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24002 55

No. 1373 8 November 2002

In terms of the Standards Act, 1993 (Act 29 of 1993). the Council ofthe South African Bureau of Standards has acted in regard to
standards in the manner set out in Schedule 1 to this notice.


All South African standards that were previously pUblished by the South African Bureau of Standards with the prefix "SABS" have
been redesignated as South African National Standards and will henceforth be pUblished by Standards South Africa (a division of
SABS) with the prefiX "SANS". Various series of SABS standards. such as specifications. mark specifications. codes of practice.
standard methods. adoptions of international and regional standards, and others, have been consolidated into one coherent
numbered list. Compulsory specifications. recommended practices, rationalized specifications and coordinating specifications. in the
"VC·. "ARp·. "NRS" and "CKS" series respectively. are unaffected.
With effectfrom the date of this Notice. all new South African national standards that have notpreviously been published under an
"SABS· number will be published under. and designated by. a humber with the prefIX "SANS.
All existing standards in the list below may be referred to indefinitely, in any context, by either their "SABS" number or by
their "SANS" number, both of which will be equally valid.
Physical renumbering ofthe standards in the list below, and any necessary amendment of referensres to other standards contained
within them. will be carried out by Standards South Africa between the date of this Notice and 31 December 20071 after which aU
standards in the list below will onlY be sold bearing "SANS· numbers and containing references to South African national standards
under the ·SANS· system. In the Intervening period. standards sold will. of necessity, bear designations in either the "SABS" or the
"SANS· series, and contain references to standards in either the "SABS" or the "SANS· series, or both.
Interested parties can obtain further information from the Standards South Africa contact personnel listed in Schedule 3.


The addresses of offices of the South African Bureau of Standards where copies of standards mentioned in this notice can be
obtained, are as follows:
l.The President. South African Bureau of Standards. 1 Dr Lategan Road. Groenkloof. Private Bag X191. Pretoria 0001.
2.The Manager. Western Cape Regional Office, SABS. Uesbeek Park Way. Rosebank, PO Box 615. Rondebosch. 7701.
3. The Manager. Eastern Cape Regional Office. SABS. 30 Kipling Road. cor Diaz and Kipling Roads. Port Elizabeth. PO Box 3013.
North End 6056.
4.The Manager, Kwazulu-Natal Regional Office. SABS, 15 Garth Road. Waterval Park, Durban. PO Box 30087, Mayville
5.The Control Officer, Bloemfontein Branch Office. SABS, 34 Victoria Road. Willows. Bloemfontein PO Box 20265, Bloemfontein,


The following can be contacted for further information regarding the redesignation and renumbering of South African national
General enquiries:
GA Holloway tel: (012) 428 6617
Dr G.R. Visser tel: (012) 428 7097
MsANel tel: (012) 428 6264
E-mail enquiries:
Enquiries regarding standards in specific subject areas:
Chemical & Biological: Ms. M. Marneweck tel: 1012j428 6629
Electrotechnical: A.J. Claasen tel: 012 4286612
Fibre Technology: T.G.F.M. Vueghs tel: 012 4286752
Mechanical. Transport & Civil: Ms. L. Wang tel: 012 4286384
Systems: H.D. Sichali tel: (012 4286683
Existing designation New Designation Additional 10 Title Year Ed. en
SASS 04 SANS 10004 ITerms and definnions for textiles and textile merchandise 1987 3
SABS05 SANS 10005 The praservatiYe trealment of limber 1999 6

SASS 06 SANS 10006 1957 2
SABS011 SANS 10011 2001 3,06
SASS 012 SANS 10012 1993 3
SASS 013-1 SANS 10013-1 The ormance net power) of internal combustiO~_nalcombustion engines at sea kiVeI 1988 3
SASS 013-2 SANS 10013-2 The determination of performance (at net power) ot internal combustion e 2: Com ilion engines at altitude 1988 2
SABS 013-3 SANS 10013-3 IThe detennln~power) of internal combustion 3: Ie internal combustion engines at sea level 1988 1
SASS 017 SANS 10017 IBasic principles ur ~ attributes 1973 2
SASS 019 SANS 10019 Transportable compressed design, manufacture, use and maintenance 2001 5

:r . .".__.. .
SASS 021 SANS 10021 The waterproofing of buildings (inclUding damp-prooIIng and vapour barrier installation) 2002 3,01
SABS043 SANS 10043 The laying of wood lIoo!s 1973 3

. . . '"......._-"'' . . . . . "'. . .
SASS 044-1 NS 10044-1 wel~1: Glossary of terms 1883 2
SASS 044-2 NS 10044-2 'Wedi 2:S~bom 1963 2
SASS 044-3 ANS 10044-3 Weldi 3: The IUsian welding of steel ~ncludl ests for the approval of welding procedures and production welds 1883 2
SABS044-4 ANS 10044-4
Part 5: Thi! fuSion welding or steel
-~_J, ~
austenitic stllinless steel): Tests for the approval of welders Where welCl procedure approval is not
1983 2
SABS 044-5 SANS 10044-5 1983 2 o
~ <
SASS 044-6 SANS 10044-6 Part 6: The fuSion ot aluminium and aluminium alloys: Tests for the approval ot welding procedures and production welds 1985 2
SASS 044-7 SANS 10044-7 We Pari 7: The fuSion of aluminium and aluminium alloys: Tests for the approval of welders working to apprnved welding procedures 1985 2 m
SASS 047 SANS 10047 The ng of motor vehicles for roaClWOrthiness 2000 4 :0
SABS049 SANS 10049 Food hygiene management 20 3 Z
SABS052 SANS 10052 The construction of strongrooms 1974 1 s:
SABSOS3 SANS 10053 The standard viscosity classification ot inaustliallubrlcating oils (metric unns) 2001 1,03 m
SASSOS7 SANS 10057 Bending and WI1!lpping tests on metallic materials 1975 2
IThe In communal ana Single amenna systems !Of tne reception or '_Ion and sound broadcast transmlsslOns I-'art 1 . VHFandUHI'
SANS 10061-1 teiellision and VHF sound antenna systerm; 2001 3,01
IThe IOStllilation of communal and single antenna systems for the reception of e_lon anasound broadCast transrmsSlOns Part 2: Satellffe antenna ~
SABS061·2 SANS 10061-2 1994 1 m
SASS 062
SANS 10062
SANS 10064
otoonc 1991
1979 2
2 ::j
SANS 10066 factolies 1973 2
SABS070 SANS 10070 similar flexible floor covering materials 1994 3,01 ())
SASSon SANS 10072 1993 2 z
SABS073 SANS 10073 ngs 1974 2 o
SABS076-1 SANS 10076·1 1981 3
SASS 076-2 SANS 10076-2 oods and made-up arlicles Part 2: 1982 1 m
SASS 076·3 SANS 10076-3 piece-goods and meete-up articles Part 1982 1 s:
SABS076-4 SANS 10076-4 piece-goods and made·up articles Part 4: Defects 1984 1 OJ
SABS 076-5 SANS 10076-5 assessment of defects in teldile piece-goods and made-up articles Part 5: Defects s 1983 1
SASS 076-6 SANS 10076-6 e assessment of defects in textile piece-goods and made-up artiCles Part 6: Defects 1983 1 I\)
SASS 076-1 SANS 10076-7 assessment Of del'ects in textile piece-goods and made-up articles Part 7: Defects In 1985 1 o
SANS 10079
SANS 10080
protection of grinding wheem
1972 2
082 SANS 10062 1988 3
SAOO083 SANS 10083 emeasureme and assessment Of occupational noise lor healing conservation purposes 1998 4
SASS08S SANS 10065 IThe design, erection, use and Inspection of access scaffolding 2000 3
SABS066-1 SANS 10086-1 The Installation, inspection and maintenance Of equipment used in explosiYe atmospheres Part 1: Installations including sulface installations on mines 2001 3,02
I ne II1stanaoon, inspectIOn ana malmenance or eqUIpment usee In explOsIVe almos : Repair and overhaul of apparatus usee In explOSNe
SANS 10088-3
atmospheres 2001 1,01
. I ne nanollng, storage, ano OI5<OOU IOn 01 IqU m gas In OOl""""C. oomrnet'Cla ana InOlJS{na InsaliatlOns art 1: wquenea petIO!llum gas
Installations il'lltOlving gas storage containers ot individual water capacity not exceeding 500 I and a combined water capacity not exceeding 3 000 I per
SABS 087-1 SANS 10087-1 installation 1999 3
ng, stolllge, and dislfibUllon Of ItqUefle<l petroleum gas In aomesnc, commerCIal, and industrial Installations Pari 2: Installations In mobile units
SABS087-2 SANS 10087-2 and sma" non-permanent buildings 19~ _2_
rtie handrrng, stOi'lIge and diStrrbutlOn of liquefied petl'Oliium gas In domestiC, oommercliil and Industriallostallatians Part 3: uquelled petrOleum gas
SASS 087-3 SANS 10087-3 installations inltOlving storage _ I s of individual water capacity exceeding 500 I ~0.3. ~
•I ne nanallng, storage, and OlstnoUllon ofllquelied petroleum gas In dOirieshc, commercial, and Industnal Installatrons I''air",: ranspoftatron Of L.I-'G In
5ABS087-4 ISANS 10087-4 bulk by road 1979 2
Existing designation New Designation - -onailD Year Ed.

SABS 087-6 SANS 10087-6 2000 3

SABS087-7 SANS 10087·7 2,01




highways ~

apparatus lor use in such locations <
, definitIOns, symtlOls, J)
SABS 0111·2·1 SANS 10111·2·1 [\)
SABS 0111-2-2 SANS 10111-2·2 0
SABS 0111-2-3 SANS 10111-2-3 [\)
SABS 0111-2-4 SANS 10111·2-4
SABS 0111-2-5 SANS 10111-2-5 finel e
SABS 0111-3 SANS 10111-3 etrical lolerancing
SABS0112 SANS 10112
SABS0114-1 SANS 10114-1
SANS 10114-2
SANS 10115
SANS 10116
SANS 10117
SANS 10116
SANS 10119

SABS 0120-2 Introduction SANS 10120-2 Inlroduetion Z

SABS 0120-2 A SANS 10120-2 A l\)
SABS 0120·2 AA SANS 10120·2 AA 1986 3 0

SABS 0120-2 AB SANS 10120-2 AS 1986


existing designation New oes~.lltion AdditionallD Title Year Ed. CO
Ql(le 01 practice lOr use Witn standardIZed specmcatlOns lor CIVIl erlQlneenng cOl"lSll1JCtlOn aria contract documents Part 2: PrOject spedliCabon :>eellon
SABS 0120-2 AD SANS 10120-2 AD AD: General (small dams) 19661 2 z
CcXIe Of practice fO( use with s!anaardlZed specifications for eMl englneenng construcbon and contract documents Part 2: Project speclflcabon Secr.on 9
SABS 0120-2 AH SANS 10120-2 AH AH: General (structural) 1986 ,--3 I'J
COde of practice fOr use with Standardized specitlcatlons tor civil engineenng construction ana contract aocuments Part 2: Project specmcatlon section c: .j::..
SABS 0120-2 C SANS 10120-2 C Sfte clearance 1982 2 o
practlce Tor use WIth standardized specifICations ror cMI englneenng construction ana contract oocuments Part :<: ProJecl specification Section D:
SABS 0120-2 0
SANS 10120-2 0 rks 1982 . 2-
ICe for use WIth stanaardiZiiid speclflcabons fOr cMI enQlneenng construction and contract aocuments part :<: prOject Specmcatlon ~ectlOfl
S!J3S0120-20A SANS 10120-2 OA DA: Earthworks (small works) 1962 2 .-

