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Project in Science

Submitted to: Tcher. Jomarie

Submitted by: Jancarl A. Manangan
1st Quarter
Is the reddish fluid that circulates in heart, arteries, capillaries and veins carrying
nourishment and oxygen to and transporting away waste products from all parts of the
Blood Vessels
That transport blood away from the heart are the arteries, while the vessels that deliver
blood towards it are the veins.
It is well protected by the skull and three layers of membrane called meninges.
Cardiac Muscles
Makes up your heart.
Is a firm elastic material which makes up your nose and ears.
Is the enlarged upper portion of the brain which comprises 80% of total brain mass.
Is a technique for seperatng the components, or solutes of a mixture on the basis of the
relative amounts of each solute distributed between moving fluids.
Circulatory System
The process which to supply nutrients and collect wastes products from cells in the body.
Is a process of seperating components of a mixture with different densities.
Is the thicker, deeper, layer of the skin underlying the epidermis and is made up of
connective tissues.
Digestive System
The process of which is to provide nourishment to the body by extracting the nutrients from
foods and removing those are not needed.
It is a process involving the conversion of a liquid into vapor that subsequently condensed
back to liquid form.
Has no blood supply and depends on the movement substances from the dermal cells.
After the food has been chewed, moistened, and lubricated onthe mouth, this conveys the
ball of food called bolus to the stomach.
In this method, heat is used to allow the liquid particles to escape leaving behind the solid
Are made of bundles of long slender cells.
Is a process in which insoluable solids are removed from the mixture by allowing a mixture
to pass through.
Is made from protein called keratin produced by the basal cell on the dermal layer of the
Is a strong muscular organ that is made up of cardiac muscles and held together by thick
connective tissues.
Heterogeneous Mixture
Is a mixture in which its components have no fixed amount and can be easily recognised.
Homogeneous Mixture
The components are hardly recognizable and cannot be seperated manually.
Is a measure of the amount of alloyed gold.
Large Intestine
This organ accepts the materials that are not absorbed and digested by the stomach.
Are made up of connective tissues.
Magnetic Attraction
Is a method of seperating mixture containing materials capable of being attracted to
Are substances that are phsically combined, mixed or put together.
As soon you put food in your mouth, digestion begins.
Two proteins that make up the fibrils responsible for actual process of contraction.
Nervous System
The process that controls all your body activities, processes, and even all your thoughts.
Is the process of bone tissue formation.
The part of the bone which basically covered by a tough protected membrane.
Are irregular shaped cell fragments that help in blood clotting by releasing fibernogin fibers.
Pure Substance
Are substances which are considered chemically pure that they are either made up of only
one type of atom or composed of two or more kinds of atoms that are chemically join
Red Blood Cells
Are round and binocave disc shapes which contain hemoglobin molecules which hold
Red Marrow
Produces red blood cells and platelets, hence its red color.
Is the process of exchange of gasses between the environment and the body.
Skeletal Muscles
Cause skeleton to move by using its muscles.
Skeletal System
Serves as a framework for the body.
Is considered as the armor of the body.
Small Intestine
It performs the last stage of digestion.
Smooth Muscles
Are the muscles of your internal organ.
Spinal Cord
Is the cord of nervous tissue that extends from the brain lenghwise along the back in the
vertebral canal.
Is an expandable muscular sac that can hold over a liter of fluid.
Sweat Glands
Its primary funtion is to secrete sweat which is a waste product of the body.
Are collectively attached to the bone by means of a connective tissue.
White Blood Cells
Are cells of different shapes that are classified as macrophages and lymphocytes.

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