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Guideline on aspects of cancer-related venous thrombosis

Henry G. Watson,1 David M. Keeling,2 Mike Laffan,3 Robert Campbell Tait,4 and Mike Makris5,6 on behalf of the British
Committee for Standards in Haematology
Department of Haematology, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Aberdeen, 2Oxford Haemophilia & Thrombosis Centre, Churchill Hospital,
Oxford, 3Centre for Haematology, Imperial College, Hammersmith Hospital, London, 4Department of Haematology, Glasgow Royal
Infirmary, Glasgow, 5Sheffield Haemophilia and Thrombosis Centre, and 6Department of Cardiovascular Science, University of
Sheffield, Sheffield, UK

embolism (VTE). Less well understood are the mechanisms

behind the increased risk of developing cancer at times far
The guideline was drafted by a writing group identified by the removed, often years after thrombosis, that has been described
Haemostasis and Thrombosis Task Force of the British Com- in large population studies (Baron et al, 1998). It is likely that
mittee for Standards in Haematology (BCSH). All the authors this reflects shared risk factors for development of both cancer
are consultants in haematology in the UK. A search was per- and thrombosis such as, for example, smoking and obesity.
formed of PubMed and Embase using the term ‘cancer’ com- The expression of tissue factor on tumour cells and the pro-
bined with ‘thrombosis’, ‘treatment’, ‘prophylaxis’ and ‘clinical thrombotic properties of mucins contribute to the thrombosis
presentation’. The search covered articles published up until risk in malignancy. In addition there is evidence that tissue
December 2014. Only human studies were included and arti- factor expression, which may result from proto-oncogene
cles not written in English were excluded. References in recent expression and tumour suppressor gene inhibition, confers a
reviews were also examined. The writing group produced the pro-angiogenic state, which may enhance the aggressiveness
draft guideline, which was subsequently revised by consensus and invasiveness of cancers. Malignancy itself, surgery,
by members of the Haemostasis and Thrombosis Task Force of indwelling intravenous catheters, chemo-radiotherapy and
the BCSH and the BCSH executive. The guideline was then intercurrent medical complications, such as infection, all con-
reviewed by the sounding board of the British Society for Hae- tribute to the increased risk of thrombosis in cancer patients.
matology (BSH). This comprises 50 or more members of the Thrombotic events rank second only to the direct effects of
BSH who have reviewed the guidance and commented on cancer as a cause of death in cancer patients (Khorana, 2010).
the content and application to the UK setting. The ‘GRADE’ Several studies have assessed differences in the risk of
system was used to quote levels and grades of evidence, details thrombosis between cancers. Several tumour sites, including
of which can be found at: lung, brain, pancreas, stomach, ovary and kidney, and also
BCSH_PROCESS/EVIDENCE_LEVELS_AND_GRADES_OF_ lymphoma have the strongest reported association with
RECOMMENDATION/43_GRADE.html. The objective of this thrombosis development (Agnelli, 1997; Baron et al, 1998).
guideline is to provide healthcare professionals with clear guid- Most studies confirm that the development of VTE in
ance on the prevention and management of venous thrombo- patients with cancer is associated with a poorer prognosis
embolism (VTE) in patients with cancer and to advise on an than that seen in thrombosis-free cancer patients and this
approach to screening for cancer in patients with unprovoked was confirmed in all 12 tumour types in one study (Chew
VTE in whom cancer was not initially suspected based on clin- et al, 2006). Whether this is related to the effects of throm-
ical grounds. bosis or reflects inherent tumour aggressiveness is not clear.
It has also been observed that cancer patients with VTE have
Keywords: cancer, clinical aspects, venous thrombosis, anti- poorer outcomes as judged by the need for hospital admis-
coagulation. sion, higher rates of major bleeding and higher rates of
thrombosis recurrence on anticoagulant therapy compared
The association between cancer and thrombosis is well estab- with patients who do not have cancer (Levitan et al, 1999;
lished. There are several mechanisms that may explain why Palareti et al, 2000; Prandoni et al, 2002; Trujillo-Santos
cancer increases the propensity to develop venous thrombo- et al, 2008).