COde Of practice fOr use WIth standardIZed speclllClibons for CMI englneenng constrUctiOn and contract documentS Part 2'l'roject specification section
SABS 0120-2 DB SANS 10120-2 DB DB: Earthworks (pipe trenches) 1982 2
1'-'OOe OT praC1JC8 Tor use WIITl stanaaralZeclspecilicahons fOr ciVIl englT1earing construction ana contract documents Part 2: Project SpecifiCation :section

SABS 0120-2 DE SANS 10120-2 DE DE: Small earth dams 1984 1

ICode Of practlCe fur use With stanaaralZect Specmcatlons for CMI engmeenng constrUctiOn ana corililict documents Part '2:'PrOjecl specmcatioo beetlon
SABS 0120.2 OK SANS 10120-2 DK OK: Gabions and pitching 1996 ~
Ic;oae of practice for with SIllridaiillZed Speclficahons for CMI engineering construction ana contract documents Part 2: Project Speaticiillon sei:ifion
SABS 0120-2 OM OM: Earthworks(roads,SUbgrade)
SANS 10120-2 OM
II.XlOe or practICe lOr use with stanaatdizecl specmcatlons Tor CMI englneenng construction ana contract oocuments part 2: project specltlcallOn ~ectlon
1961 1.- o
SABS 0120-2 ON SANS 10120-2 DN ON: Earthworks (railway sidings) 1982 2 <
COde of pracbce for use With SEaridaiillzed speclficaltons fOr cMI englneenng construction and cOntract documentil Part 2:l'rOject speclficabonSeetIOn 1-: JJ
SABS 0120-2 F SANS 10120-2 F P~ing 1983 _ .1 Z
IUXle or practice Tor use wttn stanaaralZeospecificiltlons tor clllil englneenng construction arid contraCt documents Part 2: Project specllicabon SectIOn G: " -
SABS 0120-2 G SANS 10120-2 G Concrete (structural) 1982 2 m

i'-""" or practICe for use Wlm stanaarmzeo specrrlcalions 101" cMI englneenng COnstrUCllon and con raCt aooumems Hilrt '2: Project speatiCilboo'Section z
SABS 0120-2 GA SANS 10120.2 GA GA: Concrete (sman \M)rks) 1982 2 -;
Code or practiCe TOr use witn standardlZecl specifiCations fO( cMI eriglneenng constructioo ana contraCt dooumenlil Part 2: Project specifiCatIOn Section '- G)
SABS 0120-2 G8
.- SANS 10120-2 G8 G8: CCIT1crete (ordinary bUildings)
'1.XlOe 01 praCllCe Tor use with stanoardlZecl speclhcallons for CIVil eng,neenng constructIOn and contract documents ~art ;/: PrOject specification Seaion
1984 1. -
SABS 0120-2 GE SANS 10120-2 GE GE: Precast concrete (structural) 1984 1
UJCle or praCtIce ror use wltn standaralZe<l specificallons fOr cMI englneeflng constructIOn and contraa documents Part 2: Project speCificatIOn sec~
- ::j
SABS 0120-2 GF SANS 10120-2 GF iGF: Prestressed concrete 1984 1 m
IUXle 01 practICe tor use witn stanaaralZeo specmcatlOns for CiVil engIT1eenng construCtIOn ana contract documents Part 2: Project siiiCfllCiilioo H: CO
~120-2H SANS 10120-2 H structural 6leelW1Xk 1990
COdii Of pradlCe fOr use With SEaiidaiillZed spec;tiCiitlons fOr cMI englneenng construction arid contract documents Part 2: Project speciTlcatlOl1 "A:
I--L z
SABS 0120.2 HA SANS 10120-2 HA Structural steelwork (sundry items)
use Wltn stanaaralZed SpeclhcatlOllS lor CIVIl englneenng constrUction ana contract documents Pan 2: project speclhcatton ~ection
.- ..:1... ~
SABS 0120-2 HB SANS 10120-2 HB HB: Cladding and sheeting 1985 1 s:::
COde Of practice ror use With SIllriaaiillZect speClfiCatlans for ciVIl englneenng construction and contract documents Pail 2: Project speclflcabon Seclii.lrl"

SABS 0120-2 HC SANS 10120-2 HC HC: Corrosion protection of structural steelwork 1988 1 .-
II.iOOe or practice Tor use wrrn standaralZelJ Speclhcalions for cMI engineenng construction ana contract oocuments pan: L: project specilication :;ection JJ
SABS 0120·2 HE SANS 10120-2 HE HE: Structural aluminiumwork 1963 1 I'J
11.i008 or praCtIce TOr use witn stllndardizeo specifications for cMI englT1eering construction ana contracfdocuments Part 2: PrOject speclficalion "'actIOn L: o
SABS 0120-2 L SANS 10120-2 L MediUm-prassure pipelines
1963 2 I'J
II.iOOe aT praclice for use WIITllllandaralZea specmcanons Tor CMI englneenng construalon ana corilract documents Pail 2' Project specmcatioo'Sectlon
SABS 0120.2 La SANS 10120·2 LB LB: Bedding (pipes) , 1983
--'- ,.2-
I"''''''' u, I"""dce for use wffh stanaaidlzed speciliCatlons for cMI engineering construction and contract documents Part 2: Project specification sect~

SABS 0120-2 LC SANS 10120-2 LC LC: cable ducts 1981 1

ICOlle or practice for use With standardized specificahons fO( CIVIl englneenng construction and conlract documents Part 2: Project specification I:leetlOn
SABS 0120-2 LD SANS 10120-2 LD LO:Sewers 1982 2
L;oae or pracuee TOr use Wltn stanllalOlZecl speclncatiOnS lor CMI englneenng conSlruction ana contract documents part :.1: project spec~1cal1Ol1 Section
SABS 0120-2 LE SANS 10120-2 LE LE: Stormwater drainage 1982 .:1....
coae Of j5iilCllCe fiX use With standaiillZed speCifications ror cMI englTleenng construction ari,fcontilict dOCUments Part '2:-~rojeCl specl1lClltlon ~on Lt-·
SABS 0120-2 LF SANS 10120-2 LF Elf connections (water) 1963 ...!-
UXle or "",clice Tor use Witn stanaarOlZea specificatIOns fO( CMI englneenng constructIOn and COntract documentS Pail 2: Project specification beetlon
SABS 0120-2 LG SANS 10120-2 LG .. _ .. LG: Pipe jacking 1983 1
u:>ae or pracnce or use With s!llndarCllZea specltlcations!Of CMI engineering construction and contract documents Pail;,:: I"roJect specillcatlon section M:
SABS 0120-2 M SANS 10120-2 M Roads (general) 1996 :2~
Code or practice TOr use wttn srenaarolZeo Specificabons tor CIVil englneenng constructIOn and contract documents Pail 2: Project specincalion section
SABS 0120-2 ME SANS 10120-2 ME ME:Subba$e 1961 1
Existing designation New Designation Additional ID Title Year Ed.
ICode or PfllCIlce fO( use WIth stanoarolzea speclllCalions ror CMI engineenng conslruc!lon and contract oocumenlS pan <1: prOject Speclncatlon ::oectlon
SABS 0120·2 MF SANS 10120-2 MF MF: Base 1981 -1- -
IUXle or prac6l'OrUSe\Yilh standardliiild speaticabons fOr ciVil engineering construction and contract documents Part 2:Projecl specification Seclion
SABS 0120-2 MFL SANS 10120·2 MFL MFL: Base (light pavement structures) 1996 1
IUXle or practlce-/Ofuse Wilh standardized specifications fOr ciVil engineering co/1Sli1JO!jon and contract documents Part 2: Project speclncallon ::oectlon
SABS 0120-2 MG SANS 10120·2 MG MG: Bituminous sUl1ace treatment 1996 ,--~
IUXle or practICe lOr-use With standan:hzed spe¢ificatlOnS fO( cMI englneenng conslruction and conliiict dOCuments Part 2: Pro;ea specilicaliOri Section
0120-2 MH SANS 10120-2 M
MH: Asphalt base and surfacing 1996 2
COde Of prac:tlCe fO( use With stanaaiilZed specfficallons for cMI englneenng conSliUCflOr1aoo COntract aocuments f'arl <1: prOject SpecmcatlOl1 ",ection
SABS 0120-2 MJ SANS 10120-2 MJ MJ: Segmented pavlng . 1984 1
Ivode or practice lOr use wnh sranaarolzea specmcatlOl1S lOr CIVIl englneenng construCtion ana con ract oocuments part <1: t-'rOJect specirlCatlan ",ectlon
SABS 0120-2 MK --_.-
SANS 10120-2 MK MK: Kerbing and channeling 1981. ~
I~J or practice for use With stlliidaidlZed specificaltans fOr cMl engineering consfructlon ana contract documents Part 2: PiaJea speemcalloo ",,,crlan
SABS 0120·2 MM SANS- -10120·2
MIA : Ancillary roadworks 1984 1
tlce fO( use With standardized specificatiOns for CIVIl eng1T1lIering construction and contract dOCUments Part 2: PrOjeCt SpecilicallOl1 SectIOn
~120-2NB SANS 10120·2 NB NB: Railway sidings (trackwork) 1981 ' 1
IvoOe ot practICe ror use Wltn standardiZea specifications ror 0lVl1 englrteeflng constructIOn ana conlract documents part 3: Guidance lOr lleSlgn,
SABS 0120-3 Introduction
- ------- ---'----'-"-----
SANS 10120-3 Introduction tntroduction 1986 3
lvoae Of practice fO( use With Standardized specificatIOnS fOr civllenglneenng constructIOn and contract documents Part 3: GUidance for design Section A: (Jl
SABS 0120-3 A
------- SANS 10120-3 A General 1986 3 );!
lvooe or practlce ror use Wltn stanaarOlzeCl specifICations fOr civil engIneering construction llrid contraCt documents ParI s: Guidance fl)( design Section-
SABS 0120-3 AA ------
SANS 10120-3 AA i=smaIiWOrks) 1982 2 ~
Ice fer use wffh standardIZed specllicahons for civil englneeTing construction and contract documents Palt 3: Guidance for deSign ~ection
~0120-3AS ISANS 10120-3 AS
ngineers office
I~01 practice fO( use With standardized specifiCations for clllil engineering conStruction and contract dOCUments Part 3: GUlOance lOr design ",eollOn
1986 3
===if."""'". -""
~012()~"[). SANS 10120-3 AD AD: General (small dams) 1986 ..1... lJ
[Code Of practice fOr use With standardiZed specifications fOr cMI englneenng constructIOn and contract documents Part 3: GUidance for design Section »
SABS 0120-3 AH SANS 1012(j-3 A t : ' - - 1983
~ Z
Code Of practice f(j use With standardized speclficatlOl1S fOr clllil engineering constructIOn and contract documents part 3: GUlllance tor aeslgn secllon c;: ;-i
SABS 0120-3 C SANS 10120-3
C Sile clearance 1982 2 (Xl
COde of practice fOr use With standardiZed specllicahans fOr cMI englneenng construction and contract aocuments Part S· GUldanoe for design Seelion D.
SABS 0120-3 D SANS 10120-30 , _______ Earthworks
,UXle 01 practice for use With standardIZed specllicallons for CIVil englneenng construction and contract dOCuments Part 3. GUidaMe for design Section-
1982 -2- -
-~ a
SABS 0120-3 DA SANS 10120-3
_._--_._ _.- DA OA: Earthworks (small WOrks) 19821 2
------ ~ .•..•........ .........•..

