal biopsy samples. If the dog a significantly distended abdomen may promote a
is judged to be a poor surgical candidate, treatment return to a normal appetite. An appetite stimu-
for lymphangiectasia and IBD should be insti- lant such as cyproheptadine is sometimes effec-
tuted. The prognosis for reasonable control in tive. Frequent divided feedings should be provided
rottweilers is guarded to fair. The prognosis is bet- initially.
ter if the dog eats enough of the prescribed diet to As improvement in overall condition occurs
effect weight gain. (increase in weight, resolution of diarrhea if it was
present, increase in serum protein levels), commer-
cial foods can be added gradually on a trial basis.
Treatment Some clinicians elect to feed commercial diets at
The cornerstone of treatment for lymphangiecta- the outset of therapy. Special commercial diets
sia is dietary management. Corticosteroids are such as Innovative Veterinary Diets (IVD) Select
used to reduce the intestinal inflammation that is Care Canine Sensitive formula, IVD Vegetarian
often present. As is true any time there is a chronic Diet, Iams Low Residue (Iams Food Co), and
enteropathy, an effort is made to investigate as Prescription Diet i/d and/or w/d (Hill’s Pet
thoroughly as possible for other disorders that may Products) can be tried. One significant disadvan-
be present at the same time. For example, I have tage of feeding low-fat calorie-restricted diets such
treated dogs with lymphangiectasia that concur- as Prescription Diet r/d in dogs with lymphan-
rently had CPE and intestinal parasites. Bacterial giectasia is that when this type of food is used as
overgrowth should always be considered as well. the primary diet, it is difficult to meet the patient’s
Response to treatment is best when all disorders total energy requirements. Palatability can also be
are adequately treated. a problem. Some dogs do best when fed a combi-
The ideal diet for lymphangiectasia should nation of home-prepared and commercial foods.
contain minimal fat (long-chain triglycerides) and Long-term dietary management is required in
provide an ample quantity of high-quality protein. most cases.

Most dogs with lymphangiectasia benefit from misnamed phycomycosis (outdated name that should
corticosteroid therapy. Prednisone is administered no longer be used).
at 1 to 1.5 mg/lb daily for 2 to 4 weeks and then Historically, definitive diagnosis of pythiosis
gradually decreased to a maintenance level of and zygomycosis has been difficult because of the
0.1 to 0.2 mg/lb every other day. If there is an challenges inherent in obtaining a culture-based
excellent response to dietary management and confirmation of these organisms. Therefore a pre-
corticosteroids, the corticosteroids can often be sumptive diagnosis has often been made (i.e.,“sus-
discontinued after 3 to 6 months’ total treatment pected pythiosis”) based on histopathologic
time. findings. Newer tests are now available that are
If there is poor weight gain despite adequate making specific diagnosis somewhat easier.
food intake, it is sometimes beneficial to supple- Clinical signs include chronic intractable diar-
ment the diet with medium-chain triglycerides rhea and vomiting, loss of appetite, depression, and
(MCT Oil). Medium-chain triglycerides are chronic weight loss. The diarrhea may become
hydrolyzed more rapidly and efficiently than long- bloody due to intestinal necrosis and ulceration.
chain triglycerides and are absorbed directly into Extensive granulomatous reaction may cause pal-
the portal system, thus bypassing the diseased lym- pable enteromesenteric masses to develop. There
phatics. The primary purpose of supplementing may eventually be spread to other abdominal
the diet with medium-chain triglycerides is to sup- viscera.
ply extra calories. MCT Oil contains 8 kcal/ml. Baseline laboratory tests may reveal mild to mod-
The recommended dose is 0.5 to 1 ml/lb mixed erate nonregenerative anemia, neutrophilic leukocy-
in food. Because most dogs (and humans!) do not tosis, and panhypoproteinemia. Survey abdominal
like the taste of MCT Oil, gradual introduction radiography may reveal a mass effect, and barium
and thorough mixing in the food are recom- contrast radiography may identify an area of
mended. I do not routinely recommend using obstruction. Abdominal ultrasonography can iden-
MCT Oil with dogs other than those that I feel tify intestinal thickening and lymphadenopathy.
will significantly benefit from its use. Rectal scraping cytologic analysis may reveal organ-
isms as may a fecal culture. Historically diagnosis
has been dependent on histologic identification of
PYTHIOSIS characteristic hyphae in biopsy samples of stomach,
Pythiosis is a severe and often fatal cause of intestine, or abdominal lymph nodes. Diagnostic
chronic GI or cutaneous disease in dogs living tissue samples are best obtained surgically, because
mostly in tropical or subtropical climates. In the endoscopic biopsy techniques do not reliably har-
United States most cases are seen in the Gulf Coast vest adequate tissue in all cases for diagnosis of
region, but it has been seen as far north as southern pythiosis. Extensive tissue reaction may be evident
Indiana, Missouri, Kentucky, and North Carolina. at laparotomy, and this should not be mistaken for
There are also rare cases in cats that involve neoplasia. It is best to obtain tissues and await a his-
mostly invasive subcutaneous lesions. Pythiosis is tologic diagnosis rather than making assumptions
caused by the aquatic oomycete Pythium insidio- based on visual inspection alone.
sum. The infective stage of P. insidiosum is The clinical faculty at Louisiana State University
thought to be the zoospore, which is released has extensive experience in diagnosis and manage-
into warm water environments. Infection is ment of pythiosis and zygomycosis, and some prom-
caused either through encystment in the skin or ising new tests have recently been developed in
through ingestion. GI pythiosis causes severe their laboratory. These include polymerase chain
segmental transmural thickening of the GI tract reaction (PCR)-based assays and serologic analysis.
with variable mucosal ulceration and mesenteric There is now a PCR test available for identification
lymphadenopathy. of P. insidiosum. This assay can be applied to DNA
There are other fungal agents of the class extracted either from cultured isolates or from
Zygomycetes that can cause severe intestinal and appropriately preserved infected tissue samples. The
skin disease. It is difficult to differentiate some of test will reliably differentiate P. insidiosum from other
the agents, however, and so the general term Pythium species. A new highly specific and sensitive
zygomycosis is often used. Dogs with zygomycosis mycelial antigen-based ELISA assay for the detec-
oftentimes are undifferentiated from those cases tion of anti–P. insidiosum antibodies is also now
with pythiosis. These infections were formerly available for use on samples from both dogs and

cats. This test provides an excellent means for mak- vascular thrombosis, loss of blood supply due to
ing an early, noninvasive diagnosis and also provides injury, and intestinal neoplasia. Clinical mani-
an excellent means for monitoring response to festations of short bowel syndrome persist when the
therapy. This is especially important with regard to remaining intestine is unable to undergo adequate
the GI form of the disease because, unlike skin compensatory changes. SIBO may also become
lesions, the lesions cannot be visually monitored by a significant complicating factor, especially if the
the owner. ileocolic valve is removed.
Affected patients usually have unrelenting small
bowel diarrhea and progressive weight loss in the
Treatment face of a ravenous appetite. It should be noted,
The treatment of choice for pythiosis is aggressive however, that not all patients that lose a large
surgical removal of lesions. Complete resection amount of small intestine have signs of short bowel
provides the best chance for long-term cure. For syndrome. It is not always the amount of bowel
intestinal lesions the goal is to resect infected tis- loss that determines whether or not a patient will
sues with 4- to 6-cm margins. Postoperative med- be affected. The response to bowel loss is often
ical management is also necessary, because there is unpredictable. Clinically, sometimes a patient will
always a chance for local recurrence. Medical do surprisingly well when it was anticipated that
management using itraconazole either with or the prognosis would be poor, and in other cases a
without terbinafine is recommended for a period patient will do unexpectedly poorly. Several impor-
of 2 to 4 months after surgery. Drug cost is a sig- tant factors are involved in determining clinical
nificant concern for some owners. If medical man- course. These include the following:
agement cannot be afforded, then ELISA serologic 1. Status of the ileocolic valve (symptoms are
analysis is recommended at several-month inter- consistently worse if the valve is lost)
vals for up to a year after surgery to monitor for 2. The extent and site of bowel resection
evidence of recurrence. 3. The functional capacity of the remaining
Medical management alone is often unreward- bowel and other digestive organs
ing, but this is the only choice in patients that 4. The degree of adaptation that subsequently
have diffuse nonresectable disease. The internal occurs in the remaining small and large
medicine service at Louisiana State University intestine
has reported that in recent years about 15% of
their cases of pythiosis in dogs have responded The ileocolic valve is important for preventing
to either itraconazole at 5 mg/lb every 24 hours SIBO, and it may also play an important role in
for 3 to 6 months or amphotericin B lipid com- slowing small intestinal transit time.
plex (Abelcet) 1 to 1.5 mg/lb administered intra- Maldigestion and malabsorption are prominent
venously over several hours every other day to a features of short bowel syndrome. Factors causing
cumulative dose of 11 to 12.5 mg/lb. The drugs malabsorption include decreased absorptive sur-
can also be used in combination, or, alternatively, face area; reduced transit time, which results in
itraconazole and terbinafine (2.5 to 5 mg/lb per inadequate intestinal mucosa–nutrient contact
24 hours) can be used in combination. Com- time; decreased bile salt reabsorption, especially if
bination has been shown to achieve a better the ileum is lost, resulting in decreased fat absorp-
response overall, although the prognosis still tion; and decreased fatty acid absorption, which
remains very guarded. results in impairment of colonic water absorption.
Maldigestion results from decreased nutrient
SHORT BOWEL contact time with digestive enzymes; deficiency of
cholecystokinin and secretin in patients with signif-
SYNDROME icant resection of duodenum and jejunum, which
Short bowel syndrome refers to the clinical con- subsequently causes decreased release of pancreatic
sequences of massive small bowel resection, with or and biliary exocrine secretions; and loss of impor-
without some additional loss of large intestine. tant mucosal brush border digestive enzymes, which
Short bowel syndrome frequently results when 75% follows massive bowel resection. Gastric acid hyper-
or more of the small intestine is resected. Reasons secretion may also occur after massive small bowel
for massive bowel resection include intussusception, resection, for unknown reasons. Consequences of
intestinal infarction secondary to strangulation or acid hypersecretion may include inactivation of

pancreatic lipase and increased osmolarity in the factor of diarrhea and should be controlled with
small intestinal lumen. H2-receptor antagonists (e.g., famotidine). Intestinal
The degree of adaptation that occurs in the bacterial overgrowth is managed with antibiotics
small intestine is an important factor in determin- (metronidazole and amoxicillin or enrofloxacin are
ing whether or not a patient will be able to often used initially; metronidazole and/or tylosin
recover sufficiently to maintain adequate fluid bal- are often used if long-term antibiotics are required).
ance and body weight. Over time following mas- It is sometimes useful to provide pancreatic enzyme
sive bowel resection, compensatory changes that replacement therapy (e.g., Pancrezyme). If diar-
increase the absorptive surface of the remaining rhea is persistently watery, an antidiarrheal agent
intestine occur. The fact that it takes time for com- such as loperamide is used. The dose for dogs is
pensation to occur is an important clinical point, 0.05 to 0.1 mg/lb orally two to three times daily.
because it is important that a decision resulting in Loperamide can be used in cats at 0.025 to 0.04
too early euthanasia of a patient not be made too mg/lb every 12 hours. In some patients, it may
hastily. These include increased bowel diameter, be necessary to use loperamide on a long-term
lengthening of villi, and crypt enlargement to basis.
maximize the number of mucosal cells per unit If the treatments listed above are not considered
length of gut. One of the most important factors reasonably effective, several other maneuvers can be
in promoting adaptation is the presence of intralu- tried. Research work published in Japan in 1992
minal nutrients (long-chain triglycerides or long- suggested that ursodeoxycholate (UDCA) is bene-
chain free fatty acids have been shown to have the ficial in some dogs with short bowel syndrome.
greatest trophic effect, but any nutrient may pro- The study involved resection of 75% of the small
mote a stimulatory effect). Pancreaticobiliary secre- intestine in healthy beagle dogs followed by separa-
tions, GI and other hormones, and prostaglandin E2 tion of the dogs into one of three treatment groups:
also play a role in stimulating bowel adaptation. 1. 300 mg UDCA plus 0.375 µg of vitamin D3
Corticosteroids probably do not have any significant every other day
effect on promoting bowel adaptation. 2. 0.375 µg vitamin D3 every other day
3. Control group, no drug therapy
Clinical Signs Dogs medicated with UDCA experienced sig-
In patients that have undergone extensive resection, nificant improvements in body weight, fecal char-
persistent diarrhea that is often watery in nature is acteristics, and overall nutritional status. The
the predominant early sign. Dehydration and elec- beneficial effect of UDCA may be in prolongation
trolyte deficiencies can readily occur. Postoperative of intestinal transit time. Other investigators have
treatment is directed at preventing these factors also found that UDCA has an inhibitory effect on
from becoming significant. Malabsorption predom- GI smooth muscle.
inates during the ensuing weeks, and major weight Finally, use of a hydrophilic laxative may help
loss and nutritional deficiencies develop. Later, as decrease fluidity of the existing bowel content and
intestinal adaptation begins to occur, body weight increase fecal bulk. Among the compounds that
frequently stabilizes, although at levels that are may be tried are methylcellulose (Citrucel), psyl-
mildly to moderately below preresection levels. lium (Metamucil, Siblin), Karaya gum, and calcium
Diarrhea and steatorrhea persist in most patients. In polycarbophil (Fiberall, Fiber Con). Calcium poly-
some patients, especially those that have lost the carbophil reportedly absorbs 60 to 100 times its
ileocolic valve, steatorrhea and malabsorption con- weight in water.
tinue to be severe and the prognosis for stabilization The ideal form of nutritional support during
becomes very poor. the early postoperative period is total parenteral
nutrition (TPN) (see Chapter 12). TPN is rou-
tinely used in humans with short bowel syndrome
Treatment to maintain caloric intake, electrolyte balance, and
The primary goal of medical therapy for patients acid-base balance for as long as 1 to 2 months of
with short bowel syndrome involves providing the initial phase of therapy. This is not feasible in
adequate nutritional support and controlling diar- most veterinary patients.
rhea through use of antidiarrheal agents. Gastric Partial parenteral nutrition can also be used to
acid hypersecretion can be an important causative help provide adequate early nutritional support.

ProcalAmine (McGaw, Inc) is a protein-sparing mizing the amount of intestine that will need to
product that is very convenient for use in clini- be removed.
cal practice because no mixing or additives are
required. It is a combination of 3% amino acids, NEOPLASIA OF THE
3% glycerol, and electrolytes. If infused at mainte-
nance rates (30 ml/lb/day), this product provides
approximately 20% of a patient’s caloric needs and Neoplasia of the small intestine is discussed in
0.6 to 0.9 g/lb/day of protein. ProcalAmine con- detail in Chapter 11. A summary is provided here.
tains inadequate sodium (35 mEq/L) and chloride Tumors of the small intestine occur uncom-
(41 mEq/L) for total maintenance requirements. monly. GI neoplasms account for approximately
Addition of 65 ml of 7.2% hypertonic saline to a 2% of all canine and feline neoplasms. Intestinal
liter of ProcalAmine increases electrolyte levels neoplasms of dogs and cats are usually malignant.
sufficiently (sodium, 115 mEq/L). ProcalAmine Although neoplasia is uncommon overall, in cats
does contain adequate potassium (24 mEq/L). intestinal lymphoma is now diagnosed with
A peripheral vein can be used. ProcalAmine is increased frequency. This is important to recognize
hypertonic, and the catheter site should be because cats with intestinal lymphoma, especially
watched carefully for any evidence of phlebitis. the type now referred to as chronic low-grade
Catheters are not left in place any longer than 60 lymphocytic lymphoma, often respond well to
to 72 hours. chemotherapy if the diagnosis is made relatively
Limited oral intake is instituted as soon as pos- early in the disease course. The most common
sible after surgery to begin stimulation of intestinal malignant neoplasms of the intestinal tract are
adaptation. Elemental or polymeric diets are often lymphoma and adenocarcinoma. Other tumors
fed in the initial phase. Long-term feeding involves affecting the intestinal tract include mast cell
diets that are low in fat and highly digestible. Small tumor, fibrosarcoma, leiomyoma, leiomyosarcoma,
amounts should be fed frequently (three to four undifferentiated sarcoma, carcinoids, plasmacy-
meals per day).Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) as well as toma, and neurolemmoma.
fat-soluble vitamins should be supplemented Most dogs with intestinal neoplasia are middle-
indefinitely. age or older (7 years or more). A majority of dogs
If intestinal adaptation occurs, a stable body with lymphoma and adenocarcinoma are males.
weight and a reasonable stool consistency can be There is no apparent sex predilection in cats with
maintained on a long-term basis. Some patients, intestinal neoplasia. Siamese cats appear to be at
however, never stabilize despite all treatment efforts greater risk for developing adenocarcinoma of the
and careful dietary manipulation, and their progno- intestine.
sis becomes poor. The prognosis seems to be better in The most common clinical signs of intestinal
patients that are aggressively managed in the early stages. neoplasia are weight loss, vomiting, diarrhea, and
Because it can be very difficult to predict accu- lethargy. Inappetence is often apparent as the dis-
rately how well a patient with short bowel syn- ease advances. Other signs may include melena,
drome will respond to therapy, every effort should hematemesis, anemia, fever, icterus, and abdominal
be made to maintain treatment for a reasonable effusion. Although clinical signs in most patients
period of time before euthanasia is recommended. are slowly progressive, dogs with intestinal adeno-
Careful consideration about how much bowel carcinoma are occasionally presented because of
will be resected should be given at the time of sur- acute signs that may mimic intestinal obstruction
gery. Prevention of situations that may end with (e.g., acute frequent vomiting, anorexia, lethargy).
development of short bowel syndrome begins Physical examination may reveal pallor, cachexia,
with avoiding unnecessarily extensive resection of thickened intestinal loops, an isolated intestinal
small intestine, considering conservative resection mass, intraabdominal lymphadenopathy, dilated
of ischemic bowel with the option of follow-up intestinal loops, organomegaly (liver, spleen),
surgery if necessary, and making every effort to abdominal effusion, and peripheral edema (most
leave the duodenum and ileocolic valve intact. often due to hypoproteinemia associated with dif-
Early diagnosis and timely surgical intervention fuse intestinal lymphoma).
in situations that might end up requiring intes- Hematologic and biochemical parameters are
tinal resection are extremely important in mini- often normal, although anemia (anemia of chronic

disease or anemia consistent with blood loss) and fuse or focal) can be reliably diagnosed in a major-
hypoproteinemia may be present. Hypoproteinemia ity (approximately 90%) of dogs and cats when
may be due to either blood loss into the intestine proper biopsy instrumentation and technique are
or diffuse infiltrative intestinal disease. Neutrophilic used. Mass lesions can be very reliably diagnosed
leukocytosis and elevated hepatic enzymes may also (samples should be obtained as deeply as possible).
be present. Laparotomy offers the advantage of thorough
Useful procedures in evaluating patients for evi- exploration of the abdomen with biopsy and pos-
dence of intestinal neoplasia include survey radiog- sibly complete excision of involved areas.
raphy, ultrasonography, and endoscopy. Pulmonary Intestinal lymphoma in cats and dogs will be
metastases are rarely detected on thoracic radiog- discussed here, and the reader is referred to
raphy in patients with small intestinal neopla- Chapter 11 for a more detailed discussion of neo-
sia. Survey abdominal radiographs may reveal a plasia of the small intestine. Intestinal lymphoma
soft tissue opacity consistent with a mass or lym- is discussed here as well because clinically it can
phadenopathy, or signs of intestinal obstruction. appear very similar to IBD in cats.
Contrast radiography can be helpful for delineat-
ing regions of significant mucosal irregularity,
luminal narrowing, and intramural thickening. Lymphoma
Narrowing of the lumen is commonly seen with In cats chronic low-grade lymphocytic lymphoma
carcinoma, which has a tendency to be annu- can be very similar to IBD in the way it manifests
lar (Figure 7-3). Annular indicates that there is itself clinically. It can only be differentiated based
360-degree constriction. Intramural disease usually on biopsy specimen analysis. Because cats with
produces radiographic signs of thickening, rigidity chronic low-grade lymphocytic lymphoma often
of the wall, and narrowing of the lumen. have a reasonably good prognosis when indicated
Abdominal ultrasonography is useful for defin- treatment is administered, it is incumbent on vet-
ing abdominal mass lesions (e.g., confirming pres- erinarians to make the correct diagnosis early in
ence of a mass effect, delineating intestinal versus the disease course, rather than later, when it may
lymph node involvement, examining for hepatic be more difficult to successfully manage the
involvement). patient.
A definitive diagnosis of intestinal neoplasia can The GI tract is a common site of extranodal
be made only on histologic examination of biopsy lymphoma in dogs and cats. In cats intestinal lym-
material. Biopsy specimens are most commonly phoma is caused by feline leukemia virus, although
obtained via either endoscopy or exploratory lapa- as few as 12% to 30% have been reported to be
rotomy. Percutaneous fine-needle aspiration under viremic. However, more recent studies using PCR
either ultrasound or laparoscopic guidance can be methods suggest that the incidence of feline
used in selected cases in which the involved area leukemia virus in lymphoma may be as high as
can be isolated and stabilized for needle insertion. 63%. The cause in dogs is unknown. GI lym-
Endoscopy is particularly useful for examining and phoma reportedly arises from B lymphocytes of
procuring biopsy samples from the duodenum and the gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) in
terminal ileum. Intestinal lymphoma (either dif- most cases in dogs and cats.

FIGURE 7-3 Adenocarcinoma involving the

ileum of a cat. Note annular constriction and
dilation of the segment proximal to the tumor
site. (Courtesy Dr. David C.Twedt, Colorado
State University, Ft. Collins, Colo.)

Morphologically there are two forms of GI it is strongly recommended that middle-age to

lymphoma: diffuse (multifocal) lymphoma and older cats with chronic (more than 1 to 2 months)
nodular (solitary) lymphoma. In diffuse lymphoma GI signs be thoroughly evaluated (complete blood
there is a diffuse proliferation of the lamina pro- count, biochemical profile, urinalysis, feline leukemia
pria and submucosa with neoplastic lymphocytes. and feline immunodeficiency virus testing,T4 analy-
The mesenteric lymph nodes are usually affected. sis, and endoscopy to obtain GI biopsy samples if
There is occasionally deep ulceration of the intes- hyperthyroidism is not present) to establish a defini-
tinal mucosa, and malabsorption is common as tive diagnosis.
the disease becomes advanced. The diffuse form Most cats with intestinal lymphoma are older,
occurs commonly in both dogs and cats. In the with an age range of 6 to 18 years. There does not
nodular form a single expanding tumor mass is seem to be a breed or sex predilection. Most cats
present that causes progressive luminal obstruc- are domestic short hair cats.
tion. The most common site is the ileocecocolic Cats with intestinal lymphoma can survive (and
region. The mesenteric lymph nodes may or may thrive!) for many months to years if the diagnosis
not be involved. is established and chemotherapy is administered
More recently three grades of GI lymphoma early enough. Cats with IBD and lymphoma can
have been described in cats. These are referred to demonstrate similar clinical signs. Careful consideration
as well differentiated (low grade or lymphocytic), must be given before corticosteroids are used empirically
poorly differentiated (high grade, lymphoblastic, or to treat cats with chronic diarrhea. Without question,
immunoblastic), and intermediate (or mixed). IBD occurs much more commonly than intestinal
Rare forms, such as large granular lymphocytic lymphoma. Without a histologic diagnosis, how-
lymphoma, also exist. ever, it is not possible to differentiate a cat with
Intestinal lymphoma in dogs and cats is dis- IBD from one with lymphoma. Therefore in
cussed separately because there are both clinico- middle-age to older cats the best recommendation
pathologic and epizootologic differences between for owners who wish to do everything possible for
the two species. In my experience, cats with their cat is to make a definitive diagnosis before
intestinal lymphoma respond much better to che- instituting long-term corticosteroid therapy
motherapy than do dogs. As a result, I strongly empirically.
recommend to cat owners that chemotherapy be Laboratory test results in cats with intestinal
attempted unless there is significant debilitation at lymphoma are variable. Frequently, test results
the time of diagnosis. Unfortunately, intestinal are unremarkable unless there is chronic disease.
lymphoma in dogs is often advanced at the time Abnormalities may include anemia, neutrophilic
of diagnosis and malabsorption and panhypo- leukocytosis, lymphocytosis, and hypoproteinemia.
proteinemia are commonly present. Response to Unlike dogs, cats rarely have hypoproteinemia
chemotherapy is not often very favorable in dogs with chronic small intestinal disease. When
with advanced disease. hypoproteinemia does occur in cats, it is indicative
of severe disease, especially when the total protein
Feline Lymphoma level is less than 5.5 g/dl. The most common
The most common clinical sign in my series of cause of panhypoproteinemia with a total protein
feline intestinal lymphoma cases is chronic diar- of less than 5.0 g/dl in cats is intestinal lymphoma
rhea. Occasionally, vomiting is the sole or pre- (the primary disorder to rule out is IBD).
dominant sign (in many of these cats, gastric Radiographic changes are nonspecific. Abnor-
biopsy results are unremarkable or reveal only malities may include evidence of an abdominal
mild inflammation), whereas in others vomiting mass or GI obstructive pattern. Contrast studies are
and diarrhea occur with similar frequency. not frequently done. Careful abdominal palpation,
Occasionally the lymphoma involves stomach endoscopy, ultrasonography, and aspiration cyto-
and/or colon, as well as small intestine. Other signs logic analysis of any palpable masses are the most
may include decreased appetite and weight loss valuable diagnostic aids. Abdominal palpation may
(especially as the disease becomes more advanced) be unremarkable or may detect thickened intestines
and lethargy. Interestingly, some cats have an or a mass effect (intestinal mass or lymphadenopa-
increased appetite early in the course. Clinical thy). Lymphadenopathy is sometimes mild and
signs may actually be very similar in cats with not readily apparent on palpation. It may occur in
hyperthyroidism, IBD, and lymphoma. Therefore conjunction with both IBD and lymphoma. Fine-

needle aspiration of a mass may yield sufficient stain for the other lymphocyte type. An alternative
material to make a definitive diagnosis. approach is to proceed to obtaining full-thickness
Endoscopy is a very safe and reliable means of intestinal biopsy samples if it is not clear from eval-
diagnosing diffuse intestinal lymphoma in cats. Small uation of endoscopic samples what disease process
intestinal masses are not often accessible to endo- is present.
scopic evaluation, however; if present, exploratory Lymphocytic-plasmacytic gastroenteritis may
surgery is recommended. As previously stated, constitute a prelymphomatous disorder (see dis-
aspiration cytologic analysis of a mass may pro- cussion earlier in this chapter in the section on
vide a diagnosis, but surgery is still recommended feline IBD). In my experience, however, eventual
for detailed evaluation and resection of an intes- transition from benign to malignant disease is
tinal mass, where feasible, if there is concern that rare.
the mass may cause significant luminal obstruc- There are few detailed reports in the literature
tion. Mass resection also provides effective tumor of treatment response among cats with GI lym-
debulking before chemotherapy. Full-thickness phoma. One recent report described diagnosis and
intestinal biopsies and mass resection should be management of 67 cats with GI lymphoma. In this
done with careful surgical technique, because dehis- series the histologic grade was determined to be
cence of the suture line may occur. Nonabsorbable lymphocytic in 75% of cases (50 cats) and lym-
suture should be used. phoblastic in 25% of cases (17 cats). Several thera-
If endoscopy is done, as much of the small peutic protocols have been described. Two of
intestine as possible is examined. In many cats the these are discussed here. Multiagent chemotherapy
tip of the endoscope can be extended to the is recommended for all affected cats. Survival times
jejunum. Proper instrumentation and biopsy tech- in excess of 12 to 18 months are not unusual. In
nique are essential for making a definitive diagno- some cats the response is somewhat shorter (3 to
sis of lymphoma on endoscopic biopsy specimen 6 months). The prognosis for longer survival
analysis. Gross appearance varies from normal to time is much better if the diagnosis is made before
variable degrees of mucosal irregularity. Erosions clinical signs become chronic and debilitation
or ulcerative changes are occasionally present. As results. The protocol that I have used most often
was discussed in the section on IBD, it is some- is described in Table 7-2. This protocol uses
times difficult for a pathologist to differentiate dif- cyclophosphamide, vincristine (Oncovin), and
fuse intestinal lymphoma from IBD. This is prednisolone (COP). It can be easily managed
especially true when severe lymphocytic enteritis in any practice setting. An alternate protocol
is present. Immunoperoxidase studies to assess the that was used in the series of 67 cats used mostly
clonality of the lymphoid population are often prednisolone and chlorambucil. (See guidelines that
helpful in confirming whether or not lymphoma follow.)
is present. Pathologists can request that these COP Protocol. Vincristine is administered
special stains be done at an academic institution intravenously at a dose of 0.75 mg/m2 once weekly
if they are not available at their own laboratory. for 4 consecutive weeks and then once every 3
T-cell and B-cell stains often show presence of vir- weeks. The initial doses are often decreased by
tually 100% of either T lymphocytes or B lympho- approximately 25% for cats that are inappetent or
cytes in lymphoma cases, with a virtually negative debilitated. If well tolerated, the dose can then be

TABLE 7-2 COP Protocol for Treatment of Lymphoma

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13-52
Cyclophosphamide 1 1 1 1 1
Vincristine (Oncovin) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Prednisolone Daily
Modified from Cotter SM:Treatment of lymphoma and leukemia with cyclophosphamide, vincristine, and prednisone. II.
Treatment of cats, J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 19:159, 1983.
Outline of the COP protocol with current dose recommendations: cyclophosphamide 225 mg/m2 PO (round off to nearest
25 mg on the low side of that dose), vincristine 0.75 mg/m2 IV (see text), prednisolone 1 mg/lb PO continued as long as the cat
remains in continuous remission, every 3 weeks for 1 year. For patients 1-5 kg: m2 = 0.5 × wt in kg + 0.05.

gradually increased. Care is taken to ensure that dration is a problem, owners are taught how to
none of the vincristine is given extravascularly. The administer subcutaneous fluids at home (e.g.,
average volume that is administered is quite low lactated Ringer’s solution, 100 to 150 ml every
(0.1 to 0.15 ml for many cats, using a vincristine 24 hours to 48 hours, based on the individual
concentration of 1 mg/ml). Cyclophosphamide cat’s needs). Injections of B-complex vitamins are
is given orally at a single dose of 225 mg/m2 sometimes helpful as well.
every 3 weeks (50-mg tablets are used, with dose Rarely, chemotherapy can be discontinued after
adjusted to the nearest 25 mg on the low side of 1 year. This is done only if follow-up endoscopic
the calculated dose). Prednisolone is given orally intestinal biopsy samples indicate that there is
at 1 mg/lb/day. Although cyclophosphamide and no remaining lymphoma. Most cats remain on
vincristine can be given on the same day, I often treatment for the rest of their lives. If chemother-
prefer to have the owner administer the cyclophos- apy is poorly tolerated and reduced dosages and
phamide 2 to 3 days after the vincristine. This increased intervals between treatment times are
allows a little recovery time between treatments. unsuccessful in adequately decreasing side effects,
A complete blood count is done several times chemotherapy should be suspended. Prednisolone
during the first month and then every 3 weeks to should be continued, however, because it may
be sure that adequate granulocytes are present help maintain remission for a period of time.
before treatment. At least 3000 granulocytes/µl L-Asparaginase can also be used if cyclophos-
must be present before cyclophosphamide is phamide and vincristine are poorly tolerated.
given. If the granulocyte count drops to less than Doxorubicin (Adriamycin) can also be used in cats.
1000/ µl 5 to 7 days after cyclophosphamide, the Prednisone and Chlorambucil for Lym-
dose for subsequent treatments is reduced by 25%. phocytic Lymphoma. Lymphocytic lymphoma
The highest nontoxic dose is most likely to result may also be treated with prednisone (or pred-
in the greatest tumor cell kill. nisolone) at 10 mg/day orally and chlorambucil
The COP protocol is generally well tolerated, (Leukeran) at a dosage of 15 mg/m2 orally once
although side effects may occur and dosage or per day for 4 days, repeated every 3 weeks.
interval adjustments may be necessary. Side effects Many cats go into remission for a number of
of COP in cats may include anorexia, vomiting, months. Cyclophosphamide can be used for “res-
lethargy, and severe tissue irritation if any vin- cue” (225 mg/m2 every 21 days). Adverse reac-
cristine is given extravascularly. Also, the hair coat tions on this protocol are rare but may include
may become thinner, but complete hair loss does vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, and leukopenia.
not occur. Cats do tend to lose whiskers. Cats Monitoring includes running a complete blood
should be carefully observed for sepsis, especially count on days 10 and 21 of the first 3-week cycle.
during the induction phase. Prophylactic antibi- If there is no neutropenia (less than 3,000/µl),
otics are not indicated, but any infections that the same dosage of chlorambucil is continued.
occur should be treated aggressively. Subsequently a complete blood count is obtained
Advantages of this protocol include hospital on the tenth day on every second or third cycle
visits at only 3-week intervals after the first thereafter.
4 weeks, lower cost to the owner, and a treatment
interval that allows recovery of normal cells Canine Lymphoma
between treatments. I would like to emphasize GI lymphomas occur less commonly in dogs than
that with careful monitoring and use of a dosage in cats. The GI tract may be involved as either a
schedule that is tailored to each individual cat, primary or a secondary site. GI lymphoma appears
few problems are encountered. It is my general to be somewhat more common in males than in
practice to encourage owners of most cats with females.
GI lymphoma to pursue treatment that includes Clinical signs commonly include vomiting,
chemotherapy. diarrhea, decreased appetite, weight loss, and
Nutritional and metabolic support is also lethargy. Signs are usually slowly progressive
important. If inappetence is a problem, cyprohep- and poorly responsive to symptomatic therapy.
tadine can be administered as an appetite stimu- Hematologic findings include anemia and panhy-
lant (1 to 2 mg orally every 12 to 24 hours) on an poproteinemia, especially in dogs with diffuse
as needed basis (long-term if necessary). If there is intestinal lymphoma. Lymphoma must be consid-
concurrent renal disease with azotemia or if dehy- ered in any dog with hypoproteinemia that occurs

in conjunction with GI signs (IBD, lymphangiec- achieved. Clinical experience indicates that dogs
tasia, and histoplasmosis are the main disorders to with diffuse intestinal lymphoma have a worse
rule out). prognosis than those with localized disease. Further
Endoscopy has been very reliable for diagnos- information can be found in Chapter 11.
ing diffuse intestinal lymphoma in dogs in my
experience. As opposed to cats, dogs rarely have
the nearly pure lymphocytic form of IBD; there-
fore there are not many cases in which a patholo-
gist will have difficulty in differentiating IBD from Barr SC, Bowman DD: Giardiasis in dogs and cats,
lymphoma. However, it is essential that biopsy Compend Contin Educ Pract Vet 16:603, 1994.
samples be obtained as deeply in the intestinal Cotter SM:Treatment of lymphoma and leukemia with
mucosa as possible. Proper instrumentation and cylophosphamide, vincristine, and prednisone. II.
technique are very important. To maximize my Treatment of cats, J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 19:159, 1983.
Couto CG: Gastrointestinal neoplasia in dogs and cats.
efforts to obtain adequate amounts of tissue for
In Bonagura JB, Kirk RW, eds: Current veterinary ther-
diagnosis, I routinely perform upper and lower apy XI, Philadelphia, 1992,WB Saunders.
GI endoscopy in dogs with hypoproteinemia caused Couto CG, Rutgers C, Sherding RG: Gastrointestinal
by intestinal disease. After complete colonoscopy, a lymphoma in 20 dogs: a retrospective study, J Vet Intern
pediatric endoscope can be advanced through the Med 3:73, 1989.
ileocolic sphincter and into the ileum of most dogs Dow SW et al.: Central nervous system toxicosis associ-
as small as 8 to 10 lb. I have had several dogs in ated with metronidazole treatment of dogs: five cases
which lymphoma was identified only on biopsy (1984-1987), J Am Vet Med Assoc 195:365, 1989.
samples of the ileum. If only upper endoscopy had Gardner SA: Use of colostrum in patients with IBD.
been done on these dogs, the diagnosis would have Personal communication, 2001.
been missed. Garvey M: Management of short bowel syndrome.
Personal communication, 1999.
Eight to 10 or more biopsy samples are
German AJ, Hall EJ, Day MJ: Immune cell populations
obtained from each general intestinal region within the duodenal mucosa of dogs with enteropathies,
examined. In some patients more samples are J Vet Intern Med 15:14, 2001.
obtained, especially if it seems difficult to get Greenberg PD, Cello JP: Treatment of severe diarrhea
adequate-size samples. Every effort is made to caused by Cryptosporidium parvum with oral bovine
provide the pathologist with diagnostic-quality immunoglobulin concentrate in patients with AIDS,
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Robert G. Sherding

The large intestine comprises the cecum, colon, contractions (both dogs and cats) mix and delay
rectum, and anal canal. In the carnivores such as passage of the bowel contents, thereby promoting
the dog and cat, the colon is relatively small and optimal absorption, whereas peristaltic contrac-
the cecum is only a vestigial component. In the tions (mass movements) propel the bowel contents
ventrodorsal plane, the colon has the shape of a downstream, eventually resulting in defecation.
question mark and is anatomically subdivided into Defecation is a well-controlled act involving the
a short proximal ascending colon with ileocolic colon, rectum, and anus under nervous system
and cecocolic junctions or sphincters, a middle control.
transverse colon, and a long descending colon that In general, most diseases of the colon are man-
is continuous with the rectum and anal canal. ifested as either diarrhea or constipation, and thus
The two principal functions of the colon are colonic diseases are categorized as such for the
(1) the absorption of electrolytes and water from purposes of discussion in this chapter. Perforation
the luminal content and (2) the temporary storage and volvulus of the colon are rare causes of an
and periodic elimination of the resulting feces. acute abdominal distress presentation. Diseases in
Absorption is mostly a function of the proximal or near the anus generally cause dyschezia, often
colon, whereas storage is mostly a function of the accompanied by constipation and sometimes fecal
rectum and distal colon. The principal function of incontinence.
the anus is to maintain fecal continence between
Colonic mucosal cells actively absorb sodium DISEASES OF THE
and chloride; water follows passively. Within the COLON WITH
colonic mucosa, tubular glands called the crypts of DIARRHEA AS THE
Lieberkühn contain numerous mucus-secreting
goblet cells. The circular and longitudinal muscle
layers of the colon are responsible for the normal Diarrhea is the most common sign associated with
motility and “tone” of the colon, under the influ- colonic disease in the dog and cat. Inflammatory
ence of intrinsic and extrinsic innervation and gas- diseases (colitis), which may be dietary, traumatic,
trointestinal (GI) hormones. Retrograde peristaltic parasitic, infectious, immune, or idiopathic, are the
contractions (cats only) and phasic segmentation most important causes of large bowel diarrhea.


Other causes include neoplastic (lymphoma, may be caused by urgency and inability to control
adenocarcinoma), obstructive (intussusception, urges to defecate. The owner may also notice
volvulus), and functional (irritable bowel syn- straining (tenesmus) as the patient remains in a
drome) disorders. The principal causes and cate- squatting posture for an extended period of time
gories of large bowel diarrhea are summarized in after defecation or makes repeated attempts to
Box 8-1. defecate within a period of a few minutes. These
attempts may produce little or no feces, or some-
times a small amount of feces composed almost
Clinical Signs of Large Bowel entirely of mucus, exudate, and blood.
Diarrhea Because many colonic diseases are associated
The first step in the recognition and diagnosis of with mucosal injury, inflammation, or ulceration,
large bowel diarrhea is the anatomic localization of abnormal fecal constituents are frequently found
the disease process to the colon based on the eval- in large bowel diarrhea. These include (1) fresh
uation of the patient’s defecation pattern and fecal red blood (hematochezia), which originates from
characteristics (frequency, volume, consistency, sites of erosion or ulceration; (2) mucus, which
color, odor, and composition). Large bowel diar- originates from the abundant goblet cells in the
rhea is characterized by frequent urges to defecate colon that respond to mucosal injury by an out-
(usually greater than three times normal fre- pouring of mucus; and (3) exudate (leukocytes),
quency), with each defecation producing small which originates from sites of inflammation. Blood
quantities of feces that often contain excessive may coat the feces, streaks of blood may be mixed
mucus and sometimes fresh red blood. Urgency, within the feces, or drops of blood may be passed at
resulting from irritability or inflammation of the the end of defecation. Excessive mucus may give
distal colon, causes frequent premature expulsions the feces a glistening or jellylike appearance.
of small quantities of feces that would otherwise Exudates are detected by the positive identification
be insufficient to trigger the defecation reflex. In of fecal leukocytes on conventional cytology stains.
addition, lapses in house training (“accidents”) These abnormal constituents—red blood, mucus,

BOX 8-1 Causes of Large Bowel Diarrhea

Dietary factors Mycobacteria
Abrasive colitis (ingestion of foreign material—e.g., Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (?)
bones, hair) Fungi
Dietary hypersensitivity (food allergy?) Histoplasma capsulatum
Fiber-responsive diarrhea Others (pythiosis, Candida albicans, Aspergillus sp.)
Helminths Algae (Prototheca sp.)
Whipworms (Trichuris vulpis) Idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease
Hookworms (Ancylostoma caninum) Lymphocytic-plasmacytic colitis
Strongyloides tumefaciens Eosinophilic colitis
Protozoa Suppurative (neutrophilic) colitis
Entamoeba histolytica Granulomatous colitis
Balantidium coli Histiocytic (PAS+) ulcerative colitis of boxer dogs
Trichomonas sp. Drug-induced colonic ulceration
Giardia sp. (?) Steroidal and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs
Viruses Pancreatitis-associated colitis
FIP coronavirus (pyogranulomatous colitis) Ischemia
Retroviruses (FeLV; FIV) Trauma, infarction, volvulus, strangulation
Bacteria Intussusception
Salmonella sp. Cecocolonic, ileocolonic
Campylobacter jejuni Neoplasia
Clostridium perfringens, Clostridium difficile (?) Benign (adenomatous polyp)
Yersinia enterocolitica,Yersinia pseudotuberculosis Malignant (adenocarcinoma, lymphoma, others)
Bacillus piliformis (Tyzzer’s disease) Motility dysfunction—irritable bowel syndrome

FIP, Feline infectious peritonitis; FeLV, feline leukemia virus; FIV, feline immunodeficiency virus; PAS, periodic

and leukocytes—are localizing signs indicative of are nonspecific. An effort should be made to iden-
colonic disease. tify underlying extraintestinal diseases that may be
Because the principal function of the colon is a cause or consequence of diarrhea. The colon and
absorption of water and electrolytes rather than rectum should be thoroughly examined by palpa-
digestion and absorption of nutrients, nutrient tion, and if abnormalities are identified, additional
malabsorption and steatorrhea are absent in large diagnostic studies, such as colonoscopy, radiography,
bowel diarrhea. Thus dramatic weight loss and or ultrasonography, are usually indicated. For exam-
wasting are unlikely if the patient is eating, and the ple, abdominal palpation of the colon (and small
daily fecal output (volume or weight of feces) is intestines as well) may reveal masses, thickenings,
usually only minimally increased. This contrasts intussusception, distention, fecal impaction, pain, or
with the substantial increase in fecal output of associated changes in abdominal lymph nodes and
dogs with small intestinal disease. The characteris- other abdominal organs. Digital palpation of the
tics of small bowel diarrhea are discussed in rectum may reveal foreign objects, intramural or
Chapter 1. Diffuse diseases of the GI tract may extramural masses, strictures, or abnormalities of
produce concurrent small and large bowel signs mucosal texture. In addition, the fecal material
and sometimes gastric signs as well. It has been obtained on the palpation glove can be inspected
estimated that vomiting is an associated sign in for abrasive particles (such as bone chips), blood, or
about 30% of patients with colitis. mucus. Fecal material also can be examined micro-
scopically for parasites and inflammatory cells and
submitted for culture if indicated.
Diagnostic Approach for Large
Bowel Diarrhea Consideration of Dietary, Parasitic,
Diarrhea as a clinical sign is relatively nonspecific; and Infectious Causes
however, once it is localized to a disorder of the Before hospitalizing a patient with large bowel
large bowel, a logical diagnostic approach can be diarrhea for an in-depth diagnostic work-up, the
followed. Specific treatment or intervention is possibilities of dietary, parasitic, or infectious causes
usually necessary, and this generally requires either should initially be considered. Ingestion of abrasive
a specific diagnosis or at least a histopathologic materials such as bones or chew toys can injure the
characterization. Initial evaluations should be rectocolonic mucosa, producing abrasive colitis
aimed at diagnosis of dietary, parasitic, and infec- and signs of diarrhea and hematochezia that typi-
tious causes of diarrhea. This should include mul- cally last 2 to 3 days. The diagnosis can usually be
tiple fecal examinations for whipworm ova and made from a thorough dietary history and inspec-
protozoa, therapeutic deworming trials (fenbenda- tion of the feces for abrasive particles.
zole, 22 mg/lb orally daily for 3 days), fecal exam- Acute nonspecific large bowel diarrhea often
inations for Clostridium perfringens spores and toxin, resolves with restriction of food intake for 24 to
and a 4-week dietary trial using a highly digestible 48 hours followed by gradual resumption of feed-
commercial or homemade GI diet alone and with ing using a bland digestible diet. Chronic nonspe-
fiber added (psyllium). If diarrhea persists and the cific diet-responsive diarrhea can be resolved in
cause is not apparent, the next phase of diagnostic many cases by strict feeding of a balanced, highly
evaluations should include a complete blood digestible diet using one of the commercially
count (CBC), serum chemistry profile, urinalysis, available “GI diets,” such as Low Residue Formula
additional fecal examinations for infectious agents (Iams), Select Care Sensitive (IVD), Prescription
(cytologic examination, toxin assay, cultures), and i/d (Hill’s), EN (Purina), or Low Fat (Waltham),
abdominal imaging (radiography and ultrasonog- or using a comparable homemade diet following
raphy). Finally, complete colonoscopic examina- published recipes. In dogs if diarrhea persists after
tion and biopsy are performed. The various a 4-week feeding trial, then add fermentable solu-
diagnostic procedures for animals with large bowel ble fiber in the form of psyllium (Metamucil, 1 to
diarrhea are summarized in Table 8-1. 3 tbsp/day) or oat bran (1 to 3 tbsp/day) to deter-
mine if the patient has fiber-responsive large
Physical Examination bowel diarrhea.
A complete physical examination may reveal In dogs, whipworms are the most common cause
important clues about the severity, nature, and cause of colitis in many practice areas and should be ruled
of diarrhea, although in many patients the findings out by fecal flotation or, if occult infection is

TABLE 8-1 Diagnosis of Large Bowel Diarrhea

Procedures Diagnostic Findings
Dietary history Ingestion of bones or other foreign materials, which may cause abrasive colitis
Dietary hypersensitivity as a potential cause of inflammatory bowel disease
Abdominal palpation Intestinal masses, thickenings, distention, pain, or associated lymphadenopathy
Rectal palpation Foreign objects, masses, strictures, or abnormalities of mucosal texture
Fecal examinations
Gross inspection Blood, mucus, ingested foreign material
Flotation Trichuris ova
Saline smear Protozoan trophozoites
Cytologic examination Inflammatory cells, Histoplasma organisms, clostridial endospores, Campylobacter
Bacteoriologic examination Campylobacter, Salmonella, etc.
Enterotoxin assays Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin
Hemogram Anemia, eosinophilia, neutrophilia, neutropenia
Serum biochemistry studies Hyperkalemia/hyponatremia of whipworm (pseudo-Addison’s syndrome)
Hypoproteinemia (enteric protein loss)
Underlying renal failure or pancreatitis
Other metabolic and systemic alterations that could cause or result from
colonic disease
Serologic examination Histoplasma titer (in endemic areas)
Barium enema radiography Intussusceptions, neoplasms, polyps, strictures, and inflammatory lesions
(colonoscopy is generally preferred over barium enema)
Abdominal ultrasonography Intestinal and abdominal masses, intussusception, mesenteric lymphadenopathy,
Colonoscopy Visual examination and biopsy for definitive or histopathologic diagnosis in
most neoplastic or inflammatory diseases of the colon
Therapeutic trials Response to fenbendazole suggests occult whipworm infection
Response to dietary trials with novel protein diets suggests dietary
hypersensitivity as a cause of lymphocytic-plasmacytic colitis
Response to dietary fiber supplementation indicates fiber-responsive

suspected, by a therapeutic trial of an effective (more than five spores per high-power oil immer-
anthelmintic such as fenbendazole (Panacur). sion field) with a “safety pin” or “tennis racket”
Hookworms can also cause colitis. Although less configuration in fecal cytologic preparations
common, protozoan causes of colitis (e.g., Tricho- stained with Diff-Quik; however, fecal assays for
monas) can be detected rapidly by examination of C. perfringens enterotoxin are probably a more reli-
saline fecal smears for the presence of motile able means of diagnosing clostridial diarrhea (see
trophozoites. In warm, humid regions endemic section on C. perfringens).
for Strongyloides tumefaciens in cats (e.g., parts of Histoplasmosis is an important cause of chronic
the southern United States), sedimentation or colitis in areas endemic for this mycotic infection.
Baermann techniques can be used to identify larvae The diagnosis is usually based on either positive
in the feces. serologic study (immunodiffusion or complement
Campylobacter, Salmonella, and C. perfringens are fixation) or identification of the organisms in
becoming recognized as important bacterial causes exfoliative cytology specimens from rectocolonic
of enterocolitis. Campylobacter and Salmonella can mucosa. Sabouraud’s medium can be used to cul-
be diagnosed by specialized fecal cultures. Such ture feces for Histoplasma and other fungi or for
cultures are particularly indicated when examina- Prototheca, a rare cause of colitis, but culture growth
tion of fecal cytologic preparations reveals the is slow (up to 2 weeks) and the isolation rate is low.
presence of numerous fecal leukocytes or when
there is an outbreak of diarrhea in groups of animals. Hematology and Serum Biochemistry
C. perfringens enterotoxigenic diarrhea is suggested In addition to fecal examinations, the initial data-
by the presence of large numbers of endospores base for undiagnosed chronic large bowel diarrhea

should include a complete hemogram (CBC) and uniformly. The mucosa should be nonfriable, thin
serum biochemistry profile. Significant CBC find- enough that the submucosal vessels are visible, and
ings may include (1) anemia, which could result free of ulcers, thickened folds, masses, or strictures.
from enteric blood loss or depressed erythropoiesis Cultures, exfoliative cytology specimens, and bi-
due to chronic disease; (2) eosinophilia, which opsy specimens of the colonic mucosa are easily
could suggest parasitism, eosinophilic enterocolitis, obtained through the instrument.
or sometimes other inflammatory or neoplastic There are occasions when colonoscopy cannot
intestinal diseases; (3) regenerative neutrophilia, be used to evaluate adequately or to perform deep
which could suggest bowel inflammation (partic- enough biopsies of lesions in the proximal colon,
ularly involving the deeper layers), necrosis, or especially when deep inflammatory or neoplastic
neoplasia; and (4) degenerative or toxic neutrope- lesions involve the region of the ileocecocolic
nia, which could suggest overwhelming sepsis or junction. Under these circumstances, examination
endotoxemia, such as occurs with bowel ischemia, and biopsy by laparotomy are required for accurate
necrosis, or perforation. diagnosis.
A serum biochemistry profile and urinalysis
should be considered to identify metabolic or Radiography and
extraintestinal disorders that could cause or result Ultrasonography
from diarrhea. For example, underlying systemic Plain abdominal radiography is indicated for de-
diseases that can cause diarrhea may be detected, tection of foreign material in the colon, intestinal
such as renal failure (increased levels of blood urea masses, intussusception, or an abnormal gas-fluid
nitrogen and creatinine), pancreatitis (increased pattern that would suggest obstruction or volvulus.
amylase and lipase levels), liver disease (e.g., abnor- Barium enema contrast radiography is useful in
mal serum liver enzymes levels), or hypoadreno- selected cases of large bowel diarrhea for detection
corticism (hyperkalemia and hyponatremia). In of ileocolonic intussusceptions, cecal inversions,
addition, serum chemistry findings can be used to neoplasms, polyps, strictures, colonic displacement,
evaluate potential complications of large bowel colonic shortening, and chronic inflammatory
diarrhea, such as dehydration, electrolyte abnor- lesions. Some of these lesions can also be detected
malities, and hypoproteinemia. Because of the in the latter phases of an upper GI barium contrast
high incidence of hyperthyroidism in cats older radiographic series; however, the lower bowel is
than 5 years of age and because this disorder is generally evaluated better by a barium enema
occasionally manifested as unexplained diarrhea, study. (See Chapter 2 for a more detailed discussion
cats in this age-group with diarrhea should have a of contrast radiography.) However, it must be
screening serum thyroxine (T4) level measured. emphasized that if flexible fiberoptic colonoscopy
is available, it is generally preferred over barium
Colonoscopy and Biopsy radiography for evaluation of the proximal colon
Most cases of chronic large bowel diarrhea in because it is easier to perform and yields more
which extraintestinal, dietary, parasitic, and infec- definitive diagnostic information.
tious causes have been excluded require colono- Abdominal ultrasonography can be a useful
scopic examination and mucosal biopsy for diagnostic aid in selected cases of unexplained
definitive diagnosis or accurate characterization of diarrhea for noninvasively defining intestinal and
the disease. Colonoscopy allows direct visualiza- other abdominal or perirectal masses, for diagnosis
tion of the lumen of the colon, sampling of lumi- of intussusceptions, and for evaluating the mesen-
nal content, and directed forceps biopsy of the teric lymph nodes, pancreas, liver, and prostate (see
mucosa. Suitable rigid colonoscopes are relatively Chapter 2).
inexpensive and easy to use. Because colonic dis-
eases are often diffuse, examination of the descend- Therapeutic Trials
ing colon with a rigid instrument is sufficient for Therapeutic trials can sometimes support a tentative
diagnosis in many patients. However, when lesions diagnosis when accompanied by other supportive
are located predominantly in the ascending or clinical evidence. For example, occult whipworm
transverse colon, areas that are inaccessible with a infection is often diagnosed circumstantially by
rigid colonoscope, a flexible fiberoptic colonoscope rapid resolution of signs in response to fenbenda-
must be used. The normal colonic mucosa through zole therapy. In some patients, nonspecific diet-
a colonoscope appears pale pink and reflects light responsive large bowel diarrhea is resolved by

feeding a highly digestible diet or a diet supple- diagnostic findings, minimal abnormalities on
mented with fiber as described previously in this colonoscopy, and responsiveness to supplementa-
section. Similarly, the response to trial-and-error tion of a digestible diet with fermentable soluble
test diets plays an important role in establishing fiber in the form of psyllium (Metamucil, 1 to 3
dietary hypersensitivity as a cause of lymphocytic- tbsp/day) or oat bran (1 to 3 tbsp/day). Some of
plasmacytic colitis. these patients may actually have so-called irritable
bowel syndrome (see later section). Fermentable
soluble fiber is fermented by colonic bacteria to
Abrasive Colitis short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) that provide an
Ingested bone particles, pieces of chew toys, or other energy source for colonic epithelium, protect against
indigestible abrasive foreign materials (stones, hair, mucosal injury, and acidify bowel contents, which
plants, wood, cloth, carpeting, foil, plastic), when may reduce proliferation and sporulation of
incorporated into the fecal mass, may cause abrasive enteropathogenic bacteria such as C. perfringens.
colitis because of a traumatizing sandpaper-like effect Fiber also has other beneficial effects on fecal
on the rectocolonic mucosa during transit. Abrasive water content, fecal bulk, and colonic myoelectrical
injury is usually transient and self-limiting after 2 to function.
3 days, although repeated episodes in patients that Novel protein diets are used in diagnostic trials
have frequent dietary indiscretions may mimic other and treatment for chronic colitis related to dietary
causes of chronic intermittent colitis. Dietary his- hypersensitivity. This is discussed in the section on
tory and examination of the feces for abrasive parti- lymphocytic-plasmacytic colitis.
cles are usually sufficient to establish the diagnosis.
Management is based on eliminating the source of
ingested abrasive material. Parasitic Colitis
Whipworm Colitis
Whipworm (Trichuris vulpis) infection is a com-
Diet-Responsive and Fiber-
mon cause of acute, chronic, or intermittent signs
Responsive Large Bowel of large bowel diarrhea in dogs in many practice
Diarrhea areas. The adult nematode has a predilection for
These conditions are characterized by chronic the proximal colon and cecum, where its distinc-
nonspecific large bowel diarrhea. The diagnosis is tive thread like head end or “whip” firmly embeds
based on a complete absence of abnormal findings deep within the mucosa to feed on blood and tis-
on diagnostic evaluations, minimal abnormalities sue fluids, thereby resulting in colitis and typhlitis.
on colonoscopy, and complete response to dietary Whipworms infect dogs of all ages. Although
manipulation. A 4-week feeding trial of a new there may be minimal clinical signs in light infes-
diet is usually adequate to determine response. tations, trichuriasis frequently causes mucoid large
Some of these patients respond simply to feeding bowel type of diarrhea with urgency and some-
of a balanced, highly digestible diet (i.e., moderate times hematochezia. Because of these signs, whip-
to restricted fat level with digestible protein and worm infection is often mistaken for other, more
carbohydrate) using one of the commercially serious forms of colitis or colonic neoplasia. In
available “GI diets,” such as Low Residue Formula addition, a condition of pseudohypoadrenocorti-
(Iams), Select Care Sensitive (IVD), Prescription cism characterized by hyperkalemia and hypona-
i/d (Hill’s), EN (Purina), or Low Fat (Waltham), or tremia in the presence of normal adrenal function
using a comparable homemade diet. One example has been associated with severe whipworm diar-
of a homemade diet combines turkey, rice, and saf- rhea in several dogs. The feline whipworms,
flower oil. Other acceptable recipes for homemade Trichuris campanula and Trichuris serrata, are consid-
“GI diets” are published elsewhere. The advantage ered to be very rare and usually are not associated
of a highly digestible diet would be less undigested with clinical signs.
“residue” presented to the colon from the small Whipworm infections occur by ingestion of
intestines. This helps to prevent unabsorbed fat infective ova, and the life cycle is direct. The
from reaching the colon, where it can be metabo- prepatent period is approximately 3 months.
lized to hydroxy fatty acids that produce diarrhea. Because ova may survive and remain infectious in
In dogs the diagnosis of fiber-responsive large the environment for 4 to 5 years, contaminated
bowel diarrhea is based on an absence of abnormal ground is probably the major reservoir of infection.

Definitive diagnosis of whipworm infection Young dogs are most often affected, and the
necessitates identification of the characteristic diagnosis is usually readily established by identifi-
brown, bipolar-operculated, football-shaped ova cation of the characteristic hookworm ova by rou-
by routine fecal flotation. Repeated fecal examina- tine fecal flotation. Eosinophilia is a common
tions may be necessary to identify ova because of ancillary finding on CBC.
the unusually long prepatent period and also There are many anthelmintics that are effective
because it is not uncommon for active infection to for eradicating hookworms, including the standard
be characterized by prolonged periods when ova recommended dosages (4.5 mg/lb for patients
are not shed in the feces. It is estimated that up to under 5 lb; 2.25 mg/lb for patients over 5 lb) of
50% of dogs presenting with whipworm diarrhea pyrantel pamoate (Nemex), fenbendazole, or
have ova-negative or so-called occult infections. febantel. Most heartworm preventatives also con-
Alternative means of diagnosis are directly by trol hookworms.
colonoscopic observation of adult whipworms in
the bowel lumen or indirectly by observing reso- Strongyloides Colitis
lution of signs in response to a therapeutic trial of S. tumefaciens is a tiny nematode parasite of cats in
an effective anthelmintic. warm, humid tropical regions such as the Gulf
Whipworms are treated with fenbendazole (22 region of the United States. The adult parasites
mg/lb orally for 3 consecutive days). Treatment burrow within the mucosa of the large intestine.
should be routinely repeated at 3 weeks and 3 Infection is usually asymptomatic, but in some cats
months because whipworms are difficult to eradi- the parasite causes peculiar tumorlike, white, 2- to
cate. In refractory cases, a 5-day course of fenben- 3-mm nodular proliferations in the colonic
dazole is recommended. Febantel is an alternative mucosa and submucosa that are associated with
treatment for whipworms. Regular use of milbe- signs of chronic diarrhea and debilitation.
mycin (Interceptor, Sentinel) for heartworm Ova that contain first-stage Strongyloides larvae
prevention also helps to control whipworm infec- can be identified in feces by flotation techniques,
tions. Because whipworm ova survive so well in and free larvae may be identified by direct micro-
the environment, frequent reinfection is a com- scopic examination of feces or by a Baermann tech-
mon problem. Therefore feces should be collected nique. In addition, the diagnosis can be established
and disposed of properly whenever possible. In by colonoscopic observation and biopsy of the
dogs with frequent access to ground that has been mucosal nodules, which are filled with adult worms.
heavily contaminated with whipworm ova, a com- Strongyloidiasis can be treated with a 5-day
mon situation in many public parks and backyards, course of fenbendazole (23 mg/lb/day orally).
reinfection is so frequent that retreatment every 2
to 3 months may be necessary. It is virtually Protozoan Colitis
impossible to eradicate the parasite from infected Pentatrichomonas hominis, Entamoeba histolytica, and
ground; however, concrete runs can be disinfected Balantidium coli are large bowel protozoal parasites
with dilute sodium hypochlorite solution or by that are occasionally associated with colitis and
flaming. large bowel diarrhea in animals. In addition,
Rarely trichuriasis has been associated with Giardia, which is primarily a small bowel parasite
severe transmural granulomatous typhlitis, which (see Chapter 6), has been associated with bloody-
may be palpable as a tender right midab- mucoid large bowel diarrhea on very rare occa-
dominal mass. This lesion may be refractory to sions. All of these protozoa are responsive to
anthelmintics and require typhlectomy. treatment with metronidazole (Flagyl).
Hookworm Colitis Trichomonas spp. are motile, pear-shaped, flagellated
Although the common canine hookworm, protozoa that inhabit the colon and cecum of dogs
Ancylostoma caninum, is primarily a small intestinal and cats and have been found in both normal and
parasite, it occasionally parasitizes the colon in diarrheic feces. The pathogenicity of these proto-
large numbers. Hookworms embed their mouth- zoa in dogs has not been conclusively estab-
parts in the mucosa to suck blood, leaving bleed- lished, but massive numbers of trichomonads are
ing punctiform ulcers as they “graze.” When they sometimes found in diarrheic feces of puppies and
involve the colon, they produce a bloody mucoid are especially associated with unsanitary over-
diarrhea characteristic of colitis. crowded kennel conditions and coinfection with

other parasites. Tritrichomonas foetus has recently dogs. Rural dogs in contact with swine feces are
been identified as a frequent cause of chronic large most at risk for the disease. Humans can also be
intestinal diarrhea in young cats, especially cats infected. Dogs with balantidiasis are usually coin-
confined in crowded cattery conditions. The diar- fected with whipworms, and thus it has been sug-
rhea may wax and wane, may be malodorous, and gested that whipworm-induced damage to the
may contain blood or mucus. The diagnosis of colonic mucosa may be a predisposing factor. The
trichomoniasis is based on identification in saline diagnosis is based on identification of extremely
fecal smears or in fecal culture (Modified large (40-80 × 25-45 µm), oval, brown, rapidly
Diamond’s Media or InPouch TF kit) of motile, swimming ciliated trophozoites with prominent
pear-shaped, flagellated trophozoites with charac- macronuclei in saline smears of fresh feces or
teristic wavelike motion of an undulating mem- on identification of protozoal cysts in zinc sul-
brane and a constant erratic turning and rolling fate or sedimentation preparations of feces.As with
motion. Feces for detecting trichomonads should Entamoeba and Giardia, the trophozoite stage of
be taken directly from the rectum or examined Balantidium can be seen in diarrheic feces, whereas
within minutes of defecation, while trophozoites cysts are more likely to be found in formed
are still motile. Trichomonads lack a cyst stage. feces. Balantidiasis is treated with metronidazole
Fecal polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing has (10 to 15 mg/lb orally twice a day for 5 to
also been used in cats. Trichomonas are extremely 10 days).
difficult to eradicate in cats. Numerous antibiotic
agents have been evaluated without success.
Treatment can reduce the number of organisms Viral Colitis
and improve clinical signs, but it usually does not The colon may be significantly involved in gener-
eliminate the infection. The patient should also be alized viral infections of the intestinal tract. Lesions
evaluated and treated for concurrent infection of acute colitis are especially common in parvovi-
with other parasites and enteropathogens. Proper ral infections of both the dog and the cat. In addi-
sanitation measures should be instituted to control tion, the colon may be involved in some of the
infection in animals housed in groups. multisystemic viral diseases. For example, in dogs
Amebic Colitis the epitheliotropic attack of canine distemper
E. histolytica, primarily a human pathogen, may virus may involve the colon, whereas cats infected
rarely cause amebic colitis in dogs and cats. with feline leukemia virus (FeLV), feline immu-
Amebic invasion of the colonic mucosa and sub- nodeficiency virus (FIV), or feline infectious peri-
mucosa results in ulceration and signs of bloody- tonitis (FIP) virus sometimes have diarrhea
mucoid large bowel diarrhea with tenesmus. associated with enterocolitis that varies from
Diarrhea is usually severe and may simulate other necrotizing to ulcerative to pyogranulomatous.
forms of chronic colitis or is manifested as an acute (See Chapter 6 for further discussion of viral
dysentery. Both forms of Entamoeba, the tropho- infections of the GI tract.)
zoite and cyst, are infectious for animals. Infection
is most likely acquired from ingestion of food or
water contaminated with human feces, such as Bacterial Colitis
drinking from polluted water sources (free- Invasive enteropathogenic bacteria primarily invade
roaming animals) or toilets (house pets). The diag- the colon and distal small bowel, where the mucosal
nosis is based on identification of ameboid damage they cause leads to inflammation, exuda-
trophozoites with pseudopodial movement in tion, mucus secretion, and bleeding. Thus typical
saline smears of fresh diarrheic feces, amebiccysts signs of large bowel diarrhea and hematochezia are
in zinc sulfate flotation of formed feces, or tropho- characteristic of these infections. Bacterial entero-
zoites in colon biopsy specimens. Amebic colitis toxins may also play a role in the pathogenesis of
responds to metronidazole (12 to 15 mg/lb orally diarrhea. Although the clinical importance of the
two times a day for 5 to 10 days) or furazolidone various enteropathogenic bacteria in animals has
(1 mg/lb orally three times a day for 7 days). not yet been fully defined, Salmonella sp.,
Balantidiasis Campylobacter jejuni, Yersinia sp., Bacillus piliformis,
B. coli, a ciliated protozoan that primarily infects and Clostridium sp. may be associated with colitis
swine, is a rare cause of chronic ulcerative colitis in and large bowel diarrhea in dogs and cats.

Salmonellosis otics are indicated whenever Salmonella invasion

Manifestations of Salmonella infection may be cat- becomes severe or complicated by bacteremia and
egorized into three syndromes: (1) the subclinical endotoxemia, as indicated by signs such as
carrier state, (2) enterocolitis, and (3) enterocolitis shock, dehydration, high fever or hypothermia,
with bacteremia. Clinical salmonellosis is relatively and extreme depression, or by laboratory findings
uncommon compared with the prevalence of the such as azotemia, electrolyte imbalances, neutrope-
subclinical carrier state. When it does occur, nia, hypoglycemia, hypoproteinemia, or coagu-
Salmonella enterocolitis is characterized by acute lopathy. Peracute onset and severe hematochezia
watery or mucoid diarrhea (containing blood in also may be indications of impending systemic
severe cases), vomiting, tenesmus, fever, anorexia, invasion and should prompt antibiotic therapy.
lethargy, abdominal pain, and dehydration. Most The choice of an antibiotic may be based on
patients recover within 3 to 4 weeks, although culture and sensitivity, although most isolates
shedding of organisms often persists for up to 6 are susceptible to enrofloxacin (Baytril, 2.5 mg/lb
weeks, sometimes longer. Salmonella also appears two times a day) or trimethoprim-sulfadiazine
to cause chronic or intermittent diarrhea in some (7 mg/lb two times a day). Fluoroquinolones
patients. Rarely, acute enterocolitis may develop such as enrofloxacin can be effective for treating
into a potentially fatal bacteremia or endotoxemia both active disease and the carrier state. In addi-
with signs of endotoxic shock and even tion to antibiotics, fluid and electrolyte replace-
disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). ment and identification and correction of
The diagnosis of salmonellosis should be sus- underlying predisposing conditions are important
pected in patients that develop acute diarrhea and aspects of therapy. Antibiotics should be continued
have identifiable risk factors, such as known or for 7 to 10 days, and feces should be recultured 1
probable exposure, young age, immune deficiency, and 4 weeks after treatment. The prognosis for
debilitating illness, or housing in overcrowded or most patients with salmonellosis is good, although
unsanitary conditions. A severe acute febrile illness the mortality rate can be high in outbreaks in
with hemorrhagic diarrhea in cats has been linked extremely susceptible populations (e.g., hospital
to a highly fatal Salmonella outbreak in songbirds patients, neonates). Proper hygiene in handling
and transmission to cats via ingestion of dead infected patients is necessary to prevent feco-oral
birds. In addition, nosocomial outbreaks with high or fomite transmission of infection to other
morbidity and mortality have been recorded in animals or to humans.
hospitalized patients, with the greatest risk occur-
ring in those patients with severe illness, those Campylobacteriosis
undergoing major surgery, those hospitalized for 5 C. jejuni are fastidious, microaerophilic, gram-
or more days, and those receiving glucocorticos- negative, motile, slender, curved bacteria that have
teroids, anticancer chemotherapy, or oral antibi- emerged as important pathogens of animals and
otics (such as ampicillin) that upset the normal humans worldwide. In dogs and cats the full spec-
flora. Routine diagnostics are usually noncontrib- trum of clinical manifestations remains to be
utory, except that in severe cases with bacteremia defined because it is known that the number of
and endotoxemia a degenerative neutropenia may clinically normal animals that shed Campylobacter
be found. Confirmation of the diagnosis depends in their feces is comparable to the incidence of
on isolation of Salmonella sp. from properly cul- shedding by diarrheic animals. Isolation rates vary
tured fecal specimens or from blood cultures in widely, from less than 1% in confined pet popula-
bacteremic animals. tions to 50% or more in some animal pounds and
The use of antibiotics in the treatment of sal- shelters. Thus conditions of close confinement or
monellosis is controversial. Salmonella invasion that poor sanitation apparently provide the greatest
is confined locally to the mucosa produces entero- opportunity for exposure.
colitis that is both self-limiting and not likely to be Because it is difficult to produce enteritis with
affected by antibiotics. In fact, antibacterial ther- Campylobacter experimentally in dogs and cats and
apy, especially oral nonabsorbable antibiotics that because many of the animals that harbor these
alter the flora, may actually prolong shedding of organisms are asymptomatic, it has been debated
organisms and encourage development of a pro- whether Campylobacter by itself even causes diar-
longed convalescent carrier state. However, antibi- rhea in the dog and cat unless superimposed on

other enteropathogenic infections, such as viruses, Yersiniosis

other bacteria, Giardia, or helminths. Nevertheless, Yersinia enterocolitica, a motile, gram-negative rod, is
clinical signs that have been associated with recognized as a cause of acute and chronic entero-
Campylobacter infection in dogs and cats have been colitis in humans and has been isolated from small
attributed to superficial erosive enterocolitis or numbers of dogs and cats, mostly in Japan and
enterotoxin-mediated secretory diarrhea and are Scandinavia. The majority of positive fecal isola-
characterized by a 5- to 15-day course of watery- tions from dogs and cats have been from clinically
mucoid diarrhea that occasionally contains blood healthy animals. On rare occasions in young dogs,
and may be accompanied by vomiting or tenes- Y. enterocolitica has been associated with enteroco-
mus. Fever is usually mild or absent. In some litis characterized by bloody-mucoid large bowel
patients the diarrhea appears to be chronic or diarrhea, tenesmus, and an absence of fever or sys-
intermittent. temic signs. An association with clinical disease in
A presumptive diagnosis of campylobacteriosis cats has not been established.
can be made by identification of slender, curved, Y. enterocolitica grows best at colder tempera-
gram-negative rods that have a characteristic tures, and special isolation methods are needed to
W shape in stained fecal smears. The presence of culture the organism from feces. It also may be
fecal leukocytes may also be noted. In fresh saline cultured from infected tissues or blood if the
smears, an experienced examiner may be able to patient is bacteremic. Treatment for 7 to 10 days
tentatively identify Campylobacter with darkfield with trimethoprim-sulfadiazine (7 mg/lb two
or phase-contrast microscopy as highly motile, times a day), tetracycline, chloramphenicol, or an
darting, spiral or S-shaped bacteria; however, they aminoglycoside is usually effective; however,
should not be confused with spirochetes and antibiotic sensitivity testing is recommended.
other motile bacteria that are part of the normal Yersinia infection of pets may be a public health
flora. Definitive diagnosis requires isolation of concern.
Campylobacter from fresh feces with special selective In cats Yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection is a
media. Because Campylobacter are microaerophilic disseminated pyogranulomatous disease that is
and difficult to isolate, fecal specimens should be acquired from ingestion of infected rodent and
obtained directly from the rectum and cultured or avian prey and that primarily involves the GI tract,
placed in transport media immediately after abdominal lymph nodes, and liver. Consequently
collection. the clinical signs are vomiting, diarrhea, weight
The antibiotic of choice for treating campy- loss, depression, fever, and icterus. Feline pseudotu-
lobacteriosis is erythromycin (5 to 7 mg/lb orally berculosis is usually progressive and fatal, although
three times a day for 7 days); however, resistant clinically healthy carriers of the organism also have
strains have occasionally been isolated. Anorexia been found. Treatment consists of a prolonged
and vomiting are frequent side effects of erythro- course of an antibiotic such as trimethoprim-
mycin. Other effective oral antibiotics include sulfadiazine, tetracycline, or chloramphenicol, but
neomycin (Biosol, 5 to 10 mg/lb orally three times the prognosis is guarded.
a day), enrofloxacin (2.5 mg/lb orally two times a
day), chloramphenicol, furazolidone, and doxycy- Bacillus Piliformis
cline. Although fatalities in dogs and cats have Tyzzer’s disease, caused by a pleomorphic, gram-
been reported, the prognosis is considered good, negative, spore-forming, obligate intracellular
and antibiotics are rapidly effective for eliminating bacillus called B. piliformis, is a rare but fatal dis-
fecal shedding of the organisms. Fecal cultures ease characterized by hemorrhagic-necrotizing
should be repeated 1 and 4 weeks after treatment. enterocolitis and hepatic necrosis. The principal
Because contact with feces from infected animals reservoirs of infection are rodents. Puppies and
is a potential source of infection for humans as kittens are most often affected, and the disease
well as other animals, owners of infected pets may complicate parasitism and viral infections
should be advised to take standard precautions, such as parvovirus, FeLV, and canine distemper
such as proper disposal of potentially infectious virus. The progression of Tyzzer’s disease is rapid;
feces, hand washing after handling infected ani- most patients die within 48 hours after the ini-
mals, and separating infected animals from infants tial onset of signs of anorexia, depression, and
and small children until posttreatment cultures diarrhea. Successful therapy has not been
confirm that infection has been eliminated. reported.

Definitive diagnosis of Tyzzer’s disease is diffi- Increased frequency is common, and tenesmus
cult because B. piliformis cannot be cultured on may be seen. In dogs enterotoxigenic C. perfringens
artificial media. Instead, mouse inoculation or has also been associated with a syndrome of acute
embryonated egg culture techniques must be used hemorrhagic gastroenteritis (HGE) accompanied
to isolate the organisms. Most cases have been by severe hemoconcentration. Infection can also
diagnosed at necropsy by the histologic identifica- cause diarrhea in groups of animals confined
tion of typical-appearing bundles of intracellular together and nosocomial outbreaks in hospitalized
filamentous bacilli at the margins of necrotic foci patients. Clostridial diarrhea is usually self-limiting
within liver and intestinal lesions with special after a few days, but in some patients diarrhea can
stains such as methenamine silver, Giemsa, or persist chronically for weeks to months. Some
periodic acid–Schiff (PAS). patients have recurrent episodes of diarrhea.
Clostridial Diarrhea Routine hematologic and serum chemistry evalu-
Enterotoxigenic C. perfringens is an important ations are usually normal in patients with clos-
cause of acute and chronic large bowel diarrhea in tridial diarrhea. Colonoscopy is not routinely
dogs and cats. In addition, Clostridium difficile, the necessary in these cases, but endoscopic findings
primary cause of antibiotic-associated pseudom- are usually nonspecific (diffuse hyperemia,
embranous colitis in humans, is also found in dogs increased friability, fresh bleeding, and increased
and cats and may occasionally be associated with mucus). Biopsy results range from minimal abnor-
diarrhea. malities to catarrhal, lymphocytic-plasmacytic, or
Diarrhea Associated With Clostridium suppurative colitis.
Perfringens A definitive diagnostic test for C. perfringens–
C. perfringens is a large anaerobic gram-positive induced diarrhea is lacking. Further work is
bacillus that normally exists in the intestinal tract needed to determine the role of CPE in canine
of most dogs and cats. Enterotoxin-producing and feline diarrhea and to define the optimal diag-
strains of C. perfringens can be associated with nostic parameters for clostridial diarrhea. Fecal
nonspecific episodes of diarrhea, acute hemor- spore counts in stained fecal smears are commonly
rhagic diarrhea, chronic or recurrent diarrhea, and used for routine cage-side screening; however,
outbreaks of diarrhea in animal groups. These studies have not shown a correlation between
bacteria normally reside in the bowel in the veg- spore counts and positive assays for CPE or a cor-
etative form, but they can release their toxin dur- relation between either of these diagnostic proce-
ing sporulation endogenously within the bowel dures and the presence or absence of diarrhea. In
or exogenously in contaminated food. The cpe humans, fecal assays for CPE are considered more
gene that regulates production of C. perfringens accurate than spore counts; however, the commer-
enterotoxin (CPE) is up-regulated by factors that cially available CPE assays used in humans need to
activate sporulation; thus the presence of clos- be validated for dogs and cats. In principle, CPE
tridial endospores in feces or food has been sug- assays should be valid across species.
gested as an indirect marker for the presence of The identification of more than five clostridial
CPE.Whether derived endogenously or ingested, endospores per oil immersion field (identified by
CPE causes diarrhea by binding to intestinal their “safety-pin” appearance with Diff-Quik or
epithelium and causing increased permeability, Wright’s staining, see Chapter 6) is considered by
hypersecretion, and cell damage (cytotoxicity). many to be presumptive evidence for a diagnosis
Endogenous sporulation and the production of of enterotoxigenic diarrhea caused by C. perfrin-
CPE can be associated with alteration of the gens. Clostridial spores are generally larger than
intraluminal environment caused by sudden other bacilli found in feces. Malachite green can
changes in diet, antibiotic administration, alkaline be used as a special stain for endospores. Fecal
conditions, immunosuppression, inflammatory leukocytes also may be present. Unfortunately,
bowel disease (IBD), or concurrent intestinal the appearance or absence of clostridial spores in
infections. the feces does not correlate well with CPE
Clinical Signs assays or signs; thus it might be advisable to take
Enterotoxigenic C. perfringens infection is associ- into account spore counts, CPE assays, and clini-
ated with large bowel diarrhea that varies from cal information before making a diagnosis of
watery to soft and may contain mucus or blood. clostridial diarrhea.

Commercial fecal assays for C. perfringens its toxin have been isolated from normal dogs and
enterotoxin are available in kit form as either an cats and from a few patients with mild diarrhea;
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) or however, this organism does not appear to be sig-
reverse passive latex agglutination (RPLA Kit).* nificant as an enteropathogen in dogs and cats.
The ELISA assay is recommended as easier to use C. difficile can be cultured using selective medium;
and interpret than the RPLA assay, and possibly however, infection can be established more rapidly
more sensitive. It is recommended that fresh feces by fecal PCR assay for the toxin gene or by latex
be used whenever possible and transported with- agglutination assay of feces for toxin.
out delay to the laboratory in prechilled diluent at
4˚ C (but freezing should be avoided). Assays for
CPE are generally considered to be more specific Mycotic Colitis
than fecal spore counts. Histoplasma Colitis
Cultures are not helpful because C. perfringens Histoplasma capsulatum, a dimorphic soilborne fun-
are normally found in the feces of most normal gus endemic to regions bordering the Mississippi
dogs and cats, and cultures do not reliably distin- River and its tributaries, primarily causes pul-
guish toxigenic and nontoxigenic strains. Assays monary and macrophage-monocyte system infec-
using molecular probes and polymerase chain tion and occasionally intestinal tract infection.
reaction are currently being evaluated as improved Widespread dissemination to virtually any tissue
diagnostic procedures for enterotoxigenic C. per- or organ system also can occur. The intestinal
fringens. form of histoplasmosis occurs most often in young
Treatment dogs and cats and is characterized by extensive
Diarrhea caused by enterotoxigenic C. perfringens transmural granulomatous inflammation of the
can be effectively treated with ampicillin (10 mg/lb bowel with mucosal ulceration and involvement of
orally every 8 hours), amoxicillin-clavulanate (6 to associated lymph nodes. The macrophages in
12.5 mg/lb orally every 12 hours), tylosin (10 to 20 these lesions contain Histoplasma organisms.
mg/lb orally every 12 hours), or clindamycin (2.5 Intestinal histoplasmosis may be manifested as
to 5 mg/lb orally every 12 hours) for 5 to 7 days. either small or large bowel diarrhea, or a combi-
Metronidazole (5 to 10 mg/lb orally every 12 nation of both when the disease is diffuse. Small
hours) can also be effective but seems to work less bowel involvement is characterized by malabsorp-
consistently. Clostridial diarrhea is usually self- tion syndrome and sometimes protein-losing
limiting or responsive to antibiotics in 2 to 3 days; enteropathy (see Chapter 7). When the colon is
however, chronic or recurrent clostridial diarrhea affected, severe bloody-mucoid large bowel diar-
may require long-term antibiotics (e.g., tylosin rhea and tenesmus are seen. The disease is usually
once daily or every other day) and a fiber- chronic, and associated signs may include fever,
supplemented diet to prevent relapses. Commercial pallor, inappetence, lethargy, and progressive
fiber-containing diets or regular diets supple- weight loss. Abdominal palpation may reveal dif-
mented with psyllium (Metamucil; dogs: 1 to 2 fuse thickening of the colon or small intestines,
tbsp/day) may help to reduce bacterial prolifera- focal tumorlike (granulomatous) thickenings in
tion and sporulation because fiber is fermented to the intestinal tract or mesentery, mesenteric lym-
SCFAs that acidify bowel contents. Alkaline rather phadenopathy, or abdominal effusions. When the
than acid conditions are most favorable for C. per- rectum is involved, mucosal proliferations may be
fringens. In addition, SCFAs nourish colonic detected by digital palpation. Physical examination
epithelium and protect against injury. may also detect other extraintestinal sites of
Diarrhea Associated With Clostridium dissemination (e.g., liver, spleen, or eyes).
Difficile Histoplasmosis should be suspected in young
A severe form of pseudomembranous colitis in patients in endemic areas with chronic intractable
humans is caused by colonic overgrowth of diarrhea. The results of diagnostics are variable but
cytotoxin-producing C. difficile, usually subsequent may reveal nonregenerative anemia, regenerative
to suppression of the normal flora by antimicro- neutrophilia, monocytosis, and hypoproteinemia.
bials or anticancer agents. Toxigenic C. difficile and Contrast radiography may demonstrate an irregu-
lar mucosal pattern indicative of a diffuse infiltra-
tive lesion. Ultrasonography may reveal diffuse or
*Oxoid, Unipath, Ogdensberg, NY. focal thickening of the colon with associated lym-

phadenopathy. Colonoscopy usually reveals severe dogs, and it is characterized by extensive necrotiz-
granulomatous ulcerative colitis. Definitive diag- ing transmural granulomatous inflammation of the
nosis depends on identification of Histoplasma bowel. The lesions may result in tumorlike thick-
organisms in cytologic preparations (rectal mucosal ening of the affected segment of the GI tract. The
smears, colonic biopsy impressions, aspirates of stomach, small intestines, and mesentery are most
lymph nodes or abdominal masses), colonoscopic often affected; however, the colon is occasionally
biopsy specimens, or cultures of feces or affected involved and may result in chronic bloody-mucoid
tissues on Sabouraud’s medium. In addition, sero- large bowel diarrhea.
logic tests (immunodiffusion, complement fixa- The antemortem diagnosis of any of these intes-
tion) that detect anti-Histoplasma antibodies can be tinal mycoses is difficult, usually requiring histo-
used to establish a presumptive diagnosis; however, logic identification of the fungi in colonic biopsy
reliability of these tests is questionable because specimens. The branching hyphae of Aspergillus sp.
false-negative results are frequent. or the sparsely septate hyphae of Pythium sp. and
Histoplasma colitis is progressive without treat- Zygomycetes are best demonstrated in tissue spec-
ment. Oral itraconazole (2.5 mg/lb orally every 12 imens by Gridley’s or methenamine silver stains.
hours) is the treatment of choice for histoplasmo- Candida may form yeastlike cells or septate mycelia
sis. Ketoconazole (5 mg/lb every 12 hours with (pseudohyphae), which can be seen with fungal
food) can also be used as a more economical alter- stains or Gram stain (gram-positive). Feces or
native, but it has less consistent efficacy and greater biopsy specimens can be cultured on Sabouraud’s
risk of side effects. Treatment with either of these medium for fungi, but this is slow and often
antifungal drugs is continued for at least 2 to 3 unrewarding.
months beyond remission, usually for a total of 4 Most cases of intestinal aspergillosis and can-
to 6 months, while monitoring for hepatotoxicity. didiasis have been diagnosed at necropsy; thus
For symptomatic relief of colonic inflammation and information on which to base treatment is limited.
tenesmus, 5-aminosalicylates (5-ASA) (e.g., sul- Treatment with oral itraconazole is suggested.
fasalazine, olsalazine, mesalamine) can be adminis- Successful treatment of pythiosis is rare; thus the
tered as described later under treatment of prognosis must be considered poor.When feasible,
idiopathic IBD. surgical excision of the severely involved segments
of bowel with follow-up therapy using oral itra-
Other Mycoses conazole or intravenous (IV) lipid-complexed
Other than histoplasmosis, mycotic infections of amphotericin B is suggested.
the colon are rare; however, opportunistic fungi
sometimes invade devitalized tissue (such as
mucosa traumatized by passage of a foreign body) Protothecal Colitis
or infect young patients already compromised by Prototheca sp. are ubiquitous unicellular algae that
predisposing factors such as immunodeficiency, may rarely colonize the lamina propria and sub-
malnutrition, preexisting debilitating illnesses mucosa of the intestinal tract of dogs and cause
(such as parasitism or parvovirus), or prolonged severe necrotizing or ulcerating enterocolitis.
therapy with antimicrobials or corticosteroids. These algae appear to have a predilection for ini-
Opportunistic fungi can infect any portion of the tially invading the colon, resulting in signs of
intestinal tract of the dog and cat, and they include chronic large bowel diarrhea with hematochezia.
Candida albicans, Aspergillus sp., Pythium sp., and Typically the protothecal organisms then dissemi-
various fungi of the Zygomycetes class. nate widely throughout the body and most fre-
Both Aspergillus and Candida cause chronic quently involve other visceral organs, the eyes, and
diarrhea with mucosal ulceration and necrotizing the central nervous system (CNS). Only a cuta-
lesions that extend into the deeper layers of the neous form has been described in cats.
bowel wall. Pseudomembrane formation and vas- Colonoscopy reveals thickened, corrugated
cular invasion by hyphae have been seen in cats mucosal folds, and the mucosa may be friable or
with aspergillosis. ulcerated. Prototheca organisms can be identified in
The term pythiosis is often used to designate GI feces, cytologic preparations (Wright’s or Gram
infections caused by Pythium sp. and Zygomycetes. stain), and biopsy specimens (Gomori’s or PAS
Pythiosis is most prevalent in the Gulf region of stain) as clusters of endosporulated ovoid struc-
the United States, especially in young large-breed tures (5 to 16 µm in length). Prototheca can also be

cultured on Sabouraud’s cycloheximide-free dex- from parasitic and infectious causes of colitis. Even
trose medium. Successful treatment of systemic though the cause of IBD is unknown, dietary
protothecosis in animals is rare. A combination of manipulation and medical treatment are often
IV lipid-complexed amphotericin B with either effective in controlling the disease.
itraconazole, ketoconazole, or tetracycline is
suggested. Lymphocytic-Plasmacytic Colitis
The most common form of IBD in both dogs and
cats is characterized by diffuse infiltration of the
Chronic Idiopathic Colitis lamina propria by lymphocytes and plasma cells in
(Inflammatory Bowel Disease) association with mucosal damage and abnor-
The terms chronic idiopathic colitis and inflammatory malities of mucosal epithelium and permeability.
bowel disease (IBD) are generally used interchange- Idiopathic lymphocytic-plasmacytic IBD is gener-
ably to refer to a diverse group of chronic disorders ally considered to be the most common finding in
characterized by diffuse infiltration of the colonic dogs and cats evaluated for chronic vomiting and
mucosa and sometimes submucosa with inflam- diarrhea. The stomach, small intestines, and colon
matory cells. The types of colitis are classified may be involved separately or together. This dis-
histopathologically on the basis of the predominant cussion will focus on lymphocytic-plasmacytic
infiltrating cells as lymphocytic-plasmacytic colitis, colitis; the reader is referred to other chapters in
eosinophilic colitis, neutrophilic colitis, granuloma- this book for further information regarding IBD
tous colitis, and histiocytic ulcerative colitis. Thus of the stomach and small intestine.
definitive diagnosis depends on colonoscopic Etiology
biopsy in conjunction with establishing the idio- The etiology of lymphocytic-plasmacytic IBD is
pathic nature of the condition. Sometimes there is unknown, but genetic, dietary, bacterial, immuno-
a mixture of inflammatory cells in the lesion that logic, and mucosal permeability factors have been
makes classification difficult. The most common suggested to play a role. The disease involves either
form of IBD in dogs and cats is lymphocytic- a primary disorder of the intestinal immune system
plasmacytic colitis. In some animals with IBD, infil- or its regulation, or immune responses that occur
trative lesions may also involve the small intestines secondary to mucosal injury and permeability.
and/or stomach. It is unclear whether these are Chronic inflammation of the bowel may become
variants of the same disease process or not. Chronic self-perpetuating when loss of mucosal integrity
idiopathic inflammatory diseases of the stomach and increased permeability allow bacterial or
and small bowel are discussed in Chapter 5 and dietary proteins to enter the lamina propria,
7, respectively. where they incite further immune reaction and
The etiology of colitis (IBD) in dogs and cats is inflammation.
not determined in most cases, but genetic, dietary, In some cases this lesion can be associated
bacterial, immunologic, and mucosal permeability with dietary hypersensitivity, enteric pathogens,
factors have been implicated. The pathogenesis or lymphoma. Some patients with lesions of
may involve altered mucosal permeability and a lymphocytic-plasmacytic enterocolitis respond to
hypersensitivity response to antigens derived from protein elimination diets or antibiotics such as
food, intestinal bacteria, or the intestine itself. This metronidazole or tylosin; however, in most
may result either from a primary disorder of the patients lymphocytic-plasmacytic colitis is idio-
intestinal immune system or its regulation or from pathic.
immune events that occur secondary to mucosal Clinical Signs
injury and permeability. It has been suggested that The most frequent presenting clinical signs of
chronic inflammation of the bowel becomes self- lymphocytic-plasmacytic IBD are vomiting, diar-
perpetuating when loss of mucosal integrity allows rhea, and weight loss. The signs vary with the
bacterial or dietary proteins to enter the lamina regions of the GI tract that are involved and the
propria, where they act as antigens (or cross-react severity of mucosal infiltration and damage. The
with self-antigens) that incite ongoing immune- typical historical pattern is one of GI problems
mediated recruitment of inflammatory cells. that wax and wane over periods ranging from a
Most animals with IBD involving predomi- few weeks to several years. Animals of all ages are
nantly the colon have chronic or recurrent large susceptible. Chronic intermittent vomiting is the
bowel diarrhea; thus IBD must be differentiated most frequent sign of lymphocytic-plasmacytic

IBD in cats. Colitis usually causes large bowel diar- mild-to-moderate elevations of serum liver enzymes
rhea characterized by increased frequency of defe- (especially alanine aminotransferase), which in some
cation, urgency, tenesmus, increased fecal mucus, cases is due to associated cholangiohepatitis and/or
and hematochezia. Fecal consistency varies. Inter- pancreatitis. Hypoproteinemia related to protein-
mittent hematochezia without diarrhea may be losing enteropathy sometimes is noted in dogs
the only sign of IBD. A change in defecation with small intestinal involvement but is rare in
habits or loss of litter training without diarrhea can cats.
also occur. Physical examination is usually unre- Radiography and Ultrasonography
markable, except for cachexia in severe cases. In most cases radiographic and ultrasonographic
Intestinal loops can occasionally be palpably thick- findings are unremarkable and do not aid in diag-
ened and firm when the small intestine is nosis. Some patients have a nonspecific finding of
involved. The literature reports some patients with fluid- and gas-distended bowel loops on plain
concurrent food allergic dermatopathy, but this abdominal radiography. Barium-contrast radiogra-
has been extremely rare in my experience. phy occasionally demonstrates diffuse mucosal
Diagnosis irregularity, and ultrasonography may reveal intes-
Precise criteria for the diagnosis of idiopathic tinal thickening, but these are nonspecific find-
lymphocytic-plasmacytic colitis have not yet been ings that merely suggest an infiltrative lesion. In
established. In general the clinical criteria for diag- selected cases contrast radiography and ultrasonog-
nosis are (1) chronic signs of colonic disease, raphy can be helpful nonetheless, because they
(2) characteristic mucosal lesions of IBD in colono- may discover an unexpected diagnosis other than
scopic biopsy specimens, (3) failure to respond to IBD, for example, pancreatitis, hepatobiliary dis-
dietary trials, and (4) exclusion of known causes of ease, or intestinal tumors, polyps, granulomas, or
chronic inflammation of the intestinal tract based on malformations (e.g., diverticulum, short colon).
thorough diagnostic evaluation. This last criterion Endoscopic Examination
emphasizes that IBD is a diagnosis of exclusion and In patients with GI disease, the spectrum of clini-
not a catch-all label to be used as a substitute for cal signs usually suggests the most appropriate
diagnostic evaluation. Because lymphocytic-plasma- region of the GI tract for endoscopic examination.
cytic inflammation is a nonspecific lesion, only a In IBD, however, signs do not always correlate
thorough diagnostic work-up can establish that it is with the region of greatest cellular infiltra-
truly idiopathic and not merely an inflammatory tion, especially in cats. It is not uncommon to
response to an undiagnosed condition. find significant involvement of the colon in cats
A well-planned diagnostic approach could include that present for vomiting. Conversely, cats with
routine fecal examinations (for parasites, C. perfrin- hematochezia or other colonic signs may have
gens spores, Campylobacter, and fecal leukocytes), unexpected gastroduodenal lesions. Therefore it
a therapeutic trial of fenbendazole for occult whip- may be advisable in many cases to obtain biopsy
worm infection, elimination dietary trials, routine specimens from the stomach, duodenum, jejunum
screening for extraintestinal disease (CBC, serum (if possible), colon, and ileum (if the ileocolic
chemistry profile, urinalysis, retrovirus tests in cats, sphincter can be navigated during colonoscopy).
and baseline serum T4 level in cats over 5 years of Endoscopically the mucosa in colitis may
age), abdominal imaging (radiography, ultrasonogra- appear to be normal or it may have any of the
phy), and colonoscopy with biopsy under anesthesia. following abnormalities: erythema, petechiae,
Laboratory Evaluations increased mucus, increased friability, increased
Routine hematologic and serum biochem- surface granularity, decreased visibility of the
ical parameters are normal in most patients with submucosal vessels, thickened or increased folds,
lymphocytic-plasmacytic colitis; however, some erosions/ulcers, or decreased distensibility. The
are found to have mild nonspecific laboratory mucosal lesions may be apparent only microscop-
abnormalities such as mild anemia, stress leuko- ically; thus a normal endoscopic appearance does
gram (mature neutrophilia, lymphopenia), stress not rule out IBD, and multiple biopsy specimens
hyperglycemia, mild hypoproteinemia (hypoal- should be taken even if there are no endoscopi-
buminemia, hypoglobulinemia, or both), and cally visible abnormalities.
hypokalemia. Unexplained thrombocytopenia has Mucosal Histopathologic Examination
been observed occasionally. Eosinophilia is occa- The histopathologic lesion of lymphocytic-
sionally found in cats. Cats with IBD often have plasmacytic IBD is characterized by diffuse

infiltration of the lamina propria with mature lym- be substituted for more convenience for long-
phocytes and plasma cells in association with term management.
mucosal damage. In some cases the inflammation A cooperative and patient owner is required for
is mostly lymphocytic; in others the infiltrate also a successful elimination diet trial. A minimum of
contains a mixture of other types of inflammatory 3 to 4 weeks should be allowed for initial response
cells (neutrophils, eosinophils, macrophages). The to an elimination diet. If no improvement has
cellular infiltrate is usually confined to the mucosa occurred during this time, then dietary hypersen-
but occasionally may extend to the submucosa. sitivity is unlikely and medical therapy should
Additional findings indicative of mucosal damage be instituted. If some improvement has been
include architectural distortion, fibrosis, and observed, then the trial should continue, because it
epithelial abnormalities (hyperplasia, degeneration, may require 6 to 10 weeks before improvement is
necrosis, erosion, ulceration, glandular dilation, loss complete.
of globlet cells). Pathologists may differ in their If there is a substantial improvement with the
interpretation of endoscopic biopsy specimens and elimination diet, then the patient can be rechal-
in their definition of how many lymphocytes and lenged with its original diet. Recurrence of clinical
plasma cells within the lamina propria are too signs confirms dietary intolerance or hypersensitiv-
many. Infiltrates assessed to be minimal or mild by ity. In addition, once remission is restored with the
an inexperienced pathologist may not be truly controlled diet, the patient can then be challenged
abnormal. For definitive diagnosis of lymphocytic- sequentially with individual dietary components to
plasmacytic colitis there must be abnormal infiltra- identify the specific offenders. To do this, individual
tion of lymphocytes and plasma cells, as well as components of the original diet are added one at a
evidence of mucosal damage.Various grading sys- time to the controlled diet while the patient is in
tems have been proposed, but these have not cor- remission.With each challenge the patient is moni-
related well with clinical disease activity. A severe tored for recurrence of signs for 7 to 10 days. If signs
infiltration of lymphocytes that extends beyond recur, then that substance is implicated as an
the mucosa into the submucosa and muscularis offender.
should raise the suspicion of early lymphoma After several weeks of remission of the con-
mimicking IBD, and further diagnostics should be trolled diet, some patients can be returned to their
recommended. original diet and remain asymptomatic; but in
Evaluation for Dietary Hypersensitivity most cases specially formulated or hypoallergenic
Dietary hypersensitivity or food allergy is an diets may need to be continued indefinitely to pre-
immunologically mediated adverse reaction to a vent relapse. If there is no response to dietary man-
protein component in food. A well-controlled agement within 4 to 6 weeks, the patient can be
dietary trial using a protein elimination diet is the returned to its original diet and medical therapy
basis for diagnosis of dietary hypersensitivity as a instituted.
cause of IBD. The diet is changed to a well- Treatment
defined, additive-free, highly digestible diet that Well-controlled therapeutic trials for chronic coli-
contains a single source of protein not found in tis in animals are lacking; thus treatment is largely
the patient’s normal diet. Intake of all other foods empirical and based on clinical experience.
or sources of antigen must be completely elimi- Because dietary hypersensitivity, parasites (see
nated throughout the feeding trial, including table previous section), and bacterial enteropathogens
scraps, treats, and flavored medications such as vita- (see previous section) may cause lymphocytic-
min supplements. The goal is to feed a single pro- plasmacytic colitis, it is appropriate to first consider
tein source to which the patient is not yet evaluation and treatment for these possibilities. In
sensitized. Although many commercial hypoaller- most cases of lymphocytic-plasmacytic colitis an
genic diets are available (see the section on treat- underlying cause cannot be identified and the most
ment), home-prepared single-protein diets are effective treatment is an antiinflammatory regi-
preferred for diagnostic testing purposes. Examples men of either a corticosteroid or mesalamine (5-
of novel protein sources not likely found in the aminosalicylate derivative) combined with dietary
patient’s regular diet might include turkey, duck, modification (e.g., novel protein diet or fiber-
lamb, rabbit, venison, fish, or soybean (tofu). Once enriched diet). If diet and antiinflammatory drugs
dietary hypersensitivity is confirmed with a home- fail to control the disease, metronidazole is added
prepared diet, commercial hypoallergenic diets can for its antibacterial and immunomodulatory prop-

erties. Metronidazole can also be used as a single has many beneficial effects on colonic function
drug to induce or maintain remission in less severe and helps to keep enteropathogens in check.
cases. For the most refractory cases a cytotoxic Colonic bacteria metabolize fermentable fiber to
immunosuppressive agent such as azathioprine is SCFAs that nourish colonic epithelium and pro-
added to the corticosteroid regimen. tect against mucosal injury. Adjustment of the lev-
Dietary Therapy els of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids in the diet
Various strategies for dietary modification have has been proposed to manage bowel inflammation
been used for treatment of chronic colitis, includ- through decreasing inflammatory mediators,
ing novel protein diets, fiber-enriched diets, and although evidence for this is lacking.
diets with adjusted omega-6 and omega-3 fatty Corticosteroids
acid levels. In some patients with IBD, dietary Oral prednisolone is the most consistently effective
modification produces a complete or partial res- medical therapy (dogs: 0.5 to 1 mg/lb/day; cats: 1
olution of the signs and sometimes regression of to 2 mg/lb/day or 5 mg total dose every 12 hours)
the lesions. Potential explanations for a beneficial for inducing remission of idiopathic lymphocytic-
response to dietary modification include the plasmacytic colitis. Clinical improvement using this
effects of the diet on bowel motility, composition dosage should be noted within 1 to 2 weeks. After
of the microflora, mucosal structure and func- 2 weeks of remission, the dosage is tapered in 2-
tion, and exposure to foodborne antigens or to 4-week increments to the lowest effective
additives. alternate-day dosage. In cats that are too difficult to
The treatment of IBD associated with dietary medicate orally, periodic injections of methylpred-
hypersensitivity is based on the controlled feeding nisolone acetate (20 mg intramuscularly or subcu-
of a well-defined, additive-free, highly digestible taneously every 2 to 4 weeks) may be substituted
diet that contains a single source of protein not for oral treatment, or dermal preparations formu-
found in the patient’s normal diet (i.e., a novel lated by a compounding pharmacist may be
protein to which the patient is not yet sensitized). applied topically. Corticosteroid therapy may be
Home-prepared diets (turkey, duck, lamb, rabbit, discontinued on a trial basis after 6 to 12 weeks of
venison, whitefish, or tofu) are most suitable for remission; however, continuous alternate-day ther-
diagnostic testing purposes (see previous section apy is often required to prevent relapse. In refrac-
on diagnosis); however, if the home-prepared diet tory cases metronidazole or mesalamine (see
suggests diet-responsive disease, then a commercial following sections) should be added to the pred-
“hypoallergenic” novel protein diet can be substi- nisolone regimen. If this fails to control the disease,
tuted and is more convenient and balanced for then the combination of azathioprine (see later
long-term feeding. Many commercial diets that section) and prednisolone may be more effective in
contain novel protein sources are now marketed achieving remission of the disease.
for dietary hypersensitivity. A relapse rate of 5-Aminosalicylic Acid
approximately 15% to 20% is to be expected when Derivatives of 5-ASA, also known as
switching from a home-prepared to a commercial mesalamine, exert an antiinflammatory effect in
hypoallergenic diet. For long-term feeding of a colitis through local inhibition of mucosal
home-prepared diet, recipes for balanced diets leukotrienes and prostaglandins. Many gastroen-
containing novel protein sources can be found in terologists regard these as the initial drugs of
standard veterinary therapy and nutrition text- choice for treatment of colitis, particularly in
books, or various reliable websites under supervi- dogs. Orally administered 5-ASA derivatives are
sion of Diplomates of the American College of designed to be minimally absorbed during pas-
Veterinary Nutrition. sage through the small intestine so that they
In cases in which hypoallergenic novel protein reach the colon. These drugs should be used
diets have not been effective, other dietary adjust- cautiously in cats because some salicylate
ments may be beneficial as an adjunct to medical absorption occurs and cats metabolize salicylates
therapy for IBD. This includes fiber supplementa- very slowly.
tion (psyllium, bran, canned pumpkin) of the reg- In sulfasalazine (Azulfidine), 5-ASA is com-
ular diet or switching to a commercial diet bined with sulfapyridine by an azo bond that pre-
enriched with fermentable fiber (e.g., beet pulp) vents significant absorption of the drug so that
marketed for improving colonic function and 75% of it reaches the colon, where colonic bacte-
ameliorating diarrhea in patients with colitis. Fiber ria split the bond and release the 5-ASA for its

local effect in the colon. Sulfasalazine dosages of Azathioprine

10 to 20 mg/lb (maximum of 1 g per dose) every In IBD patients refractory to prednisone alone or in
8 hours are used in dogs; 5 to 10 mg/lb every 12 combination with metronidazole or mesalamine,
hours or 250 mg total dose every 24 hours have the combination of azathioprine (Imuran) with
been effective and relatively well tolerated in cats. prednisolone may be a more effective immuno-
The most common adverse side effect of sul- suppressive regimen for producing remission of the
fasalazine is keratoconjunctivitis sicca, which can disease. In addition to treating refractory IBD, the
be irreversible. For this reason it is recommended addition of azathioprine may enable use of a lower
that a baseline Schirmer’s tear test be performed at dose of corticosteroid to control the disease and
the start of therapy and then monitored subse- thereby minimize steroidal side effects. Azathio-
quently at monthly intervals if treatment is long- prine is usually given as an alternate-day treatment
term. Less common side effects include allergic (alternating with every-other-day prednisolone) at a
dermatitis, nausea and vomiting, and cholestatic dosage of 0.5 to 1 mg/lb orally in dogs and 0.15 to
jaundice. Rarely cats may develop anemia. 0.25 mg/lb orally in cats. Azathioprine should be
Newer formulations of 5-ASA include olsalazine prepared as an oral suspension to facilitate accurate
(Dipentum) and polymer-coated mesalamine tablets and safe dosing for cats. Because of its myelosup-
(Asacol) and capsules (Pentasa). The advantages of pressive toxicity (leukopenia), the CBC should be
these newer formulations over sulfasalazine are that monitored periodically, every 2 to 3 weeks for the
a greater percentage of the drug (80% to 90%) first 2 months.
reaches the colon and these formulations do not Future Possibilities for Immune Modulation in
contain sulfapyridine so they have fewer side effects. Colitis
Unfortunately, these products are much more Cyclosporine is a potent immunosuppressive drug
expensive than sulfasalazine and they are not avail- (inhibits interleukin-2 and T-cell recruitment) and
able in convenient dosage sizes for most patients. has shown promise in treating human IBD. New
Safe and effective dosages remain to be determined. types of antiinflammatory drugs used to treat airway
Sulfasalazine, olsalazine, or mesalamine can also be inflammation in asthmatics might find use in treat-
combined with corticosteroids or metronidazole to ing chronic GI inflammation as well. Zileuton
treat refractory colitis. (Zyflo) inhibits the formation of leukotrienes by
Metronidazole and Other Antibiotics inhibiting 5-lipoxygenase. Zafirlukast (Accolate)
Low-dose metronidazole therapy (Flagyl, 5 to and montelukast (Singulair) are leukotriene recep-
7 mg/lb every 12 hours) is often beneficial either tor antagonists that reduce inflammatory cell influx.
alone or in combination with prednisolone to treat The effects of these so-called leukotriene blockers
IBD. The beneficial effects of metronidazole in any are comparable to steroids without steroidal side
patient with diarrhea might be attributable effects.
to an antibacterial effect on enteropathogens
(e.g., enterotoxigenic C. perfringens), an antiproto- Eosinophilic Colitis
zoal effect (e.g., Giardia), a reduction of bacterial- Eosinophilic colitis is an uncommon form of IBD
derived antigens that could be involved in the that may occur alone or as part of a generalized
immunopathogenesis of IBD, or the immunomod- syndrome of eosinophilic gastroenterocolitis. The
ulating effect of the drug on cell-mediated immu- lesion is characterized by segmental or diffuse
nity and neutrophil chemotaxis. Metronidazole infiltration of one or more layers of the colon with
tablets have an unpleasant taste and provoke saliva- mature eosinophils, often accompanied by periph-
tion in most cats and sometimes vomiting. For ease eral eosinophilia but not in all cases. Allergy and
of administration and accurate dosing, a liquid sus- parasitism have been proposed as causes, but in
pension can be formulated on request by many most patients evidence for these is lacking and the
pharmacists or the tablets can be split and placed in disease must be considered idiopathic.
gel capsules. Dosages of metronidazole exceeding The colon may also be involved in the feline
25 mg/lb/day for prolonged periods (weeks) occa- hypereosinophilic syndrome, in which there is
sionally cause signs of reversible CNS toxicity widespread infiltration of eosinophils throughout
(ataxia, weakness, seizures). Other antibiotics that the GI tract and in numerous extraintestinal tissues
might be helpful to control intestinal microflora (see Chapter 7). Associated findings in cats with
include tylosin or doxycycline (2.5 mg/lb every 12 hypereosinophilic syndrome can include palpation
hours). of thickened intestinal loops, hepatosplenomegaly,

lymphadenopathy, pulmonary infiltration, and regimen as described for lymphocytic-plasmacytic

bone marrow infiltration. colitis to facilitate reduction of corticosteroid
Transmural eosinophilic granulomas in the dosage and side effects or to provide more effec-
colon occasionally produce focal tumorlike thick- tive control of the disease.
enings or masses that can bleed and cause partial Obstructing transmural eosinophilic granulo-
intestinal obstruction. Surgical excision is usually mas involving a localized area of bowel should be
advisable. surgically excised and treated with follow-up cor-
Diagnosis ticosteroid therapy. The prognosis for this atypical
The clinical signs of eosinophilic colitis are typical form of the disease is less favorable than for diffuse
of acute or chronic large bowel diarrhea. eosinophilic enterocolitis.
Hematochezia is common due to bleeding from
mucosal ulceration. If the stomach and small intes- Neutrophilic (Suppurative)
tine also are involved, vomiting and small bowel Colitis
diarrhea also may be seen. The history may Some patients with signs of acute or chronic colitis
indicate dramatic responsiveness to prior corticos- have been found by colonoscopic biopsy to have
teroid therapy. The diagnosis is based on periph- an infiltrate of predominantly neutrophils without
eral eosinophilia (although not present in all evidence of an infectious cause. Associated find-
cases), lesions of eosinophilic inflammation in ings in some cases may include mucosal ulcera-
colonoscopic mucosal biopsy specimens, and the tion, necrosis, or crypt abscesses. These lesions
exclusion of underlying parasitism. The endo- should prompt an evaluation for the presence of
scopic appearance of the colon is similar to that bacterial enteropathogens. Too few patients
described for lymphocytic-plasmacytic colitis, with neutrophilic colitis have been characterized
except mucosal ulceration is found more often in to draw conclusions; however, antibiotics (e.g.,
eosinophilic colitis. metronidazole and enrofloxacin or regimens
Treatment consisting of sulfasalazine, mesalamine, or antiin-
It is especially important to rule out occult whip- flammatory-immunosuppressive drugs as dis-
worm or hookworm infection as a cause of cussed for lymphocytic-plasmacytic colitis (see
eosinophilic colitis in dogs with a therapeutic trial Table 8-2) appear to be effective for controlling
of fenbendazole (22 mg/lb orally daily for 3 days). the disease.
A larvacidal dose of ivermectin (100 mg/lb subcu-
taneously once) has been suggested to empirically Regional Granulomatous Colitis
treat for migrating larvae of Toxocara canis as a Regional granulomatous colitis is a rare form of
potential cause; however, the usual precautions for IBD characterized by transmural granulomatous
ivermectin should be taken, including avoidance inflammation that usually involves the ileum and
of use in collies and related breeds. colon and results in a stenosing, masslike thicken-
Because eosinophilic gastroenteritis may poten- ing of a region of the bowel wall. In some dogs the
tially be due to food allergy, a feeding trial using an granulomatous lesion also contains numerous
elimination or hypoallergenic diet (as described for eosinophils (eosinophilic granuloma). Regional
lymphocytic-plasmacytic colitis) may be consid- granulomatous enterocolitis of animals is idio-
ered initially; however, dietary therapy alone has pathic and has been compared with human
seldom been effective for eosinophilic colitis in my regional enteritis known as Crohn’s disease; how-
experience. ever, despite the resemblance, it is not known if
Most dogs and cats with idiopathic eosinophilic these are related.
colitis respond rapidly to oral prednisolone at an The principal clinical sign of regional granulo-
initial dosage of 0.5 to 1 mg/lb/day for dogs and matous enteritis is chronic large bowel diarrhea
1 to 2 mg/lb/day for cats. Once remission has containing mucus and fresh blood, sometimes
been maintained for 2 weeks, this dosage is grad- accompanied by tenesmus and abdominal pain.
ually tapered over an additional 2 to 4 weeks to Additional signs may include weight loss, anorexia,
the lowest effective maintenance dose. In some and depression. The diseased segment of bowel
patients the treatment can eventually be discontin- may be palpable as a firm mass in the midab-
ued, whereas in others alternate-day maintenance domen. The adjacent intestinal loops and mesen-
therapy is required. In some patients it may be tery also may be thickened, and regional lymph
necessary to add azathioprine to the corticosteroid nodes may be enlarged. Rectal masses may be

TABLE 8-2 Drugs Used for Treatment of Idiopathic Colitis

Drug Product (Manufacturer) Preparations Dosage (D, dog; C, cat)
Sulfasalazine* Azulfidine (Kabi Pharmacia) Tab: 500 mg D: 5-20 mg/lb PO q8h
C: 5-10 mg/lb PO
Olsalazine Dipentum (Kabi Pharmacia) Cap: 250 mg D: 5-10 mg/lb PO q12h
Mesalamine Asacol (Procter & Gamble) Cap: 400 mg D: 5-10 mg/lb PO q12h

Pentasa (Shire) Cap: 250 mg

Prednisone† Various Tab: 5, 10, 20, 50 mg D: 0.5-1 mg/lb PO q24h
C: 1-2 mg/lb PO q24h
Methylprednisolone Depo-Medrol (Upjohn) Inj: 40 mg/ml C: 20 mg IM q2-4wk
Azathioprine‡ Imuran (Prometheus) Tab: 50 mg D: 0.5-1 mg/lb PO
C: 0.15-0.25 mg/lb PO


5-Aminosalicylic Rowasa (Solvay) Enema: 4 g/60 ml Needs to be determined
Hydrocortisone Cortenema (Reid-Rowell) Enema: 100 mg/60 ml 20-60 ml rectally q24h

Metronidazole Flagyl (Searle) Tab: 250 mg, 500 mg 5-7 mg/lb PO q8-12h
Tylosin|| Tylan Soluble (Elanco) Powder D: 10-20 mg/lb PO q12h


Loperamide Imodium (McNeil) Cap: 2 mg; D: 0.05-0.1 mg/lb PO
liq: 0.2 mg/ml q8-12h
C: 0.05 mg/lb PO q12h

Psyllium Metamucil (Procter & Powder D: 1-3 tbsp/day (in food)
Gamble) C: 1-3 tsp/day (in food)

Tab, tablets; PO, orally; cap, capsules; inj, injectable.

