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1 Identify the grammatical categories of each word in these sentences. (Noun, Pronoun,
Verb, Adjective, Adverb)
2 The sentences that are passive switch them to active and those active ones switch them
to passive.
3 Highlight the relative pronouns and indicate if they are replacing a person or a thing

• The heat was so intense the other day that I couldn’t bear it. My mother bought me
a slosh and it cooled me down a bit. The Slosh, that she gave me, was cherry and

• The current strata aren’t lavish at all. It doesn’t matter where you go, Untidiness can
be found here and there. I met a guy who told me he was looking forward to change
that, but I just won’t believe him.

• The flask, which is holding a poisonous liquid, is hidden right under the cabinet. Once
you find it, bring it to me and we’ll set the rules for our interesting plot.

• Several fish have just died, those, whose scales were bright orange, have vanished
forever. I don’t understand it. The human mind should bring advance, instead it’s
bringing wreckage upon all us. Is there anybody out there, who can help us?

• Dandelions are majestic flowers, each time that I look at them, I can’t help but be
mesmerized by their shape themselves. Look over there, I have a yard filled with
them, the patch whose seeds have been just planted, will bloom late next month or
so I believe.

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