UXle ruse Witn slllnoardizeo speclllCatlOns lor clllil engineenng construction ana contract oocuments t-'art ->: !,.juiaance tor dllSlgn ",ecrlon
SABS 0120-3 DB SANS 10120-3 DB DB: Earthworks (pipe trenches) 1982 2 OJ
--~ ~-
COde Of practICe fO( use With standardized specifICations fO( CMI engtneeilng coriilliilctlon and contract documents Part 3: GUidance !Of aeSlQn """tion m
SABS 0120-3 DE SANS 10120·3 DE DE: Small earth darns 1984 1 lJ
iCode o(practrce fOfuse With standardized SpecificiltlOnS for cMI engineenng construct,on and contract llocuments Par13: GUlaance lOr design section J\)
SABS 0120-3 DK SANS 10120-3 DK OK: Gabions and pitching 11996 2
.. - Code or pridice fOr use with standardIZed speCifications for cMI englneenng construction and contract oocuments part 3: GUidance tor deSign section 2
SABS 0120·3 OM
---- SANS 10120-3 DM OM: Earthworks (roads, sUbgrade)
UXle 01 practICe tor use With stanaarolzea specmcalions tor cMlenglneeringeonslructlOl1 ana contract documents Part 3: GUidance for destgJl l::iectlOn
1981 1

SABS 0120-3 ON SANS 10120-:3 D~ DN: Earthworks (railway sidings) 1982 2

c;ooe Ol practlce lOr use Wltn stanoardized specmcatlOns tor civil englneenng construction ana conrract documents Part 3: GUidance /Of design SectiOn F: r------
SABS 0120-3
f----- -------F SANS 10120-3 F Piling 1983 1
UXle OJ practICe lor use Wltrt standarOlZeo specllIcatlOns lOT CMI engineenng constfUCllOn and contracl documents Part 3: \.:iUIoance for design ::oearonG:
SABS 0120-3 G ~101~0.3Q~ Concrete (structural) 1982 2
--- --- --
Code of practrce fO( use With standardliiild specilicillklns for CIVIl engineering construction and conliiiCt documents Part 3: Guidance fOr design MctlOn
SABS 0120-3 GA SANS 10120·3 GA GA: Concrete (small works) 1982
COde Of practice for use With Stan<tardlZed specifications lor cMI engineenng constructIOn and contract documents t-'an ," Guidance for oe5lgn ",ecoon ~
SABS 0120-3 GB
----- SANS 10120-3 GB G8: Concrete (ordinary buildings)
c;oae 01 practice lOT use WItn standardiZed specificatIOnS tor cIVIl engineering oonstructlOl1 and contract docUments part 3: GUIOance tor dE!SlQn sectIOn
1984 1

SABS 0120-3 GE SANS 10120-3 GE GE: Precast concrete (structural) 1984 z

f--- ----- --- ---
VOlle or practICe ror use Wltrt standardized specifICatIOns for civil englneenng construction ana contract oocuments Par13: Guidance tor design seeoon ~ o
SABS 0120-3 GF SANS 10120-3 GF GF: Prestressed concrete 1964 1 J\)
voce or practice ror use Wltn srancaroizea speclllcations fO( cMI englneenng constructIOn and contract dOcuments part 3: GUioance lOT design l::iectlon H:
SABS 0120-3 H

SABS 0120-3 HA
SANS 10120-3 H

SANS 10120-3 HA
Structural steelwork
voce OJ practICe IO(Use With stanaardliiild speCifications for clVil enQlneenng construction and contiiiCt documentS Part 3: Guidance for design section-
HA: Structural steelwork (sundry items)
1990 3
1990 2
Ex:lstlng designation New Designation AdditionallD 1TI1Ie Year Ed.
IlAlCIe Of plachce lOr use Wltn stanaararz&C speclflcabons fOr CMI engmeenng canstnJcbon arid Cilt1liiiCt aocumentS !"an: 3: I.;iUloance lOr aaslgn ::section z
SABS 0120-3 HB SANS 10120-3 HB He: Cladding and sheeting 1965 1 !'
COde of pracbce fill' use WIth standiii'dlZed specifiCilbons for CIVIl englneenng construction and contract documents Pan: ;,,: I.;iUloance TOr aeslQn ::;ectlon I\)
SABS 0120·3 He SANS 10120-3 HC He: Corrosion protection of structural steelwol1< 1986 1