Sulfasalazine dosage may need to be increased to 25 mg/lb q8h to achieve effect in some dogs; may cause sicca in dogs and
salicylate toxicosis in cats.

In some cats with severe colitis, prednisone dosage may need to be increased to 2.3 mg/lb/day, divided bid. In dogs, if steroidal
side effects become a problem, decrease the dosage and combine with azathioprine or metronidazole or both.

Azathioprine may cause myelotoxicity, so monitor CBC; tablet can be crushed and compounded into a favorite liquid for
accurate dosing of cats.
Retention enemas for topical therapy of the distal colon may relieve signs of tenesmus and urgency in some patients with
Tylosin powder is bitter tasting and thus best tolerated when mixed with food. It should be mixed in capsules for
administration to cats.

identified by digital rectal palpation when this area such as histoplasmosis, pythiosis, and mycobacte-
is involved. riosis. In cats FIP coronavirus can occasionally
Diagnosis cause pyogranulomatous colitis manifesting as a
Regional granulomatous colitis must be differen- large tumorlike mass. Barium contrast radiogra-
tiated from intestinal neoplasia and from infec- phy or ultrasonography of the ileum and colon
tious causes of pyogranulomatous bowel lesions, may delineate a thickened or stenosed segment of

bowel. A routine CBC may reveal eosinophilia, The disease is treated with olsalazine or sul-
neutrophilia, or monocytosis. Panhypoproteinemia fasalazine, prednisone, azathioprine, and metronida-
due to chronic intestinal bleeding and protein loss zole in single-agent or combination regimens as
may be found in some patients. described for lymphocytic-plasmacytic colitis (see
Definitive diagnosis of granulomatous colitis Table 8-2); however, lifetime therapy is needed and
depends on biopsy by colonoscopy or lapa- the prognosis for effective control of the disease is
rotomy. Colonoscopic findings include thickened poor. In general these dogs seem to have less diar-
and corrugated folds, proliferative mucosal masses, rhea on a highly digestible diet than on a high-fiber
ulceration, loss of distensibility, and partial obstruc- diet.
tion. The key histopathologic feature is trans- There have been isolated case reports of histio-
mural granulomatous inflammation. Fibrosis and cytic colitis in a cat and a French bulldog, but it is
aggregates of epithelioid cells, giant cells, and not known if these represent the same disease as
eosinophils are often found deep in the lesion. occurs in boxers.
Deep ulceration is common. Whenever granulo-
matous lesions are found in the bowel, infectious
causes should be ruled out with special stains that Colitis Associated With
identify fungi and acid-fast organisms. In cats Pancreatitis
polymerase chain reaction assay for detection Necrotizing hemorrhagic colitis occurs occasion-
of coronavirus in biopsy specimens should be ally in dogs with acute pancreatitis. It is presumed
considered. that because the transverse colon lies adjacent to
Treatment the inflamed pancreas, it can sometimes become
Medical treatment of regional granulomatous coli- secondarily involved in the local inflammatory and
tis is based on the use of antiinflammatory and vascular-compromising processes in that region of
immunosuppressive agents such as olsalazine or the abdominal cavity.
sulfasalazine, prednisone, azathioprine, and metro- The diagnosis is based on colonoscopic demon-
nidazole, as described for treatment of lymphocytic- stration of lesions of colitis in the transverse colon
plasmacytic colitis (see Table 8-2). If the degree of in a patient that has laboratory, radiographic,
thickening and cicatrization of the affected segment and ultrasonographic evidence of pancreatitis.
of bowel is producing severe stenosis and oblitera- Olsalazine, sulfasalazine, or metronidazole can be
tion of the lumen, surgical excision of the lesion added to the treatment regimen for pancreatitis, but
may be necessary. Surgery should be followed by corticosteroids should be avoided in acute
long-term medical therapy for 6 to 8 weeks or pancreatitis.
longer to prevent recurrence of the lesion at the
surgical site. The prognosis is guarded.
Cecocolonic Intussusception
Histiocytic Ulcerative Colitis (Cecal Inversion)
Histiocytic ulcerative colitis is a chronic idiopathic Cecocolonic intussusception results in invagination
IBD of young boxer dogs characterized by infiltra- of the cecum into the lumen of the colon, where
tion of the lamina propria and submucosa of the mucosa of the inverted cecum then becomes
the colon by distinctive histiocytes engorged congested, inflamed, hemorrhagic, and ulcerated.
with deposits that stain positive with PAS stain. Whipworm infection has been suggested as a pre-
A mixture of other types of inflammatory cells disposing cause. With partial ileocolonic obstruc-
also is found in the lesion, and there is usually severe tion, chronic or intermittent bloody-mucoid
mucosal ulceration. Affected boxers generally diarrhea is usually the presenting sign; thus cecal
develop a severe unresponsive bloody-mucoid large inversion can often mimic colitis or colonic neo-
bowel diarrhea before 2 years of age. Colonoscopy plasia. When cecal inversion causes complete ileo-
reveals diffuse severe mucosal inflammation with colic obstruction, the signs are acute depression,
corrugation, ulceration, bleeding, and thickened anorexia, vomiting, and dehydration.
folds. Weight loss and moderate hypoproteinemia The inverted cecum can sometimes be palpated
may occur in dogs with long-standing disease. The as a firm, painful, right cranial abdominal mass, but
diagnosis is based on the known breed predisposi- usually the diagnosis is made by identification of
tion and the presence of numerous PAS-positive the inverted cecum during colonoscopic examina-
histiocytes in a colonoscopic biopsy specimen. tion of the proximal colon by ultrasonography or

by demonstration of an intraluminal filling defect Colonic neoplasia should be considered in any

at the ileocolic junction on a barium contrast ra- dog or cat with rectal bleeding or unresponsive
diographic study. Surgical excision of the cecum large bowel diarrhea and hematochezia and there-
is the treatment of choice. fore must be differentiated from colitis. Stenosing
or polypoid rectal masses can usually be detected
by digital rectal palpation. Most adenomatous
Short Colon polyps can be exposed at the anus by everting the
Short colon, a malformation resulting from devel- rectal mucosa with gentle traction. Polyps usually
opmental errors in rotation and elongation of the appear dark red and lobulated, they are extremely
embryonic gut, has been reported in both cats and friable, and they bleed easily. More proximal
dogs. The animals were diagnosed with colitis, and lesions, including most malignant colonic tumors,
the malformation was apparently an incidental are identified by colonoscopy, ultrasonography, or
finding, although there had been a lifelong history barium contrast radiography. Biopsy is needed for
of soft feces. Barium contrast radiography and definitive diagnosis. Colonoscopic biopsies can
colonoscopy revealed an abnormally short colon reveal the neoplastic cells in many cases, but in
with absence of the ascending and transverse some patients the tissue obtained by the biopsy
colons and location of the ileocolic junction and forceps is not adequate or deep enough for confir-
cecum in the left hemiabdomen at the proximal mation of the diagnosis. Surgical biopsy is then
end of the descending colon. A digestible low- needed.
residue diet alleviated the soft feces. Surgical resection is the treatment of choice for
benign tumors such as polyps and, when feasible,
for adenocarcinomas. Excised tissue should always
Colonic Neoplasia be submitted for thorough histopathologic exam-
Colonic polyps and tumors usually cause hema- ination. Unfortunately, most malignant tumors of
tochezia, dyschezia, and tenesmus, sometimes the colon are too advanced for successful resection
with mucoid diarrhea; thus they are easily con- by the time they are recognized clinically. Some
fused with inflammatory diseases of the colon. benign polypoid lesions recur months following
Benign tumors, which include adenomatous excision as malignant (adenocarcinoma). Colonic
polyps, adenomas, and leiomyomas, occur most lymphosarcoma may be treated with anticancer
commonly in the rectum and terminal colon of chemotherapy.
dogs. The most common malignant neoplasms Colonic neoplasia is discussed in more detail in
of the colon are adenocarcinoma and lymphosar- Chapter 11.
coma. Carcinoid tumors, leiomyosarcoma,
fibrosarcoma, hemangiosarcoma, and anaplastic
sarcoma occur rarely. Metastasis to regional lymph Irritable Bowel Syndrome
nodes is common with all malignancies of the Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is characterized by
colon. noninflammatory, mucoid large bowel diarrhea
Adenocarcinomas are locally invasive and slow associated with episodic disturbances of colonic
growing, and they occur primarily in older myoelectrical function. Humans with an irrita-
patients. There are three forms of adenocarci- ble colon seem to be hyperreactive to psycholog-
noma: (1) the infiltrative type, which produces a ical and emotional stress and anxiety. Neurogenic
thickened stenotic region of the colon that even- pathways are presumably involved in the patho-
tually obstructs the lumen; (2) the ulcerative type, genesis of the diarrhea and colonic dysfunction in
which produces a deep indurated mucosal ulcer IBS.
with raised edges; and (3) the proliferative type, The clinical signs in humans with IBS are alter-
which produces a lobulated mucosal mass. nating patterns of diarrhea, constipation, and
Colonic lymphosarcomas usually cause a dif- abdominal cramping. Evidence for the existence
fuse infiltration and thickening of the colon with of IBS in animals is mostly circumstantial; thus it
mucosal ulceration and corrugation. Most colonic is a controversial topic in veterinary medicine.
lymphomas occur in the descending colon and Nonetheless, it seems that a comparable syndrome
rectum of dogs younger than 4 years of age and exists at least in dogs with the most frequent clin-
at the ileocolic junction in cats older than 8 years ical sign being intermittent mucoid diarrhea.
of age. Hematochezia is uncommon in IBS and should

stimulate a search for other diagnoses. Large-breed COLONIC DISORDERS

dogs, especially those under stress as working dogs
(e.g., police dogs, seeing eye dogs), and tempera- THAT CAUSE ACUTE
mental or excitable dogs may be predisposed to ABDOMEN
The diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome Perforation of the Colon
should be suspected primarily in dogs with Perforation of the colon allows leakage of fecal
chronic intermittent large bowel diarrhea when material containing massive numbers of anaerobic
a thorough diagnostic evaluation, including colo- and gram-negative bacteria into the abdominal
noscopy, fails to identify a definitive cause. As a cavity. This produces rapidly progressive bacterial
diagnosis of exclusion, IBS can be established only peritonitis, sepsis, and endotoxemia. Death occurs
by normal colonoscopic biopsy and diligent in a matter of hours from septic shock. Colonic
exclusion of the other known causes of colonic perforation may be caused by penetrating trauma
disease such as dietary, parasitic, infectious, and (e.g., gunshot wounds), erosive tumors, complica-
idiopathic colitis (IBD). At colonoscopy the colon tions of colonic surgery or biopsy procedures, and
may appear to be hypermotile or spastic. The high doses of corticosteroids following neurosur-
mucosa appears normal except for an erythema- gical procedures. Rectal perforation leads to
tous response to insufflation and increased intralu- retroperitoneal leakage of fecal material and may
minal mucus. be caused by displaced bone fragments of a
Treatment of IBS is based on dietary adjust- fractured pelvis or by iatrogenic puncture
ment, motility-modifying drugs, and drugs that from a thermometer, enema infusor, or biopsy
relieve anxiety or stress, such as various sedatives instrument.
and psychotropic drugs. The initial approach The clinical signs of colonic perforation are
should be to manage IBS with dietary modifica- the result of septic peritonitis and include acute
tion alone. Supplement dietary fiber in the form abdominal pain, severe depression, fever (hypo-
of psyllium (Metamucil, 1 to 3 tbsp/day in the thermia occurs terminally), vomiting, hemor-
food), unprocessed wheat bran (1 to 5 tbsp/day), rhagic diarrhea, and rapidly progressive signs
or a commercial high-fiber diet. Fiber-enriched of shock. A CBC usually reveals a neutropenia
diets can have a normalizing effect on colonic with a degenerative left shift and circulating
myoelectrical activity, thereby improving func- toxic neutrophils. Serum electrolyte imbalances
tional diarrhea in some dogs. If dietary fiber sup- and prerenal azotemia are likely. Survey abdomi-
plementation is unsuccessful, episodes of diarrhea nal radiographs may indicate free air within the
can usually be controlled with a brief period of abdominal cavity or retroperitoneal space, loss of
fasting and an opioid antidiarrheal drug such as abdominal contrast due to peritoneal effusion,
loperamide (Imodium; dogs: 0.05 to 0.1 mg/lb and gas-distended bowel loops due to ileus.
orally every 8 to 12 hours; cats: 0.05 to 0.15 Acute septic peritonitis (indicating probable
mg/lb orally every 24 hours). Once an episode bowel perforation) is confirmed by cytologic
has abated, loperamide can be discontinued and findings (toxic neutrophils and intracellular and
remission maintained by dietary and stress man- extracellular bacteria), abdominocentesis, or
agement. Stress management may require consul- peritoneal lavage.
tation from an animal behavior expert. Sedative Rapid recognition of colonic perforation as a
and psychotropic drugs are used to produce anx- life-threatening intraabdominal crisis in need of
iety relief and light sedation during stressful times. immediate surgical intervention is required. On the
Standard dosages of benzodiazepines, acepro- basis of signs of acute abdominal distress and ra-
mazine, chlorpromazine, or phenobarbital may be diographic or laboratory indication of perforation,
helpful in excessively nervous or excitable the patient is treated for shock and emergency
patients. Amitriptylin (Elavil, 0.5 to 1 mg/lb laparotomy is performed. Parenteral antibiotics are
orally every 12 hours) has been highly effective in initiated immediately to cover anaerobic and gram-
treating some dogs with IBS. The concept of negative enteric bacteria; for example, penicillin,
“neurogenic inflammation” associated with stress ampicillin, or clindamycin combined with enro-
may lead to new strategies for management of IBS floxacin, an aminoglycoside, or a cephalosporin.
in the future. The colon is surgically repaired, the abdomen is

copiously lavaged, and the septic peritonitis is treated (1) ingested foreign material, (2) environmental
vigorously postoperatively. The prognosis for sur- factors, (3) painful anorectal or orthopedic condi-
vival from colonic perforation is guarded to poor. tions, (4) anorectal or colonic obstruction, (5) neu-
romuscular diseases, (6) fluid and electrolyte
disturbances, and (7) drug-related effects.
Volvulus of the Colon Ingested foreign material such as indigestible
Torsion or volvulus of the colon results in com- fibrous material (especially hair in cats from their
plete distal bowel obstruction, rapidly progressive grooming behavior) or abrasives (especially bones
ischemic necrosis of the bowel, eventual septic in dogs) may become incorporated into the fecal
peritonitis, and finally death from septic shock; mass and result in the formation of hard fecal
thus early recognition and immediate surgical impactions that are difficult or painful to evacuate
intervention are necessary. This is a rare condition from the colon.
in dogs and cats. When it occurs, the signs are Environmental factors that are not conducive
those of acute abdominal distress with pain, vom- to defecation or that vary from the daily routine to
iting, raspberry jam–like hemorrhagic diarrhea, which the patient is accustomed may cause the
and acute collapse. Radiographs generally reveal a patient to inhibit the urge to defecate, leading to
gas-distended lower bowel, which, taken together constipation. This occurs, for example, when a
with the clinical signs, is indication to proceed patient is placed in strange surroundings such as a
with emergency laparotomy. Measures to treat kennel or veterinary hospital or when the patient’s
hypovolemic and septic shock also should be daily outdoor exercise routine is changed. Indoor
initiated immediately. cats will often suppress the urge to defecate
when their litter box is too dirty or there is terri-
CONSTIPATION AND torial competition with other cats in the house-
DYSCHEZIA Painful defecation caused by anorectal diseases
Constipation is a clinical sign characterized by (e.g., anal sacculitis or perianal fistulae; see section
absent, infrequent, or difficult defecation associ- on anorectal disease) or by orthopedic disorders that
ated with retention of feces within the colon and limit positioning for defecation (e.g., disorders of
rectum.When feces are retained in the colon for a pelvis, spine, or hips) can result in voluntary inhibi-
prolonged period of time, the mucosa continues to tion of defecation and lead to constipation.
absorb water from the fecal mass, which gradually Rectocolonic obstructions that mechanically
results in impacted feces that become progressively impede passage of feces may occur from intralumi-
harder and drier. Obstipation is a condition of nal causes, such as foreign bodies, perineal hernia, or
intractable constipation in which the colon and stenosing neoplastic or inflammatory lesions (i.e.,
rectum become so impacted with excessively hard strictures), and from extraluminal causes, such as
feces that defecation cannot occur. Megacolon is a prostatic enlargement, paraprostatic cysts, compres-
term that refers to a disorder (not a sign) in which sive pelvic fractures, perianal tumors, or pseudoco-
the colon becomes extremely dilated and hypo- prostasis (feces matted to the hair of the perianal
motile, usually irreversibly so, and it is an impor- area).
tant cause of chronic constipation/obstipation in Neuromuscular disorders may lead to constipa-
cats. tion by interfering with colonic innervation,
Dyschezia, a clinical sign often associated with colonic smooth muscle function, or simply the abil-
constipation, is defined as difficult or painful evac- ity of the patient to assume the normal defecation
uation of feces from the rectum and is usually stance—for example, disease or injury of the lum-
associated with lesions in or near the anal region. bosacral spinal cord (e.g., canine intervertebral disk
Tenesmus is a clinical sign characterized by inef- disease), spinal deformity (as occurs in Manx cats),
fective or painful straining to defecate; thus it usu- endocrine disease (hypothyroidism), or dysautono-
ally accompanies dyschezia. mia, a progressively fatal autonomic polyneuropathy
of young cats. When innervation of the anus is
also impaired, fecal incontinence may be an associ-
Etiology ated clinical sign. The pathogenesis of idiopathic
Underlying causes or predisposing factors for megacolon appears to involve smooth muscle dys-
constipation are listed in Table 8-3 and include function. Studies have demonstrated decreased

TABLE 8-3 Classification and Causes of Constipation

Classification Cause
Dietary Ingested foreign material mixed with feces (hair, bones, cloth, garbage,
cat litter, rocks, plant material, etc.)
Inadequate water intake
Environmental/psychologic Dirty litter box
Prolonged inactivity
Confinement (hospitalization, boarding)
Change in habitat or daily routine
Painful defecation Anorectal disorders
Anal sac impaction, infection, or abscess
Anorectal stricture, tumor, or foreign body
Perianal fistulae
Perianal bite wound cellulitis or abscess
Orthopedic disorders
Spinal disease or injury
Injuries of the pelvis, hip joints, or pelvic limbs
Rectocolonic obstruction Extramural
Prostatic hypertrophy, prostatitis, abscess, or tumor
Paraprostatic cyst
Pelvic fracture (malunion)
Pelvic collapse due to nutritional bone disease
Perianal tumor
Intramural or intraluminal
Rectocolonic stricture, tumor, foreign body, or fecolith
Rectal diverticulum or perineal hernia
Neuromuscular dysfunction Lumbosacral spinal cord disease (injury, deformity, degeneration,
Bilateral pelvic nerve injury
Dysautonomia (Key-Gaskell syndrome)
Idiopathic megacolon
Fluid and electrolyte abnormalities Dehydration (e.g., chronic renal failure)
Hypercalcemia (hyperparathyroidism)
Drug-induced Anticholinergics
Adrenergic blockers
Calcium channel blockers
Phenothiazines and benzodiazepines
Opiates and opioids
Aluminum hydroxide antacids
Barium sulfate
Laxatives (chronic overuse)

active contraction (in vitro) of smooth muscle from Diagnosis

cats with megacolon in response to neurotransmit- Constipation is generally established as a problem
ters (acetylcholine, substance P, cholecystokinin), from the history and confirmed by rectal and
membrane depolarization (potassium), and electri- abdominal palpation of a colon distended with hard
cal stimulation. Innervation of the colon, however, feces. The goal of diagnosis is to identify predispos-
appears to be normal in these cats. ing factors (see Table 8-3). The owner should be
Fluid and electrolyte disorders may predispose carefully questioned to identify any of the potential
to constipation, particularly dehydration, which dietary, environmental, behavioral, psychologic, or
can cause the feces to become excessively dry and medication-related factors or predispositions listed
hard, and hypokalemia or hypercalcemia, either of in Table 8-3 that might be involved.
which can affect colonic smooth muscle function. Physical examination may also reveal the cause
A combination of these may explain the frequent or predisposition for constipation. Digital anorec-
constipation seen in chronic renal failure, especially tal examination should be performed to detect
in cats. painful or obstructive lesions of the anorectal area
Drug-induced constipation may occur as a side and pelvic canal (sedation may be required). The
effect of motility-modifying drugs (anticholiner- rear limbs, coxofemoral joints, pelvis, and lum-
gics, opiates, opioids), antihistamines, barium sulfate, bosacral spine should be evaluated for ortho-
aluminum hydroxide, and diuretics. pedic problems that could cause either painful
defecation or difficulty for the patient to maneu-
ver into the defecation stance. In addition, a neu-
Clinical Signs rologic examination with emphasis on candal
Constipated patients are usually presented for fail- spinal cord function should be performed to iden-
ure to defecate over a period of days. The owner tify neurologic causes of constipation. In cats with
may notice tenesmus or frequent attempts to constipation due to dysautonomia (Key-Gaskell
defecate with little or no passage of feces. Other syndrome), additional manifestations of progressive
signs may include anorexia, lethargy, vomiting, autonomic failure that may be seen include uri-
dehydration, and hunched-up appearance caused nary/fecal incontinence, megaesophagus, brady-
by abdominal discomfort. Dyschezia usually indi- cardia, mydriasis, decreased lacrimation, and
cates anorectal disease (see section on anorectal prolapse of the nictitating membranes.
disease). The patient first may cry out as it A routine serum biochemistry profile, urinaly-
attempts to defecate, usually with straining (tenes- sis, and CBC should be evaluated in patients with
mus) during the attempt, then it ceases the effort, recurrent constipation or signs indicating the
walks around anxiously, and repeatedly tries again. potential for underlying systemic conditions (e.g.,
Mucosal irritation caused by impacted feces may chronic renal failure) that could cause dehydration
provoke a secretion of fluid and mucus that and electrolyte disturbances. These laboratory
bypasses the retained fecal mass and is expelled evaluations are also helpful in patients that are
paradoxically as diarrhea during attempts to defe- severely constipated or obstipated, especially those
cate. Constipation tends to be a recurrent that are vomiting or markedly depressed, to detect
problem in some patients. the metabolic consequences of prolonged fecal
Megacolon mostly occurs in middle-age cats retention (e.g., fluid and electrolyte imbalances,
(mean age of 5.8 years in one case survey). The endotoxemia, azotemia) and to guide supportive
same study found a predilection in male cats (70%) treatment. Thyroid function should be evaluated
over females (30%). The most frequently affected in dogs with recurrent constipation and other
breeds were domestic short hair (46% of cases), signs compatible with hypothyroidism.
domestic long hair (15%), and Siamese (12%). Abdominal radiography can be used in the
Megacolon in most cats is idiopathic; however, constipated patient to identify the following:
irreversible colonic dilation can also be caused (1) extent of colonic impaction with densely
by persistent mechanical obstruction (e.g., pelvic packed feces; (2) extreme dilation of the colon that
canal stenosis caused by malunion, anorectal would indicate megacolon; (3) radiopaque foreign
stricture, anorectal neoplasia) or neuromuscular material (e.g., bone chips) in the retained feces that
dysfunction caused by lumbosacral spinal cord would indicate a dietary cause of constipation;
disease. (4) pelvic, coxofemoral, or spinal lesions that may

be predisposing causes of constipation; and imaging pelvic canal structures and the lum-
(5) enlargement of the prostate that may be an bosacral spine.
underlying cause of constipation.
Additional specialized diagnostic studies may
be indicated in selected patients.When intralumi- Treatment
nal obstructive lesions are suspected, barium Mild constipation resolves spontaneously or is
enema contrast radiography (see Chapter 2) or treated on an outpatient basis by dietary adjust-
colonoscopy (see Chapter 3) may be used after the ment and oral or suppository laxatives. Severe
retained feces have been evacuated to evaluate the constipation is treated initially by evacuation of
lumen of the colon. Myelographic and electrodi- impacted feces from the colon by means of ene-
agnostic evaluations of the lumbosacral spinal cord mas and/or manual extraction along with correc-
and spinal nerves should be considered in patients tion of complicating dehydration and electrolyte
with evidence of impaired anorectal innervation. imbalances. Follow-up therapy is aimed at elimi-
When prostatic disease or paraprostatic cysts are nating or controlling any of the underlying causes
suspected to be the cause of constipation, further of constipation that are identified from Table 8-3
evaluations might include caudal abdominal ultra- and at preventing recurrences by means of dietary
sound examination, contrast cystourethrography, adjustments and laxative therapy (Table 8-4).
and cytology/culture studies of the prostate. Surgical correction is required for obstructing neo-
Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic reso- plasms and strictures and many anorectal disorders.
nance imaging (MRI) scans can be useful for Finally, long-term management of megacolon or

TABLE 8-4 Treatments for Constipation*†

Treatment Product (Manufacturer) Dosage
Bulk-Forming Laxatives
Coarse bran All-Bran (Kellogg’s) and others 1-5 tbsp daily with food
Canned pumpkin Pie filling (Libby’s) 1-5 tbsp daily with food
Psyllium Metamucil (Procter & Gamble); Fiberall (CIBA) 1-3 tbsp daily with food

Lubricant Laxatives
White petrolatum Laxatone (Evsco) 1-5 ml daily PO

Emollient Laxatives
Docusate sodium Colace (Shire) Dog: 50-200 mg daily PO
Cat: 50 mg daily PO
Docusate calcium Surfak (Geneva) Dog: 100-240 mg daily PO
Cat: 50-100 mg daily PO

Saline Laxatives
Magnesium hydroxide Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia (Glenbrook) Dog: 2-8 tablets daily PO

Osmotic Laxatives
Lactose Milk Add to diet to effect
Lactulose Duphalac (Reid Rowell); Cephulac 0.25-0.5 ml/lb PO, q8-12h
(Merrell Dow)
Polyethylene glycol and Colyte (Schwarz); Golytely (Braintree) 12-20 ml/lb PO repeated
electrolytes‡ in 2-4h (for bowel prep)

Stimulant Laxatives
Bisacodyl Dulcolax (Boehringer Ingelheim) Dog: 5-20 mg daily PO
Cat: 5 mg daily PO

TABLE 8-4 Treatments for Constipation*†—Cont’d

Treatment Product (Manufacturer) Dosage
Promotility Laxatives
Cisapride Available from compounding pharmacies Dog: 0.25-0.5 mg/lb
q8-12h, PO
Cat: 0.5 mg/lb q8h or
0.7 mg/lb q12h, PO
Ranitidine Zantac (GlaxoSmithKline) Dog: 1 mg/lb q8-12h, PO
Cat: 1.5 mg/lb q12h, PO
Nizatidine Axid (Lilly) 1-2 mg/lb q12-24h, PO


Warm tap water — 2.5-5 ml/lb
Isotonic saline solution — 2.5-5 ml/lb
Docusate sodium Colace (Shire) 5-30 ml
Mineral oil Various 5-30 ml or 0.5-1 ml/lb
Lubricant jelly Various 5-30 ml
Lactulose Duphalac; cephulac 5-30 ml
Sodium phosphate§ Fleet 0.5-1 ml/lb or 1 enema unit
Bisacodyl Fleet 0.5-1 ml/lb or 1 enema unit

Rectal Suppositories
Glycerin Various 1-3 pediatric suppositories
Docusate sodium Colace (Shire) 1-3 pediatric suppositories
Bisacodyl Dulcolax (Boehringer Ingelheim) 1-3 pediatric suppositories
Ancillary treatment measures:
1. Regular grooming to prevent ingestion of loose hair (especially cats).
2. Prevent ingestion of abrasive foreign materials.
3. Provide fresh drinking water.
4. Provide clean litter for cats.
5. Encourage regular exercise.

For severe recurrent or refractory cases: total or subtotal colectomy.

Used mainly to prepare the colon for radiography or endoscopy.
Should not be used in cats or small dogs.

recurrent obstipation that is unresponsive to medical enterally. The colon is then evacuated manually
therapy in the cat may involve colectomy surgery. under general anesthesia with a combination of
colonic irrigation with warm isotonic saline as an
Initial Relief of Constipation enema solution to soften the impacted feces and
Simple constipation with mild to moderate extraction of retained fecal masses by gentle trans-
impaction of feces and without accompanying sys- abdominal manipulation to milk the feces into
temic signs (depression, vomiting, dehydration) the distal rectum for digital extraction or removal
can often be managed on an outpatient basis using with sponge or whelping forceps. To avoid exces-
dietary adjustment, measures to increase water sive bowel trauma in patients with extensive
intake, and oral laxatives. Oral laxatives can be pre- fecal impaction, it may be advisable to evacuate
scribed as discussed later in this chapter and the the colon manually in stages over a period of 2 to
animal reevaluated in 48 hours. To promote initial 3 days.
evacuation of the distal colon when impaction is Enema Solutions
not severe, one to three pediatric suppositories Enema solutions can be used to soften hard,
consisting of docusate sodium, bisacodyl, or glyc- impacted feces and promote evacuation. The
erin also can be used or a therapeutic enema can enema solutions should be warmed prior to instil-
be administered. lation, and the calculated dose administered slowly
In severe constipation/obstipation, fluid and so as not to induce vomiting. The following are
electrolyte balance should initially be restored par- commonly used enema solutions:

1. Warm isotonic saline or tap water (2.5 to Oral Laxatives

5 ml/lb body weight), with or without the Oral laxative medications and dietary supplements
addition of a mild soap to stimulate defecation can be prescribed as needed for control of consti-
by an irritant effect (soap must not contain pation (see Table 8-4). Laxatives act through inter-
hexachlorophene because of its neurotoxicity related effects on both intestinal mucosal fluid
if absorbed). transport and colonic motility and are classified
2. Docusate as an emollient (5 to 10 ml in cats by their properties and mechanisms of actions
and small dogs; 10 to 20 ml in medium-sized as (1) bulk-forming, (2) lubricant, (3) emollient,
dogs; 20 to 30 ml in large dogs). (4) osmotic, and (5) stimulant. The use of an oral lax-
3. Mineral oil as a lubricant (5 to 10 ml in cats ative often needs to be individualized by adjusting
and small dogs; 10 to 20 ml in medium-sized the dose until the desired frequency of defecation
dogs; 20 to 30 ml in large dogs). and fecal consistency are obtained.
4. Sodium phosphate solution (Fleet Children’s High-Fiber Bulk-Forming Laxatives. These
Enema), which has softening, bulk-producing, should be added to the food to promote soft feces
and irritant effects (use only in medium-sized and normal colonic motility as the initial approach
or large dogs with normal renal function; not for prevention and control of constipation. Bulk-
safe for use in cats or small dogs). forming agents consist of indigestible polysac-
Mineral oil and docusate should not be mixed charides and cellulose that exhibit hydrophilic
because docusate promotes mucosal absorption of properties within the bowel. Insoluble fiber is
mineral oil, and mineral oil coats the feces, reduc- derived principally from wheat bran or psyllium
ing the emollient effect of docusate. Sodium phos- seed coat. Beneficial effects include increased fecal
phate enemas must never be used in cats and small water content, increased fecal weight and frequency,
dogs because they can cause dangerous hyperna- softer fecal consistency, decreased intestinal transit
tremia, hyperosmolality, hyperphosphatemia, and time, and reduction of the intracolonic pressure
hypocalcemia. required for normal defecation. Adequate water
intake and patient hydration are required for these
beneficial actions and to prevent impaction of fiber
Measures to Prevent Recurrence in the colon. For long-term control of constipation,
of Constipation a commercially prepared high-fiber diet can be fed,
Following evacuation of retained feces from the or the regular diet can be supplemented with
colon, measures are instituted to prevent and con- unprocessed wheat bran, oat bran, or pumpkin (1 to
trol recurrences of constipation. If underlying 5 tbsp per meal) or commercial sources of psyllium
causes or predisposing factors (see Table 8-3) can (Metamucil or Fiberall, 1 to 5 tsp per meal). Dietary
be identified, they should be eliminated or cor- adjustments alone are not usually sufficient to
rected if at all possible. For example, ingestion of control constipation in cats with megacolon.
potential abrasive materials such as bones should Lubricant Laxatives. Mineral oil and flavored
be prevented. In cats, if hair ingestion is a poten- white petrolatum products can be used to soften and
tial contributing factor, the owner should be lubricate the feces to facilitate evacuation. These
instructed to adopt a routine of regular grooming should be administered between meals so that they
to remove loose hair from the cat’s hair coat before do not interfere with the absorption of fat-soluble
it can be ingested. A daily routine of exercise and vitamins. Mineral oil should be used only in enema
frequent opportunities to defecate should be pro- form. Oral administration should be avoided
vided for dogs, and clean litter should be provided because of the risk of aspiration lipid pneumonia.
at all times for cats, to encourage regular defeca- Emollient Laxatives. Docusate sodium avail-
tion. Water intake should be encouraged by pro- able in enema and oral forms (Colace), and
viding access to fresh water at all times. The use docusate calcium (Surfak) are mild laxatives that
of any medications that promote constipation promote water penetration into the feces, thereby
should be adjusted or discontinued. Predisposing softening the feces. Although relatively inert,
prostatic, endocrine (e.g., thyroid), spinal, or docusate may increase intestinal loss of fluid; thus
orthopedic disorders should be treated.Whenever its use should be avoided in the presence of dehy-
possible, painful or obstructing anorectal lesions dration. For the reasons mentioned previously (see
(see section on anorectal diseases) should be cor- section on enema solutions), docusate and mineral
rected, even surgically if necessary. oil should not be mixed.

Osmotic Laxatives. These consist of poorly by stimulating colonic smooth muscle, increasing
absorbed disaccharides (such as lactose or lactu- the physiologic release of acetylcholine from post-
lose), ions (such as magnesium hydroxide, magne- ganglionic nerve endings of the myenteric plexus,
sium citrate), or inert osmotic agents (polyethylene and acting as a 5-HT4-serotonergic agonist. These
glycol) that osmotically retain water in the bowel actions lead to improved propulsive motor activity
lumen to produce soft or fluid feces. A mild of the esophagus, the stomach, and the small and
osmotic laxative effect can be produced in some large intestines. Cisapride is a highly effective lax-
patients by the addition of milk (lactose) to the ative for both cats (0.5 mg/lb every 8 hours
diet in a quantity that exceeds the digestive capac- or 0.7 mg/lb every 12 hours orally) and dogs
ity of small intestinal lactase. The nonabsorbable (0.25 to 0.5 mg/lb every 8 to 12 hours orally) (see
disaccharide lactulose (Duphalac, Cephulac, 0.25 Table 8-4). It can be administered alone or com-
to 0.5 ml/lb orally three times a day) is an excel- bined with stool-softening measures such as a fiber-
lent choice as a safe and effective all-purpose lax- augmented diet or lactulose. Cisapride is the most
ative for short- or long-term use in both dogs and effective medical therapy for megacolon in cats.
cats. Unabsorbed dissacharides such as lactulose are The colon in cats with megacolon may even
fermented by colonic bacteria to lactic acid and resume normal diameter radiographically under
other organic anions, thereby producing an treatment with cisapride. Unfortunately, megacolon
osmotic catharsis and acidification of the colon. commonly becomes refractory to cisapride after
The dosage of lactulose needs to be adjusted to several months of therapy, necessitating increasing
effect. If the dosage is too high, abdominal dis- the dosage to 1 mg/lb every 8 hours or higher.
comfort, flatulence, and diarrhea may occur. These Eventually after several months to years, many cats
side effects resolve with lowering the dosage. with megacolon become completely refractory to
Magnesium hydroxide is available as an over- cisapride and require colectomy.
the-counter drug (Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia). Cisapride is contraindicated in the presence of
Magnesium is contraindicated in renal failure. GI obstruction or perforation. It is ineffective if
Magnesium citrate and polyethylene glycol– used with anticholinergics. Side effects are uncom-
electrolyte solutions (Colyte, GoLYTELY) are mon, but nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence, and
available commercially for preparation of the abdominal discomfort are occasionally reported.
colon for endoscopy, but the large oral doses Cisapride appears very safe for long-term use in
required are too impractical for therapeutic use. animals; however, it is no longer approved for use
Stimulant Laxatives. These increase propul- in humans in the United States because of its asso-
sive motility of the bowel by a variety of mecha- ciation with serious arrhythmias. This side effect
nisms. They are generally contraindicated in the has not been a problem in animals. Cisapride can
presence of an obstructive lesion and are less be obtained in the United States from compound-
appropriate for long-term use than other cate- ing pharmacies for animal use.
gories of laxatives. A useful stimulant laxative for Ranitidine (Zantac) and nizatidine (Axid) are
the dog and cat is bisacodyl (Dulcolax, daily dose H2-receptor antagonists that also stimulate GI
of 5 mg for cats and small dogs, 10 mg for and colonic motility at standard dosages (see Table
medium-sized dogs, and 15 to 20 mg for large 8-4). They increase acetylcholine by inhibiting
dogs), which works by stimulating colonic smooth synaptic acetylcholinesterase. These are not as
muscle and the myenteric plexus. Although bene- potent as cisapride as promotility agents; however,
ficial on a short-term basis in conjunction with they may be useful when a mild laxative effect is
measures to soften the feces, long-term use of needed.
bisacodyl may damage the myenteric plexus.
Castor oil, another stimulant laxative, is hydrolyzed Colectomy
in the intestines to ricinoleic acid, which stimu- For megacolon and severe recurrent constipa-
lates colonic motility and secretion. Castor oil is tion/obstipation that is unresponsive to medical
not very useful for outpatient treatment because of management, especially in cats, subtotal colectomy
poor patient acceptance, but it can be used effec- is the most effective method of treatment. This
tively in hospitalized patients to prepare the bowel procedure involves the removal of 95% or more of
for radiographic or endoscopic procedures. the colon. In cats with obstipation from pelvic
Promotility Therapy. Cisapride (Propulsid) is fracture malunion, pelvic osteotomy or recon-
a benzamide derivative that promotes GI motility structive surgery can allow return of normal

colonic function if obstipation has been a problem straining that produces recurrence of the prolapse.
for less than 6 months; otherwise, subtotal colec- Amputation is performed when the prolapsed tis-
tomy is recommended. After subtotal colectomy, sue is nonviable. For recurrent prolapse, a prophy-
diarrhea and frequent defecation are common; lactic colopexy should be considered. Successful
however, bowel function gradually improves dur- management requires identification and treatment
ing the 2 to 4 weeks following surgery in most of the underlying cause; thus the anus, rectum,
cats. In dogs, diarrhea, frequent defecation, hema- intestines, and urogenital tract should be evaluated
tochezia, and tenesmus often persist after colon by palpation, urinalysis, fecal examinations, proc-
removal. toscopy, and radiographic studies as deemed
The presenting signs of anorectal disease may Perineal Hernia
include any of the following: dyschezia, hema- Perineal hernia occurs when weakness of the
tochezia, constipation, anal discomfort (licking, pelvic diaphragm muscles fails to support the rec-
scooting), ribbonlike feces, fecal incontinence, anal tal wall, resulting in persistent rectal distention
discharge, foul perianal odor, matting of perianal and impaired defecation. The pathogenesis of the
hair, and perianal dermatitis. Physical examination weakened pelvic diaphragm is poorly under-
establishes the diagnosis of anorectal disease in stood. Older male dogs are almost exclusively
most cases. In many of these disorders, surgery is affected, although perineal hernia has also been
required for effective treatment. reported in cats. The hernia usually contains out-
pouched rectum and can be either unilateral or
bilateral; unilateral hernias are predominantly
Anorectal Prolapse right-sided. The rectal defects associated with
Anorectal prolapse is usually a consequence of perineal hernia have been classified as (1) saccu-
an underlying disorder that produces persistent lation, when unilateral loss of support allows
straining; thus it is associated with (1) intestinal expansion of the rectal wall to one side; (2) dila-
diseases that cause diarrhea and tenesmus, tion, when bilateral loss of support allows gener-
(2) anorectal diseases that cause dyschezia, alized distention of the rectum; (3) deviation or
(3) lower urinary tract and prostatic diseases that flexure, when the rectum curves or bends to one
cause stranguria, and (4) dystocia. Partial prolapse side within the hernia sac; and (4) diverticulum,
involves only the rectal mucosa and appears as a when there is an outpouching of mucosa through
red, swollen, donut-shaped ring of prolapsed a defect in the rectal wall. The hernia sac may
mucosa. Complete prolapse involves all layers of also contain retroperitoneal fat, prostate gland, or
the rectal wall and appears as an edematous rarely abdominal organs such as the urinary
cylindric-shaped mass. The prolapsed tissue may bladder.
be viable (pink or red and moist) or necrotic The clinical signs of perineal hernia include
(blackened and dry). A thermometer or finger constipation, obstipation, dyschezia, and tenesmus.
should be inserted in the space between the pro- Stranguria may occur with herniation of the uri-
lapsed tissue and the anal sphincter to probe for a nary bladder and associated urethral obstruction.
cul-de-sac. If there is none and resistance is not The diagnosis is based on palpation of a reducible
met, the prolapsed tissue is an intussusception of swelling ventrolateral to the anus and rectal palpa-
ileum or colon rather than an anorectal prolapse. tion of the weakened pelvic diaphragm and rectal
Management of anorectal prolapse involves dilation.
both repair of the prolapse and treatment of the Initial treatment is aimed at evacuating retained
underlying cause. Minor prolapses in which the feces from the rectum as described in the section
tissue is viable are treated by reduction and med- on constipation and dyschezia. Urethral catheteri-
ical therapy to reduce tenesmus and prevent repro- zation or cystocentesis also may be necessary ini-
lapse, such as an anticholinergic-antispasmodic tially to relieve urinary obstruction. In some dogs
drug, hydrocortisone retention enema, mesalamine with perineal hernia, normal defecations can be
enema, or mild sedation. See Table 8-2 for dosages. maintained by laxative therapy and stool-softening
A temporary (2 to 3 days) anal purse-string suture diets (see Table 8-4); however, perineal hernior-
may be required in patients with persistent rhaphy surgery combined with castration provides

the best, longer-lasting results in most cases. Even contraction of the anal sphincter, leading to more
with surgery, the recurrence rate is fairly high. pain. Digital palpation of the rectum is vigorously
resented, and the anal sphincter muscle feels hyper-
trophied and tightly contracted in spasm. Even
Anorectal Foreign Bodies visually the external sphincter muscle appears
and Fecoliths hypertrophied. Most affected dogs have been
Ingested foreign bodies such as bones, toys, sticks, or German shepherds of temperamental disposition.
sewing needles can sometimes pass unobtrusively To attribute dyschezia to anal spasm, it is important
through the GI tract and become lodged transversely to rule out structural causes of dyschezia (such as
within the rectum or at the anal sphincter. In addi- anal sac disease and perianal fistulae) and to exclude
tion, foreign objects are occasionally inserted into anal stricture (stenosis) by thorough rectal examina-
the anus of an animal by a malicious or deranged tion under anesthesia. Conservative treatment
person. Older cats are sometimes presented for involving anal sac evacuation, topical analgesics,
inability to pass a firm lump of feces (fecolith) that antispasmodic-sedative drugs, and stool softeners
lodges in the anal canal between the internal and the has not been very successful; thus resection of one
external sphincter. Whenever a foreign body or or both anal branches of the pudendal nerve has
fecolith is lodged in the anal canal or rectum, defe- been required for palliation in most dogs. Fecal
cation becomes painful or impossible and signs of incontinence is often a postoperative problem.
dyschezia, tenesmus, and secondary fecal impaction
Most anorectal foreign bodies and fecoliths can Congenital Defects of the Anus
be detected and removed by rectal palpation, and Rectum
although sedation or anesthesia is often necessary. Imperforate Anus and Rectal Agenesis
In some cases a proctoscope may facilitate foreign Imperforate anus and rectal agenesis are uncom-
body extraction. There are two potentially serious mon congenital malformations of cloacal develop-
complications of anorectal foreign bodies: rectal ment that result in an absence of a patent anal
laceration, resulting in retroperitoneal cellulitis, opening for defecation. Consequently, within days
and anorectal stricture. or weeks of birth the affected puppy or kitten
shows signs of abdominal distention and discom-
fort, tenesmus, restlessness, vomiting, and loss of
Anorectal Stricture (Stenosis) appetite. The diagnosis is established by absence of
Strictures of the anus or rectum may result from an anal opening. The variations in the malforma-
the trauma caused by passage of sharp foreign bod- tion range from an imperforate anal mem-
ies (especially bones), from postsurgical scarring brane covering the anal opening (atresia ani) to
after anorectal surgery, and from the chronic varying degrees of rectal agenesis (rectal atresia),
inflammation of anal sac disease, perianal fistulae, in which the rectum ends in a blind pouch at
or proctitis. Anorectal strictures cause dyschezia, some distance cranial to the anus. The terminal
tenesmus, hematochezia, and secondary constipa- end of the rectum can be delineated radiographi-
tion. The stricture can usually be identified by cally by the intraluminal air when a lateral ra-
digital rectal palpation, proctoscopy, or barium diograph is exposed with the patient’s hind end
enema contrast radiography. Surgical correction is slightly elevated. In some patients, imperforate
usually required. anus is associated with genitourinary defects such
as rectovaginal fistula.
The treatment for atresia ani is surgical opening
Anal Spasm and removal of the retained anal membrane, usu-
Some authors report a rare form of severe ally producing favorable results. For rectal atresia,
dyschezia, in which the anal sphincter appears to surgical correction is more difficult and requires
contract in spasm when the patient attempts to combined abdominal surgery and rectal pull-
defecate; the patient may cry out in pain, move through; thus the prognosis is guarded.
about frantically before stopping to make another
attempt to defecate, turn and stare at its hindquar- Rectovaginal Fistula
ters, and appear extremely anxious. A cycle seems Rectovaginal fistula is a rare congenital malforma-
to occur of painful defecation, leading to defensive tion of females characterized by passage of fecal

material from the vaginal opening. In many cases Anal sac abscess is usually unilateral and charac-
there also is an imperforate anus. Persistent fecal terized by marked distention of the sac with pus,
incontinence through the vagina leads to perivulvar cellulitis of surrounding tissues, erythema of the
dermatitis. Colonic distention usually occurs once overlying skin, and fever. Abscessed anal sacs may
the puppy or kitten begins eating solid food. The rupture through the adjacent skin, producing a
defect can be surgically corrected, but the progno- draining fistulous tract.
sis is guarded. Other related anorectal anomalies that Treatment of anal sac impaction and anal sac-
are very rare include rectovestibular fistula, anovagi- culitis by manual evacuation of the sac contents to
nal cleft, and rectourethral fistula. reestablish drainage may be all that is required in
many patients. Follow-up examination and
expression of the anal sacs again in 1 to 2 weeks
Anal Sac Disease are advisable. A high-fiber diet may help to pre-
Disorders of the anal sacs are the most common vent recurrences. For recurrence of impaction or
problem of the anal area in small animals, espe- sacculitis, irrigation with povidone-iodine solu-
cially in dogs. Anal sac disease has been classified tion with a lacrimal needle and instillation of an
into impaction, inflammation (sacculitis), infec- antibiotic (e.g., an otic or ophthalmic antibiotic
tion, abscess, and rupture. These probably repre- ointment) into the sac may be helpful, along with
sent a continuum such that impacted anal sacs follow-up expression of the sacs every 3 to 4 days.
tend to become inflamed and infected, which may Culture and sensitivity testing of the sac contents
then lead to abscessation and finally to rupture or also should be considered for patients with trou-
fistulation. All breeds of dogs can be affected. Anal blesome recurrences. Anal sac abscesses are
sac disease is uncommon in cats and usually drained, irrigated with povidone-iodine solution,
involves only impaction. and treated with systemic antibiotics. Recurrent
The specific cause of anal sac disease is poorly anal sacculitis or abscess is treated by surgical exci-
understood. It is believed to be associated with sion of the sacs. Chemical cautery and cryosurgery
conditions that promote inadequate emptying of also have been used as alternatives to surgical excision
the sacs, which should normally occur during for ablation of the sacs.
defecation when feces of normal consistency are
forced through a normally functioning anal
sphincter. It is therefore the abnormal retention of Perianal Fistulae
anal sac secretions that leads to the impaction- Perianal fistulae is a chronic progressive disease
inflammation-infection cycle. characterized by deep ulcerating fistulous tracts
The most frequent clinical signs of anal sac dis- and suppuration in the perianal tissues. The dis-
ease are related to anal discomfort and include ease occurs primarily in the German shepherd,
scooting the hind end on the floor, tenesmus, and although it has been reported sporadically in Irish
licking and biting the anal area, perineum, or base setters, Labrador retrievers, and various other
of the tail. Chewing and licking may result in areas breeds. The proposed pathogenesis involves infec-
of self-inflicted (pyotraumatic) dermatitis. In addi- tion and abscessation of the various glandular ele-
tion, tail chasing, malodorous perianal drainage, ments in and around the anus as promoted by the
and change in temperament may be noted. moist contaminated environment of the area and a
The diagnosis of anal sac disease is based on broad-based, low-slung tail conformation.
historical signs and examination of the anal Dogs with perianal fistulae usually have signs
sacs.The anal sacs are best examined by palpation of anal discomfort (licking the anal area, scoot-
with a gloved index finger inserted in the rectum ing, dyschezia, tenesmus) along with any of
and a thumb compressed against the skin ventro- the following: hematochezia, constipation, fecal
lateral to the anus. Impaction is usually bilateral incontinence, or foul-smelling purulent perianal
and indicated by sacs that are distended, mildly discharge. Examination of the perianal area estab-
painful on palpation, and not readily expressed. lishes the diagnosis. The fistulas usually first appear
The impacted contents are usually thick and pasty as small draining puncture holes in the perianal
and dark brown or grayish brown. Anal sacculitis skin with inflammation and hyperpigmentation of
is associated with moderate to severe pain on the surrounding skin. These small tracts then
palpation, and the sacs contain a thinner-than- enlarge and coalesce to form large, interconnect-
normal, yellowish or blood-tinged purulent fluid. ing fistulas and areas of ulceration and granulation

tissue. The fistulous tracts may extend deep into Perianal Dermatitis
the perirectal tissues, and the anal sacs may also be Anal irritation, a common consequence of anal sac
infected or ruptured. Histopathologically, there is disease and other anorectal disorders, often causes
hidradenitis, chronic necrotizing pyogranuloma- licking and biting at the anal area, which may lead
tous inflammation of skin and hair follicles, to perianal dermatitis. Any pruritic skin condition,
cellulitis, necrosis, and fibrosis. most notably fleas, also may cause local dermatitis in
Surgery is the traditional method of treatment this area. Finally, the mucocutaneous junction
for perianal fistulae. Numerous surgical tech- where the perianal skin and anal mucosa join may
niques have been advocated, including varying be severely inflamed and ulcerated similarly to other
degrees of excision and debridement of diseased mucocutaneous junctions of the body in any of the
tissue, chemical cautery and electrocautery, and systemic mucocutaneous dermatologic disorders
cryosurgery. It is advisable to tailor the aggressive- such as pemphigus vulgaris, bullous pemphigoid,
ness of the technique to the extensiveness of the systemic lupus, candidiasis, and cutaneous drug
lesions and to preserve as much normal tissue and eruption. Eosinophilic granuloma complex of cats
anal function as possible. Postoperative complica- also may involve the perianal region. Perianal der-
tions such as fecal incontinence, anal stenosis, and matitis itself can often be treated topically, but the
recurrence of the lesions can lead to an unaccept- key is to recognize that it is usually secondary to
able outcome. Recent studies have shown that some other anorectal or dermatologic disorder that
medical therapy using cyclosporine (Sandimmune, must be identified and treated.
0.8 mg to 1.4 mg/lb orally every 12 hours) pro-
duces a high rate of healing within 16 weeks,
although the recurrence rate is 40%, necessitating Anal and Perianal Tumors
additional treatment or surgery. In general, early The most common tumor of the anal region is the
diagnosis and medical or surgical intervention perianal (circumanal) gland adenoma of dogs.
allows a less radical excision than is required These androgen-dependent tumors occur most
in advanced disease, which in turn means less often in older intact male dogs, and they usually
risk of postoperative complications and a better appear as small, firm, well-circumscribed nodules
prognosis. in the skin surrounding the anus. Perianal gland
adenomas may be incidental findings unassociated
with clinical signs or they may cause anal irritation
Pseudocoprostasis with scooting and licking at the anal area. In addi-
Pseudocoprostasis is a condition of obstruction of tion, they sometimes ulcerate and periodically
the anal opening when the surrounding hair bleed. The treatment of choice is excisional or
becomes densely matted with feces. It occurs most cryosurgical removal and adjunctive castration
often in long-haired breeds of dogs and cats, espe- because of their hormone dependency. Castration
cially during bouts of diarrhea. The anal obstruc- alone can produce regression of these tumors;
tion leads to anal irritation, inability to pass feces, however, excisional biopsy at the time of castration
and constipation. The patient is usually restless and is the only way to rule out malignancy. Estrogens
attempts to bite or lick at the anal region. The also are inhibitory for perianal gland adenomas;
owner may complain of an unexplained foul odor however, they cannot be recommended for pro-
from the patient. In addition, the matted hair often longed use because of their myelotoxic effects.
results in an underlying dermatitis and in warm Other benign tumors of the anal area are rare but
weather attracts flies that may produce a maggot include lipoma and leiomyoma.
infestation (myiasis) of the anal area. Examination The two most important anal malignancies are
of the anal region is sufficient for diagnosis. For the perianal (circumanal) gland adenocarcinoma
treatment the hair mats are clipped away and the and the apocrine gland (anal sac, anal gland) ade-
underlying irritated skin is cleansed and treated nocarcinoma. Perianal gland adenocarcinomas
topically. Once the obstructing hair mats are occur most often in older male dogs and may
removed, defecation should occur normally; how- resemble an ulcerated perianal gland adenoma,
ever, if the patient has severe colonic impaction of except they are locally invasive and may cause
feces, measures to evacuate the colon, as discussed diffuse thickening of surrounding tissues. They
in the Constipation and Dyschezia section may be eventually metastasize to regional lymph nodes
required. (sublumbar) and beyond. Their appearance can

also be confused with a perianal fistula lesion or a Hasler AH, Washabau RJ: Cisapride stimulates contrac-
ruptured anal sac. Apocrine gland adenocarcino- tion of idiopathic megacolonic smooth muscle in cats,
mas arise in the anal sac and most often affect J Vet Intern Med 11:313, 1997.
older spayed female dogs. They are unique in that Jergens AE: Inflammatory bowel disease: current per-
spectives, Vet Clin North Am 22(2):501, 1999.
they can be an ectopic source of parathyroid hor-
Jergens AE et al.: Idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease
mone–like protein; thus even very small apocrine
in dogs and cats: 84 cases (1987-1990), J Am Vet Med
adenocarcinoma nodules often produce a hyper- Assoc 201:1603, 1992.
calcemia of malignancy syndrome with polyuria Johnson SE: Canine eosinophilic gastroenteritis, Semin
and polydipsia. Other malignant tumors of the Vet Med Surg 7:145, 1992.
anal region include squamous cell carcinoma, Leib MS: Chronic colitis in dogs. In Bonagura JD, ed:
melanoma, and mast cell neoplasia. Kirk’s current veterinary therapy XIII, Philadelphia, 2000,
For potentially malignant lesions of the perianal WB Saunders.
area, excisional biopsy is the diagnostic procedure of Leib MS et al.: Plasmacytic lymphocytic colitis in the
choice. Thoracic and abdominal radiography and dog, Semin Vet Med Surg 4:241, 1989.
abdominal ultrasonography of the sublumbar region Marks SL, Fascetti AJ: Nutritional management of
diarrheal diseases. In: Bonagura JD, ed: Kirk’s current vet-
are indicated to evaluate for metastasis. Early exci-
erinary therapy XIII, Philadelphia, 2000,WB Saunders.
sion of malignant tumors of the anal region can be
Marks SL et al.: Evaluation of methods to diagnose
effective, but once extensive local invasion or Clostridium perfringens–associated diarrhea in dogs, J Am
regional lymph node metastasis has occurred, the Vet Med Assoc 214:357, 1999.
prognosis for a cure is poor. Repeated partial exci- Mathews KA, Sukhiani HR: Randomized controlled
sions, radiation therapy, cryosurgery, and chemother- trial of cyclosporine for treatment of perianal fistulas
apy have been used for palliative therapy of in dogs, J Am Vet Med Assoc 211:1249, 1997.
inoperative malignancies of the anal region. Nelson RW, Dimperio ME, Long GG: Lymphocytic-
plasmacytic colitis in the cat, J Am Vet Med Assoc
184:1133, 1984.
REFERENCES Nelson RW, Stookey LJ, Kazacos E: Nutritional man-
agement of idiopathic chronic colitis in the dog, J Vet
Dennis JS, Kruger JM, Mullaney TP: Lymphocytic/plas- Intern Med 2:133, 1988.
macytic colitis in cats: 14 cases (1985-1990), J Am Vet Roth L et al.: A grading system for lymphocytic plas-
Med Assoc 202:313, 1993. macytic colitis in dogs, J Vet Diagn Invest 2:257, 1990.
Dibartola SP et al.: Regional enteritis in two dogs, J Am Sherding RG: Diseases of the intestines. In Sherding
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Gookin JL et al.: Diarrhea associated with trichomoni- York, 1994, Churchill Livingstone.
asis in cats, J Am Vet Med Assoc 215:1450, 1999. Simpson JW, Maskell IE, Markwell PJ: Use of a restricted
Guilford WG: Idiopathic inflammatory bowel diseases. antigen diet in the management of idiopathic canine
In Guilford WG et al., eds: Strombeck’s small animal colitis, J Small Anim Pract 35:233, 1994.
gastroenterology ed. 3, Philadelphia, 1996,WB Saunders. Washabau RJ, Holt D: Feline constipation and idiopathic
Guilford WG et al.: Food sensitivity in cats with chronic megacolon. In Bonagura JD, ed: Kirk’s current veterinary
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Hall EJ: Dietary sensitivity. In Bonagura JD, ed: Kirk’s colonic smooth muscle function, Am J Vet Res 57:541,
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Saunders. Washabau RJ, Stalis IH: Alterations in colonic smooth
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in the UK, J Small Anim Pract 35:509, 1994. colon, Am J Vet Res 57:580, 1996.

Keith P. Richter

Hepatic disease is often treatable and has a pre- PATHOPHYSIOLOGIC

dictable prognosis when a definitive diagnosis is DERANGEMENTS
made. The many complex functions of the liver OCCURRING WITH
are reflected in a multitude of pathophysiologic HEPATIC DISEASE
derangements that occur with hepatic disease.
An understanding of these derangements is nec- Bile Pigment Metabolism
essary for accurate interpretation of labora- Bilirubin Metabolism
tory tests, making clinical decisions regarding Hepatobiliary excretion of bilirubin requires ade-
further diagnostic tests, and determining man- quate uptake, conjugation, and secretion by the
agement of the patient. A brief discussion of hepatocyte. Hepatic failure leads to hyperbiliru-
some of the important pathophysiologic abnor- binemia and icterus. Bilirubin is formed primarily
malities is included at the beginning of this from breakdown products of red blood cells, from
chapter. Recent advances in noninvasive imaging other hemoproteins, and other enzymes such as
of the liver and biopsy methods have made the cytochromes. Red blood cells have a finite life
hepatic biopsy a routine and essential tool in the span (usually 120 days in the dog, 90 days in the
management of patients with hepatic disease. cat), after which they are removed from the circu-
This can lead to a definitive diagnosis, which lation by the body’s reticuloendothelial system
allows the clinician to make appropriate deci- (especially in the spleen and liver). In the Kupffer’s
sions regarding management. cells of the liver, senescent red blood cells are


degraded to free hemoglobin. Similarly, circu- Hyperbilirubinemia is categorized into prehepatic,

lating hemoglobin bound to several carrier pro- intrahepatic, and posthepatic causes. Prehepatic hyper-
teins is phagocytized by Kupffer’s cells. The bilirubinemia occurs when production exceeds
enzyme heme oxygenase catabolizes hemoglobin the liver’s capacity for metabolism and secre-
to biliverdin, which is then converted to bilirubin tion. Causes of this include immune-mediated
by the enzyme biliverdin reductase. This lipid- hemolytic anemia, heavy metal toxicity (lead, cop-
soluble free bilirubin crosses the cell membrane per), and methylene blue toxicity. There will be
and is released into the circulation, where it is evidence on the hemogram of increased produc-
bound to albumin. This circulating complex tion of bilirubin, with the most notable change
(termed unconjugated or indirect bilirubin) is being a decreased hematocrit.
eventually actively taken up by hepatocytes. Intrahepatic causes of hyperbilirubinemia
Bilirubin is then bound to intracellular carrier occur when there is abnormal hepatic uptake,
proteins and undergoes conjugation, primarily conjugation, or secretion of bilirubin. In most
with glucuronide. Conjugated bilirubin (also hepatocellular diseases there is usually coexisting
called direct bilirubin) is secreted into the bile impairment of bilirubin uptake, conjugation, and
canaliculus and transported to the gallbladder for secretion. Therefore there is usually a mixture of
storage. conjugated and unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia.
There must be considerable hepatocellular dis- The increase in conjugated bilirubin results from
ease or increase in the bilirubin load (hemolysis) to impaired bilirubin secretion from damaged hepa-
result in hyperbilirubinemia, because the liver’s tocytes or from impairment of bile flow through
reserve capacity for bilirubin processing is up to bile canaliculi due to hepatocyte swelling, inflam-
30 times the normal bilirubin load. Therefore the mation, or fibrosis. The increase in unconjugated
serum bilirubin concentration is an insensitive bilirubin results from coexisting impairment
indicator of hepatocellular function, only increas- of hepatic uptake and conjugation or from decon-
ing with severe hepatocellular disease. In general, jugation of conjugated bilirubin by lysosomal
total bilirubin concentrations above 2 to 3 mg/dl enzymes released from injured hepatocytes or by
are detectable clinically as jaundice, whereas con- inflammatory cells invading the liver. Therefore
centrations above 0.6 to 0.8 mg/dl result in abnor- there can be an increase in primarily unconjugated
mal bilirubinuria and spun serum or plasma to be bilirubin, conjugated bilirubin, or a mixture of
visibly icteric. both depending on the nature of the intrahepatic
Because unconjugated bilirubin circulates in lesion.
plasma bound to albumin, it does not undergo Intrahepatic or extrahepatic biliary obstruction
glomerular filtration and does not appear in the causes posthepatic hyperbilirubinemia. When this
urine (unless there is coexisting glomerular dis- occurs, conjugated bilirubin is regurgitated into
ease). Conjugated bilirubin, however, is freely fil- the systemic circulation, so that there is primarily a
tered and appears in the urine and is readily conjugated hyperbilirubinemia. However, there
detected with urine dipsticks. The dog has a very can also be concurrent unconjugated hyperbiliru-
low renal threshold for conjugated bilirubin excre- binemia with posthepatic causes. This can result
tion; thus urine concentration of bilirubin increases from deconjugation of bilirubin by damaged hepa-
far more readily than plasma concentration. It is tocyte lysosomal and inflammatory cell enzymes
normal to find a small amount of bilirubin in the (bile is hepatotoxic and cholestasis results in sec-
urine of dogs, especially in a concentrated sample. ondary hepatocellular damage and inflammation)
Therefore there must be a considerable increase in or because conjugated bilirubin once absorbed
the bilirubin load to increase plasma concentra- into the systemic circulation recirculates and com-
tions. Slight elevations in plasma bilirubin are sig- petes with unconjugated bilirubin for uptake by
nificant, suggesting hepatobiliary disease. In the cat hepatocytes. The causes of extrahepatic biliary
the renal threshold is much higher, so the finding obstruction are listed in Box 9-1.
of any degree of bilirubinuria is always abnormal. The relative increases of conjugated or unconjugated
Renal tubular cells of the dog also possess a limited bilirubin are variable with all three general categories of
ability to convert hemoglobin into unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia and therefore do not aid the clinician
bilirubin, which then appears in the urine. This in localizing the nature of the lesion. Ultrasonography,
can thus account for some of the bilirubinuria that laparoscopy, and laparotomy localize the cause of hyper-
occurs with hemolytic disease. bilirubinemia.

most abundant and are the major solute in bile,

BOX 9-1 Causes of Extrahepatic
constituting three fourths of the total solids. They
Bile Duct Obstruction in are synthesized in the liver as a result of cholesterol
the Dog and Cat (in metabolism and secreted into the bile. Feeding is a
Order of Frequency) normal stimulus for bile acid secretion. They enter
the intestine and undergo an efficient entero-
Pancreatic neoplasia hepatic circulation following passive and active
Other neoplasms arising near the common bile duct absorption from the ileum. Both unaltered bile
Bile duct carcinoma acids and those deconjugated and dehydroxylated
Inspissated bile plugs by intestinal bacteria are reabsorbed and enter the
Abscess or granuloma in area of common bile duct enterohepatic circulation. They are efficiently
Cholelithiasis removed by the liver, reconjugated if necessary, and
Choledocholithiasis resecreted in bile. Hepatocellular uptake is a highly
Cholecystitis efficient process with large excess capacity, operat-
Duodenal foreign body ing far from saturation under physiologic condi-
Parasite migration
tions. During a typical meal the total bile acid pool
is recycled two to three times through this entero-
hepatic pathway. Only small amounts of bile acids
Delta-Bilirubin. Delta-bilirubin is a novel are lost in the feces. Normally the liver synthesizes
form of bilirubin first noticed when the sum of enough bile acids to compensate for fecal losses,
conjugated and unconjugated bilirubin was less which are minimal with respect to the total bile
than the total bilirubin concentration when meas- acid pool. Although bile acid formation depends
ured by high-performance liquid chromatography. on hepatic synthesis, the liver reserve capacity for
The difference has been attributed to conjugated this is never exceeded because of the small
bilirubin covalently bound to albumin, subse- amounts needed for physiologic purposes.
quently called delta-bilirubin. This form of biliru- Fecal loss of bile acids represents the major
bin is mainly seen with cholestatic hepatic pathway for cholesterol excretion from the body.
diseases. The life span of delta-bilirubin is depen- In addition to their role in lipid absorption, bile
dent on the half-life of albumin (approximately 14 acids also stimulate pancreatic enzyme release and
days). Because of the strong covalent bond to albu- activity.
min, delta-bilirubin does not appear in the urine Factors important in governing bile acid
or have significant hepatocellular uptake. Thus, metabolism include hepatic function, the portal
because of these features and the long half-life of blood supply, the small intestine, intestinal bacteria,
albumin, delta-bilirubin remains elevated even and dietary factors. The pathophysiologic effects of
after cholestasis is completely resolved. There is bile acids are hepatotoxicity, gastric hyperacidity, and
marked variability in the amount of delta-bilirubin diarrhea.
among dogs. This explains the persistent elevation Abnormal hepatic function, biliary excretion,
in total bilirubin concentration (and clinical or portal circulation can interrupt the normal
icterus) following surgical correction of biliary enterohepatic circulation and lead to an increase in
obstruction in some patients. The finding of serum bile acid concentration. This occurs with
increased total bilirubin concentration without many hepatobiliary diseases. When the liver
concurrent hyperbilirubinuria suggests the pres- parenchyma is diseased, the inability of normal
ence of delta-bilirubin (excluding artifact). In uptake, conjugation, and secretion results in
these patients resolution of bilirubinuria may be decreased extraction of bile acids from the portal
the best marker of resolution of cholestasis. circulation and leads to increased systemic con-
centrations. With intrahepatic or posthepatic
cholestasis, bile acids diffuse from bile into the sys-
Bile Acid Metabolism and temic circulation in a manner similar to that of
Pathophysiology bilirubin. With portosystemic shunting (either
Bile is composed of bile acids (salts), bile pigments congenital or acquired), the enterohepatic circula-
(primarily bilirubin), cholesterol, phospholipids tion is directly interrupted and bile acids fail to be
(primarily lecithin), and hepatic enzymes (such as extracted by the bypassed liver. In this setting,
alkaline phosphatase). Of these, bile acids are the hepatic synthesis of bile acids continues in order to

maintain a normal bile acid pool. This can result

BOX 9-2 Causes of Coagulopathies
in tremendous increases in systemic concentra-
tions, especially following feeding. As will be dis- With Hepatic Disease
cussed in the section on laboratory evaluation of Decreased synthesis of clotting factors
hepatic disease, serum bile acid concentrations represent Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)
a sensitive indicator of hepatic function. Decreased antithrombin III synthesis
Excessive fibrinolysis (decreased antiplasmin synthesis,
decreased clearance of plasminogen activator)
Protein Metabolism Circulating anticoagulants normally removed by the
liver remain elevated, such as fibrin degradation
Albumin Metabolism
products (FDPs)
Albumin is an important protein synthesized by
Decreased vitamin K availability
the liver that is important in many homeostatic Increased tissue thromboplastin with massive hepatic
functions, such as maintenance of plasma colloid destruction
oncotic pressure and as a plasma transport carrier Abnormal platelet function
for many electrolytes, hormones, pigments, and
drugs. Albumin represents approximately 25% of
all the proteins synthesized by the liver. Because
albumin has a relatively high priority for synthesis, acute hepatic necrosis and with cirrhosis. In a pub-
the synthesis of other proteins will decrease before lished study, dogs with chronic hepatitis that died
that of albumin with hepatocellular disease or with within 1 week of presentation had significantly pro-
protein-calorie malnutrition. longed prothrombin and partial thromboplastin
Albumin concentration decreases with severe time compared with dogs that survived.
hepatic disease because of decreased synthesis and Decreased absorption of fat-soluble vitamin
because ammonia (when elevated with hepatic K leads to prolongation of clotting times. This
disease) inhibits albumin release from hepatocytes. cofactor is necessary for the hepatic synthesis and
In addition, the abnormal insulin and glucagon activation of factors II, VII, IX, and X. Chronic
concentrations that occur with hepatic disease also biliary obstruction can cause vitamin K malab-
result in inhibition of albumin release from hepa- sorption. However, intestinal bacteria synthesize
tocytes. Also, when ascites is present, there is an vitamin K, making a deficiency of this vitamin a
increased volume of distribution of albumin. less common cause of bleeding during hepatic dis-
ease (unless the use of long-term intestinal antibi-
Clotting Factors otics decreases bacterial vitamin K synthesis). If
The liver is responsible for synthesizing many of clotting times are prolonged, administration of
the clotting factors, including factors I, II, V, VII, parenteral vitamin K1 followed by normalization
IX, and X. The liver also synthesizes activators and of clotting times within 24 hours confirms vita-
inhibitors of the fibrinolytic system (such as min K deficiency as a contributor to the coagu-
antiplasmins). In addition, the liver is involved in the lopathy. Recently reported studies in dogs and cats
synthesis, catabolism, and clearance of both proco- using the PIVKA test (proteins induced by vita-
agulants and anticoagulants (such as antithrombin min K antagonism/absence) suggest that this test is
III, fibrin degradation products, and plasminogen the most sensitive in detecting coagulopathies in
activators). With hepatic disease, derangements of patients with hepatic disease. In these studies the
these processes can lead to a variety of hemostatic PIVKA test was more than twice as sensitive in
abnormalities. Causes of coagulopathies associated detecting coagulopathies in dogs and more than
with hepatic disease are listed in Box 9-2. three times as sensitive in detecting coagulopathies
Although spontaneous bleeding in patients in cats compared with routine coagulation tests
with hepatic disease is unusual, excessive bleed- (prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplas-
ing following surgical trauma or liver biopsy may tin time).Vitamin K administration may be helpful
occur. In clinical cases of hepatic disease, there in certain situations. In one report, Vitamin K
may be multiple abnormal hemostatic tests. administration improved PIVKA times in 10 of
Prothrombin time, partial thromboplastin time, 23 dogs with hepatic disease and normalized
and activated clotting time can be prolonged with PIVKA times in 12 of 48 cats. It has been my
hepatic failure because of lack of synthesis of clot- experience that bleeding following hepatic biopsy
ting factors. This usually occurs with massive does not correlate with coagulation findings,

including the PIVKA test. Patients with coagu- hepatic clearance of gastrin and increased gastrin
lopathies are no more likely to bleed than patients release stimulated by elevated bile acid concentra-
without coagulopathies. In most cases of sig- tions), which causes an increase in gastric acid pro-
nificant bleeding following hepatic biopsy, there duction. In addition, DIC can lead to abnormal GI
are technical problems. In my experience, the mucosal microcirculation due to microthrombi
rapidity of bleeding and/or necropsy examina- formation, thus decreasing the ability of the
tion suggest that a large vessel has been damaged mucosa to withstand injury. One of the conse-
rather than hemorrhage being due to persistent quences of GI hemorrhage is exacerbation of
oozing from needle biopsy sites. The exception to hepatic encephalopathy because blood is a sub-
this is that patients with disseminated intravascular strate for ammonia production in the large intes-
coagulation (DIC) often have significant hem- tine. In addition, GI hemorrhage can result in
orrhage regardless of biopsy technique used. partial depletion of clotting factors, and, when
Controlled studies in veterinary patients will be reduced further by hepatic biopsy, massive or
necessary to make final conclusions regarding prolonged bleeding can result.
postbiopsy hemorrhage in the patient with a coag- When evaluating patients with hepatic disease
ulopathy. for hemostatic abnormalities, the clinician must be
DIC is the most common coagulopathy occur- aware of the relative insensitivity of clotting times.
ring with hepatic disease in my experience and These times are prolonged only when coagulation factors
the one most likely to result in hemorrhage fol- are reduced to 30% of normal. In addition, multiple
lowing hepatic biopsy. Thrombosis and hemor- defects may be present, some of which are not
rhage are both potential sequellae of DIC. DIC detected by routine coagulation tests, such as
can result from decreased hepatic synthesis of abnormal platelet function and excessive fibrinol-
antithrombin III, decreased clearance of activated ysis. Sudden demand for clotting factors, as would
clotting factors, and increased release of tissue occur following hepatic biopsy or laparotomy, may
thromboplastin associated with massive hepatic precipitate massive or prolonged hemorrhage in a
destruction. These mechanisms may be further patient with normal coagulation test results.
complicated by events leading to excess fibrinoly- Because the exact nature of the defect is often
sis. The latter situation can occur from excessive unknown or multifactorial, treatment with fresh
activity of the fibrinolytic enzyme plasmin (occur- whole blood collected in a plastic blood collection
ring because of increased plasminogen activator bag (to preserve platelet activity and prevent acti-
and decreased antiplasmin concentrations). The vation of factor XII) is usually indicated to treat
net result of excessive fibrinolysis is the formation these patients. If possible, efforts such as this should
of fibrin degradation products (FDPs), which have be taken before hepatic biopsy to correct a known
potent anticoagulant effects and are not cleared coagulopathy.
efficiently by a diseased liver. Laboratory test
results suggesting the presence of DIC include
prolongation of prothrombin, partial thrombo- Ammonia Metabolism
plastin, and thrombin times, thrombocytopenia, Ammonia has long been considered one of the
elevated FDPs, hypofibrinogenemia, and schisto- most important encephalopathic toxins in patients
cytosis. with hepatic disease. The most important source
Abnormal platelet function can also occur with of ammonia is the large intestine, where intralu-
hepatic disease. These defects may be evaluated by minal bacteria convert proteins and other
platelet aggregation studies, but these studies are nitrogen-containing compounds to ammonia.
not routinely performed in clinical patients Once the ammonia is absorbed into the portal
because of the lack of equipment availability. circulation, the liver normally extracts most of it,
Platelet function defects may explain bleeding ten- converting it to urea via the urea cycle. Hepatic
dencies in patients with normal coagulation tests. failure results in increased blood ammonia and
Platelet function can be estimated by evaluating decreased blood urea nitrogen (BUN) concentra-
toenail or lip bleeding time. tions.
Spontaneous hemorrhage is unusual with Gram-negative enteric bacteria are quantita-
hepatic disease with the exception of gastrointesti- tively the most important organisms for convert-
nal (GI) hemorrhage. The latter can result from ing nitrogenous substrates to ammonia, although
increased gastrin concentration (due to decreased certain anaerobes are also capable of synthesizing

ammonia. Dietary proteins are the most important and defecation and appear no longer housebroken.
substrate for ammonia production, but other sub- Signs can progress to include seizures, severe
strates such as urea (which freely diffuses from the dementia, and coma. The severity of these signs
systemic circulation into the colon), sloughed often wax and wane, sometimes in response to
intestinal epithelial cells, and GI hemorrhage are feeding, but do not always correlate with the
also quantitatively important. Therefore reduction severity of the hepatic lesion.
of these substrates and of large intestinal bacterial
numbers will have a beneficial effect on ammonia Etiology of Hepatic Encephalopathy
absorption. Treatment measures used to decrease Several factors have been implicated in contribut-
ammonia absorption are discussed in the section ing to hepatic encephalopathy. Most of these fac-
on management of hepatic disease. tors relate to an accumulation of neurotoxic
Portal blood in the dog normally contains substances that have not been metabolized prop-
approximately 350 µg/dl of ammonia (and about erly by the liver, including ammonia, benzodi-
double this in the cat because of the higher azepine-like substances, amino acids, mercaptans,
dietary protein content of this species). The liver and fatty acids. Other causes include changes in
is normally able to extract approximately 85% of the blood-brain barrier, abnormal neurotransmit-
this, resulting in a systemic venous ammonia con- ter balance, abnormal cerebral metabolism, and
centration of approximately 50 µg/dl (± 30 metabolic abnormalities.
µg/dl). Because the liver has a large capacity for There is experimental and clinical evidence
ammonia removal, there must be considerable that hepatic encephalopathy is multifactorial. The
hepatic dysfunction or abnormal portal circula- concentrations of ammonia, mercaptans, and free
tion to raise systemic plasma concentrations. The fatty acids necessary to produce coma individually
normal liver can tolerate up to twice the normal are much higher than when more than one or all
ammonia load. This degree of tolerance can be a are elevated. Both mercaptans and free fatty acids
sensitive indicator of hepatic function and is will increase ammonia concentration. Likewise
used clinically when performing the ammonia hyperammonemia will contribute to amino acid
tolerance test. imbalances. In addition to the synergistic effects of
encephalopathic toxins, metabolic derangements aug-
ment these effects. These changes include azotemia,
Hepatic Encephalopathy hypoxia, electrolyte imbalances, hypoglycemia, tranquil-
Hepatic encephalopathy is defined as a clinical ization, alkalosis, and hypovolemia. Patients with these
syndrome characterized by abnormal mental sta- derangements are more likely to develop encephalopathy,
tus occurring in patients with severe hepatic and correction of these derangements will significantly
insufficiency. This can result from primary hepa- improve the encephalopathic state. For example, the
tocellular disease or from portosystemic shunting hypokalemia that frequently accompanies hepatic
of blood away from the liver. Clinical signs in failure is one of the most common metabolic
patients with this condition include a wide vari- derangements that contribute to depression and
ety of behavioral changes, ranging from only anorexia.With potassium supplementation there is
mild depression and anorexia to coma. Many often dramatic clinical improvement in appetite
signs are nonspecific and can be seen with a and attitude. Factors that can precipitate meta-
wide variety of unrelated disorders.These include bolic changes that lead to encephalopathy include
depression, anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, polydip- increased dietary protein intake, GI hemor-
sia, and polyuria. Neurologic signs are also com- rhage, diuretic administration, sedative adminis-
mon. These signs are variable and often cannot be tration, uremia, infection, constipation, large
localized to a specific anatomic lesion. When this intestinal bacterial overgrowth, and methionine
occurs, or when the nature of the neurologic administration.
abnormalities vary with time, hepatic encephalopa- The importance of synergistic effects and mul-
thy should be considered as a cause. The most tiple interactions of encephalopathic factors help
common neurologic manifestation is decreased explain the different clinical presentations and
mentation and responsiveness. Often patients will severity of encephalopathy with varying blood
appear confused, have compulsive pacing and concentrations of encephalopathic toxins. It also
wandering, and appear transiently blind. Some explains the occurrence of encephalopathy in the
patients will have abnormal patterns of urination absence of a striking abnormality in any single

factor, including ammonia concentration. The renal salt and water retention before the develop-
therapeutic manipulations of all these factors repre- ment of ascites, thus expanding the circulating
sent the cornerstone of symptomatic management plasma volume and contributing to the develop-
of hepatic encephalopathy. These will be discussed ment of portal hypertension. Eventually portal
in the section on management of hepatic disease. hypertension leads to the development of ascites,
with hypoalbuminemia continuing to perpetuate
it. Factors that may initiate renal salt and water
Ascites and Portal retention include increased sensitivity to aldos-
Hypertension terone and failure to release or respond to natri-
Ascites (the accumulation of free fluid in the peri- uretic hormone in response to an expanded
toneal cavity) is a common sign of hepatic disease circulating plasma volume. The latter situation
and occurs as a result of chronic portal hyperten- results in the inability to excrete a salt and water
sion, hypoalbuminemia, and increased renal salt load in response to volume expansion. In addition,
and water retention. The development of ascites the normal negative feedback system that governs
occurs when there is an alteration of Starling’s the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system does not
forces, including increased venous or lymphatic shut off and reduce aldosterone secretion in the
hydrostatic pressure, decreased capillary oncotic presence of portal hypertension and ascites. This is
pressure, increased vascular permeability, and because the high concentrations of aldosterone do
increased intraperitoneal oncotic pressure. not return effective circulating plasma volume to
Portal hypertension is one of the most impor- normal in the presence of ascites, despite the
tant factors leading to the development of ascites retention of sodium. Because of these mecha-
in patients with hepatic disease. Portal hyperten- nisms, therapeutic interventions for managing
sion can be caused by increased total portal blood ascites include salt restriction and inhibition of the
flow; increased resistance to portal, intrahepatic, or renin-angiotensin-aldosterone axis with drugs
posthepatic blood flow; or a combination of these such as spironolactone, enalapril, and benazepril.
changes. The most common cause of portal This will be discussed in the section on manage-
hypertension is cirrhosis, resulting in increased ment of hepatic diseases.
resistance in sinusoidal vessels caused by swelling The presence of ascites acts to increase albu-
of hepatocytes or fibrosis around sinusoids causing min’s volume of distribution, which lowers
postsinusoidal outflow block. The combination of blood albumin concentration. This lowers plasma
increased portal pressure and blood flow causes an oncotic pressure and exacerbates the formation of
increase in hepatic lymph formation.When this is ascitic fluid. The presence of portal hypertension
excessive, ascites results. Another common effect is necessary for the development of ascites and
of chronic portal hypertension is the development leakage of albumin into the abdominal cavity. In
of acquired portosystemic shunts. Unlike congeni- this setting, ascites is present when plasma albumin
tal portosystemic shunts, acquired shunts are usu- concentrations are higher than when ascites can be
ally multiple, extremely tortuous, and variable in attributed to hypoalbuminemia alone. With nor-
their location. mal portal pressure, plasma albumin concentration
It was formerly thought that portal hyperten- must be below approximately 1.5 g/dl to result in
sion and hypoalbuminemia initiate ascites forma- ascites, as occurs with GI or renal protein loss.
tion. This results in decreased effective circulating When this occurs, subcutaneous edema often
plasma volume. The compensatory response to predominates over ascites.
this is renal conservation of fluid and electrolytes,
mediated by changes in renal blood flow, glomeru-
lar filtration rate, and activation of the renin- Other Metabolic Abnormalities
angiotensin-aldosterone axis. This retention of salt Carbohydrate Metabolism
and water perpetuates the problem by leading to The liver plays a central role in carbohydrate
increased splanchnic lymph and portal blood flow. metabolism. It is the primary organ for glucose
However, more recent evidence contradicts this storage (converting glucose by glycogenic
theory and suggests that the renal mechanisms enzymes) and also provides glucose during fasting
leading to retention of water and electrolytes are (through glycogenolysis). When there are inade-
the primary initiating events in the formation of quate stores of glycogen, as might occur with
ascites with hepatic disease. In this setting there is hepatic disease, the glucose need is supplied

through catabolism of muscle proteins to amino drug metabolism and clearance. In addition, drugs
acids and conversion to glucose via gluconeogenic that are highly protein bound can have increased
pathways. This causes muscle wasting and increases biologic effects when there is hypoalbuminemia
the nitrogen load and aggravates hyperammone- associated with hepatic disease. In this setting there
mia. Because of the importance of gluconeogene- is less albumin to bind to the drug and therefore
sis in the liver for maintaining blood glucose more unbound (active) drug to exert its effects.
concentrations, complete hepatectomy rapidly Therefore drugs that undergo hepatic clearance
results in death from hypoglycemia. or that are highly protein bound should be admin-
Hepatic failure can result in either preprandial istered with caution in patients with hepatic
hypoglycemia or postprandial hyperglycemia. Loss failure.
of approximately 70% of the hepatic mass may cause Many hormones are metabolized by the
fasting hypoglycemia because of inadequate glyco- liver and can be abnormally elevated with hepatic
gen storage and gluconeogenesis. Additional causes disease. The more important hormones to have
of hypoglycemia include congenital deficiency of prolonged clearance are the steroid hormones,
glycogen-metabolizing enzymes (as occurs with including cortisol, estrogens, androgens, and pro-
glycogen storage diseases), tumor hypoglycemia, and gesterones. As with many drugs, the degree of
portosystemic shunts (associated with decreased protein binding and therefore the concentra-
hepatic mass and lack of tropic portal blood to the tion of unbound, active hormone can be altered
liver). In patients with hypoglycemia associated with with hypoalbuminemic states. Other hormones
hepatic disease, it is usually easy to get the blood that undergo altered metabolism in patients
glucose concentration into the normal range with with hepatic disease include insulin, glucagon,
intravenous glucose supplementation, in contrast to thyroxine, pituitary hormones, gastrin, and
patients with insulin-producing tumors in which it aldosterone. Many of these alterations were dis-
can be very difficult to get the blood glucose con- cussed in reference to their specific physiologic
centration into the normal range despite aggressive effects.
intravenous glucose administration.
Causes of postprandial hyperglycemia with
hepatic disease include deficient hepatic enzymes Reticuloendothelial System
to handle the carbohydrate load, leading to inade- Function
quate glycogenesis, and increased plasma concen- The reticuloendothelial system (RES) removes
tration of glucocorticoids (because of decreased toxic or foreign substances, cellular debris, bacte-
hepatic clearance). ria, drugs, and endotoxins from the blood.
The hepatic RES is more important than that in
Fibrinogen the rest of the body for appropriate processing of
Fibrinogen is a protein that is synthesized by the these materials. Primary hepatocellular disease
liver. Synthesis of fibrinogen is diminished only or portosystemic shunting (either congenital or
in the late stages of severe hepatic failure. Other acquired) can cause failure of the hepatic RES.
factors are usually more important in determin- With hepatic disease other tissues with RES activ-
ing fibrinogen concentration than the rate of ity can only partially compensate for the dimin-
hepatic synthesis. Factors that will more com- ished hepatic RES function. Deficiencies of
monly lead to decreased fibrinogen concentra- specific roles of the hepatic RES function can lead
tion include increased fibrinogen consumption, to characteristic changes that other RES tissues
as occurs with DIC or primary fibrinolysis. cannot compensate for. The liver is directly
Factors that result in increased fibrinogen con- responsible for clearing absorbed GI products,
centration include inflammatory diseases (involv- because they pass through the liver before gaining
ing or not involving the liver) and major surgery. access to the systemic circulation. These products
In this setting there is increased synthesis and include intestinal bacteria, endotoxins, and GI
release by the hepatocyte. mucosal antigens. The effects of decreased clear-
ance of GI products can be the systemic access of
Drug and Hormone Metabolism bacteria or their toxins, resulting in potential sepsis
The microsomal enzyme system of the liver is and/or endotoxemia. In addition, there can be
important for drug and hormone metabolism. positive bacterial growth from hepatic biopsy
Hepatic failure can result in abnormally delayed specimens even when the underlying cause of

hepatic disease is not bacterial in origin. In my DIAGNOSTIC

experience it is not unusual to culture Escherichia EVALUATION OF
coli or other enteric bacteria from hepatic biopsy HEPATIC DISEASE
specimens obtained from patients with various
hepatic diseases. Historical Findings
One of the consequences of abnormal expo- Historical findings in patients with hepatic disease
sure of GI antigens to the systemic circulation is are often vague and nonspecific. In patients
the development of hyperglobulinemia. These with toxic hepatopathies, there may be a history
immunoglobulins are produced by nonhepatic of exposure to known hepatotoxins, including
tissues in response to the systemic antigen load. corticosteroids, anticonvulsants, thiacetarsemide,
Another potential source of hyperglobulinemia mebendazole, acetaminophen, or certain chemi-
occurring with hepatic disease is the release of cals. Clinical signs associated with hepatic disease
antigens from injured hepatocytes. Many of the are listed in Box 9-3. The most common signs in
intracellular structures of the hepatocyte, especially cats with hepatic disease are nonspecific, including
the nucleus and mitochondria, are recognized as lethargy and inappetence. In some patients mani-
foreign and elicit an immune response character- festing neurologic signs, signs may be precipitated
ized by an influx of lymphocytes and plasma cells. by eating (especially high-protein meals), thus sug-
The effects of this cellular infiltration include the gesting hepatic encephalopathy as the cause. This
potential for further hepatocyte damage and historical finding is often absent, however, even in
thus perpetuate a vicious cycle (this will be dis- severe cases of hepatic failure, including terminal
cussed further in the section on chronic active hepatic cirrhosis and portosystemic shunts. The
hepatitis). In addition, the plasma cells will manu- presence of signs and laboratory abnormalities
facture gamma globulins, which lead to a hyper- suggestive of hepatic disease in certain breeds may
globulinemia. suggest diseases for which these breeds are predis-
posed, such as copper-storage disease in the
Bedlington terrier, West Highland white terrier,
Loss of Compartmentalization and possibly Doberman pinscher.
The maintenance of the integrity of the hepato-
cyte membrane is an important function. Any Physical Examination Findings
insult that damages the cell membrane can lead to Physical examination findings in patients with
loss of intracellular contents, including organelles, hepatic disease are often variable and nonspecific.
enzymes, and antigens. In addition to loss of intra- The findings most suggestive of hepatic disease
cellular contents, hepatocyte function may be include icterus, ascites, and abnormal hepatic size.
compromised. However, these signs may be seen in other diseases
Loss of intracellular enzymes (with the excep- unrelated to the liver.
tion of certain proteases) does not lead to abnor-
mal function or clinical signs but can be a useful
laboratory test for diagnostic purposes. Those BOX 9-3 Clinical Signs Associated
enzymes that leak into plasma following increased With Hepatic Disease
hepatocellular membrane permeability include Depression Acholic feces Behavior changes
alanine aminotransferase (ALT, formerly glutamic- Lethargy Dark or Dementia
pyruvic transaminase [GPT]), aspartate amino- orange
transferase (AST, formerly glutamic-oxaloacetic urine
transaminase [GOT]), arginase, sorbitol de- Anorexia Jaundice Other
hydrogenase (SDH), lactic dehydrogenase (LDH), neurologic
and ornithine carbamoyltransferase (OCT). disturbances
Enzyme activities that increase with biliary Vomiting Petechiae Polyuria
obstruction include alkaline phosphatase (ALP), Diarrhea Bleeding Polydipsia
gamma glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT), and 5⬘-
Weight loss Melena Ascites

Icterus liver relative to their body size than adults. Causes

Prehepatic causes of increased bilirubin concentra- of decreased hepatic size include portosystemic
tion, such as immune-mediated hemolytic anemia, shunts (congenital or acquired), cirrhosis, or
can result in icterus (jaundice). The presence of hepatic necrosis. Apparent decreased hepatic size
icterus in a patient without anemia is diagnostic may also be normal in some patients.
of hepatic or posthepatic biliary disease. The clin-
ical manifestation of icterus usually occurs when
serum total bilirubin concentration reaches 2 to Laboratory Evaluation
3 mg/dl, although this varies with the individual. of Hepatic Disease
Mucous membranes and skin appear yellow at Laboratory tests are often essential to identify that
lower serum bilirubin concentration if most is hepatic disease exists, to assess its severity, and to
present in the conjugated state. The sclerae, monitor progression. An understanding of the
soft palate, area under the tongue, and penis are pathophysiology of hepatic disease is necessary to
usually the most sensitive areas to look for icterus. interpret laboratory test results and to make clini-
The magnitude of elevation in bilirubin concen- cal decisions regarding further diagnostic efforts
tration does not always correlate with the intensity and patient management. No laboratory test iden-
of icterus observed on physical examination. tifies a specific problem, helps determine specific
Likewise, it can take several days for icterus to therapeutic management, or predicts outcome.
resolve following return of serum bilirubin to nor- This is because different diseases produce similar
mal. This is especially true following resolution of alterations in hepatic function or in laboratory test
biliary obstruction due to the presence and per- results. Biochemical tests usually determine the
sistence of delta-bilirubin (see earlier section on liver’s excretory or functional ability or measure
pathophysiologic derangements occurring with the integrity of the hepatocyte by virtue of leak-
hepatic disease). age of intracellular enzyme systems. Once bio-
chemical tests identify that hepatic disease exists,
Ascites the diagnosis must be pursued with a morphologic
Portal hypertension, hypoalbuminemia, and renal diagnosis obtained by biopsy specimen analysis.
retention of salt and water cause ascites in patients Results of laboratory tests in various disease states
with hepatic disease. It is important to consider are summarized in Table 9-1.
other causes of ascites in the differential diagnosis,
including right-sided heart failure, pericardial dis- Tests of Hepatic Function
ease, hypoalbuminemia resulting from nonhepatic Many biochemical tests are available to evaluate
causes, abdominal neoplasia, heartworm disease, the liver’s anabolic and/or catabolic functions and
pancreatitis, increased lymphatic or vascular perme- hepatic circulation. These include measurement of
ability, and certain infectious diseases (such as feline serum bile acid concentrations, plasma ammonia
infectious peritonitis and abdominal abscesses). The concentration, bile pigment (bilirubin) concentra-
presence of ascites can be confirmed with radiogra- tion, and the ability to excrete organic dyes.
phy, ultrasonography, or abdominal paracentesis. Hepatic function can be markedly abnormal
Subsequent fluid analysis is helpful to rule out many despite maintenance of the hepatocellular mem-
of the disorders mentioned above. brane (and therefore normal serum activities of
hepatic enzymes). Examples include portosystemic
Abnormal Hepatic Size shunts, terminal cirrhosis, and metastatic hepatic
Hepatomegaly may be detected on physical exam- neoplasia. Likewise, the liver can continue normal
ination, but normal or small hepatic size cannot be anabolic or catabolic function despite severe hepa-
palpated. Causes of increased hepatic size include tocyte leakage of intracellular enzymes because of
neoplasia, passive congestion (secondary to right- its marked reserve capacity. For example, this situa-
sided heart failure), increased corticosteroid con- tion can occur with certain cases of hepatocellular
centration (exogenous or endogenous), lipid necrosis, primary hepatic neoplasia, or trauma.
accumulation (diabetes mellitus, feline hepatic Serum Bile Acids
lipidosis, other metabolic abnormalities), diffuse See the earlier section on pathophysiologic derange-
inflammation, glycogen storage diseases, hepatic ments occurring with hepatic disease for a detailed
abscess, hepatic or biliary cyst, or liver lobe tor- discussion of normal bile acid metabolism and
sion. Puppies and kittens normally have a larger changes occurring with hepatic disease. Briefly,

TABLE 9-1 Serum Hepatic Enzyme Activities and Chemistry Values in Various Disease States
SALT SAST ALP GGT Total Bilirubin BUN Glucose Albumin Bile Acids
Chronic active hepatitis ++–+++ ++–+++ +–+++ +–+++ N–+++ Dec–N Dec–N Dec–N +–+++
Steroid hepatopathy N–++ N–++ ++–+++ +–+++ N N N–+ N N–+
Feline cholangiohepatitis +–+++ +–++ N–++ N–++ N–+++ N N N N–+++
Feline hepatic lipidosis +–+++ +–+++ +–+++ +–++ +–+++ N N N N–+++
Primary hepatic neoplasia +–+++ +–+++ +–+++ +–+++ N–+++ N Dec–N N N–+++
Metastatic neoplasia N–++ N–++ N–++ N–++ N–++ N Dec–N N +–+++
Portosystemic shunt N–+ N–+ N–+ N–+ N Dec–N Dec–N Dec–N +–+++
Cirrhosis N–++ N–++ N–++ N–++ N–+++ Dec–N Dec–N Dec–N ++–+++
Hepatic necrosis ++–+++ ++–+++ +–+++ +–+++ N–++ N N N N–+++
Bile duct obstruction +–+++ +–++ +++ +++ ++–+++ N N N +–+++

SALT, Serum alanine aminotransferase; SAST, serum aspartate aminotransferase; ALP, serum alkaline phosphatase; GGT, gamma glutamyl transpeptidase; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; + mild increase;
++, moderate increase; +++, severe increase; Dec, decrease; N, normal.

bile acids are synthesized in the liver as a result of artifactually increases the serum bile acid measure-
cholesterol metabolism and secreted into bile. ment determined by the enzymatic method but
Feeding is a normal stimulus for bile acid secre- artifactually decreases the measurement when
tion. Bile acids enter the intestine and undergo an determined by the RIA method. Moderate to
efficient enterohepatic circulation following active marked hemolysis artifactually decreases the
absorption from the ileum. Once absorbed, they serum bile acid value determined by the enzy-
are removed from the portal circulation by the matic method but probably does not affect the
liver and reexcreted into bile. During a typical measurement determined by the RIA method.
meal, the total bile acid pool is recycled two to Bilirubin has little effect on the measurement
three times through this enterohepatic pathway. of bile acid concentration unless the serum
Only small amounts of bile acids are lost in the bilirubin concentration is greater than 5 mg/dl,
feces. Normally the liver synthesizes enough bile in which case there may be a small (less than
acids to compensate for fecal losses, which are 20%) decrease in measurement at low bile acid
minimal with respect to the total bile acid pool. concentrations. If there is hyperbilirubinemia due
Although bile acid formation depends on hepatic to hepatic disease, measurement of serum bile
synthesis, the liver reserve capacity for this is never acids is not indicated.
exceeded because of the small amounts needed for Bile acid measurements have certain advan-
physiologic purposes. Thus measurement of bile tages over other tests of hepatic function. They
acid concentration is a reliable test even in do not require the administration of exogenous
end-stage liver disease. compounds (such as sulfobromophthalein [BSP]
Abnormal hepatic function, biliary excretion, and indocyanine green [ICG] dyes and oral
or portal circulation can interrupt the normal ammonium chloride) or meticulous sample
enterohepatic circulation and thus lead to an handling (as is required for plasma ammonia
increase in serum bile acid concentration. This determination).
occurs with many hepatobiliary diseases.When the The indications for measuring serum bile acid
liver parenchyma is diseased, the abnormal uptake, concentrations include the identification of occult
conjugation, and secretion of bile acids result in hepatic disease when enzyme determinations are
decreased extraction from the portal circulation normal (as can occur with portosystemic shunts,
and lead to increased systemic concentrations. cirrhosis, and metastatic hepatic neoplasia), evalua-
With intrahepatic or posthepatic cholestasis, bile tion for the possibility of a portosystemic shunt in
acids diffuse from bile into the systemic circula- patients with suggestive symptomatology, monitor-
tion in a manner similar to that of bilirubin. ing of hepatobiliary function to assess progression
With portosystemic shunting (either congenital or of hepatic disease, and identification of abnor-
acquired), the enterohepatic circulation is directly mal hepatic function in patients in which enzyme
interrupted and bile acids fail to be extracted by activity elevations may be due to extrahepatic
the bypassed liver. In this setting, hepatic synthesis causes.
of bile acids continues in order to maintain a nor- To maximize the diagnostic information from
mal bile acid pool. This can result in tremendous total serum bile acid measurement, both a 12-hour
increases in systemic concentrations, especially fasting and a 2-hour postprandial sample should
following feeding. be obtained. In general it is recommended that
Both solid-phase radioimmunoassay (RIA) and a normal-size meal be fed. However, minimum
direct enzymatic spectrophotometric methods of amounts of food that should be consumed have
bile acid determinations have been validated for been established. Patients weighing 10 lb or less
the dog and cat. These methods have made serum should be fed a minimum of 2 tsp, and those over
bile acid determinations a routine part of evaluat- 10 lb, 2 tbsp. Foods that are high in protein and fat
ing hepatic function. In my laboratory, normal should be fed because they most consistently chal-
fasting concentrations are approximately 2.5 lenge the bile acid enterohepatic circulation at the
µmol/L in the dog, and 1.5 µmol/L in the cat. 2-hour postprandial level.
Two-hour postprandial concentrations rise to If inappetence is a problem, it may be necessary
approximately 8.5 µmol/L in the dog and cat. to force-feed the patient. For cats, special steps
Serum is stable for measurement for several days at to avoid anorexigenic stimuli may be necessary
room temperature. Several artifacts can affect bile (e.g., offer food in a quiet environment away from
acid measurement. Moderate to marked lipemia dogs, have the owner hand feed in a private area).