Thromboprophylaxis and cancer

Correspondence: BCSH secretary, British Society for Haematology,
100 White Lion Street, London N1 9PF, UK. Since 2007, it has been routine care to perform a risk assess-
E-mail ment for thrombosis on all hospitalized patients in the UK

First published online 26 June 2015 ª 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
doi: 10.1111/bjh.13556 British Journal of Haematology, 2015, 170, 640–648

(Department of Health, 2007; National Institute for Health >350 9 109/l, haemoglobin concentration <100 g/l, leucocyte
and Clinical Excellence (NICE) 2010). In practice, patients count pre-chemotherapy >11 9 109/l and a body mass index
with active cancer admitted for medical or surgical reasons, of >35 kg/m2 (Khorana et al, 2008). Alternatively, an inter-
should be offered pharmacological thromboprophylaxis national practice guideline, whilst also not recommending
except where the likely benefit is outweighed by the associ- routine prophylaxis, suggests consideration in patients with
ated bleeding risk (Kahn et al, 2012). For these purposes locally advanced or metastatic pancreatic and lung cancer
active cancer should be considered to include a diagnosis of who are not deemed at excessive risk for bleeding (Farge
cancer, other than basal cell or squamous cell carcinoma of et al, 2013).
the skin, within the previous 6-month period, and any treat- There is a well-recognized association between multiple
ment for cancer within the previous 6-month period or myeloma and VTE, which is further increased in patients
recurrent or metastatic cancer (Lee et al, 2003). treated with thalidomide or lenalidomide. The role of throm-
A number of studies have investigated the use of routine boprophylaxis in this setting has been reviewed recently in
thromboprophylaxis in ambulatory cancer outpatients receiv- two BCSH guidelines, which recommend risk assessment and
ing chemotherapy. A Cochrane review of 9 randomized treatment with low dose aspirin if low risk and LMWH or
controlled trials (RCTs) involving 3538 patients, which com- dose-adjusted warfarin if non-low risk. Thromboprophylaxis
pared patients receiving thromboprophylaxis [eight low should be continued until disease control is achieved (Bird
molecular weight heparin (LMWH) and one warfarin] with et al, 2011; Snowden et al, 2011). The role of the new oral
control groups, found a reduction in VTE risk [relative risk anticoagulants dabigatran, rivaroxaban, apixaban and edox-
(RR) 066 (041–093)] without a significant increased risk of aban as prophylaxis in cancer patients has not yet been
bleeding [RR 157 (069–36)] (Di Nisio et al, 2012). How- determined.
ever, this analysis identified that 60 patients needed to be
treated to prevent 1 episode of thrombosis, suggesting that
thromboprophylaxis should not be used routinely in outpa- Surgical prophylaxis
tients with cancer but should be considered in individuals at Recently, a move towards extended prophylaxis for high-risk
very high thrombotic risk. Identification of these high risk surgical patients, such as those requiring surgery for the
patients can be aided by the use of risk assessment scores, management of abdominal and pelvic cancer, has developed.
such as that developed by Khorana et al (2008) (Table I) This treatment should be considered for certain groups of
which identifies as higher risk patients with stomach, pan- patients (NICE, 2010).
creas, lung, gynaecological, bladder or testicular cancer or
lymphoma as well as the presence of a platelet count