IUlCe of practlOEl TOr use Wltl1 SlanaaralZec specillcatlons ror CIVil eng.neenng construction ana COntract docu : 13U1aanCe TOr O&5lgn ::;ection ~
SABS 0120·3 HE SANS 10120·3 HE HE: Slruclural aluminiumworl< 1963 1
~~~~ f--~
ce Tor use Wltn Slllnoararzea SpeclTlcatlOns tor civil engll1eenng construction ana contract oocuments !"lIn: ::l: I.;iUlaance lOr CleSIgn ::>ection L:
SABS 0120-3 L SANS 10120·3 L Medium;JreSSure pipelines 1983 2
IUlCe of praclice fOr use WlIn slandardizeo 5peCllIcatlOns ror CIVil englneenng construction ana contract oocumems !"lIrt 3: <..:iUlOance TOr deSIgn ::>ectlon
SABS 0120-3 La SANS 10120-3 LB LB: Bedding (pipes) 1963 2
·····~-----+.ICOde~r.::= ,Of j)fiICtiCe fill' use Wlth S1andan::lized specificatIOnS lor cMI englneenng constructiOn and contract dOCUments Part 3: GUidance fill' design Section
SABS 0120-3 LC SANS 10120-3 LC LC: cable dUelS 1981 1

SABS 0120-3 LD SANS 10120·3 LD 1982 2

SABS 0120-3 LE SANS 10120·3 LE 1982 2

SABS 0120-3 LF SANS 10120-3 LF 1983 1 o
SABS 0120-3 LG SANS 10120-3 LG :0
SABS 0120-3 M ISANS 10120-3 ~t.l~ ~
SABS 0120-3 ME
SANS 10120-3 ME z
SABS 0120-3 !/IF SANS 10120-3 MF 1961 (j)

SABS 0120-3 MFL SANS 10120-3 MFL 1996

SABS 0120·3 MG SANS 10120-3 MG
_~ v, I"~~ M use witn stenOartlized Specillcations tor cIVil engll1eellng construction ana contract aocuments part ;,: l.;iul(Janca tor design l::iectlon
1996 2 =Im
SABS 0120-3 MH SANS 10120-3 MH MH: Asphatt base and surfacing 1996 2 Q:l
II;OOll aT plaCllCe tor use WiltI standardIZed specmcationS fOr cli/ll englneenng con&truclion and contract documents Part ~: <,.;uidance TOr Oe8lQn ::section
SABS 0120·3 MJ SANS 10120·3 MJ MJ: Segmented paving 1984 Z
SABS 0120-3 MK SANS 10120-3 MK ~
SABS 0120-3 MM SANS 10120·3 MM OJ
SABS 0120-3 NB SANS 10120-3 NB 1981 :0
lcooa or planClilice tor use WiltI slandartliZedsj:ieolliCa!lOl1s ror civirimglneenng COnstructIOn ana contract documents part 4: Iyplcalscneaule or quantities, I\)
SABS 0120-4 Introduction ,SANS 10120-4lntroduclion Ilnlroducllal
--------j]I~::oore wCl,f1.t"iiaC~;U.ICElCi!lIIOOirrFluse:iSilWililiSlliiiJii1iffilZ1ed"ediSpecificecffi· CIlCiilltlOionsiil~
4:: I~'ypI'i iCicaaTalsacCinniia"ealUUlJleorquantiDes
f-'Ilrtif:4'"' ee"i'iTa 8
SABS 0120-4 A ISANS 10120-4 A Sac:lion A: General 1966 3
lcooa or plactlce TOr use WIth standartliZea specilicattons lor CMI engrneenng constructIOn ana contract aocumenl& f-'Ilrt 4: tYPical sCl1eaule Of quanlilies I
SABS 0120-4AA SANS 10120-4 AA Secl~nAA:Ge~(smaUwoffis) 1982 2
==-=:...:...--t--------+.lcooa~i..=;;,Of:,;j)illCt~:i!::IC8=ti'7use=-::Witll"r.-;;;stii=nd"'ara=iZi!d=T:s;;:pec=IliCatiOri==:::s;-,filI'=c"'IVI.,,1-=e=ng""l=neen=r.:ng=con=s"'truct="'IOn=a:::n"d-=contra==ct'"'a:l:oc=um=e"'i1tSr:::-J"P<=art'!:" lyplCll quantities
SABS 0120-4 AS SANS 1012O-4AB Section AS: Engineer's office i 1_tl!l.2 ~
11;009 Ol pracnce tor use Wltl1 stanaatalZea specilieatiOns tor eMl englneenng construction ana contract dOCuments Part 4: lyplCal acneaule Ol quantmas
~0120.4AD SANS 10120-4 AD 8ecIion AD: General (small darTl$) 1984 __ ~
lcooa ot practice lOr use Wltl1 stanoatarzea SpeclllCallons tor eMl engll1eenng construction ana contract dOCuments Part 4: TYPical schedule 01 q~­
SABS 0120-4 AH SANS 10120·4 AH Section AH: General (structural) 1983 2
~e or praCllOEl tor use Wltn s ,I....."", or own engineering construcnon ana oonll'SCl oocumems !"lIn: 4: Iypleal scneaule Ol quantItIeS
SABS 0120-4 C SANS 10120-4 C

SABS 0120-4 0 SANS 10120-4 D

SABS 0120-4 DA SANS 10120-4 OA 1962 2

SABS 0120-4 DB SANS 10120-4 DB

Existing designation New DesIGnation Additional 10 'fe~ Ed-'--
I 01 pracIlce lor use WItIllllanOllfOlZeel s s lor civil englneenng COi'lStructlOfl arid contmct documents Pilrt 4: TypiCal SChedulii Of quilnlifres-
~0120-4DE SANS 10120-4 DE Section DE: Small earth dams 1984 ~
uoae 01 pracoce for use With standardIZed spe¢ificatiOi'iS fOr eMI eogineenng construcllon ana contract documents Pillt 4: IYPIC81 scheelule or quantities
SASS 0120-4 DK SANS 10120-4 DK Section OK: Gab/ons ancl pRching 1984 1
'-'OOl! or pmctlCe ror use WItIl stanaaralZeel speclncatlons tor OMI engioeenng constructIOn ana COntract aocurneolll ...aft 4: Iypical soneelUle oJ quantities
SASS 0120-4 OM SANS 10120-4 OM Section OM: EarthwoflIS (roads. sUbgrade) 1981, 1
I.iOOe Of preellC<llOr use lZeel specmcatlons ror eM! engineering construction ana COntract aocuments ....11 4: Iyplcal scneaule 01 quantities
~0!20-40N SANS 10120-4 ON Section DN: EarI:hworl<s (miMay sidings) 1982 2
COde v, use spec r CMI engineering construction ana contract ClOCuments ,",all 'I: IYPlCal scneaule 01 quantftres
SASS 0120-4 F SANS 10120-4 F Section F: Piling 1~ 1- - -
ICOde 01 pmCtice fOr use WlUl smnaarolZOO specmcations for CIVil engineering COflSll1.lC{lOIl ano contract oocurnerns -.." .., 'yplC8 scneau e or quantnres
~Q120-4G SANS 10120·4 G Section G: Concrete (strucluml) 1982 2
u:xle oJ practice for use With Sianaaiillzed specificilbons ror OMI engJnunng constructiOn and contract dOCUmentS Palt 4: Typical schediJle 01 quammes
SABS 0120·4 GA
SANS 10120-4 GA Section GA: Concrete (smell works) 1982 ---3-
UlOe or preCtlce ror use wnn stanaartllZea specmcetions fOr eM! engll1eenng construcllon and co ments F'afi 4 TYPIcal schedule of quantllles
SASS 0120-4 GB -----
~~!0120-4GB Section GB: Concrete (ordinary buildings) 1984 _!
l.iOOe 01 prectiCe for use With slilndaiiliZed specifications tor CMI engmeenng conSll'i1Clion ana contract documenllll-'1lfI4: lyplCal sonedu1e 01 quamnres
~lJ!20-4GE SANS 10120-4 GE Section GE: Precast concrete (structural) 1984 1
vooe Of practice fOr use With sta. ~u;..~u .~tions ror civil engineeong construction and conlract documents ,",an 'I: IyplCal soneaule 01 quamares (J)
SANS 10120-4 GF Section GF: Prestressed concrete 1984 1
COCle Of praCtice tor use With standaiilized specmcabons for CIVIl englneenng construeliOil and contract dOCUmentS Pllrl4: Typica scneau e or quamnles
SASS 0120-4 H
SANS 10120-4 H Section H: structural steelwork 1990 3_ 2:;
OXIe Of practice for use with slilridardlZed speciflClilions fOr CiVil engineering construellon and contract documents Pilt 4: Typical SChildute of quanlltles (J)
SABS 0120-4 HA Section HA: structural steelwork (sundry items)

~ABl3012O-4 HB
SANS 10120-4 HA

SANS 10120-4 HB
Code (i practlcii fOi' use With stai1diirdlZed specifICaliOns fOi CIVil en9lneenng conitiUcllon and contract dOCuments Paif4:TyptCal soneaulI! or quantifIes
Section HB: Cladding and sheeting

ICode Of practice fOr use With atanaaralZed specifiCations fOf OMI engineering eonstruCt«mand contract documents t'art 4: I yplCal scneaule 01 quanttties
...!..- JJ
~lJ!20-4HC SANS
-_._ _
.. ..
10120-4 He Sectlon HC: COOosion protection of structural steelwork 1968 1 »
ICode ofpractlC<l fOr use iiiitli stanclaiiliZed specmca!tons fOr CIVIl eng"ieenng consliUctlOn arid eontract documentS Part 4: Typical SChedule of quantities
SASS 0120-4 HE SANS 10120-4 HE Section HE: structural a1umuniumwork 1983 , 1
-~~~- --
lu:xle Of pracllce lOr use W1In stanOSJQlZea specifICatIOns lOr cMI engineering construction ana comract documents parl4: 1\'Plcal scneaule or quantities CXl
~BS01~-4L ~10120-4L Section L: Medium·pressure pipelines 1983 2 Z
IUXle 01 practICe ror use Wltn alall<laldlZea speclTlCatlOnS fOr OMI engineering constructIOn ana contract CIOCumen!s ....ft 4: quantilles o
SASS0120-4LB SANS 10120-4 LB Section LB: Bedding (pipes) 198~ ---3- <
COde Of prectlce for use With Stai1diiidlZed specrnciillons fOi' eM! englneenng COi'lStiUcllon and contract dOCuments Pilit 4: 1YJ)iCiil SChedUle Of quantnles
~ABl3012O-4 LC SANS10120-4LC Section LC: Cable duels 1981 1
lvoce 01 practice for use ~ smnaannzeo spec1ncallons ror CMI englneenng construCIlon ana contract documents ,",art 4: TypICal scneaule 01 qUantities m
~S012O-4LD SANS 10120-4 LO Section LD: SewelS 1!l~ _2~ JJ
1000e or-practice fOf use With SlilfidardlZed specllfi:alions fOr OMI engineering construction and conlract documentS Part 4: Typical sChedule Of quanlltles
SABS 0120-4 LE
- --- SANS 10120-4 LE Section LE: stonTlWater drainage 1982 .:1... l:5
~0120-4LF SANS 10120-4 LF
1000e oJ precti6e fOr use WIth standal'i:llZed speciftoetlons fOr eMl englneenng construction ana contract documents Part 4: IyplCllI sonedUle of quantities
Sectlon LF: Elf connections (water) 1983, 1
IUlOe Of prllcbce fOr use With standaiiliZed speciliClitiOns tor CMI englneenng COi'lStiUcllon arid contract dOCuments Part 4: TYPioet quantifies
SABS 0120-4
r---=-- ---- LG SANS 10120-4 LG Section LG: Pipe jacking 1983 -
IGOlla OIpiilCllcii fOi use With staridaiillZed speclflcetlOriS Iii' OMI engineering constructiOn ana contract aocurneolll t'an 'I: lypICal scneaute 01 quamnres
~ABl3 0120-4 M .
---- ~~10120-4 M Section M: Roads (general)
Il.iOOa 01 practice fOi use With staooaralZea specITICllllOnS tor OMI englneenng constructiOn ana contract QOCumenllll-'lll1 4: I YPlcal scneoule or quanlllies
1998 2 --

SASS 0120-4 ME SANS 10120-4 ME Section ME: Subbase 1981 1

ICode or practice fOr use WlIl1 stanaamlZe<l specnrcaoons ror OMI englneenng conSlllJCOOn ano contraCl aocuments !"'an: 'I: yplCal scheaule Of quantmes
SABS 0120-4 MF -- --_ _ 10120-4 MF
SANS .. ..•.. ~~~-
Section MF: Base 1981 1
lu:xle or pi'iiCtiCe 101 use _n ,,,an ns lor eMl englneellng construcllon anc contract aocumenls Pan 4: I\'PIca I SCIlSQUIeS 01 quamllles
SASS 0120-4 MFL SANS 10120-4
,~~_ _-
MFL •.•.... ..
Section MFL: Base (light pa1Iement structures) 1998 ,--!..-
I~ YO I" _1C<l1Or use With IllandardlZeel specmcatlOns fOr CMI engineenng conStrUCtion ana contract aocuments "'an -4:TyPtcal schedUle or quanlltles
SABS0120-4MG SANS 10120-4 MG Section MG: EliI.tJminous SlJIface treatment 1981 1
coaeor--prilctlOO fOr use izeel specmoatlons ror OMI engineenng construction ana contract aocuments I-'aIl 4: IyplCal scneaule or quanlllies
SASS 0120-4 MH SANS 10120-4-MH Sectlon MH: Asphalt base ana surfacing 1981 1
1000e 01 prectlCe fOr use WItn Slanaardrzea specIlIcallons or CMI englneenng COi'lStiUclron ana contract aocuments Pan 4: Typical scneaUle or quanlities
SABS 0120-4 MJ SANS 10120-4 MJ Section MJ: Segmented paving 1984 ,--!..-
1000e 01 practice lOr use witn standa oettons fOr civil engineenng construction ana con an 4: Typical scneaUle Of quarnnres
SABS0120-4 MK SANS 10120-4 MK Section MK: Kerbina ana cllannellina 1983 1

~stIng designation New Designation AddltionallD Title Year Ed.
ICOde of pracllce!Of use With standardiZed speciliciltlOOS for cNil engineering construction ana contract documents Part 4: typical SChedule Of quantijies
SABS 0120-4 MM SANS 10120-4 MM ,Section MM: Ancillary roadworks 1984 1
Cooe or practice !Of use with standardiZed specmcatlons lor civil engmeering construction ana contract documents part 4: Iypical SChedute Of quan@es
SABS 0120·4 NB SANS 10120·4 NB Seclion NB: Railway sidings (trackwork) 1981 1 .j>.
COOe of pracllce fur U1ie with standardIZed specilicabons for civil englneenng construclton and COilliiicl dOcuments Part 5: COnlract admll1lstratlon, o
SABS 0120·5 Introduction SANS 10120·5 Introduction Introduction 1986 3 o
I COde Of practiclifor use With staridaidiiBd speaticiltions for cMI englneenng construction and contract dOCuments Part 5: (.;Ontract administratlOh ~ion I
SABS 0120·5 A SANS 10120-5 A
A: General 1986'~
COde Of practice for use With standardiZed specificillions for cNil engmeering construction and contracl documents Part t1: Contract administratIOn l:iectlon
SABS 0120·5 AA SANS 10120·5 AA AA: General (small works) 1982 2 -
'Ci:ldi! Of praotlce fur use With standardize<fspecilicahons lor Civil englrieeimg constiiJclion and conlract documents Part 5: (.;Ohtraot administratiOn :;ectlon
SABS 0120-5 AB SANS 10120·5 AB AB: Engineers olIice 1986 3
liooe OT practice Tor use witn stanaarorzeo speomcations lOr CMI engirieenng construction and contract documents Part 5: COntract admlnistrabon section
SABS 0120-5 AD SANS 10120-5 AD AD: General (small dams) 1986 --1_
ce lor use With standardIZed spea!icatlOns for civll englneeong Construcllon arid60ntract documents Part 5: COntract admlnlstiiitl6n section
SABS 0120-5 AH SANS 1012().5AH AH: General (structural) 1983 ,~
COde or praetlce !Of use with standardized specifICations fa( cIVil engmeenng constructlOl'l ana contrae1 documents Part 1:>: COntract admimstratlon l:ieetlon Gl
SABS 0120-5 C SANS 10120-5 C C: Sije clearance 1982 2 o
COde Of p<acl1CB tor use With standardized specilicillions for cM! englneenng constrUcllOn and contract dOCUments Part 5: (.;Ohtract aarrnnlstrallon :sectlon <
~0120-5D SANS 10120·5 D D: Earthworks
1982 2 :u
COde of j5iiiCtlCe fOi use With standardized specifications lor cMI englneenng construction and contract documents Part'S: COntract adrrnnlstration Section z
SABS 0120-5 DA SANS 10120-5 DA DA: Earthworks (small works)
COda or practice ror use wuh stanoaralZed specmcallons ror CIVil engineenng consuuction and contract Documents Part 0: liontract administratIOn ;:;ection
1982 2 s:m
SABS 0120-5 DB SANS 10120·5 DB DB: Earthworks (pipe trenches) 1982 Z
COde Of praalCe lOr use With standardIZed specificiltlons for cMI englneenng constructron and cootracl documents Part 5: Contract adrrunistralloo Section r--1- --I
SABS 0120-5 DE SANS 10120-5 DE DE: Small earth dams 1984 1 Gl
ICOCle or pracllce TOr use With stanaardlZB(l speemcatlOns!Of civil englneenng construction and contract documents part 0: contract aamimstratlOh ~Ion
§.ABS 0120-5 OK SANS 10120-5 OK OK: GabiOll$ and pitching
jUXle or praCllce ror use wun stanoaraized speciliciltlOns lor civil englneenng construction and contract documents Part 5: Contract admlnistiillion Section
1996 2 Kim
SABS 0120-5 DM SANS 10120-5 DM DM: Earthworks (roads, subgrade) 1981 1 :::j
IUXle Of practice TOr use Wltn stanaaralzea speclilcations ror CIVil englneenng construotion ano contract documents l-'arr5: <.;ontract administration l:iection m
SABS 0120-5 DN SANS 10120-5 ON DN: Earthworks (railway sidings) 1982 2
COde of p<aclice for use With standardized speciliciltions for civil eng,neenng construction and oorilract documents-.saitl'>:COIitract admlnlstratlon'SectlOn OJ
SABS 0120-5 F SANS 10120-5 F F: Piling 1~ ~ z
ICOde 01 practice !Of use WIth standardized specifications for civil englneetfng consttUclion and contract documents Part 5: Conliact administration SectiOO o
SABS 0120-5 G SANS 10120-5 G G: Concrete (structural) 1982 2 <
COCle or practice !Of use With standardized speclficaltons fur Civil engineering constiUcliOn arid contracl documents Part t1: (.;Omract aamlnistratlOn :;ectlon
SABS 012().5 GA SANS 10120-5GA GA: Concrete (small works) 1982 ~ s:OJ
UIOe or practice ror use Wltn stanoaralZB(l specillcilllons lor civil engineering construction and contract aocumems Part 1:>: Comract administration Secllon m
S~BS 0120-5 GB SANS 10120-5 OB GB: Concrete (ordinary buildings) 1984 1 :u
UXle or praCllce ror use wlm slandaraiZed specilicabons lor clViIeilglneering construction ano contract documents r'arr 0: liOmract aomlnistratlon Section I\)
SABS 0120-5 GE SANS 10120-5 GE GE: Precast concrete (structural)
ICOde 01' practice IClr Ulle With standardiZed specificilbons fO( civil eriglneenng constfuCtion and contract documents Part 5: COliliiict administration Section
1984 1
SABS 0120-5 GF SANS 10120-5 OF GF: Prestressed concrete 1984 ~
ICOde of practICe IClr use With standardIZed specificilbons tor cMI englneenng constructIOn and contracl documents Part 5: Contract admlnlSliilllon~ectiOn
SABS 0120-5 H SANS 10120-5H H: Structural steelwor1<: ' 1990 3
ICOde 01 practice fOr use with standardized sPecifications for CIVil englneenng construction and contract documents Part 5: Contracl administiillion Section
SABS 0120-5 HA SANS 10120-5 HA HA: Structural steelwork (sundry items) 1990 2
ICOde 01 practice !Of use with stanaardiZed specrncations for civil englneenng constructlOh and conlracl documents Part 5: Contract adrrunistrilbon Section'
SABS 0120-5 HB SANS 10120-5 HB HB: Cladding and sheeting 1985 1
:COde or pracIlce lOr use with standardized specll1catlOns fa( civil englneenng construction and COillracl ClOOuments Part 5: COIitract admml$lratlOn l:iectiOn
SABS 0120·5 He SANS 10120-5 HC He: Corrosion protection of structural steelwork 1988 1
coae Of practICe tor use Wlln stanoaralZed speCllicil\lons fOr cMI engineering construcllon and c6ntnlCt documents Plirt!>: COIitracl admlnlstralllmSeCllOn
SABS 0120-5 HE SANS 10120-5 HE HE: Structural a1urniniumwork 1983 1
~" w' .... u~lce tor use With stllOoaralZed specurcatlOns Tor CMI englneenng conStnlCllOO anc contract documents -"1\ ", '-'VI ..ract administratIOn ;:;eCllOn
SABS 0120-5 L SANS 10120·5 L L: Medium-pressure pipelines 1983 2
voile 0 praCllce for use Wlln sTandarOlzea spectncatlOhS ror ciVIl engineering construction and contract documents Part 5: Contract admil1lstratlOn Seellon
SABS 0120-5 LB SANS 10120-5 LB ,- LB: Bedding (pipes) 1983 2
COde OfpraOlice for use With standardIZed speci1icilliOi1s~for civil engineering construetlon and contract documents Part 1:>: contract administratIOn Seellon
SABS 0120-5 LC SANS 10120-5 LC LC: cable duets 19811 1
~stIl1!1deslgnation New Designation Additional 10 TlUe Year I Ed.
UXIe or pracooe lor use with stanaardlZe<:! Speclllcai!Oils for CMI englReenng construction~and contract documeilfs Part 5: contract admlnistrabon section
SABS 0120-5 LD SANS 10120·5 LD LD: Sewers
~~~~~---~ ~ ~~----