Warming the food may help coax an inappetent when postprandial bile acid concentrations are
cat to eat. measured in conjunction with the preprandial
In patients with encephalopathic tendencies, sample.
where there is concern about feeding high-protein In summary, serum bile acid concentrations are
foods, a low-protein meal may be fed. If vomiting a sensitive and specific indicator of hepatobiliary
is a problem and its frequency precludes feeding, function and hepatoportal circulation and are a
initial testing is limited to a fasting sample. If the clinically useful tool in the diagnosis of these
result is above normal, then a significant hepatic disorders. Serum bile acid concentrations are espe-
disorder remains a consideration. However, if the cially valuable in anicteric hepatic disease. They
fasting sample is normal, liver disease cannot be are more conveniently measured than blood
ruled out. ammonia concentration because specimen han-
Several studies have shown serum bile acid dling is routine. They are more sensitive than BSP
measurements to be a sensitive and specific indica- retention and do not require the injection of a for-
tor of hepatic function in the dog and cat. In eign compound (which is becoming increasingly
dogs, fasting serum bile acid concentrations are more difficult to obtain). In my laboratory, when
significantly increased with congenital portosys- postprandial concentrations exceed 30 to 40
temic shunts, glucocorticoid-induced hepatopathy, µmol/L in the dog and 20 to 30 µmol/L in the
hepatic neoplasia, hepatitis, cholestasis, hepatic cat, further diagnostic efforts, such as hepatic
necrosis, and cirrhosis. Of these diseases, dogs with biopsy, are warranted.
glucocorticoid-induced hepatopathy have the Plasma Ammonia and the Ammonia
lowest increase in concentration of serum bile Tolerance Test
acids. Therefore marked increase in elevations Because ammonia is metabolized primarily in the
(i.e., greater than 75 to 100 µmol/L) are unlikely liver, blood ammonia concentration represents a
to be caused by glucocorticoid-induced hepatopa- sensitive test of hepatic function. Ammonia is pro-
thy. Although serum bile acid concentrations are a duced from bacterial action in the colon on sub-
sensitive indicator of hepatic function, they do not strates such as dietary proteins, sloughed intestinal
distinguish the cause of the disease process. The epithelial cells, and urea, which freely diffuses into
magnitude of elevation in serum bile acid concen- the colon from the plasma. Once absorbed into
trations is weakly correlated with histologic sever- the portal circulation, ammonia is extracted by the
ity. Furthermore, dogs with intestinal disease and liver and converted to urea through the urea cycle
normal hepatic function have normal serum bile enzyme pathway. Normally this extraction process
acid concentrations. This is important in cases of is very efficient, with only a small amount of
“reactive hepatopathy” associated with intestinal ammonia escaping into the systemic circulation.
or pancreatic disease. The determination of 2- The concentration of ammonia in the portal vein
hour postprandial concentrations further increases is approximately 350 µg/dl in the dog (and
the sensitivity of this test in most diseases and approximately 700 µg/dl in the cat), whereas the
should be done routinely in conjunction with the normal concentration in the systemic circulation
preprandial sample. is approximately 20 to 120 µg/dl. When there is
In cats the measurement of fasting serum bile abnormal hepatocyte function or abnormal por-
acids concentrations has a specificity approaching tal circulation (as would occur with portosys-
100%. Bile acid concentration is also the most sen- temic shunting), the liver cannot efficiently
sitive test for most feline hepatic diseases, although extract portal ammonia and systemic plasma levels
it only approaches 60% to 70%. The value of increase.
serum bile acids for detecting hepatic disease is Increasing the demand on the liver by increas-
also increased when combined with standard bio- ing portal vein ammonia concentration can
chemical tests, and visa versa. As in dogs, the mag- increase the sensitivity of plasma ammonia con-
nitude of elevation does not help in the differential centration in detecting abnormal hepatic function.
diagnosis of hepatobiliary disease. This can be done by measuring ammonia concen-
In detecting portosystemic shunts, serum bile tration in the postprandial state or by administer-
acid concentrations have the best diagnostic accu- ing an oral or rectal ammonia load. The latter
racy compared with conventional biochemical provocative test is known as the oral ammonia tol-
tests and BSP excretion and sensitivity equal to the erance test. The test is performed by taking a rest-
ammonia tolerance test. The accuracy is improved ing plasma ammonia sample, then administering

oral ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) at a dosage of tosystemic shunts, in assessing hepatic function in
45 mg/lb body weight, with a maximum dose of 3 anicteric hepatic disease (especially when hepatic
g. Ammonium chloride is available from most enzyme activities may be normal), and in assessing
chemical reagent suppliers or as the main ingredi- the role of ammonia (and therefore hepatic func-
ent of some urinary acidifiers. It is dissolved in 20 tion) in patients with encephalopathic signs. The
to 50 ml tap water and administered via orogastric test is as sensitive as measuring serum bile acid
tube, then flushed with 20 ml water. Alternatively, concentrations in assessing hepatic function and
it can be administered in empty gelatin capsules. more sensitive than measuring BSP excretion.
A plasma sample is then obtained 30 minutes later The ammonia tolerance test has been shown to be
for ammonia measurement. A rectal ammonia tol- virtually 100% sensitive in detecting portosystemic
erance test has been described. This is performed shunts, whereas approximately 10% of dogs with
by administering 1 ml/lb body weight of a 5% congenital portosystemic shunts can have normal
solution of NH4Cl following cleansing enemas. resting ammonia concentrations or normal BSP
A plasma sample is then obtained 20 to 40 minutes retention. Its main limitation is the need for
later. Theoretically, rectal administration has the meticulous sample handling and the need for the
advantage that vomiting of the orally administered determination to be performed soon after obtain-
solution is not a problem. However, in my experi- ing the sample. In addition, it requires the admin-
ence, vomiting following oral NH4Cl administra- istration of an exogenous compound (NH4Cl),
tion is rarely a clinical problem, especially when which in rare instances can worsen encephalopathy
the solution is diluted with water as described and induce hepatic coma. If the latter complica-
above, and does not invalidate the test if it occurs. tion is anticipated, a resting ammonia deter-
Often the cause of vomiting is hyperammonemia, mination can be performed first, and the need and
and therefore ammonia measurements are diag- safety of NH4Cl administration can then be
nostic of hepatic failure. In normal patients, there determined.
should be little or no increment in plasma ammo-
nia concentration following administration of Serum Hepatic Enzyme Activities
ammonium chloride (less than 32% increase). The routine use of measuring serum hepatic
Sample handling is critical for plasma ammonia enzyme activities as an indication of hepatic dis-
determinations. It is important that the venipunc- ease has been made possible by automated bio-
ture be rapid and atraumatic. Prolonged stasis of chemistry profiles. It must be pointed out that
blood can result in ammonia generation. When enzyme activities do not reflect hepatic function.
the sample is obtained, it must be placed in an They reflect either the integrity of the hepatocyte mem-
ammonia-free heparinized tube and immediately brane or the patency of the biliary system. Severe
placed in an ice bath, then centrifuged as soon as hepatic dysfunction can occur in the face of nor-
possible (within 30 minutes). Red blood cells elab- mal enzyme activities, whereas hepatic function
orate ammonia (they contain two to three times as may be near normal despite marked increases in
much ammonia as plasma), and, when the sample serum enzyme activities. Therefore the limitations
is not separated in a prompt manner, falsely ele- and usefulness of hepatic enzymes must be appre-
vated concentrations will result. Likewise, hemoly- ciated. Loss of intracellular enzymes (with the
sis will result in a falsely increased ammonia exception of certain proteases) does not lead to
concentration. Ideally the sample should be abnormal function or clinical signs but can be a
assayed for ammonia as soon as possible (within 2 useful laboratory test for diagnostic purposes. The
hours) to eliminate artifacts, because the ammonia enzymes that leak into plasma following increased
concentration can increase or decrease with stor- hepatocellular membrane permeability include
age and thus yield unpredictable and unreliable ALT, AST, SDH, LDH, and OCT. Enzyme activi-
results. Ammonia concentration may increase ties that increase with biliary obstruction include
because of deamination of proteins such as gluta- ALP, GGT, and 5⬘-nucleotidase.
mine, breakdown of adenyl pyrophosphate and/or Serum Alanine Aminotransferase
adenylic acid, or hydrolysis of other ammonio- Serum alanine aminotransferase (SALT; formerly
genic substances. Plasma ammonia may decrease serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase [SGPT]) is
during storage because of vaporous loss. the most liver-specific enzyme in the dog and the
The main clinical usefulness of the ammonia cat. It is used to detect hepatocyte membrane
tolerance test is in detecting patients with por- damage and necrosis. This enzyme is found only

in the cytoplasm. Serum activity increases when Serum Aspartate Aminotransferase

there is increased permeability of the hepatocyte AST, like ALT, has high activity in the liver.
membrane, resulting in leakage from the hepato- However, there is also high AST activity in muscle
cyte. The extent to which enzyme leakage occurs and red blood cells, and serum aspartate amino-
depends on both the severity and number of cells transferase (SAST; formerly serum glutamic
damaged (i.e., how diffuse the lesion is) but does oxaloacetic transaminase [SGOT]) activity is there-
not indicate the reversibility of the injury or the fore less specific than SALT activity in detecting
functional status of the liver. The activity of SALT hepatocellular leakage. Increased activity of SAST
is most marked with chronic active hepatitis, pri- occurs with both hepatocyte and muscle damage,
mary hepatic neoplasia, and hepatic necrosis (see as well as with hemolysis (in vitro or in vivo). AST
Table 9-1). There is often normal or only mildly is found both free in the cytoplasm and within
increased SALT activity with portosystemic mitochondria of the hepatocyte.With hepatic dis-
shunts, cirrhosis, and metastatic neoplasia. In rare ease, SAST activity usually parallels that of SALT.
cases, increased SALT activity can occur with Usually the magnitude of increase in SALT activ-
severe muscle disease. ity exceeds that of SAST activity. This may be due
Although the activity of SALT usually parallels to the shorter half-life of SAST and because SAST
the degree of hepatocyte necrosis, there is often is also found in the mitochondria of the hepato-
poor correlation with the serum enzyme activity cyte. Therefore a more severe insult is required to
and the degree of morphologic change on a light cause mitochondrial damage and thus release of
microscopic level, especially during the recovery SAST from this site compared with damaging the
phase. Likewise, there is often poor correlation hepatocellular membrane only. When the activity of
between the serum activity of SALT and the SAST exceeds that of SALT, muscle or red blood cell,
degree of hepatocyte dysfunction and clinical rather than the liver, should be considered as the source of
signs. For example, there can be severe increases in the isoenzymes.
SALT activity following automobile trauma or Serum Alkaline Phosphatase
certain toxins, yet the patient often shows no signs The serum activity of ALP usually increases with
of hepatic failure and other tests of hepatic func- biliary stasis, steroid hepatopathy, and bone lesions.
tion (such as serum bile acids or blood ammonia ALP is found in many tissues, including the liver,
concentrations) remain normal. In these patients bone, intestine, placenta, and kidney. However, in
the magnitude of increase in SALT activity reflects clinical situations only the isoenzymes found in
the number of hepatocytes affected (i.e., the dif- the liver and in bone are important. This is
fuseness of the lesion), although they maintain because the serum half-lives of the other isoen-
their ability to perform other intracellular func- zymes are only 3 to 6 minutes, whereas the half-
tions. On the other hand, patients with portosys- life of the hepatic isoenzyme is 3 days in the dog.
temic shunts, cirrhosis, or metastatic neoplasia Serum activity of bone ALP increases with
often have normal SALT activity despite severe osteoblastic activity (and is therefore elevated in
hepatic failure. In these patients the normal young, growing animals), bone tumors, osteomala-
enzyme activity reflects either an intact hepatocyte cia, and hyperparathyroidism.
membrane or, in the case of terminal cirrhosis, The serum activity of ALP increases with
intracellular enzyme depletion. hepatic disease primarily when there is biliary
There is often a mild to moderate increase in obstruction (intrahepatic or extrahepatic). Unlike
SALT activity with certain systemic diseases that the transaminases (SALT and SAST), ALP is not a
result in hypoxia (such as right-sided heart failure leakage enzyme associated with increased hepato-
with secondary ischemic injury to the hepatocyte, cyte permeability. Rather, its production is
severe anemia, or severe pulmonary disease), endo- induced by biliary obstruction, produced by cells
toxemia, or sepsis. There is also a mild to moderate lining the bile canaliculi. This increase in produc-
increase in SALT activity with biliary obstruction, tion is accompanied by inability to excrete the
probably as a result of the toxic effects of bile acids enzyme through the biliary system, thus resulting
that diffuse back into the hepatic parenchyma. in increased serum activity. In addition to primary
Pancreatitis and inflammatory intestinal diseases biliary obstruction, serum ALP activity is often
also may result in increased SALT activity. These elevated with primary hepatocellular disease of
cases are sometimes referred to as a “reactive many causes due to swelling of hepatocytes (e.g.,
hepatopathy.” associated with inflammation, cloudy swelling,

lipid accumulation, neoplastic infiltration) result- Therefore even mild elevations of serum ALP activity in
ing in intrahepatic cholestasis (see Table 9-1). the cat are indicative of marked hepatobiliary disease.
Diseases that are periportal in location tend to The magnitude of increase in serum ALP activity
cause more marked increases in serum ALP activ- is most marked with feline hepatic lipidosis, almost
ity than centrilobular disorders, because they tend always exceeding the magnitude of increase in
to affect bile flow through canaliculi more. serum GGT activity in this syndrome. Other dis-
In addition to the isoenzyme induced by biliary eases in the cat that result in increased serum ALP
obstruction, there is also a steroid-induced isoen- activity include hepatic malignant lymphoma,
zyme of ALP. Although this isoenzyme is also pro- feline cholangiohepatitis complex, bile duct
duced in the liver, it is a separate entity from that obstruction, and hyperthyroidism.
induced by biliary obstruction. The dog is very Gamma Glutamyltranspeptidase
sensitive to the effects of glucocorticoids in this GGT measurement is now available on chemistry
regard as opposed to the cat. A single injection of profiles from many commercial laboratories. Its
a glucocorticoid can increase the serum activity of serum activity increases with biliary stasis and
the steroid-induced isoenzyme of ALP. This steroid hepatopathy. In most cases the activity of
increase in activity can last for several weeks with serum GGT parallels that of serum ALP and its
short-acting preparations and for several months measurement is of only occasional value in the dog
with long-acting preparations. The magnitude of and cat. There is GGT activity in liver, kidney,
increase depends on the dose administered, dura- pancreas, and intestine; however, the half-life of the
tion, route, and individual sensitivity. In addition, hepatic isoenzyme is the only one long enough to
dogs with spontaneous hyperadrenocorticism account for significant serum activity. Therefore
(Cushing’s syndrome) usually have marked elevated serum GGT activity is specific for hepa-
increases in serum ALP activity. Assays are now tobiliary disease or hepatic induction from drugs.
available to readily distinguish the isoenzyme As with serum ALP, elevations are most marked
induced by biliary obstruction from the steroid- with biliary obstruction, but activity can also
induced isoenzyme. These assays generally report increase with primary hepatocellular disease if it
the percentage of total ALP activity that is results in intrahepatic cholestasis. The serum activ-
accounted for by the steroid-induced isoenzyme. ity of GGT may increase earlier in biliary disease
However, this is not a reliable test to distinguish than ALP activity. In addition, there is also marked
patients with steroid hepatopathy from those with elevation in serum GGT activity with glucocorti-
other hepatopathies because the serum activity of coid administration or spontaneous hyperadreno-
the steroid-induced isoenzyme of ALP is variably corticism. Other drugs (such as anticonvulsants)
increased with many types of hepatic diseases and will also increase serum GGT activity.
nonhepatic illness. Alternatively, hepatic biopsy In the cat, serum GGT activity has a higher
specimen analysis in dogs readily distinguishes sensitivity but lower specificity than serum ALP
steroid-induced hepatopathy from primary hepa- activity for detection of hepatobiliary disease. Only
tobiliary disease of other causes. in feline hepatic lipidosis does the magnitude of increase
Certain drugs will also induce increases in in serum ALP activity generally exceed that of serum
serum ALP activity. The most common drugs to GGT activity. In the dog, serum GGT activity is
have this effect are glucocorticoids, barbiturates, generally more specific but less sensitive than serum
and anticonvulsant drugs, including phenobarbital, ALP activity for the detection of hepatobiliary dis-
primidone, and phenytoin. These drugs will result ease. Thus serum GGT activity has a higher positive
in increased serum ALP activity, with or without predictive value, whereas ALP activity has a higher
morphologic changes in the liver or alterations in negative predictive value for evaluating hepatobil-
hepatic function (as documented with hepatic iary disease. The diagnostic performance is best
function tests). when both enzyme activities are evaluated together.
Unlike the dog, the activity of ALP is much lower in In general, serum GGT activity is less influenced by
feline serum. This is because the half-life is much nonhepatic diseases or enzyme-inducing drugs.
shorter in the cat (6 hours versus 3 days) and less
feline ALP is produced secondary to biliary Other Biochemical Tests
obstruction than in the dog because the feline liver Many of the tests routinely obtained on automated
contains only one third the concentration of ALP serum biochemistry profiles give information
per gram of liver that the canine liver contains. regarding hepatic function, including determina-

tions of bilirubin, albumin, BUN, and glucose (see ing the hematocrit (to rule out hemolysis) and
Table 9-1). ultrasonography, laparoscopy, cholecystography,
Serum and Urine Bilirubin and laparotomy (to distinguish intrahepatic from
Hepatobiliary excretion of bilirubin requires ade- posthepatic causes).
quate uptake, conjugation, and secretion by the In general, serum bilirubin concentration
hepatocyte, as well as a patent biliary system. increases most markedly with extrahepatic biliary
There must be considerable hepatocellular disease obstruction. Hepatocellular diseases that may result
or increase in the bilirubin load (hemolysis) to in cholestasis and therefore hyperbilirubinemia
result in hyperbilirubinemia, because the liver’s include chronic active hepatitis, certain cases
reserve capacity for bilirubin processing is up to of primary neoplasia, feline cholangiohepatitis,
30 times the normal bilirubin load. Conjugated feline hepatic lipidosis, and cirrhosis (see Table
bilirubin is water soluble and readily excreted by 9-1). Other hepatic disorders that generally have
the kidneys. The dog has a very low renal thresh- normal serum bilirubin concentration include
old for bilirubin excretion; thus the finding of +1 portosystemic shunts, hepatic necrosis, steroid
to +3 bilirubinuria in a concentrated sample is hepatopathy, and metastatic neoplasia (see Table
normal. Therefore the concentration of bilirubin 9-1). In general, disorders involving the periportal
in the urine increases before that of the serum. areas are most likely to result in increased bilirubin
Thus the serum bilirubin concentration is an concentration.
insensitive indicator of hepatocellular disease, and Serum Albumin
serum concentrations are not increased until there Albumin represents approximately 25% of the pro-
is marked decrease in hepatic function. Therefore teins synthesized by the liver. Because albumin has
slight elevations in serum bilirubin concentration a relatively high priority for synthesis, severe hepa-
are significant, suggesting hepatobiliary disease. tocellular disease must exist before serum albumin
The exception to this is with artifactual increases concentration falls. Hypoalbuminemia resulting
in serum bilirubin concentration, as would occur from hepatic disease suggests chronic dysfunction.
with lipemia or hemolysis. If there is not signifi- Because the serum half-life of albumin is 7 to
cant bilirubinuria associated with a serum biliru- 21 days (depending on the disease state and
bin concentration greater than normal, artifact the serum concentration), there must be pro-
should be considered. The cat has a high renal longed hepatic disease before serum concentration
threshold for bilirubin excretion, and any bilirubin decreases. In addition to lack of production occur-
in the urine is abnormal.When serum bilirubin is ring with hepatic disease, albumin concentra-
in the normal range (anicteric hepatic disease), tion can drop from protein-calorie malnutrition
other tests of hepatic function discussed earlier (sometimes associated with an extremely low pro-
are needed for detection, such as serum bile acid tein diet, often used in the therapeutic manage-
or blood ammonia measurements. However, when ment of hepatic disease) and from an increased
serum bilirubin concentration is elevated, there is no need volume of distribution due to ascites, resulting in a
to run additional function tests if hemolysis can be dilutional effect on serum albumin concentration.
excluded. In this setting, bilirubin represents an accurate Although serum albumin concentration is an
and specific indicator of hepatic function. insensitive and nonspecific test of hepatic func-
Increased serum total bilirubin concentration tion, hypoalbuminemia may be the only change on a
can result from prehepatic (hemolysis), intrahe- serum biochemistry profile in certain cases of hepatic fail-
patic (primary hepatocellular disease), or posthe- ure (such as cirrhosis and portosystemic shunts), and its
patic (biliary obstruction) causes. The relative presence may justify specific hepatic function tests (e.g.,
amounts of conjugated or unconjugated bilirubin serum bile acid assay), which may subsequently identify
are variable with all three general categories of hepatic failure. In one study the presence of hypoal-
hyperbilirubinemia because secondary events can buminemia in dogs with chronic hepatitis was a
change the relative concentrations of the two predictor of shorter survival time.
forms. Therefore their measurement does not aid Blood Urea Nitrogen
the clinician in localizing the nature of the lesion. A low BUN concentration may indicate chronic
The magnitude of increase in serum bilirubin hepatic disease. The liver manufactures urea by
concentration also is not helpful in localizing the extracting portal vein ammonia and converting it
nature of the lesion. Other methods of localizing to urea through the urea cycle enzyme pathway.
the cause of hyperbilirubinemia include measur- With hepatic failure this process fails, and BUN

concentration falls. However, because there are

BOX 9-4 Radiographic Signs of
many other factors that influence urea metabolism
(including renal function, dietary protein concen- Decreased Hepatic Size
tration, catabolic states, systemic perfusion and Decreased distance between the diaphragm and
hydration status, and GI function), BUN concen- stomach
tration is an insensitive and nonspecific test of Displacement of the stomach cranially or upright
hepatic function. However, like serum albumin angulation of the stomach axis in the lateral view
concentration, a low BUN concentration may Displacement of the stomach to the right in the
be the only abnormality on a serum biochemistry dorsoventral view
Cranial displacement of the cranial duodenal flex-
profile and may be an important clue as to the
ure, right kidney, and transverse colon
presence of hepatic disease. Subsequent specific
Liver and stomach entirely within the chest cavity
hepatic function tests would then be used to
document hepatic failure.
Serum Glucose
The liver plays an important role in glucose
metabolism. Hepatic failure can result in either BOX 9-5 Radiographic Signs of
preprandial hypoglycemia or postprandial hyper- Increased Hepatic Size
glycemia. In dogs with chronic hepatitis the
Extension of the liver margin caudal to the costal
presence of hypoglycemia is an accurate predictor arch
of early death. When there is abnormal glu- Rounding of the caudal margins on the lateral view
cose concentration, causes in addition to hepatic Displacement of the stomach caudally and dorsally
disease must be explored. In patients with hypo- on the lateral view
glycemia associated with hepatic disease, it is usu- Displacement of the stomach caudally and to the left
ally easy to get the blood glucose concentration on the ventrodorsal view
into the normal range with intravenous glucose Caudal displacement of the cranial duodenal flexure,
supplementation, as opposed to patients with right kidney, and transverse colon
insulin-producing tumors, in which it can be very
difficult despite aggressive intravenous glucose
BOX 9-6 Causes of Radiographic
Radiographic Evaluation Signs of Decreased
of the Liver Hepatic Size
Survey Radiographs Cirrhosis
Survey radiographs are often informative when Portosystemic shunt
evaluating the liver. They give information about Acute and subacute necrosis
the size, shape, position, and radiodensity of the Hernias (diaphragmatic and peritoneal-pericardial)
liver. Survey radiographs are also useful to screen Deep-chested breeds (normal)
for other abnormalities, including ascites, renal cal-
culi (present in some cases of portosystemic
shunts), thoracic metastasis, and abdominal lym- Evaluation of Hepatic Blood Flow
phadenopathy. Radiographic signs of abnormal Along with nuclear scintigraphy and laparotomy,
hepatic size are listed in Boxes 9-4 and 9-5. Causes contrast radiography is a reliable method to deter-
of abnormal hepatic size are listed in Boxes 9-6 mine whether there is a portosystemic shunt
and 9-7. In addition to hepatic size, abnormalities present. There are several techniques to evaluate
in hepatic radiodensity can also be determined hepatic blood flow, including intraoperative
from survey radiographs. These abnormalities mesenteric portography, percutaneous spleno-
include (1) calcification (cholelithiasis, parasitic portography, and cranial mesenteric arterial
cysts, neoplasia, or granulomas), (2) gas accumula- portography.
tion (cholecystitis, gas in the portal veins, hepatic Intraoperative Mesenteric Portography
abscess, or necrotic tumors), and (3) inability to The indications to perform intraoperative mesen-
visualize hepatic borders (ascites or emaciation). teric portography are to confirm the existence,
Radiography is reviewed in detail in Chapter 2. number, and location of portosystemic shunts. In

BOX 9-7 Causes of Radiographic
General anesthesia or heavy sedation is required
Signs of Increased for splenoportography. The spleen is localized
Hepatic Size by transabdominal palpation, or ultrasound or
Neoplasia (primary or metastatic) laparoscopy can be used to aid in needle place-
Congestion (right-sided heart failure) ment. Approximately 0.25 to 0.5 ml/lb body
Fatty infiltration weight of an iodinated radiographic contrast
Diffuse inflammation media is injected directly into the splenic pulp at
Hyperadrenocorticism the rate of 1 to 2 ml/sec. Radiographs are taken
Storage diseases immediately and approximately 10 seconds after
Abscess the end of the injection.
Hepatic or biliary cyst Cranial Mesenteric Arterial Portography
Liver lobe torsion
Cranial mesenteric arterial portography is an
Puppies and kittens (normal)
excellent method of evaluating the entire portal
Deep inspiration (normal)
system and evaluating hepatic blood flow. The
technique is less invasive than operative mesenteric
portography; however, it requires fluoroscopy,
addition, the residual portovenous flow into the serial films, and special injection equipment.
liver can be assessed for prognostic importance. If a
portosystemic shunt is identified, surgical correc-
tion may be performed during the same anesthetic Ultrasonographic Evaluation
procedure. of the Liver
Technique Ultrasonography is now widely used to evaluate
Intraoperative mesenteric portography is a tech- the liver because it is ideally suited for soft tissue
nique that can readily be performed in general imaging. It gives specific information regard-
practice, because no special equipment is needed. ing structural abnormalities in the liver and can
A mesenteric or jejunal vein is catheterized at readily distinguish fluid-filled structures from
laparotomy. A vessel that can eventually be sacri- solid soft tissue structures, including visualization
ficed is selected, and as large a catheter as possible of the gallbladder, hepatic vessels, and adjacent
is used. Once the catheter is secured, an intra- parenchyma. Hepatic ultrasonography is discussed
venous extension set is attached and the abdomen in Chapter 2. Also see the References for addi-
temporarily closed (with the extension set exiting tional information regarding basic principles of
through the abdominal wall). A total of 0.25 to ultrasound and the ultrasonographic appearance of
0.5 ml/lb body weight of an iodinated ra- the liver.
diographic contrast media is injected as rapidly as The main reasons I use ultrasonography to
possible through the extension set. A radiograph is evaluate hepatic disease are to distinguish focal
obtained just at the end of the injection. Unless a from diffuse disease (and thus help determine an
portable radiographic unit is available, it is usually appropriate biopsy method) and to distinguish
easiest to perform the laparotomy on the x-ray intrahepatic causes of cholestasis from extrahepatic
table.With portosystemic shunting, contrast media causes of cholestasis (the former being a poten-
passes directly into the systemic venous circulation tially medically treatable problem, the latter a
and bypasses the liver. If the caudal extent of the surgically treatable problem). Additional indica-
shunt is cranial to T13, it is probably an intrahe- tions for an ultrasound evaluation of the liver
patic shunt; if it is caudal to T13, it is probably an include any abnormality in hepatic function, size,
extrahepatic shunt. or radiodensity. Diffuse changes in hepatic
Percutaneous Splenoportography echogenicity (compared with falciform fat, the
The indications for percutaneous splenoportogra- renal cortex, and spleen) may suggest certain
phy are similar to those described for intraopera- hepatic diseases. Diffuse hyperechogenicity is seen
tive mesenteric portography. Splenoportography with fatty change, steroid hepatopathy, fibrosis, and
often yields a lesser quality study but has the cirrhosis. Hypoechogenicity is seen with passive
advantage of not requiring a laparotomy. This congestion, lymphoma, and suppurative hepatitis.
is especially important in a hypoalbuminemic Ultrasonography can also be a useful method to
patient that is at risk for wound dehiscence. obtain a biopsy specimen of the liver, because it

can be used to guide a biopsy needle into an

BOX 9-9 Abnormalities
appropriate portion of the liver. Normal structures
and abnormalities detectable by ultrasonography Detectable by Hepatic
are listed in Boxes 9-8 and 9-9. Ultrasonography
Hepatic enlargement
Nuclear Scintigraphy to Hepatic fibrosis
Evaluate the Liver Neoplasia (focal or metastatic)
Nuclear scintigraphy is primarily used to evaluate Distended gallbladder and biliary tree
hepatic blood flow and aids in the detection of Portal or hepatic venous distension
Hepatic cysts
portosystemic shunts. Scintigraphy may in some
Hepatic abscess
cases localize the shunt and distinguish intrahep-
atic from extrahepatic shunts. It also represents a Portosystemic shunts
noninvasive method of proving the existence of a Lipidosis/vacuolar hepatopathy
shunt. It may be followed by more invasive studies, Nodular regeneration
such as mesenteric portography or surgery. Nuclear
scintigraphy equipment is primarily available at
referral centers.
candidate. In addition, the radioisotope enters the
Technique portal system more caudal to the liver than in
Technetium-99m pertechnetate is an inexpensive, angiographic studies, so distal or caudal shunts are
available radioisotope that is absorbed across the not missed. The study can also be performed on
colonic mucosa. When administered in high con- cats but may require a higher imaging frequency.
centration into the colon, dynamic imaging dur- A similar procedure has also been described in
ing the first 1 to 2 minutes can provide a nuclear dogs using transcolonic 123I-iodoamphetamine
angiogram of the portal system. These images in (IMP). This is a radiolabeled amine that binds to
normal dogs result in sequential visualization of liver and lungs following absorption from the
the portal vein, liver, and several seconds later the colon. Imaging within 10 minutes of administra-
heart and lungs. In patients with portosystemic tion and counting activity in liver and lung allows
shunts, heart and lung activity occur before liver a direct calculation of portal blood flow that is
activity. bypassing the liver. This method is also noninva-
The procedure is well tolerated and does not sive and accurate. However, disadvantages com-
require sedation. In many cases the study allows pared with transcolonic administration of 99mTc
distinction between intrahepatic shunts, single pertechnetate are the high expense and relatively
extrahepatic shunts, and multiple extrahepatic long half-life of the radioisotope 123I.
shunts. Although the study does not give the An alternative technique involves analysis of an
anatomic detail of radiographic contrast studies, intravenous injection of radiocolloid. Radiocolloids
the information is usually specific enough to are removed from the circulation by the RES of the
determine whether the patient is a good operative body. It has been shown that the uptake of radio-
colloid by the liver is a reflection of hepatic blood
flow rather than phagocytic properties of Kupffer’s
BOX 9-8 Normal Structures cells. Thus radiocolloid scintigraphy is a sensitive
Detectable by Hepatic technique to screen for portosystemic shunts. The
procedure is safe, does not require sedation, and is
Ultrasonography relatively rapid. Radiocolloid scintigraphy is per-
Diaphragm formed by injecting 3 to 5 mCi 99mTc sulfur colloid
Hepatic parenchyma intravenously and subsequently scanning the organs
Gallbladder of the body with a gamma camera. A computer is
Hepatic and portal veins used to plot activity in the lungs and liver against
Intrahepatic bile ducts (variable) time.
Cystic duct (variable) In normal dogs there is initial activity in the
Common bile duct (variable)
lungs, which rapidly decreases during the initial

passage of the bolus (60 seconds) as the radiocol- In patients with persistently abnormal serum hepatic
loid is cleared from the circulation by the spleen enzyme activities, efforts to rule out nonhepatic
and liver. There is subsequent gradual increase in causes of enzyme elevations should be made first,
activity in the liver, reflecting uptake of the radio- such as hyperadrenocorticism, diabetes mellitus,
colloid. In dogs with portosystemic shunts, there is congestive heart failure, and feline hyperthy-
increasing activity in the lungs after the initial pas- roidism. In an asymptomatic patient, when
sage of the bolus, indicating pulmonary uptake. increased hepatic enzyme activities are detected
The rate of hepatic uptake is considerably less than on routine biochemical profiles, I generally assess
that seen in normal dogs. Unfortunately, there are hepatic function with serum bile acid measure-
many indeterminate and false-positive results with ments. If these are not grossly elevated, the bio-
this method compared with transcolonic adminis- chemistry profile is repeated in 4 to 6 weeks. If
tration of the radioisotope. In normal cats, extra- there is a persistent increase in hepatic enzyme
hepatic uptake in the lungs occurs, preventing activity at this time, hepatic biopsy is justified.
adequate images of the liver. Abnormal hepatic size of unknown cause
(either microhepatica or hepatomegaly) is another
indication for hepatic biopsy. If hepatomegaly is
Hepatic Biopsy present, efforts must be made to rule out nonhe-
Hepatic biopsy specimen analysis is the only way patic causes, such as hyperadrenocorticism, diabetes
to accurately diagnose and classify hepatic disease. mellitus, and congestive heart failure. Even in the
Biochemical tests, radiographs, and ultrasonogra- presence of these disorders, it might be clinically
phy determine that hepatic disease exists. None of indicated to assess hepatic involvement in these
these tests accurately determines the cause or multisystem diseases with hepatic biopsy specimen
appropriate treatment or predicts prognosis (with analysis. In many cases of hepatomegaly (with
the exception of angiography or scintigraphy for either diffuse or focal enlargement), the purpose of
detecting portosystemic shunts). Recent advances the biopsy is to confirm suspected neoplasia.
in biopsy methods and in noninvasive imaging of Recent advances in chemotherapy have made this
the liver have made hepatic biopsy a routine and an important step in proper management.
essential tool in the diagnosis and management of Finally, hepatic biopsy specimen analysis is
patients with hepatic disease. Many types of important to document the progression of disease.
hepatic diseases are treatable, and a definitive diag- Often multiple or serial biopsies are necessary to
nosis allows the clinician to make appropriate document remission (as in certain cases of chronic
clinical decisions with regard to specific treat- active hepatitis [CAH] or hepatic malignant lym-
ment, rather than just supportive care. Hepatic phoma) and therefore determine appropriate
biopsy specimen analysis helps determine treatment.
whether the abnormality is (1) reversible or irre-
versible, (2) progressive or static, (3) primary Precautions
hepatic or secondary, (4) treated with specific Most contraindications to hepatic biopsy are rela-
therapy or only with supportive therapy and tive contraindications and depend on the biopsy
whether there is a need for follow-up biopsy method.When these factors are present, the clini-
posttreatment. cian must weigh the potential benefits of obtain-
ing the biopsy (i.e., a definitive diagnosis and the
Indications opportunity to begin rational specific therapy)
The most common indication for performing with the risks of the complications that could
hepatic biopsy is abnormal hepatic function potentially occur. However, with experience and
and/or increased serum hepatic enzyme activities knowledge of various methods of hepatic biopsy,
of unknown origin. This is usually identified by these risks can be minimized.
hepatic function tests (such as serum bile acids or The most common contraindication to hepatic
blood ammonia measurements) and serum bio- biopsy is a coagulopathy. Determining the nature of
chemical profile findings obtained in patients the coagulopathy is important in minimizing
showing signs compatible with hepatic disease or its influence. The most common coagulopathy asso-
in routine preanesthetic blood work. If clinical ciated with hepatic disease is DIC. When DIC is
illness is attributed to hepatic disease, a biopsy is present, knowledge of the underlying disease is
warranted. essential in long-term management, and thus

obtaining the biopsy is essential. In this setting I Finally, hepatic abscess, cyst, or vascular tumors
recommend high volumes of intravenous fluids to are contraindications to percutaneous biopsy
maintain tissue perfusion in the face of micro- methods. Unfortunately, it is usually not known
thrombi, platelet function inhibition with aspirin to that these are present until it is too late, unless an
minimize the hypercoagulable state, and a transfu- imaging modality such as ultrasonography or
sion with fresh crossmatched whole blood collected laparoscopy is available.
in a plastic collection bag (glass activates factor XII)
with 125 units of heparin added per 500 ml of blood Prebiopsy Considerations
to activate antithrombin III (to minimize the hyper- Appropriate biochemical and hepatic function
coagulable state). Methods of obtaining the biopsy tests must be performed to assess the need for the
that require a minimal incision yet allow control of biopsy and identify concurrent disease. Once the
bleeding, such as laparoscopy-guided or the keyhole need for hepatic biopsy is determined, several con-
method, are preferred. siderations must be made. History, physical exami-
When there are prolonged clotting times unac- nation, laboratory, and ancillary findings deter-
companied by DIC, there may be decreased clot- mine the overall health status of the patient. This
ting factor synthesis or vitamin K deficiency. is important in deciding an appropriate anesthetic
Vitamin K administration may be helpful in cer- regime. Certain biopsy methods require minimal
tain situations. In one report vitamin K adminis- to no sedation (blind percutaneous or ultrasound-
tration improved PIVKA times in 10 of 23 dogs guided), some require short general anesthetics
with hepatic disease and normalized PIVKA times (keyhole or laparoscopy-guided), whereas others
in 12 of 48 cats. It has been my experience that require a long general anesthetic (laparotomy). In
bleeding following hepatic biopsy does not corre- addition, patients with extremely low serum albu-
late with coagulation tests, including the PIVKA min concentration are at greater risk for wound
test. Patients with coagulopathies are no more dehiscence and therefore biopsy is more appropri-
likely to bleed than patients without coagu- ately performed with percutaneous methods.
lopathies. In most cases of significant bleeding Abdominal radiographs are helpful to assess
following hepatic biopsy, there are technical prob- hepatic size. This information is useful to narrow
lems. In my experience the rapidity of bleeding the list of differential diagnoses and also to help plan
and/or necropsy examination suggest that a large the biopsy approach. For example, with microhep-
vessel has been damaged rather than hemorrhage atica the transthoracic percutaneous approach may
being due to persistent oozing from needle biopsy be preferred over the transabdominal percuta-
sites. The exception to this is that patients with neous approach and laparoscopy-guided biopsy
DIC often have significant hemorrhage regardless may be preferred over ultrasound-guided biopsy.
of technique. Controlled studies in veterinary The reverse is true with hepatomegaly. Thoracic
patients will be necessary to make final conclu- radiographs are helpful to rule out metastatic
sions regarding postbiopsy hemorrhage in the neoplasia.
patient with a coagulopathy. Coagulation profiles should be performed
An unstable patient that cannot be safely anes- before hepatic biopsy because of the multitude of
thetized is another relative contraindication for abnormalities possible with hepatic disease.
performing a liver biopsy. In these patients blind These were discussed in detail in the section on
percutaneous or ultrasound-guided biopsy meth- pathophysiologic derangements occurring with
ods may be considered because these can often be hepatic disease. Ideally PIVKA time, prothrombin
done with minimal or no sedation. time, partial thromboplastin time, platelet count,
Complete biliary obstruction with dilation and fibrin degradation product determinations
of intrahepatic bile ducts is a contraindication should be made before hepatic biopsy. If there are
described in humans because of the potential for significant cost and time concerns, a less accept-
bile peritonitis. Theoretically this occurs because able alternative is the measurement of activated
there is increased intraductal pressure, and there- clotting time and toenail bleeding time. The for-
fore inadvertent duct rupture following biopsy mer test assesses the intrinsic and common
results in bile leaking into the abdominal cavity. In clotting pathways but is only abnormal when
my experience, however, this complication has not clotting factor activity drops below 10% of
been recognized in cases when percutaneous biopsy normal (whereas partial thromboplastin time is
was performed in animals with biliary obstruction. abnormal when clotting factor activity drops

below 30% of normal). The management of Semiautomated cutting needles include the
coagulopathies when obtaining hepatic biopsy Vet-Core needle (Cook). Semiautomatic needles
was discussed in the section on precautions for require manual thrusting of the internal obturator
hepatic biopsy. (containing the biopsy tray or specimen notch)
Because chemical restraint is sometimes neces- into the organ, followed by an automatic thrusting
sary to insure a safe procedure, the patient should of the outer cutting sheath by the spring-loaded
be clipped before sedation. For general anesthesia I mechanism. These needles have some of the
prefer isoflurane or sevoflurane induction by face advantages of the completely automatic needles
mask or induction chamber. If an injectable anes- and have the additional advantages of having more
thetic is desired, I prefer the combination of keta- control over final needle position and being lighter
mine and diazepam. Although oxymorphone with a smaller handle. These characteristics also
provides adequate restraint and can be reversed if make these needles well suited to computed
necessary, excessive panting often occurs, which tomography (CT) guidance because the handle
interferes with the biopsy procedure and therefore can be let free by the operator for intraprocedural
is not recommended. scanning without the weight of the handle causing
the needle to move. In addition, the tip of the nee-
Biopsy Methods dle can be precisely localized before the outer cut-
The five basic methods of obtaining a hepatic ting sheath is “fired.” The older manual cutting
biopsy are blind percutaneous, keyhole technique, ultra- needles (Tru-Cut or ABC needles) offer no advan-
sound-guided, laparoscopy-guided, and laparotomy tages over these newer needles.
biopsy. Each method has certain advantages and Aspiration needles are generally used to obtain
disadvantages. Knowledge of these, as well as prac- smaller samples that would be suitable for cyto-
tice and expertise in each respective method, allow logic preparations (rather than histopathologic
the clinician to select the most appropriate and preparations), or for Menghini and Westcott nee-
safest method to obtain hepatic tissue. dles, used to obtain small samples for histopatho-
Blind Percutaneous Biopsy logic examination (see below). These needles are
The advantages of blind percutaneous biopsy are also well suited to obtain samples of fluid, such as
that it is very rapid, requires minimal sedation, and intraparenchymal cysts and gallbladder puncture.
is low cost. Disadvantages of this method are that Usually these are smaller-gauge needles (20 to 22
there is the potential for inadvertent trauma to gauge) and therefore tend to be less traumatic.
other organs, focal lesions may be missed, and Aspiration needles employ suction to obtain fluid
detection of bleeding may be delayed. or cut the core of tissue. The Menghini needle is
Equipment especially suited for transthoracic hepatic biopsy
Various biopsy needles can be used for percuta- but can be used for transabdominal techniques as
neous biopsy. In general, newer automated needles well. The tip of the needle is slightly oblique and
are preferred. These are spring-loaded needles that convex and cuts a core of tissue when suction is
are similar in style to manual Tru-Cut (Baxter) or applied as the needle is rapidly thrust into the liver
ABC (Monoject) needles. Automated needles can and immediately withdrawn. The intrahepatic
be completely automatic or semiautomatic. phase should last just a fraction of a second. A slid-
Automated cutting needles include the Monopty ing screw acts as a depth gauge and prevents the
(Bard), ASAP (Microvasive), and Biopty (Bard) needle from entering too deeply into the
needles. Completely automatic needles thrust the parenchyma. For the Westcott needle, suction is
inner obturator (containing the biopsy tray or used to draw tissue into a specimen notch at the
specimen notch) followed by the outer cutting distal end. Gentle back-and-forth movement
sheath into the organ in a fraction of a second. allows a core of tissue to be cut.
These needles can easily be operated with one Transthoracic Technique
hand. Because the action is so quick, there is min- Because of the short intrahepatic phase, the
imal displacement of the organ, a shorter intra- transthoracic technique is especially suitable for
parenchymal phase, and much more reliable yield patients in which sedation is too risky or unde-
of tissue. This allows the biopsy of the organ to be sirable and in patients with microhepatica, in which
performed with minimal manual mobilization, the transabdominal technique may be difficult.
allows a smaller diameter needle to be used, and The patient is given corn oil orally (1 ml/lb
allows a lighter degree of sedation. body weight) to cause the gallbladder to contract

and thus minimize the risk of inadvertent puncture. given corn oil orally (2 ml/kg body weight) to
A Menghini needle is used to obtain the biopsy cause the gallbladder to contract and thus reduce
specimen. The patient is placed in left lateral the risk of inadvertent puncture. I prefer to use
recumbency, and the right hemithorax clipped and automated cutting type of needles such as the
surgically prepared. A local anesthetic is injected Monopty or ASAP needles. The patient is placed
subcutaneously at the needle puncture site: just in right dorsal oblique recumbency at a 45-degree
dorsal to the costochondral junction of the fifth angle. In this position the stomach falls down
through seventh intercostal space (depending on the toward the right side. A large area around the
size of the patient and distance to the diaphragm). xiphoid cartilage is clipped and surgically pre-
Using a No. 11 blade, a skin incision is made to pre- pared. A local anesthetic is injected subcuta-
vent dulling of the biopsy needle.With the stylet of neously at the needle entry site: just caudal and to
the Menghini needle in place, the needle is the left of the xiphoid cartilage, in the middle of
“popped” into the pleural space and then directed the “V” formed by the xiphoid cartilage and the
caudally and parallel to the rib cage until it contacts rib cage. If the needle enters too far cranially, it
the diaphragm (respiratory movements will be felt). may inadvertently enter the thoracic cavity. If
Care is taken to avoid lacerating the intercostal ves- there is hepatomegaly, the entry site is moved cau-
sels that lie along the caudal aspect of each rib. dally as appropriate for the hepatic size. The skin is
Upon making contact with the diaphragm, the nee- incised with a No. 11 blade to prevent dulling of
dle depth gauge is slid to within approximately the biopsy needle. The biopsy needle is inserted
1.5 cm of the skin so that the depth of penetration and advanced just through the body wall and
into the liver is limited to this distance.The stylet is aimed in a craniolateral direction towards the left
then removed and quickly replaced with a 12-ml shoulder. The needle should be advanced during
syringe filled with 5 to 6 ml of sterile saline. inspiration. The liver should be very close to the
Negative pressure corresponding to approximately body wall, and the needle need not be advanced
3 ml of fluid volume is produced by drawing on the very far. Penetration of the liver is often not felt.
plunger. At the peak of expiration, the needle is The most common error using this technique is
rapidly thrust into the liver (with the distance lim- inserting the needle too far and going completely
ited by the depth gauge) and immediately with- through the liver. Once the liver is entered the
drawn from the patient in one swift motion, biopsy needle is operated to cut the sample. This is
maintaining negative pressure throughout. This done during peak inspiration. The needle is
entire step (i.e., the intrahepatic phase) should last removed after each attempt. The core of hepatic
only a split second. The core of hepatic tissue tissue should be resting within the specimen notch
should rest within the fluid in the syringe or in the of the needle. If the initial attempt fails to obtain
needle. The plunger is removed and the contents hepatic tissue, the needle is redirected based
poured into culture broth, onto a slide for impression on perceived location of the liver, body conforma-
cytologyic study, and/or into a jar containing 10% tion (i.e., deep chested), and direction of previ-
formalin. The patient is then immediately turned ous attempts. Tissue is carefully removed with a
onto its right side for approximately 5 minutes to 25-gauge needle and placed into culture broth,
allow the weight of the liver to control hemorrhage. onto a slide for impression cytologic study, and/or
Possible complications with this technique into 10% formalin. The patient is immediately
include gallbladder puncture (and possible bile placed in sternal recumbency to allow the weight
peritonitis and pleuritis), pneumothorax, and of the liver to control hemorrhage.
excessive bleeding. In patients with firm fibrotic Possible complications of this technique include
livers, this technique may not yield a suitable sam- puncture of the stomach, gallbladder rupture (and
ple. In this situation a cutting type of needle used possible bile peritonitis), puncture of the dia-
with a transabdominal approach may be successful. phragm and lung (and possible pneumothorax),
Transabdominal Technique (Blind) and excessive bleeding.
The transabdominal technique is especially useful Keyhole Technique
when the size of the liver is normal or large. It has The keyhole technique offers the advantages of
a longer intrahepatic phase than the transthoracic providing more guidance of the needle than blind
technique if a cutting type of needle is used, and percutaneous biopsy, being relatively rapid, and
therefore a higher degree of sedation may be nec- being low cost. Disadvantages of this method
essary in an uncooperative patient. The patient is include the requirement for more sedation com-

pared with blind percutaneous biopsy, the possibil- focal liver biopsy the location of the lesion will
ity of causing inadvertent trauma to other organs, determine the position of the scan head and nee-
the possibility that focal lesions may be missed, and dle path. For diffuse lesions the transducer is usu-
the possibility that detection of bleeding may be ally placed just caudal and to the left of the
delayed. This technique is especially suitable for xiphoid and aimed at the left medial or lateral
individuals who lack the experience to perform a lobes. In patients with extremely small livers, it
blind percutaneous biopsy. may be difficult to adequately visualize the needle
The keyhole technique and equipment are without stomach gas interfering. In this case plac-
similar to that described for the blind transabdom- ing the patient in a 45-degree right ventral
inal percutaneous biopsy. Under a general anes- oblique position often helps reduce interference
thetic a small incision into the abdominal cavity is from the stomach. Otherwise the patient is usually
made just caudal to the site of needle introduction. placed in dorsal recumbency for most procedures.
A gloved finger is inserted into the abdomen to A rubber trough or V tray assists in positioning. In
palpate the liver and stabilize it for biopsy. The addition, if the patient is under gas general anes-
needle is inserted through the same incision or thesia, an assistant compresses the rebreathing bag
through a separate incision just cranial to the first to hold the patient in deep inspiration. This
incision. The finger then guides the needle into moves the diaphragm and liver caudally to
the liver, and the biopsy specimen is cut. I prefer improve visualization. If a lesion cannot be seen
an automated cutting needle for this technique due to overlying gas or bone, changing patient or
because it can be operated with one hand, whereas transducer position usually allows adequate visu-
the Tru-Cut needle would require an assistant to alization.
operate the needle. Complications are similar The area to be scanned, including the needle
to those described for blind percutaneous biopsy. entry site, is surgically prepared. The ultrasound
Ultrasound-Guided Biopsy transducer is covered with sterile plastic wrap (or
Ultrasound-guided biopsy offers the advantage of a sterile glove) after a small amount of coupling
providing more guidance to the needle than is gel is placed on the transducer surface. A biopsy
possible with blind percutaneous biopsy, is rela- guide may be used if desired, allowing accurate
tively rapid, and requires minimal sedation. placement of the needle in the same plane as the
Because intraparenchymal lesions can be visual- scan. However, it is sometimes desirable to have
ized, biopsy of them can be selectively performed. the needle enter in a different plane due to over-
In addition, other intrahepatic structures such as lying structures in the plane of the scan, in which
the gallbladder and portal vessels can be avoided. case a biopsy guide cannot be used. Biopsy guides
Disadvantages of ultrasound-guided biopsy in- also limit the angle of insertion of the needle, and
clude the requirement for expensive equipment the entry site is usually 2 to 3 cm from the scan
and that detection of bleeding may be delayed. As head. Therefore for superficial lesions or those in
with other biopsy methods, success is operator- the center of the scan, a biopsy guide should not
dependant. Ultrasound-guided biopsy is easier be used. Furthermore, when the needle is in a
when the liver is normal or large in size. When rigid biopsy guide, inadvertent trauma to the
there is microhepatica, overlying gas in the stom- organ may result if the patient moves or takes a
ach often makes visualization of the liver difficult. deep breath.
In this setting, laparoscopy would offer a more A small amount of sterile coupling gel or
appropriate image-guided biopsy method. water-soluble lubricant is placed on the skin, and
Technique the ultrasound examination is repeated to verify
Most dogs require minimal sedation for ultra- the needle path. A small stab incision is made in
sound-guided biopsy. I use a low dose of ketamine the skin at the needle insertion site. Automated
for cats (10 to 20 mg intravenously) or isoflurane needles are generally preferred because they can
or sevoflurane administered by face mask. A care- be easily operated with one hand. Therefore the
ful ultrasound examination is performed before needle must be loaded before entry into the
biopsy. This allows planning of the procedure abdomen. While one hand maneuvers the trans-
based on the type of echo pattern, size of the ducer, the other hand advances the needle into the
lesion, proximity to other organs, proximity to organ under direct ultrasound visualization. If the
blood vessels, determination of cystic or solid tis- needle tip cannot be seen, gentle movement of the
sue, and determination of the needle path. For transducer should allow visualization. To allow

distinction of the needle from other echogenic perform a complete laparoscopic examination and
structures in the image, the needle can be gently obtain multiple biopsy specimens in 10 to 15
moved in and out. Ideally this should be minimal minutes in most cases, and because there is only a
and just enough to move the organ within the 1.0-cm incision, there is much less risk for wound
abdominal cavity rather than moving the needle dehiscence. Disadvantages of laparoscopy are the
within the organ. If a spinal needle is used, mov- requirement for a general anesthetic and the need
ing the stylet in and out of the stationary nee- for expensive equipment. Details of the equip-
dle increases the echogenicity and visualization ment and techniques for performing laparoscopy
of the needle tip without creating tissue trauma. are found in Chapter 3.
Occasionally the needle cannot be visualized. Potential complications of the procedure
Indirect evidence of organ puncture can be used, include those related to a general anesthetic,
including movement of the organ or visualization excessive bleeding, overdistention of the abdomen
of motion at the organ border. The needle is with gas, air embolism, and a tension pneumotho-
directed so the trajectory will avoid other struc- rax if the diaphragm is inadvertently punc-
tures when it is fired. Care must be taken to pre- tured (as abdominal gas enters the thoracic
vent going too deep with the needle, or it will be cavity). In my experience these complications are
seen to penetrate the diaphragm and enter the extremely rare.
thoracic cavity. Once the biopsy specimen is Laparotomy Biopsy
obtained, the needle is removed. The core of liver Advantages of a laparotomy biopsy include the abil-
should be resting within the specimen notch of ity to view the entire abdominal cavity and to treat
the needle. A 25-gauge needle is then carefully disease when surgically correctable. Therefore
used to transfer the tissue into culture broth, onto one can visualize and select the biopsy site. If
a slide for impression cytologic study, and/or into there is excessive hemorrhage, it can be controlled.
10% formalin. The number of biopsy specimens However, if there is a known coagulopathy, lapa-
obtained will depend on the coagulation status of rotomy is not advised because of the size of the inci-
the patient, types of diagnostic tests planned, and sion and therefore high potential for additional
adequacy of tissue retrieved. After completion of bleeding. In this setting laparoscopy is the preferred
the procedure, an ultrasound examination is per- method for obtaining the biopsy specimen.
formed to check for excessive hemorrhage. Laparotomy offers the additional advantage of being
External digital pressure or an abdominal com- able to obtain large biopsy specimens. Disadvantages
pression wrap may be used to control hemor- of laparotomy biopsy include the requirement for a
rhage. Possible complications of this technique are long general anesthetic and therefore more risk to
similar to those described above for the blind the patient. In addition, there may be poor wound
transabdominal percutaneous biopsy. healing if severe hypoalbuminemia is present and
Laparoscopy-Guided Biopsy therefore increased risk for dehiscence.
The main advantage of laparoscopy-guided The techniques to obtain hepatic tissue at
biopsy is the ability to visualize the liver, biliary laparotomy are beyond the scope of this chapter.
tree, and other abdominal organs. With experi- The reader is referred to surgical textbooks for
ence the gallbladder can be examined, palpated further information on this subject.
with a blunt probe, and the bile duct traced to its
entry into the duodenum. In this manner it can Postbiopsy Monitoring
be determined whether there is a common bile The most important complication to monitor for
duct or cystic duct obstruction. In addition, following hepatic biopsy is excessive hemorrhage
because focal lesions on the liver can be directly and subsequent hypovolemic shock. Hematocrit
visualized, an appropriate biopsy site can be and total solid measurements are an unreliable
selected, and other intrahepatic structures such as means of identification of hemorrhage, because
the gallbladder and portal vessels can be avoided. several hours are necessary for extravascular fluid
Hemorrhage can be observed and, when exces- redistribution to occur following acute bleeding
sive, controlled with direct compression with a and therefore changes in hematocrit are delayed.
blunt probe over the biopsy site, with electro- By the time the hematocrit drops, it might be
cautery, or with application of gel foam. too late to begin a life-saving blood transfusion.
Compared with laparotomy, there is much less Therefore clinical monitoring, including assessing
anesthetic time.With experience the operator can mucous membrane color and capillary refill time,

is most helpful. Intravenous fluid support and/or Biopsy Specimen Interpretation

blood transfusion may be necessary to treat Controversy exists as to whether fine needle aspi-
hypovolemic shock. If the patient has a known rates, needle biopsy specimens, laparoscopic “spoon”
coagulopathy before biopsy, crossmatching should biopsy specimens, and surgical wedge biopsy sam-
be performed and compatible blood made avail- ples give similar results. There appears to be strong
able. If at all possible, blood transfusion with stored institutional bias in regard to this question, usually
blood should be avoided because it contains a high depending on expertise and experiences of the
concentration of ammonia resulting from elaboration entire team of clinicians involved (e.g., internist,
from red blood cells. Therefore fresh blood should radiologist, pathologist). My impression is that fine
be collected in plastic collection bags (platelets needle aspirates are only helpful for certain condi-
stick to glass, and glass activates factor XII and tions, such as to confirm the diagnosis of hepatic
can therefore worsen DIC). In my experience if lipidosis and certain types of neoplasms (lym-
there are no complications from hemorrhage phoma and mast cell tumor). However, fine needle
within 5 hours of the biopsy procedure, aspirates usually fail to define lobular architecture,
the patient is unlikely to experience bleeding the location of inflammation within the lobule,
problems. degree of fibrosis, degree of cholestasis, vascular
pathologic condition, and so on. Fine needle aspi-
Biopsy Specimen Handling rates are also often unreliable in mixed lesions. A
Hepatic biopsy samples are often quite friable recent study comparing fine needle aspirates for
and need to be handled with care to avoid exces- cytologic study with surgical biopsy specimens
sive fragmentation. Depending on the biopsy suggested that cytologic examination is unreliable
method, the amount of tissue submitted may be in all categories of hepatic disease in dogs and cats.
small. The pathologist must be familiar with Needle biopsies may also be limited in their use-
interpreting small samples. Therefore representa- fulness in some situations as well, depending on
tive sections of the liver must be submitted. A the quality and quantity of the biopsy samples
portion of all hepatic biopsy samples should be obtained. I occasionally receive results of needle
cultured for both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. biopsy specimen analysis that do not adequately
Therefore appropriate culture media should be explain the clinical and laboratory features of the
available. Bacterial infection of the liver can be a patient. It is likely that some of these cases simply
primary event or can be secondary to abnormal have sampling error. Needle biopsy specimens
clearance of portal bacteria associated with procured via ultrasound guidance are typically
abnormal hepatic reticuloendothelial cell func- obtained from the portion of liver that can be seen
tion. best (usually the left medial lobe), with minimal
A portion of the biopsy sample can be placed attempts to sample other sites. Geographic diver-
on a glass slide to obtain an impression smear for sity and the limited sample size may explain failure
cytologic study before placing the sample in 10% in these cases. For example, needle biopsy speci-
formalin. Several diseases can be readily diagnosed mens of regenerative nodules often can be sugges-
by cytologic examination before histopathologic tive of a metabolic disorder. Several portal triads
confirmation, including feline hepatic lipidosis, need to be included to be of most benefit, often
hepatic malignant lymphoma, hepatic carcinoma, from several areas.A recent study showed only 49%
and fungal hepatitis. concordance between needle biopsy and surgical
In addition to routine hematoxylin-eosin biopsy specimen analysis.
(H & E) staining, copper stains may be helpful, Clearly laparoscopic and surgical wedge biop-
including orcein, rhodamine, rubeanic, or Timm’s sies give the most information because of the size
stains. Use of these stains is indicated in suspected of biopsy specimens obtained. Caution must be
cases of primary copper-storage diseases (as occurs used when obtaining a biopsy sample from the
in the Bedlington terrier and West Highland white edge of a lobe. There is often an increase in
terrier) or to assess whether chelation therapy will fibrous tissue at the surface due to blending of
be necessary in cases of chronic active hepatitis fibrous tissue of the capsule with portal fibrous tis-
(especially in Doberman pinschers). It is recom- sue. Therefore the center of lobes should be
mended that copper stains be requested anytime a included in sampling with laparoscopic or surgical
hepatic biopsy sample is obtained from any of biopsy procedures. In addition, laparoscopic biopsy
these breeds. allows the sampling of multiple lobes. I typically

obtain at least seven “spoon” biopsy specimens

with most laparoscopic examinations. Many diseases of the liver are treatable when a
The most common histopathologic abnormali- definitive diagnosis is known. However, proper
ties encountered in the experience of many clini- management requires an understanding of the eti-
cians are listed in order of frequency in Box 9-10. ology, proper interpretation of diagnostic tests, and
From a clinical perspective the biopsy specimen an etiologic diagnosis based on hepatic biopsy
analysis has the following purposes: specimen analysis. This discussion will cover the
most commonly encountered diseases of the liver
1. To categorize the disease (inflammatory, neo-
and review specific treatment when appropriate.
plastic, degenerative, dysplastic, or metabolic
abnormality such as lipidosis or steroid
hepatopathy) Inflammatory Diseases
2. To establish a specific cause if possible of the Liver
3. To determine the prognosis
Inflammatory diseases represent one of the most
4. To direct institution of appropriate specific
common manifestations of hepatic disease. The
liver is often affected with infectious and toxic
Information that must be determined from inflammatory diseases because it has an active
hepatic biopsy specimen analysis includes the fol- reticuloendothelial cell function and plays an
lowing: important role in detoxifying agents absorbed
from the bowel. The liver also receives a large por-
1. Chronicity (acute or chronic)
tion of the cardiac output and therefore has poten-
2. Severity
tial for systemic hematogenous involvement. The
3. Involvement of structures within individual
liver also may be involved in noninfectious
lobular units (bile canaliculi, blood vessels and
immune-mediated reactions.
lymphatics, hepatocytes in each major zone of
the lobule, or the hepatic capsule)
Noninfectious Inflammatory Diseases
4. Distribution, severity, and nature of inflamma-
Noninfectious inflammatory diseases are among the most
tory cells
common hepatic diseases seen. Unfortunately, the
5. Degree of degeneration and necrosis
cause is often unclear, and they remain idiopathic
6. Distribution and severity of fibrosis
entities. In addition to primary inflammatory
7. Presence of pigment
hepatic disease, the liver can be involved secondary
8. Vacuolar changes (fat, steroids)
to disease in other organs (“innocent bystander”).
9. Presence of organisms
Because the liver receives GI products and toxins
10. Need for special stains (copper, amyloid,
in portal blood, primary GI disease resulting in
glycogen, or fibrous tissue)
mucosal damage can lead to increased absorption
of these agents in the portal circulation. These can
cause direct damage to the liver (toxic hepatopa-
BOX 9-10 Histopathologic thy) or incite immunologic reactions leading to
Abnormalities Seen inflammation in the liver. It is not uncommon
to find elevated hepatic enzyme activities associa-
in Hepatic Biopsy
ted with idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease
Specimens (in Order (lymphocytic-plasmacytic enteritis or colitis), viral
of Frequency) enteritis (parvovirus, coronavirus), or severe pan-
Vacuolar hepatopathy (steroid hepatopathy) creatitis. In this setting, absorption of endotoxins
Chronic active hepatitis (dog) and other toxic products results in hepatic damage
Hepatic lipidosis (cat) and inflammation. These cases are often referred
Cholangiohepatitis complex (cat) to as a “reactive hepatopathy.” Generally there are
Neoplasia (lymphoma most common) increases in serum transaminase activities (ALT,
Focal necrosis with inflammation AST) but normal concentrations of serum bile
Cholestasis acids. In addition, the hepatic abnormalities resolve
Cirrhosis when the underlying disease is treated.
Passive congestion (ischemia)
Drugs can also cause hepatic damage resulting
in inflammation, including anticonvulsants and

certain antiparasitic drugs (mebendazole, thia- looked for and that not all cases of chronic hepatitis are
cetarsamide). Finally, metabolic abnormalities such “steroid-responsive” or “autoimmune.”
as copper-storage diseases can result in hepatic When an underlying cause for chronic hepatitis
inflammation. The histologic appearance of all cannot be identified, a pathogenesis similar to that
these entities can be very similar. Therefore the described for humans (Figure 9-1) may have
clinician must be aware of the many factors merit. Briefly, it is proposed that immunologic
that can lead to hepatic inflammation and thor- factors lead to the perpetuation of inflamma-
oughly evaluate the patient to manage the disorder tion following hepatocyte damage caused by
appropriately. any agent. Following hepatocyte injury, there is a
release of hepatic antigens previously not exposed
Chronic Active Hepatitis, Chronic to the systemic immune system (hidden from
Hepatitis immune surveillance). This results in an influx of
CAH is defined as an idiopathic active inflamma- inflammatory cells (primarily lymphocytes and
tory disease of the liver that is chronic in duration. plasma cells), which cause antibody-mediated and
The term has been applied to a proposed specific complement-mediated cytotoxicity. This results in
disease analogous to the disease in humans of the further hepatocyte injury, and this vicious cycle is
same name or to a description of the pathologic perpetuated by these immunologic events and
process that results in the histologic appearance occurs long after the initial insult is gone. At first
characterized by chronic ongoing inflammation. the reaction occurs near the portal triads, but
Some clinicians believe that the disorder is not a eventually it extends beyond the limiting plate of
specific disease but rather a general reaction by the hepatocytes (the single-cell–thick layer of hepato-
liver to any injury, with the histologic pattern cytes surrounding the portal triad) into the hepatic
one of nonspecific inflammation as a response lobule. This eventually results in necrosis and
to any insult. Others believe that the clinical fea- bridging fibrosis (inflammation and fibrosis extend-
tures, histologic pattern, and response to immune- ing between adjacent portal areas). When the nor-
modulating drugs are similar enough to the disease mal hepatic architecture is lost and the fibrotic
in humans to warrant the name as a true disease process becomes diffuse, it is termed cirrhosis.
entity. Whether these events occur in the dog as has been
Several distinct clinical entities can result in proposed in humans, and whether the syndrome
chronic hepatitis, including copper-storage dis- seen in dogs is analogous to CAH in human
eases (Bedlington terrier, West Highland white beings, is unknown.
terrier, Skye terrier, and possibly the Doberman Clinical Features of Chronic Active
pinscher), infectious diseases (viral hepatitis, lep- Hepatitis in Dogs
tospirosis), drugs (anticonvulsants), or idiopathic CAH is represented in approximately 5% to 16%
causes. This discussion will focus primarily on of dogs undergoing hepatic biopsy in one study.
idiopathic causes, although it must be emphasized The disease occurs primarily in middle-age dogs
that diseases with a known underlying cause must be (average 6 years), with the majority (greater than

Initiating agent (e.g., drugs, toxins, infectious agents)

Damaged hepatocyte

Inflammatory process
extends into parenchyma Liver antigens released

Necrosis of limiting Inflammatory cell

plate of hepatocytes infiltration into
portal area (lymphocytes,
plasma cells, macrophages)
Lymphocytes develop cytotoxicity
(antibody dependent)

FIGURE 9-1 Pathogenesis of chronic active hepatitis.


75%) occurring in females. There is a marked pre- death, and the presence of bridging fibrosis was the
disposition in Doberman pinschers, with virtually histologic change most predictive of shorter sur-
all cases (greater than 95%) occurring in females vival time in dogs surviving more than 1 week.
of this breed. Because of the finding of marked Radiographic findings vary with the severity of
copper accumulation in the livers of affected the disease. Abnormal findings include microhe-
Doberman pinschers, it is unclear if the disease patica (usually associated with terminal cirrhosis),
seen in this breed is the same as that occurring in ascites (associated with portal hypertension and
other breeds. However, copper is normally hypoalbuminemia), and, in those cases that
excreted in the bile, and it accumulates in hepato- undergo angiographic evaluation, there are multi-
cytes with any cholestatic disorder. The finding of ple acquired tortuous portosystemic shunts indica-
high hepatic copper concentrations in two tive of chronic portal hypertension.
Doberman pinschers with subacute hepatitis (i.e., The histologic appearance is not unique to
without evidence of cholestasis) suggests the possi- CAH but can be seen in other inflamma-
bility of a primary copper-storage disease. For the tory hepatic diseases. Therefore other inflam-
purposes of this discussion, however, the disease matory diseases must be eliminated to suggest the
seen in the Doberman pinscher breed will be con- diagnosis of CAH. Histologic features include
sidered with that seen as idiopathic CAH in other piecemeal necrosis, bridging necrosis, and active
breeds because the clinical features are similar. cirrhosis. Piecemeal necrosis refers to a specific
There is also a breed predisposition in American pattern that is typical of CAH and characterized
cocker spaniels. by periportal necrosis and inflammation occurring
Clinical signs of CAH include those typical of in an irregular fashion surrounding islands of nor-
chronic hepatic disease, such as polyuria, polydip- mal hepatocytes. The majority of inflammatory
sia, weight loss, anorexia, icterus, ascites, abnormal cells are lymphocytes and plasma cells, although
bleeding tendency, depression, disorientation, and there are lesser numbers of neutrophils and
seizures. Some patients have a short fulminant macrophages. Accompanying features include bile
clinical course and die within a short period of duct hyperplasia, bile stasis, and regenerative nod-
showing clinical signs. Others are presented with ules. Eventually there is deposition of fibrous tissue
progressive signs of hepatic disease, although signs as a sequela to the inflammation and necrosis,
often wax and wane. A third group of dogs is eventually connecting adjacent portal triads
asymptomatic when presented, with the disease (bridging necrosis and fibrosis). When normal
identified from biochemical screening and subse- hepatic architecture is lost and the fibrotic process
quent hepatic biopsy specimen analysis. becomes diffuse, it is termed cirrhosis. In most
Abnormal laboratory findings include in- Doberman pinschers that have been evaluated,
creased serum activity of all hepatic enzymes copper stains are strongly positive and quantitative
(including ALT, AST, ALP, and GGT) in virtually measurements of hepatic copper concentration are
all dogs. Most dogs (approximately 75%) have high. Other breeds have not been studied as exten-
increased serum total bilirubin concentration sively for the presence of hepatic copper; however,
(mild to marked), and many (approximately 50%) I have seen several cases in other breeds with high
are hypoalbuminemic. Abnormalities in other hepatic copper concentrations histologically. The
chemistry values are inconsistent. Hepatic function gross appearance of the liver can be normal in
tests (serum bile acids and plasma ammonia con- early cases. As the disease progresses, the liver
centrations) are usually abnormal. Clotting times becomes shrunken, loses its normal lobular pat-
may be abnormal. These test results generally tern, becomes discolored (brown, red, and yellow
reflect the severity of the disease and stage in mottling), and the surface becomes irregular.
which it is detected. In one large series of dogs Eventually the surface becomes coarsely nodular
reported with chronic hepatitis from any cause, in texture, reflecting regenerative nodules occur-
low serum glucose concentration and prolonged ring in a setting of terminal cirrhosis.
prothrombin time were the best predictors of early Treatment of Chronic Active Hepatitis
death (within 1 week of presentation). In dogs sur- in Dogs
viving more than 1 week, hypoalbuminemia was The treatment of CAH in dogs remains specula-
the laboratory change most predictive of shorter tive because controlled clinical trials with large
survival time. The degree and severity of necrosis numbers of dogs have not been performed. The
and fibrosis were accurate predictors of early necroinflammatory response is usually progressive,

and most dogs do not go into spontaneous remis- Likewise, azathioprine is tapered to an alternate-
sion. If cirrhosis is present, the likelihood of suc- day dosage schedule (at the original dose). I gener-
cessfully managing the case is low. Therefore the ally taper prednisone first and do not taper
prognosis is poor in severe cases, and most of these azathioprine until the dose of prednisone is low.
dogs die within several weeks to months despite This is because azathioprine is generally associated
appropriate treatment. This emphasizes the need for with fewer side effects and is better tolerated.
early detection. A complete blood count (CBC) and platelet count
There are three basic goals in treating dogs with should be obtained 3 and 6 weeks after starting
CAH: azathioprine and every 2 months thereafter to
1. To arrest inflammation look for potential myelosuppression. If this is
2. To correct nutritional imbalances and treat detected, azathioprine should either be tapered or
hepatic encephalopathy with dietary manage- discontinued depending on the magnitude of the
ment cytopenia. During the tapering process, patients
3. To resolve fibrosis are monitored with serum biochemistry profiles
for relapses. Often it is difficult to differentiate the
Arresting Inflammation effect of prednisone on serum hepatic enzyme
Though there are no controlled trials using gluco- activities (especially ALP activity) from the effect
corticoids to treat dogs with CAH, many clinicians of the disease process on serum enzyme activities.
have had success using them as part of the thera- In this setting, clinical judgment is used to deter-
peutic regimen. In a large study of Doberman pin- mine if prednisone should continue to be tapered.
schers with CAH, however, there was little benefit Serial bile acid assays and serum bilirubin and
seen with prednisone alone. In another study of albumin concentrations also can be used to moni-
chronic hepatitis in various breeds, dogs surviving tor the patient. If hepatic inflammation is being
more than 1 week that were treated with pred- adequately controlled by azathioprine, the enzyme
nisone had improved survival compared with dogs activities will decrease as prednisone is tapered.
not treated with prednisone. However, the vari- Eventually prednisone is discontinued, and later
eties of hepatic diseases treated and lack of a azathioprine is discontinued.
prospective control group limit the validity of In cases with cholestasis the use of the hydro-
conclusions of that study. Studies in humans show choleretic drug ursodeoxycholic acid (ursodiol;
that the combination of low-dose glucocorticoids Actigall or Urso) may be helpful. Ursodeoxycholic
and azathioprine (Imuran) is as efficacious as high- acid is a naturally occurring dihydroxylated
dose glucocorticoids alone and has fewer side hydrophilic bile acid found in small quantities in
effects. Because of these observations, the combi- normal human bile and in larger quantities in the
nation may be justified in dogs. I have had more bile of certain species of bears. One of its uses is
success using a combination of prednisone and for dissolution of radiolucent gallstones. The pro-
azathioprine than prednisone alone. posed mechanism of action is that it alters the
On a theoretical basis, prednisolone is preferred composition of bile, changing it from cholesterol-
over prednisone in treating dogs with hepatic dis- precipitating to cholesterol-solubilizing and dis-
ease because the latter drug requires hepatic con- persing cholesterol as liquid crystals in the bile,
version to the former (active) drug. However, thus solubilizing the gallstones. In humans, urso-
studies in humans with CAH have shown the two diol dissolves gallstones at the rate of approximately
drugs to have equal efficacy and reach similar 1 mm/month and works best on radiolucent, non-
blood levels of the active form. Similar studies have calcified gallstones less than 20 mm in diameter.
not been performed in the dog, although I have Side effects are rare (diarrhea), and there is no
found no difference between prednisolone and influence on either serum total cholesterol or
prednisone in treating dogs with hepatic disease. triglyceride concentrations.
The recommended starting dosage of pred- The exact mechanisms of its beneficial effects
nisone is 0.5 to 1 mg/lb body weight per day. The in inflammatory hepatic diseases remain contro-
starting dosage of azathioprine is 50 mg/m2 body versial. It is believed that there is a favorable
surface area once daily. Once clinical remission is change in the bile acid pool, rendering retained
achieved (usually 3 to 4 weeks), the dose of pred- endogenous bile acids less toxic by changing the
nisone is gradually tapered to a low maintenance bile acid pool from the more toxic hydrophobic
dose (approximately 0.2 mg/lb body weight). bile acids to less toxic hydrophilic bile acids. It is

also thought that ursodeoxycholic acid has antiin- twice a day. Bile acids are required for fat-soluble
flammatory, immunomodulatory, and choleretic vitamin E absorption, and, because they may be
effects (promoting bile flow and decreasing viscos- reduced with liver disease, a water-soluble formu-
ity of bile). The latter mechanism is believed to be lation should be used. This type of formulation is
mediated through the cholehepatic shunting available at most health food stores.
hypothesis. This proposes that ursodeoxycholate is S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) is a molecule
converted to ursodeoxycholic acid through addi- synthesized by all cells and is critical to intermedi-
tion of a hydrogen ion originating from carbonic ary metabolism. It is especially important in the
acid. This leaves a bicarbonate ion to act as an liver, where much of the body’s intermediary
osmotic draw for water to decrease viscosity and metabolism occurs. SAMe is derived from the
promote bile flow. Ursodeoxycholic acid has been amino acid methionine and initiates three major
used in the management of chronic hepatic dis- biochemical pathways (transmethylation, transsul-
eases in humans, including CAH, primary biliary furation, and aminopropylation). These pathways
cirrhosis, and primary sclerosing cholangitis. are involved with major anabolic and catabolic
Significant improvement in symptoms, laboratory reactions that influence steroid hormone effects,
parameters, and survival has been reported in carnitine synthesis, drug metabolism and detoxifi-
many patients undergoing treatment for these cation, and hepatocyte and red blood cell mem-
diseases. brane function. In addition, SAMe is involved in
I have used ursodeoxycholic acid, either alone detoxification of toxins and protection against
or in combination with other drugs, in patients oxidative injury. The latter effect is in large part
with various cholestatic diseases (including dogs mediated through glutathione, a metabolite of
with CAH and cats with cholangiohepatitis). The SAMe through the transsulfuration pathway of
drug is very well tolerated, and in some cases the metabolism. Glutathione depletion has been docu-
response can be dramatic. Use of ursodeoxycholic mented in approximately 45% of canine and feline
acid should be considered as either primary or hepatopathies.With glutathione depletion, oxidative
adjunctive (in combination with immunosuppres- injury is more likely to result in membrane damage
sive or antiinflammatory drugs) treatment in and toxin accumulation, resulting in hepatocellular
patients with chronic liver diseases. It may be the injury and death. It has been speculated that this
only effective drug in patients in which glucocor- could be minimized by supplementation with
ticoid therapy or other immunosuppressive drug SAMe. Furthermore, SAMe has aminopropylation
therapy is contraindicated or ineffective. Ursode- metabolites that contribute to antiinflammatory
oxycholic acid is also a powerful choleretic agent effects.
that can be used to treat sludged bile and SAMe is available as a “nutraceutical” that has
cholelithiasis. The drug is supplied in 300-mg been studied experimentally and clinically in a
capsules and more recently in 250-mg tablets. A variety of species. Oral use became possible when
safe and effective dose is 6 to 7 mg/lb/day, admin- a stable oral salt in an enteric-coated tablet was
istered either once daily or divided twice a day. developed. Nutramax Laboratories, Inc, currently
The drug should be given with food. Studies need markets it under the trade name Denosyl SD4.
to be performed to substantiate its efficacy and Several studies have shown the product to be safe
dosage in the dog and cat. in a variety of species, including dogs and cats.
Vitamin E therapy is also recommended in Potential indications for usage in dogs and cats
many types of hepatic diseases, including CAH. include hepatic necrosis, inflammatory disorders,
Oxidative injury to the liver is now well recog- cholestasis, drug-induced hepatotoxicity, copper
nized in several types of inflammatory processes. storage hepatopathy, and metabolic disorders such
Free radicals are generated in chronic hepatitis by as glucocorticoid-induced hepatopathy and idio-
the injurious effects of certain drugs, toxins, or pathic feline hepatic lipidosis. In these disorders
immunologic injury. These free radicals can dam- administration of SAMe is meant to help mini-
age cellular macromolecules via lipid peroxidation mize oxidative injury, protect against free radical
and thus participate in cellular injury and play an damage, protect against the deleterious effect of
important role in initiating and/or perpetuating retained bile acids, enhance bile flow, stabilize
hepatic injury.Vitamin E reduces oxidant injury to hepatocellular membranes, decrease inflamma-
hepatic tissue by providing protection from free tion, and aid in detoxification of endotoxins
radicals.Vitamin E is used at a dosage of 7 units/lb and other substances absorbed from the portal

circulation. Since SAMe has such a diverse spec- rect vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Feeding a
trum of effects, it may be helpful in a diverse group controlled diet will also reduce the production and
of hepatopathies. The currently recommended absorption of toxins from the small intestine,
dose is 9 mg/lb divided twice daily for dogs and potential antigens that can worsen CAH. These
90 mg (per cat) once daily for cats. It is rapidly therapeutic efforts are similar to those used to
absorbed and is best administered on an empty manage any case of hepatic disease symptomati-
stomach to maximize absorption. The drug can be cally. These are discussed in detail in the section
safely administered with other drugs used to treat on management of hepatic disease.
hepatic diseases without toxicity or compromising In cases where there is excess hepatic copper
effects of other drugs, including ursodeoxycholic documented by special copper stains or quantita-
acid. Controlled studies are needed to substantiate tive hepatic copper measurement, efforts must
these recommendations and to determine which be made to minimize hepatic copper concentra-
disorders are most likely to benefit from SAMe tion. Drugs such as penicillamine (Cuprimine)
administration. and trientine (Syprine) are useful chelators of
The optimal duration of treatment is unknown hepatic copper (enhancing urinary excretion).
and can be quite variable. The decision to discon- Supplementation with vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
tinue medication should ideally be based on will also increase copper excretion in the urine.
follow-up hepatic biopsy specimen analysis. If there Supplementation with zinc acetate, gluconate, or
is evidence of ongoing inflammation, therapy sulfate will limit intestinal copper absorption and
should be continued. In the absence of follow-up deposition in the liver, as well as remove copper
hepatic biopsy specimen analysis, the decision to from the liver. These drugs will be discussed in
discontinue treatment may be arbitrary but should detail in the section on copper-storage diseases.
be based on clinical and biochemical information. Resolving Fibrosis
Patients should be monitored at least monthly for Because fibrosis is a common sequela to CAH and
relapses at first. Some patients require long-term its severity an accurate predictor of early death and
(years), low-dose therapy (e.g., prednisone every shorter survival times in those surviving the initial
48 to 72 hours) to maintain remission. 1 week postdiagnosis period, its management is an
Possible sources of sepsis should be examined important part of managing cases of CAH. The
for while these immunosuppressive drugs are drug of choice to decrease further fibrotic deposi-
being administered. This includes a culture of the tion and to dissolve existing fibrous tissue in the
original hepatic biopsy specimen, because it is not liver is colchicine. There are several studies in
uncommon to grow bacteria as a secondary event humans with alcoholic, posthepatitic, and primary
in cases of hepatic failure due to abnormal hepatic biliary cirrhosis that show colchicine to have ben-
reticuloendothelial cell function. Urinary tract eficial effects clinically, biochemically, histologi-
infections are also common in dogs receiving cally, and on survival. Colchicine has been used
prednisone and azathioprine. with success in cases of chronic hepatitis with
It must be emphasized that there are no long- fibrosis or cirrhosis in dogs. Controlled trials are
term controlled studies to support these recom- needed to further substantiate these clinical obser-
mendations in treating dogs with CAH. Such vations.
studies are needed and should help clarify the The mechanism by which colchicine benefits
most appropriate treatment. Because Doberman patients with chronic hepatitis with cirrhosis is
pinschers are at increased risk of developing CAH, unclear, although it has antifibrotic and antiinflam-
I recommend that a serum chemistry profile be matory effects. Its antifibrotic effects are primarily
performed every 6 to 12 months to screen for due to inhibition of microtubule assembly within
CAH in this breed so that treatment can be insti- cells by binding to the protein tubulin (thus inter-
tuted before the development of clinical signs. fering with collagen synthesis and secretion) and
Certainly owners who wish to provide the very by stimulating collagenase activity (thus enhanc-
best care should be given this option early in their ing breakdown of existing collagen). Colchicine
pet’s life. also interferes with the transcellular movement of
Dietary Treatment and Correction collagen, reduces activity of hepatic collagen-
of Nutritional Imbalances processing enzymes, and inhibits proliferation
Goals of dietary therapy are to minimize hyperam- of fibroblasts. Thus colchicine inhibits collagen
monemia, correct amino acid imbalances, and cor- production and increases collagenase-mediated

removal of fibrous tissue. Colchicine also has many Etiology

antiinflammatory properties. It has long been used Despite this being one of the most common
as an antiinflammatory agent to treat gout in feline hepatobiliary diseases, the etiology remains
human beings. Its antiinflammatory effects include unknown. Because the predominant inflammatory
inhibition of leukocyte migration and degran- cells are usually lymphocytes and plasma cells, an
ulation and decreasing levels of interleukin-1. immune-mediated etiology is suspected. There are
Because of these many effects, colchicine may be also histologic similarities to primary biliary cir-
indicated in many diseases in which inflammation rhosis in humans, believed to have an immune-
and fibrosis are prominent. mediated basis. In humans there are abnormalities
The recommended dosage of colchicine in the in cell-mediated and humoral immunity, circulat-
dog is 0.014 mg/lb body weight once daily. I gen- ing immune complexes, and antimitochondrial
erally use this drug in conjunction with pred- antibodies. These have not been documented in
nisone, azathioprine, ursodeoxycholic acid, SAMe, the cat because of the limitation of laboratory
and vitamin E. Side effects in the dog are minimal techniques for their detection. Additional
and are dose dependent. They include primarily evidence for an immune-mediated etiology is the
diarrhea and rarely vomiting. If these side effects marked improvement seen with glucocorti-
occur, the dose should be decreased by 25%. If there coid treatment in many cats. Although immune-
is improvement, the dose can often be increased mediated mechanisms may occur in many cats,
after a few weeks and is subsequently well tolerated. there are concurrent diseases identified in some
Side effects in humans are also uncommon and usu- cases. These include pancreatitis, inflammatory
ally reversible. They include nausea, diarrhea, bowel disease, bile duct obstruction, systemic
abdominal pain, alopecia, bone marrow depression, infection, toxins, and cholelithiasis. In cases of sup-
myopathy, neuropathy, and epistaxis. Controlled purative cholangiohepatitis, it is suspected that
studies are needed to define the role of colchicine bacterial infection may be an underlying cause.
in managing CAH in dogs. Escherichia coli or other bacteria are occasionally
D-Penicillamine (Cuprimine) has had limited grown from cultures of hepatic biopsy samples in
use as an antifibrotic agent in humans. It inter- cases of either neutrophilic or lymphocytic-
feres with collagen cross-linking and maturation plasmacytic cholangiohepatitis, which supports
and has additional antiinflammatory effects. this theory. It is unclear whether bacterial growth
It may also be effective in lowering hepatic cop- is a cause or effect of the hepatic disease. As with
per concentrations in Doberman pinschers any cause of hepatic failure, decreased clearance of
with CAH. The dosage in the dog is 5 to portal bacteria (such as E. coli ascending from the
7 mg/lb three times a day. Unfortunately, the bowel) secondary to abnormal hepatic reticuloen-
drug has a high incidence of side effects, espe- dothelial cell function can occur.When evaluating
cially vomiting and anorexia. These often pre- a suspected case of cholangiohepatitis, the clinician
clude its use. should make efforts to rule out other predisposing
causes mentioned above. If no other causes are
Feline Cholangitis/Cholangiohepatitis identified, immune-mediated mechanisms should
Complex be suspected.
The term cholangiohepatitis refers to a complex of Clinical Features
diseases that includes inflammatory changes of the Cats may be affected with cholangiohepatitis at
hepatobiliary system. Cholangiohepatitis is one of any age. The suppurative form is more commonly
the most common hepatobiliary diseases of the found in male cats and in younger cats, whereas
cat. The diseases are named by the predominant the nonsuppurative form is more commonly
inflammatory cell involved. The most common found in older cats. There does not seem to be a
form is that of lymphocytic-plasmacytic cholan- breed predisposition, although there was a ten-
giohepatitis. Other forms include a predominantly dency seen in Persian cats in one report. Clinical
neutrophilic infiltration (suppurative cholangio- signs are typical of those seen with hepatic failure
hepatitis), lymphocytic infiltration, and biliary cir- in cats. These include anorexia, vomiting, depres-
rhosis (diffuse fibrosis of the biliary system, sion, and weight loss. Most affected cats are icteric.
thought to be an end stage of a primary inflamma- Some affected cats have minimal depression and
tory disease). anorexia and have icterus as the main sign. Many

cats are febrile. Clinical signs are often acute in mal lobular architecture). There may be accentu-
onset, although some cats with the nonsuppurative ated lobular markings giving a reticulated appear-
form can have chronic illness. Despite these trends ance (reflecting the prominent portal infiltrate).
in presentation, none of these features reliably dis- Treatment
tinguishes the suppurative from the nonsuppura- If an underlying associated disease is identified, this
tive form of cholangiohepatitis. should be aggressively treated. For example, in
Laboratory findings include a marked increase cases of bile duct obstruction, surgical correction is
in SALT activity, moderate increases in serum ALP usually necessary. This may involve biliary decom-
and GGT activity, and usually hyperbilirubinemia. pression if the obstruction can be relieved or
Concurrent bilirubinuria is also seen. Some cats rerouting of the bile duct through a cholecystoen-
have a mild nonregenerative anemia consistent terostomy. Concurrent inflammatory bowel dis-
with anemia of chronic disease. Ultrasound find- ease or pancreatitis should also be considered.
ings are nonspecific but may identify underlying In cases of lymphocytic-plasmacytic cholangio-
diseases such as pancreatitis and extrahepatic bile hepatitis, glucocorticoids are the drug of choice.
duct obstruction. Prednisolone (preferred over prednisone in cats
Definitive diagnosis depends on histologic due to the possibility of improved bioavailability of
examination of hepatic biopsy tissue. Cytologic prednisolone in some cats) is instituted at a dosage
examination is usually not reliable for establishing of 1 to 2 mg/lb body weight twice a day for at
the diagnosis. The disease is characterized by dif- least 1 month and subsequently tapered over 2 to
fuse involvement of the liver, so random-location 3 months when there is biochemical and clinical
hepatic biopsy is adequate for obtaining represen- remission. If there is positive growth on culture of
tative tissue. There is usually a prominent infiltrate hepatic biopsy tissue, an appropriate antibiotic is
of lymphocytes and plasma cells, lymphocytes given concurrently. Metronidazole (Flagyl) may
alone, or predominantly neutrophils in the portal also be a useful adjunct to treatment due to its
triads (depending on the form of the disease). immune modulatory effects. It is administered at a
Portal triad fibrosis, bile duct proliferation, and slightly reduced dosage of 3.5 mg/lb two to three
centrilobular accumulation of bile with bile casts times a day because it undergoes hepatic metabo-
in canalicular areas is also frequently present. Septa lism.
of fibrous tissue with a variable lymphocytic infil- In cats that are refractory to the above immuno-
trate often link portal tracts and form circum- suppressive regimen or with the sclerosing form
scribed nodules of hepatocytes. It has been (biliary cirrhosis), low-dose pulse oral methotrex-
suggested that the disease can progress to biliary ate in combination with prednisolone, metronida-
cirrhosis characterized by bridging portal fibrosis, zole, SAMe, and ursodeoxycholic acid is used. A
bile duct proliferation and hyperplasia, and nodu- total dose of 0.13 mg methotrexate is given at 12-
lar regeneration with minimal inflammation. hour intervals for a total of three doses over a 24-
Aerobic and anaerobic culture of hepatic tissue hour period. If this dose is well tolerated at 7-day
with or without bile (obtained via cholecystocen- intervals (based on hematologic and clinical evalu-
tesis) should be obtained. Culture is often positive, ation) and there is no biochemical improvement,
although it is not always clear if this is a primary or the first morning dose is doubled to 0.26 mg.
secondary event. In cats with suppurative cholan- Some cats need the dosage interval extended to
giohepatitis, the most common organisms cultured every 10 days because of GI side effects.
(in descending order of prevalence) are E. coli, Treatment of the suppurative form of feline
Staphylococcus, α-hemolytic streptococcus, Bacillus, cholangiohepatitis involves use of an appropriate
Actinomyces, Bacteroides, Enterococcus, Enterobacter, and antibiotic based on culture results of hepatic
Clostridia. Prior treatment with antibiotics may biopsy specimens. If culture results are negative,
result in false-negative cultures. amoxicillin–clavulanic acid (7 mg/lb body weight
The liver in cats with cholangiohepatitis may three times a day) or a quinolone antibiotic is usu-
appear large with rounded margins. The surface is ally a good choice. Metronidazole is effective
often irregular and nodular, although it may also against anaerobes and can be combined with
be smooth depending on the degree of nodular the antibiotics mentioned above at a dosage of
regeneration. The color is often a mottled red and 3.5 mg/lb body weight two to three times a
brown with the normal lobular pattern being day. Duration of therapy often ranges from 2 to
completely lost (reflecting distortion of the nor- 6 months. In many cases there is only a transient

response to antibiotic administration and subse- to substantiate its efficacy and dosage in the dog
quent concurrent glucocorticoid administration and cat. The use of SAMe also appears helpful for
is often necessary. Clinical judgment is used in this disease. See section on CAH for detailed
this situation to determine when glucocorticoids description of this drug.
should be started. Some cases, however, are wors- Specific dietary management is generally not
ened by glucocorticoid administration, emphasiz- critical to a successful outcome; however, nutri-
ing the need for hepatic biopsy. Glucocorticoids tional support may be necessary. It is more impor-
therefore should only be given for the suppurative tant that the affected cat eat any balanced diet than
form as a last resort when antibiotics have failed. any specific diet. A protein-restricted diet is rarely
In virtually all cases without extrahepatic necessary in cats. In most cases, response to therapy
bile duct obstruction, the use of the hydroc- is rapid and tube feeding is not necessary. If there is
holeretic drug ursodeoxycholic acid (ursodiol; prolonged anorexia, nutritional support should be
Actigall or Urso) may be helpful (see discussion of provided by using an enteral feeding tube (percu-
ursodeoxycholic acid in section on chronic active taneous endoscopic gastrostomy [PEG] tube,
hepatitis). Ursodeoxycholic acid is a naturally esophagostomy tube, or nasoesophageal tube). Use
occurring dihydroxylated hydrophilic bile acid of feeding tubes is described in Chapter 12.
found in small quantities in normal human bile Vitamin E therapy is also recommended in
and in larger quantities in the bile of certain many types of hepatic diseases, including feline
species of bears. The exact mechanisms of its ben- cholangiohepatitis. Oxidative injury to the liver is
eficial effects in inflammatory hepatic diseases now well recognized in several types of inflamma-
remain controversial. It is believed that there is a tory processes. Free radicals are generated in
favorable change in the bile acid pool, rendering chronic hepatitis by the injurious effects of certain
retained endogenous bile acids less toxic by chang- drugs or toxins or by immunologic injury. These
ing the bile acid pool from the more toxic free radicals can damage cellular macromolecules
hydrophobic bile acids to less toxic hydrophilic via lipid peroxidation and thus participate in cellu-
bile acids. It is also believed that ursodeoxycholic lar injury and play an important role in initiating
acid has antiinflammatory and immunomodula- and/or perpetuating hepatic injury. Vitamin E
tory effects. Ursodeoxycholic acid has been used reduces oxidant injury to hepatic tissue by provid-
in the management of chronic hepatic diseases in ing protection from free radicals.Vitamin E is used
humans, including CAH, primary biliary cirrhosis, at a dosage of 100 to 200 units/day. Because bile
and primary sclerosing cholangitis. Significant acids are required for fat-soluble vitamin E absorp-
improvement in symptoms and laboratory param- tion and may be reduced with liver disease, a
eters has been reported in many patients undergo- water-soluble formulation should be used. This
ing treatment for these diseases. type of formulation is available at most health food
I have used ursodeoxycholic acid, either alone stores.
or in combination with other drugs, in patients The prognosis is fair to good unless the disease
with various cholestatic diseases (including dogs is histologically advanced. Many patients respond
with CAH and cats with cholangiohepatitis). The dramatically to glucocorticoid administration, and
drug is very well tolerated, and in some cases the most can eventually be weaned off medication.
response can be dramatic. Use of ursodeoxycholic However, some cats will relapse and need ongoing
acid in feline cholangiohepatitis complex should or intermittent treatment. Some cats require pred-
be considered as adjunctive (in combination with nisolone at a dosage of 0.5 to 0.7 mg/lb/day on a
immunosuppressive or antiinflammatory drugs or long-term basis (months to years) for successful
antibiotics) with any of the histologic forms of the control of the disease process. Fortunately, the
disease. Ursodeoxycholic acid is also a powerful long-term side effects of glucocorticoid adminis-
choleretic agent that can be used to treat sludged tration are minimal in the cat.
bile and cholelithiasis. The recommended dose is
6 to 7 mg/lb/day, administered either once daily Hepatic Necrosis and Toxic
or divided twice a day. The newer 250-mg tablet Hepatopathies
form of the drug (Urso) has made dosing more Hepatic necrosis often leads to acute hepatic fail-
convenient. The drug has minimal side effects, and ure. Because the hepatocyte is exposed to an
in my experience it may dramatically improve extensive portal and systemic venous circulation, it
therapeutic benefit. Studies need to be performed is susceptible to injury by a variety of etiologic

agents. Hepatic necrosis can occur secondary to abnormalities include hypoglycemia and abnormal
other hepatic processes such as inflammation or clotting parameters. Hepatic function tests such
neoplasia, can be associated with known hepato- as serum bile acids and plasma ammonia con-
toxins, or can occur when no other cause is centration are often normal unless there is mas-
known. Causes of hepatic necrosis are listed in sive hepatic necrosis and hyperbilirubinemia.
Box 9-11. Laboratory abnormalities usually overlap those of
Clinical Features other diseases such as CAH and primary hepatic
Clinical signs of hepatic necrosis depend on the neoplasia.
degree of severity. Many patients are asympto- Histologic findings reflect the degree of hepatic
matic, with disease detected only by biochemical necrosis. The pattern of necrosis is differentiated
screening (such as many cases of hepatic trauma), from that seen in CAH by its location within lob-
whereas other cases have acute fulminant hepatic ules, by the appearance of neutrophils that enter to
failure. In the latter instance, affected patients range phagocytize cellular debris, and by the absence of
from profoundly depressed to comatose, with the lymphocytes and plasma cells as the predominant
degree of hepatic encephalopathy depending on the inflammatory cells.
cause and severity. Vomiting, anorexia, and fever Treatment involves withdrawal of known hepa-
are often seen. Icterus is often seen when there is totoxins or treatment of underlying conditions
periportal involvement. The presence of coagu- listed in Box 9-11 that are associated with hepatic
lopathies such as DIC reflect the degree of severity necrosis. Efforts must be made to look for
and usually manifest with GI bleeding, hema- these disorders associated with hepatic necrosis.
temesis, ecchymoses, and excessive bleeding at Additional treatment measures are aimed at pro-
venipuncture sites. viding optimum conditions for hepatic regenera-
Laboratory findings include profound increases tion and preventing secondary complications of
in SALT and SAST activity. Increased SALT activ- hepatic disease. These measures are discussed in
ity correlates with histologic findings only in the detail in the section on management of hepatic
initial period of hepatocellular injury, after which disease.
serum enzyme activity may persist or decline in
the following days despite the persistence of Approach to Nonspecific Increases
extensive necrosis. The activities of serum ALP in Hepatic Enzyme Activities
and GGT and serum bilirubin concentration Many patients will be detected as having
are variable and reflect the degree of cholestasis. increased serum activities of hepatic enzymes on
The degree of clinical severity is often poorly routine biochemical screening or when presented
correlated with measurements. Other variable with clinical illness. The clinician must try to
determine if an underlying nonhepatic cause is
present, including endocrinopathies (hyper-
adrenocorticism, diabetes mellitus, and hyperthy-
BOX 9-11 Causes of Hepatic roidism) and those disorders listed in Box 9-11. If
Necrosis no obvious underlying cause exists, the clinician
must determine whether clinical signs can be
attributed to hepatic disease. If these signs are
Aflatoxins serious enough to cause illness, further work-up
Septicemia with hepatic function tests (bile acids or blood
Pancreatitis ammonia concentration), ultrasound examina-
Inflammatory bowel disease tion, and/or hepatic biopsy is warranted. If clini-
Viral agents cal signs are absent or mild, a baseline hepatic
Inflammatory hepatic disease (CAH) function test (generally serum bile acids assay) is
Systemic hypoxia run and is used as a monitoring parameter. Unless
Anemia hepatic function is significantly abnormal, a
Ischemic injury repeat chemistry profile and hepatic function test
Excessive copper storage
are run in 4 to 8 weeks. If these tests are persis-
Heartworm-associated (postcaval syndrome)
tently abnormal, hepatic imaging and biopsy are
warranted, even in patients that remain clinically
CAH, Chronic active hepatitis. normal.

