Intro:: Areavibes

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Did you know that Fort Worth you have a 1 in 27 chance of becoming a victim of any crimes. (Areavibes)
Areavibes asked 100 people in Fort Worth that Do you feel safe walking alone at night? 55 percent of
the people said that it is not safe at all and they never walk alone at night. They also said that Response
time to 911 calls (if you get a response) is almost not worth making the call. Even making a general
complaint seems to just be ignored.

TX crime rate is 26% higher than the Texas average and is 38% higher than the national average. Looking
at violent crime specifically, Fort Worth, TX has a violent crime rate that is 28% higher than the Texas
average and 46% higher than the national average. (Areavibes )For property crime, Fort Worth, TX is
25% higher than the Texas average and 36% higher than the national average. (Schiller, Andrew
)According to the survey done by Areavibes many people said that even when they call police at night
because of disturbances around their house they never get any patrol car. They say that their calls get
ignored. One of the survey person
said that’’we’ve made calls about
suspicious behaviors, disturbing
the peace, and speeding
throughout our neighborhood and
almost “NEVER” seen a patrol
vehicle in response. We’ve even
made a call concerning a child
running in the street at 2 in the
morning while the parents yelled
at the top of their lungs and never
saw a patrol vehicle show up’’.
There is a total of 1,940 Fort Worth police officers. This results in 2.5 police officers per 1,000 residents
which is 16.2% less than the Texas average and 22.5% less than the National average. (Schiller,
Andrew)Because of fort worth having less officers then other city we need to use them most effetely
and put them where we need the most .
Next Step
One of the ways that cities are improving access to video is through the development of collaborative
relationships between law enforcement and private industry. Given that private businesses benefit
enormously from reduced crime rates and that many of them deploy video surveillance cameras in and
around their premises, it just makes sense that they would help law enforcement by sharing their

Computer-aided dispatch (CAD) and response interrogation software can help dispatchers recognize
those rare, high-risk incidents and send the correct resources the first time. Sending the correct type
and amount of resources initially is an excellent example of using technology to be more effective.Can
you imagine a dispatcher who always speaks at the same rate, tone and volume? Today, that is possible
with computer-generated voice technology. By establishing a pre-recorded audio database, fire
departments and police departments can ensure the correct pronunciation of all street names in a
response jurisdiction. Even the format of a radio dispatch can be customized based on the incident type,
geographic location or other variables.( Rhoades, Jake.)

Most cities don’t have the money to get CAD. There are some issues with the next step like what if some
business doesn’t want to comply and give the video to the officers. They must do more work and get a
warrant to get surveillance footage.


In order to make Fort Worth safer we need to use new technology that will make police officers reaction
time quicker. There is something known as crime report and mapping so with Fort Worth having less
officers, what we can do is place the officers where we might need them the most. We can look at the
previous police report and see where there have been lots of crimes. We can also install surveillance
cameras that detect gun shot. With this new surveillance police don’t have to wait for someone to call
911 they can start going there before anyone calls. ( Vigne, Nancy G. La). We also can install new
cameras that 360 Degree Video Conference Camera so that we get a wide range views thaen the one
direction facing cameras.


Vigne, Nancy G. La. “How Surveillance Cameras Can Help Prevent and Solve Crime.” Urban Institute, 23
Feb. 2018,
Areavibes. “Fort Worth, TX Crime.” AreaVibes,

Areavibes. “Fort Worth, TX Crime.” AreaVibes,

Schiller, Andrew. “Fort Worth, TX Crime Rates.” NeighborhoodScout, NeighborhoodScout, 21 Dec. 2018,
Rhoades, Jake. “Using Technology to Reduce Response Times.” Using Technology to Reduce Response Times - Fire
Rescue, 22 Sept. 2012,

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