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Caribbean Advanced Proficiency

Physical Education And Sports
Unit One Internal Assessment 

Name:​ Bibi Fareada Khan

Class:​ 12 Science
School:​ St. Rose’s High School
Candidate number:
Year:​ 2018
Table of Content 
Content Page No. 



Macro Cycle____________________________________________________5-6

Meso Cycle_____________________________________________________7-8

Micro Cycle ____________________________________________________9-10

Daily Plan _____________________________________________________11-12



The candidate would like to acknowledge the almighty for granting her the health,
strength and courage to complete this assessment. She would also like to express
special thanks of gratitude to her teacher Sir Ambrose, who guided her along in this
internal assessment. Thirdly, she would like to thank her parents and friends who
assisted her a lot in finalizing this project within the limited time frame.



This Internal Assessment is based on a year program that has to be planned and
executed. ​The preferred sport choice of the individual is Track and Field (Javelin).
The Objectives are clear and precise as it relates to being the coach for this particular
activity (Javelin) being take place on the school out-door court during a normal
school day. Participation of students in this activity will help them expound more
rationally on the effects of sports also a greater accumulation of knowledge which
will aid them in enhancing their God given talent and recognize the areas that they are
weak in with the aid of the host.
This Internal assessment entails two aspects, which includes:

★ The theoretical aspect, this entails educating the students on the importance of
Physical Education and Sports on their well being and health.
★ The practical aspect, this is where the students express their talents, and
indicate their weak areas and with help, improves those areas.

The researcher has chosen the sport, Track and Field (Javelin).The objectives are very
precise and clear as it relates to being a coach for this particular activity transpiring
in the school’s compound during a normal school day. Participation of students in this
activity will help them expound more rationally on the effects of sports also a greater
accumulation of knowledge which will aid them in enhancing their God given talent
and recognize the areas that they are weak in with the aid of the coach.These
objectives include;

★ To develop and enhance the athletes’ strength and weakness as it relates to

their skills, endurance and strength
★ To get them fit physically, mentally and socially and in shape for competition
★ To help the athletes obtain knowledge of the sport which will help them in
enhancing their talents and skills
★ To help students to reach their maximum potential

The goal of the candidate is to ensure that the students obtain great knowledge about
Javelin techniques and are able to execute them to their best potential.

The Duration, age range and gender of the selected students for the particular even is
listed below:

★ Duration of Program : 1 year

★ Age Range: 14 - 15 years
★ Gender: Female and Male
★ Date: 24-06-2018

Macro Cycle 
A ​macrocycle​ is an annual plan that works towards peaking for the goal competition
of the year. There are three phases in the macrocycle: preparation, competitive, and

The entire preparation phase should be around 2/3 to 3/4 of the macrocycle. The
preparation phase is further broken up into general and specific preparation of which
general preparation takes over half. An example of general preparation would be
building an ​aerobic base​ for an ​endurance athlete​ such as running on a ​treadmill​ and
learning any rules or regulations that would be required such as proper ​swimming
stroke as not to be disqualified. An example of specific preparation would be to work
on the proper form to be more efficient and to work more on the final format of the
sport, which is to move from the treadmill to the ​pavement​.

The competitive phase can be several competitions, but they lead up to the main
competition with specific tests. Testing might include any of the following:
performance level, new shoes or gear, a new race tactic might be employed, pre-race
meals, ways to reduce ​anxiety​ before a race, or the length needed for the taper. When
the pre-competitions are of a higher priority there is a definite taper stage while lower
priority might simply be integrated in as training. The competitive phase ends with
the taper and the competition.

The transition phase is important for ​psychological​ reasons, a year of training means a
vacation is in order. A typical ​weekend warrior​ might take three months while a
professional athlete might take as little as two weeks.