Drug-Induced Hepatic Disease discussion will concentrate on the most important

Many drugs have been reported to cause hepatic drug-induced hepatopathies.
disease in patients. The most common ones are Anticonvulsant Drug–Induced Hepatic
listed in Box 9-12. Several types of hepatopathies Injury
are associated with drug administration, including Hepatobiliary disease associated with the admin-
hepatocellular necrosis, cholestasis, CAH, vacuolar istration of many anticonvulsant drugs has been
changes (including steroid hepatopathy), and a described, including phenytoin, primidone, and
combination of these processes. Hepatotoxic drugs phenobarbital (either alone or in combination).
can be further classified into those causing pre- These drugs often result in elevations in hepatic
dictable hepatic damage (intrinsic toxicoses) and enzyme activities, but most patients are asympto-
those that are idiosyncratic in their potential to matic and tests of hepatic function, including
cause hepatic damage. Those drugs causing pre- serum bile acids and plasma ammonia concentra-
dictable hepatic damage have a high incidence of tions, are often normal. However, significant
hepatotoxicity and are usually dose dependent, and hepatobiliary disease occasionally develops in
their effects can be reproduced in experimental patients given seemingly safe doses or when drug
animals. On the other hand, idiosyncratic reactions doses are increased to toxic levels to maintain
are characterized by occurring in a small percen- seizure control. Toxic blood levels can also
tage of patients, are are usually not dose depen- develop in patients receiving appropriate doses
dent, and are to experimentally reproduce. when hepatic failure from other causes occurs,
Idiosyncratic toxicosis is the result of an unusual because these drugs are metabolized and cleared
susceptibility of an affected patient to an adverse by the liver. Primidone is more hepatotoxic than
reaction resulting from metabolic aberration, phenobarbital.
hypersensitivity, or immune-mediated events. Clinical signs include those typical of hepatic
Specific mechanisms of injury are usually unknown disease, including depression, anorexia, and weight
when idiosyncratic toxicosis occurs. In general, loss, with subsequent development of jaundice and
treatment of drug-induced hepatic disease involves other features typical of hepatoencephalopathy
withdrawal of the drug and supportive care. This and end-stage hepatic disease. Terminal events
often include excellent seizure control because the
anticonvulsant drugs are poorly metabolized and
BOX 9-12 Drugs Known to Cause thus achieve high blood levels. By the time clinical
Hepatic Disease signs are noticed, hepatic disease is usually advanced
Acetaminophen (often with the presence of cirrhosis) and the prog-
Anabolic steroids nosis is poor. However, it has been estimated that
Anticonvulsant drugs (phenobarbital, primidone, clinical signs develop in only 6% to 15% of dogs
phenytoin) receiving anticonvulsant drugs long term.
Antineoplastic drugs (methotrexate, Laboratory abnormalities include variable
L-asparaginase, 6-mercaptopurine) increases in SALT, SAST, and serum ALP and
Arsenicals (thiacetarsamide) GGT activities. These changes are most marked in
Carprofen dogs receiving primidone and/or phenobarbital.
Diazepam Increase in SALT activity is usually reversible upon
withdrawal of the drug and does not always corre-
late with morphologic evidence of hepatocellular
Griseofulvin necrosis. Increase in serum ALP activity is related
Inhalation anesthetics (halothane, to increased hepatic synthesis. Because these
methoxyflurane) enzyme abnormalities occur in many asympto-
Itraconazole matic dogs without significant hepatic injury,
Ketoconazole other tests of hepatic function should be used to
Lomustine (CCNU) determine whether there is impending hepatic
Mebendazole failure, including serum bile acids, albumin, and
Mitotane (o,p-DDD) plasma ammonia concentrations. Increased total
Sulfonamides bilirubin concentration and decreased albumin,
BUN, glucose, and cholesterol concentrations,
although not specific, are common indicators of

hepatic failure. If these tests are abnormal, hepatic relationship to developing hepatic toxicosis. Of the
biopsy or decreasing the dosage of the anticonvul- 21 dogs, 13 were Labrador retrievers. Dogs ranged
sant may be warranted. from 4 to 15 years old (mean, 9.4 years). Carprofen
Two distinct forms of hepatotoxic injury are was administered for alleviation of signs of muscu-
related to anticonvulsant drug treatment. One loskeletal pain in all dogs. The amount of carpro-
form is characterized by the development of clini- fen administered ranged from 0.71 to 1.41 mg/lb
cal signs after extended periods of treatment. of body weight (mean, 1.06 mg/lb) orally every
Histologic findings include diffuse fibrosis, nodular 12 hours. The duration of treatment ranged from
regeneration, and various amounts of necrosis, lipi- 3 to 180 days (mean, 31 days). Clinical signs of
dosis, and inflammation that eventually lead to toxicosis were noticed for 18 dogs between 5 and
macronodular cirrhosis. The second form of 30 days (mean and median, 19 days) after initiation
hepatotoxic injury is metabolic hepatic failure of carprofen. Two dogs received carprofen for
with intrahepatic cholestasis that is distinct in his- 60 and 180 days before developing clinical signs.
torical, clinical, and histologic features from One dog received the drug for 54 days and did not
those associated with cirrhosis. There is a conspic- have clinical signs of toxicosis. The drug was dis-
uous absence of a necroinflammatory response continued after discovery of hepatic necrosis on a
versus other forms of drug toxicity or acquired biopsy specimen obtained for evaluation of possi-
canine hepatic disease unrelated to drug adminis- ble metastatic cancer in this dog. All Labrador
tration. retrievers developed clinical signs at an interval of
The prognosis is poor when histologic lesions 14 or more days after initiation of carprofen
are severe and hepatic failure has occurred. administration (mean and median, 20 days). One
Treatment involves withdrawal of anticonvulsant of these dogs received carprofen for only 3 days,
drugs if possible or use of alternative anticonvul- but clinical abnormalities developed 18 days after
sant drugs such as potassium bromide. There are the first dose.
no hepatotoxic effects associated with potassium Clinical signs associated with toxicosis were
bromide. There is no indication for the use of predominantly anorexia (17 dogs) and vomiting
glucocorticoids unless there is an active inflamma- (16 dogs). Other signs noticed less frequently were
tory component. The use of colchicine might be lethargy, diarrhea, polyuria, polydipsia, and hema-
indicated if fibrosis is a prominent feature (see turia. Physical examination revealed icterus in
section on chronic active hepatitis). The use of 15 dogs and ascites in 1 dog. The most common
ursodeoxycholic acid may also be indicated due to laboratory abnormalities were increases in serum
the presence of a significant cholestatic compo- activities of ALT (21 of 21 dogs), AST (14 of
nent in most cases. The use of SAMe may also be 15 dogs),ALP (20 of 21 dogs), and serum bilirubin
helpful. It should be emphasized that caution should be concentration (18 of 21 dogs). Hypoalbuminemia
used when attributing abnormal hepatic function and was seen in only 4 of 21 dogs. In addition, urinal-
hepatic failure to anticonvulsant administration because yses were performed in 9 dogs. In 7 dogs evidence
the incidence of this problem is low. Other laboratory and of renal disease was present (including isosthenuria
ancillary tests, including hepatic biopsy specimen analy- with azotemia, glucosuria, proteinuria, and evi-
sis, may well be justified in these patients. dence of epithelial cells and granular casts).
Carprofen Toxicity Hemogram, radiographic and ultrasonographic
Carprofen (Rimadyl) is a commonly used non- abnormalities were minimal. Histopathologic eval-
steroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) to treat uation (performed in 18 of 21 dogs) revealed vary-
canine osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease). ing degrees of vacuolar change, ballooning
It is estimated that the incidence of severe hepato- degeneration, necrosis of hepatocytes, bridging
toxic reactions from carprofen is 1.4 dogs per fibrosis, mixed-cellular inflammation, and accumu-
10,000. In one report 21 dogs were described to lation of bile pigment.
have hepatocellular toxicosis associated with Fifteen of the dogs were treated. Of these dogs,
administration of carprofen. At the time of the 12 were hospitalized. These 12 dogs received
report, over 500,000 dogs had received carprofen. intravenous fluids and antibiotics. Drugs used to
No dog in this report had evidence of a previous manage GI signs included histamine H2-receptor
significant hepatopathy or medical problems pre- antagonists, metoclopramide, sucralfate, and miso-
disposing to a hepatopathy. Various other drugs prostol. Three dogs were given ursodeoxycholic
were given to some dogs, with no apparent acid for 14 to 60 days.

Four dogs died or were euthanized within 3 to drug intolerance and instructed to immediately
5 days after initial examination. One dog with discontinue the drug if these signs develop.
severe hepatic and renal failure also had perfora- Mebendazole-Induced Hepatic Disease
tion of the GI tract and diffuse intestinal ulcers Mebendazole (Telmintic) is an anthelmintic drug
documented during necropsy. It is unknown that is useful for its effects against ascarids, hook-
whether the GI tract ulcers and subsequent per- worms, and whipworms. Though generally con-
foration were directly attributable to carprofen sidered to be a safe drug, acute hepatic necrosis
use or indirectly attributable to hypoperfusion, associated with mebendazole administration to
ischemia, or uremia. The other 17 dogs fully dogs has been reported. In addition to this report,
recovered from drug-induced hepatic disease. All 45 additional cases of adverse drug reactions asso-
13 Labrador retrievers recovered from the hepatic ciated with mebendazole administration have
injury. The mortality rate for the other breeds was been reported to the U.S. Food and Drug
50%. For surviving dogs, vomiting resolved 1 to Administration. Based on these reports and exten-
5 days after supportive care was instituted and sive safety studies in normal animals and in
carprofen was discontinued. Inappetence was the induced hepatic disease, it is unclear whether
primary persistent clinical sign, which resolved 6 mebendazole is an intrinsic (predictable) or idio-
to 20 days after carprofen was discontinued. syncratic hepatotoxin. The fact that toxicity is of
Carprofen administration was discontinued but low incidence, difficult to reproduce experimen-
was repeatedly reinstituted and discontinued dur- tally, and apparently not dose related suggests that
ing a 1-month period for 1 dog. Clinical signs mebendazole is an idiosyncratic toxin, whereas the
resolved after discontinuance and reappeared in presence of toxicity in several members of one
association with drug administration. Laboratory kennel suggests that mebendazole is an intrinsic
evaluations were performed on all surviving dogs hepatotoxin.
3 to 4 weeks after onset of clinical signs. All dogs Regardless of the mechanism of toxicity, I
were markedly improved with regard to hepatic recommend that mebendazole not be used.
variables. Values determined 3 months after diag- Safer and more effective anthelmintics with a sim-
nosis of the toxic condition for 8 dogs were within ilar antiparasitic spectrum such as fenbendazole
reference ranges or only slightly increased. Fifteen (Panacur) or febantel (Drontol Plus) are recom-
of 17 surviving dogs were healthy 60 days after mended.
the episode of toxicosis. The other 2 dogs had
unrelated problems. Copper-Storage Hepatopathy
The results of this study suggest that the drug Pathophysiology
reaction to carprofen is idiosyncratic and host- The abnormal accumulation of copper in hepato-
dependent in nature. Progression of the condition cytes as a result of a metabolic defect in cop-
did not appear to correlate with the dose of per metabolism has been documented in the
carprofen, magnitude of hepatic enzyme activities, Bedlington terrier, West Highland white terrier,
or histopathologic severity of hepatic lesions. It is Skye terrier, and possibly the Doberman pinscher
also noteworthy that renal lesions were detected in breed. These disorders are similar (but not identi-
a number of dogs, a well-documented side effect cal) to Wilson’s disease in humans. Once excessive
of other NSAIDs. Although prescreening hemato- copper accumulates in hepatocytes, it results in
logic and serum biochemical analyses may not progressive hepatocyte destruction. The disease in
yield results that can be used to predict dogs that these breeds must be distinguished from other
will have adverse reactions to carprofen, evaluation causes of secondary hepatic copper accumulation.
of renal and hepatic function before administra- Copper is normally excreted through the biliary
tion of the drug is recommended. Dogs with renal tract. Therefore copper can accumulate in the
and hepatobiliary abnormalities may be poor can- liver with any cholestatic disorder, including
didates to receive this drug, or extra caution CAH or cirrhosis. In dogs with a primary copper-
should be used if carprofen is to be used in these storage disease, copper accumulates in the liver
dogs. In addition, serum biochemistry analysis before the development of hepatic damage or
should be obtained approximately 3 to 4 weeks cholestasis.
after starting carprofen to detect patients with Once copper is ingested, 40% to 60% is pas-
developing hepatic or renal disease. Owners sively absorbed in the proximal small intestine,
should be informed of the clinical signs of with the remainder lost in the feces. Some

ingested copper is bound to the copper transport age a West Highland white terrier has reached its
protein, metallothionein. This portion is lost in upper limit of excess copper, and some dogs with
the feces. Unbound copper is absorbed from the excess hepatic copper will return to normal by
intestine and enters the portal circulation, where it 1 year of age. In the Skye terrier excessive copper
is bound to albumin and another copper transport accumulation in the liver appears to be related to
protein, transcuprein. Copper is then transported cholestasis, thought to result from a disorder of
to the liver. Within hepatocytes, copper is bound intracellular bile metabolism and abnormal bile
to cytosolic metallothionein and stored in lyso- secretion.
somes. Copper can then undergo two fates: it can Although Wilson’s disease in humans is similar
be excreted in bile or bound to the copper trans- to the disease in affected Bedlington terriers, there
port protein ceruloplasmin for transport to are several important differences. Wilson’s disease
peripheral tissues. Of these steps, the most impor- often leads to copper accumulation and subse-
tant step that regulates copper homeostasis is bil- quent damage in other tissues, including the brain.
iary excretion. In dogs with abnormal copper These manifestations are not seen in the dog. In
storage, copper accumulates within the lysosomes addition, the concentration of ceruloplasmin in
of hepatocytes. While in the lysosomes, copper is humans with Wilson’s disease is low, whereas the
innocuous. Once the lysosomal storage capacity is concentration of unbound copper is variable but
exhausted, copper breaks into the cytoplasm, may be high. In affected Bedlington terriers,
where it is toxic to the hepatocytes. Excessive serum copper and ceruloplasmin concentrations
hepatic copper can alter hepatic membrane per- are normal.
meability and interfere with normal hepatocyte Clinical Features
transport of proteins and triglycerides, and eventu- The disease is an autosomal recessive inherited
ally these hepatocytes undergo cellular lysis and defect. In studies in which large numbers of
necrosis. This can result in massive release of cop- Bedlington terriers have been screened by liver
per from damaged hepatocytes, which when taken biopsy for abnormal copper storage, approximately
up in the circulation can lead to a hemolytic crisis. 50% to 80% of dogs have been affected. Recent
In Bedlington terriers the disease is an auto- genetic studies by VetGen, LLC, suggest that only
somal recessive disorder. The specific defect in 30% of Bedlington terriers tested are homozygous
copper metabolism is thought to be excessive cop- clear of the disease, 39% are homozygous affected,
per binding by an abnormal metallothionein in and the remainder (31%) are heterozygous
the liver, which sequesters copper in the liver carriers.
(lysosomes) and reduces biliary excretion. The The copper-storage disease of Bedlington ter-
excess copper accumulation can be detected as riers can be categorized into three general groups.
early as 6 months of age and progresses with time. In the first group, affected dogs are usually young
It is unclear whether a subset of Doberman pin- adults. They have a short, fulminant course of
schers with CAH have a primary copper-storage acute hepatic necrosis and failure with a high mor-
disease or whether the abnormal hepatic copper tality rate. These dogs are usually icteric, anorectic,
concentration is secondary to the cholestasis asso- and vomiting, and they may undergo a hemolytic
ciated with the active hepatitis. One report, how- crisis because of copper toxicity from rapid lysis of
ever, documented increased hepatic copper hepatocytes. Most dogs die despite supportive
concentrations in two Doberman pinschers with measures. Sometimes a stressful event such as
subacute hepatitis in which cholestasis was not whelping or showing precipitates the onset of
present histologically, leading to the speculation signs.
that a genetic defect in copper metabolism might In the second group, affected dogs are usually
be the primary cause of hepatic inflammatory dis- middle-age or older. There is usually an insidious
ease in some Doberman pinschers. The disease in deterioration of their general condition, charac-
West Highland white terriers differs from the terized by chronic weight loss, anorexia, intermit-
copper-storage disease in Bedlington terriers by tent vomiting, and a general unthriftiness. On
comparatively lower concentrations of hepatic presentation many dogs have hallmarks of chronic
copper.West Highland white terriers can generally end-stage hepatic disease, including icterus and
tolerate up to 2000 µg/g (ppm) of copper. West ascites.
Highland white terriers rarely accumulate excess In the third group, affected dogs are asympto-
copper throughout their lifetime. By 6 months of matic and the disease is detected by biochemical

screening (usually with increased SALT activity) nodular surface, with regenerative nodules reflect-
and documented by hepatic biopsy specimen ing end-stage liver disease.
analysis. It is thought that dogs in this group repre- Recently VetGen, LLC, began offering a
sent a prestage of the first two groups. In affected genetic test for copper toxicosis of the Bedlington
dogs of all groups, hepatic copper concentration terrier breed. This test uses a linked marker that
can be elevated as early as a few months of age. has two alleles, or marker types, called 1 and 2. It
Progressive increases in copper concentration usu- was found that over 90% of dogs that were 1/1
ally occur until 5 to 6 years of age (if the patient marker type were homozygous normal (clear of
survives), at which time levels slowly decline, the disease) and over 90% of dogs that were
although they never completely return to normal. affected with the disease were 2/2 marker type.
The most consistent laboratory abnormality is Most 1/2 dogs are carriers with the 2 allele usually
increased SALT activity, usually occurring once associated with the copper toxicosis disease allele.
hepatic injury has taken place. The SALT activity The finding of such a strong genetic disequilib-
usually correlates with the severity of the disease rium allows this to be potentially a valuable test. In
histologically, although enzyme depletion may interpreting the results, if the dog is a 1/1, it is
occur with terminal cirrhosis. Serum ALP activity more than 90% likely that it is homozygous nor-
and serum bilirubin concentration are variable, mal (clear of disease). If the dog is a 2/2, it is 72%
reflecting the degree of cholestasis. A presumptive likely that it is affected (over 90% of affected dogs
diagnosis should be considered in any Bedlington are 2/2, but 72% of 2/2 are affected; 24% are car-
terrier with increased SALT activity, although the riers). If the dog is a 1/2,VetGen data indicate the
disease needs to be confirmed with hepatic biopsy dog has a 95% chance of being a carrier. This test
specimen analysis. It must be pointed out that a may be helpful in making recommendations to
normal SALT level does not rule out the disease, breeders. If only 1/1 and 1/2 dogs are chosen for
and Bedlington terriers get other forms of hepatic breeding, the 2 gene could be eliminated in subse-
disease. quent generations. However, breeders should still allow
The diagnosis is confirmed with quantitative liver biopsy specimens to be obtained in 1/1 dogs to be
measurements of hepatic copper from hepatic used for breeding for the near to intermediate future
biopsy specimens. Normal hepatic copper con- because it is currently the only way to detect the small
centrations range from 91 to 377 µg/g (ppm) of number of affected dogs associated with the 1 allele.
liver on a dry weight basis, although there is VetGen provides a collection kit for DNA using a
marked variability among dogs of various breeds. soft cheek brush. This test can be completed
Formalin-fixed hepatic tissue is suitable for quan- before puppies are purchased at an early age.*
titative measurement. Dogs having values above Treatment
this range are considered affected, and most Early detection is essential. Therefore, because of
affected dogs have hepatic concentrations from 5 the high incidence in the breed, it is strongly rec-
to 50 times above normal. The disease can also be ommended that Bedlington terriers undergo bio-
documented by histochemical staining for copper chemical screening two to three times per year.
with rubeanic acid, Timm’s, rhodanine, or orcein Ideally a liver biopsy should be performed at
stains (most pathologists use rubeanic acid). In 1 year of age. Once a positive diagnosis is estab-
affected livers, granules of copper can be seen with lished, treatment depends on the stage of the dis-
these stains and are qualitatively estimated. The ease. In affected dogs, specific therapy involves the
measurement of copper-64 excreted in stool fol- administration of drugs that chelate copper and
lowing intravenous injection has also been advo- increase urinary excretion, as well as efforts to
cated as a noninvasive method of detecting decrease copper absorption. Traditionally, the drug
affected dogs. Histologic findings vary from nor- of choice has been D-Penicillamine (Cuprimine).
mal (with the exception of excess copper accumu- The recommended dosage for dogs is 4.5 to
lation) to varying severities of chronic hepatitis. 7 mg/lb two times a day. The drug should ideally
The disease progresses from focal hepatitis and be given before meals to maximize its effect. In
necrosis to features identical to those described for this manner, penicillamine will remove approxi-
CAH. Eventually the disease progresses to micro- mately 1000 µg/g (ppm) of copper per year. When
nodular and macronodular cirrhosis. The gross
appearance of the liver reflects the histologic *
VetGen can be contacted at (800) 483-8436 (3728
severity, ranging from normal to a fine or coarse Plaza Dr, Suite 1, Ann Arbor, MI 48108).

given with meals the efficacy decreases by approx- is relatively slow. For this reason dogs with severe
imately half. Common side effects include or fulminant hepatitis secondary to copper accu-
anorexia and vomiting. Further dividing the mulation are not candidates for zinc therapy alone.
dosage into three to four daily doses and/or For these patients zinc is commonly combined
administering it with food often minimizes these with a chelating agent such as trientine. One study
signs. Unfortunately, these side effects may be demonstrated marked improvement in hepatitis
intolerable in some dogs and necessitate discontin- and hepatic copper concentrations in three
uation of the drug. It usually takes several years for Bedlington terriers and three West Highland white
hepatic copper concentrations to decrease to nor- terriers treated with zinc acetate as the sole decop-
mal, and therapy must be continued for life. In pering agent. The advantages of zinc for treatment
addition to chelating copper, D-Penicillamine has include efficacy, low cost, and minimal side effects.
antifibrotic properties, stabilizes lysosomes, and has With any of the above types of zinc supplements,
immune-modulating effects that might also be of it is important to measure serum zinc levels. The
benefit in managing this disease. goal is to achieve plasma zinc concentrations of
More recently tetramine cupruretic agents 200 to 600 µg/dl. After a 3- to 6-month loading
(2,2,2-tetramine; 2,3,2-tetramine) have been eval- period, the dose is decreased to approximately half
uated and have been shown to be effective decop- of the original dose. Serum zinc levels are then
pering agents, lowering hepatic copper and measured every 4 to 6 months. If the serum con-
increasing urinary excretion. These drugs are also centration drops below 150 µg/dl, the dose is
better tolerated than D-Penicillamine. Trientine increased to the original dose. To be effective, zinc
(Syprine; 2,2,2-tetramine) is my drug of choice. It must be given separately from food by at least
has cupruretic effects similar to those of D-Penicil- 1 hour because some food constituents such as
lamine (i.e., removing approximately 1000 µg/g phytates can bind zinc and diminish its efficacy. If
[ppm] of copper per year), although it may attack zinc causes vomiting, it may be mixed in a table-
a different copper pool. The recommended dose spoon of tuna fish (in oil) to minimize nausea.
is 7 to 14 mg/lb two times a day. Side effects are Vitamin C also might be useful because it
minimal in dogs compared with those caused by decreases copper absorption and increases copper
D-Penicillamine. Trientine is often used first or in excretion in the urine. In addition, dogs with
patients that experience side effects with D-Penicil- hepatic insufficiency are deficient in ascorbic acid.
lamine. Trientine is not always readily available, Ideally vitamin C should be given with meals.
but many pharmacists will order it or it can be The recommended dosage is 12 mg/lb/day. Dogs
ordered directly from the manufacturer (Merck). should also be fed a diet low in copper concentra-
2,3,2-Tetramine is an experimental drug that has tion. Some commercial diets low in copper
been shown to be a potent copper chelator. It is include Hill’s Prescription Diet l/d, Purina Fit &
not yet commercially available. Trim, Purina HiPro,Wayne, ANF, Pedigree, Nutro
Additional measures to reduce hepatic copper Natural Choice, and Precise. Diets high in copper
concentrations include supplementing the diet include Iams Eukanuba, Science Diet, and Blue
with zinc (0.7 to 1.15 mg/lb zinc gluconate three Seal Natural. Homemade diets that do not contain
times a day, 0.3 mg/lb zinc sulfate three times a excess copper should include meats, poultry, fish,
day, or 100 mg elemental zinc as zinc acetate two and dairy products. Foods with excessive copper
times a day). Zinc induces increased concentration should be excluded from the diet. These include
of intestinal metallothionein, which then binds eggs, liver, shellfish, organ meats, beans/legumes,
ingested copper to intestinal epithelial cells, thus mushrooms, chocolate, nuts, and cereals. Mineral
preventing copper absorption. As these cells are supplements containing copper should also be
sloughed, copper is subsequently lost in the feces. avoided. Other treatment measures are supportive
In addition, zinc will enhance removal of copper and symptomatic. These are discussed in detail in
from hepatocytes. Zinc lowers hepatic cop- the section on management of hepatic disease.
per indirectly by affecting multiple areas of copper
equilibria and by displacing copper in target tis- Infectious Inflammatory Diseases
sues. Zinc also induces hepatic metallothionein, Primary infections involving the liver are rare
which will then bind to and sequester excessive causes of hepatitis in dogs and cats. It is not
copper into an innocuous form compared with uncommon, however, to culture bacteria as a sec-
free copper. The rate of removal of hepatic copper ondary event in noninfectious hepatic diseases due

to decreased hepatic reticuloendothelial cell func- secondary to gas-forming bacteria. Radiopaque

tion. In addition to bacterial pathogens, parasitic choleliths may also be seen. Ultrasound imaging
and fungal infections can involve the liver. may detect discrete abscesses if present, seen as
multiple hypoechoic, hyperechoic, heterogenous,
Bacterial Hepatobiliary Infections or anechoic areas within the liver. In cases of
Because the liver plays a central role in processing cholecystitis, ultrasonographic findings include a
portal products, receives an extensive arterial thickened gallbladder wall with sludge within the
blood supply, has an important reticuloendothelial lumen.
cell function, and has a direct connection to the A definitive diagnosis is made by hepatic
intestine via the biliary tract, it is subject to infec- biopsy. If discrete abscesses are suspected from
tion by several routes, including hematogenous radiographic or ultrasonographic findings, blind
(portal or arterial) and ascending via the biliary percutaneous biopsy methods are contraindicated.
system. However, bacterial infection of the liver Aerobic and anaerobic cultures of the liver should
only occurs under unusual circumstances, includ- be obtained whenever hepatic biopsy is per-
ing patients receiving immunosuppressive drugs, formed. False-negative cultures can be obtained
and patients with hyperadrenocorticism, diabetes with prior antibiotic treatment.
mellitus, severe enteritis, biliary stasis, septicemia, Treatment involves an appropriate antibiotic
decreased hepatic blood supply, and devitalization based on hepatic biopsy specimen culture. If cul-
or necrosis of hepatic tissue. When the source of ture results are negative despite gross and
infection originates from the bowel, treatment is histopathologic findings suggestive of bacterial
aimed at bacteria normally found in the gut. In infection, the antibiotic choice depends on the
one study in cats with suppurative cholangiohep- suspected route of infection. If the GI tract is the
atitis, bacteria cultured from hepatic biopsy speci- origin, antibiotic use should include coverage
mens (in descending order of prevalence) were against anaerobes and gram-negative organisms.
E. coli, Staphylococcus, α-hemolytic streptococcus, Good combinations include a fluoroquinolone and
Bacillus, Actinomyces, Bacteroides, Enterococcus, Enter- ampicillin or metronidazole. Fluoroquinolones
obacter, and Clostridia. In another study of 14 dogs have excellent gram-negative activity and are effec-
with hepatic abscesses, E. coli, Clostridium sp., tive orally administered drugs for treatment of
Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterococcus sp., Staphylococcus hepatobiliary bacterial infections. Ampicillin and
epidermidis, and Staphylococcus intermedius were the metronidazole are indicated for anaerobic infec-
most common bacteria isolated. Many patients tions. Single-agent amoxicillin-clavulanic acid
have polymicrobial infections. (Clavamox) is also a good choice due to this
Clinical Findings agent’s broad spectrum of activity. Clindamycin is
Bacterial cholangiohepatitis or hepatic abscesses also very active against anaerobes and enters the
usually cause persistent fever and anorexia. liver in high concentrations. However, it should
Hepatomegaly is variable, as is abdominal pain or not be used with bile duct obstruction or severe
other signs of peritonitis. There may be other signs impairment of hepatic function. Antibiotics must
of systemic infection, including lymphadenopathy, be administered for several months. If discrete
or signs of infection of other organs such as pneu- abscesses are present, ultrasound imaging can
monia, endocarditis, urinary tract involvement, or guide an end point for therapy. Antibiotics are
enteritis. Other risk factors include biliary obstruc- given for at least 1 month following resolution of
tion, inflammatory bowel disease, and pancreatitis. ultrasound lesions.
Laboratory findings usually include increased If discrete abscesses are present, surgical inter-
activities of SALT and SAST. If there is involve- vention for drainage or resection may be neces-
ment of the biliary system, there will be increased sary. Likewise, if severe cholecystitis is present,
activities of serum ALP and GGT and possibly cholecystectomy may be indicated. Concurrent
increased bilirubin concentration. There may be a medical treatment with appropriate antibiotics is
neutrophilic leukocytosis and hyperglobulinemia also indicated. In one study of 14 cases there was a
(especially with chronic infection). Coagulopathies high survival rate in those dogs that underwent
may be present. surgical treatment for hepatic abscesses.
Radiographic findings are usually normal; Cholestasis has also been associated with extra-
however, radiolucent areas within the liver or bil- hepatic bacterial infections in dogs and cats. Typical
iary system and/or gallbladder may be seen findings include hyperbilirubinemia with variable

increases in serum hepatic enzyme activities. glycogen-storage diseases), hepatic amyloidosis,

Histologically there is bile pigment accumulation in urea cycle enzyme deficiencies, abnormal iron
hepatocytes with variable inflammatory changes. storage, and hepatic neoplasia. This discussion will
review the more common of these disease entities.
Parasitic Hepatobiliary Infections
Parasitic infections of the liver and biliary tract Portosystemic Shunts
are rare but are more common in certain geo- Portosystemic shunts (portal vascular anomalies,
graphic areas such as the southeastern United States. portacaval shunts, portosystemic vascular anasto-
Cats are most frequently infected with trematode moses) can occur as a congenital anomaly or as an
parasites because of their propensity to ingest inter- acquired entity secondary to chronic portal hyper-
mediate hosts (land snails, fish, reptiles, and amphib- tension. In the latter circumstance, elevated portal
ians). Parasites reported to infect the liver and blood pressure leads to opening of fetal blood ves-
biliary system include Platynosomum, Heterobilharzia, sels that shunted portal blood away from the liver
Cytauxzoon, Opisthorchis, Amphimerus, Metorchis, and into the systemic circulation. These vessels nor-
Clonorchis. mally close at birth. They act as a reservoir to han-
Clinical signs of fluke infestation are usually dle the increased pressure load. Unlike congenital
associated with extrahepatic biliary obstruction. portosystemic shunts, these shunts are usually mul-
Many cats with fluke infestation are asymptomatic; tiple, extremely tortuous, and variable in their
thus the detection of the presence of flukes may extrahepatic location. The most common cause
not mean that they are the causative agent for the for acquired portosystemic shunting is cirrhosis.
observed signs. The diagnosis is established by The remainder of this discussion will concern
detecting eggs in the feces or by histologic exami- congenital portosystemic shunts.
nation of hepatic biopsy tissue. The drug of Etiology of Congenital Portosystemic
choice for treatment of flukes is praziquantel Shunts
(Droncit) at a dosage of 2.3 mg/lb body weight Normally blood leaving the stomach, intestines,
two times a day for 3 days. Nitroscanate (Lopatol) spleen, and pancreas enters the portal vein and flows
at a single dose of 45 mg/lb may also be effective. through the liver before entering the hepatic vein
Some cats require corticosteroids for treatment of and the systemic venous circulation. Portal blood
concurrent eosinophilic cholangiohepatitis. thus contains absorbed nutrients, intestinal hor-
mones (which are tropic to the liver), and bacterial
Fungal Infections of the Liver products and toxins. In the fetus the function of the
Systemic mycoses, including histoplasmosis, blas- liver for processing these products is minimal, and
tomycosis, and coccidioidomycosis, can affect the thus there are vessels to shunt blood away from the
liver. Hepatic involvement usually reflects systemic liver into the systemic venous circulation. Normally
involvement and is one of many tissues affected. these vessels close shortly after birth, allowing the
The significance of hepatic involvement is that it establishment of hepatic circulation. When any of
often represents an easy means of detection of the these vessels remain patent after birth, portosys-
offending organism. Hepatic enzyme elevations temic shunting occurs. The cause of these anom-
suggest hepatic involvement and may justify hepatic alies is unknown.When blood is diverted away from
biopsy. This is often the least invasive means of the liver, hepatic atrophy results because of the lack
establishing a definitive diagnosis. Histopathologic of tropic factors present in portal blood (especially
examination reveals a granulomatous hepatitis with insulin and glucagon).
the offending organism usually seen with special There are several types of congenital portosys-
stains. Fungal culture of hepatic tissue is usually not temic shunts seen in dogs and cats. These include
necessary but may be helpful. (but are not limited to) the following:

1. Patent ductus venosus with or without a

Noninflammatory Diseases hypoplastic portal system
of the Liver 2. Major solitary portal–caudal vena caval anasto-
Important noninflammatory diseases of the liver mosis
include vascular anomalies (portosystemic shunts, 3. Portal vein atresia, associated with the develop-
portal vein hypoplasia), metabolic derangements ment of multiple portal–caudal vena caval anas-
(feline hepatic lipidosis, steroid hepatopathy, tomoses

4. Major solitary portal-azygous shunt dietary substrates; however, this finding seldom
5. Portal-azygous shunt with discontinuation of occurs in most cases.
the prerenal segment of the caudal vena cava The most common clinical signs are chronic
6. Left gastric vein to caudal vena cava depression, retarded growth, and weight loss. Most
7. The development of intrahepatic arterioportal dogs are stunted in appearance and “poor doers.”
fistula. Additional clinical signs include chronic GI signs
(vomiting, diarrhea), anorexia, polydipsia/polyuria,
Approximately one fourth of congenital por- and neurologic signs. It is often the neuro-
tosystemic shunts are intrahepatic in both dogs and logic signs that are most suggestive of a shunt,
cats, with most associated with a patent ductus and approximately 90% of cases have some degree
venosus. Single extrahepatic shunts, with a major of neurologic dysfunction related to hepatic
solitary portal–caudal vena caval shunt being the encephalopathy. Neurologic signs are often variable
most common, constitute 50% of portosystemic and wax and wane over time, including depression,
shunts. Most intrahepatic shunts are found in incoordination, behavioral changes (often aggres-
large-breed dogs (Doberman pinscher, golden sive), amaurotic blindness, seizures, dementia, and
retriever, Labrador retriever, Irish setter, Samoyed, stupor. An additional abnormality is intolerance of
and Irish wolfhound), whereas most extrahepatic anesthetic agents (often seen during routine neu-
shunts are seen in small-breed dogs (miniature tering in the first year of life). Any young patient
schnauzer,Yorkshire terrier, miniature poodle, and that has persistence of any of these signs (especially
dachshund). Dogs with intrahepatic shunts may neurologic or behavior changes) should be sus-
develop clinical signs at an earlier age than dogs pected of having a portosystemic shunt. In the cat,
with extrahepatic shunts, possibly due to a larger ptyalism is a common sign, as are central nervous system
volume of blood flow through intrahepatic shunts. (CNS) and GI signs. Any young cat with ptyalism
Approximately 2% of portosystemic shunts seen in and/or CNS signs should be evaluated for the presence of
small animals occur in cats. a portosystemic shunt.
The severity of clinical signs depends on the Laboratory Findings
volume and location of the shunt. Clinical signs Routine hemograms and serum chemistry profiles
result from impairment of hepatic function, lead- may be normal. Often there will be a mild nonre-
ing to hepatic encephalopathy. The most impor- generative microcytic anemia, and target cells may
tant factors that lead to encephalopathy are the be seen. Most patients have conspicuously normal
accumulation of blood ammonia and other gut- (or mildly increased) serum hepatic enzyme activ-
associated encephalopathic toxins that are nor- ities despite hepatic failure. This is because the
mally metabolized and cleared by the liver. With principal lesion is one of atrophy and lack of por-
portosystemic shunting, ammonia and other tox- tal blood supply. Cholestasis and hepatocellular
ins increase in the blood, leading to encephalopa- necrosis and leakage are not features of this disease.
thy. In addition, increased benzodiazepine-like Approximately 50% of patients will have mild
substances and amino acid derangements hypoalbuminemia (reflecting decreased albumin
(increased aromatic amino acids) occur with por- synthesis or increased volume of albumin distribu-
tosystemic shunts, contributing to encephalo- tion if ascites is present), and many patients (70%)
pathic signs. have decreased BUN concentrations (reflecting
Clinical Signs decreased synthesis from ammonia). Virtually all
Most cases are diagnosed in patients less than patients have normal serum bilirubin concentra-
1 year of age; however, there have been cases in tions. A fasting hypoglycemia may be seen.
patients as old as 10 years at the time of diagnosis. Because many of these changes are nonspecific,
There is no sex predilection. Clinical signs in hepatic function tests must be performed to docu-
patients with portosystemic shunts are highly vari- ment hepatic failure. Serum bile acid measure-
able. Because of the diverse nature of signs, the cli- ments and the ammonia tolerance test are the
nician must maintain a high index of suspicion in most sensitive tests to detect the presence of a por-
any young patient with unexplained signs compat- tosystemic shunt, being abnormal virtually 100%
ible with a shunt to avoid missing the diagnosis. of the time.
Clinical signs often change throughout the day or Approximately one third to half of dogs with
week. There may be an exacerbation of signs after portosystemic shunts have ammonium biurate
feeding, reflecting ammonia generation from crystals in the urine. These form because of the

increased concentration of uric acid in the urine as then performed later (2 to 4 weeks or longer) to
a result of decreased hepatic conversion to allan- correct the shunt. I prefer the latter approach in
toin and increased urine concentration of ammo- small patients that are under anesthesia for a long
nia associated with hyperammonemia. When the time for the angiogram because of the poten-
urine is acidic and supersaturated with these sub- tial for hypothermia and prolonged anesthetic
strates, crystallization and precipitation can occur. recovery.
In addition to crystals in the urine, calculi can Portosystemic shunts can also be identified
form in the kidney or less commonly in the blad- with ultrasonographic guidance or nuclear scintig-
der. These stones usually are composed of ammo- raphy (see section on nuclear scintigraphy to eval-
nium acid urate or uric acid. Often the presence of uate the liver). If the latter diagnostic method is
renal calculi is an important clue that a portosys- used, mesenteric portography may still be neces-
temic shunt is present in a young patient. If calculi sary to locate the shunt if it is not readily seen
are removed and crystallographic analysis identifies during exploratory laparotomy.
that uric acid stones are present, the patient should Pathologic Findings
be evaluated for the presence of a portosystemic Histopathologic findings in patients with portosys-
shunt. temic shunts include diffuse hepatic atrophy, lobular
Radiographic Findings collapse, and proliferation of small hepatic arterioles.
The most reliable methods of confirming the pres- Atrophy is characterized by close proximity of the
ence of a portosystemic shunt are contrast radiog- portal triads, compressed hepatic cords, and incon-
raphy and nuclear scintigraphy. Plain radiographic spicuous portal veins. These findings are usually
findings are usually indicative of microhepatica, diagnostic of a congenital vascular anomaly, and
best determined by upright angulation of the hepatic biopsy specimen analysis represents another
stomach on a lateral projection. Because puppies method (in addition to radiographic findings) to
and kittens normally have large livers relative to obtain a diagnosis. However, these changes may be
their body size, this finding should increase the difficult to distinguish from portal vein hypoplasia
index of suspicion of a portosystemic shunt. The without a macroscopic shunt (formerly known as
diagnosis can then be confirmed by evaluating hepatic microvascular dysplasia; see section starting
hepatic blood flow with contrast radiography or on p. 334). The latter disorder has clinical and
nuclear scintigraphy. histopathologic features of a portosystemic shunt but
There are several techniques to evaluate hepatic has normal findings on mesenteric portography
blood flow, including intraoperative mesenteric and/or nuclear scintigraphy. Degenerative changes
portography, percutaneous splenoportography, in the brain suggestive of hepatic encephalopathy
and cranial mesenteric arterial portography. Intra- include leukopolymicrocavitation at the gray-white
operative mesenteric portography is the most matter junction, spongiform degeneration, and
practical technique to be applied in general prac- cortical necrosis.
tice. In addition to identifying the shunt, mesenteric Surgical Treatment
portography can also assess the residual portovenous The treatment of choice for single portosystemic
flow into the liver for prognostic importance. shunts is surgical ligation, because long-term
Following an injection into a mesenteric or jejunal medical management is palliative rather than cura-
vein, radiographic contrast medium normally flows tive. Before surgical intervention, medical manage-
into the portal vein and arborizes into the liver. In ment may be necessary to stabilize the patient.
patients with a portosystemic shunt, contrast Emergency treatment of hepatic encephalopathy
medium will bypass the liver and be seen in the includes cleansing enemas, oral antibiotics or lac-
caudal vena cava or azygous vein. If the caudal tulose administration (see section on management
extent of the shunt is cranial to T13, it is probably of acute hepatic failure). Surgical correction of
an intrahepatic shunt, whereas if the caudal extent multiple portosystemic shunts is usually not suc-
of the shunt is caudal to T13, it is probably an cessful because underlying portal hypertension
extrahepatic shunt. Once a shunt is identified on and hepatic pathologic abnormalities persist. (See
the angiographic study, one can proceed with sur- the References or surgical textbooks for detailed
gical correction during the same surgical proce- descriptions of surgical techniques.)
dure. Alternatively, the patient can be allowed to As a general rule small-breed dogs have extra-
recover from the anesthetic procedure used to hepatic shunts and large-breed dogs have intrahe-
obtain the angiogram and a second procedure is patic shunts. Single extrahepatic shunts are usually

readily identified at surgery and can thus be iso- The constrictors come in various inner diameters
lated and attenuated or occluded (depending on (3.5, 5.0, or 6.0 mm) so that they can be used on
portal pressure). Surgical manipulation of intra- various-sized shunt vessels. The constrictor is
hepatic shunts is much more difficult, whereas made of hygroscopic casein material that is
extrahepatic shunt ligation is more adaptable to porous, surrounded by a metal outer ring. As the
general practice. Most extrahepatic shunts are porous material is gradually saturated with peri-
found terminating in the caudal vena cava toneal fluid, it expands. Because the outer metal
between the left phrenicoabdominal and renal ring prevents outward expansion, there is inward
veins. expansion, gradually occluding the central hole,
Once the shunt vessel is isolated, correction can which has the shunt vessel in it. In this manner
be made by gradual occlusion using an ameroid the shunt is gradually occluded, usually over a
constrictor (see below) or by occlusion with period of 4 to 8 weeks. Because there is gradual
cellophane banding on suture material. If suture is occlusion, there is no need to measure portal
used, portal pressures must be measured to deter- pressures. As the shunt is occluded the hepatic
mine whether complete occlusion is possible. This vasculature becomes more perfused, thus acting to
is readily done by placing a 3a or 5 Fr feeding prevent portal hypertension. In general there is
tube into a mesenteric vein and threading it into complete occlusion of single extrahepatic shunts
the portal vein. This is then connected to a saline using the ameroid constrictor in approximately
manometer to measure pressure, with the zero 80% to 90% of cases.
level standardized at the level of the femoral trian- Manipulation of intrahepatic shunts is techni-
gle or heart. Normal portal pressure is 10 to 15 cm cally more difficult. Several techniques have been
H2O (8 to 12 mm Hg), and most patients have described for attenuation of intrahepatic shunts.
normal or decreased portal pressure before shunt See the References and surgical literature for
manipulation. If a shunt is completely ligated, fatal details. If possible, the shunt can be isolated before
acute portal hypertension can develop. This results its entry into the liver or as it leaves the liver
from splanchnic congestion and stasis of blood, before entering the caudal vena cava. Otherwise
with the rapid development of endotoxic shock. the shunt is looked for by incising the prehepatic
During shunt attenuation with a silk suture, portal vena cava after occluding hepatic and vena caval
pressure should not exceed 20 to 23 cm H2O blood flow and located by noting the abnormal
(18 to 21 mm Hg) or 11 cm H2O (8 mm Hg) irregular margins of the shunt vessel as it enters the
above baseline. The silk ligature is placed as close vena cava from the inside. Alternatively, the shunt
to the vena cava as possible and gradually tight- can be located by a transportal approach follow-
ened while measuring portal pressure. Observing ing vascular occlusion. If the shunt cannot be
splanchnic viscera for signs of stasis, including occluded completely without causing portal
blanching of the bowel, hypermotility of the small hypertension, a novel approach has been described
bowel, and distended and pulsating jejunal arteries that involves complete intrahepatic shunt closure
is also important. Monitoring central venous pres- along with the surgical creation of a portacaval
sure may also be helpful to predict the presence of shunt using an external jugular vein graft. An
portal hypertension. With increased portal resis- ameroid constrictor is placed around the graft to
tance and decreased portal venous flow, central permit its gradual closure.
venous pressure drops because of decreased venous Dogs that have mild to moderate portal hyper-
return and splanchnic venous pooling. tension (20 to 23 cm H2O) following shunt
To avoid the need to measure portal venous manipulation usually have normal portal pressure
pressure and still allow complete occlusion of the within several weeks of surgery. These dogs often
shunt, attenuation can be accomplished with an have ascites secondary to the transient portal
ameroid constrictor.* This is a device that is hypertension, which disappears in 1 to 3 weeks as
shaped like a miniature donut that has a small portal pressure drops. Often the silk ligature used
opening allowing it to be placed around the to partially occlude a shunt will cause a reaction
shunt. It can be subsequently locked to prevent its that results in gradual complete occlusion of the
removal after placement around the shunt vessel. shunt over time.
A biopsy of the liver is always performed for
histopathologic evaluation and occasionally for
Research Instruments and Mfg, Corvallis, Ore. bacterial culture. If there are cystic or renal calculi

concurrent with the portosystemic shunt, they can could be performed for complete shunt closure. In
be removed during the procedure for shunt cor- one study 50% of dogs undergoing partial shunt
rection if the patient is stable and the anesthetic closure developed complications associated with
time is not excessive. Otherwise a second surgery continued or renewed portosystemic shunting in a
is performed several weeks later to remove the uri- 4-year follow-up period despite excellent short-
nary calculi. A follow-up mesenteric portogram term results. This suggests that a second surgery
and hepatic biopsy can be performed at this time should be considered in these dogs.
to evaluate the shunt correction. Prognosis
Postoperative monitoring is important to The prognosis for medical management of con-
detect signs of severe portal hypertension, includ- genital portosystemic shunts is poor. Most patients
ing abdominal pain, hemorrhagic diarrhea, and have progressive hepatic atrophy, and eventually
endotoxic shock leading to death. Fortunately, the signs of hepatic encephalopathy become refractory
use of an ameroid constrictor or intraoperative to medical management. Occasionally a patient
monitoring of portal pressure makes this an will live to an old age (with or without medical
unusual complication. Hypoglycemia may occur if therapy), although later in life such patients often
the patient is not eating, necessitating intravenous have urate urinary calculi or signs of hepatic
glucose supplementation. Intravenous crystalloids encephalopathy. These cases are uncommon,
or colloids (if there is significant hypoalbumine- however.
mia) are essential in the immediate postoperative The prognosis for single extrahepatic shunts
period. Status epilepticus and generalized motor with surgical correction is excellent, unless severe
seizures can occur following shunt attenuation. portal hypertension persists (which is unusual).
These are usually first observed 3 days postopera- Clinical improvement is often seen shortly after
tively. The etiology of the seizures is unknown, surgical correction. Hepatic biopsy specimen
but one theory is that there may be stimulation of analysis obtained several months after surgical cor-
brain receptors for benzodiazepines associated rection may be normal if there is no concurrent
with the presence of the shunt. Following ligation portal vein hypoplasia. The results of surgical liga-
of the shunt, seizures may result from withdrawal tion of extrahepatic portosystemic shunts in cats
of benzodiazepine-like substances (documented to seem to be worse than in dogs, with only approxi-
be present in portal blood of dogs with portosys- mately 50% to 60% of cats having a favorable
temic shunts) following shunt ligation. The prog- outcome.
nosis is poor in my experience despite control of The prognosis for intrahepatic shunts is more
status epilepticus. The role of prophylactic anti- guarded due to the technical difficulties of the
convulsant drugs such as potassium bromide needs surgical correction and inability to completely
to be defined. attenuate the shunt without developing portal
Medical management of chronic hepatic dis- hypertension. Success depends in large part on the
ease should continue as needed to manage signs of skill and experience of the surgeon.
encephalopathy; however, most patients are
asymptomatic shortly after surgical shunt correc- Portal Vein Hypoplasia Without
tion. Patients should be evaluated 1, 3, and a Macroscopic Shunt (Formerly
6 months after surgery with serum biochemical Hepatic Microvascular Dysplasia)
and hepatic function tests (e.g., bile acids assay). Portal vein hypoplasia without a macroscopic
Persistent abnormal function suggests incomplete shunt (formerly referred to as HMD) refers to a
shunt closure, concurrent portal vein hypoplasia, microscopic pathologic malformation of the
or the development of multiple extrahepatic hepatic microvasculature. It is characterized by
shunts if portal hypertension results. If an ameroid small intrahepatic portal vessels, portal endothelial
constrictor or partial ligation is used to attenuate hyperplasia, portal vein dilation, random juvenile
the shunt, nuclear scintigraphy (or mesenteric por- intralobular blood vessels, and central venous mural
tography) is performed 2 to 3 months after surgery hypertrophy and fibrosis. It is thought that these
to evaluate for complete closure. If there is evi- lesions allow abnormal communication between
dence of incomplete shunt closure, nuclear scintig- portal and systemic circulation. It is important to
raphy is repeated 4 to 5 months following surgery. note that portal vein hypoplasia can occur as an
If there is still evidence of incomplete closure and isolated disease or in conjunction with macro-
the patient is still symptomatic, a second surgery scopic portosystemic shunts. In one large study

58% of dogs and 87% of cats with portal vein (iatrogenic administration) amounts of glucocorti-
hypoplasia also had concurrent congenital por- coids. It represents one of the most common
tosystemic shunts. Dogs and cats with portal vein causes of increased serum hepatic enzyme activi-
hypoplasia can have clinical signs similar to those of ties and the most common diagnosis on hepa-
portosystemic shunts, including neurologic and GI tic biopsy specimen analysis in dogs. Steroid
abnormalities, as well as urate urolithiasis. Portal hepatopathy occurs only rarely in the cat. The
hypertension does not usually develop in dogs and etiology of changes in the liver induced by gluco-
cats with portal vein hypoplasia. corticoids is unknown. The likelihood that an
Breeds of dogs affected with portal vein individual patient will develop steroid hepatopathy
hypoplasia are similar to those with congenital following glucocorticoid administration is variable
portosystemic shunts, including Yorkshire and and depends on individual sensitivity, type, route,
Cairn terriers (a hereditary mechanism has been and duration of administration of the glucocorti-
described in this breed). Reports of dogs with por- coid. Some patients show minimal changes in
tal vein hypoplasia suggest that clinical signs and serum hepatic enzyme activities and morphologic
clinicopathologic features are similar to those of changes in the liver even after chronic glucocorti-
portosystemic shunts, although often not as severe. coid administration, whereas other patients have
A recent study of 42 cases comparing dogs with increased serum hepatic enzyme activities and
portal vein hypoplasia alone and dogs with portal morphologic changes that persist for weeks after a
vein hypoplasia concurrent with portosystemic single dose of a glucocorticoid. Changes can persist
shunts revealed that dogs with portal vein for several months after a single injection of a long-
hypoplasia alone were older and had higher values acting glucocorticoid or after chronic administra-
for mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and serum tion of oral glucocorticoids. Changes can also
total protein, albumin, creatinine, cholesterol, occur after topical or ocular administration of glu-
BUN, and blood glucose concentrations. In addi- cocorticoids.
tion, dogs with portal vein hypoplasia alone had Clinical Findings
lower preprandial and postprandial bile acid con- Clinical signs of steroid hepatopathy range from
centrations. The most discriminating variables for asymptomatic to those associated with glucocorti-
the two groups were postprandial bile acid con- coid excess. These signs include polyuria, polydip-
centrations, MCV, and serum albumin and choles- sia, polyphagia, endocrine alopecia, distended
terol concentrations. However, there is a large abdomen, and lethargy. There are usually no signs
overlap in values, suggesting that patients with pre- specifically related to hepatic failure with the
senting clinical findings of a congenital vascular exception of lethargy in severe cases. Hepatomegaly
anomaly must undergo an imaging study (nuclear is often identified on abdominal palpation and on
scintigraphy or mesenteric portography) to detect abdominal radiographs.
patients with macroscopic portosystemic shunts, Laboratory Findings
because these are amenable to surgical therapy. There are usually mild to moderate increases in
Further definition of portal vein hypoplasia SALT and SAST activities, and marked increases in
requires hepatic biopsy. A surgical wedge biopsy serum ALP and GGT activities in dogs with steroid
or laparoscopic “spoon” biopsy is preferred hepatopathy. These increases are variable. Occasi-
because they provide more hepatic lobules for onally the magnitude of elevation in serum activi-
evaluation. ties of the transaminases (ALT and AST) exceeds
Treatment for portal vein hypoplasia is sup- the magnitude of elevations of serum ALP and
portive because there is no macroscopic shunt to GGT activities. Serum albumin and bilirubin con-
attenuate. Dietary measures and agents used to centrations are usually normal (when these are
treat hepatic encephalopathy are described in the abnormal, other causes should be looked for). Often
section on management of chronic hepatic dis- the laboratory abnormalities seen with primary
ease. Many dogs remain asymptomatic with nonhyperbilirubinemic hepatobiliary disease and
dietary therapy alone, although the prognosis is with steroid hepatopathy are similar. The presence
variable. of increased serum bilirubin concentration virtually
eliminates steroid hepatopathy from the differential
Steroid Hepatopathy diagnosis of primary hepatobiliary disease.
Steroid hepatopathy can result from excessive The increase in serum ALP activity is attrib-
endogenous (hyperadrenocorticism) or exogenous uted to an isoenzyme that is different from that

induced by biliary stasis. This isoenzyme, also Treatment

produced in the liver, is referred to as the steroid- Treatment includes elimination of the source of
induced isoenzyme of ALP. Laboratory methods excess glucocorticoids. If the source is exogenous
are available to distinguish the steroid-induced administration, corticosteroids should be discontin-
isoenzyme from that induced by biliary stasis. ued if their administration is not necessary or
However, the steroid-induced isoenzyme of ALP decreased by at least 50% if their ongoing use is
is variably elevated with many primary hepatobil- considered important. If clinical signs such as
iary diseases and therefore measurement of its lethargy are present and persist, alternative immune-
activity is not a useful test to determine the pres- modulating drugs may be substituted if appropri-
ence of steroid hepatopathy. Though there is not ate (such as azathioprine, cyclophosphamide, or
a specific isoenzyme of GGT induced by gluco- cyclosporine). Hyperadrenocorticism should be
corticoids, it is important to note that the magni- treated if clinically indicated. The laboratory and
tude of increased serum GGT activity induced by morphologic changes in the liver seen with steroid
glucocorticoids often parallels that of ALP and hepatopathy are completely reversible when the
that serum GGT activity cannot be used to distin- source of excess glucocorticoids is removed.
guish steroid hepatopathy from primary hepato-
biliary disease. Feline Hepatic Lipidosis Syndrome
Results of hepatic function tests, including Feline hepatic lipidosis is a common condition in
serum bile acids and blood ammonia concentra- cats that results in intrahepatocyte accumulation of
tions, are variable with steroid hepatopathy. Serum triglycerides because of abnormalities in lipid
bile acids can be normal or slightly to moderately metabolism and is associated with severe hepatic
elevated (less than 75 to 100 µmol/L). Marked dysfunction. In the dog and cat, accumulation of
increases in serum bile acids are unlikely to result fat in hepatocytes can be associated with a number
from steroid hepatopathy, and other hepatobiliary of causes, including endocrine, nutritional, meta-
diseases should be considered. Blood ammonia bolic, and toxic abnormalities. These causes are
concentration and the ammonia tolerance test listed in Box 9-13. In these instances there is a
results are usually normal with steroid hepatopathy. known underlying cause. In the syndrome referred
Histopathologic Findings to as feline hepatic lipidosis, there is no known
Histopathologic abnormalities are usually highly underlying cause and the disease occurs as an idio-
suggestive for steroid hepatopathy. There is usually pathic entity. This discussion will be confined to
marked vacuolization and ballooning of hepato- this syndrome.
cytes in a centrilobular or diffuse distribution. The
vacuoles are thought to be due to glycogen depo-
sition. There might also be a variable degree of BOX 9-13 Causes of Lipid
hepatic necrosis. Accumulation in
Diagnosis the Liver
If laboratory and clinical signs are compatible with
steroid hepatopathy or the patient is asymp- Nutritional
tomatic, steroid hepatopathy should be ruled Prolonged overnutrition
out before hepatic biopsy. This can be done with
a history of glucocorticoid administration or
Deficiency of essential nutrients (lipotrophic
appropriate laboratory tests such as the adreno- agents)
corticotropic hormone (ACTH) stimulation or Protein deficiency
low-dose dexamethasone suppression tests. If the Endocrine disorders
diagnosis is still uncertain, hepatic imaging with Diabetes mellitus
ultrasound (usually revealing hyperechoic and Toxins
sometimes mottled parenchyma) and biopsy are Drugs
warranted. Biopsy specimen analysis usually read- Bacterial endotoxins
ily distinguishes steroid hepatopathy from other Chemicals
hepatic diseases. Hepatic biopsy specimen analysis Plants
is another method of diagnosing hyper-
adrenocorticism when other laboratory tests are
Feline hepatic lipidosis syndrome

Etiology fatty acids from adipose tissue and subsequent

In some cases an underlying disease is associated accumulation in the liver.
with feline hepatic lipidosis, although the majority It is not known what metabolic or hepatocellu-
of cases are idiopathic. The most common under- lar derangements prevent triglyceride removal
lying diseases identified are pancreatitis, inflamma- from the liver, although some metabolic and ultra-
tory bowel disease, and cholangiohepatitis. The structural abnormalities have been identified. In
etiology of idiopathic feline hepatic lipidosis is ultrastructural studies, cats with hepatic lipidosis
unknown. Theories proposed are based on the have hepatocellular organelles and nuclei displaced
liver’s role in triglyceride metabolism. Triglycerides to the cell periphery, resulting in compression of
accumulate in the liver when the rate of hepatic the lumen of bile canaliculi. This contributes to
uptake or synthesis exceeds the rate of removal. cholestasis and bile acid retention. There is also a
Sources of triglycerides include de novo synthesis unique abnormality in that there is a relative paucity
in the liver and from fatty acids in the systemic cir- of peroxisomes (rather than the up-regulation
culation (derived from dietary sources and from expected in circumstances of increased fatty acid
adipose stores). Once in the hepatocyte, fatty acids oxidation), organelles important in the preprocess-
are esterified to triglycerides and phospholipids or ing of long-chain fatty acids before their presenta-
oxidized within the liver. Triglycerides are released tion for mitochondrial oxidation. Peroxisomes take
from hepatocytes primarily as very-low-density on an increased role in circumstances of mito-
lipoproteins (VLDLs). chondrial dysfunction. Unlike mitochondria
When the ability of the liver to excrete or oxi- (which are dependent on carnitine), peroxisomal
dize triglycerides is exceeded by triglyceride sup- fatty acid oxidation and transport is facilitated but
ply, triglycerides will accumulate in the hepatocyte. not dependent on carnitine. Peroxisomes are also
Therefore hepatic lipid accumulation can result involved in bile acid synthesis, and subsequent per-
from (1) excessive hepatic triglyceride synthesis, (2) oxisome dysfunction has lead to abnormal bile
impaired fatty acid oxidation within the hepato- acid profiles in cats with hepatic lipidosis. Thus
cyte, (3) impaired fatty acid transport from the liver these defects in peroxisomes and increased
as VLDL, and (4) changes in the nutritional or hor- dependency on peroxisomal oxidation may
monal status or toxic influences on hepatocellular increase “oxidative stress” on hepatocytes.
functions that adversely affect triglyceride metab- There is also speculation that there is a relative
olism. In addition to the possibility that excessive carnitine deficiency, resulting in hepatocellular
triglyceride storage is damaging to the hepatocyte, triglyceride accumulation in cats with hepatic lipi-
excessive hepatic triglyceride accumulation may dosis. It has been shown that plasma, urine, and
indicate an abnormality in cellular metabolism hepatic tissue carnitine concentrations are normal
that may also affect other cell functions. (or elevated) in cats with hepatic lipidosis.
It is not known how these mechanisms are However, it is possible that there may be inade-
involved in the pathogenesis of feline hepatic lipi- quate carnitine for the quantity and rate of mito-
dosis. Anorexia in previously obese cats is an chondrial oxidation and disposal of accumulating
important feature of this disorder and may initiate acetyl CoA. Furthermore there is increased urine
fatty deposition in the liver. During starvation, concentration of short-chain acyl-carnitines in cats
free fatty acids increase because of release from with hepatic lipidosis, reflecting an increased pro-
adipose tissue. Obesity probably predisposes to duction or carnitine-facilitated removal from the
this process. There is excessive mobilization of liver. This could allow a route for elimination of
fatty acids, which are subsequently incompletely excess fatty acids from the liver. Finally, there is
metabolized in the liver, leading to accumulation evidence that carnitine supplementation to cats
within hepatocytes. Some cats have an underlying with hepatic lipidosis improves recovery rates.
systemic disease that initiates the anorexia and is Previous theories have been disputed as well.
concurrent with hepatic lipidosis, although in Orotic acid is a toxin capable of inducing hepatic
most cases an underlying disorder is not identi- lipidosis in other species by impaired phospholipid
fied. It has also been proposed that cats with synthesis and VLDL transport from the liver.
hepatic lipidosis are diabetic or prediabetic, Arginine deficiency (seen in cats with hepatic
although this is speculative and there is little evi- lipidosis) can lead to orotic acid accumulation
dence for this. It is possible that an insulin- because arginine is essential for normal urea cycle
resistant state would result in continued release of function, and impaired urea cycle function is

associated with production of orotic acid precur- concentration, resulting in clinical manifestations
sors. However, attempts to produce hepatic lipido- such as hemolytic anemia. Radiographs usually
sis in cats with orotic acid administration were reveal normal hepatic size or hepatomegaly.
unsuccessful, and urine orotic acid concentrations Ultrasonographic Findings
are normal in cats with hepatic lipidosis.Vitamin Ultrasonographic findings are almost always
B12 deficiency has also been speculated to be asso- abnormal in feline hepatic lipidosis. Findings
ciated with hepatic lipidosis. In one description of include overall increased echogenicity of hepatic
96 cats with hepatic lipidosis, vitamin B12 defi- parenchyma compared with falciform fat. In one
ciency was not documented. In that series, inspec- study this finding was seen in 100% of cats with
tion of plasma and urine for unusual fatty acids hepatic lipidosis. However, other studies have also
reflecting site-specific impaired mitochondrial found this relationship in diseases other than
oxidation did not reveal unique moieties, suggest- hepatic lipidosis, making this a nonspecific finding.
ing no obvious defect in a particular mitochon- In addition, there is increased beam attenuation by
drial enzyme. the liver, and borders of hepatic vessels are difficult
Clinical Features to visualize. Other underlying disorders, such as
As mentioned earlier, most cats with hepatic lipi- pancreatitis, may also be detected with an ultra-
dosis are obese. There is usually a period of sound examination.
anorexia followed by signs typical of hepatic fail- Pathologic Findings
ure. In some cases a known illness, stressful event The diagnosis of feline idiopathic hepatic lipidosis
(e.g., boarding, travel), or diet change may cause is based on histologic findings and the absence of
the initial period of anorexia. In most cases, how- other concurrent diseases that are known to cause
ever, no initiating cause is known. When hepatic lipid accumulation in the liver (see Box 9-13).
lipidosis occurs, clinical signs include inappetence, Typical histopathologic features are a diffuse lobu-
weight loss, vomiting, and jaundice. Physical lar fatty infiltration within individual hepatocytes.
examination findings include obesity with evi- The lipid accumulation is usually macrovesicular
dence of dorsal muscle wasting, jaundice, and in nature, although it can be microvesicular in
possible hepatomegaly. some cats. Usually there is evidence of intrahepatic
Laboratory and Radiographic Findings cholestasis. The diagnosis can often be made by
Laboratory findings include marked elevations in analysis of fine needle aspiration of the liver or
serum hepatic enzyme activities, especially ALP impression smear made of hepatic biopsy speci-
and to a lesser extent the transaminases (SALT, mens. Cytologic features include vacuolated hepa-
SAST). Because the half-life of ALP is very short in tocytes with minimal inflammation. However,
the cat (6 hours), activity of this enzyme is only cytologic examination cannot exclude the pres-
increased in the serum with severe hepatobiliary ence of concurrent diseases such as cholangiohep-
disease. In hepatic lipidosis the activity of ALP is usually atitis and lymphoma.
markedly elevated and often higher than in any other Grossly the liver in cats with hepatic lipidosis is
form of hepatic disease in cats. Hepatic lipidosis is also usually large, friable, and has slightly rounded mar-
the most common hepatobiliary disease in the cat gins with a smooth surface. The color is usually
to result in a magnitude of increased ALP activity yellow with an accentuated lobular pattern.
exceeding that of serum GGT activity. Serum Treatment
total bilirubin concentration is usually increased If precipitating causes of the anorexia can be iden-
and reflects the degree of intrahepatic cholestasis. tified, they should be addressed. These include
Coagulation abnormalities (especially elevated environmental influences such as diet changes and
PIVKA times) are also common, occurring in boarding. If concurrent diseases are identified, such
almost 50% of cats in one study. However, overt as cholangiohepatitis, inflammatory bowel disease,
bleeding (including from hepatic biopsy sites) is or pancreatitis, they should be treated.
rare in my experience. Hypokalemia was present in The goal of treatment is to reverse the meta-
25% to 30% of affected cats and was found to be a bolic changes that resulted in mobilization of free
negative prognostic factor. Postprandial serum bile fatty acids occurring during starvation. This is
acid concentrations are almost always abnormally usually accomplished with aggressive force-
elevated. Hypophosphatemia was present in 10% to feeding. In mild cases, methods to stimulate volun-
15% of cats in one report. Oral alimentation may tary oral intake may be effective. Heating food and
result in a further decline in serum phosphorus adding seasoning and salt substitutes to food may

be helpful. However, tube feeding seems to be weight at any feeding. Attempts are made to grad-
necessary in most cases. This is best accomplished ually increase the feeding volume to maintenance
with a PEG tube (No. 18 to 20 Fr), esophagos- over the first 3 to 5 days.
tomy tube (No. 18 to 20 Fr), or nasoesophageal Antiemetics may be necessary to prevent
tube (No. 5 Fr). My preference is to place a PEG vomiting during the first few days (or longer) of
tube in most cases, often when the cat is under treatment in many cases. The drug of choice is
general anesthesia for the hepatic biopsy proce- metoclopramide (Reglan). This is given at a
dure if analysis of an impression smear of the dosage of 2.5 to 5 mg 30 minutes before feeding.
biopsy sample is suggestive of hepatic lipidosis. In most cases it works when given through the
This avoids the stress of a second anesthetic proce- feeding tube (a liquid form is available for this
dure. However, there are some cats that are clearly purpose). Occasionally subcutaneous administra-
not stable enough to undergo an anesthetic proce- tion or constant intravenous infusion may be
dure for placement of a feeding tube. In these necessary. Other strategies to control vomiting
cases, cats often never recover completely from the include the addition of other antiemetics such as
procedure. In these patients it is usually much safer prochlorperazine (Compazine), chlorpromazine,
to obtain a biopsy specimen under local anesthesia or ondansetron. Other strategies are to adminis-
or to rely on cytologic analysis of a fine needle ter a liquid enteral formula (CliniCare) by con-
aspirate. This is then followed by placement of a stant infusion or to decrease the amount of water
nasoesophageal tube with the cat awake. This added to the cat food gruel to decrease the vol-
allows administration of a liquid nutritional for- ume administered and still provide the same
mula (such as CliniCare [Pet-Ag]) on a temporary amount of calories. When diluted with one part
basis. Constant administration with an infusion water to two parts food, the gruel contains
pump or gravity flow (versus bolus feeding) is also 1.0 kcal/ml.
helpful if vomiting is a problem during the initial Various dietary supplements have been proposed
few days of treatment. These cats often have elec- to be helpful in treating cats with idiopathic hepatic
trolyte disturbances such as hypokalemia and lipidosis. Carnitine supplementation seems to
should also be stabilized with appropriate intra- improve survival rates and shorten recovery times.
venous fluids (non–lactate-containing fluids sup- In one report (n = 57) supplementation with
plemented with potassium chloride or potassium L-carnitine (250 to 500 mg/day) was advocated
phosphate).When the cat is more stable, a PEG or based on the possibility that there is a relative carni-
esophagostomy tube is then placed for long-term tine deficiency. Compared with historical controls,
use at home. These large-bore tubes are preferred cats that received L-carnitine had a recovery rate of
because they are more comfortable to the cat than 81% compared with a recovery rate of 37% in cats
nasoesophageal tubes and allow the owner to feed that did not receive L-carnitine. Cats that received
blended cat food at home. L-carnitine and gastrostomy tube feedings had
The total calorie intake should be 28 to a recovery rate of 89% (cats that did not receive L-
36 kcal/lb body weight per day. If a large-bore carnitine but had gastrostomy tube feedings had
tube is used, a balanced commercial cat food gruel a recovery rate of 29%). In this report, taurine sup-
(e.g., Hills Feline p/d [674 kcal per can] or c/d plementation (250 to 500 mg/day) was also advo-
[604 kcal per can]) can be used as the feeding solu- cated because many cats with hepatic lipidosis have
tion. These are generally diluted 1:1 with water, decreased serum taurine concentrations. Taurine is
to make a gruel containing approximately important because this amino acid is used for oblig-
0.75 kcal/ml. They can also be diluted 1:2 with atory bile acid conjugation in the cat and may mod-
water to make a gruel containing approximately ify the injurious potential of retained bile acids and
1.0 kcal/ml. Restricted protein diets are not indi- increase their renal excretion. Thiamine should also
cated unless there are overt signs of hepatic be provided (100 mg by injection or orally two
encephalopathy present (such as ptyalism). Initially times a day for 3 days) if there is evidence of thi-
feeding is started at one half the calculated amount amine deficiency (ventral neck flexion).Vitamin E
for the first 24 to 48 hours. The calculated daily may be helpful to minimize oxidative hepatic
requirement is divided into four to six feedings per injury. SAMe administration (9 mg/lb/day) may
day initially. Eventually most cats tolerate the nec- also help speed recovery. Vitamin K supplementa-
essary volume in three to four feedings per day. tion is used if overt bleeding is detected or sus-
The volume should not exceed 14 ml/lb body pected. If there is prolonged recovery (rare),

ursodeoxycholic acid may be beneficial to help sta- Bile Duct Obstruction

bilize peroxisomes and because cholestasis is usually Etiology
present (see earlier section on use of ursodeoxy- Causes of common bile duct obstruction are listed
cholic acid in cats with cholangiohepatitis). In in Box 9-1. Because the extrahepatic bile duct
most cases ursodeoxycholic acid is not necessary goes through the pancreas before it enters the
because most cats recover or die before this drug duodenum, disease in the area of the pancreas can
can alter the outcome or provide hepatoprotection. result in obstruction. Though pancreatitis is the
Supplementation with L-citrulline (to promote ure- most common cause of bile duct obstruction, most
agenesis and minimize synthesis of orotic acid) and cases of pancreatitis do not result in bile duct
choline (required for phospholipid synthesis in obstruction.
VLDL production) have also been empirically Clinical Findings
recommended. Many patients with bile duct obstruction are
Low-dose insulin therapy is indicated only if symptomatic for their underlying disease (for
the cat is overtly diabetic. There is no evidence example, patients with pancreatitis often have
that arginine supplementation is helpful in this vomiting and abdominal pain). Signs associated
disease. Lipotropic agents containing methionine with bile duct obstruction include weight loss,
have no therapeutic benefit and are contraindi- jaundice, anorexia, acholic feces, and vomiting. If
cated because they can result in the production of the cause of the obstruction is not inflammatory in
encephalopathic toxins (mercaptans). Use of glu- nature, clinical signs are often surprisingly mild.
cocorticoids and anabolic steroids should likewise Often jaundice is the first sign observed.
be avoided. Laboratory findings include elevations in serum
Prognosis hepatic enzyme activities. Often the serum activi-
The prognosis is fair to good in most cases. I have ties of the cholestatic enzymes (ALP and GGT)
been successful in treating approximately 80% to are disproportionately elevated compared with
90% of cats, with the recovery rate dependent on serum activities of the transaminases (ALT and
how stable the cat is at the time of presentation, the AST). However, this is not a consistent finding and
aggressiveness of force-feeding, and the ability to many cases of intrahepatic cholestasis have similar
control vomiting. Virtually all cats recover if they biochemical profiles. Serum total bilirubin con-
survive beyond the first few days. The earlier they centration is also elevated to a variable degree
are treated, the higher the recovery rate. Spon- depending on the degree of obstruction. The rela-
taneous recovery is rare. Force-feeding may need to tive amounts of direct (conjugated) and indirect
be prolonged (3 to 12 weeks). Most owners are able (unconjugated) bilirubin are variable and often
to manage gastrostomy or esophagostomy tube indistinguishable from changes seen with intra-
feeding at home during this period. Once there is hepatic cholestasis. Therefore laboratory findings iden-
normalization of biochemical parameters, tube tify hepatobiliary disease but do not aid in distinguishing
feeding is gradually decreased and the cat should be intrahepatic from posthepatic causes of cholestasis. This
coaxed to eat on its own. Once the cat is eating is currently best accomplished with ultrasonography.
completely on its own without any tube feedings Ultrasonographic findings include common and
for 1 to 2 weeks, the tube is pulled. There is no evi- intrahepatic bile duct distention, as well as gall-
dence that affected cats are prone to recurrences bladder enlargement. These changes take several
following initial recovery or that there is residual days to occur following obstruction. Dilation pro-
hepatic damage. To prevent hepatic lipidosis, nutri- gresses from common bile duct to peripheral
tional support should be provided to obese cats that intrahepatic bile ducts over a period of 5 to 7 days
stop eating because of other diseases. following bile duct obstruction. Enlarged intra-
hepatic bile ducts can be distinguished from portal
vessels by their tortuosity, irregular branching pat-
Diseases of the Gallbladder tern, and abrupt and variable changes in lumenal
and Bile Duct diameter. In addition, the cause of obstruction
Disorders of the gallbladder and bile duct are (such as neoplasia) is often identified on an ultra-
uncommon in small animals. Clinical signs depend sonographic examination.
on whether there is obstruction to the flow of bile Hepatobiliary scintigraphy has also been used
or infection of the extrahepatic biliary system. to distinguish extrahepatic biliary obstruction

from intrahepatic disease. Following injection created. Clinical signs include depression, fever,
of 99mTc-diisopropyl iminodiacetic acid (di- and vomiting. Empirical antibiotic administration
sofenin) into patients with unobstructed biliary is usually effective in controlling these episodes.
tracts, there is nuclear activity in the intestine
within 3 hours. There is failure to visualize the Cholelithiasis and Choledocholithiasis
intestine with nuclear imaging by 3 hours in Etiology
patients with biliary obstruction. In one study, this Choleliths are rare in dogs and cats, and the etiol-
method was 83% sensitive and 94% specific (91% ogy is unknown. Most theories implicate bile sta-
accurate) in diagnosing extrahepatic biliary sis, infection, and changes in bile composition.
obstruction. Finally, hepatic biopsy often suggests Choleliths in dogs and cats have been reported
the presence of extrahepatic biliary obstruction. to contain primarily cholesterol and bilirubin.
Treatment Relative percentages of these components are vari-
Treatment of bile duct obstruction depends on able, and mixed stones often occur. Additional
the underlying etiology (see Box 9-1). In most components include calcium, magnesium, and
cases, specific medical therapy is not possible and oxalates. If choleliths are analyzed by methods used
symptomatic care or surgery is necessary. Approxi- for cystic calculi, cholesterol and bilirubin contents
mately 80% of patients with pancreatitis that will not be determined.
results in bile duct obstruction will eventually Clinical Findings
resume normal bile flow without surgical inter- Cholelithiasis is usually asymptomatic unless
vention if given appropriate supportive care and associated with cholecystitis or obstruction of
enough time. In these cases obstruction is probably bile flow. In one report approximately 75%
associated with acute edema and inflammation of choleliths were discovered at necropsy and were
around the bile duct.When this resolves, bile duct not associated with clinical signs. When clinical
patency returns. Therefore if pancreatitis is sus- signs are present, they are often intermittent.When
pected as the cause of biliary obstruction, support- cholecystitis is present, there is often fever, abdom-
ive care is warranted in the initial period. If there is inal pain, and vomiting. When bile duct or cystic
no biochemical or clinical improvement within duct obstruction occurs, jaundice and other signs
2 weeks, patency is unlikely to spontaneously of extrahepatic biliary obstruction are seen.
occur and surgical intervention is warranted. Physical examination findings usually reflect the
During this period, nutritional support with degree of abdominal pain and jaundice.
jejunostomy tube feeding or total parenteral nutri- Laboratory findings may be normal or similar
tion (TPN) may be required. There is no specific to those seen with extrahepatic biliary obstruc-
medical therapy for bile duct obstruction caused tion, including increased serum activities of
by pancreatitis. hepatic enzymes and bilirubin concentration.
Surgical treatment is usually necessary for most Radiographic findings depend on whether
other causes of bile duct obstruction. Surgery is choleliths are calcified. In most cases there is not
intended to establish patency of the extrahepatic enough calcium in the stones to make them
biliary system with the intestine. The procedure radiopaque. However, when they are calcified, they
used depends on the location of the obstruction, are seen in the area of the gallbladder or rarely in
the degree of distention of the common bile duct the area of the common bile duct. Ultrasonog-
and gallbladder, the presence of concurrent chole- raphy is the modality of choice in detecting
cystitis, and the underlying disease. The most choleliths, because the gallbladder is readily seen
common procedures performed are cholecystoje- on an ultrasonographic examination. Choleliths
junostomy or cholecystoduodenostomy. If the appear as a hyperechoic area with a hypoechoic
gallbladder is infected and the common bile duct acoustic shadow. It can also be determined by
is large enough, a cholecystectomy and choledo- ultrasonography whether there is gallbladder and
choenterostomy is indicated. A detailed descrip- biliary duct distention. A thickened gallbladder
tion of these procedures is beyond the scope of wall with inspissated bile suggests the presence of
this chapter. The reader is referred to the surgi- cholecystitis.
cal literature for more information. Recurrent Treatment
cholangitis and/or cholecystitis can be sequelae Surgical intervention is usually the treatment of
to biliary-enteric anastomoses; however, this is sel- choice unless the patient is asymptomatic. Usually
dom a clinical problem if a large enough stoma is the procedure of choice is cholecystectomy, espe-

cially if there is concurrent cholecystitis. An alter- biliary duct distention, cholelithiasis, thickening of
native is cholecystotomy and stone removal. If the gallbladder wall, and inspissated bile.
there is common bile duct obstruction that cannot Treatment
be relieved, a cholecystoenterostomy or choledo- In mild cases treatment involves an appropriate
choenterostomy will be necessary. At surgery bile antibiotic based on results of bile culture. In these
should be cultured aerobically and anaerobically, so patients the prognosis is fair. In severe cases,
an appropriate antibiotic can be administered to including those with necrotizing or emphysema-
manage concurrent cholangitis and cholecystitis. tous cholecystitis, the treatment of choice is chole-
Additional therapeutic methods used to manage cystectomy. In many cases the gallbladder is
choleliths in humans include endoscopic removal, ruptured at the time of surgery. In this situation
chemical dissolution, and extracorporeal shock cholecystectomy and exploration of the abdomen
wave lithotripsy. These methods have not been for stones that escaped the gallbladder are required.
evaluated in small animals. A high-protein, low- Patency of the bile duct must be established and
cholesterol diet might be helpful to prevent recur- treated appropriately with diversion procedures if
rences. necessary. In cases without gallbladder rupture, it
is still advisable to remove the gallbladder because
Cholecystitis it will be easier to treat the infection if the source is
Etiology removed. Aerobic and anaerobic cultures of bile,
Cholecystitis is rare in the dog and cat. Predisposing calculi, and the gallbladder wall are mandatory to
factors include cholelithiasis, bile stasis, ascending determine appropriate antimicrobial therapy.
biliary tract infection, and bacteremia with second- Pending culture results, a combination of an
ary cholangitis and cholecystitis. Cholecystitis is aminoglycoside or quinolone and ampicillin is
most commonly associated with complete or par- recommended. In one large study the most com-
tial bile duct obstruction. Necrotizing cholecystitis mon bacteria isolated were E. coli. Other bacteria
often results in either chronic or acute gallbladder cultured included Klebsiella sp., Clostridium sp., and
rupture with secondary bile peritonitis. Pseudomonas sp. Aggressive fluid support is also
Clinical Findings mandatory.
In mild cases, signs may be intermittent and Prognosis
include vomiting, fever, and abdominal pain. In The prognosis is guarded to poor in severe cases.
acute necrotizing cholecystitis, signs include vom- Early diagnosis and surgical intervention is the key
iting, anorexia, abdominal pain, and fever. Many of for successful therapy. Death is usually attributed
these patients will show signs of shock, including to sepsis, shock, peritonitis, and stress of anesthesia.
increased heart rate, pale mucous membranes, poor Therefore patients that show signs compatible with
capillary refill, and weak pulses. When gallbladder cholecystitis should have the diagnosis aggressively
rupture occurs, signs of bile and septic peritonitis pursued with serial abdominal paracentesis, ultra-
will result. sonography, peritoneal lavage, abdominal radiogra-
Laboratory findings in severe cases include a phy, and serial hemograms. When the diagnosis is
neutrophilic leukocytosis with a left shift, hypopro- suggested, surgical exploration should not be
teinemia, hypoglycemia, and increased BUN con- delayed.
centration. These changes are associated with sepsis
and endotoxic shock. In addition, there are usually
increased serum hepatic enzyme activities and Hepatic Neoplasia
increased serum bilirubin concentration if there is Incidence
biliary obstruction. Abdominal paracentesis may The liver is frequently affected with primary or
reveal evidence of septic or bile peritonitis. metastatic neoplasia. Primary tumors account for
Radiographic findings include decreased 0.6% to 1.3% of all neoplasms in the dog.
abdominal detail if there is leakage of bile and Metastatic tumors occur at least twice as fre-
peritonitis. If choleliths are present, they may quently as primary tumors. Hepatic neoplasia
be seen radiographically if they are calcified. occurs less frequently in the cat with the excep-
Some cases have gas in the gallbladder (emphysema- tion of malignant lymphoma and myeloprolifera-
tous cholecystitis) if there is a gas-forming organism tive diseases. The prevalence of hepatic neoplasia
involved (usually Clostridium spp. or E. coli). in the cat is 1.5% to 2.3%. The most common pri-
Ultrasonographic findings include gallbladder and mary hepatic neoplasms in the dog in order of

frequency are hepatoma, hepatocellular carci- currently untreatable, usually rapidly progressive,
noma, cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct carcinoma), and highly metastatic and have a grave prognosis.
fibroma, fibrosarcoma, hemangioma/heman- Metastatic tumors are only treatable with
giosarcoma, leiomyoma, osteosarcoma, and hamar- chemotherapy. Lymphoma is the most respon-
toma. The most common metastatic tumors in the sive tumor to chemotherapy. Various protocols
dog that involve the liver are lymphoma and have been described, and most consist of various
hemangiosarcoma. Other important primary sites combinations of prednisone, cyclophosphamide
are the mammary glands, adrenal gland, pancreas, (Cytoxan), vincristine (Oncovin), doxorubicin
bowel, bone, lung, and thyroid gland. Metastasis to (Adriamycin), and L-asparaginase (Elspar). The
the liver can occur via the portal vein, hepatic reader is referred to veterinary oncology literature
artery, lymphatics, or by direct extension. Spread for details of these protocols. The prognosis with
from the portal circulation is most common. In hepatic involvement is similar to that of multicen-
the cat, malignant lymphoma and myeloprolifera- tric involvement. In cats with well-differentiated
tive diseases are the most common metastatic lymphocytic lymphoma of the liver, the prognosis
tumors. Nonhematopoietic hepatic neoplasms in is better in my experience, with survival times
cats include benign bile duct adenomas, bile duct usually between 1.5 and 2 years or longer when
adenocarcinomas, and hepatocellular carcinoma. treated with a combination of prednisone and
Most hepatic tumors, with the exception of lym- chlorambucil (Leukeran). Hemangiosarcoma can
phoma, are seen in older patients. Hepatic neopla- also be palliated with chemotherapy (using
sia is reviewed in detail in Chapter 11. doxorubicin plus dacarbazine, or the combination
of vincristine, doxorubicin, and cyclophospha-
Clinical Signs mide). In humans hepatic arterial infusions of
Clinical signs of hepatic neoplasia depend on the chemotherapeutic agents or embolization agents
extent of involvement. In many cases of primary (such as iodinated poppyseed oil) using a pump
neoplasia, especially hepatic adenomas and adeno- delivery system or via angiography procedures are
carcinomas, signs are not seen until the tumor is more efficacious than systemic administration for
very advanced. When symptomatic, patients show certain tumors, allowing higher regional drug
signs typical of other hepatic diseases, including concentrations. These methods have not been
anorexia, lethargy, vomiting, polyuria, and poly- evaluated extensively in small animals.
dipsia. If there is involvement of the biliary system
by direct involvement (cholangiocarcinoma) or by MANAGEMENT OF
impingement of an extrahepatic bile duct, jaun-
dice may be seen. In many cases hepatomegaly can
be detected on physical examination. Clinical signs Many types of hepatic disease are managed with
of metastatic neoplasia involving the liver tend to specific treatment modalities. Examples of disor-
be more severe earlier in the disease, because more ders with specific treatments are listed in Table 9-2.
of the liver is usually affected. In addition to signs In addition to specific treatment, many patients
typical of hepatic failure, patients may also show with hepatic disease require general supportive
signs typical of their primary tumor location. care to manage the acute and chronic aspects of
the derangements seen with hepatic failure. This
Treatment and Prognosis discussion will concern therapeutic efforts com-
The treatment of hepatic neoplasia depends on the mon to the management of hepatic disease in gen-
type of tumor and extent of involvement. Hepa- eral. Refer to the discussion of specific hepatic
tomas and hepatocellular carcinomas grow very diseases for appropriate specific therapy.
slowly and are often localized to a single lobe of the
liver. They are often amenable to surgical resection
and have good long-term prognosis. Up to 75% of Management of Acute Hepatic
the liver can be resected without significant hepatic Failure
dysfunction, and regeneration usually occurs within The cornerstone of treating acute hepatic failure
6 to 8 weeks. Less commonly, hepatocellular carci- includes elimination of the inciting cause (such as
nomas are nodular or diffuse. In these cases the drugs or toxins), providing optimal conditions for
prognosis is poor. Cholangiocarcinomas are usually hepatic regeneration, preventing complications,
widespread and either massive or diffuse. They are and reversing derangements that occur with