Table I. Predictive model for chemotherapy-associated venous

 Patients with active or recent cancer admitted to hospi-
thromboembolism. tal should receive thromboprophylaxis throughout their
admission unless contraindicated (2C).
Patient characteristic Risk score  Patients undergoing abdominal and pelvic surgery for
Site of cancer cancer should be considered for extended thrombopro-
Very high risk (stomach, pancreas) 2 phylaxis (2B).
High risk (lung, lymphoma, gynaecological, 1  Outpatients with active cancer should be assessed for
bladder, testicular) thrombosis risk and although most do not routinely
Pre-chemotherapeutic platelet count ≥350 9 109/l 1 require thromboprophylaxis, it should be considered for
Haemoglobin concentration <100 g/l or use 1 high risk patients (2B).
of erythropoiesis-stimulating agents
 Patients with myeloma receiving thalidomide or lenalid-
Pre-chemotherapeutic leucocyte count >11 9 109/l 1
omide should be risk-assessed for VTE and offered
Body mass index ≥ 35 kg/m2 1
thromboprophylaxis unless there is a contraindication
Thrombosis rate
per 25 months (%)  Thromboprophylaxis should be reviewed in patients
with thrombocytopenia. A platelet count of <50 3 109/l
Low score 0 03–08 is a relative contraindication to pharmacological pro-
Intermediate score 1–2 18–2
phylaxis (1C).
High score >2 67–71

This table has been modified from research originally published in

Blood. Khorana, A.A., Kuderer, N.M., Culakova, E., Lyman, G.H. & Prevention of catheter-related thrombosis
Francis, C.W. (2008) Development and validation of a predictive
model for chemotherapy associated thrombosis. Blood, 111, 4902– A prospective study of 82 patients reported that fixed, low
4907. © the American Society of Hematology. dose warfarin was very effective in reducing the risk of

ª 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 641

British Journal of Haematology, 2015, 170, 640–648

catheter-related thrombosis (Bern et al, 1990). More recently, major bleeding, there was no effect on survival (Akl et al,
however, the WARP (Warfarin thromboprophylaxis in cancer 2011b). The second Cochrane review published in 2011
patients with central venous catheters) trial, which random- examined studies comparing periods of unfractionated hepa-
ized 812 patients to warfarin or no therapy found no differ- rin (one study) or LMWH (eight studies) at different doses
ence in the risk of catheter-related thrombosis between the and for different periods of time versus placebo or no treat-
two groups (Young et al, 2009). A Cochrane review evalu- ment (Akl et al, 2011c). A survival benefit was observed at
ated the efficacy of oral and parenteral anticoagulants in the 24 months but not at 12 months, accompanied by a signifi-
prevention of central venous catheter-related thrombosis cant reduction in VTE without an increase in bleeding (Akl
reported up to February 2010. Neither warfarin nor prophy- et al, 2011c). More recently, no difference in survival was
lactic dose LMWH was associated with reduction in risk (Akl found in an RCT of patients with advanced malignancy that
et al, 2011a). compared LMWH with placebo (van Doormaal et al, 2011a).

Recommendation Recommendation

 Routine use of anticoagulants at prophylactic or thera-  Antithrombotic use aimed solely at increasing life expec-
peutic dose to prevent catheter-related thrombosis in tancy in patients with cancer but without a history of
cancer patients is not recommended (1A). VTE, is not recommended (1A).