Code of Pfactlce 101 use Izea specincallons lor cMI engineenng construction and comract documenr:s !-'art 0: L;ontract aamlnlstratlOn section
SABS 0120-5 LE SANS 10120-5 LE LE: Stormwater drainage 1962 2
-- UXIe or practice for use with standaralZed speCIfications for CIVIl englnooring construction ana contract dOCuments Part 0: L;omracr aamlnistratlon Seellon

SABS 0120-5 LF SANS 10120-5 LF LF: Erf connections (water) ~ 1963 _.!...
UXIe or practice fOr use witn stanoardlZed specificabons tor eMl engJneenng construction and contract documentS Part 5: COiitiiCl administratIOn Section
SASS 0120·5 lG
_. __ ._ 10120-5 LG
...... _..
LG: Pipe jacking 196~ 1

........., '" I"""""'" or use wltn StanoarCllzeo speclncatlOns ror eMl engineering construction and contract documents !"'lIn 0: <.;ontracr aamlnlstranon section
SABS 0120·5 M- - - SANS 10120-5 M M: Roads (generel) 1996 1

coae Of practice fOr use with standardIZed speclflcatlons tor ciVil englnoonng construchon and contract documents Part 5: Contract administration seetion
SASS 0120-5 ME SANS 10120-5 ME ME: Subbase 1981 1
----~ - f-----~
Code or practice ror use wlln standardiZed specIIlcations for cMI eng.neenng construction and contract documents Part 0: Contract administration seetion
SABS 0120-5 MF SANS 10120-5 MF MF: Base I 1981 1
coaemprectlce for use With standaidlZed speciflOlllions fOr CIVil engineering constructIon and OOiiIracl documents Pall 5: COiifriiCfadml/'llSlilillon SeCtion
-- --0120-5
--- MFl- - - SANS 10120·5 MFL MFL: Base Oight pavement structures) 1996 ..-
COde orpractice for use With stanaaidlzed specifICations tor CIVIl engineenng construction and contract documents Parf5~ aaministration Section
0120-5 MG SANS 10120-5 MG MG: Bduminous surface treatment 1996 2
COde of practice for use Wltn SlanaarolZeQ specmcatlOns ror CMI englneeflng COnSTructlOn ano contract Clocumerrn;!"'an 0: <.;ontract aaminlstratlOO =lOn (J)
~BS01~0-5 MH SANS 10120-5 MH MH: Asphalt base and SUrfacing
Code of pillCllce tor use With standaidlZed speclficatlO/'ls for Civil engineenng conStructiOn and contract dOCUmentS Part 5: COntract admInistration seetlon
1996 2 :;;!
SABS 0120-5 MJ SANS 10120-5 MJ MJ: segmented paving 1964 1~ ~
ICO<le or practice for use Wttn standardiZed specmcations for ciVil engmoonng construction and contract documents Part 0: Contract administration Section
~ng and channelling
SABS 0120-5 MK SANS 10120-5 MK
• praCllCe lor use witn standardlZea spec"~';" ..~ ,~ civil englneenng constructIOn ana contract aocuments Part 0: L;ontreet admlnlstratlO/'lsectlO!1
1983 1
SABS 0120-5 MM- - - SANS 10120-5 MM : Ancillary roadworks 1984
.. - -1- JJ
SABS 0120-5 NB SANS 10120-5 NB
Ullle or practice lor use with stanoal'dlZOO SpeClncatlollS lOr CIVIl engineering consrructlOn and contract oocuments !"'lIn 0: UlntraCl aomlnlSlrallon section
NB: Railway sidings (trackwol1<) 1961 1
~~13S 0120·1 SANS 10120·1 Code of practice for use with standardiZed specifications for civil engineering construction and contract documents Parf '1: Format and contents 1986 3 .-1
SASS 0121 SANS 10121 cathodic protection of buried and submerged structures 1977 1 (Xl
SABS0122 SANS 10122 Asbestos terms and definitions 1975 1
SABS0123 SANS 10123 The control of undesirable static electricity 2001 1,01
SABS0124 SANS 10124 The application Ol soil in&ectlcides for the protection of bUiloings 1995 2
SABS 0125 SANS 10125 The installation d flexible memDrane linings in earth embankment l'eseIVOirs 1976 1
SANS 10127 The selection, use, and maintenance of undelWllter diving equipment 1976 1 s::
SANS 10128 Cleaning and disinfection of soIt-serve dispensing units 1976 1 OJ
SABS 0129 SANS 10129 Plastics tape wrapping of steel pipelines 1977 1 m
SABS0130 SANS 10130 Mobile home kS 1976 1 JJ
SASS 0131·1 SANS 10131-1 andli of Ii uk! fuel Part 1: Small consumer installations 1977 1 I\)
SASS 0131·2
ISANS 10131-2
;SANS 10132
The application of
I lUel Part 2: Large consumer installatIOns
ilk tankS
, rood-procesSIng, and catering establishments
1979 1
1983 2
1977 1
SASS 0134 SANS 10134 The safeness of -
1977 1
SABS0135-1 SANS 10135-1 The of preparation analysis Part 1: The sampling of coal 1977 1
SASS 0135·2 SANS 10135·2 The of d a sample for anaJy$is Part 2: Preparation of a sample ror analysis 2002 1,01
SABS0136 SANS 10136 The equipment ~ 1978 1
SASS 0137 SANS 10137 The 2002 3,01
SABS0139 SANS 10139 Frede!

