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REG. NO. - 17BCE0578


My field of interest is Machine Learning and Deep Learning. Here I am

going to discuss about one of the most influential personality in the
field of deep learning and the personality whom I admire. He is Ian J.
Goodfellow. He is a researcher working in deep learning, currently
employed as an exploration researcher at Google Brain. He has made
several contributions to the field of Neural Networks.

Goodfellow obtained his B.S. and M.S. in computer science

from Stanford University and his Ph.D. in machine learning from
the Université de Montréal, under the supervision of Yoshua Bengio and
Aaron Courville. After his graduation, he joined Google as part of
the Google Brain research team. He then left Google to join the newly
founded OpenAI institute. He returned to Google Research in March

Goodfellow is best known for inventing generative adversarial networks

(GAN’s), an approach to machine learning frequently used in industries
ranging from game development, fashion industry and of course in
various ongoing research in the field of Artificial Intelligence.

He is also the lead author of the textbook Deep Learning, which is

considered as the Bible of Deep Learning where the concepts of Neural
Networks are explained in a much comprehensive way from scratch.
At Google, he developed a system enabling Google Maps to
automatically transcribe addresses from photos taken by Street View
cars and demonstrated security vulnerabilities of machine learning

In 2017, Goodfellow was cited in MIT Technology Review's 35

Innovators Under 35.

I would like to share one of the stories that I heard about him which
admired me the most which is when he completed his studies in
Neurological science he was attracted towards the field of deep
learning, so he pursued his MS in Artificial Intelligence, following which
he was looking for internship opportunities in the field of deep learning.
But was unable to get any offer, he didn’t gave up but he worked even
harder and pursued his PhD following which led him to give his
immense contribution in the field by discovering GAN’s which is one of
the most appealing invention in the field of Artificial Intelligence.

He has also written various Research Papers in this field some of them
with highest impact factors include-

 Adversarial Examples that Fool both Computer Vision and Time-

Limited Human

 Adversarial Spheres

 Ensemble Adversarial Training: Attacks and Defenses

At last but not the least I want conclude by applauding the immense
innovations made by him in this field. Since deep learning is the
technology of the future, today each and every entrepreneur of the
corporate world is realizing the potential of Data. I would also try to
follow his footprints in achieving success in this field.

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