TABLE 9-2 Examples of Hepatic Diseases With Specific Treatments

Disease Treatment
Extrahepatic biliary obstruction Surgery
Bacterial hepatitis Appropriate antibiotic
Chronic active hepatitis Antiinflammatory drugs, others (see text)
Portosystemic shunt Surgery
Feline hepatic lipidosis Aggressive force-feeding
Hepatic lymphoma Chemotherapy
Copper-storage diseases Copper-chelating agents
Steroid hepatopathy Exogenous: reduce or discontinue corticosteroids
Endogenous (hyperadrenocorticism): mitotane

hepatic failure. The important derangements that immediately. In general the fluid of choice is half-
may be seen include dehydration and hypovolemia, strength saline (0.45%) with 2.5% dextrose, sup-
hepatic encephalopathy, hypoglycemia, acid-base plemented with potassium chloride. Potassium
and electrolyte abnormalities, coagulopathies, gas- chloride should be added at the rate of 30 mEq/L
tric ulceration, sepsis, and endotoxemia. of fluids until serum potassium concentration is
known, at which time the concentration can be
Dehydration, Hypovolemia, and adjusted. Ringer’s solution or normal saline (0.9%)
Electrolyte Disturbances are acceptable alternatives, but their higher sodium
Many patients with severe hepatic disease have content makes them less desirable because many
vomiting, diarrhea, and anorexia. Therefore dehy- patients with hepatic disease have excessive
dration can readily occur. In addition, patients sodium retention and their administration can
with ascites already are using all of their circula- exacerbate ascites. Lactated Ringer’s solution
tory reserve function to maintain intravascular should be avoided because lactate must be con-
volume and tissue perfusion.When additional fluid verted to bicarbonate in the liver. Care must also
losses (such as vomiting or diarrhea) occur, hypo- be taken not to administer fluids too aggressively
volemic shock can result. In addition to volume because patients with hepatic disease cannot effi-
depletion, these patients frequently have elec- ciently excrete a salt and water load in response to
trolyte and acid-base disturbances. Patients with volume expansion, thus exacerbating ascites and
hepatic disease frequently have hypokalemia in portal hypertension. Diuretics such as furosemide
addition to total body potassium depletion. should be given with caution because these can
In addition to other deleterious effects, hypo- exacerbate hypovolemia, prerenal azotemia,
kalemia contributes greatly to the severity of hypokalemia, and metabolic alkalosis.
hepatic encephalopathy. Often potassium supple-
mentation makes an enormous difference in the Acute Hepatic Encephalopathy
treatment of these patients. The most common The approach to managing acute hepatic
acid-base disturbance with hepatic disease is alka- encephalopathy involves reducing the formation
losis, although other disturbances can be seen. If and absorption of encephalopathic toxins from the
prerenal azotemia occurs, excess urea will diffuse intestinal tract, avoidance of drugs that exacerbate
into the colon, where it becomes a substrate for encephalopathy (e.g., tranquilizers, anticonvul-
ammonia production and thus worsens enceph- sants, anesthetics), controlling GI hemorrhage, and
alopathy. Appropriate fluid therapy will minimize appropriate dietary management. Factors that pre-
this deleterious effect. cipitate metabolic changes that can lead to
To manage these derangements, aggressive encephalopathy are listed in Box 9-14. These
intravenous fluid therapy is often needed. The factors must be avoided or treated if possible.
fluid of choice may be determined by measure- Decreasing Encephalopathic Toxins
ment of serum electrolyte and arterial blood The therapeutic efforts designed to reduce forma-
gas levels. If arterial blood testing is not available, tion and absorption of encephalopathic toxins are
the serum bicarbonate concentration can be esti- primarily directed towards reducing ammonia
mated from the serum total CO2 concentration. absorption, although other encephalopathic toxins
However, these values are usually not available are also important, including benzodiazepine-like

fore lower colonic bacterial numbers. The initial

BOX 9-14 Factors That Precipitate
dose of lactulose is 0.5 ml/lb body weight. It can
Metabolic Changes be given by several routes. The oral route is pre-
Leading to Hepatic ferred. In stuporous patients it can be administered
Encephalopathy via orogastric tube. Alternatively, it can be given
mixed with a saline enema. In conscious patients
Increased dietary protein intake
Gastrointestinal hemorrhage the liquid is given orally by syringe. In the acute
Diuretic administration situation it can be given up to every 2 to 4 hours.
Sedative or barbiturate administration In the long-term management of chronic hepatic
Uremia encephalopathy, it is given at the above dose orally
Infection or endotoxemia three times a day. The dose can be titrated by not-
Constipation ing the consistency of the feces, because excessive
Large intestinal bacterial overgrowth amounts of lactulose will cause diarrhea. Ideally
Methionine administration the feces should be loose to slightly liquid.
Orally administered antibiotics can also be
helpful in decreasing colonic bacterial numbers.
substances, mercaptans, short-chain fatty acids, and Because ammonia-generating bacteria in the
aromatic amino acids. Because ammonia is pro- colon are primarily gram-negative and anaerobes,
duced primarily in the colon from bacterial action appropriate antibiotics include an oral fluoro-
on dietary amines (proteins) and urea (which dif- quinolone or aminoglycoside (which undergo
fuses from the systemic circulation into the colon), minimal intestinal absorption) plus metronidazole
efforts at lowering blood ammonia concentration (Flagyl) or ampicillin. Amoxicillin-clavulanate
are aimed at interrupting this process. This can be (Clavamox) is also a good choice as a single agent.
done in several ways. First, food is withheld initially My first choice is either amoxicillin-clavulanate
to prevent dietary proteins from reaching the colon. alone or the combination of a fluoroquinolone
In addition, large-volume (25 ml/lb body weight) and ampicillin. When an aminoglycoside is used,
cleansing enemas are used to decrease bacterial I have had more success with orally administered
numbers. The enema solution should be composed gentamicin (using the injectable product given
of normal saline solution with betadine solution orally at a dosage of 1 mg/lb body weight three
added to make a 10% solution to further decrease times a day) than neomycin (9 mg/lb body weight
colonic bacterial numbers. Alternatively, genta- three times a day), although the latter is an accept-
micin can be added (0.45 mg/lb body weight) to able alternative. Metronidazole is given at a dosage
the saline solution to kill urease-producing bacteria. of 2.7 to 4.5 mg/lb body weight two to three
Saline also has the advantage of lowering colonic times a day. This drug is also systemically absorbed
pH. This has the effect of converting freely and may be useful for anaerobic sepsis. This can
absorbable ammonia (NH3) to the nonabsorbable occur with hepatic failure because of abnormal
ammonium ion (NH4+). Enemas should be retained hepatic reticuloendothelial cell function and
as long as possible and repeated often (up to every resultant decreased clearance of bacteria absorbed
2 hours) as necessary to manage neurologic mani- into the portal circulation.
festations of encephalopathy and hepatic coma. Drugs That Exacerbate Encephalopathy
Lactulose (Cephulac) administration is another Drugs that can depress the CNS should be avoided
useful adjunct to decrease ammonia absorption. because of their potential to exacerbate hepatic
Lactulose is a disaccharide that undergoes minimal encephalopathy because these patients have
absorption in the stomach and small intestine, increased cerebral sensitivity to CNS depressants.
reaching the colon unchanged. There it is metab- In addition, drugs that are cleared by the liver have
olized by bacteria, resulting in the formation of prolonged activity as a result of decreased hepatic
low molecular weight acids that acidify the clearance. Analgesics, tranquilizers, sedatives, anes-
colonic contents. This has the effect of converting thetics, and barbiturates should be avoided if possi-
ammonia (NH3) to the ammonium ion (NH4+), ble. If sedation is necessary, these drugs should be
thus trapping it in the colon and preventing its used in decreased dosages. If a convulsive state is
absorption. In addition, the metabolic by-products present, diazepam is the safest drug to use to con-
of lactulose induce an osmotic catharsis and there- trol seizure activity. If analgesia is required, I have

had the fewest problems with meperidine Another drug that might have potential for
(Demerol). This drug is used at a lower dose than managing GI ulceration is misoprostol (Cytotec), a
in patients with normal hepatic function. synthetic prostaglandin E1 analogue. It has been
Controlling Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage approved for use in humans and has also under-
GI hemorrhage must also be controlled. Patients gone clinical evaluation in veterinary medicine as
with hepatic disease are prone to GI hemorrhage a prophylactic agent for NSAID-induced ulcers. It
because gastrin concentration may be increased acts by stabilizing the protective mucous layer in
(due to decreased hepatic clearance and increased the stomach, increases epithelial cell turnover, and
secretion stimulated by excess bile acids), resulting inhibits gastric acid secretion. I have used it on a
in gastric hyperacidity, and because microthrombi limited basis at a dosage of 1 to 2.5 µg/lb body
in the mucosal microcirculation (if DIC is present) weight orally three to four times a day in the dog.
result in inability to handle back-diffused hydro- Therapeutic trials are needed to further define its
gen ions. In addition, patients with hepatic disease role in managing GI hemorrhage in animals with
often have coagulopathies that exacerbate any hepatic disease.
bleeding tendency. The result of GI hemorrhage is It is important to note that blood transfusion
increased ammonia production because blood is should be avoided unless absolutely necessary. Red
a substrate for bacterial conversion to ammonia blood cells have a high ammonia content, and,
(100 ml of blood yields 15 to 20 g of protein). In once blood is stored, ammonia is released. Storage
addition, GI hemorrhage leads to hypovolemia, of blood for 1 day results in the elaboration of
shock, and hypoxia. These effects also exacerbate 170 µg ammonia per 100 ml blood; after 4 days,
encephalopathy as discussed above. 330 µg per 100 ml; and after 21 days, 900 µg per
A bland diet with minimal residue is helpful to 100 ml. It is not uncommon to see clinical deteri-
minimize potential inflammation in the bowel. In oration shortly after blood is administered to
addition, specific drug therapy is indicated, includ- patients with hepatic failure. If blood administra-
ing drugs that inhibit gastric acid secretion. The tion is necessary, freshly collected blood must be
drugs of choice are histamine H2-receptor antago- used. Ideally plastic blood collection bags should
nists. These drugs include ranitidine (Zantac), be used because platelets stick to glass and glass
famotidine (Pepcid), and cimetidine (Tagamet). I activates factor XII and can exacerbate DIC.
prefer using ranitidine parenterally at a dosage of Dietary Management
1.0 mg/lb body weight two times a day subcuta- Dietary management is important in the acute and
neously or intramuscularly in the acute stages, chronic stages of hepatic failure. In the acute
whereas the drug can be administered orally at the stages, food restriction is important to mini-
same dosage and frequency for chronic mainte- mize dietary substrates for ammonia production
nance. For cats oral famotidine (2.5 mg one to two in the colon. Most encephalopathic patients are
times a day) is the best choice. The dose of cime- anorectic, so this is not a problem. Once acute
tidine is 2.5 mg/lb body weight four times a day encephalopathy is controlled, dietary management
intravenously, subcutaneously, intramuscularly, or is important. This involves protein restriction,
orally. small frequent meals, and the careful selection
I also frequently combine ranitidine with of ingredients in the diet. These factors will be
sucralfate (Carafate). The latter drug has local pro- discussed in detail in the section on management
tective effects at sites of GI erosions or ulcers. It of chronic hepatic disease.
forms a complex with proteins in the ulcer crater
and provides a barrier to the penetration of gastric Hypoglycemia
acid. In addition, recent evidence has demon- Many patients with severe hepatic failure are
strated it to have protective effects for normal gas- hypoglycemic because of inadequate gluco-
tric mucosa by stimulating the production of neogenic enzymes and depletion of glycogen
the protective prostaglandin E1 and by stimulat- stores. Hypoglycemia can significantly worsen
ing normal epithelial cell turnover (a protective hepatic encephalopathy in addition to its other
effect). Sucralfate is given at a dosage of 0.5 to deleterious effects. It has been shown that hypo-
1.0 g orally three to four times a day. It has a very glycemia is an accurate predictor of early death in
wide safety margin because it is not absorbed. The patients with hepatitis. Glucose supplementa-
dose for cats is 0.25 g orally three to four times tion will correct hypoglycemia, prevent cata-
a day. bolic processes, and may lower CNS and blood

ammonia concentrations. It is usually easy to anaerobes, as well as endotoxins. If sepsis is strongly

restore normal blood glucose concentration with suspected, multiple blood cultures (both aerobic
intravenous glucose supplementation in patients and anaerobic) are indicated. If hepatic biopsy is
with hepatic failure, whereas it is more difficult to performed, a culture of the specimen should
maintain euglycemia with other causes of hypo- always be obtained. If an organism can be cultured,
glycemia such as insulin-producing tumors. appropriate antibiotic therapy can be employed.
Glucose can be supplied in the intravenous fluids Otherwise patients should be placed on antibiotics
up to a concentration of 5% to 10%. It is rare that empirically. In most patients with severe hepatic
higher glucose concentrations will be necessary to disease, prophylactic antibiotics are indicated.
maintain euglycemia. Appropriate choices for empiric antibiotic use
are based on activity against intestinal flora, degree
Coagulopathies of hepatic clearance, and toxicity. Drugs requiring
The causes of coagulopathies associated with hepatic inactivation should be avoided, whereas
severe hepatic disease are numerous (see section drugs excreted by the liver should be beneficial,
on pathophysiologic derangements occurring although they must be used with caution. Drugs
with hepatic disease), and appropriate manage- with good activity against anaerobes include
ment depends on identifying the cause. The most metronidazole (2.7 to 4.5 mg/lb body weight two
common coagulopathy seen is DIC. Appropriate to three times a day), penicillins, and cephalo-
treatment includes aggressive intravenous fluids to sporins. Often these drugs are combined with a
maintain tissue perfusion and treatment of the quinolone or an aminoglycoside such as genta-
underlying hepatopathy if possible. Additional micin to combat gram-negative organisms. These
treatment measures include inhibition of platelet drugs can be given systemically for septicemia or
function with aspirin, and clotting factor and orally to kill intestinal bacteria (because aminogly-
antithrombin III replacement with a fresh whole cosides are not absorbed when given by this
blood transfusion (collected in a plastic collection route). Oral amoxicillin-clavulanate (Clavamox) is
bag to prevent activation of factor XII) along with a good broad-spectrum single-agent antibiotic.
heparin therapy (110 units/lb body weight subcu- Tetracycline is concentrated in the bile and
taneously three times a day). Heparin can also be may be useful for biliary tract infections. However,
added to the transfused blood at a concentration of it should be used with caution to avoid excessive
125 units/500 ml blood to activate antithrombin blood levels and toxicity. Quinolone antibiotics
III. If there is antithrombin III depletion and (enrofloxacin, orbifloxacin, marbofloxacin) also
it is not supplied in the form of a fresh blood have promise for use with hepatic disease because
transfusion, heparin therapy will be deleterious. they have excellent activity against aerobic intes-
If the cause of the coagulopathy is from abnor- tinal flora and reach high concentrations in the
mal clotting factor production, a fresh whole liver.
blood or plasma transfusion is indicated. As men- Antibiotics that should be avoided include
tioned above, stored blood should be avoided due chloramphenicol, lincomycin, sulfonamides, eryth-
to its high ammonia content. In some instances, romycin, clindamycin, chlortetracycline, and
vitamin K deficiency causes abnormal clotting hetacillin. These drugs are either inactivated by
ability. This can be corrected by administering the liver, require hepatic metabolism, or can cause
vitamin K1 orally or subcutaneously. Even if this hepatotoxicity.
does not correct abnormal clotting times, it is a Methods used to control endotoxin absorption
therapeutic measure that does little harm and is include nonabsorbed orally administered antibi-
sometimes worth trying. otics (aminoglycosides) and cholestyramine. The
latter drug binds to bile acids and endotoxins and
Sepsis and Endotoxemia prevents their absorption into the portal circula-
Patients with severe hepatic disease are prone to tion.
systemic and hepatic infection due to abnormal
hepatic reticuloendothelial cell function. Because Other Therapeutic Modalities
the liver is responsible for clearing bacterial prod- Additional therapeutic measures to treat acute
ucts from the portal blood, therapy is directed hepatic coma include the intravenous administration
primarily against intestinal flora. The main con- of branched-chain amino acids. Because amino acid
cern is with gram-negative enteric bacteria and derangements (mainly increased aromatic amino

acids) contribute to hepatic encephalopathy, nor- Limitation of dietary protein concentration is

malization of amino acid ratios may be helpful. By one of the most important aspects of an appropri-
administering branched-chain amino acids, fewer ate diet. Because ammonia is produced in the
aromatic amino acids enter the CNS, because they colon by bacterial action on dietary peptides, a
compete for a common carrier to get across the low-protein diet will decrease substrates for
blood-brain barrier. However, there is conflicting ammonia production. Ideally the protein source
evidence as to their effectiveness in managing should be of high biologic value and of high
hepatic coma. The high cost of these solutions will digestibility. These features will minimize the
also limit their use. The use of conventional amino amount of protein reaching the colon and allow
acid solutions or protein hydrolysates should be the protein that is absorbed to be used for the
avoided because use of these solutions leads to a high body’s synthetic functions. It is recommended that
serum ammonia concentration. 1 g of protein be fed per 20 kcal. If too little pro-
The use of the dopamine agonist L-dopa has tein is fed, there will not be enough nitrogen for
also been proposed to treat acute hepatic coma. It the liver’s synthetic functions, including synthesis
is thought that this and similar drugs act to favor- of albumin and clotting factors. In addition, a pro-
ably alter neutrotransmitter concentrations in the tein deficiency causes catabolism of body proteins,
brain. The use of benzodiazepine-receptor antag- leading to negative nitrogen balance and a cachec-
onists (such as flumazenil) has also been suggested tic state. This can also result in excess ammonia
in the management of patients with hepatic production. It is also necessary to supply an ade-
encephalopathy. Elevations in the activity of the quate amount of nonprotein calories to support
inhibitory neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric protein synthesis and decrease gluconeogenesis
acid (GABA) seem to be mediated by increased and body protein catabolism.
brain concentrations of benzodiazepine-receptor In addition to the quantity of protein, it is help-
agonists in patients with hepatic encephalopathy. ful to feed a protein source that is high in
Clinical trials in dogs with hepatic coma are branched-chain amino acids and low in aromatic
needed before these drugs can be recommended amino acids because amino acid derangements
for routine clinical use. (especially high concentrations of aromatic amino
acids) contribute to the pathogenesis of hepatic
encephalopathy. Milk proteins are higher in
Management of Chronic branched-chain amino acids and lower in aromatic
Hepatic Disease amino acids than meat sources and thus are pre-
If a specific disease is identified by hepatic biopsy, ferred protein sources. Fish proteins are intermedi-
specific therapy should be instituted if possible (see ate in amino acid concentrations. Red meat
Table 9-2). However, supportive care will be nec- should be avoided because it is the protein source
essary to treat the patient during the acute and most likely to precipitate encephalopathy (which
chronic phases of hepatic disease. Often ongoing resulted in the term “meat intoxication” for
care is essential because many hepatic diseases hepatic encephalopathy). Dogs with experimen-
cannot be readily reversed and are progressive. In tally produced hepatic failure do better when
addition, a long time is often required for defini- fed milk proteins than when fed other protein
tive therapy to be effective. The goals of therapy sources. I have also seen clinical improvement with
in chronic hepatic disease are to (1) slow the progres- cottage cheese as the main protein source com-
sion of the disease, (2) ameliorate existing clinical pared with commercial low-protein diets (k/d or
signs and hepatic encephalopathy, (3) support hepatic u/d Prescription Diet [Hill’s Pet Products]).
regeneration, and (4) reduce the need for specific hepatic Researchers have described two appropriate
functions. homemade diets. An additional low-protein diet
with cottage cheese as the main protein source is
Nutritional Management listed in Box 9-15. If a commercial diet is used, dry
Nutritional therapy represents the cornerstone for 1/d Prescription Diet (Hill’s Pet Products) is pre-
long-term management of chronic hepatic disease ferred. Alternatively, various diets intended for
and is the most effective way to minimize signs of renal failure are acceptable.
hepatic encephalopathy. The basis for these rec- Easily digested carbohydrates should be the
ommendations stems from knowledge of the major source of energy. Rice is the most highly
pathophysiology of hepatic encephalopathy. digestible carbohydrate source and therefore the

cases of prolonged bile duct obstruction.Vitamin

BOX 9-15 Low-Protein, Low-
therapy (see following discussion) is often help-
Copper, and Low-Salt ful, however. Finally, fasting will mobilize fatty
Diet for Management acids in the body. Therefore frequent meals are
of Chronic Hepatic helpful.
Disease* Certain B vitamins are converted to their active
form and stored in the liver. Therefore supple-
4 oz cottage cheese (or cooked meat if cottage
mentation with a good-quality multiple vitamin
cheese will not be consumed)
preparation is helpful. Fat-soluble vitamins require
1 cup cooked rice (or potato)
1 cup cooked green beans normal bile secretion for absorption. However, it is
1 tbsp corn oil rare to get malabsorption of fat-soluble vitamins
2 tsp calcium phosphate unless there is prolonged bile duct obstruction.
Salt-free, copper-free, vitamin-mineral supple Because intestinal bacteria produce vitamin K,
ment prolonged antibiotic use can result in malabsorp-
Ascorbic acid (see text) tion of this vitamin.
Zinc gluconate or sulfate (see text) Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) supplementation is
Flavor with salt substitute or onion or garlic also recommended. The liver produces an impor-
powder tant part of the dog’s daily requirement of ascorbic
Contains 35 g protein/lb, 600 kcal/lb, 1 g protein/17 kcal. acid, and dogs with experimentally induced
hepatic disease have marked decreases in ascorbic
acid concentrations (as low as 10% of normal).
Supplementation with ascorbic acid will also
preferred nutrient in this regard. Potatoes are an increase copper excretion in the urine. Copper
acceptable alternative. Increased intestinal bacterial will accumulate in hepatocytes with cholestatic
numbers can result from poorly digested carbohy- disorders and primary copper-storage diseases, and
drate sources because bacterial growth in the its presence is toxic to hepatocytes. Therefore
colon is supported by fermentation of polysaccha- ascorbic acid should be given at a dosage of
rides and other foodstuffs that are not absorbed in 11 mg/lb body weight per day to maintain normal
the small intestine. This results in increased plasma concentrations.
ammonia production. Feeding a low-residue diet Potassium supplementation is also helpful in
(see Box 9-15) will also minimize turnover of some cases of chronic hepatic disease, because
epithelial cells, a major source of nitrogen to the many patients are hypokalemic. Signs of hepatic
colon. As mentioned earlier, providing adequate encephalopathy are exacerbated by hypokalemia,
calories as carbohydrates will minimize catabolism and supplementation frequently improves clinical
of body proteins and amino acids to meet energy signs. Serum potassium concentration measure-
needs. In addition, profound negative energy bal- ment is necessary to determine whether supple-
ance can be an inciting factor in the development mentation is necessary. Potassium chloride tablets
of feline hepatic lipidosis. or granules (Tumil-K) can be given, or an elixir
Because free fatty acids are encephalopathic (1.3 mEq/ml) can be given at a dosage of 0.05 to
toxins, dietary efforts should be made to decrease 0.11 ml/lb body weight three times a day.
their formation and absorption. Dietary fat is not Minerals that can be harmful should be
a source of short-chain fatty acids that may exac- avoided. Copper can be hepatotoxic and accu-
erbate encephalopathy. Rather, microbial fer- mulate in the liver in patients with hepatic dis-
mentation in the bowel of carbohydrates (and to ease. Therefore a copper-free vitamin preparation
a lesser extent amino acids) leads to production should be used. Zinc inhibits the absorption of
of short-chain fatty acids. This underscores the copper and its deposition in the liver. Therefore
need for a highly digestible diet. Some fat is supplementation with zinc is recommended
needed in the diet to provide essential fatty acids, for certain hepatic diseases. The dosage is 0.7 to
and, in addition to its value as an energy source of 1.14 mg/lb body weight three times a day of zinc
nonprotein calories, fat enhances the palatability gluconate, and 0.3 mg/lb body weight three times
of the diet. Fat malabsorption (steatorrhea) and a day of zinc sulfate.
fat-soluble vitamin malabsorption is seldom a Sodium retention is frequently a problem in
clinical problem, with the exception being in chronic hepatic disease, leading to the presence of

ascites. Therefore a low-sodium diet is recom- treatment of chronic active hepatitis for a detailed
mended (see Box 9-15). discussion of these drugs.
Lipotrophic agents that contain methio-
nine should not be administered. This amino acid is Ascites
a precursor to mercaptans, a group of potent Ascites can be an important complication of
encephalopathic toxins. Methionine administration chronic hepatic disease. See the section on patho-
can significantly worsen signs of encephalopathy. physiologic derangements occurring with hepatic
Therefore lipotrophic drugs containing methio- disease for a detailed discussion of the pathogene-
nine have no place in the management of hepatic sis of ascites.
disease and are contraindicated. Emergency treatment of ascites is rarely neces-
Summary of Nutritional Management sary. Occasionally, however, the volume of ascitic
In summary, the nutritional management of fluid is high enough to result in respiratory distress
chronic hepatic disease should include the follow- because of compression of the diaphragm, limiting
ing considerations: inspiratory efforts. In these patients, paracentesis
1. Calories from protein should be moderately may be helpful. The only other reasons to with-
restricted, and ingredients that are of high bio- draw fluid from the abdominal cavity are to make
logic value and highly digestible should be it easier to perform percutaneous hepatic biopsy,
used. laparoscopy, abdominal radiographs, and for diag-
2. Protein sources with high branched-chain/aro- nostic fluid analysis and cytologic examination.
matic amino acid ratios are preferred. Cottage Otherwise, paracentesis is of no therapeutic value.
cheese is an ideal protein source in this regard. The risks of paracentesis are hypovolemic shock,
3. A palatable energy-dense diet in amounts suffi- iatrogenic infection, protein depletion, and perfo-
cient to meet energy needs is necessary to ration of abdominal viscera. Patients with ascites
avoid negative energy balance. are already using their maximum cardiac and cir-
4. Carbohydrates supply most nonprotein calories culatory reserve to maintain tissue perfusion.
but should be from highly digestible sources. When a large volume of fluid is rapidly removed,
5. Sodium and copper should be restricted. fluid shifts from the intravascular to extravascular
6. Supplementation with zinc, ascorbic acid, and a compartment and can precipitate hypovolemic
salt- and copper-free vitamin-mineral supple- shock. Although this is rare in my experience, it is
ment may be helpful. recommended that if paracentesis is necessary, fluid
7. These considerations must be present in a should be withdrawn slowly and intravenous fluid
highly digestible, low-residue diet and should support should be available if necessary.
be fed in small, frequent meals. Dietary salt restriction, diuretics, and aldosterone-
inhibiting drugs are used in the long-term control
of ascites. Diuretics should be administered with
Other Drugs to Manage Chronic caution to avoid dehydration. Patients with
Hepatic Encephalopathy hepatic failure are already using their maximum
As previously discussed, lactulose is effective in circulatory and cardiac reserve to maintain perfu-
decreasing ammonia absorption by decreasing sion when ascites is present. Because one of the
colonic bacterial numbers and lowering colonic main causes of sodium retention in patients with
pH. For chronic administration, lactulose is given hepatic disease is excessive aldosterone activity,
at an initial dosage of 0.5 ml/lb body weight three aldosterone-inhibiting drugs are used first. I rec-
times a day. The dosage is titrated to yield two to ommend spironolactone at a dosage of 0.5 mg/lb
three loose to slightly liquid bowel movements per body weight two times a day initially. If this dose
day. Oral antibiotics will also decrease ammonia is ineffective, it is doubled to 1 mg/lb body
absorption by decreasing colonic bacterial num- weight two times a day. Spironolactone will also
bers. not exacerbate hypokalemia. Loop diuretics such
as furosemide (Lasix) are also effective. Furosemide
Inflammation and Fibrosis should be used with caution because it can cause
The presence of active inflammation and fibrosis excessive urinary fluid loss that will result in hypo-
in patients with hepatic disease may justify the use volemia before it improves ascites and also exacer-
of glucocorticoids and antifibrotic drugs such as bate hypokalemia and alkalosis. Furosemide is used
colchicine and D-Penicillamine. See the section on at a dosage of 0.5 to 1 mg/lb body weight two to

three times a day. Serum electrolytes must be Center SA et al.: Bile acid concentrations in the diagno-
measured periodically in addition to clinical sis of hepatobiliary disease in the cat, J Am Vet Med
assessment. Assoc 189:891, 1986.
If ascites persists, enalapril or benazepril is Center SA: Hepatic lipidosis in the cat. Proceedings of
the fourth annual Veterinary Medicine Forum,
added at a dosage of 0.125 to 0.25 mg/lb one to
American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine,
two times a day. These drugs are angiotensin-
Washington, DC, 13, 1986.
converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors that decrease Center SA: S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe): an antioxi-
activity of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone sys- dant and anti-inflammatory nutraceutical. Proceedings
tem. Dietary salt restriction is of prime importance of the eighteenth American College of Veterinary
to minimize sodium retention. Appropriate low- Internal Medicine Forum; 2000, 550-552.
salt diets include those listed in Box 9-15, in the Center SA: S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe), glutathione
References, and Prescription Diet 1/d (Hill’s Pet (GSH), & Vitamin B12 rescue therapy in cats with
Products). hepatic lipidosis. Proceedings of the seventh Inter-
national Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care
Symposium (IVECCS); 2000, 230-235.
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Kenneth W. Simpson

Disease of the exocrine pancreas is most often a acterized by fibrosis and low-grade mononuclear
consequence of inflammation, which may be acute inflammation and may be a sequela of recurrent
or chronic, or a reduction in pancreatic mass and acute pancreatitis or a subclinical disease process
exocrine secretion. Neoplasia is less common and that may present as diabetes mellitus or exocrine
is discussed in Chapter 11. pancreatic insufficiency (EPI).

PANCREATITIS Etiology and Pathogenesis

From a clinical perspective pancreatitis can be The etiology and pathogenesis of spontaneous
broadly categorized as acute, recurrent acute, or pancreatitis is poorly understood. The major fac-
chronic. It can be further classified according to its tors that have been implicated (by association) as
effect on the patient as mild or severe, nonfatal or causes of acute pancreatitis in the dog and cat and
fatal, and also by the presence of sequelae such as the experimental evidence to support their
abscess formation. Histologically, acute pancreatitis involvement are summarized in Table 10-1.
is characterized by findings that range from pan- Acute pancreatitis has only recently been con-
creatic edema to necrosis, variable infiltrates of sidered a significant disease entity in cats. It is my
mononuclear and polymorphonuclear cells, and impression that pancreatitis in cats seems to be
local changes such as peripancreatic fat necrosis more chronically active and severe than in the
and thrombosis. Acute pancreatitis may resolve or majority of dogs. Although pancreatitis in cats has
persist and can be complicated by secondary infec- been diagnosed as the sole or predominant disease
tion and pseudocyst or abscess formation (Figure entity in cats at necropsy, it has also been vari-
10-1). Although it is tempting to equate mild ably associated with diseases in other organs, for
acute pancreatitis with pancreatic edema, and example, the liver (cholestasis, cholangiohepatitis,
severe or fatal pancreatitis with pancreatic necrosis, hydropic change, severe lipidosis), the kidney (mild
this relationship has not been critically examined to severe nephritis), the endocrine pancreas (diabetes
in patients with naturally occurring pancreatitis, mellitus), the lungs (pulmonary thrombosis), and the
because the pancreas is rarely visualized or a intestine (inflammation, ulceration). Effusions have
biopsy performed in patients with mild, self- also been noted in the pleural and peritoneal cavity.
limiting pancreatitis. Chronic pancreatitis is char- Whether these nonpancreatic abnormalities arise as


Schematic diagram of the
progression of acute
pancreatitis. (From
Simpson KW, Lamb CR:
Acute pancreatitis in the
dog, In Practice: J Vet
Postgrad Clin Study
17:328, 1995.)

TABLE 10-1 Factors Associated With the Development of Acute Pancreatitis

in Dogs and Cats
Potential Etiology Clinical Experimental
Hyperlipidemia Lipemia High-fat diet
Abnormal lipid profiles IV free fatty acids
Diet Dietary indiscretion Fat >> protein diet
Obesity Ethionine supplementation
Bile reflux Concomitant biliary disease (? cats) Bile infusion
Hypercalcemia Ca infusion Ca infusion
? Hyperparathyroidism
Corticosteroids ? Hyperadrenocorticism Increased CCK sensitivity
? + Disk surgery? Pancreatic duct hyperplasia
Drug related Organophosphates Organophosphates
Azathioprine, various
Ischemia/reperfusion Post-GDV Ex vivo pancreas
Hereditary predisposition ? Miniature schnauzer, miniature poodle, terriers,
nonsporting dogs
Infectious agents Cats: liver flukes, Toxoplasma, FIP
Endocrinopathies ? Hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus

IV, Intravenous; CCK, cholecystokinin; GDV, gastric dilatation volvulus; FIP, feline infectious peritonitis.

a consequence of pancreatitis or are associated formation of large intracellular vacuoles in acinar

with disease processes that cause pancreatitis or are cells.Vacuole formation is thought to be a conse-
unrelated to pancreatitis is unclear at this time. quence of the uncoupling of exocytosis of zymo-
Irrespective of the initiating cause, pancreatitis gens and abnormal intracellular trafficking of
is generally believed to occur when digestive digestive and lysosomal enzymes. These subcellular
enzymes are activated prematurely within the pan- alterations are considered to precipitate the intracel-
creas. Experimental pancreatic hyperstimulation lular activation of digestive enzymes. Edematous
with cholecystokinin (CCK, or its analogue, pancreatitis induced by CCK hyperstimulation in
cerulein), dietary supplementation with ethionine, dogs is characterized by a rapid but self-limiting
and obstruction of the pancreatic duct lead to the burst of trypsinogen activation. It is of note that

pancreatic necrosis in humans is associated with per- C1-IA C1-IA, ATIII, a2M, a-AT
sistent trypsinogen activation, so it may be the abil-
ity of the pancreas to limit trypsinogen activation
Complement Kinin
that stops edematous pancreatitis from progressing
to necrotizing pancreatitis. Contact
Pancreatic hyperstimulation may also be of
direct relevance to naturally occurring pancreati- Factor 12
tis in dogs and cats. CCK is normally released by
cells in the duodenum in response to intraluminal
fat and amino acids and coordinates and stimulates Coagulation Fibrinolysis
pancreatic secretion and gallbladder contraction
during digestion. It is possible that high-fat diets
exert their effects via the excessive release of
CCK and that hypercalcemia, organophosphates, ATIII, a2M, a-AT C1-IA, a2M, a-AT
and high levels of circulating glucocorticoids also
facilitate or cause pancreatic hyperstimulation; FIGURE 10-2 The complex interactions of the
however, this is not proven. complement, kinin, fibrinolytic, and coagulation
pathways following activation of factor XII by contact
Often pancreatic inflammation is a self-limiting
or trypsin. Inhibitors are shown in italics. ATIII,
process, but in some patients reduced pancreatic
Antithrombin III; a2M, alpha2-macroglobulin; a-AT,
blood flow and leukocyte and platelet migration alpha1-antitrypsin; C1-1A, complement fragment
into the inflamed pancreas may cause progression C1-1A. (Modified from Lasson A:Acute pancreatitis in
to pancreatic necrosis. Secondary infection may man: a clinical and biochemical study of
arise by bacterial translocation from the intestine. pathophysiology and treatment, Scand J Gastroenterol
Release of active pancreatic enzymes and inflam- 99:1, 1984.)
matory mediators from the inflamed pancreas,
such as tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), inter-
leukin-1 (IL-1), and phospholipid platelet activat- Clinical Findings
ing factor (PAF), amplifies the severity of pancreatic Signalment and History
inflammation and adversely affects the function Dogs. Middle-age to old dogs (more than 5
of many organs (systemic inflammatory response). years of age) that are overweight appear to be at
Derangement in fluid, electrolyte, and acid- higher risk. Miniature schnauzers, Yorkshire and
base balance also results (Figures 10-2 and 10-3). Silky terriers, nonsporting breeds, and perhaps
It is the development of multisystemic abnormali- miniature poodles may be at increased risk of
ties that separates mild from severe, potentially fatal developing pancreatitis. There is no clear sex
pancreatitis. predisposition. Endocrinopathies such as hypothy-
Further study of the cellular mechanisms gov- roidism, diabetes mellitus, and hyperadrenocortic-
erning enzyme secretion and activation, leukocyte ism may also be risk factors.The history may reveal a
and platelet recruitment to the pancreas, bacterial recent episode of dietary indiscretion or drug
translocation, and the development of the systemic administration. Common clinical signs include
inflammatory response in pancreatitis will hope- lethargy, anorexia, hunched stance, vomiting (with
fully provide information that will be useful in or without blood), diarrhea (with or without
treating acute pancreatitis in the patient population blood), increased respiratory rate, and enlarged
in the future. abdomen. Some dogs have a history of icterus pre-
ceded by vomiting.
Cats. Acute pancreatitis has been reported in
Diagnosis cats from 4 weeks to 18 years of age. Domestic short
There is currently no single specific test for pan- and long hair cats are most commonly affected.
creatitis in dogs and cats, and diagnosis is based on Siamese cats have been overrepresented in some
a combination of compatible clinical, clinico- series. No sex bias has been demonstrated. A small
pathologic, and imaging findings. Laparoscopic number of cases have been associated with trauma,
or surgical biopsy may be required to confirm a Toxoplasma gondii, pancreatic and liver flukes, feline
diagnosis and to distinguish inflammation from infectious peritonitis (FIP), and lipodystrophy.
neoplasia. Usually there are no obvious associated factors.

Inciting event

Poorly understood intracellular events

Acute pancreatitis

Oxygen free radicals


Hepatic Hypo-
Shock DIC
dysfunction tension

FIGURE 10-3 Inflammatory mediators in acute pancreatitis. Regardless of the inciting event (e.g., alcohol or
gallstones), many poorly understood intracellular events lead to the development of acute pancreatitis.The
progression of pancreatitis depends on several inflammatory mediators (interleukin [IL]-1, tumor necrosis factor
[TNF], and platelet activating factor [PAF] are believed to be the most important). Other mediators (e.g., IL-6, IL-8,
and nitric oxide [NO]) are produced, but they are markers of disease severity or regulatory proteins and are not
mediators of disease progression. IL-1,TNF, and PAF stimulate the production of each other and mediate distant
organ dysfunction such as adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), hepatic dysfunction, shock, and death. DIC,
disseminated intravascular coagulation; ATN, acute tubular necrosis. (From Denham W, Norman J:The potential role
of therapeutic cytokine manipulation in acute pancreatitis, Surg Clin North Am 79:767, 1999.)

The most common clinical findings in cats a third of cats in some clinical series and in cats with
with acute pancreatitis are lethargy, anorexia, and experimental and trauma-induced pancreatitis.
weight loss. Vomiting, diarrhea, constipation,
icterus, dehydration, ascites, and dyspnea are more Diagnostic Approach and Differential
variably present. Vomiting is not as prominent a Diagnosis
sign of pancreatitis in cats as it is in dogs. Polyuria Dogs. The differential diagnosis of acute pan-
and polydipsia have been encountered in some creatitis in dogs is usually centered around the
cats with diabetes mellitus and pancreatitis. The problems of vomiting and abdominal pain (Box
duration of clinical signs until presentation varies 10-1).
from less than 3 days to 12 weeks. In vomiting dogs the initial approach is to dis-
Physical Examination tinguish self-limiting from more severe causes of
Dogs. Physical findings in dogs with acute pan- vomiting on the basis of physical findings and a
creatitis are highly variable and range from depres- minimum database (e.g., packed cell volume, total
sion, to mild dehydration with signs of abdominal protein, blood urea nitrogen [BUN; e.g.,Azostick],
pain, to acute abdominal crisis with shock (tachy- urinalysis, plasma concentrations of sodium and
cardia, prolonged capillary refill time, tacky potassium).Where vomiting is associated with sys-
mucous membranes, hypothermia), petechiation, temic signs of illness, or is persistent, the clinician
icterus, and ascites. An abdominal mass is palpated has to differentiate metabolic, polysystemic, infec-
in some dogs. tious, toxic, and neurologic causes from intraab-
Cats. In cats dehydration and hypothermia have dominal causes. This is usually achieved on the
been most commonly observed. Icterus may also be basis of combined historical and clinical findings
present. Abdominal pain is infrequently elicited. coupled with a minimum database and the evalua-
The presence of a palpable cranial abdominal mass tion of hematology and serum chemistry profile,
or abdominal pain has been reported in a quarter to urinalysis, and abdominal radiography. Measurement

BOX 10-1 Differential Diagnosis of Pancreatitis in Dogs

Dilatation/volvulus, ulceration
Obstruction, intusussception, rupture, torsion, enteritis
Acute hepatitis, ruptured bile duct, hepatic neoplasia
Torsion, ruptured neoplasm
Nephritis, pyelonephritis, ruptured bladder, ureteral/urethral calculi, pyometra, prostatitis
Primary or secondary peritonitis (e.g., chemical: bile and urine, septic: ruptured viscus)
Pseudoabdominal Pain
Discospondylitis, prolapsed disk

Gastritis, ulceration, neoplasia, outflow obstruction, foreign bodies, motility/functional disorders
Inflammatory bowel disease, neoplasia, foreign bodies, intussusception, torsion, rupture, bacterial overgrowth,
functional disorders
Non-Gastrointestinal (Non-GI)
Pancreas: pancreatitis, pancreatic neoplasia
Liver: cholangiohepatitis, biliary obstruction
Genitourinary: pyometra, nephritis, nephrolithiasis,
Urinary: obstruction, prostatitis
Uremia, hypoadrenocorticism, diabetic ketoacidosis, hepatic encephalopathy, hypercalcemia, septicemia
Digoxin, erythromycin, chemotherapy, apomorphine, xylazine
Strychnine, ethylene glycol, lead
Indiscretion, intolerance, allergy
Vestibular disease, encephalitis, neoplasia, raised intracranial pressure
Distemper, parvovirus, infectious canine hepatitis, leptospirosis, Salmonella

of serum amylase or lipase activity is often reported sonography, and paracentesis. Concurrently, sup-
on routine serum chemistry profiles. Additional portive treatment is provided on the basis of physi-
procedures such as ultrasonography, abdominal para- cal findings and a minimum database while awaiting
centesis, or pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity (PLI) the results of hematology, serum chemistry profile,
assay are usually performed on the basis of these ini- and urinalysis findings. Abdominal pain can arise from
tial test results and help to distinguish pancreatitis any intraabdominal structure. Musculoskeletal disorders
from other intraabdominal causes of vomiting. such as discospondylitis and prolapsed disks can be hard to
Where abdominal pain is the major finding, distinguish from abdominal causes of pain.
localizing abnormalities such as abdominal disten- It is of note that diarrhea, which was bloody in
tion are rapidly pursued with radiography, ultra- some cases, was a more frequent sign than vomiting

in dogs with experimental acute pancreatitis. Acute help to detect pancreatitic inflammation. Pancreatic
pancreatitis and its complications (infection, pseudo- biopsy is required to achieve a definitive diagnosis.
cyst or abscess formation) should also be considered
in the differential diagnosis of icterus and pyrexia. Clinicopathologic Findings
Some dogs with pancreatitis exhibit few localizing Hematology
clinical signs. Diagnosis in these patients requires a Dogs. Hematologic findings are highly vari-
high index of suspicion and use of versatile diagnostic able, ranging from mild neutrophilia and slightly
tests such as ultrasonography. increased hematocrit, through marked leukocyto-
Cats. In cats, lethargy, anorexia, and weight loss sis with a left shift, to thrombocytopenia, anemia,
are the usual presenting complaints.Where encoun- and leukopenia with a degenerative left shift. If
tered, localizing signs or findings such as vomiting, thrombocytopenia is detected, blood clotting tests
icterus, diarrhea, abdominal pain, abdominal mass, (one stage prothrombin time [OSPT], activated
polyuria, or polydipsia should be pursued. Because partial thromboplastin time [APTT], fibrin degra-
the antemortem diagnosis of acute pancreatitis is dation products [FDP or D-dimer]) are performed
rarely made, its overall significance as a cause of to determine if the patient has disseminated
these problems is unclear at this time. intravascular coagulation (DIC). Where available,
Where vomiting is present, it is approached by the measurement of antithrombin III is useful in
pursuing localizing findings such as abdominal the early diagnosis of DIC.
pain or masses and by ruling out infectious, para- Cats. A mild anemia that may be nonregen-
sitic, metabolic, and gastrointestinal (GI) causes. erative and a leukocytosis that is usually not
Hyperthyroidism should be ruled out in older cats accompanied by a left shift are the most common
by determination of serum total thyroxine (T4) findings in cats with pancreatitis.
concentration. Elevated levels of hepatic enzymes, Serum Biochemistry
hyperbilirubinemia, hyperglycemia, and glucosuria Dogs. Serum biochemical abnormalities are
are frequently encountered in cats with acute pan- variable and include azotemia (prerenal and renal),
creatitis, so pancreatitis should be strongly consid- increased levels of liver enzymes (alanine amino-
ered in these cats. transferase [ALT], aspartate aminotransferase [AST],
The diagnostic approach to feline icterus is first alkaline phosphatase [AP]), hyperbilirubinemia,
to rule out prehepatic causes and then to pursue lipemia, hyperglycemia, hypoproteinemia, hypocal-
hepatic or posthepatic causes. The association of cemia, metabolic acidosis, and variable alter-
acute pancreatitis and hepatic lipidosis of increased ations (usually decreased) in sodium, potassium, and
mortality, cholangiohepatitis, and inflammatory chloride.
bowel disease has been demonstrated in some Cats. Increased levels of ALT, AP, bilirubin,
studies. A high index of suspicion should be cholesterol, and glucose and hypokalemia and
adopted for pancreatitis in cats with hepatic, bil- hypocalcemia are most common. Azotemia is
iary, or intestinal disease. Cats with a confirmed variably present.
diagnosis of hepatic lipidosis and that have a peri- Urinalysis
toneal effusion should also be strongly suspected of Urinalysis enables azotemia to be characterized
having pancreatitis. as renal or prerenal. Transient proteinuria occurs
Pancreatitis may be the cause of diabetes melli- in some dogs with acute pancreatitis, possibly as
tus in some cats, but the true association between a consequence of pancreatic enzyme-mediated
these diseases is unclear. One study suggests that glomerular damage. The absence of white cell
cats with pancreatitis and diabetes mellitus are very casts or bacteria helps to rule out pyelonephritis as
sensitive to insulin. Transient euglycemia and a cause of abdominal pain. The presence of glu-
reduced insulin requirements after removal of a cosuria or ketonuria should prompt consideration
pancreatic abscess suggest that pancreatic inflam- of diabetes mellitus.
mation or infection can exacerbate diabetes melli- Pancreas-Specific Enzymes
tus in cats. Transient diabetes mellitus has also Classically elevations in serum amylase and lipase
been reported in a cat that was suspected of having activity have been used as indicators of pancreatic
pancreatitis. inflammation in dogs. However, these tests are not
Where a high index of suspicion for pancre- very accurate because dogs with nonpancreatic
atitis is present, ultrasonography and enzymology disorders may have elevated enzyme activities.
(assay of feline PLI) should initially be employed to This may occur because both amylase and lipase

are normally present in other organs and their pancreatic histologic findings in cats with inflamma-
serum activities may increase with nonpancreatic tory bowel disease or lymphoma (Table 10-2). The
disorders, including intestinal obstruction (amy- reason for this is unclear. Nonpancreatic diseases
lase), corticosteroid administration (lipase), and such as renal disease and possibly corticosteroids may
renal disease (both enzymes). Dogs with con- increase circulating TLI in cats.
firmed pancreatitis may also have normal amylase At the present time it seems fair to conclude
and lipase activity. For example, in two recent case that the TLI assay is highly accurate for differenti-
series of dogs with histologically confirmed pan- ating EPI from small intestinal disease. It appears
creatitis, lipase was normal in 28 dogs (61%) and less accurate in detecting pancreatitis. This is not
amylase was normal in 31 dogs (47%). This may surprising because pancreatitis is a very dynamic
be due to exhaustion of enzymes, thrombosis of disease, which may influence the synthesis, secre-
pancreatic vessels, the presence of inhibitors, tion, elimination, and activity of circulating marker
alterations in activity, and perhaps increased clear- enzymes such as TLI. The tissue specificity of
ance. In cats it seems fair to state that measuring total TLI makes it an attractive alternative to amylase
amylase and lipase activity is of no utility for diagnosing and lipase activity tests in dogs, and it is presently
pancreatitis. the only useful indicator in the cat. The recent
These limitations have stimulated the develop- development of assays that measure pancreas spe-
ment of assays for enzymes considered pancreatic in cific lipase in dogs and cats (cPLI and f PLI) has
origin. TLI is one candidate. This species-specific yielded promising initial results in helping to diag-
immunoassay measures circulating trypsinogen in nose pancreatic inflammation and may in time
healthy individuals and trypsinogen and trypsin in prove to be a useful diagnostic aid.
those with pancreatitis.
In dogs, circulating TLI is abolished by pancre- Radiography
atectomy and extremely low concentrations occur Radiographic findings in cats and dogs with acute
in EPI. Experimental and clinical studies have pancreatitis may include loss of serosal detail,
documented high concentrations of TLI in dogs increased opacity in the right cranial quadrant of
with acute pancreatitis. TLI is therefore consid- the abdomen, displacement of the duodenum ven-
ered a useful indicator of pancreatic mass and trally and/or to the right, dilated hypomotile duo-
potentially inflammation. Nonpancreatic diseases denum, and caudal displacement of the transverse
such as renal disease and possibly corticosteroids large intestine (see Chapter 2). Punctate calcifica-
may increase circulating TLI. It is important to tion is occasionally identified in dogs with long-
note that the utility of TLI assay for the diagnosis standing pancreatitis; it indicates saponification of
of spontaneous pancreatitis in dogs has not been mesenteric fat around the pancreas.
thoroughly evaluated, and I have observed both Although radiographic signs often are absent
normal and subnormal concentrations in dogs and are nonspecific, radiography remains a useful
with pancreatitis. diagnostic method for pancreatitis largely because
A TLI test has also been developed for cats. Cats it may enable detection of other abnormalities that
with EPI and some cats with spontaneous pan- can cause similar signs (e.g., gastric foreign body or
creatitis have abnormal concentrations of TLI. intestinal obstruction). Radiography is a logical
Increased application of this test indicates that high first-choice imaging modality for patients with
TLI concentrations may occur in the face of normal vomiting or abdominal pain. Negative or equivo-

TABLE 10-2 Evaluation of Pancreatic Disease in Cats With Subnormal

Serum Concentrations of Cobalamin
Pancreatic Ultrasonography Pancreatic Histopathology
Trypsin-like Immunoreactivity Normal Abnormal Normal Abnormal
Normal (17-49 µg/L) 3 3 0 2
Increased (>49 µg/L) 8 6 3 4
Decreased (<17 µg/L) 1 1 ND ND

Modified from Simpson KW et al.: Subnormal concentrations of serum cobalamin (vitamin B12) in cats with gastrointestinal
disease, J Vet Intern Med (submitted).

cal radiographic findings may be followed up with dict the severity of acute pancreatitis. The pres-
ultrasonography or an upper GI contrast study. ence of shock or abnormalities such as oliguria,
Thoracic radiographs may enable the detection azotemia, icterus, markedly elevated levels of
of pleural fluid, edema, or pnemonia, which has transaminases, hypocalcemia, hypoglycemia, hypo-
been associated with pancreatitis in dogs and cats. proteinemia, acidosis, leukocytosis, falling hemat-
ocrit, thrombocytopenia, and DIC should be
Ultrasonography considered likely indicators of severe pancreatitis
The use of ultrasound for detecting pancreatic in the dog and cat.
lesions is perhaps one of the most significant The measurement of components of the systemic
advances in the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis in inflammatory response such as TNF-α, C-reactive
dogs and cats. Ultrasonographic findings include protein, and IL-6 may also yield information about
enlarged, hypoechoic pancreas, cavitary lesions the severity of pancreatitis in dogs and cats and in
such as abscess or pseudocyst, dilated pancreatic the future might lead to the administration of
duct, swollen hypomotile duodenum, biliary dila- specific antagonists of this response.
tion, and peritoneal fluid. A recent study of dogs Indicators that are potentially useful in the
with fatal acute pancreatitis indicated that ultra- diagnosis and prognosis of pancreatitis include
sound supported a diagnosis of pancreatitis in 23 assay of trypsinogen activation peptide (TAP),
of 34 dogs. Findings in cats are also encourag- trypsin complexed with inhibitors, and phospholi-
ing (Figure 10-4, see Table 10-2) but emphasize pase A2. TAP has been shown to accurately pre-
that a normal ultrasound examination may be pres- dict severity in humans with pancreatitis. This
ent in approximately 60% of cats with pancreatitis. peptide is released when trypsinogen, a pancreas-
The clinician should also be careful to consider specific enzyme, is converted to its active form and
differential diagnoses other than pancreatitis, for rapidly accumulates in the urine and plasma of
example, pancreatic neoplasia, pancreatic edema dogs and cats with experimental acute pancreatitis.
(associated with hypoproteinemia or portal hyper- Phospholipase A2 is elevated in dogs with severe
tension), and enlarged peripancreatic structures, pancreatitis. Further validation of these markers is
which can have an ultrasonographic appearance required before clinical application.
identical to pancreatitis. Fine-needle aspirates of Morphologic assessment of severity is accom-
cavitary lesions may be useful to distinguish plished in humans by use of contrast-enhanced
abscess from pseudocyst. computed tomography (CE-CT). Where lack
of pancreatic perfusion is encountered (i.e., necro-
Abdominal Paracentesis sis), fine-needle aspiration is used to distinguish
Examination of peritoneal fluid may aid the detec- infected from sterile necrosis. Substantially reduced
tion of various causes of acute abdominal signs such mortality has been achieved by the detection and
as pancreatitis, GI perforation, or ruptured bile duct. surgical treatment of humans with infected necro-
The accumulation of fluid in the abdomen or the sis. The lack of availability of CT has restricted
pleural cavity has been variably encountered in cats veterinary application to date, but a recent study of
with acute pancreatitis. Effusion in the abdomen or cats with pancreatitis failed to demonstrate any
chest was present in 17 of 40 cats in one study, in benefit of CE-CT. Where a diagnosis of infected
the abdomen of 5 of 5 cats with hepatic lipidosis necrosis is being considered, the relative accessibil-
and pancreatitis, and in the abdomen of 2 of 8 cats ity of the canine and feline pancreas to ultrasound-
in another. guided needle aspiration holds the potential of the
adoption of a similar approach.

Prognostic Indicators
Stratifying the severity of pancreatitis is useful Treatment
when deciding how aggressive to be with medical Medical treatment is based on maintaining or
and nutritional support and in offering a progno- restoring adequate tissue perfusion, limiting bacte-
sis. Severe pancreatitis requires aggressive support rial translocation, and inhibiting inflammatory
and carries a guarded prognosis, whereas mild mediators and pancreatic enzymes. Surgical treat-
pancreatitis often responds to short-term sympto- ment consists principally of restoring biliary out-
matic therapy and has a good prognosis. Clinical flow, removing infected necrotic pancreatic tissue,
and clinicopathologic criteria can be used to pre- or coping with sequelae such as pseudocysts. No

FIGURE 10-4 Ultrasonographic and gross findings in four cats with pancreatitis. A, A hypoechoic mass (arrow)
visualized in the right cranial abdomen corresponded to an abscess in the right limb of the pancreas. B, A large
mass of complex echogenicity (arrows) detected in the right cranial abdominal quadrant was consistent with acute
necrotizing pancreatitis with saponification of fat detected at surgery. C, A cystic mass (p) with distal acoustic
enhancement (open arrow) was identified in the region of the left pancreatic lobe. Necropsy confirmed biliary
obstruction and cystic dilation of the pancreatic duct secondary to pancreatitis. D, A hypoechoic structure (small
arrows) medial to the duodenum (large arrow) and ventral to the cranial pole of the right kidney (k) was confirmed at
necropsy to be an inflamed pancreas. (From Simpson KW et al.:Antemortem diagnosis of pancreatitis in 4 cats,
J Small Anim Pract 35:93, 1994.)

studies have critically evaluated treatment modali- considered to be effective enough. Ondansetron
ties in dogs or cats with naturally occurring pan- is administered at 0.05 mg/lb slowly intravenously
creatitis. two to three times a day.
Prophylactic broad-spectrum antibiotics (e.g.,
Initial Management amoxicillin with or without enrofloxacin, depend-
The initial medical management of dogs and cats ing on severity) may be warranted in patients with
with acute pancreatitis is invariably initiated before shock, fever, diabetes mellitus, or evidence of
a diagnosis is confirmed and is based on the pre- breakdowm of the GI barrier.
senting clinical findings and the results of an initial Analgesia is an important aspect of caring for
database. Where dehydration or hypovolemia are patients with pancreatitis. It can be provided using
encountered, these are supported with intravenous injectable opioids such as buprenorphine (0.0023
fluid therapy. Lactated Ringer’s solution or 0.9% to 0.0045 mg/lb subcutaneously every 6 to 12
NaCl are common first choices. Potassium and hours), oxymorphone (0.023 to 0.05 mg/lb in
glucose should be supplemented where necessary. cats, 0.05 to 0.1 mg/lb in dogs intramuscularly or
The type of fluid should be tailored on the basis of subcutaneously every 1 to 3 hours), or morphine
electrolyte and pH measurements to restore nor- (0.05 to 0.2 mg/lb in cats subcutaneously or intra-
mal electrolyte levels and acid-base balance. For muscularly, 0.2 to 0.5 mg/lb in dogs subcuta-
example, dogs with a history of vomiting that are neously or intramuscularly every 6 hours). It may
mildly dehydrated are usually given crystalloids be necessary to administer low-dose sedation with
such as lactated Ringer’s solution at a rate that will acepromazine (0.005 mg/lb intramuscularly) to
provide maintenance and replace both deficits and patients that become dysphoric after opioids. It
ongoing losses over a 24-hour period. Dogs with should be borne in mind that buprenorphine is a
signs of shock require more aggressive support. partial agonist and may antagonize the administra-
The volume deficit can be replaced with crystal- tion of more potent analgesics in patients with severe
loids at an initial rate of 30 to 45 ml/lb/hr, then pain. A transdermal fentanyl patch (Duragesic)
tailored to maintain tissue perfusion and hydration. applied to a clipped, clean area of skin is a good way
Plasma (10 ml/lb intravenously) or colloids of providing a longer duration of analgesia in dogs
(e.g., degraded gelatin or hetastarch at 5 to (5 to 30 lb, 25 µg/hr patch; 30-60 lb, 50 µg/hr
10 ml/lb/day intravenously) may be indicated in patch; 60 to 120 lb, 75 µg/hr; every 72 hours) and
the presence of hypoproteinemia or shock. cats (25 µg/hr patch every 118 hours). Adequate
Colloids such as dextran 70 and hetastarch may fentanyl levels are not attained for between 6 and
also have antithrombotic effects that help maintain 48 hours after application (it takes somewhat
the microcirculation. longer in some dogs than in cats), so another anal-
Insulin therapy is initiated in diabetic patients. gesic should be administered in the short term
Stress hyperglycemia has to be differentiated from (morphine, oxymorphone). In cats effective levels
diabetes mellitus in cats. are reached by 6 to 12 hours and in some by 3 to
Where vomiting is a problem, oral intake is 4 hours. It is emphasized that each patient should
restricted, and antiemetics (metoclopramide or be treated as an individual. Careful monitoring for
chlorpromazine) and gastric acid reduction with ongoing signs of pain is very important, and some
an H2-receptor antagonist (e.g., famotidine at patients will require more aggressive analgesic
0.25 mg/lb intravenously twice a day) are pre- therapy than others. Without question, however,
scribed when vomiting is persistent or severe. analgesic therapy is warranted in patients that have
Patients with persistent or severe vomiting are at acute pancreatitis. Nonsteroidal analgesics are gen-
risk for development of esophagitis (see Chapter 4). erally not used in patients with acute pancreatitis
H2-receptor antagonist therapy will help in man- because of concerns for GI ulceration, renal fail-
agement of both esophageal and gastric erosive ure, and potential hepatotoxicity.
conditions. Chlorpromazine is an excellent
antiemetic drug that helps provide mild sedation Steroids in Cats With Pancreatitis, and
along with its effects of reducing nausea and vom- Management of Concurrent Diseases
iting. Ondansetron (Zofran) is a potent antiemetic The high frequency of intercurrent hepatic and
drug that may be more effective in controlling intestinal disease in cats with pancreatitis must be
severe and frequent vomiting in dogs and cats taken into consideration when formulating a
when chlorpromazine or metoclopramide is not treatment plan. Treatment with amoxicillin and

metronidazole should be initiated if cholangio- patients are not presented until 24 to 48 hours
hepatitis is present. Dietary support is broadly sim- after the onset of pancreatitis. Support for this
ilar in hepatic lipidosis and pancreatitis, though hypothesis is provided by the efficacy of somato-
jejunostomy tube feeding may be theoretically statin and gabexate mesilate in reducing pancreati-
indicated in the latter. The principal dilemma tis in humans undergoing elective procedures,
arises in cats with pancreatitis and inflammatory such as endoscopic retrograde cholecystopancre-
bowel disease. Should corticosteroids be used? In atography, that are associated with pancreatitis.
my experience the use of corticosteroids in cats The lack of success with inhibiting the progres-
with pancreatitis and inflammatory bowel disease sion of spontaneous pancreatitis has led to
has enabled resolution of diarrhea and weight gain increased emphasis on damage limitation: amelio-
without exacerbating pancreatitis. Subnormal rating the effects of inflammatory mediators or
cobalamin concentrations are frequently present pancreatic enzymes on the patient and maintaining
in cats with pancreatitis and GI disease, and cobal- pancreatic perfusion.
amin should be supplemented parenterally (1 mg Coagulation abnormalities should be pursued,
subcutaneously every 14 days). There is a possibil- and treatment with parenteral vitamin K can be
ity of adverse effects of chemotherapeutic agents, assessed. If a coagulopathy (e.g., DIC) or hypopro-
such as methotrexate and chlorambucil, in the treat- teinemia is present, or if the patient’s condition is
ment of cats with pancreatitis and intestinal lym- deteriorating, fresh frozen plasma (5 to 10 ml/lb)
phoma or sclerosing cholangitis. Serum folate level may be beneficial in alleviating the coagulopathy
should be evaluated before initiating chemother- and hypoproteinemia and restoring a more normal
apy and supplemental folic acid administered if protease-antiprotease balance. The administration
indicated. of heparin (35 to 70 IU/lb three times a day) may
be potentially useful in ameliorating DIC, promot-
Specific Therapy ing adequate microcirculation in the pancreas, and
Once a diagnosis of pancreatitis is confirmed, clearing lipemic serum. In experimental pancreati-
potentially more specific therapy can be employed. tis, isovolemic rehydration with dextran has also
The majority of dogs with acute pancreatitis respond been shown to promote pancreatic microcircu-
to fluid therapy and nothing by mouth for 48 lation in dogs. A dopamine infusion had a pro-
hours. Hence, specific therapy is usually reserved for tective effect when administered to cats within
dogs that do not respond to fluid therapy or those 12 hours of induction of experimental pancreati-
with signs of multiorgan system involvement or tis. Therapy to abrogate the systemic inflamma-
DIC. Pancreatitis in cats seems to be more chroni- tory response with antagonists of PAF (e.g.,
cally active and severe than in dogs; thus cats with a lexipafant), IL-1, and TNF-α holds promise for
confirmed diagnosis of pancreatitis generally need the future.
more support than the majority of dogs. Oral pancreatic enzyme extracts have been
The specific treatment of pancreatitis has reported to reduce pain in humans with chronic
evolved along two lines: pancreatitis, though this is controversial. They are
1. Stopping further pancreatitis from occur- less likely to be effective in dogs because they do
ring not appear to have a protease-mediated negative
2. Limiting the local and systemic conse- feedback system.
quences of pancreatitis
Dietary Management
Therapies aimed at inhibiting pancreatic secretion Our ability to make precise recommendations for
(e.g., glucagon, somatostatin) or the intracellular dietary management of acute pancreatitis is limited
activation of proteases (e.g., gabexate mesilate), by the absence of controlled studies of the dietary
which have been of benefit in ameliorating the management of this syndrome.
severity of experimental pancreatitis, have shown Dogs. In dogs suspected of having acute pan-
little benefit in the treatment of patients with creatitis, oral intake is usually withheld for the
spontaneous pancreatitis. This lack of success is initial 48 hours and then gradually reintroduced
probably related to the timing of therapy in relation if tolerated. The rationale for giving nothing
to the development of pancreatitis. Experimental by mouth even when vomiting is absent is to “rest
therapy is usually initiated before or shortly after the pancreas” by decreasing pancreatic stimulation.
the induction of pancreatitis, whereas most clinical Because fats and amino acids are potent stimulators

of pancreatic enzyme secretion, their effects are liquid diet distal to the duodenum and TPN are
initially avoided by feeding a diet high in carbohy- other solutions to providing balanced nutrition
drate and then gradually increasing fat and pro- and minimizing pancreatic secretion that may
tein content during the recovery period (the first prove useful in refractory cases.
and second weeks after the onset). Continued fat
restriction is usually recommended for dogs that
have had pancreatitis and is based on clinical and Patient Monitoring
experimental observations that suggest an associa- Patients with suspected or confirmed pancreatitis
tion between high-fat meals, hyperlipidemia, and a should be carefully monitored to enable early
“high plane” of nutrition and pancreatitis. The detection of shock or other systemic abnormali-
protein content of the diet may also be important ties. Minimal monitoring for stable patients
because dogs fed a choline-deficient ethionine- includes regular assessment of vital signs and fluid
supplemented diet or a protein-restricted high-fat and electrolyte balance. In those with systemic
diet develop pancreatitis. abnormalities, monitoring should be more aggres-
Alternative strategies of minimizing pancreatic sive and may include vital signs, weight, hemat-
stimulation include total parenteral nutrition ocrit, total protein concentration, fluid intake and
(TPN) and feeding distal to the CCK-releasing output, blood pressure (central venous and arte-
part of the intestine via a jejunostomy tube, but rial), levels of electrolytes and glucose, acid-base
these options are usually reserved for dogs with status, platelets, and coagulation status. Monitoring
persistent vomiting or severe pancreatitis. Recent amylase, lipase, or TLI on an intermittent sequen-
studies in humans indicate that acute pancreatitis tial basis may also help to support resolution or
may be exacerbated by the early administration of progression of pancreatic inflammation.
TPN (before 5 days) and that enteral nutrition, Ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration of
administered via a nasojejunostomy tube, can atten- the pancreas may enable infected pancreatic necro-
uate the systemic inflammatory response and may sis to be detected. Ultrasonography may also enable
decrease complications. Feeding tube placement is detection of delayed consequences of acute pancre-
discussed in Chapter 12. atitis such as pancreatic abscessation, pseudocyst
Cats. In contrast to dogs, where vomiting and formation, and biliary obstruction.
abdominal pain predominate, pancreatitis in cats is
usually associated with anorexia and weight loss.
The presence of anorexia and weight loss in cats Surgical Intervention
with pancreatitis may be a significant contributing Surgery is potentially indicated to remove devi-
factor to their poor prognosis. Prolonged fasting talized tissue in patients with infected pancreatic
(more than 3 days) to avoid pancreatic stimulation necrosis and to investigate and relieve persistent
may only serve to compound malnutrition. The biliary obstruction. The removal or drainage of
clinician is faced with the dilemma of having to abscesses is another indication for surgery. Resection
provide nutritional support to prevent or reverse or surgical drainage of pancreatic pseudocysts is
malnutrition and hepatic lipidosis and fasting the not always necessary because these can resolve
patient to prevent pancreatic stimulation.The sur- spontaneously or following percutaneous drainage.
gical or endoscopic placement of a gastrostomy or Pancreatitis that is recurrent or is unresponsive
esophagostomy tube may circumvent anorexia to treatment may also require surgery to confirm a
where vomiting is not a problem. Current dogma diagnosis and to exclude pancreatic cancer.
suggests that a diet that limits pancreatic stimula- Surgery has often been necessary to confirm an
tion and provides adequate nutrients should be antemortem diagnosis of acute pancreatitis in cats.
fed. However, this ideal may be difficult to achieve The increased application of ultrasonography and
because cats are physiologically adapted to diets measurement of TLI has led to a reduced depend-
that are high in fat and protein, and most balanced ency on surgery in cats with high TLI and sono-
cat foods contain between 30% and 60% fat on an graphic abnormalities. However, it should be
energy basis. I have had success when feeding stressed that cats with pancreatitis often have con-
commercial maintenance or intestinal diets comitant abnormalities in other organ systems
through a gastrostomy tube. (e.g., liver and intestine), and biopsy of these
As discussed above, the endoscopic or surgical organs and the pancreas may be indicated to opti-
placement of a jejunostomy tube and feeding a mize diagnosis and treatment. Transient eu-

glycemia and reduced insulin requirements were

BOX 10-2 Potential Etiologies of
noted after the removal of a pancreatic abscess in
one cat, suggesting that surgical intervention may Pancreatic Acinar
be beneficial in these cases. Atrophy in Dogs
German shepherd dogs, collies, English setters
Prognosis Primary acinar problem
Dogs. The prognosis for dogs with mild acute Pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor deficiency
pancreatitis is good. Severe or recurrent pancreati- Nutritional
tis is associated with a guarded prognosis. Selective malabsorption
Vitamin or mineral deficiency (e.g., E or B12)
Cats. The prognosis for acute pancreatitis in Decreased trophic stimuli
Abnormal cholecystokinin (CCK) release
cats must always be considered guarded. Where
Immune destruction
extensive hepatic lipidosis is present or suppurative
Cell-mediated, antipancreatic antibodies
pancreatitis is diagnosed, the prognosis is poor. Apoptosis

EXOCRINE of gross pancreatic atrophy, reduced pancreatic

PANCREATIC protease secretion, and diarrhea in one dog.
However, a subsequent investigation in dogs with
INSUFFICIENCY subclinical EPI, detected by assay of circulating
EPI is characterized by a lack of effective pancre- TLI, has shown that atrophy is preceded by a
atic exocrine secretions in the small intestine. It is marked lymphocytic infiltration, suggesting an
most often a consequence of the severe reduction autoimmune basis for the disease. Studies that have
in pancreatic mass caused by pancreatic acinar examined the possibility that decreased CCK
atrophy, or chronic pancreatitis, but may occur sec- release or antipancreatic antibodies play a role in the
ondary to excessive secretion of gastric acid genesis of PAA have yielded no evidence to support
(increased destruction and decreased activity of their involvement in the development of PAA.
pancreatic enzymes by acid) or severe protein mal-
nutrition (decreased synthesis of pancreatic
enzymes). Pancreatic hypoplasia and concomitant Pathophysiology
diabetes mellitus have also been rarely docu- The extensive loss of exocrine pancreatic mass
mented in dogs. (approximately 90%), whether by atrophy or chronic
Pancreatic acinar atrophy (PAA) is probably the most inflammation, is required before signs of EPI are evi-
common cause of EPI in the dog, whereas chronic pancre- dent. The major signs of EPI are diarrhea, weight
atitis is the most common cause in the cat. The precise loss, and an ensuing ravenous appetite. These signs
cause of PAA has not yet been determined (Box can be attributed to decreased intraduodenal con-
10-2). A familial predisposition to PAA has been centrations of pancreatic enzymes, bicarbonate, and
reported in German shepherd dogs, collies, and various other factors with resultant malassimilation of
English setters. Histologically, canine PAA closely fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. Abnormalities in
resembles the pancreas of CBA/J mice in which levels of fat-soluble vitamins and cobalamin have
ultrastructural and biochemical studies suggested been documented in dogs and cats with EPI and may
that pancreatic atrophy was a consequence of the contribute to their clinical condition. Increased sus-
premature activation of trypsinogen and chy- ceptibility of the enterocyte to damage by bacteria or
motrypsinogen within the zymogen granule. their products and potentially an increase in small
However, it is impossible to determine the cause intestinal flora have been observed in dogs with EPI.
of atrophy in a pancreas with end-stage disease, so Other abnormalities encountered in dogs with
prospective studies of the development of canine EPI include alterations in glucose homeostasis (sub-
PAA have been conducted. The initial study clinical glucose intolerance), pancreatic and GI regu-
demonstrated that subcellular pancreatic abnor- latory peptides (e.g., vasoactive intestinal polypeptide,
malities (characterized by fusion of zymogen gran- gastric inhibitory polypeptide), and the regulation
ules and proliferation of endoplasmic reticulum) of small intestinal mucosal growth, enzyme synthesis,
and a decrease in TLI preceded the development and enzyme degradation. The clinical significance

of these abnormalities is unclear. The marked test) for the diagnosis of EPI have been largely
maldigestion of nutrients in EPI may lead to the superseded by the development of an assay that
development of protein-calorie malnutrition, which determines the concentration of TLI in serum.
can further compromise residual pancreatic function, Serum TLI is considered to be derived solely
intestinal absorption, and metabolic homeostasis. from the pancreas and can be used as an indicator
of pancreatic mass or inflammation. In dogs and
cats with EPI caused by atrophy or chronic inflam-
Diagnosis mation, the amount of TLI that leaks from the pan-
A diagnosis of EPI is usually made on the basis of creas into the circulation is reduced and a subnormal
compatible historical and clinical findings and by TLI concentration can be demonstrated. Healthy
ruling out infectious, parasitic, metabolic, and ana- dogs usually have a fasting (overnight fast) TLI con-
tomic causes of small bowel diarrhea and demon- centration greater than 5.0 µg/L, whereas dogs with
strating a subnormal circulating concentration of EPI caused by reduced pancreatic mass have fasting
TLI (species-specific TLI: less than 2.5 µg/L in dogs, concentrations less than 2.5 µg/L. Preliminary infor-
less than 8 µg/L in cats). mation in cats suggests that healthy cats have a fast-
ing TLI concentration greater than 17 µg/L,
Clinical Findings whereas cats with EPI have fasting concentrations
Dogs and cats with EPI usually have a history of less than 8 µg/L. When the TLI concentration
chronic small bowel diarrhea (large volume, cow- is between 2.5 and 5.0 µg/L in dogs and 8 and
pat consistency) and weight loss (mild to extreme), 17 µg/L in cats, the patient may be normal or may
which is often associated with a ravenous appetite. have partial EPI and the test should be repeated after
Poor hair coat and marked muscle loss are observed ensuring adequate fasting. Patients with persistently
in some patients. Although pancreatic acinar atro- intermediate TLI concentrations are likely to have
phy is prevalent in young German shepherd dogs, partial EPI that may progress to complete EPI.
it is important to note that many other breeds are The BT-PABA test and fecal azocaesin digest test
affected by EPI.Young dogs diagnosed with EPI are are likely to be the best means of diagnosing EPI
usually suspected to have pancreatic acinar atrophy, that is secondary to the destruction of pancreatic
whereas older dogs and cats with EPI probably have enzymes by hypersecretion of gastric acid.
a higher incidence of chronic pancreatitis.

Clinicopathologic Tests Treatment

Results of routine hematologic and biochemical Exogenous Pancreatic Enzymes
studies are usually unremarkable in cats with EPI. Powdered pancreatic extracts (dog: 0.12 to 0.2 g/lb
Modest increases in ALT concentration and a body weight per meal or 2 tsp/45-lb body weight
decrease in cholesterol concentration are observed per meal or 2.5 g/300-g food; cat: 1 tsp per meal
in some dogs. Serum concentrations of cobalamin two times a day) are far superior to enteric-coated
are usually subnormal in both dogs and cats with tablets, granules, and capsules. Preincubating enzymes
EPI. Serum concentrations of folate may be high with food is not advantageous. Raw chopped pan-
in dogs with EPI. Serum folate concentrations are creas (dog: 0.7 to 1.4 g/lb body weight per meal;
decreased in some cats as a consequence of con- cat: 30 to 90 g per meal two times a day) is an
commitant inflammatory bowel disease or intes- effective treatment when available and can be
tinal lymphoma. Serum concentrations of vitamin stored frozen for at least 3 months. In patients that
E are often markedly reduced in dogs with EPI. show a good response the dose of pancreatic
Vitamin K–sensitive coagulopathies have been extract or pancreas can be gradually decreased to
reported in cats with EPI. The presence of hyper- the smallest amount that maintains remission.
glycemia and glucosuria should prompt considera-
tion of diabetes mellitus secondary to chronic Diet
pancreatitis or pancreatic hypoplasia. In clinical practice a good response has been
observed when patients with EPI are fed either a
Tests of Pancreatic Function or Mass normal maintenance diet or a highly digestible fat-
The analysis of feces for proteolytic activity (film restricted diet that is supplemented with pancre-
digestion, azocaesin assay) and the indirect estima- atic enzymes. The outcome in terms of survival
tion of intestinal chymotrypsin activity (BT-PABA of dogs with EPI is reported to be similar in dogs

with EPI fed maintenance diets and those fed and/or evaluate pancreatic function by measuring
modified diets. fecal proteolytic activity.
Highly digestible fat-restricted diets are theo-
retically attractive due to the limited digestive Inadequate Enzyme Supplementation
capabilities of patients with EPI. Clinical studies in Ensure that the enzyme supplement being admin-
dogs have shown highly digestible diets to be ben- istered is appropriate (non–enteric-coated pow-
eficial in reducing fecal volume, borborygmi, and der), current, and being fed at the correct dose.
flatulence but have no clear effects on fecal consis- A new batch, change of preparation, or increased
tency, appetite, or coprophagy. Studies in dogs with amounts may produce a response. In dogs if
experimental EPI suggest that it is fat digestibility, a response is not being achieved with a dose of
rather than the amount of fat, that is impor- 0.2 g/lb of non–enteric-coated powdered extract
tant and have demonstrated an inverse correla- or 1.4 g/lb body weight per meal whole pancreas,
tion between fat digestibility and fecal water consider other reasons for treatment failure. Some
content. However, further controlled trials are dogs and cats develop aversions to the enzyme
necessary to determine if feeding a fat-restricted supplement, and raw pancreas may have to be used
highly digestible diet is warranted on a routine if attempts to disguise the taste are unsuccessful.
basis. Fat-restricted, highly digestible diets may be Rarely some dogs develop a stomatitis related to
useful in the treatment of dogs with EPI that show the enzyme supplement.
poor weight gain in response to initial treatment
with enzyme therapy and a maintenance diet. Hyperacidity
Dietary supplementation with medium-chain Lipase is the most acid-sensitive enzyme, and its
triglyceride oil (2 to 4 ml per meal) may also be activity may be enhanced by decreasing gastric
beneficial in these patients. acid secretion. In dogs a treatment trial with ci-
metidine (2.5 to 5 mg/lb orally two times a day)
Vitamin Supplementation may reveal whether the enzyme supplement is
Cobalamin deficiency can have a myriad of effects being inactivated. This problem has not been
on the body, so the provision of supplementary studied in cats with EPI.
cobalamin (cyanocobalamin, vitamin B12) is pru-
dent. It has recently emerged that dogs and cats do Antibiotic-Responsive
not have the capacity to store large quantities of Diarrhea/”Bacterial Overgrowth”
cobalamin in their bodies and can become rapidly Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth has been
depleted when normal homeostasis is disrupted by diagnosed in dogs with EPI when a cut-off value
EPI or intestinal disease. Studies in dogs indicate that greater than 5 (log 10 colony-forming units
the parenteral administration of a single dose of [CFUs] per milliliter) of duodenal juice is applied.
cyanocobalamin (1 mg subcutaneously) is enough to The bacterial flora of dogs with EPI created by
prevent recurrence of metabolic abnormalities for pancreatic duct ligation increases after the induc-
up to 1 month. Cats may require supplementation tion of EPI but returns towards baseline after sup-
every 2 weeks to maintain normal serum concentra- plementation with pancreatic enzymes. These
tions of cobalamin. Dogs with EPI may also have observations suggest that increases in bacterial
to be supplemented with Vitamin E (400 to 500 numbers in EPI are a consequence of increased
IU orally once a day for 1 month). A vitamin substrate availability secondary to EPI. The bacte-
K–responsive coagulopathy has been reported in cats rial counts in this experimental study (6.4 [log 10
with EPI, and it seems sensible to examine the vita- CFUs per milliliter]) were within the range for
min K status of dogs with EPI that have laboratory healthy dogs, and antimicrobials were not needed
evidence of a coagulopathy. to control clinical signs. Most dogs with sponta-
neous EPI respond to treatment with enzyme sup-
plementation and do not require antibiotics.
Treatment Failures However, some dogs need and respond to antibi-
Confirm EPI otic therapy. In those dogs it is likely that the bal-
Review the patient’s history, physical examination, ance between intestinal damage and repair is
and laboratory findings to ensure that EPI is a altered by EPI: increased degradation of microvil-
likely cause of the diarrhea. If the TLI test results lar enzymes by the increased (relatively) bacterial
do not fit the patient, then resubmit the test flora versus decreased degradation by pancreatic

enzymes in the face of decreased synthesis of Wiberg ME, Saari SAM, Westermarck E: Exocrine pan-
microvillar enzymes. creatic atrophy in German shepherd dogs and rough-
The abnormal flora cannot be predicted accu- coated collies: an end result of lymphocytic pancreatitis,
rately by serum concentrations of cobalamin Vet Pathol 36:530, 1999.
and folate, so a trial with an antibiotic such as oxy- Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute
tetracycline (9 mg/lb orally two times a day for
28 days) may be undertaken in dogs that are unre-
Akol KG et al.: Acute pancreatitis in cats with hepatic
sponsive to enzyme and dietary manipulation.
lipidosis, J Vet Intern Med 7:205, 1993.
Antibiotic-responsive diarrhea has not been Bruner JM et al.: High feline trypsin-like immunoreac-
reported in cats with EPI. tivity in a cat with pancreatitis and hepatic lipidosis,
J Am Vet Med Assoc 210:1757, 1997.
Small Intestinal Disease Hess RS et al.: Clinical, clinicopathologic, radiographic,
Some dogs and cats with EPI have small intestinal and ultrasonographic abnormalities in dogs with fatal
disease causing malabsorption despite adequate acute pancreatitis: 70 cases (1986-1995), J Am Vet Med
enzyme supplementation. Results of routine hema- Assoc 213:665, 1998.
tologic and biochemical studies are almost always Hess RS et al.: Evaluation of risk factors for fatal acute
normal in uncomplicated EPI, so abnormalities pancreatitis in dogs, J Am Vet Med Assoc 214:46, 1999.
such as hypoproteinemia (which may indicate a Hill RC, Van Winkle TJ: Acute necrotizing and acute
suppurative pancreatitis in the cat: a retrospective study
protein-losing enteropathy) should be pursued.
of 40 cases (1976-1989), J Vet Intern Med 7:25, 1993.
Dogs and cats with EPI that respond poorly to the Johnson SE: Fluid therapy for gastrointestinal, pancre-
above treatment modifications and have no evi- atic, and hepatic disease. In DiBartola SP, (ed): Fluid
dence of extraintestinal disorders usually require therapy in small animal practice, Philadelphia, 1992,
further investigation of the small intestine. Further WB Saunders.
evaluation that should be considered includes Karanjia ND et al.: Assay of trypsinogen activation in
checking the serum folate level, ultrasound, and the cat experimental model of pancreatitis, Pancreas
endoscopy with intestinal biopsy. 8:189, 1993.
Kitchell BE et al.: Clinical and pathologic changes in
experimentally induced acute pancreatitis in cats, Am
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Lamb CR et al.: Ultrasonography of pancreatic neopla-
Pathogenesis of Pancreatic Disease sia in the dog: retrospective review of 16 cases, Vet Rec
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cytokine manipulation in acute pancreatitis, Surg Clin Lucena R et al.: Effects of dexamethasone administra-
North Am 79:767, 1999. tion on serum trypsin-like immunoreactivity in
Karne S, Gorelick FS: Etiopathogenesis of acute pancre- healthy dogs, Am J Vet Res 60:1357, 1999.
atitis, Surg Clin North Am 79:699, 1999. Macintire DK:The acute abdomen: differential diagno-
Ruaux CG et al.:Tumor necrosis factor-alpha at presen- sis and management, Semin Vet Med Surg (Small Anim)
tation in 60 cases of spontaneous canine acute pancre- 3:302, 1988.
atitis, Vet Immunol Immunopathol 72:369, 1999. Murtaugh RJ: Acute pancreatitis: diagnostic dilemmas,
Simpson KW: Current concepts of the pathogenesis and Semin Vet Med Surg (Small Anim) 2:282, 1987.
pathophysiology of acute pancreatitis in the dog and Ruaux CG,Atwell RB:A severity score for spontaneous
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Practicing Veterinarian 15:247, 1993. Ruaux CG,Atwell RB: Levels of total alpha-macroglob-
Simpson KW et al.: Cholecystokinin-8 induces edema- ulin and trypsin-like immunoreactivity are poor indi-
tous pancreatitis in dogs which is associated with a cators of clinical severity in spontaneous canine acute
short burst of trypsinogen activation, Dig Dis Sci pancreatitis, Res Vet Sci 67:83, 1999.
40:2152, 1995. Salisbury SK et al.: Pancreatic abscess in dogs: six cases
Weiss DJ, Gagne JM, Armstrong PJ: Relationship (1978-1986), J Am Vet Med Assoc 193:1104, 1988.
between inflammatory hepatic disease and inflamma- Saunders HM: Ultrasonography of the pancreas. In
tory bowel disease, pancreatitis, and nephritis in the Kaplan PM, ed: Problems in veterinary medicine, vol 3,
cat, J Am Vet Med Assoc 209:1114, 1996. Ultrasound, Philadelphia, 1991,WB Saunders.
Westermarck E et al.: Sequential study of pancreatic Simpson KW, Lamb CR: Acute pancreatitis in the dog,
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Steiner JM, Medinger TL, Williams DA: Development Steiner JM,Williams DA: Feline exocrine pancreatic dis-
and validation of a radioimmunoassay for feline trypsin- orders, Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract 29:551, 1999.
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Diagnosis and Treatment of Exocrine atrophy, Acta Vet Scand 31:325, 1990.
Pancreatic Insufficiency Williams DA, Batt RM: Sensitivity and specificity of
Boari A,Williams DA, Famigli-Bergamini P: Observations radioimmunoassay of serum trypsin-like immunoreac-
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Nicole F. Leibman
Victoria S. Larson
Gregory K. Ogilvie

Exciting advances have been made in the diagno- cancer is a disease that has an emotional impact for
sis and treatment of tumors of the gastrointestinal all people involved.Therefore the myths associated
(GI) tract.Without a doubt, as our knowledge base with cancer must first be dispelled through appro-
expands regarding diagnostic techniques and the priate education, then the veterinary health care
biologic behavior of neoplastic disease, so do our team can proceed to meet the nonmedical needs
options for methods of diagnosis and treatment. of the client, along with the medical needs of the
Perhaps just as important is our general awareness patient. The next step, which is predicated on the
that cancer medicine has a tremendous emotional success of these first two steps, is to provide com-
impact on everyone involved, including the own- passionate care to enhance quality of life first and
ers and the entire veterinary health care team. length of life second. Quality of life can be
When approaching the dog or cat with cancer, we enhanced in part by meeting all the needs of the
must be cognizant that the myths and mispercep- patient, including providing adequate pain and
tions that our clients and the veterinary health care nausea control and meeting the patient’s changing
team carry with them can alter judgment and nutritional needs. Fully understanding the cancer
bring us to false conclusions about the manage- we are facing can enhance both length and quality
ment of the disease. Similarly, we must realize that of life. This understanding is best achieved by first,
although the veterinary health care team is key in obtaining a tissue sample from the disease in question
providing medical and surgical care for the patient, (making an accurate tissue diagnosis); second, determining


the extent of the disease (staging the cancer); and third, Specific oral tumors in dogs and cats, the stag-
assessing the condition of the patient. ing of these tumors, and their treatment options
are discussed below.
Oral tumors represent 6% of all neoplasms in the CANINE EPULIDES
dog and are the fourth most common neoplasm in
dogs. Cancer of the mouth and pharynx occurs Background
more frequently in dogs than in cats. Male dogs Greater than 40% of all oral tumors are of dental
may be at greater risk for developing an oral tumor or periodontal origin. There are three types of
than female dogs. Most oral tumors occur in geri- epulides: fibromatous epulides, ossifying epulides,
atric patients. Malignant melanomas, nontonsillar squa- and acanthomatous epulides. All arise from the
mous cell carcinomas, and fibrosarcomas are the three most periodontal ligament; therefore they are intimately
common oral tumors in dogs. Squamous cell carcinoma related to the dental arcade. Fibromatous epulides
occurs anywhere in the oral cavity and is by far the most and ossifying epulides are benign, whereas acan-
common oral tumor that occurs in the cat. Metastasis thomatous epulides may act aggressively by destroy-
due to oral tumors is rare with the exception of ing bone and surrounding tissue. Other terms that
melanomas, high-grade sarcomas, and tonsillar have been used to describe acanthomatous epulis
squamous cell carcinomas in both the dog and cat. include adamantinoma and ameloblastoma, although
Before obtaining a biopsy specimen or attempt- ameloblastoma may be a distinct tumor seen in
ing surgical resection of an oral tumor, the clinini- young dogs. Most of these tumors are considered
cian should confirm the general good health of all benign, although acanthomatous epulides can be
dogs and cats with a complete blood count, bio- locally aggressive.
chemical profile, total thyroxine (T4 ) level, and uri- Epulides affect both sexes at equal rates. Although
nalysis.Thoracic radiographs should be obtained to most affected dogs are middle-age, the age range
rule out macroscopic pulmonary metastases. Fine- is wide. Epulides have been documented in dogs
detail radiographs of the affected area may provide as young as 1 year and as old as 15 years of age.
information on the aggressiveness of the tumor. Although boxers may be predisposed to developing
Any local lymphadenopathy should be further gingival hyperplasia, this breed does not seem to be
investigated by fine-needle aspiration or biopsy at excessive risk for developing epulides.
performed at the same time as tumor biopsy. In a
small percentage of cases, tumor metastasis can be
demonstrated in lymph nodes that are not enlarged. Clinical Parameters
Therefore the recommendation is to aspirate and Dogs with epulides often have malodorous breath,
potentially perform a biopsy of the regional lymph facial swelling, or a lump on the gums. Fibromat-
nodes in every case. The parotid and medial ous and ossifying epulides are slow-growing,
retropharyngeal lymph nodes should be evaluated. discrete masses that rarely exceed 2 cm in diame-
A fine-needle aspirate may in fact provide useful ter.They are firm gingival tumors covered by oral
information regarding metastatic disease secondary epithelium.They may be single or multiple but are
to malignant oral tumors.The surgical approach for always discrete and located near teeth. Ossifying
lymph node staging of oral and maxillofacial neo- epulis differs from fibromatous only in osteoid
plasms in dogs has been described. production.
The first surgical excision is the most likely to Acanthomatous epulis is a more rapidly pro-
result in tumor control; therefore appropriate plan- gressive tumor that has a high epithelial compo-
ning is essential.The tumor should not be scraped nent and infiltrates readily into bone. It is usually
or peeled from underlying bone, as recurrence found in the mandible but may also occur in the
is certain and the tumor bed will be enlarged. maxilla.
A definitive aggressive first surgery, such as max-
illectomy or mandibulectomy, should be per-
formed in cases where the tumor involves bone. Clinical Work-up
Prompt diagnosis followed by aggressive treatment On first presentation, epulides may look like other
often results in improved survival and local tumor oral tumors; therefore a biopsy of the tumor, aspirates
control. or biopsies of regional lymph nodes, radiographs of

the affected bone, chest radiographs, and blood effects of orthovoltage radiation are osteonecrosis
work are warranted. Fibromatous and ossifying and malignant transformation of the original
epulides are not invasive; therefore high-detail epulis at the site of radiation. Malignant trans-
radiographs of the affected bone are unlikely to formation occurred in 7 dogs at a median of
identify changes in bone. Such radiographs may be 47 months after radiation therapy. One can rea-
helpful in assessing the degree of the specific bony sonably hypothesize that some of these tumors
destruction caused by acanthomatous epulides. may have been initially misdiagnosed as epulides.
In one series of 39 dogs with acanthomatous In another series of 37 dogs with acanthomatous
epulis, radiographic changes in bone were prima- epulis, progression-free survival for 3 years was
rily osteolytic in 23 dogs and osteoblastic in only 80% after cobalt-60 radiation therapy.These dogs
8 dogs. More than 50% of the bone must be were treated with megavoltage radiation to a total
replaced by tumor before lysis is evident radio- of 48 Gy delivered over 4 weeks on an alternate-
graphically; therefore radiographs should not be day schedule of 4-Gy fractions. Most of the
relied on for surgical margins. Computed tomog- tumors recurred within the field rather than at
raphy (CT) may assist in delineating the mar- the margins. Malignant tumor formation at the
gins of tumor involvement more accurately. site of previously irradiated acanthomatous
Technetium-99m nuclide scans tend to overes- epulides was reported as a complication in 4 of
timate tumor margins by imaging peripheral 32 dogs treated in one study.
reactive bone. In one dog an acanthomatous epulis regrew
6 weeks after receiving 50 Gy of orthovoltage
radiation therapy. This dog had almost complete
Therapeutic Approach regression of the tumor after 10 doses of
Local gingival excision of an epulis is unlikely to doxorubicin (30 mg/m2 intravenously every 3
be curative for most cases.These tumors arise from weeks) and cyclophosphamide (50 mg/m2 orally
the periodontal ligament and can recur from sub- daily for 4 days every week) and had stable disease
gingival tumor tissue. Surgery can be curative if for at least 20 months after starting chemotherapy.
surgical margins include the affected tooth root, In one study four dogs with acanthomatous
as with mandibulectomy or maxillectomy. If nor- epulides were given bleomycin intralesionally.The
mal bone is included in a wide surgical excision, dose given was 5 mg weekly. Tumors disappeared
the procedure should be curative. With larger within 3 to 10 weeks, and no adverse effects were
tumors, however, tumor-free margins may be diffi- noted. No tumor recurrence was noted for these
cult to obtain. In a series of 37 dogs treated with dogs.
surgery for acanthomatous epulis, there was just When considering therapy for acanthomatous
1 local recurrence and all dogs were alive at 1 year. epulis, the age of the patient should be considered.
Cryosurgery has been used for treatment of In younger dogs, surgery may be offered as the
epulides, but it is difficult to penetrate bone using treatment of choice owing to the risk, albeit low,
this modality and therefore recurrence is com- of radiation-induced tumorigenesis. For geriatric
mon. Cryotherapy should not be used if it will dogs, radiation-induced malignant transformation
delay more definitive treatments. may be less of a concern due to the protracted
Radiation therapy is a very effective treat- course of this phenomenon. Alternatively, radia-
ment for acanthomatous epulis. In one report of tion can be considered for the first course option
39 dogs that received between 20 and 70 Gy of with a reasonable probability of being successful
orthovoltage radiation therapy on a Monday, with surgery for the second option, should radia-
Wednesday, Friday schedule, 27 of the dogs had a tion fail.
complete remission. The majority (30 of 39) Ameloblastomas have been reported in young
received 35 to 50 Gy. Twelve dogs did not have dogs. These tumors also arise from odontogenic
a complete regression of visible tumor. Regrowth tissue, but they are distinct from acanthomatous
occurred in only 3 dogs at 8, 18, and 24 months epulides. Two dogs younger than 1 year of age
after radiation. Two of these dogs had tumors with ameloblastoma were treated with surgery;
that responded to reirradiation. Overall sur- tumors recurred in both dogs within 6 months.
vival ranged from 1 month to 102 months, with a A second surgery resulted in a cure for one of
median of 37 months. These dogs did not have these dogs, with no recurrence 105 months after
surgery before radiation therapy. Possible adverse surgery.

ODONTOGENIC but a prognosis similar to that of dogs should be

TUMORS IN CATS expected after surgery or radiation therapy.

In one study fibromatous epulis was the third most ORAL MALIGNANT
common feline oral tumor, accounting for 29 of MELANOMA IN DOGS
371 oral tumors (7.8%). Epulides occur in middle-
age to older cats. Fibroameloblastoma is a rare Background
tumor that typically affects cats younger than 1 year Melanoma is the most common oral malignancy
of age.These tumors are different from the epulides found in the dog. Unlike cutaneous melanomas, which
in that they histologically resemble embry- are often benign, melanomas of the oral cavity in dogs are
onic connective tissue of the dental pulp. These very aggressive and commonly metastasize to local lymph
tumors are benign and grow by expansion rather nodes and lungs. Oral melanomas are often poorly
than invasion. Complete surgical excision can be responsive to conventional therapy.Although some
challenging with large tumors. oral melanomas may appear histologically benign,
these tumors may behave very aggressively. Oral
malignant melanomas are most common in poo-
Clinical Parameters dles, dachshunds, Scottish terriers, golden retriev-
Cats with oral tumors, including odontogenic ers, standard and miniature schnauzers, Doberman
tumors, often have malodorous breath, dysphagia, pinschers, and Irish and Gordon setters.
anorexia, oral bleeding, ptyalism, and, in advanced In three studies totaling 193 dogs with oral
cases, facial deformity.Weight loss may be a common melanoma, there were 94 male and 99 female
concurrent problem. dogs.This is a disease of old dogs. In one study the
median age of affected dogs was 11 years; ages
ranged from 4 to 16 years.
Clinical Work-up
Cats with oral tumors should have a biopsy per-
formed, as well as blood work, thoracic ra- Clinical Parameters
diographs, evaluation of regional lymph nodes Most oral melanomas originate in the gingiva, but
via aspiration or biopsy, and fine-detail intraoral these tumors can also arise from the palatine,
radiographs of the affected area. Thoracic labial, and buccal mucosa.
radiographs rarely show evidence of metastasis Clients may present dogs for an oral mass or
from feline odontogenic tumors because of their more frequently for persistent halitosis, bleeding
typically benign behavior but should be per- from the mouth, and (occasionally) dysphagia.
formed as part of a thorough staging scheme for Tumors may be quite large, ranging in volume up
oral tumors. to 64 cm3 in one study. Although masses are fre-
quently pigmented, amelanotic tumors can occur.
Oral melanomas are friable and invasive within the
Therapeutic Approach soft tissues of the mouth.
The treatment of choice for feline fibroameloblas-
tomas is surgical excision. One must remove a
“cuff ” of normal bone around the tumor, which Clinical Work-up
requires removal of part of the mandible or maxilla Dogs with oral tumors of any type should be
in most cases. Surgery can be curative if adequate staged using blood work, radiographs of the lesion,
surgical margins are obtained. Seven cats with a metastasis evaluation of the thorax, and cytologic
fibroameloblastoma were treated with surgery or histopathologic examination of the lesion and
in one report; one had recurrence of the tumor regional lymph nodes. The metastatic rate is very
42 months later. Four cats had complete tumor high for oral melanoma, but the time to metastasis
control 6, 7, 24, and 36 months after surgery. One varies. At diagnosis, fine-needle aspiration of the
cat had tumor recurrence and was tumor-free mandibular lymph nodes (both ipsilateral and con-
5 years after a second surgery.The seventh cat was tralateral), as well as any enlarged node, should be
lost to follow-up.There is no known published lit- performed for cytologic examination. It is impor-
erature on treatment for fibromatous epulis in cats, tant to remember that nodes that are palpably

within normal parameters can still demonstrate that tumors of the rostral mandible and the caudal
metastatic disease.The surgical approach for lymph maxilla had longer remissions and survival after
node evaluation has been previously published. In surgery.Another study found longer survival times
one study, only 5 (12%) of 41 dogs had metastatic for dogs with tumors that had fewer than three
disease in regional lymph nodes at the time of mitotic figures per high-power field.
diagnosis. Aspiration cytologic findings that are
suspicious should be confirmed by surgical biopsy.
Thoracic radiographs may indicate pulmonary Therapeutic Approach
metastasis at the time of diagnosis. Pulmonary Surgery is the treatment of choice for oral melanoma
metastasis, however, frequently occurs late in the and should consist of mandibulectomy or maxillec-
course of the disease or may be a micrometasta- tomy. Radiation has a role in local tumor control.
sis at the time of diagnosis and therefore unde- Chemotherapy with platinum compounds, perhaps
tectable by radiography. In one study, only 3 (7%) combined with liposome-encapsulated muramyl-
of 41 dogs had evidence of pulmonary metastasis tripeptide-phosphatidylethanolamine (L-MTP-PE,
at diagnosis, but at the time of death, metastatic not yet commercially available) immunotherapy,
rate for this tumor approximated 80%. Melanoma may offer the best adjunctive treatment for metastatic
may also spread systemically, and metastasis has disease.
been reported to kidney, myocardium, brain, and Although metastatic rate with oral melanoma is
other sites. high, metastases frequently are not observed until
Metastasis due to melanoma probably occurs late in the course of disease, occasionally more
early in the course of this disease (during clinical than 1 year after local therapy. Most dogs therefore
stages I and II, indicating small, localized disease); are euthanized because of progression or recur-
however, metastases are often not detected until rence of local disease. Surgery should be aggressive
long after the primary melanoma is resected. The from the outset; it may prolong survival and pro-
growth rate of metastases may vary, and it is this vide palliation. Aggressive local therapy should
variation, rather than the time that metastasis include resection of underlying bone. In one early
occurs, that determines survival time. study 34 of 49 dogs had local recurrence of tumor,
Some investigators have found that the World and 33 dogs developed metastases.The recurrence
Health Organization (WHO) staging system pro- rate of 84% probably reflects the less aggressive
vides prognostic information, but an alternative nature of the surgery, because more recent studies
staging system has been proposed that includes the reported local recurrence rates of less than 15% for
WHO criteria and also uses the mitotic index from melanomas treated by mandibulectomy to 48% for
histopathologic results and location within the oral tumors treated by maxillectomy. Both mandibulec-
cavity. This staging system also offers prognostic tomy and maxillectomy are tolerated well by dogs,
information. with median hospitalization times ranging from
Current recommendations for staging oral 2 days for simple excision to 8 days for total hemi-
melanoma therefore include a complete blood mandibulectomy. Eighty-five percent of owners in
count, biochemical profile, urinalysis, lymph node one study who decided to treat their dogs with
evaluation by cytologic examination or biopsy, tho- mandibulectomy or maxillectomy were very satis-
racic radiographs, and tumor measurements, as well fied with the outcome. In three studies, dogs
as anatomic location and evaluation of mitotic treated with aggressive surgery had a median sur-
index as determined by histopathologic findings. vival time of 7.3 to 9.1 months, compared with
seven dogs that did not have surgery and sur-
vived a median of 2 months. Mandibulectomy or
Prognostic Factors maxillectomy should be the first surgery used to treat
Some studies have demonstrated significantly oral melanoma in dogs. Less aggressive surgeries do not
longer survival for dogs with stage I (small) tumors prolong survival and make subsequent surgery more
(median, 511 days) than for dogs with stage II or difficult.
III tumors (median, 164 days) (Table 11-1). Small Surgical excision was used to treat five dogs with
melanomas were also associated with longer sur- melanoma of the tongue and achieved local control
vival times in another study. in three dogs, with survival times ranging from
One study found that the location of the tumor 3 months to 45 months (median, 19 months). Only
was not prognostic, but two other studies indicated one dog developed metastases.