Treatment of symptomatic cancer-associated

Thromboprophylaxis in patients on long-term
prothrombotic anti-cancer therapies
Some patients will have no evidence of active malignant dis- Initial treatment (up to 6 months)
ease but benefit from long term adjuvant treatment with
Patients with cancer-associated VTE have a higher risk of
agents such as tamoxifen. In the large (16 289 women) Dan-
recurrence on treatment than those without cancer (Pran-
ish registry of women taking tamoxifen after treatment for
doni et al, 2002). The CLOT trial (Lee et al, 2003) demon-
breast cancer, the 5-year incidence of VTE was 12% vs.
strated that treatment of cancer-associated VTE with
05% for those not taking tamoxifen, with the highest risk of
6 months of LMWH resulted in a significantly lower recur-
thrombosis in older women and in the first 2 years of treat-
rence rate at 6 months than conventional treatment with
ment [RR 35; 95% confidence interval (CI) 21–60] (Her-
International Normalized Ratio-adjusted warfarin [79% vs.
nandez et al, 2009). Although the RR is elevated, the
15%, Hazard ratio (HR) = 048; 95% CI, 030–077]. The
absolute risk is not sufficiently high to warrant concomitant
superiority of continued LMWH treatment over LMWH fol-
prophylactic anticoagulation. A systematic review of adjuvant
lowed by a vitamin K antagonist (VKA) is supported by two
hormone therapies produced similar conclusions (Deitcher &
other studies (Meyer et al, 2002; Hull et al, 2006). In the
Gomes, 2004). In women who have had cancer-associated
CLOT study full dose dalteparin was given for 1 month fol-
thrombosis and who require longer term treatment with
lowed by a reduced dose (75–80%) for months 2–6 (Lee
tamoxifen, it may be reasonable to continue with anticoagu-
et al, 2003). In the other two studies full dose tinzaparin or
lation for the duration of the adjuvant therapy.
enoxaparin was given for 3 months (Meyer et al, 2002; Hull
et al, 2006). None of the studies showed any excess of bleed-
Recommendation ing associated with continued LMWH. There are no direct
comparisons of 3 months vs. 6 months of treatment.
 Patients without a history of VTE receiving adjuvant
Problems associated with the use of warfarin, such as
hormonal therapies for cancer should not routinely
numerous drug interactions, the effect of diet, oral route of
receive thromboprophylaxis (1B).
administration and slow onset and offset of action, make it
difficult or unsuitable for the management of patients with
malignancy. On the other hand, possible barriers to LWMH
Anticoagulants and thromboprophylaxis to prolong
use are the need for subcutaneous injection and impaired
cancer survival
renal function. Therapeutic dose LMWH should be used
Some early observations suggested that antithrombotic drugs with some caution in patients with renal impairment and
may prolong survival in cancer patients. Two Cochrane sys- dose reduction or anti-Xa monitoring may be indicated in
tematic reviews have been published in the area. The first patients with estimated creatinine clearance <30 ml/min or
(Akl et al, 2011b) evaluated the evidence comparing oral an- very low body weight. Unfractionated heparin can be used
ticoagulants, at a variety of intensities with no treatment or for initial treatment, but is not practical for prolonged out-
prophylactic treatment. Although warfarin reduced the inci- patient therapy. We suggest warfarin for maintenance in this
dence of VTE at the expense of higher rates of minor and circumstance.

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British Journal of Haematology, 2015, 170, 640–648