Duration:​ ​2017-2018




Month Nov. Dec Jan. Feb Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct.
. .
Weeks 1-12 13-20 21-28 29-32 33-40 41-45 46-50

Training Endurance and Strength and specific training Endurance and Strength and specifics -
area strength strength


Meso Cycle 

A mesocycle represents a phase of training with a duration of between 2 – 6 weeks or

microcycles, but this can depend on the sporting discipline. A mesocycle can also be
defined as a number of continuous weeks where the training program emphasize the
same type of physical adaptations, for example muscle mass and anaerobic capacity.
During the preparatory phase, a mesocycle commonly consists of 4 – 6 micro-cycles,
while during the competitive phase it will usually consist of 2 – 4 micro-cycles
depending on the competition’s ​calendar​.

The goal of the plan is to fit the mesocycles into the overall plan timeline-wise to
make each mesocycle end on one of the phases and then to determine the ​workload
and type of work of each cycle based on where in the overall plan the given
mesocycle falls. The goal in mind is to make sure the body peaks for the high priority
competitions by improving each cycle along the way.


Duration:​ ​2017-2018


Month No De Ja Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct.
v. c. n.
Weeks 1-12 13-20 21-28 29-32 33-40 41-45 46-50
Training Endurance and Strength and specific Endurance and Strength and specifics -
area strength training strength

Week 1 2 3 4
Athletic Low Low-Medium Medium Medium

Intensity Low Low Low Low

Volume High High High High


Micro Cycle 

A microcycle is typically a week because of the difficulty in developing a training

plan that does not align itself with the weekly calendar. Each microcycle is planned
based on where it is in the overall macrocycle.

A micro-cycle is also defined as a number of training sessions, built around a given

combination of acute program variables, which include progression as well as
alternating effort (heavy vs. light days). The length of the micro-cycle should
correspond to the number of workouts - empirically often 4-16 workouts - it takes for
the athlete or fitness client to adapt to the training program. When the athlete or
fitness client has adapted to the program and no longer makes progress, a change to
one or more program variables should be made.


One week Plan  

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Rest (​Light) (Medium) (High) (Rest (Medium) (High)
45 min jog 200 skip ropes 100 Butt kicks (active) 50 burpees Suicide run(3
20 push ups 50 mountain Fast feet shuffle Light jog 50 jump squats reps)
20 squats climbers (feet wider than 30 min 50 jumping 30 one leg
20 forward lunge 100 high knees hips , shuffle for cycling squats squat with med
20 backward 100 jumping 4 paces and 50 shoulder press ball
lunge jacks back) with med ball 50 Russian
Vertical jumps V-up with med twist
Long jump with ball
log back
Step ups


Daily Plan  
★ Name: Bibi Khan
★ Date: 24-01-2018
★ No. Of Students: Two (2)
★ Duration: 50 mins
★ Gender: Females
★ Equipments: Stopwatch, whistle, Medicine ball (5 lbs), Work-out mats (2),
a sturdy box with a height ranging 6-24’, and a flat land
Surface, skipping rope, dummy javelin.


Psychomotor Skills:

★ Accuracy in demonstrating the correct and technique at least 3 out of 5 times.

★ Accuracy in demonstrating correct positioning in the throwing events at least
4 to 6 times.


★ The ability to indicate or point out the activities to conduct after the events.
★ The ability to identify three points when commencing a throw.
★ The ability to recites at least three points to remember during an activity.


Activities Duration

Warm Up Dynamic Stretches 10 mins

Power skips 10 mins

Development ​Medicine ball swing Description: The athlete stands and hold the medicine ball
​(1 rep 20) with both hands extended infron of them. They the swing
from side to side. (4 mins)

Over-head Straight up Description: The athlete stands 10-12 feet away from a
throws​ ​ (1 rep of 10) partner or 2-3 feet away from a wall. The athletes’ bracing
or block leg should be placed forward. The medicine ball is
thrown from an overhead position. (4 mins)

Dummy Javelin Throws This exercise is performed as if the athlete were throwing
​(2 rep of 20) the regulation javelin. . This exercise can be performed from
the power position, with one or more crossovers, or with the
whole approach. (6 mins)

Javelin Box Jump Description: The athlete stands on the box with their back
​ (1 rep 15) throwing leg hanging off the box. The athlete then drops off
the box onto the leg that was hanging off the box and
immediately proceeds into javelin throw footwork. (6 mins)

Cool Down Static Stretches 10 mins

( Lateral side bends)




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