TABLE 11-1 Clinical Stages of Canine Oral Melanoma (World Health

Clinical Stage Tumor Node Metastasis Percentage of Dogs
Stage I <2 cm – – 43
Stage II 2–4 cm – – 44
Stage III >4 cm or any bone invasion + – 13
Stage IV Any Any + Not available

T1 Tumor in situ or ≤2 cm maximum diameter (volume ≤8 cm3)
T2 Tumor 2-4 cm maximum diameter (volume 8-64 cm3)
T3 Tumor >4 cm maximum diameter (volume >64 cm3)

(a) ≤3 per high power field
(b) >3 per high power field
Oral cavity or oropharyngeal location
(1) Rostral mandible/caudal maxilla
(2) Other


N0 No evidence of regional node involvement
N1 Histologic evidence of regional node involvement
N2 Fixed nodes
M0 No evidence of distant metastasis
M1 Distant metastasis (including distant nodes)

I T1a1 N0 M0
II T1a2, any T1b,T2a1 N0 M0
Any T N1 M0
III T2a2, any T2b or T3 N0 M0
Any T N2 M0
Any T Any N M1

Within 6 months of surgery the majority of teletherapy. Five dogs had local recurrence. One
patients will have developed metastatic disease. dog had regional lymph node metastasis, and 14
However, metastases may not be visible for longer developed distant metastasis. Dogs with rostrally
than 1 year after surgery. After metastases develop, located tumors and dogs with smaller tumors had
dogs may still survive for an extended period of longer remissions. Median progression-free sur-
time, depending on the growth rate. Dogs may tol- vival was estimated to be 14 months. In another
erate pulmonary metastatic disease with very little study, dogs were treated with 48 Gy over 4 weeks
apparent effect on their quality of life. on an alternate-day schedule with 4-Gy fractions.
Radiation therapy has been used and certainly In 8% of the dogs, severe acute reactions were rec-
has a role in the treatment of melanoma, particu- ognized (tumors other than melanoma were also
larly for small tumors. In one study 33 dogs with included).After completion of radiation, dogs with
melanoma were treated with 48 Gy of 60Co malignant melanoma in this study were 2.6 times

more likely than dogs with squamous cell carcinoma macrophages, which enhances the antibody response.
to develop tumor progression. Dogs with larger or Improved survival over surgery alone has been
more invasive tumors had a worse prognosis. In reported when oral melanoma was treated with a
another study 36 dogs with oral melanomas were combination of surgery and C. parvum. Immuno-
treated with 36 Gy given in four fractions of 9 Gy therapy with C. parvum was found to benefit dogs
at 7-day intervals. In 25 of the 36 dogs, com- with small tumors (stage I). L-MTP-PE, a more spe-
plete remission was achieved and median survival cific macrophage activator, improves survival in dogs
for these dogs was 37 weeks. None of the dogs in treated after surgery for oral melanoma, with a
this study suffered severe acute effects, and most died median survival of 346 days. L-MTP-PE was admin-
of metastatic disease. Local control of oral melanoma istered to 24 dogs after surgery, and 26 dogs received
(53% complete response) has been achieved with a placebo. Only 8 (33%) of the L-MTP-PE dogs
coarse fractionation using three 8-Gy fractions. had died at an interim analysis, whereas 14 (54%) of
A review of the literature would lead to the the placebo group had died.
conclusion that chemotherapy has demonstrated Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating
very little effect on survival times in dogs with oral factor (GM-CSF) transfected vaccines using autolo-
melanoma. Drugs such as dacarbazine (DTIC) gous tumor cells have been used in dogs with
(1000 mg/m2 intravenously every 3 weeks), melanoma. Direct intratumoral injection of GTM-
doxorubicin (30 mg/m2 intravenously every 3 CSG plasmid DNA induced partial or complete
weeks), and melphalan (0.23 mg/lb intravenously tumor regression and prolonged survival times
every 4 weeks) have not had repeatable success. compared with historical controls.
Platinum compounds may be more efficacious;
cisplatin (60 mg/m2 intravenously every 3 weeks)
provided partial response for a dog with metastatic ORAL MELANOMA IN
disease, and carboplatin (300 mg/m2 intravenously CATS
every 3 weeks) appears to have some efficacy,
although the response rate is still probably less than Background
30%. Intralesional chemotherapy with cisplatin in Oral melanoma is very rare in cats.They occur in
purified bovine collagen matrix material has been older cats with no apparent sex or breed predispo-
used successfully to treat oral melanomas. Dogs sition.
were treated with an average of 20 mg of cisplatin
delivered over an average of 5.2 treatments. Dogs
with complete responses had a mean survival of Clinical Parameters
54 weeks, whereas those having a partial response Cats with oral melanoma show signs of drool-
had a mean survival of 14 weeks. ing and facial swelling. Tumors occur in the gin-
Immunotherapy has a role in treating melanoma giva, palate, and mandible. These tumors may be
in many species. Cimetidine, which appears to have pigmented.
an immunomodulating effect by inhibition of
suppressor T cells, has been shown to cause regres-
sion of melanoma in some horses, although its role Clinical Work-up
in the treatment of the disease in dogs is not Any oral tumor requires staging by blood work,
defined. Immunotherapy with interleukin-2 has radiographs, and local lymph node evaluation.
been beneficial in treating humans with melanoma. Metastasis of oral melanoma in cats is common,
Combined with tumor necrosis factor, this treat- although it sometimes is late to occur.
ment might be useful for dogs. This combination
was administered to 13 dogs with measurable oral
melanoma. Five dogs showed reduction in tumor Therapeutic Approach
size, although only two had durable responses. Three cats with oral melanomas were treated with
One of these dogs had a complete remission for surgical excision. All three died as a result of
more than 3 years. metastatic disease within 5 months of surgery.
Immunotherapy with heat-inactivated Coryne- Oral melanoma is an aggressive neoplasm, and,
bacterium parvum (0.045 mg/lb intravenously per without therapy adjunctive to surgery, a poor
week) was used as an adjunct to surgery in 42 dogs. prognosis should be given. Radiation therapy
C. parvum activates and increases production of has been shown to be effective in controlling

localized disease. Some believe that carboplatin is Clinical Parameters

an effective drug for control of this tumor; how- Most oral squamous cell carcinomas occur within
ever, there have not been any published studies to the rostral portion of the mouth, and the majority
confirm this. occur in the maxilla. However, in one study the
most common area for these tumors was the ton-
sils. Affected dogs show the same signs as do dogs
ORAL SQUAMOUS with other oral tumors. The most common signs
CELL CARCINOMA are drooling, halitosis, and (occasionally) dyspha-
gia. Most dogs have shown signs for 3 months or
IN DOGS less, but some dogs may show signs for 6 months
to 1 year before diagnosis.
The second most common oral malignancy in
dogs is squamous cell carcinoma. It is usually
found in the gingival tissue, although the tongue
Clinical Work-up
and tonsils are frequently affected. Tumors of the Biopsy is required to differentiate squamous cell
tonsil behave very differently from other squa- carcinoma from amelanotic melanoma, ulcerated
mous cell carcinomas and are considered sepa- fibrosarcoma, or other less common tumors. Staging
rately in this chapter. should be performed as previously described for
Squamous cell carcinoma usually occurs in other oral tumors. Squamous cell carcinoma is
older dogs; the average age is 9 years. There is no highly invasive, and high-detail radiographs of the
apparent breed or gender predilection, although skull often reveal extensive bony lysis. Bony lysis
one study of squamous cell carcinoma of the alone should not be relied on for surgical margins
tongue found that 43% of affected dogs had a or radiotherapy field size, because this underesti-
white hair coat and 30% were poodles. Papillary mates tumor size. CT or MRI scanning is often
squamous cell carcinoma occurs in dogs as young as helpful in planning radiation therapy and/or surgical
2 months of age and is a progressive disease with a excision.
high rate of lytic bone involvement. Dogs with this Gingival squamous cell carcinoma rarely metas-
type of tumor are almost always less than 2 years of age tasizes. Regional lymph nodes are frequently
(Figure 11-1). enlarged at diagnosis, and, as for all oral tumors,
they should be aspirated and/or biopsy should be
performed on them (even if they are not enlarged)
for cytologic or histopathologic examination;
however, these nodes are usually reactive. In one
study 11 of 33 dogs had lymphadenopathy, and
only 3 of these dogs had metastatic disease. After
therapy, regional lymph node metastasis is still
uncommon; however, metastasis was documented
in 5 (21%) of 24 dogs in three case series. In con-
trast, squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue seems
more aggressive; 9 (43%) of 21 dogs in one study
developed metastasis to lymph nodes, lung, or

Prognostic Factors
One study reported that dogs with maxillary
FIGURE 11-1 An intraoperative biopsy of a 7-week-
old puppy with dramatic osteolysis of the underlying
tumors had a longer average response to radiation
mandible due to an oral papillary squamous cell therapy (12 months) than did dogs with mandibular
carcinoma. Radiation therapy resulted in a cure. She (3.4 months) or soft tissue tumors (1.8 months).
died 13 years later of unrelated causes. Oral papillary Eight dogs that were younger than 6 years of age
squamous cell carcinoma is a curable disease by either lived for a median of 58 months after radiation;
surgery or radiation therapy. older dogs lived for a median of 6 months. Dogs

with rostrally located tumors live longer than dogs or for dogs with tumors that have tumor-present margins
with caudal tumors, whereas dogs with tumors on surgical histopathologic examination. One dog
that extend both rostrally and caudally have signif- treated in this way had no evidence of disease
icantly shorter survival times. Therefore larger 16 months after treatment.
tumors with larger radiation fields are associ- Squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue is a more
ated with shorter survival. Megavoltage radiation aggressive tumor than gingival squamous cell carcinoma.
therapy in dogs with nontonsillar squamous cell Metastatic disease in this location often determines
carcinoma was associated with shorter median sur- survival. Unless wide surgical margins are obtained,
vival in dogs older than 9 years of age compared recurrence is common. Complete removal of the
with younger dogs (median survival, 315 versus tongue is indicated in some cases and, surprisingly,
1080 days, respectively). dogs adapt to this well. In one study five dogs with
small tumors were treated with surgery alone and
had a median survival time of 8 months.Three of
Therapeutic Approach these dogs had local recurrence.
Rostral gingival squamous cell carcinoma has a Recurrence of tongue tumors is also com-
generally low metastatic rate, which makes this mon after radiation therapy. Larger tumors in
malignancy a good candidate for local therapies 10 dogs were treated with radiation therapy, and
such as surgery and radiation. Aggressive sur- the dogs survived for a median of 4 months; 9 of
gery is necessary to obtain adequate surgical mar- 10 dogs had recurrence. The 1 dog that received
gins. Maxillectomy and mandibulectomy have radiation after surgery survived 26 months with
been used to treat this tumor. From several dif- no recurrence.
ferent reports, median survival ranged from 9 to A combined modality approach for larger tumors
18 months. Recurrence was more frequent than of the tongue seems warranted for local control,
metastasis after surgery. Incomplete surgical resection is although metastasis occurs in approximately 50%
commonly associated with recurrence, which emphasizes of the cases. Chemotherapy, with or without radia-
the importance of early diagnosis and obtaining wide sur- tion, should be considered for these tumors as an
gical margins by mandibulectomy or maxillectomy at the adjuvant to surgery. Chemotherapeutic agents that
first surgery. Adjunctive radiation therapy may also have been reported to be of some help in these cases
be useful. include cisplatin, carboplatin, mitoxantrone, and
In 33 dogs, orthovoltage radiation therapy piroxicam.
without surgery was used to treat oral squamous Papillary squamous cell carcinoma in young
cell carcinoma to a total dose of approximately dogs is an aggressive disease. Conservative surgery
40 Gy. Overall average survival was approximately alone is unlikely to be curative because of the high
14 months; however, the size and location of the rate of bone involvement and the young age of the
tumor, as well as the age of dog, influenced these patient. Radiation therapy has a good success rate,
figures. Recurrence was noted in 15 dogs, metasta- although disruption of normal bone growth in
sis in 3, and serious complications (e.g., bone young dogs may produce facial malformations.
necrosis) from radiation in 2 dogs. In another study Radiation therapy to a total dose of 40 Gy was
39 dogs with squamous cell carcinoma were used to treat three puppies with this disease.There
treated with 48 Gy of 60Co teletherapy delivered was no evidence of disease in any dog 10, 32, and
over 4 weeks on an alternate-day basis. Twelve 39 months after treatment.
dogs had local recurrence, 1 dog developed metas- Chemotherapy is rarely indicated for rostral gin-
tases to regional lymph nodes, and 2 dogs had gival squamous cell carcinoma in dogs due to the
distant metastases. Dogs with rostrally located low metastatic rate for this tumor. Chemotherapy
tumors and dogs with smaller tumors had longer may be indicated for squamous cell carcinoma of
remissions. Median progression-free survival was the tongue, tonsil, and caudal location of the mouth
approximately 13.6 months. In another study dogs because of the high metastatic rate of such tumors.
with nontonsillar squamous cell carcinoma had a Subcutaneous bleomycin treatment, as well as
median survival of 450 days after megavoltage doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide, and chlorambucil
radiation therapy. treatment, failed to induce responses in two dogs
Surgery combined with radiation gives the best control with oral squamous cell carcinoma. Cisplatin has
for gingival squamous cell carcinoma, and postsurgical caused responses in dogs with metastatic subungual
radiation should be considered for dogs with large tumors squamous cell carcinoma; however, no responses

occurred in five dogs with oral squamous cell carci- may confirm metastatic carcinoma, in addition to a
noma (including one tongue and one tonsillar complete blood count, biochemical profile, urinal-
tumor). In another report, cisplatin caused a partial ysis, and skull, thoracic, and abdominal radiographs
response in three of five dogs with oral squamous or ultrasound. Occasionally dogs with this disease
cell carcinoma for 2, 10, and 15 weeks, respectively. may be seen for a cervical swelling, and upon oral
Cisplatin or carboplatin has yet to be fully evaluated examination a tonsillar swelling is noted. If no
for oral squamous cell carcinoma; however, it may diagnosis can be reached, biopsy of the tonsil and
be useful in combination therapy for this disease. the regional lymph node is warranted. Thoracic
Mitoxantrone (5 to 6 mg/m2 every 3 weeks) caused radiographs should be taken, although metastasis
responses in four (45%) of nine dogs with squamous is unlikely to be seen at the time of diagnosis.
cell carcinoma of various sites, including the oral If treatment is undertaken, radiographs should
cavity, for between 6 and 21 weeks. Mitoxantrone be repeated at regular intervals to screen for metas-
chemotherapy in combination with surgery was tasis. In view of the high reported rate of intraab-
effective in controlling squamous cell carcinoma of dominal metastases in one study, abdominal
the tongue in dogs in another study. radiographs and ultrasonography should be per-
Oral piroxicam (0.14 mg/lb once daily) may be formed before any definitive treatment.Abdominal
helpful in alleviating clinical symptoms and in imaging may also be useful for monitoring the
tumor control.Toxicities associated with the use of patient for metastases after treatment.
this drug include GI and renal.A biochemical pro- Tonsillar squamous cell carcinoma commonly
file should be performed before the use of this metastasizes to the local lymph nodes. In one study
drug, and if clinical signs associated with GI upset all 22 dogs had lymphadenopathy, as well as infil-
occur, the drug should be discontinued. trative primary tumors, at the time of diagnosis.
Despite early spread to the lymph nodes, pul-
monary metastases are rarely noted at diagnosis.
TONSILLAR After treatment 9 (33%) of 27 dogs had evi-
dence of distant metastases. In two earlier studies
SQUAMOUS CELL 77 (85%) of 91 dogs with tonsillar squamous cell
CARCINOMA IN DOGS carcinoma had metastasis to regional lymph nodes
at necropsy. Systemic metastases were less com-
Background mon; they occurred in the lung, spleen, liver, and
Tonsillar squamous cell carcinoma is a more thyroid gland. In a smaller group of dogs, metasta-
aggressive tumor than either gingival or lingual sis to the spleen and liver occurred more often
squamous cell carcinoma.The median age of dogs than to the lungs.
with this disease is 9 to 11 years.There appears to
be a male predisposition. No breed predisposition
has been described. Occasionally, tonsillar squamous Therapeutic Approach
cell carcinoma may occur bilaterally. Surgery alone is rarely effective in the treatment of
tonsillar squamous cell carcinoma due to a high
metastatic rate, which manifests early in the course
Clinical Parameters of the disease. A combination of surgery and radi-
Dogs with tonsillar squamous cell carcinoma usually ation provided good local control at radiation
present with dysphagia, anorexia, and pain. Owners doses of 35 Gy to 42.5 Gy; six of eight dogs
may have noticed a cervical swelling, which is showed a complete response, and one dog showed
usually lymph node metastasis rather than pri- a partial response. Recurrence was seen in only
mary tumor. Most dogs have shown these signs two of the seven responding dogs, although
for 1 month or less, although some dogs may show metastatic disease to the spleen, liver, bone, and
signs for up to 3 months before presentation. lungs was seen or suspected in all seven. Sur-
vival ranged from 44 to 631 days, with a median
of 109 days.
Clinical Work-up In another study, dogs were treated with a com-
All dogs with oral tumors should have a thorough bination of surgery, orthovoltage radiation therapy,
examination of both tonsils and aspiration cyto- and chemotherapy that alternated doxorubicin
logic examination of the local lymph nodes, which (30 mg/m2 intravenously every 3 weeks) with cis-

platin (60 mg/m2 intravenously every 3 weeks). Of

6 dogs receiving this protocol, 5 achieved a com-
plete response, with a median survival of 240 days.
Four of these dogs developed tumor recurrence
and metastatic disease. In comparison, 16 dogs had
no response to treatment with this chemotherapy
protocol (or combinations of doxorubicin, vin-
blastine, cisplatin, and cyclophosphamide) when it
was administered without radiation therapy.
Median survival for these 16 dogs was 105 days.
Piroxicam may be a good option for analgesia and
also because it has anticancer effects.
Aggressive surgery and radiation therapy, com-
bined with doxorubicin and cisplatin chemotherapy,
provide the best therapeutic results for this tumor;
even then, tumor progression is difficult to control.
The prognosis for dogs with tonsillar squamous cell
carcinoma is poor.

FIGURE 11-2 Squamous cell carcinoma is the most
CELL CARCINOMA common oral tumor in the cat and one of the three
IN CATS most common oral tumors in the dog. Bone
involvement can suggest a more favorable outcome.
Background This 12-year-old spayed female cat had a
Neoplasia of the oral cavity represents 10% of all mandibulectomy, followed by radiation therapy and
mitoxantrone chemotherapy.An esophageal feeding
tumors diagnosed in cats, and approximately 90%
tube was placed during this therapy and removed
of these are malignant. Squamous cell carcinoma is the 2 weeks after radiation therapy was discontinued. Her
most common oral tumor in cats (Figure 11-2). This tumor was controlled for 18 months, when metastases
tumor accounts for approximately 60% of all oral were identified. Quality of life was excellent, according
tumors. The average age of a cat with this disease to her caregivers.
is 11 to 12 years of age; however, cats as young as
3 years of age may be affected. No gender or breed
predilection has been noted. sent with dysphagia, halitosis, anorexia, nasal dis-
Most oral squamous cell carcinomas in cats occur at charge, sneezing, pawing at the mouth, changes in
the base of the tongue and involve the frenulum (Figure eating habits, oral hypersensitivity, loose teeth,
11-3). This area should be routinely examined in weight loss, and drooling of ropelike saliva. In
older cats, especially when they are anesthetized some cats a small mass is found initially in con-
for dental or any other procedure that requires junction with a thorough oral examination during
sedation or anesthesia. Some speculation has led to anesthesia for routine dentistry. There may be no
the thought that extensive grooming habits of the symptoms whatsoever at this early stage. In the early
cat possibly cause the species to contact carcino- stages, differentiating squamous cell carcinoma from gin-
gens on its hair coat, thereby predisposing the gival proliferation and dental disease may be difficult, so
tongue to development of neoplasia. a biopsy should be performed on any oral mass in an
older cat, even in absence of the above symptoms.
The mandible and maxilla are equally distrib-
Clinical Parameters uted as far as frequency of site that is affected.
Cats with oral squamous cell carcinoma most Bone invasion is common with gingival tumors.
commonly present for a mass or facial asymmetry. Some squamous cell carcinomas arise primarily
Squamous cell carcinomas are characterized by within the mandible, causing enlargement of the jaw
mucosal ulceration, necrosis, and severe suppura- as a result of bony proliferation.These tumors should
tive inflammation. Cats with this tumor may pre- be differentiated from deep-seated osteomyelitis

progression 16 months after lymph node metasta-

sis was detected.

Therapeutic Approach
In five cats with squamous cell carcinoma of
the mandible, resection alone was not very suc-
cessful in maintaining a remission. Recurrence
occurred in four cats within 5 to 12 months of
surgery despite aggressive surgical technique.
These tumors were all large (between 2 and 4 cm
in diameter), and all invaded bone. In another
study, surgery alone resulted in a median survival
FIGURE 11-3 Sublingual squamous cell carcinoma is of 6 weeks for seven cats. Small tumors, particu-
a difficult tumor to treat; however, most patients can be larly those located rostrally on the mandible, may
made more comfortable with good analgesia and be more amenable to complete surgical excision.
nutritional support, such as assisted tube feeding.
Radiation therapy used alone for the treatment
Piroxicam (Feldene) is a nonsteroidal antiinflammatory
of this disease has also not been rewarding.
agent and potent analgesic and has been reported to
have anticancer effects against selected tumor types. Radiation therapy (orthovoltage, 52 Gy) was used
Although its efficacy against sublingual squamous cell to treat 11 cats with oral squamous cell carcinoma.
carcinoma has yet to be documented in the dog and Treatment included ethanidazole, which is a
cat, it is one treatment option for patients that have hypoxic cell sensitizer that was injected intratu-
normal renal function. morally. Eight cats were evaluated for response.
Four died from complications of therapy, which
generated by severe dental disease and from other included tissue necrosis and ischemia of the
malignant tumors, such as osteosarcoma. tongue, between 45 and 341 days after radiation
(median, 114 days). The other 4 cats had tumor
recurrence at 125 to 331 days after radiation
Clinical Work-up (median, 170 days). No cats were alive 1 year after
Staging of any cat with an oral tumor should be treatment. Overall median survival was 132 days. In
performed as previously described in the dog. another study, radiation alone or in combination
High-detail radiography of the skull provides with chemotherapy or with hyperthermia resulted
information on bony lysis caused by gingival in a median survival of 10 weeks for 45 cats.
tumors.As stated previously, however, radiographic Combination treatment, with mandibulectomy
appearance of lysis does not occur until more than followed by external beam radiation to a dose of
50% of the bone has been demineralized; therefore 40 Gy to 45 Gy starting 10 to 15 days after sur-
radiography is a poor indicator of tumor margins. gery, has demonstrated more success. Six of seven
Biopsy is required for definitive diagnosis and cats had tumor recurrence between 3 and 36
should be considered in any old cat with severe months after treatment (median, 12.5 months).
gingival disease. Common differential diagnoses One cat died but showed no evidence of disease
include eosinophilic granuloma and fibrosarcoma. 14 months after completing radiation therapy.
Metastasis is rare, although mandibular lymph Placement of a gastrostomy tube by endoscopy
nodes may be involved and should be evaluated by or an esophagostomy tube at the time of surgery
cytologic or histopathologic examination. may prolong survival and definitely facilitates
Although lymphadenopathy is usually assumed to nutritional supplementation in cats undergoing
signal possible metastatic disease, two studies found surgery or radiation therapy for oral squamous cell
that less than 50% of cats with enlarged lymph carcinoma (Figure 11-4). The tube allows enteral
nodes had histologic evidence of metastatic dis- feeding of the cat during recovery while allowing
ease. Lymph node metastasis was seen in 8 of 59 the mouth to heal. Gastrostomy tubes can remain
cats in these two studies. Metastatic disease may in place after surgery until the cat is able to eat
occur late in the course of the disease, or perhaps normally. Placement of gastrostomy tubes and rec-
metastases are slow to progress.This is further sup- ommendations for providing enteral nutrition are
ported by 1 cat that had no evidence of metastatic described in Chapter 12.

tumor shrinkage and allow surgical margins to be

more easily attained.

The third most common oral malignancy in the
dog is fibrosarcoma.These tumors generally occur
in older dogs; however, these tumors may occur in
young dogs more commonly than melanoma or
squamous cell carcinoma.The average age of dogs
with oral fibrosarcoma is 7 years, although these
tumors have been reported in dogs as young as
6 months of age. There does not seem to be any
breed predilection, although 4 of 10 affected dogs in
FIGURE 11-4 Esophageal and gastric assisted tube one study were golden retrievers.There is an appar-
feeding are two vital tools for enhancing quality and ent male predilection for developing oral fibrosar-
length of life in dogs and cats with tumors of the coma, although this is not consistent in all studies.
gastrointestinal system. Fluid therapy, medical therapy,
and nutritional support can all be achieved through
these tubes.They are easy to place and maintain.This Clinical Parameters
cat is being fed via an esophagostomy tube. (Photo
courtesy Dr. K.L. Mitchener.) Fibrosarcomas are just as likely to arise from the
maxilla as from the mandible. These tumors most
commonly originate from the gingival tissue.
Tumors are usually large, with diameters of greater
Because lack of success has often been experi- than 4 cm. Dogs may be asymptomatic, or they
enced with other treatment modalities, trials with may have ptyalism, anorexia, oral bleeding, and
chemotherapeutic agents have been attempted. facial deformity.
Mitoxantrone at doses up to 6.5 mg/m2 intra-
venously every 3 weeks caused 1 complete remis-
sion and 3 partial remissions for 21 to 60 days in Clinical Work-up
32 cats. In another study, 7 cats received mito- Dogs with any oral tumor should be staged using
xantrone (5 mg/m2 intravenously every 3 weeks) blood work, thoracic radiographs, lymph node
during and following megavoltage radiation ther- evaluation, and fine-detail skull radiographs.
apy. Radiation was delivered as a “shrinking field,” Fibrosarcomas frequently invade bone and may
whereby the tumor and mandibular lymph node extend much farther than is obvious by external
received 39.6 to 46.2 Gy, the mandible received viewing. In addition, all soft tissue sarcomas have
49.5 to 51 Gy, and the gross tumor received 59.4 “tendrils” of tumor cells that extend deep into
to 61.2 Gy in daily 3-Gy fractions. The median normal surrounding tissues, making complete
survival for these cats was 180 days.Thirty percent excision very difficult without wide margins.
of the cats were alive 1 year after radiation therapy. Before surgery, particularly when the tumor
Complete remission has been reported in 2 cats involves maxilla, high-detail skull radiographs or a
with squamous cell carcinoma after treatment with CT scan should be obtained to gain a better
carboplatin. Oral piroxicam therapy (0.14 mg/lb appreciation of tumor borders. Due to the fact that
orally every other day) may be of benefit for clini- radiographs usually underestimate tumor margins,
cal symptoms and as an antineoplastic agent. CT scanning is a more accurate method of assess-
The best therapy for oral squamous cell carci- ing fibrosarcoma margins. A CT scan provides a
noma in cats has not been determined. A combina- spatial assessment of the tumor that may be useful
tion of surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy for planning surgery, as well as either presurgical or
probably offers the best chance of success. Pre- postsurgical radiation therapy. CT scanning may
operative radiation and chemotherapy may cause also indicate whether complete surgical removal is

impossible, thereby protecting the patient from a In one study, pretreatment with 50 to 56 Gy
poorly planned procedure. of radiation seemed to improve control rates,
Occasionally a tumor may be termed a although few dogs were involved in this study.
fibroma, which implies that the process is benign. Control of fibrosarcoma improves only at high
Fibromas of the oral cavity should be treated as doses of 50 Gy or more. Of 17 dogs treated with
aggressively as fibrosarcomas. A recent report 40.0 to 54.5 Gy of orthovoltage, 4 died during
described 25 dogs with tumors that were histolog- or soon after radiation therapy. Survival times in
ically labeled as either fibromas, nodular fasciitis, or the remaining 13 dogs ranged from 2 months to
granulation tissue. Although all of these lesions more than 27 months, with a median survival of
were considered benign, they invaded bone and 6 months. Tumors recurred in 12 dogs at a mean
metastasized in 5 of the dogs. Bony invasion time of 3.9 months after radiation was complete.
should be interpreted as a sign of malignancy In another study, radiation therapy without sur-
regardless of the pathology report. gery was able to control tumor growth in 3 of
Fibrosarcoma is rarely metastatic at the time of 13 dogs. Megavoltage radiation may be more effi-
diagnosis. However, mandibular lymph nodes cacious than orthovoltage in controlling oral
should be palpated and always subjected to fine- fibrosarcomas. Twenty-eight dogs with fibrosar-
needle aspiration or biopsy.Young dogs apparently coma were treated with 48 Gy of 60Co teletherapy.
have more aggressive tumors than old dogs. In eight Nine dogs had local recurrence as the first cause of
series totaling 107 dogs, metastasis was reported in failure, and 4 dogs developed distant metastasis as
23 (21%) dogs. In most cases metastasis was to the first cause of failure. Dogs with rostrally located
regional lymph nodes; it is rare for oral fibrosarcoma tumors and dogs with smaller tumors had longer
to metastasize to lungs. Thoracic radiographs remissions. Median progression-free survival was
should, however, be performed before definitive estimated to be 26.2 months. Clinical stage was
surgery. Metastases often appear many months after important in predicting time to failure. Radiation
surgery, and it is possible that earlier reports with alone, or combined with hyperthermia, results in a
less effective therapies may have underestimated the median survival of over 18 months for biologically
metastatic rate, because dogs died from inadequate high-grade, histologically low-grade, fibrosarcomas.
local tumor control before metastasis occurred. When used in combination with radiation, inter-
stitial hyperthermia provides better local control
rates than those achieved by radiation alone. Ten
Therapeutic Approach dogs that received between 32 and 48 Gy of ortho-
Complete surgical excision is the treatment of voltage also received interstitial hyperthermia to a
choice for fibrosarcoma of the oral cavity. Tumor- temperature of either 50˚ C or 43˚ C for 30 seconds.
present margins lead to rapid recurrence. Radical Complete remissions were obtained in 9 of 10 dogs,
surgical techniques such as maxillectomy and and overall median survival was 12.9 months,
mandibulectomy are well tolerated by dogs and which is comparable to survival times for dogs that
are necessary to obtain adequate surgical margins. In undergo surgery. Tumors recurred in 4 dogs
five series, totaling 54 dogs treated for oral fibrosar- between 38 days and 378 days after radiation.
coma with aggressive surgery, the median survival Complications of this combined modality include
was 12 months and ranged from 1.5 weeks to 33 fistula formation and sepsis following tissue necrosis.
months. Early and aggressive management of maxil- Chemotherapy has had little application in the
lary and mandibular fibrosarcoma in large purebred treatment of oral cavity fibrosarcomas, although
dogs with histologically low-grade yet biologically doxorubicin has been noted occasionally to pro-
high-grade tumors should be a standard approach. duce objective responses in soft tissue sarcomas.
Even after mandibulectomy or maxillectomy, Low doses of doxorubicin (10 mg/m2 intra-
local recurrence was a problem in 20 of 54 dogs venously every 7 days) appear to act as a “radiation
(37%). Tumor recurrence varied with each study, sensitizer” and improve tumor response at lower
however, from 20% to nearly 60% and occurred radiation therapy dosages.
soon after surgery in studies with the highest rates Intratumoral injections of cisplatin and bovine
of recurrence. In 3 dogs in one study, recurrence collagen matrix were given every week during a
was treated by a second surgery (2 dogs) or surgery 48-Gy course of 60Co teletherapy to five dogs with
plus radiation therapy (1 dog) for second remissions oral fibrosarcoma. Complete remission was seen in
of 2 months, 15 months, and 2 years, respectively. three dogs, and partial remission was seen in one

dog, for a median duration of 14 weeks.There was Oral piroxicam (0.14 mg/lb every other day) may
tumor recurrence in three of these dogs. In these be of benefit in these cats.
and other dogs treated with radiochemotherapy, Because of the encouraging results of radia-
recurrences often took place at the periphery of the tion therapy in cats with other soft tissue sarco-
chemotherapy site but still within the radiation mas (including fibrosarcoma), this modality in
field, implying that the combination is synergistic or combination with surgery may offer the best
additive in its effect on the tumor. chance of tumor control in cats, as it does in dogs.
The treatment of choice for oral fibrosarcoma Doxorubicin or carboplatin have been employed
probably involves combined surgery and radiation with variable results.
therapy to dosages that exceed 50 Gy. Intralesional
chemotherapy is investigational but may improve
tumor control. LESS COMMON ORAL
ORAL FIBROSARCOMA Other reported oral malignancies in the dog
IN CATS include osteosarcomas (Figure 11-5), intraosseous
carcinomas, neurofibrosarcomas, anaplastic sarco-
Background mas, chondrosarcomas, myxosarcomas, invasive
The second most common oral tumor in cats is nasal tumors, mast cell tumors, hemangiosarcomas,
fibrosarcoma.There is no obvious breed or gender lymphomas, and transmissible venereal tumors.
predilection. Fibrosarcoma is most common in old In one report the overall 1-year survival rate for
cats that average 10 years of age. dogs with mandibular osteosarcomas treated with
combination modalities was 53%. Dogs treated
Clinical Parameters
Feline fibrosarcoma is found mostly in the oral
gingivae but has no obvious site predilection.The
lesion may be ulcerated, causing halitosis and
drooling, and is difficult to distinguish clinically
from squamous cell carcinoma.

Clinical Work-up
Staging procedures should be performed as dis-
cussed for squamous cell carcinoma. Fibrosarcomas
cause tissue destruction and occasionally invade
bone or muscle. On histopathologic examination
these fibrosarcomas often have a high mitotic
index; however, metastatic potential appears low.

Therapeutic Approach
Two cats were treated with hemimandibulec-
tomy or premaxillectomy and were free of dis-
ease 11.5 months and 24 months after surgery,
respectively. In another two cats treated with FIGURE 11-5 This 5-year-old male Rhodesian
hemimandibulectomy, one cat had recurrence in Ridgeback had a maxillectomy to include the orbit and
2 months, and one cat failed to eat and was eutha- eye for an oral osteosarcoma, followed by radiation
nized. A gastrostomy tube should be placed in all therapy to the surgery area beginning 1 week after
surgery. Chemotherapy with cisplatin and doxorubicin
cats undergoing oral surgery.
was continued after radiation was completed.At the
Vincristine (0.5 mg/m2 intravenously per week)
time of this picture, several months after the
caused complete regression of an oral fibrosarcoma completion of radiation therapy, he was free of disease
in one cat when treated for 30 weeks. Other and absolutely asymptomatic for any adverse effects of
chemotherapy for this tumor has not been de- therapy.This case is a good example of how many
scribed, although doxorubicin reportedly causes modes of cancer therapy can be used in concert to
regression of fibrosarcoma at other sites in cats. benefit the patient and control or cure the disease.

with surgery alone had a 1-year survival rate of metastasis 12, 25, and 40 months after treatment.
71%. Histologic grade was demonstrated to be Radiation therapy should be considered as an
important for survival. adjunct to surgery for salivary gland tumors. In
another group of dogs treated with either surgery,
surgery and radiation, or surgery and chemother-
SALIVARY GLAND apy, the median survival was 550 days. The dogs
TUMORS IN DOGS that were treated with surgery and chemotherapy
had shorter survival times than the other two
Background groups. Presumably these dogs had more progres-
Salivary gland tumors are usually seen in older sive disease and hence were treated with chemo-
dogs with no obvious gender predilection. Poodles therapy. In another study six dogs with salivary
are at higher risk for developing this disease than gland adenocarcinoma were treated with surgery
other breeds. alone, and median survival was 74 days with a
Carcinomas are the most common tumor type, range of 42 to 300 days. All of the dogs in this
although salivary glands are occasionally invaded report died of pulmonary metastases.
by fibrosarcomas or mast cell tumors. Enlargement
of the salivary gland in a dog is more likely to be
an inflammatory process than a tumor. SALIVARY GLAND
Clinical Parameters Background
Patients most commonly have a swelling or mass in Most salivary gland tumors are carcinomas. In con-
the neck; however, signs may also include anorexia, trast to dogs, enlargement of a salivary gland in cats is
dysphagia, and pain on opening the mouth. more likely to signal a tumor than inflammation or any
other condition. The median age of affected cats is
10 years, and there is no gender predilection.
Clinical Work-up Siamese cats are at higher risk for developing
The clinical work-up for salivary gland tumors salivary gland tumors; 7 (26%) of 27 cats were
should include a complete blood count, biochemical Siamese in one survey.
profile, T4 levels, urinalysis, and cytologic evaluation
of the tumor. Local lymph node metastasis may
occur; therefore lymph nodes should always have a
biopsy or a fine-needle aspiration. Although pul- Clinical Parameters
monary metastases are rare, thoracic radiographs Cats usually have a mass in the cervical region,
should always be performed as part of a thorough which may be accompanied by other signs, such as
staging scheme. In one study only 8% of the dogs anorexia, dysphagia, and salivation due to second-
had metastatic disease at time of diagnosis. ary infections and ulceration.
The mandibular glands were more likely to be
affected than the parotid glands. In many cases,
tumor was dispersed throughout the salivary tissue Clinical Work-up
in the submucosa of the oral cavity, tongue, and Most reported cats have regional lymph node
oropharynx. Surgical excisional biopsy is war- metastases, and one cat developed lung metastases
ranted for localized tumors; however, more diffuse 5 months after surgery. Careful palpation of
tumors may require incisional biopsy before a regional lymph nodes followed by fine-needle
definitive procedure. aspiration or biopsy of enlarged nodes, as well as
blood work, urinalysis, and thoracic radiographs,
should precede any definitive treatment for these
Therapeutic Approach tumors. In one study, median survival for cats with
Surgical excision in two dogs resulted in local this disease was 516 days. Staging was not shown
recurrence within 6 months. One of these dogs to be prognostic in cats, and a low mitotic index
and two other dogs received 45 Gy of orthovolt- was associated with a poorer prognosis.There was
age radiation to the surgical site, and none of the no difference in surgery alone versus surgery with
three dogs had developed local recurrence or chemotherapy or surgery with radiation.

Therapeutic Approach tissue. Management of S. lupi is discussed in

Cats treated with surgery alone had recurrence or Chapter 4.
metastasis within 6 months in one study.There are
no reports of adjunctive radiation therapy, but lim-
ited success in dogs suggests that this therapy may STOMACH TUMORS
be worthwhile to reduce the risk of local recur- IN DOGS
rence. There are no reports of chemotherapy for
this tumor; however, carboplatin and doxorubicin Background
have been used with favorable results by some. The most common tumor of the stomach in dogs
is gastric adenocarcinoma, which is emphasized in
most reports. Leiomyoma, leiomyosarcoma, lym-
ESOPHAGEAL TUMORS phoma, and adenoma are also found, less com-
IN DOGS Most carcinomas occur in the lower two thirds
Esophageal neoplasia is uncommon in the dog of the stomach, particularly in the pylorus region.
except for osteosarcoma and fibrosarcoma associated The lesser curvature is not usually affected, except
with the helminth parasite Spirocerca lupi. Primary in Belgian shepherds. Most affected dogs are old,
esophageal neoplasias are extremely uncommon and and there appears to be a male predominance.
include squamous cell carcinoma, scirrhous carci- Belgian shepherds in Italy (of the Groenendael
noma, undifferentiated carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, type) and rough collies are apparently at high risk
and leiomyoma, which is the most common. for gastric adenocarcinoma. Although gastric car-
Canine esophageal tumors are often metastatic, cinomas can be experimentally induced in dogs by
having arisen from the thyroid or mammary gland. various compounds, there are no epidemiologic
Clinical signs associated with esophageal neo- studies to support a role for these compounds in
plasia include dysphagia, regurgitation, ptyalism, naturally occurring disease.
inappetence, progressive weight loss, fetid breath, Gastric leiomyomas are benign tumors of the
debilitation, and respiratory signs, which may be stomach and are strongly associated with age in
secondary to aspiration pneumonia. Clinical inves- the dog.
tigation includes survey and contrast thoracic radi-
ography and esophagoscopy. Definitive diagnosis
of esophageal tumors requires a biopsy, either sur-
gical or endoscopic, and an official diagnosis by a Clinical Parameters
pathologist. Standard therapy historically has Gastric tumors are consistently associated with
involved medical management for esophageal dys- vomiting, weight loss, and inappetence. Vomiting
function and surgical removal when possible. is often chronic and rarely associated with eating.
Primary esophageal neoplasia in the canine gener- Hematemesis occurs in up to 50% of dogs. Other
ally warrants a guarded to poor prognosis. Newer signs include polydipsia, abdominal pain, melena,
options include laser therapy and photodynamic and anemia. Occasionally ascites occurs as a result
therapy (PDT). PDT is used relatively routinely in of carcinomatosis. Clinical signs, such as vomiting,
humans, most commonly with localized and min- are often chronic for 2 weeks to 18 months before
imally invasive carcinomas. PDT employs a photo- presentation; the median duration is 2 months.
sensitizer and laser light to destroy malignant There are reports of dogs presenting with
tissues. metastatic testicular adenocarcinoma, with the pri-
With laser therapy, treatment begins centrally mary tumor originating from the stomach.
around the residual lumen, proceeding toward but Leiomyomas are often discovered as inciden-
not to the wall. Initial tissue changes are coagula- tal findings during necropsy, surgery, or endoscopy
tive, and then vaporization occurs with ongoing in geriatric dogs. Leiomyomas may be identi-
thermal damage. After several days the superficial fied from a history that reveals chronic vomiting,
necrotic tissue is removed, and laser therapy is acute gastric distention, or intermittent severe GI
then performed a few centimeters distal to the bleeding.
site treated several days earlier. Treatment pro- Dogs with gastric leiomyosarcoma may present
gresses every several days until the lumen is with clinical signs associated with hypoglycemia,
opened through the entire length of neoplastic such as weakness, seizures, or coma.

Clinical Work-up
Gastric adenocarcinomas often involve a large
area of the stomach wall, making them unre-
sectable. These tumors arise in the mucosa, but
most extend to or through the serosa. Ulceration
is common and often deep and craterlike, causing
hematemesis or melena. Contrast radiography,
particularly with fluoroscopy, may give indications
of gastric tumor, but these indications are rarely
definitive. Endoscopy can determine the location
of most tumors, except when neoplasia is diffusely
infiltrative, and may reveal tumor ulceration
(Figure 11-6). Although endoscopy can be defini-
tive, it can also be inconclusive. Multiple endo-
scopic biopsy specimens should be obtained, and
deep biopsy specimens should be taken if the
mucosa is not obviously involved (Figure 11-7).
Endoscopy is ideal for evaluating the stomach
itself, but ultrasonography should be used to assess FIGURE 11-6 Endoscopic view of a gastric
epigastric lymph nodes and other abdominal vis- carcinoma resulting in a mild “cobblestone” effect to
cera for evidence of metastasis. Ultrasonography the mucosal surface. Note the ulcers in the upper
or laparoscopy can also be used to define the bor- right-hand portion of the image.This dog’s only
ders of localized tumors and to identify ulcera- clinical sign was intermittent vomiting.A partial
tions and diffuse infiltration. In one report the use gastrectomy was performed, and the vomiting and
endoscopic abnormalities resolved. (Photo courtesy
of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of canine gas-
Dr. David Twedt.)
tric neoplasia was evaluated prospectively in a
series of six cases that were subsequently con-
firmed as having adenocarcinoma by cytologic or
histologic examination or both.These investigators nar, or solid) are less common than diffuse types
found that gastric neoplasia was associated with (e.g., undifferentiated or glandular). No differences
mural thickening, loss of normal wall sonographic in biologic behavior have been ascribed to these
layers, and altered motility. Ultrasound findings were different tumor types. All gastric adenocarcinomas are
consistent with tumor localization obtained by aggressive malignancies.
other diagnostic methods that were employed.
Fine-needle aspirations of the masses were success-
ful in two out of three cases in which they were Therapeutic Approach
performed. Ultrasound-guided microcore biopsy The advanced stage of gastric adenocarcinomas at
can have a high diagnostic sensitivity. When the diagnosis, their diffuse nature, and their high rate
aforementioned modalities are unsuitable, of metastasis usually make surgery unsuccessful.
exploratory laparotomy or laparoscopy can be Most tumors are too large or invasive for complete
used to obtain biopsy specimens from affected resection. Wide resection often requires gastro-
sites. A therapeutic excisional biopsy may be pos- duodenostomy (Billroth type I procedure); how-
sible for small localized tumors via exploratory ever, most dogs die within 4 months of surgery
laparotomy; however, incisional biopsy should be from local recurrence and metastases. Earlier diag-
performed on larger tumors. nosis occasionally allows successful surgical resec-
Gastric adenocarcinoma often metastasizes, tion and long-term freedom from recurrence and
particularly to perigastric lymph nodes and vis- metastasis. There is a report of long-term sur-
cera. Extension of gastric adenocarcinoma through vival after total gastrectomy for gastric adenocarci-
the serosa creates an intense scirrhous reaction in noma in a dog. In this dog the esophagus was
the mesentery and omentum, which may cause anastomosed to a remnant of the antrum, leav-
ascites. ing the pylorus intact, and a splenopexy was
Histology of gastric adenocarcinomas varies, performed. Another long-term survival case is
and “intestinal” types of tumors (e.g., papillary, aci- illustrated in Chapter 1 (see pp. 22-33).


FIGURE 11-7 Gastric adenocarcinoma in a dog. A, Lower gastric body with an area of superficial ulceration seen
in the lower field. B, Close-up view of a mass in the midgastric body.The mass was rigid and had a very dense wall
(suggestive of neoplasia). Biopsy of masses such as this one should be performed as deeply as possible. If only
superficial tissue is obtained, the endoscopist may fail to retrieve neoplastic cells.The first four attempts to perform a
biopsy of the mass yielded very small tissue samples, but on the fifth attempt the biopsy instrument advanced inside
the mass.A number of large tissue samples were then obtained, and the diagnosis of adenocarcinoma was confirmed.
Biopsy samples were also obtained from the ulcerated area shown in A. (Courtesy Dr.Todd R.Tams. From Tams
TR, ed: Small animal endoscopy, ed 2, St. Louis, 1999, Mosby.)

Photodynamic therapy with rhodamine dye phoma to chemotherapy are surprisingly good
was not successful in treating an unresectable despite previous reports, especially if they are small
tumor. Results of chemotherapy for adenocarci- cell lymphomas.
noma have not been reported.
A technique using gastrotomy and submucosal
resection was evaluated for removal of leiomyomas INTESTINAL TUMORS
and other benign masses from the cardiac region of IN DOGS
the stomach.There were no postoperative compli-
cations in the six dogs that underwent the proce- Background
dure, and excision was incomplete in two of the In dogs, adenocarcinomas are the most com-
dogs. mon tumor in the intestine and the stomach.
Leiomyosarcomas are less common than adenocar-
cinoma and occur more frequently in the intestine
STOMACH TUMORS than in the stomach (Figure 11-9). Intestinal
IN CATS leiomyomas are uncommon. All reported cecal
tumors have been of smooth muscle origin
Stomach tumors are rare in cats. Most that do occur (i.e., leiomyosarcoma or leiomyoma). Epithelial and
are lymphoma (Figure 11-8). Adenocarcinomas smooth muscle tumors both occur in other areas of
and leiomyosarcomas are rare. Gastric thickening is the intestinal tract. Lymphoma may be found any-
common in cats with gastric lymphoma and is often where within the GI tract but is usually associated
substantial enough to be detected on palpation. with systemic disease. In one study of 144 dogs with
Ultrasound-guided biopsy or fine-needle aspiration lymphoma, 6.9% had GI involvement.
facilitates diagnosis. Endoscopic biopsy is useful in Intestinal tumors generally occur in older dogs.
superficial lesions but is not as helpful for submu- The median age is 11 to 12 years, although the aver-
cosal lymphoma. Most are detectable via endoscopy age age of dogs with lymphoma is younger. There
(given proper endoscopic biopsy instrumenta- are no obvious breed predilections. Males are more
tion and good technique). Lymphoma is rarely con- frequently affected by intestinal tumors than females,
fined to the stomach and is best treated with although this trend is most marked for adenocarci-
chemotherapy. Responses of cats with GI lym- noma and is less obvious for smooth muscle tumors.

FIGURE 11-9 Small intestinal duodenal tumor

FIGURE 11-8 Ulcer and thickening of the pylorus of causing partial obstruction of the bowel, vomiting, and
a 4-year-old, FeLV-negative cat with a history of diarrhea in a 10-year-old poodle. Resection of this
intermittent vomiting, diarrhea, and weight loss. leiomyosarcoma resulted in immediate resolution of
Endoscopic biopsy specimens were used to confirm the clinical signs. Doxorubicin chemotherapy was initiated
presence of small cell lymphoma.Vincristine, to treat any microscopic metastatic disease.The dog did
chlorambucil, and prednisone therapy was used to extraordinarily well, and the owners were very happy
resolve all endoscopic abnormalities and clinical signs with the patient’s 2-year, disease-free interval.
for a 2-year period. (Courtesy Dr. David Twedt.) (Courtesy Dr. David Twedt.)

Clinical Parameters On physical examination an abdominal mass

Clinical signs give very little indication as to the may be palpated, particularly if the tumor is in the
type of neoplasm in a dog with an intestinal tumor. upper small intestine. Rectal examination may
Symptoms may, however, direct the clinician to a reveal a stricture, mass, or irregular rectal wall in
particular area of the intestinal tract. For example, more than 60% of affected dogs.
vomiting is most often associated with tumors of
the duodenum or jejunum, whereas weight loss and
diarrhea are usually seen in dogs with jejunal or ileal Clinical Work-up
tumors. Tenesmus or hematochezia most often In addition to routine blood work and urinalysis,
occurs with colonic or rectal tumors. Distal rectal thoracic and abdominal radiographs, endoscopy, and
tumors are mostly palpable as a single pedunculated ultrasonography should be used to image the tumor
mass; tumors located rostrally are more likely to be and to identify metastasis. Plain radiographs may
multiple (“cobblestone appearance”) or appear as help delineate an abdominal mass and may also
an annular constriction. Dogs with rectal leiomy- reveal other abnormalities, such as gas-filled and
omas may be asymptomatic, presumably owing to fluid-filled dilated loops of bowel, which are sugges-
slow growth of these tumors; however, these tumors tive of obstruction. Pneumoperitoneum may indi-
may become very large (up to 12 cm in one study). cate tumor rupture or a septic peritonitis. Contrast
Anorexia, depression, and lethargy may accompany radiography most often shows an “apple-core”
tumors in any location. Hypochromic anemia is a lesion for tumors of the small intestine but also may
less common sign; it may be due to melena and iron show irregular filling defects or leakage caused by
deficiency. Ascites, abdominal pain, and peritonitis perforation. Ultrasonography is a noninvasive and
from intestinal rupture may occur; the last condi- rapid means of identifying intestinal tumors and
tion is mainly seen with cecal leiomyosarcomas. provides a guide for obtaining biopsy specimens, as
Clinical signs have often been present for weeks to well as a method of staging for abdominal metas-
months, although dogs that are vomiting are usually tases. Ultrasonography is the staging method of
presented by their owners more rapidly. choice for dogs with intestinal tumors.

Endoscopy can be used to obtain biopsy speci- does not usually metastasize; metastases occur in
mens, which may provide a definitive diagnosis for less than 30% of affected dogs, often long after
duodenal or colonic and rectal tumors; however, definitive surgery. Metastasis of colorectal adeno-
multiple biopsy specimens should be taken, carcinoma is considerably less common.There was
because lesions deep to the mucosa may escape no evidence of metastasis in 78 dogs with this
detection, and tumors that create ulcerated lesions disease even after long survival times following
may be obscured by inflammatory changes (Figure surgery.
11-10). In one study, endoscopic biopsy of intes- Carcinoid is a term used to describe intestinal
tinal lymphoma was confounded by the presence tumors of neuroendocrine derivation that may be
of inflammatory infiltrates in nearly 50% of the hormonally active. Of five reported intestinal car-
dogs. Endoscopy of the entire large bowel is par- cinoids, all had metastases to regional lymph nodes
ticularly important when a distal rectal tumor is and liver at the time of diagnosis and there were
palpated, because dogs may have additional proximal additional sites of metastasis in two dogs.
lesions that could otherwise remain undetected and
continue to cause clinical signs after surgery. Biopsy
of small intestinal tumors often requires exploratory Prognostic Factors
laparotomy, but biopsy of rectal tumors may be per- In one study of colorectal adenocarcinomas, dogs
formed via proctoscopy or by prolapsing the rectum with annular tumors had the shortest average sur-
manually or with stay sutures. vival (1.6 months). Dogs with tumors that com-
Metastasis is more commonly described for prised multiple “cobblestone” nodules had an
intestinal adenocarcinoma than for leiomyosar- average survival of 12 months. Dogs with a single
coma, and the most common sites of metastasis are pedunculated polyp had the longest survival
the regional lymph nodes. In 22 (71%) of 31 dogs (32 months) after surgery. These prognostic fac-
with small intestine adenocarcinoma, there was tors are probably related to the ease with which
evidence of metastases to regional lymph nodes. In complete surgical excision may be performed.
contrast, metastasis occurred to liver and lung in In one group of dogs with adenomatous polyps
only four (13%) of these 31 dogs. Leiomyosarcoma or carcinoma in situ of the colon and rectum,
malignant transformation was documented in 18%
of the cases. Higher rates of recurrence and malig-
nant transformation occurred in dogs with multi-
ple masses or diffuse disease and in dogs initially
diagnosed with carcinoma in situ.
Diffuse intestinal lymphoma carries a poor
prognosis in dogs. Prognostic factors for GI
lymphoma are those that have been previously
described for multicentric lymphoma.

Therapeutic Approach
There is little information regarding survival after
surgical resection of small intestinal adenocarcino-
mas. Four dogs with small intestinal tumors that
had not metastasized at the time of surgery had
survival times of 3 days, 6 months (two dogs), and
2 years. In another study five dogs with surgically
treated cancer of the small intestine had an average
FIGURE 11-10 Colonic carcinoma of a 7-year-old survival of 55 days. In another study, dogs with
castrated male dog with a 5-week history of straining
surgically treated epithelial tumors had a mean
to defecate. Results of blood work, abdominal and
chest radiographs, and abdominal ultrasound were survival of 6.9 months and local recurrence was
normal. Colonoscopy was used to obtain a diagnosis of the cause of death in all dogs. In one study,
colonic carcinoma. Resection of the colon resulted in dogs with large intestinal adenocarcinoma treated
control of this tumor for 24 months. (Courtesy only with fecal softeners had a mean survival of
Dr. David Twedt.) 15 months.

Surgical excision of intestinal or cecal leiomyosar- For the dog the longest remission and survival
coma carries a better prognosis. Thirteen (57%) of 23 times have been reported with the University of
dogs with leiomyosarcoma survived the perioperative Wisconsin-Madison protocol noted in Table 11-5.
period and had median survivals of 8 to 13 months This protocol is complex but gratifying because of
(ranging from 2 months to 7 years). Only 3 of these consistently improved responses.The University of
13 dogs developed metastases. One dog had evidence Wisconsin-Madison short canine lymphoma pro-
of metastasis at the time of surgery and without expla- tocol appears in Table 11-4. Diffuse GI canine
nation survived 3 years without adjuvant therapy. lymphoma is associated with a variable response to
Cecal rupture may occur and lead to death in some chemotherapy, although solitary or nodular lym-
dogs as a result of peritonitis. Perioperative mortality phoma does respond better.
was 60% in 10 dogs in one study. Four dogs survived
for 19 months, 28 months, 36 months, and 48
months. Two of these dogs died due to recurrence INTESTINAL TUMORS
(28 months) or metastases (36 months). IN CATS
The median survival after surgical resection of
colorectal leiomyoma was 26 months. Only one of Background
five affected dogs died from tumor-related causes. Adenocarcinoma is by far the most common non-
Colorectal adenocarcinomas have a low rate of hematopoietic tumor of the intestinal tract in cats;
metastasis, and treated dogs may have long survival sarcomas are rarely described. Intestinal adenocar-
times following diagnosis. Of multiple treatment cinoma is more common in cats than in dogs.The
modalities, local excision gave the longest average majority of intestinal adenocarcinomas occur in
survival (22 months) with the lowest complica- the small intestine of affected cats. The ileum or
tion rate. Recurrence after local excision of a soli- jejunum is most often affected, whereas the duo-
tary mass occurred in 11 (52%) of 21 dogs. In denum is rarely involved. Adenocarcinoma of the
contrast, radical surgical excision of annular colo- large intestine is less common and usually involves
rectal adenocarcinoma resulted in wound dehis- the colon, although the cecum and rarely rectum
cence and septic peritonitis in all four dogs treated. may be affected.
Cryosurgery prolonged survival in 11 dogs Intestinal adenocarcinoma primarily affects old
with colorectal adenocarcinoma (average survival of 24 cats; the mean age of affected cats is 10 to 11 years,
months). Recurrence was similar to that after local although they may be as young as 2 years of age.
excision; however, additional complications, including The vast majority of affected cats are Siamese,
stricture (5 of 11 dogs), rectal prolapse, and perineal which constitute 152 (68%) of 225 reported cases.
hernia followed treatment. Other techniques, such as Other purebreds are rarely affected. In one study
electrocoagulation and neodymium: yttrium-alu- all 22 adenocarcinomas of the large intestine
minum-garnet (Nd:YAG) laser-assisted surgery, pro- occurred in domestic short hairs, although no
vide control similar to that of local excision. other study addressed this association. Cats with
Radiation therapy using a single high dose colonic adenocarcinoma typically are older, with a
(15 Gy to 25 Gy) of orthovoltage teletherapy may mean age of 16 years.There seems to be no gender
provide reasonable control for recurrent distal rec- predilection for intestinal adenocarcinoma with the
tal adenocarcinomas. In six dogs, median tumor exception of one report in which male cats pre-
control duration was 6 months and no complica- dominated. Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) is unlikely
tions were reported. One dog treated with radia- to play a role in this disease. Only two studies
tion therapy suffered a rectal perforation and died reported the FeLV status of affected cats; all 28 cats
from peritonitis 2 months after treatment. studied tested negative for FeLV antigenemia.
Results of chemotherapy have not been reported Although benign tumors of the intestinal
for intestinal tumors in dogs. Doxorubicin has been tract are rare and the duodenum is not usually
suggested by some as a good adjunctive therapy. Few affected, 18 cats with adenomatous polyps of the
data exist quantitating its efficacy. duodenum have been described. Signalment was
Surgery is indicated in obstructive intestinal lym- similar to that in cats with adenocarcinoma in
phoma or when bowel perforation has occurred. that older, primarily Oriental-breed cats
Chemotherapy protocols for lymphoma can be are most often affected. The cats in this study
employed as adjuvant therapy or as the major form were predominantly castrated males. Most cats
of therapy in diffuse disease (Tables 11-2 to 11-5). were tested for FeLV and feline immuno-

TABLE 11-2 Efficacy of Chemotherapy for the Treatment of Lymphoma*

Overall Complete Response
No. of Response Response Duration
Drug Species Animals Rate (%) Rate (%) (Days)

Mitoxantrone Dogs, cats 44 41 30 127
Epirubicin Dogs 35 82 74 143
Idarubicin Cats 13 — — —
Actinomycin D Dogs, cats 12 85 70 42
Doxorubicin Dogs 21 85 76 190

LVPCD Dogs 55 91 84 252
CVP Dogs — 89 75 180
CVPD Dogs 46 87 83 210
VLCM Dogs 147 94 — 140
VLCMP Cats 103 82 62 —
CVP Cats 38 94 79 321
VCM Cats 62 — 52 112
L, L-Asparaginase; V, vincristine; P, prednisone; C, cyclophosphamide; D, doxorubicin; M, methotrexate.
From Ogilvie GK: Chemotherapy. In Withrow SJ, MacEwen EG, eds: Small animal clinical oncology, Philadelphia, 1996,
WB Saunders.

TABLE 11-3 CVP Chemotherapy Protocol for Dogs and Cats

Drug (mg/m2) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 52
Cyclophosphamide 250 PO X X X X X X
Vincristine 0.75 IV X X X X X X X X
Prednisone* 30 PO > > > > > > > > >
PO, Orally; IV, intravenously.
Prednisone is given daily for the first 21 days, then every other day thereafter. Note that maintenance is continued on a 3-week
schedule for at least 1 year.

deficiency virus (FIV), and all had negative anorexia. Some cats actually have increased appetite
results. All polyps occurred within 1 cm of the because of poor absorption of nutrients through
pylorus. the tumor of the intestinal tract. Most cats have a
For colonic neoplasia in particular, one study palpable abdominal mass. The World Health
found that adenocarcinoma followed by lym- Organization’s classification scheme for lymphoma
phoma, mast cell disease, and neuroendocrine car- appears in Table 11-6.
cinoma were the most common tumors found in The most frequent presenting signs in cats with
this location. intestinal adenocarcinoma reflect involvement of
the proximal small intestine. In decreasing order of
frequency, vomiting, weight loss, and anorexia pre-
Clinical Parameters dominate. Hematochezia is occasionally described
The most common presenting clinical signs for cats in cats with colonic or rectal tumors. Clinical signs
with alimentary lymphoma are as follows: vomit- often have been present for a considerable time
ing, diarrhea, and interestingly a large portion of (median, 2 months, but up to 2 years). Cats with
cats will present with only weight loss and tumors involving more proximal intestinal tract tend

TABLE 11-4 University of Wisconsin–Madison Protocol—Short Canine

Lymphoma Protocol Treatment
Date Dose
Week 1 Vincristine, 0.5-0.7 mg/m2 IV ____________________ ___________________
L-Asparaginase, 400 U/kg SQ ____________________ ___________________
Prednisone, 2 mg/kg PO sid. ____________________ ___________________
Week 2 Cyclophosphamide, 250 mg/m2 IV ____________________ ___________________
Prednisone, 1.5 mg/kg PO sid. ____________________ ___________________
Week 3 Vincristine, 0.5-0.7 mg/m2 IV ____________________ ___________________
Prednisone, 1.0 mg/kg PO sid. ____________________ ___________________
Week 4 Doxorubicin, 30 mg/m2 IV ____________________ ___________________
Prednisone, 0.5 mg/kg PO sid. ____________________ ___________________
Week 6 Vincristine, 0.5-0.7 mg/m2 IV ____________________ ___________________
Week 7 Cyclophosphamide, 250 mg/m IV 2 ____________________ ___________________
Week 8 Vincristine, 0.5-0.7 mg/m2 IV ____________________ ___________________
Week 9 Doxorubicin, 30 mg/m IV2 ____________________ ___________________
Week 11 Vincristine, 0.5-0.7 mg/m2 IV ____________________ ___________________
Week 13 Cyclophosphamide, 250 mg/m2 IV ____________________ ___________________
Week 15 Vincristine, 0.5-0.7 mg/m2 IV ____________________ ___________________
Week 17 Doxorubicin, 30 mg/m2 IV ____________________ ___________________
Week 19 Vincristine, 0.5-0.7 mg/m2 IV ____________________ ___________________
Week 21 Cyclophosphamide, 250 mg/m2 IV ____________________ ___________________
Week 23 Vincristine, 0.5-0.7 mg/m2 IV ____________________ ___________________
Week 25 Doxorubicin, 30 mg/m2 IV ____________________ ___________________
If in complete remission at week 25, all therapy stops and monthly reevaluations are instituted.
IV, Intravenously; SQ, subcutaneously; PO, orally.

TABLE 11-5 University of Wisconsin-Madison Canine Lymphoma Protocol

Week 1:Vincristine 0.7 mg/m2 IV; L-asparaginase 400 IU/kg IM; and once daily prednisone, 2 mg/kg PO
Week 2: Cyclophosphamide, 200 mg/m2 IV, and once daily prednisone, 1.5 mg/kg PO
Week 3:Vincristine, 0.7 mg/m2 IV, and once daily prednisone, 1.0 mg/kg PO
Week 4: Doxorubicin, 30 mg/m2 IV, and once daily prednisone, 0.5 mg/kg PO
Week 6:Vincristine, 0.7 mg/m2 IV
Week 7: Cyclophosphamide, 200 mg/m2 IV
Week 8:Vincristine, 0.7 mg/m2 IV
Week 9: Doxorubicin, 30 mg/m2 IV

If in complete remission at week 9, continue treatment at 2-week intervals alternating vincristine 0.7 mg/m2 IV,
chlorambucil (Leukeran) 1.4 mg/kg PO, vincristine 0.7 mg/m2, and methotrexate 0.8 mg/kg IV. Doxorubicin
30 mg/m2 is substituted for every second methotrexate treatment.This cycle continues through week 25.

If in complete remission at week 25, continue treatment sequence outlined in Cycle 2, but now at 3-week
intervals.This cycle continues through week 51.

If in complete remission at week 51, continue with treatment sequence outlined in Cycle 2, but now at 4-week
intervals. Doxorubicin is no longer substituted for methotrexate.All treatment is discontinued at week 156.

IV, Intravenously; IM, intramuscularly; PO, orally.


and mast cell disease), and biopsy of lymphomatous

TABLE 11-6 World Health
tissue (lymphoma) should be performed on all cats
Organization’s with suspected intestinal tumors.
Classification for Intestinal adenocarcinomas in cats spread by
Lymphoma intramural (rather than intraluminal) extension
Stage I. Involvement limited to a single node or and thus generate an annular (“napkin ring”) con-
extranodal site, or lymphoid tissue in a single striction rather than a mass lesion. Constriction of
organ, including cranial mediastinum and the intestinal tract causes obstruction. Abdominal
excluding bone marrow radiographs may confirm the presence of a palpa-
Stage II. Involvement of many lymph nodes in a ble abdominal mass, and plain or barium contrast
regional area, a resectable gastrointestinal tract radiographs may reveal evidence of obstruction of
tumor or extranodal site with regional lymph the small intestine (Figure 11-11). Osseous meta-
node involvement plasia may cause the intestinal tumor to mineralize.
Stage III. Generalized lymph node involvement,
Endoscopy may help identify lesions of the upper
nonresectable intraabdominal disease or epidural
intestinal tract (although duodenal tumors are rare)
Stage IV. Liver and/or spleen involvement or of the rectum and colon. Ultrasonography pro-
associated with stages I-III vides a simple and reliable method to perform a
Stage V. Manifestation in the blood and involvement biopsy on intestinal tumors in cats, as well as to
of bone marrow involvement with stages I-IV image abdominal structures for evidence of metas-
Each stage is subclassified into: tasis. Because of the localized and obstructive nature
a. Without systemic signs, or of the lesion, however, exploratory laparotomy fol-
b. With systemic signs lowed by a resection and anastomosis is often both
diagnostic and therapeutic.
Ascites from peritoneal metastases is common,
and cytologic examination of ascitic fluid may
to present more rapidly (1 month) than cats with reveal malignant cells. Different histopathologic
tumors of the lower small intestine (3.5 months) or descriptions have been used to classify intestinal
large intestine (4.5 months), presumably because adenocarcinomas as tubular, mucinous, or undif-
owners more easily perceive the clinical signs of ferentiated, but the prognostic significance of these
vomiting and anorexia. subclassifications is negligible. All types have a high
On physical examination, affected cats with metastatic rate.
intestinal tumors are often cachectic and usually Metastasis occurs to the peritoneum, mesen-
dehydrated and an abdominal mass is frequently tery, omentum, and regional lymph nodes in
palpable. Peritoneal carcinomatosis is common and approximately 50% of affected cats with intestinal
may produce marked ascites. adenocarcinoma. Less common sites of metastasis
Cats with intestinal mast cell tumors have a his- are the liver, spleen, uterine stump or uterus, uri-
tory of vomiting, diarrhea, and anorexia.These cats nary bladder, and other areas in the intestinal tract.
usually have a palpable abdominal mass that can be Metastasis to the lung is rarely reported.
localized with ultrasound and rarely have circulat- Cats with suspected mast cell disease or lym-
ing mast cells. phoma should have a similar staging regimen
Cats with duodenal adenomatous polyps usu- performed. Both of these diseases warrant bone
ally present with a history of acute or chronic marrow evaluation, as well as a similar work-up as
vomiting.Vomitus will contain blood only in the described for adenocarcinoma. Retroviral status
acutely affected cat. should always be evaluated. On thoracic ra-
diographs it may be possible to appreciate a medi-
astinal mass or pleural effusion. Lymphadenopathy,
Clinical Work-up GI thickening, and hepatomegaly may be observed
In addition to survey abdominal and thoracic radi- on abdominal ultrasound. Ultrasound-guided
ography, cats with intestinal tumors should have biopsy, particularly in cats with GI tract involve-
abdominal ultrasonography performed, because ment of lymphoma, has proven to be efficacious in
metastatic disease is usually abdominal. A complete obtaining diagnostic samples. Endoscopy can be
blood count and biochemical panel, urinalysis, viral used to obtain superficial biopsy specimens and is
serologic study, bone marrow aspiration (lymphoma diagnostic in many cases. However, surgical full-

FIGURE 11-11 Intestinal

adenocarcinoma in a cat. A, Radiograph
of a cat with explosive vomiting of short
duration.A biochemical profile revealed
hypochloremia, hypokalemia, and
hyponatremia, and blood gas levels
confirmed the presence of a metabolic
alkalosis.These findings are classic for a
high gastrointestinal obstruction and
vomiting of acidic gastric contents.The
radiograph shows a high duodenal
obstruction. Surgical removal of a
“napkin ring” lesion, histologically
proven to be an intestinal
adenocarcinoma, resolved the problem.
This cat remained free of disease 2 years
after surgery. B, Intestinal
adenocarcinoma of the cat noted in A.
Note the proximal intestine was dilated
due to the “napkin ring” obstructive

thickness biopsy specimens may be necessary for a with stage III and IV disease and 2.6 months for
definitive diagnosis. those in stage V.
In one series 65% of cats with intestinal mast Cats that are positive for the FeLV antigen have
cell tumors had metastases to regional lymph shorter survival times, but viral status does not
nodes, spleen, liver, lung, or bone marrow. influence response to therapy. In another study,
Anemia in cats with lymphoma is common but response to therapy, FeLV status, and clinical sub-
is usually low grade and characterized as normo- stage were predictive of outcome. FeLV-negative
cytic and normochromic, which is compatible with cats that achieve a complete response following
anemia of chronic disease. Occasionally a moderate induction therapy are likely to have durable
to severe anemia may be present due to GI blood (greater than 6 months) responses, particularly
loss secondary to lymphoma. Anemia is rarely a when doxorubicin is included in the chemother-
consequence of bone marrow involvement. Lym- apy protocol.
phocytosis requires evaluation of lymphocyte
morphology and could indicate bone marrow
involvement and a worse prognosis for remission. Therapeutic Approach
Complete response rates to chemotherapy are Nutritional support is a crucial prerequisite for the
as follows: stage I (93%), stage II (48%), stage III successful management of intestinal tumors.
(52%), stage IV (42%), and stage V (58%). Cats with Whenever chemotherapy or surgery is indicated,
stage I and II disease have median survival times of assisted tube feeding with esophageal, gastrostomy,
7.6 months compared with 3.2 months for cats or jejunostomy tubes is a must.

Resection of the intestinal mass is the only enced by extent of GI involvement, sex, FeLV status,
reported primary treatment for intestinal adeno- hematocrit, serum total protein concentration, and
carcinoma in cats, and there is only one report of a clinical stage. Response to therapy is probably the
cat that was treated with adjuvant therapy.That cat single most important prognostic factor for cats with
received levamisole (2.3 mg/lb orally 3 days per GI lymphoma.
week) for 2 months and lived 28 months before In another study 14 cats with alimentary lym-
developing widespread metastases. The contribu- phoma were treated with vincristine, cyclophos-
tion of this treatment to survival is doubtful, phamide, and methotrexate. The protocol was
because similar long survival times have been as follows: week 1, vincristine (0.01 mg/lb)
reported following surgery alone. Early studies administered intravenously; week 2, cyclophos-
that included some cats that died periopera- phamide (4.5 mg/lb) administered intravenously;
tively had median survival times of 5 weeks and week 3, vincristine, same as week 1; week 4,
10 weeks, respectively; however, both studies methotrexate (0.36 mg/lb) administered intra-
included some cats that lived for 2 years. In more venously. The median survival of these cats was
recent studies the average survival ranged from 2.75 months.
6 to 15 months and some cats lived more than In a different study 21 cats with alimentary lym-
4 years.These figures are significant because seven phoma were treated with combination chemo-
cats with confirmed lymph node metastasis at the therapy consisting of prednisolone, L-asparaginase,
time of surgery lived for an average of 12 months, vincristine, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, and
and two cats with carcinomatosis lived 4.5 and methotrexate (see protocol at end of this sec-
28 months. The finding of metastatic disease at surgery tion). Median survival for these cats was 40 weeks,
should not be a disincentive to treat cats surgically for and overall median duration of first remission was
intestinal adenocarcinoma. 20 weeks. The only significant prognostic factor
Resection of duodenal adenomatous polyps is associated with duration of first remission was
predictably associated with a good surgical out- whether cats had a complete response following
come, although anorexia is a postoperative com- induction chemotherapy. Duration of first remission
plication in more than half of feline patients. was significantly associated with survival time. Cats
Chemotherapy is the mainstay of treatment for cats tolerated this protocol well.
with alimentary lymphoma. Generally cats with lym- In another study 38 cats with lymphoma were
phocytic lymphoma do substantially better than treated with induction COP chemotherapy. After
cats with large or intermediate lymphoblastic lym- induction, cats were randomized to receive either
phoma. Single agents that have been used include maintenance COP chemotherapy or single-agent
prednisolone, cyclophosphamide, and chlorambu- doxorubicin. The median remission duration for
cil.Varying responses have been seen with the use the cats continuing on COP chemotherapy was
of each of these drugs, and in one report a cat 83 days, which was significantly shorter than the
had a complete response to cyclophosphamide for median remission for the cats that received
14 months. The use of vincristine alone has pro- doxorubicin as maintenance, which was 281 days.
duced long-term responses. L-Asparaginase, idaru- Therefore doxorubicin should be considered an
bicin, and mitoxantrone have been used with efficacious agent for the maintenance treatment of
varying responses. cats with lymphoma. It is, however, a drug that is
Combination chemotherapy, for example, the poor at inducing a complete remission.There was
cyclophosphamide, vincristine, prednisone (CVP) minimal toxicity noted in the cats in this report. It
protocol (see Table 11-3), still provides the basis for should be noted that the dose of prednisolone
most chemotherapy protocols for feline lymphoma. used in this study was 40 mg/m2 daily and the
In one study, median survival of 27 cats with doxorubicin dose used was 25 mg/m2 every
alimentary lymphoma treated with vincristine (0.75 3 weeks. The other drug dosages used are as
mg/m2 intravenously weekly for 4 weeks, then printed above.
every 3 weeks thereafter), cyclophosphamide (300 Finally, another study involved 67 cats with GI
mg/m2 orally every 3 weeks), and prednisolone (0.9 lymphoma that were treated with chemotherapy.
mg/lb/day) was 50 days. Although most cats Twenty-nine cats with lymphocytic lymphoma
responded poorly to chemotherapy, 9 cats achieved a were treated with chlorambucil and prednisolone.
complete remission. Survival times were not influ- The chlorambucil dosage we use is the total cumu-

lative dosage of 6 mg/m2 body surface area (BSA). ADENOCARCINOMA

This works out to 2 mg every other day or on a OF THE APOCRINE
Monday-Wednesday-Friday every week basis,
depending on how small the cat is. The rule is to GLANDS OF THE ANAL
never break a tablet.The prednisolone dose is 0.5 to SAC IN DOGS
1 mg/lb/day. Complete remission was obtained in
69% of these cats, with a median disease-free inter- Background
val of 16 months. The cats with lymphoblastic Anal sac adenocarcinoma overwhelmingly occurs
lymphoma of the GI tract treated with the same in old, female dogs, whether they are intact or
chemotherapy did not do nearly as well, with a spayed. There appears to be no breed predisposi-
survival time of only 2.7 months and a complete tion; however, one European study reported that
remission rate of 18%. five of eight affected dogs were long-haired and
Obtaining clean margins at surgery seems to shorthaired German pointers.
increase survival time in cats with malignant colonic A characteristic feature of this tumor is production of
neoplasia. Data from this particular study indicate a parathyroid hormone–related protein that causes hyper-
that survival time of cats with colonic lymphoma calcemia and hypophosphatemia.
may not be affected by chemotherapy. Cats with
an unidentified colonic mass should have a subtotal
colectomy to increase survival time. Cats with Clinical Parameters
colonic adenocarcinoma should have surgery, and Affected dogs are often presented to veterinarians
adjunctive chemotherapy, using doxorubicin, should because of an unrelated problem, because the owner
be considered as well. notices a swelling in the perineum, or because there
Intestinal mast cell disease is best treated with is dyschezia, tenesmus, or a ribbonlike stool shape.
large surgical resection. Prednisolone may have some Tenesmus may be due either to the primary tumor
efficacy. The following combination chemotherapy or to sublumbar lymphadenopathy, which may
has demonstrated some success: week 1, vinblas- be palpable rectally. Signs may be present for up to
tine (2 mg/m2) administered intravenously every 1 year before presentation. In 40% to 60% of dogs in
3 weeks; week 2, cyclophosphamide (300 mg/m2) several reported series the tumor was an incidental
administered orally over 3 to 5 days every 3 weeks; finding on rectal examination or was found only
and oral prednisolone (0.54 mg/lb) administered after hypercalcemia had been identified. This empha-
daily. sizes the importance of including a rectal palpation in rou-
Supportive therapy is very important for cats with tine physical examinations.The tumor mass is usually
GI neoplasia. Often these cats will require feed- between 1 and 10 cm in diameter; smaller primary
ing tubes. For patients with frequent vomiting a masses that are difficult to palpate may be present.
jejunostomy tube may be necessary; otherwise an Because the tumor may be bilateral, it is important
esophagostomy or gastrostomy tube may be appro- to palpate both anal sacs.
priate. Subcutaneous fluid administration, antiemet- Other clinical signs are pruritus, ulceration and
ics (metoclopramide at 0.09 to 0.18 mg/lb bleeding, decreased appetite, weight loss, and
orally three times a day and ondansetron at 0.23 weakness or paresis. Polydipsia and polyuria are
to 0.45 mg/lb orally one to two times a day), common in hypercalcemic dogs. The identification
and appetite stimulants (cyproheptadine at 0.9 of hypercalcemia on a biochemical profile warrants careful
to 1.8 mg/lb orally two to three times a day) palpation of the anal sacs.
may be necessary for use in conjunction with
chemotherapy. A complete blood count should
always be performed 1 week after cyclophos- Clinical Work-up
phamide and doxorubicin administration, because If anal sac adenocarcinoma is suspected in a dog,
both of these agents can be myelosuppressive. If a routine blood chemistry profile should be per-
the segmented neutrophil count is less than formed to identify hypercalcemia and any second-
1000 cells/µl, the next dose should be decreased ary renal damage. Definitive diagnosis is made by
by 10% to 25%. Doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxic- surgical biopsy, although a high index of suspicion
ity and cyclophosphamide-induced hemorrhagic for this disease should follow detection of a peri-
cystitis are rare in the cat. anal mass in an old, female dog with hypercalcemia.

Abdominal ultrasonography should be performed critical tumor mass, because even dogs with metas-
in addition to routine abdominal and thoracic tases may not show recurrence of hypercalcemia
radiographs, because abdominal metastases are until those metastases become large.
much more common than thoracic. Complications of surgery reflect the difficulties
Paraneoplastic hypercalcemia is common in encountered in any surgical procedure involving
dogs with apocrine gland adenocarcinoma of the the perineal area. Fecal incontinence can follow
anal sacs and may occur in both males and females. surgery in up to 20% of dogs and may be perma-
In one study, serum calcium was elevated in 25% nent.Wound infection can occur and cause sepsis.
of the affected dogs to an average of 14.6 mg/dl. Local recurrence is a problem with some dogs,
In another study 90% of dogs with anal sac adeno- and others develop recurrence in the regional
carcinoma had elevated serum calcium levels, to an lymph nodes. If the sublumbar nodes are enlarged
average of 16.1 mg/dl. Hypophosphatemia occurred at diagnosis, it may be possible to remove them
concurrently with hypercalcemia in some but not surgically; however, tumor-invaded nodes are fre-
all of the affected dogs. quently friable and invade around the vessels and
This neoplasm is highly malignant and metasta- nerves in this area.The nodes were well-encapsulated
sizes early in the course of the disease to the sub- in 80% of dogs treated surgically in one study, but
lumbar and iliac lymph nodes. In one study they were also well vascularized; thus the surgeon
approximately 50% of the dogs developed lymph should be prepared to encounter bleeding. In this
node metastases; in two other studies 94% of the study, complications during lymph node surgery
dogs had metastases to the above-mentioned sites. caused the death of one third of the dogs; almost
Abdominal radiographs are useful in identifying one third of the survivors developed transient uri-
sublumbar lymphadenopathy, but ultrasonography nary incontinence, presumably as a result of neu-
may be more accurate than radiographs or digital rologic trauma. Overall, 6 of 27 dogs died within
rectal palpation in disclosing the extent of lymph 2 weeks after undergoing surgery for removal of
node involvement. either the primary tumor or its metastases. Median
Less frequent sites of metastasis are the lungs, survival for the remaining dogs was 8.3 months;
which may show a nodular or diffuse pattern ra- the range of survival was 6 weeks to 39 months.
diographically, and (rarely) the lumbar vertebrae, Five dogs were still alive at 14 months after sur-
liver, and kidneys. Metastasis may occur when the gery. This moderate success rate was corroborated
primary tumor is very small, and clinical signs in another study in which 50% of the dogs died
relating to the primary tumor may not be obvious. between 2 and 22 months after surgery, with an
average survival of 8.8 months. In another report
the median survival of dogs with this disease
Prognostic Factors treated with surgery alone was 295 days.
In one study, hypercalcemic dogs had a median Chemotherapy might be promising as adjuvant
survival of 6 months after surgical excision of the therapy for this tumor, but relatively little has been
tumor, compared with 11.5 months for normocal- reported.Three dogs treated with doxorubicin and
cemic dogs. Dogs with metastases detected at sur- cyclophosphamide, either alone or in combination
gery predictably had shorter median survival with prednisolone, vincristine, and L-asparaginase
times (6 months) than did dogs without metastases (for concurrent lymphoma), had survival times of
(15.5 months). 1, 2, and 14 months. Another tumor did not re-
spond to treatment with melphalan and cyclophos-
phamide. Anecdotally cisplatin has caused complete
Therapeutic Approach regression of metastatic lesions in some dogs with
Ideally, hypercalcemia should be controlled before this disease. Recent investigations suggest that sur-
and during definitive therapy. Surgical excision gical excision of the primary tumor and sublum-
of the primary tumor is often difficult because of bar lymph nodes followed by intraoperative and
the large size of these tumors and their invasive external beam radiation therapy combined with
growth characteristics. Local recurrence occurs in chemotherapy (e.g., doxorubicin) provides clinical
approximately 25% of dogs. Even with incomplete remission times of more than 1 year. In another
surgical excision, however, most dogs that are report, dogs with this disease were treated with
hypercalcemic become normocalcemic after sur- several different chemotherapeutic agents and
gery. Hypercalcemia presumably reflects some median survival was 245 days.

Dogs with anal sac adenocarcinoma should be Clinical Work-up

treated surgically in an attempt to achieve complete Hematologic abnormalities can be helpful in
excision of the primary mass. Sublumbar lymph assessing the patient with a liver mass. Abnormal
nodes should be removed if they are enlarged, platelet function, hypoproteinemia, hypoglycemia,
although this is a technically demanding surgery. elevated liver enzyme levels (especially aspartate
Adjuvant radiation therapy and chemotherapy aminotransferase [AST], alanine aminotransferase
using cisplatin should be considered, although the [ALT], and alkaline phosphatase [ALP]) and less
roles of adjuvant therapies are still being defined. commonly hyperbilirubinemia have been reported
in dogs with liver tumors. In one study all dogs
with hepatocellular carcinomas had elevated levels
HEPATIC of ALT and ALP. These parameters were less fre-
quently elevated in dogs with metastatic disease.
AND PANCREATIC The use of fasting serum bile acid concentrations
NEOPLASIA does not provide compelling evidence of neopla-
sia. An enzymatic kit to detect alpha fetoprotein
Nonhematopoietic Primary was used to distinguish different liver tumor types
Liver Tumors in Dogs before biopsy. Levels of alpha fetoprotein were
Background highest in dogs with cholangiocarcinoma and
Primary hepatic neoplasia is uncommon in the hepatocellular carcinoma; however, this assay is
dog. When neoplasia is found in the liver, it is probably best used in conjunction with a complete
more likely to be due to metastasis. The most blood count, biochemical profile, urinalysis, diag-
common histologic types of primary liver tumors nostic imaging of the chest and abdomen, and
include hepatocellular adenoma, hepatocellular biopsy of the lesion.
carcinoma, bile duct (cholangiocellular) carci- Abdominal radiography, contrast procedures, and
noma, and hepatic carcinoid. Tumor types found ultrasonography are most commonly employed to
less frequently include bile duct cystadenoma, confirm a diagnosis of liver cancer. Other useful
cholangioma, fibroma, fibrosarcoma, hemangioma, imaging methodologies include hepatoscintigraphy,
hemangiosarcoma, leiomyosarcoma, liposarcoma, CT, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
myxosarcoma, and osteosarcoma. One study eval- A radiographic finding that supports a diagnosis
uated 110 liver tumors and found that slightly of a hepatic mass is a right cranioventral abdominal
more than 50% were primary hepatocellular carci- mass that displaces the gastric shadow to the left
nomas, with bile duct carcinomas and cystadeno- and displaces the small intestine caudally. In some
mas seen less frequently. Liver carcinomas instances, peritoneal fluid from ascites or carcino-
(hepatocellular or bile duct) affect older dogs with matosis may obscure radiographic detection of the
a mean age between 10 and 12 years, whereas mass.
hepatic carcinoids occur in younger patients with Ultrasonography is more precise than radiogra-
a mean age of 8 years. In a series of 18 dogs with phy in detecting the site of origin of an abdominal
primary hepatocellular carcinomas, males were mass and also enables the examination of hepatic
affected more often. Another series found that parenchyma, biliary system, perihepatic structures,
female dogs were more likely to have a bile duct and portal and hepatic vascular supply. A hepatic
carcinoma. tumor may appear as a large, well-circumscribed
mass extending from the liver margins with an
Clinical Parameters echogenicity that is usually more mixed than
Dogs with liver tumors often have nonspecific normal liver (see examples in Chapter 2). Hepatic
signs of illness. However, the most common signs tumors may also be found in multiples or of
associated with a primary liver tumor include a homogeneous echogenicity. Areas of edema,
palpable abdominal mass localized to the region of necrosis, fibrosis, neovascularization, hemorrhage,
the liver, anorexia, weight loss, depression, weak- and inflammation all contribute to the vari-
ness, vomiting, and ascites. Less often, polyuria and able appearance of liver tumors on ultrasound.
polydipsia, pyrexia, poor hair coat, ataxia, diarrhea, Differentiating between histologic type and benign
or central nervous system signs due to hepatoen- versus malignant neoplasms is usually not possible
cephalopathy or hypoglycemia may occur. with ultrasound examination alone. For this rea-

son, hepatic aspiration or biopsy is commonly in only 2 of 13 dogs with hepatocellular carci-
required to make a definitive diagnosis. Prebiopsy noma and bile duct carcinoma. Large, solitary
evaluations should include a review of the patient’s hepatocellular carcinomas are less likely to metas-
overall status, risk for hemorrhage or impaired tasize than are multiple lesions.Thirteen of 14 dogs
wound healing, and liver size. A very ill patient (93%) with multiple or diffuse lesions had metasta-
may not be a good anesthetic candidate, in which sis, whereas 11 of 30 dogs (37%) with solitary liver
case less-invasive biopsy techniques with the use of masses had evidence of metastasis. The size of a
local anesthetic would be a better choice. A coag- liver mass has little influence on prognosis,
ulation profile including prothrombin time (PT), although it is speculated that large lesions that
partial thromboplastin time (PTT), fibrin degrada- have not led to the demise of the patient are more
tion products (FDPs), fibrinogen content, and likely to behave in a less aggressive fashion. Further,
platelet count should identify those patients at the degree of invasion and presence of metastasis
increased risk for hemorrhage. At a minimum, are more likely to be prognostic indicators than
packed cell volume (PCV), total solids (TS), esti- size. Predictably dogs with solitary liver tumors are
mate of platelet count, buccal mucosa bleeding probably the best candidates for surgical resection
time (BMBT), and activated clotting time (ACT) and control of disease, whereas dogs with multiple
should be performed. lesions have a less favorable prognosis.
Techniques for obtaining neoplastic material
include fine-needle aspiration (percutaneous, blind), Treatment
keyhole biopsy (percutaneous, blind), ultrasound- Up to 75% of the liver can be resected with negli-
guided fine-needle aspiration or biopsy, transtho- gible compromise to liver function, and complete
racic biopsy, laparoscopic biopsy, or exploratory regeneration occurs within 6 to 8 weeks. Several
celiotomy. See the References for hepatic aspiration techniques are described in the literature, includ-
and biopsy techniques. One study found a poor cor- ing partial lobectomy, complete lobectomy, and
relation between cytologic and histologic findings partial hepatectomy. The most commonly used
for liver disease, with an agreement of only 44% for procedures are partial and complete lobectomies.
hepatic tumors in particular. Ultrasound-guided For benign liver masses—such as hepatocellular
biopsy with a 14-gauge Tru-Cut biopsy instrument adenoma, cholangioma, fibroma, and bile duct cys-
usually provides a definitive diagnosis and is the pro- tadenoma—surgical excision has the greatest
cedure of choice for diffuse lesions, zonal lesions potential for definitively controlling disease.
that involve all hepatic lobules or acini, or focal Surgery is also the treatment of choice for dogs
lesions defined by ultrasound. However, with lesions with hepatocellular carcinoma that involves one
other than those mentioned, wedge liver biopsy or two liver lobes (Figure 11-12). In a report of
samples taken during laparotomy provide the 18 dogs with solitary hepatocellular carcinoma,
pathologist with the best specimen for evaluation 16 were resected with single lobectomies and 2 by
and allow the surgeon to examine the liver during partial hepatectomy. At the time of publication
the procedure as well. in that study, 8 dogs had died with a mean sur-
Staging of liver tumors should be performed vival time of 306 days (range, 1 to 548 days), and
with chest radiographs and abdominal ultrasound 10 dogs were still alive with a mean survival time
to detect hepatic lymphadenopathy, other organ of 377 days (range, 195 to 1025 days).
involvement, or lesions in multiple lobes. Of The success of treatment for other types of
49 dogs with hepatocellular carcinoma, 30 (61%) hepatic neoplasms is less defined. In a report of
were initially diagnosed to have a solitary mass in two dogs with bile duct carcinoma and adenocar-
only one liver lobe, but 24 of the 30 (80%) actually cinoma treated with partial hepatectomy, both
had lesions in other lobes.A solitary liver mass was dogs had survival times of 6 months. A hepatic
the most common presenting sign for hepatocel- mesenchymoma treated by excision recurred
lular carcinoma in other studies. Regardless of 4 months after surgery in another dog.
histologic type, metastasis is common for liver It is unknown whether chemotherapy is valuable
tumors. In a study of 57 dogs with liver tumors, as an adjunctive treatment; however, many drugs
metastasis to the regional lymph nodes (14 dogs), have been used (5-fluorouracil [5-FU], cisplatin,
lungs (14 dogs), or peritoneal surfaces (7 dogs) actinomycin D, and mitoxantrone). Occasional
occurred in 35 (61%) cases. In another study, responses have been seen with doxorubicin in
spread to the lungs was less common and occurred humans with hepatocellular carcinoma.

FIGURE 11-12 Hepatic carcinoma in a

dog. A, Radiograph of a 7-year-old,
mixed breed, female dog with a tumor of
the liver.The mass was identified on an
annual physical examination.The
biochemical profile was completely
normal, suggesting slow growth of the
A tumor and incomplete involvement of
the liver. Resection resulted in a cure of
this condition. B, The tumor was a low-
grade hepatic carcinoma localized to one
liver lobe.This tumor was removed, and
the dog was noted to be free of the
tumor and all evidence of clinical signs
relating to this disease for at least 2 years.

Hematopoietic Liver Tumors cell carcinoma, mammary carcinoma, intestinal

in Dogs carcinoma, nasal carcinoma, pheochromocytoma,
Background and thyroid carcinoma have been reported.
Lymphoma is the most common hematopoietic
tumor with liver involvement in the dog, followed Clinical Parameters, Work-up,
by a variety of myeloproliferative neoplasias and and Treatment
mast cell tumors. Clinical signs for metastatic disease are usually a
result of disruption of liver function. The clinical
Clinical Parameters, Work-up, work-up should be the same as that described for
and Treatment primary liver cancer. However, treatment will dif-
Clinical signs result from the infiltration and dis- fer between tumor types and is usually directed at
ruption of liver function. Diagnosis and treatment palliation rather than curative intent.
for these tumors are similar to that which is
described in the section on tumors of the GI tract.
Primary Liver Tumors
Metastatic Liver Tumors in Dogs in Cats
Background Background
Hemangiosarcoma, islet cell carcinoma, pancreatic In cats, biliary carcinoma is the most common
carcinoma, and fibrosarcoma are the most com- primary liver tumor, followed by hepatocellular
mon tumor types that metastasize to involve the carcinoma, hemangiosarcoma, and other sarcomas.
liver. Less commonly osteosarcoma, transitional An evaluation of 107 cats with nonvascular,

nonhematopoietic liver tumors found 57 intra- the cases, whereas the majority (7 of 9 [78%]) of
hepatic bile duct tumors, of which 34 (60%) were bile duct carcinomas were widespread throughout
benign. Hepatocellular carcinoma is less common the liver. Metastasis to the peritoneal surfaces,
in cats than in dogs and accounted for 25% of pri- hepatic lymph nodes, and lungs is commonly
mary feline liver tumors. Tumors of the extrahe- encountered with malignant bile duct tumors in
patic bile duct (9 of 107) or gallbladder (4 of 107) cats; less common sites include thoracic lymph
are usually malignant. Most cats affected with bile nodes, diaphragm, spleen, urinary bladder, GI tract,
duct tumors are middle-age, ranging upward in and bone. Malignant transformation from benign
age from 6 years. In a series of 21 cats with liver to malignant lesions has also been reported. Of
tumors, affected animals were older than 10 years 18 cats with hepatocellular carcinoma, however,
of age. Sex predilection for bile duct tumors has only 5 (28%) had evidence of metastasis to the
not been resolved, because one study found male hepatic lymph nodes, lung, or spleen.
cats to be overrepresented, whereas another found Aspiration or biopsy (and prebiopsy evaluation)
the opposite to be true. In both studies, bile duct should be performed as outlined in the section on
tumors were more common in domestic short primary liver tumors in dogs.As is the case in dogs,
hairs than in Siamese. The median age of cats cytologic evaluation from fine-needle aspiration
affected with hepatocellular carcinoma is 11 years, has only a 44% correlation with histopathologic
and males are more commonly affected (11 of findings and should be interpreted with caution.
17 [65%]).As is the case with biliary tumors, hepa- In the case of cystadenomas, aspiration of cystic
tocellular carcinomas also affect domestic short fluid characteristically produces a yellow to color-
hairs more frequently. FeLV does not seem to play less transudate with a specific gravity of 1.001 to
a role in nonhematopoietic liver tumors. Hepatic 1.008 and protein concentration less than 2 gm/dl,
myelolipoma, an uncommon tumor consisting of with the most common cell type being a macro-
adipose tissue and bone marrow elements, has phage. Although this finding is not diagnostic
been associated with diaphragmatic hernias in cats for hepatobiliary cystadenomas, it will permit
and may be associated with chronic hypoxia or one to rule out abscesses, hematomas, and parasitic
trauma to the liver. cysts.

Clinical Parameters Treatment

Clinical signs of liver tumors include anorexia, In those cases where the liver mass is confined
lethargy, and weakness. Less commonly a patient to a resectable portion of the liver and there is
may have presenting symptoms of vomiting, diar- no evidence of metastasis, surgical resection is
rhea, polydipsia, and ascites. In most cats a mass in indicated.
the cranial abdomen or hepatomegaly can be Benign hepatobiliary cystadenomas prevail as the
detected on palpation. tumor type in older cats, and for this reason surgical resec-
tion with long-term control of disease is often possible
Clinical Work-up (Figure 11-13). Surgical resection of a hepatobil-
Hematologic abnormalities are less commonly iary cystadenoma involving both the left medial
detected in cats than in dogs with liver tumors. and lateral lobes of the liver resulted in long-term
Liver enzyme elevations are less likely (possibly survival (over 18 months), with the patient still
due to the short serum half-life of ALP in the alive at time of publication. Long-term survivals,
cat) and are thought to be nonspecific for liver ranging from 12 to 44 months, with no postoper-
cancer. In cats with cystadenomas the most com- ative complications were reported in five cats with
mon abnormality is azotemia, without bilirubine- surgical resections of hepatobiliary cystadeno-
mia and elevated liver enzyme levels, which is mas.This study also found that although complete
more indicative of another disease process. surgical excision is preferable, even partial resec-
Chest radiographs and abdominal ultrasonogra- tion merits a good prognosis. In another report a
phy are extremely valuable in assessing cats with a 16-year-old cat lived 27 months after surgical
liver mass. Benign liver masses are most often cys- excision of a myelolipoma and had no tumor
tic with several different compartments, whereas recurrence.
malignant tumors tend to be multilobular. One To date there are no reports of adjuvant chemo-
study found that benign bile duct adenomas therapy in cats with malignant tumors of the liver.
involved multiple liver lobes in 50% (8 of 16) of Few data exist on the efficacy of chemotherapeutic

FIGURE 11-13 Biliary cystic hyperplasia in a 15-year-old cat.The cat was asymptomatic, and results of a complete
blood count and biochemical profile were normal. A, Lateral and, B, ventrodorsal survey abdominal radiographs
showing marked hepatomegaly and displacement of the stomach dorsally and to the left. C and D, Appearance of
the liver at laparotomy. Multiple (polycystic) hepatic cysts were present throughout the liver.Treatment involved
removal of two liver lobes to decrease the size of the liver.The polycystic disorder appears to be inheritable and runs
a benign course in affected patients. (Courtesy Dr.Todd R.Tams.)

treatment of dogs with primary hepatic tumors. for these tumors are similar to that which is
Doxorubicin and 5-FU have been recommended described in the section on tumors of the GI tract.
by some; however, efficacy is unknown.
Metastatic Liver Tumors in Cats
Hematopoietic Liver Tumors Background
in Cats Metastatic liver disease is less common in the cat.
Background Although no specific tumor type is overrepre-
Lymphoma is the most common hematopoietic sented, the most common metastatic tumor types
tumor with liver involvement in the cat, followed include pancreatic carcinoma, intestinal carci-
by a variety of myeloproliferative neoplasias and noma, and renal carcinoma.
mast cell tumors.
Clinical Parameters, Work-up,
Clinical Parameters, Work-up, and Treatment
and Treatment Clinical signs for metastatic disease are usually a
Clinical signs result from the infiltration and dis- result of disruption of liver function. The clinical
ruption of liver function. Diagnosis and treatment work-up should be the same as that described for

primary liver cancer. However, treatment will dif- carcinoma where panniculitis, subcutaneous
fer between tumor types and is usually directed at swelling, and shifting leg lameness were clinically
palliation rather than curative intent. apparent for months. Blood work revealed
marked elevations in levels of serum lipase and
Exocrine Pancreas Tumors amylase in one of these cases, although no evi-
in Dogs dence of pancreatitis was seen. Hematologic
Background abnormalities associated with pancreatic carci-
Exocrine pancreatic tumors are uncommon.These noma may include elevated serum amylase and
tumors do not show a sex predilection and occur lipase levels; lipase levels of 25 times greater than
in older dogs. Cocker spaniels may be overrepre- normal are most likely to be diagnostic for
sented, because this breed was seen in 3 of 14 cases exocrine pancreatic carcinoma.
reported in one study. Another series found that Ultrasonography can be useful in detecting a
only spaniel breeds were affected in the cases pancreatic mass if the pancreas can be visualized
reported.The most common histologic type is car- despite shadowing from gas-filled GI structures.
cinoma arising from the ductal epithelium, with This will also permit evaluation of the liver for
adenocarcinoma—which arises from the acinar metastases, although definitive diagnosis requires
cell—being the second most common. biopsy.