The trials of dabigatran, rivaroxaban, apixaban and edox- consider an alternative oral anticoagulant if the patient does
aban or directly acting oral anticoagulants (DOACs) for not wish to continue with daily injections after 6 months
treatment of VTE contained only small numbers of patients and in these circumstances oral direct inhibitors of coagula-
with cancer. Subgroup analysis suggests they may have simi- tion factors may offer advantages over warfarin for the rea-
lar efficacy to warfarin but no comparison with LMWH has sons stated above. There is little evidence for loss of bone
been made (van der Hulle et al, 2014). The DOACs have density in situations where LMWH has been used for pro-
many of the logistical advantages of LMWH in these patients longed periods of time (Rodger et al, 2007).
undergoing active treatment. For patients who cannot have If treatment is thought to have eradicated the malignant
or tolerate subcutaneous LMWH we suggest warfarin or a disease then anticoagulation can reasonably be discontinued
DOAC. after 6 months. Risk prediction measurements, such as D-
dimer, have not been evaluated in this circumstance but
stage IV cancer, brain lung, ovarian, gastrointestinal and
Thrombosis recurrence during treatment
multiple active cancers, along with myeloproliferative and
Thrombosis recurrence during treatment is reported in 6–9% myelodysplastic disorders, neurological disease with leg pare-
of cancer-associated VTE patients receiving LMWH and 10– sis and stage III cancers, were all found to predict the risk of
17% of those receiving warfarin (Lee, 2012). There is limited recurrence of VTE in patients with a first cancer-associated
evidence regarding the management of recurrence of throm- thrombosis following discontinuation of a finite period of
bosis in patients with cancer on active anticoagulant treat- anticoagulation (Chee et al, 2014).
ment. Recurrence in patients taking warfarin should be
managed by switching to LWMH. Those patients using Thrombocytopenia. The presence of thrombocytopenia
LMWH at approximately 75% of the normal therapeutic demands reassessment of the risk-benefit balance of anticoag-
dose, which is usual practice after the first month of treat- ulation. However, in the first 3 months after thrombosis the
ment, should increase to the full weight-based therapeutic risk of recurrence is particularly high and so every effort
dose. For those already receiving full dose LMWH, there is should be made to allow safe administration of anticoagulant
some evidence to support further increasing the dose of therapy. Consensus suggests that full anticoagulation is with-
LMWH by 20–25% (Carrier et al, 2009). If there is contin- out excessive risk whilst the platelet count remains above
ued evidence of clot extension, then an option is to increase 50 9 109/l (Carrier et al, 2013). One approach is to attempt
the LMWH dose guided by anti-Xa measurement. A sug- to support the platelet count to allow full dose anticoagula-
gested regimen is to aim for a peak anti-Xa level of 16– tion to continue throughout the period of highest risk of
20 u/ml for once daily LMWH and 08–10 u/ml peak for recurrence of the VTE. Temporary insertion of an IVC filter
twice daily treatment (Carrier et al, 2009, 2013; Lee, 2012). is warranted if persistent thrombocytopenia or other bleeding
The benefit of dividing higher doses is uncertain but in the risk precludes anticoagulation. Heparin-induced thrombocy-
only comparative trial, there was a trend in the cancer sub- topenia must be excluded in patients developing thrombocy-
group for lower recurrence using twice daily compared to topenia during heparin therapy.
once daily enoxaparin with no significant increase in bleed- If the platelet count cannot be elevated then 50% dose
ing (Merli et al, 2001). LMWH can be given to patients with a platelet count of 25–
Insertion of an inferior vena cava (IVC) filter is not rec- 50 9 109/l. Below this level we advise withholding anticoagu-
ommended for recurrence alone. An increased risk of VTE lation, although prophylactic doses have been used with
recurrence has been shown in cancer patients, despite IVC reported benefit (Drakos et al, 1992).
filter use (Elting et al, 2004). In non-cancer patients, routine
use of IVC filters reduces pulmonary embolism (PE) but
increases deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and has no impact on
overall survival over an 8-year follow-up [The Prevention du  In patients with cancer-associated thrombosis initial
Risque d’Embolie Pulmonaire par Interruption Cave (PRE- treatment should be with LMWH for 6 months, if toler-
PIC) Study Group, 2005]. ated (1A).
 Warfarin and other oral anticoagulants are acceptable
alternatives if LMWH is impractical and anticoagulation
Long-term (>6 months) therapy
is indicated (1A).
The role of anticoagulation after 6 months of treatment has  An IVC filter should only be inserted when there is a
not been extensively studied. It is likely that LMWH is more strong contraindication to anticoagulation and should
effective than VKA in patients with active malignancy but be removed if possible as soon as anticoagulation is pos-
the optimal dose in this situation is not clear. With progres- sible (2C).
sive disease, quality of life and the patient’s wishes should be  In the presence of active malignancy, anticoagulation
considered, because the risk of thrombosis increases with should be continued, taking patient status and wishes
metastatic disease (Wun & White, 2009). It is reasonable to and bleeding risk into consideration. There is a ratio-

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British Journal of Haematology, 2015, 170, 640–648

