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Phenomenal Lesson for the Phenomenal Woman


Language Arts


7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Title – Phenomenal Lesson for the Phenomenal Woman

By – Taurus M. Hines
Primary Subject – Language Arts
Grade Level – 7-12

Objective – to explore great women who have impacted American lives, which may also serve as an inspirational leader
for today’s young women.-

Materials Required
· Maya Angelou’s Poem Phenomenal Woman
· Song Artist: Des`ree’s album/song I Ain’t Movin’

Goal to accomplish at the end of this lesson:

1. To increase self-awareness
2. To increase self-esteem
3. To promote pride & unity


Day # 1
1. Have a class Discussion about the role of women in today’ society
· Ask students to write a one page paper about their role as a woman
· Ask each student to read response in class
· After discussion, play Des`ree’s album/song I Ain’t Movin’ {Track 12}

Day # 2
2. Introduce literature about Maya Angelou to class
· Read Maya Angelou’s poem Phenomenal Woman

Ask the following questions:

1. How are women Phenomenal in today’s society?
2. What makes her this way?
3. Are women being taken advantage more sexually than men?
4. What is your interpretation of the poem?
5. What issues does Maya Angelou address in line1-4 of the poem?
6. Is jealousy very controversial among all women?
7. In line 30-31, Maya Angelou states, “men themselves have wondered what they see in me.” explain the content of
these lines?
8. What is the inner mystery in line 34?
9. What is pride?
10. Does bodily gestures define the identity of the woman?
11. Does physique define your personality?
12. How does the clothing women wear lead false judgment to men?

Day # 3-5
Choreograph a dance based on the context of the poem. Do a class presentation and critique each other’s work. Allow

Please let me know if you have any questions.

E-Mail Taurus M. Hines!

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