Clinical Parameters Treatment

Nonspecific clinical signs such as weight loss, If a pancreatic mass is detected in a stable patient
depression, and anorexia are often seen with pan- and there is no evidence of metastasis, exploratory
creatic tumors.Although these tumors are thought laparotomy with intent to surgically resect the
to cause vomiting, this is a relatively uncommon mass may be considered. However, due to the high
finding; if vomiting does occur, it is usually at the rate of metastasis, the prognosis should be consid-
terminal stages of disease when extrahepatic bile ered poor for control of disease.
duct obstruction secondary to liver metastasis has Chemotherapy is not considered effective in
occurred. Abdominal palpation may reveal a mass the treatment of pancreatic carcinoma because
in the cranial abdomen, and abdominal fluid may there is a high incidence of de novo resistance to
also be present. In a report of three dogs with pan- cytotoxic drugs.
creatic carcinoma found on necropsy, panniculitis
with subsequent subcutaneous swelling and shift-
ing leg lameness over a period of months were the Endocrine Pancreas Tumors
only clinical signs reported. in Dogs
Insulinoma (Beta Cell Tumor, Islet Cell
Clinical Work-up Tumor)
A complete blood count, biochemical profile, uri- Background
nalysis, chest and abdominal radiographs and Insulinomas are functional secreting tumors that
abdominal ultrasound should be performed to arise from the islet cells in the endocrine pancreas. In
evaluate the general health status of the patient, addition to the secretion of insulin and its precur-
stage for metastasis, and assess the primary mass. In sors, insulinomas are now known to secrete pancre-
dogs with pancreatic carcinomas, half are solitary atic polypeptide, somatostatin, glucagon, serotonin,
masses and the rest consist of multiple nodules gastrin, and corticotropin. These tumors are most
throughout the pancreatic parenchyma. commonly carcinomas and most often present late
Metastases are common, occurring in over 92% of in the course of disease with signs attributable to the
cases.The liver is most commonly affected (12 of resultant hypoglycemia. Insulinomas occur in older
13) with the omentum (6 of 13) and regional dogs, with no sex predilection reported.
lymph nodes (4 of 13) less frequently affected. Metastasis is common with insulinomas. At the
Less commonly other visceral sites are sites for time of diagnosis, evidence of metastasis is present
metastasis. For instance, in one case of pancreatic in approximately 36% of the cases, with the most
carcinoma associated with diabetes insipidus, common sites being the lymph nodes and liver.
metastasis to the pituitary gland was detected. Spread to the duodenum, mesentery, omentum,
Although it is unusual, no evidence of metastasis spleen, spinal cord, and kidney have also been
was seen in one series of three cases of pancreatic reported.

The WHO staging scheme is as follows: Abdominal ultrasound infrequently detects a mass
on the pancreas, but other organ metastases and/or
Stage I (T1 N0 M0) Tumor confined to
mesenteric lymphadenopathy may be evident.The
pancreas only
diagnosis of insulinoma is based on demonstration
Stage II (T1 N1 M0) Tumor in pancreas and
of hyperinsulinemia in the face of hypoglycemia.
regional lymph nodes
There are several means by which one can achieve
Stage III (T1 N0-1 M1) Tumor in pancreas,
this, including the insulin-glucose, glucose-insulin,
lymph nodes, and
and amended insulin-glucose ratios. For the most
distant metastatic
part these ratios are not considered diagnostic
sites (most
because they are associated with a high number
commonly the liver)
of false-positive results. For this reason, perform-
Clinical Parameters ing a paired insulin and glucose test is considered
Clinical signs of insulinomas include seizures, col- to be the most reliable method of diagnosing an
lapse, generalized or caudal weakness, lethargy, insulinoma.This test is further described below.
ataxia, muscle fasciculations, bizarre behavior, One study describes the use of chromogranin
polyphagia, exercise intolerance, shaking/trem- A (CgA) and neuron-specific enolase (NSE) as a
bling, polyuria/polydipsia, and weight gain. These marker for cannine and feline pancreatic islet cell
clinical signs can be explained by hyperinsuline- tumors.The study found these assays to be sensitive
mia with resultant hypoglycemia and release of in detecting tumors of neuroendocrine origin.
counter-regulatory hormones (catecholamines Another report describes the use of fructosamine
and glucagon in the early phase and cortisol and measurement, which may be helpful in conjunction
growth hormones in the later phase of disease). with insulin measurement in diagnosing an insuli-
Because of the patient’s ability to adjust to a chronic noma. Provocative testing has been described in the
state of hypoglycemia, signs of hypoglycemia literature. Such tests include glucagon tolerance,
are often not seen, even with extremely low glucose tolerance, tolbutamide tolerance, L-leucine,
blood glucose levels.The rate of decrease in blood oral glucose tolerance, epinephrine tolerance, and
glucose, as well as the duration of hypoglycemia, the calcium infusion test. These tests use the
is considered important in the development of administration of potentially dangerous substances
clinical signs. and are expensive, time consuming, and most
There are two types of presenting clinical signs: importantly not as accurate as the paired insulin-
neuroglycopenic (seizures, weakness, ataxia, and glucose tests.
lethargy) and sympathetic (behavioral changes, Preferred Test Protocol. Most dogs will become
shaking/trembling, and muscle fasciculations). hypoglycemic within 8 to 10 hours of fasting.
Neurologic signs are due to the reliance of the Dogs should be fed at 5:00 PM, 8:30 PM, and mid-
central nervous system on diffusion for glucose night, then fasted thereafter. Blood glucose should
uptake (which is predictably low in periods of be monitored starting at 8:00 AM the next morn-
hypoglycemia) and its inability to utilize other ing. When serum glucose is 60 mg/dl, serum
forms of energy, such as fatty acids and ketone should be saved for insulin levels. This test will
bodies. The sympathetic signs are related to an detect hyperinsulinemia in approximately 77% of
increased discharge of counter-regulatory hor- patients.The remaining 23% will show insulin lev-
mones.There is no correlation between the sever- els in the normal range, which is highly suggestive
ity of clinical signs and the stage of disease, for but not diagnostic of insulinoma, and the test
however. should be repeated.
Clinical Work-up Treatment
Basic blood work and urinalysis, chest and abdom- Surgical resection is the treatment of choice for insuli-
inal radiographs, and abdominal ultrasound should noma. Both lobes of the pancreas are affected with
be performed to diagnose and stage dogs with sus- equal frequency, with the body of the pancreas
pected insulinomas, to rule out other causes of affected less commonly. In a study of 39 dogs with
hypoglycemia, and to evaluate for the presence insulinoma comparing surgical to medical treat-
of any concurrent disease. Blood work, urinaly- ment, 26 underwent exploratory celiotomy and
sis, and radiographs are usually unremarkable in partial pancreatectomy and the median survival
the patient with insulinoma, with the exception of was 381 days (range, 20 to 1758 days). Thirteen
hypoglycemia and, rarely, elevated liver enzymes. were treated medically and had a median survival

of 74 days (range, 8 to 508 days). Twelve of the have recurrence of clinical signs earlier. More
13 dogs (92%) died or were euthanized because of than 80% of dogs in stage III have recurrence of
clinical signs resulting from hypoglycemia. disease at 1 year.There is little doubt that surgery
Medical Management. Medical management should be recommended for patients with sus-
should be approached in a stepwise fashion. pect insulinomas and that many patients require
Initially a reduction in exercise and concomitant concurrent medical management.
dietary changes (frequent small feedings contain-
ing high protein and complex carbohydrates) is Glucagonoma
employed. Prednisolone can be introduced as signs Background
of hypoglycemia worsen. Prednisolone has antiin- A rare tumor of the pancreatic alpha-islet cells,
sulin and hyperglycemic effects starting at a dose glucagon-secreting tumors have been described in
of 0.11 mg/lb (orally twice daily); the dose can be the dog in a number of case reports. A review of
increased as needed up to 0.5 mg/lb (orally twice the characteristic syndrome, referred to as gluca-
daily) when iatrogenic Cushing’s disease becomes gonoma syndrome, cites no sex predilection.
a risk. Clinical Parameters and Work-up
Diazoxide has several beneficial effects in the Clinical signs described in the literature include
treatment of insulinomas. It inhibits cell uptake of skin lesions, referred to as superficial necrolytic
glucose, blocks calcium entry into beta cells, cat- dermatitis (SND) or metabolic epidermal necrosis
alyzes the breakdown of glycogen to glucose, (MEN).These lesions are characterized by mild to
and enhances glucose synthesis.The initial dose is marked hyperkeratosis and fissuring of the foot-
2.3 mg/lb (orally twice daily), which may be pads, erythema, and crusting plaques on the oral
increased to 13.6 mg/lb (orally twice daily) if cavity, muzzle, limbs, abdomen, and genital areas.
required to control signs of hypoglycemia. Potential Staging for glucagonoma should include basic
side effects include GI toxicity (vomiting, diarrhea, blood work, urinalysis, and thoracic and abdominal
inappetence), hyperglycemia, diabetes, myelosup- imaging. Biochemical abnormalities are variable
pression, and hypernatremia. Hydrochlorothiazide and may include hyperglycemia, elevated liver
(0.9 to 1.8 mg/lb, orally once daily) can be added enzyme levels, and nonregenerative anemia. A case
to potentiate the effects of diazoxide. report on one dog found hyperglucagonemia, hyper-
Octreotide acetate (somatostatin) can be given insulinemia, and hypoaminoacidemia. Ultrasound
at 10 to 20 µg subcutaneously two to three times findings are usually unremarkable, although a pan-
daily. Its efficacy is variable in the small subset of creatic mass was suggested in one of seven dogs
patients treated to date. Calcium channel blockers reported.
may be useful. Alloxan (29.5 mg/lb intravenously Treatment
with concurrent fluid therapy) has been Surgical excision is the treatment of choice.
described in a small number of dogs. Metastasis is common to the liver (three of four
Streptozotocin, a nitrosurea compound, has also dogs [75%]) and/or mesenteric lymph node (one
been reported in two dogs but is extremely of four dogs [25%]). However, survival and resolu-
nephrotoxic, can be hepatotoxic, and should be tion of disease is reported in one case. The major
considered as a rescue agent only. Similarly, dox- postoperative surgical complication in reported
orubicin and streptozotocin, carboplatin, cases was bile duct obstruction and pancreatitis.
cyclophosphamide, tubercidin and mithramycin Medical management includes symptomatic
have all been used in humans, but with variable therapy with intravenous amino acid administra-
effects, and there is no data on canine patients to tion. A 10% solution of crystalline amino acid solu-
date. Radiation therapy has not been reported in tion, approximately 11.4 ml/lb of body weight, is
dogs. The prognosis for long-term control of administered over 6 to 8 hours and repeated every
insulinoma in the dog is grave in those with 7 to 10 days. Oral nutritional support with a high-
metastatic disease, although the short-term con- quality protein diet should also be instituted.
trol is good.Young dogs and those with very high Supplementation with egg yolks (three to six
serum insulin concentrations have shorter sur- daily), zinc, essential fatty acids, and prednisone
vival times. In one study the overall survival for have also been described. Somatostatin analogues
dogs undergoing surgery for insulinoma was 10 have been used in humans and have resulted in
to 14 months. Dogs in stages I and II tend to have remissions, although these drugs have not been
similar survival times, although dogs in stage II evaluated in dogs.

Gastrinoma Because the signs are similar to those seen with

Background gastrinoma, this is one case that would merit
A rare tumor of the pancreatic islets, gastrinomas provocative testing with secretin and calcium.The
secrete gastrin and result in hypertrophic gastritis result should be a normal gastrin level in response
and subsequent peptic ulcers. This syndrome is to these challenges. Further, failure to respond to
referred to as Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. These H2-receptor antagonist therapy should raise the
tumors are usually small, discrete masses within the index of suspicion that a polypeptidoma, rather
pancreas. Most are malignant and metastasize to than a gastrinoma, is responsible for clinical signs.
the regional lymph nodes and liver. Lastly, immunohistochemical staining of pancre-
Clinical Parameters and Work-up atic biopsy specimen for pancreatic polypeptide
Clinical signs of gastrinomas include chronic will confirm the diagnosis.
vomiting and weight loss.These signs are related to Treatment
the hypersecretion of gastrin and consequent Surgical resection in a healthy patient with no evi-
ulceration. A complete staging scheme should dence of metastasis should be attempted. Few data
include a complete blood count, biochemical pro- exist on survival times because of the rarity of this
file, urinalysis, and thoracic and abdominal imag- tumor. Individual cases where complete excision
ing. Diagnosis involves the measurement of serum has been performed have resulted in long-term
gastrin, demonstration of gastric hypertrophy and control and resolution of all clinical signs.
ulceration (via endoscopy), and increased secretion
of gastric acid. Provocative testing with secretin or
calcium is usually only indicated when gastrin
Exocrine Pancreatic Tumors
levels are minimally elevated. A novel method of in Cats
diagnosis described is the use of somatostatin- Background
receptor scintigraphy. Exocrine pancreatic carcinomas are similarly rare
Treatment in the cat. No breed or sex predilection is reported,
Although the course of gastrinomas tends to be and affected cats are generally older.
chronic, early surgical resection can be attempted.
Medical management is symptomatic and Clinical Parameters
includes an H2-receptor antagonist or omepra- The clinical signs associated with exocrine pan-
zole, and octreotide acetate. Ulcer therapy is creatic carcinomas in the cat are nonspecific, as in
described in detail in Chapter 5. Survival data is the dog; signs include anorexia, vomiting, and
sparse; however, one dog treated with octreotide weight loss. Other clinical signs reported are
(10 to 20 µg subcutaneously three times daily) lethargy, icterus, constipation, diarrhea, steator-
lived for 10 months, and two dogs treated with a rhea, pyrexia, dehydration, and a distended
combination of antacids and octreotide lived for abdomen. In contrast to dogs, cats usually have
4.5 months. larger and more easily palpated abdominal
masses. A unique paraneoplastic alopecia has
Pancreatic Polypeptidoma (Vasoactive been reported in cats with pancreatic acinar car-
Intestinal Peptidoma, cinoma. This effect has not been recognized in
Somatostatinoma) dogs or humans to date and has no known
Background etiology.
Pancreatic polypeptidoma is a rare endocrine
tumor of the pancreatic islet cell; pancreatic Clinical Work-up
polypeptide hormone is elevated in 77% of dogs A minimum database, chest and abdominal radio-
with endocrine polypeptideomas. graphs, and ultrasound of the abdomen should be
Clinical Parameters and Work-up performed to evaluate the general health status of
Clinical signs of vomiting, hypertrophic gastritis, the patient, stage for metastasis, and assess the pri-
and duodenal ulceration characterize this tumor. mary mass. The results of routine blood work are
Basic blood work and urinalysis, chest and usually unremarkable, although neutrophilia, ane-
abdominal radiographs, and abdominal ultrasound mia, hypokalemia, bilirubinemia, azotemia, hyper-
should be performed to assess general health sta- glycemia, and elevated liver enzyme levels have
tus, possibly diagnose a pancreatic mass, and stage been reported. Serum lipase and amylase levels are
the disease. These tests are usually unremarkable. rarely elevated.

Ultrasonography can sometimes detect a soft glucose, as well as the duration of hypoglycemia, is
tissue density in the cranial abdomen, but deter- considered important in the development of clinical
mining whether the mass arises from the pancreas signs.
can be difficult. There may be effusion in the There are two types of presenting clinical
abdomen that can be aspirated, but this rarely pro- signs: neuroglycopenic (seizures, weakness, ataxia,
vides a diagnosis because pancreatic carcinomas do and lethargy) and sympathetic (behavioral changes,
not readily exfoliate into the peritoneum. This shaking/trembling, and muscle fasciculations).
tumor can metastasize anywhere, but liver and The neurologic signs are due to the reliance of
intraabdominal nodes are commonly involved. the central nervous system on diffusion for glu-
cose uptake (which is predictably low in periods
Treatment of hypoglycemia) and its inability to utilize other
Because diagnosis is usually made by exploratory forms of energy such as fatty acids and ketone
laparotomy, if the patient is in good general bodies. The sympathetic signs are related to an
health and there is no evidence of metastasis, an increased discharge of counter-regulatory
attempt at surgical resection can be considered. hormones.
However, due to the highly malignant nature of Clinical Work-up
this tumor (81% metastasis at the time of diagno- Basic blood work and urinalysis, chest and
sis), complete surgical excision is rarely achieved. abdominal radiographs, and abdominal ultra-
Chemotherapy and radiation therapy have not sound should be performed to diagnose and stage
been reported to be efficacious in pancreatic cats with suspected insulinomas and to rule out
neoplasia. other causes of hypoglycemia. Blood work, uri-
nalysis, and radiographs are usually unremarkable.
Abdominal ultrasound infrequently detects a
Endocrine Pancreas Tumors mass on the pancreas, but other organ metastases
in Cats and/or mesenteric lymphadenopathy may be evi-
Insulinoma (Beta Cell Tumor, Islet dent. The diagnosis of insulinoma is based on
Cell Tumor) demonstration of hyperinsulinemia in the face of
Background hypoglycemia. There are several means by which
Insulinoma is rare in the cat. It is a functional secret- one can achieve this, including the insulin-
ing tumor that arises from the islet cells in the glucose, glucose-insulin, and amended insulin-
endocrine pancreas. In addition to the secretion of glucose ratios. For the most part these ratios are
insulin and its precursors, insulinomas are now not considered diagnostic because they are asso-
known to secrete pancreatic polypeptide, somato- ciated with a high number of false-positive
statin, glucagon, serotonin, gastrin, and corticotropin. results. For this reason, performing a paired
Insulinomas are considered slow growing, are most insulin and glucose test is considered to be the
commonly carcinomas, and often present late in most reliable method of diagnosing an insuli-
the course of disease with signs attributable to the noma. This test is further described in the earler
resultant hypoglycemia. Insulinomas occur in section on endocrine pancreas tumors in the dog.
older cats. However, it should be noted that the radioim-
Clinical Parameters munoassay for insulin has not been validated in
Clinical signs most commonly seen in cats are cats and so should be interpreted with caution.
seizures, cutaneous twitching that progresses to One study describes the use of CgA and NSE
muscle tremors, generalized ataxia, and focal as a marker for canine and feline pancreatic islet
tremors of the facial and appendicular muscula- cell tumors and found these assays to be sensi-
ture. These clinical signs can be explained by tive in detecting tumors of neuroendocrine ori-
hyperinsulinemia with resultant hypoglycemia and gin. One report in the dog states that the use of
release of counter-regulatory hormones (cate- fructosamine measurement may be helpful, in
cholamines and glucagon in the early phase and conjunction with insulin measurement, in diag-
cortisol and growth hormones in the later phase of nosing an insulinoma. Provocative testing has been
disease). Because of the patient’s ability to adjust to described in the literature. Such tests include
a chronic state of hypoglycemia, signs of hypo- glucagon tolerance, glucose tolerance, tolbutamide
glycemia are often not seen, even with extremely low tolerance, L-leucine, oral glucose tolerance, epi-
blood glucose levels. The rate of decrease in blood nephrine tolerance, and the calcium infusion test.

These tests use the administration of potentially Medical management for glucagonoma syn-
dangerous substances and are expensive, time con- drome has been described in the dog. For specifics,
suming, and most importantly not as accurate as see the section on endocrine pancreas tumors in
the paired insulin-glucose tests. the dog.
The metastatic behavior of insulinoma in the
cat is unknown. Of three cases, only one had his- Gastrinoma
tologic confirmation. This mass was solitary and Background
well encapsulated. No metastases were detected A rare tumor of the pancreatic islets, gastrinomas
grossly. However, this patient developed hypo- secrete gastrin and result in hypertrophic gastritis
glycemia 7 months later, suggestive of incomplete and subsequent peptic ulcers. This syndrome is
surgical excision and recurrence or a metastatic referred to as Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.
lesion. Clinical Parameters and Work-up
Treatment Clinical signs of gastrinomas include chronic vom-
Minimal information is available for treatment of iting and weight loss, which is related to the
insulinoma in the cat. However, in a stable patient hypersecretion of gastrin and consequent ulcera-
with no evidence of metastasis, surgical resection tion. The clinical work-up should include basic
can be attempted. blood work, urinalysis, and abdominal and tho-
Medical management has not been described racic imaging. Diagnosis involves the measurement
for the management of insulinoma in the cat. For a of serum gastrin, demonstration of gastric hyper-
discussion of appropriate drugs for use in the dog, trophy and ulceration, and increased secretion of
see the section on endocrine pancreas tumors in gastric acid. Provocative testing with secretin or
the dog. calcium is usually only indicated when gastrin lev-
els are minimally elevated. A novel method of
Glucagonoma diagnosis described is the use of somatostatin-
Background receptor scintigraphy.
Rare tumors of the pancreatic alpha cells, Treatment
glucagon-secreting tumors have been described in Although the course of gastrinomas tends to be
two cats. The typical lesions that are concomitant chronic, early surgical resection can be attempted.
with a glucagonoma are SND or MEN and are Medical management is symptomatic and includes
characteristic of glucagonoma syndrome. an H2-receptor antagonist or omeprazole, and
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Byrne KP: Metabolic epidermal necrosis-hepatocuta- Kruth SA, Feldman EC, Kennedy PC: Insulin-secreting
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Morrison W: Primary cancers and cancer-like lesions of ent hypoglycemia, J Small Animal Pract 36:282, 1995.
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Feline Pract 14:29, 1984. hypertrophic gastritis, J Vet Intern Med 3:178, 1989.

Howard B. Seim III
Joseph W. Bartges

NUTRITIONAL eaters. Short periods of food deprivation are not a

problem because the body is able to use endoge-
SUPPORT nous energy substrates such as glycogen. During
In order to provide complete patient care the cli- prolonged food deprivation the body shifts to a
nician should include nutritional support as part of hypometabolic state to conserve structural and
the therapeutic plan. Providing nutrition may functional proteins as much as possible. Thus glu-
accomplish several goals (Box 12-1). cose and fatty acids become the major energy
We recommend the 2-step approach: step 1— sources. During periods of food deprivation asso-
the clinician assesses the PATIENT (What is the ciated with stress and illness, however, the body
physiological state of the patient?), FEED (What cannot utilize fatty acids or glucose efficiently.
nutrients am I concerned with and what diets are Therefore, amino acids are mobilized and used for
available to meet those concerns?), and MAN- gluconeogenesis, for DNA and RNA synthesis,
AGEMENT (How will I administer nutrition?); and for acute phase protein production, and mal-
step 2—the clinician formulates and initiates a nutrition can occur rapidly (Figure 12-1).
feeding plan, including assessment and alteration
of the plan as needed.
Indications for Nutritional
Importance of Providing Whether nutritional support is indicated or not
Nutritional Support can usually be determined by taking a good his-
A few days of food deprivation is not detrimental tory and performing a thorough physical examina-
to healthy animals; however, it may be detrimental tion (Box 12-2). In patients with acute weight loss
to a sick animal (Table 12-1). Animals are cyclic the decrease in body weight likely reflects fluid


BOX 12-1 Goals of Nutritional

1. Minimize metabolic derangements
a. Maintain hydration
b. Attenuate acid-base disorders
c. Attenuate electrolyte disturbances
d. Provide disease-specific nutrients
2. Provide nutrients to facilitate recovery
a. Suppress hypermetabolic response
b. Reverse protein catabolism and negative
nitrogen balance
c. Maintain gastrointestinal tract integrity and
function FIGURE 12-1 An adult male Greyhound with severe
d. Optimize immune function protein-calorie malnutrition.
3. Maintain lean body mass and body weight
4. Avoid complications associated with refeeding dence for diseases associated with increased nutri-
ent demands or excessive nutrient losses. Use of a
loss (dehydration). If a critically ill patient has not body condition score can aid the clinician in
eaten for 3 or more days, if there is evidence of determining the overall nutritional status of the
increased nutrient demands (e.g., surgery, infection, patient (Table 12-2).The clinician should be care-
fever), or if there is evidence for nutrient losses ful not to overinterpret edema, ascites, or excessive
(e.g., vomiting, diarrhea, wounds), then nutritional body fat as representing adequate body mass.
support is indicated. Physical examination may There are no good laboratory tests for aiding in
reveal that nutritional support is indicated if the assessment of nutritional status. Hypoalbuminemia
patient is underweight or cachectic, has decreased is associated with increased morbidity and mortal-
muscle mass, is generally debilitated, and has evi- ity; however, a normal serum albumin concentra-
tion does not rule out malnutrition.
TABLE 12-1 Comparison of Simple
Starvation and Stressed Decisions on How to Provide
Starvation in Humans Nutrition
There are 2 main “Golden Rules” of nutrition:
(1) if the gut works, use it, and (2) keep it simple.
As much of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract should
be used as possible. Parenteral nutrition is limited
to comatose or paralyzed patients or those with
severe GI dysfunction such as intractable vomit-
ing, malassimilation syndromes, severe pancreatitis,
or peritonitis. Parenteral nutrition should be con-
sidered in patients in which provision of nutrients
is not feasible using the enteral route. The clini-
cian should use common sense in providing nutri-
tion. Nutritional support should be an integral part
of the therapeutic plan.

From Cerra FB: How nutrition changes what getting sick
Enteral nutritional support is a practical, safe, easy,
means, J Parenter Enteral Nutr 14:164S, 1990. economic, physiologic, and well-tolerated tech-
NC, No change; –, decrease; +, increase. nique with minimal morbidity; however, it requires

BOX 12-2 Possible Indications for Nutritional Support

PATIENTS KNOWN TO BE PROTEIN-ENERGY Chronic or massive hemorrhage
Any patient in critical care unit
Recent weight loss of ≥5% to 10% of body weight PATIENTS WITH CONDITIONS ASSOCIATED WITH
Decreased food intake or anorexia for ≥3 to 5 days POOR FOOD INTAKE
Generalized loss of muscle mass or body fat Fractures of the mandible or maxilla
Generalized weakness and lethargy for ≥5 days Congenital hard- or soft-palate clefts
Hypoalbuminemia Recovery from major oral or nasal surgery
Lymphopenia unassociated with severe stress or drug Severe generalized stomatitis, glossitis, pharyngitis, and
therapy esophagitis
Presence of a nonhealing wound, delayed wound heal- Severe periodontal disease
ing, or a decubital ulcer Neurologic conditions associated with coma or seizures
Presence of a chronic, unrelenting fever or other signs requiring sedation
of infection or sepsis Tetraplegia that prevents patient from eating
Poor body condition characterized by easily epilated Bilateral cranial nerve V or XII palsies
hair and cracked nails Severe oropharyngeal or cricopharyngeal dysphagia
PATIENTS WITH CONDITIONS KNOWN TO CAUSE Esophageal stricture or foreign body
PROTEIN-CALORIE MALNUTRITION Following esophageal resection
Recent severe trauma or major surgery Following extensive stomach disease, surgery, or resec-
Resection of ≥70% of the small intestine tion
Chronic vomiting or diarrhea Following extensive intestinal surgery or resection
Protein-losing nephropathies Anorexia with refusal to eat because of various meta-
Increased nutrient needs with neoplasia bolic diseases (e.g., renal failure, pancreatitis, hepatic
Peritonitis, pleuritis, or chylous effusion with effective, failure)
progressive drainage Severe persistent vomiting
Large wounds or burns, with persistent exudative losses Withholding food for ≥3 to 5 days because of thera-
Use of drugs that promote catabolism peutic or diagnostic procedures

TABLE 12-2 Body Condition Scoring System Based on a 5-Point or 9-Point

Descriptor Description 5 Point 9 Point
Cachectic Ribs are easily palpated with no fat cover; bony structures are prominent 1 1
and easy to identify; muscle tone and mass often decreased; little to no
subcutaneous fat; hair coat often poor; pronounced abdominal tuck
Underweight Ribs are easily palpated with little fat cover; abdominal tuck present; 2 3
bony structures are palpable but not prominent; hair coat may be poor;
muscle tone and mass may be good or slightly decreased
Ideal Ribs are easily palpated, but fat cover is present; hourglass shape present 3 5
and abdominal tuck is present, but not pronounced; bony prominences
are palpable but not visible; some subcutaneous fat, but no large
accumulations; muscle tone and mass good; hair coat quality is good
Overweight Ribs are difficult to palpate due to overlying fat accumulation; hourglass 4 7
shape is not prominent, and abdominal tuck is absent; subcutaneous fat
obvious with some areas of accumulation; muscle tone and mass good;
hair coat quality may be decreased; cannot identify bony prominences
Obese Ribs are impossible to palpate due to overlying fat; hourglass shape is 5 9
absent, and animal may have a round appearance; subcutaneous fat is
obvious, and accumulations are present in the neck, tail-base, and
abdominal regions; muscle tone and mass may be decreased; hair coat
quality may be decreased

a functional GI tract. It is the preferred method

BOX 12-3 Route of Administration
to efficiently achieve nitrogen balance and acceler-
ate wound healing. Simply put, “If the gut works, Determines Tube
use it.” Diameter
● Nasoesophageal
Indications ● Gastroduodenostomy
Enteral nutritional support is indicated in any ● Enterostomy
patient with overt or impending protein-calorie
malnutrition in which the GI tract is functional. TUBE DIAMETER: ≥8 FR
Examples include patients in a hypermetabolic ● Orogastric
● Nasoesophageal (dogs >22 lb)
state (e.g., severe burn, sepsis, postsurgical stress,
● Esophagostomy
trauma, cancer); patients with chronic anorexia/
● Pharyngostomy
malnutrition, as evidenced by greater than 10%
● Gastrostomy
loss of normal body weight and hypoalbumine-
mia; postoperative patients in whom 5 to 7 days of
anorexia has occurred or is anticipated (e.g., oral,
pharyngeal, esophagogastric, duodenal, pancreatic, diameter; tube diameter in turn dictates usable
or biliary tract surgery); postoperative cancer feeding formulas because of varying formula vis-
patients, particularly if chemotherapy is instituted; cosity and particulate matter size (Box 12-3).
and patients with a mental status that prevents ade- The most common routes of administration for
quate self-feeding (e.g., head trauma, brain sur- enteral alimentation include oral, nasoesophageal,
gery). In virtually any situation in which the pharyngostomy, esophagostomy, gastrostomy, gas-
clinician has diagnosed protein-calorie malnutrition troduodenostomy, and enterostomy. Each route has
or can predict its occurrence, enteral nutritional its indications, contraindications, advantages, disad-
support should be considered. vantages, and complications.

Contraindications Oral
Enteral nutritional support may be contraindi- As a general rule, oral feeding is the method of
cated in several situations. Patients with adynamic choice if adequate amounts of nutrients can be
ileus, small bowel obstruction, severe intrinsic consumed to meet the patient’s protein and calorie
small bowel disease (e.g., inflammatory bowel dis- needs. Several techniques have been used to suc-
ease, diffuse intestinal lymphosarcoma), persistent cessfully coax a patient to eat. Sending the patient
vomiting or diarrhea, or severe malabsorption home if the disease state permits and if owners are
should have nutrients delivered by routes other capable of managing the patient may prove suc-
than the GI tract. In addition, patients at risk for cessful. Petting and vocal reassurance is also helpful
aspiration pneumonia (e.g., stupor or coma) in stimulating patients to eat; however, it is time
should not be fed via the GI tract. consuming (Figure 12-2). Highly palatable foods
or food coverings (e.g., gravy) may stimulate
appetite; adding water to food increases palatabil-
ROUTES OF ity for dogs (Figure 12-3).Warming foods to near
ADMINISTRATION but not above body temperature (e.g., with a
microwave oven) will increase aroma and palata-
As a general rule, the closer one comes to the oral bility. Nutrition may also be provided by syringe
route of food intake and digestion, the more effi- feeding, but the diet must be semiliquid in consis-
cient is the assimilation and digestion of nutrients tency and there is a risk of aspiration pneumonia
and the greater the flexibility in formula composi- (Figure 12-4). Drugs may be used successfully to
tion. Conversely, the further aboral one gets, the stimulate appetite sometimes; however, if they do
less efficient is the assimilation and digestion of not work immediately, then more aggressive forms
nutrients and the greater the care that must be of nutritional support should be considered. A list
taken when choosing formula composition. of drugs and their recommended dosages are given
Route of administration also dictates feeding tube in Table 12-3.

FIGURE 12-4 Syringe feeding a semiliquid diet to an

adult cat.

In addition to appetite stimulants, patients may

FIGURE 12-2 Petting and vocal reassurance may help
stimulate oral intake of food. be force-fed by hand feeding or syringe feeding.
Boluses of food in the oropharynx will stimulate
swallowing. Using “meatballs” of canned food or
using a syringe may accomplish this. Canned food
gruels or convalescent canned veterinary products
may be administered via syringe. Force-feeding is
easy to perform; however, it may add additional
stress to a sick patient. Furthermore, it is difficult
to do for more than a couple of days, and it is dif-
ficult to meet nutritional needs of large dogs using
this technique.

Orogastric Tube
Passing a feeding tube through the mouth into the
distal esophagus or stomach is technically easy to
FIGURE 12-3 Using a variety of diets or highly do; however, it is usually stressful to adult dogs and
palatable foods may stimulate appetite. cats (Figure 12-5). It is often used to provide
nutrition to orphaned puppies and kittens. A 5 Fr
Appetite stimulant drugs are generally not ade- infant feeding tube can be used for orphans
quate in promoting replacement of a patient’s weighing less than 300 g, an 8 to 10 Fr infant feed-
caloric needs; however, they may provide the stim- ing tube can be used for orphans weighing over
ulus necessary for the patient to resume eating. 300 g, or an appropriate-size, soft, male urethral
Appetite stimulants are contraindicated in patients catheter may be used. An appropriate size syringe
suffering from severe malnutrition or in those should be used to avoid disconnecting the syringe
patients that cannot tolerate the medication. from the feeding tube to refill it while feeding and
Diazepam should be used cautiously in patients to prevent administering formula too rapidly.
with preexisting liver disease because its use has Once weekly the feeding tube should be clearly
been associated with inducing hepatocellular marked to indicate the depth of insertion to ensure
necrosis. Glucocorticoids stimulate appetite; how- gastric delivery; that is, the distance from the last rib
ever, they are catabolic and induce diuresis and to the tip of the nose can be measured and marked
hepatic lipid accumulation. Megestrol acetate may off on the feeding tube as a guide.To insert an oro-
induce diabetes mellitus, adrenal suppression, and gastric feeding tube in a neonatal puppy or kitten,
mammary neoplasia in cats. None of these drugs the clinician passes the feeding tube through the
work consistently, and none have been evaluated mouth into the stomach. The feeding tube must
in a controlled manner. be in the GI tract and not the respiratory tract

TABLE 12-3 Appetite Stimulants That Can Be Used in Cats (C) and
Dogs (D)
Agent Dose Route Frequency Species
Diazepam 0.5-1 mg/lb PO As needed C
0.05-0.1 mg/lb PO As needed D
0.025-0.05 mg/lb IV As needed C, D
0.5-2.0 mg IV As needed C
Oxazepam 0.15-0.2 mg/lb PO As needed C, D
2-2.5 mg PO As needed C
Flurazepam 0.05-0.1 mg/lb PO As needed C
0.05-0.25 mg/lb PO As needed D
Chlordiazepoxide 2 mg PO As needed C
Cyproheptadine 2 mg PO q8-12h C
Prednisone 0.125-0.25 mg/lb PO q48h C, D
Boldenone undecylenate 5 mg IM/SQ q7d C
Nandrolone decanoate 10 mg IM q7d C
2.5 mg/lb IM q7d D
(maximum 200 mg)
Stanozolol 1-2 mg PO q12h C, D
25-50 mg IM q7d C, D
Megestrol acetate 0.5 mg/lb PO q24h D
B vitamins 1 ml/L fluids IV CRI C, D
Cobalamin 0.25 mg/lb SQ q24h C
0.5 mg/lb SQ q24h D
Elemental zinc 0.5 mg/lb PO q24h C, D
Potassium 0.25-0.5 mEq KCl/lb PO q12h C, D
3 mEq K gluconate PO q6-8h C, D
Interferon alfa-2b 3-30 IU PO q12h C

PO, Orally; IV, intravenously; IM, intramuscularly; SQ, subcutaneously; CRI, constant rate infusion.

before feeding; it can often be palpated in the cer- into the respiratory tract, bubbles will appear in
vical esophagus. If an obstruction is felt while pass- the water as the neonate breathes. If the tube is
ing the tube before reaching the mark, the tube is properly placed, then the neonate may be fed.
in the trachea. After inserting the feeding tube to When feeding, the clinician fills a syringe with
the premeasured mark, the clinician places the warm formula and fits it to the feeding tube, being
flared end of the tube in a glass of water and careful to expel any air in the tube or syringe, then
observes for bubbles while the neonate breathes. If aspirates back on the tube to make sure there is no
the feeding tube has been inadvertently inserted residual formula remaining from the previous
feeding.When certain that the tube is in the stom-
ach, the clinician slowly administers the formula
over a couple of minutes to allow sufficient time
for slow filling of the stomach. Regurgitation of
formula rarely occurs, but if it does, the feeding
tube is withdrawn and feeding is interrupted until
the next scheduled meal.

Nasoesophageal tube placement is an easy, effec-
tive, and efficient means of providing enteral
FIGURE 12-5 Orogastric feeding tube placement in nutritional support (Figure 12-6). The availability
an adult cat. of small-bore, soft polyvinyl and Silastic feeding

the nasal planum along the side of the patient’s

body to the last rib (Figure 12-7, B). The distal
end of the feeding tube may terminate in the tho-
racic esophagus or the stomach. Because of the
small diameter of the tube, gastroesophageal reflux
rarely occurs. If the tube is to terminate in the dis-
tal esophagus, the clinician pulls the tube back 1 to
2 cm. A tape butterfly is placed on the tube as a
marker once the appropriate measurement has
been taken. The tip of the tube is lubricated with
5% lidocaine viscous before passage. The patient’s
head is held in a normal functional position (i.e.,
avoiding hyperflexion or hyperextension).

FIGURE 12-6 Use of a nasoesophageal feeding tube Tube Placement—Cat. The clinician places
in an adult dog. the tube in the ventromedial aspect of the external
nares (Figure 12-7, C ) and passes it in a caudoven-
tubes (i.e., 3.5 to 5 Fr) and low-viscosity, nutri- tral medial direction into the nasal cavity (Figure
tionally complete liquid diet formulations and 12-7, D). The tube will generally “drop” into the
patient tolerance of tube placement have made oropharynx and stimulate a swallowing reflex.
nasoesophageal tube placement a popular avenue When the patient swallows, the clinician flexes
for feeding malnourished patients. Nasoesophageal the patient’s head to facilitate passage of the tube
tube placement is indicated in any conscious into the esophagus and passes the tube to the
patient with protein-calorie malnutrition that will predetermined mark.
not undergo oral, pharyngeal, esophageal, gastric,
or biliary tract surgery. Tube Placement—Dog. The clinician iden-
tifies the prominent alar fold and directs the tube
Technique. Local nasal anesthesia, sedation, or from a ventrolateral location in the external nares
light general anesthesia may be necessary for to a caudoventral and medial direction as it enters
placement of a nasoesophageal tube in dogs and the nasal cavity. When the tube is introduced
cats. In the majority of cases, topical anesthetic is 0.5 to 1 cm inside the nostril, the clinician feels it
all that is necessary for proper tube placement. In contact the median septum at the floor of the nasal
cats the clinician places 0.5 to 1 ml of 0.5% cavity. At this moment the clinician pushes the
proparacaine hydrochloride (topical local anes- external nares dorsally to facilitate opening the ven-
thetic) or in dogs the clinician places 1 to 2 ml of tral meatus, elevates the proximal end of the tube,
0.5% proparacaine or 2% lidocaine into the nasal and continues to advance the tube (Figure 12-8).
cavity and tilts the head up to encourage the local Once the tube is inserted an additional 3 to 5 cm,
anesthetic to coat the nasal mucosa (Figure 12-7, the clinician discontinues pushing the nares dor-
A). Application of local anesthetic is repeated to sally. The clinician flexes the patient’s head while
ensure adequate anesthesia of the nasal mucous continuing to insert the tube to facilitate passage
membrane. If the patient will not tolerate nasal through the nasopharynx into the esophagus and
intubation (i.e., if excess stress is required to place inserts the tube to the predetermined measurement
the nasoesophageal tube, particularly with debili- mark.
tated cats), light sedation or a light plane of anes-
thesia is induced. Confirming Esophageal Placement.
The clinician confirms esophageal placement by
Tube. An appropriate-size polyvinyl chloride injecting 3 to 5 ml of sterile saline through the
feeding tube is selected. For cats a 5 Fr, 91-cm tube. If a cough is elicited, the tube is removed and
tube works best. For dogs between 4.5 and 22 lb, a replaced. Alternately, the clinician places 6 to 12
5 Fr, 91-cm tube is best, and an 8 Fr, 91-cm tube is ml of air in the tube and auscultates for borboryg-
best for dogs greater than 22 lb.The clinician esti- mus at the xiphoid to confirm tube placement.
mates the length of tube to be placed in the Esophageal placement can also be confirmed by
esophagus or stomach by placing the tube from taking a lateral thoracic radiograph. If the patient



FIGURE 12-7 Nasoesophageal tube placement. A, Instillation of topical anesthetic into the nasal cavity.
B, Estimation of length of tube to be inserted in the patient. C, The feeding tube is inserted into the ventromedial
aspect of the nares. D, The feeding tube is inserted through the ventral meatus and nasopharynx into the esophagus.
NP, Nasopharynx: NV, nasal vestibule; CS, cartilaginous septum; M, maxilla; DM, dorsal meatus; MM, middle
meatus: EC, ethmoidal conchae; VNC, ventral nasal concha; DNC, dorsal nasal concha; AF, alar fold. (D from
Crowe DT Jr: Clinical use of an indwelling nasogastric tube for enteral nutrition and fluid therapy in the dog and
cat, J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 22:675, 1986.)

requires general anesthesia, tube placement can be Tube Management. The clinician should
determined visually. place a column of water in the tube and cap it
with an infusion cap, three-way stopcock, or
Securing the Tube to the Patient. Once Christmas tree adapter when not in use; this pre-
the tube is properly inserted, the clinician should vents intake of air, reflux of esophageal contents,
suture it to the nose and head to ensure that it will and occlusion of the tube by diet. Nasoesophageal
not be removed by the patient.The tube is secured tubes can be left in place for several weeks, are well
to the lateral aspect of the nose with the preplaced tolerated, and are easily removed; the patient can
butterfly tape and the zygomatic arch using 3-0 drink and swallow around the tube; and repeated
nylon suture (see Figure 12-6).An encircling suture orogastric intubation is prevented.
and Chinese finger-trap friction suture (Figure 12-9,
A and B) or cyanoacrylate glue may be used also. Complications. Patients tolerate nasoesophageal
Although there may be concern about stimulating feeding tubes fairly well; however, several complica-
a feline’s whiskers using this placement, clinical tions may occur. Premature removal is a common
experience has not found this to be a problem. An occurrence, particularly if the tube is irritating.
Elizabethan collar should be used until it is deter- Other complications include rhinitis, dacryocystitis,
mined if the patient will tolerate the presence of esophageal reflux, vomiting, aspiration pneumonia,
the tube. Many cats tolerate a nasoesophageal tube and obstruction of the tube. In addition, patients
without an Elizabethan collar. may vomit or regurgitate the tube and inhale the

that are unable or reluctant to ingest food orally

(e.g., cleft palate, mandibular or maxillary frac-
tures, oral neoplasia), a pharyngostomy tube can be
considered (Figure 12-10). Pharyngostomy tubes
should not be used for nutritional management of
patients with esophageal disorders (e.g., esophagi-
tis, esophageal stricture, recent esophageal surgery,
following esophageal foreign body removal,
esophageal neoplasia). The major advantage of a
pharyngostomy tube over a nasoesophageal/naso-
gastric tube is tube diameter; pharyngostomy tubes
are generally 12 to 24 Fr, thus accommodating a
wider variety of diets. Pharyngostomy tubes
should terminate in the distal esophagus; they
should never be placed through the lower
esophageal sphincter. Generally, esophagostomy
tubes are preferred over pharyngostomy because
placement and use result in fewer complications.

Technique. Patients should be placed under

FIGURE 12-8 Nasoesophageal tube placement in dogs. general anesthesia and the trachea intubated.
The tip of the feeding tube is directed in a caudoventral- The patient is positioned in lateral recumbency
medial direction.The external nares are pushed dorsally to with the side receiving the pharyngostomy inci-
open the ventral meatus. (From Abood SK, Buffington A: sion uppermost. The clinician aseptically pre-
Use of nasogastric tubes: indications, technique, and pares a 4-cm-square area just caudal to the angle
complications. In Kirk RW, Bonagura JD, eds: Current
of the mandible.The mouth is held open with an
veterinary therapy XI, Philadelphia, 1992,WB Saunders.)
oral speculum. The clinician premeasures and
marks a 12 to 24 Fr polyvinyl chloride feeding
distal end, resulting in aspiration pneumonia if they tube from the exit point of the tube in the phar-
are fed. ynx to the level of the seventh or eighth intercostal
space, ensuring esophageal placement. The clini-
cian places an index finger into the pharynx, near
Pharyngostomy tube the base of the tongue, and palpates the epiglottis,
Whenever it is necessary to provide nutritional arytenoid cartilages, and hyoid apparatus (Figure
supplementation to an anorexic patient (e.g., suf- 12-11, A). The index finger is flexed toward the
fering protein-calorie malnutrition) or to patients lateral aspect of the neck, and the junction of

FIGURE 12-9 A, Schematic demonstrating placement of a Chinese finger-trap friction suture.


serted into the mouth and passed into the mid-

esophagus (i.e., premarked location on the feeding
tube) (Figure 12-11, C ). A stylet is generally not
necessary for placement in the esophagus. The
tube is secured to the patient’s neck at its exit
point with a Chinese finger-trap friction suture
technique (see Figure 12-9, A and B). The clini-
cian places a column of water in the tube and caps
B it with a 3-ml syringe when not in use; this pre-
vents intake of air, reflux of esophageal contents,
and occlusion of the tube by diet.When the tube
is no longer required, the clinician cuts the
Chinese finger-trap friction suture, pulls the tube,
and allows the pharyngeal wound to heal by con-
traction and epithelialization.

Complications. If the pharyngostomy tube is

placed ventral and medial to the intrapharyngeal
FIGURE 12-9, cont’d B, Chinese finger-trap ostium and laryngopharynx, partial airway obstruc-
friction suture used to secure a pharyngostomy feeding
tion, coughing, and gagging may result. If the tube
is improperly placed (i.e., through the lower
esophageal sphincter), reflux esophagitis and stric-
ture may occur. Vomiting the tube has also been
reported. Because of the lower incidence of com-
plications, esophagostomy tubes are preferred.

Esophagostomy Tube
Esophagostomy tube feeding is indicated in
anorexic patients with disorders of the oral cavity
or pharynx or anorexic patients with a functional
GI tract distal to the esophagus (Figure 12-12).
Esophagostomy tube placement is contraindicated
in patients with a primary or secondary esophageal
FIGURE 12-10 A pharyngostomy feeding tube in an disorder (e.g., esophageal stricture, following
adult male West Highland white terrier. esophageal foreign body removal or esophageal
surgery, esophagitis, megaesophagus).
the intrapharyngeal ostium and laryngopharynx is
identified; this is the proper location for the Tube Placement. Patients should be placed
pharyngostomy tube exit (Figure 12-11, B). under general anesthesia and the trachea intu-
Enough pressure is gently applied to the lateral bated. The patient is placed in right lateral recum-
pharyngeal wall to create an externally visible bency with left side uppermost. The tube can be
bulge. An Eld device or large curved forceps (e.g., placed on either the right or left side of the mid-
Carmalt or Doyen) should be used to maintain the cervical region; however, the esophagus lies
bulge. A 1- to 2-cm skin incision is made over the slightly left of midline, making left-sided place-
bulge, and curved forceps are used to bluntly dissect ment more desirable. The clinician aseptically pre-
subcutaneous tissue, pharyngeal muscle, and pha- pares a 4-cm-square area along the left lateral
ryngeal mucosa until the forceps become visible. midcervical area. The neck is slightly extended
If an Eld device is used, see esophagostomy tube and the mouth held open with a mouth speculum.
placement for technique.The clinician uses forceps The clinician premeasures and marks a 14 to 24 Fr
to grasp the tip of the pharyngostomy tube and polyvinyl chloride or Silastic feeding tube (i.e., 20
pull it through the incision, into the oral cavity, to 24 Fr for dogs and 14 to 18 Fr for cats) from the
and out of the mouth.The tip of the tube is rein- level of the midcervical region (i.e., exit point of

FIGURE 12-11 Pharyngostomy tube placement. A, Anatomic location for tube placement in the lateral
pharyngeal wall.The white circle indicates the appropriate site for tube placement. (From Crowe DT Jr, Downs
MO: Pharyngostomy complications in dogs and cats and recommended technical modifications: experimental and
clinical investigations, JAAHA 22:493, 1986.) B, Top: Improper placement of the tube exiting cranial to the
epihyoid cartilage results in interference with function of the epiglottis and hyoid apparatus. Bottom: Proper
placement of the tube exiting caudal to the hyoid apparatus. (From Crowe DT Jr: Nutrition in critical patients:
administering the support therapies, Vet Med 84:162, February 1989.) C, The tip of the feeding tube exiting the oral
cavity is grasped with forceps and directed into the esophagus.

feeding tube) to the level of the seventh or eighth cutaneous gastrostomy feeding tube placement
intercostal space, ensuring thoracic esophageal device (Eld device), and the second involves using
placement. The clinician enlarges the two lateral long curved forceps similar to pharyngostomy
openings of the feeding tube or cuts off the distal tube placement except caudal to the larynx.
rounded end of the feeding tube to encourage
smoother flow of blended diets. There are two Eld Gastrostomy Feeding Tube Place-
techniques that can be used to place esophagos- ment Device Technique. An Eld device can
tomy tubes: one method involves using an Eld per- be used to place an esophagostomy feeding tube.

The clinician places the oblique tip of the instru-

ment shaft through the oral cavity and into the
esophagus to the level of the midcervical region
(i.e., equal distance between the angle of the
mandible and thoracic inlet) and palpates the tip as
it bulges the cervical skin. A small skin incision is
made over the device tip (Figure 12-13, A1, A2,
and A3). The clinician activates the spring-loaded
instrument blade until it penetrates the esophageal
wall, cervical musculature, and subcutaneous tissue
and is visible through the skin incision. The clini-
FIGURE 12-12 An esophagostomy feeding tube in cian carefully enlarges the incision in the subcuta-
an adult domestic shorthair cat. neous tissue, cervical musculature, and esophageal
wall with the tip of a No. 15 scalpel blade to allow
penetration of the instrument shaft (Figure 12-13,
B1 and B2). A 2-0 nylon suture is placed through


A2 A3

FIGURE 12-13 A, Esophagostomy tube placement: Eld PGFT applicator. 1,The applicator is passed through the
oral cavity into the mid to proximal esophagus.A small skin incision is made in the lateral cervical region over the
tip of the applicator. 2 and 3, Photographs illustrating these steps.

B1 C1




FIGURE 12-13, cont’d B, 1,The skin incision is

enlarged in order to allow exteriorization of the
applicator. 2, Photograph illustrating this step.
FIGURE 12-13, cont’d C, 1,The feeding tube is
attached to the applicator blade and retracted into the
esophagus.The applicator with the feeding tube
the side holes of the feeding tube and through the attached is then removed, pulling the feeding tube
hole in the instrument blade. The suture is tight- through the oral cavity. 2 and 3, Photographs
ened until the tip of the instrument blade and feed- illustrating these steps.
ing tube tip are in close apposition (Figure 12-13,
C1, C2, and C3).The instrument blade is retracted
into the instrument shaft so the feeding tube tip
just enters the instrument shaft (i.e., deactivating done in a manner similar to placement using
the instrument blade). Sterile water-soluble lubri- the Eld device (Figure 12-14, A, B, and C ). The
cant is placed on the tube and instrument shaft.The patient is positioned in right lateral recumbency,
clinician retracts the instrument and pulls the feed- and the curved end of the forceps is passed
ing tube into the oral cavity to its predetermined through the oral cavity into the midcervical
measurement.The 2-0 nylon suture is removed to esophagus. The ends of the forceps are palpated,
free the feeding tube from the instrument. and a skin incision is made over the end.The inci-
sion is continued through the subcutaneous tissue
Curved Forceps Technique. Placement of and esophagus, and the tips of the forceps are exte-
an esophagostomy tube using curved forceps is riorized. The distal end of the feeding tube is

FIGURE 12-14 Esophagostomy

tube placement: curved forceps.
A, A long curved forceps is inserted
through the oral cavity into the mid
to proximal esophagus.The tip of
the forceps is palpated, and a small
skin incision is made over the tip.
B, The incision is extended through
the underlying subcutaneous tissue
and musculature into the lumen of
the esophagus, and the curved
forceps are exteriorized through the
incision.The feeding tube is grasped
by the curved forceps. C, The
forceps and feeding tube are
retracted into the esophagus and out
of the oral cavity. (From Levine PB
et al.: Esophagostomy tubes as a
method of nutritional management
in cats: a retrospective study, J Am
Anim Hosp Assoc 33:405, 1997.)

grasped with the forceps, and the forceps are involves using a stylet or hemostat to advance the
retracted into the oral cavity. distal tip of the catheter into the esophagus, and
the second involves inserting a stylet down the
Redirection of Tube. With either method, shaft of the feeding tube. In the dog the clinician
using the Eld device or using curved forceps, the places a stylet through one of the side holes of the
distal end of the tube exits the oral cavity and the feeding tube and against its tip.The feeding tube is
flared end of the feeding tube exits the midcervi- lubricated and advanced into the esophagus until
cal esophagus.The next step is to redirect the dis- the entire oral portion of the tube disappears.The
tal end of the feeding tube so that it terminates in clinician gently retracts the stylet from the oral cav-
the thoracic esophagus. There are two methods ity, being careful to ensure its release from the feed-
that the clinician can use to accomplish this: one ing tube (Figure 12-15, A and B). In the cat the

distal end of the feeding tube is directed toward

the stomach, the tube can be inserted to the pre-
measured mark (Figure 12-16, B3). The distal
end of the feeding tube should terminate in the
distal esophagus.
Securing the Tube. The clinician secures the
tube to the cervical skin with a Chinese finger-trap
friction suture of Novofil (see Figure 12-9, A and
B).The exit point of the tube can be left exposed or
loosely bandaged. A column of water is placed in
the tube, and the exposed end capped with a 20-
gauge hypodermic needle cap; this prevents intake
of air, reflux of esophageal contents, and occlusion
of the tube by diet. Most patients tolerate the tube
without the need of an Elizabethan collar.
Esophagostomy tubes can be removed immediately
B after placement or left in place for several weeks to
months. The tube exit site should be periodically
cleaned with an antiseptic solution.Tube removal is
performed by cutting the Chinese finger-trap fric-
tion suture and gently pulling the tube. No further
exit wound care is necessary; the hole seals in 1 to 2
days and heals in 3 to 5 days.
FIGURE 12-15 Esophagostomy tube placement:
redirection of tube. A, Photograph of Eld PGFT Advantages and Disadvantages.
applicator and stylet used to facilitate redirection of Advantages of esophagostomy tube feeding
esophagostomy tube. B, The stylet is inserted through include the following: the tube is easily placed;
one of the side holes of the distal end of the
esophagostomy tube and is used to redirect the feeding
tube caudally in the esophagus.

clinician should NOT use a stylet. The feeding

tube is simply advanced into the esophagus with
fingers or a mosquito hemostat until the entire
portion of the tube disappears. The clinician must
be sure that the tube is placed to the level of its pre-
measured mark. In the second technique an endo-
tracheal tube stylet is passed into the proximal end
of the feeding tube and is used to facilitate direct-
ing the distal end of the feeding tube in an aboral FIGURE 12-16 A, Esophagostomy tube placement:
direction (Figure 12-16, A and B1).The end of the alternate technique for redirection of tube.A stylet is
stylet should not protrude beyond the end of the inserted into the lumen of the feeding tube so that the
feeding tube.The clinician gently retracts the feed- tip of the stylet is near but not through the end of the
ing tube with the stylet inserted from the mid- tube.The tube and stylet are slowly retracted while
upward pressure is applied.The end of the feeding tube
cervical hole while placing gentle upward
is redirected in the esophagus so that it can be inserted
pressure on the tube (Figure 12-16, B2). As the into the distal esophagus. (From Rawlings CR:
feeding tube is slowly retracted, the distal end of Percutaneous placement of a midcervical
the tube will be redirected toward the distal esophagostomy tube: new technique and representative
esophagus by sliding the distal end of the tube cases, J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 29:526, 1993.)
along the opposite esophageal wall. Once the Continued

with pharyngostomy tubes. The major disadvan-

tage of an esophagostomy tube is the need for
general anesthesia during placement.

Complications. Complications associated with

esophagostomy tube placement include early
removal by the patient or vomiting the tube. Two
cases of esophageal perforation in cats have been
reported.This was thought to be due to placement
of the tube with a stylet. Esophageal perforation has
not occurred since eliminating the stylet from
placement protocol. Esophageal perforation has not
been reported in the dog. No significant long-term
complications have been reported (e.g., esophagitis,
esophageal stricture, esophageal diverticulum, or
subcutaneous cervical cellulitis). Reflux esophagi-
tis can occur from improper tube placement (i.e.,
through the lower esophageal sphincter) or
esophageal irritation from the tube itself (Figure
12-17). Midesophageal placement of silicone rub-
ber tubes greatly reduces the incidence of
esophageal injury and eliminates reflux esophagitis.

Gastrostomy Tube
Tube gastrostomy is indicated in anorexic patients
with a functional GI tract distal to the esophagus
or patients undergoing operations of the oral cav-
ity, larynx, pharynx, or esophagus (Figure 12-18).
Gastrostomy tube placement is contraindicated in
patients with primary gastric disease (e.g., gastritis,
gastric ulceration, gastric neoplasia) or disorders

FIGURE 12-16, cont’d B, Photographs illustrating

redirection of the esophagostomy feeding tube. 1,The
stylet is inserted into the lumen of the feeding tube so
that the stylet tip is near but not through the end of the
tube. 2,The feeding tube and stylet are slowly
withdrawn so that the tip of the feeding tube can be
redirected toward the thoracic esophagus. 3,The
feeding tube and stylet are inserted caudally in the
esophagus so that the end of the feeding tube
terminates in the thoracic esophagus.

tubes are well tolerated by the patient; large-bore

feeding tubes (greater than 12 Fr) can be used,
FIGURE 12-17 Lateral cervical radiograph of an
allowing use of blended diets; tube care and feed- esophagostomy feeding tube in an adult dog.The end
ing is easily performed by the owner; patients can of the feeding tube terminates in the thoracic esophagus
eat and drink around the tube; and tube removal and does not traverse the lower esophageal sphincter.
can be performed anytime after placement. (From Rawlings CR: Percutaneous placement of a
Esophageal tube placement eliminates coughing, midcervical esophagostomy tube: new technique and
laryngospasm, or aspiration occasionally associated representative cases. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 29:526, 1993.)

Percutaneous Without Visualization
Placement of gastrostomy tubes with visualization
is advised when possible because direct visualiza-
tion is associated with potentially fewer complica-
tions; however, gastrostomy feeding tubes can be
placed safely without visualization.
Stomach Tube Technique
A gastrostomy tube placement device can be pre-
pared by purchasing a length of vinyl or stainless
steel tubing from a hardware store (Figure 12-19,
A). The length of the tubing is determined by
FIGURE 12-18 Percutaneous endoscopically placed measuring the distance from the nasal planum to
gastrostomy feeding tube in an adult cat with the iliac crest and adding 15 cm.The outer diame-
idiopathic hepatic lipidosis. ter of the tube ranges from 1.2 cm (patients
weighing less than 25 lb) to 2.5 cm for dogs
weighing more than 55 lb.The distal tip of a stain-
causing uncontrolled vomiting and in comatose less steel tube can be flared and deflected 45
patients. Advantages of gastrostomy tube feeding degrees to the long axis of the tube to help displace
include ease of tube placement, patient tolerance, the body wall laterally. The patient is anesthetized
use of large-bore feeding tubes, ease of tube care and positioned in right lateral recumbency. The
and feeding by the owner, and the fact that oral lubricated tube is passed through the mouth and
feeding can commence while the tube is in place. into the stomach. The tube is advanced until the
Disadvantages of gastrostomy tube feeding include end of the tube displaces the stomach laterally.
the following: use of specialized equipment may Positioning the patient with its head over the edge
be necessary (e.g., endoscope, special tube place- of the table and lowering the proximal end of the
ment instruments), general anesthesia is required, tube will facilitate identifying the tube tip through
feeding cannot be initiated the first 12 hours after the body wall (Figure 12-19, B).A stab skin incision
tube placement, and, depending upon placement is made over the distal end of the tube, and a 14-
technique, tubes must remain in place for a mini- gauge hypodermic needle or an over-the-needle
mum of 7 to 14 days before removal (in order to intravenous catheter is introduced percutaneously
encourage adhesion formation between stomach into the lumen of the tube while holding the dis-
and abdominal wall). tal tip of the tube between two fingers. Proper
positioning of the catheter is confirmed by mov-
Tube Placement. Gastrostomy feeding tubes ing the hub from side to side and feeling the
may be placed without visualization (using the catheter tip strike the inside of the tube. A guide
stomach tube technique, Eld feeding tube placement wire prepared from a monofilament banjo string
device, or Cook feeding tube placement device) or or cerclage wire is threaded through the needle or
with visualization (using endoscopy or surgery). catheter, into the tube, and out of the mouth of
Gastrostomy tubes placed surgically may be done the patient (Figure 12-19, C and D).The tube and
with or without gastropexy. Gastrostomy tubes are catheter are removed, and the wire is attached to a
usually placed under general anesthesia with the gastrostomy tube, which is secured (Figure 12-19,
patient positioned in right lateral recumbency. For E ). Securing the gastrostomy feeding tube to the
all techniques except placement through a midline wire is accomplished by cutting off the flared end
laparotomy, the left paralumbar fossa is clipped and of the mushroom-tipped catheter (Figure 12-19,
prepared aseptically. Drapes are not necessary unless F ). An intravenous catheter or 5-ml pipette tip is
a surgical approach is used. Gastrostomy feeding fed over the wire at the oral cavity.Two V-shaped
tubes should exit the left lateral abdominal wall notches are then cut opposite each other at the
approximately 1 to 2 cm caudal to the costochondral proximal end of the gastrostomy tube.The feeding
arch and approximately one third of the way dorsal tube is tied to the wire, and the notched end of the
from the ventral abdominal wall.This results in the feeding tube is planted firmly in the flared end of
tube being located along the gastric fundus cranial the intravenous catheter or pipette tip.The feeding
to the spleen and caudal to the liver. tube and catheter/pipette tip are lubricated.A long


FIGURE 12-19 Gastrostomy tube placement without visualization: stomach tube. A, Equipment required to insert
a gastrostomy feeding tube without visualization using a stomach tube.The stomach tube may be hard plastic or
metal.A length of wire is also necessary for placement. B, The stomach tube is inserted through the oral cavity and
esophagus into the stomach.The end of the tip in the stomach is palpated through the abdominal wall. C, An
intravenous catheter has been inserted through a small skin incision into the lumen of the stomach tube, and a wire
has been inserted into the catheter and lumen of the stomach tube. (A-C courtesy Dr.T. Glaus, Switzerland.)

piece of fishing line or Vetafil is placed through the Placement of a gastrostomy feeding tube using the
side holes of the mushroom end of the feeding Eld device is performed in a manner similar to
tube; this suture should not be tied.This provides a using the device to place an esophagostomy tube.
means to recover the feeding tube should prob- The patient is anesthetized and placed in right lat-
lems arise. The tube is then pulled through the eral recumbency; the tube will exit the left lateral
esophagus,into the stomach,and through the abdom- abdominal wall in the paralumbar fossa. The Eld
inal wall by placing tension on the wire at the device is passed through the oral cavity, down the
abdominal wall exit site (Figure 12-19, G and H). esophagus, and into the stomach. Gentle downward
The skin incision may need to be enlarged to pressure is applied to the handle to facilitate iden-
facilitate passage of the feeding tube through the tification of the distal end of the Eld device in the
body wall and skin (Figure 12-19, I ). The mush- stomach (Figure 12-20, B).When the distal end of
room tip should be palpable through the body the Eld device is positioned properly in the left
wall. The mushroom tip should not be pulled paralumbar fossa, a small stab skin incision is made
through the body wall. Once the feeding tube is over the distal end. Then the spring-loaded
secured, the suture placed through the side holes plunger is pushed (Figure 12-20, C), resulting in
of the mushroom tip is removed by pulling on one the sharp point being thrust through the gastric
end of the suture. and abdominal wall. A piece of suture (such as
Eld Feeding Tube Device Vetafil) or monofilament fishing line is inserted
Gastrostomy feeding tubes may be placed nonvisu- through the hole in the pointed tip of the distal
ally using a device that facilitates placement. One end of the Eld device (Figure 12-20, D), and the
device is the Eld percutaneous gastrostomy feeding distal end is retracted into the outer sheath. The
tube applicator (Eld device) (Figure 12-20, A). entire device is removed, pulling the suture or


FIGURE 12-19, cont’d D, Schematic illustrating passage of the wire through the intravenous catheter and
lumen of the stomach tube. E, The stomach tube is removed, but the wire is left in place.The wire now enters the
lateral abdominal wall, passes through the stomach and esophagus, and exits the oral cavity. F, A tapered catheter is
inserted on the end of the wire that exits the oral cavity, and the feeding tube is attached to the wire. (E and F
courtesy Dr.T. Glaus, Switzerland.)

fishing line in an antegrade direction. This results tip is fed over the wire at the oral cavity. Two V-
in an end of the suture or fishing line exiting the shaped notches are then cut opposite each other at
oral cavity and the other end exiting the left the proximal end of the gastrostomy tube. The
abdominal wall. The gastrostomy tube is then feeding tube is tied to the suture, and the notched
secured to the suture exiting the oral cavity end of the feeding tube is planted firmly in the
(Figure 12-20, E). Securing the gastrostomy feed- flared end of the intravenous catheter or pipette
ing tube to the suture is accomplished by cutting tip. The feeding tube and catheter/pipette tip are
off the flared end of the mushroom-tipped lubricated. A long piece of fishing line or Vetafil is
catheter. An intravenous catheter or 5-ml pipette placed through the side holes of the mushroom


FIGURE 12-19, cont’d G, Tension is applied to the end of the wire that exits the lateral abdominal wall. H, The
feeding tube is pulled into the oral cavity, esophagus, and stomach. I, The lateral abdominal wall skin incision is
enlarged, and the feeding tube is exteriorized. (G-I courtesy Dr.T. Glaus, Switzerland.)

end of the feeding tube; this suture should not be distal end of the Cook device is angled and flared,
tied.This provides a means to recover the feeding and this end is palpated in the left paralumbar
tube should problems arise.The tube is then pulled fossa. A stab skin incision is made over the flared
through the esophagus, into the stomach, and end of the Cook device (Figure 12-23, B), and the
through the abdominal wall by placing tension on application needle is passed through the stab incision
the suture at the abdominal wall exit site.The skin and body wall into the lumen of the Cook device
incision may need to be enlarged to facilitate pas- (Figure 12-23, C). Correct insertion of the needle
sage of the feeding tube through the body wall
and skin. The mushroom tip should be palpable
through the body wall.The mushroom tip should
not be pulled through the body wall. Once the
feeding tube is secured, the suture placed through
the side holes of the mushroom tip is removed by
pulling on one end of the suture.
Cook Feeding Tube Placement Device
Use of a Cook feeding tube placement device
(Cook device) is another technique for placing
gastrostomy feeding tubes without visualization
(Figure 12-21). The patient is anesthetized and
placed in right lateral recumbency (Figure 12-22).
The tube will exit in the left paralumbar fossa, and
that area is aseptically prepared. The Cook device FIGURE 12-20 A, Gastrostomy tube placement
is passed through the oral cavity, down the esoph- without visualization: Eld percutaneous gastrostomy
agus, and into the stomach (Figure 12-23, A).The feeding tube (PGFT) applicator.

FIGURE 12-20, cont’d B, The applicator is inserted through the oral cavity and esophagus into the stomach.
The tip of the tube is palpated through the lateral abdominal wall. C, When the spring-loaded plunger is depressed,
a sharp, pointed end is exposed at the distal tip of the applicator. (B modified from JorVet Eld gastrostomy tube
applicator manual, Jorgensen Laboratories, Loveland, Colo.)

is verified by tapping the needle against the inner end of the feeding tube is inserted on the ribbed
wall of the lumen of the Cook device. If the flared end of the tapered insertion device (Figure 12-23,
end of the Cook device cannot be palpated in the G ). The insertion device has a threaded end,
gastric lumen or if the spleen appears to be overly- which is attached to the threaded end of the wire
ing the end, a three-way stopcock can be attached exiting the mouth (Figure 12-23, H). A long piece
to the proximal end of the Cook device and air of fishing line or Vetafil is placed through the side
can be injected to distend the stomach (Figure 12- holes of the mushroom end of the feeding tube; this
23, D). A threaded wire supplied with the Cook suture should not be tied.This provides a means to
device is inserted through the needle so that it recover the feeding tube should problems arise.The
exits the proximal end of the Cook device where insertion device and feeding tube are lubricated,
it exits the oral cavity (Figure 12-23, E ).The wire and the tube is then pulled through the esophagus,
is fed so that the threaded end is inserted and exits into the stomach, and through the abdominal wall
at the mouth (Figure 12-23, F ).The Cook device by placing tension on the wire at the abdominal
is then removed. The flared end of a mushroom- wall exit site (Figure 12-23, I ). The mushroom tip
tipped feeding tube is cut off, and the remaining should not be pulled through the body wall (Figure

FIGURE 12-20, cont’d D, The sharp, pointed, distal tip of the applicator is thrust through the stomach and
lateral abdominal wall.A piece of suture is threaded through the hole in the tip, and the tip is retracted into the body
of the applicator. E, The applicator and attached suture are removed.The feeding tube is attached to the suture.
(D modified from and E from JorVet Eld gastrostomy tube applicator manual, Jorgensen Laboratories, Loveland, Colo.)

permanent seal between the stomach wall and

body wall and tube placement cannot be verified
Percutaneous Endoscopic Placement
Percutaneous endoscopic tube placement is per-
formed as described for percutaneous surgical
placement without gastropexy with the exception
that the suture is placed from the left flank out
through the oral cavity with the aid of an endo-
scope.The clinician passes the endoscope into the
stomach and insufflates the lumen with air (Figure
12-24, A).A 1-mm skin incision is made in the left
flank 1 to 2 cm caudal to the last rib and approxi-
FIGURE 12-21 Gastrostomy tube placement without mately one third of the distance dorsally from the
visualization: Cook feeding tube insertion device. ventral abdominal wall. An 18-gauge hypodermic
needle or an over-the-needle intravenous catheter is
12-23, J ). Once the feeding tube is secured, the passed through the skin incision and into the stom-
suture placed through the side holes of the mush- ach lumen (Figure 12-24, B and C ). The clinician
room tip is removed by pulling on one end of the passes a strand of Vetafil through the needle into the
suture. stomach, retrieves it endoscopically (Figure 12-24,
Advantages and Disadvantages. Advantages of D), and brings it out through the mouth. Once the
gastrostomy feeding tube placement without visu- strand of suture is entering the left flank and exiting
alization include ease of placement and low cost of the oral cavity, the feeding tube is placed as described
placement. Disadvantages are the inability to per- for percutaneous placement without visualization
form surgical gastropexy to ensure an early and (Figure 12-24, E-I ). A retrieval suture is also placed
through the side ports of the mushroom-tipped
Advantages and Disadvantages. The advantage
of endoscopic placement is direct visualization of
tube placement during the procedure. The disad-
vantage is inability to perform surgical gastropexy
to ensure an early and permanent seal between the
stomach wall and body wall.
Percutaneous Surgical Placement With
General anesthesia and standard skin prepara-
tion of the left paralumbar fossa is performed.The
clinician should instruct an assistant to pass a large-
bore stiff plastic stomach tube (e.g., as for decom-
pressing patients with gastric dilatation volvulus)
into the stomach. The left flank area is palpated
FIGURE 12-22 Gastrostomy tube placement without until the bulging end of the stomach tube can be
visualization: Cook feeding tube insertion device.The palpated. The tube should be moved to a point 1
device is passed through the oral cavity and esophagus to 2 cm caudal to the last rib and 3 to 4 cm ventral
into the stomach with the patient in right lateral to the transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae 2,
recumbency. A, The device is rotated 90 degrees 3, and 4 and grasped with thumb and finger
counterclockwise so that it can pass freely over the base
(Figure 12-25, A-C).The clinician holds the stom-
of the heart. B, The catheter needle is inserted through
the skin into the flared end of the device at a 45-
ach tube in this position and makes a 2-cm skin
degree angle to parallel the distal end of the device. incision over the end of the tube. Subcutaneous
(From Mauterer JV Jr et al.: New technique and tissues are bluntly dissected to expose the external
management guidelines for percutaneous abdominal oblique muscle. The external abdomi-
nonendoscopic tube gastrostomy, J Am Vet Med Assoc nal oblique muscle is bluntly dissected in the direc-
205[4]:574, 1994.) tion of its fibers to expose the internal abdominal

oblique muscle. This muscle is dissected in the sutures are placed in the exposed stomach wall to
direction of its fibers to expose the transversus ensure that it will not fall back into the abdominal
abdominus muscle.The clinician dissects this mus- cavity. The orogastric tube can now be removed
cle in the direction of its fibers and penetrates the from the stomach. A purse-string suture is placed
peritoneum to expose the wall of the stomach in the stomach wall around the proposed tube
over the tube, being careful not to enter the lumen entry point using 3-0 Maxon.The clinician uses a
of the stomach. One or two 3-0 Maxon stay No. 11 scalpel blade to enter the stomach, places a



FIGURE 12-23 Gastrostomy tube placement without visualization: Cook feeding tube insertion device. A, The
device is inserted through the oral cavity and esophagus into the stomach. B, A small skin incision is made over the
left paralumbar fossa. C, The tip of the device located in the stomach is positioned under the skin incision, and
the needle is inserted through the lateral abdominal wall and stomach wall into the lumen of the device.
D, A three-way stopcock can be attached to the end of the device for stomach insufflation. E, The threaded wire is
inserted through the needle into the lumen of the device until it is visualized at the end of the device inserted into
the oral cavity. F, The wire extends from the left lateral abdominal wall through the stomach and esophagus, and
exits the oral cavity. (A-F courtesy Dr. R. Bright, Colorado.)



FIGURE 12-23, cont’d G, The flared end of the mushroom-tipped feeding tube is removed, and the remaining
end of the feeding tube is attached to the ribbed end of the tapered insertion device. H, The tapered insertion
device with the mushroom-tipped feeding tube is attached to the threaded end of the wire that exits the oral cavity.
I, The wire is retracted through the abdominal wall, pulling the feeding tube through the oral cavity and esophagus
into the stomach. J, The tapered insertion device aids in pulling the feeding tube through the stomach and lateral
abdominal wall. (G courtesy Dr. R. Bright, Colorado.)

20 to 24 Fr Foley catheter 3 to 4 cm into its lasting seal between the stomach wall and body
lumen, and inflates the bulb. The purse-string wall, and confirmation of proper tube placement is
suture is secured around the Foley catheter to cre- performed during placement. Feeding tubes can be
ate an airtight and watertight seal. Gentle traction safely removed at any time after placement. A dis-
is placed on the Foley catheter to bring its bulb advantage of this technique is the difficulty of pal-
against the stomach wall and the stomach wall pating the orogastric feeding tube in the flank of
against the abdominal wall. Four or five simple obese patients. Also it requires a surgical and thus
interrupted sutures of 3-0 Maxon are placed from more invasive approach to placing a feeding tube.
the stomach wall to the body wall to provide a Surgical Placement Through a Midline
firm gastropexy to the abdominal wall. The clini- Laparotomy
cian closes subcutaneous tissues and skin around The patient is aseptically prepared for a midline
the exiting Foley catheter and secures the catheter celiotomy. From a ventral midline laparotomy
to the skin with a Chinese finger-trap friction approach, the distal end of a 20 Fr Foley or Pezzer
suture of No. 1 Novofil (Figure 12-26, A-C). catheter is brought into the abdominal cavity
Advantages and Disadvantages. Advantages of through a stab incision in the left body wall. The
the surgical technique include the following: the ventral surface of the stomach is exteriorized, a
tube is easily placed, the stomach is easily found in purse-string suture is placed in the body of the
an anoretic patient, tube placement is quick, no stomach equidistant between the lesser and greater
special equipment is needed to place the tube (i.e., curvature, and a stab incision is made in the center
endoscope or feeding tube placement device), sur- of the purse-string suture with a No. 11 scalpel
gical gastropexy ensures an immediate and long- blade. The distal end of the feeding catheter is

FIGURE 12-24 Gastrostomy tube placement: percutaneous endoscopic placement. A, With the dog in right lateral
recumbency, the endoscope is inserted into the stomach and the stomach is distended with air. B, An over-the-
needle catheter or hypodermic needle is placed transabdominally into the stomach lumen adjacent to the tip of the
endoscope. C, Close-up of an endoscopic snare grasping a 2-inch catheter after the stylet has been removed. (A and
C from Tams TR: Small animal endoscopy, ed 2, St. Louis, 1999, Mosby. B from Bright RM, Burrows CF:
Percutaneous endoscopic tube gastronomy in dogs, Am J Vet Res 49[5]: 629, 1988.) Continued

placed in the lumen of the stomach, and the purse- abdominal wall, creating an early permanent gas-
string suture is tightened around the catheter. tropexy. The major disadvantage is the need to
The bulb (i.e., Foley) is inflated with saline, and perform a laparotomy to place the tube.This tech-
gentle traction is placed on the catheter to bring the nique is generally performed when exploratory
body of the stomach in close apposition to the left laparotomy is required for diagnosis or treatment
body wall. The stomach wall is sutured to of the patient’s primary disorder.
the abdominal wall with four or five 3-0 Maxon
sutures to provide an early permanent gastropexy. Complications of Gastrostomy
The feeding tube is secured to the skin with a Feeding Tubes
Chinese finger-trap friction suture of No. 1 Potential complications of gastrostomy feeding
Novofil. The abdomen is closed routinely (Figure tubes relate to mechanical, GI, and metabolic
12-27). complications. The most severe complication of
Advantages and Disadvantages. The advantage gastrostomy tube placement is early removal with
of gastrostomy tube placement via laparotomy is leakage of gastric contents into the abdominal
the ability to suture the stomach wall to the cavity and subsequent generalized peritonitis.

These feeding tubes are placed either surgically or

percutaneously using a previously placed
mushroom-tipped gastrostomy feeding tube.
Surgical placement is through a midline celiotomy
or through a left flank laparotomy. Placement can
also be done using a previously placed gastrostomy
feeding tube. A gastrostomy feeding tube is placed
as described previously and left in place for 3 to
4 weeks to ensure adhesions between the stom-
ach and body wall. The feeding tube is removed,
and the depth of the fistula is measured (Figure
D 12-29, A).The appropriate LPGFT is chosen.The
mushroom end of the LPGFT collapses with the
aid of a stylet (Figure 12-29, B).The mushroom tip
is collapsed and fed through the fistula into the
gastric lumen. The stylet is removed, and the
mushroom reexpands in the lumen. A cutaneous
flange is inserted onto the LPGFT and used to
secure the tube. LPGFTs have one or two internal
valves to prevent reflux.
Advantages and Disadvantages. LPGFTs may
be used for months to years in dogs and cats.
Another advantage is that they lie flush with the
skin; therefore bandage material is not required.
FIGURE 12-24, cont’d D, A strand of suture is Valves present in the LPGFTs prevent reflux of
inserted through the catheter into the stomach lumen gastric contents. Disadvantages of LPGFTs include
and grasped with grasping forceps using endoscopic expense of the tubes, necessity for a previously
visualization. (From Bright RM, Burrows CF: placed gastrostomy tube or a surgical approach for
Percutaneous endoscopic tube gastrostomy in dogs, Am placement, and the possibility of separating the
J Vet Res 49[5]:629,1988.) adhesions while placing the LPGFT.

Ensuring firm placement of the feeding tube that Percutaneous

results in an early and permanent gastropexy can Gastroduodenostomy Tube
prevent this complication. Peristomal infection can Percutaneous gastroduodenostomy is indicated in
also occur if the tube is secured too tightly to the patients with severe gastroesophageal reflux, swal-
lateral abdominal wall or too loosely, resulting lowing disorders, aspiration pneumonia, or persis-
in rubbing of the tube in the gastrocutaneous fis- tent vomiting of gastric origin (Figure 12-30, A).
tula. GI complications include vomiting and diar-
rhea. Vomiting is often a result of preexisting Technique. A percutaneous gastrostomy feeding
disease or administration of food that is less than tube is placed as described previously. A Pezzer
near body temperature or administering food too catheter feeding tube is used, and the dome-shaped
rapidly. Potential metabolic complications include tip of the mushroom end is removed before place-
intolerance to the diet, hyperglycemia due to stress- ment.A strand of 2-0 silk suture is tied to the tip of
induced insulin resistance, and electrolyte imbal- an 8 to 10 Fr diameter, 60- to 110-cm, duodenal
ances. Protein intolerance may occur if too much feeding tube with stylet. The duodenal tube is
protein is administered to a patient in renal or liver passed through the gastrostomy tube and into the
failure. stomach (Figure 12-30, B). The duodenal tube is
Low-Profile Gastrostomy Feeding Tubes. visualized endoscopically, and the silk suture is
Low-profile gastrostomy feeding tubes (LPGFTs) grasped with biopsy forceps (Figure 12-30, C).The
can be used for long-term nutritional support biopsy forceps are gently retracted into the endo-
(Figure 12-28, A and B). LPGFTs offer the advan- scope port to pull the catheter tip against the endo-
tage of exiting flush with the abdominal wall. scope. The clinician repositions the dog in left

FIGURE 12-24, cont’d E, 1,

The end of the suture that exits the
oral cavity is passed retrograde
through the lumen of an
intravenous catheter or pipette tip.
2,The end of the feeding tube
opposite the mushroom tip end is
modified by removing a V-shaped
piece.An 18-gauge hypodermic
needle is passed transversely
through the tube just under the
trimmed portion.The suture and
needle are removed as a unit. 3,
The suture is tied in a square knot,
with the knot pulled deep into the
notched end of the feeding tube. 4,
The end of the feeding tube is
placed into the flared end of the
catheter or pipette tip and kept
under tension with traction on the
suture exiting the lateral abdominal
wall. F, The feeding tube is
attached to the suture exiting the
oral cavity. (E from Bright RM,
Burrows CF: Percutaneous
endoscopic tube gastrostomy in
dogs, Am J Vet Res 49[5]:629,1988.)

lateral recumbency, passes the endoscope through gastrostomy tube, and the duodenal tube stylet is
the pylorus and into the duodenum, advances the slowly removed (Figure 12-30, F).
biopsy forceps to their full length, and releases the
catheter (Figure 12-30, D). The biopsy forceps are Advantages and Disadvantages. The
replaced in the biopsy port, and the endoscope is advantage of this technique is placement of an
slowly removed (Figure 12-30, E). The duodenal enteral feeding tube without the need of lapa-
feeding tube is secured to the gastrostomy tube by rotomy. Disadvantages include difficulty placing the
seating the flanged end of the duodenal tube in the tube in the duodenum, difficult placement in

Feeding tube FIGURE 12-24, cont’d

G, 1, Traction is applied to the
suture exiting the lateral abdominal
wall, and the assembled feeding tube
and catheter are pulled into the
stomach, 2, and finally to the
exterior. H, The feeding tube is
exteriorized. I, Internal bumper of a
PEG tube (Bard) after placement. (G
and I from Tams TR: Small animal
endoscopy, ed 2, St. Louis, 1999,



patients weighing less than 40 lb, migration of the radiographic assessment for tube placement con-
tube from the duodenum, mechanical obstruction of firmation.This technique is technically demanding
the tube (e.g., kinking), specialized instrumentation and is recommended only for veterinarians
necessary for placement, and the necessity of experienced in endoscopy.

A exteriorized
through grid




FIGURE 12-25 Percutaneous gastrostomy tube placement with gastropexy (cont’d in Figure 12-26). A, Pass a large-
bore, stiff plastic stomach tube into the stomach. Palpate the end of the tube at the flank. B, Grasp the tube and move it
to a point 2 to 3 cm caudal to the thirteenth rib and 2 to 3 cm distal to the transverse processes of the lumbar
vertebrae. Secure the tube with thumb and finger, make an incision through the skin and subcutaneous tissue, and
bluntly dissect the abdominal muscles to expose the gastric wall over the tube. C, Place a purse-string suture in the
gastric wall around the tube and puncture the wall with a scalpel blade. (From Fossum et al.: Small animal surgery, ed 2,
St. Louis, 2002, Mosby.)

Enterostomy (e.g., may also be considered candidates for placement of

an enterostomy feeding tube. Immediate feeding
Duodenostomy or Jejunostomy) of a highly digestible, low-bulk diet in patients
Feeding Tube undergoing colonic surgery can be accomplished
An enterostomy feeding tube is indicated in any using an enterostomy tube. Patients with preexisting
patient undergoing oral, pharyngeal, esophageal, protein-calorie malnutrition that must undergo
gastric, pancreatic, duodenal, or biliary tract surgery major abdominal surgery are considered candidates
in which the intestinal tract distal to the surgical for early enteral hyperalimentation via enterostomy.
site is functional (Figure 12-31). Surgical patients
with a neurologic status that may prevent postoper- Technique. A celiotomy is required for place-
ative feeding or patients with acute pancreatitis that ment of an enterostomy feeding tube. A 5 to 8 Fr
are anticipated to be anorexic for more than 5 days diameter, 36-inch infant feeding tube in which

A suture


C Chinese
finger-trap friction

FIGURE 12-26 Percutaneous gastrostomy tube placement with gastropexy (cont’d from Figure 12-25). A, Place
the Foley or Pezzer catheter into the lumen of the stomach and into the tube. B, Tighten the purse-string suture,
remove the stomach tube, inflate the bulb of the Foley catheter, and suture the gastric wall to the abdominal wall.
C, Note the proper tube placement of the inflated Foley catheter, the gastropexy, and the Chinese finger-trap
friction suture to secure the tube in place. (From Fossum et al.: Small animal surgery, ed 2, St. Louis, 2002, Mosby.)

one end can be conveniently capped or a red rub- to 12 inches of the tube is passed aborally in the
ber feeding tube is recommended.The distal tip of lumen of the jejunum.The exiting portion of the
the feeding tube is brought into the abdominal tube is laid in the 1- to 1.5-cm seromuscular inci-
cavity through a 2- to 3-mm stab incision on the sion, and the tube is sutured in this “tunnel” by
right or left body wall using a No. 11 scalpel blade. inverting the seromuscular layer over the tube
The clinician selects a segment of small intestine, with three or four interrupted Cushing sutures of
identifies the normal direction of flow of ingesta 4-0 Maxon (Figure 12-32, A-C).The tube exit site
(i.e., oral to aboral), and ensures the selected seg- of the jejunum is sutured to the exit site at the
ment can be easily mobilized to the feeding tube body wall with four to five simple interrupted
entrance location on the body wall.A 1- to 1.5-cm sutures of 4-0 Maxon to provide a permanent
linear incision is made through the seromuscular enteropexy.The exiting feeding tube is secured to
layers of the antimesenteric border of the selected abdominal skin using a Chinese finger-trap fric-
jejunal segment. A 10-gauge hypodermic needle tion suture of 2-0 Novofil.The clinician should be
or the point of a No. 11 scalpel blade is used, and careful not to occlude the lumen of the tube when
the lumen of the jejunum is entered at the most placing the finger-trap suture (Figure 12-33, A-C).
aboral end of the incision. The distal end of the The feeding tube exit site should be incorporated
feeding tube is placed through the incision, and 10 into a body bandage to prevent premature removal

help prevent tube occlusion or reflux of intestinal

contents into the tube.

Advantages and Disadvantages. Advan-

tages of enterostomy feeding tubes include bypassing
the upper GI tract while providing enteral nutri-
tional support, decreased stimulation of pancreatic
enzyme secretion, providing nutrition for entero-
cytes, and having fewer metabolic complications
than parenteral nutrition has. Disadvantages of
enterostomy feeding tube use include necessity of
surgical placement, being limited to using liquid
diets, necessity for more intensive monitoring
because constant-rate infusion of diet is required, and
potential for peritonitis with leakage or removal of
FIGURE 12-27 Gastrostomy tube placement: surgical the tube.
placement through a midline laparotomy—cross section
of the abdomen showing the gastropexy and position of
the gastrostomy feeding tube. (From Crowe DT Jr: Complications. Complications include prema-
Enteral nutrition for critically ill or injured patients— ture removal, tube-induced jejunal perforation, peri-
part II, Comp Cont Educ Pract Vet 8:719, 1986.) toneal leakage, and subcutaneous leakage. Tube-
induced jejunal perforation is prevented by using soft
rubber tubes designed for enterostomy feeding, not
high-density polyethylene plastic tubes. Peritoneal
leakage is prevented by paying close attention
to include a 360-degree enteropexy. Passing 10 to 12
inches of tube into the jejunum and securely fixing
A the tube to skin with a Chinese finger-trap friction
suture prevent subcutaneous leakage.

Gastrostomy-Enterostomy Tube
Occasionally patients may require placement of
gastrostomy and enterostomy feeding tubes
(Figure 12-34).This combination of tubes is gen-
erally indicated for patients that present with vom-
iting as a major part of the history. These patients
cannot initially be fed via a gastrostomy feeding
tube immediately postoperatively. Therefore an
enterostomy tube is placed and recommended for
the initial feeding. A gastrostomy tube is also
placed and used if the patient is still anorexic when
the vomiting resolves.

FIGURE 12-28 A, An example of a low-profile Technique. Gastrostomy and enterostomy feed-

gastrostomy feeding tube. B, Low-profile gastrostomy ing tubes can be placed individually as described
feeding tube inserted in a male Collie with congenital above. Alternatively, the enterostomy tube can be
megaesophagus. placed through the gastrostomy tube and into
the jejunum. This technique is described below.
by the patient, technical staff, or owner. Patients The gastrostomy tube is placed as described above
with an enterostomy feeding tube can be fed except for the following modifications. The dis-
immediately postoperatively. A column of water tal end of the gastrostomy tube is cut off. A 5 Fr,
should be kept in the tube between feedings to 36-inch infant feeding tube (i.e., the tube used for


FIGURE 12-29 Low-profile gastrostomy tube placement. A, A stoma-measuring device placed into a
gastrocutaneous fistula and withdrawn until the tip lies gently against the mucosa of the stomach. Circumferential
lines indicate three depths (1.5, 2.6, and 4.3 cm) that correspond with the shaft length of the feeding tube. B, An
obturator being advanced inward until the disk back apposes the base of the low-profile gastrostomy feeding tube.
This elongates the mushroom tip, facilitating placement into the stomach. (Modified from Bright RM et al.: Use of
a low-profile gastrostomy device for administering nutrients in two dogs, J Am Vet Med Assoc 207[9]:1184, 1995.)

enterostomy feeding) is passed through the gastros- the difficulty in passing the enterostomy tube in
tomy tube so that it exits from its distal end. Before the small intestine. Care and patience is needed
gastric placement of the gastrostomy tube, the exit- to encourage the small 5 Fr feeding tube to pass
ing portion of the 5 Fr feeding tube is placed into through the pylorus and into the small intestine.
the stomach lumen through the gastrotomy inci-
sion and manipulated into the duodenum and Complications. The major complication asso-
passed into the proximal jejunum. Once the ciated with combination gastrostomy-enterostomy
enterostomy tube is placed 10 to 12 inches into the tube placement is gastrostomy tube occlusion with
small intestine, the gastrostomy tube is placed into diet fed in the enterostomy tube. Occasionally diet
the gastrotomy incision and secured as described placed in the enterostomy tube will occlude the
above in gastrostomy tube placement via laparo- gastrostomy tube. It is important to encourage
tomy. The jejunostomy tube is secured to the gas- careful management of the enterostomy tube so
trostomy tube to prevent tube migration. that diet does not enter the gastrostomy tube.

Advantages and Disadvantages. The pri-

mary advantage of combination tube placement is CALCULATION
the ability to feed a vomiting patient immediately OF NUTRITIONAL
postoperatively via an enterostomy feeding tube REQUIREMENTS
and to continue feeding the patient into the stom-
ach if the vomiting resolves but the patient remains Once a decision is made that nutritional support is
anorexic. The primary disadvantage of combina- indicated and that the GI tract can be used, the
tion gastrostomy-enterostomy tube placement is number of calories (kilocalories), grams of protein,

FIGURE 12-30 Percutaneous gastroduodenostomy tube placement. A, Ventrodorsal view of the abdomen of a
dog, depicting the location of the percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tube (1) and the percutaneous
gastroduodenostomy (PEGD) tube (2).The tip of the PEGD tube is at the caudal duodenal flexure. B, With the
dog in right lateral recumbency, the enteral tube is pushed into the PEG tube after shortening the PEG tube and
infusing it with 2.5 ml of water-soluble lubricant. C, Endoscopic view of the gastric fundus.The enteral tube is
identified after pushing it through the cut end of the PEG tube (arrows).The suture is grasped with a standard
biopsy instrument (large arrowhead). D, Endoscopic view of the duodenum.The dog is placed in left lateral
recumbency to facilitate pyloric intubation.The endoscope is advanced aborally as far as possible.The biopsy
forceps are advanced until moderate resistance is felt, then the suture is released.The biopsy forceps (large arrow)
are retracted, leaving the enteral tube (small arrowheads) in the duodenum. E, Endoscopic view of the pylorus
(large arrowheads).The endoscope is gently retracted from the pylorus, while the enteral tube stylet (thin arrows)
remains in place. F, Endoscopic view of the pyloric antrum.The endoscope is withdrawn from the stomach,
while the remaining length of the enteral tube is pushed into the stomach and the stylet is removed, leaving the
enteral tube in place. Arrows indicate where the enteral tube exits the pylorus. (From McCrackin MA et al.:
Endoscopic placement of a percutaneous gastroduodenostomy feeding tube in dogs, J Am Vet Med Assoc
203[6]:792, 1993.)

and milliliters of water required by the animal is of resting energy requirements or some fraction of
calculated. maintenance energy requirements. In addition,
energy requirements may be calculated using a lin-
ear or exponential formula. These formulas are
Energy Requirements presented in Table 12-4.
There are several ways to estimate the amount of Although estimates overlap in patients weigh-
calories required by a patient. Illness energy ing between approximately 2 and 20 kg (5 to 45 lb),
requirements may be estimated by using a multiple in larger dogs the linear formula often overestimates

is necessary to facilitate recovery from illness and

injury. Protein requirements of ill or injured patients
vary on a patient-by-patient basis.Variables include
dietary energy content; dietary protein quantity and
quality; and individual patient differences reflect-
ing species, life stage, and type, degree, and stage of
injury or illness. Protein requirements of critically ill
dogs and cats have not been determined. Unless a
patient has compromised renal or hepatic function,
intake of dietary protein should meet maintenance
protein requirements. Adequate protein intake is
necessary to facilitate recovery to provide structural
protein for repair of injured tissues, and to optimize
immune function. For maintenance, diets should
provide a minimum of 4 g of protein per 100 kcal
FIGURE 12-31 Use of a surgically placed of metabolizable energy (16% of energy as protein)
enterostomy feeding tube in an adult Boston terrier. for dogs and 6 g of protein per 100 kcal of metabo-
lizable energy (25% of energy as protein) for cats.
energy requirements. As can be seen from the Taking into account availability, digestion, and
table, maintenance energy requirements are absorption of enterally provided protein, require-
approximately two times resting energy require- ments may be estimated at 4 g/BWkg for dogs and
ments (RERs) for dogs and one and one-half 6 g/BWkg for cats. In patients with liver or renal
times RERs for cats. In many patients that are ill, failure, less protein should be provided, and in
the stress of illness results in increased RERs; how- patients with hypoalbuminemia or protein loss
ever, because of lack of physical activity, energy through the GI tract or through loss of protein-rich
requirements during illness for most patients are fluids (e.g., peritonitis), protein intake should be
less than maintenance. Numerous reports of criti- increased; protein intake should be decreased with
cally ill humans indicate that metabolic rates are protein-losing nephropathy. Protein of high bio-
increased over RER: 25% to 35% postoperatively; logic value should be used in critically ill patients.
35% to 50% with trauma or cancer; 50% to 70% Special importance has been ascribed to metabo-
with sepsis; and 70% to 100% or more with major lism of specific amino acids in nutritional support,
burns or head trauma. Energy requirements of and they have been added to commercially available
critically ill humans rarely approach normal main- convalescent diets. Arginine is an essential amino
tenance energy requirements. Based on data acid for dogs and cats and is important in wound
derived from humans, various factors have been healing, immune function, and promoting a positive
suggested for estimating energy requirements of ill nitrogen balance. Glutamine is a principal nutrient
or injured animals. In most critically ill animals, for enterocytes and is important in nitrogen metab-
the goal of nutritional support is to maintain body olism. Branched-chain amino acids, valine, leucine,
weight and body condition. Therefore a practical and isoleucine, decrease trauma- and sepsis-induced
alternative to using a complex factoring system is muscle catabolism and improve nitrogen retention.
to multiply the RER by a factor of 1.5 for dogs Taurine is an essential amino acid in cats and is
and cats. Alternatively, using the formula important for cardiac function.
100(BWkg0.75) provides the same results as multi-
plying the RER by 1.5. The clinician should
notice that this represents estimated maintenance Fluid Requirements
energy requirements in cats. If cats are fed less than It is important to maintain adequate hydration
maintenance energy requirements, they are likely when providing nutritional support. Fluid is pro-
to lose weight. vided in prepared liquid diets or added to canned
pet foods to make a gruel for enteral nutrition. Dogs
and cats require 50 to 100 ml of water per kilogram
Protein Requirements of body weight for daily maintenance, depending
After energy requirements are calculated, protein on environmental temperature, type of food, and
requirements should be estimated. Dietary protein level of activity. Canned pet foods typically contain

Seromuscular layer incision

Puncture in submucosa/mucosa



B Cushing Oral






FIGURE 12-32 Placement of an enterostomy tube. A, Make a 1- to 1.5-cm linear incision in the seromuscular
layers of the antimesenteric border of the selected jejunal segment; use the tip of a scalpel blade to puncture a hole
in the aboral aspect of the seromuscular incision. B and C, Place the distal end of the feeding tube through the
incision; lay the exiting portion of the tube in the 1- to 1.5-cm seromuscular incision and construct a “tunnel” by
inverting the seromuscular layer over the tube with three or four Cushing sutures of 4-0 absorbable material. (From
Fossum et al.: Small animal surgery, ed 2, St. Louis, 2002, Mosby.)


Aboral Oral A

FIGURE 12-33 A, The catheter is exteriorized through a separate stab incision in the body wall. B and C, The
jejunum is attached to the peritoneum with three to four simple interrupted sutures of 3-0 or 4-0 absorbable suture
material. (From Fossum et al.: Small animal surgery, ed 2, St. Louis, 2002, Mosby.)

avoided because excess vitamins and minerals may

compromise the patient (e.g., iron supplementa-
tion may worsen bacterial infection and oxygen
free radical production).

FIGURE 12-34 Combination of enterostomy feeding Feeding Into the Stomach
tube (red rubber feeding tube in foreground) and When feeding into the stomach (i.e., oral, nasogas-
gastrostomy feeding tube (mushroom-tipped feeding tric/nasoesophageal, esophagostomy, pharyngostomy,
tube in background) in an adult male West Highland or gastrostomy), the quantity of diet fed is deter-
white terrier with acute pancreatitis and hiatal hernia. mined by the patient’s stomach capacity. In normal
dogs and cats, stomach capacity is approximately
70% to 85% water. Normal daily fluid requirements 80 ml of fluid per kilogram of body weight.
are approximately equal to daily caloric require- However, anorexic patients can accommodate only
ments. Patients affected with diseases associated with 30 to 40 ml of fluid or liquid diet per kilogram of
excessive fluid losses (e.g., polyuria, diarrhea, vomit- body weight when feeding begins. A gradual
ing, and third spacing of fluids) require more than increase in volume over a 2- to 3-day period will
calculated normal fluid amounts.Abrupt changes in generally allow the stomach to accommodate larger
body weight usually reflect hydration status; there- volumes of nutrients. A minimum of three feedings
fore fluid intake can be adjusted to maintain body daily should be used; however, if vomiting and
weight. Fluid requirements should be met as part of abdominal distention occur, the volume should be
nutritional support.A general recommendation is to reduced and the number of feedings per day
mix water and canned diet in a 1:1 ratio to meet increased.When using 5 Fr or smaller feeding tubes
maintenance energy requirements for most patients. (i.e., nasoesophageal or nasogastric tubes), only liq-
uid diets may be administered. When using 8 Fr
feeding tubes, convalescent diets with a homoge-
Vitamins and Minerals neous consistency may be used if diluted. When
Little is known about vitamin and mineral status in using larger-bore feeding tubes, blended canned
critically ill patients, although deficiencies have diets may be used (Figure 12-35). The volume of
been observed in veterinary medicine. One study food administered per feeding is determined by the
in humans indicated that micronutrient deficiency caloric requirements and the consistency of the
was common (64% of 284 patients examined) in a gruel.To calculate the amount of food to administer,
wide variety of illnesses. Use of well-balanced the clinician divides the energy requirements of the
diets should provide adequate amounts of micro- patient by the caloric density of the food. Although
nutrients, especially when pet foods are used. the amount of water administered using canned
Human enteral products may not provide ade- products can be calculated by multiplying the vol-
quate amounts. Oversupplementation should be ume of food to be administered by the moisture

TABLE 12-4 Formulas Used to Estimate Energy

Linear Exponential
Formula Formula
Resting energy requirements 30(BWkg + 70) 70(BWkg0.75)
Maintenance energy requirements Dog: 2[30(BW + 70)]kg Dog: 132(BWkg0.75)
Cat: 1.5[30(BWkg + 70)] Cat: 100(BWkg 0.75)

It is difficult to decrease the infusion time of diet to

less than 8 hours or to bolus feeding, although both
have been reported in enterostomy-fed patients.

