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Youth of the Iglesia Filipina Indepediente

National Youth Executive Council
1500 Taft Avenue, Ermita, Manila

March 22, 2019

TO: Parish Youth Executive Council

FROM: National Youth Executive Council
CC: Diocesan Bishop, YIFI Diocesan Chaplain, Diocesan Youth Executive Council, Parish Priest

Greetings of peace!

October 2019 will herald the 5oth Golden Anniversary of our humble youth organization, the Youth of the Iglesia Filipina
Independiente. Fifty years of dedicated ministry to the whole Iglesia Filipina Independiente is indeed pivotal moment to
behold. Through all these progressive years, lives were touched in many different ways, ties among our youth members were
strengthened to lofty levels and cascading programs stood as the landmark of a remarkable leadership in this organization.

To make this memorable event into reality, the National Youth Executive Council together with the National Youth
Secretariat through our regional conferences and local dioceses will be working together to make this possible. The
50mmitment is one way on how we can raise funds for our Golden Anniversary celebration come October this year. In here,
the YIFI members are entitled to give their 5o pesos commitment to the organization as part of our youth empowerment and
ministry. In return, they will receive a personalized bag tag with only one YIFI design that will be distributed to all our
dioceses in the entire archipelago. All our former YIFI leaders and members for the past 50 years are can also offer their
monetary commitment as their response to the jubilee and in return, they will also get the YIFI bag tag. Everyone can also
give an amount higher than Php 50 depending on their commitment to share. Attached in this notice is a sample picture of our
YIFI Bag Tag and the 50mmitment form.

This campaign will be rolled out to all our dioceses and down to the parishes during the annual Summer Youth Camps and
Summer Youth Congress. All 50mmitment pledge will be collected using the following guidelines:
1. All pledge from parish / mission / chapels will be given to DYEC officers, preferably DYEC President and
2. The DYEC President must submit the following to the AVPs per area
- Total amount of collected pledge per Diocese.
- Total number of YIFI who gave their 50mmitment per Diocese.
(Note: Distribution of the bag tag token will be sent out after the NYEC received the final count and will be
distributed during camps)
3. All AVPs per region will submit the collected pledge to Finance Team of the NYEC.

The NYEC would like to request the full participation and cooperation of all our current and former YIFI members to make
this program a reality. We will always be grateful to the most auspicious response that you can provide to our journey as
young leaders of the IFI. This will forever strengthen us in our leadership as we embrace and live out our church’s teaching—
Pro Deo Et Patria!

From the National Youth Executive Council,


NYEC General Secretary NYEC President

Noted by:


National YIFI Chaplain

Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity
– 1 Timothy 4:12
Youth of the Iglesia Filipina Indepediente
National Youth Executive Council
1500 Taft Avenue, Ermita, Manila

Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity
– 1 Timothy 4:12
Youth of the Iglesia Filipina Indepediente
National Youth Executive Council
1500 Taft Avenue, Ermita, Manila

YIFI @ 50
Celebrating YIFI’s 50 years of Doing, Being and Becoming
a Christian, Nationalist, Progressive Movement


I, _________________________________________,

from the Parish of ____________________________________

in the Diocese of _________________________________,

Is offering my

( ) 50 ( ) 150 ( ) 250 ( ) 350 ( ) 450 ( ) 500

( ) other amount: ______________

As my support to the celebration of

YIFI’s Golden Anniversary.
I also pray for its success.

Signature / Date



Received from:
the amount of _________ in support of the celebration of
YIFI’s Golden Anniversary.
Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity
– 1 Timothy 4:12

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