2 Brochure Eft Eng

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in Emotionally
Focused Therapy EFT
Dr. Sue Johnson

23 to 26 of April 2015
Per il Progresso nella Pratica
e nella Ricerca in Psicoterapia 4th ediTion
Emotionally focused therapy (EFT) is a short term psycho-
therapy approach to working with couples and more recently
with families. It is substantially based on the principles of emo-
tion theory and attachment theory.
Emotionally focused therapy proposes that emotions themselves
have an innately adaptive potential that, if activated, can help
clients change problematic emotional states or unwanted self-ex-
periences. Emotions are connected to our most essential needs.
They rapidly alert us to situations important to our advancement.
They also prepare and guide us in these important situations to
take action towards meeting our needs. Clients undergoing EFT
are helped to better identify, experience, explore, make sense
of, transform and flexibly manage their emotional experiences.

dr. Sue Johnson
Sue Johnson is Director of the Interna-
tional Center for Excellence in Emotion-
ally Focused Therapy and Distinguished
Research Professor at Alliant University
in San Diego, California as well as
Professor of Clinical Psychology at the
University of Ottawa, Canada.She has
received numerous honors for her
work, including the Outstanding Contribution to the
Field of Couple and Family Therapy Award
from the American Association for Marriage
and Family Therapy and the Research in
Family Therapy Award from the American
Family Therapy Academy. She is a Fellow of
the American Psychological Association.
Dr Johnson’s best known professional books
include, The Practice of Emotionally Fo-
cused Couple Therapy: Creating Connec-
tion (2004) and Emotionally Focused Cou-
ple Therapy with Trauma Survivors (2002).
She trains counselors in EFT worldwide and
consults to Veterans Affairs, the U.S. and Canadian military and New York City
Fire Department.

General Objectives
• participants will obtain a clear understanding of the basic experiential and
systemic concepts of an “Emotionally Focused” approach to couples therapy.
• participants will be able to conceptualize couple distress and relationship
repair based on theories of attachment and
• participants will develop skills in help-
ing partners reprocess the emotional
responses that maintain relational dis-
• participants will develop skills in
helping partners shape new in-
teraction patterns and bonding
• participants will develop
skills to overcome therapeutic
impasses with couples.
About EFT
• Ten Tips for a Strong Vibrant Relationship

• The Three Kinds of Sex

• What you need to Know about love

• Where does love go wrong? Or The Three Demon

dialogues that can wreck your relationship

Training: 32 hours of Externship

An Externship includes observation of live therapy ses-

sions, presentations of theory and clinical techniques,
skills training exercises, and discussion of specific cases,
clinical material and issues.

Who should attend?

The externship is recommended to all professionals who coun-
sel couples, including psychiatrists, psychologists, family phy-
sicians, social workers, psychiatric nurses, counsellors, pas-
tors and clergy, and students training in these professions.

Participants learn to:

See marital distress from an attachment perspective, help part-
ners reprocess the emotional responses that maintain marital
distress, shape key new interaction and bonding events, and
overcome therapeutic impasses. Participants are strongly encour-
aged to read the 2004 book on EFT - Creating Connections,
before coming to the externship. Ideally participants will also
have viewed the first training tape - Healing Broken Bonds.

Thursday 23 April
8.30 - 9.00 Registration and Check in
9.00 - 10.00 Introduction to Externship & The Field of Couples Therapy
10.00 - 12.00 Introduction to EFCT Perspective, Goals, Assumption, Status
12.00 - 13.00 Lunch
13.15 - 14.45 Attachment - A Map for change
15.00 - 16.00 Stages and Steps of EFT
16.00 - 17.30 Tape viewing and/or exercises

Friday 24 April
9.00 - 9.30 Case history/discussion
9.30 - 11.00 Live Interview
11.15 - 12.00 Case Formulation and feedback from externship/group discussion
12.00 - 13.00 Lunch
13.15 - 14.45 Presentation on Assessment
15.00 - 17.30 Tape Viewing and EFT Exercises

Saturday 25 April
9.00 - 9.30 Case history/discussion
9.30 - 11.00 Live Interview
11.15 - 12.00 Case formulation and feedback from externship/group discussion
12.00 - 13.00 Lunch
13.00 - 14.45 Overview of EFT interventions - Change Events.
15.00 - 17.30 Tape Viewing and EFT Exercises

Sunday 26 April
9.00 - 10.00 Training tape viewing
10.00 - 12.00 Exercises and discussion
12.00 - 13.00 Lunch
13.00 - 14.30 Presentation: Traumatized Couples & Attachment Injuries
14.45 - 17.30 Discussion: EFT with different kinds of couples.

Scientific Director of ISC: Dr. Alessandro Carmelita

HOTEL MICHELANGELO Viale Fratelli Rosselli, 2 - 50123 Firenze, Italia - michelangelo.fi@starhotels. it.
Tel. +39 055 27841 - Fax. +39 055 2382232

Overnight Hotel
For informations about Hotels, please contact us to isc@istitutodiscienzecognitive.com

500 € It is possible pay in two tranche:
• 1° (250 € ) at the registration
• 2° (250 € ) within 10 of April 2015

Ask the application form to: isc@istitutodiscienzecognitive.it

To register yourself, you should send the application form with a copy of the transfer receipt to:
Transfer to: Banco Nazionale del Lavoro - Grosseto
Beneficiario Istituto di Scienze Cognitive srl
IBAN IT90L0100514300000000000584 - BIC/SWIFT: BNLIITRR

In case of cancellation, announced by letter or e-mail, within 31 December 2014 will be refunded
50% of the amount paid. After that date the full fee will be retained.

Istituto di Scienze Cognitive

Via Carlo Felice, 5 - 07100 Sassari
Fax. 079/9578217
Per il Progresso nella Pratica
e nella Ricerca in Psicoterapia

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