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Leadership for Group Leader Objective

Responding Bussiness

01 Business Challenge & Mindset
02 Diskusi
Leadership for Group Leader Bussiness Challenge

Apakah INOVASI Penting?

Leadership for Group Leader Bussiness Challenge

The Average Life Span of Companies

Source : Deloitte Report on Companies Survival (2001)

"The average life expectancy of a Fortune 500 company has declined

from around 55 years, less than half a century ago, to less than 25 years
today". (Deloitte Shift Index - Richard Foster)
Leadership for Group Leader Bussiness Challenge

The Average Life Span of Companies

And it’s getting shorter since then.

Perubahan terjadi begitu cepat dan masif!
Leadership for Group Leader Bussiness Challenge

Case Hanjin
Leadership for Group Leader Bussiness Challenge



Leadership for Group Leader Bussiness Challenge



Leadership for Group Leader Bussiness Challenge


Leadership for Group Leader Bussiness Challenge

We don’t do anything
wrong, but somehow

we lost.
- Stephen Elop, Nokia CEO
Leadership for Group Leader Bussiness Challenge

VUCA Reshaping The Bussiness Environment

Confidential - All rights reserved

Leadership for Group Leader Bussiness Challenge

Disisi lain ada



Leadership for Group Leader Bussiness Challenge

Pembangunan Infrastruktur Masif!

Fakta Lapangan!

Lintas Sektoral

Pertumbuhan bisnis Non Linear!

Leadership for Group Leader Bussiness Challenge

How do we response?
Leadership for Group Leader Bussiness Challenge

Develop Success Mindset!

1. Understanding business value creation

2. Be Interested in what you do
3. Make it Happen Mentality
4. Understand your most priority
Leadership for Group Leader Bussiness Challenge

1. Understanding Business Values Creation

We support prestigious domestic and world wide project

Infrastructure Green Energy O&G Exploration Heavy Equipment Mg Ship Building

Japek Toll Road US Wind Tower Exxon, BP, Medco, Hitachi, Sumitomo, sakai, Brazil National Tanker,
Construction, Construction Pertamina, Iraq dll Caterpilar, komatsu dll Iriana Ship,
PCP building

What we have? What we will do? How we do it?

 Superior Technology To be the MOST COMPETITIVE  Implement core values
 Superior Product Integrated Steel Mill to dedicate  Increase safety
 

Superior Service
Superior People
Increase stable operation
Increase efficiency
Leadership for Group Leader Bussiness Challenge

Badai hanya

Perusahaan menjadi kuat jika memiliki VALUES yang tertanam kuat dalam diri karyawan.

Our Values : Improvement – Execution – Grow Together

Leadership for Group Leader Bussiness Challenge

2. Be Interested in what you do!

Ketertarikan membuka mata hati terbuka lebar.
Berbagai hal yang tadinya luput akan tersingkap.
Wawasan akan terbuka luas, dan akan ada hal-hal baru.

Do what you like

Like what you do
Leadership for Group Leader Bussiness Challenge

3. ‘Make it Happen’ Mentality

Pasif VS  Proaktif

Artinya Anda berjuang sekuat tenaga untuk melihat suatu sasaran atau tujuan terjadi.
Bukan berharap suatu sasaran atau keinginan bisa terjadi begitu saja (hope it happen).
Make it happen mentality ini akan melahirkan ownership dan akuntabilitas.
Leadership for Group Leader Bussiness Challenge

4. Understand your most priority

Learning Case :
Professional Sky Diver Cameramen
Ivan Lester Mc Guire, 1988

Seringkali kita disibukkan dengan banyak hal yang terlihat penting namun bukan yang utama.
Sekarang, re-assess lagi prioritas Anda, pastikan itu adalah yang paling utama
Leadership for Group Leader Bussiness Challenge

Develop Success Mindset!

1. Understanding business value creation

2. Be Interested in what you do
3. Make it Happen Mentality
4. Understand your most priority

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