!dings - System design, installation and servicing
SASS 0140-1 SANS 10140·1 Identi/ication colour General 76
SASS 0140·2 SANS 10140-2 Identification colour Part 2: Identllication of hazards and equipment in WOfk situations
SABS0140-3 SANS 10140-3 ldentllication colour Part 3: COntents of pipelines
SABS0140-4 SANS 10140-4 Identification colour Pa!14: Contents of taps and valves in laboratories 1994 1,01
SABS0140-5 SANS 10140-5 Identification colour Pall 5: COding of containers for carrying lubricants and assocIated fluids 1993 2,01
SABS0141 SANS 10141 $l1Vef-gelatin microfilm for archival purposes 1988 2
SABS0142·1 SANS 10142-1 voitage installations 2001 1
SABS0143 ISANS 10143 rectice

SASS 0144 ISANS10144 inforcement for concrete
SABS0145 SANS 10145 masonry construction 1,02
SASS 0146 SANS 10146 un ry processes and management
SABS 0147 SANS 10147 Renil:Ieratina svstems inclUding plants with air-conditioning systems 20021 ~
existing designation NewD nation AddlllonaiiD
SANS 10148
SANS 10149
SASS 0152 SANS 10152
SAOO0153-1 SANS 10153-1 ~
SABS0153·2 SANS 10153-2 1979 o
SAOO0153-3 SANS 10153-3 1979 I\:l
SABS0154-1 SANS 10154-1 2000
SABS0154-2 SANS 10154-2 2000
SAOO0155 SANS 10155 1980
SASS 0156 SANS 10156 1979
SASS 0158 SANS 10158 1987
SASS 0159 SANS 10159 1982
0160 SANS 10160 in the design of bUildings 1989
0161 SANS 10161 19BO
SASS 0162-1 SANS 10162-1 1993
SABS0162-2 SANS 10162-2 1993 G)
SASS 0162·3 SANS 10162-3 1984 o
SASS 0163·1
SANS 10162-4
SANS 10163·1
SABS 0163·2 SANS 10163·2 2001 :D
SABS0164-1 SANS 10164-1 Z
SASS 0164-2 SANS 10164-2 and prestressed masonry s:
SAOO 0166 SANS 10166 m
SASS 0167 SANS 10167 z
SABS0168 G)
SASS 0171
5A860175 CO
0177-1 z
0177-2 o
SABS0177-3 <
SASS 0177-4
SAOO0117-5 s:(ll
SASS 0177-6
SASS 0177-7
SABS0178 f\)
8A860161 o
SABS0182 o
SABS 0183
SASS 0185-1
SASS 0187
SASS 0189
SABS 0191
SASS 0198-3
o SABS 0198-6 SANS 10198-5
o ~;S;;A~SS~0~19~8~-6:;------lSANS 10198-6
SA860198·7 SANS 10198-7
I\l existing designation New Designation AddltlonallD Title Year Ed.
~ SABS0198-B SANS 10198-8 The selectJon, handling and installation of electric power cables of rating not exceedJng 33 k and installation 1988 1
01 I ne seJeOlJOn, nandling ana InstanatlOO or electnc power caOIeS or rating nor exceeding 33 I termination solla diefectnc-

r SABS 0198-9

SABS 0198-10

SABS 0198·11
SANS 10198-9

SANS 10198.10

SANS 10198·11
insulated cables up to 3,3 leV

The selection. handling and installation of electric power cables of rating not exceeding 33 kV Part 10: Jointing and termination of paper-lnsulated cables
1ne seleCtIOn, nanallng ana InStallatIOn or e"""" c power cables or rating 11U. ","••,,,,,,Ing ;j;j
insulated cables
K' ' t"'1I1"l 'I' : .JOIITUng ana teflTllnllllon 01 screened poIymenc·



SABS 0198-12 SANS 10198·12 The selectJon, handling and installation of electric power cables of rating not exceeding 33 kV Parl12: Installation of ea~ 1988 1
SABS 0198-13 SANS 10198·13 The seleotion, handling and instaUation of electric power cables of rating not exceeding 33 leV Parl13: Testing, commissior tautt location 1988 1
,I ne seMlCtlOn, niiridlingand InstallatIOn or electric power caDles 01 rating not exceeding 33 KV t"'8rt 1'1: Installlltion or aerial ndled conauctor (Pot><...)

SABS0198-14 cables 1996 2
SABS0199 10199 The deslgn and installation olan- earth elei::trode -------------- 1985 1
SABS0200 10200 ~ i nmedium vollal:lll industrial power systems 1985 1
SABS0202 10202 for the identification of wrought steels commonty used in South Afiioa 1985 1
SABS0204 10204 of fumigants 1985 1
SABS0205 10205 The measurement of noise emitted by motor vehicles in motion 1986 1
SABS0206 SANS 10206 for the disposal of surplus pesticides and assootated toxic waste 1987 1
SABS0207 SANS 10207 for the idenlificalion of classes of medicine used In anaestheslology 1985 1
SABS0208·1 SANS of lllruclures for the mining industly Part 1: Headgear and collar sltuclures 1995 2 (j)
SANS of structures for the mining indusby Part 2: stages
of structures for the mining Industry Part 3: Conveyances
1995 2 ~
SANS 2001 2
SABS0208-4 SANS 10208-4 of lllruclures for the mining Industry Part 4: Shall system structures 2001 1
SABS0209 SANS 10209 The andconst ' e swimming pools 1986 1
SABS0210 Cal
SANS 10210
SANS 10211 The
1997 2,01
2000 1,01
SABS 0212 SANS 10212 The roadside ~ness lISSeSSlTlent of motor vehicies 1998 2 :0
SABS0213 SANS 10213 =1 The installation and safe use of eth';lene oxide (EO) sterilizers in heaIlh-care IacUttles and in industry 1997 2 ;I>
SABS0214 SANS 10214 The t:A articies for hot-<lip galvanizing 1987 1 Z
SABS0216 SANS 10216 2001 3 _-I
SABS0217 SANS 10217 ne heallrealment of ground-enaaoing parts for falTning implements 1988 1 (Xl
SABS0218-1 SANS 10218-1 coustlcal properties t:A buHdings Part 1: Grading criteria for the airoome sound insulation properties t:A buildlnas 2001 2,01 Z
SABS0218-2 SANS 10218-2 coustlcal properties t:A buildings Part 2: Assessment of building plans and buUdings with respect to their acoustical properties 1988 1 o
I ne aetemunation or penormance (at net power) 01 InaUSlRaIIntemal comoostion engll1es PlIlIt 1: lSlaOOaro rererence COOdiliOriS arid declarations or
_ . fuel consumption and IUbricaling oil consumption
SANS 10219-1 1988 1
SABS0219-2 SANS 10219-2
,,"~"""""""""''''''''d'",, _ _~ 1988 1 s:lD
SABS0219-3 SANS 10219-3 rne determination of pertormence (at net power) of industiallntemal combustion 1988 1
SABS0219-4 SANS 10219-4 The determination of performance (at net power) of industrial internal 1988 1
SABS0219-5 SANS 10219-5 The detennlnatlon of performance (at net power) of Industrial internal 1988 1
SANS 10219-6 The determination of performance (at net power) of In n 1988 1
SABS0220 SANS 10220 The selection, use and maintenance t:A respiratory protective equipment 1988 1 8I\l
SABS0221 SANS 10221 The testing of geolextiles 1988 1
SABS0222-1 SANS 10222-1 Electrical security installations Part 1: General 1986 1
SABS0222-2 SANS 10222·2 I Iectrical security installations Part 2: Access control 1991 1
SABS0222-3 SANS 10222-3 Electrical security Installations Part 3: Electric security fences (non-lelha ) 2000 2,01
SABS 0222-5-1-1 SANS 10222-5-1-1 Electrical security Instal alions Part 5-1-1 : ccTV Installa Ions • CCl v surveillance systems for use in security applications - Operational requirements 2000 1

SABS 0222-5-1-2 SANS 10222-5·1-2 Electrical security Installations Part 5-1-2: CCTV Installations· CCTV surveillance systems for use In security applications· System design requirements 2000 1
t:1eClrICll1 securny InstallatIOns t-.lrt :>-1"": u..; I V InstaliatlOns·1.,X.; I v surveillance systems ror use In security applicationS· Installation, planning ana
SABS 0222-5-1-3 SANS 10222-5-1-3 Implementation requirements 2002 1
SABS 0222-5-2 SANS 10222-5-2 Electrical security Installations Part 5-2: CCTV installations· Application gUlOe Ines 1999 1
SABS0223 SANS 10223 Acoustics • AUdible emergency _cualion signal 1989 1
SABS0224 SANS 10224 Non-flammable medical gas pipeline systems 1990 1
SABS0225 SANS 10225 The design and constructton t:A lighting masts 1991 1
SABS0226 SANS 10226 The insIattsIion, posI-lnstaUation tests and maintenance of microbiological safety cabinets

2001 2

I\l SABS0227 SANS 10227 The Mustlen t:A the technical of inspection authorities for the cerilfication, recertification, modification or repair of vessels under pressure 2000 1
.p- SABS0228 SANS 10228 The idenllflcation and classification and goods 1995 2
o SABS0229 SANS 10229 ~ngerousgoods for ralilranspollalion In SOuth Atrice 1996 2
I\l SABS0230 SANS 10230 T of dangerous goods - Inspection requirements for road vehicles 1997 2

