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Submitted by:

Aman kumar (MBT-1)



Stem cell is a term that can used to describe a specific type of cell with two major
characteristics: To differentiate into multiple cell type and the ability to maintain a
self-renewing population.
Stem cell proliferates, migrate and differentiate to form organizing during
embryogenesis. During adulthood, stem cell are present within tissues / organs
including the central nervous system where they may differentiate into neurons
.Since the identification and characterization of stem cells a great deal of interest
has been given to their potential for treatment of spinal cord injury (SCI),
traumatic brain injury, and degenerative brain disease considering their
characteristic abilities to self-renew and differentiate into any cell types in the
body. Before effective therapies can be developed several issues need to be
addressed and resolved. These issues range from increasing our basic knowledge
about the stem cell biology.


Stem cell is defined by its ability of self-renewal and its totipotency self-renewal is
characterized by the ability to undergo an asymmetric divisions in which one of
the resulting cells remains a "stem cell", without sign of aging and the other
(daughter) cells becomes restricted to one of the germ layers.

A true stem cell is a totipotent cell; it can become any cell type present in an
organism. Many consider the zygote to be the only true totipotent (stem) cell
because it is able to differentiate into either a Placenta cell or an embryonic cell.

Other define the cells of the inner cell mass within the blastocyst as embryonic
stem cells (ESCs). These cells are pluripotent because they cannot become a
Placenta cell. Besides (ESCs) undifferentiated cell can be found among
differentiated cells of specific tissues after birth. These cell are known as adult
stem cells although a better term would be "somatic stem cell” because they are
also present in the children and umbilical cords.
Figure :

All tissues in an organism originate from the three germ layers: the ectoderm layer, Endoderm layers
and the mesoderm layer. Neural cells that form the central and peripheral nervous system derived
from the ectoderm.
There is a ample evidence that adult stem cell are not restricted to a particular germ layers and can trans
differentiate. An important advantage of adult stem cells over ESCs is that they can be harvested without
destruction of an embryo. As a result adult stem cells have gained ample interest for their application in a
variety of disorders.

 Terms Most Frequently Used in Stem cell biology

Potential for spinal cord repair :

After spinal cord injury endogenous regenerative events occur, indicating that the spinal cord
attempts to repair itself. Schwann cells, the myelination and regeneration - promoting cell in the
peripheral nervous system ,migrates from spinal roots into the damaged tissue and myelinate
spinal cords Exxons. The expression of the regeneration -associated genes is increased in
damaged neurons. There is a surge in proliferation of local adult stem cell and progenitor cells.
Two potential strategies involving neural stem/ progenitor cells for repair of the injured spinal cord in

1.Manipulation of endogenous stem cells - that is those already present in the spinal cord

2. Transplantation of exogenous stem cell harvested from somewhere else in the body or from another
person or species.


Spinal cord injury become the first condition targeted in a human clinical trial using cell made from
embryonic stem cells.

Begun by Geron in 2010

Later cancelled for financial reasons.

The laboratory involving stem cells in to the clinic is in progress. The use of stem cells harvested from
tissue from an adult facilitated the use of stem cells clinic because it has practically dismissed the moral
objections surrounding the use of stem cells derived from an embryo.

Use of human ESCs for spinal cord repair in the United States has been proposed by Geron, a california-
based biotechnology company application of adult human stem cells for treatment of SCI is in progress in
many countries around the world.


Ethical issues that Surround the use of adult stem cells mostly involve their possible misuse for instance,
oocytes can be derived from stem cell of male origin, which allows the production of a child from one or
two male biological parents.The potential biological problems and psychological effects on the child are
unknown. It would also be possible that the offspring develops effects because of acquisition of pairs of
(recessive) genes.

Therapeutic cloning and genetic manipulation are other issues that Surround the use of stem cell cloning
of cells genetically matched for the host, could in theory be beneficial for organ transplantation because it
may solve issues such as organ shortage and rejection genetic manipulation could convert ESCs into
gamets, which would allow germ line gene therapy.

At this time, stem cell-based therapies are at an early stage and the associated risks are still unclear.

When a patient has a disabling or life threatening disease, a case might be made for surmounting the
existing ethical and social barriers to enable treatment. Changing ethical barriers will not be accomplished
overnight. most likely, stem cell since will advanced faster than the debate on ethical issues.Therefore to
enable future use of stem cell for therapeutic purposes. Basic stem cell Research and stem cell
translational agendas present an exciting and promising future for spinal cord regeneration. Progress and
advancement made within the field of a spinal cord medicine will have positive ramifications the larger
stem cells field and numerous other disease States outside the central nervous system. pioneering work-
like that of Geron Corp. and Neuralstem Inc.- not only has advanced the stem cell agenda on the scientific
front,but also has made great strides towards overcoming the ethical taboo associated with embryonic
stem cell, and has aided other researchers in progressing to clinical trials.

1. Altman J. Autoradiographic study of degenerative and regenerative proliferation of neuroglia
cells with tritiated thymidine. Exp Neurol.

2. The Boulder Committee. Embryonic vertebrate central nervous system: revised

terminology. Anat Rec.

3. Vazin T, Freed WJ: Human embryonic stem cells: derivation, culture, and differentiation: a
review. Restor Neurol Neurosci.

4. Kim SU: Human neural stem cells genetically modified for brain repair in neurological disorders.

5. Stem Cells Inc. []

6. Chou SH, Kuo TK, Liu M, Lee OK. In utero transplantation of human bone marrow-derived
multipotent mesenchymal stem cells in mice.

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