nale but little direct evidence for preferring to continue cancer patients without venous thrombosis, but matched for
to use LMWH (2B). age, cancer type and stage, demonstrated a higher 6-month
 When the platelet count is <50 3 109/l platelet support mortality (HR 197, 95% CI 109–358) in the incidental PE
should be given to elevate the count to >50 3 109/l to patients (O’Connell et al, 2011). Studies comparing out-
allow full dose anticoagulation, especially in the imme- comes in cancer patients with incidental PE to those with
diate period following thrombosis development (2D). symptomatic PE (when both receive anticoagulant therapy),
 Patients with platelet counts between 25 and 50 3 109/l suggest a similar risk of symptomatic recurrent thrombosis,
should have frequent assessment to allow decisions on major bleeding and mortality (den Exter et al, 2011; Sahut
LMWH to be made (2D). D’Izarn et al, 2012). Font et al (2011) noted a slightly higher
 If the platelet count remains <25 3 109/l, full anticoag- recurrent thrombosis rate, but no difference in overall sur-
ulation should be avoided (1D). vival, in cancer patients with symptomatic DVT or PE com-
pared to those with initial incidental DVT or PE, despite the
latter receiving a shorter period of anticoagulation.
Incidental venous thrombosis Incidental DVT in cancer patients undergoing a staging
Asymptomatic venous thrombosis is a relatively common CT scan of abdomen and pelvis involving IVC, iliac, com-
finding in high risk patients screened for DVT or PE (Mei- mon femoral or splanchnic veins may be as common as inci-
gnan et al, 2000). In a meta-analysis of 12 studies reported dental PE (Cronin et al, 2007; Di Nisio et al, 2010; Douma
between 1996 and 2007, including over 10 000 chest comput- et al, 2010). A review of 2591 consecutive abdominal CT
erized tomography (CT) scans being undertaken for reasons scans (Ageno et al, 2012) identified incidental abdominal
other than suspicion of PE, the estimated prevalence of inci- vein thrombosis most commonly in patients with cirrhosis.
dental PE was 26% (95% CI 19–34) (Dentali et al, 2010). The prevalence of incidental abdominal vein thrombosis was
Incidental PE rates were higher in cancer patients (odds ratio 25% among 1442 cancer patients (95% CI 178–348).
180, 95% CI 118–275) who had a weighted mean preva- Patients with gastro-intestinal tract malignancy appear to
lence of 31% (95% CI 22–41), and were more often have a particularly high rate for incidental abdominal or
detected when CT scanning with a slice thickness of <5 mm. lower limb DVT (Singh et al, 2010).
Furthermore, if a CT pulmonary angiography protocol (with Retrospective short term follow-up of small cohorts of
slice thickness of ≤15 mm) was systematically included when patients with incidental PE or DVT who did not receive anti-
undertaking cancer-staging CT of thorax, 18/407 patients coagulant therapy because the thrombosis was missed in the
(44%) were found to have incidental PE, 7 of which were initial CT report or because the patient was deemed to be at
not detected on standard CT (Browne et al, 2010). high bleeding risk, show a symptomatic recurrent thrombosis
The Haemostasis and Malignancy Scientific Sub-Commit- risk of 5–11% within 3 months (Gladish et al, 2006; Browne
tee of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemo- et al, 2010; Douma et al, 2010). In a retrospective review of
stasis (Khorana et al, 2012) recommend the term ‘incidental’ 113 lung cancer patients with incidental PE, 62 who did not
rather than ‘asymptomatic’ because in 40–50% of these cases receive anticoagulant treatment had a higher mortality rate
patients will have PE-related symptoms that have either been (HR 41, 95% CI 23–76) despite both groups having similar
overlooked or attributed to their cancer (O’Connell et al, cancer stage and performance status (Sun et al, 2010).
2006; Sahut D’Izarn et al, 2012; Shteinberg et al, 2012). Most Given the absence of randomized studies of anticoagulant
studies comparing incidental PE with symptomatic PE report therapy in cancer patients with incidental venous thrombosis,
similar underlying risk factors, such as advanced cancer stage optimal management remains unknown. However the low
(Cronin et al, 2007; Browne et al, 2010; Dentali et al, 2010; quality evidence available suggests that, in cancer patients,
Di Nisio et al, 2010; Font et al, 2011; Sahut D’Izarn et al, incidental PE and DVT are indicative of a generalized pro-
2012) and a similar distribution of pulmonary arteries thrombotic state and can be associated with a significant risk
affected, with around 50% involving main or lobar arteries of early recurrent thrombosis and similarly poor survival rate
and only 10–13% being sub-segmental PE (O’Connell et al, as symptomatic thrombosis. Current American College of
2006; Sahut D’Izarn et al, 2012; Shteinberg et al, 2012; den Chest Physicians guidance favours anticoagulant therapy for
Exter et al, 2013a). However symptomatic patients more incidental venous thrombosis where the diagnosis is secure
often have bilateral PE (Font et al, 2011) and a have a higher (Kearon et al, 2012). The one exception may be patients with
overall thrombotic burden (den Exter et al, 2013b). isolated sub-segmental PE, which may have a more benign
The natural history of incidental PE in cancer patients has natural history (Eyer et al, 2005), but there is no clear con-
been poorly studied. Higher 6-month mortality in cancer sensus on this at present (den Exter et al, 2013c). The merits
patients with venous thrombosis has been demonstrated to of anticoagulation for symptomatic abdominal vein throm-
be independent of whether the thrombosis is symptomatic or bosis require individual risk assessment (Tait et al, 2012),
incidental (Dentali et al, 2011). A retrospective case control and it is recommended that cancer patients with incidental
study comparing 70 patients with incidental PE with 137 abdominal vein thrombosis are considered similarly.