~ Ol
EXisting designation New Designation AdditionallD Title Year Ed.
SABS 0231 SANS 10231 Transportation of dangerous goods - Operations requirements for road vehicles 2000 2,03
SABS 0232-1 SANS 10232-1 Transportation of dangerous goods - Emergency information systems Part 1: Emergency information system for road transportation 2000 2 z
SABS0232-2 SANS 10232-2 Transportation of dangerous goods - Emergency information systems Part 2: Emergency information system for rail transportation 1997 1 o
SABS0232-3 SANS 10232-3 Transportation of dangerous goods - Emergency information systems Part 3: Emergency response guides 2000 2 I\)
SABS 0232-3 ANNEX A SANS 10232-3 ANNEXA Emergency response handbook 2000 2 -1>0
SABS 0233 SANS 10233 Transportation of dangerous goods - Intermediate bulk containers 2001 2 oI\)
SABS 0235 SANS 10235 Fibre-content labelling of textiles and textile products 2001 1,05
SABS0237 SANS 10237 Roof and side cladding 1991 1
SABS0238 SANS 10238 Welding and thermal cutting processes - Hea~h and safety 1998 1,02
SABS0239 SANS 10239 Hygienic practices on commercial fishing vessels 1992 1
SABS0240 SANS 10240 The installation of replacement auto glass in motor vehicles by the direct glazing method 2000 2
SABS0241 SANS 10241 Tachograph centres - Installation and repair facilities, including facilities for the installation of on-board computers 1993 1,01
SABS 0242-1 SANS 10242-1 The rewinding and refurbishing of rotating electrical machines Part 1: Low-vo~age three-phase induction motors 1999 1,04
SABS0243 SANS 10243 The manufacture and erection of timber trusses 2001 2,01
SABS0245 SANS 10245 The maintenance of textile floor coverings 1993 1
SABS0246 SANS 10246 Accessibilly of bUildings to disabled persons 1993 1
SABS0247 SANS 10247 The cleaning of textile upholstered furniture 1993 1 G)
SABS0248 SANS 10248 Handling and disposal of waste materials within health care facilities 1993 1 o
SABS0249 SANS 10249 Masonry walling
I he minImIZatIOn or l!rMronmental pollution aunng the servicing and repeir or automotive air-conaKtOnmg equipment f-'art 1: I::stabllshment or proceaures
1993 1 <
SABS0250-1 SANS 10250-1 for the servicing and repair of road vehicles' comfort-cooling air-ronditioning equipment 1993 1 JJ
II he minimizatIon or erMronmental pollution aunng the servicing and repair at automotrve air-conaitlonrng eqUIpment f-'art 2: ::;eMcing ana repairs uSing Z
SABS0250-2 SANS 10250-2 refrigerant recycle equipment 1993 1 s::
SABS 0252-1 SANS 10252-1 Water sUpply and drainage for buildings Part 1: Water supply installations for buildings 1994 1
SABS 0252-2 SANS 10252-2 Water supply and drainage for buildings Part 2: Drainage installations for buildings 1993 1
SABS 0253 SANS 10253 Brake service workshops 1993 1 G)
SABS 0254
SANS 10254
SANS 10255
The installation, maintenance, replacement and repair of fixed eiectric storage water heating systems
Safety in the wood preseMltion industry
SABS0256 SANS 10256 Brake drum reconditioning 1994 1 m
SABS 0257
SABS 0258
SANS 10257
SANS 10258
The reconditioning of valves for use with pipelines
Additional quality vocabulary
SABS 0259 SANS 10259 General requirements for the competence of calibration and testing laboratories 1990 1
SABS 0260-1 SANS 10260-1 Industrial gas pipelines Part 1: Distribution of oxygen, nitrogen and argon at consumer sites 1992 1 CIJ
SABS0260-2 SANS 10260-2 Industrial gas pipelines Part 2: Distribution of hydrogen at consumer sites 1992 1 z
SABS0260-3 SANS 10260-3 Industrial gas pipelines Part 3: Distribution of acetylene at consumer sites 1993 1 o
SABS 0260-4 SANS 10260-4 Industrial gas pipelines Part 4: Distribution of carbon dioxide at consumer sites 1993 1 <
SABS 0262-1 SANS 10262-1 Radio sites Part 1: Technical performance (land mobile services) 1994 1
SABS 0262-2 SANS 10262-2 Radio sites Part 2: Site management 1995 1 s::
SABS0263 The warehousing of dangerous goods - Enclosed stOl8ge areas and covered and uncovered outdoor storage yaras 1997
SANS 10263 1,01 m
SABS0264-1 SANS 10264-1 Disaster management Part 1: Terminology and Implementation 2002 1 JJ
SABS0264-2 SANS 10264-2 Disaster management Part 2: All-risk emergency operation planning 2002 1 I\)
SABS0264-3 SANS 10264-3 Disaster management Part 3: Hazard-specific response planning 2002 1 o
SABS 0265 SANS 10265 The classification and labelling of dangerous substances and preparations for sale and handling 1999 1 oI\)
SABS0266 SANS 10266 The safe use, operation and inspection of man-riding be~ conveyors in mines 1995 1
SABS0267 SANS 10267 Homologation of motor vehicle models 2001 2
SABS0266-1 SANS 10268-1 Welding of thermoplastics - Welding processes Part 1: Heated-lool welding 2002 1,01
SABS0268-2 SANS 10268-2 Welding of thermoplastics - Welding processes Part 2: Eleclrofusion welding 1999 1
SABS0268-3 SANS 10268-3 Welding ofthermoplaslics - Welding processes Part 3: Hol-gas welding 1999 1
SABS0268-4 SANS 10268-4 Welding of thermoplastics - Welding processes Part 4: Hotijas extrusion welding 1999 1
SABS 0266-5 SANS 10268-5 Welding of thermoplastics - Welding processes Part 5: Solvent welding 1999 1
SABS 0268-10 SANS 10268-10 Welding of thermoplastics - Welding processes Part 10: Weld defects 2002 1,01
SABS0269 SANS 10269 Welding of thermoplastics - Testing and approval of welders 2002 1,01
SABS0270 SANS 10270 Welding of thermoplastics - Approval of welding procedures and welds 1999 1
SABS0274 SANS 10274 The refUrbishing of diesel engines 1996 1
SABS0276 SANS 10276 Motor vehicle radiator recond~ioning workShops 1999 1
SABS 0278 SANS 10278 The remanufacture of petrol engines 1998 1
SABS 0279 SANS 10279 The rebuilding of automotive gearboxes 1998 1
SABS0280 SANS 10280 Overhead power lines for conditions prevailing in South Africa 2001 1,01
SABS0281 SANS 10281 Engine speed (S values), reference sound levels and permissible sound levels of stationary road vehicles 1994 1
Existing designation
SABS 0286 SANS 10286
SABS 0287 SANS 10267
SABS 0292 SANS 10292
SABS 0293 SANS 10293
SABS 0294 SANS 10294 of drum winders relating to rope safely
SABS 0296 SANS 10296 suspended equipment
SABS 0297 SANS 10297
SABS 0298 SANS 10298
SABS 0299·1 SANS 10299-1
SABS 0:::299:::::--4-'-- +-
-t::::SA'-"N:.::S"--'1:::029=9-c-4'--_ _ ~~~~


1998 1
1998 1
1999 1
1998 1 Cf)
1-- ~
1999 1 ~
1999 1
1999 1 i'\
1999 1 o
1999 1
1999 1 »
1999 1 Z
1998 1 --;
2000 1 I\l
Ioder based 2001 1 o
2000 1 I\l
2001 1,01
1998 1
1999 1
2000 1
1998 1
1999 1
1999 1
1999 1
1999 1
1999 1
2000 1
1999 1 I\l
2000 1 .I>-
2000 1 o
=::-- -+2002
Exlstlna deslanatlon 1New Designation AddlllonallD Title Year Ed.
SABS0351 The oaIcuiation 0 sauna propagation by the Concawe method 2000 1,01
SABS0360 IThe maintenance and repair of eledric and hydraulic powered lills, escalators end passenger conveyors 2001 1

SABS036S 10366 d goods in~l:iiilk - Emergency inrorma IOn for road vehicles
SANS 10369 INon-destruclive e><aminalion and testing of steel Wire rope
=9 0310 SANS 10310 II<O~adapled for use by or transporting persons With dlsebll1lie$
16 SANS 10376 The i of elevating platforms
ISABS 0311-1 SANS 10377-1 Pressure vessels for human occupancy Part 1: Hyperbaoc chambers (therapeutic) 2002 1
SABS 0400 SANS 10400 The application oi'lhe National Bu~ding Regulations 1990 2

SABS 0401 SANS 10401
E The construction 01 dwelfing houses in accordance with the National Bulding RegUlations
leael-acid starter batteries
locks, laId1es, and associated fum~ure for doors DomestIC ype
~nyl chloride (UPVC) components 'Or external rainwater systems
nt-based, for floors and fumiture
ulsion polish for floors and furniture
PrimlllY zinc
Glazed ceramlo waif tiles and fillings

rr 2
SABS24 SANS 24 50ll solders 1994 4 tV
SABS25 SANS 25 Zinc allOY ingots for die-castings 1977 2 o
SABS26 SANS 26 Zinc alloy die-castlngs 1977 2 <
SABS28 ISANS28 Mela1lies for cavity walls 1986 4 J:)
Artj(;1eS made of precious melals
Shaped refractory bocks
1996 3

SABS38 SANS 36 Metallc naphthenates for timber preservation
1 3 m
SABS40 SANS 40 2
SABS46 SANS 46 1 -I
SASS 47 SANS 47 ntliquids (black lind white) 3 tV

SABS56 56 ps m
SASS5S for automatic baling machines 1978 2 ::j
SABS 62-1 -1 Part 1: Pipes suila:ble for th~of nominal size not exceeding 150 mm 2001
~- m
SABS 62-2 SANS 62-2 Steel pipes Part 2: Screwed pieces and of nominal size not el<Ceeding 150 mm 2001 3
SABS63 Blankets . <Xl

SANS 63 1 4,05
Wooden handles for brooms, nay..forks, and rakes (including general requirements for other wooden handles for tools) Z
~ o
~SANS282 4
SABS92 92 It 1961 5 <
SABS97 97 ~Ies - Impregnated paper-insulated metal-sheathed cables for rated voltages 3,313,3 kV to 1913;1 KV exciuding.pressure assisted cableS) 2001 6,01
SABS99 SANS 99 1976 2 OJ
SABS 110 SANS 110 unds for the bU~ding industry, lwo-component, potysulphide base 1973 1 m
SABS 116 SANS 116 . tttuted phenolics 2002 2 J:)

SABS 120 SANS 120 Tamping sa in blasting) 1913 1 I\:l
SABS122 SANS 122 rIoal purposes (Metric unlls) 2002 1,02 o
SABS 131
SABS 138
SANS 137
SANS 136
Resin cored solders (non-oorrosive)
Resin cored solders (highly activated)
SABS 141 SANS 141
SABS142 SANS 142 Narrow
SABS143 SANS 143 ·de and noradrenaline (noreoi~for dental use

SABSl45 SANS 145 melal-are welding of mild &ee tensile steel

SABS 146
SANS 146 and small-boatmen: Group 2
SABS149 -and-viscose wool products

SABS 151
SABS152 switcheS, llif-break disconneclors, air-break sWitch-disconriE!dof$, lind tuse;6Ornbination untts 19771 2
SABS153 OYens, gl1i1s, and similar appliances
SABS 154 154 Electrlo rface unil heaters 1999