Monitoring Tube-Fed Patients

Body weight and physical examination should be
monitored daily while the patient is hospitalized.
The tube site should be cleaned every day or every
other day. Blood work should be performed as
deemed necessary for optimum care of the patient
(Box 12-4).

FIGURE 12-35 Blended canned diets can be Transition From Tube Feeding
administered through large-bore feeding tubes.
to Oral Feeding
When the patient begins to eat voluntarily or is
content of the diet, an alternative is to mix 1 part able to eat voluntarily, the clinician should con-
food with 1 part water.This usually exceeds the daily sider making a transition from tube feeding to oral
fluid requirements of the patient. Although starter feeding. This should be done over several days. If
regimens have been recommended (e.g., feeding one the tube is not interfering with oral consumption
third of calories on day 1, two thirds of calories on of food, the clinician should leave it in for a few
day 2, and full caloric intake on day 3), we recom- extra days to use if the patient is not consuming
mend feeding full caloric intake on day 1. It is nec- enough diet or if the patient stops eating again.
essary to feed the total amount of diet and water
divided over 6 to 8 feedings on day 1, however. On General Complications of Tube
day 2, the volume of administered diet per feeding
can be increased and the frequency of feedings can
be decreased to four to six times. On day 3, the Three types of complications can occur during the
number of feedings can usually be decreased to 3. course of enteral nutritional support: mechanical,
GI, and metabolic.

Feeding Into the Small Intestine Mechanical Complications. Mechanical

When feeding into the small intestine (i.e., gastro- complications include inadvertent tube placement
duodenostomy or enterostomy), the clinician must or displacement in the trachea (nasogastric/naso-
carefully regulate the rate and volume of diet to avoid esophageal, esophagostomy, pharyngostomy) or
overdistention. Each patient is unique in the amount peritoneal cavity (gastrostomy, gastroduodenostomy,
of fluid the small intestine will accommodate; there- jejunostomy), gut perforation by the feeding tube
fore a guideline for feeding via enterostomy tube is
presented. Enterostomy tube feeding is usually done
by constant-rate infusion rather than bolus feeding.
Because of this, the day is divided into two 12-hour
BOX 12-4 Protocol for Monitoring
cycles and the liquid diet is administered via Tube-Fed Patients
constant-rate infusion over 8 to 10 hours, providing 1. Verify position of feeding tubes:
2 to 4 hours to rest the GI tract. During the first Continuous feeding: at least once a day
12-hour cycle, one quarter of the calculated diet is Bolus feeding: before each meal
administered over 8 to 10 hours and then discontin- 2. Monitor vital signs at least once a day initially,
ued for 2 to 4 hours. If the patient tolerates the rate, then as necessary
one half of the daily calculated amount of diet is 3. Weigh patient daily
administered over the next 8 to 10 hours, again dis- 4. Check urine glucose or blood glucose concentra-
continuing for 2 to 4 hours. After that, one half of tions every 6 to 12 hours initially, then once a day
5. Monitor fecal frequency and consistency daily
daily calculated diet requirements is administered per
6. Perform other laboratory tests as necessary
each 12-hour cycle, providing 2 to 4 hours of GI rest.

(gastroduodenostomy, jejunostomy), regurgitating reflux and tube occlusion. If a tube becomes

or vomiting the tube (nasogastric, esophagostomy, occluded, the use of a carbonated liquid (e.g.,
pharyngostomy), esophageal irritation (nasogas- sparkling water, cola) can be infused into the tube.
tric/nasoesophageal, esophagostomy, pharyngos- It is felt that the effervescence of the liquid will help
tomy), infection at the tube exit site, occlusion with encourage removal of clogged material. If this is
diet, or tube removal by the patient. unsuccessful, tube replacement may be necessary.
Inadvertent placement of feeding tubes in the
trachea or peritoneal cavity can be prevented by Gastrointestinal Complications. GI com-
careful attention during tube placement. A small plications include vomiting, cramping, abdominal
amount of sterile aqueous contrast material should distention, and diarrhea.The most common causes
be injected through the feeding tube and an x-ray are feeding too rapidly, feeding too large a volume,
film taken if there is any question of tube location and feeding diets with high osmolality.Treatment is
(Figure 12-36, A-C ). directed at decreasing the rate and volume fed or
The possibility of gut perforation can be virtu- diluting the diet to a more acceptable osmolality. In
ally eliminated by the use of small-bore Silastic or addition, diet should be warmed to near body tem-
soft rubber gastroduodenostomy and jejunostomy perature before infusion because administration of
feeding tubes. cold diets may cause cramping and GI upset.
Premature tube removal by the patient can be
prevented by use of an adequate mechanical Metabolic Complications. Hyperglycemia
restraint device (e.g., bandaging and Elizabethan secondary to rapid absorption of glucose is the
collar) and secure attachment of the tube to its exit most common metabolic complication; however,
site (i.e., Chinese finger-trap friction suture tech- it occurs rarely in veterinary patients. Insulin
nique). Patient tolerance has been enhanced by the may be used to control hyperglycemia. Regular
use of appropriate-size soft rubber feeding tubes. insulin may be administered IV or as SQ boluses
Cats do not tolerate large amounts of bandaging (0.12 U/lb q4-6h).Alternatively, NPH insulin may
material. Alternatives to using bandage material be administered as follows:
include use of Ace bandages, use of a “sweater”
made from stockinette, or use of “onesies” (sleeve- Dog: 0.25 to 0.45 IU/lb NPH insulin SQ q12h
less T-shirts with snaps used with neonatal Cat: 0.12 IU/lb NPH insulin SQ q12h
humans). Most cats and many dogs do not require
In most instances, complications can be pre-
Elizabethan collars or excessive amounts of
vented by proper tube placement technique, use of
mechanical restraint devices.
appropriate-diameter soft rubber feeding tubes,
Esophagitis secondary to nasogastric/naso-
use of proper diets, carefully calculated feeding
esophageal, esophagostomy, and pharyngostomy
schedules, and proper tube management during
tube placement has been reported; however, use of
and between feedings.
Silastic, soft rubber, or soft polyvinyl feeding tubes
prevents esophageal irritation. Also, midesophageal
placement effectively eliminates reflux esophagitis.
Proper tube management can prevent infection PARENTERAL
at the tube exit.The area should be kept clean and NUTRITIONAL
covered with a bandage. Care should be taken SUPPORT
when feeding the patient to keep diet formula
from contaminating the exit site. Rhinitis second- Nutrition can be provided intravenously to meet
ary to nasogastric/nasoesophageal tube placement part or all of a patient’s nutritional needs (Figure
can be prevented by use of small-bore soft rubber 12-37, A and B). Either all of the nutritional needs
feeding tubes. may be met (so-called total parenteral nutrition
Small- and large-diameter feeding tubes may [TPN]), or some of the nutritional needs may be
become occluded with diet. Using a commercial met (so-called partial parenteral nutrition [PPN]).
liquid diet rather than a blenderized diet best pre- Actually, even with TPN, nutritional require-
vents this problem in small-bore feeding tubes (i.e., ments are not completely met; however, most of
3.5 to 5 Fr).Taking care to flush diet out of the tube the major nutrient requirements may be met.
when feeding is complete and capping the tube Components used in formulating parenteral nutri-
to maintain a column of water will help prevent GI tion include a protein source in the form of amino


FIGURE 12-36 A, Survey lateral abdominal radiograph of an adult cat with a mushroom-tipped percutaneous
endoscopic gastrostomy feeding tube. B, Survey ventrodorsal abdominal radiograph of the adult cat in A.
C, Ventrodorsal abdominal radiograph of an adult cat with a mushroom-tipped percutaneous endoscopic
gastrostomy feeding tube. Diluted iodinated contrast medium has been injected into the tube, which is positioned
on the left abdominal wall. Contrast fills the stomach and has entered the small intestine.

acids, a carbohydrate source in the form of dex- milliliter, 16.5 mg calcium chloride per milliliter,
trose, a lipid source in the form of long-chain fatty 74.6 mg potassium chloride per milliliter, 25.4 mg
acids, electrolytes, minerals, trace elements, and magnesium chloride hexahydrate per milliliter,
vitamins (Figure 12-38). Amino acids are com- and 121 mg sodium acetate per milliliter) and
monly supplied as an 8.5% solution with or with- potassium phosphate (224 mg of monobasic potas-
out electrolytes (4.25% to 10% solutions are sium phosphate per milliliter and 236 mg dibasic
available), dextrose is commonly supplied as a 50% potassium phosphate per milliliter) may be added
solution, and lipids are commonly supplied as a as a source of phosphate. Vitamins and trace ele-
20% emulsion (10% solutions are also available). If ments are also available for use.We routinely use a
electrolytes are not contained in the amino acid B-vitamin complex in the parenteral solution
solution, an electrolyte solution designed for use (1 ml/L of TPN). Vitamin K cannot be given
with parenteral nutrition can be used (TPN elec- intravenously and is administered subcutaneously
trolytes providing 16.1 mg sodium chloride per at 0.25 mg/lb once a week.

Total Parenteral Nutrition

Nutritional requirements are calculated in the
same way as described for enteral nutrition. We
calculate energy requirements, protein require-
ments, and then water requirements.The lipid and
dextrose (nonprotein calories) provide energy.
Usually the lipid component provides 40% to 60%
of the nonprotein calories, and the dextrose com-
ponent provides the remainder of the calculated
caloric requirements. A 20% lipid emulsion pro-
vides 2 kcal/ml, and a 50% dextrose solution
provides 1.7 kcal/ml. Protein requirements are
then calculated as described previously. For main-
tenance, 4 g/100 kcal of energy intake for dogs
and 6 g/100 kcal of energy intake for cats is
required; more or less can be provided depending
on protein status and disease state. An 8.5% amino
acid solution provides 0.085 g of protein per milli-
liter.We add 20 ml of TPN electrolyte solution per
B liter of TPN solution and 5 ml of potassium phos-
phate per liter of TPN solution. The amino acid
solution is also available as a balanced electrolyte
solution; however, it is more expensive than amino
acid solutions without added electrolytes. B vita-
mins may be added at 1 ml per liter of solution. If
additional electrolytes are required, for example,
FIGURE 12-37 A, Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) KCl, they may be added. If additional fluids are
being administered to an adult male Dachshund with required, for example, lactated Ringer’s solution
an insulinoma.A triple lumen jugular catheter has been (LRS), they may either be added to the TPN solu-
inserted, and the TPN is the white solution flowing tion or they may be administered through a sepa-
through the bottom infusion line. B, TPN admixture rate intravenous catheter. Magnesium may be
bag for the dog described in A. TPN is administered added to parenteral solutions; however, magnesium
using an infusion pump. chloride is the salt of choice to add and not mag-
nesium sulfate because the sulfate form is not
compatible with parenteral solutions.
The resultant osmolality of TPN is usually 800
to 1200 mOsm/kg; therefore TPN solution must
be administered through a centrally placed catheter
to avoid thrombophlebitis. The 8.5% amino acid
solution is approximately 800 mOsm/kg; therefore
4.25% amino acid solution is close to isotonicity.
The 50% dextrose solution is approximately 2000
mOsm/kg (Table 12-5); therefore 5% dextrose is
approximately isotonic. The lipid emulsion does
not exert tonicity; therefore it is not included in
the calculation of osmolality.

Partial Parenteral Nutrition

FIGURE 12-38 TPN components (clockwise from
left):TPN multivitamin (brown bottle), lipid (white With partial parenteral nutrition, all of the calcu-
solution in glass bottle), 50% dextrose (plastic bottle), lated nutritional requirements are not met. This
amino acids (two boxes), all-in-one admixture bag, and may occur if less than the calculated amount of
syringes and needles. formula is administered, if components of the

parenteral nutrition are not administered, or if Formulation and Administration

components are diluted to allow administration When compounding parenteral nutrition solution,
through a peripheral vein. If the clinician is admin- it is critical that aseptic technique be adhered to
istering parenteral nutrition through a peripheral (Box 12-5). The dextrose and lipid are excellent
vein (such as a cephalic or saphenous vein), the media for bacteria, and there are no bacteriostatic
solution must be isotonic. It is difficult to meet pro- or bactericidal properties to parenteral solutions. If
tein needs with 4.25% amino acid solution, and dif- pharmacists prepare parenteral nutrition solutions,
ficult to meet caloric needs using 5% or 10% they will use a laminar flow hood to minimize the
dextrose. Often PPN is administered to dogs risk of bacterial contamination. We compound
infected with parvovirus to provide some calories parenteral nutrition solutions in an operating
or protein. In most instances we use TPN. room suite after gowning and gloving in (Figure
12-39). Tops to bottles are prepared aseptically as
if it were a surgical site.Although infrequent, sepsis
and bacteremia can occur with TPN administra-
TABLE 12-5 Parenteral Glucose tion (in humans on long-term TPN adminis-
Solutions tration, the incidence is 3% to 5%).
Glucose Caloric We place single-, double-, or triple-lumen
Concentration Content Osmolarity catheters in the jugular vein for administration of
(%) (kcal/L) (mOsm/L) TPN. If a single-lumen catheter is inserted, it
5 170 253 should only be used for TPN administration. If a
7.7 262 388 double- or triple-lumen catheter is used, one port
10 340 505 is dedicated for TPN solution administration and
20 680 1010 the other port(s) may be used for administering
30 1020 1515 other fluids, administering medication, or collect-
40 1360 2020 ing blood samples. The jugular catheter must be
50 1700 2525 placed as aseptically as possible. It is possible to
60 2040 3030 administer TPN through a single-lumen jugular
70 2380 3535
catheter that is inserted into a cephalic vein, which
100 3400 5050
terminates in the subclavian vein or cranial vena

BOX 12-5 Prevention, Diagnosis, and Therapy Protocols for Sepsis

Associated With Parenteral Nutrition
PREVENTION PROTOCOL If no source of fever can be found within 24 hours
Prepare and handle parenteral solutions aseptically. after detection, culture the blood, parenteral nutri-
Use aseptic technique to place intravenous catheters. tion solution, and catheter. Pending culture results,
Ensure strict aseptic management of dressing and infu- use Gram stain to examine the solution and
sion apparatus. catheter, if it is removed.
Change bandage covering intravenous catheter at least Catheter may be removed and replaced over a guide
every other day. wire pending culture results if continued feeding or
Maintain a closed system. vascular access is desired.
Do not inject medications or blood products, measure If the bacteriologic culture of the catheter is positive,
central venous pressure, or draw blood through the remove the replacement catheter.
catheter. Begin empiric antibiotic therapy until culture results
Use a specialized team or individual to manage therapy. return.
Appropriately treat concurrent infections. Allow 24 to 48 hours for bacteremia to resolve before
a new catheter is placed.
DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT PROTOCOLS Specific antibiotic therapy is initiated according to
Suspect sepsis if the patient develops a fever. culture and sensitivity results.
Monitor closely for any indication of source and/or Continue specific, symptomatic, and supportive treat-
progression toward septic shock/endotoxemia. ment appropriate for the patient’s clinical status.
Monitor blood parameters for predictive changes of

the clinician should measure levels of blood glu-

cose, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), packed cell vol-
ume (PCV), and total solids and examine the
plasma or serum for lipemia or hemolysis. If the
findings are normal, the rate of TPN is increased
to full and the supplemental fluids are decreased or
discontinued. After an additional 8 to 12 hours
(which is usually in the morning), a complete
blood count, serum biochemical analysis, and uri-
nalysis should be performed (Box 12-6).The TPN
solution can be adjusted as needed based on these
results. Laboratory evaluation should be performed
FIGURE 12-39 Veterinary nurses aseptically as needed depending on the underlying disease;
preparing TPN solution. however, renal function, electrolyte concentra-
tions, and acid-base status should be evaluated
cava, or a catheter inserted into the femoral vein, every 3 to 4 days. Blood work should be repeated
which terminates in the caudal vena cava. Aseptic anytime an unexpected turn for the worse occurs.
catheter management is imperative. As few people A bottle of TPN solution may be used for 3 days
should handle the catheter or the TPN solution as and occasionally 4 days. If used for more than 3 or
possible. Tubing connections should be scrubbed 4 days, the risk of bacterial contamination
before connecting, and the connections should be increases and the lipid emulsion begins to break
taped together to prevent them from accidentally down. Breaking down of the emulsion results in a
separating. If the lines become disconnected, then “brown scum” that adheres to the glass bottle; this
all tubing should be discarded. Some recommend process is called caramelization.
discarding the TPN solution as well in this instance. Once the patient begins eating or is well
Once the TPN is formulated and com- enough to begin eating, TPN may be discontin-
pounded, the daily amount is calculated and is ued. This is accomplished by decreasing the rate
administered as a constant-rate infusion. The vol- to one half of the calculated maintenance rate for
ume of TPN solution that must be administered 8 to 12 hours.TPN can be discontinued after this
over the 24-hour period determines the rate. point is reached. If TPN is discontinued too
Usually the administered volume meets or slightly quickly, hypoglycemia may occur.
exceeds the daily fluid requirement; therefore
additional fluids are not needed. However, if a
patient is losing more fluid than maintenance (e.g.,
Complications of Parenteral
ascites, polyuric diseases, or peritonitis), then addi- Nutrition
tional fluids must be administered.To begin TPN, Complications associated with parenteral nutri-
one half of the calculated rate (milliliters per hour) tion may be classified as mechanical or metabolic
is administered for the first 8 to 12 hours; supple- (Table 12-6). Mechanical complications include
mental fluids will need to be administered to meet accidental removal of the venous catheter, acci-
daily fluid requirements. At the end of this period dental disconnection of lines, kinking of the

BOX 12-6 Protocol for Monitoring Patients Receiving Parenteral

1. Vital signs, including temperature, pulse, and respi- 5. Serum urea nitrogen concentration 12 hours after
ration (TPR), mucous membrane color, and capil- beginning parenteral nutrition, then at least one to
lary refill time every 6 to 12 hours two times a week
2. Body weight every 24 hours 6. Packed cell volume, total solids, platelet count, and
3. Blood glucose level every 6 to 12 hours initially, plasma color and turbidity every 24 hours for 2 to
then at least every 24 to 72 hours 3 days, then at least once a week
4. Serum electrolyte concentrations every 24 hours 7. Complete blood cell count and serum biochemical
for the first 2 to 3 days, then at least one to two profile at least one to two times a week, more often
times a week if indicated

catheter or lines, occlusion of the lines or catheter, clinical signs of mineral or trace element deficien-
or using a bottle of parenteral solution for too cies were not apparent. In that study 46% of cases
long. There are several metabolic complications experienced mechanical problems (e.g., break in
that can occur and have been described; however, infusion line or catheter dysfunction), 16% devel-
the most common ones are hypoglycemia, hyper- oped clinical sepsis, and metabolic complications
glycemia, hyperlipidemia, metabolic acidosis, and (e.g., glucose, lipid, protein, electrolyte, or acid-
potassium imbalances. Fortunately, these are not base imbalances) occurred in approximately 50%
usually severe. As mentioned before, trace element of the cases but did not result in clinical problems.
and/or mineral deficiency may occur. In one study Mechanical and septic complications can be mini-
of dogs and cats receiving TPN for 1 to 14 days, mized by practicing aseptic technique when

TABLE 12-6 Complications, Predisposing Factors, Prevention, and Therapy

Related to Parenteral Nutrition
Complication Predisposing Factors Prevention Therapy
Hyperglycemia Diabetes mellitus, stress, Consider enteral nutrition, Decrease infusion rate;
glucocorticoids, rapid glucose insulin therapy with change to a lower
infusion diabetes mellitus; monitor dextrose/higher lipid
blood and urine glucose infusion, insulin
Hypoglycemia Abruptly stopping dextrose Taper feedings; monitor Intravenous or oral
solution blood glucose levels carbohydrate
Hypokalemia Insulin therapy, diuretic therapy, Monitor serum K+ Supplement K+; correct or
vomiting, diarrhea, rapid control underlying cause
dextrose infusion, chronic
renal disease in cats, metabolic
Hyperkalemia Metabolic acidosis, renal failure Monitor serum K+ Sodium bicarbonate if
acidotic; decrease K+
content of solution;
increase dextrose
infusion; glucose and
insulin administration;
administer diuretics that
promote K+ excretion
Hypophosphatemia Diabetes mellitus, insulin Monitor serum Supplemental phosphorus;
therapy phosphorus stop insulin if possible;
stop feedings
Hypomagnesemia Diuretic therapy, malabsorption Monitor serum Mg Supplemental Mg2+
Hypocalcemia Hypoalbuminemia, Monitor serum Ca Supplemental Mg2+ if low;
hypomagnesemia, monitor ionized Ca2+;
hyperphosphatemia supplemental Ca2+;
increase serum protein
Edema Low Na+/low carbohydrate Avoid high carbohydrate/ Correct Na+ intake;
diet, cardiac disease, high Na+ diets increase serum protein;
hypoalbuminemia treat underlying cardiac
Abnormal liver Stress, infection, excessive Monitor liver enzymes Decrease intake of
function test intake of carbohydrate, dextrose/increase lipid;
results anorexia (cats) decrease feedings
Metabolic acidosis Diarrhea, renal failure, Monitor serum total CO2 Increase acetate and
excessive amino acid or blood gas values; avoid decrease Cl– in solution;
intake excessive amino acid decrease amino acid
infusion intake; sodium
bicarbonate therapy

TABLE 12-6 Complications, Predisposing Factors, Prevention, and Therapy

Related to Parenteral Nutrition—cont’d
Complication Predisposing Factors Prevention Therapy
Metabolic alkalosis Vomiting Monitor CO2 or blood Increase Cl– and decrease
gas values; control acetate in solution
Hypovolemia Gastrointestinal or renal Monitor hydration status; Increase intake of fluid
losses, fluid loss in body quantitate fluid loss
Hyponatremia Gastrointestinal loss, fluid Monitor serum Na+; Supplemental Na+
overload, diuretics discontinue diuretics;
monitor hydration
Hyperlipidemia Diabetes mellitus, Monitor plasma turbidity Decrease rate or amount
glucocorticoids, rapid or of lipid infused, treat
excessive lipid infusion underlying metabolic
cause(s) of lipid

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A Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
Abdomen stimulation test
distention of, 44-45, 161-162 in megaesophagus, 124
evaluation of, in vomiting, 15, 20 in vomiting, 17, 163
gas in, 67f Adynamic ileus, ultrasonography of, 76
pain/discomfort in, 44-45 Aerophagia, 44. See also Flatulence.
differential diagnosis of, 357, 358 Air embolism, laparoscopy and, 117
palpation of Alanine aminotransferase, 294, 296t, 299-300
in diarrhea, 34 Albendazole, in Giardia infection, 214
in fecal incontinence, 47 Albumin, 289, 296t, 302
in vomiting, 15 Alkaline phosphatase, 294, 296t, 300-301
Abscess Alkalosis, metabolic
anal sac, 283 in gastric dilatation-volvulus syndrome, 187
hepatic, 87f, 88f with parenteral nutrition, 461t
Acanthomatous epulis, 371-372 Amebic colitis, 258
Acetylcholine receptor antibody titer Ameloblastoma, 371-373
in dysphagia, 5 Amikacin, 202t
in megaesophagus, 124, 132 Amino acids, in liver failure, 347-348
Acidosis, metabolic Aminoglycosides, in megaesophagus-associated
in gastric dilatation-volvulus syndrome, 187 pneumonia, 130
with parenteral nutrition, 460t 5-Aminosalicylic acid
Adamantinoma, 371-373 in idiopathic colitis, 270t
Adenocarcinoma in lymphocytic-plasmacytic colitis, 267-268
anal sac, 397-399 Amitriptyline, in irritable bowel syndrome, 273
apocrine gland, 285 Ammonia, 290-291, 298-299
gastric, 192-193 Ammonia tolerance test, 298-299
biopsy of, 103, 104f Amphotericin B, in pythiosis, 242
endoscopy in, 22-23, 22f, 23f, 192, 192f, 387, Ampicillin, 202t
388f Amprolium, 206t
ultrasonography of, 77f Amylase, in pancreatitis, 358-359
intestinal, 77f, 272 Anal reflex, in fecal incontinence, 47
pancreatic, 95f Anal sacs
perianal, 284-285 adenocarcinoma of, 397-399
S-Adenosylmethionine, in chronic hepatitis, 317-318 clinical features of, 397-398
prognosis for, 398
Page numbers followed by f indicate figures; t, tables; b, treatment of, 398-399
boxes. inflammation-infection of, 283


Anal tone, in fecal incontinence, 47 Aortic arch, right, persistent, 134-136, 135f
Analgesia, in pancreatitis, 362 Apocrine gland, adenocarcinoma of, 285
Ancylostoma spp. infection, 205-207, 206t, 257 Apomorphine, in coprophagy, 25
Anemia, in lymphoma, 395 Appetite. See also Diet; Nutrition.
Anesthesia in diarrhea, 30t, 34
esophageal stricture and, 7 in inflammatory bowel disease, 220
gastroesophageal reflux disease and, 139-140, Appetite stimulants, 420, 421t
143 Arrhythmias, in gastric dilatation-volvulus
lower esophageal sphincter effects of, 138 syndrome, 190-191
Angiography, of portal venous system, 71-72, 71f Ascarid infection, 206t
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, in Ascites
liver disease, 351 in hepatic disease, 292, 295
Anorectum, 281-285 in intestinal tumors, 394
agenesis of, 282 laparoscopy and, 117
dermatitis of, 284 Aspartate aminotransferase, 294, 296t, 300
fistula of, 283-284 Aspergillus infection, 263
foreign bodies in, 282 Aspiration pneumonia, in megaesophagus, 129,
hair mat obstruction of, 283 130
inflammation-infection of, 283 Astrovirus infection, 203-205
persistent distention of, 281-282 Attitude changes, in inflammatory bowel disease,
prolapse of, 281 220
spasm of, 282 Azathioprine
stricture of, 282 in canine inflammatory bowel disease,
tumors of, 284-285 231-232
Anorexia, 2t. See also Nutrition; Starvation. in chronic gastritis of unknown cause, 180b,
Anthelmintics, 205-207 181
Antibiotics in chronic hepatitis, 316
in bacterial colitis, 258-262 in feline inflammatory bowel disease, 228
in feline cholangiohepatitis, 320-321 in idiopathic colitis, 270t
in feline inflammatory bowel disease, 229-230 in lymphocytic-plasmacytic colitis, 268
in gastric dilatation-volvulus syndrome, 190 in myasthenia gravis, 133
in hepatic encephalopathy, 345 Azithromycin, 206t
in hepatobiliary infection, 329-330
in liver failure, 346, 347 B
in megaesophagus, 124, 125, 130 Bacillus piliformis infection, 260-261
in small intestine bacterial overgrowth, 235 Bacterial overgrowth, 39-40, 234-235
in viral enteritis, 204 in exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, 367-368
Antibody test in German shepherd dogs, 236-237
in heartworm, 18 Balantidium coli infection, 206t, 257, 258
in Helicobacter infection, 178 Balloon catheter dilation, in esophageal strictures,
Antidiarrheal agents, 201-202, 202t 147-149, 147f, 148f, 150f
Antiemetic agents, 174t, 202-203 Basenjiis, lymphocytic-plasmacytic enteritis of,
in feline hepatic lipidosis, 339 237-238
Antinuclear antibody, in megaesophagus, 125 Bedlington terriers, copper-storage disease of,
Antiparasite agents, 205-207 325-328
Antral pyloric hypertrophy syndrome, 166f, 184, Behavior modification, in coprophagy, 25
184t Benazepril, in hepatic disease, 351
Anus. See also Anal sacs;Anorectum. Bentiromide (BP-PABA) test, in exocrine
atresia of, 282 pancreatic insufficiency, 38
congenital defects of, 282-283 Beta cell tumor
imperforate, 282 canine, 404-406
spasm of, 282 feline, 408-409
tumors of, 284-285 Bile, in vomitus, 12

Bile acids Bougienage, in esophageal strictures, 146-147, 147f

metabolism of, 288-289 Bowel. See Large intestine.
serum Boxer dogs, inflammatory bowel disease in, 271
in hepatic disease, 295, 296t, 297-298 Bradygastria, 184-186
in vomiting, 18 Budesonide
Bile duct in canine inflammatory bowel disease, 230-231
common in feline inflammatory bowel disease, 227
calculus of, 87, 91f Buprenorphine, in pancreatitis, 362
mass of, 89f
ultrasonography of, 80 C
obstruction of, 87, 91f, 296t, 340-341 Cachexia, 418t
Bile salts, in esophagitis, 139 Calcium channel antagonists, in megaesophagus,
Biliary carcinoma, 401-403 128
Bilious vomiting syndrome, 24 Calculus
Bilirubin bile duct, 87, 91f, 296t, 340-341
conjugated (direct), 287 gallbladder, 341-342
metabolism of, 286-288 Campylobacteriosis, 207-208, 259-260
serum, 302 Candida infection, 263
unconjugated (indirect), 287 Canine distemper virus infection, 203-205
urinary, 302 Carbohydrate, metabolism of, 292-293
Biopsy Carbon-14 breath test, in Helicobacter infection, 178
in diarrhea, 40-42 Carcinoid, 390
in disseminated intravascular coagulation, 290 Cardiopulmonary arrest, laparoscopy and, 117
in dysphagia, 4 Carnitine, in feline hepatic lipidosis, 339
in feline cholangiohepatitis, 320 Castor oil, 280
in granulomatous colitis, 271 Cecum, 67
in hepatic tumors, 399-400 inversion of, 271-272
in inflammatory bowel disease, 222-223 mass of, 68, 70, 78f, 79f
in intestinal lymphangiectasia, 105, 239 Cefazolin, 202t
in liver disease, 306-313. See also Liver, biopsy Cephalosporins, in megaesophagus-associated
of. pneumonia, 130
in perianal tumors, 285 Charcoal, in flatulence treatment, 44
in pythiosis, 241 Chemotherapy
in small intestine neoplasia, 245, 247 in anal sac adenocarcinoma, 398
BIPS (barium-impregnated polyethylene spheres) in epulides, 372
imaging, 17, 17f, 165, 183 in fibrosarcoma, 383-384
Bisacodyl, 277t, 278t, 280 in intestinal tumors, 395
Bismuth subsalicylate, 202, 202t in lymphoma, 391, 392t, 393t, 396-397
Bitter Apple, in coprophagy, 26 in melanoma, 376
Bleeding. See also Blood. in small intestine lymphoma, 247-248, 249
inflammatory bowel disease and, 233 in squamous cell carcinoma, 378-380, 382
with laparoscopy, 117 Children, Giardia infection in, 215
Bleomycin, in canine epulides, 372 Chlorambucil
Bloating, 43, 44-45. See also Flatulence. in inflammatory bowel disease, 228-229
Blood in small intestine lymphoma, 248
coffee grounds, 12 Chlordiazepoxide, for appetite stimulation, 421t
in stool, 30t, 31-32, 32f, 33 Chlorpromazine, 174t, 202, 202t
in vomitus, 12-13 Cholangiohepatitis, 319-321
transfusion of, 346, 347 clinical features of, 319-320
Blood urea nitrogen, 296t, 302-303 etiology of, 319
Boldenone undecylenate, 421t laboratory tests in, 296t
Bone, in esophagus, 154, 155f treatment of, 320-321
Borborygmus, 2t, 31t, 42-43 ultrasonography of, 83, 83f

Cholecystectomy, 111 Colitis (Continued)

Cholecystitis, 90f, 342 emphysematous, 68
Cholecystokinin, in pancreatitis, 355 eosinophilic, 268-269
Choledocholithiasis, 87, 91f, 341-342 granulomatous, regional, 269-271
Cholelithiasis, 341-342 hookworm, 257
Cholic acid, in small intestine bacterial idiopathic, chronic. See Inflammatory bowel
overgrowth, 235 disease.
Chromogranin A, 405, 408 in feline inflammatory bowel disease, 230
Cimetidine mycotic, 262-263
in acute gastritis, 170-171, 172t neutrophilic, 269
in canine melanoma, 376 pancreatitis with, 271
in exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, 367 parasitic, 256-257
in gastric erosive-ulcerative disease, 170-171, 172t protothecal, 263-264
in gastroesophageal reflux disease, 141-142 protozoan, 257-258
Cirrhosis radiology of, 68, 69f
laboratory tests in, 296t Strongyloides, 257
laparoscopy in, 116, 116f ulcerative, histiocytic, 271
ultrasonography of, 82, 82f viral, 258
Cisapride vomiting with, 12
in acute gastritis, 175-176 Colon. See also Large intestine.
in constipation, 278t, 280 hair clumps in, 32, 32f
in delayed gastric emptying, 185 irrigation of, 278-279
in gastric erosive-ulcerative disease, perforation of, 273-274
175-176 reservoir function of, 46
in gastroesophageal reflux disease, 142 short, 242-244, 272
in megaesophagus, 128-129 volvulus of, 274
in vomiting, 174t Colonoscopy, 106-108, 107f
Clarithromycin, for parasitic diseases, 206t in diarrhea, 42, 255
Clindamycin, for parasitic diseases, 206t in granulomatous colitis, 271
Clostridium difficile infection, 262 in irritable bowel syndrome, 273
Clostridium parvum infection, 198, 199f in vomiting, 19-20
Clostridium perfringens infection Colostrum
fecal smear in, 198, 199f in canine inflammatory bowel disease, 232
large intestinal, 261-262 in feline inflammatory bowel disease, 229
small intestinal, 207-208 Common bile duct
Clotting factors, 289-290, 347 calculus of, 87, 91f
Clotting times, 290 mass of, 89f
Coagulopathy ultrasonography of, 80
in hepatic disease, 289-290, 347 Complete blood count, in diarrhea, 35, 37, 38
in pancreatitis, 363 Computed tomography,
Cobalamin in fibrosarcoma, 382-383
for appetite stimulation, 421t in pancreatitis, 360
in exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, 367 Constipation, 48-49, 274-281
in inflammatory bowel disease, 230, 232 clinical signs of, 276
serum colectomy for, 280-281
in bacterial overgrowth, 234-235 definition of, 2t
in inflammatory bowel disease, 221 diagnosis of, 276-277
Colchicine, in chronic hepatitis, 318-319 drug-induced, 275t, 276
Colectomy environmental factors in, 274, 275t
in constipation, 280-281 etiology of, 274-276, 275t
in megacolon, 49 foreign material ingestion in, 274, 275t
Colitis. See also Diarrhea, large intestinal. in fluid and electrolyte disorders, 275t, 276
abrasive, 256 in neuromuscular disorders, 274, 275t, 276
bacterial, 258-262 initial relief of, 278-279

Constipation (Continued) Cyproheptadine

laboratory tests in, 276 for appetite stimulation, 421t
physical examination in, 276 in small intestine lymphoma, 248
prevention of, 279-280 Cysts, hepatic, 84, 85f, 88f, 89f
radiology in, 276-277
rectocolonic obstruction in, 274, 275t D
treatment of, 277-281, 277t-278t Decompression, in gastric dilatation-volvulus
Continence, fecal, 45-46 syndrome, 189
COP protocol, in small intestine lymphoma, Defecation. See Constipation; Diarrhea.
247-248 Dehydration
Coprophagy, 2t, 24-27 in acute diarrhea, 200-201, 200b
causes of, 25b in vomiting, 163
prevention of, 25-26 Delta-bilirubin, 288
Coronavirus infection, 203-205 Dental floss, around tongue, 14, 15f
Corticosteroids Dermatitis, perianal, 283, 284
for appetite stimulation, 421t Diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis and, 358
Giardia infection and, 212 Diagnosis, 1-49, 2b, 2t. See also Symptoms.
in canine inflammatory bowel disease, 230-231 Diarrhea, 27-42. See also Stool.
in chronic gastritis of unknown cause, 180b, 181 acute, 35-37, 37f
in chronic hepatitis, 316 classification of, 27-28
in eosinophilic colitis, 269 colonoscopy in, 42, 255
in esophageal strictures, 149 definition of, 2t, 27
in fecal incontinence, 48 duration of, 28
in feline cholangiohepatitis, 320 evaluation of, 28-37, 36f
in feline inflammatory bowel disease, 226 ancillary clinical signs in, 33-34
in gastric dilatation-volvulus syndrome, 190 diagnostic plan in, 35, 36f
in gastric erosion-ulceration, 168-169 in acute diarrhea, 35, 37, 37f
in gastroesophageal reflux disease, 143 in chronic diarrhea, 37-42, 39t, 41t
in idiopathic colitis, 270t patient history in, 28, 29b
in insulinoma, 406 physical examination in, 34-35
in intestinal lymphangiectasia, 240, 241 stool examination in, 28-33, 30t, 31f, 33b
in lymphocytic-plasmacytic colitis, 267 Giardia antigen test in, 35, 37f
in myasthenia gravis, 133 laboratory tests in, 35, 37, 37f, 39t, 41t
in pancreatitis, 362-363 large intestinal, 31-33, 31f, 34, 42, 251-273
in small intestine lymphoma, 247-248 abrasive colitis with, 256
Corynebacterium parvum, in canine melanoma, 376 Aspergillus infection in, 263
Cough, in megaesophagus, 123 Bacillus piliformis infection in, 260-261
Cranial mesenteric arterial portography, 304 bacterial infection in, 258-262
Cricopharyngeal dysphagia, 3-5 Balantidium coli infection in, 258
Cryptosporidium spp. infection, 205-207, 206t biopsy in, 255
Culture Campylobacter jejuni infection, 259-260
fecal, 37, 42, 199 Candida infection in, 263
in feline cholangiohepatitis, 320 causes of, 253-254
Cutaneous larva migrans, 207 chronic, 42
Cyanocobalamin, in exocrine pancreatic clinical signs of, 252-253
insufficiency, 367 Clostridium difficile infection in, 262
Cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors, in gastric Clostridium perfringens infection in, 254,
erosion-ulceration, 168 261-262
Cyclophosphamide, in small intestine lymphoma, colonoscopy in, 42, 255
247-248 diagnosis of, 253-256, 254t
Cyclosporine diet-responsive, 256
in lymphocytic-plasmacytic colitis, 268 Entamoeba histolytica infection in, 258
in perianal fistulae, 284 fiber-responsive, 256

Diarrhea (Continued) Diarrhea (Continued)

large intestinal (Continued) small intestinal (Continued)
Histoplasma capsulatum infection in, 254, physical examination in, 197-198
262-263 sequential diagnosis of, 36f
hookworm infection in, 257 stained smear in, 198-199, 199f
in chronic idiopathic colitis, 264-271. See vs. large intestinal, 30-31, 34, 38-42
also Inflammatory bowel disease. zinc sulfate centrifugal flotation test in, 35,
in irritable bowel syndrome, 272-273 37f, 198, 198f, 212
laboratory tests in, 254-255 stool characteristics in, 28-33, 30t, 35, 37
physical examination in, 253 ultrasonography in, 40
Prototheca infection in, 263-264 vomiting and, 13-14, 33-34
protozoan infection in, 257-258 Diazepam, for appetite stimulation, 421t
Pythium infection in, 263 Diazoxide, in insulinoma, 406
radiology in, 255 Dichlorvos, for parasitic diseases, 206t
Salmonella infection in, 254, 259 Diet. See also Nutrition.
Strongyloides infection in, 254, 257 in acute diarrhea, 35
therapeutic trials in, 255-256 in canine inflammatory bowel disease, 232-233
Trichomonas infection in, 257-258 in chronic hepatitis, 318
ultrasonography in, 255 in constipation, 49, 279
viral infection in, 258 in exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, 366-367
vs. small intestinal, 30-31 in fecal incontinence treatment, 47
whipworm infection in, 256-257 in feline cholangiohepatitis, 321
Yersinia enterocolitica infection in, 260 in feline hepatic lipidosis, 338-339
Zygomycetes infection in, 263 in feline inflammatory bowel disease, 225-226
lifestyle factors in, 28 in flatulence treatment, 44
patient history in, 28, 29b in hepatic disease, 346, 348-350
physical examination in, 34-35 in intestinal lymphangiectasia, 240
radiology in, 40, 255 in lymphocytic-plasmacytic colitis, 266, 267
secretory, 196 in malabsorptive disease, 39
small intestinal, 33, 34, 38-42, 199-203 in pancreatitis, 363-364
biopsy in, 40-42 vomiting and, 12
case studies of, 38, 39t, 41-42, 41t Dimenhydrinate, 174t
causes of, 196, 197b Diphenhydramine, 174t
chronic, 38-42, 39t, 41t Diphenoxylate
diagnosis of, 197-199, 198f, 199f in acute diarrhea, 202, 202t
electron microscopy in, 199 in fecal incontinence, 47-48
fecal culture in, 199 Dipylidium caninum infection, 205-207, 206t
fecal smear in, 198 Dirt, eating of (geophagy), 27
fluid therapy in, 200-201, 200b Disophenol, in Spirocerca lupi infection, 156
immunologic assays in, 199 Disseminated intravascular coagulation
in bacterial overgrowth, 234 biopsy in, 290
in basenji enteropathy, 238 in gastric dilatation-volvulus syndrome, 191-192
in German shepherds, 237 Diuretics, in liver disease, 350-351
in Giardia infection, 35, 37f, 198, 198f, 212 Docusate calcium, 277t, 279
in inflammatory bowel disease, 219 Docusate sodium, 277t, 278t, 279
in lymphangiectasia, 239 Domperidone, 174t
in malabsorptive disease, 38-42, 196 L-Dopa, in liver failure, 348
in maldigestive disease, 38 Doramectin, in Spirocerca lupi infection, 156
in neoplasia, 244, 246 Doxycycline, for parasitic diseases, 206t
in pythiosis, 241 Drontal Plus, in Giardia infection, 215
in Shar-peis, 235 Drugs. See also specific drugs.
in short bowel syndrome, 242 constipation with, 275t, 276
nonspecific treatment of, 201-203, 202t gastroesophageal reflux disease with, 139

Duodenoscopy, 101t, 103-106 Endotoxemia, in hepatic disease, 347

Duodenum. See also Small intestine. Enema
endoscopy of, 101t, 103-106 in constipation, 278-279, 278t
lavage of, 105 in hepatic encephalopathy, 345
pseudoulcers of, 62, 63f Enrofloxacin, in acute disease, 202t
Dynamic ileus, 76, 78, 78f Entamoeba histolytica infection, 257, 258
Dyschezia, 2t, 31, 31f, 32, 274-281 Enteral nutrition, 417, 419-457, 419b, 419t
Dysphagia, 2t, 3-5, 162t appetite stimulants for, 420, 421t
causes of, 3b complications of, 454-455
endoscopy in, 4, 4f contraindications to, 419
laboratory tests in, 4, 5 diets for, 453-454, 454f
neurologic tests in, 4 enterostomy tube for, 445-447, 450f, 451f, 452f
physical examination in, 4 esophagitis with, 455
radiology in, 4, 4f, 52-53, 53f esophagostomy tube for, 425-430. See also
Esophagostomy tube.
E gastrointestinal complications of, 455
Echinococcus spp. infection, 205-207, 206t gastrostomy tube for, 431-444. See also
Edema, with parenteral nutrition, 460t Gastrostomy tube.
Edrophonium chloride (Tensilon) test, 5, 125, 132 gastrostomy-enterostomy tube for, 447-448, 453f
Electrolytes in cancer patient, 381, 382f, 397
in acute diarrhea, 37 in megaesophagus, 129-130
in gastric dilatation-volvulus syndrome, 187 indications for, 419
Electromyography mechanical complications of, 454-455, 456f
in fecal incontinence, 47 metabolic complications of, 455
in megaesophagus, 125 monitoring of, 454, 454b
Electron microscopy, of feces, 199 nasoesophageal tube for, 421-424, 422f, 423f,
Enalapril, in hepatic disease, 351 424f
Encephalopathy, hepatic, 291-292, 344-346 nasogastric tube for, 421-424, 422f, 423f, 424f
Endoscopes, 98-99, 98f oral, 419-420, 420f
Endoscopy, 98-110 orogastric tube for, 420-421, 421f
endoscope selection for, 98-99, 98f percutaneous gastroduodenostomy tube for,
in dysphagia, 4, 4f 442-443, 449f
in foreign body removal, 109-110, 110f, 111f, pharyngostomy tube for, 424-425, 425f
153-155, 155f tube occlusion with, 455
in gastric adenocarcinoma, 22-23, 22f, 23f, 103, Enteritis. See also Diarrhea.
104f, 192, 192f, 387, 388f bacterial, 207-208
in inflammatory bowel disease, 108, 217, eosinophilic, 217-218, 229. See also
222-223, 222f, 223f Inflammatory bowel disease.
in intestinal lymphangiectasia, 239 garbage, 209
in intestinal tumors, 390 nonulcerative, 64
in lymphocytic-plasmacytic colitis, 265-266 parvovirus, 14, 14f
in regurgitation, 8 ulcerative, 64-65, 65f
in small intestine lymphoma, 247, 249 viral, 203-205
in vomiting evaluation, 19, 21-23, 21f, 22f, 23f Enteropathy
indications for, 99-100, 100t diarrhea in, 38-42
monitor for, 99, 99f protein-losing. See Protein-losing enteropathy.
of esophagus, 100-101, 101t Enterostomy tube, 445-447, 450f, 451f, 452f
of ileum, 106, 107f complications of, 447
of large intestine, 101t, 106, 108 diets for, 454
of small intestine, 101t, 103-106, 104f Enterotoxin assay, 42
of stomach, 101-103, 101t, 102f, 103f, 104f, Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
165, 167f for Giardia, 35, 37f, 214
proficiency in, 99 in pythiosis, 241-242

Eosinophilic colitis, 268-269. See also Esophagus (Continued)

Inflammatory bowel disease. foreign objects in (Continued)
Eosinophilic enteritis, 229. See also Inflammatory diagnosis of, 153
bowel disease. gastric advancement of, 154
Eosinophilic gastritis, 181 radiology of, 54, 56f
Epidurography, in fecal incontinence, 47 regurgitation with, 7
Epsiprantel, for parasitic diseases, 206t removal of, 109-110, 110f, 111f, 153-155,
Epulides 155f
canine, 371-372 stricture and, 144, 145f
feline, 373 generalized dilation of. See Megaesophagus.
Erythromycin hiatal lesions of, 149, 150-151, 152f
in acute gastritis, 173t, 176 in Shar-peis, 156-157
in delayed gastric emptying, 185 inflammation of. See Esophagitis.
in gastric erosive-ulcerative disease, 173t, 176 layers of, 119
Escherichia coli infection, 208 mucosa of, 119
Esomeprazole, in gastroesophageal reflux disease, muscularis of, 119
142 postoperative lavage of, 140
Esophageal sphincter radiology of, 53-54, 53f, 54f, 55f, 56f,57f
lower, 118-119 regurgitation into, 5-8, 5b, 6b
in gastroesophageal reflux disease, 138 Spirocerca lupi of, 156
upper, 118 strictures of, 144-149
Esophagitis, 136-144 balloon catheter dilation for, 147-149, 147f,
causes of, 136, 136b 148f, 150f
diagnosis of, 54, 140-141 bougienage for, 146-147, 147f
in gastroesophageal reflux disease, 136-144. See clinical signs of, 144
also Gastroesophageal reflux disease. diagnosis of, 144-146, 147f
in hiatal hernia, 151 drug therapy for, 149
in megaesophagus, 130 general anesthesia and, 7
in shar-peis, 236 radiology of, 145, 146f, 147f
radiology of, 54, 141 regurgitation with, 7
Esophagoscopy, 100-101, 101t treatment of, 146-149
in esophagitis, 141 submucosa of, 119
in megaesophagus, 124 tumors of, 155-156
in regurgitation, 8 in dogs, 386
in stricture, 145f, 146f radiology of, 54, 57f
Esophagostomy tube, 425-430 stricture and, 145-146
advantages of, 430-431 vascular entrapment of. SeeVascular ringanomaly.
complications of, 431, 431f Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, 365-368
diets for, 453-454, 454f bacterial overgrowth in, 367-368
disadvantages of, 430-431 clinical findings in, 366
in cancer patient, 397 clinicopathologic tests in, 366
placement of, 425-428, 427f coprophagy in, 25, 26
curved forceps for, 428, 429f diagnosis of, 366
Eld device for, 426-428, 427f-428f diarrhea in, 34, 38
redirection for, 429-430, 430f-431f etiology of, 365, 365b
suture for, 430 malabsorption in, 368
Esophagraphy, 53, 54f pathophysiology of, 365-366
Esophagus, 118-157 treatment of, 366-367
adventitia of, 119 Expectoration, 5
anatomy of, 53-54, 54f, 118-119
breed-related disorders of, 120t F
foreign objects in, 151-155 Famotidine
clinical signs of, 153 in acute gastritis, 170-171, 172t

Famotidine (Continued) Food allergy, 39

in gastric erosive-ulcerative disease, 170-171, 172t in eosinophilic colitis, 269
in gastroesophageal reflux disease, 141-142 in lymphocytic-plasmacytic colitis, 266
Febantel, for parasitic diseases, 206t Forceps, in foreign object removal, 110, 110f
Fecal incontinence, 31t, 45-48. See also Diarrhea. Foreign objects
causes of, 45b around tongue, 14, 15f
diagnosis of, 46-47 esophageal, 151-155
treatment of, 47-48 clinical signs of, 153
Feces. See Stool. diagnosis of, 153
Feeding radiology of, 54, 56f
intravenous. See Parenteral nutrition. regurgitation with, 7
oral, 419-420, 420f removal of, 109-110, 110f, 111f, 153-155, 155f
in megaesophagus, 126-128, 126f, 127f, 128f, stricture and, 144, 145f
129f gastric
tube. See Enteral nutrition. radiology of, 17-18, 18f, 57, 59f
Feline panleukopenia, 203 ultrasonography of, 78, 81f
Fenbendazole intestinal
in eosinophilic colitis, 269 radiology of, 64, 64f, 65f
in Giardia infection, 214-215 ultrasonography of, 76, 78, 78f, 80f
in parasitic diseases, 206t rectal, 282
Fentanyl patch, in pancreatitis, 362 Frenulum, evaluation of, 14, 15f
Fiber Fructosamine, 405, 408
in constipation, 279 Fullness, abdominal, 44-45, 161-162
in feline inflammatory bowel disease, 226 Fungal infection, 262-263, 330
Fibrinogen, in hepatic disease, 293 Furazolidone
Fibroameloblastoma, 373 in Giardia infection, 215
Fibroma, 383 in parasitic diseases, 206t
Fibroplasia, of gallbladder, 87, 91f Furosemide, in hepatic disease, 350-351
canine, 382-384 G
staging of, 382-383 Gallbladder
treatment of, 383-384 benign fibroplasia of, 87, 91f
feline, 384 bilobed, 80
Fibrosis, in chronic hepatitis, 318-319 calculi of, 341-342
Fistula infection of, 342
perianal, 47, 283-284 laparoscopic evaluation of, 114, 115f
rectovaginal, 282-283 mass of, 87, 91f
Flatulence, 2t, 31t, 43-44 radiology of, 72-73
Fluid therapy, 362 rupture of, 342
in acute diarrhea, 200-201, 200b thickened wall of, 85-87, 89f, 90f
in gastric dilatation-volvulus syndrome, 188-189 ultrasonography of, 79-80, 81f, 84-87, 89f, 90f,
in liver failure, 344 91f
in pancreatitis, 362 Gamma glutamyltranspeptidase, 301
Flumazenil, in liver failure, 348 Garbage, ingestion of, 209
Flunixin, in gastric erosion-ulceration, 168 Gas
Flunixin meglumine, in acute disease, 202t abdominal, 67f
Fluoroscopy, in gastric emptying, 165 intestinal, 2t, 31t, 43, 64
Flurazepam, for appetite stimulation, 421t Gastrectomy, in gastric adenocarcinoma, 388
Folate, serum Gastric adenocarcinoma, 192, 386-388
in malabsorptive disease, 39 biopsy of, 103, 104f
in small intestine bacterial overgrowth, 234-235 endoscopy in, 22-23, 22f, 23f, 192, 192f, 387,
Food. See Diet; Nutrition. 388f
Food additives, in coprophagy, 25b ultrasonography of, 77f

Gastric dilatation-volvulus syndrome, 186-192 Gastritis (Continued)

abdominal distention in, 161-162 chronic, 176-181
clinical features of, 187, 187b gastroscopy of, 102, 102f
complications of, 190-192 Helicobacter-associated, 177-179
emergency treatment of, 188b histologic classification of, 177t
medical treatment of, 190 of unknown cause, 180-181
pathology of, 186-188 parasitic, 179-180
postoperative treatment of, 191b classification of, 102
prognosis for, 192 eosinophilic, 181
radiology of, 164, 164f, 187-188 lymphocytic-plasmacytic, 180-181
treatment of, 188-190 radiology of, 57-58, 60f
Gastric emptying ulcerative, 78, 78f, 79f
delayed, 181-186 Gastroduodenostomy, in gastric adenocarcinoma,
causes of, 182b 388
diagnosis of, 182-184, 183t Gastroenteritis. See also Diarrhea.
in antral pyloric hypertrophy syndrome, bacterial, 207-208
166f, 184, 184t garbage, 209
management of, 185 hemorrhagic, 208
radiology of, 165, 166f viral, 203-205
in gastroesophageal reflux disease, 140 Gastroesophageal reflux disease, 136-144
Gastric epithelial cells, 160-161 anesthesia-related, 139-140, 143
Gastric erosive-ulcerative disease, 167-181 drug-related, 139
causes of, 163b, 168-169 esophagitis in, 140-141
gastroscopy of, 102, 103f etiology of, 139-140
medical management of, 170-176, 172t-173t in humans, 137-138
predisposing causes of, 163b mucosal damage in, 138-139
radiology of, 59, 62f pregnancy-related, 139
symptomatic management for, 171b treatment of, 141-144
Gastric motility, 160 vomiting-associated, 143-144
BIPS study of, 17, 17f Gastrography, 55-60
disorders of, 181-186 in dilatation-volvulus, 58-59, 60f, 61f
bilious vomiting syndrome and, 24 in foreign objects, 57, 59f
causes of, 182b in gastritis, 57-58, 60f
dysrhythmic, 184-186 in masses, 59, 61f, 62f
grass ingestion and, 24 in pyloric stenosis, 57, 59f
primary, 184-186, 185f in rupture, 59-60
radiology of, 165, 166f, 182-183 in vomiting, 17-18, 18f
vomiting in, 12 normal, 57, 58f
in gastroesophageal reflux disease, 140 Gastropexy, in gastric dilatation-volvulus
Gastrin syndrome, 189
in gastric erosion-ulceration, 170 Gastroscopy, 101-103, 101t, 102f, 103f, 104f
in vomiting evaluation, 19 Gastrostomy, in gastric dilatation-volvulus
Gastrinoma syndrome, 189
canine, 407 Gastrostomy tube, 431-444, 432f
feline, 409 complications of, 441-442
in gastric erosion-ulceration, 170 Cook device for, 435-436, 438,
vomiting with, 19 438f-440f
Gastritis, 167-181 Eld device for, 433-435, 435f-437f
acute, 167-176 gastropexy for, 438-440, 445f
causes of, 167b in cancer patient, 381, 382f, 397
diagnosis of, 168t in megaesophagus, 129-130
medical management of, 170-176, 172t-173t laparotomy for, 440-441, 447f
symptomatic management of, 171b low-profile, 445, 447f, 448f

Gastrostomy tube (Continued) Helicobacter infection, 177-179, 179f, 207-208

percutaneous endoscopic placement of, 438, Helminth infection, 205-207
441f-445f Hematemesis, 2t, 12-13, 13b, 161
percutaneous surgical placement of, 438-441, Hematochezia, 2t, 31-32, 32f, 33b
445f Hemimandibulectomy, in fibrosarcoma, 384
stomach tube technique for, 432-433, 433f-435f Hemorrhage. See also Bleeding; Blood.
Gastrostomy-enterostomy tube, 447-448,453f in hepatic disease, 290, 346
Geophagy, 27 Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, 208
German shepherd dogs, inflammatory bowel Hepatic veins, ultrasonography of, 79
disease in, 236-237 Hepatitis, 314-319
Giardia infection, 205-207, 212-216, 257 clinical features of, 314-315
acute, 205-207, 206t laboratory tests in, 296t
antigen test in, 35, 37f, 214 laparoscopic evaluation of, 115, 115f
chronic, 212-216 treatment of, 315-319
diagnosis of, 213-214 ultrasonography of, 84, 84f
fecal ELISA in, 35, 37f, 214 Hepatocellular carcinoma
life cycle in, 212-213 canine, 399-403
treatment of, 214-215 feline, 401-403
vaccination against, 215-216 Hepatocutaneous syndrome, 84, 84f
zinc sulfate centrifugal flotation test in, 35, 198, Hepatomegaly, 295
198f, 213b in diarrhea evaluation, 34
Glucagonoma radiology of, 71-72, 72f
canine, 406 Hernia
feline, 409 hiatal, 149, 150-151
Glucose anatomy of, 152f
in acute diarrhea, 37, 201 reflux esophagitis with, 140
in liver failure, 346-347 perineal, 281-282
serum, 303 Hetastarch
Glutamyl transpeptidase, 294, 296t in acute disease, 202t
Glycerin, in constipation, 278t in viral enteritis, 204
Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, in Histiocytic ulcerative colitis, 271
parvoviral enteritis, 204 Histoplasma capsulatum infection, 262-263
Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating Hookworm infection, 205-207, 206t, 257
factor, in canine melanoma, 376 H2-receptor antagonists
Grass ingestion, 23-24, 24f in acute gastritis, 173t
Growth factors, colostrual, in feline inflammatory in delayed gastric emptying, 186
bowel disease, 229 in esophageal strictures, 149
in gastric erosive-ulcerative disease, 170-171,
H 172t, 173t
H2 receptor antagonists, in gastroesophageal reflux in gastritis, 170-171, 172t
disease, 141-142 Hydrocortisone, in idiopathic colitis, 270t
Hair Hyperbilirubinemia, 287
in colon, 32, 32f Hypercalcemia, in anal sac adenocarcinoma, 398
in stomach, 17-18, 18f Hypereosinophilic syndrome, 217-218, 229.
over anus, 284 See also Inflammatory bowel disease.
Halitosis Hyperglycemia
in coprophagy, 25 in hepatic disease, 293
in diarrhea, 31t with parenteral nutrition, 460t
Haloperidol, 174t Hyperinsulinemia, 405
Heartworm disease, 18 Hyperkalemia
Heartworm-antibody test, 18 in acute diarrhea, 201
Heimlich type maneuver, in regurgitation in vomiting, 163
evaluation, 7 with parenteral nutrition, 460t

Hyperlipidemia, with parenteral nutrition, 461t Immunotherapy

Hyperthermia, interstitial, in oral fibrosarcoma, in canine melanoma, 376
383 in viral enteritis, 204
Hyperthyroidism Imperforate anus, 282
in inflammatory bowel disease, 221 Inappetence, in inflammatory bowel disease, 220
vomiting in, 14-15, 18-19 Incontinence, fecal. See Fecal incontinence.
Hyperventilation, in gastric dilatation-volvulus Inflammatory bowel disease
syndrome, 187 large intestinal, 264-271. See also Inflammatory
Hypoadrenocorticism bowel disease, lymphocytic-plasmacytic.
megaesophagus and, 7, 124 eosinophilic, 268-269
vomiting in, 163 granulomatous, 269-271
Hypoalbuminemia, 302 histiocytic, 271
Hypocalcemia, with parenteral nutrition, 460t in boxer dogs, 271
Hypochloremia neutrophilic, 269
in small intestine obstruction, 209 treatment of, 270t
in vomiting, 163 lymphocytic-plasmacytic, 264-268
Hypoglycemia clinical signs of, 264-265
in hepatic disease, 293, 346-347 diagnosis of, 265-266
with parenteral nutrition, 460t endoscopy in, 265
Hypokalemia etiology of, 264
in acute diarrhea, 201 food allergy in, 266
in hepatic encephalopathy, 291 histopathology of, 265-266
in vomiting, 163 laboratory tests in, 265
with parenteral nutrition, 460t radiology in, 265
Hypomagnesemia, with parenteral nutrition, 460t treatment of, 266-268
Hyponatremia ultrasonography in, 265
in small intestine obstruction, 209 small intestinal, 216-234
with parenteral nutrition, 461t autoimmune response in, 218
Hypophosphatemia, with parenteral nutrition, biopsy in, 222-223
460t bleeding and, 233
Hypoproteinemia clinical signs of, 218-220
diarrhea and, 38 complications of, 233-234
in inflammatory bowel disease, 221 concurrent disorders in, 222
in intestinal lymphangiectasia, 238 diagnosis of, 220-223
in kidney disease, 239 differential diagnosis of, 220b, 223-225,
in liver disease, 239 224t
Hypotension, in gastric erosion-ulceration, endoscopy in, 108, 217, 222-223, 222f,
169-170 223f
Hypothyroidism, in megaesophagus, 124 eosinophilic, 217-218
Hypovolemia historical perspective on, 216-217
in small intestine obstruction, 209 hyperthyroidism and, 221
with parenteral nutrition, 461t hypoproteinemia in, 221
ileal involvement in, 106
I in basenjiis, 237-238
Icterus, 295, 358 in German shepherd dogs, 236-237
Ileoscopy, 106 in shar-peis, 235-237
Ileum, 106, 107f. See also Small intestine. laboratory tests in, 220-221
Ileus, dynamic, 76, 78, 78f laparotomy in, 223
Imipenem lymphoma and, 233
in acute disease, 202t mild, 223-224
in megaesophagus-associated pneumonia, 130 moderate, 224
Immunoglobulin A (IgA) deficiency, in Giardia pathogenesis of, 217-218
infection, 212 pathologic findings in, 223-225

Inflammatory bowel disease (Continued) Lactulose

small intestinal (Continued) in constipation, 277t, 278t, 280
patient profile in, 218 in hepatic encephalopathy, 345
α1-protease inhibitor assay in, 221 Lansoprazole, in gastroesophageal reflux disease, 142
serum cobalamin in, 221 Laparoscopes, 112-113, 112f
severe, 224 Laparoscopy, 110-117, 111f
terminology for, 217-218 complications of, 117
toxoplasmosis and, 233-234 contraindications to, 116-117
treatment of, 225-233 indications for, 114-116, 115f, 116f
dietary, 225-226, 232-233 instrumentation for, 112-114, 112f, 113b, 113f,
in cats, 225-230 114f
in dogs, 230-233 Laparotomy
pharmacologic, 226-230 in diarrhea, 40
ultrasonography of, 76, 76f in granulomatous colitis, 271
vs. lymphoma, 224t in inflammatory bowel disease, 223
Insulin, in hepatic lipidosis, 340 in intestinal lymphangiectasia, 239
Insulinoma in small intestine obstruction, 210
canine, 404-406 Large intestine, 251-285. See also Anorectum;
feline, 408-409 Small intestine.
Interferon alfa-2b, for appetite stimulation, 421t adenocarcinoma of, 272
Interstitial hyperthermia, in oral fibrosarcoma, anatomy of, 66-70, 69f
383 diarrheal disease of. See Diarrhea, large intestinal.
Intestine. See Large intestine; Small intestine. endoscopy of, 106-108, 107f
Intoxicants, ingestion of, 209 fecal retention in. See Constipation.
Intrahepatic duct, dilation of, 85, 89f inflammation of, 264-271. See also Colitis;
Intrahepatic shunt, 82, 82f. See also Portosystemic Inflammatory bowel disease.
shunt. intramural mass of, 68, 70, 70f
Intussusception intussusception of, 271-272
cecocolonic, 271-272 irritable, 272-273
gastroesophageal, 151 lymphosarcoma of, 272
ileocolic, 68, 69f, 70f obstruction of, vomiting with, 12
in viral enteritis, 204-205 perforation of, 273-274
radiology of, 65, 66f polyps of, 272
ultrasonography of, 78, 80f radiology of, 66-74, 70f
Iron deficiency, in geophagy, 27 colitis on, 68, 69f
Irritable bowel syndrome, 272-273 intramural mass on, 68, 70, 70f
Islet cell tumor intussusception on, 68, 69f, 70f
canine, 404-406 megacolon on, 68
feline, 408-409 normal, 68, 69f
Isospora spp. infection, 205-207, 206t typhlitis on, 68, 69f
Itraconazole, in pythiosis, 242 short, 242-244, 272
Ivermectin, in eosinophilic colitis, 269 tumors of, 272
canine, 388-391
J clinical features of, 389
Jaundice, 2t endoscopy in, 390
prognosis for, 390-391
K treatment of, 390-391
Key-Gaskell syndrome, 8 feline, 391-392, 394-397
Kidney disease, hypoproteinemia in, 239 clinical features of, 392, 394
Kupffer’s cells, 286-287 treatment of, 395-397
volvulus of, 274
L Larva migrans, 207
Lactose, in constipation, 277t, 280 Laryngopharynx, 51, 52f

Lavage, duodenal, 105 Liver (Continued)

Laxatives disease of, 286-343
in constipation, 277t-278t, 279-280 alanine aminotransferase in, 299-300
in short bowel syndrome, 243 albumin metabolism in, 289, 302
Lead poisoning, megaesophagus and, 124-125 alkaline phosphatase in, 300-301
Leiomyoma ammonia metabolism in, 290-291, 298-299
gastric, 77f, 192-193, 386-388 ascites in, 292, 295, 350-351
intestinal, 388-391 aspartate aminotransferase in, 300
Lipase, in pancreatitis, 358-359 bile acid metabolism in, 288-289, 295, 297-298
Lipidosis, 336-340 bile pigment metabolism in, 286-288, 302
clinical features of, 338 biopsy in, 306-313
etiology of, 336b, 337-338 blood urea nitrogen in, 302-303
laboratory tests in, 296t, 338 carbohydrate metabolism in, 292-293
laparoscopic evaluation of, 115 coagulopathy in, 289-290, 289b, 347
pathology of, 338 dehydration in, 344
prognosis for, 340 diagnosis of, 294-313
radiology of, 338 drug metabolism in, 293
treatment of, 338-340 drug-induced, 323-325
ultrasonography in, 83-84, 83f, 338 electrolyte disturbances in, 344
Liver, 286-294 encephalopathy in, 291-292, 344-346, 345b
abnormal tests of, 295-299, 296t endotoxemia in, 347
with parenteral nutrition, 460t enlargement of, 295, 303b, 304b
abscess of, 87f, 88f enzymes in, 294, 296t, 299-301
anatomy of, 70-72, 71f fibrinogen in, 293
angiography of, 71-72, 71f gamma glutamyltranspeptidase in, 301
anticonvulsant-induced disease of, 323-324 glucose in, 303
bacterial infection of, 329-330 hemorrhage in, 346
biopsy of, 115-116, 116f, 306-313, 399-400, 402 hepatomegaly in, 295, 303b, 304b
blind percutaneous technique for, 308-309 history in, 294
contraindications to, 306-307 hormone metabolism in, 293
handling of, 312 hypoglycemia in, 346-347
indications for, 306 hypoproteinemia in, 239
interpretation of, 312-313, 313b hypovolemia in, 344
keyhole technique for, 309-310 icterus in, 295
laparoscopy-guided, 311 inflammatory, 313-330
laparotomy for, 311 laboratory tests in, 294, 295-303
monitoring after, 311-312 liver size in, 295, 303b, 304b
precautions for, 306-307 management of, 343-351
preparation for, 307-308 angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors
transabdominal, 309 in, 351
transthoracic, 308-309 diuretics in, 350-351
ultrasound-guided, 310-311 nutritional, 348-350, 349b
blood flow of, 303-304 paracentesis in, 350
carprofen toxicity to, 324-325 nuclear scintigraphy in, 305-306
cirrhosis of pathophysiology of, 286-294
laboratory tests in, 296t physical examination in, 294-295
laparoscopic evaluation of, 116, 116f portal hypertension in, 292
ultrasonography of, 82, 82f protein metabolism in, 289-290, 302
copper-storage disease of, 325-328 radiology in, 303-304, 303b, 304b
clinical features of, 326-327 reticuloendothelial system function in, 293-294
pathophysiology of, 325-326 sepsis in, 347
treatment of, 327-328 ultrasonography in, 304-305
cysts of, 84, 85f, 88f, 89f drug-induced disease of, 323-325

Liver (Continued) Loperamide

enzymes of, 294, 296t, 299-301, 322 in acute diarrhea, 202, 202t
in steroid hepatopathy, 335-336 in fecal incontinence treatment, 47-48
failure of, 343-348 in idiopathic colitis, 270t
amino acids in, 347-348 in irritable bowel syndrome, 273
antibiotics in, 346, 347 Lungs, metastatic melanoma of, 374
encephalopathy treatment in, 344-346 Lupus erythematosus, megaesophagus and, 125
fluid therapy in, 344 Lymph nodes, aspiration of, 371
flumazenil in, 348 Lymphangiectasia, intestinal, 238-241
glucose supplementation in, 346-347 biopsy in, 105, 239
hemorrhage treatment in, 346 causes of, 238
L-dopa in, 348 clinical signs of, 239
transfusions in, 346, 347 diagnosis of, 239-240
fungal infection of, 330 in rottweilers, 240
hemangiosarcoma of, 85f treatment of, 240-241
hypoechogenicity of, 82-83, 83f Lymphocytic-plasmacytic enteritis. See
in hepatocutaneous syndrome, 84, 84f Inflammatory bowel disease,
inflammatory diseases of, 312-330. See also lymphocytic-plasmacytic.
Hepatitis. Lymphocytic-plasmacytic gastritis, 180-181
infectious, 328-329 Lymphoma
noninfectious, 313-314 gastric, 21-22, 21f
laparoscopic evaluation of, 114-115, 115f hepatic, 401, 403
lipid accumulation in, 336-340. See also inflammatory bowel disease and, 233
Lipidosis. intestinal, 245-249
lymphoma of, 401, 403 biopsy of, 105-106
mebendazole-induced disease of, 325 canine, 248-249, 393t
metastatic disease of, 86f, 401, 403-404 feline, 246-248, 247t
necrosis of, 296t, 321-322, 322b anemia in, 395
parasitic infection of, 330 chemotherapy in, 392t, 396-397
polycystic, 402, 403f mediastinal, 156
portal vein hypoplasia of, 334-335 Lymphopenia, in intestinal lymphangiectasia, 239
portosystemic shunt of, 330-334 Lymphosarcoma
radiology of, 70-72, 71f, 72f, 73f, 303-304 gastric, 76, 76f, 77f, 192-193, 193f
gallbladder disease on, 72 intestinal, 67f, 272
hepatomegaly on, 71-72, 72f
normal, 70-71, 71f M
portal vein on, 72, 72f, 73f Magnesium hydroxide, in constipation, 277t, 280
resection of Malabsorption, 38-42, 196
in cat, 402, 403f in exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, 368
in dog, 400 serum folate in, 39
shape of, 82 serum vitamin B12 in, 39, 40
shunts of, 82, 82f, 330-334 Malnutrition, 416-417, 417f, 417t. See also
size of, 72, 80, 82, 82f, 295, 303b, 304b Nutrition.
steroid-induced disease of, 296t, 335-336 Mandibulectomy
toxic injury of, 321-322 in epulides, 372
tumors of, 342-343 in fibrosarcoma, 383
canine, 399-403 in melanoma, 374, 376
feline, 401-404 in squamous cell carcinoma, 378, 381
laboratory tests in, 296t Mast cell tumors, 170, 394, 397
metastatic, 86f, 401, 403-404 Maxillectomy
ultrasonography of, 86f, 87f in epulides, 372
ultrasonography of, 78-87, 81f, 83f-91f in fibrosarcoma, 383
indications for, 81-82 in melanoma, 374, 376

Maxillectomy (Continued) Metoclopramide (Continued)

in osteosarcoma, 384f in gastric hypomotility disorder, 24
in squamous cell carcinoma, 378 in gastroesophageal reflux disease, 142
Medium-chain triglycerides, in intestinal in megaesophagus, 128
lymphangiectasia, 241 Metronidazole
Megacolon in acute disease, 202t
obstipation in, 48, 48f in canine inflammatory bowel disease, 231
radiology of, 68 in fecal incontinence treatment, 48
Megaesophagus, 5, 119-134 in feline cholangiohepatitis, 320-321
etiology of, 120-121, 121b in feline inflammatory bowel disease, 227-228,
idiopathic, 6-7 230
acquired (adult-onset), 122-130 in Giardia infection, 214
clinical signs of, 123 in idiopathic colitis, 270t
complications of, 129-130 in lymphocytic-plasmacytic colitis, 268
diagnosis of, 124-125, 131f in parasitic diseases, 206t
laboratory tests in, 124-125 Mineral oil, 278t, 279
physical examination in, 123-124, 123f Misoprostol
signalment in, 120t, 122-123 in acute gastritis, 173t, 175
treatment of, 126-130, 126f, 127f, 128f, in gastric erosive-ulcerative disease, 173t, 175
129f, 131f, 132f in hepatic disease, 346
congenital, 6, 121-122, 122f Montelukast, in lymphocytic-plasmacytic colitis,
in acquired myasthenia gravis, 130-134 268
in shar-peis, 157 Mouth
radiology of, 53-54, 55f, 123f, 124, 131f epulides of, 371-373
vs. vascular ring anomaly, 121 evaluation of, in vomiting, 14
Megestrol acetate, for appetite stimulation, 421t fibrosarcoma of, 382-384
Melanoma in cats, 384
canine, 373-376 in dogs, 382-384
prognosis for, 374 melanoma of, 373-377
staging of, 375t in cats, 376-377
treatment of, 374, 376 in dogs, 373-376, 375t
feline, 376-377 osteosarcoma of, 384, 384f
Melena, 2t, 30t, 32, 161 salivary gland tumors of, 385-386
6-Mercaptopurine, in feline inflammatory bowel in cats, 385-386
disease, 228 in dogs, 385
Mesalamine squamous cell carcinoma of, 377-382
in idiopathic colitis, 270t in cats, 380-382, 380f, 381f, 382f
in lymphocytic-plasmacytic colitis, 268 in dogs, 377-380, 377f
Mesenteric portography, 303-304 Mucous membranes, evaluation of, in vomiting, 14
Metabolic disease, in gastric erosion-ulceration, Mucus, in stool, 28-29, 30t, 31, 31f
169 Muzzle, in coprophagy, 25
Metastatic disease Myasthenia gravis
esophageal, 155-156 diagnosis of, 132
hepatic, 86f, 401, 403-404 dysphagia in, 4, 5
pulmonary, 374 edrophonium chloride (Tensilon) test for, 125
Methylprednisolone acetate megaesophagus and, 7, 130-134
in feline inflammatory bowel disease, 227 treatment of, 132-134
in idiopathic colitis, 270t Mycotic infection, 262-263, 330
Metoclopramide, 174t, 202-203, 202t Myelography, in fecal incontinence, 47
in acute gastritis, 173t, 175
in delayed gastric emptying, 185 N
in esophageal strictures, 149 Nandrolone decanoate, for appetite stimulation,
in gastric erosive-ulcerative disease, 173t, 175 421t

Narcotics, in acute diarrhea, 201-202, 202t Ollulanus tricuspis infection, 179-180, 205-207
Nasoesophageal tube, 421-424, 422f vomiting in, 19, 19f
complications of, 423-424 Olsalazine
diets for, 453-454, 454f in idiopathic colitis, 270t
in cat, 422, 423f in lymphocytic-plasmacytic colitis,
in dog, 422, 424f 268
management of, 423 Omega-3 fatty acids, in feline inflammatory
placement confirmation of, 422-423 bowel disease, 226
suture for, 423, 424f Omeprazole
technique of, 422, 423f in acute gastritis, 171, 172t, 174
tube for, 422 in gastric erosive-ulcerative disease, 171, 172t,
Nasogastric tube. See Nasoesophageal tube. 174
Nasopharynx, 51, 52f in gastroesophageal reflux disease, 142
Nausea. See also Vomiting. Ondansetron, 174t, 202t, 203
grass ingestion and, 23-24, 24f Opiates, in fecal incontinence treatment, 47-48
Necrosis, hepatic, 296t, 321-322, 322b Opioids, in pancreatitis, 362
Neonety, 25 Oropharyngeal dysphagia, 3-5, 3b
Neoplasia. See Tumors. Oropharynx, 51, 52f
Neo-stigmine, in myasthenia gravis, 133 Osteosarcoma, 384, 384f
Neurologic examination, in fecal incontinence, 47 Oxazepam, for appetite stimulation, 421t
Neuron-specific enolase, 405, 408
Neutrophilic colitis, 269 P
Nifedipine, in megaesophagus, 128 Palate, soft, 52f
Nizatidine Pancreas, 353-368
in acute gastritis, 170-171, 172t anatomy of, 72-74, 87, 91, 91f
in constipation, 278t, 280 biopsy of, 111, 112f, 116
in delayed gastric emptying, 186 carcinoma of, 95f, 404, 407-408
in gastric erosive-ulcerative disease, 170-171, endocrine tumors of
172t canine, 404-407
in gastroesophageal reflux disease, 142 feline, 408-409
Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, in gastric exocrine insufficiency of, 365-368. See also
erosion-ulceration, 167-168, 169f Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency.
Nutrition, 416-462. See also Enteral nutrition; exocrine tumors of
Parenteral nutrition. canine, 404
energy requirements for, 449-450, 453t feline, 407-408
fluid requirements for, 450, 453 hyperplasia of, 94f
goals of, 416, 417t inflammation of. See Pancreatitis.
in short bowel syndrome, 243-244 laparoscopic evaluation of, 111, 111f, 116
indications for, 416-417, 418t pseudocyst of, 95
mineral requirements for, 453 radiology of, 72-74, 73f, 74f
protein requirements for, 450 inflammation on, 73, 73f, 74f, 359-360
vitamin requirements for, 453 normal, 72-73
resection of, 405-406
O tumors of, 404-409
Obesity, 418t endocrine, 404-407, 408-409
Obstipation, 2t, 48-49, 48f, 49f, 274. See also exocrine, 404, 407-408
Constipation. in gastric erosion-ulceration, 170
Octreotide acetate, in insulinoma, 406 ultrasonography of, 87
Ocular larva migrans, 207 inflammation on, 91-95, 91f, 92f, 93f, 94f,
Odor 360, 361f
of breath, 25, 31t mass on, 95, 95f
of vomitus, 13 Pancreatic acinar atrophy, in pancreatic
Odynophagia, 2t insufficiency, 365, 365b

Pancreatic extracts, in exocrine pancreatic Parenteral nutrition, 455-461, 457f

insufficiency, 366 complications of, 459-461, 460t-461t
Pancreatic insufficiency, exocrine, 365-368. discontinuation of, 459
See also Exocrine pancreatic in pancreatitis, 364
insufficiency. in short bowel syndrome, 243
Pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity test, in monitoring of, 459b
vomiting, 17 partial, 457-458
Pancreatic polypeptidoma, 407 preparation of, 458-459, 459f
Pancreatitis, 353-365 protocols for, 458-459, 458b, 459b
amylase levels in, 358-359 total, 457, 458t
analgesia in, 362 Paromomycin, in parasitic infection, 206t, 207t
chronic, 95 Parvovirus infection, 14, 14f, 37, 203-205
classification of, 353 D-Penicillamine
clinical findings in, 355-356 in chronic hepatitis, 319
clinicopathologic findings in, 358-359 in hepatic copper-storage disease, 327-328
coagulopathy in, 363 Pentatrichomonas hominis infection, 205-207, 206t,
colitis with, 271 257
diagnosis of, 355-360, 357t Pepsin, in esophagitis, 138-139
dietary management in, 363-364 Percutaneous splenoportography, 304
differential diagnosis of, 356-358, 357t Perianal dermatitis, 283, 284
etiology of, 353-355, 354t Perianal fistulae, 283-284
fluid therapy in, 362 Perianal gland
hematology in, 358 adenocarcinoma of, 284-285
in cats, 355-356 adenoma of, 284
in dogs, 355, 356 Perineal hernia, 281-282
laboratory tests in, 358-359 Peritonitis, in small intestine obstruction, 210
lipase levels in, 358-359 Persistent right aortic arch, 134-136, 135f
monitoring of, 364 Pharyngeal isthmus, 51, 52f
paracentesis in, 360 Pharyngostomy tube, 424-425, 425f
pathogenesis of, 354-355, 354f, 355f, 356f diets for, 453-454, 454f
physical examination in, 356 Pharynx
prognosis for, 360, 365 anatomy of, 51-53, 52f
radiology in, 73, 73f, 74f, 359-360 mass lesions of, 52, 52f
serum biochemistry in, 358 radiology of, 51-53, 52f, 53f
signalment in, 355-356 Photodynamic therapy, in esophageal
steroids in, 362-363 tumors, 386
surgery in, 364-365 Physaloptera infection, 179-180, 205-207
treatment of, 360, 362-364 vomiting in, 19, 20f
trypsin-like immunoreactivity in, 359, 359t Pica, 2t, 17
ultrasonography in, 91-95, 92f, 93f, 94f, 360, Piroxicam, in canine squamous cell carcinoma,
361f 379
urinalysis in, 358 PIVKA (proteins induced by vitamin K antago-
Panleukopenia, feline, 203 nism/absence) test, 289-290
Pantoprazole, in gastroesophageal reflux disease, Plasma
142 in acute disease, 202t
Paracentesis in viral enteritis, 204
in liver disease, 350 Platelets, in hepatic disease, 290
in pancreatitis, 360 Pleural effusion, with esophageal foreign object,
Parasites 153
gastric, 179-180 Pneumonia, aspiration, in megaesophagus, 129,
hepatic, 330 130
intestinal, 105, 205-207, 206t, 256-258 Pneumoperitoneum, 113, 113f, 164
Paregoric, 202t Pneumothorax, laparoscopy and, 117

Polyethylene glycol, in constipation, 277t, 280 Proctoscopy, in fecal incontinence, 47

Polymerase chain reaction, in pythiosis, 241 Prolapse, anorectal, 281
Polyp(s) Prostaglandin analogue, in acute gastritis, 173t,
colonic, 272 175
gastric, 192-193 Prostaglandin E, 161
rectal, 32, 32f α1-Protease inhibitor assay, in inflammatory bowel
Polypectomy snares, 110, 110f disease, 221
Polyphagia, 2t Protein, dietary
coprophagy and, 25 in canine inflammatory bowel disease, 232-233
Porta hepatis, 79 in feline inflammatory bowel disease, 225-226
Portal hypertension, 292 metabolism of, 289-290
Portal vein Protein-losing enteropathy, 212. See also
angiography of, 72, 72f, 73f Inflammatory bowel disease;
hypoplasia of, 334-335 Lymphangiectasia, intestinal.
ultrasonography of, 79 biopsy in, 105
Portography, mesenteric, 303-304 diarrhea in, 38-42
Portosystemic shunt, 330-334 in Helicobacter infection, 179
clinical signs of, 331 in shar-peis, 235-237
etiology of, 330-331 Proton pump inhibitors
laboratory tests in, 296t, 331-332 in acute gastritis, 171, 172t, 174
pathology of, 332 in gastric erosive-ulcerative disease, 171, 172t,
prognosis for, 334 174
radiology of, 332 in gastroesophageal reflux disease, 141, 142
treatment of, 332-334 in megaesophagus-associated esophagitis, 130
Potassium Prototheca infection, 263-264
for appetite stimulation, 421t Protozoan infection, 205-207
in acute diarrhea, 201 Pseudocoprostasis, 2t, 284
in hepatic encephalopathy, 291 Pseudoptyalism, 2t
in viral enteritis, 203-204 Pseudoulcers, 62, 63f
Praziquantel, for parasitic diseases, 206t Psyllium
Prednisolone in constipation, 277t
in chronic hepatitis, 316 in idiopathic colitis, 270t
in feline cholangiohepatitis, 320 in irritable bowel syndrome, 273
in feline inflammatory bowel disease, 226 Ptyalism, 2t
in gastric erosion-ulceration, 168-169 Pyloric stenosis, 57, 59f
in insulinoma, 406 Pyloromyotomy, 12
in small intestine lymphoma, 247-248 Pyloroplasty, in antral pyloric hypertrophy
Prednisone syndrome, 184
for appetite stimulation, 421t Pylorospasm, radiology of, 57
in canine inflammatory bowel disease, 230-231 Pyothorax, with esophageal foreign object, 153
in chronic gastritis of unknown cause, 180b, Pyrantel, 206t
181 Pyridostigmine, in myasthenia gravis, 133
in chronic hepatitis, 316 Pyrimethamine, 206t
in eosinophilic colitis, 269 Pythium insidiosum infection (pythiosis), 241-242,
in esophageal strictures, 149 263
in fecal incontinence treatment, 48
in idiopathic colitis, 270t Q
in small intestine lymphoma, 248 Quaternary ammonium compounds, in Giardia
Pregnancy, gastroesophageal reflux disease during, infection, 215
Premaxillectomy, in oral fibrosarcoma, 384 R
ProcalAmine, in short bowel syndrome, 244 Rabeprazole, in gastroesophageal reflux disease,
Prochlorperazine, 174t 142

Rabies vaccination, dysphagia and, 4 Ranitidine (Continued)

Radiation therapy in delayed gastric emptying, 186
in epulides, 372 in gastric erosive-ulcerative disease, 170-171,
in fibrosarcoma, 383 172t
in intestinal tumors, 391 in gastroesophageal reflux disease, 141-142
in melanoma, 375-376 in hepatic disease, 346
in salivary gland tumor, 385 Rectovaginal fistula, 282-283
in squamous cell carcinoma, 378, 379-380, Rectum. See also Anorectum.
381-382 agenesis of, 282
Radioallergosorbent tests, in food allergy, 39 congenital defects of, 282-283
Radiology, 51-74. See also Ultrasonography. evaluation of
in abdominal gas, 67f in diarrhea, 34-35
in colitis, 68, 69f in fecal incontinence, 47
in colonic mass, 68, 70, 70f in vomiting, 15
in constipation, 276-277 perforation of, 273-274
in delayed gastric emptying, 165, 166f Reflexes, in fecal incontinence, 47
in diarrhea, 40, 255 Reflux, 5
in dysphagia, 4, 4f, 52-53, 53f Regional granulomatous colitis, 269-271
in esophageal neoplasia, 54, 57f Regurgitation, 5-8, 162t
in esophageal strictures, 145, 146f, 147f causes of, 5b
in esophagitis, 54, 57f, 141 clinical signs of, 7
in foreign objects, 54, 56f, 57, 59f, 64, 64f, 65f definition of, 2t
in gastric dilatation-volvulus syndrome, 164, endoscopy in, 8
164f in esophageal stricture, 144
in gastric disorders, 57-60, 59f, 60f, 61f, 62f, in megaesophagus, 123
164-165, 166f laboratory tests in, 8
in gastric erosive-ulcerative disease, 59, 62f physical examination in, 7-8
in gastric motility disorders, 165, 166f, 182-183 radiology in, 8
in gastritis, 57-58, 60f signalment in, 6-7
in hepatic tumors, 399, 402 vs. vomiting, 5-6, 6t
in hepatomegaly, 71-72, 72f Reticuloendothelial system, in hepatic disease,
in inflammatory bowel disease, 222 293-294
in intestinal tumors, 394, 395f Retropharyngeal area, 52f
in intussusception, 65, 66f Rotavirus infection, 203-205
in megaesophagus, 53-54, 55f, 123f, 124, 131f
in pancreatitis, 73, 73f, 74f, 359-360 S
in pyloric stenosis, 57, 59f Sacrocaudal vertebrae, agenesis of, 46
in small intestinal neoplasia, 245 Salivary gland tumor
in vascular ring anomaly, 54, 56f, 134, 136 canine, 385
in volvulus, 58-59, 60f, 61f feline, 385-386
in vomiting, 15-17, 16t, 17f, 18f Salivation, 14b
of esophagus, 53-54, 53f, 54f Salmonellosis, 207-208, 254, 259
of large intestine, 67-70, 69f, 70f Scintigraphy
of liver, 70-72, 71f, 72f in bile duct obstruction, 340-341
of pancreas, 73-74, 73f, 74f in gastric emptying evaluation, 183
of pharynx, 52-53, 52f, 53f in liver disease, 305-306
of portal vein, 72, 72f, 73f Scopolamine, 174t
of small intestine, 61-66, 63f, 64f, 65f, 66f, 67f Sepsis
of stomach, 55-60, 58f, 59f, 60f, 61f, 62f glucose administration in, 201
string of beads appearance on, 62, 63f in hepatic disease, 347
Ranitidine parvoviral enteritis and, 204
in acute gastritis, 170-171, 172t Serum unconjugated cholic acid, in bacterial
in constipation, 278t, 280 overgrowth, 235

Shar-peis Small intestine (Continued)

chronic enteropathy in, 235-237 pythosis of, 241-242
esophageal disorders of, 156-157 radiology of, 60-66
Shelf sign, 62f enteritis on, 64-65, 65f
Shock collar, in coprophagy, 25-26 foreign objects on, 64, 64f, 65f
Short bowel syndrome, 242-244, 272 intramural lesions on, 65-66, 66f, 67f
Simethicone, in flatulence, 44 intussusception on, 65, 66f
Small intestine. See also Large intestine. normal, 62, 63f
acute disease of. See also Diarrhea; perforation on, 66, 67f
Gastroenteritis. string of beads appearance on, 62, 63f
bacterial, 207-208 secretions of, 196
diagnosis of, 197-199, 198f, 199f tumors of, 244-249, 245f
direct smear in, 198 canine, 388-391
electron microscopy in, 199 clinical features of, 389
fecal culture in, 199 endoscopy in, 390
fecal flotation test in, 198, 198f prognosis for, 390-391
fecal smear in, 198 treatment of, 390-391
hemorrhagic, 208 feline, 391-392, 394-397
immunologic assays in, 199 clinical features of, 392, 394
intoxicant, 209 treatment of, 395-397
parasitic, 205-207, 206t ultrasonography of, 75, 76f
physical examination in, 197-198 viral infection of, 203-205
stained smear in, 198-199, 199f Sodium phosphate, in constipation, 278t
viral, 203-205 Somatostatinoma, 407
anatomy of, 60-62, 63f Spasm
bacterial overgrowth of, 234-235 of anus, 282
in German shepherd dogs, 236-237 of pylorus, 57
biopsy of, 105 Sphincters
chronic disease of, 211-249 anal, 45-46
classification of, 212 esophageal, 118-119, 138
clinical signs of, 211-212 Spinal cord, agenesis of, 46
Giardia, 212-216. See also Giardia infection. Spirocerca lupi infection, 156
in short bowel syndrome, 242-244 Spironolactone, in hepatic disease, 350
inflammatory, 218. See also Inflammatory Splenoportography, 72, 73f, 304
bowel disease. Squamous cell carcinoma
lymphangiectatic, 105, 238-241. See also oral
Lymphangiectasia. canine, 377-379
endoscopy of, 101t, 103-106 feline, 380-382
excess gas in, 64 tonsillar, canine, 379-380
foreign objects in Stains, for feces, 198-199, 199f
radiology of, 64, 64f, 65f Stanozolol, for appetite stimulation, 421t
ultrasonography of, 76, 78, 78f, 80f Starvation, 416-417, 417f, 417t, 418t. See also
functions of, 195-197 Nutrition.
in exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, 368 Steatorrhea, 30t
intramural lesions of, 65-66, 66f, 67f Steroid hepatopathy, 296t, 335-336
lymphoma of, 245-249 Stomach, 159-193. See also at Gastric.
biopsy of, 105-106 adenocarcinoma of, 192, 386-388
canine, 248-249 biopsy of, 103, 104f
feline, 246-248, 247t endoscopy in, 22-23, 22f, 23f, 192, 192f, 387,
nutrient absorption by, 195 388f
obstruction of, 209-210 ultrasonography of, 77f
parasitism of, 205-207, 206t anatomy of, 54-60, 58f, 159-160, 160f
perforation of, 66, 67f antrum of, 159, 160f

Stomach (Continued) Stool (Continued)

blood supply to, 160 ingestion of, 2t, 24-27, 25b
body of, 159, 160f mucus in, 28-29, 30t, 31, 31f
dilatation of, 58-59, 60f, 61f saline smear of, 35
diseases of, 161-166 volume of, 30t
endoscopy in, 101-103, 101t, 102f, 103f, zinc sulfate centrifugal flotation of, 35, 198,
104f, 165, 167f 198f, 213b
history in, 161-162 Stricture
laboratory tests in, 162-163 anorectal, 282
physical examination in, 161-162 esophageal, 144-149. See also Esophagus,
radiology in, 164-165, 164f, 166f strictures of.
ultrasonography in, 165 String of beads sign, 62, 63f, 64, 65f
vomiting in, 161, 161b, 162b Strongyloides tumefaciens infection, 254, 257
endoscopy of, 101-103, 101t, 102f, 103f, 104f, Sucralfate
165, 167f in acute gastritis, 173t, 174-175
epithelial cells of, 160-161 in esophageal strictures, 149
foreign objects in, 57, 59f, 78, 81f in gastric erosive-ulcerative disease, 173t,
fundus of, 159, 160f 174-175
Helicobacter infection of, 177-179, 179f in gastroesophageal reflux disease, 142-143
inflammation of. See Gastritis. in gastrointestinal hemorrhage, 346
leiomyoma of, 77f in hepatic disease, 346
lymphoma of, 21-22, 21f in megaesophagus-associated esophagitis, 130
lymphosarcoma of, 76, 76f, 77f Sulfadimethoxine, for parasitic diseases, 206t
masses of, 59, 61f, 62f Sulfasalazine
motility of. See Gastric motility. in fecal incontinence, 48
mucosa of, 159, 160-161 in idiopathic colitis, 270t
muscularis of, 159-160 Swallowing, 51-52, 119
needle in, 111f difficult. See Dysphagia.
outflow obstruction of, vomiting with, 12 of tablets or capsules, 137
parasite infection of, 179-180 Symptoms, 1-49, 2b, 2t. See also specific symptoms.
pylorus of, 159, 160f abdominal discomfort as, 44-45
radiology of, 54-60, 58f, 59f, 60f, 61f, 62f constipation as, 48-49
rupture of, 59-60 coprophagy as, 24-27, 25b
serosa of, 159 diarrhea as, 27-42. See also Diarrhea.
tumors of, 192-193, 192f dysphagia as, 3-5, 3b
biopsy of, 103, 104f fecal incontinence as, 45-48, 45b
canine, 386-388 grass ingestion as, 23-24, 24f
endoscopy of, 22-23, 22f, 23f, 192, 192f regurgitation as, 5-8, 5b
feline, 388, 389f vomiting as, 8-23, 9b. See also Vomiting.
in gastric erosion-ulceration, 170 Syringe feeding, 420, 420f
ultrasonography of, 77f Systemic lupus erythematosus, megaesophagus
ulcers of. See Gastric erosive–ulcerative and, 124
ultrasonography of, 75, 75f, 165 T
volvulus of, 58-59, 60f, 61f, 78 Tachygastria, 184-186
Stool. See also Constipation; Diarrhea. Taenia spp. infection, 205-207, 206t
blood in, 30t, 31-32, 32f, 33 Taurodeoxycholate, in esophagitis, 139
color of, 30t Tenesmus, 2t, 32-33, 274
culture of, 37, 42, 199 Tensilon (edrophonium chloride) test, 5, 125, 132
cytology of, 38-39, 42 Terbinafine, in pythiosis, 242
direct smear of, 35, 38-39, 198-199, 199f Tetracycline
ELISA for, 35, 37f, 214 for hepatic infection, 347
incontinence of. See Fecal incontinence. for parasitic diseases, 206t

Thoracotomy, in esophageal foreign object, 153 U

Thyroid hormones, in vomiting evaluation, 18-19 Ulcerative gastritis, 78, 78f, 79f
Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) assay, in Ultrasonography, 74-95. See also Radiology.
megaesophagus, 124 in bile duct calculi, 87, 90f
Thyroxine (T4) in cholangiohepatitis, 83, 83f
in megaesophagus, 124 in diarrhea, 40
in vomiting evaluation, 18-19 in dynamic ileus, 76, 78f
Tongue, foreign body around, 14, 15f in gallbladder disease, 84-87, 89f, 90f, 91f
Tonsils, carcinoma of, 52, 52f, 379-380 in gastric diseases, 77f, 78, 78f, 79f, 165
Total parenteral nutrition, 457, 458t in hepatic abscess, 84, 87f, 88f
in pancreatitis, 364 in hepatic cysts, 84, 85f, 88f
in short bowel syndrome, 243 in hepatic lipidosis, 83, 83f
Toxocara spp. infection, 205-207 in hepatic tumors, 84, 85f, 86f, 87f, 89f, 399
Toxoplasma gondii infection, 205-206, 206t in hepatocutaneous syndrome, 84, 84f
with inflammatory bowel disease, 233-234 in inflammatory bowel disease, 76, 76f
Tracheoesophageal stripe, in megaesophagus, in intussusception, 78, 80f
53-54, 55f in liver disease, 80-87, 82f, 83f, 84f, 85f, 86f,
Trauma, in fecal incontinence, 46 87f, 304-305
Trichobezoar, 17-18, 18f in lymphocytic-plasmacytic colitis, 265
Trichomonas spp. infection, 257 in lymphosarcoma, 76, 76f, 77f
Trichuris spp. infection, 205-207, 256-257 in pancreatitis, 360, 361f
Trientine, in hepatic copper-storage disease, 328 in small intestinal neoplasia, 77f, 245
Triiodothyronine (T3), in vomiting evaluation, in volvulus, 78
18-19 in vomiting, 20
Trimethoprim-sulfonamide, for parasitic diseases, normal, 75, 75f, 76f
206t of foreign objects, 78, 80f, 81f
Trocarization, gastric, in gastric dilatation- of liver, 78-80, 81f
volvulus syndrome, 189 technique of, 74-75
Trypsin, in esophagitis, 139 terminology for, 74
Trypsin-like immunoreactivity assay Uncinaria stenocephala infection, 205-207
in exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, 26, 38, 366 Urinalysis, in pancreatitis, 358
in pancreatitis, 359, 359t Urine, bilirubin in, 302
Trypsinogen activation peptide, in pancreatitis, 360 Ursodeoxycholate, in short bowel syndrome, 243
Tube feeding. See Enteral nutrition. Ursodeoxycholic acid
Tumors, 370-409. See also specific sites and types. in chronic hepatitis, 316-317
anal sac, 397-399 in feline cholangiohepatitis, 321
esophageal, 54, 57f, 155-156, 386
gastric, 192-193, 386-388, 387f, 388f V
in gastric erosion-ulceration, 170 Vaccination, against Giardia infection, 215-216
hepatic, 399-404, 403f Vagina, fistula of, 282-283
intestinal, 388-399, 389f, 390f, 395f Vascular ring anomaly, 134-136, 135f
metastatic clinical signs of, 134
esophageal, 155-156 radiology of, 54, 56f, 134
hepatic, 86f, 401, 403-404 treatment of, 134-136
pulmonary, 374 Vasoactive intestinal peptidoma, 407
oral, 371-386. See also Mouth. Vincristine, in small intestine lymphoma, 247-248
pancreatic, 404-409 Viral infection, 203-205, 258
Two-pronged grasper, 110, 110f Visceral larva migrans, 207
Tylosin Vitamins, in exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, 367
in idiopathic colitis, 270t Vitamin B12 (cobalamin)
in parasitic diseases, 206t in exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, 367
Typhlitis, 68, 69f serum, in malabsorptive disease, 39, 40
Tyzzer’s disease, 260-261 Vitamin C, in hepatic copper-storage disease, 328

Vitamin E Vomiting (Continued)

in chronic hepatitis, 317 patient history in, 10-11b
in feline cholangiohepatitis, 321 physical examination in, 14-15, 14b, 14f, 15f
in feline inflammatory bowel disease, 226 projectile, 13
Vitamin K radiology in, 15-17, 16t, 17f, 18f
deficiency of, 289 systems review in, 11-12
in feline hepatic lipidosis, 339-340 treatment of, 202-203
in inflammatory bowel disease, 233 ultrasonography in, 20
Volvulus vs. regurgitation, 5-6, 6t
gastric, 58-59, 60f, 61f, 78 Vomitus. See also Vomiting.
intestinal, 274 characteristics of, 12-13
Vomiting, 8-23, 162t Ollulanus tricuspis in, 19, 19f
abdominal exploration in, 20
antiemetic agents for, 202-203 W
case studies of, 21-23, 21f, 22f, 23f Weight, 418t
causes of, 9b, 161b, 162b, 197b loss of
clinical features of, 8-14 in diarrhea, 30t, 34
definition of, 2t in megaesophagus, 129-130
diarrhea and, 13-14, 30t, 33-34 Whipworm infection, 205-207, 256-257
differential diagnosis of, 356-357
drug-induced, 10-11 X
endoscopy in, 19, 21-23, 21f, 22f, 23f Xerostomia, 2t
evaluation of, 161-163
case studies of, 21-23, 21f, 22f, 23f Y
diagnostic plan in, 15-20, 16t, 17f, 18f, 19f, 20f Yersiniosis, 260
endoscopy in, 19, 21-23, 21f, 22f, 23f Yohimbine, 174t
historical review in, 10-11
laboratory tests in, 15-19, 16t Z
physical examination in, 14-15, 14b, 14f, 15f Zafirlukast, in lymphocytic-plasmacytic colitis,
radiology in, 15-17, 16t, 17f, 18f 268
systems review in, 11-14, 13b Zileuton, in lymphocytic-plasmacytic colitis,
frequency of, work-up and, 20-23, 21f, 22f, 268
23f Zinc
gastroesophageal reflux disease and, 143-144 for appetite stimulation, 421t
in gastric motility disorders, 182 in hepatic copper-storage disease, 328
in inflammatory bowel disease, 218-219 Zinc sulfate centrifugal flotation test, 35, 198,
in pancreatitis, 362 198f, 213b
in pythiosis, 241 Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, 19, 407
intermittent, chronic, 13 Zygomycosis, 241-242, 263
laboratory tests in, 15-19, 16t

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