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British Journal of Haematology, 2015, 170, 640–648

Recommendations PE who do not have signs or symptoms of cancer based on

initial investigation’ (NICE, 2012).
 Cancer patients with incidental pulmonary embolus or
A larger, prospective cohort study compared limited and
DVT should be therapeutically anticoagulated as for
extensive cancer screening strategies (Van Doormaal et al,
symptomatic disease (1C).
2011b); all patients underwent baseline screening consisting
of history, physical examination, basic laboratory tests and
chest X-ray. Of the 630 patients studied, 342 were seen in
Screening for cancer in patients with
hospitals that performed additional extensive screening with
apparently unprovoked VTE
CT chest/abdomen and mammography and 288 in hospitals
The association of cancer and VTE is well recognized. A sys- that did not. The initial limited screening detected malig-
tematic review of 14 studies and an additional abstract (Car- nancy in 12/342 (35%) and 7/288 (24%) respectively. In
rier et al, 2008) reported the prevalence of undiagnosed hospitals performing extensive screening, 302 of the 330
cancer in patients with unprovoked VTE as 61% (95% CI remaining patients underwent screening and suspicion of
50–71) at presentation, increasing to 100% (CI 86–113) cancer was raised in 91 (30% of 302) and confirmed in six
at 12 months. This review suggests that an extensive screen- (20% of the 302), of which three were potentially curable.
ing strategy using CT of the abdomen and pelvis increases During a median 25 years of follow-up, cancer was diag-
the detection rate of previously undiagnosed cancer from nosed in an additional 12 patients in the extensive screening
494% (CI 402–585) to 697% (CI 611–778). The further group and an additional 14 patients in the limited screening
question is whether earlier cancer detection affects outcomes group. In the extensive screening group 26 patients (76%)
for patients in these clinical circumstances. died compared with 24 (83%) in the limited screening
In the SOMIT (Screening for Occult Malignancy in group; adjusted HR 122 (95% CI 069–222). Of these
Patients with Symptomatic Idiopathic VTE) study, 99 deaths, 17 (50%) in the extensive screening group and 8
patients were randomized to extensive screening for occult (28%) in the limited screening group were cancer-related;
cancer and 102 to no further testing (Piccioli et al, 2004). adjusted HR 179 (95% CI 074–435). Although this study
Extensive screening identified occult cancer in 13 (131%) was abandoned as futile, the authors concluded that the low
patients, with a single (10%) further malignancy becoming yield of extensive screening and lack of survival benefit do
apparent during the 2-year follow-up. In the control group a not support routine screening for cancer with abdominal and
total of 10 (98%) malignancies became apparent during the chest CT scan and mammography in patients with a first epi-
2-year follow-up. Mean delay to diagnosis was reduced from sode of unprovoked VTE.
116 to 10 month (P < 0001). Cancer-related mortality dur- Clinicians are left in a difficult situation as it appears that
ing the 2-year follow-up period occurred in two (20%) of screening does identify malignancies at an earlier stage
the 99 patients in the extensive screening group versus four (Monreal et al, 2004; Piccioli et al, 2004) but cancer diag-
(39%) of the 102 control patients [non-significant absolute nosed at the same time as, or within 1 year after, an episode
difference 19% (95% CI 55–109)]. of VTE is associated with an advanced stage of cancer and a
A year after publication, the data from the SOMIT trial poor prognosis (Sorensen et al, 2000). Extensive screening,
were used to perform a decision analysis (Di Nisio et al, and even counselling patients about screening, can cause
2005). The screening tests were divided into several possible considerable anxiety. Further radiology-based screening
strategies and the number of detected cancers and the number results in radiation exposure [a CT abdomen is the equiva-
of patients investigated further for what eventually turned out lent of 400 chest X-rays and 33 years of background radia-
to be a benign condition were calculated for each strategy. As tion (Davies et al, 2011)] and unnecessary further testing in
an example, CT of the abdomen combined with sputum those with false positive results.
cytology and mammography detected 12 of the 14 patients Cancer is more prevalent in those with bilateral DVTs
with cancer and had one false-positive result. The authors (Rance et al, 1997), early VTE recurrence (Prandoni et al,
concluded that screening for cancer with a strategy including 1992), or very high D-dimers [>4000 lg/l fibrinogen equiva-
abdominal/pelvic CT with or without mammography and/or lents units (FEU) (Beckers et al, 2006; Schutgens et al, 2005),
sputum cytology appears potentially useful although its cost- >8000 lg/l FEU (Paneesha et al, 2006)], and if universal
effectiveness needs confirmation in a large trial. screening is not implemented these may be may useful in
NICE further examined these data and, without consider- selecting those for further investigation.
ing further data from the larger non-randomized study dis-
cussed below, concluded that a strategy based on abdominal/
pelvic CT plus mammography seemed to provide the best
value-for-money leading to a (weak) recommendation to  In patients over 40 years old with unprovoked VTE,
‘consider further investigations for cancer with an abdomi- screening for cancer with CT scan (and mammography
no-pelvic CT scan (and a mammogram for women) in all for women) should be considered but not routinely per-
patients aged over 40 years with a first unprovoked DVT or formed (2C).