SASS 156 156 Mould
SASS 157 157 Eleclrtc toasters
SASS 158 SANS 158 Electrical appliances !Of heating IqUlds 2000
SABS 159 SANS 159 Electric irons for household or simlar use 1994
SABS 100 SANS 160 Electric room heaters 2000 3,03
existing designation New Designation AdditlonallD 'Title Year Ed.
SABS 164-1 SANS 164-1 E E l e t s for household and sim~ar purposes • National modifications of international requirements Part 1: Con...entional systems 1997 4
SABS 164-2 SANS 164-2 -outlets for household and similar purposes Part 2: National adaptation of lEe Worldwide systems (16 A :250 V) 1997 :2
SABS 170 SANS 170 1977 1
SABS 17:2 SANS 172 Low-voftage fuses 1994 3
SABS 179 SANS 179 Mutton cloth 2001 1,04
SABS 180 SANS 180 d batteries 1996 3
SABS 181 SANS 181 Thermosliiiii~1Or eleCtiiC storage water heaters 1974 2
SABS 182·1 SANS 18:2·1 ~for oveI11ead electrtcal transmission lines Part 1: Copper wires and stranded copper conductors (metrtc u l1i1sL 2001 1,01
SABS182-2 SANS 182-2 for oveI11ead electrical transmission lines Part 2: stranded aluminium conductors 2001 1,03
SA8S182-3 lNS 182-3 for oveI11ead electrical transmission lines Part 3: Aluminium conductors, steel reinforced 2001 1,04
SABS 182-4 NS 182-4 Conductors for llIIeI'head eleCtrical transmission lines Part 4: Copper-covered steel wire for telecommunication purposes 2001 1,01
SABS 182-5 NS 182-5 for oveI11ead eleCtrical transmission lines Part 5: Zinc-eoated steel wires for conductors and stays 2001 1,02
SABS183 lNS 183 er 1990 2
f\BS185 lNS 185 for electric appliances 1994 3
BS186 NS186 heating untts 1998 3
BS187 SANS 187 waterproofing) 1972 1
I\BS 189 SANS 189 (medium-tolerance) for lifting purposes 2001 4
SABS190-1 SANS 190-1 1: Sheets and plates 1983 2 (fJ
SABS190·2 SANS 190-2 2: BUikllng products 1984 1
SABS191 SANS 191 2000 2 ~
SABS 193 SANS 193 2000 2 l>
SABS196 SANS 196 :2000 2,02 (jj
SABS 198 SANS 198 and safety vailles for domestic hot and cold water supply systems 2001 4,01
SANS 199
SANS 200
r petroleum gas 1972
SABS220 SANS 220 1979 3 JJ
SABS223 SANS 223 chalks and pastels 1998 3 l>
SABS226 SANS 226 ies) 2002 5
SABS227 SANS 227 its 2002 4,03
SA88228 SANS 228 I 2000 3,01 Cl:l
SA88232 SANS 232 Detergent for industrlal dishwashing equipment 2000 3,01 Z
SABS235 SANS 235 General purpose pure soep 2001 2,01 o
SABS236 SANS 236 Ined bar soap 2001 2,01 <
SABS237 SANS 237 Toilet soap 2000 2,02
~~Uid toilet soap
SABS238 SANS 238 1972 2 [Il
\BS239 SANS 239 1972 2 m
88240 SANS 240 2001 2,02 JJ
88241 SANS 241 Drinking water 2001 5 I\l
BS242 SANS 242 Stainless steel sinks with draining boards (for domestic use) 1973 4 o
88244 SANS 244 Wax crayons 1978 2
BS245 SANS 245 Soap powder or chips 2000 2,02
ISABS248 \NS248 Bituminous damp-proof courses 1973 3
15AB5251 NS251 -link end extra·long-link steel chains for general purposes 1993 4
256 \NS256 iture polish (non-wax emulsion type) 1979 2
257 \NS257 1980 2
268 1980 2
265 1971 3
266 S Gypsum plasterbOard 2000 5
268 S Wooden handles for beater picks, mattocks, and picks 1975 2
-~~.- S
269 Wooden handles for forks, sho...els, and spades 1975 2
280 posts and droppers 1970 2
281 strip floortng 1972 1
~~284 SANS 284 Is 1990 2 z
SABS285 SANS 285 masonry units 1994 3 9
SABS287 SANS 287
.. ~ 1 I\l
SA88288 SANS 288 2000 1,00
SA88292 SANS 292 mers 1975 2 o
SABS295 SANS 295 calcium hypochlorite 1998 2,02 I\l
SABS296 SANS 296 Sodium hVPOOtlorite solutions 1993 4
existing designation New Designation AdditionallD Title Year
SABS 297 SANS 297 Mastic asphalt for roofing 1975 3
SABS298 SANS 298 Mastic aspha~ for damp-proof courses and tanking 1975 3
SANS 299 Leaded petrol 2002 3,02
SABS304 SANS 304 Linen threads for footwear 2002 3 I\J
SABS 307 SANS 307 Penetration grade bitumens 2002 3,06 o
SABS 308 SANS 308 Cutback bitumen 1971 2 o
SABS 309 SANS 309 Anionic bitumen road emulsions 1972 3
SABS316 SANS 316 Industrial hand protectors (leather and fabric) and leather protective clothing 2002 3,01
SABS 317 SANS 317 Industrial bitumens 2001 2,04
SABS 320 SANS 320 The production of men's heavy boots, service type (Goodyear we~ed) 1978 3
SABS321 SANS 321 The production of men's boots (Goodyear welted, with stnched or stuck-on outer soles) 1978 3
SABS341 SANS 341 Picks, beater picks and mattocks 1984 4
SABS342 SANS 342 Automotive diesel fuel 2002 3,01
SABS343 SANS 343 steel bedside lockers 2002 4,01
SABS346 SANS 346 WrNen worsted fabrics 1982 1
SABS385 SANS 385 Fabric linings for footwear 2001 3,02
SABS386 SANS 386 Dubbin 1952 1 G)
SABS 387 SANS 387 Hammer heads and hand hammers 1986 2 o
SABS388 SANS 388 Commercial dextrose and liquid glucose 2001 2 <
SABS389 SANS 389 Commercial lactose 2001 2 JJ
SABS390 SANS 390 Forks and rakes 1974 3 Z
SABS392 SANS 392 Filler rods for braze welding 1968 2 s::
SABS397 SANS 397 Safely helmets for industrial use and for firemen 1983 2 m
SABS400A SANS 400A Diesel engine lubricating oil (for API Service Category CD) 2000 3 z
SABS404 SANS 404 Phosphorus deoxidized non-arsenical copper 1971 2 -I
SABS405 SANS 405 Phosphorus deoxidized arsenical copper 1971 2 G)
SABS407 SANS 407 Auslen~lc manganese steel castings 2000 3,01 :t>
SABS416 SANS 416 Chemical resistant glOlies 1973 2 N
SABS417 SANS 417 Stainless sleetware for medical and catering services in inst~utions 1974 3
SABS 419 SANS 419 E glass fibre chopped strand mat for reinforcement of polyester and other liquid laminating systems 2000 2 :::j
SABS420 SANS 420 Canners' sucrose 2002 2 m
SABS421 SANS 421 The production of men's shoes (Goodyear wetted with stitched or stuck-on outer soles) 2000 4 OJ
SABS422 SANS 422 Hosp~1 nurses' shoes (Goodyear wetted construction) 1988 4
SABS424 SANS 424 The production of boys' and youths' school shoes (Goodyear we~ed with stitched or stuck-on euler soles) 1966 2
SABS426 SANS 426 The production of girls' and maids' school shoes (Goodyear wetted with stnched or stuck-on outer soles) 1966 2
SABS431 SANS 431 Liners and fluting for corrugated board 1985 2
SANS 432
SANS 433
Indelible marking ink for textile fabrics
Barrier CJeams
2001 2,02 s::
1953 1 III
SABS434 SANS 434 Boiler suns and workwear suns 2001 4,01 m
SABS435 SANS 435 Mild steel rivets 1972 2 JJ
SABS436 SANS 436 Water-resIstant aluminium finishing paint 1972 2 I\J
SABS440 SANS 440
The production of waler for injections 1987 4 o
SABS443 SANS 443 WMe open wove bandages 1992 2,01 I\J
SABS446 SANS 446 Absorbent gauze (fabric and swabs) and butter muslin 1999 3,05
SABS447 SANS 447 Domestic cooking appliances for use w~h gas fuels 1972 1
SABS449 SANS 449 The manufacture of soft drinks and soft drink concentrates 2002 4
SABS454 SANS 454 Colour and monochrome television receivers, monners, tuners and projectors 1988 2
SABS455 SANS 455 Covered electrodes for the manual arc welding of carbon and carbon manganese steels 1983 4
SABS456 SANS 456 Corrugated board containers 1973 2
SABS457-2 SANS 457-2 Wooden poles, droppers, guardrail posts and spacer blocks Part 2: SofIwood species 2000 6
SABS457-3 SANS 457-3 Wooden poles, droppers, guardrail posts and spacer blocks Part 3: Hardwood species 2000 6
SABS459 SANS 459 Lime for chemical and metallurgical purposes 1955 1
SABS460 SANS 460 Copper tubes for domestic plumbing services 1985 3
SABS469 SANS 469 Absorbent lint 1991 2,02
SABS470 SANS 470 Concrete poles for telephone, power and lighting purposes 1993 3
SABS 491 SANS 491 Wooden crutches 1996 3
SABS 492-1 SANS 492-1 Protective and safely gum boots Part 1: Handmade rubber gum boots 2002 2,02
SABS492-2 SANS 492-2 Protective and safely gumboots Part 2: Moulded rubber gumboots 1982 2
SABS 492-3 SANS 492-3 Protective and safety gum boots Part 3: Handmade rubber ankle boots for men 1983 1
sABS 492-4
on New DeslgnatiOll
SANS 492-4
AddltionallD Title
Protective arnfil8lely gum bools Part 4: MciUloocfrubber ankle boots for men Year I e:-
8ABS493 SANS 493 steel refuse bins 1 2
SABS494 SANS 494 The produotion of sterile surgical suture and tlgature materials 1 4
SABS495 SANS 495 Cotton duck 2000 302
SABS497 Glazed ceramic sanltaryware 2002 4

Ii Ii 514
Retro-rellectors (reflex retlecIors)

~'--"- for inlerior use

2001 3

SANS 521
523 SANS 523 ..
8ABS525 SANS 525 ISecuring ecmpounds:soap base 2f

SABS526 SANS 526 IWrappers ror citrus and deciduous fruit

~ ~~'
SABS529 2001 .~
SABS533-1 533-1 Low density black polyethylene pressure pipes 1962 2
537 n th s for electric stlM!S 1998 3

re 1980 2
process) 2001 2,02
- products Part 1: rei 1991 4
540-2 ,SANS 540-2 products Part 2: Coated fibreboard 1991 4
SABS 541 !SANS541
Precast~bs 1971 2 ~

= ~
8ABS542 SANS 542 Concrete 1990 ;
SABS543 SANS 543 Fire hose e) (J)
SABS545 SANS 545 Wooden doors 1 A
SANS 546 cast iron fittings lOr asbes os cemenl pressure pipes 1977 a

D II~-'
cationic bitumen road emulsions 1972 m
Part 1: General reqUirements and methods of test 1991 JJ
550-2 550-2 rs Part 2: Slngle and extension ladders 1991 »
NS 550-4
== --iiiiIfi~--
rs Part 3: Trestle and extension treslle ladders 1991
SASS 552-1
SABS 552-2
!SANS 552-1
SANS 552-2
SANS 552-3
SANS 555
•Paint-rollers Part 1: Hancll
Paint-roller>; Part
Paint-roller>; Part
meral insulatlng OIls tor transformers and switchgear

-1"74 :
SABS558 SANS 558 cast iron sul1ace boxes and manhole and inspection coven; and frameS 1 s:
SABS559 19704-
hake (cape cod)
8A88562 1956 1 m

8A88564 564 insertion sheatlng 1973 1 JJ
SABS573 573 handles for axes 1975 2 I\)

SABS574 odelling clay
SABS580 Chloroprene rubber sheet (for waterproofing) g
SABS581 SANS 581 Semi-flextble vinyl floor tiles 01
SABS582 SANS 582 Hoses for welding gases
SABS585 SANS 585 The production Of rozen fish, frozen marine molluscs and frozen products derived therefrom 3
SABS586 SANS 586 RllOlin modiIiIed vinyl floor tiles 1992 3
SABS587 SANS 587 Canned fish other than hake 1957 1
SABS588 SANS 588 Woollen OIIerccatlng 1987 3
l:iABS592 SANS 592 Wood preservative mlxtures ccntaining high temperature creosote and ecallar 1957 1
l:iASS593 8ANS593 ooa preservative mixtures containing low and medium temperature creosote and coaltar 1957 1

SANS 595 production of sodium chloride intravenous infusion 1987 4
SANS 596 e production of compound sodium chloride Intravenous infusion (~ution 1987 4
SABS597 SANSS97 or
production compound sodium lactate intravenous infusion {Ri e solution 1987 4

SA88598 SANS 598 The prodUCOOl1 of dextrose intraIienous infusion
SA88599 SANS 599 or
The producllon sodium chloride and dextrose nltravenoos infusion z
8A88619 SANS 619 Emulsifiable cutting oil (light duty) -

castors for hospital equipment

SABS521 1986 3 I\)
622 .f:>.

cave cornice 1971 I 2 I
uction of anticoagulant acid citrate dextrose solution
623 623 1987 2 I o
624 624 uctlon of Darrow's solution for intrawnous Infusion 1987 3 I\)
629 629 Softwood flooring lloarels 198"3 -3

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