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Exercise 1 :

Determine the characteristic of the sea state for a wind speed of 25 m/s
(about 500 knot), with a fetch of 600 km (about 325 nautical miles (n.mi.) and
after a duration of 48 hr.

Exercise 2 :

Estimate the wave height at a point A, 300km south of the shore with
northerly wind with speed 17.5 m/s. How long is the minimum duration of the
northerly wind to retain the wave height that you had just calculated?

Exercise 3 :

An airplane has had to ditch (make a forced landing) at sea 100 km from
shore. The closest ship is positioned 1000 km from shore. The wind speed
over the last 48 hours has been steady at 15 m/s. During the preceding 24
hours, it had gradually increased from 11 to 15 m/s. The wind direction
remained constant for the entire period and at an angle 30o from land to sea.
Forecast the sea conditions for:

a) The position of airplane

b) The position of the ship.


1) Determine the 3 limiting factor for wave growth

a. Wind speed = 25 m/s
b. Duration = 48 hours
c. Fetch = 600 km

2) From D-G diagram we get:


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