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British Journal of Haematology, 2015, 170, 640–648

 There should be a lower threshold for screening those All of the authors were involved in the production of the
with bilateral DVT, very high D-dimers or an early final document. HGW chaired the guideline group; the other
recurrence of VTE (2C). authors are all BCSH Haemostasis and Thrombosis Taskforce
representatives. The members of the BCSH Haemostasis and
Thrombosis Taskforce at the time of the development of the
Review process guidance were those above along with: Elaine Gray, clinical
scientist, NIBSC; Ian Jennings, clinical scientist, UK NEQAS
Members of this writing group will inform the writing group
coagulation; Isobel Walker, medical director, UK NEQAS
chairman if any new pertinent evidence becomes available
coagulation; and Andrew Mumford, Senior Lecturer in Hae-
that would alter the strength of the recommendations made
matology, University of Bristol. The authors would like to
in this document or render it obsolete. The document will
thank them and the BSH sounding board for their help in
be archived and removed from the BCSH current guidelines
producing this guidance.
website if it becomes obsolete. If new recommendations are
made, an addendum will be published on the BCSH guide-
lines website ( If minor Disclaimer
changes are required due to changes in level of evidence or
While the advice and information in this guidance is believed
significant additional evidence supporting current recom-
to be true and accurate at the time of going to press, neither
mendations a new version of the current guidance will be
the authors, the British Committee for Standards in Haema-
issued on the BCSH website.
tology or the publishers accept any legal responsibility for
the content of this guidance.
HGW, DK, ML, RCT and MM performed the review and
took responsibility for writing individual sections of the text.

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